Morning Star and His Friend
by John Harrison
Interlinear Hocąk-English Text
by Oliver LaMère
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Harrison Family History |
Captain John Harrison |
Winnebago III, #11a, Story 8: 92
This manuscript is written very clearly in the hand of Oliver LaMère. Words appearing in brackets [ ] in the English translation have been supplied for blanks left in the original manuscript.
p. 92 —
Uañgížą | ciparokéžą | rogéja | hetágeja | mínoñk | wa-íñkipìrak |
A man | a tent | inside | in the back part | sat down | with his blanket around him |
mą́haniànañga. | Cirobéja | hapahíneñkše | wižep’uéja. | "Hó! | jagúže |
with his arrow. | Door | towards go | rising sun. | "Well! | what |
wa’únañkše?" | eže | aíreną, | "Kará, | jaxjíñže | wa’únañki? |
am I?" | said he | [they say], | "I wonder | what | I am? |
Jáxjį | haniñgíži? | Jagúžą | teéregùni?" | Mána | nañkárakèwe |
What | am I? | What | is this?" | Arrow | was afraid of |
wa’unáñkše | aíreną | égi | hi’ųjáže | aíreną | mána |
he-him | they said | and | he tried | they said | arrow |
p. 93 —
mącguéja | hokériànañga. | "Maniná | raré," | egášge, | hañké |
in the bow | set he him. | "My arrow | go," | he told it, | not |
ranis’áže | aíreną. | Ä´sge | gájuñga | maincáwara | mancgú-ikaìnja |
it would go | they said. | And | now | the arrow end | on the bowstring |
hokere-ánañga. | Rujíkają | ára | haníjikéregi | ä́sge | gájuñga |
set he it. | He pulled it | arm | jerked forward | and | now |
mącjáñxjį | hórujazánañga | girúšją | nehìgi | máñgere | xawánijìkerèną. |
right hand (?) | tighten by pulling | let he | loose | the arrow | disappeared. |
Ä´sge | mána | cañgéja | haguhí | éja. | Cékjį |
And | arrow | outside | went after | there. | First time |
p. 94 —
hihinópše, | gáją | caížą | éja | jáną | maná | kuruzánañga |
went outside, | and | one deer | there | he saw | arrow | picked up |
cájane | maiñgucšáną | t’ehíną. | Gíži | horužúježe. | wewiñgíži |
this deer | shot with arrow | killed him. | This | stood looking at it | then k—— about it. |
Niñgé | rúcše | hirege | gáją | sáke | racgañgáją, |
Piece | eat | he thought | [and] | raw | tasted he, |
hañké | piníže, | ä́sge | uñxíni | hagéja | hakánuñgànañga. |
not | he did not like it, | so | live coals | on top | laid on it. |
Tucgí | égi | ruc | gíži | mąšją́ | ä́sše. |
He cooked | and | ate | this | mighty | delicious. |
p. 95 —
Žégų | hiánañga | minóñgenoñk’ų. | Uañkšígižą | hahópše, | "Hó!" |
Thus | he did | sitting down. | [A] human being | shouted joyfully, | "Well!" |
"Jagúžą | wéže? | Jagúžą | hiñgižák huhíže? | Hišgé | hagižágera |
"What | said it? | What | cried for me? | Therefore | I will cry |
hákje," | ánañga. | Hihinóp | anañgá | hišgé | gižágerahìže. |
towards," | said he. | Out he went | and | [therefore] | he cried back to him. |
Žeguánañga | hoikewéną, | gają́ | hijąhíjega | jíną. | "Hó |
That being done | he went in, | [and] | the other fellow | came. | "Well! |
hížiñgižàk | huhíra | néwašeže?" | "Nišgé | niñgižagerehàžare | jajánere |
someone cried | towards me | was it you?" | "And | I also cried back | when |
p. 96 —
égi | racíže. | Jajánere | égi | racíže." | "Kará! |
