McKerns List of Hocąk Moons
Original manuscript page: | 40 |
Hocąk Moon | Month |
Hǫcwíconira (Hõtc wí tconi — la) | First Bear Moon, January |
Hǫciwákanira (Hõtc i(•)wákʌni — la) | Last Bear Moon, February |
Wakekihu’ewira (Wakekihu‘e wi — la) | Raccoon Mating Month, March |
Hóhirokínawira (hóhilokína wi la —) | Fish Run Moon, April |
Mątawósira (Mãtawós hi la) | Drying Ground Moon, May |
Mąkéwira (Mãk’ĕ´ wi la) | Digging Time (Corn Planting), June |
Waxócere[wira] (Waƙótcĕrĕ) | Corn Sprouting, July |
Warocų́wira (Warotcũ´ wi la) | Ripening Corn, August |
Huzáząke[wira] (huzázʌke) | A certain kind of bird,* September |
Camáᵉnahówira (tca máᵉn(i h)a hó wi la)† | October |
- | November |
- | December |
*the name huzázʌke (huzázake), appears to be for hu, "leg"; and zazácke, "grasshopper," which means that this kind of bird seems to have been called, "grasshopper-leg."
This name does in fact match Jipson's Hozazake-wira (Ho-zaza-kay-we-ra), the bird there being identified as the Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus).
† this means, "When the Deer Paw the Earth."
Return to "Moons."
W. C. McKern, Winnebago Notebook (Milwaukee: Milwaukee Public Museum, 1927) 40.