Hōcąk Lexicon
86,937 Entries
This lexicon is actually a word and phrase list. It can be fairly described as an "eclectic hodgepodge," since it consists of variant orthographies some of which resist standardization to some extent. Despite its obvious drawbacks, it nevertheless is a valuable tool since it displays many transformations of the basic stems, and opens a window into the differences of opinions among collectors on matters ranging from phonology to translation. The entries span a century and a half in time, and may help to reveal some measure of the language's evolution. The contents of a number of dictionaries have been poured into this collection, but the recent advent of the computer age has made it possible to include entire sets of words from literary sources. Many stories collected by Dorsey, Radin, Susman and others have been converted into interlinear texts which serve as the basis for forming word lists from their lexical contents. The interlinear text is copied and its code is stripped, leaving sets of Hocąk words followed in order by their English equivalents, usually in sets of ten. These are mounted in the same order onto a Word table (the labor intensive phase of the conversion). The resultant table is alphabetized by a third column, which is deleted before the other two columns are uploaded to the file. (The alphabetizing key follows the Bibliography.) The words on the table are then uploaded onto the master tables for the whole lexicon, re-alphabetized, then examined for redundancy by use of the "Search" function. The sources for each lexical item are given in the Bibliography below. After successive uploads, common words accumulate a long list of sources after them, which are arranged roughly in temporal order, then in alphabetical order. Here's a sample entry:
ára (a s) (ardah [tu]) — the arm [f, tu, g-H, jh-M, rw-W, bp-P, bp-TB, r-BB, s, m]
The sources here are: f: Foster (1853), t: Turner (1850's), g: Gatschet (1889), jh: John Harrison (< 1911), rw: R.W. (unknown) (< 1911), bp: Baptiste (1911-1912), r: Radin (1911-1959), s: Capt. Saunders (1947), m: Marino (1968). After the word ára, the first set of parentheses show how the word is rendered in the Hocąk syllabary, which is important since that syllabary is often ambiguous, and including a source under the Latin alphabet's rendering may involve an interpretation subject to error. For the same reason, Turner's phonetic representation of this word as ardah has also been added parenthetically. If an accent is well attested, an unaccented word may be, as with the Turner example, placed under the accented form. Otherwise, however, differently accented forms are left as independent entries, as below:
huksík — hazelnut [mn]
húksik — hazelnut [lp]
Potential differences in meaning, however slight, are respected.
huksik — hazelnut (Corylus americana) [cf. Omaha-Ponca, ųjįga] [gm, s]
huksik — hazelnut tree [cf. ksik, narrow] [m]
As can be seen from this example, sometimes cognate words from related languages are added, although no systematic effort has been made to collect them.
For those who wish to see these lexical entries displayed in a sentence, their source can be called up and a search made for the expression. In some cases this may be difficult. For example, quite often (although not consistently), the word ára may be rendered as "his arm." In Hocąk this is more literally, "the arm (of him)," where the pronoun is understood from the context. In such cases, it is better to search under the English "arm." By searching the source [bp-TB], we can find this word in its sentential context.
Ki Ki tK w Ki Ki. w o tte de. o tt o* a L. kikitakwagigi wa’ųježe. ’Ųja’ų ára he made to quarrel he was doing. While doing thus, the arms *the final /o/ is inserted above the line with a caret.
p. 36 —
Ki Ki r w Ki Ki de. a Ao Ly tteKe s. m Ko no Ko noKo deAe. kikiza wagigiže. A horaijkera makunukunukše. fighting he made them. Arm the left one he cut all up.
As can then be seen, the Hocąk sentence in which the word occurs is, ’Ųja’ų ára kikiza wagigiže, which can be translated as, "While doing thus, he made his arms fight one another." The added advantage, in this case, is that the interlinear translation also incidentally provides the corresponding Hocąk syllabic text (o tt o a L. Ki Ki r w Ki Ki de.). The fact that the lexicon contains complex expressions rather than just stems, allows the interested reader to look up a phrase like kikiza wagigiže, and find it in its sources.
For those who prefer a standard dictionary, there is now a good one available, for which see [hl] below.
[al] Aleck Lonetree, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3867 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) III, #17: 1-20. Title in this collection: "A Man's Revenge."
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Aleck Lonetree | Jakob Stucki |
[b-E] The Book of Exodus in John Stacy and Jakob Stucki, Bible: Four Gospels, Acts, Genesis, and Exodus (Chs. 19 and 20), translated into the Winnebago Indian Language (New York: American Bible Society, 1907) 478-482.
[b-G] The Book of Genesis in John Stacy and Jakob Stucki, Bible: Four Gospels, Acts, Genesis, and Exodus (Chs. 19 and 20), translated into the Winnebago Indian Language (New York: American Bible Society, 1907) 357-477.
[b-LK] The Gospel of Luke in John Stacy and Jakob Stucki, Bible: Four Gospels, Acts, Genesis, and Exodus (Chs. 19 and 20), translated into the Winnebago Indian Language (New York: American Bible Society, 1907) 212-255.
[b-LP] The Lord's Prayer in John Stacy and Jakob Stucki, Bible: Four Gospels, Acts, Genesis, and Exodus (Chs. 19 and 20), translated into the Winnebago Indian Language (New York: American Bible Society, 1907) 483.
[bb-B] Tom Big Bear, "Burial Customs (Warrior Clan)," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3899 [1254] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #19b: 14-16.
[bg] List of Winnebago Words from Ebr. Bingham's Account Book, 1831-33. Contained in Thomas J. George, Winnebago Vocabulary, 4989 Winnebago (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, 1885). Originally from the collections of the [Wisconsin] State Historical Society. The correct name of the author of this account book is "Ebenezer Brigham" (see "The Tavern Visit").
[bl] John Blackhawk, “Words and Expressions Pertaining to War,” in Norton William Jipson, Story of the Winnebagoes (Chicago: The Chicago Historical Society, 1923).
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John Baptiste |
[bp-A] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 172-186. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Abduction and Rescue of Trickster."
[bp-G] John Baptiste, "The Man who Brought His Wife back from Spiritland," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #8: 14-37. An English version is found in, "The Man who Brought His Wife back from Spiritland," in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949) 47-65. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Ghost Dance Origins II."
[bp-L] John Baptiste, an account of a man who joined the circus and traveled to England, then was converted to the peyote church, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 71, part 2: 1-4. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Little Red Bird's Story."
[bp-P] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #7: 93-104. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Pointing Man."
[bp-TA] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 104-151. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster's Anus Guards the Ducks."
[bp-TB] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 27-39. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster's Buffalo Hunt."
[bp-TC] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 39-71. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster and the Children."
[bp-TO] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #7: 71-93. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster's Adventures in the Ocean."
[bp-TP] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #7: 186-224. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster Gets Pregnant."
[bp-TPN] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #7: 151-171. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster's Penis."
[bp-TW] John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 1-27. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster's Warpath."
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Charles E. Brown |
[br] Charles E. Brown, Lake Mendota Indian Legends (Madison: State Historical Museum, 1927) 2-3.
[br-W] Charles E. Brown, file, box 3 at the Wisconsin State Historical Society Archives, Madison, Wisconsin. Words taken from [z].
[c] Henry Ellsworth Cole (1861-1928), Baraboo and Other Place Names in Sauk County, Wisconsin (Baraboo, Wis.: Baraboo News Pub. Co., 1912).
[ch] Caxšeporuxjįrega, "Shugepaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, [1908]) Notebook #66, Story 1: 1-9.
[cu] Natalie Curtis Burlin, The Indians' Book: an Offering by the American Indians of Indian Lore, Musical and Narrative, to Form a Record of the Songs and Legends of Their Race (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1907).
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Rev. James Owen Dorsey |
[d] Rev. James Owen Dorsey, Winnebago-English Vocabulary and Winnebago Verbal Notes, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago (3.3.2) 321 [old no. 1226] (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, 1888) 82 pp. Informants:
(Alex) — Alexander Longtail
(Amelia) — last name unknown
(D) — perhaps David StCyr
(Hdn) — unknown
(Lewis N.) — unknown
(Mgn) — unknown
(R), (Rueben) — Rueben StCyr
[d-WG] Rev. James Owen Dorsey, "Winnebago Gentes, including Personal Names Belonging to each Gens" (National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution: T.D., 1878-79?), cat. #4800 Dorsey Papers, Winnebago (319).
[da] Kathleen Ann Danker, The Winnebago Narratives of Felix White, Sr.: Style, Structure and Function, (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, May, 1985 [8521450]). Material citing this source comes from the writing of Dr. Danker as opposed to the stories collected within from Felix White, sr. For the latter, see [w-T].
[dbr] Dorothy Moulding Brown, Indian Legends of Historic and Scenic Wisconsin, Wisconsin Folklore Booklets (Madison: 1947).
[dk] Mark Diedrich, Ho-Chunk Chiefs (Rochester, Minnesota: Coyote Books, November 15, 2001).
[dt] Comments or items collected by Richard L. Dieterle, author of this website.
[du] Paul Durand, Where the Waters Gather and Rivers Meet: An Atlas of the Eastern Sioux (Author: 1994). Based in part on interviews with Francis Perry at Black River Falls, Wisc. The list of Hocąk place names was presented to me by Louis Garcia.
[e-B1] Frank Ewing, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11b, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909, recopied 1945) 60-62, the Interlinear text (I). In this collection, entitled "Big Eater."
[e-B2] Frank Ewing, Story of the Boy who Ate too Much, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #19, Freeman #3899 [1254] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story 19c (2), 9-14, the phonetic text without translation (Ph). In this collection, entitled "Big Eater."
[f] Thomas Foster, Foster's Indian Record and Historical Data (Washington, D. C.: 1876-1877) vol. 1, #2: p. 4, coll. 3-4 ("abandon" - "beckon"); vol. 1, #3: p. 4, coll. 2-4 ("bed" - "chafe"). Foster, vol. 1, #1, p. 1, col. 4, ssvv Wahódjera, hodj, rahatch, Réxatcíra. Foster, vol. 1, #2, p. 2, col. 2, witcân´, páni (Algonquian loan), Wanína, Wanihí.
[fu] Ken Funmaker, Sr., "Ca Worak, a Deer Story," transcribed by Sheila Shigley, trs. Edward Lonetree Jr., Chloris Lowe Sr., Bill O’Brien, and Lucille Roberts (Hoocak Academy, ca. 1997) YouTube.
[g-C] "Ciangega," in Albert Samuel Gatschet, Linguistic and Ethnological Material on the Winnebago, Manuscript 1989-a (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives, 1889, 1890-1891) 16-24. Informant: Reuben David St. Cyr.
[g-H] Albert Samuel Gatschet, "Hotcank hit’e," in Linguistic and Ethnological Material on the Winnebago, Manuscript 1989-a (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives, 1889, 1890-1891). Informants: Michael and Reuben David St. Cyr.
[ge] Thomas J. George, Winnebago Vocabulary, 4989 Winnebago (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, 1885). Informants: Big Bear of Friendship, Wisconsin, and Big Thunder.
[gi] Mark Gajewski, "Original Names of the Four Lake Region," Historic Madison, Inc. of Wisconsin (electronic text), viewed: 10.17, 2024.
[gm] Melvin Randolph Gilmore, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1911-12 (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1919).
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M. R. Gilmore | F. V. Hayden |
[ha] Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, "Brief Notes on the Pawnee, Winnebago, and Omaha Languages," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 10, #78 (Jan., 1868): 389-421 [411-421].
[h-B] Charlie N. Houghton, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1908) Winnebago III, #11a, Story XXXV: 333-360. In this collection, the work is called, "Bladder and His Brothers, Version 2."
[h-C] Charlie Houghton, Coyote is Invited to a Feast, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #9, Freeman #3894 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) 147- 159. In this collection, the work is entitled, "Hocąk Text — Little Fox is Invited to a Feast."
[h-G] Charlie N. Houghton, A Story about a Giant, with an interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Story XXVII: 98-107. In this collection, the story is entitled, "A Giant Visits His Daughter."
[h-H] Charles Houghton, Untitled, translated by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 121-131. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Hog's Adventures."
[h-LFW] Charles N. Houghton, "Coyote on the Warpath," translated by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) 242-244. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Little Fox Goes on the Warpath."
[h-O] Charlie Houghton, A Story about an Old Man and the Giants, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #9, Freeman #3894 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story XXXI: 163-182. The end of this story was obtained from the following MS: Charlie Houghton, A Story about an Old man and the Giants, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #9, Freeman #3894 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story XXXI: 163-182.
[h-R] Charles N. Houghton, "The Orphan who Conquered Death," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 70, 1-52. "[h-R1]" denotes this text; the corrected text is denoted by "[h-R2]." In this collection the story is entitled, "The Resurrection of the Chief's Daughter."
[h-T] Source I — Charlie N. Houghton, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3900 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1908) Winnebago III, #18, Story XXXV: 314-360. Source Ph — Charlie N. Houghton, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3882 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, July, 1908) Winnebago III, #5, Story XI: 101-115. Source OL — Charlie Houghton, translated by Oliver LaMere, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #11a: 290-331. These are the texts to "Turtle's Warparty (Version 2)."
[h-TG] Charlie N. Houghton, A Story about Turtle and a Giant, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #9, Freeman 3894. (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 160-161.
[h-TM] Charlie N. Houghton, Turtle and the Merchant, translation by Oliver LaMere; in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #9, Freeman #3894 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) 2-29 = 132-146.
[h-W] Charles Houghton, A Story about a Female Were-Grizzly, trs. by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Story 28: 108-120 [= 1-25 = 39-51].
[hb-A] Johannes Helmbrecht, "Argument Structure of the Hocąk (Winnebago) Clause," Arbeitspapiere des Seminars für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt, Dec. 2002.
[hc] Henry Roe Cloud, "From Wigwam to Pulpit: A Red Man's Own Story of His Progress from Darkness to Light," The Missionary Review of the World, 38 (1915): 329-339.
[hcd] Ho-Chunk Dictionary On-line, Ho-Chunk Nation, ed. Henning Garvin, 2024.
[hh] Hōcąk Hoit’e Ra, The HoChunk Language, Vol. 1. Hocak Renaissance, The Official Program of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska (2021). "This publication is a compilation of a variety of Hōcąk language materials that were created by many fluent speakers and language teachers from many different programs over the last 50+ years."
[hl] Learner’s Dictionary, Hocąk–English/English–Hocąk, edd. Johannes Helmbrecht and Christian Lehmann. Arbeitspapiere des Seminars für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, no. 21. 2d ed. (Erfurt: the Editors, May, 2006).
[hm] Reverend Elmer C. Hamley, Monapacataca (Green Lake: 1933).
[hw] Word lists supplied by the Hocąk Wazijaci Language and Culture Program.
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John Hazen Hill |
[hz-C] John Hazen Hill (Xetenišaraga), "Shamanistic Exploit," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1909) Notebook #66, Story #3. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Two Children."
[hz-L] John Hazen Hill (Xetenišaraga), "The Lame Friend," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 66, Story 7: 1-4. [Typed Winnebago, handwritten interlinear translation.]
[hz-MW] John Hazen [Hill] (Xetenišaraga), The Winnebago-Sioux War against the Masxhes, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, #66 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, < 1909) Story 3: 1-7. Several words were taken from the text, but no interlinear text has been made.
[hz-O] John Hazen Hill (Xetenišaraga), Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1908) Notebook 66, Story 5, 1-2. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Osage Massacre."
[ilt] The UW-Madison Indigenous Language Table.
[j] Norton William Jipson, Story of the Winnebagoes (Chicago: The Chicago Historical Society, 1923). This is an unpublished typescript.
[j-C] "Cracked Mouth" in Norton William Jipson, Story of the Winnebagoes (Chicago: The Chicago Historical Society, 1923). This is an unpublished typescript.
[jb-A] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 207-211. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Animal Spirit Aids of the Medicine Rite."
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Jasper Blowsnake |
[jb-AM] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3887 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 213-215. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Arrows of the Medicine Rite Men, Version 2."
[jb-B] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 1-13. This is the Hocąk text to "The Birth of the Twins, Version 2."
[jb-BH] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 94-96. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Lifting Up Bear Heads."
[jb-C] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 201-202. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Coughing Up of the Black Hawks."
[jb-CLS] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #1: 137-139 (original handwritten text with trs.); Winnebago II, #1: 159-160 (handwritten phonetic text, no trs.); Winnebago II, #5: 173-174 (typed and corrected version of the phonetic text, no trs.). A loose English translation is given in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 156. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Claw Shooter."
[jb-CM] The original text with partial English interlinear translation is found in Paul Radin, Untitled, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 163a.60-166a.71. A revised handwritten text is found in Paul Radin, Untitled, Freeman #3886 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library, n.d.) Winnebago III, #6: 355.52-357.64. For a revised text with an English translation, see Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves, International Journal of American Linguistics, Memoirs, 3 (1950). For a loose English translation, see Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 255. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Creation of Man, Version 8."
[jb-CS] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #1: 103-104; a handwritten phonetic text is found at Winnebago II, #1: 128-129; its typed version is at Winnebago II, #5: 135-136. A loose English translation is found at Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 136-137. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Completion Song Origins."
[jb-D] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 13-28. This is the Hocąk text to "The Twins Disobey Their Father, Version 2."
[jb-DC] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago III, #1: 109-111 (original handwritten text with trs.); Winnebago II, #1: 133-134 (handwritten phonetic text, no trs.); Winnebago II, #5: 141-143 (typed and corrected version of the phonetic text, no trs.). A loose English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 140. This is the Hocąk text to "The Diving Contest."
[jb-DD1] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3885 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 190-193 and Winnebago II, #7: 194-195. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Descent of the Drum, Version 1."
[jb-DD2] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3885 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago III, #2: XX-XXII.. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Descent of the Drum, Version 2."
[jb-DE] Jasper Blowsnake, in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves, International Journal of American Linguistics, Memoirs, 3 (1950): 27.305-29.379. For the original interlinear text, see Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #4: 18-25, Freeman #3890 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.).
[jb-E] Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 293-294; the original text is in Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 218-220. This is entitled, "East Shakes the Messenger."
[jb-EM1] Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 215. For the original texts, see Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago II, #6: 110. This is "East Enters the Medicine Lodge, Version 1."
[jb-EM2] Radin, The Road of Life and Death, 267. For the original texts, see Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago II, #6: 181-182, and Winnebago III, #6: 378.10-380.17 (revised phonetic text). This is "East Enters the Medicine Lodge, Version 2."
[jb-F] Jasper Blowsnake and Paul Radin, "A Semi-Historical Account of the War of the Winnebago and the Foxes," Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1914) 192-207. Told by Jasper Blowsnake in June, 1908. This is reprinted in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 11-17. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Fox-Hocąk War."
[jb-FC] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 266-268. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Four Steps of the Cougar."
[jb-FF] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 31-35. This is the Hocąk text to "The Father of the Twins Attempts to Flee, Version 2."
[jb-G] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 253-256. In this collection the story is entitled, "Grandmother's Gifts."
[jb-H] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 30-31. This is the Hocąk text to "The Twins Get into Hot Water, Version 2."
[jb-HM] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 28-32. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Historical Origins of the Medicine Rite."
[jb-HS] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 69-81. In this collection the story is entitled, "Hare Secures the Creation Lodge of the Medicine Rite."
[jb-I] Jasper Blowsnake, Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #5: 97-99. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Island Weight Song."
[jb-J4] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 169-176; Winnebago III, #6: 362.91-372.140. Both a Hocąk text and an English translation are published in Jasper Blowsnake (Thunderbird Clan), "The Journey of the Ghost to Spiritland: As Told in the Medicine Rite," in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago as Described by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949) 66-72. A loose English translation is also given in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 257-264; and in Sam Blowsnake (ed. Paul Radin), Crashing Thunder. The Autobiography of an American Indian (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983 [1926]) 105-110. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Journey to Spiritland, Version 4."
[jb-J5] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #1: 165-166; Winnebago II, #1: 184-185; Winnebago II, #5: 203-204. A loose English translation is also given in Radin, The Road of Life and Death, 171. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Journey to Spiritland, Version 5."
[jb-K] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library) Winnebago II, #6: 17-21 (the original interlinear MS); and Winnebago II, #5: 31-34 (typewritten phonetic text with a typewritten interlinear translation). This is the Hocąk text to "Keramąnįš’aka's Blessing."
[jb-KX] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library) Winnebago II, #6: 22-28 (the original interlinear MS); Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library) Winnebago II, #5: 36-39 (typewritten phonetic text with a typewritten interlinear translation). This is the Hocąk text to "The Blessing of Kerexųsaka."
[jb-L] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 30-31. This is the Hocąk text to "The Lost Blanket, Version 2."
[jb-M] Words taken from Jasper Blowsnake's account of the Medicine Rite, found in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1909) Winnebago II, #6, #7, Winnebago III, #1, #2, #4.
[jb-MH1] Jasper Blowsnake, Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #1: 3-7. The corrected text is a typescript in Jasper Blowsnake, Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #5: 5-9. In this collection the story is entitled, "Messengers of Hare, Version 1."
[jb-MH2a] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3887 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7, 247-250. In this collection the story is entitled, "Messengers of Hare, Version 2a, First Telling."
[jb-MH2b] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3890 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago III, #4, 25-29. In this collection the story is entitled, "Messengers of Hare, Version 2b, Second Telling."
[jb-MR] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3887 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7, 233-247; and Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves International Journal of American Linguistics, Memoirs, 3 (1950): 21-24 (ss 72-212). In this collection the story is entitled, "Medicine Rite Foundation Myth, Version 4."
[jb-N] Jasper Blowsnake, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3888 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago II, #2: 460-462. A loose English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 312. In this collection the story is entitled, "North Shakes His Gourd."
[jb-O] Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Freeman #3876, Winnebago II, #6: 166-169 (the original handwritten interlinear text); Freeman #3886, Winnebago III, #6: 357.65-361.86. For a loose English translation, see Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 255-257. This is the Hocąk text to "Otter Comes to the Medicine Rite."
[jb-P] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #12: 1-120, Winnebago V, #6: 121-130. An English translation was published in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: Bison Books, 1990 [1923]) 118-132. In this collection, entitled, "The Precepts of Charles Blowsnake."
[jb-PM] Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 165-166. Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #1: 175-177 (handwritten phonetic text); Winnebago III, #1: 155-157 (the original handwritten interlinear text); Winnebago II, #5: 192-195 (typed phonetic text). In this collection, entitled, "Peace of Mind Regained."
[jb-R] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 30-31. This is the Hocąk text to "The Twins Get into Hot Water, Version 2."
[jb-S1a] Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite: Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 10-15, and Winnebago III, #1: 11-14; Winnebago II, #1: 20-23 (a handwritten phonetic text). Winnebago III, #12: 13-16 (typewritten text, phonetic only); Winnebago II, #5: 21-29 (typewritten phonetic text with a typewritten interlinear translation). A text with an English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves, International Journal of American Linguistics, Memoirs, 3 (1950): 68.1-69.36a, 73.1-74.41. In this collection the story is entitled, "Shell Anklets Origin Myth, Version 1a."
[jb-S1b] Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite: Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #1: 27. A typed interlinear text is found in Winnebago II, #5: 24-25, 29. For a typewritten phonetic text (without diacritical marks), see Winnebago III, #12: 14. A text with an English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves, International Journal of American Linguistics, Memoirs, 3 (1950): 69.1a-21a, 74-75.1a-21a (English). In this collection the story is entitled, "Shell Anklets Origin Myth, Version 1b."
[jb-S2] Jasper Blowsnake, "Hinacax Ruwiná," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #2, Section 7: XV-XVI. In this collection the story is entitled, "Shell Anklets Origin Myth, Version 2."
[jb-SD] Jasper Blowsnake, Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3898 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society: n.d.) Winnebago III, #1: 113-114. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Sweetened Drink Song."
[jb-SE] Jasper Blowsnake, "The Sore-Eye Dance (Hišjaxiri Waši)," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Notebook 23, 1-195 (Syllabary with an interlinear translation). Jasper Blowsnake, "The Sore-Eye Dance (Hišjaxiri Waši)," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Notebook 69, 1-37 (phonetic text only).
[jb-SE1] Jasper Blowsnake, Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3890 (Philadelphia: American Philosophiical Library, n.d.) Winnebago III, #4: 10-11. In this collection the story is entitled, "South Enters the Medicine Lodge (v. 1)."
[jb-SS] Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3876 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 257-258. In this collection the story is entitled, "South Seizes the Messenger."
[jb-T] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #6: 375.154-376.158. In this collection, entitled "Testing the Slave, Version 1."
[jb-T3] Jasper Blowsnake, Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #1: 152-153; Winnebago II, #5: 164; Winnebago III, #1: 129-130. A published loose English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 151. In this collection the story is entitled, "Tobacco Origin Myth, Version 3."
[jb-T4] Jasper Blowsnake, Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #1: 171-172, Winnebago II, #5: 187-188, Winnebago III, #1: 150-151. A loose English translation is published in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 163. In this collection the story is entitled, "Tobacco Origin Myth, Version 4."
[jb-V] Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 35-37. This is the Hocąk text to "The Twins Visit Their Father's Village, Version 2."
[jb-W] Jasper Blowsnake, Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #1: 200-202. In this collection the story is entitled, "A Wife for Knowledge."
[jb-WM] Jasper Blowsnake, "Whiskey Making," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 64: 1-13.
[jc-F] James StCyr, "Fleetfoot," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook 19, Story II: 18-33.
[jc-S] James StCyr, "Shakes the Earth," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library) Notebook 19, Story 1: 1-18.
[jc-T] James St. Cyr, "The Thunderbird," in Paul Radin, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #16: 1-103 (syllabic text with interlinear translation); Paul Radin, "The Thunderbird," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago IV, #8o, Version 1: 1-12, Version 2: 1-11. Interlinear Hocąk and English on unnumbered pages. Told by James St. Cyr (Thunderbird Clan?), who obtained it from an unidentified Frenchman.
[jf-F] John Fireman, Tales of Fireman's Brother, trs. by George Ricehill, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) III, #11a, Story 2, p. 74.
[jf-J1] J. F. (John Fireman ?), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 77: 7-11; Winnebago III, #3: 99-102; Winnebago III, #3: 46-49. A loose English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 99. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Journey to Spiritland, Version 1a."
[jf-LT] John Fireman, "A Tale about Little Thunder," translated by George Ricehill, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story I, p. 72.
[jf-M] John Fireman, "The Story of Mijistéga," trs. by George Ricehill, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story 7: 86-90.
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John Fireman | Captain John Harrison |
[jh] John Harrison, The Story of Little Priest, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 224-241 (= 269-286). Told in June, 1908.
[jh-M] John Harrison, The Giant or The Morning Star, translated by Oliver LaMere, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago III, #11a, Story 8: 92-117. In this collection, called "Morning Star and His Friend."
[jl] Place names supplied to Jipson by Oliver LaMère in Norton William Jipson, Story of the Winnebagoes (Chicago: The Chicago Historical Society, 1923) 399.
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John Michael StCyr | Col. John Harris Kinzie |
[jmc-B] John Michael StCyr, [untitled], in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Notebook #19 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story III: 33-39. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Boy who Flew."
[jt] Robinson Johnson and Livina Thorud, Wisconsin Winnebago Lexicon, ed. Ken Miner (Milwaukee: Wisconsin Native AmLges Project, 1976). Words taken from [z].
[jw-B] J. W., Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library) Notebook 72, Story 51: 1-5. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Bird Clan Origins."
[k] Col. John Harris Kinzie (1803-1865), Notebook compiled at Prairie du Chien in 1826 (Chicago: Chicago Historical Society).
[kf] Kenneth Funmaker, Sr. (trs.), Four Services Songs in the liner notes to the CD recording, "American Warriors: Songs for Indian Veterans," Ryko Productions, RCD 10370 (1995 ?).
[ki] Chuck Kingswan, AottnK wo w KH Ao tti KAe Le Ai dn, Winnebago Lexicon Starting Kit (1993). Words taken from [z].
[ki-M] Chuck Kingswan, Assorted Manuscripts. Words taken from [z].
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Oliver LaMère |
[l] Winnebago words furnished by Oliver LaMère, March 1915. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives.
[l-B] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1912) Winnebago V, # 7: 413-531. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Bungling Host."
[l-E] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1912) Winnebago V, # 7: 317-349. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Elk's Skull."
[l-L] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 381-404. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster Loses Most of His Penis."
[l-LM] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 307-317. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster Loses His Meal."
[l-M] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Mâznî'âbara," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (American Philosophical Society Library) #21: 1-134. In this collection, the story is entitled, "How the Thunders Met the Nights."
[l-MS] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 531-548. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Mink Soils the Princess."
[l-MT] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 364-381. In this collection, the story is entitled, "A Mink Tricks Trickster."
[l-N] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wuwukihiga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #16: 1-67 (syllabic text); with an English translation in Paul Radin, "Wuwukihiga," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 45: 1-67. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Nannyberry Picker."
[l-O] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Ocean Duck," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #14: 1-77. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Ocean Duck."
[l-P] Paul Radin, "Partridge's Older Brother," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #9: 1-61 (syllabic text only). Paul Radin, "Partridge's Older Brother," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook 7: 1-61 (English Translation by Oliver LaMère). Paul Radin, "Partridge's Older Brother," (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago IV, #8m, 1-11 (typed English translation by Paul Radin), 2 copies.
[l-S] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 404-416. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Scenting Contest."
[l-SM] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "The Hairy Man," in Paul Radin, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #15: 1-89 (syllabary only), and Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #9: 1-89 (English only). In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Shaggy Man."
[l-TC] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 566-586. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster Concludes His Mission."
[l-TF] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #7: 548-566. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster Takes Little Fox for a Ride."
[l-TM] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #7: 269-307. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster and the Mothers."
[l-TS] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "The Trickster Soils the Princess," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook 47: 1-80 (English only); Winnebago V, #18 (syllabic text); Winnebago IV, #8u. (typed English translation).
[l-TT] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #7: 349-364. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster's Tail."
[l-TV] Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakdjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 225-230. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Trickster Visits His Family."
[lp] William Lipkind, Winnebago Grammar (New York: King's Crown Press, 1945).
[lp-C] William Lipkind, "Text" (Creation of the World), Winnebago Grammar (New York: King's Crown Press, 1945) 58.
[lp-N] William Lipkind, "Text" (Necessity of Death), Winnebago Grammar (New York: King's Crown Press, 1945) 59-61.
[lp-S] William Lipkind, "Text" (Sons of Earthmaker), Winnebago Grammar (New York: King's Crown Press, 1945) 58-59.
[lt] Philip Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, Texts with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) text VI.
[lt-C] Philip Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "The Captive Boys," translated by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, 1893) Story II: 1-7.
[lt-F] Philip Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "The Fatal House," translated by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, 1893) Story IV: 1-3.
[lt-I] Philip Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "Iron Staff and His Companions," text with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) Story VI: 1-13.
[lt-M] Alexander Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "The Man with Two Heads," with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) Story VIII: 1 - 8.
[lt-R] Alexander Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "Rich Man, Boy, and Horse," with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) Story VII: 1 - 23.
[lt-TB] Alexander Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "The Two Brothers, Waloga and Little Ghost," with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) Story V: 1 - 22.
[lt-U] Alexander Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "The Man who Went to the Upper and Lower Worlds," with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) Story III: 53-58.
[lt-W] Philip Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "Watexúga and His Brothers," translated by J. O. Dorsey (National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, 1893) 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2, Story I: 1-9. In this collection, entitled "Bladder and His Brothers, Version 5."
[lu-C] Nancy Oestreich Lurie, "A Check List of Treaty Signers by Clan Affiliation," Journal of the Wisconsin Indians Research Institute, 2, #1 (June, 1966): 50-73.
[lu-Ch] Nancy Lurie, "In Search of Chaetar: New Findings on Black Hawk's Surrender In Search of Chaetar: New Findings on Black Hawk's Surrender," Wisconsin Magazine of History, 71, # 3 (Spring, 1988): 162-183. Words obtained from [z].
[m] Mary Carolyn Marino, A Dictionary of Winnebago: An Analysis and Reference Grammar of the Radin Lexical File (Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, December 14, 1968 [69-14,947]). Marino's wordlist was based on the vocabulary slips of Paul Radin.
[ma] Anita E. Marten, the Morphophonemics of the Winnebago Verbal (University of Wisconsin Dissertation, 1964). Words obtained from this source were those recorded in [z].
[mck] W. C. McKern, Winnebago Notebook (1927) from the Milwaukee Public Museum.
[mck-Y] W. C. McKern, "A Winnebago Myth," Yearbook, Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, 9 (1929).
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Henry Merrell | George Monegar |
[me] Merrell, Henry. "Winnebago Dictionary." Merrell (1804-1876), a fur trader at Portage, created this list in the 1830s for his personal use; his manuscript was loaned to the Wisconsin Historical Society in 1899 so this 20-page typed copy could be made; the location of the original manuscript is not known. In US Mss 6F, folder 1.
[mg] "Winnebago Indian Place Names obtained by Dr. Alphonse Gerend from Chief George Monegar, at Hemlock Creek, Wood County, Wisconsin. Sent by him to Charles E. Brown, May 1930." Unpublished manuscripts in the Archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society: Wis Mss HB, Charles E. Brown Papers, box 3 folder 1 (La Mere and Monegar).
[mh] Col. Thomas Loraine McKenney and James Hall, The Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs, ed.. Frederick Hodge and David Bushnell, 4 vols. (Edinburgh: John Grant, 1934 [1842]).
[mk] Phillip Mike, a native speaker of Hōcą́k, as communicated to [z].
[mn] Kenneth L. Miner, Winnebago Field Lexicon (Kansas City: University of Kansas, June 1984). A widely circulated, but unpublished, typescript.
[mn-G] Kenneth L. Miner, Winnebago Grammar (1994), unpublished MS.
[mn-T] Kenneth L. Miner, Tapes recorded in 1974-75 under the auspices of the Wisconsin Native American Languages Project. Stored at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, Tapes 108–135 in the Wisconsin Native American Language Project collection (Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, 2008).
[nw] "Nąąwąnįkra," told by Waamąnįga & translated by Peecta’ehiga for the Hoocąk Nation Youth Leadership Conference 1996. New transcription by students of Teejop Wąąkšik Hit'et'e Waaruc (UW-Madison Indigenous Language Table) 2024.
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Jim Pine |
[p-C] Jim Pine, [untitled,] in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 26, 237-240. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Canine Warrior."
[p-F] Jim Pine, [untitled,] in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 26, 240-244. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Fighting Retreat."
[p-M] Jim Pine, [untitled,] in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 26, 250-260. In this collection, the story is entitled, "The Man Whose Wife was Captured."
[p-T] Jim Pine, [untitled,] in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 26, 245-250. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Turtle's Warparty, Version 3."
[po] J. W. Powell, Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages with words, phrases & sentences to be collected. 2d ed. (Washington, D.C.: 1880). Resource person, Thomas J. George. Words from this source were extracted from source [z].
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Paul Radin |
[r-A] "Arácgega's Blessing," in Paul Radin, Notebook 39 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 1-13.
[r-B1] "The Boy who Wished to Become Immortal," in Paul Radin, Notebook 38 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 210-215. On page 211 is inscribed, "March 11, 1951," but this is certainly a later addition.
[r-B2] "The Boy who Wished to be Immortal," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #13, Freeman #3869 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1951 ?) 1-4.
[r-BB] Paul Radin, "The Bladder," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) #27, 1-61. Hocąk syllabary is on one page, and its English translation is on the facing page. In this collection the story is entitled, "Bladder and His Brothers, Version 1."
[r-BC] "The Bear Clan Feast. Part I, The Origin Legend," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #7, Freeman #3868 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 1-6. For the English text, see Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 184-186. Informant: a member of the Bear Clan. In this collection, entitled "Bear Clan Origins, Version 7."
[r-BC2a] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3862 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago I, #3: 72. This is the Bear Clan Origin Myth, Version 2a.
[r-BC8] Paul Radin, "Hųj Hikikarajra," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #24: 88-100 (Hocąk syllabic text only, first pagination series), 88-100 (English handwritten translation, second pagination series). Radin, The Winnebago Tribe, 186-187. His informant was a member of the Thunderbird Clan. This is the Bear Clan Origin Myth, Version 8.
[r-BD] Paul Radin, "Buffalo Clan Feast (Ce Wagigara)," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3850, #3896, #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 40, 1-15. Phonetic text with an English interlinear translation. English translation published in Winnebago Monograph, Winnebago Tribe, 344-345 (1924). This is "The Buffalo Dance."
[r-BF] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 24, pp. 11-19; and Winnebago III, #7, pp. 7-10. Title: "The Bear Feast."
[r-BS] Paul Radin, “The Squirrel,” Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3862 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 22, 1-85. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Brown Squirrel."
[r-C] Paul Radin, "The Crane," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #48.(syllabic text with interlinear translation); Winnebago IV, #8e: 1-5 (typewritten English translation). In this collection the story is entitled, "Crane and His Brothers."
[r-CL] Paul Radin, "Ceremonial Lacrosse," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 42 (phonetic text with interlinear translation). English translation published in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1923) 120-121.
[r-CW] Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949).
[r-D] "The Dipper," in Paul Radin, Notebook Winnebago IV, #8 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library) Story 8r: 1-29 = Paul Radin, "The Dipper," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library) #49-50: 1-267.
[r-DC] "Deer Clan Origin Myth," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #19a, Freeman #3899 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 1-13.
[r-F] Paul Radin, "Winnebago Contact with the French," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #17, 1-34. A loose translation is found in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University- of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 17-19. In this collection the story is entitled, "First Contact."
[r-FP] Paul Radin, "Funeral practices of the Thunderbird Clan," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #24: 83-87 (syllabic text). English translation published in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1923) 146.
[r-G] Paul Radin, Winnebago Linguistic Notes, Manuscript 1800a-e (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, 1908-1909) 211 pages.
[r-H] Paul Radin, "The Man's Head," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #531: 1-61 (English only); Winnebago V, #13: 1-21, 26-61, and Winnebago V, #10: 22-25. The last citation was from what had been an unidentified sylllabic text which proved to be the missing pages to Winnebago V, #13. In this collection it is entitled, "Little Human Head."
[r-HC] Untitled Clan Myth (Hocąk-English Interlinear) in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3881 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1908) Winnebago V, #8: 36-41. A loose translation is published in Radin, The Winnebago Tribe, 170-172. In this collection, it is entitled, "Hawk Clan Origin Myth."
[r-HD] Paul Radin, "The Hok‘ixére Dance," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 78: 1-23. Published in English only in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 331-335 (1990) = 379-383 (1923, Archive) = 379-383 (1923, Hathi). A loose translation is published in Radin, The Winnebago Tribe, 170-172. In this collection, it is entitled, "The Hokixérē Dance."
[r-HO] Paul Radin, "The Story of Holy One," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3859 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago IV, #4: 59-77 (typed English translation); Paul Radin, "The Story of the Flood and Origin of the Spirit Home," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #24: 1-51 (syllabic text without translation or transliteration). J. Owen Dorsey, "Nanibozhu in Siouan Mythology," The Journal of American Folklore, 5, # 19 (Oct. - Dec., 1892): 293-304 [303]. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Holy One and His Brother."
[r-I] Paul Radin, "Intcohorúcika," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #14: 1-67.
[r-J] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #24: 72-82 (Hocąk syllabary), 72-82 (English translation). This has been published in English translation in Radin, The Winnebago Tribe, 95-96. In this collection, it is entitled, "Journey to Spiritland, Version 8."
[r-K] "Kaǧíga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library) #18: 1-9.
[r-N] Paul Radin, unspecified Winnebago Notebook (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Library).
[r-O] Paul Radin, "Old Man and His Grandfather," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #53, 1-107. In this collection, it is entitled, "Old Man and White Feather."
[r-P] Paul Radin, Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian, Journal of American Folk-Lore, 26, #102 (1913): 293-318 [294-298]. In this collection it is entitled, "Earthmaker Blesses Wešgíšega, Version 2."
[r-P1] Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 497. The Hocąk syllabic text is found in Paul Radin, "Thunder Clan Feast," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Winnebago 5, #20: 75-78. This is "Earthmaker Blesses Wešgíšega, Version 1."
[r-R] Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]).
[r-S] "The Seer," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3899 [1254] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #19e: 1-5.
[r-SD] Paul Radin, Winnebago Phonetic Stem Dictionary (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.).
[r-T] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #2: 1-123 (syllabic text), 1-38 (English translation). In this collection, it is entitled, "The Twins Retrieve Red Star's Head."
[r-TB] Paul Radin, "The Two Boys" (Hocįcįnįk Nųpiwi), Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, # 2: 247-379.
[r-TC4] Untitled Clan Myths (Hocąk-English Interlinear) in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notes, Winnebago V, #8, Freeman #3881 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1908) 23-28, entitled the "Thunderbird Clan Origin Myth, Version 3."
[r-TC] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 77: 1-4. In this collection, it is entitled, "Thunderbird Clan Origin Myth, Version 7."
[r-TW3] Paul Radin, "Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, Version 3," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #20: 1-87. A translation is given in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 486-499 [1923 ed.: 534-547].
[r-V] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 74: 1-10. In this collection, it is entitled, "The Victory Dance."
[r-W.1.3] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago I, #3.
[r-W.1.7a] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago I, #7a.
[r-W.2.6] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6.
[r-WB] "Wak'tcexi Hetcoga (Waterspirit Bluehorn)," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (American Philosophical Society Library) #66, Story 2: 1-13. In this collection, it is entitled, "Brave Man."
[r-WH] Cûkdjâkega (Wolf), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago V, #19 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) 1-40. Syllabary without translation. The translation is based on a typewritten story with its title in Hocąk syllabary, doAo Ktt Ke K, "Wolf," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago IV, #8; Freeman #3861 [3891] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Story 8f: 1-6. In this collection it is entitled, "Wolves and Humans."
[r-WT] Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]). To convert the page number in the 1990 edition to that of the 1923 edition, add 48.
[r-WV1] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1913) Winnebago V, #1.
[r-Y] "Young Man Gambles Often (Hocįcįwaki'ųk'ega)," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #22: 1-173. Syllabary without translation. Translated by Richard L. Dieterle, based upon a typed translation (probably of Oliver LaMère). The translation is found in Young Man Shoots for Them Often, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3861 [3891] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, pre-1930) Winnebago IV, #8s: 1-23.
[rg-G] R. G., Ghost Dance, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, #79 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) 1-5. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Ghost Dance (Wanaǧí Waší) Origin Myth, Version 1."
[rh-F] George Ricehill, Tale of a Stone that Turned into a Frog, transcribed by Oliver LaMere, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #19, Freeman #3899 [1254] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909) 16-17.
[rh-O] George Ricehill, [untitled], in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #19, Freeman #3899 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, prior to 1909) 19b-2, 17-20. Story of the Omahas who turned into serpents.
[rh-P] George Ricehill, "A Tale of a Sioux," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #11a, Story 5: 81-82. In this collection, the story is entitled, "Potato Magic."
[rh-S] George Ricehill, A Sioux Tale, with an interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) 73-83.
[rh-T] George Ricehill (translator ?), "The Struggle between the Son of the Thunderbird and the Son of the Waterspirit," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story 10: 126-139 [= 45-59 = 1-27 (odd number pagination only)]. In this collection, entitled "Traveler and the Thunderbird War."
[rh-W] George Ricehill, [untitled], in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) pp. 63-64. In this collection, entitle "The Were-fish."
[rs-S] RS [Rueben StCyr ?], "Snowshoe Strings," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #60: 4-33.
[rs-W] Rueben David StCyr, "Watexuga," with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, 1886) under "Notes," 9-10. In this collection, entitled "Bladder and His Brothers, Version 6."
[rt-T] Rufus Tiver, "The Story of Thunderbird and White Horse," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) #17: 1-25.
[rv-A] "John Rave's Account of the Peyote Cult and of His Conversion," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago I, #1: 1-46 (phonetic interlinear text), Freeman #3878; Notebook 15: 1-36 (original phonetic interlinear text) (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society), with an English translation at Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 341-346 [1923 ed.: 389-394].
[rv-F] John Rave, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 43, 1-62. Published (Bollingen) as Paul Radin, "The Two Friends Who Became Reincarnated: The Origin of the Four Nights Wake," The Culture of the Winnebago as Described by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949) 12-46. In this collection, entitled "The Four Slumbers Origin Myth."
[rw-W] R. W., "Worúxega," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1911) Notebook 72: 1-16. The text and partial interlinear translation are by Paul Radin.
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Capt. Don Saunders |
[s] Capt. Don Saunders, When the Moon is a Silver Canoe. Legends of the Wisconsin Dells (Wisconsin Dells, Wisc.: Don Saunders, 1947) 71-74.
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Sam Blowsnake |
[sb-A] Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, January, 1939) Book 8:101-108. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Arrows of the Medicine Rite Men, Version 1."
[sb-B] "Waretcara Worák," in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, May 29 - Aug. 2, 1938) Book 2.7-52. Said to be by Sam Blowsnake (doubtful). In this collection, the story is entitled, "Birth of the Twins, Version 3."
[sb-BT] Sam Blowsnake, Waretcáwera, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1908) Winnebago V, #11: 1-54. This is "The Birth of the Twins, Version 1."
[sb-D] Sam Blowsnake in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, May 29 - Oct. 10, 1938) Book 2.52-98. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Twins Disobey Their Father, Version 3."
[sb-E] Sam Blowsnake, Waretcáwera (the Twins Cycle), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Winnebago V, #11: 279-284. This is "Earthmaker Sends Rucewe to the Twins, Version 1."
[sb-F] Sam Blowsnake, Waretcáwera (the Twins Cycle), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Winnebago V, #11: 129-163. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Father of the Twins Attempts to Flee, Version 1."
[sb-FF] Sam Blowsnake in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, May 29 - Oct. 10, 1938) Book 2.98-103, Book 3.1-13. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Father of the Twins Attempts to Flee, Version 3."
[sb-G] Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, January, 1939) Book 9:100-107. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Gift of Shooting."
[sb-H] Sam Blowsnake in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, Aug. 30 - Oct. 10, 1938) Book 3.13-27. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Twins Get into Hot Water, Version 3."
[sb-HW] Sam Blowsnake, Waretcáwera (the Twins Cycle), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Winnebago V, #11: 164-200. This is "The Twins Get into Hot Water, Version 1."
[sb-J6] Sam Blowsnake, Unititled account of the Medicine Rite, in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, January 13-17, 1939) Book 9, 52-79. In this collection the story is entitled, "Journey to Spiritland, Version 6."
[sb-K] Sam Blowsnake in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, Aug. 30 - Oct. 10, 1938) Book 3.27-42. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Twins Kill a Waterspirit" (= Earthmaker Sends Rucewe to the Twins, Version 3).
[sb-L] Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.), Winnebago V, #2: 123-247 (syllabic text), 38-71 (English translation). This is “The Lost Blanket”.
[sb-N] Paul Radin, Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian, Journal of American Folk-Lore, 26, #102 (1913): 293-318 [300-303]. Informant: Sam Blowsnake, Thunderbird Clan. In this collection, the story is called, "Story of the Thunder Names."
[sb-P] Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan (First Version), in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [424-427]. This is "Paint Medicine Origin Myth."
[sb-T] Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, January, 1939) Book 8:82-92. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Testing of the Slave, Version 2."
[sb-T5] Sam Blowsnake, Unititled account of the Medicine Rite, in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, January 13-17, 1939) Notebook 8, 52-91. In this collection the story is entitled, "Tobacco Origin Myth, Version 5."
[sb-TB] Paul Radin, Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian, Journal of American Folk-Lore, 26, #102 (1913): 293-318 [306-310]. In this collection, it is entitled, "Thunder Cloud is Blessed."
[sb-TD] Sam Blowsnake, "Waretcáwera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #11: 54-129. In this collection, it is entitled, "The Twins Disobey Their Father, Version 1."
[sb-TJ] Sam Blowsnake, Waretcáwera, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #11: 223-251. An English translation is found in "The Twins," in Paul Radin, The Evolution of an American Indian Prose Epic. A Study in Comparative Literature, Part I (Basil: Ethnographical Museum, Basil Switzerland, 1954) 95-97. Informant: Sam Blowsnake of the Thunderbird Clan, ca. 1912. In this collection, this story is called, "The Twins Join Redhorn's Warparty."
[sb-TM] Paul Radin, Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian, Journal of American Folk-Lore, 26, #102 (1913): 293-318 [310-312]. In this collection it is entitled, "Thunder Cloud Marries Again."
[sb-V] Sam Blowsnake, Waretcáwera (the Twins Cycle), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Winnebago V, #11: 200-223. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Twins Visit Their Father, Version 1."
[sb-VF] Sam Blowsnake in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, Aug. 30 - Oct. 10, 1938) Book 3.42-47. This is "The Twins Visit Their Father, Version 3."
[sb-W] Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [426-429]. In this collection they are entitled, "Disease Giver Blesses Jobenagiwįxga," "The Nightspirits Bless Ciwoit’éhiga," and "The Nightspirits Bless Jobenagiwįxga."
[se-I] Thomas A. Sebeok, "Two Winnebago Texts," International Journal of American Linguistics, 13 (1947): 167-170; Text I — Vision Quest, 168. In this collection this is entitled "The Ice Hole."
[se-P] Thomas A. Sebeok, "Two Winnebago Texts," International Journal of American Linguistics, 13 (1947): 167-170; Text II — A Prophecy, 169.
[sh] Sheila Shigley, linguistic research, from 2019.
[sh-R] Sheila Shigley, revisions in the spelling of the entries in [sm]. August, 2019.
[sm] Kelly Kindscher and Dana P. Hurlburt, "Huron Smith's Ethnobotany of the Hocąk (Winnebago)," Economic Botany, 52, #4 (Oct. - Dec., 1998), 352-372. At the Hocąk Wazijaci Language and Culture Program, Sheila Shigley and Kenneth Funmaker, Sr. corrected the spelling of Hocąk plant names and informed us of the history of the Hocąk people and the meaning of their name. Kenneth Funmaker also provided the Hocąk translation of his statement. This list was thoroughly revised, and extended from Smith's original notebooks, by Sheila Shigley in August 2019.
[sm-E] Huron H. Smith, Ethnobotany of the Winnebago. MS at the Milwaukee Public Museum. As presented in Valdis J. Zeps, Zepisicon (Winnebago Lexicon), Unpublished MS, Baltic Studies Center, University of Wisconsin, 1996.
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Stella (Blowsnake) Stacy |
[ss-B] Stella Stacy, "The Beginning of the Winnebago." Fraenkel, Gerd. Winnebago texts, [1959-07-12]. (Mss.Rec.29); audio: 7250; APSdigrec_0951; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 12. Text given in Winnebago only, with an English introduction by the collector. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program is the original tape's program 526.10.
[ss-BO] Stella Stacy, "Black Otter’s Sacrifice to a Thunder," reading by Sheila Shigley, from audio tapes in the American Philosophical Society. 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Mss.Rec. 29, recorded 13 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:14.1 - 00:01:28. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 528.4. APS accession number 7233; APSdigrec_2179; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 31.
[ss-BW] Stella Stacy, "The Boy Who Wants to Go to War," reading by Sheila Shigley, from audio tapes in the American Philosophical Society. 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Mss.Rec. 29, recorded 12 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:02.58 - 00:01:56.3. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 526.12. APS accession number 7212; APSdigrec_0953; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 14.
[ss-F] Stella Stacy, "The Friendship Drum Origin Myth, Variant 1." Reading by Sheila Shigley, from the audio tape in the American Philosophical Society: 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Stacy, Stella. "A war story about a young girl," recorded 1959-07-22, 1 .mp3; 00:07:42. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 18. APS accession number 7309. Beginning at 04:41, Stella Stacy tells this story in English.
[ss-HM] Stella Stacy, "The Hocąk and Menominee Farm Side-by-Side as Friends." Reading by Sheila Shigley, from the audio tape in the American Philosophical Society: 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Stacy, Stella. Incorrectly titled, "Forgiveness for a killer [4 of 4]," Mss.Rec.29, recorded 20 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:24.8 - 00:03:18.7. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 529.8. APS accession number 7214; APSdigrec_2197; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 28.
[ss-M] Stella Stacy, "A Menominee Visit to a Chief’s Resort, He being the Only Man Who had not Fled the Place." Reading and translation by Sheila Shigley, from the audio tape in the American Philosophical Society: 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Stacy, Stella. "A Menominee visit to a chief's resort," Mss.Rec.29, recorded 13 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:22 - 00:02:04. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 527.12. APS accession number 7257; APSdigrec_0965; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 26. Fraenkel: "This story can be told only in part, as the last part of the original cylindar was so badly scratched that nothing is understandable."
[ss-PF] Stella Stacy, "The Journey of the Prophet’s Acolyte" in 4 parts (current APS title: "The prophet wants to teach all men of Good Will"), reading by Sheila Shigley, from audio tapes in the American Philosophical Society. Fraenkel, Gerd. Mss.Rec. 29, recorded 13 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:21.9 - 00:01:20.79. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 528.13. APS accession number 7241; APSdigrec_2189; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 41.
[ss-PS] Stella Stacy, "A Prophecy About the First School." Reading and translation by Sheila Shigley, from the audio tape in the American Philosophical Society: 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Stacy, Stella. "Deeds of tribes whose youngsters go to school to get an education," recorded 12 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:09.5 - 00:00:51.8. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 527.2. APS accession number 7249; APSdigrec_0955; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 16.
[ss-PT] Stella Stacy, "A Prophecy About the End Time." Reading and translation by Sheila Shigley, from the audio tape in the American Philosophical Society: 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Stacy, Stella. "Prophecy about the end of the world and the behavior every man owes to himself," recorded 13 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:14 - 00:01:01. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 528.6. APS accession number 7210; APSdigrec_2181; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 33.
[ss-S] Stella Stacy, "How soldiers caught a black and a white boy," reading by Sheila Shigley, from audio tapes in the American Philosophical Society. 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Mss.Rec. 29, recorded 13 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:16.1 - 00:01:24.6. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 528.1. APS accession number 7219; APSdigrec_2176; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 28.
[ss-SE] Stella Stacy, "The Shawnee Prophet Predicts a Solar Eclipse." Reading by Sheila Shigley, from the audio tape in the American Philosophical Society: 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Stacy, Stella. "The prophet speaks about the believers and disbelievers in his community" Mss.Rec.29, recorded 13 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:14 - 00:02:09. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 528.8. APS accession number 7216; APSdigrec_2183; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 35.
[ss-W] Stella Stacy, "What Women Do When Men Go to War." Reading and translation by Sheila Shigley, from the audio tape in the American Philosophical Society: 10-04. Fraenkel, Gerd. Stacy, Stella. "What women do when men go to war," recorded 13 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:21 - 00:01:15. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 528.7. APS accession number 7260; APSdigrec_2182; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 34.
[ss-WI] Stella Stacy, "War of Indian tribes against white soldiers" (formerly, "The red man's plaint against the white man about white supremacy"), reading by Sheila Shigley, from audio tapes in the American Philosophical Society. Fraenkel, Gerd. Mss.Rec. 29, recorded 11 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:01:21.5 - 00:09:15. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 524. APS accession number 7256; APSdigrec_0940; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 01.
[ss-WP] Stella Stacy, "Winnebagos Go to See the Prophet" (current APS title: "Winnebagos go to see the prophet Shawanoworak"), reading by Sheila Shigley, from audio tapes in the American Philosophical Society. Fraenkel, Gerd. Mss.Rec. 29, recorded 12 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:14.9 - 00:02:13.4. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 526.9. APS accession number 7245; APSdigrec_0950; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 11.
[ss-WS] Stella Stacy, "The Woman Who Is Going to Stop the War," reading by Sheila Shigley, from audio tapes in the American Philosophical Society. Fraenkel, Gerd. Mss.Rec. 29, recorded 11 July 1959, 1 .mp3; 00:00:24.45 - 00:02:22.32. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 525.9-10. APS accession number 7246; APSdigrec_0943; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 04.
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Amelia Susman, 1940 |
[su-A] Amelia Susman, The Accentual System of Winnebago (New York: Lithoprinted in private edition, 1943) 1-149.
[su-B] Amelia Susman Schulz, "Life of the Winnebago," Susman's Winnebago Notebooks (American Philosophical Society Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 30, 1938) Accession Number, X 5.2. Book I: 39-49. In this collection the story is entitled, "The Bow and Arrow."
[su-M] Words taken from Sam Blowsnake's account of the Medicine Rite in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1939).
[su-S] Amelia Susman, Songs, in Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1939) Book 10: 79, 84.
[su-W] Words taken from linguistic notes and wordlists in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1939).
[tu] William Wadden Turner, "Vocabulary of Indian Languages," in William Wadden Turner Papers, 1838-1859 (Washington: National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution) Notebooks, Folder 7: 528-530.
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T. W. Smillie |
William Wadden Turner, 1850 |
[v] Virgil J. Vogel, Indian Names on Wisconsin's Map (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991).
[w] Kathleen Danker and Felix White, Sr., The Hollow of Echoes (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978) ix-x. Informant: Felix White, Sr.
[w-T] Texts recorded by Felix White contained in [da] and used in the preparation of [w].
[w-TI] The introductory material from the texts by Felix White in Kathleen Ann Danker, The Winnebago Narratives of Felix White, Sr.: Style, Structure and Function, (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, May, 1985 [8521450]) 64-73.
[wb] Words collected by W. N. Webster of Oshkosh under the direction of Reuben G. Thwaites, July 1, 1885. Found in Thomas J. George, Winnebago Vocabulary, 4989 Winnebago (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, 1885) last (unnumbered) page.
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White Eagle |
[we] Josephine P. White Eagle, A Lexical Study of Winnebago (Lexicon Project Working Papers, 26) MIT, 1988.
[we-D] Josephine P. White Eagle, Teaching Scientific Inquiry and the Winnebago Indian Language, Harvard Dissertation, 1983.
[y] personal communications from Charles J. Yellow Thunder.
[z] Valdis J. Zeps, Zepisicon (Winnebago Lexicon), Unpublished MS, Baltic Studies Center, University of Wisconsin, 1996.
The alphabetical order of the wordlist is as follows:
blank space (kšo hi comes before kšohi) | |
- | dash (indicating a suffix) |
’ | apostrophe (indicating a glottal stop) |
a, á, ā, ā́, ą, ą́, ą̄, ą̄́ | all indifferently sorted as /a/ |
b, c | |
e, é, ē, ḗ, ᵉ | all indifferently sorted as /e/ |
g, ǧ, h | |
i, í, ī, ī́, į, į́, į̄, į̄́ | all indifferently sorted as /i/ |
j, k, m, n | |
ň | n |
ñ | treated as if missing |
o, ó, ō, ṓ, ǫ, ǫ́, ǭ | all indifferently sorted as /o/ |
p, r, s, š, t | |
u, ú, ū, ū́, ų, ų́, ų̄, ų̄́ | all indifferently sorted as /u/ |
w, x, y, z, ž |
The "jumbling" of diverse phonemes together is made necessary by the fact that the literature, and even dictionaries, from which this word list was drawn not only have different orthographies, but often express differences of opinion about how words were pronounced and consequently how their spellings should be rendered.
The result of omitting /ñ/ as an element in sorting (alphabetizing) is to cause a word like wañk to appear next to wąk rather than wank. The /ñ/ functions in obsolete orthographies only to modify the vowel after which it occurs (e.g., wañk = wąk), so this re-sorting restores the word to a more appropriate place in the sequence.
Hōcąk English
-’ą̄k — lying (be lying), moving horizontally (cp. -ąk) [hl]
-’ą̄k — lying (to be lying), to be moving horizontally (cp. -wą̄k) [hl]
-’ąka — that one (lying) [hl]
-’ąp — root [cp. honą’ąp] [z]
-’ų — grammatical class: simultaneous. Following a positional suffix, this suffix expresses an action or state in a subordinate clause which is synchronous with the action in the main clause. The suffix -regi is often used in the same way. Can be translated as "while" [lp, hl]
-’ų — temporal, clause subordinating suffix, "while, as, when" [da]
-agre — grammatical class: proximal demonstrative: horizontal position. "This is a demonstrative pronoun formed by horizontal position plus the deictic particle -re meaning 'this in the horizontal or lying position'." [hl]
-ągre — grammatical class: proximal demonstrative: horizontal position. "This is a demonstrative pronoun formed by horizontal position plus the deictic particle -re meaning 'this in the horizontal or lying position'." [hl]
-ąhą — times (with numerals) [z]
-ahą, -ąhą — times. Example, jobąhą, “four times” [hl]
-ája — prob. refers to something distant; cf. -eja, long past. [g-H]
-ąje — delayed imperative (obsolete). Hąké waruc ’ųnįąje, “Don’t cook (in the future)” [hl]
-aje — grammatical class: posterior imperative. This grammatical suffix is rarely used in contemporary Hocąk and was described as a delayed imperative meaning that the command is to be fulfilled at a later point of time. Today, this form is rather used as a sign of mild and polite request." [hl]
-aje — imperative suffix [z]
-ąje — polite request, translated as “please” [hl]
-aje, -ąje — a future tense also used as a mild imperative, just like -kje, of which it may be a variant [b-E, bp-TA, h-T, dt]
-ak — grammatical class: horizontal positional auxiliary. "Hocąk has a set of three auxiliary verbs which are called positionals, because they indicate the spatial position of the subjects: horizontal, neutral or sitting, and standing. This one can be translated as 'be in a lying or horizontal position'." [hl]
-ąk — grammatical class: horizontal positional auxiliary. "Hocąk has a set of three auxiliary verbs which are called positionals, because they indicate the spatial position of the subjects: horizontal, neutral or sitting, and standing. This one can be translated as 'be in a lying or horizontal position'." [hl]
-ąk — horizontal, positional [z]
-ak — lying, a positional suffix [lp]
-ak, -ąk — progressive, moving horizontally, lying (be lying) [hl]
-ąka — grammatical class: distal demonstrative: horizontal position. That one (lying). [hl]
-anąga — and (but is distinctly verbal in character. When used to connect nouns, it will be preceded by the copulative "here") [lp]
-ánąga — and [lp, m]
-anąga — and [z]
-anína — his, her (in reference to inanimate objects) [g-H]
-ba — these [g-H]
-c’ą — instead (indicating that the action of the verb stem is performed instead of some other action) [lp]
-cą̄ — replacement suffix, "instead" [da, hl]
-ca — where you are (= -ja) [su-W]
-ce — to break, crack, or tear a soft substance [mn]
-cgīs — to cut [cf. bōcgis, giwacgis, hibocgis, hirarucgis, mą̄cgis, ną̄wacgis, racgis, rucgis, wāhuigicgis, wacgis, wīrucgis] [z]
-cį — intensification suffix, "very, so, quickly, much, etc." [cf. -xjį] [da]
-cų — having, provided with [z]
-e — an ending used in place of -ga in direct address by a superior to an inferior [r-G]
-e- — the esteemed. Used in personal names, especially of spirits: kecąk > Kecągega, wašjįk > Wašjiįgega; but also wąknunįk > wąknunįge, "esteemed old man" [dt]
-ege — "This suffix indicates a future possibility which is contrary to the wish of the speaker or agent." (example: warujége, "he might eat, but I don’t want him to") [lp]
-ege — might (implies worry or fear) [hl]
-ege — possibly contrary to the will of the speaker [z]
-egi — functions as a locative suffix similar to -eja [lp]
-eja — a locative suffix attached to nouns when they are used in locative and directional phrases [lp]
-eja — long past [g-H]
-ga — and [hl]
-ga — grammatical class: continuative. "The suffix -ga normally appears at the end of the verb, indicating that the following clause expresses a continuation of the present one. Often this form can be translated as 'and then' or the like." [hl]
-ga — grammatical class: proper name. "this grammatical marker indicates that the preceding expression is a proper name of a person." [hl]
-ga — in, at, which, whenever [z]
-ga — indirect address, personal name suffix [da]
-ga — my (used in kinship terms with -ga being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-ga — proper name marker [g-C, hl]
-ga — temporal, clause subordinating suffix "when, while, as" [da]
-ga — the [lp]
-ga — these [g-H]
-ga — when, when ... usually. "This suffix forms subordinate clauses which, if not connected causally with the principal clause, are yet associated in the sense of accompanying action. It is almost invariably followed by the customary suffix -šųnų in the principal clause. In addition, it forms an agentive of the same sort as -ra. It appears to be derived from either the demonstrative suffix -ga or the article -ga or the article -ga used with names." [lp]
-ga, -ka — "When referring to individuals by name or by kinship terms or to animal characters in tales, this suffix is added as a mark of respect. It is never used in address." [g-C, lp]
-gają — after (indicates the temporal priority of the action to the subordinate clause) [lp]
-gaja — after [z]
-gają — and then (used as an oral stop) [lp]
-gają — grammatical class: sequential. "This is a verb final grammatical form which often can be translated as English 'when'. In these cases it indicates that the action of the following clause overlaps with or follows the action of the clause marked by -gają." [hl]
-gają — isn’t it? (used as a final suffix in rhetorical questions and truisms) [r-P, lp]
-gają — temporal/rhetorical, clause subordinating suffix, "following, after, when, next, after all" [da]
-gają — then, when [hl]
-gajēre — grammatical class: hypothetical counterfactual. "This enclitic means that the action or event of the clause is perceived by the speaker as a possibility that did not come true. Its meaning is very similar to the enclitic -’oire which is described as 'counterfactual'." [hl]
-gajere — would have; someone was going to do something but changed their mind; someone is about to do something but hasn’t gone through with it (yet) [hl]
-ge — a causal suffix. "Causal subordination is indicated by this suffix. It sometimes appears in the longer form -gejinį without any apparent differentiation of meaning. Preceded by conditional -ną or hortatory -kje, it forms purpose clauses." Often translated as, "because, so that, so as." [lp]
-ge — because, in order to [z]
-ge — causal, clause subordinating suffix, "because" [a variant of -gejinį] [da, hl]
-ge — grammatical class: causal relation. "This grammatical form appears at the end of the verb and means 'because'." [hl]
-ge — kind of thing [cf. -sge] [dt]
-gejenį — grammatical class: causal relation. "This grammatical form appears at the end of the verb and means 'because'." [hl]
-gejinį — a causal suffix. Causal subordination is indicated by this suffix. It sometimes appears in the shorter form -ge without any apparent differentiation of meaning. Preceded by conditional -ną or hortatory -kje, it forms purpose clauses. Often translated as, "because, so that, so as." [lp]
-gejįnį — because [z]
-gejinį — causal, clause subordinating suffix, "because" [a variant of -gejinį] [da, hl]
-gejįnį — grammatical class: causal relation. "This grammatical form appears at the end of the verb and means 'because'." [hl]
-geni — already (cf. hajikáragenína, “I am going already”, and hajikaraire, “they started”; hotirágeniną, “they have climbed already”, and hotire, “they climbed”; najonijągeniną, “I have blessed you already”, and najoniją, “I bless you”) [dt]
-gere — "This suffix throws emphasis on the verb. The implication usually is that the action was performed against opposition." [lp]
-gere — emphatic [z]
-gi — conditional/temporal/unreal, clause subordinating suffix, "if, when, while" [cf. -giži] [da]
-gi — grammatical class: topic. "The meaning of this form is hard to describe. It occurs very frequently in texts usually at the very end of the verb or verbal complex. It seems that the general function of this form is to indicate that the clause marked this way presents topical information, i.e. events or persons which will play an important role in the ongoing narration." [hl]
-gi — indicates the contingency on which a future event in the main clause depends. In connection with the past tense it forms counterfactual conditionals. When preceded by the demonstrative -re, it forms purely temporal clauses. In conditional clauses, -ną and -kje often appear before it. [lp] "when, after, having" [d]
-gi — topic marker, if [hl]
-gi- — indirect object infix, "for (her), to (me), about (him), etc." [da]
-gigi — a causative meaning "to make" (in the sense of forcing), and secondarily, "to permit, to allow." [lp]
-gįnį — already [hl]
-gįnį — already, placed in the first position after the verb [z]
-ginį — already. This suffix "indicates that the action of the stem has been completed in the past." [lp]
-ginį — temporal suffix, "already" [da]
-gišaną — only if. Cp. canįgíšaną,
gišaną, hinagíšuruxǫ́nagíšana,
hiwanągišaną, hogiwaíregišàną. [sh]
-giži — conditional/temporal/unreal, clause subordinating suffix, "if, when, while" [cf. -gi] [da]
-giži — grammatical class: topic. "The meaning of this form is hard to describe. It occurs very frequently in texts usually at the very end of the verb or verbal complex. It seems that the general function of this form is to indicate that the clause marked this way presents topical information, i.e. events or persons which will play an important role in the ongoing narration." [hl]
-giži — indicates the contingency on which a future event in the main clause depends. In connection with the past tense it forms counterfactual conditionals. When preceded by the demonstrative -re, it forms purely temporal clauses. It also seems to function occasionally as an oral stop. [lp]
-giži — topic marker, if [hl]
-go — a syllable without any meaning which is frequently used at the end of a story. It is always higher in pitch than the preceding syllables. (Radin) [h-B]
-gųnį — dubitive mood, sentence final suffix, "maybe, must have, might have" [cf. -šgųnį] [da]
-gunį — dubitive suffix [z]
-gųnį — grammatical class: dubitative speculative. "This enclitic means that the event or action of the clause is imagined by the speaker. The meaning of the clause is marked as speculative." [hl]
-gųnį — the speculative modality (the same as -šgųnį) [hl]
-gųnį — used to express doubt about the statement whose sentence it concludes. The same role is played by -s’are and -škųnį, with -s’are expressing the least amount of doubt, and -škųnį the most. [lp]
-hą — toward [m]
-hą — when suffixed to a cardinal number, it indicates the number of times [lp, z, hl]
-hągare — this lying [lp]
-hahą́ñk — they lie (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-hahą́ñk — we lie (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-hahą́ñk — you (pl.) and I lie (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-hak — an auxiliary verb expressing the lying or running position. Generally, long things are said to be lying. [cf. -hąk] [lp]
-hąk — an auxiliary verb expressing the lying or running position. Generally, long things are said to be lying. [cf. -hak] [lp]
-hak — horizonal (or moving) positional, progressive aspect, suffixed auxiliary verb (conjugated), "to lie, to move" [cf. -hak] [da]
-hąk — horizonal (or moving) positional, progressive aspect, suffixed auxiliary verb (conjugated), "to lie, to move" [-hąk] [da]
-hąñk’ — he lies (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-hąñk’ — you and I lie (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-hąk’a — that lying [lp]
-hanąga — conjunctive, clause subordinating suffix, "and" [cf. anąga, nąga] [da]
-hą́nąk — I sit (the auxiliary for the sitting position) [lp]
-hanį — grammatical class: 'have' neutral. "There are three verbs of possession which can be translated with the English verb 'have'. Hanį́ is one of them. This verb can be used for all kinds of possession such as animals, objects, or more abstract things like power. This verb cannot be used for kin and pet or domestic animals; hence it is glossed as 'neutral'." [hl]
-hanína — his, hers (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hánina — my (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hanínena — theirs (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hanínera — their (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hanįra — the possessive formed from the verb hanį, "to own," and the subordinating suffix -ra/-na [lp]
-haníwina — our (not) (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-haníwira — ours (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hara — my (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-hašą́wąñk’ — you (pl.) lie (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-hašínina — your (sg.) (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hašiniwina — your, yours (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hawíra — yours (sg.) and mine (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-hena — used in forming the finite of verbs of continued motion [d]
-hi — causal auxiliary verb, "to cause, to allow, to make" [da]
-hįhíra — yours (sg.) and my (used in kinship terms with -ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-hihíwira — our, used with kinship terms [g-H]
-hįhiwíra — yours (pl.) and my (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-hijaíra — when suffixed to adjectives it forms the comparative; when suffixed to nouns, it means "more" [lp]
-hikšąne — future tense suffix, "will, is going to" [cf. alternate forms, -kjene, -kšąne] [da]
-hįną́k’ — you (sg.) and I sit (the auxiliary for the sitting position) [lp]
-hira — his (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-hire — impersonalizing/agent-deleting suffix (conjugated), same as the third person plural suffix [cf. -ire] [da]
-hiré — third person plural suffix [lp]
-hírera — their (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [g-H, lp]
-hisge — manner suffix, "how, like" [cf. -sge] [da]
-hišge — additional suffix, "also, even" [cf. -šge] [da]
-hiške — even if ..., even though ..., even so ... (it may be preceded by -gi or -ną) [lp]
-hįwahiwira — our, used with kinship terms [g-H]
-hiwániwina — ours (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-hižą — indefinite suffix, "a, an, one" [cf. -ižą, -žą] [da]
-į (i) — as [l-TT]
-į — to be, to become [m]
-iáka — used as a kind of definite article [dt]
-įg — small, little (cp. -nįk) [hl]
-įga — proper name marker [hl]
-ige — might (implies worry or fear) (cp. -ege) [hl]
-ijá — there [hl]
-įk — grammatical class: diminutive. "This form can be translated in most cases as 'small', 'little'." (cp. -nįk) [hl]
-įne — they (cp. -ire) [hl]
-ire — "When an action occurs of its own accord or the cause is unknown or if, for any reason, it is desirable not to specify the agent, it is expressed by using the verbal stem without instrumentals in the third person plural form" (-ire). Such a verb is treated as neutral and takes the objective pronouns. [lp]
-ire — grammatical class: third person plural subject. "This form designates a third person plural subject with intransitive and transitive verbs and corresponds closely to English 'they'." [z, hl]
-ire — impersonalizing/agent-deleting suffix (conjugated), same as the third person plural suffix [cf. -hire] [da]
-įre — they (cp. -ire) [hl]
-isge — perhaps [z]
-išgé — also (cp. šgé) [hl]
-išge — also [z]
-iyą — one (informal variant of hižą́) [z]
-ižą́ — one, a, someone, any, anyone (cp. hižą́) [hl]
-ją — an auxiliary verb expressing the standing position. Generally, tall things are said to be standing. [cf. -je] [lp]
-ją — vertical positional, progressive aspect affixed auxiliary verb, "standing" [cf. -je] [da]
-ją — wrongly, instead of another action [z]
-ją̄ne — grammatical class: proximal demonstrative: vertical position. "Hocąk has a set of three demonstrative pronouns that are formed by the positionals plus the deictic particle -re meaning 'this in a certain position'. -ją̄ne means 'this in a vertical position'." [hl]
-jāne — grammatical class: proximal demonstrative: vertical position. "Hocąk has a set of three demonstrative pronouns that are formed by the positionals plus the deictic particle -re meaning 'this in a certain position'. - jāne means 'this in a vertical position'." [hl]
-jāne — this one (standing), these ones (standing) [hl]
-ją̄ne — this one (standing), these ones (standing) [lp, hl]
-ją̄re — this one (standing), these ones (standing) [hl]
-je — an auxiliary verb expressing the standing position. Generally, tall things are said to be standing. [cf. -ją] [lp]
-jē — grammatical class: vertical positional auxiliary. "Hocąk has a set of three auxiliary verbs which are called positionals because they indicate the spatial position of the subject: horizontal, neutral or sitting, and standing. This one can be translated as 'be in a vertical or standing position'." [z, hl]
-je — vertical positional, progressive aspect affixed auxiliary verb, "standing" [cf. -ją] [da]
-jēga — grammatical class: distal demonstrative: vertical position. That one (standing). [hl]
-jēga — that one (standing) [lp, hl]
-jī — (as an auxiliary) to come to be, become [ma]
-jī — but then [jb-K]
-jį — grammatical class: intensifier. "This form can be attached to almost all words or phrases to express emphasis." [hl]
-jį — very, verily (cp. -xjį) [hl]
-jįnįk — (< xjį-nįk), very, about, almost, nearly, approximately. See -xjįnįk. [dt]
-jire — start to [z]
-k — terminal suffix making a verb of an adverb ? [m]
-k’ara- — one’s own (see -kara-) [su-W]
-k’e — often [lp]
-k’e — when suffixed to a ordinal number, it indicates the total number ("the n of them"). For numbers ending in consonants, it is proceded by /i/. [lp]
-k’į — a verbal auxiliary suffix translated as "to act like, to serve as" (< k’i-, the reflexive prefix combined with the causative hi) [lp]
-k’ira — one time [su-W]
-ka — proper name marker (cp. -ga) [g-C, hl]
-kara- — one’s own (see -k’ara-) [dt]
-kcąné (cp. -kjąné) — will, shall [lt-R]
-kcąnéną — it's going to be (now, right away) [su-W]
-kcawí — will (pl.) [lt-R]
-kce (cp. -kje) — must, should, shall [lt-R]
-ke — after [su-W]
-ke — frequentative, placed in the first position after the verb [z]
-ke — grammatical class: frequentative. "The suffix indicates that the action of the verb occurs or is performed repeatedly." [hl]
-ke — often [hl]
-ki — if, when, at (see -gi) [sb-K]
-kiną — "self" (makes independent pronouns) [mn]
-kisákara — one half (D) [cf. okisaka] [d]
-kjąnąhe — future/desirative, placed in the third position after the verb [z]
-kjąnąhe — grammatical class: future desiderative obligation hortative. "This is a grammatical marker that indicates future time reference. There are other forms with the same meaning such as -kje, -kjene, -kjane, etc., which are phonologically related to -kjąnąhe. The meaning of these future markers varies according to the context. They can indicate the desire of the actor/subject of the clause that the event or action may come true. They can indicate the obligation of the actor/subject to perform what is said in the clause. In this case, the marker often co-occurs with hēsge. Another usage of the marker is called hortative. Together with the first person inclusive dual and plural markers, the whole construction means 'let us ...'." [hl]
-kjanąhe — will, going to [hl]
-kjáne — a suffix designating the future tense (probably derived from -kje) (see also, -kce) [d, lp] "The (k) is pronounced with great stress in the cluster (kj)." (Radin) [h-B]
-kjane — grammatical class: future desiderative obligation hortative. "This is a grammatical marker that indicates future time reference. There are other forms with the same meaning such as -kje, -kjene, -kjane, etc., which are phonologically related to -kjąnąhe. The meaning of these future markers varies according to the context. They can indicate the desire of the actor/subject of the clause that the event or action may come true. They can indicate the obligation of the actor/subject to perform what is said in the clause. In this case, the marker often co-occurs with hēsge. Another usage of the marker is called hortative. Together with the first person inclusive dual and plural markers, the whole construction means 'let us ...'." [hl]
-kjane — will, going to (cp. -kjanąhe) [hl]
-kjane ... hēsge — must, have to [hl]
-kjąre — future/desirative, placed in the third position after the verb [z]
-kje — future/desirative, placed in the third position after the verb [z]
-kje — grammatical class: future desiderative obligation hortative. "This is a grammatical marker that indicates future time reference. There are other forms with the same meaning such as -kje, -kjene, -kjane, etc., which are phonologically related to -kjąnąhe. The meaning of these future markers varies according to the context. They can indicate the desire of the actor/subject of the clause that the event or action may come true. They can indicate the obligation of the actor/subject to perform what is said in the clause. In this case, the marker often co-occurs with hēsge. Another usage of the marker is called hortative. Together with the first person inclusive dual and plural markers, the whole construction means 'let us ...'." [hl]
-kje — intentive suffix, "will, must, have to, intend to" [da]
-kje — the intentive suffix. "This suffix indicates a future act or condition which is to result from the will of the speaker or agent, or from other compelling forces in the speaker’s purview. It is sometimes used as a mild or polite imperative." (see also, -kce) [lp] "The (k) is pronounced with great stress in the cluster (kj)." (Radin) [h-B]
-kje — will, going to (cp. -kjanąhe, -kjane, -kjene) [hl]
-kje ... hēsge — must, have to (cp. -kjane ... hesge) [hl]
-kjene — future tense suffix, "will, is going to" [cf. alternate forms, -hikšąne, -kšąne, -kjanąhe, -kjane, -kje] [da, hl]
-kjene — grammatical class: future desiderative obligation hortative. "This is a grammatical marker that indicates future time reference. There are other forms with the same meaning such as -kje, -kjene, -kjane, etc., which are phonologically related to -kjąnąhe. The meaning of these future markers varies according to the context. They can indicate the desire of the actor/subject of the clause that the event or action may come true. They can indicate the obligation of the actor/subject to perform what is said in the clause. In this case, the marker often co-occurs with hēsge. Another usage of the marker is called hortative. Together with the first person inclusive dual and plural markers, the whole construction means 'let us ...'." [hl]
-kjene ... hēsge — must, have to (cp. -kjane ... hēsge, -kje ... hēsge) [hl]
-kjēsge — must, have to (cp. -kjane ... hēsge, -kje ... hēsge) [hl]
-ksik — this seems to be an old diminutive suffix [lp]
-kšąne — future tense suffix, "will, is going to" [cf. alternate forms, -hikšąne, -kjene] [da]
-kųhą — under [mn]
-mak — I am lying, I am moving horizontally (< -ak, -ąk) [hl]
-mąk — I am lying, I am moving horizontally (< -ak, -ąk) [hl]
-mąñk’ — I lie (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-manį — he goes [su-W]
-mąnį — he goes [su-W]
-n — declarative affix (cp. -šąną) [hl]
-na — can [lt-R]
-ną — conditional suffix, "would, might, could" [da]
-ną — conditional/potential, placed in the fifth position after the verb [z]
-ną — could, would, should. The conditional suffix. "This suffix has an extremely wide range of meanings. While most often used to express the idea that a future action is uncertain or hypothetical or dependent upon a contingency which is stated in a conditional clause or understood, it may also express ideas of a hortatory or obligatory or compulsory nature." [lp]
-ną — declarative suffix [z]
-ną — grammatical class: declarative. -ną and -šąną are equivalent, the former is used after a vowel, the latter after a consonant. "They indicate that the clause or sentence is a statement and not a question or a command." [hl]
-ną́ — grammatical class: potential. "This form has a variety of meanings which share the component that what is said in the clause is not real yet but may be potentially true. In English, this verbal suffix is rendered as 'would', 'could', 'can', 'might' and other modal auxiliaries." [hl]
-na — sentence or clause terminator [lt-R]
-ną — the (cp. -ra) [hl]
-ną — used to indicate the completion of a declarative sentence expressing a statement of the speaker’s own knowledge. This suffix is also used to express direct discourse. This form occurs only after vowels; after consonants, the form -šaną is used. [lp]
-nąga — conjunctive, clause subordinating suffix, "and" [cf. hanąga, anąga] [da]
-ną́ga — when suffixed to demonstratives, it means "this much, that much" [lp]
-nągare — this sitting [lp]
-nągre — grammatical class: proximal demonstrative: neutral position and plural. "Hocąk has a set of three demonstrative pronouns that are formed by the positionals plus the deictic particle -re meaning 'this in a certain position'. -nągre means 'this in a neutral or sitting position'." [hl]
-ną̄gre — grammatical class: proximal demonstrative: neutral position and plural. "Hocąk has a set of three demonstrative pronouns that are formed by the positionals plus the deictic particle -re meaning 'this in a certain position'. -ną̄gre means 'these in a neutral position', i.e., this demonstrative pronoun does not indicate a spatial position of the persons or objects, only plural." [hl]
-ną̄gre — these ones (sitting, neutral position) [hl]
-nąhą — when suffixed to demonstratives, it means "this many times, that often" [lp]
-ną̄je — grammatical class: assumptive. "The speaker has reasons to believe that what he is saying is true. It is not necessary to express the reasons or the evidence that led the speaker to believe the truth of the state of affairs. This category does not indicate the source of that knowledge." [hl]
-ną̄je — seems to be, must be, appears to be [hl]
-nąk — an auxiliary verb expressing the sitting position. Generally, things that are neither long nor tall are said to be sitting. [lp]
-ną̄k — grammatical class: neutral positional auxiliary and plural. "This form is the plural form of -nąk above. It has no positional meaning and can be translated simply as 'they are'. It is neutral with respect to the spatial position of the subject." [hl]
-nąk — grammatical class: neutral positional auxiliary. "Hocąk has a set of three auxiliary verbs which are called positionals because they indicate the spatial position of the subject: horizontal, neutral or sitting, and standing. This one can be translated 'be in a neutral or sitting position'." [hl]
-nąk — sitting positional, progressive aspect affixed auxiliary verb, "sitting" [da]
-ną̄k — squat, positional, plural [z]
-nąk — squat, positional, singular [z]
-nąk’a — that sitting [lp]
-nąk’ų́ — the sitting positional -nąk’ conjoined with ’ų, "to do" forms the subordinator "while" [lp]
-ną̄ka — grammatical class: distal demonstrative: neutral position and plural. Those ones (sitting). [hl]
-nąka — grammatical class: distal demonstrative: neutral position. That one (sitting). [hl]
-nąka — those ones (sitting, neutral position) [hl]
-ne — expresses past time (cp. -re) [hl]
-ne — the imperative suffix (cp. -re) [hl]
-ne — this, these [hl]
-nį — an old suffix meaning "man" [m]
-nį — grammatical class: final negator. "In Hocąk, two negators are necessary to negate a clause or sentence. The first or initial one is hą̄ke; it precedes the verb. The second one or final negator is -nį a verbal suffix that follows the verb. The combination of both forms is usually translated in English as 'not'." [hl]
-nį — negative suffix, used following hąke (etc.), "no, not" [da]
-nį — negative, placed in the second position after the verb [z]
-nį — the negative suffix. The negative is formed by the suffix -nį and the prefix k’e- or the preceding word hąñké. (example: k’éžeskánįną, "it isn’t so"). The prefix k’enį- and the suffix -nį form a negative which may be translated "not yet" in sentences and "before" in subordinate clauses. [lp]
-ni — with, along with [r-G]
-nį- — a suffix in stems denoting animals used before the causitive hi- and the subordinating suffix (-ra or -ga) [lp]
-nia šinína — yours (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-niánina — mine (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-nihána — mine (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nįhára — my (in stems denoting animals, where -ra is the subordinating suffix) [g-H, lp]
-niháwina — ours [g-H]
-nįháwira — yours (pl.) and my (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-nįhé — grammatical class: progressive. "This form is one of the auxiliary verbs meaning 'be'. It is also used in combination with another verb in the clause to indicate progressive aspect. 'Progressive aspect' is the linguistic term for this grammatical category. The meaning of 'progressive aspect' is to represent the event or action of the main verb in the clause as being in progress without designating the beginning or end of it. In English, the equivalents of the progressive are the forms of the verb with the suffix '-ing' as in 'He was painting the house, when ...'" [hl]
-nihína — his, hers (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nįhíra — his (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-níhira — his, her (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nį́hira — yours (sg.) and my (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix; also affixed to terms denoting animals) [lp]
-nįhírera — their (in stems denoting animals, where -ra is the subordinating suffix) [g-H, lp]
-nihiténa — theirs (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nįhíwira — yours (pl.) and my (in stems denoting animals, where -ra is the subordinating suffix) [g-H, lp]
-nįk — diminutive [lp]
-nįk — grammatical class: diminutive. "This form can be translated in most cases as 'small', 'little'." [hl]
-nínaga — your (sg.) (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nįnága — your (sg.) (used in kinship terms with -ga being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-nįnaiga — your (pl.) (in stems denoting animals, where -ra is the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-ninána — yours (sg.) (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nįnára — your (sg.) (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-nínawiga — your (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nináwina — yours (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-nįnawira — your (pl.) (in stems denoting animals, where -ra is the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-nįrága — your (sg.) (affixed to terms denoting animals) [lp]
-nįrára — your (sg.) (affixed to terms denoting animals) [lp]
-nįrawira — your (affixed to terms denoting animals) [lp]
-niriga — your (affixed to terms denoting animals) [lp]
-nįsge — qualifying suffix, "sort of, kind of" [da]
-nįsge — vagueness [z]
-nįske — this suffix is apparently formed out of the negative -nį and the dubitive suffix -ske. "It imparts a quality of vagueness to the stem it follows." (example: c’onįskéže, "it was sort of blue") [lp]
-níwahana — mine (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-níwahara — my (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-niwaháwina — ours (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-niwahína — his, hers (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-níwahira — his, hers (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-niwahirina — theirs (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-niwahítera — theirs (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-niwahíwira — ours (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-níwaraga — your (sg.) (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-níwarana — yours (sg.) (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-niwaráwiga — yours (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-niwarawina — yours (in reference to animals) [g-H]
-no — In calling to people at a distance or in trying to capture the attention of careless listeners, the suffix -no, usually long drawn out, is used instead of -ną. [lp]
-nō (long, drawn out) — used in place of the suffix -ną in order to call to people at a distance or in trying to capture the attention of careless listeners. Like -ną, it is used to indicate the completion of a declarative sentence expressing a statement of the speaker’s own knowledge. This form occurs only after vowels; after consonants, the form šaną is used. [lp]
-nųnįge — ... but; although ... (subordinating disjunctive) [lp]
-nųnįge — although [z]
-nųnįge — disjunctive, clause subordinating suffix, "but, however, although" [da]
-o — emphatic sentence final suffix, substitued for -a [da]
-oire — would have, someone was going to do something but changed his/her mind, someone is about to do something but hasn’t gone through with it (and never will) [cp. -ore] [hl]
-ōre — would have, someone was going to do something but changed his/her mind, someone is about to do something but hasn’t gone through with it (and never will) [cp. -oire] [hl]
-ra — a temporal subordinating suffix. "The action in the subordinate clause formed by -ra occurs immediately before the action in the main clause. It can often be translated by a past participle or by treating the two clauses as coordinate. -ra also forms an agentive. There seems to be little reason for not identifying it with the definite article." Typically translated as, "when", "having ...", "the one who ..." [lp]
-ra — definite suffix, also used as a nominalizing/agentive/temporal clause subordinating suffix, "the" [da]
-ra — direct address suffix [su-W]
-ra — grammatical class: definite. "This form is the Hocąk equivalent of the definite article in English, and often marks a subordinate clause." It is enclitic rather than a suffix: "it is almost always phrase final, no matter what kind of word precedes it." [hl]
-ra — his (used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-ra — the [lp, hl]
-raga — your (sg., used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-raížą — the indefinite article suffixed after the definite article, meaning "some or other" [lp]
-raréki — all, entirely, completely [jb-HM]
-rawíga — your (pl., used in kinship terms with ra being the subordinating suffix) [lp]
-ráwiga — your, used with kinship terms [g-H]
-re — a suffix added to the stem to form the imperative. The force of the command can be indicated by a lengthening of the vowel. [lp]
-re — grammatical class: imperative. "Hocąk has a general imperative marker which indicates that the speaker tells the hearer to do something. The actor/hearer of the command is not marked by an additional pronominal prefix." [hl]
-re — grammatical class: proximal demonstrative. "This suffix can be translated as 'this'. However, often it only functions as a marker of a subordinate clause." [hl]
-re — imperative mood, sentence final suffix [da]
-re — relativizing, clause subordinating suffix, "the time when, the place where, etc." [da]
-re — suffix indicating past time [hl]
-re — that, which. A suffix which forms clauses that qualify nouns. "This suffix is much more limited in its scope than -ra although it clearly stems from a similar type of source, the demonstrative suffix -re." (examples: wanį́k t’eráre, "the bird that you killed"; p’écwac’ k’írikjánaré, "the train that is to come") [lp]
-re — this ... here, these ... here [hl]
-regi — grammatical class: simultaneity and/or location. "This enclitic particle has various functions. The common denominator is to signal adverbial concepts such as simultaneity and the location where the action of the clause takes place. Often it translates as 'when' and 'there'." [hl]
-regi — temporal, clause subordinating suffix, "while, as, when" [da]
-regi — there, at that place [hl]
-regi — whenever [z]
-réki — in (see -regi) [sb-K]
-reške — even (as in, "they even sang") (formed from the suffix -ške, "also") [lp]
-ri — these [g-H]
-s’a — accustomed [bp-L]
-s’á — grammatical class: iterative. "This form is used to signal that the action designated by the verb is repeated many times.“ [hl]
-s’a — repeatedly [z]
-s’a — repetition/continuation suffix, "regularly, would, intermittently, repeatedly" [da]
-s’a — the continual suffix. It expresses the regular repetition of an action or condition. [lp]
-s’á — used (to do something) [hl]
-s’are — dubitive suffix [z]
-s’āre — grammatical class: dubitative deductive. "The speaker concludes on the basis of his or her knowledge that the state of affairs expressed by the clause is true." [hl]
-s’āre — must have, must be [hl]
-s’are — used to express doubt about the statement whose sentence it concludes. The same role is played by -gųnį and -škųnį, with -s’are expressing the least amount of doubt, and -škųnį the most. [lp]
-sge — manner suffix, "how, like" [cf. -hisge] [da]
-sge — uncertainty [z]
-ske — "This suffix adds a quality of uncertainty to the stem. With the prefix hi- it forms the neutral verb hiské ’to be similar to’ or ’thus’; valuable hint of its meaning as it is very difficult to translate." [lp]
-ske — also [lp]
-šąną — declarative suffix [z]
-šąną — grammatical class: declarative. -ną and -šąną are equivalent, the former is used after a vowel, the latter after a consonant. "They indicate that the clause or sentence is a statement and not a question or a command." [hl]
-šąną — limiting suffix [da]
-šąną — only [z, hl]
-šaną — used to indicate the completion of a declarative sentence expressing a statement of the speaker’s own knowledge. This form occurs only after consonants; after vowels, the form -ną is used. [lp]
-šą́nąk — you (sg.) sit (the auxiliary for the sitting position) [lp]
-šawák — you (sg.) are lying, you (sg.) are moving horizontally (< -ak, -ąk) [hl]
-šąwą́k — you (sg.) are lying, you (sg.) are moving horizontally (< -ak, -ąk) [hl]
-šą́wąk — you (sg.) lie (the auxiliary for the lying position) [lp]
-še — grammatical class: quotative. "This verbal suffix indicates that what was said in the preceding clause was a quotation from what someone else said before. In narrative texts, this form occurs often to signal that the entire story is a traditional telling or has been told many times by other tribal members. In English this form may be translated as 'it is said' or 'as they say'." [hl]
-še — hearsay mood, sentence final suffix [cf. -že] [da]
-še — quotative suffix, used to indicate the completion of a declarative sentence expressing a statement not of the speaker’s own knowledge. See -ną. -že is used after vowels; -še is used after consonants. [lp, hl]
-šēši — wish (cp. -žēži) [hl]
-šeži — a suffix expressing the optative mode (would, might). This form is used after a consonant, after a vowel, the form žeži is used. (It may be derived from the demonstrative že’e, "this," and -ži, "at least.") [lp]
-šge — additional suffix, "also, even" [cf. -hišge, -ške] [da, hl]
-šge — can, to be able [r-G]
-šgųnį — dubitive mood, sentence final suffix, "maybe, must have, might have" [cf. -gųnį, -škųnį] [da]
-šgunį — dubitive suffix [z]
-šgųnį — grammatical class: dubitative speculative. "This enclitic means that the event or action of the clause is imagined by the speaker. The meaning of the clause is marked as speculative." Translated as 'must be, got to be, etc.' [hl]
-ši — that one, those ones (cp. -ži) [hl]
-ške — also. A suffix indicating "that the action performed was done in addition to some other, whether mentioned or understood." [lp]
-škųnį — used to express doubt about the statement whose sentence it concludes. The same role is played by -s’are and -gųnį, with -s’are expressing the least amount of doubt, and -škųnį the most. [lp]
-šunį — dubitive suffix [z]
-šųnų — customarily, placed in the second position after the verb [z]
-šųnų — grammatical class: habitual. "This enclitic indicates that the action of the verb is performed habitually." [hl]
-šųnų — habitual suffix, "used to, usually, would" [da]
-šųnų — the customary suffix. "The suffix denotes customary action and may be translated 'usually' when referring to the present and 'used to' when referring to the past." [lp]
-tį — "hillbilly" version of -xjį [z]
-tį — mighty [rg-G]
-tok — this seems to be an old augmentative suffix [lp]
-ū́ — while [hl]
-ų — while [z]
-waga — your [su-W]
-wahara — mine [su-W]
-wáhara — my, used with kinship terms [g-H]
-wáhira — his, used with kinship terms [g-H]
-wahírera — their, used with kinship terms [g-H]
-wą̄k — lying (to be lying), to be moving horizontally (cp. ’ą̄k) [hl]
-wanína — his, her; his, hers (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-wánina — my, mine (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-waninéna — theirs (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-wanínera — their (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-wánįra — mine [su-W]
-wániwina — our (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-wara — your, in direct address [su-W]
-wáraga — your (sg.), used with kinship terms [g-H]
-waráwiga — your, used with kinship terms [g-H]
-wašínina — your (sg.) (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-wašinira — yours (sg.) (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-wašiniwina — your, yours (in reference to inaminate objects) [g-H]
-wi — an old feminine suffix (?) [m]
-wį — an old feminine suffix [lp]
-wi — first, second, and dual plural suffix [z]
-wi — grammatical class: plural. "This is a plural marker for first and second person pronominal prefixes." [hl]
-wį — plural affix [hl]
-wi — plural suffix. "The suffix -wi attaches the idea of plurality to the entire clause. Subject, direct object, indirect object, all or any of these, may be plural, and it is left to the context to indicate which." [lp, da, hl]
-wi — plural, placed in the fourth position after the verb [z]
-wi — when suffixed after cardinal numbers, it indicates part of a larger group ("n of them"). It is preceded by /i/ when the number ends in a consonant. [lp]
-wįga — proper name marker [hl]
-xcį (or -xjį) — very (it intensifies the meaning of the stem) [lp]
-xiri — to squash something smeary, but a harder substance than -zip [mn]
-xjį — grammatical class: intensifier. "This form can be attached to almost all words or phrases to express emphasis." [hl]
-xjį — intensification suffix, "very, so, quickly, much, etc." [cf. -cį] [da]
-xjį — intensifier [z]
-xjį — very, verily [hl]
-xjįnįk — (< xjį-nįk), very, about, almost, nearly, approximately. See -jįnįk. [dt]
-xkire — scattered and distant, indistinct, barely visible but in motion [d]
-žą — indefinite suffix, "a, an, one" [cf. -hižą, -ižą] [da, hl]
-žą — someone, any, anyone [hl]
-žaré — a suffix throwing emphasis upon the whole sentence (as in nąžaré, "he DID sleep") [lp]
-žāré — emphatic [z]
-žāre — grammatical class: emphasis. "This enclitic has a similar function as the focus marker (-ži), but may appear after the verb, thus emphasizing the whole clause. A more precise determination of the distribution and function of this marker is difficult, since it is used only rarely." [hl]
-že — grammatical class: quotative. "This verbal suffix indicates that what was said in the preceding clause was a quotation from what someone else said before. In narrative texts, this form occurs often to signal that the entire story is a traditional telling or has been told many times by other tribal members. In English this form may be translated as 'it is said' or 'as they say'." [hl]
-že — hearsay [z]
-že — hearsay mood, sentence final suffix [cf. -še] [da]
-že — the quotative suffix, appended to all hearsay information. Its form after consonants is -še. [lp, hl]
-že — used to indicate the completion of a declarative sentence expressing a statement not of the speaker’s own knowledge. See -ną. -že is used after vowels; -še is used after consonants. [lp]
-žéži — a suffix expressing the optative mode (would, might). This form is used after a vowel, after a consonant, the form -šeži is used. (It may be derived from the demonstrative že’e, "this," and -ži, "at least.") [lp]
-žēži — grammatical class: optative. "This enclitic indicates that the speaker wishes that the action or event expressed by the clause may come true." [hl]
-žeži — optative [z]
-žeži — optative mood, sentence final suffix, "would that, if only, oh that I might, etc." [da]
-žēži — wish [hl]
-ži — at least [lp, z]
-ži — grammatical class: focus. "This marker puts emphasis on a referential expression meaning that the referent is involved in the event or action of the clause contrary to the expectation of the hearer." [hl]
-ži — minimal suffix, "at least, in this case" [da]
’ā (a) — arm [ki, hl, hh]
’ą — to carry, hold up in the arms, to lift [m]
’ą — to take out [m]
’ą̄ (an) — up(ward) [cf. bō’ą, gi’ą, hawa’ą, hiriku’ą, hiru’ą, ną̄’ą, ru’ą, wažątiruwa’ą] [ki, z]
’ā hikiją́ — to be within arm’s reach, to have someone or something within arm’s reach [hl]
’ā hirujís — to be out of arm’s reach [hl]
’ā hiruríc — to bend with the arms [hl]
’ā hirusák — to render someone unconscious (with one’s arms), to render dead (by bear hugs or squeezing in the arms) [hl]
’ā hirušíš — to break by arm strength [hl]
’á hoišóro — right arm [hl]
’ā́ horusúp — forearm [hl]
’ā hoxeté — upper arm [hl]
’ā́ hoxų́nų — forearm [hl]
’ā t’ų́p — to put in one’s arms [hl]
’ā t’ų́p — to put in one’s arms [hl]
’ą’a — delicious [m]
’a’ás — delicious, tasty [hl]
’ą’atiną — to be delicious [cf. ti, to grow] [m]
’abú — blossoms (before there are leaves on the tree) [su-W]
’ąc — out of, away from, water [m]
’ą̄c ką́nąk — to bring to shore, to unload a boat [hl]
’āc’ų́ — take out, unload [cp. ’ą̄cú] [z]
’ac’ų́įranaka — they took out, and [sb-D]
’áce — say that [su-W]
’acéną — he says it (standing) [su-W]
’ą̄cgą́nąk — take out of water [lp]
’ą̄cgą́nąk — to bring to shore, to unload a boat [hl]
’ācganąk — to lift out [jt]
’ącganąk — to take out [cf. ’ą, to lift up, cgą, to try] [m]
’ąck’é — out of [sb-D]
’ąckéreránaka — they took it away, and [sb-D]
’acože — to take out [cf. ’a, to hold up] [m]
’ącú — to lift out something, to unload something [hl]
’ącu — to take out [cf. ’a, to hold up, cu, within, inside] [m]
’ą̄cú — unload [lp]
’acuže — to take out [cf. ’a, to hold up] [m]
’ąñgc’k’ą́nąk’ — to take out of the water [lp]
’ąñgc’u — to unload [lp]
’agejá (aK etta ) — on the other side [ki]
’āgí (a Ki) — be ready, be handy [ki]
’āgí — ready, nearby, close by, handy [hl]
’āǧo — back of head [hh]
’āǧó (a Ho) — back of the head [ki, hl]
’aǧóku — armpit [hl]
’āǧúku — armpit [hl]
’āǧuku — underarm [cp. ’āǧoku] [z]
’ahikiją (a Ai KAi ttn) — within arm reach, arm can reach [cp. ’aikiją] [ki]
’ahirújis (a Ai Loo ttirr) — out of arms reach [cp. ’airujis] [ki]
’ahirúric (a Ai Loo Lirr) — bend with arms, as wigwam lodge poles [cp. ’airuric] [ki]
’ahirusak (a Ai Loo rrK) — render unconscious or dead by squeezing in arms, bearhug [cp. ’airusak] [ki]
’ahirušiš (a Ai Loo dAid) — break by arm strength [cp. ’airušiš] [ki]
’ahišak — elbow (body part) [cp. ’aišak] [z]
’ahišawak — elbow (body part) [cp. ’aišak] [z]
’ahoišoro (a Aoi dAo Lo) — right arm [ki]
’ahorusup (a Ao Loo rrool) — fore arm [ki]
’ahoxéte — upper arm [hl]
’ahoxete (a Ao HAe te) — upper arm [ki]
’ahoxųnų (a Ao HoAoo noo) — fore arm [ki]
’ahozi (a Ao ri) — wrist [some say derived from ahowis] [ki]
’āhú — wing [hl]
’Āhúco — Blue Wing area of Tomah, Wisconsin [hl]
’Āhúco hací — Blue Wing resident [hl]
’ahugipic (a Aoo Ki lAitt) — beat(ing) wings [ki]
’ahuį́rasára — winged ones [sb-T5]
’ahusak (a Aoo rrK) — fast wing [ki]
’ahuserec (a Aoo rre Lett) — long wing(ed) [ki]
’ahusga (a Aoo rKA) — white winged [ki]
’aíca — at his arm [sb-D]
’aíca — by his arm [sb-D]
’aį́ca — by the arm [sb-G]
’aikíją — to be within one’s arm’s reach, to have someone or something within one's arm’s reach [hl]
’aikiją (a KAi ttn) — within arm reach, arm can reach [ki]
’aipa — bracelet [hh]
’aípa — wristlet, brecelet [hl]
’aipazi — bracelet [hh]
’aíranaka — they said, and [sb-D]
’aį́reną — it is said [sb-A, sb-G]
’aį́reną — they said [sb-A, sb-G, sb-J6, sb-T, sb-T5]
’ąíreną — they said [sb-T5]
’aíreną — they say [sb-D]
’aíreže — it is said [sb-D]
’aíreže — they said [sb-D, sb-K]
’airújis (a Loo ttirr) — out of arms reach [ki]
’airujís — to be out of arm’s reach [hl]
’airuric (ai Loo Litt) — bend with arms, as wigwam lodge poles [ki]
’aíruríc — to bend with the arms [hl]
’airusak (ai Loo rrK) — render unconscious or dead by squeezing in arms, bearhug [ki]
’aírusák — to render someone unconscious (with one’s arms), to render dead (by bear hugs or squeezing in the arms) [hl]
’airušiš (ai Loo dAid) — to break by arm strength [ki, hl]
’aíruti — to lead someone by hand, to pull someone’s hand and walk while holding it, to pull someone’s arm [hl]
’áišak (ai dAK) — elbow (body part) [ki, hl]
’aišak — elbow [hh]
’ą̄jínąk — I climb out of, I get out of [we]
’ą̄jínąk — to climb out of (water), to get out of (water), to go ashore [hl]
’ą̄jínąk — to climb out of, to get out of [we]
’ąjínąk (a tAi nK) — to come out of the water [l-SM]
’ąjínąkše — to come out of the water [cf. ’ąc, out of water; hi, arrive, going] [m]
’ak — opposite each other [sb-D]
’ak’éca — across there [su-W]
’ak’éki — across here [sb-K]
’ak’éki — here, this side [su-W]
’ak’íak’e — on both sides [sb-D]
’ak’iak’e — on both sides [sb-K]
’ākáracge — branch [hl]
’akaracge (a KA L tteKe) — tree branch fork [ki]
’akéca — across, someplace away from us [su-W]
’ākí (a KAi) — both, either sides [ki]
’ākí — reciprocally [jt]
’ākí jiré ’ų — to vomit and have diarrhea simultaneously [hl]
’akijire (A KAi tti Le) — barf and puke, runs and squirts, vomit and diarrhea [ki]
’akšą́ną — he says it [su-W]
’ánąga — and [hl]
’ánaka — he said, and [sb-B]
’aną́kšąną — he says it (sitting) [su-W]
’ąnc — away from the water [sb-BT, m]
’anįą́ce — do not say [sb-J6]
’anįmųš (a ni mod) — dog [Ojibwe for dog] [ki]
’anįmųš šiš (a ni mod dAid) — bad dog [ki]
’āp (al) — fin; leaf; fin-leaf shaped things [ki]
’āp — fish scale [hl]
’ap — leaf [sb-T5, mck, sm, su-W, m, hl]
’ąp — to be animated, alive; alive, living [noun, adj.] [m]
’ap’hazi — bracelet [cf. a, arm; ozi, wrist; pa] [m]
’āpa — bracelet [cp. ’aipa] [z]
’āpóro — shoulder blade [hl]
’aporo (a lAo Lo) — shoulder blade [ki]
’ąprá — leaf [sb-T5]
’aprá — the leaves [sb-T5]
’ą́pracéną — you are alive [sb-T]
’apxete — big leaved [sm]
’āpxéte (al HAe te) — cabbage, lettuce [ki, hl]
’ará — arms [sb-J6]
’ārácge (a L tteKe) — left-handed [ki, we, hl]
’ą̄rájišąnąk — you (sg) climb out of, get out of [we]
’ārokaną — bicep [hh]
’ąronąk’ — catch the arm [sb-D]
’āruporok — arm muscle (flex muscle) [hh]
’ārúporok — arm muscle [hl]
’āruporok — muscle [hh]
’ąs (ar) — delicious [l-M, m]
’ą́s — delicious [sb-TD]
’ás — good to eat [sb-D]
’ās (arr) — tasty, delicious [ki]
’ās — tasty, delicious. Verb form found only in 3ḍ person. [hl]
’ās — to be delicious, taste good (of food) [cf. gi’as, ha’as, hi’as hī, wa’as, wī’as-hi] [we]
’as (vid. ’aš, ’ax) — to run away [m]
’ąs- — delicious, good tasting [cp. ’ās] [z]
’ąsaną (a rA n) (ar rA n) — it is delicious [sb-TD, r-TB]
’aserec (a rre Lett) — long arms, long armed [ki]
’asieja (a riye tt) — at its gills [l-B]
’āsíra (a ri L) — fish gills [l-B, hl]
’ásirekacą — they were good to eat [sb-D]
’ąsires’aže (ar ri Le ra de) — they are delicious [sb-TD]
’āsjį́ — delicious, good tasting [cf. gi’asjį] [z]
’āsjįxjįną — it tastes really good [hh]
’asše (ar deAe) — it was delicious [r-H]
’astiną, ’ąstiną — to be delicious [cf. ’ą’s, delicious] [m]
’āš (ad) — related to opened, opening [ki]
’āš — to open [cf. bō’aš, gi’aš, ru’aš, wa’aš] [lp]
’aš, (see ’as, ’ax) — to spread out, spread open [m]
’āšgé — closeby, nearby, close, near [we, hl]
’āšgéki — close together, at close intervals [we]
’āšgékiki — close together, at close intervals [we]
’āšgéxjįnįk — very near, very close, extremely close [we]
’ašiš (a dAid) — broken arm [ki]
’aškénįk — a little way off [sb-B]
’aškénįk — close [sb-K]
’aškénįke — a little way off [sb-B]
’āšré — accessible. Verb form found only in 3ḍ person. [we, hl]
’āšré — ajar, partially open. Verb form found only in 3ḍ person. [hl]
’āšré — v. stat., 3d pl only, inanimate objects: open, voluntarily open [we]
’āšreją̄reže (a deLe tt Le de) — it began to open [r-E]
’at’ų́p — to be out [su-W]
’ąt’ų́piránaka — they took it out, and [sb-K]
’awíre — say [sb-D]
’ax (vid. ’aš, ’ax) — to split [l-LM, lp, m]
’az — good to eat [sb-D]
’āzí — wattle [hl]
’ázires’áže — they are always good to eat [sb-D]
’azrá — the tasty [sb-D]
’ē — grammatical class: the emphatic third person, meaning "he, she, it". [hl]
’ē — he (emphatic) [sb-B, sb-VF, hl]
’é — him [sb-T5]
’é — it [sb-A, sb-J6]
’ē — locate, find [cf. híe] [ma]
’é — pronounce, utter, speak, say [hl]
’e — so [sb-B, sb-D]
’é — so [sb-K]
’é — that [hl]
’é — there [sb-H]
’e — they [hl]
’é — they [sb-A, sb-G, sb-T5]
’é — this [sb-T5, hl]
’ē — this, that [hl]
’ē — to burn [cf. hota’e, pējota’e, tā’e] [z]
’ē — to say, said, speak, utter, pronounce [we]
’ē — to say, to speak, to utter, to pronounce [hl]
’ē — to scatter [cf. gi’e, honą’e’e, horu’e, mą’e, ru’e] [z]
’e — to scatter, disperse, untie [m]
’é ną’į́cį — I wish [su-W]
’eanąc — all of them [su-W]
’ec’ą́ — even before [sb-D]
’ec’ą — then, on the contrary, even, besides [sb-H]
’éc’a — there [sb-J6, sb-T5]
’ec’á’ų — to do something [sb-D]
’éca — about [sb-T]
’éca — at [sb-FF]
’ēcą́ — instead [hl]
’ecą (e ttAn) — instead of [ki]
’eca — outside [su-W]
’éca — then [sb-H]
’éca — there [sb-B, sb-D, sb-FF, sb-H, sb-K, sb-T5, sb-VF]
’eca — there [sb-K]
’eca hikí — he got there [su-W]
’éca hįpíre — leave it there! [su-W]
’ecą́k’e’ų́nį — to do it (should have done something) [sb-D]
’écaki — therein [sb-FF]
’écanąkše — there it sat [sb-B]
’ecąšge (e ttAn deKe) — instead of [ki]
’écaxci — just about the time [sb-D]
’écaxcį — maybe [sb-D]
’écaxcį́ — maybe [sb-T5]
’ecaxcį — that’s all [sb-D]
’écereną — it belongs there [sb-K]
’écirak’ére — to reach here [sb-J6]
’écirak’éreną — it reaches [sb-J6]
’écirakíną (< ’éca hirakíną) — he put it up there [sb-H]
’egácą — after he said it [sb-D]
’égi — and [se-I, se-P, hl]
’ḗgi — here [hl]
’ḗgi — then [hl]
’ēgi (e Ki, eKi) — then, here, now [ki]
’égi — used to indicate hesitation (see, égi, “well”) [hl]
’egišgé — even though, although, altogether, inasmuch as [we]
’ēgišge (eKi deKe) — too much, over the limit [ki]
’ehąpíkcena — let light in [su-W]
’ehé — oh [sb-D]
’ehó — used to be chanted by old men, very holy, old folks look aroused, others keep their eyes down [su-W]
’ehonuą́kšaną — he ran in there [sb-K]
’ēja (e tt, etta) — there [ki]
’ḗja — there [se-I, se-P, hl]
’ḗja hoiną́k — to get into something, to join in [hl]
’ējapahí (etta lA Ai) — to there [ki]
’ējaxjį́ — about: about there, about that time, about that many [hl]
’ḗjaxjį́ — maybe, perhaps [hl]
’ḗjaxjį heré — to be something that fits just right [hl]
’ēk — to break [cf. bo’ek, gigi’ek, ru’ek] [z]
’ekácą — he said already [su-W]
’eki — and [sb-B, sb-D, sb-FF, sb-T5]
’éki — and [sb-B, sb-D, sb-G, sb-K, sb-VF]
’ekí — and [sb-B]
’éki — and [sb-H]
’éki — but [sb-T5]
’éki — here [sb-D, sb-FF, sb-K, su-W]
’eki — here [sb-D, sb-K]
’eki — then [sb-B, sb-H]
’éki — then [sb-D, sb-FF, sb-G, sb-H, sb-K, sb-T5, sb-VF]
’éki — there [sb-H]
’ekowéną (< ’eki-howéną) — going here [sb-K]
’eowaraíreže — there they went [sb-D]
’eowáre — to go there [sb-D]
’ép’a — from this time on [sb-B]
’épa — from now on, from that point (in spece/time), ever since then [hl]
’ēpa — from that point in space [r-CW]
’erékikiną — he sent it to him [su-W]
’éreną — it is [sb-J6]
’ésge — and so [r-B2]
’esgé — and then [inferred from eske/éske] [sm-E]
’ésge — that’s right, that’s why [hl]
’éske — and so [sb-J6]
’éske — so [sb-B, sb-FF, sb-G, sb-H, sb-T, sb-VF]
’eske — so [sb-B]
’éske — then [sb-B]
’éské c’ikí — because he lives [sb-D]
’éšana — only [sb-H, su-W]
’éšąną — the only one [sb-T]
’ešunu — he usually says [sb-B]
’éwa’ų́nákšana — they do that [sb-H]
’éwàwàtekcéną — I will go over there [sb-K]
’éwèną — he means this [su-W]
’éweną — he said that [su-W]
’excį́ — himself, herself, itself [sb-J6, sb-T5, hl]
’ēxjį́ (e Hitti) — by her/him self [ki]
’exjį́ (e xitti) — he personally [l-SM]
’exjį́ (e xitti) — himself, herself, itself (emphatic) [l-SM, r-HO, r-TB, hl]
’ēxjį́ (e Hitti) — said (argued) a lot and hard [ki]
’ēxjį́ — to argue a lot and hard [hl]
’ēxjį́ — to utter many words, wordy, gregarious, say a lot [we, hl]
’ežé — he said [sb-B, sb-D, sb-FF, sb-H]
’éžé — he said [sb-B, sb-D]
’eže — he said [sb-D]
’éže — he said [sb-D]
’éže — that [sb-J6]
’eží — but [sb-FF]
'gi — and [ss-WI]
’ī — mouth [su-W, hl, hh]
’i — snout [hl]
’ị̄ — survive, turn into [lp]
’į — to become. ha’į, I become. š’į, you (sg.) become. [m]
’į — to live [lp, m]
’i — to pass time [m]
’į — to put on (as a cover, blanket) [su-W]
’į — to put something around one’s shoulders, to wear (as cover) around one’s shoulders [hl]
’ị̄ (in) — to wear as a cover, a blanket, a robe [ki]
’ī — top of (a container, vessel) [hl]
’ī hirákįnį — to verbally quarrel, to argue with someone [hl]
’ī hiraną́sgap — to outtalk someone [hl]
’ī hirokít’e — telephone [hl]
’ī hiwažą — napkin [hh]
’ī hižoc — whistle by mouth [cf. ’īžoc] [ki]
’ī hižožoc — whistle by mouth [cf. ’īžoc] [ki]
’ī hokīcą — to jest with another [we]
’ī hokį́cą — to jest with, to argue, to "badmouth" each other, to have words [hl]
’ī hokiwą́k (i Ao KAi wnK) — to kiss (reciprocal) [ki, hl]
’ī horakī́cą — you (sg) jests with another [we]
’ī hową́k — to kiss [hl]
’ī pṓx — to have an open mouth (as when one’s is surprised) [hl]
’ī ružák — to protest [hl]
’ī wākī́cą — I jest with another [we]
’į’į́x — grunting sound [hl]
’į’įx (in inH) — making grunting sounds, as when straining at stool [ki]
’į’įx — to groan [su-W]
’iañgenúnįginìžą — an old man [jb-F]
’įc — face [m] Cf. Biloxi: ité, forehead, face; Dakota: ite, face; it’e, forehead.