here | I live. | When | here | I live." | "Say! |
niñgé | wawajéra, | éja | wíñkeregìži. | Inekíxjąnañgwìną. | E-okixábikjawìną |
the place | I came from, | there | let us go. | All alone we are. | You will be company for us |
égi." | "Hišjañgé | hijá | hakíkjeną." | "Hó | žesgégi |
here." | "Well (?) | there | I will come later." | "Well! | if that be so |
épiñkjanèną," | ánañga. | Keréną | uañgenáñgere. | Hagéja | hijowáreną, |
it will be good," | said he. | Went home | this man. | Afterwards | went there, |
gáją | uáñgera | jop | hikipáną | nawagaíreną, | "Mą tée |
[and] | men | four | he met | they said to him, | "These arrows |
p. 97 —
nanjwíronijawìną. | Xejobéja | žejaíñxjį | hañké | wažį́ | borášonònikjanèną. |
bless you with. | To the fourth hill | that far | not | anything | you will miss. |
Nišgísgi | hanihájeną hišgé žesge hiréną, | núnige | hišawíge, |
I have some too | also they are the same, | but | because you said, |
'Watú-istanèną'." | Waruzánañga | égi | hicakáro | é-owarèną |
'I am going to take them'." | Took he them | and | the friend | went he there |
higíži, | hohiwéną, | gáją | hicakárora | hižą́ | hokžúnañkše |
when he got there, | he went in, | and | his friend | one | he was with |
hišgé hijáną, | égi | xonúniñkìžą | hanináñkše. | "Wa’unáñgere |
it was different, | and | little one | had her (?). | "I am |
p. 98 —
žesgésge | xonúniñgìžą." | Wa’unáñkšaną | mąšją́ | waxjáną. | Jasgéxjiñgàją |
likeness | little one." | It was | mighty | funny. | How can it be |
xonúniñkìžą? | Hicakarahàra | iagipaíñxje | égi | niñkcániñginàñgere | niñgitu-óñkjawìną." |
little one? | My friend | I will ask him | and | this little baby | I am going to hold." |
Gájuñga | égi | mána | niñgie | wat’ųpšé | égi |
Now | and | arrow | somewhere | laid he them | and |
mąwok’á-inegi | hicokárora | wok’úną. | "Xejobéja | hipá | hañké |
arrows that were given him | his friend | gave he them. | "The fourth hill | that far | not |
wažį́ | borášaną̀niñkjanèną." | Égi | gájuñga | niñkjániñgere | ruáną. |
anything | miss with them." | And | now | little baby | pick up (carry in arms). |
p. 99 —
Mąšją́ | gipíną. | "Jesgéxjiñgàją | wa’unáñgere | žésge | xonúniñgìžą |
Mighty | liked he. | "I wonder how | I am | that | little one |
heregíži | hicokároharà. | Nañkíkera | akížutegìži; | ingipaíñxje | haininégi." |
came to be | my friend. | Hunting | I with him go; | I will ask him | in the morning." |
Nañkíkera | hakížurèną. | "Hicakáro, | jasgé | rawiánañga | wani’ųšawàñgera |
Hunting | went with him. | "My friend, | how | did you (two) | you who are walking |
žésge | xonuniñgížą | hášiniwìže?" | "Égi, | hinúñgakànañke | ásge |
this kind | little one | had you?" | "Well, | I got married | is why |
p. 100 —
žesgéžą | haniwíną." | "Égi, | jasgé waragéže?" | "Égi, | hoją́ |
this kind | had me." | "Well, | what do you mean?" | "Well, | because |
honúñgakanañkèjini | wa’ųwíną." | "Égi, | jasgé waragéže?" | "Égi, | hamíñgwige |
I got married so it | came about." | "Well, | how can it be?" | "Well, | we lie down |
ásge | haniwìną. | Nišgé | hinúñgera | rakánañkìži, | nišgižą́ |
and then | had we it. | You can | woman | marry you, | you can one |
šiníkjanèną. | Égi | niñgé | wawajíra, | éja | howiñkérekjanèną. |
have will. | And | place | you come from, | there | go we will. |
Cinúñgižą | éja | hagíreną. | Hitokéniñka | éja | cináñkšaną. |
A town | there | came they. | The old woman | there | lived she. |
p. 101 —
Éja | hokáwairèną, | gáją | iuñgiwína | náñk’iąjirèną | gáją |
There | went in, | [and] | the chief's daughters | came with wood on back | [and] |
hois’į́ | jinuñgíre, | gáją | uañgerókanaìže | wa-iñkipírak | éja |
peeped in | they them (?), | [and] | a great man | with blanket girded around him | there |
minañgenáñkšaną. | Hinúñginàñgere | hakaraíreną. | Hagírera | hagi | oraǧiréną: |
sat he. | These women | went they home. | When they arrived home | they told | about it: |
"Hitokéniñka | hoci-éja | uañgerókaraìžą | wa-iñkipìrak | mínañgenàñkšaną," | Égi |
"The old woman | her house | the great man | with blanket girded around him | sat he." | And |
tégi | Kecúñgega | wakí-onañkšaną. | Hinuñgenúñgere | Kecúñgega |
there | Turtle | gambling he. | The women | Turtle |
p. 102 —
wanáñxguną, | ásge | wéną, | "Hinúñgowiñgeniñgšànañgre | wakaranéwine, |
listening he, | and so | said he, | "Likeness of woman you | take them back, |
hicakárohara | hąp teé | jíkjanéhìra." | Hitokéniñka | hoci-éja |
my friend | today | is to come," he said. | Old woman | her house |
naįžijígune. | Kecúñge | wañgerókanaìže | éja | jíže, | anáñkšaną. |
about time came he. | Turtle | a great man | there | came he, | they say. |
"Hoją́, | žesgéguni. | Hihéžare | hicakárohara | hoišíp | wa-iñkipírakšonúną. |
"Well! | I think? it so. | I said | my friend | always | girded with blankets does he. |
p. 103 —
'Jargánañkše | žesgéhinúñkše?' | aíreną. | Cakarohára | éwa’unàñkšaną |
'How is he | he is doing it?' | they said. | My friend | it is |
hijáwawatekjèną. | Hicakáre | hąp tée | rajíkjone | hišéna, | gájuñga |
I am going to hear. | My friend | today | to come | you said, | just now |
rajížejèra," | higérą. | "Hąhą́, | gajųga | hajíną. | "Koté! |
you arrived," | he said to him. | "Yes, | [just now] | I came. | "Say! |
Kecúñgega | žesgé erá | hahíniži | anáñkšaną, | Koté! | hisgé wegúni |
Turtle | he told us before | there at | saying he, | Say! | he must have told the truth |
hagí oragiréra," | aíreną. | Kecúngega | wéną, | "Hicakáro, | hižúñgewinàñgere |
when they went and told," | they said. | Turtle | said, | "My friend, | these princesses |
égi | hajírešonùną. | Nišáną | hijá | žižíxjišonuną. | Hąhégiži |
here | come they often. | Myself | there | can whisper to them. | Tonight |
p. 104 —
hijowínekjanegàją. | Hąhéregi | hijáhiwìną | Kecúñgega | Hinuñgá | hogirákšaną, |
we are going aren't we?. | At night | there they went | Turtle | Hinu | he told her, |
"Y’uñgiwína, | hicakárokarà | hakikic | wajiwíną. | hakíkijuànañga. | Hišgé, |
"Princesses, | my friend | came we | together. | we will marry. | [Therefore,] |
hic’úñgeraga | hicakároharà | hakižúgi | hihawíną," | égi | hixúñgenañka |
your sister | my friend | marry him | we said," | and | the woman |
gipíneną | ásge | žégų | ’uinéną. | Kecúñgega | mąšją́ |
liked it | and so | so | they did it. | Turtle | mighty |
p. 105 —