’įcacap (in ttA ttAl) — separating [ki]
’icap — apart, isolated, separate [cf. ’i, cap, to make contact] [m]
’į̄cáp — by itself, alone, isolated, apart, separate [hl]
’įcap (in ttAl) — separate [ki]
’į̄cáp hī — to separate something, to divide [hl]
’īcáxnį sgā́ — white spit, foam at the mouth, phlegm [hl]
’į́ecot’ųréki — when he threw it into his mouth [sb-G]
’į̄ǧúk — stone used to sharpen knives, whetstone, grinding stone [hl]
’īhá — cover of something, lid [hl]
’īha — lid [hh]
’ihąp — (to spend) the night [cf. ’i, to pass time; hąp, day] [m]
’įhąp — night [se-I]
’į̄hą́p ną̄ — to go to bed without eating, to go to bed hungry, to sleep without eating [hl]
’ihąpną — to go to sleep without eating [cf. ’i, to pass time; hąp, day] [m]
’īhį́ — beard [hl]
’īhį́ (i Ain) — whiskers, moustache [ki, hl]
’īhį hirūk’o — shaving cream, foam or gel [hh]
’īhį wigik’o — razor [hh]
’īhį́ną gik’ó — to shave, to scrape facial hair [hl]
’ihį́rą gik’ó — to scrape facial hair, to shave [hl]
’ījanįk — scream [hh]
’ījánįk — to scream, to yell [hl]
’įjera — face to face [m]
’įjokipahi — back to back, unopposable [cf. ’įc, back to back; pahi, up to] [m]
’į̄́jōkīpā́hī — in opposition to [jb-HS]
’į̆jōkīpā́hi — opposable [jb-HS]
’ik’érekikižé — he put in his mouth [sb-T5]
’īką́ną́k — to put in the mouth [hl]
’įke (in KAe) — (almost) habitually wears certain blanket or robe as a cover [ki]
’īkére — to have something in one’s mouth which sticks half way out [hl]
’įkjanéną — he will be [r-S]
’įnąp (in nnl) — give thanks, say thanks [ki]
’įne (in ne) — not quite fanatic about something, e.g. pow-wow [ki]
’įnék’i — alone [sb-B]
’įnék’ixcįže — he was by himself [sb-B]
’inēki — ace (card) [hh]
’ineki — alone [se-P]
’īnéki — by oneself, alone [hl]
’ineki winą̄xgų — headphones [hh]
’ı̨̄nį — rock [hh]
’įnį́ — rock [hl]
’īnį́ — saliva [hl]
’ị̄nį́ (i ni, in ni) — stone [sb-T5, ki, hl]
’į̄nį cḗxi — diamond (stone) [hl]
’ı̨̄nį hokewe — sweat lodge [hh]
’į̄nį́ hokewé — sweat lodge [hl]
’įnįhakąnąk (i ni A KA nnK, i ni a KA nnK) — put stones on fire, heat stones up [ki]
’īnį́k (i ninK) — dumb [ki, hl]
’īnįk — giraffe [hh]
’īnį́k — giraffe [hl]
’īnį́k (i ninK) — unable to talk; very weak voice [ki]
’inį́kihi — without speaking [sb-T5]
’ị̄nįókewé (i ni o KAe we) — hot stone, sweat lodge [ki]
’į̄nį́ókewé (i ni o KAe we) — sweat lodge [ki, hl]
’ı̨̄nįomįš — pavement [hh]
’Į́nį́poropóro — Janesville [z]
’įnįsepge (i ni rrel KAe) — blackish rock, maybe granite [ki]
’inískeže — it was like the mouth [sb-K]
’į̄nį́šį — marble [hl]
’įnįšuc (i ni dAoott) — red rock, red stone [ki]
’Īniwus? — Are you thirsty? [hh]
’į́níže — it is stone [sb-D]
’inj hokipahi — face to face [cf. pahi, up to] [m]
’iokícą — to argue, to "bad mouth" each other, to have words [hl]
’iokicą — to jest with another [cp. ’ī hokicą] [z, hl]
’iókiwą́k (i o KAi wnK) — to kiss (reciprocal) ) [cp. ’ī hokiwąk] [ki]
’ip’óx — to burp, belch [hl]
’ị̄póx — to burp [z]
’ipųc (i lAoontt) — snout [ki]
’irá — the mouth [sb-K]
’īrá gisóc — to have a raw feeling in one’s mouth [hl]
’īrá hiruzézep — to make the face of one about to cry, to make a sad face, to have quivering mouth [hl]
’īra nį́k — mute, dumb (unable to speak) [hl]
’īra póx — to have an open mouth (as when one’s is surprised) [hl]
’īrá rukcíc — to twitch the mouth (once) [hl]
’īrá rukjíc — to twitch the mouth (once) [hl]
’īrá rukjikjíc — to quiver at the mouth (as if one is about to cry), to twitch the mouth [hl]
’īrá tatáp — mouthy, to talk on and on [hl]
’irasgu (i L roKo) — sweet mouthed, sweet tongued, smooth tongued [ki]
’irašišik (i L dAi dAiK) — bad mouthed person [ki]
’įrék’i — alone [sb-D, sb-FF]
’į́reki — alone [h-R2]
’įrekíšge — alone [rv-F]
’íro — cheek [m]
’īro — cheek, cheek bone [hh]
’īró (i Lo) — cheek(s) [cf. īropase] [ki, hl]
’īro pase — cheek, cheek bone [hh]
’īrokít’e (< ’ī hirokít’e) — telephone [hl]
’īrokit’é gi’ų́ — to call someone [hl]
’īrópasé — cheekbones [hl]
’īrúzųzų́ — to grin, to smile [hl]
’īružák — to protest [hl]
’īrúžų — to smile [z]
’īrúžųžų — to smile [z]
’isgo (i roKo) — sweet mouthed, smooth tongued, sweet talking [ki]
’īt’ų́p — to put in one’s mouth [hl]
’itek (i teK) — bad mouthed personn [ki]
’įwa’uną — to wear, wrap around [cf. ’į, and ’ų, to do] [m]
’iwus — I am thirsty [m]
’īwús — to be thirsty [hl]
’ı̨̄wusšąną — I am thirsty [hh]
’iwužį — prize ? (captured man); to brace, to hold [cf. ’i, to hold; žį, to brace] [m]
’iwužonąk — to brace by holding [cf. ’i, to hold; žį, to brace] [m]
’į̄x — grunting sound [hl]
’ị̄x (inH) — grunting-like sounds, as when straining at stool [ki]
’įx — to groan [su-W, r-O]
’į̄x (ixi) — to grunt [hl]
’ixáp — to be without utterance, to speechless, to say nothing [hl]
’ixirí — scabby-mouthed [cf. xiri, to be sore] [m]
’į́xiri — sore (scabby) mouth [su-W]
’įxjikarak — to grunt [cf. rak, to ask, tell; ’į] [m]
’īxú — lips [hl]
’īxú hoxeté — lower lip [hl]
’īxú mąįjá — lower lip [hl]
’īxú wąk — upper lip [hl]
’īxumą́ja — lower lip [hl]
’īyára – — to yawn [hl]
’į̄zų́c — bedrock [hl]
’įzųc (in roontt) — bedrock, flatrock ground [ki]
’īžáp (i dl) — to open one's mouth [ki, hl]
’īžápjį (i dl ttin) — open mouth real wide [ki]
’īžóc — whistle by mouth [vid. ’i hižoc] [ki]
’īžóžoc — whistle by mouth [ki]
’īžú — to put in one’s mouth [hl]
’ō — to hit a target with an arrow or bullet, to hit the mark [hl]
’ō — to hit target with arrow or bullet, or in Moccasin Game [cf. hi’o, hiki’o] [ki]
’o — to shoot [m]
’o’o’óke — screech owl [cp. ’o’óke] [hl]
’ō’ṓke — screech owl [hl]
’o’óš — bulky, big but light [su-W]
’o’óš — light (in weight) [hl]
’ok’šų’šo ejahipa — where the elbow is loose (joint) [cf. ’o ?; k’šų ?] [m]
’ok’šųkšǫ aja hipa — where elbow is loose (joint) [m]
’oke — good at killing [z]
’oke (o KAe) — good at scoring in moccasin game [ki]
’ōké — to shoot something repeatedly, to hit the right thing repeatedly [hl]
’okei (o KAei) — okay [ki]
’Okinąwa (o KAi n w) — Okinawa [ki]
’oną — to shoot. ha’oną, I shoot. š’oną, you (sg.) shoot. [m]
’onį — to remain [m]
’oniže — to remain [m]
’orusup (o Loo rrool) — fore arm [cp. ’ahorusup] [ki]
’oxete (o HAe te) — upper arm [cp. ’ahoxete] [ki]
’oxųnų (o HoAo noo) — fore arm [cp. ’ahoxųnų] [ki]
’ōzí — wrist [hl]
’ų — doing [lt-C]
’ų (o) — I am [r-Y]
’ų̄ — to be [hl]
’ų (o) — to be, it was [sb-H, l-SM, m]
’ų̄ — to do [we, z, hl]
’ų (o) — to do, he did [jf-LT, sb-V, l-B, l-E, r-D, r-E, r-T, r-TB, j, lp, m]
’ų̄ — to make [we, z, hl, hh]
’ų (o) — to make, he made [sb-T5, rv-F, r-T, j, m]
’ų — to use, act, work at [m]
’ū́ gígi — to permit, to allow, to let do, to give a lot of freedom [hl]
’ū́ hūhí — to throw over there, to throw towards oneself [hl]
’ū́ rḗhi — to make something in a hurry, to make something in a short period of time [hl]
’ū́ rḗhi — to throw something, to shoot off, to throw upon [hl]
’u-įk’arohoíreną — they are trying [jb-F]
’ų-įkārohoinų̄ka — they were about to do [r-V]
’ú-inegają — they did (it), and [h-B]
’u-inégi — they did [h-O]
’u-inegi — they made [jb-F]
’ú-inekjéną — they [should] do it [rh-S]
’ų-inekjéra — let them go [h-T]
’u-inéną — they did (it) [jh-M]
’ú-inewišgùniną — we amounted to [sb-P]
’ú-ineže — they did [h-O]
’u-inežé — they did/were [jb-F]
’ų-įžeréną — he generally does it [jb-F]
’ų-mak — anxious, to be; attached to, to be; accustomed, to be [m]
’ų-wahieja — into temptation [b-LP]
’u’īnąnā́ną — they would do [r-HD]
’ú’irega — they do [r-HD]
’ú’ireže — they did [r-HD]
’ų’ja’ų — finally [hz-L]
’ų́’ų — to do quickly [su-W]
’ų́’ų kikí — to go back every little while [su-W]
’ú’wañk’ų — continuing [rh-W]
’uą — to keep on, try continuously, work at [m]
’uą — use, try [m]
’ųące — stay [sb-B]
’ų́ąciaraíreki — as they kept doing it [sb-K]
’ųąciaraíreki — as they started to do it [sb-D]
’uągehīnią — a captured man (captive) [r-V]
’uą́gejajega (ow Ke tt tte K) — the one on the end [jb-SE]
’uągᵉną́sura — the scalps (see wągᵉną́sura) [r-V]
’uañgenóñka — man [jb-S2]
’uañgerá — a man [r-DC]
’uągera — upwards [e-B1]
’uañgerégi — from above [jb-DD2]
’uañgerégi — up above [jb-DD2]
’uą́geregi — up above [r-P]
’uągeregináñk’i — on high where he sat [r-P]
’uañgią́ — a man [rg-G]
’uągigi — I permit, allow to do [m]
’ųą́gigíną — I compel him [lp]
’uą́ginį̄k wahíreną — those that didn't get anything [r-V]
’uáñgiregáją — as they went [r-DC]
’uañgižą — a man [jb-DD2]
’uągíži — I allow to do [m]
’uągonągᵉrá — the scalps (see wągonągᵉrá) [r-V]
’uągoną́giréže — an honor [r-V]
’uą́goni — bands (cp. wągoni) [r-TC]
’uañgonihokirájera — clans different [r-DC]
’uągonina — bands [r-TC]
’uañgonina — clan [r-DC]
’uągūášošēra — warriors [r-V]
’uahągwí’ų — as they continued on [rv-F]
’ųahigają (ow Ai K tt) — as he was going, as he went along [h-TM, l-TM, l-TS, r-BS]
’uą́higáją — in she went [rs-S]
’ųahigają (ow Ai K tt) — on his way [jc-T]
’uąhíregaja — after going a distance [rh-W]
’ųąhírekàcą — they got there, and [sb-H]
’uąhíreže — they were going [r-DC]
’uąhohíreže — they shouted [jb-F]
’uąjagi — when she saw [rs-S]
’uájaraíreže — it began to happen to them [rh-O]
’uą́je (ow tte) — do (imperative) [h-B, r-E]
’uą́je — shout (imperative) [jb-B]
’uą́jeną — they turn against someone [jb-F]
’ŭąjéra — wandering about [rv-A]
’ųajerášgĕ — you have also [rv-A]
’uąji-araírešguni — they kept right on [h-B]
’uajianąga (ow ttiy n K) — he came, and [r-O]
’ųajireže (ow tti Le de) — they made themselves [jc-T]
’uąk’re — to continue, go on [m]
’ų́ąk’ų — doing thus [h-R2]
’uą́k’ų — he had been [h-R1, h-R2]
’uą́k’ų́ — he was doing it [r-P]
’uąkigìži — as he went along [jb-MR]
’uáñkiži — it was [rh-O]
’uañkšígera — the people [r-DC]
’uañkšígo-į́na — the life [r-DC]
’uañkšígo’į — life [r-DC]
’uañkšík — life [r-DC]
’uañkšík — people [r-DC]
’uañkšik — their life [r-DC]
’uañkšik į́neną — they lived [r-DC]
’uañkšik’-į́neže — they lived [r-DC]
’uañkšik’o-į́negi — they lived [r-DC]
’uañkšikínena — they live [r-DC]
’ųámąk — I am in the action of doing it; I am getting used to the action of doing it [m]
’ųamąkają (ow m K tt) — I have grown used to him [r-D]
’ųamąkšaną (ow mK dA n) — I have grown used to him [r-D]
’ųamąnąkają (ow mK n K tt) — as I have grown used to her [l-N]
’ųanac — to appoint [m]
’ųā́nacgi — the appointees (see wā́nacgi) [r-V]
’uą́nąga — and [h-R2]
’uánañga — he did, [and] [rg-G, jb-FF]
’ųanañga — he did, and [jb-B]
’ųanąga (ow n K) — he did, and [r-T]
’ųanąga (ow n K) — he made, and [l-SM, r-P]
’ųanąga (ow n K) — he used, and [sb-L]
’ųánăga — to make, and [su-B]
’ųanągi (ow n Ki) — he erected, and [r-HO]
’uanáñgwišgùni — they were [rh-S]
’uąnaíregi — when they start [r-HD]
’ųanijage (ow ni tt Ke) — he must have seen you do [l-B]
’ųarac — to appoint (cf. ’ų, to do ?]; rac, to call) [m]
’uate — burning [m]
’ųate — to burn [m]
’ūc (oott) — guts, intestines [ki, hl]
’uc — inside of the stomach, entrails [r-SD]
’uc — mouth of a river [sb-K]
’ųñc’ebígiží — when he finished him [lp-S]
’ūc’i (oott i) — anus [ki]
’ucąknąkše — to become pregnant [cf. ’uc, inside of the stomach] [m]
’úcebigàją (< ’úcep-hi-gają) — when he had finished [jb-CM]
’ųcébigiži — when he finished making [jb-T4]
’ųcebireną — they finished [r-BC]
’ų́cehírekàcą — they kept doing it [sb-B]
’ų́cepì — to finish doing something [su-W]
’ų́cepìpi — to finish doing again and again [su-W]
’uci — anus [r-SD]
’uciwožúra — the guts [sb-H]
’ųcoco-anąga — to put in (cf. ’ų, to do, cu, within, inside of) [m]
’ū́cú — to load, to put in [hl]
’ucucu — carry inside of (cf. ’ų, to do, cu, within, inside of) [m]
’ucucuanąga (o ttAo ttAow n K) — he put with it, and [l-TM]
’ucucuže (o ttoAo ttoAo de) — he carried along with him [r-HO]
’ucwožúra — the insides [sb-H]
’ųeną (o e n) — we can do it [r-Y]
’ueréšge — lies sickly [rg-G]
’ųga — he made [jb-MR]
’ųga (o K) — that were created [sb-L]
’ųga (o K) — when he did [l-SM]
’ųgaeja (o K e tt) — when he does it [r-T]
’ųgáją — are you (doing) thus? [h-R2]
’ųgáją — do [rv-A]
’ųgáją — he is doing [rv-F]
’ųgają (o K tt) — he made, so [r-BB]
’ųgáją — indeed [h-R2]
’ųgają (o K tt) — it did it [l-LM]
’uñgáją — reason [rh-T]
’ųgają (o K tt) — when he did it [r-T]
’ųgają wa’únąk — he is doing this [rs-S]
’ųge (o Ke) — because he has [r-BC8]
’ų́gèjinį́ — because he did it [w-TI]
’ų̆gĕ́jĭni — do it [rv-A]
’ųgera (o KL) — that were [r-BC8]
’ųgi (o Ki) — if he was [r-H]
’ųgi (oKi) — when he did [r-BC8]
’ų̄gígi — to allow, let him/her, release, give a lot of freedom, no restraints, no discipline [we]
’ųgigi (oo-gee-gee [j]) — to compel [j]
’ųgigi — to permit, to allow to do [j, m]
’ų̄gígiranįže (u Ki Ki L ni de) — he was not allowed [l-TS]
’ųgigíwire (o Ki Ki wi Le) — let her be [r-E]
’ųgigíwire — let us do it to them [jb-F]
’ųgigiže (o Ki Ki de) — he let it happen [r-BB]
’ųgigíže — he made [jb-CM]
’ųgini (oo-gi-nee [j]) — done [j]
’ųgini (oon-ge-ne [j]) — to begin [j]
’ų́giže — he went and made [rs-S]
’uñgíži — (when) he did it [h-TM]
’ųgíži — as he made [r-P]
’ųgíži (o Ki di) — having made [r-BB]
’ųgiži (o Ki di) — he created [r-T]
’uñgíži — he did [h-H]
’ųgiži (o Ki di) — he did it, and [jb-SE, jc-T,r-T]
’ųgíži — he made [h-B]
’ųgiži (o Ki di) — he made, and [sb-L, r-TB]
’ųgiži (o Ki di) — if he does it [l-SM]
’ųgíži — if one does [rv-F]
’ųgíži (o Ki di) — if you do it [rv-F, l-P]
’ųgíži — if you should do it [rv-F]
’ų̆gíži — it did [rv-A]
’ųgíži — to allow to do [m]
’ųgíži (o Ki di) — when he created [r-WH]
’ųgiži (o Ki di) — when he did it [sb-L]
’ųgiži (o Ki di) — which he made [sb-L]
’ųgųnį (o Ko ni) — he has done [r-TB]
’ųgųnį (o Ko ni) — he must have done [jc-T]
’ųgunige — it is possible he did [sb-TD]
’ų́ha — an exclamation translated as "well ..." it also expresses some measure of affirmation. [h-R2]
’ų̄hágigi — I allow, I let him/her, release, I give a lot of freedom, no restraints, no discipline [we]
’ųhagigi (o A Ki Ki) — so I let him do it [r-BS]
’ųhahigają (o A Ai K tt) — as he went along [l-O]
’ųhajíną — I have a reason [rh-T]
’ųhanihékjawíną — we will be using [r-DC]
’ųhanikaracikjanihawiną (o A ni K L ttiAi Ktt ni A wi n) — we will try you over [l-SM]
’ų̄́haší — I ask, urge (someone) to do something [we]
’ųhešgúni — he was going on [rh-S]
’ųhihajegają (o Ai A tte K tt) — I am willing [r-Y]
’ųhiraniharege — as they ever did [ch]
’ųhiranihegiži (o Ai A ni Ae Ki di) — they are now [r-E]
’ųhiraniheną (o Ai L ni Ae n) — they were then and ever are [sb-E]
’ųhiranihes’aže (o Ai L ni Ae ra de) — they would be away [r-TB]
’ųhirániheže — they traveled [jh]
’ųhiranįže (o Ai L ni de) — they would not do it [sb-V, r-D]
’ųhiré — they do [lt-C]
’ųhiregiži — that they did [ch]
’ųhirekjanahe (o Ai Le Ktt n Ae) — they are about to do [l-E]
’ųhirekjanaheną (o Ai Le Ktt n Ae n) — they will do it [r-Y]
’ųhires’aže — it is usually (done) [hz-O]
’ųhireže (o Ai Le de) — they did [l-SM]
’ųhohireže (o Ao Ai Le de) — he was thrown down [sb-F]
’ų́hošjągìži — when through with that [h-R2]
’ųhunihéra — he was to do [jb-MR]
’uic — mouth of a river [sb-K]
’uįgigirekjanera — it (he) is in readiness [m]
’ųihiranįs’aže (o Ai L ni ra de) — they would not receive it [r-I]
’uíjra — month [su-W]
’uįmąkra — to be accustomed to [m]
’úinanąga — they constructed [r-P]
’úįnanis’ā̀že — they would not be [sb-TB]
’úine — they made [jb-EM2]
’ų́įnega (o[yi] ne K) — they would have it [jb-SE]
’ų́įnega (o ne K) — when they did [jb-SE]
’uinéga — when they have [jb-CLS]
’úįnegì (oyi ne Ki) — as they make them [jb-SE]
’ų́įnegi (o[yi] ne Ki) — they did [jb-SE]
’úinegí — they made it [jb-SD]
’uinegixjį (o i ne Ki xitti) — you are living alone [r-Y]
’ųinegiži (oyi ne Ki di) — if they do [jb-P]
’ųį̄nekjanèną — they will make of you [r-A]
’ųįnekjí (o ne Ktt) — they would do [jb-SE]
’úinékjonawigàją — they will do it to us [jh]
’uinéną — the ones who do it [sb-W]
’ųįnéną (o ne n) — they did [jb-SE]
’úinešōnúną — when they went in [jb-WM]
’úineže — they did [sb-N, sb-TB]
’ų́ineže (o [i] ne de) — they did it [jb-SE]
’ųinįne (o wi ni ne) — do not do [r-TB]
’ųira (oyi L) — they were [l-B]
’uįránąga (oyi L n K) — they make, and [jb-SE]
’ųirananą (oyi L n n) — they can do it [jc-T]
’ųirananą (oyi L n n) — they could get it [jc-T]
’ųiranigają (oyi L ni K tt) — they did not do [r-Y]
’ųíranihera (oyi L ni Ae L) — as they did before [l-O]
’ųiranįkjenanaireže (oyi L ni Kette n ny Le de) — they will not do it to them [r-E]
’ųíranįže — they were not [sb-VF]
’ųirega (oyi Le K) — when they did [sb-L]
’ųiregi (oyi Le Ki) — what they had done [sb-TD]
’ŭírēgi — when they did [r-HD]
’ųįregiži (oy Le Ki di) — they did it, and [l-SM, r-T]
’úįregìži — thus they were [h-R2]
’ųį́reka — they did [sb-D]
’ų́ireki — when they do [sb-H]
’ųirekjanaheną (oyi Le Ktt n Ae n) — they will do it [r-Y]
’uį́rekjanegáją — they were going to do [rv-F]
’úįrekjanège — they were to be [h-R2]
’ųirekjaneną (oyi Le Ktt ne n) — they will be [jb-P]
’ųirekje (oyi Le Ktte) — it is to be done [sb-BT]
’uįreną — they made [r-BC]
’ųįreže (oyi Le de) — it was done [l-SM]
’ųį́reže — they adopted him [sb-T]
’ųireže (oy Le de) — they built [r-O]
’ųįreže (oy Le de) (oyi Le de) — they did (it) [h-R2, l-E, l-M, l-SM, r-F, r-I, r-TB, r-Y]
’úįreže — they did [h-R2]
’ų́ireže — they did [sb-D, sb-H]
’ų́įreže — they did [sb-H]
’ųiréže — they do it [sb-H]
’ųįreže (oyi Le de) — they made [l-B, r-BB, r-D, r-I]
’ųįreže (oyi Le de) — they stayed [l-SM]
’ųisíniną — I am chilled [su-W]
’ųišge (oyi dKe) — if he does [jb-P]
’ų́įžą (uyi d) — as one [l-TS]
’ų́įže — he did it [h-R2]
’ų́įže (oy de) — he was [r-P1, r-TW3]
’ųja’ų (o tt o) — as he did thus, while doing thus [bp-TB, l-TM]
’ųja’ų (o tt o) — as he was about [r-D]
’ų́ja’ų́ — finally [jb-MR]
’ų́ja’ų — finally [jh]
’ųja’ų (o tt o) — finally [sb-BT, sb-L, sb-TD, jc-T, l-B, l-O, l-TT, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-T, m]
’ų́ja’ų — he was [jb-S1b]
’ųja’ų (o tt o) — if he keeps on [r-D]
’ųja’ų — she was doing [h-R1, h-R2]
’ų́ja’ų — she went on [h-R2]
’ų́ja’ų — they were [h-R2]
’ųja’ų (o tt o) — thus doing [sb-BT]
’ų́ja’ų — while at it [e-B2]
’ųjagi — to try, test (inferred from hiš’ųjagi (you-me [R]) [z]
’ųjé (o tte) — to remain [l-P]
’ų́jegi — he was about [rh-S]
’ųjegiži (o tte Ki di) — he was [r-O]
’ųjegiži (o tte Ki di) — there it was [l-TF]
’ųjegųnį (o tte Ko ni) — he must be doing it [r-Y]
’ų̄́jeną — he is [jb-WM]
’ųjeną (o tte n) — he is [r-Y]
’ųjeną (o tte n) — she makes her [l-P]
’ųjéna (o tte n) — they do [jb-SE]
’ųjepįže (o tte liAi de) — it would not do [l-SM]
’ųjéra — he is doing [rv-A]
’ųjéra (o tte L) — over there [r-Y]
’ųjéra (o tte L) — the one who wants it [r-Y]
’ųjéra (o tte L) — there is [r-Y]
’ųjéroákųną (o tte Low Ko n) (< ’ųjéra-hoákų-ną) — I wish to remain [l-P]
’újĕro’uną̀kšą̆ną̆ — within my stomach [rv-A]
’ujerok — within [cf. ’uc, inside of the stomach, entrails] [m]
’ujĕrorégi — within my stomach [rv-A]
’ųjes’ágiži — he used to be [h-R1, h-R2, r-E]
’ųjes’aže (o tte ra de) — he remained [l-P]
’ųjes’aže (o tte ra de) — he used to be [sb-BT]
’ųjes’aže (o tte ra de) — he would be [l-SM]
’ųjéže (o tte de) — he remained [r-Y]
’ųjéže (o tte de) — he waited [l-TM]
’ųjéže (o tte de) — he was at (that place) [h-H, r-Y]
’ųjéže (o tte de) — it was, he was [bp-TB, l-N, r-Y]
’ųježejera (o tte de tte L) — he is [bp-TB]
’ųjiraginįže (o tti L Ki ni de) — he began [already] [r-H, r-Y]
’ų́jiragíniže — they started [jb-D]
’ųjirawigiži (o tti L wi Ki di) — they began to do, and [r-TB]
’ųjirawiže (o tti L wi de) — they started [r-Y]
’ų́jiregàją — he began thus [h-R2]
’ųjiregere (o tti Le Ke Le) — he continued, kept on [l-O, r-D, r-O]
’ųjiregere (o tti Le Ke Le) — he kept on [l-O]
’ųjiregiži (o tti Le Ki di) — thus he kept on, and [r-Y]
’ųjireže (o tti Le de) — it repeatedly did thus [bp-TB]
’ųjíwa’ų́šgų́nį — to do, he arrived coming to do it perhaps (he came to do) [w-TI]
’ūk (ooK) — edge of something, as of a table top [su-W, ki, hl]
’ųk’jégi — to use it [sb-P]
’uñk’jonàwiže — we are to do? [jb-F]
’ųk’ų — he was doing it [h-R2]
’ųk’úineną — they gave me [sb-TB]
’úñkarahá’ų — while going [h-W]
’ų́karahaireže (o K L Ayi Le de) — as they went along [l-TS]
’uñkáwaža — no [rh-T]
’ųke (oon-kay [j]) — usual [j]
’ųke (o Ke) — you are always doing it [l-MS]
’ųkešųnųną (o Ke doAo no n) — he has done it often [r-Y]
’ų́kikínąk’í — who was made to do this [sb-T5]
’ų́kikíreže — they let him [sb-T]
’ųkjanahegiži (o Ktt n Ae Ki di) — when [it] was ready [r-E]
’ųkjanaheną (o Ktt n Ae n) — he will do [r-T]
’ųkjanaheną (o Ktt n Ae n) — I will do it [r-Y]
’ųkjanahera (o Ktt n Ae L) — who will really do it [r-T]
’ųkjanaheže (o Ktt n Ae de) — he could be [r-Y]
’ųkjanheže (o Ktt n Ae de) — he was going to have [r-Y]
’ųkje (o Kette) — he was to do [l-TC]
’ųkje (o Ktte) — he will do [l-SM]
’ųkje (o Kette) — to do [l-N]
’ųkje (oo Ktte) — to make [r-C]
’ų̄kjḗgi — he can do so, that is why [r-V]
’ųkjégi — if you will do [rv-F]
’ųkjéną — let her do it [h-T]
’ųkjenisgeže (o Ktte ni reKe de) — he should do with it [r-F]
’ųkjōnē — he'll furnish [r-HD]
’ųkų́ni — he may be [sb-K]
’ųkúnį — maybe he was [sb-K]
’ųmąk (o mK) — he was used to the place [sb-BT]
’ųmąk — they are in the action of doing it; they get used to the action of doing it [cf. mąk, to get used to] [m]
’ųmąk (o mK) — to be accustomed [r-TB, m]
’umąk — to be attached to [m]
’ųmąk — to be attached to [m]
’ųmąk (o mK) — to get him accustomed [r-TB]
’ųmąkireže (o mK Ki Le de) — they were accustomed to him [r-T]
’umañkjį́je — he was used to him [h-G]
’úną — caused [sb-W]
’ųna — doing [jb-MR]
’úną — done [jh-M]
’úną (o n) — he did [r-TW3]
’úną̆ — he did [rv-A]
’ųną (o n) — he is doing [jc-T, l-TF]
’úną — he made [rh-P, r-TW3]
’ųną (o n) — it has happened [l-O]
’ųna (oo-nah [j]) — to build (or make) [j]
’una-į́ne — you try to do [r-DC]
’ųną’įreną (o n i Le n) — they were willing [r-E]
’ųną’įže (o n i de) — he wished to do [r-HO]
’unągē — he could do it [jb-WM]
’unąge — to run and rush up [m]
’uną́gᵉra — they are doing it [r-HD]
’unágešérageníže? — did you not tell me of it? [h-R2]
’unagúną̆ — he desires [rv-A]
’ų̄́naį̄gi-íneną — they tried to make me [jb-WM]
’ųnainįkjeną (o n i ni Kette n) — they must not do it [r-Y]
’únąjį́neže — they began to do [r-V]
’ų́nąk — doing [jb-MR]
’ųnąk (o nK) — to make [r-BB]
’únañk’i — they were staying [jb-F]
’ųnak’iąje (o n Ki iy tte) — try and have him stay [r-H]
’ų́nąk’še — he did [sb-H]
’ųną́k’ų — after awhile [sb-B]
’ųnąk’ų (o nK Koo) — as he did thus [l-B]
’ųnąk’ų (o nK Koo) — as they did thus [l-B]
’ųnąk’ų (o n Koo) — as they went about [sb-HW]
’ųnąk’ų (o n Koo) — as they went along [sb-TJ]
’ųnąk’ų (o n Koo) — as they went on [sb-TD]
’ų́nak’ų — as they were doing it [sb-D]
’ų́nak’ų́ — as they were doing it [sb-D]
’únañk’ų — at last [jh]
’ųnąk’ų (o n Koo) — awhile [r-TB]
’únąk’ų — doing this [h-R2]
’únąk’ų — doing thus [h-R2]
’ųnąk’ų (o nK o) — doing thus [sb-BT]
’ųnąk’ų (o n Koo) (o nK Koo) (o nK o) — finally [hz-O, ch, sb-E, sb-L, bp-A, bp-TA, l-B, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TM, r-D, r-H, r-T, r-TB, r-Y, r-WH]
’únąk’ų — finally [jb-W, h-R2, h-T]
’únañk’ų — finally [jh]
’únąk’ų — he was [rw-W]
’ų́nak’ų́ — still [sb-D]
’ų́nąk’ų — they did it [jb-S1a]
’ųnąk’ų́ — they kept doing this [sb-K]
’ųnąk’ų (o n Koo) — they remained awhile [sb-HW]
’únañk’ų — they were doing [h-O]
’ų́nąk’ų — they were doing [jb-MR]
’ųnąk’ų (o nK Koo) — they were still [l-O]
’únąk’ų — they would be [rw-W]
’ųnąk’ų (o nK Koo) — thus he was [l-LM]
’únąk’ų — thus they were [h-R2]
’ų́nak’ų — to do and finish [sb-H]
’ųnąk’ų (o n Koo) — until [sb-L]
’ųnąk’ų — while doing it [sb-B]
’ų́nak’ų́ — while doing it [sb-D]
’únak’ų́ — while doing it [sb-K]
’ųnąk’ų (o nK Koo) — while they were doing this [sb-TD]
’unąk’ų́šge — finally (a doing it on) [h-R2]
’ųnąka (o n K) — the one who made [r-BB]
’unąkają (o n K tt) — they did, and [l-P]
’únąke — they were doing [h-T]
’ųnąki (o n Ki) — of their presence [sb-TJ]
’ųnąkįnįže (o n Ki ni de) — already they were [l-TT]
’unąkĭ́šgĕ — even he does [rv-A]
’ųnąkiži (o n Ki di) — he is [r-BS]
’ųnąkiži (o n Ki di) — he would do [sb-BT]
’ų́nąkìži (o n Ki di) — that must be there [jb-SE]
’ųnąkiži (o n Ki di) — when he was [r-Y]
’únañks’ági — as they went on [jb-D]
’unąks’ági — they used to be [h-R2]
’ųnąks’agiži (o nK ra Ki di) — thus they were until [l-SM]
’ųnaks’áke — because they kept doing this [sb-D]
’ųnąks’ášguní — when they were going [rs-S]
’ų́nąks’áže — he always does [sb-D]
’ųnąks’aže (o nK ra de) — he would always do [l-P]
’ųnąks’aže (o nK ra de) — he/they would be [jc-T, r-BB, r-T]
’unąks’áže — they were always [h-R2]
’ųnąks’aže (o nK ra de) — they would always be [l-TF]
’únañks’áže — they would always be there [jb-B]
’ųnąks’aže (o nK ra de) — thus they would be [l-B]
’ųnąkšaną (o nK dA n) — he is doing [sb-F, su-W]
’ųnákšaną — he was [sb-VF]
’ų́ną́kšaną — it is done [jb-J4]
’ųnąkšaną (o nK dA n) — it is done [r-H]
’únañkšaną — they are at (that place) [h-W]
’uną́kšāną̆ — they are getting along [rv-A]
’ųnąkšaną (o nK dA n) — they were [r-Y]
’uną́kšaną — they were [rv-F]
’ųnąkše (o nK dAe) — he kept on [l-SM]
’ųnąkše (o nK deAe) — he made [r-BB]
’ųnąkše (u nK deAe) — she was making [l-TS]
’ų̄ną́kše — they are [jb-WM]
’ųnąkše (o nK deAe) — they were [r-Y]
’ųnąkše (o nK dAe) — to be, it is [r-D, r-TB]
’ųnąkšiže (o nK diAi de) — to keep on [r-H]
’ųnakųnį (o n Ko ni) — they must be having [bp-TPN]
’ųnaną (o n n) — he is [r-BC8]
’ųnaną (o n n) — he would do it [jb-SE]
’ų̄ną́̄nį — I beach, dock the boat into the port, a place where a vessel is brought up out of the water, a landing place, not necessarily a dock [we]
’ųnašáną — as he makes [jb-AM]
’ųnaši — you (sg.) tell him to do (cf. ši, to tell) [m]
’uną́že — he could make [jb-WM]
’uné — do (imperative) [rw-W]
’ųné (o ne) — do it [jb-P, h-B, l-O]
’ųnehákje? — I would do it [h-R2]
’ųnéhi – — to make something in a hurry, to make something in a short period of time (see ’ų réhi) [hl]
’ųnéhi – — to throw something, to shoot off, to throw upon (see ’ų réhi) [hl]
’ų́nežè (o ne de) — they could be used [jb-SE]
’unéže — they had [h-H]
’ųnį (o ni) — he did nothing [l-O]
’uni — not to do [rv-A]
’ųnį (o ni) — not to do [sb-E, l-TS, r-H]
’ų̄nį́ — to beach, dock the boat into the port, a place where a vessel is brought up out of the water, a landing place, not necessarily a dock [we]
’úni-ąje — do not go [p-F]
’ųnįąje — you will not do [b-E]
’úniga — if he didn't do that [jb-CLS]
’ųnigigianąga (o ni Ki Kiy n K) — he went ashore, and [l-P]
’ųnigigiregiži (o ni Ki Ki Le Ki di) — after they had landed [r-F]
’ųniha’ų (o ni A o) — as thus he went on [l-E]
’ųniha’ų (o ni A o) — he could manage [l-SM]
’ųniha’ų — with great effort [m]
’unihégi — thus he had been [h-R2]
’ûnihegi (o ni Ae Ki) — as she had done [r-H]
’unihéra — he created [jb-MR]
’ųnihes'aže (o ni Ae ra de) — he would go out [r-BS]
’unihes’aže (o ni Ae ra de) — he would continue [r-Y]
’unihežè — he keeps doing it [se-I]
’ųniheže (o ni Ae de) — he remained [bp-TO]
’unihéže (o ni Ae de) — he was [sb-W, r-Y]
’unihéže — he was thus [h-R2]
’uniheže (o ni Ae de) — she remained [bp-TP]
’únįk’jonèną — he will not have [sb-W]
’unikáwi-àje — you must stay [h-O]
’ųnįkja’ų (o niKi tt o) — finally [l-N]
’ųnįkje (o ni Kette) — they must not take part in it [r-Y]
’ųnįkjes’aže (o niKi tte ra de) — he would be always [l-N]
’uníną — do not do it [h-C]
’ųníną (o ni n) — I did not do [l-M]
’ų́níną — I did not do it [rv-A]
’ųninąkšaną (o ni nK dA n) — they do not do [r-TB]
’ųninąkšųnįnaže (o ni nK dKo ni n de) — they should not stay [l-N]
’ųnįnaną (o ni n n) — it is not doing [r-BC8]
’uniną́že — it stretched [sb-W]
’ųnįpi (o ni liAi) — she ought not do it [jb-P]
’ųníre — do not do [rv-F]
’ųnį́re — do not do it [rv-F]
’ųnis’aže (o ni ra de) — he would not do it [l-MS, r-T]
’unis’áže — there would not (do) [h-R2]
’ųníšgune — did [he] do it [rh-O]
’unišōnúną — I didn't use to do it [jb-WM]
’ųnįže (o ni de) — he did not do (it) [h-TM, l-B, l-M, l-P, r-BB, r-D, r-T]
’úniže — he did not give (them something) [jf-M, jb-F]
’ųnįže (o ni de) — he had not done [r-T]
’ųnįže (o ni de) — he has not been [l-TF]
’ųnįže (o ni de) — he refused [r-E]
’ųnįže (o ni de) — he would not do it [l-O, l-TC, r-D, r-H, r-O]
’uníže — is the matter with [jb-WM]
’únǫk híre — leave her alone [rs-S]
’ųnǫká — these [jb-BH]
’ųpigają (o liAi K tt) — it could be done [r-Y]
’ųpigają (o liAi K tt) — we could have [r-Y]
’ųpiną (o liAi n) — he can do it [l-TT]
’ųpiníną — it can be done [h-R2]
’ųpiže (o liAi de) — we would have [r-Y]
’ųra (o L) — (that) he made [jb-P, r-T]
’ųra (o L) — doing [r-WH]
’ųra (o L) — he created [r-BB, r-WH]
’ųra (o L) — that are created [r-Y]
’ųra (o L) — they did [r-Y]
’ųra (o L) — they were doing [r-Y]
’ųra (o L) — to do [hz-O, r-D, r-Y]
’ųra (o L) — who did [r-T]
’ų̄rágigi — you (sg) allow, you let him/her, release, you give a lot of freedom, no restraints, no discipline [we]
’ųramąk — in the action of doing it ?; get used to the action of doing it ? [cf. ’ų, to do] [m]
’uramąk — you (sg.) are attached to [m]
’ųramąk — you (sg.) get used to [m]
’ų̄raší — you (sg) ask, urge (someone) to do something [we]
’ųrašikjawiną (o L diAi Ktt wi n) — tell her [r-T]
’ųrašųnųną (o L? doAo no n) — he is always doing [bp-TA]
’ų́re (o Le) — as so [r-C]
’ųre (o Le) — do (that) (imperative) [jc-T, l-M, r-E, r-T]
’ų́re — that much [r-B2]
’ųregere (o Le Ke Le) — he did [bp-TO]
’ų̄́rēhí — to make something in a short period of time, to make something in a hurry [we, hl]
’ų̄́rēhí — to throw, to be thrown [we]
’ųrehiga (o Le Ai K) — he shot [l-M]
’ųrehiže (o Le Ai de) — he did it [r-Y]
’ūs — internal glands, musk gland [hl]
’ūs (oor) — internal organs [ki]
’ųs’agiži (o ra Ki di) — he used to do, but [r-D]
’ųs’agiži (o ra Ki di) — he would hit it, so [r-H]
’ųs’áže (o ra de) — he would do it (over) [r-D, r-Y]
’ųs’áže (u ra de) — he would do more [l-TS]
’ųs’áže — that way they used to be [h-R2]
’ųs‘áže (o ra de) — he would [r-E]
’ų́sge — "exclamation used when puzzled or discontented." [h-R2]
’ū́sge — thing (used to refer to anything when one cannot think of the right word, no matter what part of speech) [hl]
’ų́sge — well (exclamation) [h-T]
’ųské — let’s see … (hesitation) [su-W]
’ųste — burn, to [m]
’ųšguniže — maybe he did [sb-TD]
’ų̄́šī́ — to ask, urge (someone) to do something [we]
’ųši (oon-she [j]) — to order, direct [j]
’ų̄́šī́ge (oo dAi Ke) — he told me, therefore [r-C]
’ųšíną — to want someone to do [sb-D]
’ų̄šíreže — he asked him to do it [jb-WM]
’ųšųnųną (o doAo no n) — he used to do it [r-Y]
’ųšųnųną (o doAo no n) — he would do [r-T]
’ųwa’ų — they did [ss-WI]
’ųwa’ų (o w o) — to do (habitually) [r-BC8]
’ųwa’ų — to make (habitually) [su-W]
’ų́wa’ųgàją — he had [rv-A]
’ųwa’ųireže (o w oyi Le de) — they were trying to do [l-M]
’ųwa’ųjeną (o w o tte n) — she is making her [l-P]
’ųwa’úna — he gave [rg-G]
’ų́wa’ų́ną — he is really doing it [su-W]
’ųwa’ųnagiži (o w o n Ki di) — they are doing it [r-Y]
’ųwa’ųnąkše (o w o nK deAe) — he was working on [r-T]
’ųwa’ų́ną́kše — they were doing to them [sb-H]
’ųwa’ųwagi (o w ow Ki) — he is doing [bp-TA]
’ųwągaširawigšana — only if they give us permission [se-P]
’uwagigają (ow Ki K tt) — as he went on [l-B]
’uwagigają (ow Ki K tt) — on the way [r-HO]
’ųwagigiže (o w Ki Ki de) — he gave them [r-TB]
’ųwagiwajaže (ow Ki w tt de) — he saw them [sb-TJ]
’ųwagiži (ow Ki di) — (as) he was [l-TT]
’uwáñgwine — let me continue on [r-B1]
’úwahigają (ow Ai K tt) — as he was going, as he went (along) [bp-A, bp-P, bp-TB, bp-TC, bp-TO, bp-TPN, bp-TW, l-L, r-BS]
’uwahigają (ow Ai K tt) — on the way [l-M]
’úwahira — the one who causes [sb-W]
’ųwahiregają (ow Ai Le K tt) — as they went on [jc-T]
’ųwahiregają (ow Ai Le K tt) — as they were going along [sb-E, sb-L, r-H]
’úwahiregają (ow Ai Le K tt) — on the way [l-M]
’úwahiregają (ow Ai Le K tt) — when they had gone a ways [jc-T]
’ųwaíja — did [r-V]
’ųwajawiną (ow tt wi n) — they are [r-Y]
’ųwaje (ow tte) — do it [jb-P]
’ųwaje (ow tte) — do so [r-I]
’ųwaje (ow tte) — you must do [l-O]
’ųwajiarairegere (ow ttiy Ly Le Ke Le) — thus they did repeatedly [sb-TD]
’ųwąjíre — they came doing [h-T]
’uwąk (owK) — he is [l-S]
’uwąk (owK) — he was walking [l-E]
’uwañk’ų — as he continued [p-B]
’ųwąk’ų (owK o) — as he lay [r-O]
’ųwąk’ų (ow Koo) — as thus he did [l-TT]
’ųwąk’ų (owK Koo) — as thus he went on [r-H]
’ųwąk’ų (owK Koo) — finally [bp-A, bp-TPN, r-D, r-H, r-WH]
’ųwąk’ų (ow Koo) — thus doing [bp-TO]
’ųwąkaraireže (ow K Ly Le de) — they did [r-T]
’ųwąkiriregają (ow Ki Li Le K tt) — as they came on their way [sb-L, sb-TJ]
’ųwąkiwigajeja (ow Ki wi K tte tt) — on their way [r-E]
’ųwąkšaną (owK dA n) — he is [r-D]
’ųwąkšaną (owK dA n) — he is doing [l-TS]
’uwąkšaną (owK dA n) — he is going [bp-TB]
’ųwąkšaną (owK dA n) — there is [l-O]
’uwąkše (owK deAe) — he is, he was [rv-F, bp-TA, bp-TC, bp-TO, l-MT, l-N, l-TS, r-E, r-HO]
’ųwąkše (owK deAe) — he kept on [l-TT]
’uwąkše (owK deAe) — there were [bp-TO]
’uwą́kšguni — they would do [rs-S]
’uwą́kwire — let me continue on [r-B2]
’ųwanąga (ow n K) — he did (it), and [bp-TB, r-T, r-WH]
’ųwanąkiži (o w n Ki di) — they are doing [r-Y]
’uwą́nihairegi — as they went [al]
’ųwanijage (ow ni tt Ke) — he must have seen you do is why [l-B]
’ųwarairegiži (ow Ly Le Ki di) — they were going until [r-TB]
’ųwašégi — you told him to do (it) [rh-S]
’ųwąši — I tell him to do [cf. ’ų, to do; ši, to tell] [m]
’ųwašíšguni — he began dancing [jf-M]
’ųwi-ą́je — you dare to do it [jb-F]
’ųwią́je — do so [rv-F]
’ųwiáje — you make (imperative) [rh-T]
’ųwiga (o wi K) — they had done [r-TB]
’ųwigi (o wi Ki) — they had done [l-P]
’ųwigiži (o wi Ki di) — when they did [r-TB]
’ųwigųnį (o wi Ko ni) — they must have done [r-WH]
’ųwinanihéšge — they do [h-T]
’ų́wine (o wi ne) — do it [h-T, l-SM]
’ųwíne — do it [h-T]
’ųwinįąje (o wi niy tte) — don't do it [jb-P]
’ųwiníne — do not do it to us [h-T]
’ųwira (o wi L) — do [jc-T]
’ųwire (o wi Le) — go ahead [sb-TJ]
’ųwire (o wi Le) — go ahead and do it [r-Y]
’ų́wire — it may be done [rv-F]
’ųwire (o wi Le) — keep on [jc-T]
’ųwire (o wi Le) — we will do it [r-I]
’ųwišgúni — they did it [h-R2]
’ųwiže (o wi de) — they did it [l-N, l-O]
’ųwiže (o wi de) — they made [l-M]
’ųwiže (o wi de) — they stayed [l-N]
’ųwiže (o wi de) — they walked [l-M]
’ų́xcį́neže — they really did it [sb-B]
’ųxcįreškųnį — they really did it [sb-D]
’ų́xcíreže — they did a lot [sb-B]
’ųxcį́reže — they really did it [sb-D]
’ų̄xįnį — ashes [hh]
’ū́xį́nį — embers, hot coals, charcoal, ashes [hl]
’ų̄xį́nį (oon HAin ni) — gun powder [ki, hl]
’ų̄xį́nį (oon HAin ni) — hot coals, ashes [ki]
’ųxini hoisep (o xiAi ni Aoyi reAele) — he threw charcoal [r-T]
’ųxini oisep — cold charcoal [cf., ’ų, to do; xinį, to send off sparks] [m]
’ųxini-osep — to smirch with charcoal (cf. ų, to do; xinį, to make coals, send off sparks; sep, black) [m]
’ųxínio-isép — smirched with charcoal [jb-B]
’ų̄xį́nįsép (oon HAin ni rrel) — black gun powder [ki, hl]
’ų̄xįnįsep — charcoal [hh]
’ū́xį́nįsép — coal, embers, charcoal [hl]
’ųxiši oisep — cold charcoal (cf. xišį, to make coals) [m]
’ųxjį (o xitti) — diligently [l-B]
’ųxjį (o xitti) — doing very much [sb-V]
’ųxjį (o xitti) — he did very much [l-E, r-WH]
’ųxjį (o xitti) — he tried very hard [l-B]
’uñxjį — she did very much [h-W]
’uñxjį́ — they did much more [jb-L]
’ųxjį — they did very much [h-T]
’ųxjį (o xitti) — to do [r-H]
’ųxjį (o xitti) — to do much [l-P, r-H, r-O]
’ųxjį (o xitti) — to do very hard [r-TB]
’ųxjį́ ’ųxjį́nešōnúną — they did very much [jb-WM]
’ųxjįagųnį (o xittiy Ko ni) — he is doing something [l-SM]
’ų́xjiánąga — try hard, and [rs-S]
’ųxjįharaniha’ų — they did their mightiest, until [ch]
’ųxjįhira (o xitti Ai L) — very much they did [bp-TP]
’ųxjįhireže (o xitti Ai Le de) — very hard they [did it] [sb-HW]
’ųxjínąk — very much [rs-S]
’ųxjįnąkše (o xitti nK deAe) — he was doing much [r-Y]
’ųxjįnąkše (o xitti nK deAe) — they did very much [bp-TA]
’ųxjine — to make noise [m]
’uñxjínegi — when at the worst [h-O]
’úñxjines’àže — very much [h-O]
’uñxjįnešguni — they did very much [jb-D]
’ųxjíneže — they did [much] [rs-S]
’ųxjįneže (o xitti ne de) — they did diligently [l-N]
’ųxjįneže (o xitti ne de) — they did much [l-N, r-TB, r-Y]
’uñxjíneže — they did very much [h-H]
’uñxjįnéže — they did very much [h-W]
’uñxjįneže — they did very much [jb-V]
’ų̄xjį̄neže — they did very much [r-V]
’ųxjįra (o xitti L) — they tried very hard [sb-L]
’ųxjįranąga — they did it, and [jf-J1b]
’ųxjį́re — he had on [jf-J1a]
’ųxjįres’aže (o xitti Le ra de) — they would do (it) very much [r-E, r-TB, r-Y]
’ųxjįreže (o xitti Le de) — mightily they did [r-O]
’ųxjįreže (o xitti Le de) — they did much [sb-TJ, r-TB]
’ųxjįreže (o xitti Le de) — they did very much [sb-L, l-B, r-D, r-Y]
’ųxjįreže (o xitti Le de) — they had a great time [r-O]
’ųxjįreže (o xitti Le de) — very mighty [l-M]
’ųxjįwiže (o xitti wi de) — they did very much [l-B, l-M, l-P, l-N, r-TB]
’uñxjíñxjį — she did much [h-W]
’ųxjįže (o xitti de) — he did many of them [l-N]
’ųxjįže (o xitti de) — he did much [r-H, r-HO, r-P1, r-Y]
’ųxjįže (o xitti de) — it/he did very much [bp-TB, l-B, l-N]
’ųže (o de) — being [r-BB]
’ų́že — he did [rv-F]
’ųžé (o de) — he did it [l-P, rv-F, r-P]
’ųže — he gave [jb-K]
’ųžĕ́ — he made [jb-HS]
’ų́že — he made [jb-W, h-G]
’ų́ñže — he made [lp-S]
’ų́že (o de) — he made [sb-B, l-N]
’ųžé — he made [sb-B, sb-K]
’ųže (o de) — he made [sb-L, jc-T, l-P, r-BS, r-T]
’ųže (o de) — he tried [sb-F]
’ųže (o de) — he was [jc-T, r-Y]
’ųže (o de) — he, she, it did (it) [sb-F, jc-T, bp-TA, bp-TB, l-B, l-L, l-LM, l-N, l-SM, r-BC8, r-D, r-HO, r-T, r-TB, r-WH]
’ųže (o de) — it happened [r-HO]
’ų́že — it was [r-P]
’ųžé — it was [sb-A]
’ųže (o de) — it was done [r-T]
’ūží — anus, rectum [m, hl]
’ū́ži (oo di) — anus, rectum, buttocks [ki]
’uží (o di) — buttocks [l-TC]
’ūží hiwak’ó — toilet paper [hl]
’ūží hiyak’ó — toilet paper [hl]
’ū́ži howaxų — enema [cf. ’úži, anus; xų, to flow] [m]
’ū́žieja (o diye tt) — in his rectum [r-E]
’ųžige (o di Ke) — finally [r-TB]
’užira — anus, rectum [m]
’užíra — rear, hind end [su-W]
’yáhą́teajára — that I’ve been dreaming about [rs-S]
’yapéresninunigé — I don’t know [but] [jb-L]
’yapérezšàną — I knew it [h-TM]
’yaréra — I thought [h-O]
’yowaraíreže — they went [jb-V]
’yuñgewina — the princesses [jh-M]
1865-regi — in [the year] 1865 [jh]
a (a) — ah [sb-F, l-B, l-O, r-TB]
á — ah [w-TI]
a (a) — all right [r-TB]
ā́ — arm [mn]
a (a) — arms [g-C, bp-TB, l-N, r-T, m]
a — aw (exclamation) [h-T]
ą — aw (exclamation) [h-T]
a (a) — he had said [bp-P, bp-TC]
a (a) — he said, to say [lt-R, rv-G, sb-L, sb-TD, jc-T, bp-P, l-LM, l-O, l-SM, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-HO, r-O, r-TB]
á — he was saying [fu]
a (a) — legs [l-SM]
a (a) — oh [r-T]
a — saying [jb-B]
a (a) — saying [r-TB, r-WH]
a (a) — they said [r-E, r-WH]
ą (suffix) — to hold up a weight [mn]
ą — to pull up, raise [d]
a ha’ai — a phrase uttered four times before the Heroka shoot [mck]
ā hirusgic — cuffs [hh]
a hįtek’šunu — my arm aches (Amell. has -šana for-šunu) [d]
a-a (a a) — an exclamation made by the Twins [r-TB]
a-ánąga — he said [r-S]
ą-ha’ ha’ ha’ ha’ (ã-ha’ ha’ ha’ ha’ [mck]) — a "laughing" sound made in imitation of the bear during rites in the Bear Dance [mck]
a-homašja — arm strength [b-LK]
a-ikiją — arm-reach [g-C]
a-ipįsirašge (?) — wrist (cf. pį, good, si, foot) [m]
a’aki (a a Ki) — on both sides [r-Y]
a’aki (a a Ki) — on each side [jc-T, r-D]
a’aki (a a Ki) — on either side [r-BB]
a’akirutijeną (a a Ki Lo ti tte n) — he is dragging them [r-Y]
a’ų́niže — he remained for a period of time [jb-F]
aakí — on both sides [lt-C]
áänina — my arm [f]
ab — leaves [b-G]
ábara — leaf [su-W]
abera — leaf [m]
ábera — the leaves [jb-DD1, jb-G]
abᵉra — the leaves [jb-P2]
ábᵉra (a lL) — the leaves [jb-SE]
ą́bera — to get down [h-O]
Abraham — Abraham [b-LK]
ą̄́c — away from the shore, away from the edge of a liquid [mn]
acažere (ah-chah-zha-da) — seeing [ge]
acinja — from [cf. Smith: holawalci, where you from] [sm-E]
acįšų (ah-chin-shune) — old [tu]
ą̄cką́nąk — to take out of water [mn]
ackénik — a short distance [d]
ackinigera — ground squirrel [me]
acoanagášgĕ — he had arms and also [rv-A]
ącože — to take out [cf. cu, within, inside] [m]
ą̄cú — to take out (e.g. of a kettle), unload [mn]
ącugają (a ttAo K tt) — he dipped in, and [r-O]
ącúže (a ttAo de) — he got out [l-B]
ącúže (a ttAo de) — to take out, he took out [cf. cu, within, inside] [l-L, m]
áeja — at that (very) place [lt-TB]
áejá — in that very place [lt-M]
áeja — right there [lt-U]
áeja — there [lt-I, lt-TB, lt-M]
áeja — to it [lt-R, lt-TB]
añgają — he arose [r-WB]
agak’ík’iną — they are opposite each other [su-W]
agak’ik’inagera — lots (of pairs) opposite each other [su-W]
agak’inągera — opposite each other [su-W]
agák’inąk — across from [jb-F]
agák’inok — across [jb-F]
ágakaraginąkiži (a K K L Ki nK Ki di) — he was sitting opposite her [r-T]
agakikínągᵉra — my opposite [r-HC]
agakikinąk — on each side [m]
ágakikínąk — opposite [r-HC]
agakikinąk (a K Ki Ki nK) — opposite one another [r-BB]
agakiną́geja (a K Ki n Ke tt) — opposite him [jb-SE]
ágakinágenąkiži — he was opposite him [h-R2]
ágakinañk — opposite [jb-R]
agákinąk (a K Ki nK) — opposite, across [sb-L, h-R1, h-R2, l-TV, r-BB, r-TW3, m]
ágakinógenokiži — he was opposite him [h-R1]
agákinok — opposite side [h-G]
aganika — over the other side [me]
aganíxjį — never under any circumstances [jb-D]
agé — to mean, signify [mn]
agéja — (on the) other side [jw-B, h-H, m-MS, m]
ageja (a Ke tt) — across [bp-P, sb-TB, l-O, r-D, r-Y, j]
ágeja — across [lt-R]
agejá — across [mn]
agéja — across, opposite [jh-M, r-TC4]
ageja (a Ke tt) — on the opposite side [bp-TPN]
ageja — on the other side of [bp-L]
agéja — opposite side [jb-MR]
agéja (a Ke tt) — opposite them [r-C]
agĕ́ja — the other side [bp-L]
ageja (a Ke tt) — to the other side [jc-T, l-M]
agéja nǫ́ka — the ones opposite (opponents) [rt-T]
agejajega (a Ke tt tte K) — the other one [r-D]
agejánǫk’a — those who were opposite [jb-F]
agejarehi (a Ke tt Le Ai) — to blow on the other side [l-M]
agejarehigiži (a Ke tt Le Ai Ki di) — if it would blow towards the other side [l-M]
ágᵉra — something from across the way [ss-PT]
agerégi (a KeLe Ki) — across [bp-TPN]
agerégi — across there [jb-F]
agerégi — on the opposite side [jb-H]
agerégi — opposite me [r-TC4]
ági — to be ready [h-T]
ā́gi — to be ready [mn]
agiǧébireže — they came out [h-O]
agík’ąnąkšé — ready he placed them [rs-S]
aginągᵉre (a Ki n KLe) — that are on the sides [jb-P]
aginąkše (a Ki nK dAe) — it flew back [r-D]
agiregiži (a Ki Le Ki di) — when they got home [l-SM]
agiwaragikerena — you have prepared [b-LK]
agíxcį — ready [lt-M]
agixjį — handy, in readiness [m]
agíxjį — in readiness [jb-F]
ągo — back of head [m]
agre — across [m]
agú-iregi — when they came to him [jb-F]
aguakínągirèną (a Kow Ki n Ki Le n) — they were willing [jb-SE]
aguže (< haguže) (a Ko de) — it came [r-O]
agwakonǫgireną — to sit opposite [m]
aǧébirerèja — within sight [jh]
aǧo — back of the head [m]
āǧó — back of the head [mn]
aǧóeja — on his shoulders [rv-F]
aǧogaija (a xo Ky tt) — in the side (of the head) [r-D]
aǧogaija (a xo Ky tt) — under the arm [l-SM]
aǧoija (a xoyi tt) — the back of his head [r-D, m]
aǧókąxji-èja — right under the arm [m]
aǧoke — arm pit [m]
aǧokekarakąnąkjegiži (a xo Ke K L K n Kette Ki di) — if he carries way under his arms [jb-P]
āǧóku — underarm [mn]
aǧokura — arm pit [m]
aǧora (a xo L) — the back of his head [r-D]
aǧošúružejàšaną — the hollow in the back of the neck (between vertebrae) [jb-MR]
aǧúkąxjiéja — right under the (left) arm [jw-B]
aǧuke — arm pit [m]
aǧukeáki — the armpits [jb-S1a]
aǧukǫxjįéja — under the arm pit [jb-R]
āǧúku — underarm [mn, hh]
ąhą (aA) — ah! [r-D]
ąhą (a A) — well [l-TM]
ahahągwíže — they talked [rv-F]
ahí — there [h-R2]
ahí — until that time [w-TI]
ahíminukáją — there he sat down [h-R1]
ahiną́ire — they went? at night [lt-C]
ahíres’aže — they used to go [fu]
aho — hello (male) [hh]
ahó sĭckere (ahó sĭtckere [mck]) — a hair style in which the hair was carried on the top of the head, not braided, but wound around the top of the head [mck]
Ahocogahominakra (A-ho-cho-ga-ho-mi-nak-ra) — Valley Junction, Blue Wings Home [j]
ahoginįže (a Ao Ki ni de) — shouting [r-BS]
ahohireže (a Ao Ai Le de) — he said in the distance [r-WH]
ahohireže (a Ao Ai Le de) — they said [r-WH]
ahohiže (a Ao Ai de) — he asked [r-TB]
ahohiže (a Ao Ai de) — he shouted over [r-TB]
áhoku ošorójera — arm pit [f]
ąhooo — an exclamation [ss-WI]
ahu (a Ao) — arms (of Thunderbirds) [sb-L, l-M]
āhú — wing ("arm-leg") [lp, mn]
ahu (a Ao) — wing (hu, leg) [bp-TA, j]
áhu wáhis’ ožužúgera — wing=feathers=fine [g-H]
Ahu-awįga — Raises Her Wing [r-WT]
ahu-įbótairegìži — they struck him with (their) wings [h-O]
Ahu-iserecga — Long Wings [r-WT]
Ahu-ižipga — Short Winged [r-WT]
ahúakíwake — on each side of the wing [jmc-B]
ahúcera — upper arm (root of the arm) [f]
ahucge — shoulder bustle, upper arm band [z]
ahúckera — arm bands (above the elbow) [f]
Ahuco — Blue Wing [r-WT]
Āhúcoaci — Blue Wing area of Tomah, Wisconsin [mn]
Āhúcogá Homįną́gra — Blue Wing Settlement of Tomah, Wisconsin [mn]
Ahucowįga — Green (Blue) Wing [r-WT]
āhucų̄ — angel [hh]
Ahugįgį́ška — Squeaky Wings, a personal name [rv-A]
Ahugijinewįga — Young Bird that Sheds Its First Feathers as It Flaps Its Wings [r-WT]
Ahugip’arawįga — Spreads Her Wings (said of a young bird just learning to fly) [r-WT]
Ahugišį́nįwįga — Brilliant Wings, a name in the Warrior Clan [hc]
Ahugišiniwįga — Shining Wings [r-WT]
ahuhinįže (a Ao Ai ni de) — he did not answer back [r-BB]
ahuhirasanįkra (a Ao Ai L rA niKi L) — those with wings [r-D]
ahuirasa — birds [b-G]
ahúirasaížą — one with wings [jb-MH2a]
ahuirasara — the fowl [b-G]
ahuírasára — the winged ones [jb-MH2a]
Ahumanip’aga — He who Hits the Ground with His Wings (refers to a cloud) [r-WT]
Ahumąpága — Strikes the Earth with His Wings [r-BD]
Ahup’ahiga — Sharp Wing (said of a thundercloud) [r-WT]
áhup’ahížą — sharp wings [jb-C]
Ahuperewįga — Transparently Clear Wings [r-WT]
ahura (a Ao L) — the wings [jmc-B, bp-TA, l-TT]
ahúra — wings [ge, h-O, rt-T, sb-N]
Ahuru-ąga — He who Raises His Wings (the edges of a cloud) [r-WT]
Ahusak’a — Strikes His Wings [r-WT]
Ahúserecka — Long Wings (as a far extended cloud, clouds being the plumage of the Thunderbirds) [d-WG, sb-N, r-WT, r-P]
ahusgacųže — he had [white] wings [hz-L]
Ahusgawįga — White Wing [r-WT]
Ahusururewįga — Slow Wing [r-WT]
áhužé — he came saying [jb-B]
ahúže (a Ao de) — it said [r-BB]
ahúže — saying (this), he came [h-B]
ai šáwagra — elbow [g-H]
aígi — across [jb-F]
aigi — then [jb-F]
aigijagi — to get a hold of; doubts (cf. a, arm; gi, to be, do; ja) [m]
aiïsawára — lower arm (end of the arm) [f]
áiįtekšą́ną — aches (my arm aches) [f]
aíja — by the arm [jb-D]
aija (ay tt) — by the arm [sb-TD, l-SM, r-TB]
aija (ay tt) — in the arm [r-BB]
aijanináxjakšè — he bit you in the arm [h-T]
aijaxžerexjį — well cooked (just right) [cf. a, jere] [m]
aíkiją ji jeá — within arm-reach he came [g-C]
aikijągi (ayi Ki tt Ki) — as he reached [bp-TA]
aípa — bracelet [mn]
aipino — I liked him [h-R1]
aipipanik (iipeepaunik) — wrist band [k]
aipipara (iipeeparar) — wrist band [k]
áipįsirašge — wrist, leggings [cf. a, arm; pį, good; si, foot] [m]
aípįxjeníno — they did not like it very much [h-R1]
aira (ay L) — they said [h-B, l-SM, r-D]
airá — they said [lt-C]
airájega — they said [h-T]
aíraną (ay L n) — they say [l-N, r-D, r-TB]
airánąga (ay L n K) — he said, and [r-WH]
airánąga (ay L n K) — they kept saying [l-B]
aíranąga (ay L n K) — they said [r-I]
airánąga (ay L n K) — they said, and [jb-F, jb-WM, sb-TD, bp-TA, l-B, l-LM, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-SM, l-TS, r-B, r-E, r-F, r-H, r-HO, r-T, r-TB, r-WH]
airánąga (ay L n K) — they sing, and [r-TW3]
airánąga (ay L n K) — they will say, and [r-E]
airánąga (ay L n K) — they would say, and [bp-TB, l-P, l-SM]
aíranąga (ay L n K) — they would say, then [r-I]
airanągi — if they say it [jb-WM]
airaną́gi — they would say [jb-P2]
airanáną — they would call [sb-N]
aíranáną — they would say to them [jb-P2]
airanáną — thus, they would say [sb-N]
airanįgają (ay L ni K tt) — it was not told, and [r-O]
airanįgają (ay L ni K tt) — they do not say [r-O]
aíranihèga — they had said [jb-S1a]
airanihega (ay L ni Ae K) — they told him that [r-I]
airánihékje — they could ever say [rs-S]
airánihekjéną (ay L ni Ae Kette n) — they will call it henceforth, they will ever say [l-L, r-TC4]
airanihekježe (ay L ni Ae Kette de) — they shall call [r-C]
airanihekježe (ay L ni Ae Kette de) — they will not call [r-E]
airanihekježe (ay L ni Ae Kette de) — they would call [r-I]
airanihekneže (ay L ni Ae Kene de) — they will call [r-I]
airanihekže (ay L ni Ae Ktte) — they will ever call it [l-L]
aíranihera — they had said [h-R1, h-R2]
airanįną (ay L ni n) — they are not called [r-TB]
airanįną (ay L ni n) — they did not say [r-TB]
airanįną (ay L ni n) — they do not call [l-SM]
airanineja (ay L ni ne tt) — they had said [sb-TJ]
airanunige (ay L no ni Ke) — they said, (but) [bp-TC]
airanúnige — they say, but [rv-F]
airašikjanaheže (ayi L diAi Ktt n Ae de) — you ask me to do [l-TM]
airašununą — they say [r-WB]
aire (ay Le) — they are saying [bp-TB]
aire (ay Le) — they ask [sb-L]
aíre — they said [lt-C, lt-I, lt-M, lt-U, lt-TB, p-T, h-H]
airé — they said [lt-R]
aire (ay Le) — they said [sb-L, r-BB, r-D]
airé — they say [lt-I, lt-TB, r-K]
aíre — they say [lt-R, rh-W, lp]
aire (ay Le) — they would say [bp-TP]
áireánąga — they say as well [ss-WP]
aireašųnųną — thus they say [hz-L, ch]
airega (ay Le K) — it is thus [r-Y]
airega (ay Le K) — when they said [l-O]
airegają (ay Le K tt) — it is said [r-TB]
airegáją — they are saying [h-W]
airegáją (ai Le Ka tt) — they have said [r-C]
airegają (ay Le K tt) — they say, and [r-O]
airegáją — when they said [jb-F]
airegaške (ay Le K deKe) — they would say, but [sb-TJ]
aírege (ay Le Ke) — because they said [l-TT, r-TB]
aírege (ay Le Ke) — they said, so [jc-T]
airege — they say, so [ss-WI]
aírege (ay Le Ke) — they say, that is why [r-O]
aírege (ayi Le Ke) — they say, therefore [jb-P]
aírege (ay Le Ke) — they say, they said [jw-B, jb-F, jb-P, r-TB, l-TT, r-Y]
áiregèjinį́šgè — because they also say [w-TI]
airegi — as they call it [ss-HM]
áiregi — as they call it [ss-WI]
airegi — as they called them [ss-HM]
aíregi (ay Le Ki) — if they had said [r-BC8]
áiregi — it is called [ss-B]
aíregi — it is said [jh]
aíregi — they called [h-R1, h-R2]
aíregi — they said [jb-F, jh]
airegi (ay Le Ki) — they said, and [r-D]
airegi (ay Le Ki) — when they say [bp-TP]
aíregi — which it is said [jh]
aíregiži (ay Le Ki di) — as they say [r-H, ss-WP]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — if someone said [jc-T]
airegiži (ayi Le Ki di) — if they say [jb-P]
áiregiži — it is called [ss-B]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — it was called [sb-L]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — these were called, and [l-SM]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — they answered [sb-TD]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — they call [r-D]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — they called, and [l-SM]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — they cried, so [jc-T]
airegiži (ay re Ki di) — they said [bp-TP, r-Y]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — they said, and [l-SM]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — they said, so [jc-T, l-MT, l-SM, r-D]
airegiži (ay Le Ki di) — thus they said [l-E]
airek’jéną — they will say [jb-F]
airekjaneną (ayi Le Ktt ne n) — they will say [jb-P]
airekjaneną (ayi Le Ktt ne n) — they will tell you [l-E]
airekjéną (ay Le Kette n) — they will call from henceforth [l-L]
airekježe (ay Le Kette de) — they could say [r-D]
airekježe (ay Le Ktte de) — they would say [r-D]
airekjonega — he would say [r-BC]
airen' — it is said [ss-BW]
áiren' — it is said [ss-WI]
airen’ — they say [ss-HM]
aíreną — it is said [jb-S1a]
aíreną (ay Le n) — it is said [jf-J1b, jb-A, jb-SE, jh, p-B, rv-G, jb-S1a, sb-E, sb-L, l-L, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TC, l-TF, l-TS, r-D, r-H, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-Y, lp-N, ss-WI]
aíreną (ay Le n) — so we are told [r-TW3]
aíreną (ay Le n) — they are called [sb-TD, bp-TW, r-TB]
aíreną (ay Le n) — they call (them) [l-B, l-SM, r-D]
aíreną (ay Le n) — they have said [bp-TA, bp-TO, r-C]
airéna — they said [lt-C]
aireną — they said [r-BC, r-CL]
airéną̆ — they said [rv-A]
airéną — they said [sb-W, r-BD]
áireną — they said [ss-WI]
aireną — they say [r-WB]
aíreną — they say [rh-T, jh, jb-K, h-LFW, h-T, r-CL, su-B]
aíreną (ay Le n) (ayi Le n) — they say, said [g-C, rh-O, rh-T, jh-M, h-G, h-H, h-R2, h-W, h-TM, rv-F, bp-TP, jb-P, sb-TD, l-M, l-N, l-TF, l-SM, r-B1, r-BS, r-C, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-J, r-O, r-TB, r-TW3, r-Y, su-B]
airenąga (ay Le n K) — they said, and [l-SM]
airenáxgųge — [they said] I heard [rt-T]
aírera (ay Le L) — as they are called [jc-T]
aírera (ay Le L) — it is said [jb-SE, r-H, r-TB, r-TW3]
aírera — so it is said [sb-N]
airera (ayi Le L) — they are saying [r-TW3]
aírera (ay Le L) — they say [sb-L, jc-T, r-WH, su-S]
aireraže — it was called [ss-HM]
aires’ą — as they were called [ss-HM]
aires’ági — they used to say [rt-T]
aires’ági — they used to speak of [jb-F]
aires’agiži (ay Le ra Ki di) — it is called, and [l-SM]
aires’áže — they call it [jb-S1a]
aíres’áže — they used to call [h-O2, h-R1, h-R2]
aires’áže — they would call [sb-N]
aires’aže (ay Le ra de) — they would reply [r-I]
aires’aže (ay Le ra de) — they would say [r-I]
aíres’aže — they would say [rv-F]
aires’aže — this is what they used to say [fu]
airešanúną — it is said [sb-TB]
airešănúną̆ — they used to say [rv-A]
aírešanúną — they used to say [sb-TB]
aírešanùną — they’re in the habit of saying [jb-MR]
aírešanuną — we are told [rv-F]
airešanúną — when they tell [al]
airešgúni — they said [rh-S, rh-T]
aírešgùniže — they desired [jb-F]
aíreške — they say [also] [r-WT]
airešonokjéną — they shall say [r-TC4]
aírešonúna — as was told [jc-F]
airešonúną — what they were saying [r-K]
airešonúra (ay Le doAo no L) — they are called [l-TF]
airešųnų (ay Le doAo no) — they say [l-P]
airešųnųgają (ay Le doAo no K tt) — it was always told [r-O]
airešųnųn' — they used to call it [ss-HM]
airešųnųną (ay Le dAo no n) — it is said [l-TC, r-TB]
aírešunùną (a[yi] Le doAo no L) — it was always said [jb-SE]
airešųnųną (ayi Le doAo no n) — they used to say [jb-P, ss-SE]
áirešųnųną — they used to say [ss-WI]
áirešųnųnạ̀ — they will usually say [w-TI]
airešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — it is called [sb-E, r-E]
airešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — they always say [r-T]
aírešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — they always tell [r-T]
airešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — they are called [sb-TD]
airešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — they call [sb-TD]
airešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — they used to call [r-TB]
airešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — they used to say [r-TB]
airešųnųra (ay Le doAo no L) — they would say [r-TB]
airežaré (ay Le d Le) — they said [jc-T]
aíreže (ay Le de) — he said [r-TB]
aíreže (ay Le de) — it is/was said [rv-F, jc-T, jb-DE, jb, l-O, l-P, r-HO]
aíreže (ay Le de) — they answered [r-T]
aíreže (ay Le de) — they began to say [r-E]
aíreže (ay Le de) — they had said [h-O, h-W, jc-F, bp-TA, bp-TW, l-E, r-B2]
aíreže (ay Le de) — they said [jb-D, jb-F, jb-BH, jb-DE, jb-HM, jb-SE, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, sb-TJ, sb-V, rv-F , jc-T, bp-A, bp-TA, bp-TPN, bp-TW, bp-TP, h-B, h-O2, h-T, l-B, l-M, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TM, l-TS, r-B1, r-BB, r-BD, r-CL, r-D, r-DC, r-E, r-H, r-HC, r-HD, r-HO, r-I, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y, ss-WI]
aireže — they said [r-BC, r-WB, ss-S]
áireže — they say [ss-WI]
airežen’ — it is said [ss-SE]
airežera (ayi Le de L) — it is told [r-TW3]
airinihekjeną (ay Li ni Ae Kette n) — they will ever call it [l-L]
airuti — to lead by the hand (cf. ti, to move) [h-C, m]
airutinaže — they can lead [b-LK]
aisásahiže — she stitched it [h-T]
aiskocra (eye-skoch-ra [j]) — dimple [j]
aíšak — elbow [mn]
aišawageja (ayi dA w Ke tt) — at his elbows [r-T]
aišawagera — elbow (cf. a, arm; išawak, elbow) [m]
aíšawak — (one) elbow [g-C]
aíšawak hipuáta ną́ — I pushed him with the elbow [g-C]
aíšawakra (ayi dA w KL) — his elbows [r-O]
aišowąk (eye-show-uck) — elbow [tu]
aišuruti — you (sg.) lead by the hand [m]
aituti — I lead by the hand [m]
aiwiže (ay wi de) — they said (dual) [l-N]
aixóną — move [h-R1]
aizóxjį — very [nicely ?] [rw-W]
aižą (ay d) — one arm [r-D]
aižą — the length of the arms extended [me]
ája — at that time [lt-C]
aja (a tt) — previously [sb-L]
aja (a tt) — you must say [r-Y]
aja-ų — as she said it [p-B]
aja’ų (a tt oo) — finally [l-SM, r-I]
ája’ų — saying this [h-R2]
ajaíreže — they saw [jb-S2]
ająré (a tt Le) — to say [bp-P]
àjaų — as he was coaxing him [jc-F]
ájáų — saying this [h-R1]
ajawiže (a tt wi de) — they said [sb-L]
ajawiže (a tt wi d[e]) — they stood and said [r-T]
ajáže — he saw her [rs-S]
ajaže (a tt de) — he was telling them [r-Y]
ąje — from? water [m]
ajega (a tte K) — he had said [bp-P, r-TB]
ajega (a tte K) — he said [l-O]
ajega (a tte K) — he thought [r-H]
ájègàją — [as] he says it [w-TI]
ajegáją — of course [h-O]
ąjéja — away from the water [jb-S1a]
ąjéja — on the shore [jb-D, h-TM, r-TB]
ajeną (a tte n) — he is saying [bp-TP]
ajeną (a tte n) — he said [l-B]
ajeną (a tte n) — he wants [r-Y]
ajéną — I am [h-O]
ąjᵉnągᵉrē — away from [r-BD]
ajera (a tte L) — he is saying [r-Y]
ą́jᵉra (a ttL) — the shore [l-O]
aježe (a tte de) — he said [l-B, r-HO, r-TB]
áježe — he was saying [h-T]
aježe (a tte de) — he was saying [sb-F, bp-TC, bp-TP, l-O, l-P, l-TM, r-C, r-HO, r-Y]
ají — he came [lt-TB]
ají — here at [h-B]
aji (a tti) — it came [r-H]
aji (a tti) — towards [jc-T]
áji — you must say [jf-J1b]
ajikereže (a tti Ke Le de) — it made [l-SM, r-D]
ajíną — I am coming [r-P]
ąjíną — I have [h-O]
ajinąk (a tti n K) — he came on shore [l-P]
ąjínañk — they came out [jb-D]
ajinąkanąga (a tti n K n K) — he came on shore, and [l-TM]
ajinąkgiži (a tti nK Ki di) — he let her out, and [l-P]
ajinąkgiži (a tti nK Ki di) — when it had come out [sb-TD]
ajinąkiranąga (a tti n Ki L n K) — they would come out, and [r-TB]
ajinąkiže (a tti n Ki de) — they came out [l-SM]
ajinąkja (a tti n K tt) — he got out [l-M]
ajinąknąkanąga (a tti nK n K n K) — he jumped out, and [sb-L]
ajinąknąkiregają (a tti nK n Ki Le K tt) — they came out, but [bp-TPN]
ajinąknįže (a tti nK ni de) — he would not come out [l-MT]
ajinąkše (a tti nK deAe) — he came out [sb-BT, sb-TD, jc-T, bp-TW, r-TB]
ajiragere (a tti L Ke Le) — thus he repeatedly said [bp-P]
ajiregá — when he starts talking [lp]
ájirehírekjanéna — they’ll say [rt-T]
ajirekjaneną — have them come [r-BD]
ájires’àže (< e-haji-ire-s’a-že) — he began [jb-S1b]
ajíreže — he began [jb-S1b]
ajireže (a tti Le de) — he began to say [sb-L]
ajireže (a tti Le de) — he came saying [r-BS]
ajíreže — they came [p-B]
ajireže (a tti Le de) — they came and said [r-D]
ajiwíže — they two had come [lt-U]
ąjkąnąkanąga (a ttK n K n K) — he took out more of it, and [l-L]
ąjkąnąkše (a ttK nK deAe) — he took out [l-L]
ak — on that side, opposite side, across [h-R1, h-R2, su-W, m, mn]
ak — to walk, go [m]
ąk — to walk, go, move about [m]
ak’áracgéra (a K L tteKe L) — [the] branch [bp-P, r-HC]
ak’áracgèra — the limb [sb-N]
ak’áracké — a limb [su-W]
ak’araíreki — when they went [sb-H]
ak’arecgéja — on the limb [sb-N]
ak’égi — on this side [rt-T]
ak’í — both [sb-J6]
ák’į — to serve as an arm [lp]
ak’íake — both sides [rw-W]
ak’iriną́kšaną — there they are [jb-F]
ak’ų (aK Koo) — finally [l-N]
áka — anytime [rh-T]
ąká — not [f]
aka (a K) — on each side [r-D]
ą́ka — on each side [ss-WI]
aka (a K) — opposite [r-BB, r-O]
añká — the reclining one [lt-I, lt-TB]
ąká kináni — absent (not here is) [f]
ąkáepį́ną — bad (it is not good) [f]
ąkahihani (an-ka-hē-ha-ne [j]) — absent [j]
akaja — the other side [me]
akakinąkjį (a K Ki nK Kitti) — just across [l-O]
akakinąkjįnegi (a K Ki nK Kitti ne Ki) — just across [l-P]
akakinąkregi (a K Ki nK Le Ki) — across [l-E]
ákanakšena — I put [it] into [g-H]
akáracgé (a K L tteKe) — branches [bp-TC]
akáracgèra (a K L ttKe L) — limbs [jb-SE]
akaracúže (a K L ttAo de) — he emptied it out [l-L]
akaracúže (a K L ttAo de) — he took it out [bp-TPN]
akarajganąk (a K L ttK nK) — to pull out [r-D]
akárajgera (a K L tteKe L) — the tree limb [r-Y]
akarašú — upside down, turned over (bottom-up) [f]
aké — but (in the middle or end of a word), well! (at the beginning of a word) [f]
añke — not (for hañke) [jh]
áke — on both sides [g-C]
akeca-eca (a-katch-a-atcha [j]) — beyond [j]
Akécamįnąka — Sitting Opposite, a Bear Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
akéja (a Ke) — across [bp-P]
ąkewe (arkaaway) — six [k]
akeweha — six [b-E]
akí (a Ki) — at both ends [jb-SE]
ākí — both [l-TS, mn]
akí — both [r-T]
akí — both sides (people) [h-R1, h-R2]
áki — each [jb-KX]
akí (a Ki) — each [l-O]
ā́kī — existed [jb-HS]
akí (a Ki) — in each [l-N]
akí (a Ki) — in either one [r-T]
akí (a Ki) — on both ends [jb-SE]
akí (a Ki) — on each side [r-BB, r-V]
akí (a Ki) — on either side [p-T, r-BB]
akí (a Ki) — on my sides [l-N]
akí (a Ki) — one another [jb-SE]
áki (a Ki) — one another [jb-SE]
akí (a Ki) — side [r-BS]
akí — they are [rg-G]
akí maninĕ — walk beside (imperative) [mck]
akíake — of each one [jb-J4]
ąkicu (an-kee-choo [j]) — to unload [j]
akihą — third ? [m]
akikikéri — alert (adj) [f]
ąkinųpera (arkeenoomperar) — brother [k]
akíp’ahira — two edged [h-TG]
ākipāhi — diamond shape [hh]
ākipāhi — diamonds (card suit) [hh]
akíri — on that [h-R1, h-R2]
akirírege — they had returned [rv-F]
akišaną (a Ki dA n) — on each side [l-TM]
akišaną — on either side [r-HC]
akíwake — at each [jb-J4]
akíwake — at each side [jb-J4]
akiwake — both [f]
akíwaké — both [jb-FC]
akiwake — both sides [jmc-B]
akiwake (a Ki w Ke) — each (both) [bp-TA]
akiwake (a Ki w Ke) — from either side [sb-E]
akíwake — from one end to the other [jb-J4]
akíwaké — on both sides [lt-I]
akíwake — on both sides [lt-M]
akiwake (a Ki w Ke) — on each side [r-I]
akíwaké — one each side of [rt-T]
akížu — I with them [h-T]
akížu — with me [h-T]
akižúmiñkše — and she lay with him [h-O]
akižúreže — they married [rv-F]
akížutegìži — I go with him [jh-M]
akohaireže (a Ko Ay Le de) — they were saying as they came home [sb-TD]
akóreža — hereupon [g-C]
akorockera (ah-cor-roch-ca-dah) — outer bark [ge]
akra — across [m]
akregi (a KLe Ki) (aK KLe Ki) — across [r-E, r-T]
akregi (a KLe Ki) — across from here [l-O]
akregi — from above [r-B2]
akregi (a KLe Ki) — opposite [sb-L]
Aksia — third born girl (subject) [g-H]
Aksiága — third born girl (oblique declension) [g-H]
áksiáka — a dead or tame she-bear [f]
Áksiáka — the name of the third born daughter [f]
Aksigáxunu — fifth born girl (subject) [g-H]
Aksigáxunuga — fifth born girl (oblique declension) [g-H]
ákšąn' — he said [ss-BO]
ákšaną (a Kd n) — it is/was [rv-F, r-C, ss-WI]
akše — he cried [sb-W]
akšé — he was saying [rs-S]
akše (aK deAe) — he was saying [sb-F, sb-TD, l-E, l-MT, l-TS, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-Y]
ākše — he said [ss-SE]
amiñkšáną — he said [jh]
Ana — Anna [b-LK]
ąną — ouch! [lp]
anąc — all [f]
aną́c — all [sb-W, h-R1]
anacás — beaten (trodden hard) [f]
anącas — trodden down, as a road [d]
aną́cį — all [sb-TB] [cf. hanacį]
anącį́xjį — all of it [h-R1]
Ąnącųxétega — Big Armful (as a bear hugging a tree as to climb it), a Bear Clan personal name [f, r-WT]
Anácuxĕtega (Anátcuƙĕteka [mck]) — Big Armful, a male name in the Bear Clan. Refers to the fact that bears take up things in their arms. [mck]
ánañgá — after [lt-F]
anąga (a n K) — and [h-R2, ch, l-L, l-M, l-N, l-SM, r-FP, r-S, r-TB, r-TW3, r-V, r-Y, ss-HM]
ánągā — and [jb-HS]
ánąga (a n K) — and [jf-J1b, rs-S, jb-MH1, sb-F, sb-L, r-D, r-O, r-P1, r-T, r-TW3]
ánañga — and [jf-M, p-B, p-C, p-M]
anañgá — and [jh-M]
ąnąga — and [nw]
anąga (a n K) — and then [r-BB]
ánąga (a n K) — as he had said [sb-F]
ánąga (a n K) — as he said it [sb-TD, bp-TA]
ánąga (a n K) — as they were saying [bp-TW]
anąga — as well [ss-HM]
anañgá — having (done something) [lt-R]
anąga (a n K) — he had said [bp-TA]
ánąga (a n K) — he had said [sb-BT, bp-TC, bp-TO]
anąga (a n K) — he said [bp-P, bp-TA, l-L, l-TF, l-TT, r-BB, r-WB]
ánąga (a n K) — he said [jc-F, jc-S, jb-F, jb-SE, h-R1, h-R2, jc-T, bp-TB, bp-TO, bp-TW, l-E, l-MT, l-TV, r-BB, r-D, r-I, r-TB, r-Y]
ánañga — he said [jh-M, jb-B, jb-D, p-B, h-B, h-C, h-G, h-TM, rh-T]
anąga (a n K) — he said, and [hz-O, sb-BT, l-N, l-SM, l-TM, l-TS, r-TW3]
ā́ną̆gā (< a-ánąga) — he said, and [jb-HS]
ánąga (a n K) (< á-anąga ) — he said, and [jb-MH1, rs-S, jb-S1b, sb-E, sb-L, sb-TD, l-B, l-LM, l-O, l-P, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-I, r-J, r-O, r-T, r-TB]
ánañga — he said, and [p-M]
ánąga (a n K) — he was saying [bp-TC, h-R1, h-R2]
anąga — it is called [r-WB]
ánąga (a n K) — it is called [sb-L]
ánąga — it is said [jb-F]
ánąga (a n K) — saying [r-BB]
ánañga — so [p-B]
ánąga (a n K) — that they spoke about [l-SM]
ánąga (a n K) — then [r-T]
anąga (a n K) — then [sb-L]
anąga — they said [hz-L]
ánąga (a n K) — they said [r-D]
ánąga (a n K) — they told [r-D]
anąga (a n K) — thus [sb-BT]
ánąga (a n K) — thus saying [sb-F, jc-T, bp-TPN]
ánañgá — when [lt-I]
ánąga (a n K) — when they say [r-E]
anañgá — when, after [lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U]
anañgá — when, and then [lt-TB]
ánañgá — when, as he did [lt-C]
anañgá — where [lt-I]
ánąga égi — while [r-V]
anąganaįxjį — very much [cf. ’į, to become] [m]
ánañge — and [jh]
ánąge (a nK Ke) — because they say [l-TS]
anágera — it is called [rv-F]
aną́gera (a n KL) — saying [r-TB]
ắnągᵉra — that is spoken of [rv-A]
ắnągᵉra (a n KL) — he is called [l-TS]
ánągᵉre (a n KeLe) — as it is called [jb-P]
ánągᵉre (a n KLe) — as they are called [jb-P]
ánągᵉre (a n KLe) — he is called [r-FP]
ánągere — he said [jb-F]
aną́gere — he said [rv-F]
anáñgere — he says [r-WT]
ánągere — it is called that [rv-G]
ánągere — it is said [sb-TB]
aną́gere — that he spoke [rv-F]
anągᵉre — that's spoken of [r-CL]
anañgere — there [jh]
anągᵉre (a n KeLe) — they address [l-SM]
ánągere — they say [rv-G, sb-TB, sb-TM]
ánągere — what is called [rv-F]
ánągere — when they said [rv-F]
aną́gere — who are called [rv-F]
aną́gerešgé — they are saying [h-R1, h-R2]
anągeže (a nK Kede) — they said [r-BB]
anągįk’ų (a n Ki Koo) — she was saying [l-P]
anągįnįže (a n Ki ni de) — he was [already] saying it [l-TM]
anagnųnįge — but instead [r-WB]
ánągra — they call [fu]
anañgwíną — they are [jb-D]
aną̄k — as they're called [ss-HM]
ánañk — he is saying [h-B]
ánąk — they call it [ss-WS]
ánąk’-a — it is said [r-P]
ánąk’ų — as he said [rs-S]
ánañk’ų — as they said it [jb-D]
anąk’ų (a nK Koo) — finally [l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-TB]
anąk’ų (a nK Koo) — he kept saying [r-TB]
anąk’ų (a nK Koo) — thus they were saying [bp-TA]
anąk’ųra (a n Koo L) — finally [sb-HW]
anaka — and [sb-FF]
ánąka — he said [jb-S1a]
anąka (a n K) — he said [r-C]
ánąka — that they call [jb-S1a]
ánąka — they are saying [jb-WM]
anąkera (a n Ke L) — the back of the arm [r-T]
ánąkíži — anyone says [rv-A]
anąkra (a n KL) — she said [r-Y]
anąkra (a nK L) — talking about [r-BS]
anąkra (a n KL) — the one who is told about [r-Y]
anąkra (a n KL) — they say [r-Y]
anąkra (a n KL) — they talk about [r-Y]
anáñkšaną — he is saying, they say [jh-M, p-B]
ánañkšaną — he said [r-DC]
ắną̆kšăną̆ — he said [rv-A]
ánąkšaną (a nK dA n) — he said [sb-L, l-B, l-TS, r-Y]
aną́kšaną — he says [h-T, rv-F, r-BD]
anąkšaną — he says [r-BD]
ánąkšaną (a nK dA n) — it is said [r-TB]
ánąkšaną (a nK dA n) — it is saying [bp-A]
ánañkšaną — they are saying something [r-TC4]
anąkšaną (a nK dA n) — they call it [r-D]
áną́kšąną — they call it [ss-B]
ánąkšaną (a n Kd n) — they said [l-TS, r-K, r-Y]
ắną̆kšą̆ną̆ — they say [rv-A]
ánąkšaną (a nK dA n) — they say, they are saying [rv-F, sb-V, l-N, l-TS, r-BC8, r-HD]
ánąkšaną — they were saying [r-CL]
ánąkšaną (a nK dA n) — what he said [r-TB, r-Y]
ānąkšą’ — it is said [ss-SE]
anąkše (a nK deAe) — he had replied [sb-BT]
ánąkše (a nK dAe) — he kept saying [jc-T]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — he kept saying [sb-L]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — he said [jb-F, sb-L, l-O, l-SM, r-BB, r-D, r-Y]
áną́kše — he said [ss-PT, ss-WI]
ą́nąkše — he said [ss-PT]
anąkše (a nK deAe) — he was saying [bp-TPN, l-B, l-SM, l-TM]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) (a nK de) — he was saying [rv-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, h-R2, bp-A, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-SM, l-TS, r-E, r-H, r-Y]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — he was talking [l-TS, r-BS]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — he would say [r-BB]
anąkše (a nK deAe) — it is [l-MS]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — it was said [r-T, r-Y]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — they answered [sb-TD]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — they kept saying [sb-L]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — they said [ch, sb-L, sb-TD, l-O, l-SM, l-TS, r-BB, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y]
ánąkše (a nK deAe) — they were saying [al, sb-TD, sb-V, jc-T, l-O, l-TS, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-I, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
anā́na — he would say the same [r-HD]
anąnąga (a n n K) — he said, and [sb-TD]
aną́nc — everything [jb-F]
anane (a n ne) — answer (imperative) [sb-TD]
ánankšana — they are [g-C]
ánankšana — they say, they are saying [g-C]
ánankškúni — so they said [g-C]
anas’uánañga — she had his legs over (her) [and] [h-B]
ánega — he said [g-C]
ani (a ni) — before he says [r-D]
anį (a ni) — not to tell [sb-TD]
aniąje — don't say [jb-P2]
anįga (a ni K) — when she did not say [l-P]
anihéga (a ni Ae K) — as he said [r-Y]
anihega (a ni Ae K) — as he said before [r-BS]
anihega (a ni Ae K) — he said before [l-O]
ànihéga — that saying [rt-T]
anihera (a ni Ae L) — as he had said [l-N]
anihera (a ni Ae L) — that he mentioned [r-TB]
anihera (a ni Ae L) — true to her saying [r-E]
anihera (a ni Ae L) — what he had said [sb-BT]
aniheške (a ni Ae dKe) — he may say [r-D]
ąnikicunaną (a ni Ki ttAo n n) — I can get out for you [l-B]
anikíri — he brought or came with it [f]
anįkjanaheną (a ni Ktt n Ae n) — they will not have to say [jc-T]
anikúheną́ — he brings it [f]
aníkuré — bring it to me [f]
anįną (a ni n) — he did not say [l-SM]
anįną (a ni n) — he did not speak [l-SM]
anįnagiži (a ni n Ki di) — if he would not object [r-Y]
anínañkają — they have [h-B]
anįnąkšaną (a ni nK dA n) — he does not say [l-N]
anįnąkše (a ni nK deAe) — they did not call [sb-TD]
aninare — to carry [f]
anįnąs’are (a ni n ra Le) — he would not say [r-T]
anį́ne (a ni ne) — do not say [jb-P]
anįnérená — it (inanimate) belongs to me [f]
ąnino (arneenoa) — mine [k]
ánipege — I was waiting for you, so [rv-F]
anis’áže — he does not say it [h-R2]
anitek (ah-ne-teck) — pain [ge]
ániže — she [did not] say [h-R1, h-R2]
ánje — you two must [lt-TB]
anǫga — as they sat [jb-F]
ánoñga — he said [jh]
ánoñka — it is called [jh]
ánokše — he was saying [h-R1]
anu (ah-noo) — dead [tu]
anųnįge — but [r-WB]
anųnįge (a no ni Ke) — he examined, but [l-P]
anunige (a no ni Ke) — he had commanded, but [sb-HW]
anúnige — he said, but [rt-T, rv-F]
ánunige — he said, but [rv-F]
aozira — wrist [s]
ā́p — a leaf; a scale (of a fish) [mn]
ap (al) — leaves [r-D]
ap’óro — shoulder-blade [rt-T]
ā́pa — bracelet [mn]
apa — wristlets (cf. pa) [m]
apara — arm bands [me]
apára — wrist bands (bracelets) [f]
apara (a-pa-ra [j]) — wristband [j]
apázi — wristlets [cf. a, arm; ozi, wrist; pa] [m]
apéxcįníñk — very rapidly [lt-M]
apinu (a-pee-noo) — good [tu]
áporohušárek — scapula (shoulder blade) [f]
ara (a L) (arar [k]) — arms [k, me, r-I, j]
ára — his arm [jh]
ára — his arms [jb-G, jb-MR, ss-WI]
ara (a L) — his arms [p-M, ch, l-LM, l-TS, r-T]
ara — his hands [r-WB]
arā — ouch [hh]
ára — paws [sb-TB]
ára (a L) (ardah [tu]) — the arm [f, tu, g-H, jh-M, rw-W, bp-P, bp-TB, r-BB, s, m]
ará — the arm [lt-M]
ara (a L) — you say [sb-L]
ārá guǧų́k — to fling one’s arms about [mn]
ará ruk’ára — he exercises or stretches his arms [su-W]
arabošiš — to cripple (cf. a, arm; šiš, to cripple) [m]
arabošíšgi — to cripple [cf. a, arm; šiš, to cripple] [jc-S, m]
aracgē — left hand [r-BF]
Arácgega — Left Handed One, the name of a person blessed by the Thunderbirds [r-A]
Aráckewįga (Alatc´kewĩka [mck]) — Left-handed Woman, a female name in the Bear Clan [mck]
aramíhe — cross [f]
aramíhe ųna — Catholics (cross-makers) [f]
aramíhe warújera — altar (prayer eating table) [f]
aramíhe wawagáxera — Bible (the prayer book) [f]
árapúru — to incite others to fight [d]
arasįka (ar-raah-sink-kah) — hereafter [ge]
arátske — left-handed [g-H]
arátskera — left arm [g-H]
arawigiži (a L wi Ki di) — they talked [r-T]
arawiže (a L wi de) — they talked [r-T]
araxį́c — to boil over [f]
áre — say (that) (imperative) [rv-F, h-T]
áre — say it thus [h-T]
are (a Le) — tell one (imperative) [r-BB]
are (a Le) — you can say [r-D]
are (a Le) — you may speak [l-O]
are (a Le) — you name it (imperative) [r-BB]
are (a Le) — you say it (imperative) [sb-L]
arehíganąga (a Le Ai K n K) — say to him, and [l-P]
arehíre — say to them [h-T]
arehíže (a Le Ai de) — he said to him [r-TB]
areja (a Le tt) — when he spoke [r-T]
arejiregiži — to have a dearth of (cf. jire, to go by) [m]
ariašųnųną — so they say [hz-O]
arieagają — they decided, but [hz-O]
arieašųnųną — it is said [hz-O]
arieašųnųną — they say [hz-O]
arieaže — they both said [hz-L]
arieaže — they said [ch]
arieną — it is said [hz-O]
arokana — biceps [z]
arokana — power of the arm [z]
aroporogera (ar-row-po-do-ger-rah) — muscle [ge]
aroporogra (aro-poro-gra [j]) — muscle [j]
arǫwǫ́k (aroawoank´) — eight [k]
artar — altar (< English) [b-LK]
arú — ouch! [lp]
arukwás — to arrest (to grasp or take by the arm) [f]
aruporok — arm muscle [z]
aruporok — roll your arm into a ball [z]
arupu ujera (ar-lu-poo-ooj-er-rah [j]) — arm above the elbow [j]
aruxémanigų́gi — turning her back, she went out [jb-S1b]
aruxuruknįže (< haruxuruknįže) (a Lo xoAo LoKo ni de) — he could not do it [r-O]
ās — delicious, good-tasting (considered offensive by some speakers) [mn]
as (ar) — delicious, good-tasting (considered offensive by some speakers) [bp-TO, m]
as (suffix) — having good flavor [mn]
asa (a rA) — delicious [r-TB]
asacaeca (a-satch-a-atcha [j]) — beyond [j]
asącaíeca — beyond (the other side) [f]
asákiruje — total darkness ("cannot see") [g-H]
asąnąz (ah-sun-nuz [j]) — smooth [j]
asąnązera (ah-sun-nuz-er-rah) — smooth [ge]
asą́nįgéja — the other arm [jb-FC]
asánu — it’s delicious [rh-O]
Aser — Aser, a tribe of Israel [b-LK]
asgają (ar rK tt) — it is delicious, but [r-TB]
asge — and [e-B1]
ásge — and [e-B2]
ásgĕ — and so [bp-L]
äsgĕ — and so [bp-L]
ásge — and so [h-C, h-G, h-H, h-O, h-O2, h-R1, h-TM, h-W]
asge — and then [e-B1]
ásge — and then [e-B2, rh-T]
ásge — and thus [h-R1]
ásge — because [r-DC]
ásge — so [gr-W, rh-S, rh-T, jh, rg-G, h-R1, r-DC]
ásgé — so [jh]
ä́sge — so [r-K]
asgĕ — so [rv-A]
ásgĕ — so [rv-A]
ä́sge — so, and then, it is why [jh-M]
ásgĕ — that is why [rv-A]
ásge — that’s the reason, therefore [r-DC]
ásge — the reason [jf-LT, jf-F]
ásge — therefore [rg-G]
ásge — thus [rh-T]
asgĕ — thus [rv-A]
ásgi — so that [jh]
ásgiąké — so not [h-R1]
ásgiǫkága — so never [h-R1]
ashekjį-giži — to be delicious [cf. ’ąs, delicious; hekjį] [m]
asi — gills [m]
asikjanaheną (a ri Ktt n Ae n) — they are really delicious [r-TB]
asira — gills [m]
asire (a ri Le) — they are very delicious [r-TB]
asiregają (a ri Le K tt) — they are delicious [r-TB]
asireną (ar ri Le n) — they are delicious [r-E]
asires’aže (a ri Le ra de) — they are very delicious [r-TB]
asires’aže (a ri Le ra de) — they used to be very delicious [r-TB]
asirešųnųną (a ri Le doAo no n) — they are always delicious [r-TB]
asireže (a ri Le de) — they are good [r-TB]
Asiria — Assyria [b-G]
asisires’aže (ari ri Le ra de) — they are very delicious [sb-TD]
asižą (a ri d) — a delicious one [sb-L, r-TB]
asižą (a ri d) — a delicious thing [bp-TA]
āsjį — delicious, good-tasting (considered offensive by some speakers) [mn]
Aská (Aska‘´ [mck]) — That which Tastes Good, a female name in the Bear Clan [mck]
askenįk — near [r-WB]
askjigagu — when he got near [r-WB]
asra (a rL) — delicious [bp-TA, l-TS]
asše (ar deAe) — it was delicious [jh-M, l-N, m]
aš (suffix) — open [mn]
ašawákera — elbow [f]
ašekjįgiži — it is delicious [m]
ášena — over [g-H]
ašera (a-sha-ra [j]) — particular (special) [j]
ašgé (a dKe) — closer [r-E]
āšgḗ — near [r-V]
ašge (a deKe) (a dKe) — near [sb-L, jb-AM, l-O, l-TC, l-TM, r-D, r-O, r-T]
ašgé — near, close by [rs-S, mn]
ašge (a deKe) — very near [sb-BT, r-T]
āšgĕagíregi — when they got near [r-V]
ašgek’irigáją — when he was near [al]
ašgekiwigiži (a deKe Ki wi Ki di) — when they got back near [r-Y]
ašgekixjįnįk — very close together [jw-B]
ašgenįk (a deKe niKi) — near here [sb-F]
ašgéniñk — near, close to [rh-F, rh-O, rh-T]
ašgenisge (a dKe ni rKe) — very near [l-B]
ašgeregają (a dKe Le K tt) — as he neared the place [r-BS]
ašgeregają (a dKe Le K tt) — when he got nearer [r-HO]
ašgétegiži (a deKe te Ki di) — as I get nearer [l-P]
ašgéxjį (a dKe xitti) — near [r-O]
ašgéxjį (a deKe xitti) — very close [l-TF]
ašgéxjį (a deKe xitti) — very near [jc-T, l-O, p-M, sb-E]
ašgĕ́xjį — very near [rv-A]
ašgĕ́xjį̆ — very near [rv-A]
ašgḗxjįnįge — very near [jb-WM]
ašgéxjiniñk — real close [rh-S]
ašgéxjįnįk — very near [rt-T]
ášíanąga — to ask that I come, and [h-R1]
ašinina — yours [ha]
aške (a deKe) — near [l-MS, r-BB, r-F]
aške (a deKe) — nearer [bp-P]
áške — nearer [g-C]
áške hajína — I come nearer [g-C]
aškéniñk — a little nearer [lt-M, lt-R]
aškenik (aash-ka-nick) (aash-ka-nik [j]) — close by, not far off [ge, me, j]
áškenik — near [g-H]
aškenįk (a deKe niKi) — very close [l-E]
aškéxcįníñk — a very little closer [lt-M]
aškexjį (a deKe xitti) — very near [bp-TO]
at’ųpireže (a too li Le de) — they hauled it in [sb-E]
at’ųpše (a toolo deAe) — he brought him out [l-B]
at’ųpše (a toolo deAe) — to pull something up (cf. ’ą, to hold up (in arms); t’ųp, to put, make) [bp-TW, m]
Atejirehiga — He who Sets the Prairie Grass on Fire Suddenly (as the lightning), a personal name in the Bird Clan. See haté, "wildfire" [r-WT]
Augustus — Augustus [b-LK]
awagiži (a w Ki di) — they said, so [sb-V]
awanira (a w ni L) — his arms [bp-TB]
Ąwasárega — Shut In (as a bear in the winter den), a Bear Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
awéhi — to annoy [f]
awí — they two said [lt-I, lt-R]
áwi — they two said [lt-U]
awi (a wi) — to say (dual) [sb-L]
awi (a wi) — you say [r-D]
awigiži (a wi Ki di) — they said [sb-TJ]
awigiži (a wi Ki di) — they said, and (dual) [l-N, r-TB]
awigiži (a wi Ki di) — they said, so [sb-L, r-TB]
awiną (a wi n) — they say (dual) [l-N]
awįra (ah-ween-ra [j]) — to keep [j]
awire (a wi Le) — call out (imperative) [sb-TD]
áwire — say it (imperative) [jb-D]
awis’agųnį (a wi ra Ko ni) — they might have said [r-O]
áwišguni — they said [g-C]
awiže (a wi de) — they said (dual) [ch, sb-E, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, sb-V, l-N, l-SM, r-I, r-BB, r-E, r-TB]
áwiže — they said [rv-F]
awiže (a wi de) — they talked [r-T]
awíže (a wi de) — they two said [hz-L, r-WH, r-Y]
awiže (a wi de) — they would say [r-T]
awų́k — instead [rs-S]
ax (suffix) — split [mn]
axepahúreže — appearing, they came out [h-T]
axirežé — he cried to [rg-G]
axíriže — he cried after him [h-R1, h-R2]
axoíja — on headpiece of bridle [rt-T]
axoke (a-xo-kay [j]) — arm-pit [j]
axǫška (arkhoanshkaa) — arm band [k]
áxošok — piece set on the top of a hatchet [g-H]
axoxóke — ash tree [f]
axų — to pour on [d]
āxųcge — arm bustles [hh]
axų́cge — arm ornament [m], shoulder bustle (for a dancing costume) [mn] [cf. a, arm; xųcge, ornament]
axųcge — armband [sm]
āxųcge — shoulder bustle [hh]
axukaija (a xo Ky tt) — so behind his shoulders [l-M]
axúkoéja — under the arm [jc-S]
axunške — armlet [gm, s]
ayiregiži (ayi Le Ki di) — he shot it [r-Y]
azi — wattle [m]
aziowaro — hanging wattle [cf., azi, wattle; waro, to hang] [m]
aziówaróižą — with a hanging tustle (tussle?) [jb-R]
azira (ah-zee-ra [j]) — gills (of fish) [j]
azires’áže — they are (always) delicious [jb-D]
až — to open [m]
ažanąga (a d n K) — he opened, and [r-HO]
aženį́na (French loan word) — angel [f]
ážra (a dL) — to open, it opened [p-B, l-SM]
ažré — to be open
ažúka — thick [g-H]
bā (l) — doubt [ki]
ba — to doubt, wait anxiously, have no confidence in [lp, m]
babá — food (baby talk) [hl]
babara (l l L) — breasts, nipples [ki]
babā́xge (l l HeKe) — chicken [mn, ki]
babebī́bo — one of the names for the traditional syllabary [z]
Bā́bḗbī́bṓra — the traditional syllabary [mn]
bagąinugxeg (bah-gaah-e-noog-xaig [j]) — to cackle [j]
bagāxge — chicken [hh]
bagā́xge (l K XeKe) — chicken [ki, mn, hl]
bágeną — he doesn't trust him [su-W]
bā́s — bus (English loan word) [mn]
bas — poker ? [m]
bas ’ų?wa’ųhirešanuną — a game (poker?), played by women mainly, played with American cards [cf. ’ų, to do] [m]
bē (le) — throw down or in [ki]
bḗkin — bacon (English loan word) [mn]
bekin — bacon [hh]
beruš’ak (Le Loo d'aK) — can't lead off with trump in AottnK pionochle [ki]
Bet’rehem — Bethlehem [b-LK]
betelion — bdellium [b-G]
bexete (le HAe te) — full trump hand, AottnK pinochle [ki]
bī́gonįgé — non-face card [mn]
bigrúcgis — postcard (nonce) [mn]
bīk — card (game) [hl]
bīk (liK) — playing card (< French) [ki, hh]
bī́k — playing card (French loan word) [mn]
bík ha’ų́ — I play cards [mn]
bī́k hoinį́ge — non-face card, ordinary card [hl]
bīk rúcgis — postcard, ticket, card [hl]
bīk ruženą — solitaire (card game) [hh]
bīk rúženą — solitaire (card game) [hl]
bīk ruženą́ ’ū́ — to play (the card game) solitaire [hl]
bīk ruženą́ šgāc — to play (the card game) solitaire [hl]
bīk-rúcgis (liK Loo ttKir) — card(s), ticket(s) [ki, we]
bīk’ų — to play cards [hh]
bī́k’ų — to play cards [mn]
bīk’ųįneną — they played cards [hh]
bikra (beek-ra [j]) — cards [j]
Bīrí — Billy (English loan word) [mn]
bišibreną — I fall [m]
Bíu — Bill (English loan word) [mn]
bo bo bo — bang! bang! bang! [su-W]
bo- — a locative prefix meaning, "by shooting, blowing" [m]
bō- — an affix meaning, by great force, by blowing [ma, hl]
bo- — an instrumental prefix meaning, "by shooting, by blowing, by great force" [lp]
bō- — by force (instrumental prefix) [z]
bō- (lo) — giving a blow, directly or with, say, a bar or bullet [ki]
bō- — grammatical class: by blowing. "Hocąk has a set of eight so-called instrumental prefixes which ... add a specific instrumental or manner meaning to the verb." [hl]
bō’ą́ (lo an) — knock upwards [ki]
bō’ą́ — to blow up [hl]
bō’ą́ hī — to knock or shoot upwards [hl]
bō’áš (lo ad) — knock open [ki, hl]
bō’áš — to shoot open [hl]
bō’ék (lo eK) — crack with hitting [ki, hl]
bō’ék — to break [hl]
boá’ek (lo w eK) — I break, as in billiards [ki]
boácacaš — I type, I tap [mn]
boáce — I shoot off a pice of a soft substance [mn]
boácgís — I cut something by striking or applying force to an instrument held against it [we]
boácgis hikje (loa ttKir Ai Kette) — shall I cut right thru with this bar-like tool or gunshot-like action? [ki]
boácgis rehāną (loa ttKir Le Aa nn) — I cut right thru with this bar-like tool or gunshot-like action [ki]
boácgisšąną (lo w ttKir dA nn) — I cut right thru with that bar-like tool or gunshot-like action [ki]
boácgúx — I traverse or cut across an area [we]
boácgux — I tresspass, cut across; I offend ceremonially or religiously [mn]
boágas — I cause paper or cloth to tear by shooting [mn]
boágas (lo w Kr) — I tear a hole in by hitting [ki]
boágąš (lo w Knd) — I missed in trying to hit [ki, mn]
boahapšaną — I pierce into [m]
boájox (lo w ttoH — I burst by hitting, as archery range balloon [ki]
boák’arašip’ — I make my own fall [lp]
boáką — I push or knock over with a quick blow (as with a car or bow and arrow) [mn]
boakaraženąke (low K L de n Ke) — I shot all of my own [l-B]
boakaraženąną (low K L de n n) — I shot mine all away [l-B]
boákewe — I stumble [m]
boakéwegųnį — I must have stumbled [rv-F]
boákį́c — I hit at something with a glancing blow; I rub with a hard object [mn]
boákiriš — I print, I am printed [mn]
boáksap — I bring someone else to [mn]
boákšap — I break or crack something brittle by shooting [mn]
boákųnųk — I shoot in two something long, leaving a clean break [mn]
boáparaš (lo w lA Ld) — I burst by hitting as a punching bag [ki]
boáperes — I bring someone else to [mn]
boápųnųs hakeré — I hit any old place [mn]
boásak’ — I knock down [lp]
boásep — I blow out (as a lamp), I extinguish at a distance, as by blowing or throwing water or sand [mn]
boásgįk — I strike something saturated with water to wash it ("old time method") [mn]
boásįc — I sweep clean, wipe out, demolish [mn]
boásų — I tip over, as when in a hammock [mn]
bōášąną (lo dA nn) — I miss a shot, as in hunting [ki]
bōašąnąną (loa dA nn nn, lo w dA nn nn — I missed it/him/her with a (gun)shot [ki]
bōašąnąną (loa dA nn nn, lo w dA nn nn — I would miss it/him/her with a (gun)shot [ki]
boášarac — I poke away [mn]
boášgap — I knock over by running into [mn]
boášgįk — I take a poke at (so the bump can be heard) [mn]
boášibąwíną — we shoot it down [su-W]
boášip — I shoot down [mn]
bōášiš — I break by a blow from a blunt instrument [we]
boášiš — I break something in two leaving a ragged break, by shooting, bumping, or hitting [mn]
bōašiš (lo w dAid) — I break with hit, as plank by karate chop [ki]
boašižra — I broke by shooting [sb-FF]
boát’e — I hurt, as with a blow [we]
boáta — I poke something [mn]
boáta — I punch, hit, box with [we]
boátux — I fan, thrash (wheat, etc.) [mn]
boáwąx — I knock, push down by running into or pushing over (as a tree with a bulldozer) [mn]
boáwax — I shoot a string or rope in two [mn]
boáxjuk — I pulverize, I run into with a car [mn]
boáxux — I break in pieces (something brittle [lp]) [mn]
boáza — I drive into the ground, as a stake or pole [mn]
boáza — I drive, pierce, thrust forcefully (as a post in the act of putting it into the ground) [we]
boáže (lo w de) — I wreck by hitting [ki]
boážeže (lo w de de) — I demolish by hitting [ki]
boážižik — to move around wildly [m]
boážok — I mush up [mn]
bōbók — light and fluffy, yet having volume [mn, hl]
bōbókjį — light and fluffy, yet having volume [mn]
boc’é — to break off [lp]
boc’é — to shoot flesh off [su-W]
boc’íwiš — to strike a glancing blow, to hit the edge of the target [lp]
bōc’ų́šgųnį — to blow to pieces [lp]
bōcácaš — type, tap [mn, hl]
bōcé — break, crack, or tear a soft substance by shooting, blowing or with force [mn]
bōcé — to blow off a piece [ma, hl]
bōcé — to shoot off a piece of soft substance [hl]
bōcgís — to cut something by striking or applying force to an instrument held against it [we, hl]
bōcgís — to cut something by striking or shooting (with a blow) [hl]
bōcgís (lo ttKir) — to cut through with a bar-like tool or gunshot-like action, [ki, hl]
bōcgis hikje — will he cut right thru with this bar-like tool or gunshot-like action? [inferred from boácgis hikje] [z]
bōcgis rehāną (loa ttKir Le Aa nn) — to cut right thru with this bar-like tool or gunshot-like action [inferred from boácgis rehāną] [z]
bōcgís rehire (lo ttKir Le Ai Le) — cut right through with bar like tool or gushot-like action [ki]
bōcgúx — to cross (forming a T), to take a shortcut [hl]
bōcgúx — to offend ceremonially or religiously [mn]
bōcgúx — to traverse an area [we, hl]
bōcgúx — to trespass, to cut across [mn, we, hl]
bocgúxpįníną (lo ttKo HilAi ni n) — one should not cross the path [jb-SE]
bōciciš (lo ttAe ttAid) — hurry in a stumbling way [ki]
bōcíciš — to hurry in a stumbling way, to stumble [hl]
bōciwiš — to strike a glancing blow, hit the edge of a target [lp, mn]
bōcóp — to grind (with a mortar and pestle), to pulverize something [mn, hl]
bōcop — to grind [hh]
bōcų́šgųnį́ — to blow to pieces [mn]
bōgágas — to rip by shooting, to tear a hole in by hitting, to tear with a hit, to tear something by striking [hl]
bogagas wahaną — to be torn open [cf. gas, to tear] [m]
bogás — to burst [lp]
bōgás — to rip by shooting, to tear with a hit, to tear something by striking [hl]
bōgás — to rip or tear paper or cloth by shooting [mn]
bōgás (lo Kr) — to tear a hole in by hitting [ki, hl]
bōgą́š (lo Knd) — miss with hit or shot [ki]
bōgą́š — to miss, fall short of the mark in shooting [mn]
bogicgux — crossing, path, trail, imprint [m]
bogisgiže — to smart [m]
bōǧá — to be in such a position that legs, horns, twigs, etc. protrude chaotically [mn]
bōǧicga (lo xittK) — to be struck with a blast [r-TW3]
bōǧíp (lo Hil) — sort of dent, soft stuff, with hit [ki]
bōǧíp — to dent something [hl]
bōǧíp rehí — to dent something [hl]
bōhá — to rot [lp, mn]
bōháp — bore a hole by shooting, blowing, with great force [lp, mn]
bōháp (lo Al) — knock a hole in [ki]
bōháp — to bore a hole [lp]
bōhás — to blow open (by wind) [mn, hl]
bōhék (lo AeK_) — to "hit" less harder [ki]
bōhék — to push slightly, to push suddenly, to hit or bump into lightly, to knock someone to make him less noisy, to strike someone to make him less noisy [hl]
bōhék rehí — to push slightly, to push suddenly, to hit or bump into lightly, to knock someone to make him less noisy, to shrike someone to make him less noisy [hl]
bohíhiraràkše — they are in commotion [m]
bohošją́ — pretty near [h-T]
boígisák’ — he knocked down for me [lp]
boijara (loyi tt L) — the wild (variety), as opposed to domesticated [l-O]
bóiksap — I come to [mn]
boikúrugiraninóną — it does not penetrate me [jb-KX]
boinąsginą (loi n riKi n) — you (sg) stung by hitting [ki]
bóipąną — I bump my head [mn]
bóiperes — I come to [mn]
boįragąšąną (loi n Knd dA n) — you missed me [ki]
boįrat’ek (loi n t'ek) — you (sg) bruised me by hitting [ki]
boįrat’ēną (loi n t'eK) — you hurt me by hitting [ki]
boísak’ — he knocked me down [lp]
boixúruk — to not effect me [jb-KX]
bōjá (lo tt) — freeze [ki]
bōjánįk (lo tt niK) — knock senseless, like TKO [ki]
bōjánįk — to knock someone goofy [hl]
bōjáš — a marble (plaything) [lp, mn, hl]
bojáš (lo ttd) — billiards, billiard game [ki, hl]
bōjáš (lo ttd) — marbles [ki]
bōjóx — to cause to explode by shooting, to cause to burst by hitting (as an archery range balloon) [hl]
bōjóx (lo ttoH) — to explode, to cause to explode by hitting [ki]
bōk’és — blow clean [lp, mn]
bok’éwe — to fall violently [lp]
bok’únuk’ — to break [lp]
bōką́ — to push over, to knock over (with a quick blow, as with car or bow and arrow) [mn, hl]
bokarašorocrehiže (lo K L doAo Lotto Le Ai de) — he blew (his own) out [r-BB]
bōkárata — to punch one's own [z]
boke (lo KAe) — bouquet (< English) [ki]
bokéreš — to brand, to be branded [mn]
bōkerex — tattoo [hh]
bokérex — to tattoo, to be tattooed [mn]
bokewe (bo -ka-wa [j]) — to fall [j]
bōkéwe — to fall down (as a hill or stairway) [mn, hl]
bōkéwe — to fall violently [lp]
bōkéwe — to stumble [hl]
bōkéwe (lo KAe we) — to trip [ki, hl]
bokéweže — he stumbled [rv-F, m]
bokį́c — to hit at something with a glancing blow (or shot); rub with a hard object [mn, hl]
bōkį́c — to ricochet [hl]
bōkícgucgux — to be a network of crisscrossed lines (3p only, inanim. obj only) [we]
bōkícgucgux — to crisscross (lines) [hl]
bōkícgux — to be crossed, as an x-shape [mn]
bōkícgux — to intersect, to crisscross [hl]
bōkíǧa — to be branching [mn, hl]
bōkiǧáǧa — to be branching, to be branched [hl]
bokihirarak — to be crowding [m]
bōkiriš — tattoo [hh]
bōkíriš (lo KAi Lid) — to imprint, stamp [ki, we, hl]
bōkíriš (lo KAi Lid) — to mark by hitting or tapping (as with a typewriter) [ki, hl]
bōkíriš — to print (with a press); to be printed [mn, hl]
bokiriš’ų — printer [hh]
bōkisep (lo Ki reAele) — she blew it out [l-TS]
bokíšiš híreže — they broke for themselves [h-O]
bōkita — boxing [hh]
bokónok — it broke [h-TM]
bōksáp — to come to, sober up (as after drinking) [mn, hl]
bōksų́c — to blow around [m, hl]
bōksų́c (lo Krontt) — to jar by hitting [ki, hl]
bōksų́c — to knock something loose, to rock by hitting [hl]
bōkšáp (lo Kdl) — he split it by shooting [l-P, hl]
bōkšáp — to break or crack something brittle by shooting [mn]
bōkšáp — to split something by shooting or throwing at it, to break or crack something by shooting or throwing at it [hl]
bōkšáp hī — to split something by shooting or throwing at it, to break or crack something by shooting or throwing at it [hl]
bokšų́ — to bump something with the head and knock it off [su-W]
bōkų́nųk — to break something in two [hl]
bōkų́nųk — to shoot in two something long, leaving a clean break [mn, hl]
bokunųk kereže — to break, snap [cf. kere] [m]
bōkų́nųk rēhí — to shoot something long in two leaving a clean break, to break something in two [hl]
bokų́nųkše (lo Ko noKo deAe) — he shot it into it [l-TC]
bonikųnųkikjanahe (lo ni Ko no Ki Ktt n Ae) — he will shoot you in two [r-D]
bōpą́ną (lo lA n) — to bruise [ki]
bōpą́ną — to bump one’s head [mn]
bopą́nągiže (lo lA n Ki de) — he bruised himself [l-TM]
bopąnąpąną (lo lA n lA n) — to bruise her up [l-SM]
bōpáras — to flatten [z]
bopáraš — a flesh wound [jh]
bōpáraš (lo lA Ld) — to burst by hitting, as in bloody nose [ki]
bōpáraš — to tear with force [z]
bōpéres — to come to [mn]
bōpéres (lo lAe Ler) — to sober up (as after drinking) [ki, mn]
bōperes pį̄ (lo lAer Ler lAin) — should be sober(ed up) [ki]
bōpéresjį (lo lAer Ler ttAin — real sober [ki]
bōpį́nį (lo lAi ni) — knock for a spin; roll over, as a car [ki]
bōpį́nįpįnį (lo lAi ni lAi ni) — roll over and over, as a car [ki]
bopinipiniže — to whirl, to spin about [m]
bōpų́nųs (lo lAoo noor) — to walk through with deliberation and confidence and sort of carelesly [ki]
bōpų́nųs keré — hit any old place [mn]
bōpų́nųš keré — hit any old place [mn]
bōpų́nųškeré ha’ų́ — I act or do recklessly, without thinking [mn]
bōpų́nųškeré ų̄́ — act or do recklessly, without thinking [mn]
bōrácgís — you (sg) cut something by striking or applying force to an instrument held against it [we]
bōrácgúx — you (sg) traverse or cut across an area [we]
borakewe — you (sg.) stumble [m]
borášaną́niñkjanèną — miss with them [jh-M]
bōrášiš — you (sg) break by a blow from a blunt instrument [we]
borášonònikjanèną — you will miss [jh-M]
bōrát’e — you (sg) hurt, as with a blow [we]
bōráta — you (sg) punch, hit, box with [we]
bōráza — you (sg) drive, pierce, thrust forcefully (as a post in the act of putting it into the ground) [we]
boroboro — barn owl [hh]
borobóro (lo Lo lo Lo) — barn owl, screech owl [ki, hl]
bōs’ás’a — to tickle [lp]
bōs’ás’a — to tickle by shooting, blowing, great force [lp, mn]
bos’ú-įneže — they tipped it over [jb-F]
bos’u-ineže — to tip over [m]
bōsák — to kill with a gun or an arrow [hl]
bōsák — to knock down [lp]
bōsák — to knock down by shooing, blowing, great force [lp, mn]
bosakiže (lo rAK Ki de) — he made himself unconscious [l-TM]
bōsárac — be standing erect, as church spires, dogs, and pyramids [mn]
bōsép — blow out (as a lamp), extinguish at a distance, as by blowing or throwing water or sand [mn, hl]
bosepše (lo reAele deAe) — it put out [l-B]
bōsérek — to make a long gash [ma]
bōsérik — to shoot off an edge [lp, mn]
bōsgą́ (lo rKAn) — to go right through [ki]
bosgí — sting by shooting, blowing, great force (cf. Osage, baçíge) [lp, mn]
bōsgí (lo riKi) — to hurt (stinging-like) by hitting [ki, hl]
bōsgí — to sting (with a flow), to hurt by a blow (as by slapping) [hl]
bōsgí rēhí — to sting (with a flow), to hurt (stinging-like) by hitting, to hurt by a blow (as by slapping) [hl]
bōsgį́k (lo rKinK) — plug up [ki]
bōsgį́k — to strike something saturated with water to wash it, to wash clothes by beating or striking them [mn, hl]
bōsgírik — make a sputtering sound, as in breaking wind noisily, or throwing something into mud [mn]
bōsgóc — to make an indentation with a hard instrument; make a mark or impression, as with a sharp or a blunt tool [we, hl]
bōsį́c (lo rrintt) — clean sweep, as athletic contest [ki]
bōsį́c — sweep clean, wipe out, demolish [mn]
bōsįnį — cool [hh]
bōsį́nį — to cool off [mn, hl]
bōsį́nįsįnį (lo rri ni rri ni) — light rain, drizzle [ki]
boskí — to sting [lp]
bōsóroc — to blow out into a cone shape [ma]
bōsóroc — to blow out, pry out [lp]
bōsóroc (lo dAo Lott) — to knock out of by hit (as in baseball) [ki]
bōsták (lo rtAK) — flatten or dent by hit [ki]
bōsták — to dent by shooting, blowing, great force [lp, mn]
bōsų́ — to tip over (as when in a hammock) [mn, hl]
bosúįreže — to tip [m]
bosúp — to make something narrow [su-W]
bōsúruk — be soaking wet, wet through and through [mn]
bōš’á — to blow on and tickle [ma]
bōšą́ną (lo dA nn) — to miss a shot, as in hunting [ki, hl]
bošáną (lo dA n) — to miss him [r-D, lp]
bošáną (lo dA n) — to miss in shooting, blowing [r-Y, lp, mn]
bōšára (lo dA L) — knock or blow hair off, e.g. by gunshot or big wind [ki]
bōšára — to blow bare [lp, mn]
bošarac — blow away [m]
bōšárac (lo dA Ltt) — knock by hitting [ki, hl]
bōšárac — poke away (as with the cue ball at pool) [mn, hl]
bōšárac — to blow away, to hit and send flying [hl]
bōšárac rēhí — to poke away (as with a cue ball at pool), to knock by hitting, to blow away, to hit and send flying [hl]
bošárac rehíže (lo dA Ltt Le Ai de) — he knocked over [l-B]
bōšárak (lo dA LK) — knock or blow hair off, e.g. by gunshot or big wind [ki]
boše — miss [m]
bōšgáp — to knock over by running into, to run into someone or something [mn, hl]
bōšgį́k (lo dKinK) — sound from hit, as from sucker punch [ki]
bōšgį́k — take a poke at (so you can hear the bump) [mn]
bōšgį́k — to make sound from a hit, to hit someone with a "splat" [hl]
bōšgírik (lo diKi LiK) — make noise like a long wet fart [ki]
bošgírik (lo diKi LiKi) — to make much noise from the force of the passage (cf. bosgírik) [r-H]
bošíbi — to pass through [rv-F, m]
bóšip — he shot him [rt-T]
bōšíp — knock down [lp, hl]
bōšíp (lo dAil) — knock down from hanging or flying [ki]
bošíp — to shoot and knock (an animal) down [su-W]
bōšíp — to shoot down [mn, hl]
bošíp — to shoot or knock down with an arrow or pebble (must be in the direction of the force) [su-W]
bošípjirehìže — to (suddenly) fell down [jb-F, m]
bošipše (lo diAili deAe) — he shot down [l-P, r-T]
bōšíš (lo dAid) — break by a hit, as deer leg with gun shot [ki]
bošíš — break something in two leaving a ragged break, by shooting, bumping, or hitting [mn]
bošíš — to break [lp]
bōšíš — to break by a blow from a blunt instrument [we, hl]
bōšíšiš — to break something into pieces [hl]
bōšjú hī — to have a close call, to have a narrow escape, to almost complete the effort, to miss by a hair [hl]
bōšóroc — to "dust off" (bean ball, baseball), to force someone or something out of a hole or container [hl]
bōšóroc — to blow out, pry out [lp, mn, hl]
bošorocrehianąga (lo doAo Lotto Le Aiy n K) — he blew it out, and [r-O]
bošorocrehiže (lo doAo Lotto Le Ai de) — he blew out [r-BB, r-O]
bōt’é — to hurt as with a blow [we]
bot’é — to hurt by hitting, to hurt with a blow [hl]
bōt’é — to hurt by shooting, blowing, great force [lp, mn]
bōt’é (lo t'e) — to hurt with a blow, to hurt by hitting [ki, hl]
bōt’ék (lo t'eK) — to bruise by hitting with force [ki, hl]
bōt’ék hī — to bruise by hitting with force [hl]
bot’éki-ą́gere — deaths by violence [jb-MR]
bōtá — to hit, to box with [hl]
bōtá — to nudge [z, hl]
bōtá — to poke something [mn, z, hl]
botá — to pound [jb-R]
bōtá — to punch with the fist, to box with [lp, we, hl]
botatara (bo-dah-tar-rah [j]) — I pound [j]
bōték (lo teK) — hurt with hit [ki]
bōtúx — fan, thrash (wheat, etc.) [mn]
bową́k — to knock down by shooting at it, to push down by running into or pushing it over, to fell something by shooting at it [hl]
bōwáx — to knock down by shooting at it, to push down by running into or pushing it over, to fell something by shooting at it [hl]
bōwą́x — to knock, push down by running into or pushing over (as a tree with a bulldozer) [mn]
bōwáx — to shoot a string or rope in two [mn, hl]
bową́x — to shoot and knock over [su-W]
bōxárac — geyser [mn]
bōxárac — to reach in the air [m, hl]
boxgú — striking with a stick [su-W]
boxįnįxį (lo xiAi ni xAi) — he tried to rouse the fire [r-T]
bōxíri — to mash by shooting, blowing, great force [lp, mn]
bōxítip — to hit someone, to squash [hl]
bōxítip — to pound [lp, mn, hl]
bōxják (lo HttAK) — stuck, as in a task [ki]
bōxjúk — to break into pieces [hl]
bōxjúk — to pulverize [mn, hl]
bōxjúk — to run into with a car [mn]
bōxjúk hī — to pulverize, to break into pieces [hl]
bōxšáp — to chisel something [mn, hl]
bōxšáp — to crack something [hl]
bōxšáp hī — to chisel something apart, to crack something [hl]
bōxų́ — to knock over and spill [hl]
bōxų — to spill (knocking over) [hh]
bōxų́ — to squirt [lp, mn, hl]
bōxų́ hī — to knock over and spill, to squirt [hl]
bōxúx — to break in pieces (something brittle) [lp, mn, hl]
bōxúxux — to break in pieces (something brittle [lp]) [mn, hl]
bōzá (lo r) — insert by hitting with a stablike move, as lodge pole hole maker [ki]
bozá — to drive into the ground by holding it up and coming down with force [su-W]
bōzá — to drive into the ground, as a stake or pole [mn, hl]
bōzá — to drive, pierce, thrust forcefully (as a post in the act of putting it into the ground) [we, hl]
boza — to set up; to do by force [m]
bōzá hijehī́ — to stab something into the ground (to make a hole), to make a hole (when stabbing a bar into the ground) [hl]
bozahije (lo r Ai tte) — they stuck in the goal [r-Y]
bōzáhijehi (lo r Ai tte Ai) — stab into, as hole making bar into the ground [ki]
bozaíre — they set it up as a post [lt-R, jb-F]
bozaíreną — they put them in [su-W]
bozáną — it is driven in [su-W]
bozázak — to shoot into strips [su-W]
bozaže (lo r de) — they stuck in the ground [r-D]
bōzík (lo riK) — to stretch by hitting or punching it (as someone’s stomach) [ki, hl]
bōzík hī — to stretch by hitting or punching it (as someone’s stomach) [hl]
bōzip — to mash [hh]
bōzíp — to mash by shooting, blowing [lp, mn]
bōzíp — to mash with force [lp, mn, hl]
bōzíp — to throw something into something thick [hl]
bōzók (lo roK) — horizontal orientation [ki]
bōzók — horizontal(ly) [hl]
bozop’įní — it could not be bent [jb-E]
bozóp’įni — it could not be bent [jb-E]
bōžáp (lo dl) — to do with not making a turn in road [ki]
božap — to pass through [m]
bōžáp kį̄ — to skin oneself by bumping into [hl]
bōžé (lo de) — destroy by hit [ki]
boženą́ (lo de n) — to shoot them all (cp. bo-, "by shooting"; ženą́, "to use up, exhaust perish") [r-TB]
bōžéže — to demolish [ki]
božížik (lo di diKi) — to wiggle [sb-BT, m]
božížik — to wriggle [sb-BT]
bōžók — to mush up (what a corn picking machine sometimes does to corn) [mn, mk]
božu (lo doo) — hello (from French) [ki]
búa — a sarcastic exclamation [h-B]
bugi (loo Ki) — to dance (from English boogie) [ki]
bugušjú hā́ — I have a close call, narrow escape [mn]
bugušjú hī́ — have a close call, narrow escape [mn]
buǧušjú hā́ — I almost complete the effort, but miss by a hair [mn]
buǧušjú hī́ — to almost complete the effort, but miss by a hair [mn]
búšuru — bushel (from English) [mn]
bužu (loo doo) — hello (from French) [ki]
c’a — deer [lp]
c’a wąganųxjį — real old buck [su-W]
c’a xéte — big deer [su-W]
c’a xųnųnį́k — small deer [su-W]
c’ą- — instead [lp]
c’a-hára — deer hide [sb-B]
c’a-šį́cra — the deer tail [sb-B]
c’åc’ąžé — (exclamation of) surprise, used by women [su-W]
c’ągážawàrare — go outside [su-W]
c’ągéja téna — I am going outside [su-W]
c’áha — deerskin [sb-B]
c’ahá wagúže — buckskin footwear [su-W]
c’ahé zazác — long, bushy horns, buck of about five years of age [su-W]
c’ahéc’ak’ížąk’e — crotched horn buck [su-W]
C’ahéiwakšųwira — Deer Horns Fall Off, December [su-W]
c’ahéroc’ą — young straight horn buck [su-W]
c’ahéwažo — young buck, horns just starting [su-W]
C’ahik’irúxewira — Deer Breeding Month, November [su-W]
c’ahų́na — doe [su-W]
C’aík’ik’árac — Deer Clan, have functions pertaining to the hunt [su-W]
c’aížą — a deer [sb-FF]
c’ąk ’eca — outside a certain place [su-W]
c’ąk eca — out [su-W]
c’ak’eki — outside a certain place [su-W]
c’ak’íriske — flea [sb-J6]
c’ak’ó — nevertheless [lp-N]
c’ąkéca — outside [sb-FF]
c’ąkéca — outside anywhere [su-W]
c’ąkéca — to outsiders [sb-T]
c’akíwekcanéną — it will go [sb-J6]
c’akrá — outside [su-W]
c’ąkráške — the outside also [sb-D]
c’ąkreki — outside, nearly here [su-W]
c’akú — what [sb-T5]
c’akú hįkéki — what he would say to me [su-W]
C’àmąįnąǧówira — Deer Earth Paw, October [su-W]
c’ąną — you have [sb-B]
c’ąnį́ — fall [su-W]
c’ą́ni hąp’úna — fall weather [su-W]
c’anįk’erešge — one year old spotted deer [su-W]
c’ánį́kcane — I will not die [sb-T]
c’ąnína — it’s fall [su-W]
c’ąnį́nègi — in the fall [su-W]
c’ap’ — forehead, front of head [su-W]
c’ap’ hinasų́ — long head [su-W]
c’ap’ rugís — round head [su-W]
c’apaną́na — lacrosse stick [su-W]
c’ą́pirak’ére — they kept my eyes [sb-T5]
c’ápirerà — their own [sb-T5]
c’ará — deer [su-W]
c’arúhi — deer ribs [sb-J6]
c’arúhį — deer ribs [sb-J6]
c’as — to make a small metallic sound [lp]
c’asį́cará — the deer tails [sb-B]
c’aská — sheep [lp]
c’askéki — anyway [sb-T]
c’aš — to make a clicking sound [lp]
c’ašį́jara — venison hind quarters [su-W]
c’ašį́ngkoc — gray ground squirrel (deer-fat-gray) [lp]
c’ašį́ñxoc — gray ground squirrel [lp]
c’ašjąna — wave (in water) [su-W]
c’ąt’į́ — apparently [sb-A]
c’ąt’į́ — he heard [sb-A]
c’ąt’į́ — to show [sb-T5]
c’ąt’į́ — to sound [sb-T5]
c’ąt’į́cirekì — when he kept sounding [sb-T5]
c’at’į́hižé — it showed [sb-T5]
c’ąt’į́nįkce — not to be shown [sb-T]
c’áwąk — buck [su-W]
c’awé — to go toward [lp]
c’axéte — buck [su-W]
c’axíni — blossoms [sb-T5]
c’axíwira — grass [sb-T5]
c’axiwira — the blossoms [sb-T5]
c’axíwira — the blossoms [sb-T5]
c’áxšèp — dark saliva [su-W]
c’axšép — eagle [sb-G, sb-K, su-W]
c’axšepra — eagle [sb-A]
č’ážą̆ — one deer [su-B]
c’e — to knock a piece off, across the grain in the long axis [su-W]
c’ec — edge [lp]
c’egará — the new one [su-W]
c’eiksųná — rope [su-W]
c’ek — first [su-B]
c’ék — new [lp]
c’ek’ ’ų́rekjone — he is begining to make it [su-W]
C’ék’ik’árac — Buffalo Clan, work as criers [su-W]
c’ek’jį́ — brand new [su-W]
c’ekcą́ne — I will die [sb-T]
c’ekcane — this new one [sb-D]
c’ekcį́ra — the first [sb-D]
c’ekcįra — the first thing [sb-H]
c’ekcį́ra — the new one [sb-T5]
c’ekéc’a — from the beginning [sb-A]
c’ekéca — in the beginning [ch, sb-T5]
c’enįhíra — his cattle [lp]
c’ép wahíhí — eat up [su-W]
c’ep’ — new [lp]
c’epáwiną — we finished [sb-D]
c’epi — to eat up [su-W]
c’épį́ahiki — when we eat this [sb-H]
c’epíhįki — if we finish [sb-K]
c’epína — to eat up [su-W]
c’epíreze — they finished it [sb-K]
c’epíreže — they ate it up [sb-D]
c’épwahiki — he eats them up [sb-H]
c’éra — cow [su-W]
c’etók — big buffalo [lp]
c’ewázini — cow teat water [su-W]
c’ewázini sį́nį — It’s cold milk. [su-W]
c’ewázinįną sįnį́ — the milk is cold [su-W]
c’ewázinina sįnį́na — The milk is cold. [su-W]
c’éwį — cow (used only by old people) [lp]
c’ex — cranberry marsh [su-W]
c’exjįra — buffalo [su-W]
c’i — he lives [sb-K]
c’i — house [sb-FF, lp]
c’í habork’íǧak’e — teepee with poles sticking out [su-W]
c’iabok’iǧak’era skanąną — the teepee has got to be white [su-W]
c’iánįra — my house [su-W]
c’iánįra nexcį haníra — I own my house [su-W]
c’iaraíreną — they went to him [sb-D]
c’ic’í — to live here and there [cf. c’i, to live] [lp]
c’įc’įkcą́né — this boy [sb-B]
c’įc’į́kcąné — this boy [sb-B]
c’įc’į́nikara — the boy [sb-B]
c’į́c’į́nįkra — the boy [sb-B]
c’ícakarèki — around one side of the house [sb-D]
c’icínįknák’a — that little boy [sb-D]
c’iéca — in the house [sb-B, sb-FF]
c’iega k’araré — go home [su-W]
c’ieja — house [su-W]
c’ihanį́ — I have a house [lp]
c’íhanįná — my house [lp]
c’íhašįnįná — your (sg.) house [lp]
c’ihéca — at his house [sb-K]
c’ijanéra — the other house [su-W]
c’ik’é — he lives in different places in succession [sb-D]
c’ikce — you have to live [sb-B]
c’ikí — if he lives [sb-D]
c’ikí — when he lived in the house [su-W]
c’íną — he lives [sb-K, su-W]
c’iną́garegi — in town [lp]
c’iną́gejahíra — when I went to town [lp]
c’iną́gera wawáteną — I go to town [lp]
c’iną́k — small house [lp]
c’iną́k — town [lp]
c’iną́k — village [sb-B, sb-FF]
c’inaki — around the village [sb-B]
c’inákipáija — at the edge of the village [sb-VF]
c’iną́kižą — a village [sb-B]
c’inákok’isákeca — in the center of the village [sb-VF]
c’inákra — the village [sb-V]
c’inį́k — small house [lp]
c’ínųpaną́ną — there should be two houses [su-W]
c’įók’isakeca — in the center of the lodge [sb-G]
c’įók’isákreki — in/to the center of the lodge [sb-A, sb-T5]
c’įokisákec’a — in the center of the lodge [sb-T5]
c’iókisákeca — in the center of the lodge [sb-G]
c’įókisakreki — the center of the lodge [sb-A]
c’įóžušánąkre — who are in the lodge [sb-T5]
c’įóžušánąkre — you sit in the lodge [sb-T5]
c’íra — teepee [su-W]
c’íra — the house [lp-N]
c’irá — the house [sb-FF, sb-T5, su-W]
c’irá — the lodge [sb-B]
c’ira — the lodge [sb-T5]
c’iráske — clean house [sb-D]
c’iréki — at home [sb-B]
c’iréki — in the wigwam [sb-H]
c’iréki — when he lived in the house [su-W]
c’íréną — he went to him [sb-D]
c’írena — they lived [sb-D]
c’íreže — they lived [sb-B]
c’irirókžú — the whole lodge [sb-T5]
c’íroįxcį́ — filling the lodge [sb-G]
c’irókareki — inside the lodge [sb-B]
c’irókeca — at the rear of the house [sb-FF]
c’irókeca — inside the house [sb-H]
c’irókeca — inside the lodge [sb-B]
c’irókežè — inside the lodge [sb-B]
c’irókįkįx — all around the lodge [sb-T5]
c’irókįkįxak’irįanąka — he went around (the lodge), and [sb-G]
c’irókįkįxiránąka — he went around the lodge, and [sb-G]
c’irokįkį́xrekacą — he went around the lodge [sb-B]
c’irópsanįkecá — to the door [sb-T5]
c’isérecicak’i — longhouse [sb-VF]
c’išú — teepee poles [su-W]
c’išúecą — to the lodge poles [sb-B]
c’išųnų́na — the used-to-be house [lp]
c’íwį́cik’ereki — when the sound rose [sb-T5]
c’ížą — a house [sb-H]
c’ížeres’áre — it may be a house [lp]
c’ka — to try [lp]
c’kis — to cut [lp]
c’o — blue [lp]
c’o — green [su-W]
c’o xoc — blue [su-W]
c’oéca — there in front [sb-K]
c’ogigí — he made blue for him [lp]
c’ohí — he made blue [lp]
c’ohíną — he made it blue [lp]
c’ók’a — grandfather (direct address) [lp]
c’ok’á — grandfather [sb-H]
C’ónąkec’ṓwįga (Tc’ónãketc’ṍwĩga [mck]) — Clear Weather Girl, a female name in the Bear Clan [mck]
c’onį́ — first [sb-D]
c’onį́na — first [lp]
c’oníra — the first [sb-A]
c’onírecą — already [sb-D]
c’onįskéže — it was sort of blue [lp]
c’oníške — before [sb-D]
c’oníške — before [sb-FF]
c’op’ą́hą — four times [sb-J6]
c’oráranąks’áže — blue moving around from time to time [lp]
c’oweá ’ųnạ̀ną — I pretty nearly did it [su-W]
c’owéreki — in the future [sb-T]
c’owéxcįnįk — just a little [lp-N]
c’óxc’įžerè — it looked very green [sb-T5]
c’ozík — bullhead [lp]
c’ų́ — to bear a child [su-W]
c’uc’uxa — dull [d]
c‘ų́įžąṇį̀regi — if you are the one who has [su-B]
c’ukí — wooden spoon [su-W]
c’ųkjanéną — you will do [jb-K]
c’ų́na — lots (of berries) [su-W]
c’ųñškánų — O grandson [lp-N]
c’ų́wahige — to make them have [lp-N]
c’ų́wahigí — that he made them have [lp-N]
c’ųwį́ — father’s sister (in address) [lp]
c’ųwį́ñga — my father’s sister [lp]
c’ųžé — it had [sb-K]
ca — a species of tree, forked tree, forked piece of wood [vid. cak, cą] [m]
ca — chop, cut across [m]
cá (ttA) — deer (cf. Osage, ṭa) [g-H, jb-SE, s, m, fu, hw]
cā (ttA) — deer [l, r-E, r-HD, ki, hl, hh]
cā́ — deer [mn]
ca (ttA) (chah [tu]) — deer [tu, jb-SE, sb-F, h-C, jc-T, e-B1, e-B2, sm, l-B, l-M, l-N, l-TF, r-D, r-HD, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-WH, r-Y, ss-HM, fu]
Cā — Deer Clan [hh]
ca — eagle [m]
ca — I am dead [h-R2]
cą (ttA) — instead [g-C, rs-S, l-B, r-BS, r-I]
cą́ — instead [jb-B]
cą (suffix) — meaning unclear [Cf. hakicą́, hikirucą́, hobocą́, hocą́, hoirocą́, í hokicą́] [mn]
cą (ttA) — out [l-O]
cá — quit it! get away! (man) [su-W]
cą — straight (tree with a straight trunk?) [vid., ca, straight] [m]
ca — straight [vid. cą, straight] [m]
cą — to be public, plain, open to view, to wear [vid. ca, to see] [m]
ca — to be public; to be plain, open to view; to wear [m]
cą — to change, exchange [m]
cą — to choose, select [m]
ca — to see [vid. cą] See also ja [m]
cą — to shell corn ? [vid. ca (cak ?), to parch corn ?] [m]
ca — upper part of breast, back, or head [m]
ca — wife, friend (?) [m]
ca ha — buckskin [l]
ca haska rušĭp (tca haska lucĭp [mck]) — puting the deerskin offerings through the smoke hole of the lodge roof [mck]
cá hinų̀k — doe [fu]
cā hų — doe [hh]
ca nącawa — deer's ear, the name given to the pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea L. The root, though small, is the part used. It is a female remedy to drink when sick at the stomach of pregnancy. [sm]
ca nakikara — deer hunt [cf. ca, deer; kara, to seek, hunt] [m]
cā ną̄x — goat [hh]
cā nįk kerešge — fawn, spotted baby deer [hh]
ca pišį — fat around deer liver [cf. ca, deer; šį, fat] [m]
ca pišįrašge — fat around the intestines (omentum) [cf. ca, deer; pi, liver; šį, fat] [m]
ca sak — tamarack [sm]
ca sep — moose [l]
ca sipajorašge — deer-hooves; swan-foot [cf. ca, deer; si, foot; pa, pointed; ją, to curl around] [m]
cā sīšák (ttA rri dAK) — deer hooves [ki]
ca ška gu — oak [l]
cā šūc — red deer [hh]
Ca Wágᵉcexi (Tca Wágᵉtceƙi [mck]) — Deer Waterspirits (Waterspirits with deer characteristics) [mck]
cá wą̀k — male deer [fu]
ca waruc — deer feed, the name given to knob-styled dogwood, Cornus amomum P Mill. They smoke the bark. [sm]
ca waruc — deer food, the name given to New Jersey tea, Ceanothus americanus L. The deer eat the leaves. The root is fine medicine for women. [sm]
cā waruti — reindeer [hh]
cā xete — buck [hh]
ca-cį́recą — again [su-W]
cā’á (ttA a) — deer arm, front quater(s) [ki]
cā’áporó (ttA a lAo Lo) — deer shoulder blade(s) [ki]
cabᵉną̄na — their (lacrosse) sticks [r-CL]
cabenona — the straight lacrosse stick used in woman’s lacrosse [r-WT, m]
caberášará — baldheaded [jb-G]
caberášera — bald headed [jb-MR]
cabirera — ours [jb-MH1]
cābną — lacrosse [hh]
cābną́ — lacrosse game [hl]
cābną́ — lacrosse stick [mn, hl]
cā́bnąįkī́sik — lacrosse game [mn]
cā́bnąįšgác — to play lacrosse [mn]
cābókšiš (ttA lo Kdid) — summersault [ki]
cābókšiš ’ū́ — to do summersaults, to tumble forward [hl]
cābókšiš ha’ų́ — I tumble forward (accidentally or not) [mn]
cābókšiš ų̄́ — to tumble forward, accidentally or not [mn]
cabonatúgis — lacrosse stick [r-WT]
cabonhara (chah-bone-har-rah) — crown of the head [ge]
caboniha (ttA lo ni A) — on his head [r-D]