kipíną | žégų | hikšá-it’ak’ų. | Hąpšáną | égi | hinúñk cókere |
liked it | so | he laughed all the time. | Daylight | then | with woman |
hakaraíreną, | hitokéniñka. | Éja. | Hitokéniñka | haininégi | hinúñk |
he went home, | old woman. | There. | Old woman | in the morning | woman |
kawažéną | égi | uañgenáñka | watohóci haraíreną | égi | uáñkjega |
gave presents | and | the men | went son-in-lawing | and | that man |
wažóninèną. | cárarohàñxjį | hosgáxeteją̀ | éja | stówahiànañga |
went hunting. | my friends | at the big valley | there | gathered them |
égi | haną́c | t’ewahíną. | Égi | gigíži | hicakárora |
and | all | killed them. | And | have arrived | his friend |
p. 106 —
Kecúñgega. | Hogirákšaną | égi | cakárora | Kecúñgega | hogirákšaną |
Turtle. | He told him | and | his friend | Turtle | he told him |
égi | hišgé | Kecúñgega | horákšaną, | "Hicakárora | nañkíkarahìra |
and | also | Turtle | he told, | "My friend | has been hunting |
cániñk | t’éhiže," | éną. | Hoskanáñgere | égi | wagéną. |
small deer | he killed," | he said. | This valley | here | he meant. |
"Haínegi | jánuñga | wok’iñkípina | wakúntak | haraírekjé," | éną. |
"Tomorrow | all you | are able to carry | carry back and forth | must go," | said he. |
"Wijájera | žésge | hijájakjèną." | cinoñgenoñka | haną́c | wogížawairèną. |
"The crier | that way | must say to them." | that village | all | were happy. |
Haininégi | wakúntak | hakiréną | haną́c | wani-áñkirirèną. | mąwášerèną. |
In the morning | transferrers | they went | all | brought they them. | supplied they were plentifully. |
p. 107 —
Žíginųbòhǫna | hųwára | žigé | oská | éja | t’ewahíną, |
And the second time | elk | again | valley | there | killed them, |
žigé | wakunták | hahiréną, | hijaíra | mąwašéreną. | Hiteníhǫna |
again | they transferred | they went, | more | plentifully supplied. | The third time |
žigé | hiną | cexjína | žigé | oská | éja |
again | he went | buffaloes | again | valley | there |
honihéxete | t’ehíną. | Hijaíra | mąwáše | hiréną. | Hijobóhǫna |
large herd | killed he. | More | plentifully | they were supplied. | The fourth time |
híra | rábera | roháñxjį | t’ehíną. | Téži | nañkíkarara |
he went | beaver | many of them | he killed. | This | hunting |
p. 108 —
žénuñga | ’úną | higuára. | hicakárora | Kecúñgega | hakíža. |
over | done | now. | his friend | Turtle | with him. |
niñkjóñk | hagáninawìną | uañgerá | hižąšáną | égi | hišgé |
child | had they for them | male/man | each one | and | also |
uañkšígi | hiją́hi | hajíreną | égi, | "Hacínja | hacíkjenàwiže?" |
human beings | different | came | and, | "Where | shall we live?" |
hajiréną. | Higų | ejá | ciwíre," | wigáreną. | Hainíxjéniñk |
came and asked. | Just | there | live," | they told them. | Early in the morning |
k’i-ų́ | gikárahe hajírawìną. | Húñgera | hañké | xabeníną. |
gamble | they challenged them. | The chief | not | he did not answer |
"Ho! | hahíkjenàwiną," | wigéną | Kecúñgega. | Hicakárora | wanáñkšaną, |
"Well! | we will be there," | he told him | Turtle. | His friend | was saying, |
p. 109 —
"Wañk rucgé | wánañkšàną | k’i-’ų́," | ánañka. | "K’i-ų́ | jágu |