cabonįha — soft top of a baby’s head [hh]
cabóniha — the top of the head [cf. bo (pa ?), head?] [ [jb-BH, m]
cą̄́bonį́ha (ttA lo ni A) — top of head, vertex [ki, hl]
cā́bonį́ha hop’ąp’ą́c — soft top of a baby, fontanel [hl]
cā́bonį́ha hopąpą́jra — the soft top of a baby’s head, fontanel [mn]
cabonihaija (ttA lo ni Ay tt) — on top of his head [l-E, r-TW3]
cabonihaijeniwigi (ttA lo ni Ay tte ni wi Ki) — if we put on top of his head [r-TW3]
cabónihara — the top of his head [jb-DD1]
cā́bōnihā̀rā — the top of his head [jb-HS]
cabónihára (ttA lo ni A L) — the top of the head [jb-FC, l-O, r-F]
cabónihára (ttA lo ni A L) — the tops of the heads [l-O]
cābōnīhā́rā — top of the head [jb-HS]
caboniharegi (ttA lo ni A Le Ki) — on top of it [l-E]
caboninónugis hik’isik’ — men’s lacrosse [r-WT]
cabwíra — our [r-HD]
cāc — air [hl, j]
các — air [mn]
cac — wind [r-DC]
các’ąže — quit it! get away! (woman) [su-W]
cacą́ — until [sb-FF]
cācą́ ną̄ — ironwood [hl]
cącą́birena — lightning [su-W]
cacąhireka — anytime he wanted [sb-B]
cacąíxcį — how long? (as string) [su-W]
cacąixcįsca — How far did you see? [su-W]
cacąkcigera (tzah-tzunk-tzig-er-rah) — mink [ge]
cacąna — ironwood [cf. ca, tree; cą, straight] [r-WT, s, m]
cacąna (chaah-chun-nah) — sinew [ge]
cacánaka — when [sb-D]
cacą́naki — when [sb-D]
cacánaré — When was it? How long ago? [su-W]
cácani — iron wood [g-H]
cącą́p — lightning [su-W]
cącą́p — to blink eyes [su-W]
cacápinik — it is soft [ha]
cącą́pirena — lightning [su-W]
cą̄cára — the birch tree [d]
cacás — soft, tender young corn [su-W]
cācás — the sound that trees make when they split from the cold [mn]
cącáwa (tt tt w) — birch [cf. cą, straight; ca, tree; wa] [l-P, s, r-WT, j, m]
cacą́wą — birch [f]
cącawa — birch [hh]
cą̄cáwa (ttAn ttA w) — birch tree [ki, mn]
cącawa — white birch [sm-E, hh]
cą̄cawa wāc — birch bark canoe [hh]
cącawa wac (Chun-cha-wa-watch) — birchbark canoe [br-W]
cącáwa wác — birchbark canoe [cf. cącawa, birch] [m, mn]
cącawaha (chan-cha-wa-ha [j]) — birch-bark [j]
cacą́wahára — birch bark [f]
cacawajugura — yellow birch [sm-E]
cą̄cą́wasép — black birch (from tcatcawasebala) [sm-E]
cąceneroc (chun-cha-na-loch [j]) — maple sap bucket of birch bark [j]
Cacga — Wind Person, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT] (cf. Oto, tace, wind)
caci (cha-chee [tu])(tcatci [mck]) — father [cp. jaji] [tu, mck]
cací — father [sb-D, sb-B]
cacíga — O father [d]
cacika (tshartsheekar [k]) — father [k, me]
cacį́necą — he came there [sb-B]
cacį́necạ̀ — right away [sb-B]
cacį́recą — again [sb-D]
Cáciruxéwįga — She who Pursues the Wind, an Elk Clan personal name [r-WT, f]
cąckweneno (chonch-queneno) — no, nothing [tu]
cácnįhá — breathe air [mn]
Cācó[ga] (ttA ttAo) — Green Deer, a personal name [ki]
cacóna — ironwood, used in making poles for the gable lodge [r-WT]
Caconiwįga — First Deer Woman, a Deer Clan personal name [d-WG]
cacowara — birch bark [me]
cącǫwąžuk (tshartshoanwauzhook) — birch [k]
cācra — air [nw]
cacšipera (chach-schip-er-rah [j]) — white-headed eagle [j]
cacugira (ttA ttAo Ki L) — the (elk) liver [bp-TP]
cacugižą (ttA ttoAo Ki d) — said to be "a sort of liver" [bp-TP]
caera — echo [cf. jare] [m]
cága — black walnut dye [sm-E]
caga (ttA K) — deer [r-WH]
cągą́gerešge — even outside [rv-F]
cagaigisgera — a quarter (25 cent piece); 25 cents [m]
cāgązi (ttA Kn ri) — large yellow ligament in back of neck [ki]
cage (ttA Ke) — because it was seen [l-TS]
cāge — walnut [hh]
cāgé — walnut [m, hl]
cą̄gecore (ttAn Ke ttAo Le) — restroom, toilet [ki]
cągéja (ttA Ke tt) — out [r-T]
cągĕ́ja — outside of [rv-A]
cañgéja — outside, out of doors [lt-I, lt-M, lt-TB, lt-U, jb-B, jf-M, jh-M]
cą̄géja (ttA Ke tt) — outside, out of doors, not in the house or the wigwam [l-TS, mn, we, hl]
cągéja (ttA Ke tt) — outside, outdoors [b-LK, rv-F, sb-F, sb-V, h-R1, jc-T, l-O, r-E, r-H, r-HC, r-O, r-T, r-TB, m]
cągĕ́ja — to outside [rv-A]
cą̄geja hore — outhouse [hh]
cą̄géja horeíža — outhouse, toilet, restroom, bathroom [hl]
cageja re — to defecate [cf. cąk, outside; re, to go] [m]
cągéja rekje (ttA Ke tt se Kette) — to do a private duty [l-O]
cągéja rekjega (ttA Ke tt Le Kette K) — to do one of nature's duties [l-O]
cągeja te — I defecate [cf. cąk, outside] [m]
cągĕjášą̆ną̆ — to outside [rv-A]
cą̄gejore — bathroom [hh]
cą̄gejore — outhouse [hh]
cągejore (ttAn Ke tto Le) — restroom, toilet [ki]
cą̄géjoremą́ką — laxative [mn]
cageni — you (sg.) lead (also, I lead?) [m]
cagera (chak-ger-ah) — muskrat [ge]
cągera (ttA KL) — outdoors [l-B]
cagᵉra (ttA KL) — outdoors [r-E]
cagera (ttA KL) — outside [l-N, r-TB, m]
cagᵉra (ttA KL) — outside [l-SM]
cañgera — outside [p-B]
cągᵉra — outside [rv-A]
cágere — this deer [h-R1, h-R2]
cągᵉrégi (ttA KeLe Ki) — outside [jb-SE, jc-T, l-TS]
cągerégi — outside [rv-F, rs-S, h-R1, h-R2, sb-TM]
cągeregi (ttA KeLe Ki) — outside [rv-F, sb-F, l-N, r-H, r-O]
cañgerot’unainešgùni — they threw him out [rh-S]
cañgerot’uneže — he threw her outside [p-B]
cągerót’unéže — he threw out doors [rs-S]
cągerųt’úreną — he threw me at [rv-G]
cagešage (ttA Ke d Ke) — forked [r-D]
cáginįgiži — I am already dead [jmc-B]
cagiwa (ttA Ki w) — he started back [l-O]
cagiwa (ttA Ki w) — to start for [l-P]
cagíwagášge — he made for [jc-F]
cágiwaíregi — going towards [r-DC]
cagíwaíreže — they crawled towards it [jc-S]
cagiwaíreže — they started back [jb-DE]
cagiwaireže (ttA Ki wy Le de) — they went [l-P]
cagiwaíreže — they went towards [rv-F]
cagiwakoireže (ttA Ki w Koyi Le de) (< cagiwa-hakoireže) — they started for [l-P]
cagiwakše (ttA Ki w Kede) — he was going [r-HO]
cagiwakuną — coming I started toward [cf. giwe, to travel; ca] [m]
cagiwáwirē — that way you must go [jb-DE]
cāgíwe — go to one's own place [we]
cā́giwe — I return, head home, I go to my own place [we]
cagíwe (ttA Ki we) — to go towards [r-HO]
cāgíwe — to head towards, to go to someone’s place [hl]
cāgíwe — to return, head home [we, hl]
cagíwekjanégíži — when he is to go toward [jb-FC]
cagiwéną (ttA Ki we n) — he came back [jb-SE]
cagiwenihéra — he had gone there [jc-F]
cagíwera — he came towards [jc-F]
cagiweže (ttA Ki we de) — he started for [l-TS]
cagíweže — he went back towards [al]
cagiweže (ttA Ki we de) — he went towards [sb-TD, r-TB]
cagiwigu — to start back [cf. giwe, to travel; ca; gu, to start back] [m]
cago — what [cp. jagu] [sm-E]
cą̄́gojére (ttAn Ko tte Le) — restroom, toilet [ki]
cą̄́goré — outhouse, bathroom (indoor or outdoor) [mn, hl]
cą̄́goré (ttAn Ko Le) — restroom, toilet [ki, mn, hl]
cą̄gore — toilet [hh]
cą̄gore hiwaka — toilet brush [hh]
cą̄́goréja — outhouse, toilet, restroom, bathroom (indoor or outdoor) [mn, hl]
cą̄́gorerá — the bathroom (indoor or outdoor) [mn]
cagowi — seven [sm-E]
cagowihašana — seven over, as in seven over ten = 17; seven over twenty [sm-E]
cagra — muskrat [bg]
cagra (ttA KL) — out [r-H]
cañgrá — out of doors [lt-I]
cagra (ttA KL) — outside, outdoos [r-H, r-O]
cągra (ttA KL) — the outside [l-M]
cągregi (ttA KLe Ki) — outside [l-TS]
cągšora (chug-sho-ra [j]) — kidney [j]
cágu — black walnut tree [sm-E]
cañgú — outside [jb-B]
cágu — walnut tree [cf. hu, trunk] [g-H, r-WT, m]
cagú ų — why [lt-U]
cáǧᵉra (ttA xL) — his spit [l-TS]
cáǧᵉra (ttA xL) — their spit [l-N]
caha — buckskin [cf. ha, skin] [m]
cāhá (ttA A) — buckskin [sb-W, ki, hl]
cāhá — deerhide, buckskin, deerhides smoked or tanned [we]
cahá (ttA A) — deerskin [l-O, r-TB]
cāhā́ (ttA A) — deerskin [mn]
caha (cha-ha [j]) — doe (deer) [j]
cāhá hikišére (ttA A Ai KAi dAe Le) — to work on buckskins [ki]
cāhá hotaxí (ttA A Ao t HAi) — tanned or tanning a deer hide [ki]
cāhá rušąwą́ (ttA A Loo dA wn) — tanned or tanning a deer hide [ki]
caha rušáwą — to tan skin (soften it) [cf. ha, skin; šawą, to tan; ca, deer] [m]
cāha waguje — moccasin [hh]
cahahí — deer-hide [h-O]
cahaížą — a deerskin [jb-B]
cahąnihara (cha-han-ne-har-ra [j]) — crown of head [j]
cahara (tt A L) — buckskins [r-TW3]
cahára (ttA A L) — deerskin [ha, r-TW3]
cahara (ttA A L) — deerskin [me, r-T, j]
cahara (ttA A L) — the deer skin [r-TW3]
caharašge (ttA A L deKe) — buckskins also [r-TW3]
caharašge — deer skins [cf. ca, deer; ha, skin] [m]
caharuha — tanned buckskin [cf. ha, skin] [m]
caháruhaižą — a tanned buckskin [jb-MH1]
cahárušáwą — buckskin [f]
cáharuzą — untanned buckskin [jb-G]
cāhásga (ttA A rKA) — white deer hide [ki]
cahasga (ttA A rK) — white deerskins [r-T, r-Y]
cahasgaižą (ttA A rKy d) — a white deerskin [r-T]
cahasgara (ttA A rK L) — the white deerskin [l-O, r-T, r-Y]
cāhasgara (ttA A rK L) — white deerskins [r-E]
cahásgere — white buckskin [r-S]
cahaska (ttA A rK) — white deerskins [r-F]
caháska nąphíruhac — white deerskin sacrifice [mck]
cahaskra (ttA A rK L) — white deerskin [l-E]
caháta (tsharhat´ar) — buck [k]
cāháwagujé (ttA A w Koo tte) — buckskin mocassins [ki]
cāháwagúje — buckskin mocassins [z]
cāháwagujé — moccasin [mn]
cāháwajé (ttA A w tte) — buckskin dress [ki]
cāháwōną́šį (ttA A wo nn dAin) — buckskin shirt [cf. wōnąžį] [ki]
cāházi (ttA A ri) — tanned deer hide [ki, hl]
cāhé (ttA Ae) — deer antlers [ki, mn, hl]
cahecakižągeižą (ttA Ae ttA Ki d Keyi d) (ttA Ae ttA Ki d Keyi d) — a forked horn deer [r-O, r-WH]
caheraširi — when deer has bumps all over antlers [z]
caherašišik — the velvet stage (of antler formation) [z]
caherašišik — when deer has bumps all over antlers [z]
cahérocą — straight-horned deer [h-R1, h-R2]
cáherocaį́žą — a straight-horned deer [h-R1, h-R2]
cāhéwakšų́ — shedding of deer antlers [mn]
Cāhéwakšų́wi — December (Deer Antler Shedding Month) [hl]
Cāhéwakšų́wirá — December (Deer Antler Shedding Month) [mn]
Cāhewakšųwīra — Deer Antler Shedding Moon (December) [hh]
cahewažo — nubbin deer [z]
Caheyowakšowira (Cha-hayo-wa-ksho-we-ra) — December, Deer Antler Shedding Moon [j]
cahi — blossom [gm]
cąhi (ttA Ai) — to put in its place [l-SM]
Cáhikikarac — Deer Clan [mck]
Cahikikárac — Deer Clan [r-DC, j]
Cāhikiruxewirā — Deer Mating Moon (November) [hh]
cahiną — to cause to freeze (as by wind) [su-W]
cā́hinų́k — doe [mn]
cahiwi — blossom [s]
cahonihara (cha-hon-ne-har-ra [j]) — crown of the head [j]
cahosocra (chah-ho-soch-ra [j]) — fringe of deerskin [j]
cāhú (ttA Aoo) — deer legs, hindquarters [ki]
cāhų́ (ttA Aoon) — doe (archaic according to speakers) [ki, mn]
cahų́ (ttA Aoon) — doe [f, hw]
cahu (tsharhoo) — doe [k]
cahuna (chah-hoon-nah) — doe [ge]
caíja — at the deer [r-DC]
Caikikárac — Deer Clan [r-DC]
Caįkikáracjega — the Deer Clan [r-HC]
Caikikárajenáñgere — the Deer Clan [r-DC]
Caíkikárajera — the Deer Clan [r-DC]
Caíkirúxewi — November (Deer Mating Month) [hl]
Caíkiruxewi — the Deer Breeding Moon [su-B]
Cáikirúxewirá — November (Deer Mating Month) [mn]
caiksap — rushes, Scirpus cyperinus (L.) [sm-E]
caíksub — rushes [sm-E]
caiksųbᵉnįk (ttAy Korolo niKi) — grass stem [jc-T]
caiksųp — rushes, Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Before the whitemen came, there were no locks, so if the Indians wanted to hide something, they dug a hole, lined it with this rush and concealed it again. [sm]
cáinųk — doe [mn]
cáirogí — to be gifted in hunting deer [mn]
cąį́t’į — I am visible, observable [we]
caíxcip’akíra — only that long [su-B]
caížą (ttAyi d) — a deer [jf-LT, jh-M, al, h-O2, h-T, r-H, r-TC4, r-TW3]
cają́ixcįhere — How far is it? [su-W]
cájane — this deer [jh-M]
caji — directions [jb-MH1]
cájiga hanína — [it is] my father’s [g-H]
cajijobíhike — in the four directions [jb-MH1]
cajíjobíhike — the four directions [jb-MH2b]
cajijobíhike — the four winds [jb-MH2b]
cąjira (tshardgeerar) — wind [k]
Cájišgácga — They Play with the Wind, a personal name in the Deer Clan [r-DC]
cájišgašgá — to "play with air", as deer do when they snort [mn]
cak — black walnut, Juglans nigra L. Black walnut dye is "cak" while the tree itself is "cak hu. [sm, s]
cák — first of the month [g-H]
cak (suffix) — meaning unclear perhaps, to make dry [Cf. wacák, hacák, hiraicakše, hiraicakže, nicak?, wasuicak] [mn]
cak (suffix) — meaning unclear, perhaps, to seal off [Cf. hakirucák, hanącák, horacák, nąwácak, rucák, wicák] [mn]
cak (chack) — meat (< English "chuck" ?) [tu]
cak — nut; walnut tree [m, z]
cąk — outside [m]
cąk (suffix) — real, big, great [cf. hakocą́k, Hocą́k, kecą́k, racą́k, rocą́kjį] (cf. Osage, ṭóⁿga, "big") [mn]
cą́k — the outdoors [mn]
cak — to be forked [vid. ca, a forked tree] [m]
cąk — to be praiseworthy [m]
cāk — to grind (with mortar and pestle) [ma]
cāk — walnut (cf. Osage, ṭáge) [gm, j, sm, hl, hh]
cák — walnut [g-H]
cąk ’éja — outside, outdoors [hl]
cą̄k ’éja — outside, outdoors [hl]
cą̄k horeíja — outhouse, toilet, restroom, bathroom [hl]
cāk horo — walnut meat [hh]
cak hu — black walnut tree, Juglans nigra L. The bark is boiled down with maple sugar until it is about the consistency of black strap molasses, and used for a blood tonic. A teaspoonful in the morning every other day is the dose. [sm]
cak hu — walnut tree [cp. cagu; cf. hu, trunk] [sm, s, m, z]
cāk hu — walnut tree [hh]
cak-hu — walnut tree (Juglans) [gm]
cak’éca — outside there, at a certain place [su-W]
cą̄k’į́ — to be visible [mn]
cak’ó — indeed [r-P]
cak’ó — therefore [r-P]
cak’ó! — well! [sb-W]
cakácge — gland, lymph node [hl]
cakakiskai (chah-kah-kis-ky) — twenty-five cents ("quarter of a dollar") [ge]
cakan — sinew [g-H]
cakąna (chah-kuh-nah [j]) — sinew [j]
cakara (ttA K L) — the neck [l-E]
cakaražob — the hollow in the back of the neck [cf. ca, upper part of the breast, back; kara] [m]
cākaražopge (ttA KA L dol KAe) — ?temporal fossae or back base of occiput [ki]
cakaražópge — larynx [jb-N]
cākaražopge (ttA KA L dol KAe) — larynx, voice box [ki]
cākáražopgé — voice box, larynx [hl]
cakaražopge hopasá — to stick in a hole in the back of the head [cf. ca, upper part of the head; žop; kara; sa, to stick in] [m]
cakaražopgehopasa — I put a stick in a hole in the back of the head [cf. ca, upper part of the back; žop] [m]
cakaražopgera (tdttA K L dolo lKe L) — in his neck [l-TM]
cakaražopgera — the back of the head [cf. ca, upper part of the breast, back; kara] [m]
cakaražopgera — to put a stick in something [cf. kara, žop] [m]
cakáražopké — voice box, larynx [hl]
cakaró — friend [h-TM]
cakarohára — my friend [jh-M]
cakárora — his friend [jh-M]
cakašanā — (to be) old [cp. š’āk] [z]
cakašaną — old [sm-E]
cākáxge (ttA KAH KAe) — glands [mn, ki, hl]
cākáxge (ttA KAH KAe) — lymph node [ki, hl]
cākaxke — gland [hh]
cake (ttAKe) — first [r-WH]
cąkéca — out [sm-E]
cąkéca — outside [sb-B]
cākeja — outdoors [hh]
cąkéja — outside [h-R2]
cañkéja — outside [jb-V]
cakerašopge — the back of the neck [cf. žop; kara] [m]
cąkerekereže — a genet (?) [d]
cakeréki — outside here [su-W]
Cakereskehocora (Cha-ke-re-ska-ho-cho-ra) — Arcadia, Where Fleas Abound [j]
cākerešge (ttA KAe Le deKe) — deer fly (sg. & pl.) [ki, hl, hh]
cakhá — walnut tree [cf. cak, walnut tree; ha] [m]
cakha — walnut tree [cp. cagu] [z]
cakíjąke — fork [m]
cakíjąke — forked [cf. ca, forked tree; ją, curl around] [m]
cakiji (tt Ki tti) — sister [l-TM]
cakirisge — flea [cf. kiri/kiris, to quiver; ca] [m]
cakírisge — flea [jb-MR]
cākírisgé (ttA KAi Li reKe) — flea [ki, hl]
cākírisgé — fly [r-CW, mn]
cakírisge — like a flea [jb-G]
cakírisgeronìsge — it was like a flea’s [jb-MR]
cakírisgeronísge — like a flea you’ll look [jb-J4]
cakiriskara (chaah-kid-de-skar-rah) — flea [ge]
cákiriske — flea [g-H, j]
cākirišge — flea [hh]
cakírišgé — flea [hl]
Cakiruxewira (Cha-kee-roo-xay-we-ra) — November, Deer Mating Moon [j]
cakîwico — vervain blue (plant) [sm-E]
cakižą (ttA Ki d) — a fork [r-J]
cakižąge (ttA Ki d Ke) — forked [jc-T]
cą́knik — child [g-H]
cakó — assuredly ("a particle expressing defiance") [jb-S1b, m]
cakó — indeed [jb-F, m]
cakó — now then [jb-MR]
cako — so therefore [h-T]
cako — therefore [m]
cakó — thus [jb-MR]
cakó — will [h-B]
cako hínųbohą — not the second time [h-T]
cakora (tshukoarar) — friend [k]
cakoro — friend [cp. hicakoro] [z]
cakóro — friend [rv-F, jc-F, mck]
cākšáp — knee cap [hl]
cakšap hikikarac (Chak-shap he-ke-ka-rach [br-W]) — Eagle Clan [br-W]
Cakšephikikarac (Chak-shape-he-kee-ka-rach [j]) — Eagle clan [j]
cākšó — gizard, kidney [m, hl]
cakšoižą — a kidney [m]
cakšóyižą (ttA Kodoyi d) — a kidney [bp-TP]
cakšoz — gizard, kidney [sb-BT]
cakú — how [sb-D]
cákų — sinew [cf. ca, deer; kų] [m]
cáku — what [lt-I]
cakú — what [lt-R, sb-D, sb-J6, sb-T, sb-T5]
cakų́ — what [sb-D, sb-FF]
cakú — whatever [sb-T5]
cáku hik’aíre — what is it called? [d]
Cáku hižéže? — What did you say? [g-H]
Cáku ní-uže? — What is the matter with you? [g-H]
cáku rážera hik’aíre — what name is he called? [d]
cakú ų — why [lt-I, lt-M, lt-R]
cakú warake — what do you mean? [su-W]
cáku wírakaíre — what do you call them? [d]
Cáku-ų hišą́waxše? — Why do you ask? [g-H]
cakų́’ų — why [sb-D, sb-FF]
cakú’u — why [sb-D]
cakųi — what [sb-T5]
cákųiroį́k’araireske — it was suspended [sb-T5]
Cakúže warakéže? — Of what things did you speak? [g-H]
Camáᵉnahówira (Tcamáᵉn(i h)ahówila [mck]) — October [mck]
Cāmą̄hinąǧowīra — Deer Pawing Moon (October) [hh]
Cāmą́hįnąǧówirá — October (Deer Digging Ground Month) [mn]
Cāmą́įnąǧówi — October (Deer Digging Ground Month) [hl]
Cāmą́įnąǧówi — October (Deer Digging Ground Month) [hl]
Camąįnaǧowira — October (Deer Digging Ground) [z]
Camąk’ewira — October (Deer Digging Ground) [z]
cāmąkąnį (ttA mn KAn ni) — medicine deer [ki]
camą́kazí — back of the neck [mn, hl]
camąkazi — back part of neck [hh]
camąkazíra (ttA m K ri L) — the cords at the back of its neck [r-WH]
camakązira (chaah-mah-kun-ze-dah) — vertebrae [ge]
cáną — to freeze [su-W]
cāną̄́cawa — pitcher plant [inferred from canacáwara, deer's ear] [z]
canacáwara — deer's ear (plant) [sm-E]
cāną́gᵉra (ttA nK L) — deer [l-P]
canáñgere — the deer [r-DC]
cánaha — how many [g-H]
canáha — what time is it now? [sm-E]
canáhanąk — time [sm-E]
canaka — all [mck]
caną́ka — all of them [sb-T5]
caną́ka — all whatever [sb-T5]
cąnáka — as much [sb-H]
canąka (ttA n K) — the deer [l-B]
canąka (ttA n K) — these deer [r-WH]
caną́kahotaháwiki — what is left after we eat [su-W]
canákawi — how many of them? [su-W]
cananą (ttA n n) — I would die [l-P]
canā́ną — I'd be lead [jb-WM]
cą́nane — yesterday [d]
canąsúrogóbenįk — deer brains [h-R1, h-R2]
canąsurogop (ttA n rAo Lo Kolo) — deer brains [r-TB]
cānąx — goat [hh]
canax (cha-nax [j]) — goat [j]
cāną́x — goat [mn, hw, hl]
canąxera (chaah-noch [Ger.]- er-rah — goat [ge]
cąné — this [sb-B]
cáne tá-e — this fall [g-H]
cánega — how many [g-H]
cánega? — how much? [g-H]
cąnek — next fall [d]
cángera — outside [rh-S]
cą̄nį — autumn [hh]
cáni — autumn, fall of the year [g-H, jc-S, jb-K, m]
caní — autumn, fall of year [lt-C, jb-F, mck]
cąnį — before (cf. Omaha, itādhiata) [d]
cą́nį — before [f]
cą̄nį́ — fall (season), autumn [cp. cānį] [we, hl]
cānį́ (ttA ni) — fall (the season) [l-B, mn, hl]
cąní — fall [d, jc-S]
cānį́ — in the wintertime [mn]
canį́ — in the wintertime [w-T]
cani — the season of fall [h-R2]
cani woišjajera — fairs [cf. cą, public?] [m]
cąnig — the next or coming autumn [f]
cānį́ga — in the fall (season) [jb-F, w-T, mn]
caniñgí — if I would not die [r-B.1]
cánįgi — in the fall [jb-DC]
cánįgira — the fall [jb-DC]
canįgíšaną — only if I die [r-B.2]
canįgixana (ttA ni Ki xA n) — the fall moving [l-S]
cánik — drunk [g-H]
canik (tsharnik) — drunk [k]
cānį́k — fawn (noun) [mn, hw, hl]
cániñk — small deer [jh-M]
canikareške (cha-nik-ka-raash-kay [j]) — fawn [j]
canįkerakera (chah-niek-ker-rah-ker-rah) — fawns [ge]
canikeresgenįk — fawn deer [m]
canikeresgežą — fawn deer [m]
cānį́kerešgé (ttA niK KAe Led KAe) — fawn [ki]
cānį́kerešgé — spotted baby deer [mn, hw]
cānį́kerešge — spotted baby deer, fawn-deer [hl]
canikérëšgehaìžą — a fawn hide [jf-M]
canikerešgeižą (ttA ni Ke Le deKeyi d) — a young deer [l-N]
canikérešgenįk — a fawn [h-R1, h-R2]
canikérešgenįkižą (ttA ni Ke Le deKe ni Ki d) — a young deer [r-WH]
canikérešgèžą — a fawn deer [jf-M]
canįkjanaheže (ttA ni Ktt n Ae de) — I will not die [r-D]
caníñkje — I would not die [r-B.1]
canįkje — I would not die [r-B.2]
cánikúžįre — crazy [ha]
Canimániwįga — She who Walks Ahead, a Buffalo Clan personal name [f, r-WT]
cąnį́ną — last autumn [f]
cánina — last fall [g-H]
caniną́kšaną — I am not dead [h-R1, h-R2]
caninégi — in the fall [h-G, h-TM]
cąninisgéregéregí — it was about fall [h-R1]
canípononàšaną — deer soup only [h-G]
canira (cha-nee-ra [j]) — autumn [j]
caniregi (ttA ni Le Ki) — in the fall [bp-TP]
canišánañk — deer-river, perhaps Deer Creek in Wyoming [jh]
cą̄nį́t’į — you (sg) are visible, observable [we]
cą̄nį́t’įgi (ttA ni tii Ki) — when they hear [r-FP]
cąníte — the present autumn [f, d]
canižéži — not to kill or die [r-B.1, r-B.2]
Canųkcąpįwįga — Deer Vagina, a Deer Clan personal name [d-WG]
canuna — last night [me]
canúnge — although [g-H]
caosožera (chaah-o-soge-er-rah) — fringe of deerskin [ge]
cā́p — kin [mn]
cap (suffix) — meaning unclear [Cf. haracáp, harucáp, ‘icap, harucap, hárucap’, hawacap, hiragitucap, hirakiracap, hirarúcap, hirarucaphanianąga, racap, cap] [mn]
cā́p — to be related (akin), to have as kin [mn, hl]
cap — to get, possess, obtain, contact [m]
cap — to open eyes to look [su-W]
cāp — top of head, scalp [hh]
cā́p — top of the head, scalp [mn, hl]
cąp-hakiwares — forked lightning [d]
Cap’ósgaga — Cap’ósgaga (White Breast), a name in an uncertain clan [jb-F]
cap’oxgéra — breasts [sb-W]
cāpá (ttA lA) — deer head [ki]
capak ginųsge — white wild indigo, Baptisia alba (L.) or Baptisia leucantha. White Wild Indigo, White False Indigo. The root is a single remedy to use for an injured womb alone. Cook the root and mash it to form a poultice to bind on. Wash with water and draw out the inflammation. Change twice a day until healed. [sm]
capakaragi (ttA l K L Ki) — his [r-T]
capakginųsge — Baptisia lactea or Baptisia leucantha [inferred from capakginuske, Smith] [z]
capanąka (ttA lA n K) — the head of the deer [r-T]
capanaru — a lacrosse club [mck]
capanaru-kísik — lacrosse [cp. capanaru, club; and kísik, lacrosse] [mck]
capara — baldheaded [cf. ca, upper part of the head] [m]
cąpara — lightning [d]
Cą́pcirehíka — Lightning Passes By, a personal name in the Bird Clan [sb-D]
cąpewi — I had in mind [cf. cą, to be in view; wewi, to scrutinize ?] [m]
capgiži (ttA liKi di) — he had, and [jc-T]
capǧuík — fisher [hl]
Cąphak’irucewįga — Lightning Crossing Itself, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
cąpira (tshaumpeerar) — lightning [k]
cápirera (ttA li Le L) — their [l-P]
capišį — the fat around the deer liver [cf. ca, deer; pi, liver; šį, fat] [m]
cāpną́ — lacrosse game [hl]
capoǧík (ttA loAo xiKi) — fisher [r-D, hl]
capoǧuįk — fisher [hw, hh]
capoǧwík — fisher (animal) [z]
capohagų — marten [me]
capohugera (chaah-po-hoog-er-rah) — marten [ge]
capoxge — area below the larynx [hh]
capoxgé (ttA lAoH KAe) — bird crop, food sack; voice box, larynx; clavicular fossa [ki]
capóxge — craw [cf. ca, upper part of the breast; pox, hole] [m]
capoxge — craw [sb-BT]
capoxgé — esophagus, gullet [we]
capoxgé — first stomach (of ruminants); area below the larynx in humans [mn]
capoxgéja (ttA loAo xKe tt) — in the throat [r-E]
capoxgera (ttA lAo xKe L) — from his throat [r-E]
capoxgera (ttA loAo xeKe L) — his neck [sb-L]
capoxgera (ttA loAo xeKe L) (ttA loAo xKe L) — his throat [r-E]
capoxgera — the breast [cf. ca, upper part of the breast; pox, hole] [m]
capoxikra (cha-poa-xik-ra [j]) — marten [j]
capóxjįrà (ttA lAo Hitti L) — near their breasts [jb-SE]
cāpoxe — craw [hl]
capra (ttA lL) — his [r-T]
cąprá — to look [sb-J6]
capra (ttA lL) — your [r-T]
capranįške (ttAe lL ni deKe) — if you do not eat it all [sb-TD]
cápšará — bald head [mn]
capwira (ttA liwi L) — our own [r-Y]
capwireže (ttA liwi Le de) — their [l-SM]
Cąpžigewįga — Lightens Again, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
cára (ttA L) — (the) deer [ha, d, al, h-G, h-R1, h-R2, jc-S, l-B, r-TW3]
cara (ttA L) — (the) deer [k, me, al, jb-P, l-B, l-M, l-N, r-BB, r-O, r-WH, j]
cara (char-rah) — frost [ge]
cara — the pick (choice) [r-A]
cára worohára — many deer [g-H]
cārágiwe — you (sg) return, head home, go to your own place [we]
caragiweguną — coming he started toward [cf. giwe, to travel; ca] [m]
caragiwékjanaharé — you are going [r-DC]
caragiwešguną — coming, you (sg.) started toward [cf. giwe, to travel; ca] [m]
carahižą — a deer [p-M]
carakužą (cha-ra-kuj-a) — a fox [bg]
carániñge — piece of deer [h-C]
cárarohàñxjį — my friends [jh-M]
cārasgapke — wood tick [hh, nw]
cārásgapké (ttA L rKAl KAe) — wood tick [ki, mn, hl]
carawašawą’gere — you (sg.) come for a purpose [m]
cárawašérekjanéną — you’ll go towards [jb-J4]
carawe — you (sg.) go toward [m]
cāráwe — you (sg) approach, come, go forward, go toward something, go near something [we]
caráwekjanéną — go towards [jb-J4]
Carawiga, -wéga — He who Holds a Deer in His Mouth, a Wolf Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
caraxúrašana — deer lungs only [jc-F]
carekokanągᵉra (ttA Le Ko K n KL) — a piece of lean meat [jb-P]
carekokanąk (ttA Le Ko K naK) — a piece of lean meat [jb-P]
careš’agu — collar bone [cf. ca, upper part of breast or back; š’ak, protruding body part?; hu, stem, stalk] [m]
carešek hora (cha-ray-shaak-ho-ra [j]) — collar bone [j]
cāréxirik — a yearling deer [cf. xirik, spotted ?] [m, hw, hl]
caroikinįją (ttA Loyi Ki ni tt) — deer fat [l-B]
caroxewe — to comb the hair down, be disheveled [cf. ca, the upper part of the head; xewe, to bother] [m]
caroxíra — hair that one combs out [cf. xi, to fall in flakes] [m]
caroxíwi (ttA Lo xiAi wi) — dandruff [l-P]
caroxíwi (ttA Lo xiAi wi) — head-refuse: hair, dandruff, etc., that remains in a comb [cf. xi, to fall in flakes] [h-C, jb-PM, l-P, m]
caroxíwira — drandruff [jb-PM]
caroxíwira (ttA Lo xiAi wi L) — their hair [r-H]
carucgera (ttA Lo tteKe L) — an unknown species of bird [cf. ca, deer; rucge, pigeon] [l-M]
caruhi (ttA Lo Ai) — deer ribs [r-E]
caruhíaixóruc — deer spare ribs [h-R1, h-R2]
carxatexjį — big deer [r-WB]
cā́s — the sound that trees make when they split from the cold [mn]
cas (suffix) — to make a small metallic sound [cf. hitacacas, hakirúcacas, hiracacas, rex cacas, rex cacazera, cas] [lp, mn]
cas — to rattle [vid. caš, cax] [m]
cas’iakšaną (ttA riiyK dA n) — it is visible [r-D]
Cās’īkąhoną̄ǧᵉrucka (ttiA rii K Ao nx Lo ttK) — Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle, a personal name in a story [r-E]
casąk — tamarack [hh]
cāsák (ttA rrK) — tamarack [ki, mn, hl]
casak — tamarack, Larix laricina (DuRoi). The gum and the bark are medicines. The gum is used on wounds and cuts. Bark wigwams are made from the big ones, 1 1/2 feet in diameter. You can't find them now. [sm, hh]
casak — tree of unknown species [cf. ca, forked tree; sak] [m]
cāsákšok’ą́ — to be pink [mn]
cāsákšokąwą́ — to be pink [hl]
cascagura — oak tree [me]
casebara — a moose [d]
casébera — the black deer [r-DC]
casép (ttA reAele) — black deer [r-TB]
cāsep — moose [hh]
cāsép (ttA rrel) — moose [s, mn, ki, hw, hl]
Casep-hųka — Black Deer Chief, a Deer Clan personal name [d-WG]
casépera — black deer [r-DC]
casepera (chaah-sep-er-rah) — moose [ge, j]
Casépga — Black Deer, Moose, a Deer Clan personal name [f]
Caséphuñká — Black Deer King, a personal name in the Deer Clan [r-DC]
cāsgá — mountain goat [hl]
cāsgá — sheep [b-G, b-E, mn, hl]
cāsgā — sheep [hh]
cāsgá (ttA rKA) — white deer; mountain goat; sheep [ki]
cāsgá hirakára — sheepherder, shepherd [b-LK, hl]
cāsgá wą́k — ram [hl]
Casgága — White Deer, a Deer Clan personal name [f]
cāsgáirakára — sheepherder, shepherd [mn]
casgairakaranaka — shepherds [b-LK]
casgaireakaranañka — the shepherds [b-LK]
casgak ho (chas-gak-ho [j]) — white oak [j]
cāsgánącáwa — mullen, lit. "sheep's ear" [inferred from caskancawa, Smith] [z]
cāsganįk — lamb [hh]
cāsgánįk — lamb [mn, hl]
cāsí (ttA rri) — deer tracks, feet, hooves [ki]
cāsį́c (ttA rrinitt) — deer tail [ki]
casįc (ttA riAitti) — deer tail [sb-V, r-TB]
cąsį́c hakére (ttA rrintt A KAe Le) — deer tail roach [ki]
cāsįc hakere — head roach [hh]
cāsį́c wąkére (ttA rrintt wa KAe Le) — deer tail roach [ki]
casįcewakere — a headdress of deer’s tail and feathers [d]
Casį́ckuhą — "Shaped Like a Deertail," a rocky cliff landmark on the east bank of the Wisconsin River [mck]
casįcnąka (ttA riAitti n K) — the deer tails [sb-BT]
casįcra (ttA riAi ttL) — deer tails [sb-BT]
Cāsiga-Honą̄ǧᵉrucka (ttA riAi K Ao nx Lo ttK) (ttA riAi K Ao nx Lotto ttK) — Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg, a personal name occurring in a story [r-E]
casijikišiknąka (ttA riAi tti Ki diAiKi n K) — the hanging deer tail [r-TB]
Cāsīką-honą̄ǧᵉrucka (ttiA riAi K Ao nx Lo ttK) (ttiA riAi K Ao nx Lotto ttK) — Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle, a personal name occurring in a story [r-E]
Cāsīkąga (ttA riAi K K) — Deer Ankle [r-E]
Cāsikų-honą̄xka (ttA ri K Ao n xK) (ttA riAi K Ao n xK) — Stinking Part of Deer Leg [r-E]
Cāsikųną̄ǧᵉrujᵉra (ttA riAi Ko nx Lo ttL) — You Who Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle, a personal name occurring in a story [r-E]
cāsikųną̄x (ttA riAi Ko nx) — the stinking part of the deer ankle (the tarsal scent gland) [r-E]
Cāsikųną̄xka (ttA riAi Ko n xK) — Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg, a personal name occurring in a story [r-E]
casínc wak’ére — a deer tail headdress. This could be worn by a man if he killed an enemy but didnot scalped him. [r-WT]
casinjenáñgere — deer tail [jb-B]
casínjra — the deer tails [jb-B]
Casírawíga,-wéga — He who Carries Deer Feet in His Mouth, a Wolf Clan personal name [f, d-WG, lu-C]
casįsep — the black-tailed deer [d]
caska — sheep [sm]
caská — sleep [lt-R]
caska nącawa — sheep's ear, Vyertboascum thapsus L. Mullein. Heat the leaves and apply to reduce a swelling. [Naturalized from Europe] [sm]
caskagera (chaah-skag-er-rah) — white oak [ge]
caskahara — a sheep skin [d]
caskahį (chaska-hē [j]) — fleece (wool) [j]
caskákara — antelope [ha]
caskara — sheep [d]
caskaska (cha-ska-ska [j]) — antelope [j]
caskaskara — an antelope [d]
caskawahara (cha-skah-wah-har-rah [j]) — robe of sheep skin [j]
caskawahara (chah-skah-wah-har-rah) — sheep skin [ge]
caské — how [cf. jasgé] [lt-I, lt-R, rs-W]
caské — what [sb-B]
caske hu — bur oak [s]
caske mą́níną — Can he walk? [su-W]
caskegu — white orak [sm-E]
caskéhe — how to do [lt-TB]
caskéhe — what he did [lt-M]
cáskehi — how to do [lt-M]
caskéhi — what to do [lt-R]
cáskehi na’į́ — he did what [lt-M]
caskéhikcéra — how he will do it [lt-R]
caskéhir — how they would do [lt-TB]
caskékacą — why [sb-B]
caskékcane — how it would be [sb-T5]
caskékiske — how much? [sm-E]
caskéxcį — as much as [sb-K]
caskéxcį́ — how very [sb-FF]
cáskwe? — how much? [g-H]
cąstąnobokiticera (chaah-stun-o-bo-kid-de-cha-dah) — whirlwind [ge]
casuk — tamarack [sm-E]
caš (suffix) — click, make clicking sound. Probably the same as cas. [cf. hiracácaš] [lp, mn]
caš — to knock, chatter [vid. cas, cax] [m]
caš’ḗ — to make a "chush" sound [hl]
cašára — neck [g-H]
cašara (chah-shah-rah) — sheep [ge]
cašcą — a wave [d]
Cašcąka — Wave, a Waterspirit Clan personal name [f, lu-C]
cašcąna — waves [me]
cašcána aškék’inik — waves close together [su-W]
caše (ttA deAe) — at his neck [r-T]
cāšé — neck [cf. ca, upper part of breast; še] [lt-M, m, mn, hl]
cáše — neck [g-C]
cāše — neck [hh]
cāšé hį̄ — neck hair [hl]
cašé hųserék — collar bone [mn]
cašé hušárek — collar bone (clavicle) [f]
cāše hūšerek — collar bone [hh]
cāšé hųšerék — collar bone [z]
cāšé hūšérek — collarbone [hl]
caše serec — giraffe [hh]
cāšegu — white oak [hh]
cašehį (cha-shā-hin [j]) — mane (of horse) [j]
cašehi — nape of the neck [cf. ca, upper part of the breast; še] [m]
cašéhina — the hairs on the back of her neck [jb-MR, jb-N]
cašehošuk (cha-shā-ho-shook [j]) — goiter [j]
cašehušogara — the clavicle or collar-bone [d]
cašeją (ttA deAe tt) — his neck [l-E]
cašera (cha-shay-ra [j]) — neck [al, j]
cášera — necks [g-C]
cašéra (ttA deAe L) — the neck [ha, lt-M, d, g-H, rt-T, h-T, bp-TA, l-SM, r-TW3, r-Y, s]
Cašex’įga — Wrinkled Neck (name of an Ioway shaman) [cf. x’į, to wrinkle, ca, upper part of the back] [jb-K, m]
cášeža — neck [g-H]
cášeža wašerekézi — coyote’s neck [g-H]
cašgégu (ttA deKe Ko) — oak (tree) [cf. šgegu ?] (cf. Osage, ṭáshka çka, "white oak") [l-SM, r-H, r-O, r-WT, m]
cašgegu — oak [hh]
cāšgégu (ttA deKe Ko) — oak, white oak [mn, hl]
cašgegu — white oak [hh]
cašgeguižą — a limb of a tree [cf. šgegu ?] [m]
cašgegúižą — an oak tree [sb-N]
cašgegujera (ttA deKe Ko tte L) — the oaks stands [r-Y]
cašgegura (ttA deKe Ko L) — oak [r-T]
cašgegurut’as — short (stunted) oak tree [hh]
cašgegurut’aš — short oak tree, stunted [cf. ca, forked tree] [m, z]
cašgegurut’ažižą — a forked oak [cf. ca, forked tree] [m]
Cašgegúwįga — Oak Woman, a personal name in the Thunderbird Clan [sb-N]
cą̄šgéhu — white oak (inferred from tcaskegula) [sm-E]
cašgekho (chash-gaak-ho [j]) — oak [j]
Cašgoguga — Oak Tree, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
cāšį — gopher [hw, hl, hh]
cāšį — gopher [mn, z]
cáši, pl. cašínigra — chipmunk [g-H]
cąšįc — deer tail [cp. cāsįc] [z]
Cašįc — Pleiades, deer-rump [cf. ca, deer; šįc, rump] [m]
cāšį́c wākére — head roach (for a dance costume) [mn]
cašį́gira — ground squirrel [ha]
cašígu — oak [ha]
cašįk — deer butt [cf. ca, deer; šį, fat] [m]
cašįk — mink [m, hw]
cašįna (chaah-sheen-nah) — the gopher [ge, d]
cašingira — the ground squirrel (Hdn, but Alex & Amell don’t know) [d]
cašišik (cha-she-shik [j]) — cross (disposition) [j]
cašíšik — to be hot tempered [su-W]
cāšją́ — wave (as in a body of water) [mn]
cašjabokirujeke (chash-ja-bo-ke-ru-ja-kay [j]) — whirlwind [j]
Cašjąga — Wave, a Waterspirit Clan personal name [f, lu-C]
cašjǫ — wave [cf. ją, to twist] [m]
cāšjṓbokírujeké — waterspout; whirlwind [mn]
cašjóna — the waves [sb-TB]
cašjǫna — wave [cf. ją, to twist] [m]
caške ’únąk — Is he making it? [su-W]
cáške gu — white oak [g-H]
caškehu — bur oak (Quercus macdrocarpa) [cf. Omaha-Ponca, tackaki] [gm]
caškeku — an oak tree [d]
caškeku wijera — an oak forest [d]
caškera — an acorn [d]
cašniheže (ttd ni Ae de) — it was audible [l-O]
cašuc — red deer [hw]
cāšúc (ttA dAoott) — red deer [ki, hl]
cāšų́cge — bluegill (speakers not too certain to which fish it refers) [cf. šųc, red] [m, mn]
cāšucge — bluegill [hh]
cāšų́cge (ttA dAoon tteKe) — sun fish, blue gills [ki]
cašųcgera (ttA doAo tteKe L) — an unidentified species of fish, literally "red deer" [probably the bluegill; possibly the sunfish] [bp-TO]
cašųjgera (cha-shunj-ga-ra [j]) — sunfish [j]
cašųškera — a sunfish [d]
cą̄t’į́ — apparent, in sight, audible [hl]
cąt’į (ttA tii) — audible [jb-DD1, jb-SE]
cąt’į (ttA tii) — he could hear [r-E]
cąt’į — he discovered [al]
cąt’į — he shows [jb-MR]
cą̄t’į́ (ttA tii) — in sight [r-C]
cąt’į — plain, apparent [d]
cąt’į̄ — to appear [r-HD]
cąt’į (ttA tii) — to appear, it appears [jb-BH, jb-J4, jb-KX, r-TW3]
cą̄t’į́ — to appear, seem, to be perceptible to the eye or ear [mn]
cąt’į — to be heard [jb-SD]
cąt’į (ttA tii) — to be shown [sb-BT]
cąt’į — to be visible [sb-TB]
cąt’į (ttA tii) — to be visible, it is visible [d, sb-E, r-TB]
cą̄t’į́ — to be visible, observable [mn, we, hl]
cąt’į — to come into view [jb-J4]
cąt’į (ttA tii) — to hear [r-O]
cą̄t’į́ (ttAn t'in) — visible, in sight, apparent [ki]
cąt’į jįpikjaneną — to come into view [cf. cą, to see; t’į, to become evident; jįp, to assemble] [m]
cąt’į-jikéreže — it appeared to come [jb-BH]
cąt’į-jįpjanéną — it will come into view [jb-J4]
cąt’ią́ga (ttA tiiy K) — when it is visible [jc-T]
cąt’iáñgere — as it appears [jb-DD2]
cą́t’ią́gere — it’s in sight [jb-E]
cą́t’iąjaíregi — they saw it appear [jb-BH]
cąt’ią́k’iži — it was visible [jb-F]
cąt’iáñkše — it was visible [h-B]
cąt’iáreže — it appeared [jb-BH]
cąt’įgają (ttA tii K tt) — when it came in view [l-O]
cąt’įgi — when it was in sight [al]
cąt’įgiži (ttA tii Ki di) — when it is visible [l-O]
cąt’į̄hákjōnárē — I will do [r-HD]
cąt’įhána — I will make it visible [jb-MR]
cąt’į́hare — I have made it visible [jb-MR]
cąt’įhuže — it appeared [jb-A]
cąt’įhúže — it appeared [jb-A]
cąt’į́hužé — it appeared [jb-A]
cąt’į́jeną (ttA tii tte n) — it is visible [l-TC]
cąt’įjikéreže — it became audible [jb-DD1]
cąt’įjikérežé — it became audible [jb-DD1]
cąt’įjikerežé — it was audible [jb-DD2]
cą̄t’į́jįp — to come into view [r-CW, mn]
cąt’įjiregí — it became audible [jb-DD1]
cą́t’įkirèže — they appeared [r-S]
cąt’įkjanaheną (ttA tii Ktt n Ae n) — it will be visible [sb-L]
Cąt’įminąk’a — Sitting in Sight, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
cąt’įną (ttA tii n) — it is visible [sb-E]
cąt’įną̆ — they appeared [rv-A]
cąt’įnąkre (ttA tii n KLe) — it is visible [r-T]
cat’įnąkšaną (ttA tii nK dA n) — it is visible [sb-E, jc-T]
cąt’įnąkše (ttA tii n Kede) — it could be heard [sb-HW]
cat’įnąkše (ttA tii nK deAe) — they are visible [sb-E]
cąt’ine — to be seen [b-G]
cąt’inega (ttA tii ne K) — when they are visible [r-D]
cąt’į́ni — it was not visible [h-R1, h-R2]
cąt’į́nįną (ttA tii ni n) — it is not visible [r-Y]
cąt’įreną — they are audible [r-BC]
cąt’įšge — heard [r-DC]
cąt’į́t’į́ — that are visible [jb-T4]
cat’įt’įną̆kšăną̆ — they were visible [rv-A]
cąt’į́xjiježe (ttA tii xitti tte de) — it is visible [l-TC]
cą́t’įxjįréže — it was very audible [rv-F]
cąt’įže (ttA tii de) — he could see it [r-BB]
cąt’įže (ttA tii de) — he was visible [l-P]
cąt’į́že — it appeared [jb-A]
cąt’į́že (ttA tii de) — it is seen [l-TC]
cąt’įže (ttA tii de) — it was visible [sb-L, l-O, l-S, r-Y]
cātaxere (ttA t HAe Le) — fried venison [ki]
cą́tę — to appear [g-C]
cątį́ — apparent [f]
cąto’į (chan-to-en [j]) — view (outlook) [j]
cauzauke — black walnut [hh]
cą́wą — birch [cf. wą] [m]
cawa (ttA w) — to approach [l-TS]
cáwa — to come towards [jb-A]
cawa — towards [jb-AM, jb-MR]
cáwa (ttA w) — towards [jb-DD1, r-BC8]
cā́wa mą́gᵉrā — to go where I intended to go [jb-HS]
cą́wą zuk — birch [cf. wą; zu/zuk] [m]
cawa-hínąžiže — he kept going to him [jb-K]
cáwaci — birch tree (producing white bark used formerly for canoes) [d]
cawągere — to come for a purpose [cf. wąk-here ?, to become ?] [m]
cawahígi — he kept on going to him [jb-K]
cawahįnąžį — to keep going [cf. cawe, to approach; hįnąžį, to stand ?] [m]
cawahínąžįže — he went towards him [jb-KX]
cawahúižą — one coming toward [jb-MR]
cawaíregašge — they would go to him, but [jb-CLS]
cawaíregi — they went towards [jh]
cawairéną — they started for [rv-A]
cawaireže (ttA wy Le de) — they went [l-E]
cāwą́k — buck (male deer) [mn, hl]
cawakere — a shield [d]
cāwakere — shield [hl, hh]
cawakerera (ttA w Ke Le L) — shields [cf. cawe, to approach; kere] [r-D, m]
cawakirera — my shield [p-T]
cáwamą’gere — I come for a purpose [m]
cawánągi — when they go to [al]
cāwąnągu (ttA w n Koo) — deer trails [ki]
cawaną́ki — they go to [h-R1]
cawaraireną — they were going to [r-BC]
cáwararaìregi — that way they went [jb-O]
cawā́rĕjana — the old ways [bp-L]
cawarék’arohòną — he was going towards [jb-F]
cāwáruc — ceanothus americanus [inferred from cawaruc, deer food] [sm-E]
cāwáruc — dogwood (inferred from cawárucara, deer feed) [sm-E]
cāwaruc — Indian tea [hh]
cāwáruc — morels (inferred from cawaruc, deer food) [sm-E]
cāwárutí — reindeer [mn, hw, hl]
cáwasni — milk [g-H]
cáwasni hikini — butter [g-H]
cawasnikanina — butter [me]
cawašébižą — an eagle [rt-T]
cāwáwa (ttA HA w) — nape of the neck [ki]
cawawirē — go forward [r-BD]
cawawiže (ttA w wi de) — they went [r-E]
cawaxšep — eagle [z]
Cawaxšepsepga — Black Eagle, Eagle Clan personal name [lu-C]
cą̄wązúk — birch [hl]
cawe (ttA we) — he was going towards [sb-F, m]
cā́we — I approach, come, go forward, go toward something, go near something [we]
cā́we — I go toward, I go in a certain direction [m, mn]
cáwe — near [jmc-B]
cāwé — to approach, come, go forward, go near something [we]
cāwe — to approach, reach [m, hl]
cāwé — to come towards, to go forward to something, to go near something, to go towards someone with trouble on one’s wind [hl]
cā́wē — to go [jb-HS]
cāwé — to go in a certain direction [m, mn, hl]
cawe (ttA we) — to go to him [r-T]
cāwé — to go toward [m, mn, we, hl]
cāwé hī — to go and threaten someone, to go and fight with someone, to go to someone to tell him or her off, to challenge someone, to approach someone about something [hl]
cáwegi’úīnes’áže — they would travel [jb-WM]
cawégiži — as they went toward [jb-F]
cāwĕ́hūgigī́žĕ — he directed him [jb-HS]
cawék’ježe — he started for [jb-F]
cáwekjanégiži — he will go towards [jb-EM1]
cawéną — he went towards [jh]
cawéną — towards [r-HC]
caweną́gi — as he made his way towards [jb-SE1]
cawéže (ttA we de) — anywhere he went [l-L]
cawéže — he came to [jb-CLS]
cawḗže — he proceeded towards [jb-HS]
cawéže (ttA we de) — he went towards [jb-SE1, l-E, r-HO]
cawéžē — towards it [jb-PM]
cāwį́ — wife (cp. hicawį́) [mn, hl]
cawį — wife [m]
cawiege — we (are caused to) die [b-E]
cawígi — if he dies [bb-B]
cąwigiži (ttA wi Ki di) — if you are willing [r-Y]
cawíhana — she is my wife [h-C]
cáwihara — my wife [ha]
cawįhara — my wife [me, al]
cawį́higi — that was his wife [jb-K]
cawįna — wife [me]
cáwinána — we would die [rs-S]
cawira (ttA wi L) — next to his back [l-L]
cawiž[ą] (tshaaweezh) — [a] cow [k]
cawį́že (ttA wi de) — his wife [r-Y]
cawocsįseret (?) (chaw-ontz-sin-cer-et) — fox [tu]
cā́x — foam, saliva [mn]
cax — to quiver [vid., caš, cas] [m]
cā́x harawóc — be foamy [mn]
cā́x kirikírik — phlegm [cf. cax, spit; kirik, to quiver] [m, mn]
cāx kirikirík — phlegm [hl]
cáx, pl. cáxra cúna — swamp, morass (water there always) [g-H]
cāxá — upper back (between shoulderblades) [hl]
caxa’ak — sea gull [hh]
cāxá’ak — seagull [mn]
caxátera — buck, lit. "great deer" [f, ge]
cāxawa — back part of shoulder [hh]
cāxáwa — back part of the shoulder, area between the shoulderblades [mn, hl]
cāxáwa — nape [hl]
caxawara — the upper part of the back [cf. ca, back; xawa] [m]
cáxcí ha — buffalo robe [g-H]
caxep (ttA xeAele) — eagle [sb-V, r-TW3]
caxera (chaach-er-rah [ge], chax-er-ra [j]) — saliva [ge, j]
caxerašge toike(ni) — to be parched [cf. toike, to be wet] [m]
cāxéte (ttA xAe te), (ttA HAe te) — big deer [r-TW3, ki]
caxete (cha-xa-day [j]) — buck (deer) [j]
cāxéte (ttA HAe te) — buck (male deer) [ki, mn, hw, hl]
caxeteį (ttA xeAe teyi) — as a buck deer [l-TT]
caxetéžą — buck deer [h-R1, h-R2]
caxiwi — flowers [sm]
caxiwi co — blue flowers, the name given to blue [hoary] vervain, Verbena stricta Vent. When someone is bad sick, vomits and spits blood, this root stops it. [sm]
cāxíwicó — blue vervain (inferred from cakīwicora, green flowers) [sm-E]
caxíwira — the flower (bud) [r-DC]
cáxkirikìrik — bile [jb-J4]
cáxkirikírik — phlegm [cf. cax, spit] [jb-J4, m]
caxošonuna — little finger [cf. xo] [m]
caxra (chax-ra [j]) — marsh [j]
caxšébᵉmašų́ (ttA HeAe lm doAo) — eagle feathers [jb-SE]
caxšébera — eagle [jb-A]
caxšĕ́bᵉrā — eagles [jb-HS]
caxšĕ́bᵉrā (ttA xedele L) — the eagle [r-TW3]
caxšébižą — an eagle [h-T]
cāxšép (ttAx deAele) — eagle [cf. xšep] [l-TS, mn, hl]
caxšép — eagle [cf. xšep] [rt-T, r-HC, r-WT, m] Cf. Dakota tcañcka, “hawk”
cáxšep — eagle [g-H]
cāxšep — eagle [hh, nw]
caxšep (ttAx deAele) — eagle [r-T]
Cāxšep — Eagle Clan [hh]
cāxšep hišjasu — drone [hh]
Caxšep Horuxjį Hirega — They Look at an Eagle, a personal name, probably of the Eagle Clan [ch, hz-MW]
Caxšep Woruxži — Eagle Looking, Eagle Clan personal name [d-WG]
caxšepera (chach [Ger.]-shep-er-rah) — eagle [ge]
caxšepiwi (ttAx xedele li wi) — eagles [r-Y]
Caxšépsgaga — White Eagle, a personal name in the Bird Clan. The name of Cap’osgaga’s son. [cf. cax, eagle; sga, white; šep] [m]
Caxšepsucga — Red Eagle, Eagle Clan personal name [lu-C]
cāzíke — butternut [z]
cazike — butternut tree [hh]
cazúka — the white walnut (tree) [d]
cazuke — black walnut tree [z, hh]
cazúke — butternut (chestnut?) tree [cf. zu, butternut tree] [r-WT, m]
cāzúke — butternut tree [cf. zu, butternut tree] [m, mn]
cazuke — butternut, Juglans cinerea L. Butternut bark dye is about the same [as walnut], "cak." The bark is a dye to get a chocolate brown color. The bark is a physic. [sm, z, hh]
cazúke — fruit tree [sm-E]
cāzuke — walnut [hh]
cazúke — walnut tree; walnut [mn]
cazúke — walnut tree; walnut [mn]
cazuzuke — butternut tree; black walnut tree [z]
cažanke — forked, as the tail of a hawk [d]
caže-ra — to chop [cf. ca, tree] [m]
cąžuxe (tsharzookhaa) — black walnut [k]
ce — at one side, out of the way [m]
cḗ — bovine, cow [mn]
ce (tteAe) (ttAe) — buffalo (cf. Oto, ce; Osage, ṭse) [f, p-B, sm, sb-V, bp-TB, l-N, r-BD, r-H, r-HO, r-T, r-TB, m, hw]
cē (ttAe) (tteAe) — buffalo [l-TS, r-E, hh]
cé — buffalo [r-HD]
cē — cow, bovine [hl]
cé — cow, cattle [f, g-H, m]
cē — I die [z]
cḗ — I die; I am dead [mn]
ce — near, in front of [m]
ce — ox [b-E]
cé — oxen [g-H]
cē (ttAe) — the buffaloes [r-E]
ce — to alternate, cross, every other [m]
ce — to be selfish, difficult, costly, vicious, wild; revenge [m]
ce (suffix) — to break, crack, or tear a soft substance [Cf. bocé, gicé, harucé, hawacé, mącé, nącé, racé, rucé, tacé, wacé] [mn]
ce — to chop, divide [m]
ce — to increase, overdo; more [m]
cé hirakara — cowboy [cp. ceirakara] [z]
cē hirakara — cowboy [hh]
cḗ hirakará — cowboy [hl]
cē hoije hā — I rope (cattle) [we]
cē hoije hī — to rope (cattle) [we]
cē hoije rā — you (sg) rope (cattle) [we]
ce mąką — buffalo medicine plant [sm]
ce mąnąsge — (Mayflower ?) sweet grass [sm]
cē ną̄cge — beef heart [hh]
cē nįxa — tripe [hh]
cē rēzi — beef tongue [hh]
cē rok’į — roast beef [hh]
ce sįc hošok — buffalo tail, the name given to milkwort, Polygala sanguinea L. The whole plant is used for a tea to cure sunburn. If there is cancer in the throat, this is gargled. When horses have distemper, this is cut up and put in their feed. [sm]
ce sįc hošok — like buffalo tails, the name given the blazing star or dotted button snakeroot, Liatris scariosa (L.) Willd. The root extract cures sunburn. The powdered root is a healing, dusting powder for cancer, sore throat, etc. The root is dried, powdered, and swallowed dry, followed by a drink of water. Swallow down just a little at a time. It is also used for poulticing and tied on overnight. Fed to a weak pony, it fleshes him up. When horses are ill, they feed the root to pep them up. [sm]
Cē Šišigᵉra (tteAe dAi diAi KL) (tteAe diAi diAi KL) — Bad Buffaloes [r-E]
cē wą̄k — bull (cow) [hh]
cē wakerežą (ttAe w Ke Le d) — a buffalo chip [r-E]
Cé Waši — the Buffalo Dance, which is done counterclockwise. If anyone "cuts the way," the buffalo become angry. [mck]
Cé Wohą (Tcé Wohʌ [mck]) — Buffalo Feast [mck]
Cē Wōhaįrega (ttAe wo Ay Le K) — the Buffalo Feast [r-E]
Cē Wōhąnągᵉre (tte wo A n KeLe) — Buffalo Feast [r-E]
Ce-hacowįga — Blue Buffalo Hide Woman, a Buffalo Clan personal name [d-WG]
Ce-ókitóniwįga — Pitched into Lodge (refers to the recoil of a barking dog into a lodge door), a Wolf Clan personal name [f]
Ce-oskažiga — Plays with the Buffalo, a Buffalo Clan personal name [lu-C]
ceakohi — a room [d]
cēbá — I consume [mn]
cebá — I eat up, drink up, consume [hl]
cēbába (ttAe l l) — udders [ki]
cebaną — I eat up [m]
ceberá — to eat up [jb-B]
cebeže (ttAe le de) — he ate it up [l-O]
cebhi (chaab-he [j]) — to devour [j]
cebí — he finished it [lt-F]
cēbí — to consume (human, or stove, threshing machine, etc.) [mn, hl]
cēbí — to drink up [hl]
cēbí (ttAe li) — to eat up [l-P, hl]
cēbi — to finish [cp. cēpi] [z]
cebiánañga — he ate it up, and [jb-B]
cebiánąga (ttAe liy n K) — he had eaten, and [r-WH]
cébige — she ate up [h-W]
cebigigiže (ttAe li Ki Ki de) — he made her eat it up [r-D]
cebígiži — after consuming it [rh-W]
cebiną (tteAe li n) — she has eaten it up [l-P]
cebiną (tteAe li n) — to eat something up [l-P, m]
cēbinągigiwira — you've eaten for us [r-BF]
cebira (ttAe li L) — to eat them up [l-O]
cebire (ttAe li Le) — to be eaten up [l-TS]
cëbiregáją — when they ate it up [rh-O]
cebírera — they ate up [h-O2]
cebireže (ttAe li Le de) — they ate (had eaten) it up [l-LM, r-T, r-TB]
cebíxjįže — he ate it up entirely [rs-S]
cebíže (tteAe li de) — he ate it up [sb-BT, l-O]
cebrá — you (sg.) consume something, you (sg.) eat up, you (sg.) drink up [hl]
cebraną — you (sg.) eat up [m]
cēbwáhi — to consume something [mn]
cēc — to be near [cf. hicec, nị̄cec) [ma]
Cecą(m)iwįga — First She Buffalo, a Buffalo Clan personal name [r-WT, f]
cecą́įxcį p’ak’íra — it's the end [su-W]
cecejera — the blue jay [d]
cĕcĭ (ttAe ttAi) — the edge [l-N]
cecsų — string [m]
ceg — in the beginning [jb-F]
Cega — Buffalo, a Buffalo Clan personal name [d-WG]
céga — that [g-C]
cegá — the standing one [lt-I]
cegagųzéja — when they first thought of it [jb-WM]
cegáją (ttAe K tt) — I will surely die [l-P]
cegáją — I'll die [rv-A]
cegajeréną — that I had died [h-R1, h-R2]
cegara — the new [cp. cek] [d]
cegarok’ų — new ones [cf. rok’ų, to make] [m]
cegarok’ų — newly initiated [cf. rok’ų, to make] [m]
cegé (tteAe Ke) — beginnings [jc-T]
cége — I’m dead [jc-F]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — at first [jc-T]
cegéja (tteAe Ke tt) — at first, at the beginning [jh, rw-W, p-C, r-P, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y]
cēgéja (tteAe Ke tt) — at first, at the beginning [mn]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — at the outset [r-T]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — at the start [l-TT]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — first [jmc-B, r-TB]
cegéja — from the very first [r-P]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — in the beginning [jc-T, jb-HM, jb-MH1, sb-L, sb-TD, h-B, h-T, l-SM, r-C, r-D, r-DC, r-WH]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — in the beginning [r-TB]
cégéja — in the beginning [ss-WI]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — in the first place [r-WH]
cegéja (ttAe Ke tt) — new [sb-L]
cégeja — that cow [h-H]
cegéja — the first time [rt-T]
cegéja — when all was new [se-I]
cegejaréją — in the beginning [h-R1, h-R2]
cegejaréją (ttAe Ke tt Le tt) — the first time [r-T]
cegéjašge — in the beginning [jb-SN]
cegejaške (ttAe Ke tt deKe) — in the beginning [sb-L]
cegéjaži — in the beginning [jb-WM]
cegejáži — in the first time [jb-WM]
cegĕraíšgĕ — in the beginning [rv-A]
cegerégi — in early (days) [jc-F]
cegeregi (ttAe KLe Ki) — in the beginning [r-TB]
cegᵉrégi — in the early days [al]
cegᵉrégi — long ago [fu]
cēgērḗšgē — before [r-HD]
cēgērḗšgē — in the beginning [r-V]
cegerḗšgĕ — in the beginning [rv-A]
cégeréšgera — in the beginning [ss-B]
cegī́ja — in the beginning [r-HD]
cegíži — I will die [p-B]
cegiži — when I die [rv-G]
cegójikerèra — the way it first began [rv-A]
cegos — rope [cf. ce, buffalo] [m]
cegos — string [cp. cēksų] [z]
cegsu — rope [cf. ce, buffalo] [m]
cegų — to think (?) [d]
céguc — a buffalo hunt [cf. ce, buffalo; guc, to shoot] [rt-T, m]
cegus — rope [cf. ce, buffalo] [m]
cegųs — string [cp. cēksų] [z]
cegxjį́ną — in the beginning [w-TI]
cegxjį́ną — the very new [w-TI]
ceǧᵉnína — a young one, new born [jb-P2]
cēǧižą — a swamp [z]
céha (ttAe A) — buffalo robe [g-H, l-TS]
céha — buffalo skin [g-H]
cehahicira (chā-ha-he-chee-ra [j]) — tents of buffalo skin [j]
cehara — a buffalo or cow hide [d]
cehára — buffalo skin, hide [f, sb-W]
cehara (chā-har-rah [j]) — robe of buffalo skin [j]
cehásganąka — the white buffalo hide [rt-T]
cehášišik — an old buffalo hide [h-T]
ceháwaiį́ — buffalo blanket, robe [f]
cehawaįna — a buffalo robe [d]
cēhé (ttAe Ae) — dare devil, nut [ki, hl]
cehecukira — a spoon made of buffalo horn [d]
cehecuzi (chā-hay-chu-zee [j]) — horn spoon [j]
cehera — a buffalo horn [d]
cēhéseréc — longhorn cow [mn]
cehį (tteAe Ai) — (yarn) belt [cf. ce, buffalo; hį, hair] [l-E, m]
céhį — buffalo hair (belt) [jb-K]
cehį (ttAe Ai ) — woolen belt [jc-T]
cēhį́ hipirák (ttAe Ain Ai lAi LK) — buffalo hair sash, yarn belt [ki, hl]
cēhį hipirak — yarn belt [hh]
Cehikikarac — Buffalo Clan [mck]
cehįna — a belt made of interwoven scarlet and blue wool [d]
cehįna — the hair of a buffalo [d]
cēhį́pirák — yarn belt (for a dance costume) [mn]
cehį̄́pirak — buffalo hair belt, buffalo yarn sash [hl]
cehira (tshayheerar) — hard [k]
cehira — the teeth of a buffalo [d]
cehįra (ttAe Ai L) — woolen belts [r-E]
cehišujᵉra (ttAe Ai doAo ttL) — red woven yarn belt [l-O]
cēhišujižą (tteAe Ai doAo tti d) — a red yarn turban [l-TS]
cehišujra (tteAe Ai doAo ttL) — red buffalo-hide fur robes [sb-V]
cehují — 2 year old male buffalo [sm-E]
ceigišerera (tteAeyi Ki dAe Le L) — attending the buffalo [r-H]
ceik — new [su-W]
ceiksųp (?) — rushes (cf. caiksųp) [sh-R]
céirakará — cowboy [mn]
ceitotumtera (cha-e-do-toom-da-dah) — lariat [ge]
ceižą (tteAeyi d) — a buffalo [r-E]
céjega — that buffalo [rh-S]
céjega — that cow [h-H]
céjega (ttAe tte K) — the buffalo [bp-TB]
cējega (tteAe tte K) — the buffalo [r-E]
cejéja — near to, or at the edge [lt-U, l-O]
cejéja (tteAe tte tt) — on the edge [l-B]
cejera — edge [m]
cek (tteKe) — beginning [jc-T, m]
cek (tteAeKe) — first [hz-O, jb-F, jb-S1b, jh, sb-HW, h-R1, h-R2, rv-F, l-TS, r-O, r-WH]
cēk (tteAeK) — first [r-FP]
cék — first of the month [g-H]
cek (tteAeKe) — first time [sb-TJ]
cḗk — first, new [hl]
cek (chaak [j]) — fresh [j]
cek — just, now [m]
cek — new [d, g-H, m]
cēk (tteAeKe) — new [l-TS, ma]
cek (tteAe K) — new one [r-T]
cek (tteAeKe) — the beginning [jc-T]
cēk — the beginning [mn]
cḗk — the first [mn]
cēk (tteAeKe) — the first time [r-C]
cek — to be new, fresh [m]
cek (ttAeKe) — to begin [r-T]
cek — where they first [r-DC]
cek — young [jb-N, m]
cek cų̄įne — newborn [hh]
cek- — short for ceka [d]
cék’enína — it is new [d]
cek’jíną — for the first time [sb-P]
cek’jína — the first time [sb-W]
cek’jínra — the first time [hz-L]
cek’ųna — to make anew, to begin [d]
ceka (ttAe K) — first [r-BS]
ceka — the standing or upright object (animate or inanimate) (Oto, taha; Omaha, tā, or te) [d]
cekacą — new [sm-E]
cekcokją́ — first menses [h-C]
cekcǫkjįžą (chaak-chōk-jēn-sha [j]) — puberty [j]
cḗkcųįné — newborn baby [mn]
cekere (tteAe KeLe) — in the early days [sb-E]
Cekhikikarac (chac-he-kee-ka-rach [j]) — Buffalo Clan [j]
cekho’ų́ne-eca — at the beginning [d]
cekhohuéja — where they started from [r-DC]
cekí — youngest [sb-A]
cekihareja (ttAe Ki A Le tt) — when I first spoke [l-TC]
Cekikárajera — Buffalo Clan [r-TC4]
Cekinekimináka — She who First Sits Alone, a female name in the Bear Clan. A reference to a weened cub. [mck]
cekiziži (tteAe Ki di) — when he first had [l-O]
cekjanahe (ttAe Ktt n Ae) — I will die [r-D]
cekjanahegają (ttAe Ktt n Ae K tt) — I am to die, so [r-O]
cekjanehegają (tteAe Ktt ne Ae K tt) — I shall die [r-O]
cekje — I shall die [r-P]
cékje — I will increase [sb-W]
cekjį (tteAe Kitti) — brand new [r-H]
cekjį — first, the first one [rv-F, r-DC, m]
cekjį (ttAeKe Kitti) — for the first time [r-P1, r-TW3]
cekjį (tteAe Kitti) — the beginning [jc-T]
cékjį — the first time [jh, jh-M]
cekjį (ttAe Kitti) — the first time [sb-HW, l-B]
cekjína — at the very beginning [sb-TB]
cekjína — first [jh]
cekjįna (ttAe Ktti n) — first [r-TB]
cekjį́na — first [rv-A]
cekjina — in the beginning [sb-TB]
cékjįną — in the beginning [ss-B]
cekjína — in the first place [r-DC]
cēkjī́nā — the first [jb-HS]
cekjína — the first [jb-MH1]
cekjiną — the first [r-BC]
cekjįna — the first [rv-F]
cekjina — the first [sb-N]
cekjína — the first thing [jb-BH, r-V]
cekjína — the first time [jb-MR]
cekjíną — the first time [rh-T, r-G]
cekjiną̆ — the first time [rv-A]
cekjį́na — the very first [jb-FC]
cekjį́na — the very first thing [jb-J4]
cekjína — then once [sb-TB]
cekjíną — to begin with [h-R1, h-R2]
cekjinihe — I will die [p-T]
cekjį́ra — for the first time [rv-F]
cekjįra (tteAe Kitti L) — in the first place [sb-HW]
cekjį́ra — just then [rv-F]
cekjįra (tteAe Kitti L) — on the start [sb-E]
cekjįra (tteAe Kitti L) — the first (one) [r-BB, r-BC, r-D, r-I, r-J]
cekjį́ra — the first one [rv-F]
cekjį́ra (ttAe Kitti L) — the first thing [jb-SE]
cekjįra (tteAe Kitti L) — the first thing [r-BB]
cekjira — the first time [p-F]
cekjįra (tteAe Kitti L) — the first time [r-D, r-Y]
cekjįža (ttAe Kitti d) — a new one [l-N]
cekjįže (tteAe Kitti de) — it was fresh [l-TM]
cekjoneháwi — I will die [p-T]
cekjonékjeną — I will die [rw-W]
cekjonéže — will I die? [h-W]
ceknąka (ttAe Kn K) — the new ones [r-D]
cekra (tteAe KL) — the new one [r-I]
cekraišge (ttAe KLy deKe) — I should have gone [r-Y]
cēksų́ — rope [cf. cēsų] [su-W, mn, we, hl]
ceksų — rope [g-H]
cekšúna — new [ha]
cekšunu — it is new [d]
cekte — the first ones [hz-L]
cekų (tteAe Ko) — first [r-D]
cekų (tteAe Ko) — right at the start [r-D]
cekų́ — to begin (new-make) [f]
cekųnaíeca — beginning [f]
cēkxeté (tteAeKe xeAe te) — grown up [l-TS]
cekxetéhugi — as he was approaching adulthood [r-P]
cekže? — Is it new? [d]
cēmą̄́ką — buffalo medicine plant [inferred from tcemaką] [sm-E]
cémą́́ka (tcémʌ́ka [mck]) — buffalo medicine, a kind of weed with pink blossoms, and which resembled a buffalo tail. The medicine was used for long distance runners, war (to give endurance), and to purify lodges used in buffalo hunting. The medicine was chewed and spit on the body of a man or animal, or spit on the hand and rubbed on the animal or person treated [mck]
cemą́ką (tcemʌ̃´kʌ̃ [mck]) — buffalo medicine, created from a special weed. It was an antidote to someone who became weak while on the warpath because of a slain enemy's ghost. It was administered orally while the victim was whipped with a buffalo tail [mck]
cēmą̄́nąsgé — sweet grass, glyceria ? [from tcemananske] [sm-E]
cemanąskĕ (tcemanʌskĕ [mck]) — a plant used as a love medicine (Nebraska) [mck]
cemąoracera — buffalo ("earth-traveling cattle") [d]
cémąórájera — buffalo ("earth-traveling cattle") [f]
céną (ttAe n) — I died [h-R1, h-R2, r-TB]
cēną́cge — beef heart (food) [mn]
cenąckera — a buffalo heart [d]
cenacura — the hair on a buffalo’s head [d]
cenąka (ttAe n K) — the buffalo [sb-V]
cēnąka (tteAe n K) (ttAe n K) — the buffaloes [r-E]
cenasuhušeregara — a buffalo skull [d]
ceniǧara — a buffalo paunch [d]
cēnį́hiksí — cow, calf [hl]
cēnį̄́k (tteAe niKi) — calf [r-E]
cenikisnigera (ttAe ni Kiri ni KL) — the buffalo yearlings [r-TB]
cenį́ksi — calf [f]
ceniksi (chay-niksi [j]) — calf [j]
ceniksi (chā-nik-see [j]) — veal [j]
cēnį̄́ksí — cow, calf [hl]
Cenįksiga — Suckling Buffalo Calf, a Buffalo Clan personal name [r-WT, f]
ceniksinik — a buffalo calf [ha, d]
ceniksira (ttAe ni Kiri L) — the little baby buffaloes [r-TB]
ceniksira (ttAe ni Kiri L) — the little buffaloes [r-TB]
cenina (cha-ne-nah) — fall [ge]
cenį́sge — swampy place [mn]
Cenišanąkra (Cha-nee-shanak-ra) — Beef River, Buffalo Stream [j]
cēnįxa — morel mushroom [hh]
cēnį́xa (ttAe ni HA) — tripe [ki, mn]
cénǫká — the buffaloes [rt-T]
cenuk — cow [ha]
cep (tteAele) — to be eaten up [r-E]
cep — to be gone, finished, dead [m]
cēp — to consume [d, mn]
cep (tteAele) — to eat up [l-B]
cep — to expend [cf. Omaha, sude; Oto, thoce; Dakota, sota] [d]
cep (tteAele) — to use up [d, l-B]
cēp hī́ — to consume something, to eat up, to drink up [hl]
Cep’aga — Buffalo Head, a Buffalo Clan personal name [d-WG]
cep’ánągᵉrešgē — buffalo head also [r-BD]
Cep’anųpga — Two Buffalo Heads, a Buffalo Clan personal name [r-WT, f]
cepa — buffalo head [cf. ce, buffalo; pa, head] [m]
cēpá — I eat up, consume [we]
cēpá — I finish [we]
cepasga — white buffalo head [p-B]
cēpí — to eat up, consume [we]
cēpí — to finish [we]
cepí — to finish consuming [su-W]
cepikiwiže (ttAe li Ki wi de) — they ate it up [l-B]
cepira — a buffalo liver [d]
cepire (ttAe li Le) — they ate it up [l-N]
cepireže (ttAe li Le de) — they ate it up [r-BS, r-T]
cepiwiže (ttAe li wi de) — they ate it up (dual) [r-WH]
cepíxcį́reže — they ate it up [sb-D]
cepiža (ttAe li d) — he ate it up [r-BB]
cepiže (tteAe li de) — he ate it up [l-N, l-P, r-D]
cepiže (tteAe li de) — to finish (all of it) [bp-TC, m]
cepiži (tteAe li di) — he ate it up [bp-TC]
cepkaragigi (tteAele K L Ki Ki) — when they cause him to consume his own [r-HO]
cepkarakiregųnį (ttAe lK L Ki Le Ko ni) — as they must have eaten up [r-TB]
cēpōkąnąk — buffalo headdress [hh]
cēprá — you (sg) eat up, consume [we]
cēprá — you (sg) finish [we]
cepranįgiži (tteAe lL ni Ki di) — if you don’t eat it up [r-D]
cepwahireže (ttAele w Ai Le de) — they ate them up [bp-TA]
cepwakaragiregiži (ttAe lw K L Ki Le Ki di) — they ate up [r-BS]
cera — a cow or ox [d]
céra — beef [f, j]
cera — buffalo [r-BD]
cera — cattle [me, b-G, j]
céra (ttAe L) (tteAe L) — the buffalo(es) [g-H, jb-V, rt-T, bp-TB, sb-V, l-N, r-HO, r-O, r-TB]
cēra (ttAe L) (tte L) — the buffaloes [r-E]
céra — the oxen [lt-F]
cerábera — a water root (apparently the lotus) [r-WT]
ceráp — a weed found in shallow water whose roots were dried and then boiled [r-W.1.7a]
cēráp — banana, water lily [hl]
cēráp — lotus, lotus root [mn, hl]
ceráp (tcelʌ́p [mck]) — water (lily) roots [mck]
cerap — water potato [sm-E]
cerap — water potato [sm]
cerápera — "a plant growing in the water, the root of which was eaten boiled with meat (this is apparently the lotus)" [r-WT]
ceraxkire náñkšunu — those buffalo barely visible in the distance are stirring [d]
cerera — a buffalo penis [d]
cērézi — beef tongue (food) [mn]
cerezira — a buffalo tongue [d]
cērók’į — roast beef [mn]
cerop — yellow lotus or water chinquapin (Nelumbo lutea) Both the nuts and tubers are added to meat for flavoring. "The tubers were harvested by wading into the pond to search for them in the mud with the toes. When found, the mud was worked away from them with the feet, and they were pulled out by means of a hooked stick. In shape and general appearance they much resemble a small banana." [cf. Omaha-Ponca, tethawe; Dakota, tewape] [gm, s]
ceruhina — a buffalo rib [d]
cerup (chā-rup [j]) — water lily (white) [j]
cēsgá — white buffalo [mk]
cesįc — buffalo tails [sm]
cēsį́cošók — blazing star plant (inferred from cecįc hocok) [sm-E]
cēsį́cošók — dotted button snakeroot (inferred from cecíc hocok, like buffalo tail) [sm-E]
cēsį́cošók — milkwort (inferred from cecįcozok, buffalo tail) [sm-E]
cesįjinągᵉrešgē — the buffalo tails also [r-BD]
cesjana — new [sm-E]
Ceskága — White Buffalo, a Buffalo Clan personal name [lu-C, f]
cesų́ — rope [su-W]
cešą́na — buffalo cow’s vagina [d]
cešana — new [sm-E]
cešaną — new [sm-E]
cešaraheci — a buffalo skin lodge (skin without hair) [d]
cešge — if I die [p-B]
cešíbera — buffalo entrails [d]
cešįna — buffalo fat [d]
cešišagera — buffalo hooves [d]
cešų́ckaiįrasá — bull [f]
cešųckeįrasa — buffalo or ox with testicles, one that has not been castrated [d]
cešųckera — buffalo testicles [d]
cet’į — it appeared [jmc-B]
ceteǧera — a buffalo bladder [d]
cetobera (cha-dob-er-rah) — gooseberries [ge]
cétoc — 2d year male buffalo [sm-E]
cetogara — buffalo bull [d]
cetok (tshaatoak) — buffalo [k]
cetok — buffalo bull [cf. ce, buffalo] [m, hw]
cētok — buffalo bull [hh]
cētók — buffalo bull [z, hl]
cetókmorąci (tshaatoak´moarartshee) — male buffalo [k]
cetokxununingera — young buffalo bull [d]
Cetonįka — Young Buffalo Bull, a Buffalo Clan personal name [d-WG]
cētós — buffalo bull [hl]
cētoš — buffalo calf [hh]
cētóš — buffalo calf [hl]
cétóš — buffalo calf [z]
cétoš (tcéḋoc [mck]) — two year old male buffalo. If anyone insults them, they will retaliate, often goring a rider's horse. [mck]
Cetošnįka — Buffalo Yearling, a Buffalo Clan personal name [r-WT, f]
cetoxira — windpipe of a buffalo [d]
Cetoženįka — Buffalo Yearling, a Buffalo Clan personal name [r-WT, f]
cetóžera — the buffalo bull [sb-BW]
cēwą́k — bull (of cattle) [j, mn, hl]
cewą́kera — bull [f]
cewakera howawąra (cha-wah-ka-dah-ho-wah-wun-dah) — beetle [ge]
cewakerera — buffalo dung [d]
cewą́knunik — bull [ha]
cewą́knunik — mule [ha]
cēwąnąǧi (ttAe w n Hi) — wanderer, gaddabout; lit., buffalo ghost [ki]
cewanąžį — thistle [hh]
cewanaži — thistle [z]
cēwás — udders [hl]
cewásni(hi)kini — butter ("cow milk grease") [d]
Cewaši (cha-wa-shee [j]) — Buffalo Dance [j]
cewašicóni — the dance leader at a Buffalo Dance [mck]
cewašįna — buffalo tallow [d]
cewazenina — milk [d]
cēwáznį — cow’s milk [mn, hl]
cēwaznį — milk, dairy [hh]
cewazní hikíni — butter [f]
cēwáznį wikį́nįjá — cheese [hl]
cewegihara (cha-wa-gi-ha-ra [j]) — dried buffalo meat [j]
cēwehara (tteAe we A L) — food (lit. dried buffalo meat) [r-E]
cewezkinįna (cha-waaz-ke-nee-nah) — butter [ge]
ceweznįna (cha-waaze-nee-nah) — milk (milk in the bag) [ge]
cēwį́ — cow [mn]
cewį́na — cow of a buffalo, domestic cow, etc. [d]
cewinahira — gullet of a buffalo, etc. [d]
cēwį́ra (tteA wi L) — female buffaloes [r-E]
Cewįxetega — Big Female Buffalo, a Buffalo Clan personal name [d-WG]
cewižą (tshaaweezhar) — a female buffalo [k]
cewognina (cha-woag-nee-nah [j]) — milk [j]
Céwohą (Tcéwohʌ̃ [mck]) — a ceremony held for buffalo before they are hunted [mck]
cēwonįge (ttAe wo ni Ke) — domestic cattle, beef [ki]
cewosmitukįk (cha-woas-me-doo-kink [j]) — to milk [j]
cewuzkiminą (cha-wooz-ke-me-nan [j]) — butter [j]
cēx — marsh, swamp [mn, hl]
cex (chaax [j]) — new [j]
Cēx Hací — name of a settlement near Necoosa, Wisconsin, lit. swamp-dwellers [z]
cex’į — hard [r-G]
cēxá hį̄ — eyebrow [hl]
cēxahı̨̄ — eyebrow [hh]
cexáhį́na — eyebrow [f]
cexahįna — the eyebrows [d]
cēxaį — eyebrow [hh]
cēxáį — eyebrow [hl]
cḗxąį — eyebrow [mn]
cexara (chai-xa-ra [j]) — nape of the neck [j]
cexatągra (chaak-xa-dug-ra [j]) — young people [j]
cé=xci — buffalo, "original beef" [g-H]
céxcí ha — buffalo robe [g-H]
cexcíhara — a buffalo robe [ha]
cexcihara — the hide of a buffalo, or real ce, as cehara may be that of a cera or cow. [d]
cexcį́kacą — just about then [sb-D]
cexcina — a buffalo, "real ce" [d]
céxcį́na — buffalo [f]
cēxeja (tteAe xe tt) — in swamps [r-E]
cēxeja (tteAe xe tt) — in the swamps [r-E]
cēxéte — bull [mn]
cexi — a hard time [kf]
cexi (chā-xē [j]) — dear (costly) [j]
céxi — difficult; dear, precious [d]
cexi (ttAe xiAi) — difficulties [r-T]
cēxí — expensive, difficult [cf. xi, to be selfish, vengeful] [m, hl]
cexi — hard [cf. xi, to be selfish, vengeful] [m]
céxi — hardship [h-W]
cexi (tteAe xiAi) — scarce [r-O]
cexi-áwigi — if I should meet with some great trouble [sb-TB]
cexiara (ttAe xiAiy L) — in difficulty [l-M]
cexiawaíregi — whenever they are in difficulties [jb-F]
céxiawaírešgé — they become difficult [h-R1, h-R2]
cexigáją — it is hard [h-R1, h-R2]
cēxíge (tteAe xiAi Ke) — because she is hard [l-P]
cēxíge (ttAe xiAi Ke) — it is difficult, is the reason [l-P]
cexigiži — difficult [r-WT]
cexigiži (ttAe xiAi Ki di) — that is rare [sb-L]
cexigiži (tteAe xiAi Ki di) — when it becomes difficult [r-D]
cexiharawegiži (ttAe xiAi A L we Ki di) — when you have a hard time [r-E]
cexiraregi (tteAe xiAi L Le Ki) — rare [sb-L]
cexiraregixjį (ttAe xiAi L Le Ki xitti) — rare [sb-L]
cexiwawegi — to get into difficulties [m]
cexixjį (ttAe xiAi xitti) — they are very rare [r-E]
cexixjį wahis’aže — extravagant [cf. xi, to be selfish, vengeful] [m]
cexižą (tteAe xi d) — a swamp [bp-TA, m]
cexiže — costly, expensive [cf. xi, to be selfish, vengeful] [m]
cēxjį (ttAe Hitti) — buffalo [ki, mn, hl, hh]
cexjį — buffalo [m, hw]
Cēxjį — Buffalo Clan [hh]
cēxjį hā — buffalo hide [hh]
cexjįna — as soon as [m]
cexjį́na — buffaloes [al]
cexjína — buffaloes [jh-M]
cexjina — the first [rv-A]
cexjį́na — the first time [rv-A]
Cexjį́nągᵉre (ttAe xitti nK KeLe) — the buffaloes [r-E]
cēxjįra (chā-xji-ra [j]) — buffalo [j]
cëxjį́žą — a buffalo [rh-S]
Cexohąphiga — Lightens the Highland Marsh, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
cexra (chāx-ra [j]) — swamp [j]
cexsų́ — rope [su-W]
cezuke (cha-zook-kay [j]) — butternut [j]
céžé — he stood [sb-B]
ceže — it came [sb-T5]
cežé — it stood [sb-T5]
cežé — it was [sb-T5]
cgą — to take a chance (at something), grope for [vid. cga] [m]
cga — to try, test [m]
cgajinanąk (ttK tti n nK) — to send clear through [r-HO]
cgak — to be thick (in clusters of arrows, etc.) [m]
cgāp — thick (cluster of arrows, etc.), a lot of something [hl]
cgawigaške (ttK wi K deKe) — [when they] would try it [l-M]
cgax — to throw, glance [m]
cge — to be tired [m]
cge — to choke [m]
cgis — to cut [vid. cgux, cgus] [m]
cgu — to exert pressure [m]
cgų mącó iránahį c’e — he thinks that I am a grizly bear [d]
cgus — to cut completely [vid. cgux, cgis] [m]
cgux — to cut in half ? [vid. cgus, cgis] [m]
ci (ttAi) — (the) lodge(s) [lt-C, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U, hz-L, rv-G, jb-MH1, jb-HS, jb-PM, sb-L, l-O, r-BC, r-H, r-T, r-Y, m]
ci (ttAi) — abode [h-C, jc-T]
cį — boy, youth [m]
cī — building [hl]
ci (ttiAi) — buildings [sb-HW, hl]
cí — he lived [lt-M]
ci (ttAi) — home [sb-BT, sb-TD, r-BS, r-D, r-H]
cí — house [g-H, h-H]
cī́ — house [mn]
cī (ttAi) — house [r-C, hl]
ci (ttAi) (tshee [k]) (chee [tu]) — houses [k, tu, lt-F, lt-I, h-G, h-R2, jb-K, l-M, r-I, r-BS, r-O, m, hl]
ci (ttAi) — hut [sb-F]
cí — lodge [g-C]
ci (ttAi) — lodge [h-C, r-TW3]
cī (ttiAi) — lodge [l-P, l-TS, hl]
ci (ttiAi) — tent [h-G, jc-T, l-M, r-E, r-BS, m]
cī — to dwell [hl]
cī́ — to dwell [mn]
cī — to live [ss-HM, hl]
ci (ttiAi) — to live, dwell [lt-R, rv-F, sb-HW, l-SM, r-C, m]
ci ejanąka — the camps [b-E]
cī habokiǧąke — tipi [hh]
cī hakeré — to keep house, to take care of a house [hl]
cī hapé — to stay home, to house-sit [hl]
cī higisįc — broom [hh]
cī higisį́c — broom [we, hl]
ci hihák — top of the house, roof of the house [hl]
cī hiraísarác — nail (carpentry) [hl]
cī hirakára — housekeeper [hl]
cī hogoke — outside the houses or the homes, in the space between the houses [we]
cī hoijás — tent (literally, "stretchy house") [hl]
cī hoijas — tent [hh]
cī hoixjı̨́ — full house (poker) [hh]
cī hokįnį — to borrow from another's house [we]
cī hokįnį — to look for a place to live [we]
ci honaisa-irawiną — jail [cf. wonąse, lock] [m]
cī hónąse — jail [hl]
cī hónąse wagigí — to put someone in jail [hl]
cī horakį́nį — you (sg) borrow from another's house [we]
cī hušérek — the framework of a house [hl]
cī kų̄hąįja — downstairs [hh]
cį mą̄ hiruža — mop [hh]
cį mą̄įja hokiwagax hokikere — floor puzzles [hh]
cī nąk (tchî nuk) — village [l]
ci p’arap’árac — the round lodge [r-WT]
cī poroké — wigwam, a Winnebago Indian dwelling [we]
ci porokeižą — round shaped lodge [cf. poro, round] [m]
cī rahé — ceiling, roof [hl]
ci sérec — long lodge [cf. ci, lodge; serec, long] [r-WT, m]
ci serejižą — a long lodge [e-B1]
ci serejį́žą — a long lodge [e-B2]
ci sĕ́rĭšrakunuk — "to cut the tent in two," a term for evil gossip which often resulted in partitioning a lodge off into separate, closed sections, or moving part of a large paternal family into a new house [mck]
ci taníec’a — the third house [d]
cī́ tāxú — house fire [mn]
ci uañgéja — upstairs [h-TM]
ci uáñgera — upstairs [h-TM]
cī wākį́nį — I borrow from another's house [we]
cī wažą hožu — shed [hh]
cī́ wažṓžunį́k — shed [mn]
cī wirókų — furniture [hl]
cī́ wīrókų — furniture [mn]
cī wiruhas — house keys [hh]
cī woinąžį — halfway house [hh]
cī́ wōmį́š — carpet, rug, floor-throw; floor [cf. ciómįš] [mn, hl]
cī wōmįš — rug [hh]
cī wonąc hirakarara — Housing Authority [hh]
cī woną́se — jail [cf. ci, lodge] [m]
cī wonasera — the jail [hh]
ci ženúñgere — a house [rh-S]
ci-ábokiža — a teepee [h-G]
ci-ák’a — across the lodge [sb-W]
ci-hipokixake — teepee [cf. ci, lodge; hipa, up to ?] [b, m]
ci-hoją-si (> ciojąsižą) — to crawl in ? [cf. ci, lodge; si, foot] [m]
ci-hokisák-eja — at the center of the lodge [jb-MH2b]
cí-horokgèja — in the midst of his lodge [r-S]
ci-kik’ųinanąga — they had pitched their tents, and [b-E]
Ci-ohąphiga — He who Lightens up the Lodge, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
ci-okini — to have in house [cf. ci, lodge; kįnį, to have] [m]
Cí-okiságᵉnąžį̀na — He who Stands in the Center of the Lodge [jb-N]
ci-ókōnōgra — the (lacrosse) ball [r-CL]
ci-okónoñkra — lacrosse ball [r-WT]
Ci-omąciga — She who Lives in the Earth Permanently, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
cí-omanaìžą — an empty abode [h-C]
ci-ominągᵉra — where the lodge should stand [r-BD]
ci-orógeregi — in the midst of their lodge [sb-P]
ci-óžu-àgere — this lodge full of [rh-S, sb-W]
ci-óžu-aka — those that were in the lodge [sb-TB]
cī-pŏ́rōkēnī́sgĕxjį̀ją — one almost as large as the lodge [jb-HS]
ci-sā́nį̆k — on the side of the lodge [jb-HS]
ci, ci, ci (tiAi tiAi tiAi) — chee, chee, chee (an imitation of laughter) [sb-F]
ci’ojus (cheyo-jus ? [j]) — to tend [j]
cī’ų — carpenter [hh]
cī’ų́ — carpenter [mn, hl]
ci’ų (che-un [j]) — to build (house) [j]
ci’uiránąga (ttAi oyi L n K) — building a lodge, and [jb-SE]
ci’ųwagigiže — to build a lodge [cf. ‘ų, to do] [m]
ci’ų́wagigiži — to build lodge (cf. ci, house) [m]
ciábokíǧaké — teepee [mn]
ciágᵉre (ttAiy KeLe) — the lodge [jb-SE]
ciágᵉre (ttAiy KeLe) — this lodge [jb-SE]
ciagiži (ttAiy Ki di) — they lived, and [r-BB]
ciaja (ttiAiy tt) — the house [l-M]
ciajagiže (ttiAiy tt Ki de) — he went back to his home [r-D]
ciak’a — the lodge [p-B]
ciak’i — they dwelt [b-LK]
ciáka — the lodge [jb-A, jb-SE1]
ciákixárojikaragi — between the lodge [jb-B]
ciaminagra — the foundation [b-LK]
cianąga (ttiAiy n K) — he lived, and [r-BB]
ciánąga — they lived, and [jb-CLS]
ciánųgwišguni — they were living [rs-S]
ciápe — he stayed at home to take of the lodge [lt-TB]
ciape — housekeeper [cf. ci, lodge; hape, to keep house] [m]
ciápē — housekeeper [jb-WM]
ciápe — they stayed to take care of the house [lt-I, lt-TB]
ciape — to stay at home [cf. ci, lodge] [m]
ciápegi — to wait at the lodge [h-R1, h-R2]
ciápekcąné — they will stay to take care of the house [lt-I]
ciapekjonihawire — we are obliged to take care of the home [r-BC]
ciápera — the home-stayers [h-R1, h-R2]
ciapere (ttAiy leAe Le) — stay at home [sb-BT]
ciaperekjōnē — would remain at home [r-BF]
ciapi — to keep house [cf. ci, lodge; hape, to keep house] [m]
cibonogis naįjá hap'a-ną́-i — Hit the Tree game. A game in which contestants attempted to hit a particular tree with a ball. [r-WT]
cįca — wares [me]
cicábiréra — their lodge [jb-E]
cicábirera — their lodge [jb-PM]
cī́cąk — outside the house [mn]
cicąksikera — mink [me]
cicegí — to stand there (singular) [su-W]
cicejéja — at the edge of the [lodge] [rs-S]
ciceké — it came [sb-T5]
cicére — they stood up [lt-R]
cicéregi — to stand there (plural) [su-W]
cįcįnįgera — child [me]
cį́cį́nįkra — the boys [sb-B]
cįcįžą — a boy [m]
cīcówe — front yard, front lawn [mn, hl]
cieca — at the lodge [d]
ciéja (ttiAiye tt) — at home [sb-BT, r-BB, r-D]
ciéja — at the house [lt-F]
cíeja — at the lodge [ha]
ciéja (ttAiye tt) — at the lodge [lt-R, lt-TB, p-M, r-Y]
ciéja (ttAiye tt) — in the house [jb-P]
ciéja (ttiAiye tt) — in the house [lt-I, sb-BT, sb-TM]
ciéja (ttAiye tt) — in the lodge [lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, r-TB]
cieja (ttiAiye tt) — into the house [sb-F]
ciéja — into the lodge [lt-R]
cieja (ttAiye tt) — to his house [l-TF]
ciéja (ttAiye tt) — to the lodge [lt-R, rv-F, r-H, r-T, r-TB]
cieja — to your home [p-M]
ciéja — where they had lived [p-M]
ciéjagigiži (ttiye tt Ki Ki di) — when he got home [l-O]
ciejagiže (ttiAiye tt Ki de) — he got home [r-D]
ciejagiže (ttAiye tt Ki de) — when at the lodge [r-Y]
ciéjašge — even at our lodge [jb-V]
cietakaeca — at the back of the lodge [d]
cietakaíeca — back of the house [f]
cigą’a — that lodge [m]
cigí — he lived [rt-T]
cígi — he lived [ss-WP]
cigi — he lives [sb-TM]
cigi’ų́kjanegíži — he’s going to make a lodge [jb-MR]
cįginągre — this lodge [m]
ciginągre — those lodges [m]
cī́gisį́c — broom [hl]
cīgisįc — janitor [hh]
cī́gisį́c — janitor [mn, hl]
cigisįj (chee-ge-sinj [j]) — broom [j]
cigiži (ttiAi Ki di) — he lived, and [rs-S, l-B]
cigíži — lodges [jb-F]
cigiži (ttiAi Ki di) — to live [r-E]
cigojáną’ka — those lodges [m]
cigowikáwakaraíregiží — when they first entered the lodge [rs-S]
Cihabokihaketera (Tchee-ha-bo-kee-ha-kay-te-ra) — Monona Lake, Teepee Lake [j]
cihagéja — on top of the house [ha]
cīhák — roof of house [mn]
cīhą́kši — skyscraper [hl]
cīhą́kšixjį́ — skyscraper [mn]
cihankeca — on top of the lodge (Hdn) [d]
cihapera — the one who stayed at home [ch]
cihašerek — framework for a lodge [cf. ci, house; šerek, long object ?; ha, covering, bark ?] [m]
ciheižą (ttiAi Aeyi d) — a lodge [sb-E]
cihera (ttAi Ae L) — the top of the house [l-M]
cihihageja — upon the housetop [b-LK]
cihiregiže — they lived [hz-C]
cihiwaníwina — our houses [g-C]
cihižą — a lodge [r-WB]
cihomąraregi (ttAi Ao m L Le Ki) — when in the village [r-Y]
cihoracieja — into your house [b-LK]
cihorok hiregirera — they keep in house [cf. ci, lodge; horok, together, inside] [m]
cihorok regi — in the heart of, in the very midst of [cf. ci, lodge; horok, together, inside] [m]
cī́huic — bottom part of the house, foundation [mn, hl]
cīhuici — bottom part of a house, foundation [hl]
cihužé — it came [sb-T5]
cįī kere-rá — homeowner, housekeeper [we]
cį́ja (< hacį́ja) — where? [h-R1, h-R2]
cį̄́ja (< hacį́ja) — where? [mn]
cijąhižą — another camp [jmc-B]
cį̄́janąká — which one? [mn]
cı̨́jašąną — wherever [ss-B]
cijerera (ttAiyi tte Le L) — from the lodge [jb-P]
cik — bunched together ? [m]
cik’anáñka — those tents, lodges, or houses [d]
cik’eánañka — so many tents [d]
cik’eregí — if he starts [sb-BW]
cik’eregí — when he starts [sb-BW]
cik’ų — to make a camp [cf. ci, lodge; k’ų, to make] [m]
cíka — that house [g-H]
cikanąk (ttAi K nK) — a pair [l-L]
cikarahesgexjį — a likely looking lodge [hz-L]
cikarak’inina — to have gone back home again [d]
cíkenižé — he came right away [sb-B]
cikére — he did it suddenly [lt-TB]
cikére — he started [lt-I]
cikére — he started home (or, back) [lt-R, lt-U]
cikére — he went off [lt-I]
cīkére — homeowner, housekeeper [hl]
cikere — homeowner, housekeeper [z]
cīkere — housekeeper [hh]
cī́keré — housekeeper [mn]
cikerejega — center-pole [cf. ci, lodge; kere] [m]
cikerejega (ttiAi Ke Le tte K) — the pole [l-B]
cikerékcąné — he will start home [lt-U]
cíkĕrĕra (tcíkĕlĕla [mck]) — "home keepers," he oldest men, heads of families [mck]
cikérera — the lodges [jb-L]
cikerera (ttAi Ke Le L) — the private lodges [sb-L]
cikereragiži (ttAi Ke Le L Ki di) — that kept lodges [sb-L]
Cíkĕriga (Tcíkĕliga [mck]) — Keeping House, a female name in the Bear Clan a reference to a bear's den. [mck]
cī́kiją́ — wall (of a house) [mn]
cikik’oíneže — they built a house [h-H]
cikik’uánañga — he made a house [rh-T]
cikik’ųhireže (ttiAi Ki Koo Ai Le de) — they made themselves a lodge [bp-TP]
cikik’ųįnanąga — making camp as well and [ss-HM]
cikik’uíneže — they made a camp [jc-S]
cíkinže — he already came [sb-B]
cįkíreki — the first time [sb-G]
cikisageja (ttiAi Ki rA Ke tt) — the center of the lodge [sb-BT]
cíkisį́c — broom [f]
cikisįcera — a broom [d]
cikisícira — broom [ha]
cíkisį́š (tsheek´eesinsh´) — broom [k]
cikjanahawiže (ttAi Ktt n A wi de) — we will camp [r-Y]
cikjawigi (ttAi Ktt wi Ki) — we shall live [r-C]
cikjéną? — may I live? [h-H]
cikonǫk — a pair [cf. ci, lodge, to dwell; konąk] [m]
cīmą̄ — floor [hh]
cī́mą — floor [mn]
cimą’ųna — to make arrows [r-WB]
cīmą́įja — downstairs [mn]
cina — he dwelt [b-G]
ciną (ttAi n) — she lives [r-D]
cina — to have come to this place not his home [d]
cíną’ka — those lodges [m]
cinag — city [b-G, b-LK]
cinąg — village [hz-L, r-WB]
cinąga (ttAiyi n K) — he lived, and [r-D]
cinągają (ttAi n K tt) — they live [l-TS]
ciną́gakjį̄ — the whole village without exception [r-V]
cinagara — a village [d]
ciną́gara — village [ha]
cinągašinira (ttiAi n K diAi ni L) — your village [r-D]
ciną́geja — at the village [ha]
cináñgejá — at the village [lt-R]
cinągeja (ttiAi n Ke tt) — from the village [jc-T]
cinañgéja — in town [rh-S]
cinągeja (ttiAi n Ke tt) — to the village [l-B, l-N, r-HO]
cīną́geja — to town, in town, in the village, downtown [z]
cinągenągere — in the village [rv-F, r-K]
cinągeną́gere — in the village [rv-F]
ciną́genągere — the village [rv-F]
ciną́genąk — the village [rv-F]
cinañgenañka — that village [p-B]
cinągᵉnąka (ttAi nK n K) — the people (villagers) [r-BB]
cinągᵉnąka (ttAi nK n K) — the village [l-N, l-SM]
cinągᵉnąka (ttAi nK n K) — the village [l-SM]
ciną́genąka — this village [rv-F]
cīnągᵉnąka — this village [ss-W]
cíną́gᵉnąka — town [fu]
cinągᵉnąka (ttAi nK n K) — that village [r-E]
cinągᵉnąka (ttAi nK n K) — this village [r-E]
ciną́gᵉra (ttAi nK KL) — he is living [l-O]
cinągᵉrá — in the village [r-V]
ciną́gᵉra (ttAi n KL) — in town [jb-P]
Cinągera (Chede-nug-er-rah) — Milwaukee [ge]
cinągᵉra (ttiAi n KL) — the village [al, l-N]
ciną́gᵉra (ttAi nK KL) (ttiAi nK KL) — the village [jb-S1b, jc-T, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TS]
ciną́gera — the village [jf-J1a, jf-J1b, rv-F, r-K]
cinągera (ttAi n KL) (ttiAi nK KL) — the village [rv-F, r-BC, r-K, r-HO, r-TB]
cínągera — the village [rv-F]
cináñgera — town [h-W]
ciną́gᵉra (ttAi nK L) — villages [l-SM]
ciną́gera — villages [rv-F]
ciną́gᵉre (ttiAi nK KeLe) — the lodge [l-O]
ciną́gere — the town [h-R1, h-R2]
ciną́gᵉrižą — a village [r-HD]
cinągicejerégi — near the village [al]
cīną́giją́ — member of a foreign tribe [mn]
cíną́giją — members of tribes [ss-WI]
ciną́giją — the tribes [jb-F]
cinągíją — the tribes [rv-F]
cinągijaį́žą — one of a different tribe [sb-P]
cináñgijanañka — this other tribe [jw-B]
cináñgijanóñka — the other tribe [jw-B]
cínągiją̀ra — different tribe [jb-KX]
ciną́gijąrègi — in the different tribe [jb-KX]
cinañgipaíja — at the end of the town [rh-S]
cinągiparegi (tti n Ki lA Le Ki) — on the edge/outskirts of the village [l-N, r-Y]
cinągižą — a city [b-LK]
ciną́gižą — a town [bp-G]
cinągižą (ttAi n Ki d) (ttiAi n Ki d) — a village [jb-F, l-B, l-M, l-N, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-E, r-K, r-TB]
cináñgižą — a village [jb-FF]
cináñgižą́ — a village [lt-C, lt-I, lt-R]
cínągížą — a village [rv-F]
cinągižą (ttAi n Ki d) — a town [r-E]
cináñgižą-nañkšgúniže — it was a town [h-O]
cínągižą́hį — own village [rv-F]
ciną́gižąwižą — a different tribe [jb-W]
cinągiži (ttiAi n Ki di) — he lived [l-B]
cinągiži (ttiAi n Ki di) — that lived [bp-TP]
cinągnañka — the villagers [r-WB]
cinągopasera (ttAi n Ko lA reAe L) — the corner of the village [r-Y]
cīną́goxeté — city [mn]
ciną́goxonùną — the small village [jb-F]
cínągóžejaį́ja — the end of town [h-R1, h-R2]
cináñgra — the village [lt-C, lt-R]
cinąį̄́ — to try to live [jb-PM]
cinak — appearing, visible (?) [g-H]
cinak — city [g-C]
cináñk — he did it suddenly [lt-I]
cináñk — he stood suddenly [lt-TB]
cinąk (ttAi n K) — the house [r-BB]
cinąk (ttiAi nK) — the town [r-E]
cīną́k (tti nK) — town [l-P, lp, mn, hl]
cínañk — town [rh-S, h-W]
cinąk (ttiAi nK) — town [rv-F, bp-TP, h-R1, h-R2, r-D]
ciną́k — tribe [m, hl]
cinąk (ttAi nK) (ttiAi nK) — village [g-C, rv-F, jb-F, sb-F, sb-L, l-M, l-TF, r-BB, r-D, r-E, r-HO, r-T, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y, m]
cīną́k (ttAi nK) — village [l-P, l-TS, mn, hl]
cináñk — village [lt-C]
cinañk — village [lt-R, p-B, r-K]
cínąk — village [rv-F, jb-MR, sm-E]
ciną́k (ttAi nK) — village [rv-F, jc-T, l-O, l-SM]
cīnąk — village [ss-HM]
Cīną́k — Village, the original name of the Tenney Park area in Madison, Wisconsin [gi]
cinak hatéža — large city [g-C]
cīnąk hiją — from another nationality [hh]
cīną́k hoxeté — city [mn]
Cīnąk hoxete — Sioux City, Iowa [hh]
Cīnąk hoxete eja — Sioux City [hh]
cinąk-hipáija — the approaches [cf. ci, lodge; hipa, up to] [m]
cinąk-hokųgera (ttAi nK Ao Ko Ke L) — streets [r-O]
cīną́k’ų̆ — he lived [jb-HS]
cīną́k’ų̆gi (ttAi n Koo Ki) — as they were living [r-C]
cinąka (ttAi n K) — his lodge [l-O]
cinąka — that lodge [m]
cínąka — the house [jb-CLS]
cínąka — the lodge [jb-DE]
cinąka (ttAi n K) — the lodge [l-O, l-SM]
cinąka (ttiAi n K) — the lodges [l-O]
cinañka — the one that lived [p-B]
cínaka maitajéhi gíwank šána — the wind put down that house [g-H]
ciną́kąnaka — he faced, and [sb-T5]
cinąkąną́ka (ttAi nK Kn K) — the village [l-P]
cináñkara — a village [d]
cinąkeja (ttiAi nK e tt) (ttiAi n Ke tt) — at that village [l-S, l-TF]
ciną́keja — at the village [jb-F]
cinąkeja (ttAi n Ke tt) — at the village [l-M, l-P, r-Y]
cinąkeja (ttAi n Ke tt ) — to the village [r-E]
cinąkera (chee-nunk-er-rah) — stairway [ge]
cinąkere (ttiAi n KeLe) — the lodge [sb-HW]
cinąkere (ttAi n KeLe) — the village [r-Y]
cinąkere (ttAi nK KeLe) — who lived with her [r-T]
cínąki — he lived [rs-S]
ciną́ki — they were living, so [h-T]
cíną́kiją — he lived there [ss-WI]
cinąkipáija (ttiAi nK Ki lAy tt) — at the edge of the village [l-SM]
cīną́kipáija (ttAi nK Ki lAyi tt) — at the edge of the village [l-TS]
cinąkipáija (ttAi n Ki lAy tt) — on the edge of the village [r-TB, r-Y]
cinąkipáijanąka (ttAi n Ki lAy tt n K) — the one on the edge of the village [l-TS]
ciną́kiránaka — they came and sat, and [sb-D]
ciną́kiranaka — they came and sat, and [sb-K]
cinañkíre — became suddenly [lt-M]
ciną́kirežè — it had come out [sb-T5]
ciną́kireže — it would come [sb-T5]
cinąkižą — a city [bp-L]
cinąkižą (ttAi n Ki d) — a town [h-R1, h-R2, r-HO]
cinąkižą (ttiAi n Ki d), (ttAi n Ki d) — a village [rv-G, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, l-O, l-S, l-TC, bp-TP, r-D, r-H, r-Y]
cinąkižąnąkše (ttAi n Ki d nK deAe) — a village was [= sitting] [l-M]
cinąkiži (tti n Ki di) — she had lived [jc-T]
cinąknąka (ttiAi nK n K) — that town [sb-F, r-O]
cinąknąka (ttAi nK n K) — the village [l-P, r-D, r-H, r-J]
cinąknąkre (ttAi nK n KLe) (ttAi n Kn KeLe) — the villages [sb-L, l-E]
cinąkokanągᵉwira (ttiAi nK Ko K nK wi L) — in his own village [l-SM]
cinąkokanągᵉwira (ttAi nK on KeLe) — village [l-O]
cinąkokanąkra (ttAi n Ko K nK KL) — his village [r-D]
cíną́kokiságeja (ttiAi nK Ko Ki rA Ke tt) — in the center of the village [r-E]
cinákokisákeja (ttAi n Ko Ki rA Ke tt) — your village [l-O]
cinąkorakanągᵉra (ttiAi nK Ko L K nK KL) — in the village [r-Y]
cinąkorokeja (ttiAi n Ko Lo Ke tt) — the big villages [r-T]
cinąkoxetera (ttAi n Ko xeAe te L) — at the edge of the village [r-O]
cinąkožejaija (ttAi n Ko de tty tt) — at the (very) end of the village [r-Y]
cinąkožejaija (ttAi n Ko de tty tt) — at the end of the village [bp-TP]
cinąkožejaija (ttiAi n Ko de tty tt) — the end of the village [r-E]
cinąkožejaxjįyeja (ttAi n Ko de tt xittiye tt) — at the (very) end of the village [r-Y]
cinąkra (ttAi n KL) — coming out [r-Y]
cinąkra (ttiAi nK KL) — he lives [sb-F]
cinąkra (ttiAi nK KL) (ttAi nK KL) (ttAi n KL) — the town [r-D, r-I, r-T, r-WH, r-Y, j]
cinąkra (ttAi n KL) (ttAi nK L) (ttAi nK KL) (ttiAi n KL) — the village [sb-L, sb-V, l-M, l-MS, j, r-D, r-H, r-O, r-WH, r-Y]
cinąkra (ttAi n KL) — the villages, and [sb-L]
cinąkragiži (ttAi n KL Ki di) — to the village [l-MS]
cinąkre (ttAi n KLe) — the lodge [sb-L]
cináñks’á — he dwelt always [lt-F]
cinąks’aže (ttAi nK ra de) — he would be [l-B, l-S]
cinąks’aže (ttAinK ra de) — they would live [r-H]
cinąkšaną (ttiAi nK dA n) — I live [r-H]
cináñkšaną — she lived [jh-M]
cinąkšąną (ttAi nK dA n) — there are living [l-S]
cinąkšąną (ttAi n Kd n) — they live [l-O]
cinąkše (ttAi n Kde) — he is living [r-C]
cinañkše — he landed [p-B]
cinąkše (ttiAi nK deAe) — he lived [r-O]
cinąkše (ttiAi nK deAe) — they lived, they were living [sb-BT, l-SM, r-HO, r-I]
ciną́kše — they were living [h-T]
cínañkše — they were living [h-W]
cinañkšgúni — he was living [h-H]
cinąkškuniže (ttiAi nK doKo ni de) — he lived [r-BB]
cinánañk — he did it often and suddenly [lt-I]
cinanka harukšeknankšunu — the house sits leaning [d]
cinankeca — at the village [d]
cinankokere — to visit [d]
cínankšana — they’re living [jmc-B]
cinara (ttAi n L) — the village [r-Y]
cinąxge — seats where women work [m]
cįnéže — he started towards [h-O]
cínigra — my house [h-R1]
cinihera (ttAi ni Ae L) — they had lived [r-BS]
cínįk hanínera — their little camp [jc-S]
cinįkižą (ttiAi ni Ki d) — a (small) lodge [r-Y]
cinįkižą (ttiAi ni Ki d) — a little hut [sb-F]
cinįkjanahawiną (ttAi ni Ktt n A wi n) — we will not live [r-C]
cinįkjeną (ttAi ni Kette n) — you will not live [sb-L]
cínįkra — my house [h-R2]
cinine’ų (che-nee-nā-oon [j]) — prefix (or prelude) [j]
cinǫ́ge — village [jb-F]
cinǫgéja — in the villages [jb-F]
cinogéja — to the village [bb-B]
cinǫgéja — to the village [jb-F]
cinōgᵉna — village [r-V]
cinṓgᵉnąká — the village [r-V]
cinṓgᵉną̄ká — the village [r-V]
cinǭgᵉnąká — village [r-V]
cinógeniñgìžą — a little village [h-TM]
cinogenogere — in this village [p-M]
cinǫ́genǫgere — the village [jb-F]
cinógenoñgere — this village [rg-G]
cinǫ́genǫk’a — the village [jb-F]
cinóñgenoñka — that town [h-B]
cinṓgᵉnǭka — that village [jh-M]
cinoñgenoñka — the village [jb-F, sb-W]
cinógenǫka — the village [jc-S]
cinǫ́gera — village [r-V]
cinǫ́geregi — the village of [sb-W]
cinógiąnąkšgúni — there was a village [jc-S]
cinogiánoki — village [bb-B]
cinǫ́giją — other tribes [jb-F]
cinǫgijaį́ja — in another tribe [jb-F]
cinǫgijánąk’a — the other tribes [jb-F]
cinǫgiją́nąk’a — the other tribes [jb-F]
cinǫgijánǫk’a — it was a town [h-W]
cinǫ́gijanǫ́k’a — the other tribes [jb-F]
cinóginoñkšgùni — the other tribes [jb-F]
cinogip’aíja — to the edge of the village [jb-F]
cinōgipaíja — suburbs of village [r-V]
cinóñgižą́ — a village [r-P]
cinogoxétera — the large village [jb-F]
cinǫ́goxonu — small village [jb-F]
cinǫgoxonúna — the smaller village [jb-F]
cinǫ́goxonùna — the smaller village [jb-F]
cinǫ́goxonùnǫk’a — the smaller village [jb-F]
cínogra — the town [h-O2]
cinǫ́k — the village [rw-W]
cinoñk’iságeja — village there [sb-W]
cinókgiánañkšgùni — a town was [h-G]
cinǫ́kijaį́ja — some of the tribe [rw-W]
cinǫ́kipaíja — at edge of village [rw-W]
cinǫnkšgúni — they were [h-C]
cinųge — rear door [cf. ci, lodge; nųx, side, rear] [m]
cínugéja — to the old town [h-R1]
cinúñgere — this house [h-B]
cinúñgižą — a town [jh-M]
cinuñkéja — that town [rh-S]
cinųkéja — to the old town [h-R2]
cinuknignigra (che-nuk-nig-nig-ra [j]) — sparrow [j]
cīnų́xge — area of a room close to the door; front half of a lodge [mn]
cinųxge — back of each side of a tent [jb-KX]
cinų́xge — back of lodge [jb-G]
cinų́xge (ttiAi no xeKe) — in back of the tent [jc-T]
cīnų́xge — rear end of a lodge, woman’s storage area (in a lodge) [hl]
cinų́xge — the side of the lodge [cf. ci, lodge; nųx, side, rear] [jb-KX, m]
cinųxgéaki — each side of the lodge [jb-KX]
cinuxgéja (ttAi no HKe tt) — back next to the wall [jb-SE]
back wall of lodge [jb-D]
cinuxgéja (ttAi no XKe tt) — by the door inside [the lodge] [r-C]
cinuxgéja — from the back of the lodge [l-N]
cinuxgéja (ttAi no xeKe tt) — in back of tent [jb-B]
cinuxgéja (ttiAi no xKe tt) — in the corner next to the door [r-I]
cinuxgéja (ttiAi no xKe tt) — in the lodge next to the door [sb-BT]
cinųxgéja (ttiAi no xKe tt) — inside next to the door [r-C]
cinuxgéja (ttiAi no xeKe tt) — on the side of the lodge [l-B]
cinųxgeja — side of a lodge [cf. ci, lodge; nųx, side, rear] [m]
cinuxgéjanañkše — it was in back of her house [h-W]
cinuxgéra — inside [cf. nųx, side, rear] [m]
cinuxgéra — the back (end) of a house [cf. ci, lodge; nųx, side, rear] [h-R1, h-R2, m]
cinuxgere — inside door [cf. ci, lodge] [m]
cinųxgere — next side to the door (place for wood, clothing, utensils, etc.) [h-R1, h-R2]
cinúxgére — place near door [sb-BT]
cinųxjį — next to the door [sb-BT]
cinųxjį — rear door [cf. ci, lodge] [m]
cinų́xjį — rear door [cf. nųx, side, rear] [m]
cinųxjįja (ttiAi no xitti tt) — next to the door [sb-BT]
cīnų́xke — rear end of a lodge, woman’s storage area (in a lodge) [hl]
cio-cakenaįja — not far [m]
ciócakénaįja — near the camp, house [jw-B]
cíogikawaireže — they went into the lodge [jb-DE]
ciógižúną — he placed in the tent [jb-P2]
ciogoke — outside the houses or the homes, in the space between the houses [cp. cī hogoke] [z]
cīógoke — outside the houses or the homes, in the space between the houses [we]
cioijás — tent [mn]
ciojąsižą (< ci-hoją-si) — to crawl in ? [cf. ci, lodge; ją, to curl up; si, foot] [m]
ciokąnągᵉra (ttAiyo K nK KL) — the ball [l-SM]
ciokeregi (ttAiyo Lo KeLe Ki) — in the village [jb-P]
ciokereja (ttAiyo Ke Le tt) — at the center lodge pole [l-B]
ciokereja (ttiAiyo Ke Le tt) — on the center pole [l-B]
ciokerera (ttAiyo Ke Le L) — to carry it into the lodge [r-H]
ciókewe (ttAiyo Ke we) — lodge entrance [jb-SE]
Ciókewe Nąwą́na (ttAiyo Ke we n w n) — the Lodge Entrance Song [jb-SE]
Ciokinąk Honąžį̄́ra (ttAiyo Ki nK Ao n di L) — He who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge [r-TW3]
ciokįnį — to borrow from another's house [cp. cī hokįnį] [z]
cīókįnį — to borrow from another's house [we]
cīókįnį — to look for a place to live [we]
Ciókisag honąžį́na — He Who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge, a ritual name for fire [jb-FC]
ciókiságeja (< ci-hokisák-eja) — in the middle of the lodge, within the center of the lodge [jb-AM, jb-DD1, jb-DD2, jb-FC, jb-G, jb-MH2a, jb-MH2b, sb-BT, r-HD]
ciokiságeja — in the middle of the room [jh]
cīōkisā́gējā — it lay in the middle of the lodge [sb-TB]
ciókiságeja (ttAiyo Ki rA Ke tt) (< ci-hokisák-eja) — to the middle/center of the lodge [jb-MH2a, jb-SE, jh]
cīōkisā́gējā — towards the center of the lodge [jb-HS]
ciokiságejakše — it lay in the middle of the lodge [sb-TB]
Cíokiságᵉnąžįna — He who Stands in the Center of the Lodge [jb-N]
Ciokisagᵉnąžį́na — He Who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge (the fire) [jb-PM]
ciṓkīsā́gᵉrā — in the center of the lodge [jb-MH2a]
ciokiságera — the center of the lodge [jb-AM]
ciokiságera — the center of the lodge [jb-DD1, jb-MH2a]
ciókiságera — the center of the lodge [jb-HS]
ciṓkīsā́gᵉra — the center of the lodge [jb-HS]
ciókiságere — in the center of the lodge [jb-MH2a]
ciókiságere — in the center of the lodge [r-HD]
ciókiságeregi — in the center of the lodge [r-HD]
ciókiságeregi (ttiAiyo Ki rA KeLe Ki) — in the center of the lodge [r-TW3]
ciokisageregi (ttiAiyo Ki rA KeLe Ki) — in the middle of the lodge [l-B]
Cíokisagonąžį́na — He who Stands in Our Midst, a ritual name for fire [jb-P]
Ciokisagonąžįna — He who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge, a ritual name for fire [jb-E]
Ciokisagonąžįna — He who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge, a ritual name for fire [jb-SS]
Ciokiságonąžį́na — He who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge, a ritual name for fire [jb-E, jb-O]
ciokiságonąžį́ra (ttAiyo Ki rA Ko n di L) — center of the lodge [jb-HS]
Ciokiságonąžį́ra (ttiAiyo Ki rA Ko n di L) — He who Stands in Our Midst [r-TW3]
ciṓkīsak — center of the lodge [jb-HS]
ciōkīsā́k — in the center of the lodge [jb-HS]
ciókisak — the center of the lodge [jb-DD1]
cíokisák — the middle of the lodge [jb-E]
ciokisakeja (ttAiyo Ki rA Ke tt) — on the center lodge pole [r-Y]
Ciokit’ųrewįga — She who Thrusts Herself within a Lodge, a Bear Clan name [r-BC]
ciókságeja — in the middle of that [jb-P2]
ciómanaížą — old camping spot [jmc-B]
cíomį́genąkanągwíną — in our house he sits [h-R1, h-R2]
ciómįš — carpet, rug, floor-throw (cf. ci womį́š) [mn, hl]
ciómįš — floor [mn]
ciónąsá — to put in jail [mn]
ciónąsáreže — shutting her in house [ss-WS]
Ciónazįga — Stand in the House, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
ciópasé — the edge of [jb-DE]
cįopasḗra — if you keep it in your home [jb-P]
ciorakąnągíži (ttAiyo L K n Ki di) — in the midst of the lodge [rv-F]
ciórogeregi — within this village [rw-W]
ciórugerégi — bark house [l-N]
cíosewe (ttiAiyo reAe we) — cleared ground around a village [r-WT]
cioxušara — at the end of the lodge [jb-SE]
ciožeją́ (ttAiyo de tt) — at the end of the lodge [jb-SE]
cióžeją (ttAiyo de tt) — at the lodge [jb-SE]
ciožeją́ (ttAiyo de tt) — of the lodge [jb-SE]
cióžejaį́ja (ttAiyo de ttyi tt) — at the other end of the lodge [jb-SE]
cióžejaį́ja (ttAiyo de ttyi tt) — the end of the lodge [jb-SE]
ciožejaį́ja (ttAiyo de ttyi tt) — to the end of the lodge [jb-SE]
cióžejaį̀ja (ttiAiyo de tt tt) — in the lodge [jb-SE r-BD]
cióžu (ttAiyo do) — in this lodge [jb-SE]
cióžu (ttAiyo do) — inside the lodge [jb-HS]
cióžu (ttAiyo do) — within the lodge [jb-SE]
ciōžūā́kā — the inside of the lodge [jb-PM]
ciōžuáki — a noise like striking [l-TM]
cióžušawągᵉrē (ttAiy o do dA w KLe) — you who are in the lodge, [r-TW3]
cip — the oval lodges [jb-F]
cip ([t]tili) — to make a thudding or stamping noise [m]
cip’árokera — a nice tent [jc-S]
cip’į́xjį — round lodge [r-WT]
ciparaparac — an oval lodge [r-HC]
cipárok’énįke — a tent [jh-M]
ciparokéžą — round teepee [e-B2]
cipáruke — a good lodge [ha]
cípiža — Hocąk Indian dwelling, wigwam [hl]
cīpóroké — a round house [cf. ci, lodge] [r-I, m]
cīpóroké (ttAi loAo Lo Ke) — oval lodge [hz-L, jf-J1b, l-O, l-SM, l-TS, r-BS, r-TB]
cipóroke (ttAi lo Lo Ke) (ttAi lAo Lo Ke) (ttAi loAo Lo Ke) — round house [hh]
cipórokē — round lodge [jb-DE]
cīporoke — round lodge [jb-DE]
cipṓrokē — round teepee [e-B1]
cipóroke — wigwam [j, s]
cipóroke — wigwam [l]
ciporoke (chi po lo ke) — wigwam, dome-shaped house, covered with bark or canvas [mn]
ciporokeižą (ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d) — a large round lodge [jb-DE]
ciporokeižą (ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d) — a round tent [r-BB]
ciporokeižą (ttAi loAo Lo Key d) — an oval lodge [sb-L, jc-T, l-N, l-O, r-T, r-TB]
ciporokeižą (ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d) — an oval shaped abode [jc-T]
ciporokeižą (ttAi loAo Lo Ke d) — an oval tent [l-TM]
cipṓrokēxēteížą — a large oval lodge [jb-J4]
cipórokexetéžą — an oval lodge [jf-J1a]
cipórokexetéžą — round lodge [hz-L]
ciporoporo — round tent, lodge, grass tent [g-C]
ciporukéža — deer (for cara) [l-M]
cira (ttAi L) — abode [jb-P, sb-F, sb-BT, sb-TD, l-B, l-M, l-TM, r-BS, r-T]
círa (ttiAi L) — her lodge [l-P]
cira (ttAi L) — his abode [jc-T]
cīra (ttAi L) — his lodge [l-TS]
cira (ttAi L) — home [jb-MR]
círa — home [l-O, r-HO, r-TB]
cīra (ttAi L) — home [l-TS]
círa (ttAi L) — lodge [l-P]
cira — lodge [rv-A]
cira (tti L) — my lodge [r-TW3]
cira (ttAi L) — the bottom (of a lake) [wb]
cira — the home, his home [jb-P, sb-
cīra — the house [hh]
cira (ttAi L) (ttiAi L) — the house [k, me, d, e-B1, b-E, jb-K, jb-O, sb-HW, r-I, r-TB, j]
cirá — the house [lt-I]
círa (ttiAi L) — the house, lodge [g-H, g-C, lt-F, lt-R, p-M, e-B2, rv-F, jb-A, jb-CLS, jb-DD1, jb-DE, jb-K, jb-MR, jb-O, jb-PM, jb-SS, jh, h-G, h-O, l-B, r-TW3, r-WH]
cira (ttAi L) (ttiAi L) — the lodge(s) [cp. ciža] [d, hz-C, rv-F, al, jb-AM, jb-DE, jb-F, jb-SE, sb-BT, sb-L, l-O, l-SM, rv-A, r-BC, r-H, r-HO, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
cirá — the lodge(s) [jb-DE, jb-F, jb-MH2b, r-HC]
cira (ttAi L) — the tent [jc-T]
cira (ttAi L) — the tent, tents [d, jb-SE1, l-TM, r-D]
círa — their lodge [jb-DE]
círa (ttAi L) — this lodge [jb-SE]
cira (ttAi L) — to the house [l-M]
círa (ttAi L) — your tents [r-E]
círa xí — a smoky tent [d]
ciragi (tti L Ki) — where he lived [r-HO]
cirágisįjirekjéna — they must sweep the tent out [rt-T]
ciragiži (ttAi L Ki di) — that lived [sb-L]
cīrahe — ceiling [hh]
cīráhe — ceiling, roof [mn, hl]
círahe — passed above the lodge [g-C]
círahe — top of tent [jc-S]
ciraheja (ttiAi L Ae tt) — up through the opening above [in the lodge] [bp-TA, r-C]
cirahera (chee-dah-ha-dah) — roof [ge]
ciráherá — smoke hole of a tent (Reuben) [d]
cirahera (ttiAi L Ae L) — the opening above [bp-TA]
cirahéra — the top of the house [sb-P, h-R1, h-R2]
ciraherášge — top of the house [h-R1, h-R2]
cīráisarác — nail (in carpentry) [mn, hl]
ciraisarącra (tsheeriisarartshrar) — nails [k]
ciraiserecra (chee-rai-sai-raich-ra [j]) — nails [j]
ciraka — a good housekeeper [raka ?] [m]
círakára — good housekeeper [jb-WM]
cīranąga — they lived, and [ss-HM]
cirarĕ — I run [mck]
ciré — go (imperative) [su-W]
ciré — he began [lt-F]
círe — they dwelt, lived [lt-R, h-TM]
ciré — they lived [p-C]
ciré — to go past [su-W]
cire — to start to (do) [su-W]
círegi — as they lived [jb-DC]
ciregi (ttAi Le Ki) — home [sb-F]
cirégi — in the house [lt-I]
ciregi (ttAi Le Ki) — into the house [sb-BT]
ciregiagają (ttiAi Le Kiy K tt) — I would that you stayed at home, but [r-E]
ciregiži (ttAi Le Ki di) — they lived, and [sb-L]
cirekíže — he started [sb-G]
ciréra — they lived [rv-F]
cirešguniže (ttAi Le doKo ni de) — they lived [together] [r-C]
cirexírigeja — at the old abode [h-C]
cirexirigeną́ka — the old houses [h-R1, h-R2]
cirexirìnǫ́ka — the old houses [h-R1]
círeže — they lived [h-G, r-P]
cireže (ttiAi Le de) — they lived [r-H, r-I]
círežé — they started [sb-T5]
cirihira (che-re-hee-ra [j]) — wall [j]
ciríkokíri — to shine in the tent [jb-EM1]
círirogíkonokí — the one dwelling within the lodge [jb-SS]
Círirogikónokše — He who Stands within the Lodge [jb-E, jb-N]
cirirohą́ — they remain in the tent much [r-HD]
cirižą — a home
ciro — village [al]
círo-ihawaíreną — they enter the lodge [r-HD]
ciroášgéja — near by [the village] [rs-S]
ciroášgenįk — near the village [rs-S]
cirób — the door [hz-L]
cirob honasežą (chee-rob-ho-na-say-sha [j]) — latch [j]
cirobara (ttiAi Lo lL) — the door [d, r-WH]
ciróbᵉcągḕja — outside the entrance [jb-DE]
cirobéja — at the door [r-V]
ciróbeja — at the door [rh-S, jb-SE1, h-G, r-HC]
cirobḗja — at the entrance [jb-DE]
ciróbeja (ttiAi Lo le tt) — at the entrance [l-SM]
cirobéja — door [b-G, jh-M]
ciróbeja (ttAi Lo le tt) — front door [sb-L]
ciróbeja (ttAi Lo le tt) — of their door [jb-SE]
cirobéja — out the door [p-B]
ciróbeja (ttAi Lo le tt) — outside [r-HO]
ciróbeja (ttAi Lo le tt) — the door [l-SM]
ciróbeja (ttiAi Lo le tt) — towards the door [l-B]
ciróbējijéregi — where there should have been an entrance [jb-DE]
cirobenąžįkere — door poles [cf. ci, lodge; rop, door; nąžį, to stand; kere] [m]
círobeną́žįkerera — the door poles [jb-MR]
ciróbenigèja — by the door [rh-S]
ciróbᵉra — entrance [jb-DE]
ciróbera — the door (entrance) [jb-EM2, jb-F, jb-FC, h-H, h-R1, h-R2, l-B, r-HO]
ciróbᵉra — the entrance [jb-DE]
ciróbera (ttiAi Lo lL) — the yard [ci, lodge; rop, door] [l-B, m]
ciróberegí — in the door [jb-EM1]
cirobija (ttAi Lo li tt) — to the entrance [l-TS]
cīróbirokárak — hinge (on a door) [mn]
cirobirokera — a door-flap, a tent-flap [d]
cirobirokere (ttAi Lo li Lo Ke Le) — door flap [r-HO]
ciróbironąse (tsheeroab´eeroanarsay) — padlock [k]
cīrobiruhas — door latch [cp. cīrop hiruhas] [z]
cīróbiruhás — door latch [we]
cirobižą (ttAi Lo li d) — a door [rt-T, p-B, l-SM, r-E]
ciróbocagíwera — the door we go towards [jb-FC]
cīróboš’ók — door knob [mn]
cirobra — door [b-G]
cirogeja (ttiAi Lo Ke tt) — at the smoke hole [r-H]
cirogeja (ttiAi Lo Ke tt) — in the lodge [l-SM]
cirogeja (ttAi Lo Ke tt) — in the lodge [r-T]
cirogeja (ttiAi Lo Ke tt) — in the tent [jc-T]
cirogeja (ttiAi Lo Ke tt) — inside the lodge [sb-BT, l-N]
cirogeja (ttAi Lo Ke tt) — within the lodge [r-TB]
cirógᵉrā — entrance of the lodge [jb-HS]
cirógera — inside the lodge [jb-MR]
cirogeregi (ttiAi Lo Ke Le Ki) — [while] in the house [l-M]
cirógigįǧanągá (ttAi Lo Ki Ki H n K) — he would go around the lodge [jb-SE]
cirogįgį́x (ttAi Lo Ki KiHi) — all around the lodge [jb-SE]
cirógigį̄x — around the lodge [r-HD]
cirógigįx — he made a circuit of the lodge [jb-MH2b]
círogigį́x — he walked around the lodge [jb-MH2b]
cirógigix — the lodge [jb-B]
cirógigįxirènąga (ttAi Lo Ki Hi L n K) — they go around the lodge, and [jb-SE]
cirṓgijā́ka (< círok-ejaka) — inside the lodge [jb-HS]
cirogiráxucną́kše — he was looking at the camp [jc-S]
cirógogį́xše — he made a circuit of the lodge [jb-MH2b]
ciróhą (tciróhʌ̃ [mck]) — plenty of tents [mck]
cīrōhī́ — one side of the lodge [jb-HS]
ciróhogįgį́xhi — he made them all around inside the lodge [lt-U]
círoikáwaníže — he did not come into the lodge [h-R1, h-R2]
círoikáwaréną — they entered the lodge [r-HD]
cīrōímį̆ki — they were stretched out in the lodge [jb-HS]
ciroixjį́ — the lodge was completely filled [jb-MH2a]
ciroixji-ą́kše — the lodge was full [jb-SE1, sb-W]
ciroíxjįxjįže — the lodge was packed [jb-F]
ciroixjį́že (ttAi Lo Hitti de) — the lodge was filled [jb-SE]
cīrók — the indoors [mn]
cirokaninąk’ų (< ci-rok-hani-nąk-’ų) — to be in the open, uncovered (cf. ci, house; rok, within, inside; hanį, to have, hold; ‘ų, to do, to be) [m]
cirokaraizicgają — when he peeped in [al]
cirókareki — inside the lodge [sb-B]
cirokéinegíži — as she entered [the lodge] [rs-S]
ciróp — door [jb-DE]
cīróp — door [lt-I, mn, we, hl]
cirop — door [rv-A]
cīrop — door, doorway [hh]
cirop (ttiAi Lolo) — door, the flap over a doorway [cf. ci, lodge; rop, door] [rv-A, r-D, r-H, r-HO, r-WB, m]
cīróp — doorway [we, hl]
cirop — entrance of the lodge [jb-HS]
cīróp — opening [we]
cīrop hinąžįkere — door poles [hh]
cīróp hinąžį́kere — door poles [hl]
cirop hirohes (cheroop-he-ro-haas [j]) — padlock [j]
cīróp hirokárak — hinge (on a door) [hl]
cīróp hirokére — door flap [cf. cī, lodge; rop, doorway] [m, mn]
cīróp hiruhás — door latch [we]
ciróp hiruhásra — the door opener (the door key) [lt-R]
cīróp horupį́nį — doorknob [hl]
ciropa (ttAi Lo lA) — door [r-H]
ciropara (ttiAi Lo lL) — the door [sb-HW]
ciropeja (ttiAi Lo le tt) (ttAi Lo le tt) — at the (lodge) door [sb-F, l-TM, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-I, r-T, r-TB]
ciropéjá — at the door [lt-R]
ciropeja (ttiAi Lo le tt) — in the door [r-D]
ciropeja (ttAi Lo le tt) — to the door [r-BS, r-TB]
ciropera — door [me]
ciropera hasera (chee-dope-e-da-has-er-rah [j]) — key [j]
ciropera hazera (chee-dope-e-du-haz-er-rah) — key [ge]
ciroperuhasara — a key [d]
ciróphiruhásra — the door keys [lt-R]
cirópižą́ — one door flap [lt-U]
cirōpra — the door [hh]
cirópra (ttiAi Lo lL) — the door [lt-R, r-D, r-H, r-I, r-T, r-WB, j]
ciropregi (ttAi Lo leLe Ki) — at the door [r-D]
ciropruhosera — key [me]
ciroruǧucše — the house they looked at [h-R1, h-R2]
cī́rorū̀šų — lodge covering [jb-HS]
cirotakac — doorway [cf. ci, house; ro, door ?; kac, heat, sunlight] [m]
cirowagįǧᵉrèną (ttAi Lo w Ki HLe n) — he went around the lodge [jb-SE]
círowákareže — he went to the lodge [rs-S]
cirowákereže — he went back to the lodge [rs-S]
cīruhi — wall [hh]
cīrúhi — wall of house [mn, hl]
cisániñk — entire lodge [sb-W]
cisánįk — one side of the lodge [jb-MR]
cisepera (che-sep-er-rah) — freight train ("black house") [ge]
cisérec — long house [h-B]
cīserec — long house [hh]
cīsérec — long house [mn]
ciserec — nails [me]
ciserecga (ttAi reAe Le tt K) — that longhouse [r-I]
ciserecį (ttiAi reAe Le tti) — long lodge [r-BB]
ciséreciyañk — one long lodge [lay] [rs-W]
ciserecižą (ttiAi reAe Le tti d) (ttiAi rAe Le tti d) — a long house [bp-TA, r-BB, r-I]
ciserecižą (ttiAi rLe Le tti d) — a long lodge [l-SM]
ciserecižą (ttiAi rAe Le tti d) (tti reAe Le tti d) — a long tent [r-E, r-O]
ciserecižąkše (ttAi reAe Le tti dK deAe) — a long tent it was [l-M]
ciserecka (ttAi reAe Le tt K) — the long house [r-BB]
ciserecka (ttAi reAe Le tt K) — the long tent [r-T]
ciserecžą (ttiAi reAe Le tt d) — a long lodge [sb-BT]
ciserejaga (ttiAi reAe Le tt K) — within the lodge [l-SM, r-TW3]
ciserejakre (ttAi rAe Le tt KeLe) — long lodge [r-H]
cisérejižą — a long house [h-B]
císerejìžą — a long house [h-O]
ciserejižą (ttAi reAe Le tti d) — a long lodge [l-MS, l-O, r-H, r-WH]
ciserejížą — a long lodge [sb-W]
ciserejižą (ttAi rAe Le tti d) — a long tent [jc-T, r-E]
cīsóroc — tripod house; house with spire, like church; A-frame house [mn]
cisúrut’ǫbeja (cišúrut’ǫbeja ?) (ttAi roAo Lo too le tt) — between the tent and pole [r-E]
ciš’unajiregi — when are you making a tent [al]
cíšjañxjìna — strong house [rh-T]
cíškun — he came [g-C]
cišora (che-sho-ra [j]) — tent pole [j]
cišu — (poles) for the framework of lodges [se-P]
cīšú — camp post, tent pole; stud [mn]
cišú — lodge pole [cf. šu, pole ?] [r-H, m]
cīšú (chee-shoo [j]) — lodge poles [j, mn]
cīšu — pole [hh]
cišú (ttAi doAo) — poles [l-N, r-H]
cīšu — poles for bracings of dwelling, tent poles, lodge poles [hh]
cīšú — poles, tent-poles, bracings of dwelling, wigwam, or teepee, support beams [we]
cišú nąžįk’ere — vertical poles of a lodge [r-WT]
cišu nąžįkere — vertical poles of a lodge [cf. ci, lodge; šu, pole; nąžį, to stand; kere] [m]
cīšu rut’ųp — lodge side-piece, horizontal pole [hh]
cīšu suruteąp — type of tent poles [r-WT]
cišuižą (ttiAi doAoyi d) — a tent pole [r-I]
cišuižą (ttAi doAoyi d) — one of the tent poles [l-M]
cišunąžįkereja (ttAi do n di Ke se tt) — on the frame of the tent [r-D]
cišúnažįkérenąka — the upright lodge poles [jb-MR]
cišúnąžįkèrera — upright tent poles [jb-MR]
cišúnu — he usually comes [sb-B]
cišura (che-shoo-dah) (ttAi doAo L) — the lodge pole [ge, me, d, jc-S, r-BB, r-Y]
cišúra — the lodge poles [al, jb-MR]
cišurut’ǫbeja (ttAi doAo Lo too le tt) — between the lodge poles [r-Y]
cišurut’ǫbeja (ttiAi doAo Lo toolo le tt) — to the lodge poles [sb-BT]
cišúrut’ǫbeja — to the side poles [jb-B]
cišúrut’ǫbeja (ttAi doAo Lo too le tt) — to the side poles [r-TB]
cišúrut’ǫbeja (ttAi doAo Lo too le tt) — on the cross piece of the house [r-E]
cišurut’ǫbera — lodge side pieces [cf. ci, lodge; šu, pole; t’ąp, to tie ?] [m]
cišurut’ǫbižą (ttiAi doAo Lo too li d) — a long pole [jc-T]
citahera — smoke hole of a tent [d]
citaihira (chee-dy-he-dah) — smoke hole [ge]
citakoc (chee-tah=cotch) — stove ("house warmer") [ge]
citi — this lodge [m]
citihera (chee-di-ha-dah) — ceiling [ge, j]
citiną́gre — these lodges [m]
citnągera (chede-nug-er-rah) — town [ge]
cito — a female form of address for an elder brother [r-WT]
citó (ttiAi to) — brother [h-R1, h-R2, jc-T, l-P, l-TM]
citó — older brother (female speaking) [cf. cį, boy?] [jc-T, l-SM, r-WT, m, mn]
citoga (ttAi to K) — my brother [jc-T]
citoga (ttiAi to K) — my older brother [l-TM]
citoga (ttAi to K) — older brother [jc-T, r-O, r-T]
citogahaga (ttiAi to K A K) — my brother [jc-T]
citohára — my elder brother (as called by sisters only) [f]
citohara — my elder brother (woman speaking) [d]
citohara — my older brother (female speaking) [p-B]
citokotąhira (chee-doke-o-du-he-dah) — wall [ge]
citora — her elder brother [d]
citorá — his elder brother (as called by siblings) [f]
citoraká — your (sg.) elder brother [d]
citoráka — your elder brother (as called by siblings) [f]
citóre (?) — O elder brother [d]
citówira — my brothers (direct address) [h-W]
citubera (chee-doob-er-rah) — door [ge]
ciuánąga — she put camp up [jc-S]
cių́n — to build (house-make) [f]
ciųra (ttAiyo L) — the home you have [jb-P]
ciwacíniwina — your houses [g-C]
ciwaciwira — house we live in [rv-A]
ciwaciwira — rush matting (lodge top) [m]
ciwagigi-ánąga — he put them in the lodge, and [jb-F]
ciwáñgra — upstairs [lt-I]
cīwą́gra hotí — to go upstairs [hl]
cīwą́gra wātí — I go upstairs [mn]
cīwą́grotí — to go upstairs [mn]
Ciwaižega — He who Makes One Abandon the Lodge and Flee, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
ciwajigeregiži (ttiAi w tti Ke Le Ki di) — when the drum was hit [l-E]
ciwajigereže (ttAi w tti Ke Le de) — it thundered [l-M]
cīwą́k — attic [mk]
cīwą́k — upstairs [mn, mk]
cīwąk ’ḗja hotí — to go up [hl]
cīwąk eja — upstairs [hh]
ciwánina — his houses [g-C]
ciwánina — my houses [g-C]
ciwanínera — their houses [g-C]
ciwasų́jeja — close to house [h-T]
ciwašínina — your houses [g-C]
ciwažąhiranihega — the lodges that had been [hz-L]
cįwį (ttAi wi) — a loud noise [r-T]
cįwį (tti wi) — large noise [sb-E]
cįwį́ (ttiAi wi) — roaring [r-BB, hl]
cįwį́ — rumbling sound [lt-TB]
cįwį́ — sound causing vibration [mn]
cįwį (ttAi wi) — thundering [sb-L, jc-T]
cįwį — to make a metallic rattling sound [cf. gicįwį] [ma]
cįwį́ — to ring [hl]
cįwį́ (ttAi wi) — to roar [r-BC8, r-HO]
cįwį́ — to rumble [m, hl]
ciwį-jikereže — noise of drum [ciwį, to rumble; ji, to arrive, coming; kere, to start going back] [m]
ciwįą́gᵉra — the roaring [r-A]
cį́wįągùnąke — they come making the sound cįwį [sb-N]
cíwįánąga — it roared [jc-S]
cįwįcį́wį — sound causing vibration [mn]
Cįwįgúga — He Who Comes Making Cįwį, a personal name in the Thunderbird Clan [sb-N]
Ciwįgúga — Making the Sound “Ciwį” [r-P]
cįwįhírąke — they make the noise "cįwį" [sb-N]
ciwį́huną — it came roaring [jb-DD2]
cįwįhuže (ttAi wi Ao de) — there came a loud noise [r-T]
cįwįhuže (ttAi wi Ao de) — there was a loud noise [r-T]
cįwį́že (ttiAi wi de) — he drummed [r-E]
cį̄wįje — it made a great noise [ss-HM]
ciwiji — to rumble [cf. ciwį, noise (of a drum)] [m]
cįwiji — to rumble [cf. ji, to arrive coming] [m]
Ciwįjikerehiga — Comes Making the Sound Ciwį, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
Cįwįjikerehiga — He Who Makes Cįwį, a personal name in the Thunderbird Clan [sb-N]
ciwįjikerehininąkra (ttiAi wi tti Ke Le Ai ni n KL) — he does not do in his thunderings [l-M]
ciwįjikereje — noise of a drum; to spread (of noise) [cf. ciwį, to rumble] [m]
ciwįjikeres’aže (ttAi wi tti Ke Le ra de) — it had thundered [sb-TD]
ciwįjikereže (ttAi wi tti Ke Le de) — it thundered [sb-TD]
cįwįjikereže (ttAi wi tti Ke Le de) — there was a great thunder [sb-L]
ciwįjikereže (ttiAi wi tti Ke Le de) — there was a noise [l-E]
ciwįjikereže — to spread (of noise) [cf. ciwį, noise (of drum); ji, to arrive coming; kere, to start going back] [m]
cįwįjireže (ttAi wi tti Le de) — it began to roar [jb-S2, sb-L]
cįwįjireže (ttAi wi tti Le de) — it made a loud noise [sb-L]
cįwíjireže — it rumbled [jb-S1a]
ciwį́na — noise [rh-T]
ciwī́ną — roar [r-A]
ciwíną — they have come [sb-H]
ciwį́ra — the noise [r-S]
cįwįra (ttiAi wi L) — thundering [r-D]
cįwįraheže (ttiAi wi L Ae de) — it went thundering [r-D]
ciwíre (ttAi wi Le) — live (imperative) [jh-M, l-M, r-C]
ciwirókunigerašgé — what they use in camping [al]
cįwixéte — mighty noise [h-T]
ciwiže (ttiAi wi de) — they lived [l-N, r-BS, r-WB]
Ciwoit’éhi (ttAi wo tee Ai) — Kills within the Lodge [r-TW3]
Ciwoit’éhiga — Kills within the Lodge, a personal name [sb-W, r-TW3]
ciwomišara (tchee-wo-mesh-ara [j]) — carpet [j]
ciwomišra (che-wo-mish-ra [j]) — floor [j]
ciwomį́žera — carpet [f, d]
ciwonase (chee-wo-na-say [j]) — prison [j]
ciwonąse hocira — prison [cf. wonąse, lock] [m]
ciwosujeja (ttAi wo roAo tte tt) — near the house [r-I]
Cíwožúga — Fills the Lodge, a Bear Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
ciwusúncinįk — he came very near the lodge [jb-F]
cixununįkižą (ttAi xAo no ni Ki di) — a small lodge [r-Y]
ciyéja — in that lodge [p-B]
cī́z — cheese (< English) [mn]
cīz — cheese [hh]
cizira (tche-ze-dah) — passenger train ("yellow house") [ge]
cižą — a house [d]
cížą (ttAi d) — a house [lt-F, lt-I, l-M]
cížą (ttAi d) — a lodge [ha, d, lt-R, sb-L, h-H, h-O, h-W, l-N, l-O, r-BC, r-H, r-HO]
cižą (chee-sha [j]) — a lodge [j]
cížą — a tent [d, rh-S]
cižą — a tent [lt-C]
cížą — one lodge [al]
cíža wakéwina — I went into the lodge [g-C]
cížąk’į — [served as] a village [sb-TB]
cížąki — there is a village [sb-TB]
cižé — he came [sb-B]
cíže — he lived [h-C, h-TM]
ciže (ttAi de) (ttiAi de) — he lived [l-B, l-MS, r-BB, r-I]
ciže — they lived [jb-F]
ciže’e — this lodge [m]
cížege — he lived [h-G]
ckap — thick (close together, as trees, logs, boards, or people) [su-W]
ckáp’ — thick [sb-J6]
ckapji (ttK litti) — very close to one another [r-BB]
ckizréną — it was cut [su-W]
ckuré — to break by itself [su-W]
co (ttAo) — blue [jb-F, bp-TP, gm, j, r-J, s, m]
cō — blue [l, r-TW3, hh]
cō — blue-green [nw]
cō — blue/green (denotes spectrum from blue through green) [f, mn] (cf. Ioway, Oto, to; Osage, to(-ho); Sioux, so; Biloxi tohi; Ofo, ithóhi; Hidatsa, tohi, Crow, cúa).
co — first, in front, before; to lead [m]
có — green [g-H, e-B2]
co (cho [wb, d]) — green [wb, ha, d, e-B1, sm, h-T]
cō — grue [z]
co (ttoAo) — the blue one [r-I]
co (ttAo) — thick [r-BB]
cō — to be blue or green (3p forms only) [we, hl]
co — to spit [d]
cō hoc — green [l]
co-ižą́ — a blue one [h-TM]
coágeni — I lead [m]
coáginį́ — I lead him [mn]
coakere — I lead along [m]
coakere — I lead on the warpath [m]
coakerehanąk wa’ųną — to elope; I led her away [cf. šo, to lead; kere, to start going back; ‘u, to do] [m]
coánį — I walk ahead, lead [mn]
coážuająnà (ttAow dow tt ne) — that I have with me [jb-SE]
cobáha — four times [cp. jobą́hą] [mck]
cobašāna — fourteen [sm-E]
cocąna (cho-chun-nah) — blackbird [ge]
coci (tshoartshee) — green [k]
cóco — green in spots [g-H]
cocok — common elder (tree) [sm-E]
cocox — hollow (< loud snap ?) [sm]
cōcūx — horse fly [hh]
cōcų́x — horsefly [mn, hl]
cogagá — my grandfather [jf-J1a]
cogeni — to lead [cf. co, to lead; geni] [m]
cogᵉšį́šĕk (tcokᵉcíncĕk [mck]) — first monthly ceremony [mck]
cogiasanapekra (ttoAo Kiy rA nl leKe L) — the king bird [l-M]
cógigíže — blue he made it [jb-DD1]
cōgigī́žī — he made blue, and [jb-HS]
cōgínį — to lead someone [hl]
cogižažake — may apples (prob. for wicąwąogižožoke) [sm]
cohą — to boil deer [cf. ca, deer; hą, to cook] [m]
cohócira — blue [ha]
coikere manįra — to lead on the warpath [cf. co, to lead; kere, to start going back; manį, to walk] [m]
coikérera — he led me [rv-F]
coikjį (choik-jin [j]) — menstruation [j]
coikjį wa’ų (chōik-jin-wa-o [j]) — menses [j]
cóinina — the first ones [h-T]
coižą — a blue/green one [r-BC]
cojera (tchoge-er-rah) — badger [ge]
cok — good ? [m]
cǫk (tshoank) — horse [k]
cok’a — grandfathers [r-K]
cok’á — paternal and maternal grandfather (direct address) [r-WT]
cok’agá — father-in-law [al]
cok’agá — grandfather [sb-W]
cok’áka — grandfather [su-W]
cok’ara — grandfather [r-K]
cok’énįkhihiwíra — our grandfather [al]
cok’jį — menses [jb-F]
cok’jį́cegižą́k’iži — who was having her first menses [jb-F]
cōká — father-in-law [mn]
coká (ttAo K) — grandfather (personal address) [r-TW3, hl]
cōká — grandfather (vocative) [cf. hicoké] [mn, hl]
coká — grandfather (vocative) [cf. hicoké] [rg-G, g-C, jf-J1a, jb-J4, jb-P2, h-O, rv-A, r-TW3]
cōka — grandfather [hh]
cóka — grandfather, direct address [jf-J1a, jf-J1b, s]
coka (ttAo K) — grandfather(s), direct address [jf-J1a, sb-HW, sb-L, l-M, l-O, l-SM, r-D, r-H, r-HO, r-O, r-T, m]
cōká — paternal or maternal grandfather [r-TW3, mn]
cōka ēra hocira — grandpa’s house [hh]
cōka xete — great-grandfather [hh]
cokagá (ttAo K K) — grandfather [jf-J1a, jf-J1b, jb-J4, jb-SE, r-TW3]
cókaga — grandfather [jf-J1b, jb-J4]
cōkága (ttAo K K) — grandfather [r-TW3]
cokaga (ttAo K K) (tshoakargar [k]) — grandfather(s) [k, jf-J1a, jf-J1b, sb-L, l-SM, r-D]
cokagá (ttAo K K) — my grandfather [jb-SE]
cokága (ttAo K K) — my grandfather [jb-SE]
cokaga (ttAo K K) — my grandfather [r-D]
cokága — paternal or maternal grandfather; father-in-law [cf. hicoké, cōká] [jb-J4]
cōkága — paternal or maternal grandfather; father-in-law [cf. hicoké, cōká] [mn]
cokaga (ttAo K K) — their grandfathers [l-O]
cokaja — wolf [sm-E]
cokánįkà (ttAo K ni K) — my grandfather [jb-SE]
cokara (ttAo K L) — grandfather [r-TW3]
cokara (ttAo K L) — my grandfather [r-TW3]
cokara (ttAo K L) — the grandfathers [l-SM]
cokárakere — followed by [jb-S1b]
cokarakere — follower [cf. šo, to lead; kere, to start going back; kara] [m]
cokárekíri — he has brought home [rs-S]
cokáwinà (ttAo K wi n) — grandfathers [jb-SE]
cokáwirà (ttAo K wi L) — grandfathers [jb-SE, r-TW3]
cokawira (ttAo K wi L) — grandfathers [r-D]
cokáwirà (ttAo K wi L) — our grandfathers [r-TW3]
cōkáxeté — grandfather’s older brother [hl]
cōkáxeté — great grandfather [z, hl]
cōkáxųnų́ — grandfather’s younger brother [hl]
cokci — menstrual flow [cp. cokjį́] [mck]
cokci wohąp (tcokᵉtci wohʌmp [mck]) — "menstrual flow corn," corn with crooked rows, which according to custom, were thrown to the side and not cooked [mck]
cokcócira — a menstrual lodge [d]
coke (ttAo Ke) — grandfather [r-D]
cokehíra — our grandfather [rs-S]
cokera (choakay-ra [j]) — grandfather [j]
cókera — the grandfather [lt-R]
cokere — to lead along; to follow [cf. co, to lead; kere, to start going back] [m]
cōkére — to lead someone, to go with someone, to accompany [hl]
cokére — with him [h-R1, h-R2]
cokére (ttAo Ke Le) — with them [r-Y]
cokéreranąga (ttAo Ke Le L n K) — with them, but [l-N]
cokéreže — he led her [jb-S1b]
cókewahawira (ttAo Ke w A wi L) — our grandfathers [r-TW3]
cókiháwīgi — who was our grandfather [r-HD]
cǫ́kinuk (tshoank´eenook) — bitch [k]
cǫkiruškicira (tshoankeerooshkitsheerar) — bridle [k]
cokiságera — middle of tent [jb-A]
cokjį (ttAo Kitti) — her menses [sb-L]
cókjį — her menstrual period [jb-MR]
cokjį (ttAo Kitti) — her monthly terms [l-O]
cokjį — menses [m]
cōkjį́ (ttoAo Kitti) — menstrual period [l-TS]
cokjį (ttAo Kitti) — menstruating women [sb-L]
cōkjį́ — to menstruate [m, hl]
cokjį nápeci’ų (tcokᵉdjĭ̃ nápetci’ũ [mck]) — a bow fire drill [mck]
cokjihoci (chok-jee-ho-chee [j]) — menstrual lodge [j]
cokoíšgera — they might [h-C]
cǫkwakina (tshoankwaukeenar) — saddle [k]
cǫ́kwǫk (tshoank´woank) — male dog [k]
comakere — you (sg.) lead on the warpath [m]
comeja — in the future [m]
cona — many [sm-E]
Cōną́ke — Bear Clan member [hl]
Coną́ke (Tconʌ́ke [mck]) — the Bear Clan [mck]
Cōną́ke Hų̄k — Blue Back [Bear] Chief [mk]
Conąke-hųk’a — First Chief, a Bear Clan personal name [r-WT]
Conąkecąwįga — Formost Blue Back, a Wolf Clan female personal name [f, d-WG]
Conąkecówįga — Formost Blue Back, a Wolf Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
Coną́kehǫka (Conã́kehõka [mck]) — Clear Weather Man, a personal name in the Bear Clan for the first born male [mck]
Conąkehųga — Chief Blue Back, a Wolf Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
conąkehų́k (tconʌkehũk´ [mck]) — leader of the Bear Clan [mck]
Conakera (or Conokera) — the ancient name of the Black Bear Gens, now known as the Hǫc Ikikaracara. [d]
cōnį́ — at first [mn, hl]
coni (ttAo ni) — at the lead [jb-SE]
cṓni — before [bp-L]
cōnį́ (ttAo ni) — before [r-E]
coni (ttAo ni) — before [sb-E, h-B, r-BS, r-D, r-H, r-TB, r-Y]
cōnį́ (ttAo ni) — even before [l-P]
coní — first [cf. nį, agentive nominalizer ?] [lt-C, lt-TB, m]
coni (ttAo ni) — first [jb-DC, jb-F, jb-SE, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-N, l-MT, l-N, l-SM, h-R1, h-R2, r-BB, r-BC, r-CL, r-D, r-HO, r-T, r-Y]
cónį (ttAo ni) — first [jb-SE, l-TS]
coní (ttAo ni) — first [jb-SE]
conį́ (ttAo ni) — first [l-O]
cōnį́ (ttAo ni) — first [r-C, r-E, mn, hl]
cōnī — first one [jb-HS]
cóni (ttAo ni) — first, at first [lt-C, lt-M, lt-U, jb-A, jb-MR, jb-S1a, jb-SE]
coni (ttAo ni) — foremost thing [jb-SE]
coni — formerly [rv-A]
coni (tAo ni) — from the beginning [r-TW3]
cóni (ttAo ni) — the first [jb-SE]
coni (ttAo ni) — the first one [jb-SE]
coni (ttAo ni) — the first time [sb-TD, r-D]
conį́ — to begin with [w-TI]
coni (ttAo ni) — to lead [jb-SE]
cōnį́ (ttAo ni) — to start [l-TS]
coní wat’ehi (tconí wat’ehi [mck]) — the first kill of a novice hunter [mck]
conįagiži (ttAo niy Ki di) — she was walking ahead, and [r-E]
coniánañga — first he went [r-DC]
conihira (ttoAo ni Ai L) — he did before [r-D]
cónijéga — first [r-HC]
coníjega — first [sb-N]
conijinihera — the first to come [r-BC]
Conimaniga — Walks First, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
Conimánįga — Walks First, a personal name in the Thunderbird Clan [r-W, sb-N]
Coniminąk’a — Sits as a Leader, a Wolf Clan personal name [d-WG]
conína — first [r-HD]
cōnī́nā — the first [jb-HS]
conína — the first [jb-I, r-HC, r-HD]
conínana — he would lead [r-HD]
conínē — before [jb-DE]
coníne — before [jb-S1a]
conine (ttAo ni ne) (cho-ne-nā [j]) — before [r-Y, j]
conínĕ — before [rv-A]
conine’ų (cho-ne-nā-oon [j]) — prefix, prelude [j]
coníneją — before this [jh]
cónineją — before this time [rt-T]
coninéną (ttAo ni ne n) — they would lead [jb-SE]
coninųpíwi — the first two [jb-S1a]
coniókewekjanègiži (ttAo niyo Ke we Ktt ne Ki di) — the one who should enter first [jb-SE]
conira (ttAo ni L) — from the beginning [r-F]
Coniražireka — He who is the First One Named, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
conire (ttAo ni Le) — take the lead [r-WH]
coníre — the first ones [rv-F]
conireją (ttAo ni Le tt) — before [jc-T]
conírerešge — the first even [rv-F]
conį́ške (ttAo ni dKe) — before [l-O]
coniške (ttAo ni deKe) — in the first place [sb-BT]
coníxcį — the very first [lt-R]
conixjį — first [r-V]
conixjį (ttAo ni xitti) — the first (one) [jc-T, r-BB, r-O, r-TW3]
conī́xjī — the first one [jb-DE]
coníxjį — the first one [jb-MH2b]
cónı̨́xjį — the first one [ss-BO]
coníxjį — the very first (one) [jb-I, jb-MH1, jb-MR]
cṓnį̆xjį̆jḕgā — the very first [jb-HS]
coníxjįna — first thing [jb-SD]
cónixjįna — the very first one [rw-W]
conixjįra — the very first [jf-J1b]
conįxjį́ra — the very first one [jf-J1b]
coniyąkše (ttAo niyK deAe) — he was leading it [r-WH]
coniže (ttAo ni de) — he took the lead [r-WH]
Conǫ́kewįka (Tconṍkewĩka [mck]) — Clear Weather Woman, a personal name in the Bear Clan for the first born female [mck]
cóp — four [g-H, d, lt-R]
cop (tshoap) — four [k, me]
cop — to crush, chop, tear [m]
cop — tube [d]
cop’ — four [sb-J6]
cop’íwiną — there are four of them [su-W]
copą́hą (ttAo l A) — four [sb-T5, r-TB, su-B]
copaha — four as a multiplicand [cf. copki] [d]
copą́hą — four times [sb-T5]
cṓpasé — corner of the house (inside) [cf. ciópasé] [mn]
copášana — four over; four remaining [d]
copašina — fourteen [d]
copašinaha nųpkerapananųp harawankeašina — 14 x 2 = 28 [d]
copašinecara — the fourteenth (?) [d]
copawíną — four of them [su-W]
copawíną — there are four (in answer to a question) [su-W]
copecara — the fourth [d]
copera — four [d]
copihi — four times [d]
copihi hinkša — he laughed four times [d]
cópiwi (ttAo liAi wi) (tshoap´eewee [k]) — four [k, sb-L, r-E]
copíwi — four [sb-D]
copiwi — four [sm-E]
copiwi — four kinds, in four places [d]
copiwi (ttAo liAi wi) — four of them [r-Y]
cópiwikjanahawiną (tto liAi wi Ktt n A wi n) — there will be four of them [r-E]
copki — four, as a multiplier [d]
copšana — only four [d]
cora (ttAo L) (tshoarar [k]) — blue [k, ge, bp-TP]
cora — green [ge, me]
córa — green [jb-DD1]
corá — green [jb-DD2, jb-FC]
cora — sky (the blue) [m]
cora (ttAo L) — the blue [r-BC8, r-P1]
cṓrā-jīkā̀ra-mīną̀kšĕ — it flashed blue from where he was sitting [jb-HS]
corakere — you (sg.) lead along [m]
córakjįgiži (ttAo L Kitti Ki di) — when you get menses [jb-P, m]
Coraminąk’a — Sits Blue, a Bear Clan personal name; also a Bird Clan name. [r-WT]
coránąkšaną — it was blue [r-A]
coraraže (ttAo L L de) — it was blue [r-T]
corašuj (cho-ra-shuj [j]) — purple [j]
coráže — he led [r-V]
corážu — you will lead [sb-W]
coré — blue [jb-CS]
core — green [jmc-B]
corénįk — just a little green [jmc-B]
corogeja (ttAo Lo Ke tt) — inside [r-D]
coropeja (ttAo Lo le tt) — in the door [jc-T]
coropregi (ttAo Lo leLe Ki) — at the door [r-D]
coruže — to lead (on a warparty) [cf. co, to lead] [m]
cōsą — hawthorn [hh]
cōsą — thorn apple [hh]
cōsą́ — thorn apple, hawthorn, haw tree [mn]
cosą hu — thorn apple tree [hh]
cōsara — avocado. < Lakota tȟosla, avocado [ilt]
cosą́wą — fruit of a tree similar to the crabapple [r-WT]
cōsawa — pink [hh]
cōsawa — pink [hh]
cosąwa — red haw (Crataegus chrysocarpa). Usually resorted to for food only during famine [cf. Omaha-Ponca, taspā] [gm]
cosawa — red haw [s]
cōsáwa — to be pink [mn]
cosąwą hu — thorn apple [fanleaf-hawthorn, haw tree], Crataegus flabellata (Spach) Kirchn. Used as a food. [sm]
cosáwahu — berries on trees [sm-E]
cōsą́wąhú — thorn apple [sm-E]
cosąwara (cho-san-wa-ra [j]) — thorn apple [j]
cōsgé — bluejay; tattletale [mn]
cōsge — woodpecker [hh]
cōsgé — woodpecker [hl]
cōsge pāšūc — red headed woodpecker [hh]
cōsgé pā́šuc — red-headed woodpecker [hl]
Cosgénįka (ttAo rKe ni K) — Little Woodpecker, a character in a story [r-HO]
cosgénįka — the woolly woodpecker [w]
cōsgépašúc — red-headed woodpecker (literally, “red-headed bluejay”) [mn]
cosik (cho-seek [j]) — this side [j]
cosikara (ttAo ri KL) — the bullhead [bp-TO]
coske (ttAo rKe) — an unidentified species of bird [a spotted woodpecker] [l-M]
coske (ttAo rKe) — woodpecker [r-HO]
cosképašúc’era — red-headed woodpecker [d]
coskera — spotted woodpecker [d]
cošąkšąkera (cho-schunk-schunk-er-rah) — raven [ge]
cṓšará — lawn [mn]
cōšép — to be dark blue [mn, hl]
cōšép — to be dark green [hl]
cōšéreke — kingfisher [cf. co, blue; šere] [m, hl]
cōšeréke — kingfisher [z]
cošereke hu — fern (the bracken fern), Pteridium aquilinum (L.) This root [rhizome] is used in several remedies, most of them for female complaints. [sm]
cošerekega (ttAo deAe Le Ke K) — snipe (actually the kingfisher) [l-B]
cōšerékehú — bracken fern [sm-E]
cošerekera (ttAo deAe Le Ke L) — an unidentified species of bird [a kingfisher] [l-M]
cošgenihireže (ttAo deKe ni Ai Le de) — they could not run [sb-E]
cotégi — below [jb-A]
cotégi — here [jb-D]
cotégi (ttAo te Ki) — on this side [jb-SE, rt-T]
cōtégi — over this way [mn]
cotegíra — there, farther from the person addressed in the direction of the speaker [lp]
coteki — on this side of you; on this side of the place [cp. kušiki] [d]
cotekiceka — the one standing on this side of the place (cf. Omaha, duata); the pile of objects on this side of the place; the one upright inanimate object on this side of the place or of you (cf. Omaha, duate) [d]
cotekicekaec’a — by the standing or upright object, or the collection of objects, on this side of a place (cf. Omaha, duatedi;-tetatcotekihanka); that horizontal object on this side of a place, or of you; that long line of objects, moving or stationary, on this side of the place, or of you (cf. Omaha, duadhi; duake tcotekihankaetc’a); by that horizontal object on this side of the place or of you; by that long line of objects, etc. [d]
cotekinañká — that object sitting on this side of the place or of you. [d]
cotekináñka — those objects on this side of the place or of you [d]
cotekinañkáec’a — by that object sitting, etc. [d]
cotekináñkaec’a — by those objects on this side of the place, etc. [d]
cowacowara (chow-watch-how-war-rah) — toe [ge]
cowakjįge (ttAow Kitti Ke) — my monthly terms [r-Y]
cowanąc — almost [m]
cowarajáñxjį — very old [p-F]
cowarehira (ttAo w Le Ai L) — again in the future [r-C]
cowáreją — formerly [p-B]
cowarejąra (ttAo w Le tt L) — the old ones [jb-P]
cowarejąxjį — long before us [jb-I]
cowe (ttAo we) (ttoAo we) — almost [jb-F, sb-F, bp-TC, r-BB, r-C]
cowé — almost [lt-I, jw-B]
cōwé — front part [mn]
cówe — he came near [rt-T]
cówe (ttAo we) — in front (of) [jb-SE]
cowe — in front, before (preposition) [cf. we, to travel] [r-G, m]
cowe (ttAo we) — nearly [p-B, p-M, jc-T, l-P, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-WB, r-Y]
cówe — pretty near [h-T]
cówe — that way [rh-T]
cowe (tto we) — together [bp-TP]
cówe — very near [h-R1, h-R2]
cowe (ttAo we) — very nearly [r-E]
cowĕ — very nearly [rv-A]
cówe rúš’agenąže — he came near not doing it [jc-S]
cōwĕ-hiĕ́jā — in front [jb-HS]
cōwe-hīĕ́jā — in front of him [jb-HS]
cowehi-éja — right in front [sb-P]
cowehieja — before [b-G]
cówehièja (ttAo we Aiye tt) — in front [jb-SE]
cówehirèja (ttAo we Ai Le tt) — in front [jb-SE]
cowehiréja — in front of [jc-F]
cowéja — ahead [jb-HM, jb-J4]
coweja (cho-wa-ja [j]) — front [j]
cowéja (ttAo we tt) — in front (= of the future) [lt-F]
cowéja (ttAo we tt) — in front (of) [jf-M, jb-BH, jb-J4, jb-K, jb-SE, sb-TJ, r-DC, r-E, r-H, r-J, r-T]
cōwéja (ttoAo we tt) — in front [r-FP]
cowéja (ttAo we tt) — in the future [jb-P]
cówéja — in the future [ss-WP]
coweja — in the future [z]
cowéja (ttAo we tt) — in the lead [r-Y]
cowéja — the first [jb-S1a]
cōwéja — up ahead, in front, in the future [mn]
coweja worak (cho-wā-ja-wo-rak [j]) — prophecy [j]
coweja’ųra (cho-wā-ja-o-ra [j]) — pioneer [j]
cowejahowera (cho-wa-ja-ho-wā-ra [j]) — to go forward [j]
cowĕ́jajḕgā — the first one [jb-HS]
cowéjajega (ttoAo we tt tte K) — the first ones [jb-SE]
cōwéjakąną́k — apron [mn, hl]
cowéjanąka — the first one [jb-SE1]
cowéjanąka — the foremost [jb-S1b]
cowéjanąkaša (ttAo we tt n K dA) — the first one only [jb-SE]
cowejášge — even in the future ahead [jb-T4]
cowéjᵉnąka — the first one [r-HD]
cówéjera — the lead [ss-WI]
cówéjerénąk — the leading [ss-WI]
cowéjerera — the leading [jc-F]
coweną — almost [r-G]
coweno — almost [m]
coweno (ttAo we no) — nearly [l-TT]
cowéra — across [sb-W]
cowéra (ttAo we L) — ahead (of) [al, jc-F, jb-J4, jb-SE, l-SM]
cowéra (ttAo we L) — at the head [jb-SE]
cowéra — directly facing [rw-W]
cowéra (ttAo we L) — forward [jb-P]
cowéra (ttAo we L) — in front [jb-FC, jb-J4, jb-SE, sb-BW, r-T]
cowerá — in front [jf-J1b]
cowéra (ttAo we L) — to lead [jb-SE]
cowéra hagiruce (ttAo we L A Ki Lo ttAe) — to cross their path [r-BC8]
cowéra hanį́girucégi (ttAo we L A ni Ki Lo ttAe Ki) — if it crosses your path [r-FP]
cowére — ahead of you [jb-J4]
cowére — next time [rw-W]
cówerege — ahead of time [g-H]
cowéregi (ttAo we Le Ki) — ahead [jb-DE, rv-F, l-O]
cowéregi (ttAo we Le Ki) — before [l-O]
cowéregi — hereafter, in the future [rh-T, rt-T, p-B]
cowḗregi — in front [jb-DE]
cowérĕgi — in the future [rv-A]
cowéregi (ttAo we Le Ki) — in the future [rv-F, jc-T]
cowéregi — on ahead [jb-DE]
cowerojiną́kiže — he placed it in [jb-BH]
cowestucobera (chow-waas-dootch-cho-ber-rah) — corn meal [ge]
cōwéšge — almost [mn]
cowéšge — it was near there [jw-B]
cowéxjį (ttAo we xitti) — a few [r-D]
cówexjį — a little [jh]
cowéxjį (ttAo we xitti) — just a little [jb-T4, bp-TC, r-D, r-E]
cōwéxjį — just a little [mn]
cowéxjį (ttAo we xitti) — only a few [l-B]
cowéxjį (ttAo we xitti) — very little [jw-B, r-Y, m]
cowéxjį (ttAo we xitti) — very small [r-Y]
cowéxjį (ttAo we xitti) — just barely [r-E]
cowexjį pokšarehiže — to escape ? [cf. po; kšare, to molest ?] [m]
cowéxjįnį́k (ttAo we xitti niKi) — a few [sb-L]
cowéxjinįk — just a little [jb-KX]
cōwéxjįnį́k (ttAo we xitti niKi) — just a little [mn]
cowéxjįnį́k (ttAo we xitti niKi) — just a little [r-HO]
cowéxjįnįk (ttAo we xitti niKi) — just the least bit [l-N]
cowiógižúže — he put it in front for him [jb-SD]
cowogera — muskrat [me]
cowoikieska — twenty-five cents [me]
cowǫsera — corn [me]
cox — to burst [f, d, j]
cox — to snap (as a cap) [d]
cóxca — blackbird, bird on horses, cows [g-H]
coxcą-aporoskara — white-winged blackbird [d]
coxcą-aporošucera — red-winged blackbird [d]
coxcą́na — a blackbird [d]
coxera (chō-xa-ra [j]) — eyebrow [j]
cōxją — blackbird [hh]
cōxją́ — blackbird [mn, hl]
coxjąra (ttAo xtt L) — blackbird [l-M]
cṓxjį̆ — very blue [jb-HS]
cóxjį — very green [jb-BH]
coxji — very? blue, an unknown species of bird [sb-W]
coxjįna (ttAo xitti n) — many [r-D]
coxjįną (ttAo xitti n) — there are many [l-P]
coxjįreže (ttAo xitti Le de) — they were very blue [sb-L]
coxjįže (ttoAo xitti de) — it was very blue [r-BC8, r-P1, r-TW3]
cóxoc, pl. coxociténa — blue (xoc, gray) [g-H]
coxócira — blue [d]
cozigara — the little bull-head fish, about 9 inches long, looks like some catfish [d]
cōzík — bullhead (fish) [j, mn, hl]
cožu (ttAo do) — he went with [r-Y]
cōžú — to lead, to be in the company of someone, to accompany [hl]
cožuánąga — he went with [and] [jc-S]
cóžuirànąga (ttAo doyi L n K) — go with them, and [jb-SE]
cožujira (ttAo do tti L) — he led [r-D]
cōžúkjanégi — he has in his company [r-HD]
cóžuokewerà (ttAo do Ke we L) — his crowd [jb-SE]
cožura (ttAo do L) — the leader [jb-P]
cožuránañga — he took along (and) [rg-G]
crā́k — truck (< English) [mn]
cų — fern [sm]
cų (ttoAo) — he had (one) [lt-F, lt-M, lt-R, jc-T]
cu (ttAo) — inside, within [r-BB, m]
cų — lots [sm]
cų — many [m]
cų́ — many [ss-WI]
cų́ — much [g-H]
cų (ttAo) — multitude [sb-TD]
cų (ttAo) — plenty [l-B, m]
cų — to abound; there is some or one [lt-TB, d]
cų̄́ — to be plentiful, to be available [mn]
cų̄́ — to bear a child [m, mn]
cų́ (ttAo) — to exist [r-TB, mn]
cų́ (ttAo) — to give birth [r-TB, m, mn]
cų̄ — to have many [we, hl]
cų̄ — to have plenty, to be provided with [hl]
cų (ttoAo) — to have, to possess [r-D, m]
cų xcín — too much [g-H]
cu-iníną — he did not have [jh]
cų’į́́reže — he was given birth [rv-F]
cųakšaną (ttoAow Kd n) (ttAow Kd n) — there are many [l-N, l-SM, r-TB]
cųanąga (ttAow n K) — to have, and [r-TB]
cųcewerac (chun-cha-wa-lach [j]) — bucket (of birch bark for sap) [j]
cųcewewac (chun-cha-wa-watch [j]) — canoe (birch bark) [j]
cucu (chu-chu [j]) — blunt [j]
cucuá — made ?weak and ?ready to ?break and fall [lt-F]
cų́cųna — a bull-frog [d]
cūcús — sound of a breaking twig, sound of a small clock tick, crackling sound [hl]
cūcús — tapping sound; cracking noise [mn]
cucusanąkše (ttoAo ttAo rnK deAe) — he was whacking away [l-B, m]
Cucúskanašįga — Snapping Twig, a male dog name in the Bear Clan [mck]
cūcúš — to be brittle [mn]
cucúx — blunt (not sharp) [f]
cucuxa — dull, as a knife [cp. kicucuxa] [d]
cuegᵉnigᵉra (ttAo we Kini KL) — little snipes [l-P]
cúek — snipe [g-H]
Cuga — Ladle, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
cųgakjįnįkra — you little grandson [h-R2]
Cugáwįga — Ladle Woman (refers to a bear licking its paw), a Bear Clan personal name [f]
cugi — spoon [ha]
cūgi — spoon [hh]
cúgi — spoon [m]
cūgí — spoon [mn, hl]
cūgi šgācra — spoons (card game) [hh]
cūgiásąnąpké — kingbird [mn, hl]
Cugiga — Spoon, a Bear Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
cúgik’ásanapkéžą — shape of spoon [jc-F]
cūgímį̄k — to sleep together in a spoon position [mn]
cugira (choo-ge-ra [j]) — shell ladles [j]
cugira (ttAo Ki L) (choo-gi-ra [j]) — the spoon [l-N, j]
cugíra — your spoons [r-BF]
cųgírašaną — only their spoons [r-BF]
cūgísą — clam [cf. cūgi, spoon, shell; są, white] [m, mn, hl]
cūgisą — oyster [hh]
cūgísą̄ — oyster [mn, hl]
cūgísą̄ — oyster shell [cf. cūgi, spoon, shell; są, white] [m, hl]
cūgisa (choo-gee-sa [j]) — spoon (clam shell) [j]
cugisasu (chu-gi-sa-soo [j]) — pearl [j]
cugisawą (choo-ge-sawan [j]) — clam [j]
cugisawą (choo-ge-sawan [j]) — oysters [j]
Cūgisą̄ Horus — Montello, Wisconsin [a corruption of Cūgísą̄-horúc, "Clam Shells (Spoons) for Eating"] [hcd]
cugižą (ttAo Ki d) — a spoon [l-N]
cųgíži — [after] she gave birth [h-R1, h-R2]
cųgiži (ttAo Ki di) — if he had [r-T]
cųgiži (ttAo Ki di) — there were many, and [l-P]
cųguak (cąguak ?) — younger sister [m]
cuñguák’ — younger sister (direct address ?) (obsolete) [r-WT]
cuhinįjeną (ttAo Ai ni tte n) — he does not leave them in peace [r-T]
cųhire (ttAo Ai Le) — they have [l-N]
cųhirenįže (ttoAo Ai L ni de) — they did not have [r-H]
cųhireže (ttAo Ai Le de) — they had [r-WH]
cuiraniną — they do not have [rv-G]
cųírekjanèną — they are going to have [jb-DE]
cúįžé — many [jh]
cųj — plenty [me]
cuk’í — a spoon [d]
cųkanik — younger sister [me]
cųkerešge — interrupted fern, the name given to the ostrich fern, Osmunda claytoniana L. Hocąk use it for making a bed when they go hunting. The root is medicine. [sm]
cukira (chu-kee-rah [j]) — ladle [j]
Cukisarocra (Chu-ke-sa-rotch-ra) — Montello, Wooden Spoon or Ladle [j]
Cukisorocera (Chu-ke-sor-otch-er-rah) — Montello, Wisc., "Wooden Spoon or Ladle" [ge]
cųkiže (ttAo Ki de) — he made himself [r-BB]
cų́kjanahéną — it will be born/provided [ss-PT]
cų́kjaneną — it will be born/provided [ss-PT]
cųkje — he will have many [r-G]
cuksigara — a weasel [d]
cų́ną (ttAo n) — it exists [r-HO]
cuna — she bore [b-G]
cų́ną (ttAo n) — there is much [jc-T]
cúną — there was [jb-S1a]
cų́ną — there was [jb-S1a]
cųną (ttA[o] n) — they have [r-BC8]
cųnąkšąną (ttAo n Kd n) — they have [jb-P]
cųnąkše (ttAo n Kede) — they have [r-TW3]
cų̄nanīgi — that he had not [r-V]
cungnara (chun-gna-ra) — dog [bg]
cųnį (ttAo ni) — it did not have [sb-L]
cųnįánąga — he didn't have it, and [jb-CLS]
cųnįánąga — they did not have it, and [jb-CLS]
cųnigųnį (ttAo ni Ko ni) — there must not be much [l-B]
cuníną — there was any [jb-S1a]
cųnįne (ttAo ni ne) — he does not have [r-T]
cųnis’áže — there were not many who would do it [r-TC]
cunkjunkara (chunk-junk-a-ra) — wolf [bg]
cúnwi — aunt [s]
cųra (ttAo L) — it has [r-D]
cųra — the many [sm-E]
cura wawapį (choo-ra-wa-wa-peen [j]) — wampum [j]
cųránigi — if they did not have [jb-MR]
cus — to whack ? [vid., cux] [m]
cusa (ttAo r) — breaking through the thicket [l-SM]
cųsára — blood-suckers [leeches] [lt-TB]
cųsára (ttAo rA L) — leeches [sb-TD, r-TB]
cusaraíreže (< cus-haraíreže) (ttAo r Ly Le de) — they went making a noise of breaking sticks [l-SM]
cųsaraížą — a leech [jb-D]
cųsárara (ttAo rA L L) — leeches [sb-TD, h-T, r-TB]
cųsárara (ttAo rA L L) — the leeches [r-TB]
cū́šéreké — deerfly [mn, hl]
cųšereke — interrupted fern, the name given to the ostrich fern, Osmunda claytoniana L. Hocąk use it for making a bed when they go hunting. The root is medicine. [sm]
cušereke (choo-sha-rā-kay [j]) — kingfisher (bird) [cf. cošereke] [j]
cųšgák — grandson [jb-MR]
cųšgā́k — nephew [jb-HS]
cųšgákjenįkra — grandson [h-R1, h-R2]
cųšgákjinįgrá — my dear grandson [jb-G]
cųšgákjinįgra — my dear little grandson [jb-MR]
cųšgákjįnįgra — my dear little grandson [jb-MR]
cųšgákjįnįgrá — my own dear little grandson [jb-MR]
cųšgákjįnįkra — my nephew [h-R1, h-R2]
cųšgáno — my grandson [h-R1, h-R2]
cųšgā́nū (ttAo dK no) — grandson [jb-HS, l-TS]
cųšgánu (ttAo dK no) (ttoAo dK no) — grandson [jb-MR, sb-F, l-O, l-TM, r-HO]
cų́šge (tto deKe) — grandson, direct address [r-HO]
cų̄šge — grandson, nephew [hh]
cų̄́šge — grandson; nephew from mother’s brother [r-CW, w-T, mn, hl]
cų́šge — nephew, direct address [hl]
cųšgéra — her grandson [h-R1, h-R2]
cųšgexjįnįgera (ttoAo dK Kitti ni KL) — my little grandson [r-HO]
cųšguni — absence, none [m]
cų̄šgų́nį — empty, depleted, to be (all) gone [we, hl]
cųšgúni — he was without [rv-F]
cųšguni — never, no [m]
cųšgúnį (ttAo dKo ni) — no [jb-SE]
cųšguni (ttAo dKo ni) — none [sb-HW]
cųšgúni — nothing [m]
cušguni — they were without [r-WB]
cų̄šgų́nį — to be without [hl]
cų̄šgųnį — to be without [r-CL]
cųšguni — to exhaust [m]
cųšgúni — without [rs-S, jf-J1a]
cųšguni (ttAo doKo n[i]) — without [sb-TD, r-T, m]
cųšgų́nįge (ttAo doKo ni Ke) — they are all gone [jc-T]
cušgunigše — he was without [r-WB]
cųšgunī́ną — not any [bp-L]
cųšguniną́kše — he did not have [jb-CM]
cųšgunira (ttAo dKo ni L) — without [jb-P, r-D]
cųñškánų — O grandson [lp-N]
cųškoni (chun-shko-nee [j]) — none [j]
cųškunye — there is none [d]
cųwahi — to make possible [m]
cų́wahi — to make possible for all [m]
cųwakšaną (ttoAow Kd n) — there are a lot [r-TB]
cuwegara — the gray plover [d]
cuwekpešogara — a species of plover; has lumps on the forehead [d]
cuwekskara — the small white plover; stripes on the neck, short neck, chunky body; lives on the high prairie. [d]
cuwi (chu-wee [j]) — aunt [j]
cų̄wį — aunt, father’s sister [hh]
cų̄́wį (ttAo wi) — aunt, father’s sister [l-N, hl]
cū́wį́ — father’s sister [mn]
cų́wįga (ttAo wi K) — aunt [l-N, l-O]
cųwų́s — fishy smell or taste [mn]
cųwųspą́nąték — strong, sharp fishy smell [mn]
cux — to clash ? [vid. cus] [m]
cuxątera (chuke-hut-er-rah) — common rat [cf. wicuk xate] [ge]
cųxjįánąga — they had plenty, and [h-R1, h-R2]
cųxjįnąkše (ttAo xitti n Kede) — he had lots [r-HO]
cū́žą́k — cousin (mother’s niece), granddaughter [hl]
cų̄žąk — granddaughter, niece [hh]
cų̄́žąk — granddaughter; niece from mother’s brother [mn]
cū́žą́kinu (ttAo d Ki no) — eldest granddaughter [l-TS]
cū́žą́kinura (ttAo d Ki no L) — < cū́žą́k-hinura, eldest granddaughter [l-TS]
cųže (ttAo de) — he had [l-S]
cųže (ttAo de) — he had plenty [r-HO]
cųže (ttAo de) — he was born [l-B]
cųže (ttAo de) — they had [r-TB]
cųže (ttAo de) — to give birth to, she gave birth [bp-TP, h-R1, h-R2, l-SM, r-T, r-TB, m]
cųže (ttAo de) — we have [r-Y]
cųžǫ́genú — my niece [h-R1]
cwąk ’éja hotí — to go up (as going upstairs) [hl]
cwēk — snipe [hl, hh]
cwḗk — snipe [mn]
cwēk — woodcock [hl]
e — a demonstrative pronoun that refers to something mentioned before [lp]
e (e) — and [sb-L, sb-TD, l-M, l-O, l-P, l-SM]
é — at [rh-T]
e — emphatic personal pronoun, "he, they" [hz-C, da]
e (e) — for him [r-E]
e — for that reason [sb-BW]
ē — he [jb-HS]
é — he [ss-WI]
e (e) — he himself [ch, jb-P, l-P, r-P1, r-TB, ss-WI]
ē — he himself [r-HD]
é — he himself [ss-WI]
é — he said (it) [ss-BO, w-TI]
e (e) — he, she, it [ha, lt-C, lt-F, lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, d, jc-F, g-H, ch, hz-L, hz-O, p-F, jh-M, rv-F, jb-AM, jb-B, jb-DC, jb-DE, jb-I, jb-J4, jb-K, jb-P, jb-P2, jb-R, jb-SE, jh, sb-BT, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TB, sb-TD, sb-TJ, sb-TM, sb-W, jc-T, bp-A, bp-TA, bp-TC, bp-TP, h-R1, h-R2, h-T, l-B, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TC, l-TM, l-TS, l-TT, rv-A, r-BB, r-BC, r-BS, r-C, r-CL, r-D, r-E, r-F, r-FP, r-H, r-HC, r-HO, r-I, r-J, r-O, r-P, r-S, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-V, r-WB, r-WH, r-Y, j, lp, ss-BW, ss-WP]
é — he, she, it [k, lt-C, lt-I, rw-W, l-P, w-TI, fu]
e (e) — here [hz-L, sb-L]
ë — him [h-H]
é — him [h-TG]
e (e) — him, her [d, jh, jf-J1b, ch, rv-F, sb-L, h-R1, h-R2, l-M, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-BB, r-BC, r-D, r-E, r-O, r-T, r-TW3, r-WB]
e (e) — himself [l-SM]
e (e) — his own [bp-TPN]
e — his, her [rt-T, h-R1, h-R2, r-WB]
e (e) — I [l-MS, r-S]
e — in this (that) place, way; here, there, thus (with suffixes and stems) [m]
e (e) — it [rv-A, l-P, r-TW3]
e (e) — it itself [r-TW3]
ḗ — it, this [mn]
e (e) — say [sb-L]
é (e) — she remarked upon [l-P]
e (e) — so [ch, al, jb-P, sb-BT, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, l-M, l-P, l-TS, r-BC8, r-BS, r-C, r-D, r-H, r-TW3, r-V]
é — so [rg-G]
e (e) — so that [l-SM]
e (e) — talking [l-N]
é — that (one) [lt-I, lt-R, lt-U, r-DC]
e (e) — that [lt-C, lt-I, jf-J1b, jb-I, jb-SE, sb-BT, jc-T, r-D]
ḗ — that [mn]
e — that way [jf-J1a, m]
e (e) — the one(s) [sb-L, l-MT]
e (e) — them [d, rv-F, jb-I, jb-J4, jb-P, jb-SE, sb-TJ, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, r-D, r-FP, r-HO, r-Y, j]
é — them [ss-WI, w-TI]
é — then [fu, ss-BW]
e (e) — then [jf-J1b, r-C, r-E]
ĕ — then [rv-A]
e (e) — there [sb-F, jc-T, l-N, l-P, l-SM, l-TM, l-TS, r-C, r-I]
e (e) — these [jb-MR, h-R2, r-H, r-Y]
é (e) — these [jb-SE]
e (e) — they [d, g-H, jh-M, rw-W, jb-MR, jb-P, jb-SE, jb-SN, sb-E, sb-L, sb-TD, sb-V, sb-W, jc-T, bp-TA, l-M, h-R2, h-TM, l-E, l-N, l-P, rv-A, r-BB, r-BC8, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HC, r-HD, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-WB, r-WH, r-Y, j]
ē — they [jb-HS]
é (e) — they [k, lt-C, lt-TB, rv-F, jb-SE, sb-N, r-CL, ss-PS, ss-WI]
e (e) — they themselves [r-C, r-T, r-TW3]
é (e) — this [jb-SE, fu]
e (e) — this [l-L, l-O, rv-A]
e (e) (ay [j]) — those [jc-T, j]
e (e) — to answer [sb-TD]
e — to burn [m]
e — to direct [r-SD]
e — to her [h-R1, h-R2]
e (e) — to say, he said [lt-C, lt-F, lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U, p-B, jb-MR, r-BS, r-D, r-H, r-Y, j, lp, m]
é — to say, he said [lt-C, lt-I, lt-I, lt-U]
ḗ — to say, he said [mn]
ḗ — to sing [mn]
e — to speak [lp]
e (e) — to them [jb-SE]
e (e) — with him [jc-T]
e ’uñgigíže — he gave him that power [h-TG]
e aipį́ge (ey liAi Ke) — I like it, therefore [jb-SE]
e aninerena — it belongs to him or them [d]
e hánį̄gi — he had one [jb-DE]
e kik’uinekjena — is in itself [b-G]
e nąjų̄jaįréną — they blessed me [r-A]
e wa’ų̆gáją — he did it [rv-A]
e wacĕxigáją — it is difficult [rv-A]
e wairéną — they said it [h-TG]
e wak’ajéna — one who digs [su-W]
é weže — he said it [h-TG]
e- — the third person emphatic pronoun [lp]
é-ajowèną — [it] has gone by here [h-B]
e-ak’iriogiwaíreną — they have gone by here [jb-F]
e-áni — having it [jb-PM]
ĕ-aniéja — he has there [rv-A]
e-howį́kerekjéra — let us go back there [rv-F]
é-ogiweną — he went that way [jh]
e-okixábikjawìną — you will be company for us [jh-M]
e-órawašèrekjanèną — you will go into [rh-S]
é-owagirèną — they went by [jh]
é-owarèną — he went there [jh-M]
e-owárešgùni — there he went [rh-S]
e-oxá (eyo xA) — the falls [l-TC]
é-rakik’ûkjanáwiną — you will choose it [rv-F]
e-šaną — nothing but [r-WB]
e-že — he said [r-WB]
e’sagų́kje — he will use as a cane [rs-S]
é’sge — so [jc-S]
e’sge — that is why [jc-S]
e’ų́gi — as he created [jb-N]
e’ųra (ā-oo-ra [j]) — maker [j]
éagaíra — so sometimes [h-R1, h-R2]
eagiže (ey Ki de) — he made it [l-B]
eą́kaga — they never [jb-P2]
eąké (eya Ke) — so not [jb-P]
eąkē — so not [jb-WM]
eąkeoiranįkjege (eya Ke oyi L ni Kette Ke) — so that they would not do it [jb-P]
eákikížu — they two [rw-W]
eamani-ahiajē — go walk by him [r-BD]
ĕánąc — all [rv-A]
eaną́ci (ey n ttAi) — they all [jb-SE]
ēaną̄́cį̄xjį — all of them [r-HD]
ēaną́jwarác — he will select people for [r-HD]
eanieja — in [b-LK]
eanieja — to their own [b-LK]
eánįkiriną́ — he brought them [r-HC]
eánįkjanèną (ey ni Ktt ne n) — he will have it [jb-SE]
eā́nina — his [jb-PM]
ĕánina — theirs [rv-A]
ĕanínera — theirs [rv-A]
ĕanįnéra — theirs [rv-A]
eaninéreną́ — it (animate) belongs to him or them [f]
eanira (ey ni L) — he took it [l-O]
eánįra — his life (the life which he has) [su-W]
eaniraje (< e-hanira-aje) (ey ni L tte) — take it anyway [r-D]
eanírera — their own [su-B]
eaniteną (ey ni te n) — I have taken it already [r-D]
earájiréną — they were the ones appointed [r-HC]
eat’enįnekjaneną (ey tee ni ne Ktt ne n) — they will kill you for that [jb-P]
eáwa’ų — therefore [r-DC]
eažok’ū́ — they left the contents in the bottle [jb-WM]
ec’ąį́ñgirús — he, instead of me, took it [lp]
écą (e ttA) — and instead [r-O]
écą (e ttA) — but [sb-L, l-O, r-BB]
écą (e ttA) — but instead [sb-L, r-TB]
écą (e ttA) — indeed [r-BB]
écą (e ttA) — instead [jb-F, sb-TD, sb-W, r-TB, l-P, r-TW3, r-WH]
ecą́ — instead [rv-A]
écą (e ttA) — then [sb-HW]
éca (e ttA) — there [jb-P, sb-A, sb-B, sb-D]
écą (e ttA) — this time [r-BB]
eca — toward [cf. ca] [m]
éca c’iré — live there [su-W]
ecąga ([e tA K]) — then [r-BS]
ecainéže — he went [rw-W]
ëcakárohiže — he was his friend [rh-S]
ecaniné — there you belong [f, d]
ecaráwa — towards it [jb-J4]
ecaráwašérekjanéną — you’ll go towards [jb-J4]
ecawaíreže — go towards there [jb-DE]
ecawáje — start out for there [rv-F]
ecawekjanahawiną (e ttA we Ktt n A wi n) — we will go to it [r-WH]
écawekjanéną — we’ll go towards [rv-F]
ecawékjonéną — he is going to go to [bb-B]
ecawéže (e ttA we de) — to go toward it [jb-F, bp-TW]
écawína — his wife [rt-T]
écge — even [rv-A]
ecíra — he had to provide for [al]
econi (e ttAo ni) — first [l-M, r-BB, r-T, r-Y]
econi (e ttoAo ni) — the first [bp-TA]
écónı̨́šge — the very first [ss-PS]
econíxjį — first [r-TC]
econī́xjį — he first [r-V]
econíxjį — they first [jb-S2]
éconį̀xjį (e ttAo ni Hitti) — first [jb-SE]
ecoweja (e ttAo we tt) — at the head [r-Y]
ecoweja (e ttAo we tt) — in front [r-Y]
ecowéra — he, the first [r-HD]
écų — instead [cf. cų, to possess, have] [h-O, h-W, m]
ecų — there instead [h-R1, h-R2]
eehiwanąkše (ey e Ai w nK deAe) — he was talking about [r-BS]
eek — to damage, break up [m]
ēg' — and [ss-HM]
ēg' — then [ss-HM]
ega (e K) — as he said it [l-P, r-D]
ega (e K) — he would say [r-D]
ega (e K) — that he said [l-SM]
ega (e K) — when he said [l-O, l-SM]
ega (e K) — when he would say [r-T]
egacį́ja — here where [rv-F]
égacikjanéną — I’m going to have a lodge here [rv-F]
egahanihekjanahawiną (e K A ni Ae Ktt n A wi n) — here we will be [l-M]
égahirírekjeną — they are coming back here [r-HD]
egają (e K tt) — as he said this [r-BB, r-D]
egają (e K tt) — by saying [sb-F]
egają (e K tt) — having burned it [r-BB]
egają (e K tt) — he does [l-LM]
egáją — he said [h-B, h-W]
egają (e K tt) — he said [l-N, r-BB]
egają — he said it, and [p-M]
egáją — he said then [h-O, h-T]
egają (e K tt) — he said, and [l-E, l-N, l-SM]
egają (e K tt) — he said, but [l-O, l-TC, r-D]
egają (e K tt) — so [bp-TPN]
egają (e K tt) — they had said it [sb-L]
egają (e K tt) — when he did it [r-BB]
egają (e K tt) — when he had said it [sb-TD, bp-TC]
egają (e K tt) — when he said (this) [bp-P, r-I, r-BB]
egáją wąk (e K tt wK) — (what do) you mean by talking to me? [jc-T]
egáją wánąk (e K tt w nK) — it means to say [l-L]
egajinąkšaną — he comes over here [rv-F]
eganąc (< egi hanąc) — and all of them [p-M]
eganįsgexjįs’ažeže (e K ni rKe xitti ra de de) — you used to tell, he said [r-D]
égapahí — toward here [mn]
egasgexjįs’ahare (e K rKe xitti ra A Le) — you used to talk about [r-D]
egášge — he told it [jh-M]
egášge — he would say, but [h-R1, h-R2]
egášge (e K dKe) — he would say [r-E]
egažige (e K di Ke) — and besides [r-BS]
ege (e Ke) — because he told him [r-C]
egé — because he told them [ss-WI]
egé — he said [jb-T4]
ēgḗ — he said [r-V]
ége (e Ke) — he said [rv-F, sb-L, h-R1, h-R2, l-SM, ss-WI]
ege — he said [rv-F]
ege (e Ke) — he said, so [l-B]
egejinį (e Ke tti ni) — he said, so [l-O, r-O]
egeréną — here it is [h-T]
egešųnųną (e Ke doAo no n) — he [always] says [l-B]
égi (e Ki) — again [jb-P]
égi (e Ki) — already [l-MT]
égi (e Ki) — also [l-P, l-TM]
ḗgi — and [bp-L]
ēgi — and [jb-DE, ss-HM]
egī — and [jb-HS]
ḗgī — and [jb-HS]
egí — and [lt-F, w-TI]
egi (e Ki) — and [lt-M, lt-U, hz-C, rh-P, jf-J1b, jb-SE, b-G, sb-N, h-R1, h-R2, rv-A, j, ss-B, ss-BW, ss-HM, ss-WI]
ēgi — and [ss-HM]
égi (e Ki) — and [universally attested]
égi (e Ki) — and here [l-P]
égi (e Ki) — and then [sb-E, sb-L, jc-T, bp-TA, l-N, h-R1, h-R, l-TS, 2r-BB, r-I, r-Y, ss-WI]
égi — as [p-C]
égi (e Ki) — as it was [l-P]
égi (e Ki) — as well [r-TW3]
égi (e Ki) — but [hz-O, jb-B, sb-E, sb-L, h-R1, h-R2, l-N, l-SM, l-TS, r-H, r-O]
ḗgi — but [jb-HS, r-HD]
égi (e Ki) — even then [l-TF]
égi (e Ki) — from here [jc-T]
égi (e Ki) — he asked [l-MT]
égi (e Ki) — he said [r-TW3]
égi (e Ki) — he said, but [l-LM]
égi (e Ki) — he said, so [jc-T]
égi (e Ki) — he would say [l-TS]
egi — hence [hz-C]
égi (e Ki) — here (place specified or understood) (< e, a demonstrative pronoun refering to something mentioned before, +-gi, a suffix designed to produce demonstrative adverbs) [jf-J1b, ch, rv-F, al, jb-D, jb-DD1, jb-F, jb-MH2a, jb-MH2b, jb-SE, sb-HW, sb-TD, sb-TJ, sb-V, jh-M, rh-S, rh-F, rw-W, p-C, h-B, h-C, h-G, h-T, bp-TC, sb-BT, sb-F, sb-L, sb-P, sb-TM, jc-T, bp-A, bp-TA, bp-TO, bp-TP, bp-TPN, l-E, l-LM, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-S, l-SM, l-TC, l-TM, l-TV, l-TF, l-TS, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-I, r-J, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-Y, su-B, su-W, lp, m, w-TI]
egi — here [h-B, h-H, hz-L, rv-A, r-S, j]
ḗgī — here [jb-HS]
ḗgi — here [mn]
égi (e Ki) — here [r-C, su-B, ss-S]
egí — here [rs-S, h-W, h-R1, h-R2, l-MT]
égi — here it is [rv-F]
égi — if [ha]
egi — in addition [ss-S]
égi (e Ki) — in the meantime [r-TW3]
égi — indeed [jb-S1a]
ḗgī — now [jb-HS]
égi (e Ki) — now [jb-K, jb-MH1, sb-TB, r-A, r-E,r-V]
egi — now [r-WB]
égi — now then [h-R1, h-R2, l-TS]
egi (e Ki) — now then [l-O, r-WB]
égi (e Ki) — so [jb-S1a, jc-T, l-N, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-C, r-D, r-E]
egi — so [ss-SE]
égi (e Ki) — so now [l-P]
égi (e Ki) — so then [l-N, l-P]
égi — that [jh-M, jc-F]
égi (e Ki) — then [g-C, lt-C, rs-W, rh-T, ch, hz-L, hz-O, rg-G, p-C, p-M, jf-J1b, rv-F, al, jb-AM, jb-CLS, jb-CM, jb-CS, jb-DC, jb-DD1, jb-F, jb-G, jb-HM, jb-I, jb-J4, jb-K, jb-KX, jb-MR, jb-P, jb-P2, jb-PM, jb-S1a, jb-S1b, jb-SD, jb-SE, jb-SS, jb-WM, sb-BT, sb-E, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TB, sb-TD, sb-TJ, sb-V, h-O, h-T, rt-T, jc-T, bp-A, bp-P, bp-TA, bp-TC, bp-TP, bp-TPN, l-B, l-E, l-L, l-LM, l-M, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-S, l-SM, l-TC, l-TF, l-TM, l-TS, l-TT, rv-A, r-A, r-BB, r-BC8, r-BD, r-BS, r-C, r-CL, r-D, r-E, r-F, r-FP, r-H, r-HD, r-HO, r-I, r-J, r-O, l-P, r-P1, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-V, r-WH, r-Y, su-B, ss-BW, ss-F, ss-WI, fu]
ḗgi — then [jb-DE, jb-HS, mn]
egi (e Ki) — then [jb-HS, jb-N, jb-SE, sb-L, sb-P, sb-TB, hz-C, h-R1, h-R2, l-TV, rv-A, r-S, r-WB, ss-WI]
ḗgī — then [jb-HS]
egí — then [lt-C]
ēgi — then [su-B, ss-HM]
ēgi — there [bp-L]
egi — there [h-T, rv-A]
ḗgī — there [jb-HS]
égi (e Ki) — there [lt-R, rs-S, jb-F, jb-K, jb-SE, rh-S, rh-T, bp-P, bp-TB, bp-TC, bp-TW, l-B, l-LM, l-MT, l-N, l-P, l-S, l-TM, l-TS, h-W, h-R1, h-R2, bp-L, r-D, r-HO, r-T, r-Y]
égi (e Ki) — they [sb-L, l-B]
égi (e Ki) — they said [r-TB]
ḗgī — thus [jb-HS]
égi (e Ki) — thus [l-P, r-E]
egi (e Ki) — well ... [jh-M, h-C, h-O2, r-Y]
égi (e Ki) — well (exclamation) [ch, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, sb-V, l-B, l-N, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-I, r-T, r-TB]
egí — well [h-T]
egi — well [hz-L, h-R1, h-R2, rv-A, r-WB]
ēgi — well [ss-HM]
égi — when [jb-K]
egi — when he asked for it [p-T]
égi (e Ki) — when he had said [sb-TD]
egi — when he said it [p-M]
egí — when raised in pitch it means, "and, er .... (pause)" [su-W]
égi ageregi (?) — that is [r-B1]
égi hereną́ną — should be right here [su-W]
egi higajíną — repentant [m]
egi kanąkre — set it here (imperative) [hh]
egi t’ųpre — put it here (imperative) [hh]
égi žigé — now [sb-N]
egi-hížą — then one [r-S]
egiakra (e Kiy KL) — he is located here [sb-HW]
egiákše — she lay [h-R1, h-R2]
égieréną — it is right here [su-W]
égiga — then there [h-R1, h-R2]
egigają (e Ki K tt) — then [r-D]
egigająga (e Ki K tt K) — only when he spoke [l-M]
égigajini (e Ki K tti ni) — maybe [jb-P]
égigajini ( e Ki K tti ni) — maybe then [jb-P]
égigajini (e Ki K tti ni) — then [bp-A, l-SM]
égigájīni — then [r-HD]
égìgé (< égi žigé) — and also [ss-B]
égīgé — then again [ss-BO]
egihikanągwira — he put us here [hz-L]
égihisgé — and also [hz-L]
eginąkšaną — he sits, and [hz-L]
eginąkšaną — here it was [r-A]
egiówacehi (< egi howacehi) — and tribe [ss-WS]
égip’a — from here [su-W]
Egipt — Egypt [b-E]
egįreja (e Ki Le tt) — I have been here [r-E]
egįreja (e Ki Le tt) — then [l-P]
egireže (< égi-hare-že) (e Ki Le de) — then he went [r-D]
egíšaną (e Ki dA n) — only [l-SM]
egišăną̆ — true only [rv-A]
egíšanąréšge — even there [rv-F]
égišge — and indeed [jb-S1a]
egíšge — and on the other hand [h-R1, h-R2]
egišge (e Ki deKe) — at this place [jc-T]
égišge — besides [jh]
egíšge — indeed [jb-K]
egišge — near (?) [rw-W]
egíšge — yet [rv-F]
egixjį (e Ki xitti) — about here [r-H]
égixjį (e Ki xitti) — and just then [rh-S, l-TS]
egixjį (e Ki xitti) — here [sb-TJ, jc-T]
egixjį (e Ki xitti) — here about [l-M]
égixjį (e Ki xitti) — here at [r-D]
égixjį — just about then [r-V]
égixjį (e Ki xitti) — just then [ch, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TJ, l-O, rh-T, h-O, r-D, r-T, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y]
égixjį (e Ki xitti) — then [l-TS, r-T]
egixjį — when [hz-O]
egixjįšana (a-gix-je-sha-na [j]) — momentary [j]
égižą — and one [p-M]
égiže — he made it sound [h-B]
égiže (e Ki de) — he said [r-E]
egíži (e Ki di) — as he said [jc-T]
egiži (e Ki di) — he asked [l-MT]
egíži (e Ki di) — he said [jb-DE, jb-S1a, h-O, h-TM, h-R1, h-R2, bp-TP, l-S, r-BB, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
égiži — he said that [rt-T]
egíži (e Ki di) — he said, and [l-B, l-N, r-H, r-O]
egiži (e Ki di) — he said, and [l-SM]
egiži (e Ki di) — he said, but [jc-T]
egiži — he said, so [ch, l-B]
egíži (e Ki di) — he said, so [jc-T, l-P, l-TM, l-TS, r-D, r-O]
egíži — he says [sb-TM, h-T]
egiži (e Ki di) — he told you [l-M]
egiži (e Ki di) — if he said [jb-P]
egíži — if he says [r-TC]
egiži (e Ki di) — so [jc-T]
egíži — so she was saying [jb-MR]
egíži — they said [sb-W]
egiži (e Ki di) — when he had said [sb-F]
egiži (e Ki di) — when he had spoken [l-O]
egiži — when he said [r-WB]
egiži (e Ki di) — when he said this [r-D]
egiži — when he speaks [r-BC]
egižige (e Ki di Ke) — he asked [again] [l-MT]
égižige — then again [jb-KX]
egoraíšibwiánąga — you go through this, and [rv-F]
egruhanehara’ų — they went on [r-WB]
egų (e Ko) — and [l-P, ss-S]
égų́ — and [ss-BO]
égų — and [ss-WI, ss-WP]
egų — and so [ss-WI]
égų — and then [ss-S]
egų — and then [ss-SE]
egų — now [ss-SE]
egų — that way [ss-SE]
égų — then [ss-BO, ss-BW]
égų́ — then [ss-BO, ss-WI]
egų — then [ss-HM, ss-S]
egų — this way [ss-HM]
egų — well [ss-B, ss-S]
égų — well [ss-BO, ss-WI]
ēgų — well [ss-HM]
égų́ — well [ss-WI]
egųšge — even [ss-HM]
éǧera (aaghz´aarar) — earbobs [k]
ehamąkaragicįkjeną (e A m K L Ki ttiAi Kette n) — so let us live there together [bp-TP]
ehanaxgu (a-ha-nax-gu [j]) — to mind (attend to) [j]
ehąninera (ā-harninayra [j]) — theirs [j]
ehapahi — to start out [cf. e, to scatter; pa] [m]
eharapahikjoneną — you will start out [r-BC]
eharašjane (ā-ha-rash-ja-nā [j]) — to inherit [j]
éhare — he said [jc-F]
ehé — O my [jb-J5]
ehekišora (ā-hā-ke-sho-ra [j]) — mate [j]
eherehíreže — he was made (caused to be) [r-K]
ehi (e Ai) — to talk about [l-TS]
ehirowe (ā-he-ro-wā [j]) — accord [j]
éhišgága — this time [jc-S]
ehišge (e Ai dKe) — now this [jb-P]
ehó ehó — an exclamation [sb-J6]
eho-eho-ho — an affirmative exclamation used in the Medicine Rite [jb-BH]
eho-o-o eho-ho-o — eho-o-o eho-ho-o, a cry made in the Medicine Rite in imitation of the sound of water suddenly turning to steam [jb-HS]
eho-o-o wehā́ wehā́ — eho-o-o wehā́ wehā́, a cry made in the Medicine Rite in imitation of the sound of water suddenly turning to steam [jb-HS]
eho-o-o-o eho-ho — eho-o-o-o eho-o-o-o, a cry made in the Medicine Rite in imitation of the sound of water suddenly turning to steam [jb-HS]
eho-o-o-o eho-o-o-o wehā́ wehā́ — eho-o-o-o eho-o-o-o wehā́ wehā́, a cry made in the Medicine Rite in imitation of the sound of water suddenly turning to steam [jb-HS]
eho-o-o-o eho-o-o-o wehā́ wehā́ eho-eho-ho — eho-o-o-o eho-o-o-o wehá wehá eho-eho-ho, a cry made in the Medicine Rite in imitation of the sound of water suddenly turning to steam [jb-HS]
eho-o-o-o wehā́ wehā́ — eho-o-o-o wehā́ wehā́, a cry made in the Medicine Rite in imitation of the sound of water suddenly turning to steam [jb-HS]
ehok’ųhira (e Ao Koo Ai L) — they give us [r-WH]
ehorakše — he told him that [p-F]
ehowahikekeną (e Ao w Ai KeKe n) — we shall [go] by him [sb-HW]
ehowaikarawigiži (e Ao wy K L wi Ki di) — we should go there [r-H]
ehowárekjanéna — there she’ll go [rt-T]
ehowinekjeną (e Ao wi ne Kette n) — let's go [r-TB]
eigiže (ey Ki de) (eyi Ki de) — he made it say [bp-TA]
eįkéogit’ųranįkjege (eyi KeAeyo Ki too Lyi L ni Ktte Ke) — so that the others would not get into it [jb-P]
eiki — and [mck]
eipaicera (eyi lyi tteAe L) — angel [jb-P]
eirakšakša (< e-hirakšakša) (eyi L KdA KdA) — you abuse her [jb-P]
eiruką́nąkjeną (eyi Lo KA n Kette n) — she will take charge of [jb-P]
éisgè — that way [cp. žesge] [w-TI]
eiži (ey di) — but [l-SM, r-D, r-T, r-TB]
eiži (ey di) — instead [sb-L, r-O]
eiži (ey di) — surely [r-D]
ej' — in (for eja) [ss-HM]
éja (e tt) — around about [r-E]
éja (e tt) — at [g-C, rs-S, sb-F, sb-TB, bp-TP, l-N, l-O, l-SM, r-BC8, r-BS, r-E, r-HO, r-O, r-TW3, r-Y]
ejá — at [lt-I, lt-TB]
eja — at [r-WB]
éja (e tt) — by him [l-P]
éja (e tt) — from [l-N]
éja (e tt) — from then on [jc-T]
éja (e tt) — from there [jc-T, bp-A]
éja (e tt) — here [sb-N, l-P, r-E]
eja — in [rv-A]
éja — in [ss-F]
éja — in a place [ss-B]
éja — in it [lt-I]
éja — in that place [ss-B]
éja (e tt) — into [l-L]
eja (e tt) — just then [l-P]
eja (ā-ja [j]) — on [j]
éja (e tt) — on [jb-SE, r-WH]
éja (e tt) — place [l-B]
eja — right there [rh-P]
éja — right there [rh-P]
éja (e tt) — since then [l-TF]
éja (e tt) — that [jb-P]
éja (e tt) — the place [l-B, l-P]
eja — the place [r-WB, j]
eja (e tt) — then [jb-SE, r-S]
éja (e Ki) — then [l-P]x
éja (e tt) — then [lt-I, jb-HS, sb-E, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, sb-TJ, h-T, jc-T, bp-TA, bp-TC, l-B, l-M, l-O, l-P, l-SM, r-BS, r-E, r-H, r-TW3, r-V, r-WH, r-Y]
ēja — then [ss-HM]
ḗjā — there [jb-HS, bp-L]
éjā — there [jb-HS]
eja (e tt) — there [jf-J1a, jf-J1b, ch, rs-S, jb-A, jb-FF, jb-R, jb-SE, jh, rw-W, e-B1, rh-O, rv-A, bp-L, r-BC, r-S, r-WB, ss-HM, ss-SE, ss-WI]
éja (e tt) — there [l-TS, ss-BO, ss-BW, ss-WI, ss-WS]
ejá — there [lt-C, lt-I, lt-TB, lt-U, jb-HS]
ḗja — there [mn]
ēja — there [ss-HM, ss-W]
ĕ́ja — there [su-B]
éja — there, in that place [ss-PS]
éja (e tt) — there, place mentioned or understood (< e, a demonstrative pronoun refering to something mentioned before, +-ja, a suffix designed to produce demonstrative adverbs) [universally attested] cf. Dakota, héci.