"Man-Eaters | were they that challenged | gamble," | that said. | "Gamble | what kind? |
hi’úñkjenàwiže?" | Kísik | waganáñkšaną." | Haininégi | horaíreną | hijá |
will we do?" | "Ball game | they mean." | In the morning | they went | there |
hirera, | "Hó, | jágu | rehi’uñkjenàwiže? | Warehírašge | hįcų́šguniwìną." |
when they got, | "All right, | what | bet? | Material to gamble for | we have not any." |
"Kecųñge | róhi | rek’į́ | hi’úñkjawi | wagawíną." | Gájuñga |
"Turtle | his body | they bet | do we | we meant." | And then |
hikigújirèną | hižą́šaną | hikísge | kįnéną. | "Égi | waǧiǧina |
they bet | each one, one for one | the same | they made | "And | the ball |
p. 110 —
"Hatanjánañkše?" | wigéną | Kecųñ´gega. | "Teéreną," | higaíreną. | Inísepge |
"Where is it?" | said he | Turtle. | "This is it," | they told him. | Black-stone |
paropáro | xetéžą | waganáñkšaną. | "Huhú-i, | jagwána | tée |
round | large one | they meant. | [Term of surprise,] | how can we | this |
waxárawìną?" | Kecuñgá, | "hokíhiwìgi | tée | hiñkisaíkjenàwiną | nąmą́ce |
lift it up?" | Turtle, | "when we win from | this | will we knock each other down with | warclub |
pešarážą." | Hijá | wazaíreną. | Žéjuñga | hokihéreną, | égi |
baldheaded." | There | they stuck. | Now then | the game started, | and |
Mániñkasìgeniñka | agéja | wátohocijèną. | Waǧiǧina | ruzánañga | nąwáñkšaną, |
Coyote | on the other side | was a son-in-law. | The ball | he took and then | ran, |
gáją | Šuñkjúñgega | hat’ǫ́pšaną | hoxeréną | kisák rakúnukšaną, |
but | Wolf | took after him | caught up | broke him in two by biting, |
žégų | hiánañga | haicehíną. | Žige, | hinųbóhona, | Kírikirisgéniñka |
and | he did | threw the goal. | Again, | the second time, | a little bird [Little Pigeon Hawk] |
rusáną | agéja, | gáją | Kerejų́sepga | hat’ǫpšáną | hoxeréną, |
took it | the other side, | but | Black Hawk | took after him | caught up, |
kisák hoikšapšáną, | waǧiǧina | ruzánañga | haicéhiną. | Hitaníhona |
split him in half, | the ball | he took and | threw the goal. | The third time |
p. 112 —
Jejañksígeniñka | agéja | waǧiǧina | rusáną | gáją | Tošónogèga |
[Little] Mink | the other side | the ball | he took | but | Otter |
hat’ǫpšáną | xoxáwajaį̀ja | hoikáwa, | nunigé | hoxaránañga, | waǧiǧina |
took after him | in the reeds | he went in, | but | he caught up with him, | the ball |
nąše-ánañga | haicehíną. | Hijobóhǫna | Uañgerúcge | iuñgiwíra | ruzánañga |
took it away and | thew the goal. | The fourth time | the Man-Eaters | princess | took it |
nųwáñkšaną | gáją | Uañgíšjahorùšika | hat’ǫpšáną | hoxérera | yuñgiwìna |
ran | but | Man Face have in Earbobs | took after her | caught up with | princess |
hakją́pšaną | gáją | Uañgíšjahorùšika | hajáną. | Worúšigenàñka |
looked back | and | Man Face have in Earbobs | she saw. | The earbobs |
p. 113 —
hik’šaníñgirànañga | rezínop’irèną | hišjánañgìwiš | hiréną. | ’Yuñgewina |
laughing they were, and | stuck their tongues out, | winked at her | they did. | The princess |
waxjaíra ną-į́ną | náñgera | rušakšáną. | waǧįǧína | nąši-ánañga | nųwóñkšaną |
thought it funny | run | could not. | Ball | he took from her | and run did he |
hoxára,. | nunigé | hokjǫ́pga | hišjánúñgiwįš | hiránañga | regízinop |