éja (e tt) — thereat [jc-T, r-TB]
éja (e tt) — towards it [r-Y]
éja (e tt) — when [jb-SE]
eja — whence [b-G]
ḗjā — where [jb-HS]
eja — where [jb-R, jh, r-WB]
éja (e tt) — where [or at] [ch, jb-SE, sb-TD, jc-T, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-SM, r-E, r-H, r-O]
eja epa — from thence [b-G]
ḗja gająga (e tt K tt K) — then [r-E]
éja hagí (e tt A Ki) — thereat where [l-M]
eja kąnąre — set it there (imperative) [hh]
eja raišgu — you (sg.) were over there [cf. gu, to come back; je?, standing] [m]
eja t’ų̄pre — lay it there (imperative) [hh]
eja-hikšákše — there he was laughing [h-R2]
éja-hožéją-heréną — that is the end [h-R2]
ejacą́ — thereto [jb-F, rw-W]
éjacą — thereto [jb-F]
ejag — there was [r-WB]
éjageže (e tt Ke de) — there he was [r-D]
éjagi (e tt Ki) — on the way [r-E]
éjagi (e tt Ki) — so then [l-S]
éjagi (e tt Ki) — there (at) [jb-F, h-T, r-FP]
ejagiži (e tt Ki di) — there he is at [sb-L]
ejagiži (e tt Ki di) — there it was [l-M]
ejagiži (e tt Ki di) — there she was, and [l-TS]
ejahi — from there [ss-W]
ejahí — there [rs-S, jb-F, r-BC]
ējahi — there [ss-W]
éjahi — there at [h-T]
éjahímįgánąga — he lay too [jc-F]
ejahio (a-ja-he-o [j]) — to adorn [j]
ĕ́jahiránăga — there they got it, [and] [su-B]
éjahiwígają́ — after we got there [lp]
éjahiwígi hajíranąną — if we went they would come [lp]
ejájegi — that stood there [sb-N]
éjajegìži — that was there [jb-O]
éjajena — it is there standing [su-W]
ejajéže — he saw [jmc-B]
éjají — there [rw-W]
ejak — to be there, remain there [cf. jak] [m]
éjak’i — to be there [jb-F]
éjak’sane — it is there lying [su-W]
ejaki — in them [b-E]
ejakí — in there [jb-WM]
ejakšaną (e ttK dA n) — he is there [l-TM, r-TW3]
éjakšē — it lays there [r-A]
ejakše (e tt Kede) — there it lay [r-O]
ejakše (e tt Kede) — there it was [l-O, r-D]
ejakše (e ttK deAe) — there was, there were [e-B1, r-BB, r-BS]
éjakše — there were [e-B2]
ejakšgúni — there was [rh-W]
ejanaheną (e Ktt n Ae n) — he will say it [r-D]
ejanaįkjéra — it will be there [jf-J1a]
ejanąki — he was there [hz-L]
ejaną́ki — that is who he was [jb-MR]
ejanąki — there was [rh-F]
éjanąksana — it is there sitting [su-W]
ejānąkšaną — it is on [r-A]
ejaną́kšaną — it was there [h-R2]
ejanąkšaną — there it was [r-A]
ejanáñkše — it was there [h-O]
ejaną́kše — there it was [rv-F]
ejanáñkše — there they were [h-C]
ejanąkšgúni — there it was [h-R1, h-R2]
ejanikše (e tt niKi deAe) — he cried out [r-BS]
ḗjanokiži — there it was [bp-L]
ḗjapahí — toward there [mn]
ejare — hurrying [cf. jire?, to go by] [m]
ejareja (e tt Le tt) — over here [sb-L]
éjareške (e tt Le deKe) — even then [sb-HW]
ejášaną — however [rv-F]
ejášge (e tt dKe) — there [jb-P, l-O]
éjašge — there [ss-WI, ss-WS]
éjašgųnįže — perhaps at that place [ss-WS]
ejat’éže — there he died [h-R1, h-R2]
ejáwajikéreže — he went straight at them there [rv-F]
éjawą́k’sana — he is there walking around, moving (walking along a road, moving along doing something) [su-W]
ejawakjahireže — they saw [hz-L]
ejawewiže — they went towards it [hz-L]
ḗjaxjeré — to fit into [mn]
ejaxjį — about [b-LK]
ejáxjį (e tt xitti) — about that time [r-P, r-TW3]
ḗjaxjį́ — about there, about that time [mn]
éjaxjį — all the way [r-P]
ejáxjį — at about [sb-TM]
ejaxjį (e tt xitti) — directly [bp-TPN]
ejaxjį — in those times [ss-HM]
ejaxjį (e tt xitti) — just about [bp-TPN]
ejaxjį — just at that moment [ss-SE]
ejaxjį (e tt xitti) — perhaps [r-TB]
éjaxjį — perhaps [w-TI]
éjaxjį́ — perhaps [w-TI]
ejaxjį (e tt xitti) — probably [r-D]
ejáxjį — probably [rv-A]
ejaxjį (e tt xitti) — right at it [jc-T, r-D]
ejaxjį — right there [ss-SE]
éjaxjį — right there at that spot [ss-PS]
ḗjaxjį (e tt xitti) — there [l-P, r-V]
ejaxjį (e tt xitti) — there [r-D]
ejáxjį — there exactly [rv-A]
ejaxjį — where [r-WB]
éjaxjį́ — about there [r-HD]
éjaxjįnira (e tt xitti ni L) — at that very place [bp-TO]
ḗjaxjįnį̄́sge — about there, about that time [mn]
ejaže — there it was [rv-F]
éjaži (e tt di) — at that time [r-E]
éjaži (e tt di) — then [r-E]
éjaži (e tt di) — there again [bp-TO]
éjažigé — there again [hz-L]
ejažigižą (e tt di Ki d) — then the next one [l-M]
ejere — hurrying [r-SD]
ejere (< eja heré) — there he was [ss-WI]
ejeréną — they belong there [su-W]
ejereną́ną — there it was [su-B]
éjererá — ones that belong there [su-W]
ejeréra — the ones who belong there [su-W]
ejereže (e tte Le de) — there he is [sb-L]
eji’uį́rekje — they would use there [rv-F]
ejigújerihìže — he shot [jb-O]
éjihirakíruxē — they would sit in a row [r-HD]
ejijéwa — there I struck [h-T]
ejikšákiše — there she was laughing [h-R1, h-R2]
ĕ́jip’áną̆ga — from there and [su-B]
éjiraną́k — it followed [r-TC]
ejirehi (a-je-rā-he [j]) — to exclaim [j]
ejižą (e tti d) — the next one [l-M]
ejogízeánąga — she dished it into, [and] [rs-S]
ejohówiránąga — they went by there, and [rs-S]
éjokawaireže — they entered [jb-L]
éjokawanąga (e tto K w n K) — she had crept, and [l-SM]
ejokít’at’anihéže — she remained speaking to him [rs-S]
ejonąpį́xjįže — there was a good camping place [al]
ejorok’ų́že — he went with them [there] [jb-MR]
ejowáji — it came from [r-P]
ejōwājī — it originated [jb-HS]
éjowajíreže — there they came from [r-TC]
éjowákaraíreže — they went back to there [h-R1, h-R2]
ejowaranąga (e tto w L n K) — go, and [l-TF]
ejowaranįąje (e tto w L niya tte) — don't go there [jb-P]
ejowareže (e tto w Le de) — he went to the place [r-E]
ejowareže (e tto w Le de) — instead he went there [jc-T]
ejowareže (e tto w Le de) — there he went [r-BS]
ejowé — there about [jb-B]
éjowínek’jéno — there let us go [h-R1]
éjowį́rekjéną — there let us go [h-R2]
éjožeją́neréną (< éja-hožéją-heréną) — that is the end [h-R1, h-R2]
ek — to damage, break up [m]
ék’janegáją — she would say [h-R1, h-R2]
eka (e K) — he had said [bp-TW]
ekanąkires’aže (e K nK Ki Le ra de) — he was swallowed (cp. ikanąk) [r-D]
ékaratàwiną (ey K L t wi n) — it is what we asked for [jb-SE]
ékena — to say habitually, to say often [d]
ekera (e Ke L) — you always were wanting [r-D]
éki — and [g-C, sb-B, sb-K, sb-T5]
eki — if (Hdn) [d, j]
éki — then [g-C]
eki — then [sm-E]
ékigò (e Ki Ko) — and then [jb-SE]
ekipihirege (e Ki liAi Le Ke) — they like best [l-M]
ekižeškena — at the same time [d]
ekižéškeną́ — simultaneous [f]
ekjanahege (e Ktt n Ae Ke) — it is what he would say, so [l-B]
ekjanaheną (e Ktt n Ae n) — he will say [r-D]
ekjanaheną (e Ktt n Ae n) — he will tell you [r-D]
ekjanahera (e Ktt n Ae L) — he is going to say [r-D]
ekjanégi — he was going to say [jb-DE]
ekjaneną (e Ktt ne n) — he will ask [r-J]
ékjanéną — he will say [jb-J4]
ekjaneną (e Ktt ne n) — he will say [r-D, r-J]
ekjaneną (e Ktt ne n) — he will tell you [r-D]
ekjanéna — he’ll say [rt-T]
ekje (e Kette) — he could say [l-B]
ekjegewegųnį (e Kette Ke we Ko ni) — he must have a message [l-TS]
ékjonihéna — he’ll say [rt-T]
ékonógigíže — he let him marry [h-O2]
ekowákere — go toward [rt-T]
ekwaka (ake-waka [j]) — both [j]
Emerson eja — Emerson, Nebraska [hh]
én’ — he said [fu]
èn’ — he said [fu]
en’ — he said [ss-B, fu]
eną — he said [jf-J1a, r-TW3]
éną (e n) — he said [rv-G, jh-M, jf-J1a, jf-J1b, jb-P, jb-SE, jb-WM, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TB, sb-TM, h-R1, h-R2, l-B, l-E, l-MS, l-P, r-B1, r-B2, r-BC, r-BD, r-BS, r-CL, r-HD, r-HO, r-S, r-TC4, r-TW3, r-V, r-Y, ss-B, ss-WP, su-W, fu]
éną̆ — it is said [rv-A]
ena — saying [b-E]
éną — they said [r-BD]
ena — to say [d]
eną’įwįre — try to say [r-BC]
enąbozakje — to erect a post [cf. e, there ?; ną, wood; za, to erect] [m]
ēnąbózakjēnegiži — if he would place a stake (pole) [r-V]
enąbozákjonegìži — to place a victory pole [cf. ną, wood; za, to erect] [m]
ĕnaínera — theirs [rv-A]
enaįxjį (e ny xitti) — I could [l-TM]
enaįxjį (e ny xitti) — I could be able to do [bp-A]
enaįxjį (e ny xitti) — I wonder [r-WH]
enaį́xjį — I wonder [rv-F]
enaįxjį́na — I wish very much [jb-WM]
enaį́xjįna — would that [rv-A]
enaį́xjįra — assuredly [rv-F]
enaį́xjįra (e nayi xitti L) — I wish very much [jb-P]
enaį́ži — by this time [rv-F]
enąjojąže (e-nąjoją-že) — he blessed him [r-BD]
enéki (< e-inéki ?) (e ne Ki) — alone [l-SM]
enekixjį (e ne Ki xitti) — all alone, a variant of inekixjį [l-TS]
enerena (ane-nay-ray-na [j]) — to belong (it is mine) [j]
eni (e ni) — the stones [l-M]
enįgᵉra — his son [al]
enį́gera — his son [jb-W]
éniñgwahíra — his sons [jb-D]
eninąka (e ni n K) — the stone [r-BB]
enínera — their [rv-A]
enira (e ni L) — the stone [l-P]
enižą (e ni d) — a stone [l-O]
enkure (ane-ku-ra [j]) — bring (imperative) [j]
enúgᵉra (enúkᵉla [mck]) — mother's sister [mck]
eocieja — he was of the house (lineage) [b-LK]
eocieja — his own house [b-LK]
eocieja — to his own house [b-LK]
eokiweže (eyo Ki we de) — he went by it [r-BS]
eónąkšį (eyo n KdiAi) — as they were taking the place of [jb-SE]
eoragnañke — those things which were told to them [b-LK]
eórawarak’aranąną — you can go back there [sb-FF]
eorawawišge (eyo L w wi dKe) — if you go near there [r-TB]
eowáhunį́kjonéną — there will not be any coming here again [bb-B]
eowahuže (ey w Ao de) — he himself went [l-P]
eowairegiži (eyo wy Le Ki di) — we should go over [l-SM]
eowaireže (eyo wy Le de) — it went [r-H]
eowakaraireže (eyo w K Ly Le de) — they went home [r-H]
eowakarawire (< e-howakara-wi-re) (eyo w K L wi Le) — go back to there [r-I]
eowakere-wahikjaneną — he shall turn toward [b-LK]
eówakeréže — there he went [rw-W]
eowánįkjonéną — he will not go into [bb-B]
eówaráiregi — when they were to go to him [ss-WP]
eówaráireže — they went there (to him) [ss-WP]
eowaraireže (ey o w Ly Le de) — they went to [r-D]
eówaráireže — they would go there [ss-WP]
eowaráje (eyo w L tte) — you must take it [l-SM]
eoware (eyo w Le) — to go there [l-P, r-TB]
eoware (eyo w Le) — to go, he went [l-B, r-D, r-TB, r-TW3]
eowarēhígiži (< e-howarē-hi-giži) — he sent them [jb-PM]
eowárekjonéže — he’s going [jc-F]
eowaréną (eyo w Le n) — there he would go [jb-SE]
eowareweže (eyo w Le we de) — there he went [l-B]
eowareže (eyo w Le de) — he went [l-SM, l-TM, r-BS]
éowáreže — he went [rs-S]
eowareže (eyo w Le de) — she went towards it [l-SM]
eowareže (eyo w Le de) — there he went [r-BS, r-H]
eowį́nekjéra — let us go over there [rs-S]
ep’á — after [h-B]
ep’a — from now on [jb-V]
ep’á — from that (point) on [rs-S, r-P]
ép’a — from that place [jb-F, r-P]
ép’ā — from that time [r-V]
ép’a — from there [jh]
ép’a — since then [r-TC]
ép’a — that far [h-R1]
ep’á — thus far [h-T]
ep’į́ną — it is good [p-B]
ep’ína — it would be good [rw-W]
ep’įnawiną — we did good [jb-H]
ep’íniwahàną̆k — I should not say it [rv-A]
ép’ip’a — from there [su-W]
ĕ́p’į̀xcįną́ — it is a really good one [su-B]
ép’įxcįną́ną — the're real good [su-W]
epa (e lA) — after that [l-P, r-WH]
epa (e lA) — beginning [r-O]
épa — ever since that time [lt-M]
epa (e lA) — from now on, from henceforth [b-LK, rv-F. r-D]
ḗpa — from that point (in space) [mn]
epa (e lA) — from that time on [jb-HM, l-P, r-T, r-TB, r-WH]
épa — from that time on [jb-S1a, ss-WS]
epá — from then on [jb-HM]
epa (e lA) — from then on [sb-L, r-T, r-TB]
epa — from there [jb-J4]
epa (e lA) — from this time on [l-N]
épa (e lA) — henceforth [jb-SE]
epa (e lA) — henceforth [r-TB, r-WH]
épa — since [jb-B]
epa (e lA) — since that time, ever since then, from then on [h-C, b-LK, r-Y, j]
ēpa — since that time, ever since then, from then on [r-CW, mn]
épa — since then [h-TM]
epa (e lA) — since then [jb-SE, r-T]
epa — that far [h-R2]
epa (e lA) — then [b-G, jb-P]
épa (e lA) — then after [jb-SE]
epa (e lA) — thence [bp-TB]
epa (e lA) — this far [sb-F]
épa — thus [jb-S1a]
epa (e lA) — thus far [sb-F, l-P, r-TB, r-Y]
épa — to then [rw-W]
épa — up to [jb-S1b]
epara (ā-pa-ra [j]) — extent [j]
épašgḗ — from that time on [jb-WM]
epe (e lAe) (for epa?) — thusfar [r-C]
epį (e liAi) — good [r-Y]
epį (e liAi) — it is good [r-TW3]
epį (e liAi) — it was good [r-H, r-Y]
epį (e liAi) — it would have been better [sb-L]
epįgają (e liAi K tt) — it is better [r-Y]
epį̄gáją (e liAi K tt) — it is good [jb-PM, r-TW3]
epįgają (e liAi K tt) — it is good [r-TW3]
epįgáją (e liAi K tt) — it is good [rv-F, jb-SE, jc-T, l-TS]
epįgáją (e liAi K tt) — it is good, [isn't it?] [r-TW3]
epįgáją (e liAi K tt) — it is good, and [r-TW3]
epįgáją (e liAi K tt) — it was good [r-TW3]
épiñkjanèną — it will be good [jh-M]
epíną (e liAi n) — it is good [ch, jb-SE, sb-BT, sb-E, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TJ, h-B, h-G, l-B, l-M, r-BB, r-D, r-E, r-I, r-J, r-T, r-WH, r-Y]
epina — it is good [jb-PM, r-WB]
epįną (e liAi n) — it is good [r-TW3]
epį́ną (e liAi n) — it is good [rv-F, jb-K, jb-SE, l-N, l-P, l-SM, r-O, r-HO, r-TB, l-TS]
epíną — that’s good [h-C, r-D]
epįnaną (e liAi n n) — it will be better [r-E]
epįnaną (e liAi n n) — it would be better [l-P]
epįnaną (e liAi n n) — it would be good [r-TB]
epinažige — it is good [hz-L]
epįnįže (e liAi ni de) — is it not good [r-TW3]
epinóno — it would be good [h-R1]
epį́ra — it was good [jb-CM]
epirakjaneną (e liAi L Ktt ne n) — you will do me good [r-BB]
epįraną (e liAi L n) — you did right [l-B]
epįrawiną (e liAi L wi n) — you did well [sb-L]
epįrawiną (e liAi L wi n) — you have done right [sb-L]
epįxjįnagają (e liAi xitti n K tt) — it will be very good [sb-HW]
epįxjįnagiži (liAi xitti n Ki di) — it would be best [l-P]
epixjįra (e liAi xitti L) — the better [sb-L]
erá — he had said [jb-WM]
erá — he said [jb-P2]
éra (e L) — he said [p-M, l-TS]
era (e L) — his mouth (cp. ira) [r-D]
éra — saying [ss-WI]
era (e L) — that he spoke of [sb-L]
era (e L) — to say, he said [b-Lk, rv-F, l-N, r-BS, r-TB, r-TW3]
era — work [m]
érai-įkerekjōnàwiną̆ — we will scatter home [rv-A]
éraš — from that [r-DC]
erašguninaže (e L doKo ni n de) — you will be through with it [r-D]
erašwa’ųminąkše (e Ld w o mi nK deAe) — he was naming them there [l-M]
eraxeže (e L xe de) — much was said [sb-V]
ére — it is he (emphatic pronoun) [lp]
ére — it was the aforesaid [lt-C]
ere wągenągere? — is this the man? [rv-A]
eregają (e Le K tt) — it is, he is, he was [e-B1, e-B2, l-SM]
éregi — when they did [al]
eregišaną — only he is [r-BC]
eregų — it must be [ss-SE]
eregųnį (e Le Ko ni) — it must be him [l-TS]
ereguniarwigi — it must be it they said [hz-L]
erehí (e Le Ai) — he made it [r-HO]
erehíže — he made it [jb-I]
eréhiže — he walked [rs-S]
erehúną — it’s coming [r-BD]
érek’įránañga — he went as it, and [jb-R]
erekjanaheną (e Le Ktt n Ae n) — he will be it [l-SM]
érekjanaheną (e Le Ktt n Ae n) — it is to be [l-MT]
éreną (e Le n) — he is it [r-Y]
ereną (e Le n) — he is the one [sb-L]
erenā — him [sm-E]
eréną — it is [e-B1]
ereną (< e-hereną) — it is [jb-J5, r-G]
éreną (e Le n) — it is [jh, e-B2, rv-F, rv-G, jb-P, jb-S1a, sb-TJ, r-BS, r-D]
éreną (e Le n) — it is he [jh-M, rw-W, r-T, r-Y]
éreną (e Le n) — it is the one [r-Y]
éreną (e Le n) — that is it [r-D, r-T]
eréną — they did [jh]
ēreną — way to go! (“That’s it”direct translation) [hh]
éreni — it was time [rv-F]
ereníną — she is not [p-B]
ereno (aaraanoa) — he [k]
eréno (aaráanoa) — him [k]
erera (e Le L) — to be it [r-T]
erereną (e Le Le n) — they are (it) [rv-G, jb-P, r-BC]
eréreną (< e-herereną) — they are [r-G]
erereže (e Le Le de) — it was [r-TB]
eréreže — they did [rv-F]
Erešgúni-oñka — the Devil [cp. Herešgúnina] [h-B]
erešgúnina (< herešgúnina) — devils [h-B]
éreže — he was it [r-B1]
ereže (e Le de) — he, she, it was [sb-L, l-O, r-BB, r-D, r-H, r-T]
erežé (< herežé) — it was it [jb-A]
ereže (e Le de) — they did [l-N]
ereže (e Le de) — they dispersed [bp-TW]
ḗreže — they dispersed [ss-WI]
ereže (e Le de) — they scattered [bp-TW]
ereže (e Le de) — they separated [bp-TW]
éreže — they were [jb-MH1]
ereže — to disperse [r-SD]
eri-agigíwinįgi — if we did not displease him [sb-TM]
erohą — many of you [p-T]
érohí — for a body [rs-S]
eruk’ánągigik’jegi — he will put it in charge of [jb-T3]
eruk’ónoną — in control [sb-TM]
erukonaįreže — they were to serve [r-BC]
erušjąjekjégi — so it would be ready [al]
es’áže — he used to say [sb-TM]
es’áže (e ra de) — he would continue talking [l-TS]
es’áže (e ra de) — he would say (it) [sb-TJ, h-R1, h-R2, bp-TP, l-N, l-SM, l-TS, r-D, r-H, r-Y]
és’áže — she always said [ss-WS]
esącaeca — beyond, on the other side [d]
esagų́kje — he will use as a cane [rs-S]
ésg' — therefore [ss-WI]
esga (e dK) — here [l-P]
esga — that [ss-SE]
ésge (e rKe) — and [l-TS]
esge — and so [h-B, r-BC]
ésge — and so [jb-F, h-B, h-R1, h-R2, h-T, r-B1, r-B2, w-TI]
ésge — and thus [h-R2]
ésge (e rKe) — as [l-P]
esge — because (that is why) [b-G]
ésge — because [jb-HM]
esge — because that [b-G]
esge — caused [b-G]
esge — for [b-LK]
ḗsgĕ — for [jb-HS]
ésge — for that reason [p-M, r-A]
ḗsge — for that reason [ss-WP]
ésge (e rKe) — for this reason [jb-F, r-J]
ēsge — in that way [ss-HM]
ésge (e rKe) — is why he did it [r-BB]
ésge (e rKe) — it is the reason [r-BS, r-T]
ésge (e rKe) — it is why [r-C, r-D, r-T, r-TB]
ésge — just so [rv-F]
esge — nevertheless [b-LK]
ésge (e rKe) — so [cf. sge, uncertainty ?] [hz-L, hz-O, h-R2, rv-F, jb-P, jb-SE, sb-BW, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-V, h-T, jc-T, bp-A, bp-TA, bp-TB, bp-TW, l-B, l-E, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-S, l-SM, l-TS, r-A, r-BB, r-BC8, r-BD, r-BS, r-C, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-I, r-O, r-S, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-WH, r-Y, ss-WI, ss-WS, m, w-TI]
esge (e rKe) — so [hz-C, jb-SE, fu, ss-BO, ss-HM, ss-SE, ss-WS]
ésgé — so [ss-BW, ss-PT, ss-WS]
ēsge — so [ss-HM, ss-SE]
ḗsge — so [ss-S, ss-WI]
ésgé — so [ss-WI]
ésge (e rKe) — so now [l-SM]
ésge (e rKe) — so that is why [r-T, r-Y]
ésge (e rKe) — so therefore [ch, sb-BT, l-MT, l-P, r-H]
ésge (e rKe) — that is how [sb-V, l-B]
ésge (e rKe) — that is the reason (why) [r-H, r-HO, r-TB]
ḗsge — that is why [jb-DE]
ésge (e rKe) — that is why [rw-W, ch, hz-O, rv-F, jb-P, sb-L, sb-TJ, jc-T, l-B, l-L, l-MS, l-MT, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-S, l-SM, l-TC, l-TS, r-BB, r-E, r-F, r-H, r-HO, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-WH]
esge — that way [ss-SE]
esge — then [ss-SE]
esge (e rKe) — therefore (that is why) [b-G, b-LK, hz-L, p-F, hz-C, jb-SE, bp-TW, bp-TP, l-L, l-M, l-TF, r-B2, ss-BW]
ésge (e rKe) — therefore [ch, hz-O, p-B, p-M, rv-F, jb-MR, jb-P, jb-SE, sb-BT, sb-E, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, sb-TJ, jc-T, bp-TA, bp-TB, bp-TC, l-B, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TC, l-TS, r-A, r-BB, r-BC8, r-BD, r-BS, r-C, r-CL, r-D, r-E, r-FP, r-H, r-I, r-P1, r-T, r-TB, r-TC, r-TW3, r-V, r-WH, r-Y]
ésgé — therefore [fu]
ḗsge — therefore [ss-WI]
ésge (e rKe) — this is the reason [r-T]
ésge (e rKe) — this is why [r-B1, r-TB]
ésge (e rKe) — this is why [r-T]
ésge (e rKe) — thus [cf. sge, uncertainty ?] [jb-I, jb-K, jb-S1a, sb-W, l-L, l-O, r-BC8, r-BS, r-CL, ss-WS, m]
ésgè — thus [fu]
esge — thus [ss-BW, ss-WS]
ḗsge — thus [ss-S]
ésgé — thus [ss-WI]
esge — wherefore [b-E]
ésge (e rKe) — yet [jc-T]
esgegųnį (e rKe Ko n) — it is why [l-N]
ésgiąkága (< ésge hą́kaga) — so never [h-R2]
éske — and for that reason [sb-TM]
eske (e-skā [j]) — because [j]
éske — because [lt-R]
éske — so [sb-N]
eske — so [sb-TM, r-WB]
ĕskĕ — so [su-B]
ĕ́skĕ — so [su-B]
éske — that is [g-C]
éske — therefore [lt-I, lp-N, lp-S]
eske — therefore [r-WB, j]
éske — through [sb-TB]
éske — thus [sb-TM]
ĕskĕ́xcį — just so [su-B]
ĕš’ųánăga — you use that, and [su-B]
eš’ųkjéną — you will use it [jb-K]
eša (e dA) — alone [sb-E]
éšaną — alone [jb-F, r-BC]
ešana (e dA n) — he alone [r-H, r-T, r-TW3]
éšaną (e dA n) — he alone, only he [sb-BT, l-TT, r-BB, r-P1]
éšąną̆ — he only [rv-A]
ešana (e dA n) — he only [sb-L, r-T]
ešana (e dA n) — him only [jb-P, r-D, r-I]
éšăną̆ — it only [rv-A]
ešana (e dA n) — it was all [r-BS]
éšaną (e dA n) — only [rh-T, jb-S1a, h-G, jc-T, l-SM, r-B1, r-B2, r-BB, r-CL, r-WH, r-Y]
éšaną (e dA n) — only him [l-SM]
éšăną̆ — only if [rv-A]
ešana (e dA n) — only them [r-D, sb-V]
ešana (e dA n) — only they [hz-C, r-D]
ešana (e dA n) — only, alone (cf. Omaha, ešna, ehna; Dakota, iṡnana) [d, sb-L, r-D, r-E, r-I, r-T]
ešana (e dA n) — that only [r-O]
ešana (e dA n) — that was the only one [l-B]
éšana (e dA n) — the only one [jc-T, bp-L]
ešana (e dA n) — the only one [r-I, r-T]
éšăną̆ — the only one [rv-A]
ešana (e dA n) — the only way [r-T]
ešana (e dA n) — these alone [r-E]
ešana (e dA n) — they alone [sb-L]
ešana (e dA n) — they only [r-TB]
éšaną heré — he is the only one [lp]
Ešana Hiraijeranaga — the Highest, a title of the Christian god [b-LK]
Ešana Hiraijeranaga Hinigra — the Son of the Highest, a title of Jesus [b-LK]
Ešana Hiraijeranagra — the Highest, a title of the Christian god [b-LK]
ešaną kiképewį — selfish [jb-S1a]
éšanąherége (e dA n Ae Le Ke) — he was alone [r-Y]
ešanąšge (e dA n deKe) — except this one [l-O]
ešanąšge (e dA n dKe) — the only one [l-SM]
ešanaxjį (e dA n xitti) — that only [r-BS]
ešanáxjį — that only [rh-S]
ešanaxjį (e dA n xitti) — the only one [r-Y]
ešanaxjį́nįk — that was all (the only) [rw-W]
éšge — therefore [ss-WS]
ešgúni — he said [h-B, h-R1, h-R2, h-T]
ešguni (e doKo ni) — he said [p-B, r-BB]
ešgų́nį (e dKo ni) — he said [r-C]
ešguní — he says [jf-M]
ešgúni — they said [h-T]
ešguniže (e doKo ni de) — he said [jc-T, r-BB]
ešgų́nįže (e dKo ni d[e]) — he said [r-C]
eši (e di) — but, however [b-G, b-LK, b-LP, hz-L, sb-L, r-TW3]
ešiga (e diAi K) — she told him [r-E]
ešige (e diAi Ke) — because [sb-F, l-N]
ešjosanasra (esh-jo-sanas-ra [j]) — complexion [j]
éškune — she said [g-C]
eškúni — he said, saying [g-C]
eškuniže (e doKo ni de) — he said [l-B]
éšonuna — he used to call them [jb-D]
ešónuną — he used to say [jb-D]
ešukra (ay-shuk-ra [j]) — elbow [j]
ešunúną (e dAo no n) — he used to say [jb-SE]
ešųnųną (e doAo no n) — he used to say [l-O, l-SM]
ešųnųną (e doAo no n) — he used to tell me [r-TB]
ešųnųną (e doAo no n) — he would say [r-T]
ešųnųra (e doAo no L) — he used to say [l-O, l-SM, r-TB]
etaehireže — they could start [r-BC]
Eten — Eden [b-G]
Eten-eja — out of Eden [b-G]
etétena, plural of té-e, tä-ä — this [g-H]
etirewikjanahawiže — we direct [cf. ti, to move; e, to speak, hawi] [m]
Eup’rat — Euphrates [b-G]
Ewa — Eve [b-G]
éwa-’unàñkšaną — she is doing it [h-W]
ewa’ųgḗ — since he has so ordained it [jb-DE]
ewa’ųjeną (e w o tte n) — he is the one [l-M]
ewa’úną — he did it [rh-T]
éwa’úną — he made it [jb-DD2]
ewa’uną́kšaną — he was [e-B1]
éwa’unáñkšaną — he was [e-B2]
éwa’unàñkšaną — it is [jh-M]
ewa’uną́kšăną̆ — it is the one doing it [rv-A]
ewa’ų́nąkuni — it must be he [jb-DE]
éwa’ųšgune — [he] was the one that [rh-O]
ewa’ųže — he made it [r-BC]
ewacĕ́xigają — it is harder [rv-A]
ewagajéną — she, he meant [sb-TM]
ewagéną — he meant [p-B]
éwagéną — I meant [r-TC]
éwagi’ų́ — for that reason [jb-S2]
ewagigíže — he had them say it [jb-D]
ewagiona (a-wagi-o-na [j]) — meaning [j]
ewagiona (ā-wagi-o-na [j]) — to mean [j]
ewai’ŭą́kše — it is the cause of it [jb-WM]
éwai’uínegē — it is the cause of it [jb-WM]
ewaírekjonéna — they’ll say [rt-T]
ewaíreną — they say [jb-P2]
éwak’éną — one who digs [su-W]
ewakaraírekijege — there they were to go, so [h-T]
ewakícų̄kdje — he ate with him [r-HD]
ewaną́capše — she discovered them by walking [h-T]
ewanąga (e w n K) — his talk, and [l-O]
Ewangelium — Gospel [b-LK]
ewanína — his own [al]
ewarúc — they ate [jb-F]
éwarucą́ — it was the attendant [r-HC]
ewarucono — he eats [ha]
ewasgerérekáragíreže — they made plates out of them [jb-A]
éwaų́ — he caused it [lt-TB]
éwaúines’akjanihéže — they would be the ones that would do it [h-R1]
ewawa’ųnañkíži — he [himself] had done all that to them [h-B]
ēwāwāgā́nąkšaną̄ — it is what is meant [jb-HS]
ewawakérekjanáwiną — we will go back here [rv-F]
ewawažą (e w w d) — this is something [r-Y]
ewawirukṓnairékjonéną — then they would [put] in charge of [r-V]
éwažą́wahigé — because she is something to them [lp-N]
ewé — he spoke [sb-W]
ewegi — he spoke to them [b-LK]
ewehi — to annoy [d]
éweną — he said that [su-W]
ewiráruhǫk’ — making eight [jb-F]
ewiruku — sacred regalia in the Peyote religion [m]
ewirukura — sacred regalia in the Peyote religion [m]
ewitáni — he made three [jb-S1b]
éwociražįnànąga — they lived, and [jb-F]
ewogíxunạ̀ną (e wo A Ki dAe Le n Kd n) — they would look after [jb-SE]
ewórianineną (e wo Leya ni ne n) — it is their work to do so [jb-SE]
ewowat’égĕnĭką̆́ją — it is easier [rv-A]
ewušánižé — he didn’t stop [jb-DD1]
éx éx! — the sound pigs make [h-H]
éxcįná — straight toward something [lt-I]
exéte — a big killing [h-O]
éxjį — absolutely [m]
éxjį (e Hitti) — directly [jb-SE]
exjį (e xitti) — exactly [r-T]
éxjį — he himself [jf-J1a, jb-I]
exjį (e xitti) — he himself [r-D]
exjį (e xitti) — himself [jb-F, ch, hz-L, hz-O, bp-TC, r-D, r-WH]
éxjį — himself [jb-KX]
ēxjį́ — himself, herself, itself (emphatic) [mn]
exjį (e xitti) — his own [bp-TB, l-TM]
exjį (e xitti) — in spite of (all) [bp-TC, m]
exjį — most assuredly [b-LK]
exjį (e xitti) — themselves [sb-E, r-Y]
exjį — truly [r-P, m]
exjį (e xitti) — very much [r-BS]
exjį-žare — to caution [cf. ža, to make plain] [m]
exjįhires’aže (e xitti Ai Le ra de) — they would do very much [r-Y]
exjįkjanahegają (e xitti Ktt n Ae K tt) — I suppose he will say very much [sb-TJ]
exjįna (e xitti n) — to him [sb-L]
exjįnąkše (e xitti nK dAe) — he talked very much [r-BS]
exjįnąkše (e xitti nK deAe) — he was saying very much [r-BS]
exjįnéšge — even [jb-T3]
éxjĭ́nĭk — himself [bp-L]
exjįžáre — he cautioned [h-R1, h-R2]
exjįžáre (e xitti d Le) — he said much [r-TB]
exjįže (e xitti de) — he did very much [r-D]
exjįže (e xiiti de) — he said many other things [r-O]
exjįži (e xitti di) — he himself [bp-TC]
exu (aakhoo) — poplar [k]
eyajiyoweže (ey ttiy o we de) — he came across [r-BB]
eyajižuweže (ey tti do we de) — someone went by [bp-TA]
eyáwaténą — then I'm going [rs-S]
eyoginąkše (eyo Ki nK deAe) — it ran that way [bp-TB]
eyowaguže (eyo w Ko de) — there he went home to her [l-TV]
eyowahuže (eyo w Ao de) — it came [bp-A]
eyowáreže (eyo w Le de) — he went [l-LM, r-Y]
eyowáreže (eyo w Le de) — he went there [bp-TA]
éžą (< é-hižą) — one of them [jb-S1a]
ežą́ raírekjané — one of them will go [lp]
éžare — he said [jb-J4]
éže (e de) — he answered [l-M, l-SM]
éže (e de) — he asked [l-B, l-E, l-M, l-MT, l-P, l-TM]
éže (e de) — he called [l-P]
éže (e de) — he did it [r-BB]
ežé — he said [jb-B]
ḗže — he said [jb-HS]
ḗžĕ — he said [jb-HS]
éžē — he said [jb-PM]
eže (e de) — he said [jh-M, jb-F, jb-SE, hz-L, h-B, r-TW3, r-WB, ss-BW, ss-PT]
éže (e de) — he said [universally attested]
éže (e de) — he said to him [r-O]
éže (e de) — he told them [r-Y]
éže (e de) — it is said [sb-E]
éže (e de) — it spoke [r-E]
éže (e de) — they said [r-T, r-Y]
eže’e — these [jb-F]
éže’e — this one [jb-F]
ežéé — he it was [h-O2]
éžee — him [jw-B, h-B]
éžee (e de e) — it was he [l-O]
éžĕĕ — that is [rv-A]
éžee — that one [h-C]
éžegų — so then [h-T]
ežegųže (e de Ko de) — that was all [l-M]
éžesge — that [jb-T]
ežesge — this kind [cp., žesge, this] [m]
ežexjį (leAe de xitti) — I wonder who [l-P]
ežeže (e de de) — he said [l-B]
éži (e di) — but [r-E, r-TW3]
éži — but then [jb-K]
eži (e di) — he said [l-B, r-HO]
éži (for eši ?) — however [r-S, r-TW3]
eži — indeed [jb-WM]
eži (e di) — instead [r-D]
ežiéži — perhaps, possibly [jb-DE]
éžiéži — then [jb-S1a]
ežigé (e di Ke) — and again [jb-P]
ežira (e di L) — his rectum (cp. užira) [r-D]
éžišge — she said [h-R1, h-R2]
ežúksarąhi (ezhook´sararhee) — rifle [k]
ga (K a) — all of them [jb-P]
ga (K) — and [jb-P, ss-WS]
ga — even that [r-WT]
gá — every [lt-F]
ga — far off, yonder, near to the person spoken to, then [m]
ga — gift, to give [vid. gax, gak] [m]
gā (K) — here, take this [ki]
ga! — noise of lightning [h-T]
ga — the one who [lt-M]
ga (suffix) — these [g-H]
gá — when [lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB]
ga herejigó (K Ae Le tti Ko) — here it is [r-TW3]
gá-a, pl. kója, kája — that [g-H]
ga, ka (suffixes) — appended to proper names: Dorseyga [g-C]
gá’a — a demonstrative refering to what is near the person spoken of or else simply far off. [lp, m]
ga’á (K a) — that (one, near him) [ch, bp-TP, l-M, ki, mn]
ga’a — then [m]
ga’á herejigó (K a Ae Le tti Ko) — here it is [r-TW3]
gá’a wagéna — he means that [su-W]
ga’a’ekje (K a e Kette) — let that one say/talk; I hope that one say(s it)/talks [ki]
ga’a’ekjera (K a e Kette L) — let that one say/talk; I hope that one say(s it)/talks [ki]
ga’a’ųkjeną (K a oon Kette nn) — let that one do it; that one will do it [ki]
ga’e (K e) — that one says [ki]
gabiti (K li ti) — sound of galloping horses [ki]
gabrí, gabrí, gabrí — onomatopoetic for running [h-T]
gąc — poke, pull [m]
gac — repentant ? [m]
gąc (suffix) — to glide [ma]
gac — to slide along ? [m]
gáegų — this way [ss-S]
gáeja — yonder [lt-U]
gaga (K K) — gramma (grandma, baby talk [z]) [ki, y, hh]
gága — paternal or maternal grandmother, direct address [hl]
gāga ēra hocira — grandma’s house [hh]
gaga xete — great-grandmother [hh]
gaga’e xųnųnįgra (K K e HoAo noo niK L) — your little grandma [ki]
gaga’era (K K e L) — my gramma (grandma) [ki]
gągąk (Kn KnK) — crooked, twisty, like crooked stick [cf. -gąk] [ki]
gagás (K Kr) — easy to tear, as old gunny sack [cf. gās] [ki, hl]
gagás — to be easily ripped; to be torn in several places [hl]
gagaxete — great grandmother [z]
gagaxéte — great-grandmother [hl]
gagí — there, an unspecified place to a side [lp]
gą̄go’omįnąk (Kn Ko o mi nnK) — whippoorwill [cp. gāgómįnąk] [ki, z]
gą̄góhomįnąk (Kn Ko Ao mi nnK) — whippoorwill [cp. gāgómįnąk] [ki, z, hl]
gāgōmįnąk — whippoorwill [hh]
gāgómįnąk — whippoorwill [hl]
gā́gṓmįną́k — whippoorwill [mn]
gāgómįnąk’ēra — whippoorwill [we]
gągre (KnK Le)(Kn KeLe) — crooked, off kilter, out of straight [cf. -gąk] [ki]
gą̄gų́ (Kn Koon) — like this [cp. gāgų́] [ki, z]
gāgų́ (K Koon) — like this [ki]
gāgų́ (K Ko) — this way [h-R1, h-R2, l-B, mn]
gágų — this way [jb-J4]
gagų — this way, these things ? [m]
gagų́ (K Ko) — thus [l-SM]
gagų hįpine gają — to do; they (plural of respect) should do it [cf. gagų, this way] [m]
gagųhįranąga (K Ko Ai L n K) — this is the way they do [and] [bp-TA]
gagųhowajihirare — in their past accounts of themselves [hz-L]
gagunįk — minor things [m]
gagųyireže (K Koyi Le de) — back (the way they came) [r-Y]
gaǧeraže — he could make them [r-HD]
gaīja — over here [jb-HS]
gaíja — over there [sm-E]
gaíja (Ky tt) — there, near the person spoken of [rv-F, sb-L, lp]
gáisge — this kind. From gá-esge, but often pronounced closer to gáisge [ss-WI]
gaiš’ák (KAai d'aK) — I respect and revere [ki]
gają (K tt) — after [r-O]
gają (K tt) — and [jb-MR, sb-L, sb-N, sb-TB, h-H, jc-T, l-B, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-BB, r-D, r-O, r-TB]
gáją — and [jf-M, jh-M, h-C]
gáją — and so [rh-S, h-G]
gają — and so [ss-WI]
gają́ — and then [r-DC]
gáją — and then [rh-W, rh-S, rh-F, jb-CM, h-O, r-TC4]
gája — and then [sb-W, h-R1, h-R2]
gają́ — and then [ss-WI]
gają (K tt) — and there [l-E, l-TM]
gają (K tt) — as [r-Y]
gają (K tt) — at this time [sb-HW]
gáją — but [jh-M, h-O]
gają (K tt) — but [sb-BT, jc-T, l-L, l-MT, l-O, l-SM, l-TC , l-TS, h-R1, h-R2, rv-A, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-I, r-O, r-T, ss-WI]
gáją — but when [rh-O]
gáją — he went [sb-TM]
gáją — it was [h-C]
gają — just as [jb-MH1, m]
gają (K tt) — just then [l-E]
gáją — just then [lt-C, lt-I, lt-U]
gają́ — just then [lt-U]
gają — just when [lt-C]
gáją — now [jb-FC]
gają (K tt) — now [rv-A, r-D]
gáją — out here [h-T]
gája — out there [h-T]
gają — out there [jh]
gają (K tt) — over [l-B]
gáją — over there [h-B, h-T]
gajá — over there [h-T]
gają — over there [h-T]
gają — perhaps, but [z]
gáją — so that [jb-MH2a]
gáją — that you did [h-C]
gáją — then [jb-C, h-B, rv-A]
gają (K tt) — then [jb-CM, jb-DC, jb-S1b, rv-A, r-BC8, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-I, r-T, r-Y, ss-SE, ss-WI]
gają́ — then [lt-R, m]
gają — then when [g-C]
gają (K tt) — there [jb-DD1, l-M, l-TM]
gaja (K tt) — there [ki]
gajá — there, distant or out of sight [cf., gója, gojá] [lp]
gáją (K tt) — used as a sentence terminator [jb-A, jb-D, jb-F, jb-FF, jb-G, jb-J4, jb-W, rh-T, rw-W, bp-P, bp-TA, bp-TO, h-C, r-P]
gają (K tt) — used as a sentence terminator [jb-CM, jb-DD1, jb-DE, jb-HM, jb-K, jb-MH2a, jb-MR, jb-PM, jb-WM, l-E, rv-A, ss-F]
gaja — used as a sentence terminator [jb-MR]
gają̀ — when [fu]
gają (K tt) — when [jb-MH1, sb-BT, sb-F, sb-L, sb-TD, bp-A, bp-TB, bp-TPN, bp-TW, bp-TP, l-N, r-H, r-I]
gają́ — when [lt-F, lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U, r-DC]
gáją — when [lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U]
gają (K tt) — whence [r-I]
gáją — where [lt-U]
gają égi (K tt e Ki) — when [r-E]
gają-here-giži — so [h-R2]
gająga (K tt K) — and now [r-T]
gająga (K tt K) — and this time [r-BB]
gajáñga — at last [lt-I, lt-M, lt-TB]
gająga (K tt K) — at last [sb-BT, l-O, r-P1, r-TW3]
gajáñga — at length [lt-F, lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-U]
gajañgá — at length [lt-I]
gajáñga — at that time [lt-I]
gająga (K tt K) — at this time [sb-F]
gająga (K tt K) — but now [sb-L, l-B, r-BB, r-C]
gajáñga — by that time [lt-F]
gająga (K tt K) — by this time [r-H]
gająga (K tt K) — even [r-D]
gająga (K tt K) — even now [sb-L, l-B]
gająga (K tt K) — finally [sb-BT, sb-TD, bp-TA, bp-TC, bp-TO, bp-TPN, l-TS, r-D, r-E, r-I, r-P1, r-T, r-TW3]
gająga (K tt K) — finally now [r-BS]
gāją́ga — finally, at last [mn]
gająga (K tt K) — just now [l-N, l-TS]
gajañgá — just then [lt-C, lt-TB]
gajáñga — just then [lt-C, lt-U]
gájąga — now [rv-F]
gająga (K tt K) — now [sb-L, sb-TJ, bp-A, bp-TA, bp-TC, bp-TP, jc-T, l-B, l-E, l-M, l-MT, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TC, l-TM, l-TS, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-I, r-O, r-T, r-Y]
gająga (K tt K) — now also [r-O]
gájąga — now then [h-R1, h-R2]
gająga (K tt K) — now then [r-BB]
gająga (K tt K) — only [jc-T, l-M, r-TB]
gają́ga (K tt K) — only then [l-TM]
gająga (K tt K) — only then [r-Y]
gająga (K tt K) — right now [bp-TA]
gająga (K tt K) — so [l-SM]
gająga (K tt K) — so now [l-B, l-L, l-SM, l-TS]
gająga (K tt K) — so then [l-O]
gájąga (K tt K) — then [h-R1, h-R2, l-M]
gają́ga — then [lt-I]
gajañgá — then [lt-I]
gajáñga — then [lt-I]
gająga (K tt K) — then [sb-L, bp-TB, bp-TPN, bp-TW, jc-T, l-E, r-BB, r-BS, r-C, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-I, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
gajáñga — then at last [lt-R]
gająga (K tt K) — then finally [r-E]
gająga (K tt K) — then only [bp-A]
gająga (K tt K) — there [l-TF]
gajáñga — these [lt-U]
gająga (K tt K) — this time [sb-BT, sb-F, sb-L, bp-TPN, bp-TW, l-SM, r-E, r-Y]
gająga (K tt K) — when [bp-TA]
gajañgá — when [lt-TB]
gajągaške (K tt K deKe) — now [r-E]
gajągaške (K tt K deKe) — now this time [sb-BT]
gajągi (K tt Ki) — from that time on [bp-TB]
gajągina (K tt Ki n) — out a ways [r-D]
gajągo (K tt Ko) — and [r-O]
gajaįxjį (K tty xitti) — a long while [l-B]
gajaįxjį p’a — as long as it will be [al]
gajajega (K tt tte K) — that one [ki]
gająnąkereną (K tt n Ke Le n) — there is [l-M]
gájanga — when [g-C]
gająške (K tt deKe) — but [r-O]
gająxjį (K tt xitti) — in a different direction [r-Y]
gająžegų́xjį (K tt de Ko xitti) — and right off [l-M]
gajegašge — at the same time ? [m]
gajerégiži (< gają-here-giži) — so [h-R2]
gajiną — repentant [m]
gajiną (K tti n) — repentantly [bp-TA]
gájuñga — and now [jb-F]
gájų̆ga — and now [rv-A]
gájuñga — and then [jb-S2, jh]
gájųga — at last [r-S]
gájuñga — just now, and then [r-K, jh-M]
gajųga — now [m]
gájuñga — now [r-K, jh-M, h-C]
gajų̆ga — now [rv-A]
gájų̆ga — now [rv-A]
gájuñga — now then [jh, h-B]
gajuñga — only [jb-B]
gajų̆ga — so then [rv-A]
gájuñga — then [jh]
gajų̆ga — then [rv-A]
gájų̆ga — then [rv-A]
gąk (KnK) — out of line, out of kilter, out of straight [cf. gągąk; cp. ną̄gą́k] [ki]
gąk (suffix) — to be twisted [cf. gąk, nągą́k] [mn]
gak — to give to [vid. ga, gax] [m]
gąk — to twist [vid. gąs, ge] [m]
gąkegra (K Ke KL) — an unidentified species of bird (a hawk) [l-M]
Gąkeka (K Ke K) — Woodpecker, the name of a character in a story (the name actually refers to a hawk) [l-B]
gąkekižą (K Ke Ki d) — a hawk [r-O]
gakira — once [d]
gakiraxjį (K Ki L xitti) — more now [l-M, r-TW3]
gakiraže (K Ki L de) — he was more so [r-T]
gakiraže (K Ki L de) — they were even more [sb-V]
gakse (K Kere) — very still [cf. gikse] [ki]
gakšé — he wept [lp-C]
ganą́ga — that much [lp]
ganahaixjį (K n Ay xitti) — how often [l-B]
ganaį́xjį — very many [rw-W]
ganaįxjį — very much [cf. ’į, to become] [m]
ganaįxjįąkają (< ganaį-xjį-ąka-ją) (K ny xittiy K tt) — there is so much [l-SM]
ganaį̄́xjįąwinųnįgé — as many as there are, but [r-HD]
ganaįxjįgają (K ny xtti K tt) — very much [r-Y]
ganį — to carry; to amount to something ? [m]
ganįk — other ? [m]
Garirea — Galilee [b-LK]
garo (K Lo) — card suit, diamonds [from French] [ki]
gās (Kr) — relating to tearing [cf. bōgás, gagas, gagáss, gigás, mą̄gás, ną̄gás, ragás, rugás, tāgás, wagás] [ki]
gās — tear, scratch [ma]
gas — to cut [lp]
gas (suffix) — to rip or tear paper or cloth [cf. bogagas wahaną, bogás, šurugas, tugas, gas, gigás, nągás, mągás, ragás, rugás, tagás, wagás] [mn]
gas — to tear [lp, m]
gas — to tear open; to inquire about [m]
gąs — to twist [vid. gąk, ge] [m]
gasgáre — even [rv-F, m]
gasgare hiraže — to pay attention to [cf. hire, to think] [m]
gasgexjįgają (K rKe xitti K tt) — when it is just thus [r-TW3]
gasgexjįšųnųgają (K rKe xitti doAo no K tt) — as he is such a peculiar one [l-B]
gáske — like this, thus [lp]
gáske — when [hz-O]
gáskeną (K rKe n) — it is thus [l-P]
gáskenįkšųnųną (K rKe niKi dAo no n) — he is thus [r-E]
gaskéra — thus [rv-F]
gāsre (Kr Le) — torn [ki]
gąš (suffix) — lose possession of [cp. bōgą́š, gigą́š, ną̄gą́š] [ma]
gaš — to be unable ? [vid. gąš, geš, ges] [m]
gaš — to destroy [vid. gas] [m]
gąš (suffix) — to miss, fall short of the mark [cf. bogą́š, gąš, gigą́š, hišjará wagągą́š, hoijéra nągą́š, horagąš, ragąš, rugągą́š, rúkągąškáją, rúkąkąš híranų] [mn]
gąš — to miss, lose, fail [vid. gaš, geš, ges] [m]
gášana (K dA n) — only when [l-B, l-N]
gašga (K dK) — smothered [r-BB]
gašge (K dKe) — but [l-O]
gašge (K deKe) — but [sb-L, sb-TD, bp-TO, l-B, l-P, r-BS, r-Y]
gašge (K deKe) — even when [r-TB]
gā́ten — garden (English loan word) [mn]
gax — to act like [m]
gax — to create, to make marks [vid. gaš] [m]
gax — to make [jb-MR]
gax — to make gifts [vid., gas, gak] [m]
gā́x — to plan [lp, mn]
gaxše — he planned [jb-MR]
gáxše — he planned [jb-MR]
gázire — it is torn [lp]
gažée — that one [jb-KX]
gážeesga — like that [ss-WP]
gážeesge — in that way [ss-WI]
gážeesgégiží — in that way [ss-WS]
gážegų — like that [ss-WS]
gažegų (K de Koon) — like that, that's what I mean [ki]
gážḗsge — in that way [ss-WI]
gážésge (K de rKe) — like that [l-P, ss-BW]
gážèsge — like that [ss-B]
gážeske (K de rKe) — like this, thus [r-Y, lp]
gažeskera (K de rKe L) — something like this [r-Y]
gé — again [ss-WI]
ge (Ke) — and [lt-R, jb-KX, jb-S1a, l-M, r-Y, m]
gé — because [lt-M]
ge — indeed [jb-F]
ge — occasionally [lt-M]
ge (Ke) — so [sb-F, sb-HW, r-I, r-Y]
'ge — so [ss-BW]
ge (Ke) — that is why, it is why [r-H, r-J]
ge — to mean [m]
ge — to wrap around [vid. gąk, gąs] [m]
'gé — truly [ss-WS]
gēbnį́k (Hel ninK) — shallow [ki]
gegeš (Ke Ked) — really bowed, maybe even recurved [ki]
gegominąk (ga-go-me-nak [j]) — whippoorwill [j]
gḗhą — rebounded [jb-HS]
geja — there [hz-L]
gejega (Ke tte K) — the one wrapped around him [l-LM]
gejini (Ke tti ni) — so [l-M]
géjini — that's why [rs-S]
gekunik — it broke (apparently for gikųnų́k, q.v.) [r-WB]
genoxera (geh-noch [Ger]-er-rah) — afternoon [ge, j]
ges — to lack, to be unable [vid. gąš, gaš, geš] [m]
gēš (Ked) — bowed, as bow legs [cf. hū́geš, rugéš] [ki, hl]
géš (suffix) — to be curved [cf. geš, húgeš, rugéš] [mn]
geš — to be curved [hl]
gḗš — to be curved [mn]
geš — to make mistakes ? [vid. gaš, gąš, ges] [m]
geže (Ke de) — and [r-WH]
geže (Ke de) — he said [l-M]
geže (Kede) — there was [r-O]
gi — and (a front clip of égi) [ss-B, ss-S]
gī — arrive returning [lp, m, ma, hl]
gi — he reached there again [lt-I, lt-TB]
gí — he reached there again [lt-I]
gi — if (that) [lt-M]
gí — if [lt-I, lt-M, lt-R]
gi — if [lt-M]
gi (Ki) — so [bp-TP, r-BB, r-O]
gī́ — to arrive returning there [mn]
gi — to be, to do (not used independently) [m]
gį (gen [j]) — to carry [j]
gi — to get back (home) [m, hl]
gi — to remain, have left, (leave) behind [m]
gī (Ki) — to return [r-E, ki]
gi — to return to [hl]
gí — when [lt-C, lt-I, lt-M]
gi — when [lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB]
gi- — a prefix which, if it follows after the object pronoun, expresses the indirect object (for ...). When prefixed to the causative -hi, the latter changes to -gi. The prefix gi- itself never contracts. [lp]
gi- — dative [z]
gi- — grammatical class: by striking. "Hocąk has a set of eight so-called instrumental prefixes which ... add a specific instrumental or manner meaning to the verb." [hl]
gi- — grammatical class: the beneficiary applicative, "a grammatical element of the verb unknown in English. It can be translated in most of the cases as 'for someone' or 'for the benefit of someone'." [hl]
gi- — in behalf of, for, to (a referential pronoun used with the objective personal pronouns) [m]
gi- — instrumental prefix, "by striking" [lp, m, z, hl]
gi- — the causative hi- when preceded by the reflexive k’ara-. [lp]
gi-anihe — to remain, have left [cf. nįhe] [m]
gi-ás — to run away [jb-F]
gi-ásaną — he ran away [e-B1]
gi-ase — she ran away [p-B]
gi-ásguni — ran away [rh-F]
gi-ázera — he ran away [rh-S]
gi-aziréną̆ — they ran away [rv-A]
gi-giži — as soon as he arrived [r-S]
gi-hanaxgų (Ki A n xoKo) — to listen [as a favor] [r-TB]
gi-ką́inešų́nųnạ̀ — usually they tell myths [w-TI]
gi-úineže — they did to them [r-CL]
gi’ą́ (Ki an) — jerk self up, as to pull out seat pad [ki]
gi’ą́(’ą) — to bounce up, bounce up and down [mn]
gi’ą’ą́ — to bounce up (and down) [hl]
gi’ągiži (Ki a Ki di) — when he raised a little [bp-A]
gi’ąjikarare (Ki an tti KA L Le) — to bounce yourself up a bit [ki]
gi’ą́jikereže (Ki a tti Ke Le de) — he bounced up [r-BB]
gi’ás (Ki arr) — having a tasty time [ki]
gi’ás — to run away [m, hl]
gi’asjį́ (Ki arr ttAin) — having a very tasty time [ki]
gi’áš — to spread one’s legs [mn]
gi’é — to be scattered all over, to be splattered all over [hl]
gi’é (rehí) — to scatter something [mn]
gi’é hī — to scatter something all over, to splatter something all over [hl]
gi’ék — to crack (like an egg), to break something (by force) [hl]
gi’oró (Ki o Lo) — card suit, hearts (?) [ki]
gi’ų́ (Ki oon) — do to, make for [ki]
gi’ų — he built [b-G]
gi’ųánąga — he gave to her [h-R2]
gi’úinanįga — if they don't let him [jb-CLS]
gi’úinanìške — if they didn’t permit him [sb-TM]
gi’ų́jirešgùni — he commenced doing it [h-R1, h-R2]
gi’úñkje — I should do to him [jb-B]
gi’ųkjéra — she will do it [jf-J1b]
gi’ų́kjonéną — he would make him [bb-B]
gi’ų́ną — he is making it (for him) [su-W]
gi’ųwaraireže (Ki ow Ly Le de) — he was chased along [bp-TC]
gi’ųwašírege — they told them to do [h-R1, h-R2]
gi’ųwíže — they did it [rv-F]
gi’ų́že — he constructed [r-S]
gi’ųžé — he made him [jb-B]
gīánąga (Ki a n K) — he raised him, and [r-E]
giánąga — he went [jc-F]
gias (Kiyr) — to take flight [l-P]
giasac (Kiyr ttA) — over which they fled [sb-E]
giásaną — she ran away [e-B1, e-B2]
giasanąk (Kiyr nK) — to flee [bp-TB]
giáseną — she ran away [e-B2]
giásgiži — he has run away [jb-B]
giaskáną — he ran away [rh-S]
giásoną — he ran away [e-B2]
giasra (Kiyr L) — to dodge [l-SM]
giasra (Kiyr L) — to flee [sb-E]
giaš — spread out. haiaš, I spread out. raiaš, you spread out. [m]
giáz — to flee, running out of fear [lt-U]
giáz (Kiyr ) — to run away [r-E]
giázenikjegèjeni — he did not run away [jh]
giázikjege — (you) run away [rh-S]
giaziraginįže (Kiy ri L Ki ni de) — they had already fled [r-Y]
giaziréną — they ran away [jh-M]
giázireną — they ran away [jh]
giážemįk — he spread them out [h-T]
gibé — to lay down a card, discard (at cards) [mn]
gic — to tie [vid. giš] [m]
gic’é — to chop off a piece of something [su-W]
gic’é — to skim [lp]
gic’ká — to try, to dig for [lp]
gic’kís — to cut with a scythe [lp]
gicą̄́ — to choose, pick out [j, m, mn, ma, hl]
gicą́ (Ki ttA) — to go and see [l-O]
gicacáš (Ki ttA ttAd) — to rattle against [l-N]
gicacáš — to tap, to knock (more than once) [hl]
gicacaš’ų — secretary, receptionist [hh]
gicaijaxjį (Ki ttAy tt xitti) — I choose [r-D]
gicaírešguni — they chose [jb-HM]
gícąnaragigikjéną — you can make him choose [r-A]
gicáš — to knock, to tap [m, hl]
gicašjįže (Ki ttA ditti de) — he struck him [r-D]
gícąt’jàxjį (< gicąt’į-jaxjį) — choosing by seeing [jb-HM]
gicé — to break, crack, or tear (a piece off) a soft substance by striking [mn]
gicešaną — to alternate [m]
gicex’íšgune — he hated to do it [rt-T]
gicexi (Ki ttAe xiAi) — he dreaded it [r-Y]
gicexí — to dread, to not especially care to do something, to not want to do something [hl]
gicexi — to hate to part with [cf. xi, to be selfish, vengeful] [m]
gicexi-anąge — to dread [cf. xi, to be selfish, vengeful] [m]
gicexiánąga — she dreaded [it, and] [h-R1, h-R2]
gicexige (Ki ttAe xAi Ke) — as he dreaded it [l-B]
gicexíregi — they didn't like [jb-DE]
gicexiže (Ki ttAe xAi de) — he dreaded it [r-B1, r-T]
gicexíže — he regretted it [r-B2]
gicexiže — to be difficult [m]
giceže — to chop (up) [m]
gicgá — to test something (by poking), to probe [hl]
gicgagają — to poke [m]
gicgagają (Ki ttK K tt) — when he had poked around [bp-TA]
gicgaíreže — they tried [rs-S]
gicgaireže — to strike [m]
gicgéže — he was worried [jb-MR]
gicgis (Ki ttKir) — chop, as wood with ax [ki]
gicgis — to chop [hh]
gicgís — to cut off [hl]
gicgís — to cut with a scythe [lp, mn]
gicgis — to cut, cut in two [m]
gicgís — to mow, to chop [we, hl]
gicgisanągi — to cut (a stick) [m]
gícgizirege — they cut [rv-F]
gicgúx (Ki ttoKo x) — across [r-J]
gicgúx — half [jb-J4, m]
gicgúx — to cut across (an area) [we]
gicgúx — to cut through, to take a short cut [mn, hl]
gicgúx hanį́ — to fight off, to sweep away with one’s fighting ability [mn]
gicip — to pound with noise; falls with a thud [m]
gicįwį́ — (clock) strike [mn]
gicįwį́ — to strike (bell or clock), to ring a bell [hl]
gicįwį nų̄p nąga howagįx sāgrera kerepąną jōp nąga sācą haixa — two-forty five (2:45) [hh]
gicįwi nų̄p nąga howagįx sāgrera sācąšąną haixa — two-fifteen (2:15) [hh]
gicįwį nų̄p nąga kisak haixa — two-thirty (2:30) [hh]
gicįwi nų̄pgi — two o’clock (2:00) [hh]
giciwíš — to hit at an angle [mn]
gicįwį́š (rehí) — to tip a baseball [hl]
gickehara (gitch-ka-har-dah) — egg shell [ge]
gickeoskara (gitch-ka-o-skar-rah) — egg white [ge]
gickeozira (gitch-ka-o-ze-dah) — egg yolk [ge]
gickísiranąga (Ki ttiKi ri L n K) — they cut, and [r-H]
gickísránañgá — when they cast it down [lt-I]
gickísranañgá — when they set it down [lt-I]
gickuskara (gitch-koo-ska-ra [j]) — white of an egg [j]
gico (Ki ttAo) — to be born [r-H]
gicóbenįkánąga — he chopped it up, and [h-R2]
gicoínegi — they gave birth to him [jc-F]
gicopnįk — to chop [m]
gicše (Kitti deAe) — they got dim [r-D]
gicuǧera (Ki ttAo xL) — sausages [l-B]
giégi — and then [rg-G, jb-S1a]
giégiraną (Ki e Ki L n) — this when it was [r-TB]
giesga ? — recognize? [m]
giesge ? — recognize? [m]
giga (Ki K) — as she was home [r-H]
giga (Ki K) — to call [r-TB]
gigairánąga — he was told, [and] [rs-S]
gigáją — he got [rs-S, h-G, rh-F]
gigáją — he got to, and [h-H]
gigają (Ki K tt) — it had gotten to [r-BS]
gīgáp — to blow off (as a cover of a steam ketle, piece of canvas off a house); to blow open [hl]
gigás (Ki Kr) — to burst [sb-HW, sb-L, jb-L]
gigás — to rip or tear paper or cloth by striking [mn]
gigás — to tear (by striking), to rip [hl]
gigás — to tear [lp]
gigás há — I tear (by striking), I rip [hl]
gigás hí — to tear (by striking), rip [hl]
gigás rá — you (sg.) tear (by striking), you (sg.) rip [hl]
gigas-hirena — it broke [b-LK]
gigą́š (Ki Kd) — to miss [l-TM, m, hl]
gigą́š — to miss while attempting to strike something [mn, hl]
gigąšarehis’aže (Ki Kd Le Ai ra de) — he would be missed from being struck [bp-TC]
gigąšgiži (Ki K diKi di) — if he misses it [r-Y]
gigąšhireže (Ki K Kd Ai Le de) — he was struck at [bp-TC, m]
gigąšhireže — to miss [m]
gigąšnįže (Ki K dini de) — he would not leave him [r-Y]
gigawa’anagają (Ki K w a n K tt) — it got up, and [l-TF]
gigawa’aže (Ki K w a de) — he arose, got up [l-E, l-SM, r-BB]
gigax (gee-gax [j]) — to rave [j]
gigąži-anąga — to forget [m]
gįge (Ki Ke) — as he can carry [r-TB]
gigekazšguni (Ki Ke Kr doKo ni) — he clubbed him to death (the syllabic expression is highly ambiguous: gigekaz kigekaz, gikegas, etc.) [r-C]
gigí (Ki Ki) — he came home, and [r-O]
gigí [< gi-hi] — to allow, permit, let, cause [we, hl]
gigi (Ki Ki) — to be [bp-A]
gigi (Ki Ki) — to do [l-TS, r-WH]
gigí — to do for (or to someone) [w-T, mn, hl]
gigí — to do to [r-E, mn]
gigi — to make, to recognize [m]
gigí — when he returned [jb-F]
gigi’ék (Ki Ki eK) — crack(ed) (for) another('s), as an egg [ki]
gigiánąga (Ki Kiy n K) — he let him, and [h-R1, h-R2, r-H]
gigianąga (Ki Kiy n K) — he made him, and [l-SM, r-Y]
gigī́cge — to irritate, bother [mn]
gigícgisše — he cut [rs-S]
gigiga (Ki Ki K) — he did for him, and [jc-T]
gigiga (Ki Ki K) — it was done to him [l-TS]
gigigí — he had been made [jb-MH2b]
gigigi — he made him [jb-DD1, sb-P]
gigigi — when he returned [p-F]
gigįgįs (Ki Ki Kiri) — squeaking noise [l-LM]
gigįgįs — to squeak [m]
gigigiži (Ki Ki Ki di) — he did, and [jc-T]
gigigíži — he put, and [jb-FC]
gigihagéja — the late one [r-V]
gigihireže — they did it to him [r-WB]
gigihowe (Ki Ki Ao we) — here he is walking [bp-TC]
gigijeną (Ki Ki tte n) — she made her [l-P]
gigiježe (Ki Ki tte de) — she did [r-T]
gigíjoxirekjanéna — they [will have] knocked out [rt-T]
gigikárap (Ki Ki KA Ll) — counted (for another) [ki]
gigikarapinįže (Ki Ki K L liAi L ni de) — they did not consider it [sb-HW]
gígikjanègi — he’ll send him [jb-MR]
gigikók (Ki Kii KAoK) — hit another's, or for another, making kok (KAoK) sound [ki]
giginą (Ki Ki n) — he did [l-SM]
giginą (Ki Ki n) — he did not do it [r-BB]
giginą (Ki Ki n) — he gave him [jb-P2, r-TW3]
giginą (Ki Ki n) — he made [r-FP]
gigínąį́ge (Ki Ki n i Ke) — he [tried] to do to him [l-MS]
gigínąį́nunige — he tried to do it [but] [rw-W]
giginąk (Ki Ki nK) — one another [r-BB]
giginąkšaną (Ki Ki n Kd n) — they make it [r-T]
giginąkše — they did [ch]
gigínañkše — they did to him [rh-S]
giginaną (Ki Ki n n) — he made [r-FP]
gigináną̆ — he would do [rv-A]
giginįže (Ki Ki ni de) — he did not do it [r-BB]
gīgíp — to be thick, as liquid [mn]
gigipį (ge-ge-pen [j]) — to admire [j]
gigípįgé — he likes for him [r-TC]
gigipįnąkše (Ki Ki liAi nK deAe) — he was delighted with it [l-B]
gigípinigáją — has one a right [jb-WM]
gigipįraninįgają (Ki Ki liAi L ni ni K tt) — he should not have done it to you, but [l-TS]
gigirá — they did [r-V]
gigiránąga (Ki Ki L n K) — he did, and [l-TS]
gigíre — they did it to him [lt-U]
gigíre — to do to them [jb-F]
gigirega (Ki Ki Le K) — if they let [l-SM]
gigirega (Ki Ki Le K) — they did to him, and [l-SM, r-I]
gigirega (Ki Ki Le K) — they treated her, and [l-SM]
gigírega — when they treated him [ss-S]
gigiregają (Ki Ki Le K tt) — they did to him, then [r-WH]
gigíregi — they made for him [jb-B]
gigirekjanaheže (Ki Ki Le Ktt n Ae de) — they will do [r-HO]
gigirekjegi — what they might do [b-LK]
gigíreną — they did it to him [r-B1, r-B2]
gigirera (Ki Ki Le L) — it would happen [r-O]
gigírera — they place it [r-HD]
gigires’aže (Ki Ki Le ra de) — they would always do [r-WH]
gigirešōnų́ną — he is always made [r-A]
gigíreže (Ki Ki Le de) — he made for him [jc-T]
gigireže (Ki Ki Le de) — he was asked [r-E]
gigíreže (Ki Ki L e de) — he was treated [r-TW3, ss-S]
gigíreže (Ki Ki Le de) — they did (something) to him [sb-HW, r-B1]
gigíreže (Ki Ki Le de) — they did [sb-HW, r-H, r-P1]
gigíreže — they did for her [h-R1, h-R2]
gigíreže (Ki Ki Le de) — they did to/for him [jb-WM, r-E]
gigíreže — they gave [ch]
gigíreže (Ki Ki Le de) — they made him [r-D]
gigis’agiže (Ki Ki ra Ki de) — he would make him [l-SM]
gigis’aže (Ki Ki ra de) — he would do [r-T, r-TB]
gigis’aže (Ki Ki ra de) — he would make him [l-SM]
gigisák (Ki Ki rrK) — knocked out (for another('s)) [ki]
gigise (Ki Ki re) — to dish out [l-TS, r-Y]
gigiseže (Ki Ki re de) — he dished out [r-Y]
gigisták (Ki Ki rtAK) — flatten another's or for another [ki]
gįgį́š (Kin Kind) — making grinding noise, sort of like teeth grinding [cf. gįš] [ki]
gigį́š — to be squeaky like shoes [mn]
gigišja (Ki Ki dtt) — to go and look [r-H]
gigit’áp — to give someone an evil gesture, to make a sign of disapproval [mn]
gigiwą́k (Ki Ki wnK — knocked down (for) another('s) [ki]
gigiwi (Ki Ki wi) — I have done [sb-L]
gigiwínine — he was unable [h-TM]
gigíže — (it) gets to him [jf-LT]
gigiže (Ki Ki de) — he caused [jb-CM, jc-T]
gigiže (Ki Ki de) — he did [jc-T, l-P, l-SM, r-H, r-T]
gigíže (Ki Ki de) — he gave them [l-MS, r-Y]
gigíže — he let him [jb-MR]
gigižé — he made [jb-DD1]
gigiže (Ki Ki de) — he made [l-SM]
gigiže (Ki Ki de) — he made him [sb-TD]
gigiže (Ki Ki de) — he made it for him [sb-BT]
gigiže (Ki Ki de) — he put [r-BB]
gigíže (Ki Ki de) — he treated [r-C]
gigiže (Ki Ki de) — it was done [l-TS]
gigiži (Ki Ki di) — he did it, and [r-Y]
gigiži (Ki Ki di) — he got home, and [l-MS, r-D]
gigī́žī — when he did [bp-L]
gigiži (Ki Ki di) — when he did [l-SM]
gigiži — when he gets [r-V]
gigíži (Ki Ki di) — when he got back [l-TS, r-O]
gigíži — when he got back [rs-S]
gigíži — when he got home [jb-S1b, h-T]
gigiži (Ki Ki di) — when he got home [l-E, r-BS, r-D, r-I, r-O]
gigíži — when he returned, got there [g-C, rs-S, al, r-Y]
gigo (Ki Ko) — feast [r-D]
gigo — host ? [m]
gigó — to beckon to [e-B2, mn, hl]
gigo — to call [p-B, e-B1, j]
gigó — to call for someone or something, to call someone (for a feast) [hl]
gigó (Ki Ko) — to call to [e-B2, ki, mn, hl]
gigó (Ki Ko) — to feast [bp-TW]
gigo (Ki Ko) — to feast [r-TW3]
gigó (Ki Ko) — to go to a feast [jb-P]
gigó-ireže — they called and beckoned to them [jb-F]
gigogóp — to peck at with the beak [mn]
gigóhiga — he that called her [jb-S1b]
gigóhirowera (Ki Ko Ai Lo we L) — the inviter [jc-T]
gigoireną — he called to him [b-E]
gigoíreže — they called him [jmc-B]
gigokjanahegiži (Ki Ko Ktt n Ae Ki di) — you want to invite [r-D]
gigoną — he called him [b-E]
gigóp — to dig out [hl]
gigóp (Ki Kolo) — to peck [l-SM]
gigóp — to pick up with the beak [mn]
gigóp — to scrape out, clean out, hollow out, as in cleaning seeds from a squash [we, hl]
gigóra (Ki Ko L) — he invited [bp-TW]
gigóra (Ki Ko L) — the feast [jb-P, jc-T]
gigora (Ki Ko L) — the feasters [r-D]
gigóra (Ki Ko L) — those invited [bp-TW]
gigóra (Ki Ko L) — those who came to the feast [bp-TW]
gigóre (Ki Ko Le) — they called him over [r-Y]
gigore (Ki Ko Le) — to call [r-D]
gigowi — call (imperative) [p-B]
gigowire — call (imperative) [p-B]
gigowire (Ki Ko wi Le) — tell him to come [r-TB]
gigox — to bring (gather) together [m]
gigox — to gather [m]
giguáhiregi — when [rt-T]
giguara — after him [p-B]
gigų́s — to counsel [hl]
gigų́s (Ki Konr) — to create for [ki]
gigų́s (Ki Konr) — to teach [m, su-W, ki, hl]
gigusana — he is the only one that is teaching [su-W]
gigųsti — to teach clearly [cf. gųs, to teach; ti, to lead] [m]
gigų́swigi (Ki Koro wi Ki) — you taught him [r-TW3]
gigų́wųnįgižùną — I piled up for you [jb-KX]
gigų́z — to teach [w-TI]
gigúzaną — Can he be taught? [su-W]
gigų̄́ziregi — when they taught [r-HD]
gigúzireže (Ki Ko ri Le de) — he was taught [jb-SE]
gigų́zireže (Ki Ko ri Le de) — they taught (him), he was taught [rv-F, jb-I, jb-SE]
giǧá — to clear away something [mn]
giǧą́ — to flip something over, to slide something underneath somewhere to flip it over [hl]
giǧą́ — to fly open [hl]
giǧąjirehišgúni — he poked it open to one side [h-R1]
giǧąjirehišguni — they poke open to one side [m]
giǧákikježe? — will he weep for him? [h-LFW]
giǧáp — to blow off (intr.) as the cover of a steam kettle [hl]
gīǧáp — to blow off (intr.) as the cover of a steam kettle [mn]
giǧáp — to blow open [hl]
giǧára — he marked the camp [al]
giǧára — the war camp (see higiǧára) [sb-TJ]
giǧé — to bring out, as fish with a net [mn, hl]
giǧé — to dish out, to ladle out, to scoop out [hl]
giǧíjirega — with faded powers [jb-WM]
giǧį́k — to blow one’s nose [mn]
giǧó — to grind, to sharpen on a whetstone [mn]
giǧų́jirehišgúni — he poked it open to one side [h-R2]
gihą — soft, not firm ? [m]
gihá — to be afloat [we, hl]
giha — to blow [m]
giha (ge-ha [j]) — to float [j]
gihá — to float [sb-BT, m, mn, we, hl]
giha — to float up [b-G, m]
gihá — to float up [hl]
giha — to paint [m]
gihá — to wear out [lp, mn]
gihaha (Ki A A) — it was throbbing [r-D]
gihahá — to float [hl]
giháha — to float [mn]
gihahanąga (Ki A A n K) — it throbbed, and [r-D]
giháp — to chip a hole [ma, hl]
giháp — to knock a hole into something [hl]
giháp — to make a hole [m, hl]
giháp (Ki Al) — to penetrate through [r-TB]
giháp — to puncture, chop a hole in, pierce [we, hl]
gihapgają — he opened [and] [jb-B]
gihapirega (Ki A li Le K) — they plugged the hole [bp-A]
gihapirega — to make holes [m]
gihápiréže — they cut a hole [jc-F]
gihapireže (Ki Al li Le de) — they cut him out [bp-A]
gihareha — to swing [z]
giháreže — he placed it [rs-S]
gihas — finish it (imperative) [b-G]
gihąs (ge-haas [j]) — open [j]
gihás — opened [b-G, rt-T]
gihas — the state of being open [r-G]
gihás — to blow open [hl]
gihas-jijerena — they were opened [b-G]
gihasaną — it was opened [b-LK]
gihásježe — it was wide open [jb-DE]
gihasmani — to uncover [cf. mąnį, to walk ?] [m]
gihasną́kše — it was open [jb-DE]
gihásteže — it was wide open [jb-DE]
giházᵉmanires’aže — they uncovered their heads [jb-DE]
gihi — pick [hh]
gihí — to gather and put into a container [mn]
gihí — to pick (and put into a container) [m, we, hl]
gihíga — when he arrived [jb-K]
gihíjiregi — he began to pick [h-O]
gihirí — to mash [lp, mn]
gihíri — to mash [lp]
gihis’aže (Ki Ai ra de) — he would pick [r-BS]
gihišaną (< gihis-šaną) (Ki Ai dA n) — you are picking [r-O]
gihó — to be suspended [mn]
gihó — to holler for someone [mn, hl]
gihoré (Ki Ao Le) — not on the ground [sb-F]
gihoré — to be elevated from the ground, as on poles or stilts [mn]
gihoré — to hang (from the ceiling) [hl]
gihú — to swing around someone [hl]
gihú — to swing something or someone; to wave to someone [lp, mn]
gihú — to swing, to swing back and forth, swing around [we, hl]
gihu (ge-hoo [j]) — to wave [j]
gihuhú — to wag a (dog’s) tail [mn]
gihunįaje (Ki Ao niy tte) — do not swing it (imperative) [l-M]
gihúre (Ki Ao Le) — he swung [r-E]
gihúre (Ki Ao Le) — swinging [r-E]
gija (ge-ja [j]) — over there, when pointing and saying [j]
gijaireną — you (sg.) receive help [m]
gijajáp — to break something up into pieces [hl]
gijajáx — to splash [mn, hl]
gijak (Ki ttK) — to beat [l-E]
gijánįk (rehí) — to knock senseless [hl]
gijáx — to splash [mn, hl]
gijáx há — I splash [hl]
gijáx hi — to splash [hl]
gijáx rá — you (sg.) splash [hl]
gijé — to return to a place walking [mn]
gije (Ki tte) — to return to a place walking [r-TW3]
gijé — to start walking to someplace [hl]
gijehíže — he took his step [jb-FC]
gijejék — to jog, to walk at a brisk pace [hl]
gijejék (Ki tte tteKe) — to trot [r-D, hl]
gijejék ha — I make (a horse) trot, I make jog [hl]
gijejék hā́ — I trot, jog [mn]
gijejék hī — to make (a horse) trot, to make jog [hl]
gijejék hī́ — to trot, jog (faster than hijejé hí) [mn]
gijejék ra — you (sg.) make (a horse) trot, you (sg.) make jog [hl]
gijexinįnakšaną — it is impossible [b-LK]
gijéže — he stepped [jc-S]
gijikereže — to flop up, to bounce up [m]
gijį́mp — to tilt [lp]
gijiraíreną — she was receiving help [h-R1, h-R2]
gijiraíreže (Ki tti Ly Le de) — they helped him [h-R1, h-R2, bp-TA]
gijiraje (Ki tti L tte) — help them [jb-P]
gijiranąga (Ki tti L n K) — he helped her, and [r-O]
gijirare — help (him or her) (imperative) [hh]
gijire — they helped him [bp-G]
gijiré — to assist, to lend a hand [hl]
gijiré — to help [ch, r-G, j, m, mn, we, hl]
gijireną — they receive help [m]
gijiréra — to help him [jh]
gijišere (Ki tti deAe Le) — to be a benefit [jb-P]
gijitanagiži (ni Ki tti t n Ki di) — if I can ever help [r-H]
gijo — to knock out the ashes from a pipe [m]
gijó — to shake something out, to beat up someone [hl]
gijogiži (Ki tto Ki di) — when she is having sexual intercourse [bp-TPN]
gijóx — to break something pulpy by striking it [lp, mn]
gijóx (Ki ttoxo) — to cut in strips [sb-V]
gijuánañga — he knocked it out [and] [h-B]
gik — to touch ? [vid. gix, gįš, gįs] [m]
gik’ą — to knock over [lp]
gik’á — to scour [lp]
gik’arájirera — he whom we call, the one that they call [sb-TB]
gik’ererégi — they placed within the reach [sb-W]
gik’és — to scrape something clean (as ice off a car window) [hl]
gik’esiranįže (Ki Kee riAi L ni de) — they did not scrape off [r-D]
gik’ó — to scrape [mn]
gik’ó — to scrape something out, to clean out something [hl]
gik’únuk’ — to chop, to hammer off [lp]
giká (Ki KA) — to cut open, as in surgery; to polish, shine up [ki]
giką́ — to knock over by striking [mn, hl]
giká — to scour [lp, mn]
gikánągeniže — not to be placed [jb-MR]
gikánagirànąga (Ki K n Ki L n K) — they made it for him, and [jb-SE]
gikąnąką́nąp — to be shiny [mn]
gikanąkše (Ki K nK deAe) — he put on for him [r-D]
gikąnąp (Ki K nl) — to shine [l-O]
gikaną́p (Ki KA nnl) — twinkle, as a snowflake in sunshine [cf. gikąnąkąnąp] [ki]
gikaną́p jikere (Ki KA nnl tti KAe Le) — single flash of a twinkle, e.g., from frost in early morning [ki]
gikąnaže (Ki K n de) — he knocked down [r-Y]
gikapše (Ki Kl deAe) — he split it [r-O]
gikąra (Ki K L) — it was knocked down [sb-L]
gikará — to exercise one’s arms, to loosen up one’s muscles (anywhere in one’s body) [hl]
gikara hiajiráwiną — to challenge; they challenged them [m]
gikarac — relatives [m]
gikarác — to address respectfully (also as a part of a ceremony) [mn, hl]
gikarac — to be called, named [m]
gikarác — to pay homage to (as to a deity) [we, hl]
gikarác — to pray (to) [b-LK, b-LP, we, hl]
gikaracnągre — to worship [m]
gikáracše — he begged [rs-S]
gikaracše — he prayed to him [bp-L]
gikaragere — to wrap around (like a spool of cotton) [cf. ge, to wrap around] [m]
gikarahé — to ask to come along [we, hl]
gikarahé (Ki K L Ae ) — to invite someone [l-O, mn, we, hl]
gikarahe (ge-ka-ra-ha [j]) — to persuade [j]
gikárahe hajírawìną — they challenged them [jh-M]
gikarahérawire — ask him (imperative) [h-LFW]
gikaraheréną — they asked him [e-B1]
gikarahéreną — they asked him [e-B2]
gikarahéreže (Ki K L Ae Le de) — they asked him [l-SM]
gikarahiajiráwiną — to challenge; they challenged them [cf. jire ?] [m]
gikaraj — he prayed [b-LK]
gikaraj-jena — prayers [b-LK]
gikarajire — they make prayers [b-LK]
gikārā́jirērā — he whom they call [jb-HS]
gikarájirera — he whom they call [jb-MH2a, jb-MR, jb-PM]
gikarajirera — he whom they call [jb-PM]
gikarájiréra — he whom we call [jb-G]
gikarájirera — he whom we call [jb-MH1, sj-SE1]
gikarájiréra — the one (whom) they call [jb-DD1, jb-FC]
gikárajiréra — the one they call [jb-FC]
gikarájirera — the one whom we call (name) [jb-A, jb-AM]
gikarajireže — to pray [m]
gikarajnąkšaną — they were praying [b-LK]
gikarajšana — he besought him [b-LK]
gikarak (Ki K LK) — prayers [r-T]
gikaránané — go home now [h-R1]
gikaráp (Ki KA Ll) — count; counting, marking, cutting jaw [ki]
gikaráp — to count [m, mn, we, hl]
gikaráp — to count amongst (consider) [hl]
gikarap — to figure, regard [m]
gikárap’irèže — they counted them [h-TM]
gikarapirekjanahegiži (Ki K L li Le Ktt n Ae Ki di) — as they were going to count up the number [r-Y]
gikárapirèže (Ki K L li Le de) — on the way they counted them [r-Y]
gikarárare — go home now [h-R2]
gikarás — to clear out an area or a spot [hl]
gikawa’ahireže (Ki K w a Ai Le de) — they arose [r-WH]
gikawąc (Ki KA wntt) — stand head-on [sideways ?] so as to make a small target [ki]
gikawąc cį (Ki KA wntt) — stand head-on [sideways ?] so as to make a small target [ki]
gikawaže (Ki K w de) — he got up [sb-L]
gikąže (Ki K de) — he knocked it over [sb-L]
gikére — he went right in [lt-TB]
gikeregiži (Ki Ke Le Ki di) — he dove in, and [r-TB]
gikeréną (Ki Ke Le n) — he placed [jb-SE, r-TW3]
gikeréranąga (Ki Ke Le L n K) — they placed (for him), and [jb-SE, r-HD]
gikērérega — when they placed it for (him) [r-HD]
gikēréregi — (when) they placed for [r-HD]
gikererekjaneną (Ki Ke Le Le Ktt ne n) — he will place it before her [r-TW3]
gikererekjeną (Ki Ke Le Le Ktte n) — he will place it [r-TW3]
gikérēréną — it was passed [r-HD]
gikerḗreną — it was taken to [r-HD]
gikerereže (Ki Ke Le Le de) — they left the rest [r-TB]
gikereže (Ki Ke Le de) — he dove in [sb-BT, r-TB]
gikereže (Ki Ke Le de) — he held himself [r-E]
gikereže (Ki Ke Le de) — he placed it before her [l-N]
gikereže (Ki Ke Le de) — they left the rest [r-TB]
gikiméni — to let them select [r-HD]
gikį́neže (Ki KiAi ne de) — they appeared [jb-SE]
gikíre — they gave him away [lt-C]
gikiríhirĕ (gikiríhilĕ [mck]) — the man who receives the scalps and associated presents at the Warbundle Feast [mck]
gikirikiri — to tremble [m]
gikírikírik — to tremble (like jelly) [hl]
gikirínaną́ka — he to whom they give the present [r-HD]
gikirínanąka — he who received the present [r-HD]
gikíriraną́ka — he to whom they made a present [r-HD]
gikiríš — to print, to type [we, hl]
gikísi — to save something for someone [hl]
gikizera — a fight [m]
gikjanaheže (Ki Ktt n Ae de) — she would return [l-SM]
gikjanéną — to arrive home [h-G]
gikje (Ki Kette) — he could go [l-N]
gikjḗ — he might get [r-V]
gikjeni’ųgiži (Ki Kette ni o Ki di) — go back, and [r-WH]
gikjéži (Ki Ktte di) — he could go, at least [l-N]
gikók — to knock on [ma]
gikók — to knock, to tap [m, hl]
gikók (Ki KAoK) — to make hollow sound by hitting, as a log with a baseball bat [ki]
gikokjįže (Ki KoKo Kitti de) — he struck him making a loud noise [r-E]
gikokjįže (Ki KoKo Kitti de) — he thumped hard [r-I]
gikoró — to hit hard [mn]
giksábᵉnąjèxjį (Ki KarAl n tt Hitti) — sufficient [cf. ksap, to come to life ?; nąc, to borrow] [jb-SE, m]
giksáp — quiet, calm [mk]
giksé (Ki Kere) — very still [cf. gakse] [ki]
giksé mį̄ną́kre (Ki Kere mi nnK Le) — sit still, now! [ki]
giksų́ (Ki Koron) — tip over, as a car rounding a corner [ki]
giksųc — to shake [sb-N]
giksujera — shaking (ritual) [m]
giksunš — to shake [m]
giksųšnaną — they shook it [b-LK]
gikšakšáp — to break into pieces, to split to pieces [hl]
gikšakšáp — to chop to pieces [mn, hl]
gíkšap — he split [jc-S]
gikšáp — split with a blow [ma, hl]
gikšáp — to break or crack something brittle by striking it [mn]
gikšáp — to break or crack something in two by striking [hl]
gikšáp — to chop, split, as wood [we, hl]
gikšapanąga (Ki Kd l n K) — she split, and [r-T]
gikšų́ — to hit, strike, by hand or missile sideways; flat handed, glancing blow [su-W]
gikųnųgera (Ki Ko no KL) — cutting them off [r-HO]
gikųnųgerehiže (Ki Ko noKo Le Ai de) — he cut it in two [r-HO]
gikųnųgikjanahegają (Ki Ko no Ki Ktt n Ae K tt) — I will cut off [r-HO]
gikų́nuñk — he hit it and cut it off [lt-M]
gikųnų́k — to break something having length in two by striking, leaving a clean break [mn]
gikųnų́k — to chop [ma]
gikunuk — to cut [m]
gikųnųks’aže (Ki Ko noKo ra de) — he would cut [sb-TD]
gikųnųkše (Ki Ko noKo deAe) — he cut [r-HO]
gikųnųkše (Ki Ko noKo deAe) — he was cut [r-HO]
gikunukunųk — broken [m]
gikųnųkų́nųk — to chop up, cut up [we]
gikunukunųk (Ki Ko no Ko noKo) — to cut up [sb-TD]
gikúš — legs bent [su-W]
gikųwą — pile [jb-KX]
gímą — to tap gently [m]
gimąxóro (Ki mn HAo Lo) — to peel another, or for another, with a knife [cf. giwaxoro, mąxoro, -xoro] [ki]
gimínąkše — he sat down [rv-F]
gíną — he got to [jh]
giną — to get home [m]
ginąc — downward course [ch]
gináñgigi-ànañga — he made her twist rope fibers [h-TM]
ginąkają (Ki n K tt) — he is a goner [r-D]
ginąkanąga (Ki n K n K) — he got to, and [r-TB]
ginąkanąga (Ki n K n K) — he jumped up, and [r-TB]
ginąkšaną (Ki n Kd n) — there are [sb-L]
ginanągirera (Ki n n Ki Le L) — that exist [sb-L]
ginánągiži — it could go back [sb-TB]
giną́p (Ki nl) — flash, flick quickly, as out of sight [ki]
giną́wą́ — he was singing about [fu]
ginberą́i-àñkšaną — he tried to get it [jh]
ginḗwera — the asking [r-HD]
ginį́ — already [lp] (suffix)
gíni — he got [jh]
ginį — to contain, hold ? [m]
gininąs’are — to return [m]
ginišgúni — not gotten back [h-B]
ginix — coil around ? [m]
gįnįže (Ki ni de) — he was already [r-E]
gį̄́p — to "just make it"; to rest after accomplishing something [mn]
gį̄p — to arrive at one’s home [hl]
gį̄p — to arrive in a lying position [m, hl]
gįp (suffix) — to go into (e.g., water) [cf. gįp, harotigįpja] [mn]
gįp — to lay back on the bed, to lay down [hl]
gįp — to reach to; extend [m]
gip’ą́c — to hit into a soft thing, to poke into something soft, to punch something soft [hl]
gip’ére — to hammer thin [lp]
gip’į — it pleases you [r-B1]
gip’į́ — you liked [sb-W]
gī́p’iĕsjḗgą — very good [bp-L]
gip’į́giži — when he could [jc-F]
gip’įna — pleasant [b-G]
gip’įnágᵉre — they were glad [jb-S1a]
gip’įnekjanéną — they'll like it [al]
gip’íneže — they liked it [jb-F]
gip’įnį́ge — because it is not good for her [lp-N]
gip’įnį́nąk’ają́ — it is not good for her [lp-N]
gip’įxjį — it is very good [al]
gip’įže — he liked it [r-B1]
gipąną́ — to give something a blow on the head that bruises, without breaking the skin [mn]
gipąną́ — to hit someone [hl]
gipará — to dig something out of the dirt [hl]
giparagáją — when he dug [h-R1, h-R2]
giparanįkjawi (Ki l L ni Ktt wi) — you must not doubt [r-Y]
giparáš — to make burst [hl]
giparašgúni — he dug her out [h-R1, h-R2]
giparažarąnainą (Ki l L d L ny n) — you doubted it [l-O]
giparažare (Ki l L d Le) — you do not believe it [r-HO]
giperé — to hammer thin [lp, mn]
gį̄pgiži (Ki liKi di) — he arrived [l-TS]
gipį (Ki liAi) — happy [r-T]
gipį́ — it pleases you [r-B2]
gipį́ — to be fond of [we]
gipį (Ki liAi) — to be glad [r-H]
gipį́ — to be glad about something [hl]
gipį́ — to enjoy [we, hl]
gipi — to envy ? [m]
gipį́ — to feel good, be pleased [mn, hl]
gipį (Ki liAi) — to like [l-TS]
gipį́ — to like something [m, mn, we, hl]
gipį́ — you like [rh-T]
gipį’ųwiže (Ki liAi o wi de) — they liked [r-T]
gipiesgagają (Ki liAiye rK K tt) — when it is fine and enjoyable [sb-TD]
gipiesgáją — it is such a pleasure [rv-F]
gipiésgakają — it is pleasurable but [jb-D]
gipiésgakregi (Ki liAiye rK KLe Ki) — when it is so interesting [l-TS]
gipįesge — enjoyable [hh]
gipįésge (Ki liye rKe) — happy [jb-P]
gipiésge — to be very pleasant [rv-F, m]
gipiesgegają (Ki liAiye rKe K tt) — it was such a fine pleasure, but [sb-TD]
gipiesgekjanahegają (Ki liAiye rKe Ktt n Ae K tt) — it will only make it more interesting [r-Y]
gipiesgekjanaheną (Ki liAiye rKe Ktt n Ae n) — there will be more pleasure [r-Y]
gipiesgéną — and it was very pleasurable [jb-D]
gipiesgeną (Ki liAiye rKe n) — it is getting to be a great pleasure [sb-TD]
gipiésgerášaną — it is pleasant [jb-J4]
gipiesgerega (Ki liAiye rK KeLe K) — it is so fine [sb-TD]
gipiesgešųnųną (Ki liAiye rKe doAo no n) — it is always interesting [l-O]
gipiesgexjį (Ki liAiye rKe xitti) — such a pleasure [r-TB]
gipiésgexjį — very desirous [rv-F]
gipiesgexjį (Ki liAiye rKe xitti) — very pleasant [bp-A]
gipiesgexjįgają (Ki liAiye rKe xitti K tt) — it was such a great pleasure, but [sb-TD]
gipiesgexjįną (Ki liAiye rKe xitti n) — it was such a great pleasure [sb-TD]
gipiesgéxjįra — it is such a pleasure [rv-F]
gipiesgéxjįže — it was very desirable [rv-F]
gipieskeregi (Ki liAiye rK KeLe Ki) — it is such pleasure [sb-TD]
gipiñga — when he liked [p-B]
gipįge (Ki liAi Ke) — she likes it is why [r-E]
gipį́gi — he liked it [jb-MR, h-R1, h-R2]
gipįgi (Ki liAi Ki) — if he was willing [r-Y]
gipįgirege (Ki liAi Ki Le Ke) — she liked him already [sb-F]
gipįgiži (Ki liAi Ki di) — he liked (it), and [jb-P, r-D]
gipįgíži — he liked [h-R1, h-R2]
gipį̆gíži — he likes [rv-A]
gipįgiži (Ki liAi Ki di) — he was good, and [r-H]
gipįgiži (Ki liAi Ki di) — if they are able [l-N, l-O]
gipį́hiranàną̆ — they would like it [rv-A]
gipįhirege — as they liked them [hz-L]
gipihiregejeni — they liked [hz-O]
gipįhiregiži (Ki liAi Le Ki di) — they having liked [r-Y]
gipįhireže (Ki liAi Le de) — they were willing [bp-TP]
gipį́kjanegają (Ki li Ktt ne K tt) — he will like, and [jb-P]
gipįkjaneną (Ki liAi Ktt ne n) — he will like it [sb-TD]
gipįkje (Ki liAi Kette) — he will feel satisfied [r-D]
gipį́ną — he is happy [ha]
gipį́ną — he liked [jb-HM]
gipíną — to like, he liked [jh-M, l-TS, m]
gipįnaínige — they do not like it [rh-S]
gipinąkšaną (Ki liAi n Kd n) — they do not mind it [r-BC8]
gipinąkše (Ki liAi nK deAe) — he enjoyed himself [bp-A]
gipįnąkše (Ki liAi nK deAe) — he enjoyed it [r-H]
gipįnána — it would be good [h-TM]
gipį́nanišgùni — they liked it [rh-S]
gipinaže — they were very glad [ch]
gipinega — they chose [b-G]
gipįnegiži (Ki liAi ne Ki di) — having liked [r-Y]
gipį́negiži — that they liked [r-CL]
gipįnekiną’įąje (Ki lAi ne KiAi n iy tte) — try to get them to like you [jb-P]
gipįnéže — they liked it [jb-HM]
gipı̨́neže — they liked it [ss-WS]
gipini — he liked it [rw-W]
gipı̨́nı̨́ — he was not well [ss-S]
gipį́nįge — if it is not good [rv-F]
gipįnigiži (Ki liAi ni Ki di) — it was not good [r-T]
gipįnihíže — it didn’t feel good [jb-MR]
gipįnįkjane (Ki liAi ni Ktt ne) — he would not be pleased [r-E]
gípinįkšgùni — she liked [h-R2]
gipinįkšguni — to fall in love with [m]
gipįnįnąk’ų (Ki liAi ni nK Koo) — he could not sit still, when [l-SM]
gipį́nįpį́nį — to spin [hl]
gipįnįpį́nį — to twirl, to be sent into a twisting twirl (3p pl only) [we, hl]
gipinira (Ki liAi L) — delighted [l-SM]
gipį́nįra (Ki liAi ni L) — he is not good [jb-P]
gipįnįs’agųnį (Ki liAi ni ra Ko ni) — he does not like [r-TB]
gipįnįže (Ki liAi ni de) — he did not like it [sb-HW, l-TF, r-E]
gipįnįže (Ki liAi ni de) — it was not good [r-T]
gipįpanąga (Ki liAi l n K) — he got loose, and [r-D]
gipį́ra — happy [r-S]
gipįra (Ki liAi L) — he liked [l-N]
gipįra (Ki liAi L) (Ki lAi L) — he liked it [sb-V, l-M, l-TS, r-T]
gipįra (Ki liAi L) — he was delighted [r-T]
gipįra (Ki liAi L) — he was glad [r-D]
gipį́ra — liking it [rv-F]
gipįra (Ki liAi L) — love [r-E]
gipįra (Ki liAi L) — that are able [sb-V]
gipįra (Ki liAi L) — who is able [l-N]
gipį̄rananana — as happy as they could have wished for [r-V]
gipįranįną (Ki liAi L ni n) — they do not like [r-E]
gipįre (Ki liAi Le) — it is good [r-D]
gipįregiži (Ki liAi Le Ki di) — they were in favor of it, so [r-H]
gipį́reną — they are happy [ha]
gipįrera (Ki liAi Le L) — they were thankful [r-E]
gipįres’agiži (Ki liAi Le ra Ki di) — what they liked best [r-Y]
gipį́res’aže — he would feel happy [r-HD]
gipįreže (Ki liAi Le de) — they liked it [l-TS, r-F, r-I]
gipįreže (Ki liAi Le de) — they were glad [r-D, r-E]
gipįreže (Ki liAi Le de) — they were pleased [r-E]
gipį́šgúni — he was able to [h-R2]
gipįšgųnįže (Ki lAi dKo ni d[e]) — he liked it [r-C]
gipįwíže — they liked it [rv-F]
gipįwiže (Ki liAi wi de) — they liked it [sb-HW]
gipixji (ge-pē-xje [j]) — to adore [j]
gipįxjį (Ki liAi xitti) — very happy [sb-L]
gipįxjįra (Ki liAi xitti L) — the one she liked very much [l-TS]
gipįxjįže (Ki liAi xitti de) — he liked it [r-T]
gipįxjįže (Ki liAi xitti de) — he liked it all the better [r-BB]
gipį́že — he liked it [jb-HM]
gipįže (Ki liAi de) — he liked it [jc-T, l-M, l-N, l-P, r-H, r-T]
gipįže (Ki liAi de) — he was delighted [r-H, r-TB]
gípįžé — he was happy [jb-DD1]
gipógijehiže — he penetrated [jb-FC]
gipokgijehíže — he penetrated [jb-FC]
gipókgijehíže — he penetrated [jb-FC]
gipsák — sound made by one hand, but not upon the other hand (in contradistinction to gišgóp) [r-T]
gipsák — to slap [mn, hl]
gipsį́c — to whack, to defeat [hl]
gipsį́c (Ki liritti) — to whip, to spank [r-BB, mn, hl]
gipsínc — whipping him [h-B]
gipsínc hána — I make him whip [g-H]
gipsinc hirajera — a man whipped [g-H]
gįpše (Kili dAe) — he went and laid [r-D]
gipurú — to blow up a storm [mn]
gira — I returned [rv-F]
girajas — to tighten [m]
girak — to tell [z]
girašjaį́neže — they quit calling him [that] [rw-W]
gire — he returned [p-C]
gįrera (Ki Le L) — they carried [r-H]
gireréx — to be frayed, ragged (3p pl only) [we, hl]
giréx — to hang (of loose things) [mn]
giréx — to hang loosely (of one thing), fringed [hl]
giríc — to hit in order to bend [mn]
giríǧnąk — it was coiled [lp]
giriríǧnąk — it is coiled [mn]
girirík — to shake like jello [mn]
giriríš — to be coiled or in a series of loops [mn]
giriríš hakąną́k — I coil something [mn]
giriríš kąną́k — to lay something down in a neat coil [mn, hl]
giriríš t’ųp — to lay something down in a neat coil [hl]
giriríš žu — to lay something down in a neat coil [hl]
giriríx — to be coiled [hl]
giriríx kąną́k — to lay something down in a disorderly coil [mn, hl]
giríx — to be coiled [mn, hl]
giríx — to coil [lp]
girix — to coil around ? [m]
giríx — to coil something [mn]
giríx hakąną́k — I coil something [mn]
girixminąk — to coil around (of smoke) [cf. girix, to coil around; mį, to spread] [m]
girucágira — they had them sew it [h-T]
girucágirekjeną — have them sew it [h-T]
girucaireže (Ki Lo ttAy Le de) — they separated [bp-TC]
girucawiže (Ki Lo ttA wi de) — they parted [r-H]
girucawiže (Ki Lo ttA wi de) — they separated [bp-TC]
girucawiže — to separate [m]
girucejikereže — to split in two [cf. ce, to chop; ji, to arrive coming; kere, to start going back] [m]
gįrucéwakiki — apportioned (to divide amongst) [f]
giruhas (Ki Lo Ar) — to open it for him [jc-T]
giruhasgi (Ki Lo Ar riKi) — when he opened [r-D]
giruhasše (Ki Lo Ar deAe) — he opened it for him [l-SM, r-D]
giruho (Ki Loo Ao) — get donations, contributions for [ki]
giruhó — to contribute (generally refers to money), to donate something to someone [hl]
giruk’ás — to take off quickly (as in a race), to take off fast, to go (by) fast, to speed [hl]
girukawa — gather [r-WB]
giruko (Ki Lo Ko) — to get out of the way [sb-L, r-D]
girukó — to make room for someone or something [hl]
giruko (Ki Lo Ko) — to open [r-D]
girukohiregiži (Ki Lo Ko Ai Le Ki di) — so they made way for him, and [r-Y]
girukówire (Ki Lo Ko wi Le) — clear a way for him (imperative) [r-Y]
girukówire — they made room for him [h-C]
girukówire — to make a place for [m]
girukože (Ki Lo Ko de) — she made room for him [l-TS]
girurúk — to shake like jello [cf. girirík] [mn]
girusana — he took [b-G]
giruskeže — he untied [r-WB]
giruš’ák — to fail to do something for someone [hl]
giruš’ák — to owe [mn, hl]
girušgehireže (Ki Lo deKe Ai Le de) — they untied him [l-TF, m]
gīrūšją́ — he finished something or someone [jb-HS]
girúšją — he let [jh-M]
girušją — he let him [jb-MR]
girušją (Ki Lo dtt) — to let up on him [l-SM]
girušją — to quiet [m]
girušją (Ki Lo dtt) — to stop [r-HO, m]
girušją́ rēhí — to let go, to set free (e.g., a horse) [mn]
girušją́ rēhí — to release, let go of, lose one's grip on, impose no restrictions on [we, hl]
girušją́ rēhí — to turn loose [hl]
girušją rehínianjé — don’t let go of him [jb-B]
girušją rehiranáną — they'd ask him to pick him one [jb-P2]
girušją́ rehirawis’aže (Ki Lo dtt Le Ai L wi ra de) — they would let them up [l-SM]
girušją́ rehíreže — they let go for him [jb-SD]
girušją́ rehíže (Ki Lo dtt Le Ai de) — he turned it loose [l-TT]
girušjainiže — they quitted him [h-R1, h-R2]
girušjaínregìži — when they quit him [h-R1, h-R2]
girušjaį́regi — when they finished [h-R2]
girušjáįregíži — when they got through with him [h-R2]
gírušjáįrešguni — they quit him [h-R1, h-R2]
girušjǫ́ hǫhíže — he turned him loose [jb-DD1]
girušorócše (Ki Lo doAo Lotto dAe) — he pulled it out for him [r-HO]
giruxóro (Ki Loo HAo Lo) — to peal another's or for another [cp. ruxoro, -xoro] [ki]
giružábanąga — he skinned it, and [al]
gīs — circle [hh]
gis (gees [j]) — circle [j]
gį̄s (Kinr) — circulate [cf. gį̄x] [ki]
gis — round [mg]
gį̄s — round, as in circular [ki-M]
gis — to be full [m]
gī́s — to be round (circular) [m, mn]
gīs — to be round [hl]
gis (suffix) — to have an irregularly reflective surface (?) [cf. hogís, rugigís, wirá gisjį́, wirágisána, xąwį́ higigís] [mn]
gis — to make a circle [vid. giš, gix] [m]
gįs — to squeak [vid. gįš] [m]
gís soróc — oval, round and narrow [hl]
gīs soros — oval [hh]
giságenañkše — they were killing [jb-D]
giságiránąga — they killed [and] [rw-W]
giságireže — they struck [h-T]
gisagrašana — only to knock unconscious [se-P]
gisagwíre — kill him [h-C, h-T]
gisagwíreáje — kill him [h-T]
gisairešge (Ki ryi Le dKe) — if they have a fight [jb-P]
gisák — he killed him with the hand [lt-I]
gisák (Ki rrK) — knock unconscious [lp, m, ki, mn, hl]
gisak — to beat someone [su-W]
gisák — to beat up [mn, hl]
gisák — to kill [jb-D, lp, ma, mn, we]
gisák (Ki rrK) — to kill by a blow to the head [ki, hl]
gisák — to knock down [lt-I, we, ma, hl]
gisák — to knock out [we, ma]
gisák — to sock, to hit [mn]
gisák — to take a tumble [we]
gisąkáją — after he shook it [jb-N]
gísakejíni — you (shall) kill [rt-T]
gisakhiraže — was killed [r-WB]
gisakireže (Ki rA Ki Le de) — to be killed [sb-TD]
gisakje (Ki rA Ktte) — kill (imperative) [sb-TD]
gisakjeną (Ki rAK tte n) — he kills him [r-D]
gisakji (Ki rA Kitti) — the target [r-Y]
gisakjira (Ki rA Kitti L) — the target [r-Y]
gisakjiréže — he began to shake (it) [jb-N]
gisakną’įne (Ki rA Kn i ne) — try to kill (imperative) [sb-L]
gisákre — they knocked him down [lt-I]
gisąksąk — to shake [m]
gisákše (Ki rAK deAe) — he killed (him) [bp-TC, l-M, r-HO, r-I, r-BB, r-D]
gisákšguni — he killed it [rh-W]
gisákwe — they killed by hitting or stabbing [lt-TB]
gisakwiną (Ki rAK wi n) — kill him [r-D]
gisakwiže (Ki rK wi de) — they killed with clubs [sb-TD]
gisákže — he killed with it [jf-F]
gisąną́ — to remove something, get something off (the surface of) [mn]
gisanaį́neže — they were broken [p-M]
gisanąka (Ki rn K) — the round one [r-TB]
gisanąké — to whack, to hit a mighty blow [hl]
gisąnąsąną (Ki rA n rA n) — to knock out [r-HO]
gisaraják — to stare straight ahead [mn]
gisąsą — to shake nervously [m]
gisąsą (gē-sa-sa [j]) — to shake, tremble [j]
gisąsą́ — to tremble [hl]
gisasainekjege — they trembled [b-E]
gisą́sąježe — shaking nervously [jb-MR]
gisąsą́kše — it shook [jb-AM]
gisąsą́nąkše — she was shaking nervously [jb-MR]
gisawaną́k — to calm down sitting [mn-G]
gisawexjį — very still [r-WB]
gisawina — to strike [m]
gisawinina — not to strike [m]
gisebinąže — to go out (of lights) [m]
gisép — to be dying (as an ember), go out (as fire) [we, hl]
gisép — to be extinguished [hl]
gisép — to beat out a fire [lp]
gisép — to extinguish by striking, to be extinguished by striking [mn]
gisep (ge-sep [j]) — to put out (the fire) [j]
gisép hī́ — to be "shut out" (baseball); to be "skunked" (cribbage) [mn]
gisepše (Ki reAele deAe) — it went out [sb-TJ]
giseregają (Ki re Le K tt) — it was dished out [l-B]
giséwe — be calm [rv-F]
gisewe (ge-sā-wā [j]) — calm (as of a person) [j]
gisĕ́wĕ — quiet [rv-A]
gisĕ́wĕ — quietly [rv-A]
gisewe — serenity [hw]
gisewe (gi-say-wa [j]) — still [j]
gisewé — to be quiet [m, hl]
gisewé — to be still [hl]
gisewé — to calm down (v. intr.) [mn]
gisewé — to quiet a trembling thing [lp, mn]
giséwe — to quiet a trembling thing [lp]
gisewe mianąg[a] [h]ikjanaheną (Ki reAe we miy n Ki Ktt n Ae n) — I will go and settle down [r-WH]
gisewe mįnąkre — sit still (imperative) [hh]
gisewé ną̄žį — to stand still [mn]
giséwejinąį́ñkjanégają́ — it will get still [lp-C]
Gisewek’inąk’a — Sits Quiet in Her [Home], a Snake Clan personal name [d-WG]
Giseweminąk’a — Sits Quiet, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
giséwenąjią́je? — will you stand still? [h-B]
gisewenį́nąkše — it was not still [lp-C]
giséweže — it was quiet [jb-S1a]
giseže (Ki re de) — he dished out [bp-TC]
gisga — clear sky [hh]
gisgą́ (Ki rKAn) — pierce through, as an arrow going completely through a buffalo [ki, hl]
gisgą́ — to deep-fry something [mn]
gisgą́ — to penetrate [jb-PM, m]
gisgą́ — to penetrate through [hl]
gisgą́ ha — I render the fat out of something (as in frying bacon) [hl]
gisgą hī — to render fat [hh]
gisgą́ hi — to render the fat out of something (as in frying bacon) [hl]
gisgą́ ra — you (sg.) render the fat out of something (as in frying bacon) [hl]
gisgą́jiréže — he went through (with force) [jb-DD1]
gisgą́jirežé — it pierced through and went on [jb-DD2]
gisgáp — he lay down and hid himself [h-O]
gisgap — to press [m]
gįsge (Ki reKe) — a species of duck described as "a little red-eyed duck," which can be identified with the old squaw duck (Clangula hyemalis) [bp-TA]
gisgé (Ki reKe) — come true for [ki]
gį́sge — squeaking ones, birds of unknown species [sb-W]
gisge — to be like ? [m]
gisgé — to be solidified, curdled, caked [mn]
gįsgé — woodchuck [m]
gįsgéga — woodchuck [m]
Gįsgenįka (Ki reKe ni K) — the name of a character in the Trickster cycle described as "the little red-eyed duck" [cp. gįsge] [bp-TA]
gį̄sgére (Kinr KAe Le) — going in circles [ki]
gisgesgé — to be solidified, curdled, caked [mn]
gisgexjįra (Ki rKe xitti L) — of your size [l-O]
gisgí (Ki riKi) — sting by hitting, as with a whip [ki]
gisgí — to sting (but speakers prefer, for insects, giwé) [mn]
gisgį́k — to beat laundry in order to wring out the dirt [mn, hl]
gisgį́k — to pound the water out of something wet [hl]
gisgįkjakirinąkše (Ki rKi Ktt Ki Li nK deAe) — he fell down unconscious [cf. kiri, to land] [l-B, m]
gisgįregiži — to hurt (by pecking) [cf. re] [m]
gisgįregiži (Ki riKi Le Ki di) — when they hurt him by pecking [l-TT]
gisgixjį́ — to sting [mn]
gisį́c (Ki rrintt) — sweep, as floor [m, ki, mn, we, hl]
gisį́c — to clean up [we]
gisį́c — to defeat [we, hl]
gisį́c (Ki ritti) — to rise up, it raised up, he rose up [bp-TB, l-P, r-D, r-T]
gisįc — to sweep [hh]
gisį́jerehinią́je — don’t try to brush it off [jb-J4]
gisįjiranąga (Ki riAi tti L n K) — they swept, and [r-I]
gisík — to hook, catch on a hook [ma]
gisįsįže (Ki rii rii de) — he nodded [r-O]
gisíš — to break [hl]
gisižą (Ki ri d) — a round one [r-D, r-E, r-TB]
gīsjí — full (of moon) [mn]
gisjįžą (Ki ritti d) — a very round one [sb-TD]
giskera (gee-skar-rah) — wood duck [ge, j] Probably a misunderstanding of "woodchuck." [cf. gisgé]
giskonąk — to circle around [cf. gis, round; kanąk, to put] [m]
gisó — to cut off strips of leather [lp, mn]
gisóc — to prune, trim by striking (e.g., a tree with an ax) [mn]
gisóc — to trim off all the limbs of a tree [hl]
gisóc’į — trimmed [su-W]
gisócaną́ną — got to be trimmed [su-W]
gisóǧrēhí — to use a percussion instrument, generally a gourd containing seed-like stones or beads, to keep in rhythm with singing or music [we]
gisóroc — oval, round and narrow [hl]
gisoso (Ki rAo rAo) — to slit up, and cut into strips [r-TB]
gisosojanąga (Ki roAo roAo tt n K) — he had in strings, and [r-HO]
gisosóx — to rattle something [hl]
gisosóx reehí — to use a percussion instrument, to keep in rhythm with singing or music, to shake a gourd (continuously) [hl]
gisóx (Ki roAoxo) — to rattle [sb-F, r-HO, r-WH, m, hl]
gisóx rehí — to use a percussion instrument, to keep in rhythm with singing or music, to shake a gourd (continuously) [hl]
gisše — he went along [r-WB]
gisták — it fell flattened [h-B]
gisták — to dent [lp, mn]
gisták (Ki rtAK) — to hit, smack, as maybe to sucker punch [ki, hl]
gisták — to pound flat [mn, hl]
gisták — to slap [hl]
gisták (Ki rtAK) — to smash [ki]
gistak — to smash [m]
gistastak — to pound flat [hh]
gistasták — to pound flat, to hit, to smash, to smack (doing it repeatedly) [hl]
gistį — round [cf. tį] [m]
gistį̄ — very round [r-A]
gistị́ — very round [jb-S1a]
gisu — attentive? [m]
gisú — to clarify (a situation), to examine closely [we]
gisú — to dehusk [mn, we, hl]
gisú — to separate (as grain from the chaff), to winnow [we, hl]
gisú — to thresh [m, we, hl]
gisų́ — to upset [lp, mn]
gisuną́k — to find out (for certain) [hl]
gisunc — to finish, wind up [m]
gisųnų́k (Ki rroo nook) — sob, sniffle [ki]
gisunųk — to sob, sniffle [cp. gisųnųk] [z]
gisųnų́ka (rehí) — to strike mightily, to hit with a blow, to knock someone out with a punch [hl]
giswagax kanąk — to make a circle [cf. gis, round; gax, to make marks; kanąk, to put] [m]
giswagáxkanañk — he makes a circle around it [rh-P]
gį̄š (Kind) — high frequency rasping sound, as in grinding teeth [cp. gigįš, ną̄gįš] [ki]
gī́š — to be curved end to end [mn]
gį̄́š — to creak [mn]
gįš — to squeak [vid. gįs] [m]
giš — to tie together, to hang [vid. gic] [m]
giš’á — to have a throat irritation, to have a tickle in the throat [we, hl]
giš’ágires’áže — they would respect him [jb-W]
giš’ák — to respect [m, mn, hl]
giš’ák — to respect and revere someone [hl]
giš’akesganąkše (Ki da Ke rK nK deAe) — we are nothing to be respected [r-D]
giš’akireną (Ki da Ki Le n) — it is held in respect for one another [sb-BT]
giš’akše (Ki daK deAe) — he got old [r-D]
giš’áša — to have a throat irritation, to have a tickle in the throat (cp. giš’á) [hl]
gišak (ge-schack [j]) — respect [j]
gišak (ge-schack [j]) — reverence [j]
gišakhere (geesh-ak-he-ray) — vermilion [j]
gišakhire (geesh-ak-hē-ray [j]) — venerable [j]
gišaną — until, unless [m]
gišará — to cut bare [lp, mn]
gišára — to cut bare [lp]
gišará — to hoe [hl]
gišarác — to scatter something around (with a single strike) [hl]
gišarác — to sling without letting go [mn]
gišarác — to strike something [hl]
gišarác rēhá — I hit over, farther away [mn]
gišarác rēhí — to hit over, to hit farther away (as a baseball) [mn, hl]
gišarašárax — to rattle [hl]
gišarašárax — to rattle something [hl]
gišaráx — to rattle (something) [hl]
gišáša — notched, uneven edges [m]
giše — to cheat [m]
gišé — to take away another’s place or possession, to cheat another out of an opportunity [we, hl]
gišeragįnįže (Ki dAe L Ki ni de) — they [already] took away [r-E]
gišerék — to have hurt feelings [mn, hl]
gišerék hā́ — I hurt someone’s feelings [mn]
gišerék hī́ — to hurt someone’s feelings [mn, hl]
gišerék hī — to offend [hl]
gįšgą (Ki dK) — he wished [l-MT]
gįšga (gen-shga [j]) — to annoy [j]
gįšgą (Ki dK) — to do [r-BB]
gišgą́ — to do something to an object so as to hurt it, to do something to an object so as to fix it, to do something to an object so as to correct it [hl]
gįšgą — to employ, use; to influence ? [m]
gišgabrá — knocking down [jb-D]
gįšgąhirekjaneną (Ki dK Ai Le Ktt ne n) — they will do to him [r-BB]
gįšgąhirekježe (Ki dK Ai Le Kette de) — they could do it to him [r-BB]
gišgąjagiži (Ki dKtt Ki di) — when he was able [r-Y]
gįšgąkjawi (Ki dK Ktt wi) — they would think [sb-L]
gišgąkjawiže (Ki dK Ktt wi de) — there should be harm [sb-E]
gišgą́kje — could he do [it]? [h-R1, h-R2]
gišgąkje (Ki dK Kette) — could he help it? [l-B]
gįšgąkje (Ki dK Kette) — he would make him befall [l-MT]
gįšgąkjege (Ki dK Ktte Ke) — he was to do to him [bp-A]
gįšgąkježe (Ki dK Kette de) — he could do [sb-V]
gišgap — knock down [m]
gišgáp — to hit, bat, bump [we]
gišgáp — to run into; to run over (as with a car); to hit (as in baseball) [mn]
gišgápra — knocking down [jb-D]
gįšgawinį́ne (Ki dK wi ni ne) — don't disturb it [l-SM]
gišge — nape of the neck ? [m]
gišge (Ki deKe) — to do, he did [l-SM, r-HO, r-T, m]
gišgį́k — to pound [mn]
gišgįkjįginįže (Ki diKi Kitti Ki ni de) — he struck him very hard [r-D]
gišgįkjįže (Ki diKi Kitti de) — he struck him [r-D]
gišgóp — sound made by one hand upon the other, making a suction sound (in contradistinction to gipsák) [r-T]
gišgópjį (Ki doKolo litti) — a slapping sound [r-TB]
gišgú — to be cleaned off, to be wiped clean, to be washed off, to be worn off [hl]
gišgú — to clear off [lp, mn]
gišgú hi — to wipe something clean, to wash off, to wear off, to clear off, to clean off [hl]
gišgúni — he got home [h-T]
gišgúni — he returned [rs-S, h-R1, h-R2]
gišgúniže — he went home [jb-S1a]
gišib (ge-shib [j]) — often [j]
gišíbirega — when they would knock them down [jb-D]
gišíbrēhą — I knock down [mn]
gišíbrēhí — to knock down [mn]
gišigi (Ki diAi Ki) — over there [l-M]
gišík ’ų́ — to be a "loner" [hl]
gišík ’ų̄́ — to be a "loner" [mn]
gišík ’ų́ — to not come out in the open [hl]
gišík ha’ų́ — I am a "loner" [mn]
gišínišíni — it was glittering [lt-I]
gišínišīni — it was shining [jb-DE]
gišinišini — to shine [m]
gišįnįšį́nį — to shine [w-T, mn]
gišį́nįšį́nį — to shine, to shimmer, to glitter, sparkling [hl]
gišį́nįšį́nįže (Ki diAi ni diAi ni de) — it shined [l-N]
gišip (Ki diAili) — to get loose, to get free [l-TT, m]
gišíp (Ki dAil) — to knock down off from, as a target off a fence post [ki, hl]
gišíp — to strike down [mn, ma, hl]
gišipanąže — to free from [m]
gišipjirehiwiga (Ki diAili tti Le Ai wi K) — when they had knocked down [sb-TD]
gišipjirehiwiže (Ki diAili tti Le Ai wi de) — they knocked him down [sb-L]
gišipjirehiže (Ki diAili tti Le Ai de) — he knocked (someone) down [cf. šip, to fall a short distance; jire, to go by, to swing] [l-B, r-HO, m]
gišiponige (Ki diAi lono ni Ke) — he broke loose from him [sb-BT]
gišipra (Ki diAi lL) — to get free [l-TT]
gišiš — to break [m]
gišíš — to break an elongated rigid object [we, hl]
gišíš — to break down (as with a car) [hl]
gišíš — to break in two something having length, not leaving a clean break [mn, hl]
gišišikhawiną — I am broken, not nice [cf. šik, to be bad] [m]
gišišíš — to break up (something sticklike) [we]
gišišíš — to break up into pieces (something having length) [hl]
gišjá — look at an object [m, hl]
gišjá — to check on someone, to look in on someone [hl]
gišjá — to glance at something [ma, hl]
gišjá (Ki dtt) — to look for him [r-Y]
gišjá (Ki dtt) — to see how he was getting along [r-HO]
gišjá hi — to see someone for a brief visit [hl]
gišjá hī — to see someone for a brief visit [mn]
gišjągają (Ki dtt K tt) — she looked up just a little, and [l-TS]
gišjahahiregają (Ki dtt A Ai Le K tt) — when they had gone to look for him [bp-TW]
gišjahéregi — they had fooled him [sb-W]
gišjáhigają — to inspect [jb-F, m]
gišjahis’aže (Ki dtt Ai ra de) — he would go and see him [r-Y]
gišjáhiže (Ki dtt Ai de) — he went to see him [bp-TW]
gišjáhiže — she inspected [jb-F]
gíšjahúreže — they came to see someone [h-R1, h-R2]
gišjahuže (Ki dtt Ao de) — he came to see [r-Y]
gišják’e — they were the ones who fooled him [sb-W]
gišjake (gish-ja-kay [j]) — to cheat [j]
gišjąké — to fool someone [hl]
gišjąkeanąga (Ki dtt Key n K) — because he deceived, and [sb-L]
gišjąkéreže — they tried to fool [jb-WM]
gišjąkexjįšųnų (Ki dtt Ke xitti doAo no) — he often fools [l-TS]
gišjąkirekjonéra — they were going to fool him [jb-WM]
gišjárawire — go and see [jb-F]
gišjarekjeną (Ki dtt Le Kette n) — he should go and see how he is getting along [r-HO]
gišjašjakeja’ų (Ki dtt dtt Ke tt o) — he was fooling him, when [sb-BT]
gišjáwire (Ki dtt wi Le) — go and see (imperative) [r-Y]
gišjǫk’éregi — they had fooled him [r-P]
gišjǫke — to fool [m]
giškajgera (Ki dKtt Ke L) — fond of playing [r-H]
giškajra (Ki dK ttL) — playing [r-H]
giškopjiže (Ki doKo litti de) — it struck him with a sound like a clapping hand [r-T]
giškú — to clear off [lp]
gišó — to shape something (using an instrument), to cut into shape, to cut down in size, to chisel something, to trim or cut down with a sharp instrument, to carve (wood) [hl]
gišó — to trim or cut down with a sharp instrument, as in using an ax to whittle or shave down a piece of wood by striking the wood with the ax in a downwards fashion so that the wood is cut away. To do this, the arm is raised to hoist the ax at an angle desired and to keep hitting at a specific point until the wood is cut down [we]
gišono — to do wrong [m]
gišónop p’į — it alone would be best [p-F]
gišorácjirehíže — he threw it up [jb-AM]
gišoróc — to get tired of doing something [hl]
gišoróc — to knock something loose (as with a hammer), to knock out [hl]
gišoróc hi — to make something drop out, to make something fall out (as from a wagon), to drop out of something [hl]
gišórocjirehíže — he knocked it out [jb-C]
gišorojiríž' (< gišorojirehížą) — they made something fall out [ss-WI]
gišošó — to shape something (using an instrument), to cut into shape, to cut down in size, to chisel something, to trim or cut down with a sharp instrument, to carve (wood) (cp. gišó) [hl]
git’abᵉteną (Ki taa lte n) — it is a good place to die [jb-P]
git’aíregi — they died [bp-L]
git’ájega — who lost [r-HD]
git’ánihara — that had died [rs-S]
git’e — to hurt by striking [we]
git’ḗgi — if he had died [r-HD]
git’ék — to be bruised [mn]
git’ék — to bruise, to hurt, to cause pain [hl]
git’eki — (because) he died [hz-O]
git’éže — he died [jb-KX]
git’įne — to forgive [m]
git’ų — to take out (as with trash) [hh]
git’unaínera — they offered me [jb-WM]
git’únaire — as a gift for him [jb-W]
git’únakírigúže — he left it for her [h-R1]
git’ųné — to forgive, to set aside (a grievance) [hl]
git’ų́neže — he gave to him [jb-W]
git’ų́neže — he grants him [jb-W]
git’ųp — to put, to make [m]
git’ųpireną — to offer (throw, etc.) [m]
git’úpše — he put [jb-K]
git’ų́rakirigùže — he left it for her [h-R2]
git’ųrékjera — he presented to him [jb-K]
gita — to ask for [m]
gitahira (Ki t Ai L) — they asked for [r-H]
gitaíreže — they asked him for [jmc-B]
gitaíreže — they say [asked for] [jf-M]
gitak — I tell [m]
gitáną — he asked of it [r-V]
gitaną́kšaną — they would ask for [r-P]
gitanąkšaną — to ask for [m]
gitánihi — smoking (< gi-tánihi, from gi-, a prefix meaning “for the benefit of someone” and tánihi, “to smoke”) [r-V]
gitáp (rehí) — to nick something, to hit slightly (like a glancing blow) [hl]
gitáp — to tap [ma, hl]
gitatapše (Ki t tl deAe) — flapping [bp-TA]
gitatapše — to flap [m]
gitaže (Ki t de) — he asked for it [sb-L]
gitaže (Ki t de) — he asked him [jc-T]
gitú (rehí) — to shake out, to fan something, to knock someone out (slang) [hl]
gitucaki (Ki to ttA Ki) — to sew (cp. girucak) [r-D]
gitúire — to be "fanned," struck out in baseball (English calque, cf. tú) [mn]
gituré hī́ — to shake something [mn]
gitúsguni — he took it out [jf-M]
gitúx — to fan (wheat) [mn]
gitúx — to fan something, to winnow something [hl]
gitux — to sieve, sift [j, m]
giuinanaga — to do for him [b-LK]
giúinera — they did to him [r-K]
giuna — he made him [b-LK]
giųžé — he did to him [h-O2]
gíwa — they hallooed, called him [g-C]
giwą́ — to call someone, to call for someone, to holler to [mn, hl]
giwą́ — to call, call to [we]
giwa (ge-wa [j]) — to shout [j]
gīwá — to sway, to bob up and down [hl]
giwą́ (Ki wn) — to yell for [ki]
giwacgís (Ki w ttKir) — to saw for, as firewood (cf. cgis) [ki]
giwagaíreže — they stuck it in the ground [r-HD]
giwagáx — to mark it for him [jb-FF]
giwagax (Ki w Kx) — to paint a picture [sb-E]
giwagáxire — they got (things) from him on credit [h-TM]
giwagáxireže — they marked it for him [jb-FF]
giwahá — to show something to someone [hl]
giwahahi — to present him [b-LK]
giwahąna — he had shown [b-LK]
giwaháže — he showed him [rw-W]
giwaínišguni — they hallooed at him [g-C]
giwaireže (Ki wy Le de) — they hailed him [bp-TA]
giwaireže (Ki wy Le de) — they shouted at him [l-TT]
giwają́ — to support, to back up, to be behind someone [hl]
giwajikarakaranąkše (Ki w tti K L K L nK deAe) — bouncing up and down [l-TF]
giwajikarakaranąkše — to bounce, roll along [cf. giwe, to go someplace; ji, to come; kere, to go back] [m]
giwajikeres’aže (Ki w tti Ke Le ra de) — they would flap [l-TT]
giwajikereže — to flop up [cf. giwe, to go someplace; ji, to come; kere, to go back] [m]
giwą́k — to chop down [lp, hl]
giwą́k — to cut down (as a tree or person); to chop down, fell [m, mn, hl]
giwą́k — to knock down [lp, hl]
giwą́k — to knock down, cut down [we]
giwak’és — to cut someone’s hair short, to shave off someone’s (head) hair (cp. giyak’és) [hl]
giwąk’įyanąga (Ki w Kiiy n K) — he carried them away, and [r-BB]
giwą́kerege (Ki w K Le Ke) — shooting better [r-Y]
giwą́kše — he chopped down [jc-S]
giwánuga — he gave to her [h-R1]
giwarna — he called to [b-G]
giwás — to escape, to get away from, to run away (cp. giyás) [hl]
giwás — to flee in fear from [mn]
gīwáwa — to sway, to bob up and down [hl]
giwawąkše (Ki w wx dAe) — he had broken to pieces [r-I]
giwawire (Ki w wi Le) — call him (imperative) [l-TT]
giwąx (Ki wx) — he knocked off [r-T]
giwąx — to ask [m]
giwax — to break [m]
giwáx — to break a string or rope by striking [mn, hl]
giwąxguže (Ki w xoKo de) — he went to break loose [r-D]
giwaxóro (Ki w HAo Lo) — to peel another's, or for another, by pushing on [ki]
giwą́že (Ki w de) — he called for her [l-TS]
giwąže (Ki w de) — shouted [l-TS]
giwaže — to peck [m]
giwé — to sting (as a bee) ) [cf. gisgi] [m, mn, we, hl]
giwe — to travel [m]
giwegają (Ki we K tt) — she pecked, and [r-HO]
giwekereže (Ki we Ke Le de) — he pecked it [cf. giwe, to peck; kere] [l-B, m]
giwewi (ge-way-wee [j]) — to consider [j]
giweže (Ki we de) — he pecked it [l-B]
giwéže — he said to her [al]
giwigiži (Ki wi Ki di) — when they got home [l-M, r-TB]
giwįs — to hang on to [m]
giwįsowe (Ki wiri ro we) — to be round about it [sb-TJ]
giwįsowehiže (Ki wi ro we Ai de) — he grabbed hold [r-TB]
giwįsowehiže (Ki wi ro we Ai de) — he hung on around it [r-Y]
giwį́š — to hit on the edge lightly, as on the edge of a paper bag [mn]
giwį́š — to strike an edge [lp]
giwįx (Ki winH) — turning around, whirling [ki]
giwį́x — whirling about [sb-P]
giwįxnąǧį́že — he circled around [rw-W]
giwį́xnąžįšgune — he flew round and round [rt-T]
giwizą́kše — again and again [h-B]
gíwiže — they got home [h-R1, h-R2]
giwiže (Ki wi de) — they went home [r-Y]
giwó — to be puffed up [mn]
giwús — to dry up (generally wet clothes by air) [hl]
giwús hī — to dry something, to make something dry [hl]
gį̄x (KiinH) — making a motor sound [ki]
gįx — to circle around, avoid [vid. gix] [m]
gix — to surround [vid. gįš, gįx, gik] [m]
gį̄x (KinH) — turning around, whirling [ki]
gix’anaíneną — they moved [r-K]
gixá — the country (as opposed to the city) [mn]
gixá — thick ? woods [lt-C]
gixa — thicket, brush; to move away [m]
gixá — to step aside [m, hl]
gixá — to turn [hl]
gixá — to turn off the path [mn, hl]
gixá — wilderness [m, hl]
gixahuhireną (Ki xA A o Ai Le n) — they separated [r-WH]
gixaíja — in the brush [jb-T]
gixaíja (Ki xy tt) — in the wilderness [p-B, r-E]
gixaíja — in the wilds [rw-W]
gixaíja (Ki xAy tt) — out of the way place [sb-TD]
gixaíja — outside [jb-S1a]
gixaíja (Ki xAy tt) — wilderness [jb-B, r-E]
gixakja — away, outside [m]
gixana — camp; to move away [m]
gixána — migrating [lt-C]
gixąną — migrating [ss-HM]
gixáną — they moved [h-W]
gixaną́́ (Ki xA n) — to move (change dwelling) [l-B, l-O, l-SM, mn, hl]
gixąną́ — to move away, to move (to a different place), to move from place to place [hl]
gixánaharaìre — they started to move [h-G]
gixąnąhiranihera (Ki x n Ai L ni Ae L) — the ones who had moved from there [l-SM]
gíxanaraíreže — they went on a move [h-R2]
gixap’a — they replied [lt-U]
gixap’aníškúni — perhaps they did not reply [lt-U]
gixapiranįže (Ki xA li L ni de) — he did not answer [bp-TC]
gixapiranįže (Ki xA li L ni de) — he was not answered [bp-TC]
gixara (Ki xA L) — away from home [sb-BT]
gixara — brush, secluded place [m]
gixara (Ki xA L) — he went out [r-E]
gixára — in the wilderness [jb-D]
gixara (Ki xA L) — the wilderness [l-N, l-TF, l-TS, r-O]
gixara — to the wilderness [r-A]
gixarac — to tie around [m]
gixarápahí — toward the country [mn]
gixarawawateną — to go into the wilderness [cf. re, to go] [m]
gixaraxarara (Ki xA L xA L L) — chipped [l-B]
gixarégi — in the wilderness [jb-D]
gixárowáreže — to the wilds he went [rw-W]
gixáruwáhugi — he came to the wilds [rw-W]
gixawą — to disappear, to lose [m]
gixawą (Ki xA w) — to knock [r-O]
gixawá rehí — to push something or someone aside [hl]
gixawá rehíže (Ki xA w Le Ai de) — she knocked it over [l-TM]
gixawahohi (Ki xA w Ao Ai) — to be knocked over [sb-TD]
gixawahohiže — to be knocked toward you [cf. hi, to go] [m]
gixawaíreže — they were paralyzed [rv-F]
gixawąjįjįphirawiže (Ki xA w tti ttili Ai L wi de) — they were repeatedly knocked down [sb-TD]
gixawąjįpireže (Ki xA w tti li Le de) — he was knocked down [sb-TD]
gixawaniną (Ki xA w ni n) — he lost [sb-L]
gixawaninąkra (Ki xA w ni n KL) — the lost one [sb-L]
gixawąnineže (Ki xA w ni ne de) — it was lost [sb-L]
gixawaníneže — they lost (something) [jb-L]
gixawąnisgerere (Ki xA w ni reKe Le Le) — he seemed to knock against [l-M]
gixawąnišgųnį (Ki xA w ni dKo ni) — he did not return [r-HO]
gixawąniže (Ki xA w ni de) — it was missing [sb-L]
gixaxjį — wilderness [m]
gixék’ųhaį́ja — down towards the foot of the bluff [jc-S]
gixete — to love [vid. xate, big ?] [m]
gixetegają (Ki xeAe te K tt) — he was very big [l-TV]
gixetegiži (Ki xeAe te Ki di) — when he grew up [r-H]
gixetéregają — they were grown up [jb-S1b]
gixeteže (Ki xeAe te de) — he loved him [l-M]
gixewe — to ask, to bother [m]
gixewé — to be tired, to be exhausted [hl]
gixéwe (Ki HeAe we) — to obtain [jb-SE, rg-G]
gixewé — to obtain [rg-G]
gixgép — to dip up (the last bit of) liquid [ma, hl]
gixgexgék — the sound of tapping; any bird that taps on trees [mn]
gixgix — touch [m]
gixgú — to buck off, to knock something off [hl]
gixgú — to hit a stone stuck in the ground with another stone or stick [su-W]
gixgúanąga (Ki xoKow n K) — to chop out, and [l-SM]
gixįnį́ — to growl at someone [hl]
gixįnįxįnįanąga (Ki xiAi ni xiAi niy n K) — he spread out, and [sb-L]
gixirianąga (Ki xiAi Liy n K) — she mashed, and [r-T]
gixirixíri — to mash to bits [cf. xíri, to get into something soft] [lp]
gīxją́ — pile (noun) [mn]
gixją́ keréránañga — they had piled up, and [jb-D]
gixják hī́ — to fail to do someone, do something for nothing [hl]
gixjąkere — to pile up [cf. gix, to press; ją] [m]
gixjéc — to be tired of someone or something, to find someone or something boring [we, hl]
gixjúk — to break [ma]
gixjúk — to break something into little pieces (like dishes) [hl]
gįxkuruxehireže (Kixi Ko Lo xeAe Ai Le de) — she chased her [bp-TP]
gį̄xną́kšąną (KinH nnK dA n) — motor making sounds, as when stuck [ki]
gixonaį́neže — they moved [r-P]
gixono — to move about [m]
gíxonoraíreže — they went on a move [h-R1]
gixonoxóno — kept moving [al]
gixǫ́nuna — the movers [jc-F]
gixoró — to peel off [hl]
gixoró — to strip off [lp, mn, hl]
gixóro — to strip off [lp]
gixše (Kixi deAe) — all around [bp-TA]
gixuc (Ki xotto) — to pulverize very fine [l-P]
gixúx — to break [we, hl]
gixúx — to break by striking [ma, hl]
gixúx — to break something brittle [lp]
gixúx — to crack something (e.g., a nut) [m, mn, hl]
gixuxgáją — they broke open [h-TG]
gixúxše — he broke open [h-TM]
gixuxúx — to smash something (as fruit), to shatter something [hl]
gixuxúxiranąga (Ki xoAo xoAo xi L n K) — it is broken up, and [l-P]
gixuxuxše (Ki xoAo xoAoxo deAe) — he smashed it to pieces [bp-TW]
giyak’és — to cut someone’s hair short, to shave off someone’s (head) hair (cp. giwak’és) [hl]
giyā́s — to escape, get away from [we, hl]
giyás — to run away (cp. giwás) [hl]
gizą́jią́ — one beaded together [rs-S]
gizák’ — strip [su-W]
gizazak’ — a lot of [su-W]
gizé — a method of cooking corn [mn]
gize — to dip out (with a ladle) [hh]
gizé — to ladle out something from a pot, to dish out something [hl]
gizé — to take out (of water, kettle) [mn, hl]
gizíc — to lift up one’s head from a lying position [mn, hl]
gizic — to raise (the head) [m]
gizíc — to raise one’s head up from a lying position [hl]
gizíc hakírinąk — I sit up from a lying position to look around, I pop up to look around [hl]
gizíc kiriną́k — to pop up to look around [hl]
gizíc kiriną́k — to sit up from a lying position [mn, hl]
gizíc rakirinąk — you (sg.) sit up from a lying position to look around, you (sg.) pop up to look around [hl]
gizíc rakirišą́nąk — you (sg.) sit up from a lying position to look around, you (sg.) pop up to look around [hl]
gizíp — to stir something soft [lp, mn, hl]
gizíp hī — to not be doing well (joking term) [hl]
gizó (Ki ro) — said of a gun, straight shot [ki]
gizozó — to be striped (cp. higizozó) [hl]
gizózuc — to whistle, whistling [m]
gížą́ (< (é)gi-hížą́) — and one [ss-WS]
gižá — to erase something, to wipe something away with an instrument [we, hl]
gižá — to thaw, become clear of ice, as a frozen body of water [we, hl]
gižá — to wipe something off [hl]
gižágerahìže — he cried back to him [jh-M]
gižáp — to shine something; slide (as in a car) [mn]
gižáp — to shine, to make shine (like shoes), to polish [hl]
gižáp — to skid (as in a car), to slip (as on ice), to slide down going sideways in a car [hl]
gižáp — to slip (as on ice) [mn, hl]
gižáp kį̄ — to scrape the skin (accidentally), to skin oneself [hl]
gižažap — to peel, peel off [m]
giže (Ki de) — he came back [r-O]
giže (Ki de) — he got back [r-O, r-Y]
gižé — he got home [h-O]
gíže (Ki de) — he got to [h-H, l-O]
gižé — he returned [jb-F]
giže (Ki de) — he went [l-M, r-Y]
gižé — to break apart by hand [mn]
gižé — to break something, to wreck something [hl]
giže — to break through [b-E]
gižé — to break up [lp]
gižé — to break up by striking [ma]
giže — to go in, penetrate [m]
gíže (Ki de) — to return, go home, get home [rs-S, h-R1, h-R2, h-TM, r-Y]
gíže — when they got back [jb-D]
giže’é — and/so that one [ss-WI]
gižeesge — so that way [ss-HM]
gižehire — to break way in [cf. hire] [m]
gižéją — something (alive) ends or dies [hl]
giženą́ — to knock to smithereens [lp]
gižéną — to knock to smithereens [lp]
giženą́ — to use up; grind down to nothing [mn]
giženąže (Ki de n de) — he broke [r-D]
gižežé (Ki de de) — to cut something up [l-B]
gižežé — to tear apart (something not having length), to knock apart (something not having length), to break up (something not having length) [hl]
gižežé — to tear or knock apart [we]
gižežeiranąga (Ki de deyi L n K) — they had cut it up, and [r-T]
gižežereže (Ki de de Le de) — they broke it up [sb-L]
gižežeyanąga (Ki de dey n K) — he cut it up (and) [bp-TC]
gižéžeže — he broke it down [h-H]
giži (Ki di) — and [jb-HM, sb-L, r-O, r-Y, ss-WI]
giží — and so [h-R1, h-R2]
giži — and so [jb-F, r-P, ss-B, ss-WI]
gíži — and so [rh-F]
gíži — and thus [sb-N]
giži — as if [m]
giži (Ki di) — but [sb-L, r-WH]
giži (Ki di) — during [l-MS]
gíži — if [lt-R, lt-TB]
giži — if [ss-PT, ss-SE, z]
giži — indeed [rv-A, ss-WS]
gíži — it was [h-R1, h-R2]
giži (Ki di) — so [jb-K, sb-TD, sb-W, r-P, ss-BW, ss-HM, ss-WI, ss-WP]
giží — so [ss-S, ss-WI]
giži — so that [r-P]
giži (Ki di) — that is [r-D, r-TB]
gíži — then [jb-A, jb-DE]
giži — then [jb-MR, ss-WI]
giží — then [ss-WI]
gíži — this [jh-M, m]
gíži — thus [r-P]
giží — thus [ss-WI]
giží — to chase someone or something away [hl]
giži (Ki di) — used as a clause terminator [l-O]
giži — used as a sentence terminator [jf-J1a, jf-J1b, jb-CM, jb-DC, jb-DE, jb-EM1, jb-J4, jb-K, jb-MH1, jb-N, jb-O, jb-P2, jb-S1a, jb-S1b, jb-SD, r-BF, r-V, ss-HM]
gíži (Ki di) — used as a sentence terminator [rh-T, rv-F, jb-BH, jb-CLS, jb-DD1, jb-DD2, jb-E, jb-F, jb-FC, jb-FF, jb-G, jb-MH2b, jb-P, jb-SE, h-B, l-O, l-TM, ss-W]
giži — well [ss-HM, ss-WP]
giži (Ki di) — when [jb-F, r-CL, r-P, r-Y, ss-BW, ss-SE]
gíži — when [lt-M]
giží — when [lt-R, sb-W]
giži — which [z]
giži’aš (Ki di ad) — running elk [ki]
gī́žigī (jēgī́žī) — to stand [jb-HS]
gižíj — he blew out the breath between his teeth [lt-U]
gižijireže (Ki di tti Le de) — they hissed at him [r-D]
gižijše (Ki ditti de) (Ki ditti deAe) — he hissed at him [r-BS]
gižikorohože — he was going to flee [r-WB]
gižíp — to cut down in large chips, cut away stroke by stroke using a sharp instrument such as a hatchet or an axe [we]
gižóc — to stir [ma]
gižók — to mush up something, to mix something, to scramble [hl]
gižok — to scramble [hh]
gižú — to be quiet (as a well-behaved child) [mn]
go (suffix) — to call or beckon [gigó, gigo?ír?eže] [mn]
gṓ — to give a religious feast [mn]
gō — to invite someone to a religious feast (traditional use only) [mn, hl]
goc — to shoot [cp. gúc ] [mck]
gogo (Ko Ko) — quickly, hurry, hurry (< English ?) [ki]
gogohiže (Ko Ko Ai de) — so he went after it [l-TF]
gohaphirehi (go-hap-he-ray-he [j]) — to pierce [j]
goišíp — all the time, every time [hl]
goišip — always [p-M]
goišíp — always [variant of hoišíp] [mn, hl]
goja (Ko tt) — disappearing into the distance [l-SM]
gója — over there [h-R1, h-R2]
gōjá — over there [h-T, mn, hl]
gójá — over there [ss-WI]
gója — there (next to him) [m]
goja (Ko tt) — there [r-Y]
gojá — there, distant or out of sight [cf., gajá] [lp]
gója — there, distant or out of sight [cf., gajá] [lp]
goja (Ko tt) — way over [r-BS]
gojájega — that fellow [h-T]
gojánañká — the one standing yonder [lt-R]
gojawaréną — he goes over there [r-G]
gojawawateną — I go over there [r-G]
gojáxjąhi — way over there at [h-R1, h-R2]
gojáxjį (Ko tt xitti) — olden times [jc-T]
gōjáxjį — very far away [mn]
gójáxjį — way back [fu]
gojaxji-owaji — far away back [m]
gojorawašeréną — you (sg.) go over there [r-G]
gojowaírehi — way over there it reached to [rg-G]
gojowaíreže — reaching a great distance [sb-W]
gōjowā́nĭ-kīrīgū́žĕ — he captured (her) [jb-HS]
gojowírehiže — over yonder it reached [rs-S]
gok — badger [lp]
gokawánąga — after he had gone, and [jb-K]
goke — empty; to make empty [vid. gop, gox] [m]
goke (Ko KAe) — roomy, plenty of room [ki]
gōké hī — to make empty of, to make roomy or vacated, to clear out, to make space [hl]
gōké keré — to leave something empty, to leave an open space [hl]
goke wa’ų wąkšąną (Ko KAe w oon wnK dA nn) — it's roomy, has lots of space available [ki]
goke wa’ųhąkšąną (Ko KAe w oon AnK dA nn) — it's roomy, has lots of space available [ki]
gōkĕ́gīkĕrĕwĭ̀rĕ — let us make room [jb-HS]
gokehi (Ko KAe Ai) — to make empty of, make roomy [ki]
gokehire (Ko KAe Ai Le) — you (sg) make space, make roomy or vacated [ki]
gokehiwire (Ko KAe Ai [wi] Le) — you (all) make space, roomy, or vacated [ki]
gokekereže (Ko Ke Ke Le de) — he left it open [bp-TB]
gokekereže — open (adj.), to make empty [cf. goke, empty; kere] [m]
gokekjaneną (Ko Ke Ktt ne n) — it will be the vacant spot [r-BB]
gokeną (Ko Ke n) — there is an opening [bp-TB]
gōkĕ́nĭgīkĕrēną — they left it vacant [jb-HS]
gokeže (Ko Ke de) — there was an opening [bp-TB]
gokjene — to come back. See gukjene [ss-BW]
gop — to take out [vid. goke, gox] [m]
gop (suffix) — to work at something with a tool shaped like a beak (?) [cf. gigóp, gigogóp, gop, horugóp, nąsu horugóp, nąsuragop, nos’urogobenįk, nosųrogobenįk, rugóp, wagóp] [mn]
gos — rope ? [m]
gǫs (gons [j]) — to create [j]
gosgé — just for nothing [jc-F]
gōsgé (Ko reKe) — just for the fun of it [ki]
gṓsgexjį́ — "just for kicks" [mn]
gōš (Kod) — bent, curved, as a nose or stick [cf. haigoš] [ki]
gṓš — to be crescent shaped [mn]
gošib (goshib [j]) — frequently, often [j]
gošigi (go-she-ge [j]) — yonder [j]
gox — to bring, gather, together [vid., goke, gop] [m]
gožeránąkše — it was bent over [jb-BH]
grigorawire — go and call [p-B]
groriajena — glorifying (< English) [b-LK]
gsu — rope ? [m]
gų (Ko) — also [r-E]
gų́ — and [h-T]
gų — and [ss-S]
gu — approach [m]
gų (Ko) — even [l-TS, da]
gu — even [p-C]
gų — just [h-R1, h-R2]
gų — narrative flow particle, now, still, yet, etc. [cf. higų] [da]
gų (suffix) — so, thus ? [cf. š’ágų́, š’egų́, gagų, higų́, hegų́, hogų́, hožígų, hųgų, rogigų́, žegų́] [mn]
gu — to bring, bring forth; pull out, extend [m]
gū — to come back, he came back [lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, hl]
gu — to come, he came (starting) [jf-LT, m, lp]
gų — to desire, seek [m]
gu (suffix) — to grow [cf. gu, hogú, ruaįgu] [m, mn]
gū́ — to leave returning [mn]
gū — to leave returning [z]
gū — to leave to go home [hl]
gu (Ko) — to start coming back [r-O, lp, m]
gū — to start returning [ma]
'gu (< egu) — well (exclamation) [ss-BO]
gų — yet [rv-F]
gu-ireže — with noise [sb-W]
gú-u-u — the holy syllable which, when uttered, is sufficient to bring a battle to an end [rt-T]
gu’įs — bring [cf. ’įs] [m]
guą — as soon as [p-B]
gųącįja — anywhere [mn]
gųącįja howaré — to go anywhere [mn]
gųącįjere — to be anywhere [mn]
guącuñgère — very nearly [h-B]
gųą́gáiraxjįšąną̀ — once in a great while [ss-B]
guáną — right away [jb-F]
gųą́ną — right away [ss-WI]
guą́ną — right now, right away, immediately (cp. higuą́ną) [hl]
guanąga (Kow n K) — he left, and [r-Y]
guanąga (Kuw n K) — he started away, and [l-B]
gųą́nąjı̨́ — immediately [ss-WI]
guąréją — at that very time [al]
guc (suffix) — to bet ? [cf. hakiguc, hikigúc, wikigúc] [mn]
guc (Kotto) — to bet [l-SM]
gūc — to fire (a gun) [we]
gū́c — to shoot at something [g-C, lt-U, r-E, m, mn, hl]
gúcé — he shot [jc-S]
gucga (Ko ttK) (Kotto ttK) — when he shot (him) [r-H, r-T]
gų́cgášge — when he would shoot at [rs-S]
gucgi — he shot [rw-W]
gucį́nešge — if they shoot him [rt-T]
gū́cše (Kotto deAe) — he shot [l-P, r-E]
gucše (Kotto deAe) (Ko ttede) — he shot [p-B, jc-T, l-SM, r-D, r-T]
guegają (Ko e K tt) — what are you saying [l-TS]
guga — whenever he came [m]
gugáją (Ko K tt) — he came, and [h-T, l-O]
gų̄́ge (Koon Ke) — grandson, maternal nephew usually very young [ki, z]
gugí — he came [jmc-B]
gugí (Ko Ki) — when he came [r-BB]
gugiži (Ko Ki di) — as he went home [r-D]
gugiži — it came, and [al]
gugíži — on the way home [h-R1, h-R2]
gugíži — when he came [al]
gugíži (Ko Ki di) — when he came home [l-B]
gugjege (Ko Kette Ke) — about to come away [l-MS]
gū́gu — meat (baby talk) [z]
gųgų (Ko Ko) — to come away (with him) [r-FP]
gugugiži (Ko Ko Ki di) — he came away [r-H]
gugų́īsᵉra — he brings it [r-HD]
gųgųkjeną (Ko Ko Ktt ne n) — you shall live [all your days] [r-C]
guguwiže (Ko Ko wi de) — they came home [l-M]
gųgųxjį (Ko Ko xitti) — through this life [r-O]
gųgųxjįra (Ko Ko xitti L) — all your days [r-I]
gūǧų́k — to fling about (?) [mn]
guhá — I send back home [mn]
guhé — coming back (to where one started from) [hl]
guhé — to be on the way returning [mn, hl]
guhé — to come back by while on the way [lp]
guhe — to come with [jf-LT]
guhege (Ko Ae Ke) — he is coming if [r-O]
guhéną (Ko Ae n) — he is on his way [r-E]
guheže (Ko Ae de) — as he came [r-D]
guhéže — coming with [jf-LT]
guheže (Ko Ae de) — he was coming [r-D, r-E]
gūhí (Ko Ai) — she went back to [l-TS]
gūhí — to send back home, e.g., by mail [mn]
guhírerá — back [jb-D]
guhíže — he came back [jb-B]
guireže (Koyi Le de) — they came [l-SM]
guireže (Koyi Le de) — they were coming back [r-I]
gúireže — with noise [sb-W]
gúįsgéxjį — really [h-R1, h-R2]
gúj — he shot [jf-F]
guj-hirekjaneną — he shall be shot through [b-E]
guja (Kotto tt) — he shot at [l-P]
gujagają (Kotto ttK tt) — he shot at, and [l-M]
gujánañga — he shot it (and) [jb-R]
gujanąga (Ko tt n K) — he shot, and [r-Y]
gujarawiže (Ko tt L wi de) — they had a bet against them [l-SM]
gújégaže — to bring forth [ss-BO]
gújégiži — when he shot [ss-BO]
gujera (Ko ttL) — shooting [r-TB]
guji (Ko tti) — to shoot [r-D]
gujigiži (Ko ttiKi di) — when he shot [jc-T, r-Y]
gujikje (Ko tti Kette) — he would shoot it [l-B]
gujikje (Ko tti Kette) — I am to shoot [r-D]
gujikje (Ko tti Kette) — I will shoot [r-D]
gujikjehi (Ko tti Ktte Ai) — he will shoot [r-D]
gujiną́’įja’ų — as he was trying to shoot him [rv-F]
gujináne — shoot him (imperative) [rh-T]
gujiranįkjeną (Ko tti L ni Kette n) — they must not shoot [r-TB]
gujirawiže (Ko tti L wi de) — they bet against [r-Y]
gujirawiže (Ko tti L wi de) — they were shooting [r-E]
gújiregášana — when they shot at only [jb-D]
gujirehíže — he suddenly shot him [jb-F]
gujirekjanahega (Ko tti Le Ktt n Ae K) — the target [r-Y]
gujirekjanihawigiži (Ko tti Le Ktt ni A wi Ki di) — when they were about to shoot them [r-E]
gujiréną — they shot him [rh-T]
gujireže (Ko tti Le de) — they bet against [r-Y]
gujireže (Ko tti Le de) — they shot [sb-TD]
gujwinąga (Ko ttiwi n K) — to shoot them, and [r-Y]
gukjanahawiže (Ko Ktt n A wi de) — they left to go home [l-N]
gukjanaheže (Ko Ktt n Ae de) — he is coming home [l-N]
gukúšetaxí — bacon (pork smoked) [f]
guną (Ko n) — I came back [sb-F]
guną (Ko n) — I came home [r-BS]
gų́nįgé — anyplace [mn]
gunira (Ko ni L) — he looked for [r-D]
gunįže (Ko ni de) — he did not come away [r-Y]
gų́nške — skunk [lp]
gunške — skunk [s]
gununige (Kono ni Ke) — it was making, but [bp-TA]
guó — an exclamation [cf. gwo] [h-B]
guó — well [h-T]
guok’awazᵉnisgegają — already it was getting dark [al]
gup — to bite? [m]
gųp’įną — it is good enough [p-M]
gupikjege (Ko li Kette Ke) — he might bite off [l-TT]
gūra (Ko L) — to get [r-C]
gūraha’ų́ (Ko L A oo) — as he was going after [r-C]
gūre — come back here (familiar) [hh]
gūre — come here (familiar) [hh]
gųresgexjį (Ko Le rKe xitti) — perhaps surprisingly [r-Y]
gūrešgų́nį (Ko Le dKo ni) — he went after [r-C]
gūrešgų́nįže (Ko Le dKo ni d[e]) — he went often [r-C]
guruc (Ko Lo tto) — for food [jc-T]
guruc (Ko Lotto) — to eat [jc-T]
gurucšaną (Ko Lotto dA n) — he ate [r-HO]
gų̄s (Konr) — found, make, create [ki]
gus — rope ? [m]
gus — to agree upon [m]
gų̄s — to counsel, advise strictly, instruct, order, command [we]
gų̄s — to create [r-BC, m, hl]
gų̄́s — to create something, to teach something [mn]
gųs — to teach, to make signs [m]
gųs’áže — he would make [jb-I]
gųs’gí — he made [h-R1]
gųsáną (Ko rA n) — he created it [b-G, jb-P]
gųsáną — he made it [jb-DD2]
gų̄są́ną — he made them [jb-DE]
gųsáną — he ordained [jb-T3]
gųsáną — he started [rg-G]
gųsé — he made [jb-I]
gųse (Kor rAe) — he planned out [r-C]
gų́se — he was taught [sb-W, r-BC]
gųsgi — he made [h-R2]
gų̄sgigíną — he caused it to be [jb-DE]
gusikcenąre (goo-sick-tchaa-nun-da) — day before yesterday [ge]
gų́sire — they planned [lt-R]
gųsireže — they counseled over [r-B2]
gųñské — because he created [lp-N]
gų́ske — skunk [ha]
guskera (goo-ska-dah) — skunk [ge]
Guskonugara (Goo-sco-noog-gar-rah) — Chicago, "the Skunk’s Run-way" [ge]
gųsra — created [b-G]
gųsšáną — he made [r-S]
gųsše — they ruled (made) [h-T]
gųšga — animal with marks? [m]
gųšge — polecat, civet cat [m]
gų̄šge — skunk [hh]
gųšge (goon-shga [j]) — skunk [j]
gųšgé — skunk [m, hw]
gų̄šgé — skunk [mn]
Gų̄šge honąk — Chicago, Illinois [hh]
gųšgenągi — civet cat; climbing [m]
Gųšgenįka (Ko deKe ni K) — Pole Cat (Little Skunk) [l-B, m]
gųšgežą — a skunk [m]
Gų̄šgónąk — Chicago ("skunk run") [mn, z]
Gų̄šgónąk — Lake Koshkonong ("skunk run") [z]
gušgúni — he came back (home) [h-C, h-R1, h-R2]
gušgų́nį (Ko dKo ni) — he went back [r-HO]
guši — beyond ? [m]
gųši — beyond you [jb-R]
gūší- — beyond in time [mn]
gūšī́cą-nąk-gi — the day after tomorrow [we]
gūšī́cąną-re — the day before yesterday [we]
gušicąnągi — day after tomorrow [hh]
gūšī́cąnągí — the day after tomorrow [mn]
gušicąnąne — day before yesterday [hh]
gūšī́cąnąné — the day before yesterday [mn]
gušígi (Ko diAi Ki) — a little farther [l-LM]
gušígi — beyond [sb-BT, m]
gušígi (Ko diAi Ki) — over there [jc-S, bp-TB, r-HO, mn]
gušígi — there, beyond the person addressed or some specified object [lp]
gušígi (Ko diAi Ki) — yonder [sb-BT, bp-TA]
gušigira (Ko diAi Ki L) — a little farther [l-TM]
gušigira (Ko diAi Ki L) — over there [r-I]
gušigíra — there, farther beyond the person addressed [lp]
gušijanągi — the day after tomorrow [m]
gušikigi (goo-shick-e-gee) — day after tomorrow [ge]
gušíšjaną́gi — in three days from now [jb-PM]
gušíšjaną́gi — the day after tomorrow [jb-PM, m]
gušíxjį (Ko di xitti) — a little more [r-HO]
gūšíxjį (Ko di xitti) — very low [r-E]
gųšké — skunk [su-W]
gųškéra — skunk [su-W]
gųškera (Ko deKe L) — skunks [l-M]
Guškonik (Goo-shko-nik) — Chicago, Skunk Runs [j]
gų́težegúni (< higų́ te žégų) — even this way [h-R1, h-R2]
guwa (Kow) — ah! [bp-TC, l-B, l-P, r-WB]
guwa (Kow) — an exclamation [l-SM]
guwa (Kow) — oh [r-BB, r-HO, r-O]
gų́waǧ?ǫ cegenisgiže — it was kind of recent looking [jmc-B]
guwiže (Ko wi de) — they came away [r-T, r-TB]
guwiže (Ko wi de) — they came back [l-N]
guwiže (Ko wi de) — they came home [l-N, l-SM, r-TB]
gųxap’énįk — not so very late [jc-S]
gųzánąga — he created, and [jb-MR]
gųzirešgùni — they planned [jc-F]
gųzireže — they counseled over [r-B1]
Gųziriga — Created One, a Bear Clan personal name [lu-C]
Gųzrá — the Creator (Christian) [mn]
gúže — coming [jf-LT, jb-F]
guže (Ko de) — he brought him home [l-SM]
guže (Ko de) — he came away [l-B, l-TS]
gúže — he came home [rs-S]
guže (Ko de) — he came home [sb-BT, jc-T, l-B, r-BS, r-D, r-I, r-O, r-T, r-TB]
guže (Ko de) — he came right back [l-P]
guže (Ko de) — he was coming [l-O]
guže (Ko de) — he went [r-D]
guže (Ko de) — he went home [r-HO, l-O, r-WH]
guže (Ko de) — he went off [r-HO]
guže (Ko de) — he went on [l-P]
guže (Ko de) — he, she, it came [l-M, r-O, r-WH]
guže (Ko de) — they came [sb-L]
gų́žegų (< higų žegų) — right then and there [h-T]
gwągaíra (< higų́ hagaíra) — sometimes [h-R1, h-R2]
gwak gwak! — a sound made by otters and by certain small birds (said to be waterfowls) [jc-F]
gwána — right away [h-R1, h-R2]
gweréšgera — even then [jb-F]
gwo — an exclamation used to express despair, and utter helplessness [cp. guo] [h-R1, h-R2]
gwó — my, my [h-T]
gwo (Kowo) — quack (the sound made by a duck) [bp-TA]
gwo — well [h-T]
ǧ’eǧ’éra — ear-bobs [h-H]
ǧa — clumsy ? [m]
ǧa — near, connected [vid. ǧap] [m]
ǧa — pile up [m]
ǧą̄ (Hn) — relating to uncovering-removing, as ground by removing snow cover [ki]
ǧa — to pile up [vid. ǧak, to protrude] [m]
ǧą — to run along ? [m]
ǧáakše — he cried [rs-S]
ǧaberajíreže — he flew forward [jb-CLS]
ǧābre (Hl Le) — displaced and flying from, e.g., wood chips, car hood flying from a moving car [ki]
ǧābrekere (Hl Le KAe Le) — displaced and flying from, e.g., wood chips, car hood flying from a moving car [ki]
ǧābrekereiną (Hl Le KAe Lei nn) — got displaced and is flying (from), e.g., car hood flying from a moving car [ki]
ǧac (Htt) — relating to being moderately branched [ki]
ǧąc — to poke, pull [m]
ǧac (suffix) — to taper like a tree [cf. hiruǧác, ną̄́biruǧác, šāgrá ruǧác [lp, mn]
ǧacre (Htt Le) — being moderately branched, as a 6-pt buck [ki]
ǧagącą̄ (x K ttA) — she cried (the -cą̄ may be the replacement suffix, “instead”) [r-E]
ǧagaks’áže — he would cry [h-G]
ǧāgą́kšąną (HK HnK dA nn) — is crying, weeping in a laying down position [ki]
ǧagą́kše — he cried [rv-F]
ǧáganá — Can he cry? [su-W]
ǧaganąkšana — lots of people are crying [su-W]
ǧagaraíreže — they started out weeping [jb-DE]
ǧágᵉnągᵉra — cry [rv-A]
ǧágeną́kšaną — they cry [h-R1, h-R2]
ǧagenáñkše — he was crying [h-O]
ǧagᵉną́kše — they were weeping [r-V]
ǧagenąwą — mourning song [jb-DC]
ǧageni-ą́je — do you (not) cry [h-T]
ǧágᵉra — (the) crying [jb-KX, jb-S1a, jb-S1b]
ǧágᵉra — (the) weeping [jb-S1b]
ǧágᵉra (xK L) — crying [jb-S1a, l-SM]
ǧagᵉrá — crying [jb-S1a]
ǧagera (x KL) — crying [r-TB]
ǧágera — he cried [h-R1, h-R2]
ǧágᵉra (x KL) — she cried [r-E]
ǧágᵉra (x KL) — singing [r-TW3]
ǧagᵉra — their crying [jb-DE]
ǧagᵉra — their weeping [jb-DE]
ǧágᵉra (xK KL) — they cried [r-E]
ǧágᵉra (xK KL) — they wept [r-E]
ǧágᵉra (xK L) — to cry [l-SM]
ǧágᵉra — to weep [jb-S1b]
ǧágᵉra (xK KL) — weeping [r-E]
ǧagera — weeping [rv-F]
ǧágᵉra (xK KL) — your crying [r-E]
ǧageraǧé — they made noise from crying [r-K]
ǧageraǧéže — there was the sound of many voices cryng [rv-F]
ǧagᵉrē — your crying [r-A]
ǧagira — to protrude [m]
ǧagiréną — they cried [r-V]
ǧágireže — they two cried [r-P]
ǧāgną́kšąną́ (HK nnK dA nn) — is crying, weeping in a sitting position [ki]
ǧaǧa (H H) — sort of like flailing about, unskilled (?) [ki]
ǧaǧac — (thick) branching (tree) [su-W]
ǧaǧac (H Htt) — being moderately branched, as a 6-pt buck [ki]
ǧaǧác — branching out, to be spread out [hl]
ǧaǧac — spindly (?) (cp. zazác) [cf. Omaha, ǧaǧate] [d]
ǧaǧac kąnąk — spreader (powwow regalia) [hh]
ǧaǧak — noise [sb-TM]
ǧaǧak (H HK) — to complain; cry out, sing out [ki]
ǧaǧák — to cry repeatedly [cf. ǧak, to cry] [lp]
ǧaǧák’ — crying [sb-G]
ǧaǧakanąga (x x K n K) — he would cry, and [r-T]
ǧaǧakireną (H HK Ai Le nn) — they let out cries of happiness-rejoicing-self-expression [ki]
ǧaǧakires’aže (x x Ki Le ra de) — they would make a sound with their voice [r-T]
ǧaǧakra (x xK KL) — the cry [r-O]
ǧaǧákše — it squawked [jb-F]
ǧaip (suffix) — to remove a layer [cf. hiwaǧap, mąįwaǧap, ruǧap, tāǧaǧap, waǧap, wawaǧaip] [mn-G]
ǧak (xK) — crying [jb-DE, r-BB, r-D, r-O]
ǧāk (xK) — crying [r-E]
ǧak (x K) — he wept [r-HO]
ǧak (xK) — mourning [r-I]
ǧak (suffix) — to break off a splinter [lp, mn]
ǧák — to crow (as a rooster) [mn]
ǧák — to cry [d, m, mn]
ǧāk (xK) (HaK) — to cry [r-E, ki, we, ma]
ǧāk (HaK) — to cry out [ki, hl]
ǧak (xK) — to cry out [r-BB, r-O]
ǧak (xK) — to cry, he cries [l-B, l-O, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-I, r-O, r-TW3, su-W, lp, hl]
ǧak — to protrude, be thick [vid. ǧa] [m]
ǧak — to vocalize (like birds), to emit a cry [hl]
ǧak — to wail [su-W]
ǧak (xK) — to weep [jc-T, l-SM, hl]
ǧāk (HaK) — to weep [ki, we]
ǧak — to whine, mourn [vid. ǧe] [m]
ǧak hįbi-ąje — to bring oneself to [cf. ǧak, to bring oneself (to) ?; hįp, to permit] [m]
ǧakak’ų (xK K Koo) — he was crying [l-SM]
ǧakakše (x K Kede) — he was weeping [r-E]
ǧakakše (xK K Kede) — she was crying [r-E]
ǧakanąga (x K n K) (xK K n K) — he cried, and [sb-BT, r-HO, r-TB]
ǧakgíži — thus he cried [r-P]
ǧakǧak — to whine [m]
ǧaki (x K Ki) — as he cried [r-BB]
ǧákįbiájē — cry often (see ǧak hįbi-ąje) [r-HD]
ǧakigi (x Ki Ki) — he made him weep [l-SM]
ǧakikarawakšgųnį (xK Ki K L wK doKo ni) — he must have cried himself to death [r-HO]
ǧakinįže (x K Ki ni de) — he was crying already [r-D]
ǧakireže (x Ki Le de) — they cried [l-P]
ǧakiži (xK Ki di) — when it cries [r-O]
ǧākjḗną (HK tte nn) — is crying, weeping in a standing position [ki]
ǧakježe (x Kette de) — he was crying [l-O]
ǧaknąki (xK n Ki) — they were crying [r-I]
ǧaknąkra (x Kn KL) — the one who was crying [sb-L]
ǧaknąks’aže (x KnK ra de) — she would be crying [r-T]
ǧaknąkše (x KnK deAe) — crying [sb-L]
ǧaknąkše (xK nK dAe) — she was crying [r-D]
ǧaknąkše (xK nK deAe) — they wept [l-TM]
ǧaknįgigiregiži (x Kini Ki Ki Le Ki di) — if he makes them cry [jb-P]
ǧakǫ́kiži — he lay crying [jb-KX]
ǧakra (x KL) — cried [r-T]
ǧakra (xK KL) — crying [sb-BT, r-O]
ǧakra (xK KL) — singing [r-O]
ǧakra (xK KL) — the cry [r-O]
ǧakra (x KL) — the crying [sb-BT]
ǧakra (x KL) — the crying ones [r-Y]
ǧakre (x KeLe) — crying [r-I]
ǧākrei (HK Lei) — to go ahead and cry [ki]
ǧaks’áže (x Kr de) — he would weep [l-N]
ǧakšána — he is crying [su-W]
ǧákšaną — you have cried [jb-CS]
ǧakšanąk (xK dA nK) — you are crying [r-D]
ǧakše (xK dAe) — he began to weep [r-D]
ǧákše — he cried [rv-F]
ǧakše (xK deAe) (x Kede) — he cries [bp-TP, l-B, r-HO, r-O, r-P, r-P1, r-TB, r-TW3]
ǧakše (xK deAe) — he wept [r-BS, r-HO]
ǧakše (xK deAe) — it cried out [bp-A]
ǧakšgúni — he cried [h-C, h-R1, h-R2]
ǧakšguni — he cried [p-B]
ǧakšíres’àže — they would cry [h-R1, h-R2]
ǧakšunu — to weep, cry [d]
ǧakšųnųra (xK doAo no L) — he had his usual cry [r-D]
ǧakų-wa’ųjegiži (x Kow o tte Ki di) — he was crying, but [r-TB]
ǧakweže (x Kewe de) — they were crying [sb-L]
ǧakwinįre (xK wi ni Le) — they do not cry [r-BC8]
ǧap — companionship ? [vid. ǧa, near, connected] [m]
ǧāp (Hl) — relating to displacing from ... in "leaves" [ki]
ǧap (suffix) — to remove a layer [cf. hiwaǧap, mą́įwaǧáp, ruǧáp, taǧáǧap, waǧáp, wawaǧáip] [lp, mn, mn-G]
ǧap — to skin, peel; tear up, scorch [m]
ǧápguni — shut up [h-T]
ǧáwa — to pull off the back [d]
ǧawace — to scrape [d]
ǧe (xe) — approval [r-TB]
ǧē (He) — cheering, yelling, hollering [ki]
ǧe (xe) — great noise [l-TM]
ǧe (xe) — noise (such as that of a crowd) [l-SM, su-W, m]
ǧē (xe) — the great noise [r-E]
ǧe — to be slow [m]
ǧē — to chirp, of many birds (plural forms only) [we]
ǧe (suffix) — to extract from water ? [cf. giǧé, hóigiǧé, raǧé, ruǧé] [mn]
ǧḗ — to jeer [lp, mn]
ǧe (xe) — to make a lot of racket [l-SM]
ǧe (xe) — to make noise [l-SM, m]
ǧē — to sound off (many voices), to cheer (many people at the same time), to chirp (as a flock of birds) [hl]
ǧē — to sound off, of many voices, to cheer (plural forms only) [we]
ǧe — to take out [vid. ǧep, to appear] [m]
ǧe — to yell [vid. ǧak, to whine, cry] [m]
ǧeajiakara — to yell [cf. kara, to spread from the center; ji, to arrive coming] [m]
ǧeakšaną — a crowd making a noise [m]
ǧéceže — making noise [sb-H]
ǧeǧe (He He) — dangling, as in being lifted or carried bodily [ki]
ǧeǧep — speech [m]
ǧējega (xe tte K) — that noise [r-E]
ǧejereže (xe tte Le de) — they began to sing [r-O]
ǧejįkereže (xe tti Ke Le de) — they made much noise [r-Y]
ǧenuñxawañka — is he doing (?) [jb-B]
ǧēp (Hel) — shallow [ki]
ǧep — speech? [vid. ǧe, noise; ǧak, to whine, cry] [m]
ǧep — to appear, rise, grow [vid., ǧe, to take out] [m]
ǧēp — to be shallow (as water) [mn, hl]
ǧēp — to be shallow (of water) [ma]
ǧēp — to grow [ma]
ǧēpjį (Hel ttAin) — very shallow [ki]
ǧēpjįnįk (Hel ttAin niK) — very, very shallow [ki]
ǧēpjįnįk (Hel ttAin niK) — very, very shallow [ki]
ǧerahe — cries [m]
ǧēré (He Le) — (to be) slow [ki, z]
ǧeré (xe Le) — to be slow, to travel slowly [cf. re, to go] [l-O, m, mn, hl]
ǧere’ųňe — slow down (imperative) [hh]
ǧerenį́k — slow [ki]
ǧerénįk — slow [su-W]
ǧerénįk — to travel [rw-W]
ǧerexjí — very slow [ki]
ǧeri — to stick ? [m]
ǧewigi — the war cry [se-P]
ǧeyakšaną (xey Kd n) — they weep aloud [r-Y]
ǧeže (xe de) — in tumult [r-E]
ǧeže (xe de) — out loud [l-M]
ǧeže (xe de) — there was much noise [r-Y]
ǧí — light brown [lp, hl]
ǧī́ — light brown [mn]
ǧī (Hi) — light colored, hazy, translucent [ki. hl]
ǧi — to be angry; to forbid [m]
ǧī — to be brownish (rather like tan), to be tan colored [hl]
ǧi — to be ripe [vid. ǧik] [m]
ǧi — to be uneasy, frightened [m]
ǧī — to forbid [cf. roǧí] [ma]
ǧiagi — to make noise [m]
ǧiágikjanéną — noise they will make [jb-J4]
ǧįc (Hintt) — related to being ragged and frayed [ki]
ǧīc — to be dim or hazy of vision, faded of memory, poorly pictured [we]
ǧīc (Hitt) — to be dim, as eye sight [ki, hl]
ǧīc — to be hoarse [mn, we]
ǧīc — to be in a state of decline [we]
ǧįc — to destroy by fire [m]
ǧíc — to fade, disappear [jb-WM, m]
ǧįc (suffix) — to fray; fringe [cf. ǧįǧįc, ǧįjré, raǧį́c] [lp, mn]
ǧic — to squeak [vid. ǧįk] [m]
ǧigią́ke — then again [rt-T]
ǧīgigī́ži — he made yellow, and [jb-HS]
ǧigre — disintegration (of wood) [m]
ǧįǧįc — ragged and frayed, as cut-off's cuffs [ki]
ǧį̄ǧį́c — ravelly material [mn]
ǧiǧic — squeak [m]
ǧiǧijenisge — he squeaked around [h-B]
ǧiǧik — to cover; be almost covered [m]
ǧiǧip (Hi Hil) — foamy-like texture [ki]
ǧį̄ǧíp — to be spongy (like foam rubber) [mn]
ǧīǧíp — to be thick, as liquid [z]
ǧíǧre — disintegration of wood [r-G]
ǧįk (HinK) — noise or sound from loud blowing noise or machinery (car engine) [ki]
ǧįk — snort (into a hanky) [z]
ǧį̄́k — the sound of something moving fast, a bullet ricocheting, an airplane humming, etc. [mn]
ǧik — to cover (here and there ?) [m]
ǧik — to disintegrate ? [vid. ǧi, to be ripe] [m]
ǧįk — to whirr (as an automobile, propeller, or winged insect) [su-W]
ǧįk — to whistle [vid. ǧic, to squeak] [jb-MR, m]
ǧį́k’ — humming [sb-T5]
ǧininąkša — yelping of mountain lions or dogs [m]
ǧip (suffix) — to press something soft [cf. homį́gaiǧíp, ǧīǧíp] [lp, mn]
ǧiragižą (xi L Ki d) — an imprint [r-TB]
ǧire (Hi Le) — having property of light colored, hazy, translucent, not clear [ki]
ǧirewacā (Hi Le w ttA) — I see through things, as through follies and trickery of fools, so said because aged eyes may see hazily because of cataracts but mind's eyes are made clear through experience [ki]
ǧirewaja (Hi Le w tt) — the ability to see through things, as the aged can see through follies of youth, so said because aged eyes may see hazily because of cataracts, but the mind's eyes are made clear through experience [ki]
ǧišarakje — to be frightened [m]
ǧišaranįkje — not to be frightened [m]
ǧō (Ho) — relating to filing, making a groove or shape, as a cliff's shape [ki]
ǧo — to clear away, free; to scratch [m]
ǧo (suffix) — to drag across ? [cf. giǧó, higiǧó, nąǧó, nąwáǧoǧó, waǧó] [mn]
ǧobᵉra — blessed ones [see ǧop, xop] [r-BD]
ǧóbiniànąga (Ho li niy n K) — I am blessed, and [jb-SE]
ǧṓc — a snorting sound (as of a horse) [mn]
ǧōc (Hott) — sort of like a blow; a rough whistling sound as deer make [ki]
ǧoc — to draw (as smoke ?) [vid. ǧo] [m]
ǧogara [for xokara] — badgers
ǧoǧo (Ho Ho) — sort of like scraping [ki]
ǧoǧojanąga (xo xo tt n K) — she snorted, and [l-SM]
ǧója — over there [sm-E]
ǧōjrehi (Hott Le Ai) — to make a rough whistling sound like a deer [ki]
ǧōk (HoK) — badger (animal) [ki, mn, hl, hw, hh]
ǧoną́cékcanéną — it will be steaming [sb-J6]
ǧonaįkaràwigi — let us move home [h-R2]
ǧōp (Hol) — hallowed, sacred, holy, magic [ki]
ǧṓp — the gift of healing received [mn]
ǧop — to skin [m]
ǧop [for xop] — power, holy [vid., xop] [m]
ǧop kiąji-arairega — to make holy [m]
Ğop Nikjąka (Ho lni Ktt K) — the Blessed Ones' Children [jb-SE]
ǧṓpkį — to be cured by traditional means; to be instilled with healing power [mn]
ǧu — lungs [m]
ǧų (suffix) — to blow ? [cf. hiweǧų́, howeǧų́] [mn]
ǧuc — to glance; to look (like?) [vid. ǧuk; zuc] [m]
ǧųk (HonK) — flailing [ki]
ǧūk (HooK) — related to passing a thing through a thing, as arms/sleeves, thread/needle [ki]
ǧuk — to glance about; to put on; to give away; to lengthen ? [vid. ǧuc] [m]
ǧųk — to go by ? [m]
ǧuk (suffix) — to push or pull through a tube or an eye [cf. horuǧúk, howaǧúk, reziwaǧúk, wirúǧuk] [lp, mn]
ǧųk — to roar (noise) [m]
ǧųkže — to roar (noise) [m]
ǧura — lungs [m]
ǧurehigają (xo Le Ai K tt) — he blew, and [r-D]
ǧwīk (HwiiK) — squealing sound like "ǧwīk" [ki]
H’ųge (Aoo Ke) — Waterspirits (literally, "chief") [jb-P]
hą (A) — ah [l-TS, r-BS, r-D]
hą (A) — all right, okay [sb-BT, sb-L, bp-TP, l-O, r-D, r-E, r-TB, r-Y, hl]
hą́ — an exclamation [ss-WI]
ha — an exclamation translated by the English "ah," as in, "Ah, now I understand," or as an expression of contentment. [h-R1, h-R2, lp]
hą (A) — answer of approval [l-TS]
ha — bark (cf. Osage, ha, "bark") [k, sm, m]
hā (A) — bark [ki, hl]
hą — grammatical class: interjection. "This is an important interjection. It is used by single individuals or collectively to signal understanding and affirmation to what another person says in public." This form is only used by women, men say hahō." [hl]
hā — hair [hl]
hą̄ — hello (female, acknowledgment) [hh]
ha — hide [g-H]
hā (A) — hide [ki, hl]
ha — hide; untanned hide, robe, blanket [g-H]
ha — I cause [hl]
hā — I cause; I am related (in a specific way); I finish (pl obj) [we]
hā́ — I cause; I make; I am [mn]
há (A) — I did [l-B, mn]
hą (A) — is that so? [l-N, l-TS, r-BB, r-Y]
ha (A) — now [bp-TA]
hą (A) — oh [jc-T, r-Y]
ha (A) — oh [r-TB]
ha — outer part of a shell [m]
hā (A) — pelt, [ki, hl]
ha — rind, fruit [m]
hā (A) — robe [l-TS]
hą (An) — sign of assent, agreement [ki]
hā — skin (animal)(covering) [hh]
ha (A) — skin [g-H, l-N, l-SM, sm, lp, m]
hā (A) — skin [ki, hl]
há — skin [lt-I]
hā́ — the hide (of an animal); skin or hair (human) [mn]
hą — to cook, boil, steam [m]
hą (A) — ugh [r-D]
hą (A) — well (cp., hą́hą, hąhą́’ą) [r-HO, hl]
ha — well (exclamation) [h-T]
hą̄́ — yes (emphatic) [mn]
hą (A) — yes [f, rv-F, sb-F, h-W, j, r-O]
hą̄ — yes [hl]
hą́ — yes [w-TI]
hą̄ — yes, used to acknowledge a greeting [hh]
ha apsįc — wild grape (Smith's informant gave this as a possibly older form [sh]) [sm]
ha ha ha (A A A) — o o o [l-SM]
ha ha ha — the cry of the wahą́na crow [d]
há rukas híkšege — they tried to get hold [g-C]
ha ženuñgáną — that’s all [rh-S]
ha- — a contraction of ha-ha- [lp]
ha- — a contraction of ha-hi [lp]
ha- — a contraction of hį-ha [cf. hį-] [lp]
ha- — a prefix used with third person plurals of verbs of motion [cf. hagúire, haraíre, hahuhaíre, hajíre, hahíre] [lp]
ha- — all (of them) [hl]
ha- — first person singular exclusive prefix [z]
ha- — grammatical class: collective number. "This prefix mostly co-occurs with the third person plural -ire suffix. It means a plurality of individuals. The grammatical prefix ha- occurs only with certain verbs such as some motion verbs, if the actors are many individuals. [The] marker ha- is somewhat redundant, because the third person subject plural form -ire already indicates that the actor is plural." [hl]
ha- — grammatical class: first person exclusive actor. "This is a pronominal form for the first person actor meaning 'I'." [hl]
ha- — grammatical class: superessive applicative. "This is a grammatical element of the verb unknown in English. It is mostly translated as 'on something' or 'over something'." [hl]
ha- — I [lp, m, hl]
ha- — I, the subject pronoun of an active verb [lp]
ha- — the locative prefix, "on" [lp, m, z, da, hl]
ha- ... -wi- — grammatical class: first person exclusive actor: 'we but not you' [hl]
ha-a — an emphatic variant of “ha” [h-B, h-R1, h-R2]
hą-ą (with falling pitch on the echoed vowel) — an exclamation indicating attention [lp]
ha-a (A a) — an exclamation made by the Twins [r-TB]
ha-a (A a) — an expression of contentment [r-WH]
hą-ą — oh [h-T]
hą-a-ą — yes! [g-H]
hą-ą-ą-ą (long drawn out with a wide pitch movement) — Is that so? [lp]
ha-éhi — council [rh-T]
ha-éhijiréže — he talked about [jb-EM2]
ha-ekaragi — to counsel over [cf. kara, to look after) [m]
ha-ewahi — to talk over [r-SD]
ha-ewahínañkše — they discussed [jb-F]
ha-icáks’á — he always bound them up (to conceal them) [lt-M]
ha-ipsínc hajéna — I thrash, whip [g-H]
ha-kiúš — I bend my knee [g-H]
hą-o — yes [jb-F]
ha-ógi — I hit [h-O]
há-uji — they came on to [g-C]
há-un hahígają́ — while I traveled thus [g-C]
ha-ųná — I did [r-CL]
ha-ų́ną — I did [r-CL]
ha-úniąją́wine — we are not getting along [rs-S]
ha-uniñkjone — I will not do it [p-B]
ha-uníną — I will not do it [p-B]
ha-unšununa — I do make (customary action) [g-H]
ha-wažare — I made [g-H]
ha-wi — herb [s]
ha’-unigàją — it landed there [h-O]
ha’ą (A a) — an exclamation of enthusiasm [sb-BT]
ha’ągí — I stayed [rw-W]
ha’ąpireža — to rush upon (this is in error for hat'ąbireže) [m]
ha’apsįc — wild grape (Smith's informant gave this as a possibly older form [sh]) [sm]
ha’ás — to be pleased by the taste of something [mn]
ha’e (A e) — to discuss, talk of or about [ki]
ha’é hi — to discuss, to talk of, to talk about [hl]
ha’e káragi — to talk about one’s own, talk something over, to discuss something in a group, to counsel over something [hl]
ha’éha — I talk about [mn]
ha’ehánąka — he talked about it, and [sb-T5]
há’éhi — to talk about [mn]
ha’ehi (A e Ai) — to talk about [sb-K, sb-TD]
há’ehirànąga (A e Ai L n K) — they spoke of, and [jb-SE]
ha’éhíranaka — they talked about, and [sb-D]
ha’ehireže (A e Ai Le de) — they held a council [r-HO]
ha’éni — they talked about [al]
ha’éninèna — they talked about [sb-W]
hą̄’hą — yes [hh]
ha’į — I become [m]
ha’į́ — I live, I am alive [cf. į] [mn]
ha’į́ — I wear as a cover, a blanket, a robe [ki]
ha’į́ — I wear over the shoulders (as a cloak) [mn]
ha’į́x — I grunt [mn]
ha’į́x hajikeré — I grunt [mn]
ha’į̄žejéra — I am enveloped in (?) [jb-PM]
ha’kikox — I help [m]
ha’oną — I shoot [m]
ha’órá — I hit [sb-FF]
ha’ų́ (A o) — I am [l-O, mn]
ha’ų́ — I do, make [mn, z]
ha’ų — I make [su-W]
hā’ų́ — I stay in a place for a period of time [mn]
ha’ų́ (A o) — I stay in a place for a period of time [r-Y]
ha’ų́ — I wear, I am dressed in [mn]
ha’ų́ — to cultivate [su-W]
ha’ų́ — to hoe [ma]
ha’ų́ (A o) — to stay here [r-HO]
ha’ų́ — to stay in a place for a period of time [mn, we]
ha’ų́ (A o) — we had been doing, we were doing [l-TM, r-Y]
ha’ų́ hahį́p — I keep on doing something lying down [mn]
ha’ų́ hūhá — I throw something over here [mn]
ha’ų́ rēhí — to throw out [hl]
ha’ųą́gi k’araną́ną — if I should do it he would go home [lp]
há’uąhạ̀gᵉwira (A ow A Kowi L) — when we were leading [jb-SE]
ha’ųą́hikje — I’ll go along with them [jb-MR]
ha’ų́ą́hįp (< ha’ų́ hahį́p) — I keep on doing something lying down [mn]
ha’uąja’ų — as I was going [m]
ha’ųąjane (A ow tt ne) — as I go about [r-E]
ha’uąjawi’ų — to work at, get rid of [m]
ha’ųąjawi’ųagįgi (A ow tt wi o y KiKi) — finally [r-D]
ha’ųą̄jēga (A ow tte K) — I am doing [l-P]
ha’ŭąjihúrĕ — I did act [rv-A]
ha’ųanąga (A ow n K) — I did, and [l-B, r-HO]
ha’uąnįheną (A ow ni Ae n) — I have been about [l-B]
ha’ųc’epawiki — when we finish [sb-FF]
ha’ųcebaną — I finish, I bring to an end [m]
ha’ųgają (A o K tt) — I have remained [l-TC]
ha’ųgiži (A o Ki di) — I will be able, and [r-H]
ha’uñgíži — if I do it [h-B]
ha’ųgiži (A o Ki di) — if I do it [r-Y]
ha’ųhahaiñkjenáwiną — we will be here [rh-O]
ha’ųhajawiną (A o A tt wi n) — we are doing this [r-I]
ha’ųhająwinara (A o A tt wi n L) — for us to be [l-SM]
ha’ųhajitawigiži (A o A tti t wi Ki di) — as we go on to wrestle [l-M]
ha’ųhaniheną (A o A ni Ae n) — that's where I was [l-P]
ha’uhuhuže (A oAo Ao de) — he was anxious [r-E]
ha’ųhúra — I came on [h-R1, h-R2]
ha’ų́iníną — I did not do it [jb-S1a]
ha’ųižą — an altar [b-G]
ha’ųje (A ow tte) — use [r-D]
ha’ųkcánera — I will do it [sb-FF]
ha’ų́kcéną — I will do [sb-K]
ha’ųkjanahawiną (A o Ktt n A wi n) — we will do [l-SM]
ha’ųkjanaheną (A o Ktt n Ae n) — I will (do it), I am willing [l-M, r-HO, r-T, r-Y]
ha’ųkjanaheną (A o Ktt n Ae n) — I will make for myself [sb-L]
ha’ųkjaneną (A o Ktt ne n) — I will furnish [l-SM]
ha’ųkjaneną (A o Ktt ne n) — I will go [l-TV]
ha’ųkjanéną — let us do [rv-F]
ha’ų̄kjawi — we should do [r-BF]
ha’ųkjáwiră — let us do it [rv-A]
ha’ų́kjé — I must do [ss-WP]
ha’ų́kjé — I should do [ss-WP]
ha’ų̄kjḗ — I will do it [jb-WM]
ha’ųkje (A o Ktte) — I will have [l-TM]
ha’ųkje (A o Ktte) — I will try [r-Y]
ha’ųkjegųni (A o Ktte Ko ni) — I will do it [r-D]
ha’ųkjeną (A o Kette n) — I will do it [r-D, r-Y]
ha’ųkjéną — I will do it [rv-F]
ha’ųkjeną (A o Kette n) — I will make [bp-TA, r-O]
ha’ųkjeną (A o Kette n) — you shall make [r-H]
ha’ųkježe (A o Kette de) — I will do [bp-TW]
ha’ų̄kjį̄šūnōs’uą́jē — I should have given [r-V]
ha’ųkjonegé — I'm going to do [al]
há’uñkjonèną — I will always [h-C]
ha’umą́gᵉra — I'm doing it [r-HD]
ha’ųmągikjeną (A o m Ki Kette n) — I will stand it [jc-T]
ha’ųmągųnį (A o m Ko ni) — I am doing [r-H]
ha’ųmakšaną (A o mK dA n) — I am [bp-TP]
ha’ųmañkšunu — I am accustomed to doing it [D.] [d]
ha’úną — he made [r-S]
ha’ų́ną — I am going to make [r-S]
ha’únă (A u n) — I did [rv-A, l-TS]
ha’úną — I did it [r-A]
ha’úną̆ — I do it [rv-A]
ha’úną — I made [sb-TB]
ha’úną (A o n) — I was [l-P]
ha’úną (A u n) — I would do [l-TS]
ha’úną̆gᵉra — I have done [rv-A]
ha’únąk’ų — continuing on [rv-A]
ha’ųnak’ų́ — I keep repeating a procedure over and over [mn]
ha’únąkàją́ — I have remained [sb-TM]
ha’ųnąkiži (A u n Ki di) — I am able to do [l-TS]
ha’ųnąknįkjanaheną (A o nK ni Ktt n Ae n) — I will not stay any longer [r-O]
ha’uną́ksăną̆ — I'm doing it [rv-A]
ha’ųnąkšaną (A o nK dA n) (A o n Kd n) — I am [r-D, r-E]
ha’ųnąkšaną (A o nK dA n) — I am getting on [r-E]
ha’ųnaną (A o n n) — I will do it [l-MS]
ha’únaną (A u n n) — what I would do [l-TS]
ha’ųnara (A o n L) — I would have been doing [r-D]
ha’ųną́že — I might do it [jb-SN]
ha’ų́ne há — I throw something [mn]
ha’ųnį (A oon ni) — to arrive (safely) at a destination [ki]
ha’ųni-anăgą̆́ga — I am doing, and [rv-A]
ha’uni’ą́jĕ — I did not harm myself [rv-A]
ha’unią́jĕ — I ought not have done it [rv-A]
ha’ųnigé (A o ni Ke) — I would not do it [l-TC]
ha’unį̆kjănèną̆ — I shall not do [rv-A]
ha’uníną — I did not do it [jb-WM, h-R1, h-R2]
ha’ųnįną (A o ni n) — I will not do it [r-D]
ha’ųnįną (A o ni n) — I will not take it [r-E]
ha’ųnira (A o ni L) — I did not do it [sb-L]
ha’ųnixjį (A o ni xitti) — about to land [r-F]
ha’unóną — I can do it [jb-KX]
ha’unúną — I’ll do it, I’ll make it [jf-M]
ha’ųra (A o L) — I created him [r-T]
ha’ųra — I did [rv-A]
ha’ųra (A o L) — I have been [r-I]
ha’ųra (A o L) — I stayed [r-D]
ha’ų́rēhá — I throw, I am thrown, I make something in a short period of time as to make quick work of anything [we]
ha’ųrehi (A oon Le Ai) — to throw upon [ki]
ha’ųšonúną — I do make customarily [jb-F]
ha’ųtušjǫ́gi — when I finish it [bb-B]
ha’ų́wa’ųacáwįną — we are doing [sb-FF]
ha’ųwaje (A ow tte) — I am doing [bp-P]
ha’ųwáñkšaną — I shall be [p-F]
ha’ųwi (A o wi) — we did [l-SM]
ha’ųwigają (A o wi K tt) — we did [l-O]
ha’ųwíną̆ — we did it [rv-A]
ha’ųwinįną (A o wi ni n) — we did not do it [sb-L]
ha’ųwira (A o wi L) — we were [r-Y]
ha’ų̄́wišōnúną — we used [jb-WM]
ha’ųxcį́ — I really did [sb-B]
ha’ųxjį́šge — I do very much also [h-T]
ha’ųxjįwiną (A o xitti wi n) — we did much [sb-TD]
ha’ųyireže (A oyi Le de) — they did [bp-TP]
ha’ų́ñžaré — I did it (and it’s done with) [cp. the emphatic suffix-žaré] [lp]
ha’winc — I go beyond [m]
hąąą — an exclamation [ss-WI]
hąąąą! (long, drawn out through the nose) — applause [f]
hąb (haumb [j]) — day [j]
hąb ijóbahaįja — the fourth day [rh-T]
habá — to have no confidence in, to be incapable of, to doubt [hl]
habá — you have no confidence in, not capable of [m]
Hąbá’ųra (Ala o L) — the Life Giver [jb-SE]
hąbáginą́je — you must day-sleep [h-R1, h-R2]
hąbáginąšgùni — day-sleep [he did] [h-R1, h-R2]
habahanąk — to doubt [m]
hąbaixáwanąga — he suffers [and] [sb-TB]
hąbaixeweiga (A layi xAe weyi KA) — who is wanting life [jb-P]
hąbajas (Anl A ttr) (An l ttr) — in broad daylight, daytime [ki]
hą̄́bájasgexjį́ (A l tt rKe xitti) — in broad daylight [r-TW3, lp, mn]
hąbak’inigéjini — it became day [al]
hąbak’íriže — day came [h-R1, h-R2]
hą́bakirīgi — towards dawn [r-HD]
hąbakírigi — when daylight comes [h-C]
hąbakírigi — when it became day [jb-MR, h-B]
hąbakirígi — when it became day [r-HD]
hąbakírigi — when it was day [h-R1, h-R2]
hąbakirigíži — when day came [h-T]
hą́bakirigíži — when day comes [rv-F]
hąbakiriną̆ — it became day [rv-A]
hąbakiríną̆ — it was a day [rv-A]
hąbą́kšăną̆ — it has daylight [rv-A]
hąbamąnį (Anl A m ni) — winged creatures, birds [ki]
Hąbamanína — the Walkers on Light, a ritual name for birds [jb-MH1, jb-MH2b]
Hą́bamanína — Walks on Light, Light-Walkers (ritualistic name for birds) [cf. hąp, light; mąnį, to walk] [jb-FC, m]
Hąbamanížą — a Light Walker [jb-MH1]
habaną — you have no confindence in, not capable of [m]
hąbanaka eja — in those days [b-LK]
hąbanįgura (Anl A ni Koo L) — morning star [ki]
Hābanihū́ra — He Who Brings the Light of Day, ritual name for the Sun [r-WT]
Hąbanį́jera — Light Wanderer, a ritual name for the Sun [r-WT]
Hąbanijirera (Anl A ni tti Le L) — Sun [ki]
hąbanira — life [r-A]
habanísgeną — to trouble oneself about [m]
hą́bara — day [ha, d]
hąbará tákac — the day is hot [su-W]
hąbaxiri (Anl A HAi Li) — praying for life, posterity [ki]
hąbaxiri — to ask for life (ritualistic) [cf. hąp, life; xiri, to appeal to] [m]
habé — to throw on or in, to toss onto, to put in (like ingredients) [hl]
hąbeja (haumb-eja [j]) — date [j]
hąbejarakeregi (A le tt L Ke Le Ki) — if you will bring to life [jb-P]
hąbéjikére — to put in life [jb-SD]
hąbemaxárok — light piercing [jb-DD2]
Hąbᵉnį̄k — Light and Life [jb-PM]
Hąbenįka — Little Day, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
hąbenųbóhą — two days [jb-HM]
hą́bera — (the) light [jb-DD1, jb-G]
hą́bᵉra — (the) light [jb-HS, jb-S1a]
Hą́bera — (the) Light and Life [jb-AM, jb-DD1]
hąberá — a day [jb-CLS]
hąbᵉra (A lL) — day [jb-SE]
hąbᵉrá (A lL) — day [jb-SE]
hą́bᵉra (A lL) — day [jb-SE]
hąbᵉrá (A lL) — daylight [jb-DE, l-P]
hą́bera (A lL) — days [jb-DD1, r-HO, r-TB]
hąbĕra — days [rv-A]
hąbᵉra (Al lL) — daytime [l-P]
hąbera — his days [rv-F]
hą́bera — life [jb-EM2, jb-MH1, jb-SE1]
Hąbᵉra (A lL) — Life [jb-KX, jb-SE]
hąbera — life [jb-MH1, jb-O]
Hąbᵉrá (A lL) — Life [jb-SE]
Hą́bᵉra (A lL) — Life [jb-SE]
hą́berá — light [jb-A, jb-DD1]
Hą́bᵉrā — Light and Life [jb-HS]
Hąbera — Light and Life [jb-O]
Hąbᵉra — Light and Life [jb-PM]
Hąbᵉrá (A lL) — Light and Life [r-TW3]
Hą́bera — Light-and-Life [jb-J4]
hą́bera (Al lL) — the day [jb-AM, jb-EM2, h-R1, h-R2, h-T, r-BC8]
hąbᵉra (A lL) — the day [jb-SE, r-C]
hą́bᵉra — the day [r-CL]
hąberá — the day [r-HC]
hąbᵉrá (A lL) — the daylight [jb-SE]
hąbera — the days [k, jb-DD1]
hą́bera (Al lL) — the light [jb-A, jb-BH, jb-C, jb-E, jb-EM1, jb-FC, jb-G, jb-MH2a, jb-MH2b, jb-MR, r-P1]
hąbera — the light [jb-AM, jb-DD1, jb-EM1, jb-O, r-P]
hąberá — the light [jb-BH, jb-DD1, jb-EM1, jb-MH2b, jb-SN]
hąbᵉra — the light [jb-DE, jb-N]
Hąbᵉra (Al lL) — the Light and Life [r-TW3]
hą́bera — the rays of light [jb-EM2]
habera (Al lL) — to pierce through [r-HO]
hąberášana — day only [jb-FC]
hą́bere — today [jc-F]
hąberégi’ų́že — he used the daylight on it [jb-DD2]
hąberegicą — in the daytime [cf. hąp, day; here, to be; cą, to see] [m]
hąberéją — during the day [rv-F]
hą́berikokíri — resplendent with Light and Life [jb-E]
hąberikokíri — shimmering with Light and Life [jb-SE1]
hą́berikokíri — the light sparkled and glittered [jb-SS]
hą́bᵉriminągᵉnąkše — it was the one in the light [jb-DE]
hąberíminąk — by the light [jb-SE1]
hą́beriraǧugigùže — he lengthened the day [jb-O]
hą́beriraǧùgigùže — he lengthened the Light and Life [jb-O]
hąbᵉriraicera (< hąbᵉra hiraicera) — a more intense light [jb-DE]
hąberirut’et’ekjéną — it became imprinted with light [jb-O]
hą́berirut’èt’èkjį — he marked it distinctly with light [jb-O]
Hąbᵉrīwāgā́x — mark of Light and Life [jb-HS]
hąberiwagáxjenagìži — imprinted with light, and [jb-O]
hąbᵉroją́p — as he views the day [jb-PM]
hąberojąp — uncovered (ritual) (open vision to people) [cf.hąp, day; jąp, to see] [m]
hąbérut’ékjį — dappled with Light-and-Life [jb-J4]
Hą́bᵉruxurugᵉra (A loLo HAo Lo KL) — Life Obtainers [jb-SE]
Hą́bᵉruxurugērà (A lLo HAo Lo KL) — Life Obtainers, a term in the Sore Eyes Dance for the beneficiaries of the rite [jb-SE]
Hábᵉruxurùgᵉra (A lLo HAo Lo KL) — who obtain [Life-and]-Light [jb-SE]
Hą́bᵉruxùrugᵉra (A lLo HAo Lo KL) — you Day Obtainers [jb-SE]
Hą́bᵉruxúrųgᵉrà (A lLo HAo Lo KL) — you Life Obtainers [jb-SE]
Hąbᵉruxúrugᵉra (A lLo Ho Lo KL) — you Life Obtainers [jb-SE]
Hąbᵉruxúrugᵉra (A lLo HAo Lo KL) — you who obtain Life [jb-SE]
hąberuxuruk — life-obtainer (ritualistic) [cf., hąp, life; xuruk, to take on] [m]
Hąbᵉruxúruk (A lL HAo LoKo) — to obtain Life [jb-SE]
Hąbᵉwira (Al wi L) — the sun [r-TW3]
hąbgaše — in the daytime [ch]
hąbi’ų́nąkše — it was Life [jb-DE]
hąbiginįnį (Anl Ai Ki ni ni) — stormy, windy weather [ki]
hąbijąją (Anl Ai ttn ttn) — rapidly changing weather, as early springtime [ki]
hąbijąkírahą — in a day [jc-F]
hąbijáną̆ — a day [rv-A]
hąbijąną (Anl Ai ttn nn) — predawn [ki]
hąbijąną (A li tt n) — to become daylight [l-TS]
hąbijaną́ga (Al li tt n K) — when it was daylight [r-TW3]
hąbijaną́giži — along near day [rs-S]
hąbijaną́giži (A li tt n Ki di) — at daylight [l-N]
Hą̄́bijobáhą — Thursday ("Fourth Day") [mn]
Hąbijobra (Anl Ai ttol L) — Thursday (Fourth Day) [ki]
hąbijṓnagają — when it was near daybreak [jb-DE]
hąbikaratá — life ("light") to ask with [jf-J1a, jb-T3]
hąbikjawiną (A li Ktt wi n) — the daylight will come [r-TW3]
hąbikje (A li Kette) — daylight [l-TS]
hąbinąt’ék — he smeared with light [jb-MH2b]
hąbinąt’ék — imprinted with light [jb-EM2]
hąbinąžį — medicinal plant (lit. life-stander) [cf. nąžį, to stand] [m]
hąbiną́žįna — that stand up with life [jb-SD]
hą́binąžira (A li n di L) — that are life giving [jb-SE]
hąbiną́žįra (Al li n di L) — the ones that give life [jb-P]
hąbinokaragų — a neophyte (for whom we seek light [ritual]), [cf. hąp, light; gų, to seek) [m]
Hą̄́binųbáhą — Tuesday ("Second Day") [mn]
Hąbinųbra (Anl Ai nol L) — Tuesday (Second Day) [ki]
hąbira — life [jb-J5]
hąbirak’ara — he put in charge [r-B1]
hą́birat’ègigùže — he smeared it with light [jb-O]
hąbirégi — in the daytime [r-V]
hąbirok’aragúinanąga — they wished life for, and [jb-CS]
hąbiruk’onaížą — one who controls life [sb-W]
Hą́birukàna (A li Lo K n) — in charge of Life [jb-SE]
hąbirukónaxete — in charge of much life [jb-CS]
hąbirukóno — in control of light (or life) [jb-MH2b]
Hą́birukóno — in control of Light [jb-SE1]
Hąbirukonuga — In Charge of the Day, a Bear Clan personal name [r-WT]
hąbirut’ékjįna — imprinted with life [jb-J5]
hąbirut’ét’ekjį — the light shrunk greatly (passed quickly) [jb-A]
hąbiruxac — offering [cf. hąp, light; xac, to offer] [m]
Hą̄́bisacą́hą — Friday ("Fifth Day") [mn]
Hąbisącąra (Anl Ai rrn ttAn L) — Friday (Fifth Day) [ki]
hąbit’ekjį — to be imprinted with life (ritualistic) [cf. hą, life; t’ek, to be spotted] [m]
Hąbita hí’ųra (A li t Ai o L) — the instrument to ask for Life with [jb-SE]
hąbitai’ų — means of obtaining life [cf. ‘ų, to do] [jf-J1a, m]
hąbitaí’una — as an offering [jb-MH1]
Hąbitaí’ųra (A li tyi o L) — the instrument with which to ask for Life [jb-SE]
hąbitaí’ųra — the means of asking for Life (tobacco) [jb-PM]
Hą̄́bitānį́hą — Wednesday ("Third Day") (cp. Hą́p hitąnį́hą) [mn, hl]
Hąbitanįra (Anl Ai t ni L) — Wednesday (Third Day) [ki]
Hąbixgą́higa (Al li xK Ai K) — Makes the Day Tremble [r-BC8]
hą́biyagax — the mark of light [jb-A]
hąbížą — life (light) [jb-MR]
hąbížą (A li d) — one day, a day [jb-HM jb-P, jb-SE, jh, h-TM]
hąbižąra (Anl Ai dn L) — one day [ki]
hąbjagoišgešge (Anl tt Koi deKe deKe) — day with rapidly changing weather, usually early springtime [ki]
hąbjikere (Anl tti KAe Le) — bright flash of light, e.g. from night time lightning [ki]
hąbnųbóhą — two days [jc-F]
hą̄bógu — dawn (cp. hą̄́p hogú) [hl]
hą̄́bogú — daylight, sunrise [mn]
hąbogu — east [cf. gu, to come] [m]
hąbóguḗgiréra — those in the east [r-HD]
hąboguéjanąka (A lo Kowe tt n K) — at the east end [jb-SE]
Hą́boguéjanųka — the One in the East (referring to the East Island Weight) [jb-G]
hą́bogųminạ̀gᵉra (A lo Kowo mi n KL) — the one seated at the east end [jb-SE]
hą́bogųminạ̀gᵉra (A lo Kowo mi n KL) — who sit where the day comes [jb-SE]
hą́bōgūóminą́gᵉnąka — the one seated in the east [jb-HS]
hą́boguominạ̀gᵉra (A lo Kowo mi n KL) — the one in the east seat [jb-SE]
hąbogúra (Al lo Ko L) — the coming day [l-M]
hąbogúra (A lo Ko L) (Al lo Ko L) — the east [jb-BH, jb-DE, jb-MR jb-P, jb-SE, sb-W, r-BB, r-DC]
hąbogúrapahi — facing east [jb-MR]
hąbogúrapáhi — facing east [jb-MR]
hąbogúrapáhi — in the east [jb-G]
hąbogúrapahi — towards the east [jb-MR]
hąbogúrapáhi — towards the east [jb-MR]
hą́bogúrapáhi — towards the east [jb-MR]
hąbogúregi — (to) the east [rv-F, jb-MR, sb-W]
hąbogū́rēgī — east [jb-HS]
hąbogúregi — from the east [sb-W]
hąbogurégi (A lo Ko Le Ki) — in the direction where the day comes [jb-SE]
hąbogurégi — in the east [jb-EM2]
hą́bogúregi — where the day comes from [h-R1, h-R2]
hąbogúregi — who are in the east [sb-W]
hąbogurégi ną́gere — those in the east [jb-EM1]
hąbogurégijąnè (A lo Ko Le Ki tt ne) — the one in the east [jb-SE]
Hąbogúregínągere — the East (the Island Weight of the East) [jb-E]
hąboguréginągere — the one in the east [jb-I]
hąboguregináñgere — those from the east [sb-W]
Hąbogúreginąka — the East (the Island Weight of the East) [jb-E]
haboǧųk — to go past [m]
habohi (A lo Ai) — scattered about here and there [ki]
habohihi (A lo Ai Ai) — scattered about here and there [ki]
Hą̄́boinį́ge (Anl Aoi ni Ke) — Saturday (Ordinary Day) (cp. Hą́p hoinį́ge) [z, hl]
hąbojąp (Anl Ao ttnl) — to see the light of day, to be alive [ki]
hąbok’ahíxjį — every day [p-M]
hą̄bókahi (A lo K Ai) (An lo KA Ai) — (each and) every day, daily [jb-I, r-BS, j, m, ki, we, mn]
hąbokáhi — every day [jb-MH1]
hą̄bokahi’ų — chore [hh]
hą̄bókahijāne (Al lo K Ai tt ne) — every day [r-E]
hąbokahíxjį (A lo K Ai xitti) — every day [r-TB]
haboke’ų — chore [hh]
hąboke’ų̄ňa — daily chores [hh]
habokíǧa — to be branching, to be chaotically tangled (of sticks, etc.) [mn]
habokíkewe’ųwiže (A lo Ki Ke we o wi de) — they stumbled over each other in their flight [sb-E]
hąbokisáki — in the middle of the day [rh-T]
Hąbominąga — Sits in the Day, a Bear Clan personal name [r-WT]
Hą̄́bonį́ge — Saturday ("Ordinary Day") [mn]
habopį́nį — to knock for a loop, to hit something and make it spin. (cp. hobopį́nį) [hl]
habopį́nįpįnį — to knock for a loop, to hit something and make it spin. (cp. hobopį́nį) [hl]
hąborac — life giving [cf. hąp, life] [m]
Hą́borajᵉrà (A lo L ttL) — to obtain Life [jb-SE]
hąborake — life speeches (ritual) [cf. rak, to tell] [m]
hąborúreginą́gere — those in the east [jb-EM2]
hąbosįnį (Anl Ao rri ni) — cold day [ki]
hąbotá — to pray for life (ritual), to ask for life (cp. hą́p hotá; cf. ta, to ask for) [m, hl]
habozo (A lo ro) — to force over towards horizontal [ki]
habozógenąjení — it was unbendable [jb-DD2]
habozogenąjeni — unbendable (ritual) [m]
habozok (A lo rok) — to force into a horizontal orientation, as wind blowing rising smoke [ki]
habozóp’iní — it couldn’t be bent [jb-DD1]
hąbra — day [b-LK]
habra — daylight [br-W]
habra (hah-brah) — light [ge]
hąbra nąkit’ap (Anl L n KAi t’al) — just a little while (ago) [ki]
hąbragugiži — when it became day [ch]
habre (Al Le) — having a hole [ki]
hąbrégi — in the daytime (generally) [mn]
hąbregokawasjį (< hąbra-hegų-okawas-jį) — the light then had given way to extreme darkness [ss-SE]
hąbréją — sometime early in the day [jc-F]
hąbrigixúkjiehíže — he drew the day (or light) forth [jb-BH]
hąbsérec — all day long [hz-L]
habsįš — grapes [b-LK]
hą̄bwí — sun [mn]
hąbwíra — the sun [e-B1, e-B2]
Hąbwonįge (Anl Aoi ni Ke) — Saturday (Ordinary Day) [ki]
hac — eat [h-G]
hąc (hautsh [j]) — grove [j]
hac — I eat [lp]
hác — I eat [mn]
hāc — I eat, consume [we]
hac’á — I see [lp, su-W]
hac’ą́ — where, whither [lp]
hac’ą́įca — where, which [sb-T5]
hac’ąį́ja — where, whither [lp]
hac’ąkaixcį — which one of us [sb-T5]
hac’ąkére — slowly [sb-J6]
hac’áp’cína — my own [su-W]
hac’áp’cína — my own relation [su-W]
hac’ícą — where [sb-VF]
hac’į́ca — where? [su-W]
hac’į́cacegi — where they are [su-W]
hac’į́caxcį — exactly where [sb-B]
hac’į́cowe — Which way is he going? [su-W]
hac’įja — where, whither [lp]
hac’íkcanéną — I will live [sb-B]
hac’inikcąnéną — I will not live [sb-B]
hacá — he sees [su-W]
hacá — I observe, behold, witness, view [we]
hacá — I see [mn, we]
hacá — I watch [mn]
haca — to see [m]
hacą (A tt) — what [l-L]
hacą (A ttA) — where [l-M, r-D, r-E, m]
hacą́ — where [lt-C]
hacą (A ttA) — wherever [r-BB]
hacą — whither; any place [m]
hacá tékje — I must go see [ss-WP]
hacábᵉra — my [rv-A]
hacacatešanuną — I see (begin to see) [cf. re, to go] [m]
Hacacĕ́xiwįga (Hatcatcĕ́ƙiwĩka [mck]) — She who is Hard to See, a female name in the Bear Clan [mck]
hacągá (A ttA K) — which one? [l-M, r-Y, mn]
hacągére — after much effort, finally, slowly (cp. hicągére) [hl]
hacągére (A ttA Ke Le) — barely missing him [bp-TC]
hacągḗre — finally, with difficulty [we]
hacągére — hardly [jb-S1a, jb-S1b, hl]
hacągére — he hardly stopped [jb-S1a]
hacągḗre (A ttA Ke Le) — just barely [r-E, r-Y, hl]
hacągḗre (A ttA Ke Le) — she nearly gets to [l-P]
hacągére — with difficulty [hz-L, rv-F, mn, hl]
hacągḗre (A ttA Ke L[e]) — with great effort [r-E]
hacągére (A ttA Ke Le) — with great effort [sb-L]
hacągérera (A ttA Ke Le L) — he had much difficulty [r-Y]
hacągérexjį — with great effort (quite barely) [h-R1, h-R2]
hacaginįną (A tt Ki ni n) — I have already eaten [sb-L]
hacaįca — where [ha, d]
hacą́įja — where [lt-R]
hacainaį́ja — lonely spot [jb-DE]
hacaírešunukcéną — they will sometimes see [sb-K]
hacaišge — I could see [rt-T]
hacąja (A ttA tt) — in what [l-TM]
hacąjega (A ttA tte K) — whichever one [jc-T]
hacąjega (A ttA tte K) — whichever one [r-D]
hacąjegaheregi (A ttA tte K Ae Le Ki) — which was which [l-M]
hā́cák — I bandage something [mn]
hacák — to bandage something [mn]
hacą́k’a — where [jb-F]
hacąka — where, in which [m]
hacą́ka — which [jf-J1b]
hacą́ka — which way [jf-J1a]
hacąkaixjįgiži (A ttA Ky xitti Ki di) — let us see who [l-SM]
hacakere (A ttA Ke Le) — very close [r-BS]
hacąkére — with difficulty [mn, mn-G]
hacakere (A ttA Ke Le) — with great effort [r-D]
hacąkerera (A ttA Ke Le L) — very nearly [r-BS]
hacakerexjį (A ttA Ke Le xitti) — with great effort [r-D]
hácakjanèže — I shall behold [r-S]
hacákjé — I must see [ss-WP]
hacakjége — I will see him [h-TM]
hacákjeną (A ttA Kette n) — let me see him [jc-T]
hacąmągᵉnąną (A ttA mK n n) — I would have seen [jc-T]
hacáną — he went [r-BD]
hacáną̆ — I saw [rv-A]
hacana — I see [cp. hajá] [sm-E]
hacąnąka (A ttA n K) (ha-chan-na-ka [j]) — which [l-SM, j]
hacąnąkereže (A ttA n Ke Le de) — which is she [r-E]
hacanį (A ttA ni) — I have not seen [l-E]
hacanįhajaną (A ttA ni A tt n) — I did not see it [bp-TO]
hacanimage (A ttA ni m Ke) — I have seen on my trip [bp-TA]
hacanįnąkšaną (A ttA ni nK dA n) — I did not see, I have not seen [l-O, r-A]
hacánuñka? — which one of you? [rh-S]
hacáp’į — good looking [su-W]
hacąpcíną — I open my eyes wide [su-W]
hacara — a sight [m]
hacará — it looked [sb-A, sb-T5]
hacarą́ — it looked [sb-T5]
hacara p’įžé — it looked good [sb-G]
hacárehá — I am able to discern [mn]
hacarehawišųnųra (A ttA Le A wi doAo no L) — we used to see [r-WH]
hacas’áže — he always saw him [sb-B]
hacąšána — in different places wherever [jb-L]
hacąšána — what [jb-DE]
hacąšána (A ttA dA n) — wherever [r-I]
hacąšąnaną́ki — where they are [jb-MR]
hacą́šananạ̀ki (A ttA dA n n Ki) — wherever they would be [jb-SE]
hacąšge — to be possible [m]
hacašųnųną (A ttA doAo no n) — I used to see [r-Y]
hacašųnųra (A ttA doAo no L) — you used to see me [r-Y]
hacąt’į — publicly [cf. cą, to see] [m]
hacąt’į — publicly [cf. t’į, to appear] [m]
hacąt’į́hi — plainly [cf. cą, to see] [jb-CLS, m]
hacąwą — where? [m]
hacawanirekjeniskanagiži (A ttA w ni Le Kette ni rK n Ki di) — they treated them well [l-M]
hacą́wątekše? — where was I to go? [sb-TM]
hacawažu — where I put it [cf. cą, open to view; žu, to put] [m]
hacawira — whom we had seen [se-P]
hacaxjį (A ttA xitti) — where [l-O, l-P, r-BS, r-H]
hacéną — I do [sb-FF]
hacéxjį — vicious [m]
hacgá — when I eat [h-C]
hacgis (A ttiKiri) — perpendicular [sb-E]
hací — he came [sb-B]
hací (A tti) — here [sb-K, r-C]
hācí — I live, dwell on, by, or at [mn]
haci (A ttiAi) — there [r-Y]
haci (ha-chee [j]) — to inhabit [j]
hací — to live, dwell on, by, or at [mn, hl]
haci (A ttAi) — when [r-C]
haci (A ttiAi) — where [r-BS]
hacįaníreki — when they began [sb-T5]
háciaraíre — they began [lt-I]
haciaraireki — they began, but [sb-D]
haciaraíreną — they go past [su-W]
hacį́ca — where [sb-H]
hacį́cacègi — where they are [su-B]
hacicija (A ttAi ttAi tt) — where [r-H]
hacigájižą — there I live
haciñgére — almost [h-B]
hácihakaraíre — they started [lt-I]
hacihákaraíre — they started off [lt-I, lt-R]
háciharaíre — they began [lt-I]
háciharaíre — they began [lt-M, lt-TB]
hacį́ja (A ttAi tt) — even [jb-SE]
hacį̄ja — from where [r-BF]
hacį́ja — in front [jb-A]
hacį́ja — somewhere [rv-F]
hacįja (A ttiAi tt) — this [sb-TD]
hacį̄́ja — to where [hl]
hacį̄ja (A ttAi tt) — whatever [l-TS]
hacįja (A ttAi tt) — when [r-D]
hacį̆́ja — where [bp-L]
hacíñja — where [h-B]
hacį́jā — where [jb-HS]
hacį̄ja — where [jb-PM, l-TS, r-HD, r-V]
hacį́ja (A ttAi tt) (A ttiAi tt) (A tti tt) — where [jf-J1a, jf-J1b, rv-F, jb-A, jb-CM, jb-DD1, jb-FF, jb-P, jb-R, jb-SE, sb-E, sb-F, sb-L, h-T, bp-TO, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-S, l-SM, l-TM, h-R1, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-DC, r-E, r-H, r-I, r-O, r-TB, j, ss-HM, ss-WI]
hacįja (A ttAi tt) — where [r-C]
hacį̆́ja — where [rv-A]
hacį̄́ja (A ttAin tt) — where? [ki]
hacį̄ja — where? whither? [m, mn, hh]
hacįjá — wherever [jb-L]
hacįja (A ttAi tt) — wherever [jb-P, sb-HW, sb-L, r-BS, r-T]
hacį́ja (A ttAi tt) — wherever [jb-SE]
hacį́ja (A ttiAi tt) — wherever [p-M, al, jb-DD1, r-C, ss-PS, ss-WP]
hacį́ja (A ttiAi tt) — which [r-E]
hacįja’ų (A ttAi tt o) — where (at that time) [r-Y]
hacį́jaga — wherever it is [al]
hacį́jahį́ — where else [jb-G]
hacį́jahį — who else [jb-T3]
hacı̨́janągra — where it is [ss-WI]
hacįjanąk (A ttAi tt nK) — where it was [r-Y]
hacijanąka — which [sm-E]
hacį́janąki — where he is [jf-J1a]
hacį́janañkí — where it was [jb-L]
hacįjanąkíži — where he is, and [jf-J1a]
hacįjara (A ttAi tt L) — where [r-C, r-Y]
hacįjašge (A ttAi tt dKe) — where also [r-Y]
hacį́jaxjį — whatever [rv-F]
hacįjaxjį (A ttAi tt xitti) — where [ch, r-BS]
hacį̄jaxjį — where [r-V]
hacį̄́jeregí — everywhere [mn]
hacį́jeregí — where he is [jb-DD1]
hacįjéregi — wherever it is [jb-AM]
hacijeregiži (A ttAi tte Le Ki di) — everywhere [r-T]
hacijeregiži (A ttAi tte Le Ki di) — everywhere [r-T]
hacįjereže? (A ttiAi tte Le de) — where is it? [l-M]
hácikácą — I got this far (place or time, or state of work) [su-W]
hácikérena — I am going home [d]
hacikjanahawigiži (A ttAi Ktt n A wi Ki di) — we are going to live [r-C]
hacikjanaheną (A ttAi Ktt n Ae n) — I will live with [l-M]
hacikjanihawiže (A ttAi Ktt ni A wi de) — we will camp [l-M]
hacikjeną (A ttAi Kette n) — we will try him [l-TS]
hacíkjenàwiže? — [where] shall we live? [jh-M]
hacikjera (A ttAi Kette L) — that we might avenge him [r-T]
haciną (A ttiAi n) — I live [r-E]
hacíną — I stayed [jb-WM]
hacinąkšaną (A ttAi n Kd n) (A ttiAi nK dA n) — I am living [r-C, r-E]
hacinąkšaną (A ttAi nK dA n) — we are living [r-C]
hacinikjanįhawiną (A ttAi ni Ktt ni A wi n) — we will not live [sb-F]
haciniñkjenáwiną — we will not live [jb-V]
hacínja — when [r-S]
hacinja — whenever [m]
hacínja — where [jb-F, rh-T, jh-M, h-T]
hacinja — where [p-M]
hacinja — wherever [p-F]
hacínja — wherever [rw-W, m]
hacínjanañk’i — where, whither [sb-W]
hacínjašaną — wherever [jb-F]
hacínjaxjį — where it was [jb-R]
hacínjaxjį — wherever it is [jw-B]
Hacínža hówa šéreže? — Where are you going? [g-H]
Hacínža šánakše? — Where are you (sitting)? [g-H]
hacíre — they go past [su-W]
hacireja (A ttAi Le tt) — since I have lived here [sb-L]
hacírekce — they will come [sb-D]
hacíres’áže — they drank water [jc-S]
hacíres’áže — they usually come [sb-D]
hacírešunu — they always come [sb-D]
hacíreže — they came [sb-H, sb-VF]
hacíšarĕ (hatcícalĕ [mck]) — I am coming [mck]
hacitó (A ttiAi to) — my brother [l-P]
haciwianąga (A ttiAi wiy n K) — we lived, and [l-O]
haciwiną — we lived [rv-G]
hacogera (A ttAo Ke L) — his grandfather [r-D]
hacǫgire — hardly [rw-W]
hacora wakerekježe (A ttAo w Ke Le Kette de) — he can’t get away anyway [r-D]
hacora warakerekježe — to have no escape; where can you go? [cf. kere, to start going back] [m]
hacora warakerekježe (A ttAo L w L Ke Le Kette de) — you have no refuge to which to go [l-MT]
hacoware (A ttAo w Le) — where he has gone [l-O]
hacowaregiži (A ttoAo w Le Ki di) — where he went [r-E]
hacowareže (A ttAo w Le de) — where he has gone [l-O]
hacšąną (Att dA n) — I ate [jc-T]
hācté — I go to eat [mn]
hacų — I give birth [m]
hacųga — whoever [m]
hacųgaíxjį — I wonder which of us [jb-G]
hacųge — hardly [m]
hacųgere — barely, hardly [m]
hacųgére — even when [rs-S]
hacųgére — just barely [h-R1, h-R2]
hacųgere — with difficulty [rs-S, m]
hacuñgére — with great effort, difficulty [jb-D, jh, h-C]
hacuñgérerexjį — with great effort [h-H]
hacųgerexjį — just barely, with great effort [m]
hacųgéxjį — just barely [h-T]
hacųšgewaraga (A ttAo deKe w L K) — your nephews [r-T]
hądjínąkše — he came out [jb-DC]
haé — to discuss [jb-AM]
haé (A e) — to talk about [l-TS]
haegiginąkšana — they murmured [b-LK]
haehianąga (A e Aiy n K) — he was talking about, and [r-BS]
haehihikjawiną — to come to counsel together [r-BC]
haehihikjawiną (A e Ai Ai Ktt wi n) — we must council [l-SM]
haehina — he spake of him [b-LK]
haehinąkše (A e Ai nK deAe) — he was talking about [r-BS]
haehira — to speak of [hz-O]
haehire wauwiąje — judge (imperative) [b-LK]
haehireže (A e Ai Le de) — they held council [l-SM]
haehiwanąkše (A e Ai w nK deAe) — he was talking about [r-BS]
haehiže (A e Ai de) — he spoke of [r-H]
haehiže (A e Ai de) — he talked about it [jc-T]
haékaraginą (A e K L Ki n) — he spoke of [jb-SE]
haekaragireže (A e K L Ki Le de) — they counseled over [sb-L]
haekaragiže (A e K L Ki de) — he talked about it [jc-T]
haeráwira (A e L wi L) — you have talked about [jb-SE]
háesge — a variant of hḗsge, like this [ss-WP]
haéwągagigirànąga — they talk it over with us [jb-AM]
haéwahinąkše (A e w Ai nK deAe) — he was talking [l-N]
haeže (A e de) — is that so [l-TS, r-H]
Hāgá (A K) — a dog name [ki]
Hā́ga (A K) — a dog name [ki]
Haga — a term of respect for a Bear Clansman who had killed a bear, or for member of that clan generally [r-W.1.3]
haga — although [rv-A, m]
hagá — at one time (past), long ago [lt-M, lt-R]
haga (A K) — at one time [l-P, r-I]
hāgá (A K) — bear [ki]
hā́ga (A K) — bear [ki]
haga (A K) — before [sb-V]
haga (A K) — ever [sb-L]
haga — I do it [rv-A]
hagá — in the past [lt-TB]
haga — in time [rh-T, r-WB]
hagá — in time [rv-F]
hagá — indeed [rv-A]
hagá — long ago [lt-I]
haga — once [hz-C]
hagá — once [jh]
hagá (A K) — one day [r-E]
hagá — one time [lt-F]
haga (A K) — sometime [r-WH]
haga — sometimes, moreover, one (thing or occurrence). An adverb referring to time, a single occurrence, a place. [m]
hagá — there [jc-F]
haga (A K) — there [rt-T, r-Y]
Hagá — Third Born [r-BD]
Hā́ga — third born son (subject) [g-H, mn, hl]
Haga (A K L) — third son [d, r-BB]
Hāga — third son [hh]
Hāgá (A K) — third son [ki]
Hā́ga (A K) — third son [ki]
Hāgá — third son [mn]
hagá — time, occurrence, instance [mn]
hagá (A K) — what [r-K, r-Y]
haga (A K) — whenever [l-TT]
Haga Aracgega — Haga Aracgega, Third Son, Left-handed One, the name of a person blessed by the Thunderbirds [r-A]
hagá hižą́ — at one time (in the past) [mn]
hagacéžare — I died [jb-T]
hagácų́gíre — with great difficulty [rs-S]
hagacuni (ha-ga-choo-nee [j]) — once (formerly) [j]
Hagaga (A K K) — the third brother [l-O, l-SM]
Hagága — third born male [mck]
Hágaga (A K K) — third born son (oblique declension) [g-H, r-Y]
hagaga’askéža — alas, has it ever happened thus? [lp]
hagagasge (A K K reKe) — darn [ki]
hagagasgé (A K K rKe) — oh my [r-TB, r-Y]
hagagasgé (A K K rKe) — oh my goodness [r-D]
hagagasgeižą (A K K rKeyi d) — it is too bad [sb-F, bp-TA]
hagagasgeižą (A K K rKey d) — it is too bad [sb-TD]
hagagasgeižą (A K K rKey d) — oh dear [r-D]
hagagasgeižą (A K K rKey d) (A K K reKey d) (A K K rKeyi d) — oh my! [sb-L, l-B, l-MS, l-SM]
hagagasgeižą (A K K rKey d) — oh, this is awful [sb-TD]
hagagasgeižą (A K K rKeyi d) — something awful [l-TS]
hagagasgeižą (A K K rKeyi d) — that’s too bad [sb-F]
hagágásgéižąxjį — this is terrible [ss-WP]
hagagasgeižąxjį (A K K rKeyi d xitti) — what a great thing [r-TB]
hagagasgéjąxjį — O my, thus it has ever been [h-R1, h-R2]
hagagasgeyižą (A K K rKey d) — too bad [r-BB]
hagagasgéžą — alas [rv-F]
hagagasgežą — alas, has it ever happened thus? [r-BC]
hagagasgežą (A K K reKe dn) — darn! [ki]
hagagasgéžą — for heaven’s sake ("a cry of distress") [h-T]
hagagasgéžą — how is this? [rv-F]
hagagasgéžą — it always was thus (an expression of distress) [h-C]
hagagasgéžą — o my [rv-A]
hagagasgéžą (A K K rKe d) — oh dear [r-E]
hagagasgéžą — oh dear, thus it has been [h-R1, h-R2]
hagagasgéžą (A K K rKe d) (A K K rKeyi d) — oh my [l-B, l-TM, r-TB]
hagagasgéžą (A K K rKe d) — oh my, thus it would be [r-E]
hagagasgéžą — oh no [rv-F]
hagagasgéžą (A K K rKe d) — what have we done? [r-E]
hagagasgežąxjį (A K K reKe dn Hitti) — darn!! [ki]
hagagasgéžąxjį — oh dear, it’s awful [h-T]
hagagasgéžąxjį — oh my, thus it has been [h-R1, h-R2]
hagagasgéžąxjį (A K K rKeyi d xitti) — what a difficult time [r-TB]
hagagasgežąxjįgają (A K K reKe dn Hitti K ttn) — darn! darn! darn! [ki]
hagagasgéžąxjįgáją — only thus I am [h-R1, h-R2]
hagágasgéže (A K K rKe de) — oh my [l-B]
hagagaske žąxjį — What the...! (male term) [hh]
hagagaskéžą — oh my [h-R1, h-R2]
hagágaskéžąñxcį — alas [lp-N]
hągágaskéže — a variant of hagagaskéžą [h-R1, h-R2]
hagagi (A K Ki) — even now [l-B, l-O]
hagagiži (A K Ki di) — even now [l-B]
hagagiži (A K Ki di) — so [sb-L]
hagagú — to ask a maternal uncle for something [hl]
hagagu (A K Koo) — to ask and get a thing from a maternal uncle [ki]
hagagú (A K Ko) — to fetch [bp-TW, hl]
hagagu haharairekjaneną (A K Ko A A Ly Le Ktt ne n) — they are going to get it for him [bp-TW]
hagagu harairekjanaheže — they bring [cf. hare/re, to go ?] [m]
hagaguwire (A K Ko wi Le) — get it for him [l-M, r-D]
hagahira — sometimes [hz-O]
hagahoxjanągi — when it was evening [r-WB]
hagaíra (A Ky L) — every once and awhile [r-TB]
hagaíra — for awhile, moreover [jb-F, m]
hagaíra — occasionally, rarely, infrequently [hl]
hagaíra — once in awhile [rw-W, hl]
hagáira — rarely, infrequently [mn]
hagaī́ra — sometimes [bp-L]
hagaíra (A Ky L) (A Kyi L) — sometimes [jb-F, jb-FF, jb-SE, sb-L, jh, h-R1, h-R2, bp-TA, l-P, r-E, r-T, r-Y, m, hl]
hagaira haja (or hoja) — sometimes [m]
hagairahižą — once in a while [m]
hagairaiške (A Ky Ly deKe) — sometimes [r-T]
hagairašaną (A Ky L dA n) — only once in awhile [l-TT]
hagáirašąną́ — rarely, infrequently [mn]
hagaírašánąxjį — at long intervals only [rs-S]
hagairaške (A Ky L dKe) — sometimes [r-D, r-Y]
hagairaške — to need ? [m]
hagaíraxcį́ — once in a while [lt-M]
hagaíraxjį — once in awhile [r-TC]
hagaíraxjįšąną (A Ky L xitti dA n) — only once in awhile [r-Y]
hagaire (A Ky Le) — sometimes [r-E, r-H]
hagaišgera (A Kyi deKe L) — oh my [r-O]
hagaixjį (A Ky xitti) — for once [l-TM]
hagaíxjįna — at some time [jb-F]
hagaížą — never one [jb-K]
hagáją? — did I do? [h-R1, h-R2]
hagają (A Ktt) — having in the past [r-Y]
hagáją — I did [h-T]
hagáją — I did indeed [rv-A]
hagają (A Ktt) — then [bp-TA]
hagájagíži — he once saw (something) [jc-S]
hagájąšge — I did so [h-R1, h-R2]
hagak’i — even now [rv-A]
hagak’ira — once [p-M]
hagak’írahą — once [lp]
hagaki (A K Ki) — at once [r-Y]
hagaki (A K Ki) — for that [bp-TC]
hagaki — I had better [sb-BT]
hagaki — one apiece [m]
hagakī́cąkešąną — by taking turns, one at a time [we]
hagakicešaną (A K Ki tteAe dA n) — alternately [sb-TD]
hagakícešąną́ — alternating, by turns [mn]
hagakicešaną (A K Ki ttAe dA n) — each in turn [l-SM]
hagakícēšąną́ — each one [r-HD]
hagakicešaną — to alternate [cf. haga, (one) thing or occurrence; ceše, to alternate] [m]
hagakikaranį (AK A KAi KA L ni) — stand backish [ki]
hágakikínʼak — opposite one another [r-HC]
hā́gakiną́geja — the one opposite [r-HD]
hagakinagᵉrégi — opposite [r-BD]
hagakira — all at once [ss-HM]
hagakírahą (A K Ki L A) — only once [h-O, l-SM, r-Y]
hagakíži — even now [rv-A]
hagakíži — once and for all [rv-A, m]
hagakiži — therefore [rv-F]
haganáįxjią́kają — there is a great deal [h-R1, h-R2]
hagani (A K ni) — he was taken [r-BB]
hāgáni — I take to, for someone [mn]
hagáni — they two brought them [lt-TB]
hagáni (A K ni) — to fetch [bp-TW]
hagani — to hold [ch]
hagáni — to take for him [jb-D]
haganį́ (A K ni) — to take something to someone, to take something for someone [l-B, mn, hl]
hagani hakirireže — they bring back [m]
hagáni hakirireže (A K ni A Ki Li Le de) — they brought it for him [bp-TW, l-M]
hagani hakirireže — to better [cf. kiri, to be better ?] [m]
hagáni kíriwí — they two brought home to (someone) [lt-TB]
haganį́ge (A K ni Ke) — because you take [l-SM]
haganígiži — [after] she had for him [that ?] [h-R1, h-R2]
haganihakiriregiži (A K ni A Ki Le Le Ki di) — they brought it for him [l-M]
haganimanįkjera — to carry, bring, conduct [cf. haga, although, sometimes ?; nį, to bring] [m]
hagáninawìną — they had for them [jh-M]
haganíne — take it for him [jb-D]
haganíneže (A K ni ne de) — it was born to him [l-P]
haganiregiži (A K ni Le Ki di) — that was born to him [l-TV]
hagánireže (A K ni Le de) — they had for him [l-M]
haganiwanįkjaneną — to carry, bring, conduct [cf. nį, to bring] [m]
haganįxjį — and never try [rs-S]
haganixjį (A K ni xitti) — never [r-TB]
haganį́xjį — never [rv-F]
hagánįxjį — never [rv-F]
haganixjį — not at any time [jf-J1a]
hagániže — she had [h-R1, h-R2]
haganíže — she had for him [h-R1, h-R2]
haganxjį — under no conditions [m]
háñgara — a woodchuck [d]
Hagára (A K L) — Haga, the third born son [r-DC, r-Y]
hagara — not always [hz-C]
hagara (ha-ga-ra [j]) — seldom [j]
Hagara (A K L) — the third brother [l-SM]
hagaragi (A K L Ki) — together [r-C]
hagaragi (A K L Ki) — with him [r-O]
hagarairegi (A K Ly Le Ki) — as they went on [r-HO]
hagarairegiži (A K Ly Le Ki di) — they went home, and [sb-L]
hagaraireže (A K Ly Le de) — they went home [l-SM, r-D]
hagaraireže (A K Ly Le de) — they went on [l-P]
hagárašaná — once in a while [lt-U]
hagarášaną — sometimes only [rv-F]
hagaréižą — sometime [jb-P2]
hagārḗžą — finally [rv-A]
hagaréžą (see hagoréžą) — anytime [sb-W]
hagaréžą — at a time [h-G, h-TM]
hagaréžą — at any time [sb-TB]
hagaréžą — at some time past [r-P]
hagaréžą — at that time [jb-F]
hagaréžą — at times [h-G]
hagaréžą — finally [rs-S, p-M, jb-F, p-B]
hagaréžą — if ever [sb-TB]
hagaréžą — in those days [sb-TM]
hagaréžą — in time [jb-F]
hagaréžą — now [h-H]
hagaréžą — once [jb-S1b, rv-A]
hagaréžą — once upon a time [rh-T, h-B, h-LFW, h-W]
hagaréžą — sometime(s) [rh-P, rh-T, jb-CS]
hagaréžąna — at one time [jb-F]
hagarežą́na — once [jb-F]
hagaréžǫna — at one time [jb-F]
hagaréžǫna — once [jb-F]
hagarnihina — he brought her [b-G]
hagarninena — he begat [b-G]
hagarninena — he was born [b-G]
hagás’iréjąxjį́ — it’s a very long time [rw-W]
hagas’írejañxjį — they inquired about them [jb-F]
hagasirejąxjį — to inquire about [cf. ją] [m]
hagawa (A K w) — how [jc-T]
hagawa (A K w) — to choose [r-BS]
hagawagasgeižąxjį (A K w K rKeyi d xitti) — oh my [r-H]
hagaware (A K w Le) — ask (imperative) [r-BS]
hagaware (A K w Le) — choose (imperative) [r-BS]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — ah, such a [thing]! [l-E]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — how [quite] [l-LM, l-MT, l-SM, l-TT, r-Y]
hagáwažą — O dear [h-T]
hagáwažą — quite [h-R1, h-R2]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — really [l-P]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — such [rv-F, sb-TD, bp-A, bp-TA]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — such a thing [bp-A]
hagáwažą — such a time [cf. wažą, important ?] [h-R1, h-R2, m]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — truly indeed [bp-TC]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — what [bp-TC, l-O, l-P, r-Y]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — what a good thing [l-O]
hagáwažą (A K w d) — what a great (thing) [l-E]
hagawažągasge (A K w d K rKe) — what greatness, wonderful [sb-L]
hagawažąwagucpįžą (A K w d w Kotto liAi d) — what a good shot he is [l-M]
hagawažąwažąpį (A K w d w d liAi) — what a good thing [l-M]
hagáwožą́ñgają́nąįžą — for a long time [lp-N]
hagaxjįšge — frequently ? [m]
hage (A Ke) — the last [l-P, m]
Hagega (A Ke K) — Hawk, a character in a story [r-HO]
hągehikijanįgeni — to have knowledge about [cf. hąke, not; kiją, to be there] [m]
hagéja (A Ke tt) — after [r-D]
hagéja (A Ke tt) — afterwards, later on [jw-B, jh-M, e-B1, e-B2, jb-F, jb-P, jb-SD, l-M, r-TC]
hāgéja — afterwards, later on [mn]
hagéja (A Ke tt) — back of, behind [lt-M, lt-R, b-LK, jb-J4, jc-T, l-M, r-C, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-T, r-WH]
hagéja — before [jb-J4]
hāgéja (A Ke tt) (AK etta) — in back [ki]
hagḗja — last [r-HD]
hagéja (A Ke tt) — later on [r-C]
hagéja — on top [lt-TB, jh-M, jb-K, h-R1, h-R2, j]
hagéja — opposite [r-TC4]
hāgḗjā — shortly after [jb-HS]
hagĕ́ja — shortly afterwards [jb-HS]
hagéja — soon [jb-F]
Hagejaminąka — Sitting Opposite, a Bear Clan personal name [f, d-WG]
Hāgéjanąžįra — Kickapoo Indians (?) [ki]
hagējīni — behind [r-BF]
hágeník — after (a little back) [f]
hagerára — in back of you [jb-J4]
hageráregi — behind you [jf-J1b]
hageráregi — those behind you [rv-F]
hagerége — behind [h-T]
hagerégi — back [jf-J1b]
hágeregi — back of you [rv-F, jb-J4]
hagerégi (A KeLe Ki) — behind [jc-S, l-M, l-TM, r-DC, m]
hágeregi — for those behind [rv-F]
hageregi — in back [jb-J4]
hagerégi — in back of you [rv-F]
hágeregi — on top of [jb-D]
hágeregi — these behind [rv-F]
hagerégi (A KeLe Ki) — we minor ones [r-TW3]
hagerekjeną (A Ke Le Ktte n) — he ought to have said [r-BS]
hagereną (A Ke Le n) — he said [r-FP]
hageréžą — another time [rw-W]
hágeréžą — at one (past) time [lt-TB]
hagēréžą — at one time [jb-WM]
hagereže (A Ke Le de) — he put on [sb-L]
hagéšge — besides [jh]
hagéwažąwasgéžą — an awful thing [rv-F]
hági — after [g-C]
hagį́ — after, afterwards [mn]
hagi (A Ki) — again [jb-P]
hagi (A Ki) — and [r-BS, r-O]
hagi (A Ki) — at [l-M, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y]
hagí (A Ki) — at home [bp-TW, h-R1, h-R2]
hagi (A Ki) — he came [bp-TW]
hagi (A Ki) — he was back [r-D]
hagi (A Ki) — he went [r-O, r-Y]
hagi (A Ki) — he went back [r-TB]
hagi (A Ki) — he went in [r-D]
hagí — I arrive returning, I get back (home) [mn, hl]
hagi — I could do it [jb-PM]
hági — I did [jb-J4]
hagi — I do [m]
hagi (A Ki) — I made [bp-TA]
hagí — I return to [mn, z, hl]
hagi — I say it [r-HD]
hagi — if I do [p-T]
hági — if I do it [h-R1, h-R2]
hagí — if I do it [jb-WM]
hagi (A Ki) — in the distance [r-O]
hagí — on [h-R1, h-R2, h-T]
hagi (A Ki) — on [r-O, r-Y]
hagi (A Ki) — on the way [sb-L]
hagi (A Ki) — on the way back [sb-L, r-D]
hagí (A Ki) — there [bp-TW, h-R1, h-R2, l-TC, lp-N]
hagí — there [rh-T, jh, h-T]
hagi (A Ki) — there [sb-E, sb-TD, r-DC, r-T, m]
hagi — they told [jh-M]
hagi (A Ki) — they went [l-M, r-BB]
hagi (A Ki) — they went home [r-Y]
hagi — to be [m]
hagí (A Ki) — to return [rv-F, l-P]
hagí ’ų̄́ — to live back there, to move back to (cp. hagí ci) [hl]
hagí ’ų́ — to live back there, to move back to [hl]
hagí ci — to live back there, to move back to (cp. hagí ’ų́) [hl]
hagí oragiréra — when they went and told [jh-M]
hagi-ázikjèną — I will run away [h-H]
hagi-hanínąžįránąga — they held it ready, and [r-V]
hagi-oikéwegi — he went in [h-O]
hagi’as — I run away [m]
hagi’ųga — to move back to ? [cf. ‘ų] [m]
hagi’ų́kjawi — we did (it) for him [sb-TM]
hagi’uną́kše — they are [jb-J5]
hági[h]ažuánąga — readily he put them, and [h-R1, h-R2]
hagíąjinañki — there he landed [jw-B]
hagiámiñgeníną — I did not go and lay [jb-FF]
hagiámiñkšáną — I went and laid down [jb-FF]
hagiánąga — if I do it, and [ss-BO]
hagiáp’ežé — she waited [jw-B]
hágiaz — fleeing [h-H]
hagicgacgaže (A Ki ttK ttK de) — he tried different ways [r-D]
hagici (A Ki ttAi) — to live upon, as a farm [ki]
hagicikjaneną (A Ki ttiAi Ktt ne n) — I will live with [r-D]
hagicinąkšaną (A Ki ttAi nK dA n ) — I am living [r-E]
hagieja — as they went [ch]
hagigac teną — I slide [cf. gac, to slide; re, to go] [m]
hagigają (A Ki K tt) — I made myself [sb-F]
hagige (A Ki Ke) — why I am here [l-LM]
hagį́gi — after, afterwards [mn]
hagįgi (A Ki Ki) — afterwards [r-T]
hagigí — I allow, permit, let, cause [we]
hagigi (A Ki Ki) — I have done [sb-BT]
hagígi — I return, I get back [g-C, rv-F]
hagigi (A Ki Ki) — she used me [r-E]
hagigi (A Ki Ki) — when we start [r-Y]
hagigijairega (A Ki Ki tty Le K) — when they meet one another [l-O]
hagigijairegi (A Ki Ki tty Le Ki) — when they meet [l-M]
hagigikjanahawiną (A Ki Ki Ktt n A wi n) — we shall have him do [r-T, r-TW3]
hagigíkjaneną — I will let him [jb-DD2]
hagigikjaneną (A Ki Ki Ktt ne n) — I would do it to him [r-Y]
hagigíkje — I shall make him [r-S]
hagigikjega — that I'm going to do to it [al]
hagígikjonéną — I would make him [bb-B]
hagiginą — I did [rv-A]
hagiginikireže (A Ki Ki ni Ki Le de) — they crowded themselves out [bp-TA]
hagiginiže (A Ki Ki ni de) — they overflowed [r-I]
hagigirégi — if I made him [jb-WM]
hagigišunu — I do often [m]
hagigiwaki’ųniną (A Ki Ki w Ki o ni n) — I never gamble [l-M]
hagígiži — when I get back [g-C]
hagígíži — when I get back [ss-BO]
hagígižiharairaže (A Kini Ki di A Ly L de) — they two went [l-M]
hagigó — I call to, beckon to [mn]
hagigu (Aa Ki Koo) — I asked for and got from my maternal uncle [ki]
hagigu (A Ki Koo) — to ask for and get from a maternal uncle [ki]
hagigú — to ask for and get something from one’s maternal uncle [hl]
hagigú — to do a favor for one’s maternal uncle (after having received something for what one asked for [hl]
hagigú wa’ų́ — to ask for and get something from one’s maternal uncle [hl]
hagigú wa’ų́ — to do a favor for one’s maternal uncle (after having received something for what one asked for) [hl]
hagiguahíre — they went after [rw-W]
hagiǧébireže — they came out [h-O]
hagíǧep — to emerge [jb-O]
hagiǧép kinipgi — when he came up [jb-O]
hágihaǧèpgi — to come in sight [cf. ǧep, to appear] [m]
hagihaǧḗpgi — when he came in sight [r-V]
hagihakikōnōgasągwiną — we have made ourselves prepared [r-BD]
hagihí — I gather and put into a container [mn]
hagihí — I pick [we]
hagihi — to go out [cf. hi, to arrive going ?] [m]
hagihihinąpše (A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe) — he went on out again [r-WH]
hagihihinąpše (A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe) — he went out [l-TS, r-I, r-T]
hagihihinąpše (A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe) — it went out of him [r-I]
hagihihinąpše (A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe) — she went out again [l-TS]
hagíhinąbᵉnąžinèną (A Ki Ai n ln di ne n) — they arose and went out [jb-SE]
hagihínąkše — he went out [rw-W]
hagihinópše — and he ran out [h-C]
hagihįšaražícni — anytime you tease or court me [h-R2]
hagihoikawaireže (A Ki Aoyi K wy Le de) — they went into [r-E]
hagíhoikáwakèregi — when he started to go in [h-R1, h-R2]
hagíhoikéweže — there he went in [jmc-B]
hagihorakireže (A Ki Ao LK Ki Le de) — they went home and told it [r-E]
hagiją (A Ki tt) — partition [l-O, r-BS, m]
hagija žesgawiną — to cross [cf. kuru, to drop] [m]
hagija žesgawininą — not to cross [cf. kuru, to drop] [m]
hagijagi (A Ki tt Ki) — when he came across [r-TW3]
hagijahomik (ha-gee-ja-ho-nik [j]) — puberty lodge [j]
hagijaįja — in the partition [rs-S]
hagijąmįki — curtain [cf. mįk ?] [m]
hagijąnąka (A Ki tt n K) — the partition [l-O, r-BS]
hagijanąknįže (A Ki tt nK ni de) — she was not in [r-I]
hagijara (A Ki tt L) — his partition [l-O]
hagijárehíreže — in the place where it came from [jb-DE]
hagijaže (A Ki tt de) — he came across [l-S, r-P1]
hagijé — I return to a place walking [mn]
hagijekjanahawiną (A Ki tte Ktt n A wi n) — we will land [r-E]
hagijíte — I help, I assist, I lend a hand [m, we, hl]
hagijiže (A Ki tti de) — he came upon [l-TT]
hagik’ųxjįkje (A Ki Koo xitti Kette) — I will get my fill of it [l-MT]
hagiką — to tell stories [m]
hagikárac — I pray to, pay homage to (as to a deity) [we]
hagikarac — to pray [m]
hagikárac — to pray [rv-A]
hagikárahe — I invite, to ask to come along [we]
hagikawą (A Ki K w) — I got up [sb-L]
hagikawą-ježe (A Ki K w tte de) — to be there in a pile [l-L, m]
hagikawą’ąnąk (A Ki K w a n K) — I shall rise up [bp-TC]
hagikawą’ąnąk — to rise up [cf. ‘ą, to lift up] [m]
hągikawaginiže — it is missing [cf. gi, to arrive] [m]
hagikawąžiniže (A Ki K w dini de) — it was missing [bp-TPN]
hagikéreže — he set on for him [rg-G]
hagikewekireže (A Ki Kewe Ki Le de) — they made a grab for it [l-TM]
hagikewekwišanuną — to win, to manage, to get to, to beat, to weaken by beating [?] [m]
hagikewewinįšunura (A Ki Ke we wi ni doAo no L) — I never thought of myself, I did [bp-TC]
hagiki’ų (A Ki Ki o) — gamble [r-Y]
hagikik’aícenéną — I will benefit him [h-R2]
hagikinikineže (A Ki Ki ni Ki ne de) — they crowded one another [r-WH]
hagikinįže (A Ki Ki ni de) — it began to flow [r-Y]
hagikíniže — some were left over [h-TM]
hagikipanukuwiną (A Ki Ki lA no Ko wi n) — we raced between ourselves [r-Y]
hagikisų (A Ki KAi rroon) — to braid for one, usually hair [ki]
hagikísų — to braid someone’s hair [hl]
hagikjḗ — to get back [jb-WM]
hagikjeną (A Ki Ktte n) — I will return [r-TW3]
hagikok — to take; I took him, for him [m]
hagimąk’u (A Ki mK Koo) — to go back again [r-TB]
hagimianągikjanaheną (A Ki miy n Ki Ktt n Ae n) — I will go and settle down [l-M]
hagimic (ha-ge-mich [j]) — to fast for a certain blessing [j]
hagimįganąga (A Ki mi K n K) — he went to bed, and [r-D]
hagímigenǫ́kše — there they are lying [h-R1]
hagíminą́gᵉránąga — he'd go and sit, and [r-HD]
hagiminą́gᵉre (A Ki mi nK KeLe) — you may go on in [l-O]
hagiminą́gwirē — sit ready [r-BF]
hagíminạ̀kšąną (A Ki mi n Kd n) — he went and sat down [jb-SE]
hagiminą́kše — he sat down [jb-MR]
hagíminogánąga — he went back and sat down [jc-S]
haginą — I get home [m]
haginą — I will return [jw-B]
hagíną — to arrive home [m]
hāgínąc — I watch, take care of [mn]
haginąc (A Ki ntt) — to fast [jc-T]
haginąc (ha-ge-nuch [bl]) — to fast for a certain thing [bl]
haginą́c — to watch, take care of [mn]
haginąc — you told me [r-B2]
haginącnąk’ų — fasting [ch]
haginą́cše — he fasted for [r-P]
haginą́cšižè — he would fast [r-P]
haginágeníže — he did not tell [jb-W]
hagínągi — when he slept [jb-K]
haginaires’aže (A Ki ny Le ra de) — they would return [r-TB]
háginąjàñkšaną — that is his purpose [rh-T]
haginą́kgają — to be there [m]
haginą́kšaną (A Ki n Kd n) — he returns [r-BC8]
haginąkšē — they are ready [r-BD]
hagínanáñkše — he was asleep [jb-FF]
hagínanc — you told me [r-B1]
haginį (A Ki ni) — I have not gone [r-HO]
hagíniñkje — I will not go [jb-FF]
hagininą (A Ki ni n) — I am going now [bp-TW]
hagininą (A Ki ni n) — to be coming [r-WH]
hagininiže (A Ki ni ni de) — they always come [r-WH]
haginiže (A Ki ni de) — he was coming [bp-TC]
hagiokáwairežé — there they went [rw-W]
hagióminạ̀kšąną (A Kiyo mi n Kd n) — he went and sat down [jb-SE]
hāgípe — I wait for someone [mn]
hagipé — to wait for someone [mn]
hagipeanąga (A Ki leAey n K) — we can stop, and [r-Y]
hagipekjáwiną — let us wait for him [r-TC4]
hagipérera — he waited for him [r-TC4]
hagipewianąga (A Ki leAe wiy n K) — we wait, and [r-Y]
hagírace — to cross one's path [bb-B]
hagirágiraną́ną — they would tell him [jb-P2]
hagiraigarairekjaneną (A Ki Ly K Ly Le Ktt ne n) — they will go by [jc-T]
hagirákše — he told him [rv-F]
hagiramįk? — are you going home to lie down? [nw]
hagiránañga — he came back [r-DC]
hagirášge — I went, and [rv-F]
hagíre — they arrive returning, they return to, they get back (home) [hl]
hagíre — they reached home [lt-C]
hagíregáją (A Ki Le K tt) — when they arrived home, when they got back [h-O2, l-TM, r-Y]
hagíregáją (A Ki Le K tt) — when they took them [sb-L]
hagíregi — having reached it [jb-F]
hagíregi — they reached [jc-S]
hagíregi — when they get there [r-HD]
hagíregi — when they got back, returned [jb-F, rw-W, r-V]
hagiregiži (A Ki Le Ki di) — they finally got home [r-BB]
hagíregiži — they got themselves home [h-R1, h-R2]
hagiregiži (A Ki Le Ki di) — when they arrived [sb-L]
hagiregiži (A Ki Le Ki di) — when they go to [r-O]
hagiregiži (A Ki Le Ki di) — when they got back [sb-V, l-P, r-T, r-Y]
hagiregiži (A Ki Le Ki di) — when they got home [sb-TD, l-TS, r-O, r-TB, r-WH]
hagíregiži — when they got home, returned [p-T, rv-F]
hágíregíži — when they reached home [jc-S]
hagiregiži (A Ki Le Ki di) — when they were near home [l-N]
hagíreną — they came [jh-M]
hagiréną — they came [r-BD]
hagíreną — they got to [jh]
hagírera — when they arrived [jh-M]
hagírera — when they got there [jh]
hagirešgúni — they got home [rh-S]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — he came to [r-BB]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they arrived home [l-SM, r-H]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they came [r-BB]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they came home [l-SM]
hagíreže (A Ki Le de) — they got back (home) [rw-W, l-M, r-WB]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they got home [sb-TD, l-SM, r-I, r-O]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they reached home [r-E]
hagíreže — they returned [rv-F]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they returned [sb-TJ, r-TB]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they went back to [r-E]
hagireže (A Ki Le de) — they went home [l-SM]
hagīreže — they'd come back [ss-HM]
hagiréži — they got to [h-W]
hagiri (A Ki Li ) — on the way [l-SM]
hagiri (A Ki Li) — to return [r-BC8]
hagiri (A Ki Li) — while coming [r-I]
hagirigųnį (A Ki Li Ko ni) — she must have come back [l-TS]
hagirihagiǧepše (A Ki Li A Ki xele deAe) — it came on out [l-M]
hagirihagixeps’aže (A Ki Li A Ki XAel ra de) — he came back in view [r-C]
hagirikeregiži (A Ki Li Ke Le Ki di) — until I return [r-BB]
hagirikeregiži (A Ki Li Ke Le Ki di) — when I start back home [r-BB]
hagirikeregiži (A Ki Li Le Ki di) — when they came back [l-B]
hagirikeregiži (A Ki Li Le Ki di) — when they got to [l-P]
hagirikeregiži (A Ki Li Le Ki di) — when they returned [l-SM]
hagirikerekjeną (A Ki Li Ke Le Kette n) — I will start back home [r-BB]
hagirinįkjaneną (A Ki Li ni Ktt ne n) — I will not return any more [r-E]
hagirira (A Ki Li L) — I came back [r-TB]
hagirirega (A Ki Li Le K) — when they come home [sb-L]
hagiriregi (A Ki Li Le Ki) — when they had gotten home [sb-TD]
hagiriregiži (A Ki Li Le Ki di) — when they got to (a place) [l-M]
hagirirera (A Ki Li Le L) — they returned [r-TB]
hagirires’aže (A Ki Li Le ra de) — they would come back [sb-L]
hagirireže (A Ki Li Le de) — they came home [r-I]
hagirireže (A Ki Li Le de) — they got back [r-Y]
hagirireže (A Ki Li Le de) — they returned [r-TB]
hagirkarareže — they started on [r-WB]
hagiruce — to get (in front) [cf. ce, to cross over] [m]
hagirúkos — to hold (something) for (someone) [we, hl]
hagirúkosíregí — they caught him for him [h-O2]
hagirúsgapiránąga — they took hold of [jw-B]
hagirusu (A Ki Lo roAo) — he held [r-D]
hagisikitawišanuną — we (?) fish [cf. sik, to fish; ta] [m]
hagisiktawišanuną — I? fish [cf. sik, to fish] [m]
hagistu (A Ki roto) — to gang up on for someone [ki]
hagisuxjį — attentively [m]
hagíšaną — I do only [h-B]
hagíšăną̆ — then only [rv-A]
hagišanigiži (A Ki dA ni Ki di) — if you do not answer [sb-TD]
hagį́šaražíjeni (< hagihįšaražícni) — anytime you tease/court me [h-R1, h-R2]
hagíšge — I might have done [rv-F]
hagit’ųte — I forgive [m]
hagit’ųteną — I offer [cf. re, to go] [m]
hagitakjąwi (A Ki t Ktt wi) — we (two) said together [r-Y]
hagitúho — I contribute (money) [hl]
hagitúk’as — I take off quickly (as in a race), I take off fast, I go (by) fast, I speed [hl]
hagitukó — I make room for someone or something [hl]
hāgítukos — I hold (something) for (someone) [we]
hagitúš’ak — I owe [mn]
hagitúšją rēhá — I release, let go of, lose my grip on, impose no restrictions on [we, hl]
hagitúšją rēhá — I turn loose [hl]
hagitúšją rēháwira (A Ki to dtt Le A wi L) — we are sending [r-TW3]
hágiuguwíre — go fetch him [g-C]
hagiwą́ — I call (someone) [mn, we]
hagiwą́ — I call for someone, I holler to [mn]
hagiwą́ — I call to [we]
hagiwás — I flee in fear from [mn]
hagiwasą́nąs — to refuse to admit someone’s fault, to cover up something for someone [hl]
hagiwašíranąga (A Ki w dAi r n K) — they would go, and [jb-SE]
hagiwąx (A Ki wx) — she asked [l-TM]
hagiwąxineže (A Ki w xiAi ne de) — he went home and set it down [l-SM]
hagíwigi — when we get home [h-R1, h-R2]
hagiwira — we return [m]
hagiwirapeježe (A Ki wi L leAe tte de) — and was waiting for them [l-TF]
hagiwúnaíranąga — they piled up, and [h-R1, h-R2]
hagixakše (A Ki xAK dAe) — she poured [l-SM, r-D]
hagixana (A Ki xA n) — to tear down upon themselves [sb-HW]
hágixawaníškuni — he disappeared [g-C]
hagixép — he came up from beneath [lt-TB]
hagixep — to appear [hz-C]
hagixépše (A Ki xele deAe) — he pulled through [sb-HW]
hagíxganìže — he did not move [jb-DE]
hagixíri — to cry for him [jb-PM]
hagiyā́s — I escape, get away from [we]
hagizo (A Kii ro) — to take it easy on [ki]
hagizoxjį (A Kii ro Hitti) — to take it real easy on [ki]
hagížą — at any time [h-R1, h-R2]
hagižágera — I will cry [jh-M]
hagiži (A Ki di) — I can do [l-P]
hagiži (A Ki di) — I could do [l-E, l-O, l-P]
hagižiže (A Ki di de) — it was [sb-TD]
hagižúxjį — to really put on verbally, to add on something silly to a story [hl]
hagižuxjį (A Ki doo Hitti) — to really put on, as a fish or hunting story [ki]
hāgnįgi — after [mn]
hāgnį́gi (AK ni Ki) — after awhile [ki]
hāgnįgi — afterwards [mn, hh]
hagnįgi’ešge (AK ni Kie deKe) (AK ni Ki e deKe) (AK nie deKe) (Ak ni e deKe) — only after awhile [ki]
hagó — I give a religious feast; I invite someone to a religious feast [mn]
hagogihije (AK Ao Ki Ai tte) — to step in behind of, as in single file [ki]
hagogīje (AK Ao Kii tte) — to step in behind of, as in single file [ki]
hágohúra — the place they had come from [lp-N]
hagokere (AK Ao KAe Le) — to put in back of, as in a line [ki]
hagoraižą (A Ko Ly d) — after a time (cf. hagoreižą) [r-TB]
hagorare (A Ko L Le) — go after [l-TT]
hagorawire (A Ko L wi Le) — go after her [bp-TPN]
hagoraža — finally [r-WB]
hagoraže — finally [r-WB]
hagoreira (A Ko Ley L) — finally [r-H]
hagoreižą (A Ko Leyi d) — after a short time [r-D]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — after a time [l-M, l-P, r-D, r-H, r-TB]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — after awhile [r-HO, r-TB, ss-HM]
hagoreižą — ago, some time ago, once upon a time [hh]
hagoreižą (A Ko Leyi d) — at a time [r-H]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — at another time [r-TB]
hagoreižą — at one point [ss-HM]
hagoréižą — at one time [fu, ss-BO]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) (A Ko Leyi d) — finally [sb-L, sb-TJ, sb-V, jc-T, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-D, r-H, r-HO, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-WH, r-Y]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — finally at another time [sb-L]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — finally, one day [r-Y]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — in the course of time [sb-HW, bp-A, bp-P, bp-TA, bp-TP, bp-TPN]
hagoréižą — once [fu]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — once [jc-T]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — once [sb-L, l-O, r-T, ss-HM]
hagoreižą (A Ko Leyi d) — once in the past [r-H]
hagoreižą — once upon a time [ss-HM]
hagoréižą (A Ko Le Ai dn) (Ai Ko Lei dn) — once upon a time [we, ki, mn]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) (A Ko Leyi d) — one day [jc-T, bp-TP, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TC, r-BB, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
hagoréižą (A Ko Le Ai dn) (Ai Ko Lei dn) — one time [ki]
hagoreižą (A Ko Leyi d) — some day [jb-P, l-O]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — some day [l-M]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — some time after this [r-HO]
hagoreižą (A Ko Leyi d) — sometime [jb-P, r-T, r-TB]
hagoréižą — sometime in the future [mn, we]
hagoreižą (A Ko Leyi d) — sometimes [jb-P]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — soon [r-HO]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — there [r-H]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — time had passed [l-S]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — when [l-SM]
hagoreižą (A Ko Ley d) — when some day [l-M]
hagoreižąra (A Ko Ley d L) — after a time [l-M]
hagoreižąra (A Ko Leyi d L) — finally [l-B]
hagoreižąra (A Ko Ley d L) — one day [l-M]
hagoreižige (A Ko Leyi di Ke) — one day again [l-SM]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — after a time [bp-TP, r-D]
hagorežą (A Ko Le d) — after a time [r-O]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — after awhile [rv-F, jc-T, r-BS, r-D]
hagóreža — after this, hereupon [g-C]
hagoréžą — as [jmc-B]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — at a time [r-C]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — at any time [jb-SE]
hágoréža — at one (past) time [lt-C, lt-U]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — at one (past) time [lt-F, lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, r-I, m]
hagórežą́ — at one (past) time [lt-I, lt-TB, lt-U]
hagórežą — at one time (in the past) [lt-C, lt-U]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — at one time [r-C]
hagórežá — at one time in the recent (?) past [lt-C]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — at some time [r-I]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — ever [jb-P]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — finally [ch, rv-F, sb-BT, jc-T, bp-TP, l-B, l-S, l-TC, l-TF, l-TT, h-R1, h-R2, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-O, r-P1, r-TW3, r-Y]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — finally after a time [l-B]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — finally one day [jc-T, r-E]
hagoréžą — in awhile [jc-S]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — in due course of time [sb-TD]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — in due time [sb-BT, sb-TD, bp-TW]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — in the course of time [sb-BT, sb-TD, bp-TO, bp-TW, bp-TP]
hagorežą — in time [r-BC]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — later on [r-I]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — once [h-C, jb-I, j-SE, sb-TB, bp-G, r-H, r-P]
hagorežą (A Ko Le d) — once [l-M, m]
hagoréžą — once in a time [h-T]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — once upon a time [sb-TD, h-B, h-O2, h-R1, h-R2, bp-TP, r-I]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — one day [hz-L, j-SE, l-M, l-MS, l-MT, l-TT, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-HO, r-O, r-WB]
hagorežą — one day [hz-O]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — some day [rv-F, jb-P, jb-SE, l-TT, r-E, r-O]
hagorežą — some day [rv-G]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — sometime [jc-F, jb-P, r-D, r-O]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — sometime in the future [sb-F]
hagoréžą — soon [r-S]
hagoréžą — then [rv-F]
hagoréžą (A Ko Le d) — whenever [jb-SE]
hagorežą — whenever; then [cf. horežą, sometime in the future] [m]
hagorežąra (A Ko Le d L) — finally [l-E, l-MS, r-BS]
hagoreže — finally [r-WB]
hagoreže — once [ch]
hagoreže — until finally [r-WB]
hagowerešge (A Kowe Le deKe) — even then [r-Y]
hagoyireną (A Koyi Le n) — they were coming [r-Y]
hagraija (AK Lai tt) — to your rear [ki]
hagregi (A KeLe Ki) — behind [p-F, r-D]
hągši (hung-she [j]) — high [j]
hagú — to ask for and get from a maternal uncle [ki, hl]
hagu — to come [m]
hagú (A Ko) — to come after [jc-T]
hagu (A Ko) — to come away [sb-HW, sb-V]
hagu (A Ko) — to come homeward [r-E]
hagú — to fetch someone who is prestigious [hl]
hāgú — to fetch someone who is prestigious [mn]
hagú — to get, obtain, fetch, secure, retrieve [we, hl]
hagú — to obtain on request (from an uncle) according to tribal custom [we, hl]
hagú hahíre — they went for him (to fetch him) [lt-C]
hagú hi — he went thither for her [lt-R]
hagú re — to go for it [lt-I, lt-R]
hágu-iránąga — the ones who are, and [r-HD]
hagú-ire — they came [sb-W]
hagu’ireže — so they came back [rh-O]
hagųącinja — wherever [p-B]
haguahire-anąga — to bring in [m]
haguajíreže — they came after him [jb-S1a, jb-S1b]
haguajíreže — they came to him [sb-W]
hagŭaraíreną̆ — they have gone after [rv-A]
hagúc — I fire (a gun) [we]
hagúc — I shoot [g-C, mn]
haguc — to shoot [m]
hagúcanèną — I will shoot him [rh-T]
haguguhajiną (A Ko Ko A tti n) — I came after them [r-Y]
haguhahireže (A Ko A Ai Le de) — so they went after her [bp-TP]
haguhaireną (A Ko Ay Le n) — he is coming [r-Y]
hagúhi — to come after him [sb-W]
haguhí — went after [jh-M]
hagúhiánañga — he went after (them) [rh-O]
haguhígiži (A Ko Ai Ki di) — [after] he went after it [l-M]
haguhígiži (A Ko Ai Ki di) — he went after it, and [l-P]
haguhikikisgawiže (A Ko Ai Ki Ki rK wi de) — they looked exactly alike [l-M]
haguhíną — he went after [r-HC]
haguhireže (A Ko Ai Le de) — they came home [sb-TD, r-I]
haguhiwianąga (A Ko Ai wiy n K) — they went after, and [sb-TD]
haguhíže (A Ko Ai de) — he went after it [h-C, l-M, r-D, r-Y]
haguiranįže (A Koyi L ni de) — he did not come away [l-N]
hagúire — they came [lp]
hagúire — they were coming back [lt-M, lt-TB]
hagúirega — since he came [sb-N]
hagúirega — when they came [sb-N]
hagúiregi (A Koyi Le Ki) — they came from, and [jb-SE]
hagúiregi — they came to him [sb-W]
hagúiregi — they started coming back [jb-D]
haguirekjanahegiži (A Koyi Le Ktt n Ae Ki di) — when they were to come back [r-H]
hagúirešanùną — they always come [sb-N]
haguireže (A Koy Le de) — they came [sb-L, r-E]
haguireže (A Koyi Le de) — they came away [sb-HW, sb-L, sb-V, l-N]
haguireže — they came back [p-M]
hagúireže — they came back [rw-W, r-DC]
haguireže (A Koyi Le de) — they came homeward [l-SM]
hagúireže — they started home [rv-F]
haguireže (A Koyi Le de) — they were coming [l-O]
hagų́īsᵉra — I bring it [r-HD]
hágujigàją — coming after [jf-F]
hagųna — I piled [jb-KX]
hagunągi (A Ko n Ki) — when it comes [r-TW3]
hagúnąkìži (A Ko n Ki di) — when they come [jb-SE]
hagúra — to go after, to go for something [cf. re, to go] [lt-R, m]
hagura — you (sg.) come [m]
hagura wašiže — to order [cf. re, to go; ši, to tell] [m]
haguráre (A Ko L Le) — go after it [l-M]
hagurāre — go and get it (imperative) [hh]
hagurare — to go after [cf. re, to go] [m]
hagúre (A Ko Le) — to be brought [bp-TW]
hagúre (A Ko Le) — to fetch (something) [bp-TW, hl]
hāgúre — to fetch someone who is prestigious [mn]
haguré — to go after (someone or something) [lt-R, rw-W, r-V, hl]
hagure (A Koo Le) — to go after [ki]
haguregają — he is going after [ch]
haguregášge — they came [rh-T]
haguréšigi — he told him to go after (them) [h-O]
haguréwašiže (A Ko Le w diAi de) — he told them to go after, he commanded them to bring [bp-TW]
hagurežą — sometime in the future (see hagorežą) [su-W]
hagurokanąk (A Ko Lo K nK) — he ran [r-O]
hagų̄́s — I counsel, advise strictly, instruct, order, command [we]
hagųsnįną (A Koro ni n) — I have not made it [sb-HW]
haguwahiranąga (A Kow Ai L n K) — they went after, and [l-M]
haguwahireže (A Kow Ai Le de) — they went after [bp-TP]
haguwahireže (A Kow Ai Le de) — they went and got her [bp-TPN]
haguwairekjaneną (A Kow Ly Le Ktt ne n) — they are going for [r-HO]
haguwaraireže (A Kow Ly Le de) — they went after [r-D]
haguwašiže (A Ko w diAi de) — he commanded to be fetched [bp-TW]
hagúwire (A Ko wi Le) — get him [bp-TP, l-TM]
haguyireže (A Koyi Le de) — they came home [r-Y]
hagųzirawiną (A Ko ri L wi n) — we were created [r-Y]
hągwíną — we lay [sb-TM]
haǧabre (A Hl Le) — to fly upon, as to jump on [ki]
haǧagᵉnąkšaną — I was crying [r-A]
haǧágᵉnąkšaną — I was crying [r-A]
haǧagera (A x KL) — I was crying [r-TB]
haǧagikjege (A x Ki Kette Ke) — let me cry here [r-HO]
haǧagomi-anąganąga — sitting weeping, [and] [r-A]
haǧąǧą (A Hn Hn) — to crowd in upon eagerly [ki]
haǧaǧᵉnąkšaną — I cried [r-A]
haǧák — I crow [mn]
haǧák — I cry [mn, we]
haǧák — I weep [we]
haǧak — to be thick (clusters) [m]
haǧaknįną (A xK ni n) — I did not weep [r-BS]
haǧakšaną (A xK dA n) (A x Kd n) — I cried [rv-G, r-BS, r-TB]
haǧakšaną (A xK dA n) — I have wept [r-HO]
haǧákšaną — they were thick [jh]
haǧapjinąk (A xl tti nK) — to appear [r-D]
haǧe — I make noise [m]
haǧe (A xe) — shouting [r-O]
haǧe (A He) — to cheer on [ki]
haǧé — to holler [su-W]
haǧe (A xe) — to shout [l-P]
haǧebaną́kšaną — it is growing [lp]
haǧebanį́že — it did not appear [lp-C]
haǧebenąžį́že — it went through [h-R1, h-R2]
haǧebikere (A Hel i KAe Le) — to put out in plain view [ki]
haǧébikjawigiži (A xe li Ktt wi Ki di) — if he will appear [l-SM]
haǧébikjeną — he will appear [jb-S2]
haǧebíreže — they appeared [h-W, r-DC]
haǧebíreže (A xe li Le de) — they came up [r-HO]
haǧeginįže (A xe Ki ni de) — he shouted at him [l-TF]
haǧeǧép — to appear repeatedly, to come up here and there [hl]
haǧenąkra (A xe nK KL) — they were shouting [r-Y]
hāǧép — I come out from a dwelling or from behind an object [we]
hāǧép — I come up or rise [we]
hāǧép — I grow as vegetation [we]
hāǧép — I grow; I appear; I rise; I am risen [mn]
haǧep — it appeared [p-T]
haǧép — it comes up [se-I]
haǧép — there rose [r-S]
haǧép (A Hel) — to appear, he, she, it appears [jb-S1b, m, mn, ki, fu, hl]
haǧép — to come out from a dwelling or from behind an object [we, hl]