she caught up, | but | when she looked back | winked | they did | stuck their tongues out |
hiregá | žegų́n | nañgra | rušakšáną | waxjarášaną | hajáną. |
they did | and | run | could not | funny side only | saw she. |
haicé | hiréną. | Hijobóhǫna | žeéreną | hohírawìną | Uañgerúcgera. |
goal | was made. | The fourth time | thus said they | they were beaten | the Man-Eaters. |
p. 114 —
Nąmą́ce | pešárara | hí’u-inànañga | hikigújera | waiságirèną. | "Ho! |
Warclub | bald-headed | they used | the bets | killed they them. | "Ho! |
žigé | haínigi | haníkeracikjenàwiną." | "Ho! | jagú | hi’úñkjenàwiže?" |
again | tomorrow | we will play/meet you again." | "Well! | what | will we do?" |
"Haínigi | honigitaíkjènàwiną." | Haininégi | hahíreną. | waíreną, | "Kuwúñksarak’e |
"Tomorrow | we will tell you." | In the morning | they arrived. | they said," | "Diving-endurance |
hi’úñkjenàwiną." | Žigé | hikigujirèną | wanaǧirašge | hirasá | wakaragújireną́, |
we will do." | Again | they bet | the dead man | also | they bet against live ones, |
p. 115 —
žéjuñga | Kecúñgega | here-ánañga | Tošonogéga | wakírawìra. | Wohíwiną. |
and then | Turtle | also and likewise | Otter | were the combattants. | They won. |
Hikigújera | waisák’irèną. | Hitaníhǫna | hokínuñk | hikúruh?oìreną. | Wa-iñkipìrak |
The bets | they killed them. | The third time | wrestle | they were to. | Girded with blankets |
nihéra | e | wakírakjanèną | ’u-inéną. | Uañgerucgéjega | pikóna |
used to be | he | was the combattant | they did. | The Man-Eaters | the back |
rukónoñk | hiréną. | Žigé | wohíwiną. | Hikigújera | wásagirèną, |
he broke | [he did]. | Again | they won. | The bets | they killed them, |
égi | žigé | hijobóhǫna | kiwánu-inèną. | Wa-iñkipíraka | hicakárora |
and | again | the fourth time | they ran. | Girded with a Blanket | his friend |
p. 116 —
hakížu | wakírawìną. | Waną́jizwìną | hijobóhǫna | wohiwíną. | Uañgerúcgera |
with him | were the combattants | They won in a row. | the fourth time | they won. | Man-Eaters |
hik’iñgiréną, | hąhéregi | giaziréną. | Wa-iñkipíraka | waruxéną | hicakárora |
they gave up, | in the night | they ran away. | Girded in the Blankets | ran after them | his friend |
hakížu | wa-’ųwíną. | Haną́c | t’éwahiwìną | hinúñgeniñgìžą | here-ánañga |
with him | they did | all | they killed them. | A little girl | [also and likewise] |
hocinciniñgìžą | hakižú hotá | wahiréną, | égi | wiówišgùninègi |
a little boy with | they left them | [they did?], | and | to where the sun does not go |
teją́ | agéja | wa’ųnehìną. | "Hañkagá | hinųbóhǫna | égi |
the sea | across | he thew them. | "Near | a second time | here |
rájiníñkjanèną. | Hinųbóhǫna | žésge, | rawígi, | ženįjáñkjanèną," | wigéną. |
will you come. | The next time | thus | you do, | ended will you be," | he told them. |
Wa-iñkipíraka | e | wéną. | Wiragóšge Xetenañgere, | éreną | Wá-iñkipíraka. |
Girded with Blankets | he | said this. | The Large Star, | it is he | Girded with Blankets. |
Žejána. |
The End. |
John Harrison, The Giant or The Morning Star, translated by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago III, #11a, Story 8: 92-117.