haǧép — to come up or rise [we, hl]
haǧép — to grow [lp, m, mn]
haǧép — to grow as vegetation [we, hl]
haǧep — to protrude [jb-MR]
haǧép — to protrude [jb-MR]
haǧép — to rise; to be risen (of planets) [m, mn]
haǧép há — I grow [mn]
haǧép hajįną́k — I appear suddenly, abruptly [we]
haǧép hī́ — to grow (as plants, crops) [mn]
haǧép hī — to grow something, to make something appear [hl]
haǧep hikere (A Hel Ai KAe Le) — to put out in plain view [ki]
haǧép jīną́k — to appear suddenly, abruptly [we, hl]
haǧep p’į́ni — it can’t stick out [jb-T]
haǧeparairegają (A xele l Ly Le K tt) — as they came up [sb-E]
haǧépgugi — when he appears [al]
haǧephizé — it grew up [sb-T5]
haǧéphugają — as it dawned [al]
haǧephugé — when he appeared [al]
haǧephúiže — he appeared [jb-F]
haǧephuže (A xele Ao de) — it appeared [sb-E]
haǧéphužè — it grew up [sb-T5]
haǧepinąkše (A xele li nK deAe) — he came in sight of [bp-P]
haǧépįni — not possible for it ever to come up [jb-T]
haǧépįniže (A xele lini de) — he would not come out [l-O]
haǧepireže (A xe li Le de) — they appeared [r-WH]
haǧépjijehíže — it appeared he made it [r-DC]
haǧépjįjįbireže — now it began to appear [jb-S2]
haǧepjiną́kše — he appeared [h-T]
haǧépjįpše — it burnt forth [jb-DD2]
haǧepkáca — after it grew up [sb-T5]
haǧepną́kšaną (< haǧebaną́kšaną) — it is growing [lp]
haǧepnįže (A xe lini de) — he did not come up [r-TB]
haǧépše (A xele dAe) — he came [r-HO]
haǧépše — it came up [r-B1]
haǧepže — it appeared [ss-SE]
haǧereže (A xe Le de) — they shouted at her [bp-TP]
haǧewí — we sound off, cheer [we]
haǧi (Aa Hi) — hazel nuts (?) [ki]
hāǧi — ripe [hh]
hāǧí — to be ripe (of corn) [mn, hl]
haǧihiraregi — to be ripe [m]
haǧíže — it was ripe [sb-T5]
haǧó — an expression of disgust [lp]
haǧo — to scratch [m]
haǧǫǧǫ — to long for, to be anxious about [jb-MH2a]
hāǧóp — I cure by traditional means [mn]
haǧóp — to cure by traditional means; persons so cured [mn]
hąhą́ (A A) — ah [l-P, r-H]
hąhą́ (A A) — all right [rh-T, jb-K, sb-L]
hąhá — all right [sb-T]
hąhą́ — an exclamation [jb-HS]
haha (A A) — for shame [ki]
hąhą́ — greetings [jb-J4, jb-MR, rv-F, r-CW, mn]
hąhą́ (A A) — hąhó (q.v.) [r-T]
hąhą (A A) — ho [r-BS]
hąhą́ — indeed [jb-S1a, h-G]
hąhą́ (A A) — now [h-T, r-C]
hąhą́ (A A) — now [sb-BT, sb-K, sb-VF, bp-TC, bp-TPN, l-N, r-BB, r-D, r-H, r-HO, lp-N]
hąhą́ (A A) — now then [sb-E, sb-L, l-B, l-L, l-M, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-S, l-SM, l-TC, l-TM, l-TS, l-TT, r-D, r-E, r-T, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y]
hąhą́ (A A) — right [r-E]
hahá — to be light in weight [hl]
hahą́ — to be light in weight [we]
hąhá — well [h-T]
hąhą́ (A A) — well [rh-W, jb-MR, sb-E, sb-H, sb-HW, sb-K, h-B, h-R1, h-R2, r-D, r-J, r-O]
hąhą́ — well and good [rv-F]
hąhą́ (A A) — well now [r-TW3]
hąhá — well then [h-B]
hąhą́ (A A) — well then [sb-L]
hą̄́hą — well, okay (cp. hą, hąhą́’ą) [hl]
hahá — yes [jb-B]
hąhą́ (A A) — yes [rh-F, rh-S, rh-T, p-B, jh-M, rv-F, jb-F, jb-KX, jb-S1a, h-C, h-G, h-W, l-MT, r-TC4, r-Y, m, w-TI]
hą́hą — yes, the sign of approval or applause [d, hl]
hąhą-ą (A A a) — ah yes [l-TT]
hąhą-a (A A a) — yes [sb-L]
hąhą-ą! (A A a) — yes, yes [bp-TP]
hą́ha-ą — yes! [g-H]
hąhą́-o — all right [h-T]
hąhą-o — now then [h-B]
hąhą́-o — yes [h-T]
hą̄hą’ — yes, used to acknowledge a greeting [hh]
hąhą’ą (A A a) — all right [r-Y]
hąhą’ą (A A a) — now [bp-TC]
hąhą’ą (A A a) — oh yes [r-Y]
hąhą’ą — uh huh (agreement) [su-W]
hąhą’ą — well [h-R1, h-R2]
hąhą́’ą — well, okay (cp. hą́hą, hą) [hl]
hąhą’ą (A A a) — yes [jb-F, sb-L, l-M, l-N, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
hąhą́’ą — yes [jb-K, jb-S1a, sb-B, l-P, mn, hl]
hą̄hą́’ą — yes [mn, hl]
hąhą́’ą (A A a) — yes yes [rv-F, sb-TD]
hą̄hą’ą — yes, used to acknowledge a greeting [hh]
hą̄hą’o — yes [hh]
hą̄hą́’o — yes, well, okay (cp. hą́hą, hą) [hl]
hąhą́ą — yes [h-C]
hąhą́ą! — yes indeed! [h-W]
hahąbwíšguni — then daylight came upon them [rv-F]
hahąbwíže — daylight came upon them [rv-F]
hąhąenąk — darkness overtakes [m]
hahageja (A A Ke tta) — on the top [ki]
hahagiriną (A A Ki Li n) — I have come home [l-SM]
hahągwíga — that there were [jb-DE]
hahągwígi — as they stretched out [rv-F]
hahągwíną — we lie [m]
hahągwíną — we take care of [m]
hahągwira (A AK wi L) — they are [jc-T]
hahągwíže — they had reached [jb-DE]
hahąhé (A A Ae) — it was night [l-TS]
hahąhé (A An Ae) — night falls upon [ki]
hahąhé — to be overtaken by night [mn, hl]
hahahé — to spend the night [su-W]
hahąhé (A A Ae) — when night came [l-O]
hahąhéga — he might overlook [h-R1, h-R2]
hahąhegeže (A A Ae Ke de) — he waited for night [l-E]
hahąhegiži (A A Ae Ki di) — at night [r-TB]
hahąhegiži (A A Ae Ki di) — night overtook him, so [l-O]
hahąhegiži (A A Ae Ki di) — when night overtook him [l-O, r-I, r-TB]
hahąhéhí — to do until night [su-W]
hąhąhehis’áže — night comes [se-I]
hahą́heniną́kšaną — night does not come [jb-J4]
hahahéninąkše — darkness never overtakes him [jb-SE1]
hahąhḗniną̀kše — without darkness [jb-DE]
hahąheregi (A A Ae Le Ki) — after dark [r-TW3]
hahąheregi — night came upon them [ch]
hahąheregi (A A Ae Le Ki) — when night overtook them [r-HO]
hahąhérinąkše (< hahąhéra-hinąkše) — there was no darkness [jb-DE]
hahąheže (A A Ae de) — he remained there until night [l-TS]
hahąhéžišgìra — night overtook them [h-R1, h-R2]
hahahinąkše (A A Ai nK deAe) — they go [r-H]
hahahokawawiže (A A Ao K w wi de) — they went and entered [sb-L]
hąhaí — yes [rv-F]
hahą́įk — to be light in weight [we, mn]
hąhaíregi — during the night [jb-F]
hahairegiži (A Ay Le Ki di) — they went [l-M]
hahairegiži (A Ay Le Ki di) — when they went [l-S]
hahaireną (A Ay Le n) — they went [r-TW3]
hahaíreže (A Ay Le de) — they went [sb-K, l-SM]
hahajajanąkšąną (A Att tt nK dA n) — we have to eat [l-B]
hahák — surface, the top of something (cp. hihák) [hl]
hahak (A AK) — top of [ki]
hąhakí’regi — when day came [h-O]
hahakipiną — to be ever [? even] [m]
hahąkwianąga (A AK wiy n K) — as we go in [sb-L]
hahąkwiže (A AK wi de) — as we went [l-TM]
hahąkwiže (A AK wi de) — they were lying [l-SM]
hahamįkšaną (A A miKi dA n) — it was light [r-H]
hahánik — light, not heavy [ha, d, j]
hahąnį́k (A A niK) — to be light in weight [ki, mn, we]
háhankwína — we are running [g-C]
hąhao! — ah [hz-L]
hąháo! — O no! [h-W]
hąhą́o — yes [h-W]
hąhaó — yes [r-TC4]
hahą́p (A Al) — all night [r-TW3, su-W]
hahąp (A Anl) — all, total, completely [ki]
hahap (A Al) — full of holes [ki]
hąhąp (A Al) — into day [r-I]
hahą́p — to become daylight on someone, daylight catches up to [hl]
háhąp — until morning [r-HD]
hahą́p — until the next day, (to last) until the next day [su-W]
hahąp’híže — he came to day [h-R1]
hahąp’hiže — he stayed up all night [h-R1]
hahąp’íže — he came to day [h-R2]
hahąphí — he stayed up all night [h-R2, m]
hahąpirenąga (A Al li Le n K) — they would stay until day, and [sb-TJ]
hahąpireže (A A li Le de) — became as daylight [sb-L]
hahąpserec — all day [p-M]
hahą́pše (A Al deAe) — until it was day [l-O]
hahąpže — to become daylight [m]
hahas gihiranąga — to pick berries [cf. has, berries] [m]
hahawa (A A w Ko Le) — go after [r-BS]
hahązí — shadow [hl]
hąhé — midnight [h-R1, h-R2]
hąhé — Moon [h-TG]
hąhé (A Ae) — night (light-go) [lt-R, lt-TB,ch, rv-F, al, jb-F, jb-S1a, jb-SE, sb-F, sb-W, h-R1, h-R2, h-T, bb-B, l-O, rv-A, r-BB, r-HD, r-TW3, j, m, lp]
hą́he — night [g-H, g-C]
hą̄he — night [hh]
hąhe (A Ae) — night [jb-SE, l-M, mck]
hą̄hé (A Ae) (An Ae) — night [l-P, l-TS, ki, hl]
Hąhé (A Ae) — Night Spirit [jb-SE, r-HD]
Hąhé (A Ae) — Nights(pirits) [jb-SE, sb-W, r-TW3]
Hąhĕ́ (Hãhĕ́‘ [mck]) — Nightspirits [mck]
hąhé (A Ae) — the night [l-MS]
hą̄hé (An Ae) — to be night [ki]
hą̄hé — to be night [mn, hl]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnį́kjągᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — Children of the Night Blessed Ones [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — Children of the Night Blessed Ones [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra (A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL) — the Night Blessed Children [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra (A Ae Ho bini Ktt KL) — you Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — you Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — you Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — you Night Blessed Children [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra (A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL) — you Night Blessed Children [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjąjaniànąga (A Ae Ho lini Ktt K niy n K) — a Child of the Night Blessed Ones, and [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉra (A Ae Ho lL) — Night Blessed men [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉra (A Ae Ho [l]L) — Night Blessed Ones [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉra (A Ae Ho lL) — Night Blessed people [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉra (A Ae Ho L) — the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉra (A Ae Ho lL) — the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğobᵉra (A Ae Ho lL) — you of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhe Ğobwahą́nąkše (A Ae Ho lw A n [K]deAe) — Night Blessed I am saying [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğop Nįkją́ga (A Ae Ho lini Ktt K) — Child of the Night Blessed One [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğop Nikją́gᵉra (A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL) — Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğop Nįkją́gᵉra (A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL) — Children of the Night Blessed Ones [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğop Nįkją́gᵉra (A Ae Hlo ni Ktt KL) — you Children of the Night Blessed [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğop Nį́kjągᵉra (A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL) — you Children of the Night Blessed Ones [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğop Nįkjągížą (A Ae Ho lni Ktt Ki d) — a Child of the Night Blessed Ones [jb-SE]
Hąhé Ğop Wagigónąną (A Ae Ho low Ki Ko n n) — a Night Feast [jb-SE]
hąhé hokisagregi (A Ae Ao Ki rA KeLe Ki) — at midnight [r-TW3]
hą̄he kēnį Mą̄nį Kisak nį — Christmas eve [hh]
hąhé kiságᵉregi (A Ae Ki rA KeLe Ki) — at midnight [r-TW3]
hą̄he kīsak — midnight [hh]
hą̄hé kīsák — midnight [hl]
hą̄he kīsak haixa — after midnight [hh]
hąhé kisákjįgają — about midnight [h-T]
Hąhé Maną́pe (A Ae m n lAe) — the Night Soldier(s) [jb-SE]
Hąhé Maną́penąka (A Ae m n lAe n K) — the Night Soldiers [jb-SE]
Hąhĕ́ nąwą — Nightspirit song [mck]
hą́he ókahi — every night [g-C]
Hą̄he pį. — Good night. [hh]
hąhé regí — that night [lt-TB]
hąhe s’i — late (at night) [cf. hąhe, night; s’i, long] [m]
hą̄hé s’inįkiži (A Ae rii ni Ki di) — late at night [l-TS]
hąhé te’e (A Ae te e) — tonight [jb-SE, sb-P, r-TW3]
hąhe tée — tonight [p-C]
hą̄hé wāráje — I do witchcraft [mn]
Hą̄he Wažą Nąkewesge Kiri — Halloween [hh]
hą́he wi(ta) — moon (lit., "night sun") [g-H]
hąhe wīra — moon [hh]
hą́he wíra cekokiti — new moon (died before another moon came) [g-H]
Hąhé Wišgájᵉra (A Ae wi dK ttL) — Night Trick Medicine [jb-SE]
Hą́he wíta (wira) — Moon [g-C]
Hąhé Wožáwa (A Ae wo d w) — Happy Nights [jb-SE]
hąhé-hinųpóhą — two nights [h-R2]
Hąhecinąkra (A Ae ttAi nK L) — a Night’s village [l-M]
hąhéga (A Ae K) — at night [jb-F, p-B, r-E, r-T, r-TB]
hąhega (A Ae K) — in the night [l-MS]
hąhega (A Ae K) — when night [l-P]
hąhégają — at night [h-W]
hąhegáją — during the night [r-P]
hąhegają (A Ae K tt) — it grew dark [r-BB]
hąhégają — the night [jb-S1a]
hąhégają — when night [h-R1, h-R2]
hąhegajeregíži — it was night, so [h-R1]
hąhegášaną — night time only [h-C]
hąhégi — at night [ch, h-B, h-H, h-R1, h-R2, h-T]
hąhégi — if tonight [jb-F]
hąhégi (A Ae Ki) — in the night [r-E]
hą̄hégi — tonight [mn]
hąhégi (A Ae Ki) — tonight [rv-A, r-I, j, lp]
hąhégi (A Ae Ki) — when it was night [sb-F, r-HO]
hą̄hégi — when it's night [mk]
hąhegigi (A Ae Ki Ki) — when it was night [r-TB]
hąhegisebeną́že (?) — it was midnight [h-R1]
hąhegiži (A Ae Ki di) — as the night came [l-P]
hąhegiži (A Ae Ki di) — at night [r-D, r-E, r-I]
hąhegiži (A Ae Ki di) — in the night [l-M, l-O, l-P, r-I, r-TB, r-WH]
hąhegiži (A Ae Ki di) — it was evening [l-SM]
hąhegíži — night [rv-A]
hąhegiži (A Ae Ki di) — the next evening [l-SM]
hąhégiži (A Ae Ki di) — tonight [jh-M, l-M, l-SM]
hąhégiži — when it became night [h-O]
hąhegiži (A Ae Ki di) — when it was night [r-I]
hąhehirarexjįgają (A Ae Ai L Le xitti K tt) — in the night [l-M]
Hąhéiǧobᵉra (A Aeyi Ho lL) — you Night Blessed Ones [jb-SE]
Hąheixóbᵉnįkją́gᵉnąkà (A Aeyi Ho lni Ktt Kn K) — the Night Blessed Children [jb-SE]
Hąheixóbᵉnįkją́ka (A Aeyi Ho lni Ktt K) (< Hąhé-hi-xop-nįkją́k-ka) — the Night Blessed Children [jb-SE]
hąhéki — that night [sb-FF]
hąhékiságᵉregi — in the middle of the night [jb-S1a]
hąhékisak — midnight [h-R1, h-R2]
hą̄hékisák (A Ae Ki rAK) (An Ae KAi rrK) — midnight [l-P, mn, ki]
hąhékisañka — midnight [cf. kisañka, one-half] [d]
hąhékisakjįgàją — being about midnight [h-T]
hąhékisákjįgàją — just about midnight [h-R1, h-R2]
hahekisok (hah-ha-kee-sock) — midnight [ge, j]
Hąhĕ́maniga — Walking at Night, a male name in the Bear Clan [mck]
Hąhemanįwįga — She who Walks in Darkness [r-BC]
hąhéna — night [d]
hąhénųbóhą — two nights [h-R2]
Hąheoracewįga — Travels by Night, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
hąhéorajé — "to skylark around at night," to do witchcraft [mn]
hahera (hah-ha-dah) — dark [ge]
hahera — night [ge, b-G]
hąhera (haunhaarar) — night [k]
hąhéra (A Ae L) — nights [h-R1, h-R2, r-FP, r-I]
Hąhĕ́ra (A Ae L) — Nights [r-TW3]
hąhéra — nights [rv-F]
hąhĕ́ra (A Ae L) — the night [r-TW3]
hąhera — the night [ss-SE]
hąhéra (A Ae L) — the night(s) [d, rv-F, sb-F, h-H, rv-A]
Hąhĕ́ra (A Ae L) — the Nights(pirits) [sb-HW, sb-W, l-M, r-TW3, mck]
haherák (A Ae LK) — to sense something, to be almost extra-sensory perceptual, to have premonitions [ki, hl]
haherákše (A Ae LK dAe) — he was a little afraid [l-O]
hą̄here — last night [hh]
hą̄hére (A Ae Le) — last night [l-P, l-TS, mn]
hąhére (A Ae Le) — last night, the night before [sb-F, r-TB, r-Y]
hąhére (A Ae Le) — night [r-WH]
hąhérĕ — night [rv-A]
hąhére (A Ae Le) — yesterday [r-Y]
hąhéregi (A Ae Le Ki) — at night [jh-M, jb-F, jb-WM, sb-TM, h-TM, h-O, r-E, r-F, r-O, r-V, mn]
hą́héregi — at night [ss-WI]
haheregi — by night [b-LK]
hąhéregi (A Ae Le K[i]) — in a night [r-I]
hąhéregi (A Ae Le Ki) — in the evening [r-BB]
hąhéregi (A Ae Le Ki) — in the night [jh-M, jb-S1b, l-M, r-D, r-O]
hąhéregi — that night [jb-F, sb-P]
hąhéregi (A Ae Le Ki) — that night [r-D, r-E]
hąhéregi (A Ae Le Ki) — until after dark [l-SM]
hą̄hés’īgá — late at night [mn]
hąheserec — all night [ch]
hą̄héserec (An Ae rre Lett) (Aain rre Lett) — all night long [mn, ki]
hą̄héserecį́ — all night long [z]
hąhéšge — there is night [h-R1, h-R2]
hąhĕ́šge kagā́ — it did not indeed [bp-L]
hą̄héte’é — tonight [mk]
hąhéteé — this night [h-R1]
Hąhewaši (ha-hae-wa-shee [j]) — Night Dance [j]
Hąhĕ́waši — Nightspirit Dance [cp. Hisaxériwaši, Reƙcácas-haníwaši] [mck]
hąhewéja — why (reason for being) in the moon [g-C]
hą̄héwi — moon [mn]
hąhewi (hah-heh-wee) — moon [tu]
Hąhewi (A Ae wi) — Night women [l-M]
hą́hewi-ną́kre — moon [g-C]
Hąhewįga — Night Woman, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
hahewigiten (hah-ha-wee-git-tdain) — dark of the moon [ge]
hahewira (hah-ha-wer-dah) — a moon [ge]
hahewirá — moon [s]
hąhewíra — night-moon, the moon [d]
hahewira — the moon [br-W]
hąhéwira — the moon [e-B1, e-B2, su-W]
hąhewira (A Ae wi L) (haunhaawerar [k]) (ha-hay-wee-ra [j]) — the moon [k, jb-P, j, r-T, r-TW3]
hą̄héwira (< hą̄he + wī) (An Ae wi L) — the moon [ki]
hahewira cekokirin (hah-ha-wee-dah-check-o-kid-deen) — new moon [ge]
hąhewira cikokiri (ha-hay-wee-da-chee-ko-ki-dee [j]) — new moon [j]
hahewira hątenikšun (hah-ha-wee-dah-hut-ta-nick-schoon) — full moon [ge]
hąhewirakereže (A Ae wi L Ke Le de) — he put them on as a night boil [r-BS]
hąhewiraxetexjį (ha-hay- wee-ra-xa-da-xje [j]) — full moon [j]
hąhĕ́wirokiri — new moon [mck]
hąhĕ́wirokís — full moon [mck]
hąhĕ́wirokisak — half moon [mck]
hąhĕ́wirokit’ĕ — dark moon [mck]
Hąhĕ́wohą (Hãhĕ́‘wohʌ̃ [mck]) — Nightspirit Feast (literally, "Night Boil") [mck]
hąhéžą — one night [h-R1, h-R2]
hąhežắną̆ga — it was a night, and [rv-A]
hąhéže (A Ae de) — it was night [l-O]
hahí — (over) there [jc-S, rh-T, se-I]
hahí — after awhile [jf-J1a, rg-G]
hahi (A Ai) — after awhile [l-SM, r-F, r-T, r-WB]
hahí — after that [sb-H]
hahi (A Ai) — around [r-T]
hahi — as he went [p-M]
hahí — as it went [jb-AM]
hahí (A Ai) — at [l-M]
hahi (A Ai) — at [sb-V]
hahí — at a time [jb-HM]
hahi (A Ai) — at last [r-D]
hahí — at that place [rv-F]
hahi (A Ai) — at the same time [jb-P]
hahi (A Ai) — come around [l-N]
hahi (A Ai) — finally [jb-P, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, jc-T, l-N, l-P, l-SM, r-D, r-H, r-T, r-TB, r-WB, r-Y, m]
hahí (A Ai) — finally [jb-S1a, r-E]
hahí — finally, as a culmination (to very end; at the end point) [r-CW, we]
hahi (A Ai) — go (imperative) [p-B, sb-F, sb-TD, l-SM, l-TM, r-D, r-H]
hahi (A Ai) — go out [jc-T]
hahi (A Ai) — go over [l-SM]
hahi (A Ai) — going [sb-TD, r-TB]
hahi (A Ai) — he arrived [r-Y]
hahí — he arrived there [lt-I]
hahi (A Ai) — he came [l-TS]
hahi (A Ai) — he gets to (arrives at) [sb-F]
hahí — he got there [lt-C]
hahí — he reached there [lt-C, lt-I]
hahi (A Ai) — he traveled [l-O]
hahí — he went [h-O]
hahi (A Ai) — he went [jc-T, l-P, l-TS, r-E]
hahi (A Ai) — he went over [l-O]
hahi (A Ai) — he went towards [r-HO]
hahi (A Ai) — I arrive [ki]
hahí — I go (there) [g-C]
hahi (A Ai) — I go [jb-F, r-TB]
hahį́ (A Ai) — I smoke [r-D]
hahį́ — I smoke, I suckle (as a child) [we]
hahį́ — I suck [mn]
hahi — I went [h-R2]
hahį̄ (Ain) — I went [ki]
hahí — in time [jb-MR, r-P, se-P]
hahí (A Ai) — it became [r-O]
hahi (A Ai) — it came on [r-T]
hahi (A Ai) — it reached [jc-T]
hahí (A Ai) — later [l-N]
hahi (A Ai) — now then [jc-T]
hahi (A Ai) — on [l-B, r-H, r-TB]
hahí — on at [h-T]
hahi (A Ai) — on out [l-B]
hahí — on the way [jh]
hahi (A Ai) — on the way [sb-E, l-E, l-O, l-TS, r-HO, r-WH, ss-W]
hahí (A Ai) — over [l-O]
hahi (A Ai) — over there [r-Y]
hahi (A Ai) — so [bp-TPN]
hahi (A Ai) — some day [jb-P]
hahí — that way [rv-F]
hahí — then [sb-TM]
hahi (A Ai) — there [hz-C, sb-BT, l-SM, l-TM, l-TS, r-D, r-TB]
hāhí — there [jb-HS]
hahí — there [jh, h-R1, h-R2]
hahí (A Ai) — there [r-H]
hahí (A Ai) — there at [jb-S1b, l-M, h-R1, h-R2]
hahi — there at [r-V]
hahi (A Ai) — they started [r-Y]
hahí (A Ai) — they went, they go [g-C, jb-DE, jb-F, jb-V, ch, hz-L, hz-O, l-M]
hahí — they were there [lt-U]
hahí — thus [h-R1, h-R2]
hahí — time [ss-PT]
hahí — to arrive going, and stop there; he reached, arrived, there [lt, lt-R, jb-F, w-T, mn]
hahī́ — to go [jb-HS]
hahi (A Ai) — to go out [sb-TD, r-Y]
hahí (A Ai) — to go, he goes, he went [jb-SE, jc-T, bp-TP, l-M, l-TS, r-TB]
hahi (A Ai) — to go, he goes, he went [sb-BT, sb-L, l-B, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-SM, l-TM, r-BS, r-D, r-F, r-H, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
hahi (A Ai) — to remain [jc-T]
hahí — to the very end; at the end point [r-CW, mn]
hahi (A Ai) — until [jb-P, l-O]
hahí — when [jc-F]
hahí — where [jh]
hahí cī — to go over there and live [hl]
hahí cī́ — to make a planned stopover [mn, hl]
hahi gająga (A Ai K tt K) — finally [r-TB]
hahi gająga (A Ai K tt K) — in the end [sb-TD]
hahí hací — I make a planned stopover [mn]
hahí hogiwé — to go through, to go past [hl]
hahí hogiwéže (A Ai Ao Ki we de) — he went and entered [l-N]
hahí hokéweže (A Ai Ao Ke we de) — he went right in [l-TS]
hahí horawé — you (sg) have gone past, gone over, by-passed [we]
hahí howé — to go through, to go past [hl]
hahí howé — to have gone past, gone over, by-passed [we]
hahí hoxeré — to catch up to someone [mn, hl]
hahi ške gająga (A Ai dKe K tt K) — finally [r-TB]
hahí ų — he stayed [lt-U]
hahí wāwé — I have gone past, gone over, by-passed [we]
Hahi-aciwįga — Dwelling on a Hillside, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
hahí-ajèną — I go there [rh-T]
hahi-ok’awaíregi — then they entered [jb-F]
hahi-ókewegi — he went in [h-O]
hahi-okéweže — he went on in [h-B]
hąhi-oráje — he used to travel in the dead of night [sb-TM]
hahī́-ųną́k’ų — finally he did [bp-L]
hahi’ųgiži (A Ai o Ki di) — how long will it take [l-P]
hahi’ųja’ų — fasting overnight [se-I]
hahi’ųja’ų (A Ai o tt o) — finally [r-D]
hahi’ųowažožakjaneną (A Aiyo w do d Ktt ne n) — he will get sickly [jb-P]
hahi’ųre (A Ai o Le) — you should do [r-D]
hahi’ųxjį (A Ai o xitti) — a great time [sb-TD]
hahia (A Ai a) — oh yes [l-SM]
hahiagujikjéną — I will shoot it [rv-F]
hahiaguwire (A Aiy Ko wi Le) — go after it for him [l-M]
hahiáǧepše — he came out there [se-I]
hahiákše — he was [rs-S]
hahįánąga — he went back [and] [jc-S]
hahįánąga — they had gone back, and [hz-L]
hahiánicage — I saw you [there] [sb-TM]
hahiarairánąga — he went away [rt-T]
hahíaráiréna — they have gone [d]
hahiaxáramíñkše — she lay on her back [jb-B]
hahįbᵉre (A Ai leLe) — to dive [l-N]
hāhį̆bīā́ną̄gā — he placed it, and [jb-HS]
hahį̆bīā́nąga — when he placed [jb-HS]
hāhį̆́bī́kjanḕgīžī — he placed it on [jb-HS]
hahįbī́žĕ — he placed it on [jb-HS]
hahįcgi — I am tired [p-B]
hahici (A Ai ttAi) — where you live [jb-P]
hahícire — they dwelt there [lt-U]
hahíciže (A Ai ttAi de) — he went and lived [l-S]
hahieja (A Ai e tt) — on the way [r-Y]
hahiga (A Ai K) — as they went [jc-T]
hahiga (A Ai K) — when I get to [sb-L]
hahigają (A Ai K tt) — I did go [r-H]
hahigišjaje (A Ai Ki dtt tte) — you had better go and look at it [r-HO]
hahigiži (A Ai Ki di) — if I go [r-TB]
hahihagaguireže (A Ai A K Koy Le de) — so they went after it for him [l-M]
hahihaješųnųra (A Ai A tte doAo no L) — in my going about [r-D]
hahíhaxép — he reached the top [lt-R]
hahihaxepgają (A Ai A xele lK tt) — [when] he came in sight of [r-D]
hahihaxepgają (A Ai A xe lK tt) — when he had just climbed [r-E]
hahihaxepireže (A Ai A xele li Le de) — they came (in sight) [r-D]
hahihaxepše (A Ai A xele deAe) — they went [r-E]
hahihepi (A Ai Aele li) — before they got there [l-M]
hąhihepnawiže (A Ai Aele n wi de) — they stopped overnight [r-WH]
hahihigi (A Ai Ai Ki) — he went, and [l-TS]
hahihihinąpše (A Ai Ai Ai nl dAe) — he went out [r-T]
hahíhikawawiže — they entered it [hz-L]
hahihinąbnąkše (A Ai Ai nl nK dAe) — he went out, and [r-TB]
hahíhiną́p — he went out (this might be slightly different from hihinąp [Dorsey]) [lt-U]
hahihinąpgi (A Ai Ai nl liKi) — he went out, and [r-E]
hahihinąpše (A Ai Ai nl deAe) — he went on out [r-T]
hahihira (A Ai Ai L) — reaching there [l-O]
hahihiraixanąkše (A Ai Ai Ly xA nK deAe) — he was washed against [l-M]
hahihiwušairegiži (A Ai Ai wo dAy Le Ki di) — they stopped [l-M]
hahiho’ųwiže (A Ai Ao o wi de) — they went about it [sb-L]
hahiho’ųže (A Ai Ao o de) — he went (about) [l-M, l-SM]
hahihois’igigiže (A Ai Aoyi rii Ki Ki de) — he pushed through [r-BS]
hahihois’ihiže (A Ai Aoyi rii Ai de) — he let protrude through [r-BS]
hahihois’ihiže (A Ai Aoyi rii Ai de) — he pushed through [r-BS]
hahihois’iže (A Ai Aoyi rii de) — he went and peeped in [l-O, l-TS]
hahíhorók’ųže (A Ai Ao LoKo o de) — he went and stayed [l-S]
hahihoroxjį — much flowed from him [r-WB]
hahíhosgaížą — he came to a prairie [jmc-B]
hahihowiže (A Ai Ao wi de) — they went about it [sb-L]
hahihoxeregi — when he caught them [r-WB]
hahíhoxjąnagi — [then] in the evening [hz-L]
hahįjeną — I smoke [ch]
hahík’įgìže — then he gave up [r-P]
hahik’įgiži — to give up [m]
hahik’jéną — I will come [jb-F]
hahikáražiną́kšaną — they coax each other [r-HD]
hahįkešge (A Ai Ke dKe) — maybe sometimes not [jb-P]
hahikí — after I get to it [sb-T]
hahíkijóna — to that direction [rw-W]
hahíkikixaíres’áže — and they would always part on the way [rs-S]
hahikįrašjaže (A Ai Ki L dtt de) — he quit asking him [r-BS]
hahikižu — to go about together [hz-C]
hahikjanaheną (A Ai Ktt n Ae n) — I am going to do [r-O]
hahikjanaheną (A Ai Ktt n Ae n) — I will be there [jc-T]
hahikjanaheną (A Ai Ktt n Ae n) — I will come [jc-T]
háhikjanèną — I will be there [jb-DE]
hahikjanhawiną (A Ai Ktt n A wi n) — we will come [r-TB]
hahikjawiną (A Ai Ktt wi n) — then we will come [l-N]
hahikjawiną (A Ai Ktt wi n) — we can come [sb-F]
hahikje (A Ai Kette) — I will get there [l-O]
hahikjeną (A Ai Kette n) — I will arrive [r-TB]
hahikjeną (A Ai Ktte n) — let me have [r-O]
hahikjéną — let us do [rv-F]
hahíkjenàwiną — we will be there [jh-M]
hahíkjenihiną — I will get there [h-B]
hahikjerare (A Ai Kette L Le) — hardly enough for myself [sb-L]
hahikjonéną — I will come [rg-G]
hahimįkše (A Ai miKi deAe) — he laid [l-TS]
hahíminą́gikjegé — he started to go and sit [rs-S]
hahimįnąkanąga (A Ai mi n K n K) — he sat down, and [r-E]
hahimįnąkireže (A Ai mi nK Ki Le de) — they sat [sb-L]
hahimįnąkše (A Ai mi nK deAe) — he sat down [l-N, r-I]
hahína — he slept for the night [lt-TB]
hahiną (A Ai n) — I did [r-H]
hahína — I got there [su-W]
hahina — I reach there, not my home [d]
hahiną — I went [r-BD]
hahinaį́nes’ákjanéna — they’ll camp [rt-T]
hahinaįxjįhireže (A Ai n i xitti Ai Le de) — they tried very hard to get to [r-WH]
hahinaiži (A Ai ny di) — that’s at least [r-Y]
háhínąk — arriving [ss-PS]
hahinąkikjanaheną (A Ai n Ki Ktt n Ae n) — I will go [r-O]
hahinąkinįže (A Ai n Ki ni de) — they were already there [r-T]
hahinąkiži — it was there [jb-O]
hahinaną (A Ai n n) — I could come over [r-H]
hahinaže (A Ai n de) — he stopped for the night [l-P]
hahiną́že — I would come [al]
hahiną́že — I would do [al]
hahinąže — they used wood [r-WB]
hahinąžįanąga (A Ai n diy n K) — he stood, and [r-E]
hahinąžįkjeną (A Ai n di Kette n) — I shall stand awaiting [sb-BT]
hahinažiną — he stood forth [b-LK]
hahinįge (A Ai ni Ke) — sometime [jb-P]
hahíniwigiži (A Ai ni wi Ki di) — where they camped [l-P]
hahíniži — there at [jh-M]
hąhiókahi — every night [mn]
hahiókawaíreže — they came in [rw-W]
hahíokawaíreže — they entered [jb-DE]
hahiókawaíreže — they went and entered [jb-H]
hahióminạ̀kše (A Aiyo mi n Kde) — he went and sat [jb-SE]
hąhioraja — night walkers, witches [cf. hąhe, night; ja, to see ?] [m]
hąhiórajḗ — made for night transiting [jb-WM]
hahiórajē — traveling at night [jb-WM]
hąhióraje’únąka — they're doing night traveling [jb-WM]
hahiórakerekjanéną — you will walk in [jb-J4]
Hąhiówak’irirèją — in the direction from which the Nights came [sb-W]
hahiówe — to go through, to go past [hl]
hahiówe — to have gone past, gone over, by-passed [we]
hahį̄́p — I lay an object down, particularly something long, such as a ruler [we]
hahį̄́p — I lie down for a short time [we]
Hahipijige (A Ai li tti Ke) — a (particular kind of) ball game [l-SM]
Hahipijigere (A Ai li tti Ke Le) — (a certain kind of) ball game [r-Y]
Hahipijijige (A Ai li tti tti Ke) — this Hahipijigere ball game [cp. Hahipijigere] [r-Y]
hahira (A Ai L) — I went [r-D]
hahíra — night [ha]
hahiraciwigi — you can go out [r-WB]
hahirakjeną (A Ai L Kette n) — let us swim [sb-TD]
hahiraną (A Ai L n) — they reached there [r-TB]
hahiránąga — they went [rs-S]
hahiranąga (A Ai L n K) — they went after, and [r-D]
hahiránąga (A Ai L n K) — they went there, [and] [r-C]
hahiranąga (A Ai L n K) — they went, and [r-TB]
hahíre — they reached there, they (had) arrived there [lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, lp]
hahíre — they went [p-B]
hahírega — they got there [jh]
háhiregáją — after they arrived [rv-F]
hahiregáją — they came [rh-S]
hahíregáją — they went to [rh-O]
hahiregają (A Ai Le K tt) — when they arrived, got there [r-BB, r-H, r-O, r-Y]
hahiregają (A Ai Le K tt) — when they got to [jc-T, l-SM]
hahíregają — when they had come to it [jb-F]
hahiregáją — when they reached it [rv-F]
hahiregają (A Ai Le K tt) — when they went [sb-TD]
hahíregàje — he came [jf-M]
hahíregi — they went to (that place) [jf-M, h-O2]
hahíregi — they went, and [hz-L]
hahíregi — when they arrived [h-W]
hahíregi — when they got there [r-HD]
hahiregi (A Ai Le Ki) — when they got there [sb-TD]
hahiregi — when they were [b-G]
hahiregiži (A Ai Le Ki di) — they came, and [r-TB]
hahíregíži (A Ai Le Ki di) — they ran, and [r-Y]
háhiregíži — they reached, and [rv-F]
hahiregiži (A Ai Le Ki di) — they went to, and [sb-E]
hahiregiži (A Ai Le Ki di) — when they arrived [sb-L, l-SM, r-D, r-I, r-T]
hahíregíži (A Ai Le Ki di) — when they arrived there, when they got there [l-M, l-N, l-S, r-Y]
hahiregiži (A Ai Le Ki di) — when they came [l-SM]
hahíregíži (A Ai Le Ki di) — when they got there [l-SM]
hahiregiži (A Ai Le Ki di) — when they got to (there) [jc-T, r-TB]
hahírekacą — after they arrived [sb-D]
hahirekjanahegiži (A Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ki di) — when they were about to come [r-O]
hahírekjoné — they [will come] [rg-G]
hahírekjone — they would come [jh]
hahireną — they arrived [r-BC]
hahíreną — they arrived, got there [jh-M, su-W]
hahireną — they came [b-E]
hahíreną (A Ai Le n) — they come [jb-SE]
hahiréną — they went (forth) [jh, jh-M]
hahírera — they got there [jh]
hahíres’aže — they would come [ss-PS]
hahiréšge — if they come [rg-G]
hahirešununa — they went (habitually) [b-LK]
hahíreže — it lay [rv-F]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — they arrived, got there [sb-L, sb-VF, l-M, l-SM, r-BC8, r-D, r-T]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — they came [jc-S, sb-L, r-O]
hahīreže — they came [ss-HM]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — they got them [l-M]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — they got to [l-O]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — they reached it [rv-F, r-WH]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — they went (there) [al, p-T, rv-F, rs-S, sb-L, h-TM, l-N, l-O, l-TS, r-I, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — when the others got there [l-M]
hahíreže (A Ai Le de) — when they got there [l-P]
hahíroágᵉra — the final time(s) [ss-PT]
hahirogiškaška (A Ai Lo Ki dK dK) — they tied it to themselves [r-Y]
hahiruhaciže (A Ai Lo A ttAi de) — he moved from there [r-BS]
hahis’igiži (A Ai rii Ki di) — after some time had passed [r-TB]
hahiš’ųxjįšge (A Ai doo Hitti dKe) — when you become a real slave [jb-P, m]
hahíšge (A Ai deKe) — finally [l-N, l-TS, r-S]
hahíšge (A Ai dKe) — in time [jb-P]
hahišge — in time [se-P]
hahišge (A Ai dKe) — sometime [jb-P]
hahíšge (Aa Ai dKe) — sometime after awhile [jb-P]
hahišgicgašge (Aa Ai dKitt K dKe) — he repeatedly went over [r-C]
hahíšjara (A Ai dtt L) — their eyes [jb-SE]
hahišké — even later [sb-D]
hahišųnųną (A Ai doAo no n) — I have gone [many times] [sb-F]
hahit’éhara — there I killed it [h-R1, h-R2]
hahít’ehíreže — they arrived and killed it [sb-K]
hahit’ųpireže (A Ai too li Le de) — they made it [r-Y]
hahitá — I am in the water [mn]
hahitá — I bathe [mn, we]
hahita — I swim, bathe [m]
hahitá — I swim, wash up [we]
hahitawina — we had gone (hence) [d]
hahitena — I have gone [d]
hahių́jaų́ — as he was doing (thinking) [jmc-B]
hahíwajàšguni — he saw them [rt-T]
hahiwéną — we went [jb-H]
hahiwi — to find [al]
hahiwianąga (A Ai wiy n K) — we go, and [r-D]
hahiwina — we reach there, not our home [d]
hahiwina (A Ai wi n) — when we got there [r-Y]
hahiwira (A Ai wi L) — we took it [l-B]
hahiwira (A Ai wi L) — we took over [r-T]
hahiwo’ųixnągše — he sat watching them [r-WB]
hahiwogųznįra (A Ai wo Ko r ni L) — I did not create you [r-T]
hahiwoǧaranąga — he would catch up to them, and [hz-O]
hahiwoxarawigają (A Ai wo xA L wi K tt) — when they caught up to them [sb-TJ]
hahiwoxereže (A Ai wo xeAe Le de) — he caught up to them [l-M]
hahixawanenaže — they disappeared in the distance [r-WB]
hahixawanigają (A Ai xA w ni K tt) — he had gone out of sight [r-T]
hahixawaniže (A Ai xA w ni de) — it went out of sight [r-D]
hahíxeténįkí — when he got older [jc-F]
hahixukše (A Ai xoKo deAe) — it reached up to the sky [l-E]
hahižige (A Ai di Ke) — again [l-M]
hahížigé — all day long [se-I]
hąho — "hear, hear!" (indication of an audience’s approval). The same as "ho" [lp]
hąhó (A Ao) — ah [jc-T, l-P, l-SM, r-D]
hąhó (A Ao) — ah ha [r-HO]
hąhó (A Ao) — ah, come on [l-O, l-SM]
hąho (A Ao) — alas [bp-TA, r-I]
hąho (A Ao) — all right [bp-P, bp-TP, r-I]
hąhó (A Ao) — all right [sb-HW, sb-L, sb-TD, sb-V, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, l-TT, r-BB, r-BS, r-D, r-H, r-TB, r-Y]
hąhó (A Ao) — already [r-BS]
hąhó (A Ao) — come [l-O, l-SM]
hąhó — greetings [rv-F]
hąhó (A Ao) — ha ha [bp-TA]
hąho (A Ao) — hark! [bp-TP]
haho — hello (male) [hh]
hąhó (A Ao) — here it is [r-TW3]
hąho (A Ao) — ho [l-TV, r-WH]
hąhó (A Ao) — ho [r-BS, r-D, r-E]
hahó — I howl (not used with humans) [mn]
hąhó — listen [rv-F]
hąho (A Ao) — now [bp-TW, l-M]
hąhó (A Ao) — now [l-O, l-SM, r-BS, r-D]
hąho (A Ao) — now then [r-WH]
hąhó (A Ao) — now then [sb-L, sb-TJ, sb-V, h-T, l-B, l-N, l-O, l-SM, l-TT, r-BB, r-H, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-Y]
hąhó (A Ao) — oh [l-O]
hąho (A Ao) — oh my [r-WH]
hąhó (A Ao) — oh my [r-Y]
hąhó (A Ao) — say [sb-HW, sb-TD, l-SM]
hąhó (A Ao) — there [jc-T]
hąhó (A Ao) — there! [r-O]
hąho (A Ao) — very well [jc-T]
hahó (A Ao) — well [jc-F, h-O, l-TS, r-E, lp]
hąho (A Ao) — well [sb-BT, bp-TA, l-N, r-WH]
hąhó (A Ao) — well [sb-E, sb-L, sb-TJ, h-LFW, h-R1, h-R2, l-B, l-N, l-O, l-SM, r-D, r-H, r-T, r-TC4, r-Y]
hąhó (A Ao) — well now [sb-L]
hąhó (A Ao) — well then [r-D, r-Y]
hąho (A Ao) — well then [r-WH]
hąhó (A Ao) — yes [bp-TP, r-Y]
hąho (A Ao) — yes indeed [l-M]
hahō — grammatical class: interjection. "This is an important interjection. It is used by single individuals or collectively to signal understanding and affirmation to what another person says in public. This form is only used by men, women say hą." [hl]
hąhó égi (A Ao e Ki) — now then [r-Y]
hąhó koté (A Ao Ko te) — ah come on [l-SM]
hąhó koté (A Ao Ko te) — all right [r-Y]
hąhó koté (A Ao Ko te) — now then [r-Y]
hąhó koté (A Ao Ko te) — well [l-SM]
hąho-o — greetings [rv-F]
hąhó-o-o-o! — I greet you! [jf-J1b]
hąhó-o-o-o-o ha-e! — hąhó-o-o-o-o ha-e! [jf-J1b]
hąhohinį karagįna — I wish you a good morning, often used for ceremony [z]
hąhoí — an (emphatic?) version of hąhó, hahó (etc.). [h-R1, h-R2]
hąhoicakaro [= hąho-hicakaro] — hello friend [rt-T]
hahoísųkáxjį — o, hello, my younger brother [rs-S]
hahonį (A Ao ni) — looking, asking, seeking for help, cooperative assent [ki]
hahonixjįwią́je — gather around me [h-T]
hahópše — shouted joyfully [jh-M]
hahowo (A Aowo) — oh [r-WH]
hahowo (A Aowo) — well [l-LM]
hahú — an utterance used as a signal before running, like "engines ready!" [p-B]
hahu — look out, uh-oh [hh]
hahu — to do from the past on [sb-BT]
hahú-ireže — they came [jb-WM]
hahugają (A Ao K tt) — from the past on [sb-BT]
hahuhaíre — they came [lp]
hahuhaíreną — they are coming [r-BF]
hahuhaíreną — they are peeling off [jb-F]
hahuhaireną — to peel, pull off ? [m]
hahuhaíreže (A Ao Ay Le de) — they came [r-WH]
hahuhaíreže (A Ao Ay Le de) — they were coming [r-WH]
hahuhaíreže — they’re coming [jc-F, h-W]
hahuhéže — he was coming [jc-S]
hahuhi (A Ao Ai) — to come [r-E]
hahuhiranąga (A Ao Ai L n K) — they came, and [bp-TA]
hahuhirekjanahera (A Ao Ai Le Ktt n Ae L) — they make ready to come [r-E]
hahuhireže (A Ao Ai Le de) — they came [jc-T, l-M]
hahuhú (A Aoo Aoo) — eager anticipation [ki, hl]
hahúhu — he was anxious [jb-MR]
hāhúhu — I anticipate, look forward to [we]
hahuhú — to anticipate [we]
hahuhú — to anticipate something anxiously [hl]
hahuhú (A Ao Ao) — to be anxious (about something) [r-O, hl]
hahuhu — to be anxious [jb-G, hh]
hahuhú — to look forward to [we, hl]
hahuhuježe (A Ao Ao tte de) — he was anxious [l-SM]
hahuhunąke — as they were anxious [ch]
hahuhunąkšaną (A Ao Ao n Kd n) — they were anxiously awaiting him [r-I]
hahuhunąkše (A Ao Ao nK deAe) — they were anxious [r-I]
hahuhura (A Ao Ao L) — anxious [cf. hohuhuna] [l-E]
hahuhúra (A Ao Ao L) — anxious [jb-SE]
hahúhúre — they were nervous [ss-WP]
hahuhuwesgeną (A Ao Aowe rKe n) — it makes us anxious in waiting [r-I]
hahuhuxjį — very anxious [rv-F]
hahuhuxjįną (A Ao Ao xitti n) — I am very anxious (for it) [l-P, r-TB]
hahuhuxjį́ną (A Ao Ao xitti n) — I longed to [l-SM]
hahuhuže (A Ao Ao de) — he became anxious [r-H]
hahúire — they came [ss-B]
hahúiré — they have them coming hither [lt-R]
hahúirega (A Aoyi Le K) — as they came [r-BC8]
hahúirega — since they came [sb-N]
hahúiregi — when it came [r-P]
hahúireže (A Aoyi Le de) — they came [rw-W, sb-L, sb-N, sb-E, l-N]
hahuk’ą́ — orange [su-W]
hahuréną — they commenced [r-DC]
hahureže — they came [r-WB]
hahuruhira — running [me]
Hahuruhira Tera — Swan Lake ("Running Lake") [me]
hahuyiraganiže (A Aoyi L K ni de) — already they started to come over [r-Y]
hahuže (A Ao de) — he came to him [r-BB]
haį — night [lt-C]
hąį́ — night [lt-TB]
hai- — a contraction of ha-gi [lp]
hai’a’aširanąga (Ay a a di L n K) — she put her leg over him, and [l-TS]
hai’ás — I am pleased by the taste of something [mn]
hai’as (Aai ar(r)) — I find it very tasty [ki]
hai’áš — I spread my legs [mn]
hai’áš haminąkše (Ayi ad. A mi nK deAe) — to straddle [cf. ‘aš, to spread out; mįnąk, "to sit"] [bp-TPN, m]
hai’ášjįjeanąga (Ay ad tti ttey n K) — she stood astride him, and [l-P]
haí’ų́gi — (if she is the one) who carries [r-HD]
haiaš (Aai ad) — I spread my legs [ki]
haiaš — I spread out [m]
haicą — I choose [m]
haicą́ — I choose, pick out [mn]
haicacaknąkiži (Ay ttA ttAK n Ki di) — when he unwrapped it (see hacák, to bandage something) [r-T]
haicak — bandage, wrap [hh]
haicák — to bandage something [hl]
haicak kōk — first aid kit [hh]
haicak wīraxgap — band aid [hh]
haicaká — you will see [sb-J6]
haicap (Aai ttAl) — right on, as a powwow song or drum beat [ki]
haicaš — I knock [m]
haicą́winą — we choose [rv-F]
haicé — goal [jh-M]
haicḗ — goals [r-CL]
haicé — I strike or knock a piece of a soft substance [mn]
haice — to overdo [m]
haicé — too much [jb-R, m]
haicéce — I skipped [e-B1, e-B2]
haicéhi — the cry "gu-u-u-u-u-u," used to bring a battle to a close [cp. gu-u-u-u, ku-u-u-u] [mck]
haicéhi — to do much, to overdo [hl]
haicehíną — he threw the goal [jh-M]
haicehiregiži — he makes a goal (in lacrosse) [m]
haicehireže (Ay ttAe Ai Le n) — they've gone too far [r-C]
haicek’į — to arrange for the points [r-CL]
haicepguni — to be gone, finished, dead [m]
haiceše — every other [m]
haicéxjį (Aai ttAe Hitti) — even that, too much (as of a showy move) [ki]
haicéxjį — rather too much [mn]
haicéxjį — too much (beyond) [h-LFW]
haicéxjįhi — to do much, to overdo [hl]
haicgis (Aai ttKir) — I cut by chopping (as wood) [ki]
haicgis — I cut, I cut in two [m]
haicgís — I mow, chop [we]
haicgúx — I cut across (an area) [we]
haicgúx — I cut through, take a short cut [mn]
haicį́wį — I strike (bell or clock), I ring a bell [hl]
haicį́wįš (rehá) — I tip a baseball [hl]
haigąc (Aai Kntt) — sliding out of control, as skidding [ki]
haigac teną — I slide [cf. re, to go] [m]
haigás — I tear paper or cloth by striking [mn]
haigasána — I burst something by pushing through with arm or hand [g-H]
haigą́š — I miss while attempting to hit something [mn]
haigąš (Aai Kand) — I miss, as good old times [ki]
haigawaže (Ay K w de) — it piled up [r-H]
haigé — I might do [jb-J5]
haigį́p — I "just make it"; I rest after accomplishing something [mn]
haigóš — to be hunched over (said of persons) [mn]
haiǧa — I pile up (not solid things) [m]
haiǧá — to be piled loosely, carelessly [mn]
haīǧā́kšānā — he cried [jb-HS]
haiǧé — I bring out, as fish with a net [mn]
haiǧó — I grind, sharpen on a whetstone [mn]
haihainigiži (Ay Ay ni Ki di) — in the morning [l-B]
haiháp — I puncture, chop a hole in, pierce [we]
haihareha — I swing [m]
haihó — I holler for someone [mn]
haihú — I swing (it) [lp, we]
haihú — I swing back and forth, swing around [we]
haihu — I swing it (as swing around a lasso) [su-W]
haihú — to swing something or someone; to wave to someone [mn]
haihugają (Ay Ao K t) — after I swung him [sb-L]
haiją́ — to beat (up) someone, to defeat [hl]
haiją (Aai ttn) — to beat up, as in a fight [ki]
haijájap — I break something up into pieces [hl]
haijánįk (rehá) — I knock senseless [hl]
haijáx — I splash [mn]
haije — I stand [m]
haijé — to “work” (i. e., to have an effect, as medicine) [mn]
haijehianąga (Ay tte Aiy n K) — he put on, and [l-B, sb-BT]
haijehireže (Ay tte Ai Le de) (< haijehi-ire-že) — they put it on [jc-T]
haijehiže (Ay tte Ai de) — he put on [l-O, r-O]
haíjeja — near the root [base] [rt-T]
haijeniwigi (Ay tte ni wi Ki) — if we put [r-TW3]
haijo — I knock out the ashes from a pipe [m]
haik’įk’į — to stutter [mn]
haik’į́nį — to stay in the vicinity to protect young (said of animals); to stay within earshot to protect inhabitants; to stay with a pregnant woman [mn]
haik’ó — I scrape [mn]
haiką́ — I knock over by striking [mn]
haikañkjoniheną — I shall relate [p-T]
haiką́nąk — to haul someone, to take something [hl]
haikąnąkąnąk (Aai KA n KA nK) — wavering, quavering voice [ki]
haiką́nų́nįge — I told myths, but [w-TI]
haikaragere — I wrap around [m]
haikárak — to wind something around (as with a spool of thread) [hl]
haikárak hī — to wind something around (as with a spool of thread) [hl]
haikárap — I count [mn, we]
haikąwą (Aai KAn wn) — piled up, as yard goods, blanket and robes, etc. [ki]
háikawás — I stop or camp briefly [mn]
hā́ikawás — I stop over night, I postpone, I take a break [we]
haikáwas — to postpone (work, etc.), to take a break [hl]
haikáwas — to stop or camp briefly [mn]
haikáwas — to stop over night, to postpone, to take a break [we]
haikį́ — I have as a buddy, friend, or partner; I have as a coworker [we]
haikį́ — I have as an opponent (as in a competition) [we]
haikíp (Aai KAil) — drooping, as eyelids of the very aged [ki, hl]
haikíp — lapped over [m, hl]
haikíp — low, wearing one’s cap low [hl]
haikíp hī — to flap over [hl]
haikípjį — low, lapped over, wearing one’s cap low [hl]
haikíriš — I print, type [we]
haikok — I knock [m]
haikoro — I rattle [m]
haiksų (Aai Krroon) — leaning into a curve, as in riding a bike [ki]
háikšą — I surround [m, mn]
haikšą — to surround [m]
haikšą́ — to surround [mn]
haikšą́ hī — to surround something [hl]
haikšą́hireže — it was surrounded [jb-F]
haikšákšap — I chop to pieces [mn]
haikšáp — I break or crack something brittle by striking it [mn]
haikšáp — I chop, split, as wood [we]
haikšé-inèną — they surrounded him [jh]
haikšiš (Aai KdAid) — collapse of support, as arms in a wheel barrow race [ki]
haikšíš — to buckle, to fail as a support [hl]
haikú — to be leaning forward [mn]
haikukje (Ay Ko Kette) — I will go [r-D]
haikúkjeną — I will go (quickly) [al]
haikų́nųk — I break something having length in two by striking, leaving a clean break [mn]
haikų́nųk (Aai KAoo nonK) — I cut by hitting, as a rope with a big knife [ki]
haikų́nųkųnųk — I chop up, cut up [we]
hainąk — to be on fire [hh]
hainą́k — to take hold, as a spark does in making a fire; to “work” as in medicine [mn]
hąįnaxjįnįk (Ay n xitti niKi) — very early [r-Y]
haíne — morning [g-C]
haínegi — in the morning [rh-S, h-T]
hainegi — the following day [al]
haínegi (Ay n[e] Ki) — the next morning [r-HO]
hainegi — tomorrow [al]
haį́negi — tomorrow [jc-S]
haínegi — tomorrow [jmc-B, rh-S]
hainexjį́niñk — early in the morning [jb-V]
hąįnį́ (A[a]i ni) — in the morning [r-C]
haini — in the morning [rv-A]
haini (hi-nee) — morning [ge]
hąįnį — morning [hh]
haíni (Ay ni) — morning [lt-C, lt-R, lt-TB, g-H, r-F]
hą́įni (Aai ni) — morning [mn, ki]
hą́įnį — morning [ss-WI]
haíni — the next day [lt-M, lt-R]
haíni — the next morning [lt-R, lt-U]
hąįnį́ — to be morning [hl]
haíni — tomorrow [lt-R, lt-U]
haíni negí — in the morning [lt-I, lt-M, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U]
haíni negí — the next morning [lt-M]
Hąįnį pį. — Good morning. [hh]
hąįnį wōruc — breakfast [hh]
hąį́nį worúc — breakfast [hl]
haini-gáją — the next morning [r-S]
hainiąkírigi — when morning appeared [jb-MR]
haíniąkírigi — when morning appeared [jb-MR]
hainiąkírigi — when the morning came [jb-MR]
haíniąkirira — it became day [jb-MR]
hainiakírira — the morning came [jb-MR]
hainiga — every morning [e-B1]
haíniga — every morning [e-B2]
hainigá — every morning [lt-R]
hainīgá — in the morning [jb-WM]
hainiga (Ay ni K) — in the morning [r-BS, r-E, r-HO, r-TB]
hainigáją (Ay ni K tt) — in the morning [jb-F, sb-F, h-G, h-O, l-M, r-D, r-O]
hainigáją (Ay ni K tt) — in the morning [l-SM]
hainigają (Ay ni K tt) — the next morning [rh-S, r-O]
haínigają́ — when it was morning [lt-U]
hainigáją (Ay ni K tt) — when it was morning [sb-F]
haínige — tomorrow [g-H]
haínigi (Ay ni Ki) — in the morning [lt-R, rw-W, h-R1, h-R2, r-HO, r-J]
hąįnigi — in the morning [ss-HM]
hą́įnįgi — in the morning [ss-WI]
haínigi (Ay ni Ki) — the next morning [h-B, r-HO, r-WH]
hą́įnįgí — tomorrow (morning), on the next day [mn, hl]
hainigi — tomorrow [b-E]
haínigi (Ay ni Ki) — tomorrow [g-H, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U, hz-L, jh-M, h-TM, r-WH]
hąįnįgi — tomorrow [hh]
haínįgi — tomorrow [jb-F]
hą́įnįgíhi — when morning arrives [ss-WI]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — as in the morning [l-TS]
hainigiži (Ay ni Ki di) — as morning came [r-O]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — every morning [l-P]
hainiñgiži — he was worrying [p-M]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — in the morning [sb-BT, sb-F, sb-TJ, sb-V, h-O, l-B, l-E, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-SM, r-BB, r-BS, r-C, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-I, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
hą́įnįgiží — in the morning [ss-WI]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — on the morrow [l-B]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — the next day [sb-TJ, l-P]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — the next morning [hz-L, l-M, r-BB, r-TB, r-WH, r-Y]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — the next morning [jb-F, r-E]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — tomorrow [h-R1, h-R2, r-E, r-O, r-T, r-TB, r-Y]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — until the next morning [r-BB]
hainigíži (Ay ni Ki di) — when it was morning [sb-BT]
haínika — in the morning [su-W]
haínikacą — next morning [sb-FF]
haíniki — in the morning [sb-B, sb-FF]
haíniki — next morning [sb-B, sb-FF]
haínįkitéki — in the morning when I go [sb-B]
hą́įnįné — this morning [mn]
hą́įnįnegí — in the morning (generally) [mn]
haininégi — in the morning [b-E, jb-F, jw-B, jh-M, rt-T, h-TM, h-W, jc-S]
haíninegi — in the morning [jh, lt-R, h-H]
haininegi (Ay ni ne Ki) — in the morning [sb-F, r-O]
hainį̄negi — in the morning [ss-SE]
haininegi — the next morning [al]
haininégi — the next morning [al]
hainínegí — the next morning [jmc-B]
haíninegí — when morning [lt-C]
haíninéginiñk — in the morning [jb-B]
haininéją (Ay ni ne tt) — in the morning [r-TB]
haininopahągi (hi-nee-nope-ah-hun-gee) — day after tomorrow [ge]
háinįpá — until morning [mn]
hainipi — good morning [sm-E]
hainirēgí — in the morning [r-V]
hainiregi (Ay ni Le Ki) — in the morning [rv-F, sb-BT, l-M, l-P, l-TS, r-BS, r-E, r-TB]
haínirégi — in the morning [su-W]
hainiregi (Ay ni Le Ki) — the next morning [l-O, r-HO]
hainį̄́regi — very early in the morning [r-HD]
hainiréją — in the morning [rv-F]
hąįnįreją (Aai ni Le ttn) — since (early) morning [ki]
haínireki — next morning [sb-FF]
hainisérec — all night [h-R2]
hainišgá — tomorrow [h-B]
hainiške (Ay ni deKe) — in the morning [also] [r-BB]
hąįnįworuc (Aai ni wo Loott) — breakfast [ki]
hainíxjéniñk — early in the morning [jh-M]
hainixjį (Ay ni xitti) — early [r-BS, r-TB]
hą́įnįxjį́ (Ay ni xitti) — early [r-E]
hą́įnįxjį́ (Ayi ni xitti) (Aai ni Hitti) — early in the morning [r-E, r-HO, mn, ki]
hainixjį (Ay ni xitti) — early in the morning [sb-F, l-E]
hainixjį (Ay ni xitti) — very early in the morning [sb-F]
hą̄įnįxjį̄k — early in the morning [ss-HM]
hainixjįk (for hainixjįnįk ?) — very early [ss-SE]
hainixjįnįk (Ay ni xitti niKi) — early in the morning [r-TB]
hainixjįnįk — very early [jb-F, jw-B]
hainį́xjinįk — very early [jb-F]
hainixjįnįk (Ay ni xitti niKi) — very early in the morning [r-T]
hainižą́ — one morning [h-TM]
hainiža — the morning [b-G]
haip’į́na — I like it [sb-D]
haip’įną — I like it [sb-FF]
haip’įną́ną — I would be satisfied [r-B1]
haipą́ną — I give something a blow on the head that bruises, without breaking the skin [mn]
haipą́ną — snow pile not a natural snowdrift [mk]
haipą́ną — snowdrift [mn]
haipą́ną — to be drifted (with snow) [mn, hl]
haiperek — I sprinkle [m]
haipį — I am fond of, like, enjoy [we]
haipįge (Ay liAi Ke) — because I like it [l-TS]
haipįną — I am happy [ha]
haipįną (Ay liAi n) — I like [r-Y]
haipíną — I like it [h-C, h-R2]
haipį́ną (Ay liAi n) — I like it [l-P]
haipį́ną — I liked [rv-F]
haipį́na — I love (you) [ha, d]
haipįną (Ay liAi n) — I would be pleased [sb-TJ]
haipíną̆ — I would like it [rv-A]
haipįnąkšaną (Ay liAi nK dA n) — I am enjoying it [r-H]
haipįnaną (Ayi liAi n n) — I would be glad of it [l-TS]
haipįnaną (Ay liAi n n) — I’d like it [r-I]
haipįnaną (Ay liAi n n) — I'd prefer her [l-TS]
haipinį (Ay liAi ni) — I do not like it [sb-L]
haipįnįną (Ay liAi ni n) — I am not pleased [l-SM]
haipįnįną (Ay liAi ni n) — I cannot like it [l-TS]
haipĭníną̆ — I did not like [rv-A]
haipininą — I didn't like it [rv-G]
haipįnįną (Ay liAi ni n) — I do not like it [l-O, r-D]
haipįnįną (Ay liAi ni n) — I would not have liked it [r-Y]
haipįninįną (Ay liAi ni ni n) — I do not like it [r-I]
haipįnóną — I would be satisfied [r-B2]
haipira (Ay liAi L) — I like best [l-MT, l-TT]
haipįšųnųną (Ay liAi doAo no n) — I like [r-Y]
haipįšųnųną (Ay liAi doAo no n) — I usually like [l-O]
haipišųnųra (Ay liAi doAo no L) — I enjoy very much [bp-TA]
haipíwañkšaną — I like it [r-B1]
haipį́wąk[šaną] — I like it [r-B2]
haipį́wigają — we are happy [ha]
haipįwiną — we liked it [rw-W]
haipįwinaną (Ay liAi wi n n) — we would like it [r-D]
haipiwinįną (Ay liAi wi ni n) — we do not like him [r-D]
haipį́xjį — indeed I should be satisfied [r-S]
haipįxjįnąkšaną (Ay liAi xitti nK dA n) — I am enjoying [r-H]
haípįxjįnìną — they did not like it very much [h-R2]
haipsák — I slap [mn]
haipsįjera — to whip [m]
haipsį́š — I whip, spank [mn]
hairegiži (Ay Le Ki di) — they were coming, and [l-TM]
haireže (Ay Le de) — they came [l-SM]
haisagawiną — he beat him [su-W]
haisák — I knock down [we]
haisák (Aai rrK) — I knock out (as in a K.O.), I kill [ki, we]
haisák — I sock, hit, beat up [mn]
haisák — I take a tumble [we]
haisakšanuną — to knock [m]
haisakwiną (Ay rAK wi n) — we killed [sb-TD]
haisarac (Aai rr Ltt) — nail on [ki]
haisárac — to nail something to something, to nail something down, to nail something up [hl]
haisarai — to nail something [su-W]
haisása — to baste (sewing) [hl]
haisása hā — I baste (sewing) [we]
haisasa haną — I stick [m]
haisása hī — to baste (sewing) [we, hl]
haisása rā — you (sg) baste (sewing) [we]
haiseanąga (Ay rey n K) — he dished it, and [l-LM]
haisép — I extinguish by striking, I am extinguished by striking [mn]
haįseraj — all night [r-WB]
haįsérec (Ay reAe Lette) (Ay rAe Lette) — all night [jh, l-M, l-MS, r-E, r-TW3]
haį́serec — all night [p-M, h-T, r-D]
hą́įserec (Aain rre Lett) — all night long [ki]
haįserec (Ay reAe Lette) — all night long [r-I, r-O]
haįsérec — during the night [jb-F]
haiserec — the whole night [b-LK]
haįsérecį — all night (long) [h-C, h-R1, h-R2]
haį́serecį (Ayi rAe Le tti) — all night (long) [jb-SE, mn, z]
haį́serēcį̄ — all night long [r-HD]
haisese (Aai rre rre) — tack on piecemeal [ki]
haiséwe — he was covered up [lt-F]
haiséwe — to weigh down [hl]
haisewe — weight [ch]
haisewesewexjįže (Ay reAe we reAe we xitti de) — it was very much piled against it [r-D]
haiseweže (Ay reAe we de) — he laid his limbs [r-BS]
haisgą́ — I am deep-frying something [mn]
haisgįjinąk (Ay riKi tti nK) — to fall and make a rebound (like a spring) [sb-HW]
haisgį́k — I beat the laundry (to wring it out) [mn]
haisį́c — I clean up [we]
haisį́c — I defeat [we]
haisį́c — I sweep [mn, we]
haisiktawišanuną — we fish [cf. sik, to fish; ta] [m]
haisóc — I prune, I trim by striking [mn]
haisóǧrēhá — I use a percussion instrument, generally a gourd cotaining seed-like stones or beads, to keep in rhythm with singing or music [we]
haisósox — I rattle something [hl]
haisoxjį (Ay ro xitti) — faithfully [r-TW3]
haisoxjį (Ay ro xitti) — kindly [r-C]
haisoxjį (Ay ro xitti) — truly [r-C]
haistak — I smash [m]
haistak (Aai rtAK) — to smash-smack, as thumb by a hammer [ki]
haisú — I clarify (a situation), I examine closely [we]
haisú — I dehusk [mn, we]
haisú — I separate (as grain from chaff), winnow, thresh [we]
haisu — I thrash [m]
haísųc — I bring something to or toward completion; I am winning; I end a game or a sporting event; I end a song [we]
haisų́c — to bring something to or toward completion; to be winning; to end a game or a sporting event; to end a song [we]
haisųc — to end [m]
haisų̄́cgiži — when he finished [r-HD]
haisųnągikjeną (Ay roAo n Ki Kette n) — I will find out [l-B]
haiš’ák — I respect [m, mn]
haiš’akjiną — to be bashful; to feel awe [m]
haiša — to do wrong [m]
haišák hā — I cause to spill or overflow [we]
haišák hī — to cause to spill or overflow [we, hl]
haišák rā — you (sg) cause to spill or overflow [we]
haišąnąš — dirty [hh]
haišą́nąš (Aai dA nnd) — to be dirty [mn, ki, hl]
haišąnąšjiže (Ay dA nd ditti de) — it was very dirty [r-O]
haišárac (Aai dA Ltt) — I knocked and sent it; I knock a thing towards another [ki]
haišárac — I sling without letting go [mn]
haiše — I beat [m]
haiše — I cheat [m]
haiše — I take away another's place or a possession, cheat another out of an opportunity [we]
haiše — to sting [m]
haišewe (Ay deAe we) — he laid on [r-BS]
haišgajigu (Ay dK tti Ko) — I have hurt him [l-SM]
haišganįną (Ay dK ni n) — I did not do harm [sb-L]
haišgáp — I bat, bump [we]
haišgáp — I hit (as in baseball) [mn, we]
haišgáp — I run into; I run over (as with a car) [mn]
haišge — harness [hh]
haíšge — I harness (my horse) [m, hl]
haišgé — to harness (horses) [m, hl]
haišgejeną (Ay deK Kette n) — even I will do to him [l-TF]
haišgíc (Aai dKitt) — draped over, thrown over and across, as a boat over a portage [ki]
haišgíc — over [jc-S]
haišgíc — to go over something (like a hill or fence), to climb over something, to come over something [hl]
haišgį́k — I pound [mn]
haišgíšgic — to go over something (more than one thing), to climb over something (more than one) [cp. hai, gi, šgic] [hl]
haišgíšgic — to overcast a stitch [hl]
haišgíšgic hī — to overcast a stitch [hl]
haišgitawišanuną — we fish [cf. ta] [m]
haišíc — to be dull (as a point) [mn]
haišíc — to dull (a point) [hl]
haišip — I get free [m]
háišip — I get loose [m]
haišip (Ay diAili) — I lost hold of [l-SM]
haišíp — I strike down [mn, ma]
haišíp kį̄ — to discharge, to fire a gun [hl]
haišipikconéną — I will knock it over [su-W]
haišípinąs’áre — I might knock it over [su-W]
haišípnąną — I would knock down [sb-D]
haišipšaną — I break away from [m]
haišíri — some (of them) [r-HD, m]
haišíri — they were besieged [jb-]
haišíri — to be besieged [m, hl]
haišíri — to be shut in a tight place [m, hl]
haišíri — to be stranded, to be cornered (to have no place to go), to get cornered, to be stuck somewhere, to be caught off guard (you can’t say "no") [hl]
haišíri (Aai dAi Li) — to crowd for time and space [ki, hl]
haišíri — to get stuck [jb-P2]
haišírini — to get stuck, at a loss [m]
haišiš — I break [m]
haišíš — I break elongated rigid entity [we]
haišiš (Aai dAid) — to broke, as to strike out a batter [ki]
haišíšéna — I break something by hitting, striking, pounding, with hand or something else [g-H]
haišíšiš — I break up (something sticklike) [we]
haišja — I look at an object [m]
haišjá hahí — I see for a brief visit [mn]
haišjąge (Ay dtt Ke) — I fooled him is why [r-TB]
haišjageną (Ay dtt Ke n) — I fooled him [l-P]
haišjat'ekjeną — I will go and see [r-K]
haišjǫke — I fool [m]
haišníc — a portage [mn]
háišnic — I go over, I hang over something [mn]
haišníc — to go over, to hang over something [mn]
haišó — I trim or cut down with a sharp instrument [we]
hait’áp — I give someone an evil gesture, I make a sign of disapproval [mn]
hait’ų́ranąga (Ay too L n K) — in his name, and [r-E]
haít’ųre — I am associated with or dedicated to a cause, a person, an occasion, etc.; I have a certain interpretation (of a song or the like) [we]
haít’ųre — I state an expression, a phrase, or a statement, which is difficult to put into words [we]
hait’ų́re — to be associated with or dedicated to a cause, a person, an occasion, etc.; to have a certain interpretation (of a song or the like) [we]
hait’ų́re — to state an expression, a phrase, or a statement, which is difficult to put into words [we]
haitánąže — I would go through [jb-J4]
haité — I pass by; I go through; I set (sun) [mn]
haiticgisiwiną — to measure; to cut [cf. ti, cgis, to cut] [m]
haitúre hā́ — I shake something [mn]
haitúx — I sieve [m]
haituxhacena — he stands sifting [d]
haiwą́k — I chop down, I fell [mn]
haiwą́k — I cut down [mn, we]
haiwą́k — I knock down [we]
haiwawax — I cut into many pieces [m]
haiwáx — I break a string or rope by striking [mn]
haiwax — I cut into many pieces [m]
haiwé — I sting (as a bee or snake) [mn]
haíwįc (Aai wintt) — I am taller than [ki]
haiwį́c — to be taller than [we, hl]
haiwį́c (Ay witti) — to beat him [l-SM]
hąį̄wúhįc — you (sg) are overflowing (with liquid), brimming over [we]
hąįwúšek — you (sg) are over-full [we]
haixa — (to go) past [jb-N]
haixa — further [m]
haíxa — I pass beyond [m]
háixa — I pass something [mn]
haixa — I step aside [m]
haixá — I turn off the path [mn]
haixá — it passed [lt-R]
haixá — to be (the period) after [mn, hl]
haixa (Ay xA) — to go by, to pass beyond [r-O, m]
haixá — to go where there is no road [su-W]
haixá — to miss something [hl]
haixá — to pass by something [lp, mn]
haixá — to pass someone [hl]
haixá hī — to pass someone [hl]
haixágają — when it passed beyond [rv-F]
haixaížą — one a little beyond it [jb-HM]
haixáną — I move (change dwelling) [mn]
haixáną (Aai HA nn) — I-we move, as moving to a Medicine Dance, powwow, etc. [ki]
haixaną — more than [m]
haixáną — to be past; over (of midnight) [h-R1, h-R2, m]
haixąnąre (Aai HA nn ne) — pass them now, car(s) up ahead [ki]
haixanawašonuną — to move away [cf. wą, to go around] [m]
haixánįk — a little beyond [jb-HM]
haixare (Aai HA Le) — pass them, car up ahead [ki]
haixáxjį — very gently [jb-S1b]
haixaže (Ay xA de) — he passed by [r-O]
haixaže (Ay xA de) — he passed him [r-O]
haixcó — I do something new, exciting [su-W]
haixewinina — we have not taken (anything) [b-LK]
haixįk — to wake someone by striking them[m]
haixiri — glue [hh]
haixíri — something glued together, soft part between [su-W]
haixíri — to glue, to solder, to weld [hl]
haixjéc — I tire of, find boring [we]
haixono — I move about[m]
haixóno — move [h-R2]
haixoroc (Aai HAo Lott) — to warm one's back by lying by the fire [ki]
haixup (Aai HAool) — deflated [ki]
haixux — I crack[m]
haizíc — I lift up my head from a lying position [mn]
haizic — I raise (my head)[m]
haizíc — you strain (your neck) for [jb-K]
haizic hakírinąk — I sit up from a lying position to look around, I pop up to look around [hl]
haizikjį (Ay ri Kitti) — to bulge [sb-L]
haizó — easily, carefully [jb-KX]
haizo (Aai ro) — easy does it, calmly, smoothly [ki]
haízo (Ayi ro) — in earnest [jb-SE]
haizo — take it easy (slang) [hh]
haizo ’ųne — take it easy [hh]
haizo ųňe — take it easy [hh]
haizonįgáją (Ayi ro ni K tt) — I did not pay attention to it [jb-SE]
haizóra (Ayi ro L) — one attended to it [jb-SE]
haizora (Ay ro L) — properly observed [sb-BT]
haizówire (Ayi ro wi Le) — pay attention to it [jb-SE]
haizóxjį — attentive [rg-G]
haizóxjį — gently [rv-F]
haižą (Ay d) (A w i d) — a skin [sb-L, l-N, l-O, l-TS, r-BB]
haižá — I erase, wipe with an instrument [we]
haižá — I thaw [we]
haižáp — I shine something; I slip, slide [mn]
haižažap — I peel (off) [m]
haižé (Aai de) — I knock to pieces [ki]
haižéže — I tear or knock apart [we]
haižežewiną (Ay de de wi n) — we broke to pieces [sb-L]
haižip — I cut down in large chips, cut away stroke by stroke using a sharp instrument such as a hatchet or an axe [we]
haižú — I am quiet [mn]
háj — came [lt-U]
haj-nikjawina — you shall not eat of it [b-G]
haj-šana — I ate it [b-G]
haja (A tt) — he came [sb-BT]
hają́ — he saw, to see, seeing [lt]
hája — I eat [lt-TB]
hājá — to be hard (as a shell or surface) [hl]
hajá — to behold [we, ma]
hājá — to have a hard shell or surface [we]
hajá — to observe, to witness, to view [we, ma, hl]
hajá (A tt) — to see (something) [g-H, lt-I, lt-R, jb-L, sb-L, jc-T, l-P, l-TS, r-HO, lp, mn, ki, we, ma, hl]
haja (ha-ja [j]) — to see [j]
hája — to see [rv-A]
hajá — to see and [ss-WP]
hajá — to watch [lp, mn]
haja gigíreže (A tt [Ki] Ki Le de) — they showed him how to make [jb-SE]
haja pį̄́ — to be good looking [hl]
hajá rēhí — to be able to discern, to see in a distance, to see in a far distance, to see something [hl]
haja šíšik — to throw a tantrum over an item, to cry over something one cannot have [cf. hajašíšik] [hl]
hajá šišík — ugly [hl]
haja’ų — to act, stay [cf. ‘ų, to do] [m]
haja’ų (A tt o) — to be [cf. ‘ų, to do] [m , r-Y]
haja’ų (ha-ja-oo [j]) — to observe [j]
Hajacexiwįga — Difficult to be Seen, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
hajagáją — he saw [h-G, h-R1, h-R2]
hajage (A tt Ke) — as he saw him [r-Y]
hajage (A tt Ke) — he saw [r-Y]
hajagí — when he had a vision [jb-DC]
hajagí — when he saw him [b-LK, rs-S]
hajagiži (A tt Ki di) — [after] he met [r-Y]
hają́giži (A tt Ki di) — he saw [l-M]
hajagiži (A tt Ki di) — when he saw it [r-D, r-H, r-O]
hająha — they went home [r-WB]
hájaharaíre — they began [lt-C]
hajahireže — they saw [ch]
hają́įja — when [lt-M]
hają́įja — when [lt]
hają́įja — where [lt-M]
hają́įja — where [lt, lt-R, b-E]
hajainekjawina — let us see [b-LK]
hajaira — harder [m]
hajaíra hi — to do more of something, to make more of something [hl]
hajaíranąga — if they go into, and [r-HD]
hajairani (A tty L ni) — he had seen him [bp-TA]
hajairánihera — they had seen before [jb-DE]
hajairanįže (A tty L ni de) — he was not seen [r-H]
hajaíraniže — they did not see [rh-O]
hajaíraniže (A tty L ni de) — they had never seen [l-N]
hajaire (A tty Le) — they saw [r-F]
hajairega — they had seen [b-LK]
hajáiregają — when they saw [ss-WI]
hajairegašge (A tty Le K deKe) — when they see him [l-TF]
hajaíregi — (if) they saw [rh-O]
hajaíregi — they noticed [jb-F]
hajaíregi (A ttai Le Ki) — they saw him [r-C]
hajairegi — when they had seen it [b-LK]
hajairegi (A tty Le Ki) — when they saw him [l-TM]
hajairegi — when they saw it [b-E]
hajairegiži (A tty Le Ki di) — as they saw him [r-D]
hajairegiži (A tty Le Ki di) — they saw him, and [r-E]
hajairegiži (A tty Le Ki di) — when they saw him [l-MS, l-TS, r-D]
hajáirekjawiną — they would see him [ss-WP]
hajaírekjē — they that went to see [jb-WM]
hajairekje (A ttyi Le Kette) — they will see him [jb-P]
hajáirekjera — as they were going to go see him [ss-WP]
hajaireną — they saw [b-E]
hajaíreną — they saw [jh]
hajaíres’aže — again and again they used to see [lp]
hajaírešgų́nį (A ttai Le dKo ni) — they saw him [r-C]
hajaíreže (A tty Le de) — they saw (it) [jw-B, jb-BH, jb-S2, h-B, jc-T, bp-TA, bp-TP, l-B]
hajaírežé — they saw [jb-BH]
hajáireže — they two saw it [r-S]
hajaišge (A tty deKe) — if he is seen [l-TF]
hajáišge — if it is seen [ss-WI]
hajajá — I talk loudly [mn]
hajaja (Att tt) — to eat [l-B]
hajajajegają (Att tt tte K tt) — I do eat [sb-BT]
hajajáną̆kšĕ — they see [rv-A]
hájajáne — we are seeing now [g-C]
hajájega (A tt tte K) — when he saw [jb-DC, l-TS, r-D]
hajajega — whether [b-LK]
hajajegają (Att tt tte K tt) — I do eat [jb-B, sb-BT]
hajajéra — that saw it [rh-F]
hajaješųnųra (A tt tte doAo no L) — I used to eat [r-H]
hajajigiži (Att ttiKi di) — if you eat [r-J]
haják (A tt K) — he would see [bp-TB]
hajakacragiži (A tt K ttL Ki di) — if you make it hot [r-T]
hajakanąkają (A tt K n K tt) — when she saw him [l-TS]
hajakjanena — he had seen [b-LK]
hajákjanèną — he was to see him [rh-T]
hajakjege (A tt Ktte Ke) — merely to see [sb-L]
hajakjeną (A tt Ktte n) — he might see him [l-SM]
hajákjéneže — she would see him [rs-S]
hajákonǫkáją — when he saw him (suddenly placed his eyes) [jc-S]
hajákonoñkše — he saw it suddenly [jb-B]
hajáną — he saw [b-G, jh-M]
hajáną — he saw him [rh-T]
hajána — I saw [g-C]
hajaną́gwire — that we see [jb-CS]
hajánąka (A tt n K) — the ones who saw it [jc-T]
hajánąke — they saw them [jb-F]
hájanąkšąną (A ttn Kd n) — I have to eat [l-O]
hajaną́kšăną̆ — they see [rv-A]
hajanawini — we will bring back [hz-C]
hająne (A tt ne) — we are in [l-TC]
hajánegre — I see now [g-C]
hajanį (A tt ni) — he did not see [sb-L]
hajáni — she had not seen it [rv-A]
hajanįgiži (A tt ni Ki di) — he had not seen [r-E]
hajáníškúni — perhaps he did not see him [lt-U]
hają́níškúni — perhaps he had not seen him [lt-U]
hajanįwanąkše (A tt ni w nK deAe) — he had not seen it [r-BS]
hajaníñxjį — under no conditions [p-B]
hajanįže (A tt ni de) — he could not see [l-E, r-BS]
hajanįže (A tt ni de) — he could not see [l-P, l-TS]
hajániže — he did not see [h-C]
hajanį́že (A tt ni de) — he did not see [l-P, lp-C]
hajanįže (A tt ni de) — he did not see [r-HO, r-O]
haj[a]nogają — he looked back [r-WB]
hajanógwiré — we see [jb-A]
hajanúnge — although [g-H]
hają́p — I look; I have my eyes open [mn]
hajapį́ — to be good looking [mn]
hajara — he had seen [b-LK]
hajára — seeing him [jb-DE]
hajara — the eyes [b-G]
hajára — the looks [rv-F]
hajára — their looks [rv-F]
hajára (A tt L) — their ways [r-E]
hajára (A tt L) — to look at [rv-F, jc-T]
hajara (A tt L) — to look, it looked [jb-P, l-M, l-E]
hajara (A tt L) — to see [r-E]
hájara — to the sight [b-G, r-P]
hajará hįpį́ — I am good looking [mn]
hajáranáñgere — you see in them [r-DC]
hajárarešge (A tte L Le dKe) — I don't even see [jb-SE]
hajare (A tt Le) — to see, he saw [p-B, sb-L, r-Y]
Hajare[ga] — She who Has Been Seen, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
hajā́rēgi — when they came [r-V]
hájarehí — he saw it sent off (he saw it in the distance) [lt-I]
hajárehí — to be able to discern [mn]
hajarehi — to see in the distance [m]
hajarehigi (A tt Le Ai Ki) — he was able to see ahead of him [r-HO]
hajárehíre — seeing, they sent off [= they saw it in the distance] [lt-U]
hajarehireže (A tt Le Ai Le de) — they saw him in the distance [r-BB]
hajarehíreže — they saw it in the distance [jb-DE]
hajarešgų́nį (A tt Le dKo ni) — they saw him [r-C]
hajarípį (< hajará hįpį́) — I am good looking [mn]
hajarna — he saw [b-G]
hajasgehianañga — how could it be [p-M]
hajášguni — he saw her [h-R1, h-R2]
hajašíšik — to throw a tantrum over an item, to cry over something one cannot have [cf. haja šíšik] [hl]
hajašųnųną (Att doAo no n) — I always eat [jc-T, l-M]
hajašųnųs’are (A tt doAo no ra Le) — she used to see him [r-Y]
hajáwa — appearance [cf. ja, to see] [rv-A, m]
hajawi’ų — to act, be, stay, pass the time [cf. ‘ų, to do] [m]
hają́wiga — that stands [jb-BH]
hajawigają — we have seen [b-LK]
hajáwigi — if we see [r-TC4]
hająwíną̆ — they do [rv-A]
hają́wina (A tt wi n) — we are [jc-F, sb-TJ, r-Y]
hajawiną (A tt wi n) — we came here [sb-L]
hają́winą (A tt wi n) — we have been [l-SM]
hają́wine (A tt wi ne) — we are doing [r-TB]
hajawinįną (A tt wi ni n) — we have never seen [l-TS]
hajawira (A tt wi L) — they are fleeing [sb-E]
hają́wire (A tt wi Le) — we are doing [jc-T]
hajáwíre — we are doing [ss-WI]
hają́wišge (A tt wi deKe) — we came, also [r-TW3]
hają́wiže — they did [jb-D]
hają́wiže (A tt wi de) — they did [l-N]
hajawiže (A tt wi de) — they looked up [r-BB]
hajaxgikinąkše (A tt xiKi Ki nK deAe) — they were sunning themselves [sb-TJ]
hajáxjį — he could see [jb-CM]
hajáyreže — they saw him [se-I]
hajaže (A tt de) — he found [r-E]
hajáže (A tt de) — he saw (it) [sb-W, jc-S, l-P]
hajaže (A tt de) — he saw (something) [jc-T, bp-TO, l-E, l-N, l-O, l-TM, l-TS, r-D, r-H, r-HO, r-O]
hajažé — he saw him [rv-F]
hajé — to wear as a skirt [mn, we]
hajegáją — I am [h-O]
hajegają (A tte K tt) — I am, but [l-TS]
hajegają (A tte K tt) — I do [l-N]
hajegają (A tte K tt) — I do it because [l-TS]
hajegają (A tte K tt) — I do it, but [l-TS]
hajegają (A tte K tt) — I will do [r-TB]
hajege (A tte Ke) — as I did [r-HO]
hajégere heréšanúną — then we would be [rs-S]
hajegiži (A tte Ki di) — if I did [l-P]
hajekjaną (A tte Ktt n) — we can do [r-Y]
hajekjanaheną (A tte Ktt n Ae n) — I will be [r-Y]
hajéną (A tte n) — I am [ch, r-Y]
hajéną (A tte n) — I had [bp-TC, r-TB]
hajéną — I have [hz-L, rw-W]
hajéną — I have been [p-M]
hájᵉną̆k — eating [rv-A]
hájenañkšanùną — I used to be eating [h-O]
hájĕra — I ate [rv-A]
hajera (A tte L) — I was [r-TB]
hajera (A tte L) — we were able [r-D]
hajerageni — they came [p-B]
hajéšge — we were doing [h-T]
hajéšųnųra (A tte doAo no L) — I have always done it [jc-T, l-B]
hajéžaré (A tte d Le) — I was [r-Y]
haježe (A tte de) — I am [b-G, r-O]
haježe (A tte de) — I did [l-TS, r-HO]
hají — at the present time [jb-WM]
haji (A tti) — coming [r-Y]
hají — he arrived coming [w-TI]
hajī́ — he came [jb-HS]
hají (A tti ) — he came [jb-MR, jh, r-E]
hají (A tti) — he came on [r-E]
hají — he had come [lt-R, jb-F]
hají — he went [jb-PM]
haji (A tti) — he went [l-N]
haji (A tti) — here [l-O, r-C, r-WH]
hají — here at [h-B]
hají — I arrive coming [mn]
haji (A tti) — I came [l-O, r-T, r-Y]
hají — I come to be, I become [mn]
hají (A tti) — I have come [lt, lt-R, r-E]
haji (A tti) — its beginning [r-TB]
haji (A tti) — over here [l-N]
haji (A tti) — returning [r-TB]
haji (A tti) — something [jb-SE]
hají — there [jb-A]
haji (A tti) — there [jc-T, l-O, l-TS]
haji (A tti) — they came [sb-L, l-B, r-TB, r-WH]
haji (A tti) — they have come [r-Y]
haji — they two came [r-WB]
haji — to approach, to come on at [jb-K]
haji — to begin [cf. jire] [m]
hají — to come about, to come to a certain point [hl]
haji (A tti) — to come, he came [sb-L, r-BB, r-D, r-F, r-HO, r-TB, r-Y]
hají — towards [jb-CLS]
haji (A tti) — when [bp-TA]
hají ášgéįk — as it got nearer [fu]
hají e — it's getting so [fu]
hají howé — to have gone past, to have gone over, to have by-passed [cf. hajiówe] [hl]
haji-agúre — come after it (imperative) [h-C]
haji-ákaragùre — come after it yourself [h-O]
haji-araíreže — they began [h-O]
haji-átaxgi — come and (get) warm (imperative) [h-B]
haji-onigigix — to come and surround [cf. ji, to come; gix, to surround] [m]
haji’ųanąga (A tti ow n K) — he came, and [r-TW3]
haji’ųgiži (A tti o Ki di) — when he came [r-H]
háji[-]o?kawaìniže — they came in [h-W]
hajia’ŭą́ja’ų̄ — thus I was doing [jb-WM]
hajiáǧep — to appear [mn]
hajiáǧepše — it came in sight [jb-F]
hajiahuranįkjeną — they will not gaze upon him [b-E]
hajiak’araíregi — when they started [al]
hajiak’araíreže — they went back [r-K]
hajiąka (A ttiy K) — they came, and [sb-TJ]
hajiakarairagįnįže (A ttiy K Ly L Ki ni de) — they went again [l-M]
hajiákarairaguníną — they have even gone already [rv-F]
hájiákaraíre — they started back [lt-C]
hájiakarairegáją — after they had started [rv-F]
hajiakarairegają (A ttiy K Ly Le K tt) — they started out, and [sb-E]
hajiákaraíregi — when they started [rw-W]
hajiakarairegiži (A ttiy K Ly Le Ki di) — they started on [l-M]
hajiákarairegìži (A ttiy K Ly Le Ki di) — they started on, and [jc-T]
hajiákarairegìži — when they started on [h-T]
hajiakarairekjaneną (A ttiya K Ly Le Ktt ne n) — they will go home [r-E]
hajiakaraíreną (A ttiy K Lyi Le n) — they went forth [jb-SE]
hajiakarairera — they began [r-BC]
hajiakarairera — they started [r-BC]
hajiakaraireže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they became all at once [r-D]
hajiakaraireže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they did it all at once [r-D]
hajiakaraireže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they did it right away [l-SM]
hajiakaraíreže — they returned home [rv-F]
hajiakaraireže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they started (out) [jc-T, l-SM, r-H, r-HO, r-Y]
hajiakaraíreže — they started on/out [rv-F, h-T, l-P, r-V]
hajiakaraireže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they started to [l-M]
hajiakaraíreže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they went (on) [sb-L, r-D, r-DC, r-H]
hajiakaraíreže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they went back [l-P]
hajiakaraireže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they went home [bp-A, l-M, l-N, l-SM, r-TB]
hajiakaraíreže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they went on [l-P]
hajiakaraireže (A ttiy K Ly Le de) — they went on again [l-M]
hajiákarakara — to go back and forth [mn]
hajiákarakaranąkše (A ttiy K L K L nK deAe) — they swung them [l-O]
hajiakerehirekjanahegiži (A ttiy Ke Le Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ki di) — when they were ready to start [r-Y]
hajianąga (A ttiy n K) — he came to, and [r-TW3]
hajianąga (A ttiy n K) — I came, and [l-O]
hajiáneǧa hajéna — I came and said [g-C]
hájiapènąke (A ttiy lAe n Ke) — they would wait [jb-SE]
hajiara (A ttiy L) — they began [r-I]
hajiarairaginįže (A ttiy Ly L Ki ni de) — they [already] began to [r-Y]
hājīắrāirā̀ną̄gā (< haji-háraire-ànąga) — they passed, and [jb-HS]
hajiaraíre — they began [jb-D]
hajiaraíre — they went by [rw-W]
hajiarairegają (A ttiy Ly Le K tt) — they began, but [r-D]
hajiaraírešgùni — they began about [jb-S1a]
hajiaraireže (A ttiy Ly Le de) — they began [r-O, r-TB]
hajiaraireže (A ttiy Ly Le de) — they went on the road [jc-T]
hàjiaránąkše — they’re coming past [jc-F]
hajíašanañgwí — you are at [jb-D]
hajiauníže — he came ashore [jb-O]
hajica (A tti ttA) — he started for [r-E]
hajicaweną (A tti ttA we n) — as he came [r-E]
hajicaweže (A tti ttA we de) — he approached him, he came toward him [sb-BT, bp-TC, l-P, r-Y]
hajicaweže — to reach [cf. cawe, to approach] [m]
hajicireže (A tti ttAi Le de) — they came and lived [r-Y]
hajiǧáǧakše — it cried out [jb-K]
hajigają (A tti K tt) — I came [l-N, l-TS]
hajige (A tti Ke) — as I have come [r-H]
hajigéjoni — I came [al]
hajiginíže — he came instantaneously [jb-K]
hajigúni — I must have come [jb-MR]
hajihaisa (A tti Ay rA) — astride [l-P]
hajihakairaže — they started out [ch]
hájihákaraíre — they did so suddenly [lt-TB]
hajíhakaraíre — they started [lt-M]
hájihakaraíre — they started off again [lt-TB]
hájiharaíre — they began, started [lt-I, lt-TB]
hajíhaxép — he came to the top of the hill (?) [lt-M]
hajíhaxépšaną (A tti A xele dA n) — he has just come up the hill [r-E]
hajihigiži (Ai tt Ai Ki di) — when he got there [r-Y]
hajíhinañkpže — he came out [jw-B]
hajíhiregíži — they came [r-DC]
hajihokeweže (A tti Ao Ke we de) — she came in [l-P, r-E]
hajihoną́kše (A tti Ao nK deAe) — it crossed his path [r-HO]
hajihuną — I pass in [m]
hajijaweže (A tti tt we de) — he came towards [bp-P]
hajije (A tti tte) — to land on, as bird on tree limb [ki]
hajijegáją — I have become [rv-A]
hajijéhiže — he placed into him [jb-MR]
hajijeną — to come to [m]
hajijéregają — when they alit [sb-N]
hajijéreną — they alit [sb-N]
hajijéreže — they alight [sb-N, r-HC]
hajikáragᵉnína — I am going already [rs-S]
hajíkaraíre — they started [lt-U]
hajikaranąga (A tti K L n K) — to let go, and [r-C]
hajikarawigiži (A tti K L wi Ki di) — when we go away [r-TB]
hajikarawigiži (A tti K L wi Ki di) — when we start from [r-E]
hajikeré — I make a sudden movement, I do suddenly, I do in a startled condition; I bluntly say this or that once only [mn]
hajikerekjanahawiną (A tti Ke Le Ktt n A wi n) — we are going home [r-H]
hajikerekjanihawiginįną (A tti Ke Le Ktt ni A wi Ki ni n) — we’re going away [sb-V]
hajikerekjanihawiną (A tti Ke Le Ktt ni A wi n) — we are going home [l-SM]
hajikerekjanihawiną — we’re going back [r-K]
hajikérekjége — then I’m going [rt-T]
hajikerekjeną (A tti Ke Le Kette n) — I will go home [r-T]
hajikjanahawiną (A tti Ktt n A wi n) — we will come [r-TB]
hajikjanahawiną (A tti Ktt n A wi n) — we will eat [sb-TD]
hájikjanèną — I will come [h-TM]
hajíkje (A tti Kette) — I will eat [h-C, l-O]
hajíkjeną (A tti Kette n) — I will eat it [l-M, r-BS]
hajíną — come here [h-G]
hajíną (A tti n) — I came [jh-M, rh-S, h-B, h-TM, l-B, r-E, r-O, r-TB]
hajiną — I came [rv-G]
hajína — I have come [lt-U]
hajiną — I have come [r-WB]
hajiną (A tti n) — we have come [sb-L]
hajinągᵉra (A tti nK KL) — they come here [r-E]
hajinągšaną — there it lies [hz-L]
hājínąk — I bump something [mn]
hājínąk — I run into, strike, slam into [we]
hajiną́k — to bump something [mn, hl]
hajiną́k — to hit something [hl]
hajiną́k (A tti nnK) — to hit, as by car [ki]
hajiną́k — to run into, strike, slam into [we, hl]
hajinąk[ša]ną (A tti n Kn) — they came [r-C]
hajinąkšaną (A tti nK dA n) — he comes [l-N]
hajiną́kšaną̆ — I became [rv-A]
hajinąkše (A tti nK deAe) — he usually comes over [r-Y]
hajinąkše (A tti nK deAe) — they came over [l-TS]
hajinąkšiže (A tti nK diAi de) — he told her to get out [l-P]
hajinąkúni — I have come to [rv-A]
hajinąžį́nekjanéna — they will come and stand [rt-T]
hajinąžį́neže (A tti n di ne de) — they kept coming [l-P, r-Y]
hajinąžįwiže (A tti n di wi de) — then they stood together [r-Y]
hajinąžįyakšaną (A tti n diyK dA n) — they are standing [r-Y]
hajinį́je — to come suddenly [jb-K]
hajiniñkjenáwiną — we will not come [jb-V]
hajinina — I did not come [b-LK]
hajinį́ną (A tti ni n) — I did not come [r-E]
hajiníną — I did not come for [h-G]
hajinja — thereof [b-G]
hajinja — where [hz-L]
Hajinja ranižeže? — Where are you? [b-G]
hajiokéweže — he came in [h-B]
hājīōkĕ́wēžĕ — he came in [jb-HS]
hajíonįgìgįx — they came and surrounded him [jb-KX]
hajiówe — to have gone past, to have gone over, to have by-passed [hl]
hajiówežé — he had walked by [rs-S]
hajĭra — I ate [rv-A]
hajirá — since I came [h-O]
hajira (A tti L) — they came, they had come [bp-A, l-O]
hajiragenigi — they came [p-B]
hajiraginįže (A tti L Ki ni de) — they were already here [r-WH]
hajiraješge (A tti L tte deKe) — they will come [bp-A]
hajiránąga — they came, and [r-HD]
hajíranañga — they come, and [p-M]
hajiránąga — they had arrived [jb-F]
hajíraną́hirežé — he thought they might come [lp]
hajíranàną (A tti L n n) — they would come [jb-SE]
hajírapeže — he lay for him there [h-T]
hajíre (A tti Le) — they came, arrived [lt-C, lt-R, lt-TB, lt-U, r-E, r-K, lp]
hajíre — they reached there [lt-C]
hajī́reaga — they arrived, and [ss-WI]
hajírega — since they came [sb-N]
hajī́rēgā — when they came [jb-HS]
hajírega (A tti Le K) — when they came [l-O]
hajírege (A tti Le Ke) — as they came [jb-SE, l-N]
hajíregi — when they came [p-B, h-O, r-HD]
hajiregi (A tti Le Ki) — when they come [jb-SE]
hajiregi — when they got back [p-M]
hajíregiži (A tti Le Ki di) — they came, and [jc-T, r-TB]
hajíregiži (A tti Le Ki di) — when they came [r-TB, r-Y]
hajíregíži — when they came to it [jb-A]
hajíregiži (A tti Le Ki di) — when they got [sb-E]
hajíregiži (A tti Le Ki di) — when they went [r-F]
hajiregųnį (A tti Le Ko ni) — they have come [sb-HW]
hajíreguni — they must have come [h-R1, h-R2]
hajiréją (A tti Le tt) — ever since I came [r-Y]
hajiréją — I came [h-O]
hajírekcąné — he will came [lt-U]
hajirekjaną (A tti Le Ktt n) — they will come [r-WH]
hajirekjanaheną (A tti Le Ktt n Ae n) — they will come here [r-TB]
hajirekjanahera (A tti Le Ktt n Ae L) — when they come [r-E]
hajirekjanaheže (A tti Le Ktt n Ae de) — they would come [r-F]
hajirekje — they will come [p-C]
hajī́rekjenégi — if they would come [ss-WI]
hajirekjera (A tti Le Kette L) — they will come [r-WH]
hajirekježe — they will come [r-BD]
hajirekjoni — they will come [p-B]
hajireną — they arrived [r-BC, r-BD]
hajíreną — they came [rw-W, p-M, jh]
hajíreną — they came to him [e-B2]
hajiréną (A tti Le n) — they came, they have come [e-B1, jc-T, l-M, l-N, l-SM, r-TC4]
hajires’aže — they would come [hz-C]
hajírešgųnįž[e] (A tti Le dKo ni d[e]) — they came [r-C]
hajírešonùną — they come [jh-M]
hajirešųnųną (A tti Le doAo no n) — they always come [r-WH]
hajíreže (Ai tti Le de) — he had come [l-TS]
hajíreže (A tti Le de) — they came [jb-F, sb-L, jc-T, bp-TA, bp-TW, l-N, l-O, l-P, r-C, r-D, r-E, r-I, r-T, r-WH, r-Y]
hajiréže — they came out [rv-F]
hajíreže (A tti Le de) — they went and stayed [l-N]
hajiroagúną̆ — I wish to eat [rv-A]
hajiruha (A tti Lo A) — it moved [r-O]
hájirutàki — to be left [cf. ta, to remain] [m]
hajiruxunąga — he raised, and [r-WB]
hajit’et’éže — he came and spoke [rs-S]
hajitaheną — I go by, I come and go by [m]
hajitajeną — I go around [m]
hajitánąga — I will do, and [jb-KX]
hajitazįže (A tti t di de) — it came nearer [r-O]
hajité — I go by, I pass by; I begin, start [mn]
hajiwa’ųyireną (A tti w oyi Le n) — they originated [r-WH]
hajiwacaweže (A tti w ttA we de) — he came on to them [r-D]
hajiwacaweže (A tti w ttA we de) — he came towards it [l-O, r-Y]
hajiwarujwire — come and eat [r-K]
hajiwige (A tti wi Ke) — as we came [l-N]
hajiwiną — I’ve come [r-BD]
hajiwíną — they have come [jb-F]
hajíwiną — we came [h-W, r-TC]
hajiwiną (A tti wi n) — we have come [sb-HW, sb-L, hz-L]
hajiwinįną (A tti wi ni n) — we did not come [r-BC8]
hajiwira — eating [rv-A]
hajiwíra (A tti wi L) — we have come [jb-SE]
hajiwíre — I arrived here [r-K]
hajiwižanainą (A tti wi d ny n) — we have come [sb-L]
hajiwižaną́ną — we have come [jb-H]
hajižanainą (A tti d ny n) — I have come [l-SM]
hajiže (A tti de) — he came [l-O]
hajiže (A tti de) — they came [l-B]
hajoražužugiži (A tto L do do Ki di) — if you add on to your story [jb-P]
hajṓwe — to come by, to pass by [mn]
hajšųnųną (Att dAo no n) — I used to eat [r-D]
haju — to have sexual intercourse [m]
hajukége — they come into connection with it often [h-T]
hajwígi — we like to eat [jw-B]
hajwiną̆ — we ate [rv-A]
hañk — a negative adverb, not [cf. hañká, hañke, añka, hiñke] [d]
háñk — a woodchuck [d]
hąk — an auxiliary verb expressing the lying or running position. Generally, long things are said to be lying. [cf. hak’] [lp]
hak — back [rv-A, m]
hak — backward (adverb) [m]
hąk — ground hog [lp]
hak (AK) — last [r-I]
hā́k — rear, back part of anything [mn]
hąk — to lie there [m]
hąk — to take care of [m]
hāk (AK) — towards the back, the rear end, in back of [ki]
hą́k — woodchuck [mn]
hak — woodchuck [s]
hąk — woodchuck, ground hog [gm, hw]
hą̄k (AnK) — woodchuck, ground hog [ki, hl, hh]
hā́k hakikére — I put oneself last, I sacrifice for someone [mn]
hak howárehíre — hereafter [r-DC]
hāk kikére — to put oneself last [hl]
hā́k kīkére — to put oneself last, to sacrifice for someone [mn]
hak’ — an auxiliary verb expressing the lying or running position. Generally, long things are said to be lying. [cf. hąk] [lp]
hąk’ — lying (positional suffix) [lp]
hak’a (A K') — sometime, if ever [ki]
hąñk’á’a — no [lp-N]
hąk’á’a — no [su-W]
hąk’a’azó — no sir [su-W]
hañk’agá — never [sb-W]
hąk’aížą — it is not [sb-TB]
hą́k’aka — never [sb-D, sb-T]
hak’áraginąc — I fasted [al]
hak’araíc’kis — I cut my own [lp]
hak’araíranaka — they went back, and [sb-VF]
hak’araíre — they went [sb-VF]
hak’araíregi — if they'd take you [al]
hak’araíreže — they went back [sb-D]
hak’arajáže — he saw her [rw-W]
hak’arak’ížu — with him [sb-G, r-P]
hak’arak’u — I'm going after [al]
hak’arak’utekjéną — I will go and get them [p-M]
hak’árakíną — he is making it for himself [su-W]
hak’áraniajireną (A K L niy tti Le n) — they would bring [jb-SE]
hak’arániánąga — he took along with, and [rw-W]
hak’araraíreže — they went back home [jb-F]
hak’arašų́ — to turn round, empty, upside down (like a basket or dish) [su-W]
hak’árašų́ — upside down [su-W]
hak’arašų́t’up — to put something down on its front [su-W]
hak’arat’ųbánąga — he jumped over it [jb-F]
hak’araxé — I bury my own [lp]
hak’aražíže — he coaxed [r-P]
hak’ąwą́ — before something is made or happens, someone is promised it, or expects it [su-W]
hak’ąwą́ — to choose [su-W]
hak’awac’kís — I saw my own [lp]
hañk’áwaženìne — they were not there [jb-F]
hak’ažu (A K a do) — it is not so [sb-TD]
hak’cawawák’erekcanéną — I am going back [sb-FF]
hak’é — I dig [mn]
hak’é — not [sb-B, sb-D, sb-K]
hąk’é — not [sb-D, sb-FF, sb-J6, sb-P, sb-T, sb-T5, sb-VF]
hąk’e — not [sb-FF, sb-H]
hąñk’é — not [sb-W, lp-N, lp-S]
hąñk’é žeskánįną — it isn’t so [lp]
hak’éc’a — back there [d]
hak’éca — back there [su-W]
hā́k’éja — in the back, behind something or someone [hl]
hak’eré — he put [sb-B]
hak’ére — to put it on him [sb-B]
hak’érekcanéną — I will go back [sb-FF]
hak’erékikižè — he put them on [sb-B]
hak’erekjéžeskéną — I have to go home [lp]
hak’érekšanáwike — we will be caused to go back [sb-D]
hak’erénąną — we can wear [sb-B]
hąk’erenį́ — to do something wrong (morally) [su-W]
hak’eréreže — they put [sb-D, sb-K]
hak’érerèže — they put it [sb-D]
hak’éwe — six [lp]
hak’éwehą — six times [sb-W, r-P]
hak’į (A Kii) — I am carrying [l-L]
hak’į́ — I carry on the back [mn]
hak’į (A Kii) — I pack [r-BS, r-O]
hak’í’eniže (< hąké-hi’eniže) — he did not find it [sb-B]
hak’ianąga (A Kiiy n K) — he turned about, and [r-Y]
hak’ic’ą́ — to eat with someone from one bowl [sb-K]
hak’ic’kís — I cut myself [lp]
hak’iháha’ų̀ — to add a layer, to do over and over [su-W]
hak’ijágiži — he met, and [sb-TB]
hak’ijáže — he met him [sb-W]
hák’ik’áwaąną — I get up from sleep [su-W]
hak’ik’ížu — together with [sb-B]
hak’ík’oíxkcanèną — we will hustle [sb-H]
hak’ík’óx — to hustle (work without help) [sb-H]
hak’ik’úruk’ozàje — put forth all your strength [sb-P]
hak’ikonǫ́genǫk’a — where they had crossed over [jb-F]
hak’ikonǫ́giregi — they had crossed over [jb-F]
hak’ikonǫ́gireže — they crossed over [jb-F]
hak’į́nįk’į́nekjanegéjįnį — because they would crowd each other [lp-N]
hak’ip’áp’ox — I stab myself [lp]
hak’ip’éwįga — when I think of myself [al]
hañk’ipéreziràni — they didn’t know [jb-F]
hak’íri — he could come [sb-TB]
hak’íri — there [al]
hak’irią́naka — he came back, and [sb-B]
Hak’irijewįga — Comes Back, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
hak’iríną — I came back [sb-FF]
hak’iríną — I have come to you [jb-F]
hak’iríregają — when they returned [jb-F]
hak’írirekcéną — let them come back [sb-D]
hak’iríreki — after they came [sb-D]
hak’irírekì — when they came back [sb-D]
hak’iríreže — they came (back) [rw-W, sb-D]
hak’irírežé — they came back [rw-W]
hak’iriš’ųšánąkše — that brings you? [al]
hak’iriže — I came [su-W]
hak’íríže — it arose [jb-F]
Hak’irucewįga — Cross Each Other, a Bear Clan personal name [d-WG]
hak’íšip — to get free [su-W]
hak’įwįnį — before we woke up [su-W]
hak’ixé — I bury myself [lp]
hąñk’ížą — not [jb-F]
hañk’ížą — not one [jb-F]
hak’ížu — with (one accompanying) [sb-H]
hak’ížú — with him [sb-B]
hak’ižúk — with him [sb-B]
hak’jak’iránąga — they damaged [jb-F]
hak’jéna — to kill an enemy [su-W]
hak’jowak’árawinòne — you must go back [jb-F]
hąk’ó — not (emphatic) [sb-T]
hak’oc’ą́k — in a little while [su-W]
hak’okícą — partition or separation [su-W]
hañk’orageníže — he didn’t tell [jb-T]
hąk’óraknį́ną — he did not tell [sb-T]
hą́k’orók’ųnį́nákre — one who does not join [sb-T]
hañk’ošarágenįgi — if you don’t tell it [jb-T]
hak’ski — back here [su-W]
hak’ų́ — I do for myself, I do for self fulfillment [we]
hak’úhairéna — he is coming back again; he is coming home [d]
hak’ų́kinigàją — when it landed [h-O]
hak’una — I come [m]
hak’ų́racekcanaháwiną — we ourselves keep doing it [sb-FF]
hak’urugás — I tear my own [lp]
hak’úžé — he gave [sb-K]
haka (A K) — an adverb denoting that what did occur is not occurring now; or that what is now will not then be. Cf. Omaha, dhācti [d, r-Y]
haka (A K) — before [l-B]
hąká (A K) — never [jc-T, bp-TO, l-M, l-O, r-D, r-H, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3]
hąká (A K) — no (cp. hįká) [r-HO, r-TB, ha, hl]
hañká — not [d, h-C]
hąká (A K) — not [rv-F, jb-E, sb-L, sb-TD, bp-TO, l-SM, l-TS, r-HO]
haka (A K) — once [l-P, r-TB]
hañká — the long object; the object lying down; the object moving along. Cf. Oto hañanaha; Omaha, ke, dhi [d]
háñka wažíniže — it was nowhere [h-C]
hañká-a — an emphatic "no," rather like "no way!" [g-H, h-G, lp]
hąka-a (A K a) — no [r-BS, r-H]
hąka-ažu (A K a do) — no [r-D, r-H]
hañka’úni — I will not do it [h-TM]
haką’wąx — I poison [m]
hakącą́kjįgają — it is very holy [sb-TB]
hakaeca (ha-ka-e-tcha [j]) — behind [j]
hąkaga — grammatical class: initial negator 'never'. "If one wants to express that someone would never do such and such, one employs a combination of hąkaga or hįkaga (the initial elements of the Hocąk equivalent for 'never') plus the final negator suffix -nį." [hl]
hąkaga (A K K) — hardly ever [l-SM]
hąkagá — must not at any time [rt-T]
hañkagá — near [jh-M]
hąkaga — never [al, jb-HM]
hąką̄gā́ — never [bp-L]
hąkagá (A K K) — never [cf. hįkaga] [rt-T, jf-J1b, ch, rs-S, rw-W, jb-HM, jb-J4, jb-P, jb-SE1, sb-BT, sb-L, sb-TD, jc-T, bp-P, bp-TA, h-R2, h-T, l-SM, l-TS, rv-A, r-BB, r-BC8, r-B2, r-C, r-D, r-H, r-HD, r-P, r-I, r-T, r-TB, m, mn, hl]
hañkaga — never [hz-L, r-B1]
hą́kaga (A K K) — never [jb-J4, jb-SE]
hąkága (A K K) — never [jf-J1b, jb-SE, jb-WM]
hákaga — never [jmc-B]
hąkaga — no [m]
hąkagá (A K K) — not [jb-P, jb-PM, jb-SE1, rv-A, r-P, r-TW3, r-Y]
hąkaga (A KA K) — not ever [jb-P]
hąkagá — nothing [sb-TM]
hąkagá — without any [jb-DE]
hąkagá ... -nį (A KA K ... ni) — never [jb-SE, hl]
hąkaga hararakikišijaneną — to be discouraged [m]
hąkaga hararakikišinijaneną — not to be discouraged [m]
hąkagahararakikšijaneną — to be discouraged [cf. hąke, not] [m]
hąkagahararakikšinijaneną — not to be discouraged [cf. hąke, not] [m]
hąkagašge (A K K deKe) — never [r-H]
hąkagí — never [rv-A]
hakaginąkše (A K Ki nK dAe) — they returned [r-E]
hakaginįže (A K Ki ni de) — he would not move back [l-B, l-S]
hąkagížą — never any of them [h-T]
hąkagížą — never one [rv-A]
hąkágotágeníną — I never told it [h-R1, h-R2]
hakahakaranianąga ([A]a K A K L niy n K) — he held ready, and [r-E]
hákaieca — behind (back there) [f]
hakąikaraxguną — to be obedient [cf. xgu] [m]
hakaírašana — every once in a great while [sb-FF]
hakairegiži (A Ky Le Ki di) — they told him, and [r-D]
hakaireną (A Ky Le n) — they told me [r-J]
hakak’íšana — each one [sb-D]
hakáka — a dead or tame male bear [f]
hąką́ka — male bear (killed or tamed) [f]
Hakáka — the name given to the third-born son [f]
hakakarakižu (A K K L Ki do) — with him [l-N]
hakąkere (A KAn KAe Le) — to put together, as a framework [ki]
hąkakira (A K Ki L) — not only once [r-H]
hakakižu (A K Ki do) — with her [r-E]
hakamanihera (A K m ni Ae L) — it’s been so long [l-TT]
hakanaį́kje — to marry [rt-T]
hakąną́k — I establish a home (with a woman) said of a man [we]
hakanąk (A K nK) — I marry [r-H]
hakąną́k — I marry said of a man [mn, we]
hakanak — I place [m]
hā́kanak — I set [jb-K]
hakąną́k — I set down, put, place [we]
hakąnąkikje (A K n Ki Kette) — I should marry [r-TB]
hakąnąkikje (A K n Ki Kette) — I will marry her [r-Y]
hakanąkikježe (A K n Ki Kette de) — I should marry [r-D]
hakanąkiži (A K n Ki di) — if I were married to her [r-I]
hakanakše (A K nK deAe) — he put it [r-T]
hakáni (A K ni) — he held it [r-D]
hakáni — taking [sb-D]
hakáni (A K ni) — to bring it [l-B]
hakáni (A K ni) — to take (it) [sb-D, sb-TD, l-B]
hakáni (A K ni) — to take something over to someone [l-B]
hákanį́’ų́cežé — he took [sb-B]
hakaniguže (A K ni Ko de) — she brought him [r-Y]
hakaniha (A K ni A) — to take it over to him [l-B]
hakanihanąga — he took, and [r-WB]
hakanihirawire (A K ni Ai L wi Le) — take it over for him [l-B]
hakaniñke — a little past; a little back (D) [d]
hakaninąga — he took, and [r-WB]
hakanirawire (A K ni L wi Le) — take it over for him [l-B]
hakanį́xcį́ — not ever [sb-D]
hąkąnį́xjį (A K ni xitti) — never [r-E]
hąkáno ([ha] hung-ká-no) — enough [ha]
hakánuñgànañga — laid on it [jh-M]
hakaracgą-s’aže — to take a chance at [cf. cgą, to take a chance; kara] [m]
hakaraci — I am trying over again [m]
hakaraci (A KA L ttAi) — to challenge a winner [ki]
hakaráci — to take up a challenge, to give something another try, to take a chance at [hl]
hakaráci (A L ttAi) — to try him over [l-TS]
hakaragí — I make (one’s own ?) thus and so [mn]
hakaragicakjeną (A K L Ki ttA Kette n) — we shall eat together [l-MT]
hakaragicíže — he lived with someone [h-R2]
hakaraginącre (A K L Ki ntt Le) — to fast for [r-D]
hąkaraginąjᵉre (A K L Ki n tteLe) — fast for it [jb-P]
hakaraginįkjaneną (A K L Ki ni Ktt ne n) — I will not let you [r-E]
hakaraginíną̆ — I had refuge [rv-A]
hakaragitékšăną̆ — I felt sorry for her [rv-A]
hakaragucra (A K L Kotto L) — I shot him [r-D]
hakaragucšaną (A K L Kotto dA n) — I shot him [r-D]
hakaragų́sire — they counseled all of their own [ss-WI]
hakaraǧaíreže — they shouted at him [rv-F]
hakáraǧḗ — to yell [r-HD]
hakaraǧe hireže (A K L xe Ai Le de) — they gave a shout [r-Y]
hakaraǧenąka (A K L xe n K) — they (would) shout [r-E]
hakaraǧenąkše (A K L xe n Kde) — they were cheering him on (this is haǧe-nąk-še with the infix -kara-, meaning, one's own) [r-E]
hakaraǧéreną — they shouted in unison [r-CL]
hakaraǧeres’áže — they would shout at it for themselves [jb-D]
hakaraǧéwišaną’ųạ̀je — shout every once in awhile [h-T]
hakarahahireže — they were going on [hz-O]
hakarahaireže (A K L Ay Le de) — as they walked homeward [sb-TD]
hakárahaíreže — they are going [jc-S]
hakarahaíreže — they were coming on home [jb-D]
hakarahaíreže — they were going home [rv-F]
hakarahás — to ask someone for help, to go to ask someone for help [hl]
hakarahas (A KA L Arr) — to call upon to do [ki]
hakarahás — to depend on someone (for help) [hl]
hakarahasikjanahegi (A K L Ar ri Ktt n Ae Ki) — if they can help us [sb-E]
hakarahéna — I return where I came from [g-C]
hakarahiregiži (A K L Ai Le Ki di) — when they went on from there [jc-T]
hakarahireže (A K L Ai Le de) — they went all the way home [r-BB]
hakarahireže (A K L Ai Le de) — they went on [r-BB]
hakaráicą — I choose my own [m]
hakaráiǧįk — I blow my nose [mn]
hakaraík — living together [h-C]
hakaraíkici — living with (a woman) [lt-TB, g-C]
hakaraíkici — to live with one’s own [hl]
hakaraikici — to take a wife [cf. ki, reflexive ?] [m]
hákaraíkicínañks’á — he always lived with her, his own [lt-M]
hakaraíkíža — with him [rs-S, rt-T]
hakáraikížu — he was with her, his own [lt-C]
hakaraíkižú — with her [jc-S]
hakaraíkižu — with him [h-G, h-H, h-T]
hakaraikížu — with him [h-TM]
hakaraikižu (A K Ly Ki do) — with him [sb-TJ, r-D, r-HO, r-I]
hakaraipįhaješųnųra (A K Ly liAi A tte doAo no L) — I used to like it [r-T]
hakarairareja (A K Ly L Le tt) — when they had gone home [bp-A]
hakaraíre — they started back [p-T]
hákaraíre — they started homeward [lt-C]
hakaraíregi — when they went [r-DC]
hakaraíregi — when they went home [rw-W]
hakarairegiži (A K Ly Le Ki di) — when they were going home [r-I]
hakarairekjanaheže (A K Ly Le Ktt n Ae de) — they would go home [r-Y]
hakaraíreną — he went home [jh-M]
hakaraíreną — they went back [jh]
hakaraíreną (A K Ly Le n) — they went home [jh-M, r-O, r-V]
hákarairéškuni — they went (dual)[g-C]
hakaraíreže — on the back [h-B]
hakaraírežé — they started home [h-O2]
hakaraíreže (A K Ly Le de) — they started home [jb-V, r-O]
hakaraíreže (A K Ly Le de) — they went [l-M, r-V]
hakaraíreže (A K Ly Le de) — they went back (home) [rw-W, jc-S, h-H, l-M, r-V, r-Y]
hakaraireže (A K Ly Le de) (A K Lyi Le de) — they went home [sb-TD, r-BB]
hakaraireže (A K Ly Le de) — they went home [sb-TJ]
hakaraíreže — they went over [jb-H]
hakaraísųc — to bring something to or toward completion, to end something (as a song, game, or a sporting event) [hl]
hakaraísų̄cgí — when he'd finished [r-HD]
hąkaraísųcgi — as soon as these were finished [r-HD]
hakaraisųcwigi (A K Ly rAotto wi Ki) — as we bring to an end our own [r-TW3]
hakaraísuįcániháwiną — we will finish [r-HD]
hakaraísų̄jánąga — when we finish [r-HD]
hakaraísų̄jᵉwigi (A K Ly roAotto wi Ki) — after we have used [r-TW3]
hakaraísų́jiregi — when they finished [r-HD]
hakaraíxgągí — he moved around [jb-MR]
hakaraízo — to take care of one’s own properly, to take it easy on one’s own, to treat one’s own carefully [hl]
hakarajaíreže — they saw it [jb-L]
hakarájajíreže — they came to see him [rw-W]
hakarajána — he saw again [rw-W]
hakarak’įkjeną (A K L Kii Kette n) — I will pack [l-L]
hakarak’ųkjaneną (A K L Koo Ktt ne n) — I will go and do [r-D]
hakarakere (A K L Ke Le) — to bring him [l-N]
hakarakeregiži (A K L Ke Le Ki di) — they all shouted, and [l-E]
hakaraki (A K L Ki) — for him [r-T]
hakaraki (A K L Ki) — with him [r-D, r-I]
hákarakicì (A K L Ki ttAi) — to live with her [r-E]
hakárakíciže — to live with, dwell [cf. ki, reflexive ?] [rw-W, m]
hákarakicìže — he lived with her [h-C]
hakarakikisų (A KA L KAi KAi rroon) — to braid one's own hair [ki]
hakárakiwànąga (< hakáraki’ų-ánąga) — he touched his own, and [jb-CM]
hakarakižu (A K L Ki do) — he was with him [se-I, r-Y]
hakarakižu (A K L Ki do) — together with [r-H]
hakarakížu — with him [jb-WM]
hakarakižu (A K L Ki do) — with him [sb-TJ, l-P, r-E, r-WH]
hakarakižu (A K L Ki do) — with me [sb-V, l-SM]
hakarakižu unkjanena — he shall cleave (adhere) [b-G]
hakarakižuanąga (A K L Ki dow n K) — with him, and [sb-BT, l-P, l-SM]
hakarakižureže (A K L Ki do Le de) — he went (on) with him [l-M, l-P]
hakarakížureže (A K L Ki do Le de) — he went with him [l-M]
hakarakižuže (A K L Ki do de) — they were together [jc-T]
hakarakjąbera — to expect, to be expected [cf. karak, to attract attention; jąp, to look for] [m]
hakarakją́p — I expect, look for [we]
hakarakją́p — I look for (my own?) to come, expect, hope for [m, mn]
hakarakohajireže (A K L Ko A tti Le de) — they came for her [r-I]
hakarakohis’aže (A K L Ko Ai ra de) — he would go after him [r-BB]
hakarakónąk — they placed her [jb-S1a]
hakarakorare (A K L Ko L Le) — go after him (imperative) [r-Y]
hakarakšų (A KA L Kdoon) — upside down [ki]
hakaráni — along with [rv-A]
hakarani (A K L ni) — he brought forth [sb-L]
hakarani (A K L ni) — he had [bp-TB]
hakaráni — he had with him [jb-PM]
hakarani — he took [ss-WI]
hakāraní — they had with them [r-V]
hakarani (A K L ni) — to bring, he brought (him) [l-N, r-T]
hakarani (A K L ni) — to take [r-D]
hakarani (A K L ni) — to take care of [r-TB]
hakarani (A K L ni) — with [r-TW3]
hakárani — with [rv-G]
hakaráni — with you [rv-A]
hakarání’ų́ireže — they took care of him [jb-DE]
hakarani’ųže (A K L ni o de) — he attended to it [r-TB]
hakarani’ųže (A K L ni o de) — he took care of [sb-BT, r-TB]
hakaraniajiraženą (A K L niy tti Le n) — they would bring other things [jb-SE]
hakaraniąkiri — they took along with them starting back [r-BC]
hakaranianąga (A K L niy n K) — he carried, and [l-TS]
hakaranianąga (A K L niy n K) — he took this with him, and [r-BS]
hakáranianąga — he took with him (and) [jmc-B]
hakaranianąga (A K L niy n K) — he took with him, and [r-TW3]
hakáraniánąga (A K L niy n K) — he took, and [jb-G, sb-BT, l-B, r-E]
hakáranį́gigíkjege (A K L ni Ki Ki Kette Ke) — because he would have cause to take it with him [r-FP]
hakáranį́gigíži — when he got him home [h-O2]
hakaraniguže (A K L ni Ko de) — she brought him back home [r-T]
hakaránijínǫkáją — when she grabbed it [jb-G]
hakáraníjinokšé — she grabbed [jb-G]
hakaranikiris’aže (A K L ni Ki Li ra de) — he would bring [r-E]
hakaranikjanaheną (A K L ni Ktt n Ae n) — I want to take home [r-D]
hákáranįkjanáwiną — we want to take home [ss-WI]
hakaranįkjaneną (A K L ni Ktt ne n) — I will not go home [r-D]
hakaránimanínigiránąga — they made you take it along with you, and [jf-J1b]
hakaraninąki — they had so [hz-L]
hakaraninañkše — he has taken her away with him [p-B]
hakaraninaną (A K L ni n n) — it is still under his control [r-Y]
hakaraniranąga (A K L ni L n K) — they took with them, and [l-E]
hakaranirekjéną — they must bring [r-BF]
hakarániwire (A K L ni wi Le) — take back [l-N]
hakarániwire (A K L ni wi Le) — you can have them back [l-TS]
hakaranį́že (A K L ni de) — she took with her [l-TS]
hakarániže — they took with them [h-G]
hakarare (A K L Le) — go outside (imperative) [sb-L]
hakarareguni — they came away [r-WB]
hakararéškuni — they returned whence they came from [g-C]
hakarareže — they returned [ch]
hakarareže — they started on [ch]
hakarasisijikjeną (A K L ri ri tti Kette n) — I will take puffs [sb-L]
hakáraš’ų̄́ — upside down [jb-PM]
hakaraš’ų — upside down; face down; wrong side up [m]
hakaraš’ų mįkahahąkwiže — they lie on their stomachs [cf. mįk, stomach; š’ų, to lie face down] [m]
hakarašik (A KA L dAiK) — to stick up for [ki]
hakarašikikjanihawi (A K L diAi Ki Ktt ni A wi) — we will help [r-D]
hakarašikwinįnaną (A K L diAiKi wi ni n n) — we will not take his part [r-D]
hakarašų — (to lie) on one’s stomach [m]
hakarašų (A K L dAo) — on his stomach [r-E]
hakárašų — on their stomach [rv-F]
hakarašú — to be face down [mn]
hakárašų́ — to capsize [f]
hakarašų (A KA L dAoon) — upside down [ki]
hakarašú kįnį́p — to land face down [hl]
hakarašų mįkahahąkwiže — to lie on one’s stomach [cf. mįk, stomach; hąk, to lie; šų, back ?] [m]
hakarašukį (ha-ka-ra-shu-ken [j]) — to capsize [j]
hakarašuxjį kinįpše — to land face down; fall from a height [šu, downwards, nįp, to be thrown in a horizontal position] [m]
hakarat’et’egi (A K L tee tee Ki) — once they are put on to boil [r-TW3]
hakarat’ų́p — I put away, added it, laid my own in a place [we]
hakarat’ųpše (A K L too lede) — he placed his own [r-HO]
hakaratékšăną̆ — I felt sorry for [rv-A]
hakaratikžanihe — I ask for your own; I drag with my mouth [m]
hakarawígiži (A K L wi Ki di) — when we go from there [r-E]
hakarawíną (A K L wi n) — we are going home [l-SM]
hakarawíže — they went back, and [jc-S]
hakaraxé — I bury my own [mn-G]
hakaraxehiregiži (A K L xe Ai Le Ki di) — they were whooping [and] [l-E]
hakaraxehireže (A K L xe Ai Le de) — they shouted at him [r-Y]
hakaraxeireže (A K L xey Le de) (A K L xeyi Le de) — they shouted at him [r-Y]
hakaraxeregiži (A K L xe Le Ki di) — they shouted at him [r-Y]
hakaraxereže (A K L xe Le de) — a great shout went up for him [r-Y]
hakaraxereže (A K L xe Le de) — they just shouted at him [r-Y]
hakaraxereže (A K L xe Le de) — they just whooped at him [r-Y]
hākáraži — I cheer on, back up, provide support for, as a cheering section [we]
hākáraži — I encourage someone [m, mn, we]
hakáraži — I urge [m, mn]
hakaraží (A KA L di) — to call upon in support [ki, hl]
hakaraží — to encourage, cheer on, back up, provide support for, as a cheering section [we, hl]
hakaraží — to urge, to encourage someone (English?) [cf. ži, to urge, coax] [m, mn, hl]
hakaražiže (A K L di de) — he encouraged (him) [rv-F, jb-MR, l-M, m]
hakaražiže — to persuade, coax [cf. ži, to urge, coax] [m]
hakarenenaga — he would use (?) [r-WB]
hakarenihanąga — he took, and [r-WB]
hakárerešgùni — they went home [rh-S]
hakaréžą — at some time [sb-D]
hakarias — a straddle [hz-L]
hákariégiánąga — she hurried up, and [rs-S]
hakariruhe — they returned [r-WB]
Hakasiaga — third daughter [sm-E]
hakąwą’x — I poison [m]
hakawace (A K w tteAe) — to save her [r-I]
hąkawagini — missing [cf. gi, to arrive] [m]
hakawaká — I brush [mn]
hakáwakáwasgi — when it is pretty near dark [r-HD]
hąkawašnįže (A K w dini de) — he was gone [r-E]
hąkawašnįže (A K w dini de) — nothing was to be seen [r-H]
hakąwąx (A KA wnH) — I poison, bewitch [ki]
hakawažą (A K w d) — really [sb-TJ]
hakawažą (A K w d) — such [bp-TO, r-D]
hakawažą (A K w d) — surely [bp-TA]
hakawažą (A K w d) — very [r-BS]
hakawažą (A K w d) — what [sb-L, r-D]
hañkáwažą žesgániñgi — as it was difficult, literally, "it did not amount to anything" [jb-R]
hañkáwažénižé — he was not there [h-O2]
hañkáwažini — he wasn’t there [p-T]
hąkáwažįníneže — they weren’t there [jc-S]
hąkawažinirešgų́nį (A K w di ni Le dKo ni) — it was gone [r-C]
hąkawažinireže (A K w dini Le de) — they were gone [bp-TA]
hąkawažinireže — to be gone, disappeared; he is gone, disappeared [cf. hąke, not; ži, to be present] [m]
hąkáwažiníže — it was gone [rv-F]
hąkawažiniže (A K w dini de) — there was nothing there [bp-A]
hąkawažinìže — he was not there [h-T]
hakawažnį́ — to be absent, gone [we]
hakáweakiníną — I would not have suffered myself [h-R1, h-R2]
hakaxjį (A K xitti) — again and again [r-I]
hakaxjį (A K xitti) — many times [r-TW3]
hakaxjį (A K xitti) — often [sb-L]
hakaxjį (A K xitti) — very often [sb-BT]
hąkažą́ — no [h-T]
hakcá — back (cp. hakjá) [sb-FF, sb-J6, sb-VF]
hakca — back [sb-B]
hakca — back again to the starting point; backward. Cf. Omaha, xadha [d, j]
hákca — back, returning [g-C]
hakca kiri — to come back again without reaching the destination [d]
hakca manina — to walk backward [d]
hakcąnéną — I will do [sb-B]
hakcą́p — to look back [lt-R]
Hakconajį (Ha-kcho-na-jeen [j]) — Kickapoo (Indian) [j]
hąke — grammatical class: initial negator. "In Hocąk, two negators are necessary to negate a clause or sentence. The first or initial one is hą̄ke; it precedes the verb. The second one or final negator is -nį a verbal suffix that follows the verb. The combination of both forms is usually translated in English as 'not'." [hl]
hąké (A Ke) — he did not [l-M]
hąke — indeed didn't [ss-SE]
hąké — it was not [jb-S1a]
hąké (A Ke) — never [l-B, l-M]
hąke — never [m]
hąké (A KeAe) — no [rv-F, jb-DE, jb-P, r-HO, m]
hąke (A Ke) — not [jb-DE, jb-HS, jb-MH1, jb-SE, e-B1, r-BC, ss-WP]
hąkĕ́ — not [jb-HS, rv-A, bp-L, su-B]
hąkĕ — not [jb-HS, rv-A]
hąkḗ — not [jb-PM]
hake (A KAe) — not [ki]
hą́ké — not [ss-F]
hąkĕ́ — not [su-B]
hąké (A Ke) (A KAe) (A KeAe) — not [universally attested]
hañké — not [universally attested] [cf. hąké, hiñke, añké, etc.]
hąké (A Ke) — nothing [bp-TB, l-B]
hą̄ké — the negator [mn]
hąké (A Ke) — without [l-M]
hąké ... -nį — not [hl]
hąke gisincre-hiąje — to brush off [cf. hąke, not; ‘ą, to lift up] [m]
hąke gisincre-hiniąje — not to brush off [cf. hąke, not; ‘ą, to lift up] [m]
hąke hamą́kesganiže — not to care to [cf. mąke, to care to] [m]
hąke hawažiniže — not to be present, there [cf. hąke, not] [m]
hąke hawažiže — to be present, there [cf. hąke, not] [m]
hąke hirepini hikiru — not to pass through, to circumvent [hąke, not; pį, good; kiru, tangled ?] [m]
hąke hiroagįx pini — to be impassable, not to be circumvented [cf. hąke, not; gįx, to make a circle, to avoid; pį, good] [m]
hąke hirowagix pį — to circumvent [cf.hąke, not; gįx, to avoid; pį, good] [m]
hąke hirowagix pįni — not to circumvent [cf.hąke, not; gįx, to avoid; pį, good] [m]
hą́ke hojámp — sheet lightning [g-H]
hąke ihiruš’ak pininą — to tell of [cf. hąke, not; i, mouth; pį, good; š’ak, to get lay] [m]
hąke ihiruš’ak pininą — you can’t fail [cf. hąke, not; pinį, to twist] [m]
hąke kirepini hikiru — not to pass through, to circumvent [cf. hąke, not; pį, good] [m]
hą̄ké kū́knį — not badly, not too shabby [hl]
hąke ną̄cgipį — sad [hh]
hąke ną̄xgųňįna — I don’t understand (him/her) [hh]
hąkĕ́ nįgé — nothing [jb-HS]
hą̄ké nįgé ... -nį — nowhere [hl]
hąké nįgi — it had no any effect [jb-KX]
hąke renigiginirekje — they will not let you pass [cf. hąke, not; gigi, to let] [m]
hąke reninįgiginirekje — they will not let you pass [cf. hąke, not; re, to start in going; gigi, to cause] [m]
hąke rešge — to be useless, without avail; no, never [cf. re, to go] [m]
hąke sanihiranįže (A Ke r ni Ai L ni de) — they were all disfigured [l-M]
hąke šųora (ha-ke-shu-o-ra [j]) — accomplice [j]
hąke waponapįni — to circumvent [cf. hąke, not; poną, to do much; pį, good] [m]
hą̄ké wąžą́nį — zero, nothing [hl]
hąke waži hirukono hiriną — so anxious he cannot control himself [m]
hąke wažįrepįhiraniže — to be inadequate [cf. žįre; hąke, not] [m]
hąke wažįrepįhiraniže — to be inadequate; they are inadequate [cf. hąke, not; pį, good; žį, to hold] [m]
hąké wažirukanahinįže (A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de) — he was delighted [r-P, r-T]
hąké wažirukanahinįže (A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de) — he was very happy (over it) [bp-TP, r-D]
hąké wažirukanahinįže (A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de) — he was very much delighted [r-T]
hąke wohanįkjonawi — inadequate; not to have enough [cf. hąke, not, hanį, to have, hold] [m]
hąke ženǫpini — endless [cf. hąke, not; pį, good; že, to end] [m]
hąké ženųpíni — inexhaustible [jb-KX]
hąkéainažíniže — he was not there [jw-B]
hąkeąka (A Key K) — not at any time [jb-P]
hąkeakuruš’ágᵉnįje (A Key Ko Lo daa Kini tte) — never get lazy [jb-P]
hąkeanaįxgunįgiži (A KeAey nyi n xKo ni Ki di) — if you don't listen to me [jb-P]
hakéašina — seventeen [ha]
hakéca — afterwards [ha, sb-J6]
hakéca — back somewhere [su-W]
hakéca — behind [sb-K]
hąkéga (A Ke K) — never (perhaps in error for hąkága or hąkeąka) [jb-P]
hąkehikija-nįgeni — to have knowledge about, not ignorant about [cf. kiją, to be there ?] [m]
hañkéhura — anything held secret [jb-T]
hąkeija (A Keyi tt) — not right [jb-P]
hąkéikirara (A Keyi Ki L L) — not several [jb-P]
hąkeironišiknįkjane (< hąké-hironišik-nį-kjane) (A Keyi Lo ni dAi Kini Ktt ne) — you are not to be ashamed of it [jb-P]
hąkeižą (A Keyi d) — not one [jb-P]
hąkéižą (A Keyi d) — not one [jb-SE]
hākeja gizak — tails [hh]
hakenekjanihéną — I will go home [rv-G]
hąkĕ́nį̆gĕ — nothing [jb-HS, rv-A]
hañkéniñge — nothing was visible [h-B]
hąkénigi — nothing [jf-J1a]
hąkeojįnįanaga (A Keyo tti niy n K) — they did not strike him, but [jb-P]
hą́kéokąre — not death [jb-MR]
hąkéonį́ge (A KeAeyo ni Ke) — because he didn't do it [jb-P]
hakeraíregiži — when they went home [h-O]
hakeraíreže — they went back [rw-W]
hakérakiccižé — he lived with someone [h-R1]
hakeré — I bark (as a dog) [mn]
hákere — I go back [g-C]
hakeré — I put something long; I place upright [mn]
hakeré — I start going back [mn]
hakeré — I take leave, depart [we]
hakére — I wear on the head vertically [mn]
hákere — I wear on the head vertically, I set something on top of something, I wear a feather (on the head) [hl]
hakeré (A Ke Le) — to bring him [l-N]
hakere (A Ke Le) — to go home [r-D]
hakere — to put [m]
hakeré — to set something on top of something, to wear a feather (on the head) [hl]
hakeré (A Ke Le) — to take him [l-M]
hakere — to wear on a scalplock [sb-BT]
hakeré — to wear on the head vertically [mn, hl]
hakeréc — I sneak up on [mn]
hakerege — it'll be because [rv-G]
hakeregus wianąga ? — we agree upon; we make excuses [cf. kere; gus, to agree upon] [m]
hakerék — I am the source of a premonition; I have a premonition [mn]
hakérekjanahawiną (A Ke Le Ktt n A wi n) — we are going back [l-N]
hakerékjane — I’m going home [h-G]
hakérekjanèną (A Ke Le Ktt ne n) — I will go [r-E]
hakérekjanèną (A Ke Le Ktt ne n) — I will go home [h-G, h-TM, r-E]
hakérekjanihèną — I’m going home [h-R1, h-R2]
hakérekje — for me to go home [h-R1, h-R2]
hakerekjeną (A Ke Le Kette n) — I want to take [l-SM]
hakereną (A Ke Le n) — I put on [r-D]
hakerepąnąhižą (A KAe Le lAn nn Ai dn) — ten [ki]
hakerepanaiža — ten [s]
hakereregi (A Ke Le Le Ki) — if they put it on their heads [r-TW3]
hakereres’aže (A Ke Le Le ra de) — to always wear them as headdresses [sb-BT]
hakerérešonúną — they always were on their heads [jb-B]
hakerereže (A Ke Le Le de) — they put it [r-TB]
hañkeréšge — impossible [h-TM]
hąkerešge (A Ke Le deKe) — it is not to be [r-T]
hąkerešge (A Ke Le deKe) — never at all [bp-TO]
hąkerešge (A Ke Le deKe) — no, never [bp-TO]
hąkérešge — not (truly) [h-R1, h-R2]
hąkeréšge — not ever [h-T]
hąkerešge (A Ke Le deKe) — they failed [bp-TPN]
hąkeréšge (A Ke Le deKe) — useless [bp-P]
hakerewagigiže (A Ke Le w Ki Ki de) — he made them wear on their heads [sb-BT]
hakérewagigíži — he tied it to their heads [jb-B]
hakerewiže (A Ke Le wi de) — they had [sb-L]
hakerewiže (A Ke Le wi de) — they put on [r-TB]
hākĕ́rēžĕ — he attached [jb-HS]
hakereže (A Ke Le de) — he put on [l-B]
hakéreže — he said [jb-CM]
hakereže (A Ke Le de) — he stuck on his head [r-O]
hakereže (A Ke Le de) — she went home [l-P]
hakerigi — when it was [ch]
hąkéšge (A Ke dKe) — but [jb-SE]
hąkéšge (A Ke deKe) — no other [l-P]
hąkéšgĕ — not [also] [rv-A]
hañkéšge — not [h-O]
hąkéšge — not [rv-F]
hąkéšge (A Ke deKe) — not even [rv-A, rv-F, l-TF]
hąkéšgĕ — not even [rv-A]
hąkéšge — not ever [h-R1, h-R2]
hąkèšjára — not her face [h-R1, h-R2]
hakéwahą — six times [jb-KX]
hąkewažą — no [h-R2]
hąkéwažą — not anything [h-R1, h-R2]
hąkéwažą́ — not anything [jc-F]
hąkewažą žesganiže — to be hard, difficult [cf. hąke, not (should be hįke, difficult ?)] [m]
hąkewaži hirukono — so anxious he cannot control himself [cf. hąke, not; ži, to say ?; koną, to control] [m]
hąkewaži hirukonohiriną — so anxious he cannot control himself [cf. hąke, not; koną, to control] [m]
hañkéwažìni — he was not there [h-G]
hąkewažirokoną — to be active [cf. koną, to control; ži, to speak] [m]
hakéwe — six [ha, g-H]
hakewe (A Ke we) — six [l-O, r-T, r-WB, j, m, sm-E, hh]
hakewé — six [s, mn, hl]
hakewé hašąną́ — sixteen [hl]
hakewe-hašana — sixteen [sm-E]
hakeweąšąną — sixteen (16) [hh]
hakewéašąną́ — sixteen [hl]
hakeweášąną — sixteen [z]
hakéwehą — six times [rg-G]
hąkewesįwi (A Ke we riAi wi) — to look for [sb-L]
hąkewesįwinį — he did not scrutinize [cf. wesį, to observe] [m]
hakḗwēwį̄́gają — when I think of it [jb-WM]
hąkežesga — he was not so [hz-L]
hąkéži (A Ke di) — but not [sb-L, l-M, l-O]
hąkéži (A Ke di) — not [l-TS, r-BS]
hąkéži — not exactly [h-R2]
hąkéži — not much [jb-K]
hąkéži (A Ke di) — without [jb-SE]
hañkhówažána — he is not sick [d]
hakí (A Ki) — arriving back [l-TS]
hakį́ — I make myself X [mn]
hakį́ — I pose, act [we]
hąkí — not [h-T]
hąki (A Ki) — not [sb-HW, sb-TD]
hakī́ — there at [bp-L]
háki — they [g-C]
hakí — to arrive back [sb-FF]
haki’ųgi (A Ki o Ki) — if I could make [r-BB]
haki’ųkjeną (A Ki o Kette n) — let me make [l-SM]
haki’ųną (A Ki o n) — I make him [jc-T]
haki’ųra (A Ki o L) — I went at him [r-Y]
haki’ųrehawira (A Ki o Le A wi L) — we threw it to him [l-B]
haki’ųšgųnįną (A Ki o doKo ni n) — I would have consented [r-BS]
hąkiabozókp’į́ni — it can’t be bent [jb-SS]
hakiakarairegają (A Kiy K Ly Le K tt) — when they had left [r-WH]
hakį́anąga (A Kiy n K) — I make myself, and [r-TB]
hąkiáražóp — to open your mouth too wide [jb-P2]
hakiáz (A Kiyr) — I am fleeing [r-H]
hakiáz — I ran away [sb-FF]
hakiáz (A Kiyr) — to hide [r-E]
hakiazgašge (A Kiyr rK dKe) — I ran away, but [r-TB]
hakicą — I choose myself [m]
hākícą — I eat from the same plate with someone [mn]
hakicą́ — to eat from the same plate with someone, to share food with someone (from one plate) [mn, hl]
hakicą́ (A KAi ttAn) — to eat with [ki]
hakicacak (A Ki ttA ttAK) — they were living together [r-I]
hákicáki — when he saw it [sb-B]
hakicawigi (A Ki ttA wi Ki) — when we choose for ourselves [r-TW3]
hakicawiže (A Ki ttA wi de) — with great eagerness they told it [sb-TD]
hakicgís — I cut myself [mn-G]
hakicgus — evenly [m]
hakicgusti — even at the same time [cf. cgus, to cut completely; ti] [m]
hakicí — to live together [cf. ha, ki, ci] [hl]
hakici (A KAi ttAi) — to live with [ki, hl]
hakíckus — to accord, agree [f, d]
hąkigaįrojį́ (< hąké-hižą-hirojį́) — not a long while [jf-J1b]
hąkį́gi — not [h-T]
hakigo (A KAi Ko) — I feast [ki]
hakigú — to be picked up in a car, given a ride (as complement of verbs of asking or wanting) [we]
hakigú wašižé — he told them to go after (them) for themselves [rw-W]
hakiguc — I bet [m]
hakigųs (A KAi Konr) — to create among themselves [ki]
hakiǧe (A Ki xe) — they shouted for him [r-E]
hakihą́ — again, for a second time, overlapping (indicating repetition, re-doing) [we]
hakiha (A Ki A) — I make myself [l-P]
hakihą — in succession [hz-L]
hakihą́hą — continuously [mn]
hakihą́hą — involving several layers [we]
hakihą́hą — over and over, again and again [mn, we]
hakíhihiną́pnąkše (A Ki Ai Ai nl nK deAe) — she went on out [l-P]
hakíhihiną́pše (A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe) — he went out [l-N]
hakíhiną́p — he went out (from them) [lt-C]
hakihirekjege — [in order] to meet [b-E]
hakihoną́giranį́gi — if they do [r-HD]
hakija — I meet [m]
hakijá — to meet [m, hl]
hakijá — to see [h-T, m]
hakijá — to see oneself, to see each other [hl]
hąkiją hiniąjē — don't do otherwise [r-BF]
hakijagiži — I meet [m]
hakijaixjį — simultaneously [m]
hakijaks’aže (A Ki ttK ra de) — he would try [sb-BT]
hakijara (hakee-ja-ra [j]) — line (a row) [j]
hakijášik — hating one another [mn]
hakijášik — to quarrel over something, to fuss over something, not to get along with each other, to fight over something with each other [hl]
hakijášišik — to quarrel over something, to fuss over something, not to get along with each other, to fight over something with each other [hl]
hakijawišųnųną (A Ki ttA wi doAo no n) — we must have met [sb-L]
hakijaže (A Ki tt de) — he saw [l-M, r-H]
hakijáže — he saw [rv-F]
hakijaže (A Ki tt de) — they saw each other [bp-TO]
hąkijógirúxujeniže — he didn’t look toward [jb-MR]
hąkijórucganis’aže (< hąké-hija-horúcganis’àže) — he would not be covered with it [h-R1, h-R2]
hakik’ac — I help myself [m]
hakik’ác — to benefit [h-R2]
hakik’iríną — I came back for him [su-W]
hakik’ų́ — I make for myself, accomplish for myself [we]
hakik’ųegires’aže — to make a rush for [m]
hakik’ųk’ųgają (A Ki Koo Koo K tt) — she adds on to it [l-TS]
hakik’ųkjanahegają (A Ki Koo Ktt n Ae K tt) — as I will make myself more [sb-L]
hakik’ųkjanaheną (A Ki Koo Ktt n Ae n) — I will make for myself [sb-L]
hakik’ųkjanihawiže (A Ki Koo Ktt ni A wi de) — we can do it for ourselves [sb-V]
hakik’ųkjeną (A Ki Koo Kette n) — I will make it for myself [bp-TO]
hakik’ųwinąni (A Ki Koo wi n ni) — we cannot build [r-C]
hakik’ųxjįkje (A Ki Koo xitti Kette) — I will get my fill of [l-TT]
hakikac — I benefit, I help [m]
hakikanągᵉra (A Ki K nK L) — to take across [l-O]
hakikanągireže — they cross over [m]
hakikanągireže (A Ki K n Ki Le de) — they put on for him [r-E]
hakikaraheganąga — to persuade, to go in with [cf. hek, to persuade; kara, to look after] [m]
hakikárahi — I have expectations for myself [we]
hakikáranąc — to take care of yourself, to respect yourself [hl]
hakikaranina (ha-ki-ka-ra-ne-na [j]) — manners [j]
hakikaranira (ha-kee-ka-ra-ne-ra [j]) — behavior [j]
hakikaranira (ha-ke-ka-ra-ne-ra [j]) — to behave [j]
hakikaraniwiže (A Ki K L ni wi de) — they kept him [r-Y]
hákikáraníže — he held himself [jb-FC]
hákikáraníže (A Ki K L ni de) — he kept holding to him [r-E]
hákikáraníže (A Ki K L ni de) — he kept lagging [r-E]
hakikarazires’aže — to encourage [cf. zi, to point to ?] [m]
hakikaražinąkšaną (A Ki KL di n Kd n) — they encourage one another [jb-P]
hakikarok — to twist around [m]
hakikáše — to be joined [rs-S]
hakīkąwą — to be stacked, stacked one on top of the other (3rd p only) [we]
hakikáwa-áną — and with this strength [r-CL]
hakikáwa-ąni — that I arose - [to have] [r-CL]
hakíkawa-ų — I rise, get up [g-C]
hakikáwa’ų — I get up, arise, arise from bed [we]
hakikáwa’ų̄gá — when I got up [jb-WM]
hakikawacanąks’aže (A Ki K w ttA nK ra de) — they were always on him [r-T]
hakikawahakjaneną — showing [b-E]
hakikawahiwiže (A Ki K w Ai wi de) — they were piled up all over it [sb-TD]
hakikawaježe (A Ki K w tte de) — it was piled up [r-I]
hakikawajinąkše (A Ki K w tti nK deAe) — they became piled up [l-B]
hakikawaxik — he leaned [r-WB]
hakikáwaxįk — to lean against each other (back to back), to lean against something (like a wall) [hl]
hakikáwažá — I wipe myself [mn]
hā́kikére — to put oneself last [hl]
hā́kikéregają (A Ki Ke Le K tt) — to be less [r-E]
hakikerehi (ha-ke-kay-ray-he [j]) — to connect [j]
hakikerera (ha-ke-ka-ra-ra [j]) — joint [j]
hakikic — we came [jh-M]
hakikícą — they eat from the same plate as each other [mn, hl]
hakikícą — to share a meal (with each other) [hl]
hakikica — to share meal with each other [hh]
hakikicąkjena (A Ki Ki ttA Kette n) — let us eat together [r-Y]
hakikicąwiže (A Ki Ki ttA wi de) — they ate together [r-Y]
hakikícikjèną — let us live [h-C]
hákikícirékcąné — they two together will [lt-I]
hakikícirékcąné — they will live together [lt-I]
hakikijaíreže — they met one another [rv-F]
hakikijawiže — I recognize [m]
hakikijáwiže — they met one another [rv-F]
hakíkijuànañga — we will marry [jh-M]
hakikíkcanèną — I will make him [sb-FF]
hakikini (A Ki Ki ni ) — to take hold of one another [l-O]
hakikínųbwīną — we are cousins [we]
hąkíkióniže — he didn’t touch him [jc-S]
hakíkíra — fought one another [ss-WS]
hakikíšjek ų̄́ — to share something [mn]
hakíkíšjekirešųnųkje — they will always share [ss-WS]
hakikižu (A Ki Ki do) — they went along [bp-TP]
hakikížu — to be together [mn]
hakíkižu — to be together with someone [hl]
hakikižú — together [hz-L]
hakikižu (A Ki Ki do) — together [l-TS, r-TB, r-Y]
hákikížu — together [lt-C]
hakikížu — together [rv-F, rs-S]
hakikížu — with them [r-DC]
hakikižukjaneną (A Ki Ki do Ktt ne n ) — we are marrying [r-E]
hakikížukją́wi — we could have gotten married [rv-F]
hakikížunana — we will come together [h-O]
hakikižuxete — raised together [hz-L]
hakiñkjanèną — I will make myself [jb-B]
hakíkjanèną — I’ll be there [rh-T]
hakíkjanihéną — I would make him [bb-B]
hakíkjeną — I will come later [jh-M]
hakikjoniháwiną — we will be there [r-BD]
hakiko-ik — to grab (used in plural of subj only)[g-C]
hakikoǧᵉre (A Ki Koxo xeLe) — help yourself [jb-P]
hakikoik-hires’aže — to contend for [m]
hakikóne — I simulate - not hear him [g-C]
hakikóreháną — I sent for him [su-W]
hakikotege (A Ki Ko te Ke) — I am after for myself is why [r-C]
hakikowek (A Ki KoweKe) — to try to get [r-TW3]
hakikowekirananą (A Ki Kowe Ki L n n) — they would all try to get it [r-Y]
hakikóx — diligent [ma]
hākíkox — I am diligent, conscientious, a hard worker, persistent in helping oneself, independent of others [we]
hakikox — personal care [hh]
hakikóx — to be diligent, conscientious, a hard worker [we]
hakikóx — to be persistent in helping oneself, independent of others [we, hl]
hakikóx — to be persistent in helping oneself, to do one’s utmost to help oneself, to take care of oneself (successfully) [hl]
hakikox — to help [m]
hákikoxjįkjanéną — I will look out for myself [rv-F]
hakikuégiregi — they are fighting one [rh-T]
hakikuek — to take away, win (a war honor) [m]
hakikúruk’ąkše — he was covered [h-T]
hakikúruką (A KAi KAoo Loo KAn) — to cover up oneself [ki, hl]
hakikurukos (A KAi KAoo Loo KAor) — to hold oneself back [ki, hl]
hakikúrus — I withdraw [mn]
hakikurusána — he draws himself back [d]
hakikurušerejaje (A Ki Ko Lo deAe Le tt tte) — you may look out for yourself [r-Y]
hakikúrutí — I crawl, creep [mn]
hakikúruti — I crawl, draw myself forward, pull myself forward [we]
hakikuruxurukinįgihi (A Ki Ko Lo xoAo Lo Kini Ki di) — if I have not overcome myself [r-Y]
hakikuruxuruš’akjereną (A Ki Ko Lo da K tte Le n) — as I am unable to overcome myself [r-Y]
hakikúruža — I wash or bathe, wash myself, wash up [we]
hakikuš’agihi (A Ki Ko Lo da Ki di) — if I fail to overcome myself [r-Y]
hakikute (A Ki Ko te) — I am going after [r-C]
hakikwék — trying to take from each other [lt-I]
hakį̄nes’ašgųnįže — they actually took [ss-HM]
hakįnį (A KAi ni) — excess, surplus, more than enough [ki]
hakíni — they took [rh-T]
hakinį́ — to be left over [mn]
hakini (A Ki ni) — to take a hold of one another [sb-L]
hakínį ’ų̄ — to take care of someone, to tend one’s self [hl]
hakini’ųireže (A Ki ni oyi Le de) — they scuffled [sb-L]
hakini’ųre (A Ki ni o Le) — combat him (imperative) [r-T]
hakini’ųže (A Ki ni o de) — he combatted him [r-T]
hakíniajìreną (A Ki niy tti Le n) — they would bring [jb-SE]
hakiniakre — different (place) [m]
hakínikįrègi — they’ll be overcrowded [jb-MR]
hakínikįrekjaneną (A Ki ni Ki Le Ktt ne n) — they would crowd themselves [sb-HW]
hakīnikirés’aže — they would return [r-CL]
hakinikšaną (A Ki niKi dA n) — I have reached [sb-F]
hakinimįgiregiži (A Ki ni mi Ki Le Ki di) — they got hold of one another, and [l-SM]
hakininą (A Ki ni n) — I did not do to myself [l-B]
hakininą (A Ki ni n) — I have not had happen [l-B]
hakíninąžį́neže — they held him [rs-S]
hakíninąžįwigere (A Ki ni n di wi Ke Le) — they got a hold of one another [l-M]
hakininąžįwiną (A Ki ni n di wi n) — we met [r-D]
hakįnį́p — I arrive at home, return to home plate [we]
hakįnį́p — I drop, fall down; I lie, usually as a result of falling [mn]
hakįnįpšaną (A Ki nili dA n) — I was able to reach [sb-F]
hakinírekjinena — they will be overcrowded [se-P]
hakínixjį (A Ki ni Hitti) — even more than weaklings [jb-SE]
hakinixjį — very much harm [p-B]
hakinižįže — he took hold of him [ch]
hakinų́bᵉra — my brother [jb-DE, rv-A]
hakinųbᵉra — my brother [rv-A]
hakinų̆bᵉra — my brother [rv-A]
hakínų̄bᵉra — the second one [jb-DE]
hakinų̄́bᵉwira — our older brother [jb-DE]
hąkinųpahara (A Ki no l A L) — never again [r-E]
hąkinųpahara (A Ki no l A L) — not a 2ḍ time [sb-BT]
hąkioix’įgipérezeniną — he didn’t know what it was to get tired [rw-W]
hakip’ínokše — I’m not able to [rt-T]
hakipa (A KAi lA) — face to face; to face [ki]
hakipágax — I am enrolled (in a tribe) [mn]
hakipágax — I have my picture taken; I draw a self-portrait [we]
hakipánų — I race, compete [we]
hakipasą — prejudice against [m]
hakipáža — I wipe myself [mn]
hakipaže — to strike against [m]
hakípeášira — she is waiting for me [jw-B]
hakipérekjane — they are to wait for one another [rv-F]
hąkiperezᵉnįgi (A Ki leAe Le rini Ki) (< hąke-hiperes-nį-gi ) — he could not understand [jc-T]
hąkī́pērĕzᵉnī́žĕ (< háke-hiperesnìje) — she does not know [jb-HS]
hąkipereznįgi (A Ki leAe Le rini Ki) — if they do not know [r-HO]
hąkipereznįže (A Ki leAe Le rini de) — but he did not know it [l-MS]
hakípįną — I love myself [ha]
hakipįnagųnį (A Ki liAi n Ko ni) — I must do [r-BS]
hakípįnį (A Ki liAi ni) — I have not done [r-TW3]
hakipsínc šána — I whip myself [g-H]
hakípsínc wíra — we whip each other [g-H]
hakirá (A KAi L) — to argue, tease back, to somehow challenge [ki, hl]
hakirá — to compete against, to compete with someone, to try to out-do someone, to talk back to someone [hl]
hakira (A KAi L) — to fight [ki]
hakirác — to appoint oneself [hl]
hakirác (A KAi Ltt) — to name or assign to oneself [ki, hl]
hakíraki — when they got to it [sb-VF]
hakirakjanahegiži (A Ki L Ktt n Ae Ki di) — he was about to combat, so [r-O]
hakirakjanihawiže (A Ki L Ktt ni A wi de) — they were to game with [l-SM]
hakirana — he rose up [b-G]
hakiránañga — he fought with him [h-TG]
hakiranikjanaheže (A Ki L ni Ktt n Ae de) — we are not going over [l-TS]
hąkirapérezeni — you did not know [jb-DC]
hakirare (A Ki L Le) — fight with him (imperative) [sb-L]
hakiraxgap (A KAi L HKAl) — birds having sexual intercourse; stuck on one another [ki]
hakiráxjak (A KAi L HttK) — to bite oneself (as on the lip or tongue) [ki, hl]
hakiraže (A Ki L de) — he tackled him [l-O]
hakíreka — when they got back [sb-H]
hakiréną — I returned [r-BD]
hakirḗną — I returned [r-BD]
hakiréną — they went [jh-M]
hakires’áže (A Ki Le ra de) — they would bring home [jc-T]
hakíreže — they arrived [sb-D, sb-H, sb-VF]
hakireže (A Ki Le de) — they arrived home [sb-V]
hakíreže (A Ki Le de) — they got back [l-B]
hakireže (A Ki Le de) — they returned [l-N]
hakirí — (he was) back there [jb-A, jb-FF]
hakíri — at home [h-R1, h-R2]
hakī́rī — he came [jb-HS]
hakirī́ — he came back [bp-L]
hakiri (A Ki Li) — he came lower [r-HO]
hakiri (A Ki Li) — he came right back [l-P]
hakirí — he had come home [lt-F]
hakiri (A Ki Li) — he went [l-TS]
hakíri — I come back [lt-C]
hakiri (A Ki Li) — on the way [r-H]
hakiri (A Ki Li) — they came (back) [sb-V, r-D, r-Y]
hakī́rī — they came [jb-HS]
hakíri (A Ki Li) — they came back (again) [rw-W, jb-S1a, jb-SE]
hakíri — they have come back [lt-M]
hakiri — they returned home [hz-O]
hakirí (A Ki Li) — to come back, he came back [lt-TB, jb-FF, jb-SE, bp-TW, l-N, r-T]
hakiri (A Ki Li) — to come over [l-TS, r-Y]
hakirí — to start to (rain, snow, thunder, etc.), to start coming, to begin to [mn, hl]
hakirí (A Ki Li) — you are back [r-TB]
hakíri hinąbnañkšé — he ran out with (it) [jb-L]
hakíri hoikéweže — he started to come in [jb-MH2b]
hakiri’ųxjįną (A Ki Li o xitti n) — he did a grave thing [sb-F]
hakíriagigépgają — when he came in sight [jb-DC]
hakíriakaraíreną — they were returning [rv-F]
hakiriánąga — he passed them, and [jb-S1b]
hakiriánąga — passing around, and [jb-S1a]
hakiriawagį̄x — they went around (< hakiri-hawagįx, where hakiri means, “to come back” and hawagįx means, “to circle about one complete circuit, as an hour hand around the face of a clock”) [r-V]
hakíriga — when I came back [jb-WM]
hakirigáją — he comes to [jf-M]
hakirigáją (A Ki Li K tt) — when I got back [r-E]
hakirigáją (A Ki Li K tt) — when it came [l-TS]
hakirige (A Ki Li Ke) — because I had gotten back [sb-F]
hakirígi (A Ki Li Ki) — when it began [r-HO]
hakirigiži (A Ki Li Ki di) — when I have returned [sb-F]
hakírihairešgùni — they called him [rh-S]
hakirihihinąpnąkše (A Ki Li Ai Ai nl n Kede) (A Ki Li Ai nl nK deAe) — he ran out [r-D]
hakirihihinąpše (A Ki Li Ai Ai nl deAe) — he came on out [l-TS]
hakirihihinąpše (A Ki Li Ai Ai nl deAe) — he came out [sb-F, r-D]
hakirihihinąpše (A Ki Li Ai Ai nl deAe) — he went out [l-N]
hakirihinąpga (A Ki Li Ai nl lK) — he has come out [r-D]
hakirihoikeweže (A Ki Li Aoyi Ke we de) — he came back in [jc-T, l-SM, r-E, r-T]
hakirihoikeweže (A Ki Aoyi Ke we de) — he went and enterred [l-TS]
hakirihokiwes’aže (A Ki Li Ao Ki we ra de) — he would come [r-E]
hakírije — to land upon something (in an upright position), to land on one’s feet on something [hl]
hakirije (A KAi Li tte) — to land upon with the feet [ki]
hakirijewina — he made it strike [rv-G]
hakirikeregiži (A Ki Li Ke Le Ki di) — when I come back [r-D]
hakirikerekjeną (A Ki Li Ke Le Kette n) — I shall go back home [r-BB]
hakirikereną (A Ki Li Ke Le n) — I am going by [r-O]
hakirikjanahawiną (A Ki Li Ktt n A wi n) — we will return [r-T]
hakirikjanaheną (A Ki Li Ktt n Ae n) — I will come back [r-T]
hakírikjąnihèną — I will come back [h-B]
hakirikjóne — I will return [jb-B]
hakirína — I came back [rt-T]
hakiríną — I came back, returned [rv-F, h-W]
hakiríną (A Ki Li n) — I came home [r-H]
hakiríną (A Ki Li n) — I have brought home [l-SM]
hakiríną (A Ki Li n) — I have returned, come home [r-HO, r-I, r-Y]
hakiríną (A Ki Li n) — I went home [r-O]
hakiriną — I’m back [hh]
hākírinąk — I return, come on home [we]
hakírinąk — to land on top of something (to drop oneself on a chair), to land upon something, to sit on top of something [hl]
hakirínąk hī — to let or make something land on top of something, to drop something on something [hl]
hakirinąks’áže (A Ki Li nK ra de) — they would come home [jc-T]
hakirinąkšaną (A Ki Li nK dA n) — he is at home [r-I]
hakirinąkšaną (A Ki Li nK dA n) — I alighted [r-D]
hakiriną́nąk — I display a hop-hop-hopping mode of activity [we]
hakiriną́nąk — I sit around, am inactive [we]
hakirioikéwegają — when he came in [jb-MH2a]
hakírioikéweže — he came back in [jb-MH2a]
hakirioikéweže — he started to come in [jb-MH2b]
hakirira (A Ki Li L) — I came back [r-D]
hakírira — they came back [lt-TB]
hákiríra — they had come back [lt-I]
hakiríra — they had come back [lt-M]
hakírirágenigé — as they were returning [jb-D]
hakiriranąga (A Ki Li L n K) — after they had gotten home [sb-TD]
hakiriránañga — back there, and [jb-V]
hakiríranañga — they came back, and [jb-R]
hákiriránąga — when they returned [r-HD]
hakiriránañkšàwañk — you’re lying back here [h-B]
hákiríre — they came back [lt-I]
hákiríre — they had come back [lt-C]
hakiríre — they had come back [lt-I, lt-M, lt-TB, p-B]
hakiríre — who came [p-T]
hakirírega — when he returned [h-B]
hakirírega (A Ki Li Le K) — when they come home [sb-L]
hakiríregáją — they came back [rh-O]
hakiríregáją — they went back, and [hz-L]
hakiríregáją (A Ki Li Le K tt) — when they got back [l-N]
hakirīregają — when they returned [ss-HM]
hakiríregi — they came back [r-V]
hakiriregi — to return home [m]
hakiriregi — when they got back [r-WB]
hakiriregiži (A Ki Li Le Ki di) — when they got home [sb-TD]
hakíriregiži — when they returned [rv-F]
hakiriregiži (A Ki Li Le Ki di) — when they returned, got back [l-N, r-Y]
hakirirekjeną (A Ki Li Le Kette n) — they may come back [sb-L]
hakirirekježe (A Ki Li Le Ktte de) — they will be back [r-Y]
hakirireną (A Ki Li Le n) — they brought [sb-V]
hakirireną — they stood [b-LK]
hakirīrera wōracra — homecoming (modern school ritual) [hh]
hakirires’aže (A Ki Li Le ra de) — they may come [sb-TD]
hakirires’aže — they rushed back [m]
hakirires’aže (A Ki Li Le ra de) — they would always come [r-T]
hakiríres’áže (A Ki Li Le ra de) — they would bring home [jc-T]
hakiríres’áže — to come [usually] [jb-D]
hakírirešgùni — they got home [h-R1, h-R2]
hakirirešųnųną (A Ki Li Le dAo no n) — they always come back [sb-L]
hakirirešųnųną (A Ki Li Le doAo no n) — they would come home [sb-TD]
hakiríreže (A Ki Li Le de) — he came back [l-O]
hakiríreže (A Ki Li Le de) — they came (back) [rw-W, sb-L, sb-V, l-M, r-DC, r-I]
hakirireže — they came back [r-V]
hakiríreže (A Ki Li Le de) — they got home [jc-T]
hakiríreže (A Ki Li Le de) — they had come back [bp-TW]
hakiríreže (A Ki Li Le de) — they returned [l-SM, r-T]
hakirireže — they returned [ss-HM]
hakiritégi — he came and died [jc-F]
hakíriwígašge — we barely reach home [rs-S]
hakiriwiną (A Ki Li wi n) — we have come home [sb-TD]
hakiriže (A Ki Li de) — it began [jc-T, l-M, r-D, r-O]
hąkirowágįx pį́ni — you can’t get around [jb-J4]
hakirucąbiregiži (A Ki Lo ttA li Le Ki di) — as they could please themselves [r-E]
hakirúcacak — to come across someone every now and then, to criss-cross each other [hl]
hakirúcacas — to be criss-crossed, have meshed lines (3rd p only) [we]
hakirúcacas — to be crisscrossed, e.g., with brambles [mn]
hakirúcak — to get together for a rumpus [mn]
hakiruce — across each other [d]
hakiruce — to go back and front, across, frequently [m]
hakiruce (A KAi Loo ttAe) — to part company [ki]
hakirúce hī — to go back and forth (across somewhere), to walk in a criss-cross pattern [hl]
hakirucece (A KAi Loo ttAe ttAe — criss cross [ki]
hakirúcece — to go back and forth (continuously) [hl]
hakirúcgus jį̄́ — to coincide with; to be even in length [mn]
hakíruek’-iánąga — it was mixed with it, and [jb-G]
hakirújik — to pull something, to pull something towards oneself, to tug [we, hl]
hakirújik — to retain [we]
hakirújik (A Ki Lo ttiKi) — to stretch [l-SM, we]
hakirúką (A KAi Loo KAn) — to cover oneself [mn, ki, hl]
hakirúką — to cover up for oneself [hl]
hakírukją — they bent together [jb-MR]
hakirúkos — to be involved in a lawsuit (of two or more people) [we]
hakirúkos — to exercise self-restraint [we]
hakirúkos — to hold one’s self, to hug oneself [we, hl]
hakirúkos — to hold onto each other [we]
hakirukox (A KAi Loo KAoH) — to take a shower [ki]
hakirupóna — I mix [jb-CM]
hakirústą (A KAi Loo rtAn) — to go to sleep (applies to limbs) [cf. hakurustą́] [ki, hl]
hakirúšąną — one left over, the one odd one [we]
hakirušgišgi (A KAi Loo dKAi dKAi — rolling, as hills [ki]
hakirúxaraxára — to be in layers or series; to be leafy [mn]
hakisagira(ni)ną — to be unconscious, to beat unconscious [m]
hąkisgéra — not to accomplish [jb-MR]
hakísik — I play some active game involving something that is swung: lacrosse, women’s shinny game, tennis, hockey, baseball [mn]
hakisų́ (ha-ke-soon [j]) — braid [j]
hakísų — braiding [mck]
hākísų — I braid (hair) [mn]
hakisų́ (A KAi rroon) — to braid (hair) [mn, ki, hl]
hakíšák — to beat unconscious [ss-WI]
hañkíšawínigi — if you don’t say it [jb-D]
hakišip — I break loose of [m]
hakišip — I get myself loose [m]
hakišípšaną — I got away [h-C]
hakiširiginįpgi (A Ki diAi Li Ki nili liKi) — it came together [l-MT]
hakiširiginįpgi — to close, join [cf. širi, to squeeze; ginįp] [m]
hakiširijįpgi — to come together [cf. jįp, to apply pressure] [m]
hakíšjągàją — I have harmed myself [rv-A]
hakišjanąga — to meet [m]
hakišjegera — together, between them [m]
hakišjegnige — it was not with any other [p-B]
hakišjék — to be shared evenly, one apiece, one of each [hl]
hakíšjek — to be shared evenly, one apiece, one of each [hl]
hakišjék — to bring together, summarize [mn]
hakišjék (A Ki detteKe) — to share [r-HO]
hakíšjek — together; to concentrate [m]
hakišjék (A Ki detteKe) — where it enters [l-TC]
hakíšjékireánąga — they were together, and [ss-WI]
hąkį́šjuwánižéži — he would not get sleepy [h-R1]
hakit’ąp (A KAi t'anl) — to jump one another, as in a fight [ki]
hakit’eją (A KAi t'e ttn) — scattered every which way [ki]
hakit’ǫbikorohoiregi — they make a war rush [cf. koroho, to go in opposite directions] [m]
hakit’ǭbirḗže — they placed it [r-V]
hakit’ųp (A KAi t'onl) — folded over upon itself [ki]
hakit’ųp — to fold something over [m]
hakit’ųpra (hah-ke-tdump-dah [j]) — to charge (in battle) [j]
hākita (Aa KAi t) — I challenged [ki]
hakiták — I quarrel [mn]
hakitak — I quarrel with [m]
hakitášip — I get myself down [g-C]
hakitáxcak — I bite myself [g-H]
hakitaxcak wína — we bite each other [g-H]
hakítažic — I am in a joking relationship with two or more persons [we]
hakį́tekjanaheną (A Ki te Ktt n Ae n) — I'm going to make myself [l-P]
hākítujik — I retain, pull, tug, stretch (double agreement) [we]
hākítuką́ — I cover myself [mn]
hākítukos — I am involved in a lawsuit (of two or more people) [we]
hākítukos — I exercise self-restraint [we]
hākítukos — I hold onto myself or onto another [we]
hakitús — I take for oneself, I adopt [mn]
hakiū́nąk’ų — while they were doing it [bp-L]
hąkíunígi — if we don’t do it [jc-F]
hakiurakaraciwigiži (A Kiyo L K L ttAi wi Ki di) — if you move back to and live [jb-P]
hakiúrešonúną — they always come back [jb-D]
hakiwágoš — they bent forwards [jb-BH]
hakiwajarehiga (A Ki w tt Le Ai K) — he would shove in a little more [r-BS]
hakiwak’a (A KAi w K'a) — to scratch oneself on [ki]
hakíwake — at each [jb-J4]
hakiwanúineže — they raced for [p-B]
hakiwares (A KAi w Ler) — to repeatedly fork and refork, as lightning [ki]
hąkiwarújwiniže — we do not eat [h-T]
hakiwasą (A KAi w rrn) — jealous rivalry over [ki]
hakiwasu — water erupts [m]
hakiwasuwųže (A Ki w roAo wo de) — they began to coil around one another [r-T]
hakiwasuwųže — to turn about actively, to turn around [m]
hakiwáš’a (A KAi w d'a) — to tickle oneself [ki, hl]
hakiwaxoro (A KAi w HAo Lo) — to peel off one's clothes [ki]
hakiwaxoro (A KAi w HAo Lo) — to rub off skin or clothing on [ki]
hakiwaxuruc (A KAi w HAoo Loott) — to inch oneself onto [ki]
hakiwáxuruc — to pull oneself along, to inch along [hl]
hakiwáxuruc — to pull oneself onto, to move something towards oneself, to pull something onto oneself [hl]
hakiwáxuruc (A KAi w HAoo Loott) — to push onto, serially [ki, hl]
hakiwehasųwųže — to turn about actively, to turn around [m]
hakiwį́ (A KAi win) — to fart, pass gas, break wind [ki, hl]
hakįwianąga (A Ki wiy n K) — we would make ourselves, and [r-T]
hakiwįke (A KAi win KAe) — farty [ki]
hakiwįké — to fart on oneself repeatedly [hl]
hakiwįkeke (A KAi win KAe KAe) — real farty [ki]
Hakiwįkekega (A KAi win KAe KAe K) — Farty, a personal name [ki]
hakiwiną (A Ki wi n) — we went back [sb-L]
hakįwišguninaže (A Ki wi doKo ni n de) — we would make ourselves [r-T]
hakiwúširi — crowded [cf. hakiyúširi] [hl]
hakiwuxóną — piled upon [cf. xo, to pile up] [sb-TB, m]
hakī́xa — to pass each other (once) [hl]
hakixake (A KAi HA KAe) — to pass one another, game-like [ki]
hakixebᵉnąkanąga (A Ki xele n K n K) — he came out, and [l-SM]
hakixébᵉnįną (A Ki xele ni n) — he did not come up [l-SM]
hakixébᵉnįže (A Ki xele ni de) — he did not come up [l-SM]
hakixébikjawiną (A Ki xele li Ktt wi n) — we will come up [l-SM]
hakixép (A Ki xele ) — to appear [l-SM]
hakixép (A Ki xele) — to be let out [l-SM]
hakixép (A Ki xele) — to come up [l-SM]
hakixepiregają (A Ki xele li Le K tt) — they came up again [l-SM]
hakixéte (A KAi HAe te) — to grow up with [ki, hl]
hakixgaježe (A Ki xK tte de) — he began to hoot [r-C]
hąkixgąníną (< hąké hixgąníną) — he has not moved [jb-DE]
hąkíxganìną (< hąké-hixganìną) — he did not move [jb-DE]
hakiyaxoro (A KAi j HAo Lo) — to peel off one's clothes [ki]
hakiyúširi — crowded [cf. hakiwúširi] [hl]
hakizá — I fight [m, mn]
hákizána — he fights [d]
hakizók — to sort of comb hair by hand, to run one’s fingers through one’s hair to straighten it out [hl]
hakizózok — to sort of comb hair by hand, to run one’s fingers through one’s hair to straighten it out [hl]
hąkížą (A Ki d) — no one [jc-T]
hąkížą — no one [rv-A]
hąkĭ́žą — no one else [jb-HS]
hąkižą — none [r-BF]
hąkižą (A Ki d) — not any [r-T]
hąkížą — not any [rv-A, l-P]
hąkižą́ — not (any)one [jb-DC, jb-WM]
hąkižą (A Ki d) — not one [jb-P, r-Y]
hąkížą — not one [r-P]
hąkī́žą — nothing [jb-HS]
hakíža — with him [jh-M, h-R2]
hą̄kížą ... -nį — nobody, no one [hl]
hakižákjanihéną — I shall marry [rv-F]
hakižarakérekjanéną — you will go with him [h-R1]
hakíže — I did [jb-KX]
hąkižija (A Ki di tt) — none of them [r-D]
hakižu (A Ki do) — he was with [bp-TW]
hakížu — he with him [lt-U]
hakižu (A Ki do) — I am with [sb-HW]
hakižu — I with him [r-G]
hakižú — to be together with someone [mn, hl]
hakižu (A Ki do) — together with someone [r-Y]
hakižu (A Ki do) — with [b-LK, l-M, l-TS, bp-TW]
hakížu — with [jh, jb-KX]
hakižú — with him [h-TM, r-HD]
hakížu — with him [jh-M, jb-D]
hakižu (A Ki do) — with him [p-B, ch, jb-P, sb-TJ, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-SM, l-TS, r-D, r-E, r r-H, r-I, r-O]
hakižu — with me [b-E]
hakižu (A Ki do) — with them [r-D]
hakižu — with you [b-E]
hakižú hotá — they left them [jh-M]
hakižuagiréšge — to rush for [m]
hakįžuakiríregi — they came back with him [h-LFW]
hakížuánąga — picked him up as a companion, and [jb-WM]
hakižúgi — marry him [jh-M]
hakižúgiži (A Ki do Ki di) — I should marry [r-TB]
hakižúgiži (A Ki do Ki di) — that would give it with them [jb-SE]
hakižuiranąga (A Ki doyi L n K) — they took him with them, and [l-N]
hakižukje (A Ki do Kette) — I would marry her [r-Y]
hakižukje (A Ki do Kette) — I would marry her/him [l-TS, r-Y]
hakížukje — I’ll marry him [h-R1, h-R2]
hakižumįkanąga (A Ki do mi K n K) — she laid with her, and [l-TS]
hakižumįkše (A Ki do miKi dAe) — he laid with her [l-M, l-TS]
hakižuna — he had lived with [b-LK]
hakižúni — he marries [rv-F]
hakižunįkjanaha (A Ki do ni Ktt n A) — I am not going to marry her [l-TS]
hakižunįkjane (A Ki do ni Ktt ne) — I am not going to marry her [sb-F]
hakižura (ha-ke-sho-o-ra [j]) — companion [j]
hakižura — husband [rv-G]
hakižura — the one I’m married to [p-M]
hakížuregìži — he went with him [h-O]
hakížurèną — went with him [jh-M]
hakižúreže (A Ki do Le de) — he went with him [h-O, l-MS, l-P, r-WH]
hakížureže — he went with him [jb-D]
hakižuwaje (A Ki dow tte) — marry him [sb-F]
hakížužigíži — when he took her home [rs-S]
hakja — back (adverb), backward [cf. ja, to look] [hz-C, r-DC, m]
hakjá (A Ktt) — back [jw-B, rh-T, rg-G, rv-F, jb-FC, jb-L, jb-P, jb-SE, jh, sb-BT, sb-E, sb-L, sb-TB, sb-TJ, bp-TA, l-B, l-E, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-S, l-SM, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-HO, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-V, m]
hákja (A Ktt) — back [rv-F, jb-SE]
hākja — back [ss-HM]
hákja (A Ktt) — backwards [jb-SE]
hākjá — backwards [w-T, mn, we]
hakja — seeing [h-R1, h-R2]
hakja — some [r-BC]
hākjá — toward the rear [mn]
hākjá — towards the back [we]
hakja (A Ktt) — turned back [r-BS]
hākjá gijé — to step in behind, as in single file, to take a step back, to turn around and head back [hl]
hākjá hikaráiwįx — to turn back [mn]
hākjá horák — to say the same thing back, to repeat something someone else said, to tell a story back, to repeat a story, to relate something that was told [hl]
hakja kikurus — to become a renegade [cf. hakja, backward; kurus, to drop out; ja, to look ?] [m]
hakjá kirí — to come back [mn]
hakja- — in return [mn]
hakją́beni — to not look back [jf-J1b]
hakjąbeniáje — do not look behind [jf-J1b]
hakjaga — he saw [p-B]
hakjagererega (A Ktt Ke Le Le K) — when he puts it back again [r-D]
hakjágijegáją — afterwards he came back [jb-MR]
Hakjáguga — Coming Back, a personal name in the Deer Clan [r-DC]
hakjagúną̆ — it started back [rv-A]
Hakjagúwiñga — Coming Back Woman, a personal name in the Deer Clan [r-DC]
hakjakaranąga (A Ktt K L n K) — he went back, and [r-HO]
hakjakerera (A Ktt Ke Le L) — to go home [r-H]
hakjakiranąga — they damage [cf. jak, to look] [m]
hákją́kjąbą́kše — he looked behind [ss-WI]
hakjakjanahera (A Ktt Ktt n Ae L) — you will see [r-WH]
hákjakjé — he went to see [rt-T]
hakją́mbanįą́je — do not look back [lp-N]
hakją́mbanįšiákše — she was telling him not to look back [lp-N]
hakją́mpgają́ — he looked back and then [lp-N]
hakjanahe (A Ktt n Ae) — going to do [r-H]
hakjanahegųnį (A Ktt n Ae Ko ni) — I am going to do [r-H, r-TB]
hakjanaheną (A Ktt n Ae n) — I am about to do[l-TS]
hakjanaheną (A Ktt n Ae n) — I will be [l-TS]
hakjanaheną (A Ktt n Ae n) — I will do [bp-TC]
hakjanahera (A Ktt n Ae L) — she took it [r-Y]
Hākją́nažį́ — Kickapoo [mn]
Hakjánaži — Kickapoo, "Stand Back" [mck]
hakjaneną — I am going to bring [b-G]
hakjaneną — I am going to make [rw-W]
hakjanéną — I will do [jc-F, rv-F]
hakjanihawiną (A Ktt ni A wi n) — we will make him [r-D]
hakjánių́kše — he did not see him [rs-S]
hākją́p — to look about oneself [r-CW, mn, hl]
hākją́p — to look back [m, mn, hl]
hakjąpgają (A Kttl lK tt) — he looked back, and [l-P, r-D]
hakją́pšaną — he looked back [jh-M]
hākjārā́ — just like seeing his own [bp-L]
hakjára (A Ktt L) — to see you [h-R2, l-SM]
hakjaraíreže — they went back [jc-S]
hakjáre — he went back [p-F]
hakjaré — to go back [mn]
hakjašgųnįra (A Ktt dKo ni L) — he saw [r-C]
hakjat’ąpgúže — he jumped back [rv-F]
hákjažé — he saw him [h-O2]
hakje — and [r-B1, r-B2]
hakje (A Kette) — I do [l-SM]
hákje — towards [jh-M]
hakjéną — I will [h-T]
hákjenáwiną — he will do (it) [rh-O]
hakjéra — I shall do [sb-TB]
hakjįeja (AK Kittiye tt) — way back [jc-T]
hakjieja (AK Kittiye tt) — way behind [r-E]
hakjīĕ́jajega — the last one [jb-HS]
hakjijá — back to [rg-G]
hakjiregi (A Kitti Le Ki) — the one behind [sb-TJ]
hakjonegáją — them I will [h-B]
hakjonéguni — I must do [h-B]
hakjonèhéguni — I shall do [h-B]
hákjonéną — I would make it [bb-B]
hakjǫp — to look backwards [cf. hak, back, backwards; jąp, to look] [m]
hakjǫp’gają — he looked back [jc-S]
hakjópahi (A Kotto lA Ai) — facing backwards [jb-SE]
hā́kjṓrak — to answer someone [mn]
hā́kjṓtak — I answer someone [mn]
haknį́ — the last one, last (cp. hirágnį) [hl]
haknįxjį (A Kini xitti) — last of all [l-M]
haknųp — brother [m]
hakoájiną́ — he came after [r-TC]
hakocągnįk — for a little while [mn]
hakocą́k — for (just) a little while [jb-MR, mn]
hakocą́k (A Ko ttAK) — for a short time [sb-V, r-TB]
hakogíją — grandchild [j, mn, hl]
hākogiją — grandchildren [hh]
hakogiją — posterity [m]
hakohí — a room [cf. hokohí] [mn, hl]
hakohí — assistant [mn]
hakohi — decks [b-G]
hakohi — room (noun) [hh]
hakohi hosto — storage room [hh]
hakohí hostóija — a meeting room [mn]
hakohihi — rooms [b-G]
hakohióminąk — a living room [mn]
hakoiregiži (A Koyi Le Ki di) — when they started away [sb-L]
hakoirekjanaheže (A Koyi Le Ktt n Ae de) — they were to come home [l-N]
hakoireže (A Koyi Le de) — they came away [sb-L, r-T]
hakoireže (A Koyi Le de) — they went home [r-H]
hakonaíñkjonèną — I will marry [h-C]
hąkonįge — in vain [m]
hakonoñgrá — I married [h-C]
hakoreį́žą — sometime ago [sb-T]
hakoreíža — very long ago [su-W]
hakóreša — at once [g-C]
hakǫ́reša — at once [g-C]
hakoréža — after awhile [sb-B]
hakoréžą — after awhile [sb-D]
hakoréža — afterwards [sb-D, sb-K]
hákoréža — at one time in the remote past [rs-W]
hakoréžą — finally, at some time ahead, after awhile [sb-FF]
hakoréžą — once [sb-B]
hakoréžą — sometime [sb-B, sb-D]
hakoréža — sometime [sb-D]
hakóréžą — sometime [sb-VF]
hakóreža — sometimes [g-C]
hakoréžą — time [sb-B]
hakoréžan — sometimes [g-C]
hakoruzozok (A KAo Loo ro roK) — to sort of comb by hand [ki]
hakoté (A Ko te) — see here [r-O]
hakox — to help, to assist [m]
hąkra (A KL) (honk-dah) — ground hogs, also known as woodchucks [ge, l-M]
hakrá — on the top [sb-J6]
hakregi (A KLe Ki) (A KeLe Ki) — behind [l-P, r-D, r-FP]
hakregi (A KeLe Ki) — in back [r-J]
hakregi (A KLe Ki) — later [r-TB]
Haksagā (Hʌkse͡ágā [mck]) — the name given to the third born female [mck]
Haksagā́xōnō (Hʌk se͡agā́hōnō [mck]) — the name given to the sixth born female [mck]
Haksagáxōnōníka (Hʌk seagáhōnōníka [mck]) — the name given to the seventh born female [mck]
hąksák (hʌ̃ksák [mck]) — a carrying strap of buckskin and string that could be used to stop rain. They sat on each side of the fireplace and threw the strap, rolled up like a ball, back and forth over fire (maybe four times). This "broke up the clouds." [mck]
Haksáka (Haksᵉáka [mck]) — Third Born Girl, a female dog name in the Bear Clan [mck]
hákscakį́ri — come back again before reaching the point set out for [f]
hakscámani — to walk backwards [f]
haksiáka — female bear [f]
hą̄ksįc — yarrow [hh]
hąksįci — yarrow, milfoil (Achillea millefolium), literally, "woodchuck tail". "An infusion of this herb was used by the Winnebago to bathe swellings. For earache a wad of the leaves, also the infusion, was put into the ear." [hąk, woodchuck; sįc, tail] [gm]
Haksiga — Third Born [r-BC]
Haksīga — third daughter [hh]
Haksī́ga — third daughter [mn, hl]
Haksigá — third daughter [mn]
Haksiga xųnų — fifth daughter [hh]
Haksī́gaxų́nų — fifth daughter [hl]
haksik hu — hazelnut [hh]
haksinc — yarrow, milfoil, "woodchuck tail." Named from the appearence of the leaf. [s]
hąkš’iánigígi — when he carried him high [rt-T]
Hąkš’umįk’a — Lies upon His Stomach, a Snake Clan personal name [d-WG]
hakša (A Kd) — he smiled [sb-L]
hą̄kšák — a device for hoisting and/or carrying a load, [such] device could consist of a leather strap, leather strings, rope or cord to tie the baggage (< English "hacksack" ? [dt]) [we]
hą̄kšák (AnK dAK) — game dragging line, usually leathern [ki]
hąkšą́k (AK dAK) — pack strap, carrying stap [r-O, mn]
hąkšák wirošik (AnK dAK wi Lo dAiK) — special ornamentation [ki]
hąkšąkižą (A Kd Ki d) — a pack-strap [r-I, r-O]
hąkšąkpara (A KdK lA L) — forehead strap [trumpline] [l-SM]
hąkšąkpera (A KdK lAe L) — the front of the packing strap [l-SM]
hąkšąkra (A Kd KL) — the packing strap [sb-BT, r-O]
hakšakša (A Kd Kd) — he abuses me [l-MT]
hakšakšas’aže (A Kd Kd ra de) — she would abuse him [r-E]
hakše — I will [rv-F]
háñkši — (up) high, lofty [d, h-O]
hąkší (A Kdi) — high [b-G, sb-TJ, m]
hą́kši — high [ha]
hąkši (hā-kshe [j]) — high [j]
hąkši — high cocked [m]
hą̄kší (An KdAi) — high up [ki]
hąkší (A Kidi) — higher [sb-TJ]
hą̄kší — to be high (up) [mn, hl]
hañkší — up high [h-TM]
hakši (A Kidi) — very high [l-TC]
hąkši hitaje — royal flush (poker) [hh]
hąkšī́gi — when it was high [r-HD]
hąkšigiži (A Kidi Ki di) — high enough [r-Y]
hąkšihije (A K di Ai tte) — to raise higher [r-TB]
hąkšihiže (A Kidi Ai de) — he was high [bp-A]
hąkšíjinąkí — when it was up aways [r-HD]
hąkšíjinǫkáją — when it had risen high [rs-S]
hąkšíkjinąkí — until it was high [r-HD]
hąkšira (A Kidi L) — the high one [sb-L]
hąkšíxcįžą — a high one [sb-D]
hąkšíxjį (A Kdi xitti) (A Kidi xitti) — high up [h-R2, jc-T, l-P, r-Y]
hąkšíxjį (A Kidi xitti) — very high [sb-L, sb-TJ, r-T, r-Y]
hąkšíxjį (A Kidi xitti) — way [up] [jc-T]
hąkšíxjįgają (A Kidi xitti K tt) — when it was high up [l-TS]
hąkšíxjįpá — high up to that far [h-R2]
hąkšíxjįxjįže (A Kdi xitti xitti de) — it was very high [l-O]
hąkšixjįžą (A Kdi xitti d) — a high one [sb-L]
hąkšixjįžą (A Kidi xitti d) — a very high one [sb-L]
hąkšížą — a high one [sb-D, r-P]
hąkšižą (A Kidi d) — a high one [sb-E, sb-TD, r-TB]
hą̄kšíže (A Kidi de) — it grew up very high [l-P]
hąkšogra (harnkshograr) — portage collar [k]
háñkšunu — hañká with the oral period, used in forming the finite verb. Continued action, "is lying"; "is moving, walking, etc."; "is extending over a long surface" [cf. hañkre (t’ihañkre, etc.); yaka, k’úc’aka] [d]
hakú — I get, obtain, fetch, secure, retrieve [we]
hakú — I obtain on request (from an uncle) according to tribal custom [we]
haku-ájiną — I came after something [h-TM]
hakúcrá — I shot [sb-FF]
hakuhe (A KAoo Ae) — to live somewhere [ki]
hakúhì — to go to get [su-W]
hakuíreže — they came [sb-D]
hakukúruzik — I stretch myself [m]
hakunuhi — to be lonesome [m]
hakúnunína — I am lonesome for [h-O2]
hakununiną — to long for [m]
hakuruc — he came across [bp-L]
hakurúc — I eat my own food [we]
hakúruc — I was about to [h-W]
hakurucápgiži — when he got it [r-HD]
hakuruce — to cross, as a road [sh]
hakurue — I open [m]
hakurugąšaną (A Ko Lo Kd dA n) — I forgot and left [l-B]
hakurugǫšaną — to forget (to do something) [m]
hakuruhį́c — I worship [r-G]
hakuruhinc — I worship, I salute ritually [m]
hakurujanąga (A Ko Lo tt n K) — I eat, and [sb-L]
hakurujawiną — I cross [cf. kuru, to drop] [m]
hakurujawiną — to cross [m]
hakurujikjaną (A Ko Lo tti Ktt n) — I could eat [r-HO]
hakurujís (A Ko Lo ttiri) — only this far from home [sb-F]
hakurujisgają (A Ko Lo ttiri rK tt) — I was unable to reach [sb-F]
hakurukézi — I keep things (esp. my own) clean [we]
hakurukos (A Ko Lo Koro) — she held onto him [r-T]
hakurukosgeže (A Ko Lo Ko r Kede) — she held onto him [r-T]
hakurukosše (A Ko Lo Koro dAe) — he took hold [bp-TPN]
hakuruséną̆ — I took [rv-A]
hakurustą́ — to "go to sleep" (of a limb) [mn, hl]
hakúrustą — to go to sleep (used of limbs) [hl]
hakuruxorok (A Ko Lo xoAo LoKo) — I shall get away [sb-BT]
hakuruzózok — to sort of comb one’s hair with one’s hand, to run one’s fingers through one’s hair to straighten it out [hl]
hakute — I go after [m]
hakutegejįnį (A Ko te Ke tti ni) — as I went after it [r-D]
hakutekjanahegają (A Ko te Ktt n Ae K tt) — I will go after it [r-D]
hakutekjawiną (A Ko te Ktt wi n) — we will go after [sb-V]
hakutekjeną (A Ko te Kette n) — I will go after it [r-D]
hakuténa — I go and fetch [g-C]
hakųwą́k — I dive, duck under water [mn]
hakuwųk — I dive [m]
hakužu — to place with [m]
hakužukje — to be seized with (idea, etc.) [m]
hakwacgisiną — to cut [cf. hak; cgis, to cut] [m]
hakwacgisininą — not to cut [cf. hak; cgis, to cut] [m]
hąkwiną (AK wi n) — as I lay here [sb-HW
Ham — Ham, the son of Noah, a Hebrew mythological character [b-G]
hám té-e — today [g-C]
hám-te-e — today [g-H]
hamą́ci — I live by, near [mn]
hamącí — to live by (for a while), to live near somewhere for a while, to stay put (for a while), to set up a house and stay for a while (as for a season) [hl]
hamącí — to live by, near [mn]
hamącí (A m ttAi) — to stay put [ki]
hamą́hą — he went up [h-TM]
hamą́hą — I go against the medium (wind or water) [mn]
hamąhą́ — I go against the medium (wind or water), I go upstream [cf. hiromą́hą] [mn]
hamąhą́ — to go against the medium (wind or water) [mn]
hamąhą́ (A mn An) — to go upstream [ki]
hamą́hą — upstream [rh-T]
hamą́hąraíreže — they went upstream [rv-F]
hamaįginiánąga — they came upon, and [al]
hamaininįkjawige (A my ni ni Ktt wi Ke) — it may not come upon us [r-TW3]
hamąkaragicįkjawiną (A m K L Ki ttAi Ktt wi n) — let us live together [bp-TP]
hamąkaragicikjawiną — to live together [m]
hamą́ke — I bear, I keep in mind [mn]
hamąké — to be willing to try, to try to do something [hl]
hamąké — to bear, to keep in mind [mn]
hamąkek (A mn KAeK) — to dare to take on [ki]
hamąkenį (A m Ke ni) — to be backward [l-N]
hamąkénią́jeną — I do not hate to do it [h-R1, h-R2]
hamąkenįną (A m Ke ni n) — I don't like the idea [l-O]
hamąkenįną (A m Ke ni n) — I dread [l-TS]
hamąkenįže (A m Ke ni de) — he did not care to [sb-HW]
hamąkeže — I care to [cf. mąke, to care to] [m]
hamąkici — I live together (with somebody) [m]
hamąkicihireną (A m Ki ttiAi Le n) — they lived together [bp-TP, m]
hamani — he trampled on [jb-MR]
hamą̄́nį — I walk on top of, run over, ride over [we]
hamąnį́ — to come upon something while walking [hl]
hamani (A m ni) — to go on [r-D]
hamąnį́ (A mn ni) — to include [ki]
hamani (A m ni) — to walk [l-M, m]
hamąnį (A m ni) — to walk [r-J]
hamąnį́ — to walk on top of something, to walk over something (as a carpet or a can), to run over (as in a vehicle), to ride over [we, hl]
hamąnį́ (A mn ni) — to walk upon [ki]
hamanįhakaraíreže (A m ni A K Ly Le de) — they went walking on the water [l-M]
hamanikaragiže (A m ni K L Ki de) — he affected [l-M]
hamanínenąkše — they did not come upon him [jb-SE1]
hamaníninąkšaną — they do not roll over [jb-J4]
hamaníninąkše — they did not pass [jb-DE]
hamaníniną̀kše — they did not pass [jb-DE]
hamaninįwį̄giži — will be caused to come by you [r-BD]
hamaniwirē — walk by [r-BD]
hamaniwirēra (A m ni wi Le L) — walking by [r-TW3]
hamąnį́že (A m ni de) — he walked on [l-P]
hamąšį́nį — you (sg) walk on top of, run over, ride over [we]
hamą́xará — I slice something [mn]
hamąxara — to slice [hh]
hamąxára — to slice something [mn, hl]
hamąxárak (A m(n) HA LK) — to slice thinly [ki, hl]
hamąxerek (A m(n) HAe Lek) — to slice not too thinly [ki]
hamąxérek — to slice something [hl]
hamb — day [b-LK]
hamb — daylight [r-WB]
hamb warnira hajinja — in their season (“in their day of coming”) [b-LK]
hamb-ejipa — until the day [b-LK]
hamb-hosininegi — the cool of the day [b-G]
hąmbájaskexcį — broad daylight [lp]
hąmbara p’įñxcį́gają́? — nice day, isn’t it? [lp]
hambhakirigag’ų — it became light [r-WB]
hąmbhokahi — every day [r-WB]
hámbiže — day [g-C]
hambjornira — the first day [b-G]
hambnąka — in those days [b-LK]
hambra — the day [b-G, r-WB]
hámbra huhéna — daylight is breaking [g-C]
hambsaraj — all day [r-WB]
hámbukai (ókahi) — every day [g-C]
hamewahíjiréže — he commenced to ask [jmc-B]
hamįą́nąk — I ride on (e.g., an animal) [mn]
hamįą́nąk — I sit on [we]
hā́mīąnīą̀gᵉrā — upon whom we are sitting [jb-HS]
hamįgą́k — I lie (down) [mn]
hamį́ñgamą́ñk’a — I am lying there [lp]
hamįgwi-ánąga — we were lying (and) [sb-TM]
hamíñgwige — we lie down [jh-M]
hamį̄́k (A miKi) — I laid on [l-TS]
hamį̄́k — I lie (down) [we]
hamįk (A miKi) — I lie [l-N, m]
hamį́ñk — I lie [lp]
hamį́ñk — to lie on [lp]
hamįk (A miKi) — to lie on, to lay oneself on [r-BS, ma]
hámik mánkšena — I am lying down [g-H]
hamį́k’í — if I lie [sb-FF]
hamįke (A mi Ke) — as I am lying here [l-TC]
hamįkje (A miKi tte) — he laid on [r-BS]
hamį́kmąk’ų — as I was lying down [jc-F]
hamį́krá — I lay [sb-FF]
hamįkšaną (A miKi dA n) — I lay down [r-TB]
hamįkwišguniną (A miKi wi doKo ni n) — we will lie [r-T]
hamįkwišguninaže (A miKi wi doKo ni n de) — we will lie [r-T]
haminag-hirekjena — yielding (it shall yield) [b-G]
hamįną́ganąk’a — that which he sat on [lp-C]
hamináñgenañk’uéregi — now he was riding [jh]
hamįną́ñgiréskanąk’ų́ — while sitting on he didn’t know [lp-C]
haminagra — yielding [b-G]
hamįnąk (A mi nK) — lying [sb-F]
hamįnąk (ha-me-nak [j]) — to ride [j]
háminañk — to ride [jh]
hamįną́k — to ride on (e.g., an animal) [mn]
hamįną́k (A min nnK) — to sit on [we, ki]
hamįnąkše (A mi nK dAe) (A mi nK de) — he sat (on something) [bp-A, l-SM]
hamínogiránįkjéna — ride me [rt-T]
háminogregi — if he rides him [rt-T]
haminǫ́k — to lay [jb-F]
hamínokše — it lay [jc-S]
hamįšą́nąk — you (sg) sit on [we]
hąmp — day [b-LP, lp]
hąmp — light [lp]
hąmp — whole [lp]
hámp kísak — midday, noon ("half of day") [g-H]
hámp wíta — sun (lit., "day sun") [g-H]
hamp-eja — in the day [b-G]
hąmpgú — dawn [lp]
hąmpokastasura — ground cherry (owl's eyes) [sm-E]
hámpte-e (< hámp-te-e) — today [g-H]
hamte’e — today [sm-E]
hąmų (An moon) — go to sleep (baby talk) [ki]
hamų́ ’ų — to go to sleep (baby talk) [hl]
hán' — I (have to) say [ss-WI]
Hána — 2ḍ born son (subject) [g-H]
haną́ (An nn) — expression of pain, usually used by the elderly [mk, ki]
hána — I [g-H]
háną (A n) — I did [jb-SE, sb-FF, l-SM]
haną́ — I fall asleep [mn]
haną — I made [kf]
hana (A n) — I quit [l-N, l-TS]
haną̄́ — I sleep [we]
hana (A n) — the fur [r-TB]
haną́ — to sleep [h-R2]
hána ánąga — I did, he said [jc-F]
hana’į (A n i) — I tried [sb-F]
haná’įšunúną (A n i doAo no n) — I always tried to do [jb-SE]
hana’įwira (A n i wi L) — we tried [sb-L, l-B]
haną’įzį — I get jealous [cf. ną’į, mind][m]
haną́ą́xgųxjįą́je — I ought to have listened very well [ss-B]
hanabireže (A nl li Le de) — they roved around [sb-TD]
hanąbwį́ — we (exclusive) swim [z]
haną́c — (with) all [g-H]
haną̄́c — all [jb-DE, bp-L, mn, ki, hi]
hanąc — all [k, jmc-B, p-F, ch, al, jb-BH, jb-DD1, sb-H, h-W, sm-E, r-BC, r-BF, ss-HM, ss-SE, m]
haną́c (A ntt) — all [lt-C, lt-I, lt-R, lt-TB, g-C, jh-M, rv-F , jb-DE, jb-F, jb-HS, jb-K, jb-P, jb-SE, sb-B, sb-BT, sb-BW, sb-D, sb-E, sb-FF, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-T, sb-T5, sb-TJ, sb-V, hz-O, rh-T, e-B1, e-B2, h-B, h-H, h-R1, h-R2, h-T, h-TM, jc-T, bp-G, bp-L, bp-TA, bp-TB, bp-TC, bp-TO, bp-TP, bp-TPN, bp-TW, l-B, l-E, l-M, l-N, l-O, l-P, l-S, l-SM, l-TS, l-TT, rv-A, r-B2, r-BB, r-BC8, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-F, r-FP, r-HD, r-HO, r-I, r-O, r-P, r-T, r-TB, r-TW3, r-V, r-WH, r-Y, j, su-W, lp-N, ss-WS, m, w-TI, ss-F, ss-PT, fu]
haną̄́c (A ntt) — all [r-TW3]
haną̆́c — all [rv-A]
haną́c (A ntt) — all of it [bp-TC, l-MS, r-BS]
haną́c (A ntt) — all of the others [l-SM]
hanąc — all of them [ch]
haną́c (A ntt) — all of them [hz-O, jh, rv-F , sb-BT, sb-F, sb-HW, sb-T5, sb-TJ, sb-V, bp-TA, bp-TW, l-MS, l-N, l-O, l-SM, l-TC, l-TF, l-TM, r-BB, r-BC8, r-BS, r-D, r-E, r-H, r-I, r-T, r-Y, ss-F]
haną́c (A ntt) — all over [sb-L]
haną́c — all that [h-R2]
hāną́c — all these [jb-HS]
hanąc — completely [ss-HM]
haną́c — entire [lt-I, g-C]
haną́c (A ntt) — every [r-BB]
haną́c — everybody, totally, completely (cp. haną́cį) [hl]
haną́c (A ntt) (A n ttA) — everyone (of them) [jc-T, sb-L, bp-TW, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, ss-WI, hl]
hanąc — everyone [r-BC]
hanąc — everything [r-BC]
haną́c (A ntt) — everything [r-T, r-Y, hl]
haną̄c — everything [ss-HM]
haną́c — throughout [jh]
haną̄́c (A nnttt) — totally, completely [ki]
haną́c (A ntt) — whole [lt-TB, jh, sb-VF, l-E, l-M, l-P, r-BB, r-HO, r-O]
haną́c — with all [rg-G]
hanąc hikisge — flush (poker) [hh]
Haną̄c hinįkaragiwiną. — I greet you all. [hh]
hanąc kakíšjek — also [m]
hanąc kakįšjek — altogether [cf. hanąc, all; šjek, together] [m]
hanąc wažą — all things [ss-SE]
hąnąc-tąni-ąnąhiwiną (harnartshtarneeaunarheeweeno) — peace ("all have smoked") [k]
haną́c’ — all [sb-D, sb-J6, sb-T5]
hanąc’ — all of them [sb-D]
haną́c’ — everyone [sb-T5]
haną́c’ — everything [sb-T5]
hanąc’ątekjanéną — I’ll go to sleep instead [lp]
hanącą (A n ttA) — to the kick [r-Y]
hanącák — to be blocked off (e.g., a road) [mn]
haną́cakúirežè — all started to rise [sb-T5]
hanącáp — right in step with (for instance, a drumbeat) [hl]
hanącáp (A n ttAl) — to be right on step, as in dancing [ki, hl]
hanącáp — to come upon something [hl]
hanącere — to seek [m]
hanącere (A n ttAe Le) — to want a thing very much [ki]
haną̄́cį — all (cp. haną́c) [mn, hl]
haną́cį (A n ttAi) — all (of it) [lt-I, jf-M, e-B2, jb-DD1, jb-FC, jb-G, jb-MH1, jb-P, jb-P2, jb-SE, h-O, h-R1, h-R2, h-TG, l-P, l-SM, l-TS, r-P]
hanącį (A n ttAi) (A n ttiAi) — all [e-B1, p-C, p-F, sb-E, sb-HW, sb-L, sb-V, l-O, l-TC, se-P, r-D, r-H, r-T, r-Y]
haną̄́cį̄ — all [r-HD]
haną̆́cį — all [rv-A]
hanacį́ — all of it [rt-T]
haną́cį (A n ttAi) — all of them [jb-AM, jb-P, jb-SE, sb-W, l-P, r-B1, r-B2, r-P, r-TW3]
hanacį (A n ttAi) — all of them [sb-L, bp-TO, r-D, r-WH]
haną́cį (A n ttiAi) — all of these [r-TW3]
haną̄́cį (A ntt tti) — all over [r-C]
haną́cį (A n ttAi) — any [jb-P]
haną́cį (A n ttAi) — everyone [r-TW3]
haną̄́cį — everyone, everybody, totally, completely (cp. haną́c) [hl]
haną́cį́ (A n ttAi) — everything [jb-SE, hl]
haną́cį (A n ttAi) — the rest (of them) [jb-SE]
hąną̄ci — total (yahtzee) [hh]
hanacį (ha-na-chēn [j]) — universal [j]
hanąci nihihininą — to treat kindly [m]
haną́cįákerewirà (A n ttAi iy Ke Le wi L) — all tasted of it [jb-SE]
hanącihi hani — to treat kindly [m]
haną́cinxjį — all together [h-LFW]
hanacixjį — [all] the rest [r-WB]
haną́ciñxjį — absolutely all [jb-F]
hanącįxjį — absolutely all of [ss-HM]
haną́ciñxjį — absolutely everyone [jb-F]
haną́ciñxjį — all [h-TM]
hanącíñxjį — all [h-W]
hanącį́xjį — all [jb-AM, jb-K, h-T]
haną́cį̄xjį — all [jb-DE, r-HD, r-V]
hanącįxjį (A n ttAi xitti) — all [jb-G, jb-P, sb-L, sb-TB, r-T]
haną́cįxjį — all [rg-G, sb-N]
hanącį́xjį — all of it [h-R2]
haną́cįxjį (A n ttAi xitti) — all of it [jb-A, jb-P, sb-TB, jb-W]
hanącįxjį — all of it [jb-SE1, jb-SS]
hanañcíñxjį — all of them [h-W]
hanącį́xjį — all of them [jb-AM, jb-CM, jb-FC]
haną́cį̄xjį — all of them [jb-DE]
haną́ciñxjį — all of them [jb-F, h-B]
hanącíxjį — all of them [jb-MR, r-P]
haną́cįxjį (A n ttAi xitti) — all of them [rg-G, jb-A, jb-HS, jb-P, jb-SS, sb-TB, l-P]
haną́cįxjį́ (A n ttAi Hitti) — all of you [jb-SE]
hanącį́xjį — all that existed [jb-AM]
haną́cį̄xjį — all that existed [jb-DE]
hanącįxjį — entire [jb-E]
hanącį̄́xjį̄ — entirely [jb-PM]
haną́cį̄xjį — every [jb-DE]
haną́cįxjį (A n ttAi xitti) — every one of them ("everything imaginable") [jb-FC, jb-P, r-S]
hanącį́xjį — every one of them [jb-MR]
haną́cīxjį — every one of them [r-HD]
hanącį́xjį — every part of her [jb-MR]
hanącíñxjį — everyone [jb-F]
haną́cį̄xjį — everyone [r-HD]
haną́cixjį — everyone [ss-WI]
haną́cįxjį — everything [jb-DD1, sb-N]
hanącįxjį — everything [jf-J1a, jb-DD1, jb-SS]
hanącį̄́xjį̄ — the whole [jb-PM]
hanąckarawira (A n ttK L wi L) — go look for it [r-D]
hanacpi (han-nach-pee) — universe [tu]
haną́cšį (A ntt diAi) — all of them [l-SM]
Hánaga — 2ḍ born son (oblique declension) [g-H]
hánaga — after [g-H]
hanąga (A n K) — and [hz-L, jb-P, r-TW3, r-WB]
hánąga (A n K) — and [jb-P, sb-L]
hánañga — and then [rh-T]
hanąga (A n K) — but [jb-P]
hanąga — here [jb-G]
hanañgá — him too [h-TM]
hánąga — I did [rt-T]
hánąga — I do, and [h-R1, h-R2]
hánañga — I have [jb-B]
hanañgá — the sitting ones [lt-I]
hanągają (A n K tt) — we are [l-P]
hanágᵉra — it began [rv-A]
hanągᵉre (A n KLe) — what I am saying [r-TW3]
hąnagihįc (A n Ki Aitti) — many running [l-B]
hanaguže (A n Ko de) — all the way home [r-BB]
hanaguže (A n Ko de) — he took hold and drew him to him [sb-L]
hanągwíže — as they lay there [rv-F]
hanahą (A n A) — he grunted (?) [r-D]
hanahoginąkše (A n Ao Ki nK deAe) — it ran [l-TF]
haną́į — as I pleased [r-CL]
hąnainagixgunige — you do not believe [b-LK]
hanaį́naxgúnigi — but you didn’t listen to me [rw-W]
hanaį́raxgųgíži — if you listen to me [rv-F]
haną́įraxgųkjanéže — listen to me [rv-F]
hanaįxgu (A ny xoKo) — to listen to me [sb-TD]
hanaįxguą́je — listen to me [rv-F]
hanáįxguą́je — listen to me [rv-F]
hanaįxgunįanąga (A nyi n xKo niy n K) — if you don't listen, and [jb-P]
hanaįxguniharaja (A ny L xoKo ni A L tt) — you don't listen to me [r-TB]
hanaįxgų́re — listen [rv-F]
hánąįzìneže — they got jealous of him [h-H]
hanaj — all (of them) [r-WB]
hąnaj — all [b-LK]
haną̄́ją — I pedal, I stamp down with my foot [mn]
hanąją́ — to pedal something [lp, mn]
hanąją́ — to push [lp]
hanąją́ — to stamp down with the foot, to push (with the foot) [lp, mn, hl]
Hanąjatažirewįga — He who is Seen by All, a personal name in the Bird Clan [r-WT]
haną́jᵉra — all [r-BD]
hanąjíhi — kindness [bp-G, m]
hanąjihi — to be kind to [m]
haną́jihi hakaranį́že (A n tti Ai A K L ni de) — he cared for him [r-E]
haną́jihi hanį́ — to be protective of something, to be very careful with something [hl]
hanąjihixaniną — scrupulous [cf. nąc, heart] [m]
hanąjík — to dig one’s heels in, to refuse to do something, to refuse to go somewhere [hl]
hanąjik (A n ttiK) — to put pressure on with feet and legs, as on a foot piece of a rowing machine [ki]
hanąjík — to stretch with one’s feet [hl]
hanąjíra ’ų́ — to be easy on, to take it easy on, to do something carefully, to handle something in an easy way [hl]
hanąjįragigiànąga — stand it, and [jb-K]
hanąjiru — to loosen, let down (hair) [m]
hanajíruanâga — she let fall down loose, and [rv-F]
hanąjiruk ? — to let one’s hair down [m]
hanąjójox — to explode on [hl]
hanąjójox (A n tto ttoH) — to have explosions all around, as in being shelled by artillery [ki, hl]
hanąjox (A n ttoH) — explosion, as an M-80 (firecracker) [ki]
haną́k — I run; I run away; I play hooky from school [mn]
hą̄nak — moan [hh]
hąnák — to groan [m]
haną́k — to groan, to moan (usually in pain and while asleep) (cp. hąną́k) [hl]
hą̄ną́k — to groan, to moan (usually in pain and while asleep) [hl]
hának — we are running (dual) [g-C]
hanąk (A nK) — we have been [r-TW3]
hanąk’ex (A n K'eH) — to walk along the very edge of [ki]
hának’haji — I come running [g-C]
haną̄́k’o — I kick up debris in order to hide or obscure [we]
hanąk’ó — to kick up debris in order to hide or obscure [we]
hánañkaí-įnánañga — they tipped it over on someone, [and] [jb-H]
hanakaraxgųže (A n K L xoKo de) — he listened to him [r-D]
hanąké — because I sleep [su-W]
haną̄́kijik — I dig my heels in, plant my feet for an effort; to resist, be stubborn, struggle against something [we]
hanąkíjik — to dig one’s heels in, to plant ones’ feet for an effort, to resist, to struggle against something or someone [we, hl]
hanąkíjik (A n KAi ttiK) — to pull back, resist, as in a tug of war [ki]
hanąkíjik — to stretch something (with the feet) [hl]
hanąkijox (A n KAi ttoH) — to accidentally fire off a gun; to trip a gun-trap [ki]
hanąkíjox kį̄ — to accidentally fire off a gun, to trip a gun-trap, to explode something on oneself [hl]
hanąkíkšį — courage [mn]
hanąkíkšų (A n KAi Kodon) — to tip a thing over on oneself by foot, e.g., to tip a boat over [ki, hl]
haną́kinibináñguni — I must have fallen asleep here [jb-FF]
hanakįnįpše (A n Ki nili deAe) — he fell on top of him [r-Y]
hanąkísgabᵉną’į́neže (A n Ki rK ln i ne de) — to drown others out, they are trying [jb-SE]
hanąkíxgų (A n KAi HoKon) — to understand one another [ki, hl]
hanakixgunakšana — hearing them [b-LK]
hanąkíxgųni (A n Ki HKo ni) — they did not listen to the others [jb-SE]
hanąkixgųže (A n Ki xoKo de) — she listened (to something or someone) [sb-F, l-N, l-TS]
hanąkiži (A n Ki di) — that be [sb-HW]
hanąkjaneną (A n Ktt ne n) — I am going to sleep [bp-TA]
hanąkjáneną — I go to sleep [su-W]
hanąkje (A n Kette) — I will sleep [bp-TA]
hanáñkšaną — they would go [e-B2]
haną́kše — he groaned [rs-S]
hanąkšų́ (A nn Kodon) — to tip over on something (by foot) [ki, hl]
hanąkšųhįranąga (A n Kodo Ai L n K) — they tipped it over by foot, and [sb-HW]
haną́kšų́įreže — they tipped it on him [sb-H]
hanąkšų́įreže — they tipped it over with their feet [sb-H]
hanáñkšųwianañga — we tipped over on him, and [jb-H]
hanąkšųže (A n Kodo de) — he tipped it over [sb-L]
hanąkwianąga (A nK wiy a n K) — we are, and [l-O, r-TW3]
hanąkwiną (A nK wi n) — we are [l-O, r-D]
hanā́ną — I can do [r-A]
haną́ną (A n n) — I can do [rv-F, sb-B, jc-T]
haną́ną́ (A n n) — I slept [sb-FF, r-TB]
hanąną (A n n) — I would do [bp-TC]
hananą — to be present, remain; to sleep [m]
haną́na — you (sg.) sleep [d]
hanana’įra (A n n i L) — I am trying to sleep [jc-T]
hanąnąbesge (A nn nn le reKe) — messy, cluttered [ki]
hanánąį́na — I have been trying to sleep [jc-S]
hananaina — I try to sleep [r-WB]
hananąk — I hop [m]
hananąkšaną (A n nK dA n) — I am sleeping [l-P]
hananąkšaną (A n nK dA n) — that's why I was sleeping [l-P]
hánąną́ną — I can go to sleep [su-W]
hāną́nąp — to be messy, messed up (as a room) [mn]
hanąnąpesgera (A n n le rKe L) — it was thrown into disorder [r-TB]
hanąnasewe — you (sg.) become quiet [m]
hananą́sgap — (you are) to tramp under [r-HD]
hananásgapwiánagági — if you will tramp him under [r-HD]
hananásgapwigíži — you will help to trample him, and [r-HD]
hąnanaxgųge — she that believed [b-LK]
hananąxgų́ne — listen [rv-A]
hanąnážigíži — you are standing, and [jb-J4]
hanąnážįkjanéną — you’ll stand [jb-J4]
hánanc — all [g-H]
haną́nc — all [jb-F]
hanánc — all of it [r-B1]
haną́nc — everyone [jb-F]
haną́nc — everything [jb-F]
hanancgaísjonèną — you will be able to cut off [sb-W]
hananiną̆kšą̆ną̆ — I had not slept [rv-A]
haną̄́nįšunúną (A n ni doAo no n) — I do not sleep [l-P]
hanąnixgų (A n ni xoKo) — to listen to you [r-T]
hanąnixgų (A n ni xoKo) — to obey [r-T]
hanąníxgų̀gi — if they listened [sb-TB]
hananixguinekjaneną — I believe you [b-E]
haną́nįxgųkjanéže — I would listen to you [rv-F]
haną́nįxgųkjéže — I would listen to you [rv-F]
haną́nixgúną — I listened to you [rv-F]
hanánixgùnigi — if they have not listened [sb-TB]
haną́nj — all [jb-F]
haną́njįt’èk’jonawiže — they will kill all of us [jb-F]
hananxguwįgi — if you will obey [b-E]
haną́p — I swim [z]
hąnąp (suffix) — mess up, dirty up [ki]
hanąrác’apikcanéną — you will feel by foot [sb-J6]
hanarác’apká — you will feel underfoot [sb-J6]
hanąrák’o — you (sg) kick up debris in order to hide or obscure [we]
hanąrákijik — you (sg) dig your heels in, plant your feet for an effort; to resist, be stubborn, struggle against something [we]
hanarážįkcanahéną — you will be standing [sb-J6]
hanąregewi — field mouse [ki]
Hanąregewįga (A nn ne Ke win K) — Field Mouse, a female personal name [ki]
hanąs’ánaže (A n rA n de) — it would head them off [jb-SE]
hanąsánąkšĕ — hedged in [rv-A]
hanąsárac (A n rr Ltt) — to sneak up on [ki, hl]
hanąsárac — to tiptoe [hl]
hanąsare — close it (imperative) [hh]
haną̄́se — I shut off from doing something; I lock in; I cover [mn]
hanąsé — to cut someone off [hl]
hanąsé — to shut off from doing something, to lock something or someone in, to cover something [mn]
hanąsewe — I become quiet [m]
hanąsgábera — reincarnation [sb-TB, m]
hanásgabikjawi — we are trying to trample on [r-HD]
hanąsgabiranąga — to be overcome [m]
hanąsgaípjawigē — we'll tramp under [r-HD]
haną̄́sgap — I outmaneuver by trickery, etc. (see hanąsgáp) [mn]
hanąsgáp (A n rKl) — they tramp under [jb-SE]
hanąsgáp — to get the best of (by speech), to win one’s case in court [mn, hl]
hanąsgáp — to outmaneuver by trickery; to be so persuasive as to almost hypnotize [mn]
hanąsgáp — to outtalk someone [hl]
hanąsgap — to restore; lead back to; overcome; stamp down; prevail against [m]
hanąsgáp (A n rKAl) — to scare; bewilder into powerlessness [ki]
hanąsgapgi — I overcome [m]
hanasgápjine — the trail was there [rw-W]
hanąskáp — to get their arm, to be subdued [sb-D]
hanąsták — to step on someone’s foot, to flatten something with one’s foot (cp. nąsták) [hl]
hanąsų́ (A nn rroon) — to lay one's leg(s) upon [ki, hl]
hanąsų́ — to put one’s feet toward someone [hl]
hanasuže (A n roAo de) — to rest his legs on [r-BB]
hánąš — all [g-H]
hanąšcą́ra — he will put our power [sb-T5]
hanášųnų́ną — I usually sleep [lp, m]
hanawa’ųireže (A n w oyi Le de) — they took with them [sb-TJ]
hanąwiga (A n wi K) — when we sleep [l-O]
hanąwina — you sleep [d]
haną́wišōnúną — we would go to sleep [jb-WM]
hanaxakerenąkše (A n x Ke Le nK deAe) — it was visited very much [l-TS]
hanaxakerereže (A n x Ke Le Le de) — it was visited very much [l-TS]
hanaxánaineže — they kicked over on [jb-L]
haną̄́xgų — I listen [mn]
hanaxgu — to hear [b-LK, j]
hanąxgų́ (A n HoKon) (A n xoKo) — to hear [cf. ną̄xgų] [l-O, ki, hl]
hanąxgų́ — to listen [ma]
hanąxgų́ (A n xKo) — to listen [r-T, mn, hl]
hanąxgų́ — to obey [ma, hl]
hanąxgų́ — to understand [hl]
haną́xguą — listening [sb-TM]
hanąxgųgają (A n xoKo K tt) — (as) he listened [bp-A]
hanąxgųgają (A n xoKo K tt) — he heard it, and [r-HO]
hanaxgųgają (A n xoKo K tt) — he listened to him, and [r-BS]
hanąxguhiregają (A n xKo Ai Le K tt) — so they listened to her, and [bp-TP]
hanaxguinera — their faith [b-LK]
hąnaxguiranira — the disobedient [b-LK]
hanąxgųjege (A n xoKo tte Ke) — he was listening to him, that is why [l-TS]
hanąxgųkje (A n xoKo Kette) — we should listen [r-TB]
haną̄xgųňe — listen (imperative) [hh]
hanąxgųne (A n xKo ne) — listen to him [jb-P]
hanąxgųnįaje (A n xoKo niy tte) — do not listen [r-D]
hanąxgųnįže (A n xoKo ni de) — he did not heed [r-I]
hanąxgų́ra (A n HKo L) — if you worship them [jb-P]
haną́xgųs’ágiži — I used to hear [ss-B]
haną́xgųšųnų́ną — I used to listen [ss-B]
hanaxgųwąkše (A n xoKow Kede) — he listened to him [r-D]
hąnaxguwiaje (A n xoKo wiy tte) — listen to me [r-TB]
hanąxgų́wigają — both listened [rv-F]
hąnaxguwine — hearken (imperative) [b-G]
hanañxgų́wine — listen (imperative) [r-TC4]
hanañxgų́wine — they listened to it [r-TC4]
hanąxgų̄́wįrē — listen (imperative) [r-BF]
hanąxgų̄́wįrē — so listen (imperative) [r-BF]
haną́xgųxgi — I should have listened [ss-B]
hanąxgųže (A n xoKo de) — she listened [sb-F]
hanaxku (ha-nax-koo [j]) — to listen [j]
hanąxkų́ — to listen to, to obey [su-W]
hanązogireže — to bend down [m]
haną̄́žį — I stand on [mn]
hanąžį — to benefit by [m]
hanąžį́ (A nn din) — to stand on [mn, ki, hl]
hanąžį́ (A n di) (A nn din) — to step (up) on [l-B, ki, hl]
hanąžį hiranąkašge — they step on (someone) [m]
hanąžįną (A n di n) — I stood [r-BS]
hanąžįže (A n di de) — he stood on [r-BS]
hánega — and [g-H]
hanegi — he always carried (?) [r-WB]
hánekmúkšena — I am running [g-H]
hanexjį — early in the morning [r-WB]
hánhe — night [g-C, s]
hani (ha-ne [j]) — afar [j]
hani — basswood [sm-E]
hanį́ — bringing [sb-A]
haní — having him [lt-C]
haní — he had [lt-M, lt-TB]
haní — he had him [lt-I]
haní — he held [r-HD]
hani — he took up [bp-L]
hanį́ (A ni) — he was taken [r-FP, r-BB]
hanį́ (A ni) — I bring [r-T]
hánį — I have [lp]
hani — I have [m]
hanį́ (A ni) — I have [r-TW3, mn]
hanį́ — I own; I take along [mn]
hanį́ (A ni) — I take [r-D, m]
hanį́ (A ni) — possessing (it) [r-F, r-TB]
haní — taking? him [lt-R]
hanį́ (A ni) — they had [r-D]
hanį — they had [r-WB]
hanį́ (A ni) — they might have it [r-BB]
hanį́ (A ni) — they took [r-D]
hanı̨́ — to be taken [ss-WI]
hanį́ (A ni) — to bring [jc-T]
hanį́ (A ni) — to give [r-T]
hani (A ni) — to go [jc-T]
hani — to have [jb-MR, j, rv-A, m]
haní — to have [jf-J1a, jb-T3]
hanį́ (A ni) — to have, he has [sb-L, sb-T5, bp-TC, r-F, r-TW3, lp, hl]
hanį — to have, hold, own [kf, lp, m, mn]
hanį́ — to own [hl]
hani (ha-nee [j]) — to possess [j]
haní — to take along [jb-K]
hanį — to take along [mn]
hanį́ (A ni) — to take charge [r-T]
hanį́ (A ni) — to take, he took [r-BB, m]
haní — with it [jb-KX]
hanį́ gī — to take back (there) [hl]
haní gu — he was bringing him back [lt-R]
hanį́ gū — to bring (back towards the speaker) [hl]
hanį́ gūhé — to bring (back towards the speaker) [hl]
haní hakiríre — they brought him [lt-R, lt-TB]
hanį́ hį̄p — to tackle, to get someone or something on the ground, to grab something [hl]
hanį́ hogiwé — to take through a set route (song, story, person, etc.), to go that way carrying something [hl]
hanį́ hū — to bring with (towards the speaker) [hl]
hanį́ hūhé — to bring with (towards the speaker) [hl]
hanį́ jī — to bring wit or along [hl]
hanį́ jīną́k — to grab, to grab hold of [hl]
hanį jį̄́p — to grasp suddenly, to take hold of something suddenly, to dive after something, to grab hold of something all of a sudden [hl]
hanį́ keré — to take back with [hl]
haní kirí — he brought it back [lt-U]
haní kíri — he had brought him back (or home) [lt-R]
hanį́ kirí — to come back with [hl]
hanį́ mį̄k — to begin a task [hl]
hanį́ mį̄k — to wrestle someone to the ground [hl]
hanį́ rē — to take with [hl]
hanį́ waikéwe — I bring in [mn]
hanį́ yāhínąp — I take out [mn]
hani-ágiǧep — he brought up [jb-O]
hani-ą́girèže — he took back with him [sb-W]
hani-ągíreže — they took her [jb-S1a]
hani-ąjíną — I brought with me [h-TM]
hani-añkaraíre — then they took her home [p-B]
hani-añkaraíreną — they took him back [h-TM]
hani-áñkerekjèną — I’ll take it home with me [h-TM]
hani-anihera — that I had [rv-G]
hąni-gixebjanena — it shall bring forth to you [b-G]
hani-ó-ik’awraìreže — they took him [sb-W]
hani-wą́gagigíra — that he placed with us [jf-J1a]
hani’ųhiregi — which was carried [ch]
hani’ųhiruxurukwinįgają (A ni o Ai Lo xoAo LoKo wi ni K tt) — we will not be able to take [jc-T]
hani’ųišereną (A ni oyi de Le n) — it was to be carried [r-D]
hani’ųižą (A ni oyi d) — one to be used [r-D]
hani’ųnąks’agiži (A ni o nK ra Ki di) — he would be at it, so [r-T]
hani’ųnąks’agiži (A ni o nK ra Ki di) — they took care of it until [r-O]
haní’ųšgúni — she took care of him [rs-S]
hani’ųwi-ánąga — they took, and [h-T]
hánią kihitą́ga — they took back with them (to the tent) [g-C]
hanią’uną — together I took care of [jb-WM]
hanįáciték’ce — he took it [sb-T5]
hanią́gigikjonéną — I would have him hold it [bb-B]
hanią́gikje — I was to bring back [sb-TM]
hanią́girawiže — they were conducted [rv-F]
haniągíreže — they took her [jb-S1b]
hanįagī́reže — they took him [ss-WI]
hanįą́gu — I bring, I take out [mn]
haniąhiagúres’àže — they would pull it out [sb-TB, m]
haniąhíranąga — there they take it, and [r-HD]
haniahiregi — they brought in [b-LK]
haniąhíreną — they took him [jh]
haniahireže (A niy Ai Le de) — they had with them [l-M]
haniąhiwirašge — we took [m]
hanį́áikú — I pull out, I bring forth [hl]
haniaįku — I take from [m]
haniaireže (A ni ayi Le de) — they took along [sb-TJ]
haniaja (A niy tt) — it said [r-H]
haniąjanąk — I grab hold of [m]
haniaje (A niy tte) — he said [r-H]
hanią́jĕ — I should have done [rv-A]
hanįą́jijé — I adopt [mn]
haniąjikere — I take back immediately [cf. hanį, to have; jikere, to do suddenly] [m]
hanįą́jinąk — I grab [mn]
haniajiraniže (A niy tti L ni de) — they did not bring him [l-B]
hániąjìreną — they brought [jh]
haniáñk — they took (something) [rh-T]
hániąk’araíreže — he took it back home [sb-D]
haníak’iríreže — they brought back [sb-D]
haniak’írireže — they carried back [sb-D]
haniąka (A niy K) — the one having [r-T]
haniąkaraíreną — they took home [r-K]
haniąkareže (A niy n K Le de) — he took it [l-P]
haniákawa — I arise with [m]
hanią́kere (A niy Ke Le) — I am taking back [l-SM]
haniąkere — I take back with [cf. hanį, to have] [m]
hanią́kere — I take back with me [g-C]
haniąki — he had [jc-S]
haniañki’úną — I have brought here [r-TC4]
haniákikawa — I arise with [cf. kawa, to arise] [m]
hanįąkíreki — after he took it back [sb-D]
haníakíreže — they brought it back [sb-D]
haniąkiri — I bring back [r-G, m]
haniakiriną (A niy Ki Li n) — I have brought it back [r-D]
hániąkirìną — I’ve brought her back [h-R1, h-R2]
haniakirinaną (A niy Ki Li n n) — I bring home [r-E]
haniąkiriréną̆ — they have returned with [rv-A]
hanią́kirišanùną — I bring home [jb-KX]
haniąkiži (A niy Ki di) — he had with him, and [l-P]
hanįą́mįk — I attack on the ground [mn]
hanianąga (A niy n K) — he carried it, and [r-D]
hanianąga (A niy n K) — he had, and [r-WH]
hanianąga (A niy n K) — he took it, and [l-B, l-O, r-T]
haniánañga — he took, and [jb-B, jh]
haniánąga ([A] niy n K) — I am not and [jb-SE]
hanianąga (A niy K) — she took, and [r-Y]
hanįanąka — he had, and [sb-T5]
hanìaną́ksąną — we have it [su-W]
hanianąkšą́ną — I run away with it [su-W]
haniánąkšạ̀ną — I take it along [su-W]
hanianą́kwiną — we two had it [su-W]
haniánįga — he became a parent of [it was born to him] [rw-W]
haniąraíreną — they took along with them [m]
hanįc’ák’cànaháwiną — we would see you [sb-VF]
hanica — I have seen you [p-M]
hanica (A n[i] ttA) — to see [r-I]
hanicá — we see you [jb-FF]
hanicábirekjē — that they might get a hold of [r-V]
hanįcakje — I will see you [hh]
hanícawaìreną — they took him towards [jh]
hanicawinįge (A ni ttA wi ni Ke) — as we have not seen you [sb-L]
hanicáwira — we saw [rw-W]
hanicirekje (A ni ttAi Le Kette) — they wish to try you over [r-Y]
hanįcisáñgere — get a hold of her [h-W]
haniñgá — has him [lt]
hanįgá (< ha-hanį-ga) — I will bring it to you [jb-K]
hánįga — possessor [jc-S]
hanigają (A ni K tt) — I am now [r-D]
hanigają (A ni K tt) — I am, and [r-D]
hąnigaja — I have gotten [b-G]
hanigają (A ni K tt) — I ought to [l-TM]
hanigajeréna — I had [g-H]
hanįgakutekjeną (A ni K Ko te Kette n) — I will go after him for you [r-E]
hanįgányąk’arawiànąga — we will take him home with us, and [jb-F]
hąnigarnikjaneną — she shall bear you (children) [b-LK]
hanįgé (A ni Ke) — because he owned it [r-FP]
hanįgé (A ni Ke) — because I have [jb-SE]
hąnigi — her strength [b-G]
hanį́gi — his instrument [jb-E]
hanįgí — that belonged to him [rw-W]
haniñgí — that he had [h-B]
hanįgi — that he had [jb-K, ss-SE]
hanįgí — to arrive back with [mn]
hanigi (A ni Ki) — which he had [r-HO, r-P1, r-TW3]
hanigi (A ni Ki) — which he owned [r-BB]
hanįgi (A ni Ki) — which she had [l-P]
haniñgi rukoz — they will capture him for you [p-M]
hąniñgiaje — take with you [b-G]
hanįgiase — he ran away [al]
hanįgigi — to give [cf. gigi, to make] [m]
hanigiginą (A ni Ki Ki n) — they handed it over to him [r-FP]
hanigigira — they gave him [r-WB]
hanįgigiregają — they handed it to him, but [hz-L]
hanįgigíže — he caused him to have [lp-S]
hanigigiže (A ni Ki Ki de) — he handed him [r-T]
hanįgigiži (A ni Ki Ki di) — when she took him back [r-Y]
hanigiha — to answer, to promise, answered in affirmation [m]
hanįgijagi (A ni Ki tt Ki) — when you met him [r-TW3]
hanįginįpirega (A ni Ki ni li Le K) — the one thrown down [l-M]
hanįginįpireže (A ni Ki ni li Le de) — he was thrown down [l-M]
hanįgiruce — to get (in front) [cf. nį, to bring; ce, to cross over] [m]
hanį́girucégiži — if it passes by you [jf-J1b]
haniñgirukoziranañga — they will capture him for you, and [p-M]
haniñgirukozirekjonihe — he will be captured for you [p-M]
hanįgišíže — he told me [sb-TM]
hanįgiže — he took him to (a place) [jmc-B]
haniñgíži? — am I? [jh-M]
hanigíži — belonging to him [jf-M]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — belonging to him [r-Y]
hanigíži — he had [jb-KX]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — he has [r-T, r-Y]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — he owned, and [bp-TPN]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — if I don’t do it [r-D]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — if I have [r-T]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — in the morning [ch, l-M, l-P, r-D]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — that he had, and [r-H, r-TB]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — which he had [r-H, r-O]
hanįgiži (A ni Ki di) — which he owned, and [sb-BT, r-D]
hanį́gu — to bring; to take out [mn]
hanįgú (A ni Ko) — to go [l-O]
hanį̄́gú — to pull out, to bring forth [hl]
hanįgu — you (sg.) took from [m]
hanį̄gųahireną — they went after you [r-A]
hanįguajírekjanéną — they’ll come after you [jb-J4]
hanį́guánąga (A ni Kow n K) — he took (it), and [jc-S, r-T]
haníguanañga — he took it up, and [h-B]
haniguga (A ni Ko K) — as she brought it out [r-T]
hanį́gugáją — after he took it [jb-AM]
hanįgugają (A ni Ko K tt) — when he brought forth [sb-L]
hanigugają (A ni Ko K tt) — when he pulled it out [bp-TA]
hanį̄́gúhajiną (A ni Ko A tti n) — I came after [r-E]
hanįguną́k’a — that which he took [lp-C]
hanįgúni — I am [al]
hanį̄gŭohíaną — they went after you [r-A]
hanįgure (A ni Ko Le) — fetch it back [bp-TPN]
hanįgure (A ni Ko Le) — give it here [l-B]
hanįguže (A ni Ko de) — he brought [r-D]
hanįguže — he brought it forth [jb-BH]
hanįguže (A ni Ko de) — he brought something forth [r-T]
hanįguže (A ni Ko de) — he drew from [r-T]
hanįgúže — he took [lp-C]
hanįguže (A ni Ko de) — he took it [jb-AM, l-SM]
hanįǧakųwigiži (A ni x Kowi Ki di) — if we cry at any time [jb-P]
hanįǧérekcanére — they will make noise at you [sb-J6]
haníha — to come up for breath [m]
haniha (A ni A) — to come with [r-D, r-TW3
haniha (A ni A) — to have with them [r-D]
hanihąberajane (A ni Al L tt ne) — in the mornings [r-TB]
hanihagigikjanaheną (A ni A Ki Ki Ktt n Ae n) — I will give him [r-T]
hanihagigikjanaheną (A ni A Ki Ki Ktt n Ae n) — I will give him possession of it [r-T]
hanihahikjanhawiną (A ni A Ai Ktt n A wi n) — we will bring [r-TB]
hanihahira (A ni A Ai L) — that I took with me [r-D]
hanihahirega (A ni A Ai Le K) — they had taken over [r-T]
hanihąhiwirašge — we took [m]
hanihairekjone — that they will do [al]
hanįháirèną — they did [fu]
hanihájeną hišgé žesge hiréną — also they are the same [jh-M]
hanihajinąkše — to float up [cf. hanį, to hold] [m]
hanihakaraireže (A ni A K Ly Le de) — as they went [r-BB]
hanihakarešguni — they must have taken him along [r-WB]
hanihąkerekjanahera (A Ke Le Ktt n Ae L) — that I will take away with me [r-T]
hanihakerirege (A ni A Ki Li Le Ke) — it was brought back [jc-T]
hanihakeriregi — they brought back [r-WB]
hanihakiregiži (A ni A Ki Li Le Ki di) — they brought her there, then [bp-TPN]
hanihakirigają (A ni A Ki Li K tt) — I brought it back [r-D]
hanihakirireže (A ni A Ki Li Le de) — they brought it back [r-TB]
hanihakiriwiną (A ni A Ki Li wi n) — we have brought for ourselves [sb-TD]
hanį́hamį́k — I have something lying in my hand [mn]
hanįhamįkra (A ni A mi KL) — I grabbed hold of him [sb-L]
haniháną — he breathed upon [r-A]
haniharairešųnųną (A ni A Ly Le doAo no n) — it was ever to be taken [r-D]
haniháre — that I've been doing [al]
haniharegi (A ni A Le Ki) — when I used to be [r-D]
hanįhē — I am [we]
hanįhé — I am around (in a place); I am thus-and-so, I am that way [mn]
hanįhé (A ni Ae) — I used to [r-D]
hanįhégiži (A ni Ae Ki di) — as long as it is [l-O]
hanihegíži — I have been living [jf-J1a]
hanihekjanahawíną (A ni Ae Ktt n A wi n) — we will have to be that way [r-WH]
hanihekjaneną (A ni Ae Ktt ne n) — I will be [r-E]
hánihékjanéną — I will be gone [rs-S]
hanihekjaneną (A ni Ae Ktt ne n) — I will do [r-HO]
hanihekjaneną (A ni Ae Ktt ne n) — I will remain [r-D]
hanihekjaneną (A ni Ae Ktt ne n) — I will remain always [r-E]
hanihékjanihèže — he would be [h-R2]
hanihekjawi (A ni Ae Ktt wi) — we will do [r-TW3]
hanihekjawíną — we will be [r-DC]
hanihekjawiną (A ni Ae Ktt wi n) — we will do [l-O]
hanihekjeną (A ni Ae Ktte n) — I will do [l-O]
hanihékjonéną — I will remain [r-DC]
hanihekjōniheže — it would be [r-BD]
hanįhéną — I am doing [su-W]
hanįheną (A ni Ae n) — I was present [r-I]
hanihenųbhagiže — the 2ḍ morning [r-WB]
hanihéra — I had been [rv-A]
hanihi-nihinabra — I have brought you out [b-E]
hanihianąga (A ni Aiy n K) — he took it, then [bp-TB]
haníhigíži — when he took it there [rs-S]
hanị́higíži — when he arrived [rs-S]
hanį́higú — to pull out, to bring forth [hl]
hanihigugają — to pull out [cf. gu, to come ?] [m]
hanihigugają (A ni Ai Ko K tt) — when he pulled it out [bp-TA]
hanihiguže (A ni Ai Ko de) — he brought forth [l-O]
hanihiguže (A ni Ai Ko de) — he pulled out [bp-TA]
hanihihinapiregi (A ni Ai Ai n li Le Ki) — as they took it out [sb-TD]
hanihihinapiregiži (A ni Ai Ai n li Le Ki di) — they took it out, and [r-TB]
hanihihinapnagiže (A ni Ai Ai nl n Ki de) — he ran out with it [l-M]
hanihinap (also, hanihinop?) — to start to go out [cf. hi, to go] [m]
hanį̄́hiną́p — to take out [mn]
hanįhinąpše (A ni Ai nl deAe) — he took out [r-T]
haníhinṓbiránąga — they took it outside, and [r-HD]
haníhinóp — he took out [jb-FC]
haníhinop — they took it out [jb-D]
haníhinop — when they started to go out [jb-D]
hanihira (A ni Ai L) — she took it there [r-Y]
hanįhire — to tackle him [ch]
hanihíže — he had [jb-CLS]
hanįhogiwe (A ni Ao Ki we) — to take through a set route; song, story, person, etc. [ki]
hanihúįgigíra — he let me bring [jb-G]
hanihúįgigira — he sent by (via) me [jb-C]
hanihúnigigíniže — he did not let you bring [jb-C]
hánihúnigigíniže — he didn’t let you bring [jb-G]
hanihure (A ni Ao Le) — bring it over to me [l-B]
hanihuwanįgi (A ni Ao w ni Ki) — he did not go with it [r-TW3]
hanihuwareže (A ni Ao w Le de) — he went with it [bp-TO]
haníhuwire — bring him here [jw-B]
hanı̨́ižąįšge — one also taken [ss-WI]
hanįją́ — to be flooded over [hl]
hanįją (A ni ttn) — to flood over [ki]
hanija (A ni tt) — to see you [sb-F, r-TB]
hanijahure (A ni tt Ao Le) — catch him [r-D]
hanijai-ranikjawiną — it be not discovered thereon [b-E]
hanijairegiži (A ni tty Le Ki di) — if they saw you [r-D]
hanijakjanahawiną (A ni tt Ktt n A wi n) — he will see you [r-T]
hanijanąk — to grab hold of [m]
hanijawinaną (A ni tt wi n n) — he would see you [r-T]
hanijaxjįnekjeną (A ni tt xitti ne Kette n) — they will see your good work [jb-P]
hanije — to carry [m]
haníjegi — that he had [jb-W]
haníjegiži — he who had one [jc-F]
hanį́jeną — he had it [su-W]
hanįjéže — to inspire confidence [r-P, m]
haniji (A ni tti) — catch him [r-D]
haniji — to grab [cf. hanį, to hold; ji, to reach] [m]
hanįjíje — to adopt [mn]
hanįjíje — to grasp something or someone [hl]
haníjikéregi — jerked forward [jh-M]
hanijikereže (A ni tti Ke Le de) — he was taken under [r-O]
hanį̆jiną̄ — he brought with him [rv-A]
haníjinañgànañga — he got hold of it [h-TM]
hanijinąganąga (A ni tti n K n K) — he took hold of him, and [sb-L]
hánijinągànąga — she took him [and] [jb-MR]
hanijínañgerèže — they grabbed her [h-W]
hanįjínąk — to grab [mn]
hanį́jinañka — he seized it [jb-DD2]
hanį́jinąkàją — he snatched it, and [jb-O]
hanijinąkanąga (A ni tti n K n K) — he took hold, and [sb-TD]
hanįjínąki — he took hold of [jb-O]
hanįjínąkšē — he secured [jb-PM]
hanįjiną́kše — he took hold of [jb-O]
hanįjínąkše (A ni tti nK deAe) — to grab, take hold, of something [jc-T, bp-TB]
hánijinoganąga — he grabbed him (and) [jmc-B]
hánįjinogirā̀nąga — they grabbed, and [sb-TB]
haníjinógiregíži — who grabbed him [jb-A]
haníjinógiréže — they grabbed him [jb-A]
haníjinókše — he grabbed [jb-G]
hanįjįp — to jump upon [cf. nį, to have, bring; jįp, to appear suddenly] [m]
hanįjį́p — to take something down, to knock down, to overpower [mn]
hanįjįp (A ni ttili) — you should have caught him [r-D]
hanįk’árahas — for aid [jb-F]
hanįk’árak’u — I came after you [al]
hanįk’átažįñxcį́gają́ — I urged it upon you strongly [lp-N]
hanį́k’erekcéną — let us take back [sb-D]
hanį́k’iriže — he brought [sb-K]
haniñk’oájiną — I have come to you [sb-W]
hanįk’u — to come after you [al]
hanįk’ú hajiną — I come for you [r-G]
hanik’úhu — I came after you [al]
hanikaracikjanahawigają (A ni K L ttAi Ktt n A wi K tt) — we will of course try you over [r-Y]
hanįkarahas — help, aid [cf. has, to send ?] [m]
hanįkárajiwíną — I encourage you [rv-F]
hánikaranąga — we take with us, and [rw-W]
hanįkarašišigwiną (A ni K L diAi diAi Kiwi n) — I am very stingy with you [r-TB]
hanįkaraxaswinara (A ni K L xr wi n L) — we should have fled to you for refuge [sb-E]
hanikaražiną (A ni K L di n) — I encourage you to do [r-Y]
hánįkaražíwige — since I am encouraging you [rv-F]
hanįkáreže — he took back with him [rs-S]
hanikariže (A ni K Li de) — he brought it [l-B]
hanikáwa — to arise with [cf. hanį, to have; kawa, to arise] [m]
hanįkáwažnį — you (sg) are absent, gone [we]
haníkeracikjenàwiną — we will play/meet you again [jh-M]
hanį́keré (A ni Ke Le) — he sent them home [l-N]
hanį́keré (A ni Ke Le) — to take away back [r-Y, mn]
hanįkére — to take home [r-TC]
hanįkérekjeną — we’ll take home [rw-W]
hanikereže (A ni Ke Le de) — he took it home [r-BS]
hanįkí — his own [sb-J6]
hanįki — when he had [sb-B]
hanįkícikje — you and he shall be companions [r-S]
hanį́kįnįp — to get someone down (in fighting) [mn]
hanį́kįnįp — to throw him to the ground [ch]
hanikįnįpše (A ni Ki nili dAe) — he fell on top of him [r-Y]
hanikireže (A ni Ki Le de) — he brought [r-H]
hanįkiri — to bring back [cf.hanį, to bring; kiri, to return] [r-G, m]
hānīkī́rī — to bring back [jb-HS]
hanį́kiri-àje — bring her here to me [sb-TM]
hanįkiriga — because he brought [r-HC]
hānįkī́rīga — which he had brought [jb-HS]
hanį̆kī́rigi-’ų̆ằną̆ga — he brought it with him, and [jb-HS]
hanikirigiži (A ni Ki Li Ki di) — he brought [l-B]
hanikirigiži (A ni Ki Li Ki di) — when he brought it back [l-M]
hanįkírijiànąga — he brought and stood, and [jb-MR]
hánikirik’èreže — he went by with something [h-T]
hanikiríną — he brought [r-HC]
hanikiriniže — he did not bring [r-HC]
hanikirireže (A ni Ki Li Le de) — they brought it back [r-TB]
hanikiris’aže (A ni Ki Li ra de) — he would do very often [r-E]
hanikirišgų́nį (A ni Ki Li dKo ni) — he brought [r-C]
hanikiriže (A ni Ki Li de) — he brought (something back) [jc-T, l-B, r-E, r-WH]
hanį́kiriže — he brought [jb-MR]
hanikiriže (A ni Ki Li de) — he got [l-M, l-TM]
hanikit’ékjenihawiną — I will die with you [h-T]
hanikitakjanaheną (A ni Ki t Ktt n Ae n) — I will wrestle with you [l-O]
hanikižu (A ni Ki do) — (he is) with you [b-LK, rs-S, r-HO, r-O]
hanįkižugeži (A ni Ki do Ke di) — I am marrying you in any case [l-TS]
haniñkížuru-àgų — I would like to marry you [h-O]
haníkja — I saw you [h-R1, h-R2]
hanikjanaheną (A ni Ktt n Ae n) — I will not do it [l-TC]
hanį́kjanegà (A ni Ktt n Ae K) — he would have [l-SM]
hanį́kjanegàją — there would be [jb-MR]
hanįkjanehàwinunigè (A ni Ktt ni A wi no ni Ke) — they will not be able to initiate, but [jb-SE]
hánįkjanèną — he will possess it [jb-K]
hanikjanįhawiną (A ni Ktt ni A wi n) — we will not do it [r-D]
haníkjaníhàwįra (A ni Ktt ni A wi L) — we will have cause [jb-SE]
haníkjanihèną — I will not do [h-R1, h-R2]
hanikjawiną (A ni Ktt wi n) — we will do it [r-TW3]
hanikjege (A ni Kette Ke) — as he will have [r-BC8]
hanį̆kjĕnihéną̆ — I will not do [rv-A]
hanį̄kjéže — I do not have [r-HD]
hanikjinéna — I shall have [g-H]
hanįkjōniháwiną — we will receive [r-BF]
haniñkórani — I will keep [h-C]
hanikugają (A ni Ko K tt) — [when] he took it out [l-L]
hanikugają (A ni Ko K tt) — he brought it forth [l-M]
hanį́kuiáže — bring it back [sb-D]
hanikuže (A ni Ko de) — he brought it forth [l-TT]
hanikuže (A ni Ko de) — he brought it out [l-L]
hanimįgiránąga (A ni mi Ki L n K) — they grabbed hold of him, and [r-Y]
hanimįgiranąga — to jump upon [cf. mįk, to move] [m]
hanimiñgiránąga — to jump upon [jb-F]
hanimiñgiréže — they rushed upon [jb-F]
hanimįgireže — to rush upon ? [cf. mįk, to move] [m]
hanį́mį̄k — to attack on the ground [mn, hl]
hanį́mįk (A ni mi K) — to grab a hold of someone [r-WH, hl]
hanį́mįk — to have something lying in one’s hand [mn]
hanį́mįk — to seize someone [cf. mįk, to move] [m, hl]
hanimįkanąga (A ni mi K n K) — he jumped onto him, and [r-T]
hanímįkše (A ni miKi deAe) — he grabbed (hold of him) [sb-L, r-WH]
hanímįkše — he took to it [h-R1, h-R2]
hanĭ́ną̆ — he had [rv-A]
hanína — he, she has [g-H]
hanina — his [b-LP, jb-O]
haniną (A ni n) — I am [l-E, r-Y]
hanįną (A ni n) — I am not [l-O]
haniną (A ni n) — I did not do [jb-SE]
haniná — I had [jb-WM]
hanína — I have [g-H]
haníną — I have [sb-B, h-TM]
hanįną (A ni n) — I have not done [l-P, l-TS]
haniną (A ni n) — I have, I had [sb-L, l-SM]
haniną (A ni n) — it is [bp-TB]
hanína — mine [h-C]
hanína — my [jb-KX]
haniná — my [r-CL]
haniná — theirs [jb-I]
hanína — there [al]
haníną — to live [m]
haniná — will [rg-G]
haninagi (ha-nee-na-gi [j]) — morning [j]
hanínañgireže — he took him away [h-B]
hanínañgireže — they ran away with him [h-B]
haninañgíreže — they took him home [h-O]
hanį́ną́k (A n[i] nK) — he had [l-P]
haninąk — to run away with [cf. nąk, to run] [m]
hanínąka — he has [r-TC]
haniną́ka — they had it [su-B]
hanináñkają — I have with me [h-B]
haniną́ki — if he had [r-TC]
hanínañkį — they had him [jw-B]
haninąkiži (A ni n Ki di) — if they are holding [sb-HW]
haniną́kiži — that he had [jb-W]
haninąkiži — they had [r-V]
hanínąkiži — they had [r-V]
haninañkózireže — they arrested you [h-TM]
haniną́kšaną — I have it [jb-C]
hanį́ną́kšąną (A ni n Kd n) — they have [jb-P]
haninąkšaną — they have [r-A]
hanį̀ną́kšąną — he had it [su-W]
hanį́ną́kše (A ni nK deAe) — they had [l-P]
haniną́kšguniną — I would have [r-V]
hanínana — I would [rv-A]
haninawiáje — rush upon him [p-B]
hanináwige — take them [jb-D]
hanináxjakše — he bit you [h-T]
haninąžįrekjanahega (A ni n di Le Ktt n Ae K) — when he takes it up [r-D]
haninąžįže (A ni n di de) — he stood holding [r-T]
hanineną — they had [r-A]
haninéna — they have [g-H]
haninéną — they have [r-DC]
haníneną — they have [r-TC]
hanįnéną — to take along with [cf. re, to go] [m]
haninénešguni — they had, they did [e-B1]
hanínera — there was [jb-F]
hanínera — you would have had [rv-F]
haníneže (A ni ne de) — he had [jc-T, r-Y]
haníneže (A ni ne de) — they had [r-K, r-P, r-Y]
hanįnį (A ni ni) — not to take along [jc-T]
hanini-añkerek’jáwigi — we will take them home [jb-F]
haniniąkiriwiną — I brought you to myself [b-E]
haniniharocairekjaneną (A ni ni A Lo ttAyi Le Ktt ne n) — they will take you over, and care for you [r-J]
haninikerekjanahera (A ni ni Ke Le Ktt n Ae L) — that he will take you [r-T]
haninikerekje (A ni ni Ke Le Kette) — he will take you away with him [r-T]
haninikikjaneną (A ni ni Ki Ktt ne n) — he may give it to you [jb-P]
haninikirire — who brought you back [p-M]
haninįną (A ni ni n) — I cannot be [l-P]
haninįnąkšąną (A ni ni nK dA n) — he has not [jc-T]
haninireha — I accomplish quickly, master, overtake [we]
haninirehi — to accomplish quickly, master, overtake [we]
haninirera — you (sg) accomplish quickly, master, overtake [we]
haniniži ha’ų — to look out for one (to take care of) [cf. ‘ų, to do] [m]
haninji — to seize, attack [cf. hanį, to hold] [m]
haninopahųgi (ha-nee-nope-ah-hun-gee [j]) — day after tomorrow [j]
haninúka?ziránąga — they had taken him prisoner [jw-B]
hanio (ha-nee-o [j]) — to care, to care for [j]
hanioik’éwe — he took inside [sb-B]
hanįoikéwe — to bring in [mn]
haniókewe — he has taken him in [r-G]
haniokéwe — he takes him into [r-G]
haniokewe — to take into [cf. kewe, to enter] [m]
haniókikawa’ų̄kjanárē — who is going to arrive [jb-PM]
hanionįkewe — you (sg.) took him in [r-G]
hanioraikewe — you (sg.) take him into [r-G, m]
hanį́p — I swim [m, mn]
hanį́p — I swim [we]
hánip’émųkšàna — why I’m waiting for you [rt-T]
hanipace — to get there before he gets away [sb-BT]
hanipacnįnaže (A ni lA tt ni n de) — not to reach you in time [sb-BT]
hanipaxa rehaną — I push towards you [cf. re, to go] [m]
hanipeną́kšaną — I am waiting for you [rv-F]
hanipenąkšaną (A ni leAe nK dA n) — they are waiting for you [bp-TW]
hanipenąkše — they are waiting for you [r-BD]
hanipexjį (A ni lAe xitti) — to wait anxiously [l-SM]
hanipexjįwiną (A ni leAe xitti wi n) — we have been anxiously waiting [l-SM]
hanira (A ni L) — he had [r-BB, r-D]
hanı̨́r̨a — he took [ss-S]
hanira (A ni L) — his [l-P]
hanira (A ni L) — his brother [r-D]
haníra (A ni L) — I did not [jb-SE]
haníra — I have [hz-L]
hanira (A ni L) — it is [bp-TPN]
hanira — mine [b-LK]
hanira (A ni L) — my [hz-O, b-Lk, l-E, l-P, j]
hanira (A ni L) — take [r-T]
hanira (A ni L) — that belongs to me [r-D]
hanira (A ni L) — which he owned [r-BB]
hanira (A ni L) — which I have [r-HO]
haniraje (A ni L tte) — take with you [r-D]
hanírajèra — you were [jb-S1a, jb-S1b]
hanirakere — you (sg.) take back [m]
haniránąga — that they took along, and [jb-DE]
haniranąga (A ni L n K) — they had, and [l-S, r-F]
haniranąga (A ni L n K) — they took, and [sb-TD, r-I, r-TB]
haníranągà (A ni L n K) — they would hold, and [jb-SE]
haniranąga (A ni L n K) — you take, and [r-D]
haniranįkjanahes’are (A ni L ni Ktt n Ae ra Le) — he could not be having [r-H]
haniranįže (A ni L ni de) — they did not have [r-F]
hanirapįragiži (A ni L liAi L Ki di) — if you take the good [jb-P]
hanirare (A ni L Le) — take with you [r-D]
haniraži (A ni L di) — mine at least [sb-E]
hanirega — when he was [r-BD]
haniregają (A ni Le K tt) — they had, and [r-O]
haníregi — if they are [rv-F]
haníregi — they had [jmc-B]
hanįréhi — accomplish something quickly, to master something quickly, to overtake [hl]
hanirekjanahegi (A ni Le Ktt n Ae Ki) — if he could have [r-H]
hanirekje (A ni Le Ktte) — they could do [l-B]
hanireną (A ni Le n) — they have it [r-BS]
hanirera (A ni Le L) — that they had [sb-L, r-FP]
hanirera (A ni Le L) — to take [r-D]
hanireže (A ni Le de) — they had [l-M, r-D]
hanirukosnažinekjeną (A ni Lo Koro n di ne Kette n) — they will hold you [r-D]
hanirukosnažiranąga (A ni Lo Koro n di L n K) — they will hold you, and [r-D]
hanirusgiži (A ni Lo riKi di) — it happens to you [l-M]
hanišírikjeną (A ni diAi Li ni Kette n) — so you won't ever be stuck [jb-P]
hanišírikjeną — to be embarrassed [cf. širi, to squeeze ?] [m]
hanišjekje — you may have with you [p-F]
hanišoį́rekcanéną — they will spit on you [sb-J6]
hanišuį́rekcanéną — they will spit on you [sb-J6]
hanišųnųną (A ni doAo no n) — he usually had [l-TS, l-TT]
hanít’ą́pjiréže (A ni tal tti Le de) — he arose [l-N]
hanít’ą́pjiréže — he stood up with [jb-G]
hanitawigiži (A ni t wi Ki di) — we take it [r-T]
hanitaxjakege (A ni t xtt Ke Ke) — I might bite you [r-BS]
hanite — I bring [cf. nį, to have; re, to go] [m]
hanįtéhą — I take along with [m]
hanį̄tḗną (A ni te n) (< ha-nį̄-tḗ-ną) — you are on fire, from hatḗ, forest fire, wildfire perhaps meaning an accidental blaze, or out of control fire [l-P]
hanitera (A ni te L) — I took it anyhow [r-D]
hanitugusnįkjeną (A ni to Ko rini Ktte n) — I will not catch you [r-TB]
hanituguswinąga (A ni to Ko riwi n K) — if we hold you [r-D]
hanįwą (A ni wn) — to paddle or row a boat [ki]
haniwa’ųwąkšaną (A ni w owK dA n) — he has with him [l-E]
hanįwągágiginą (A ni w K Ki Ki n) — he placed it in our charge [jb-P]
hanįwągágigiwíną — he gave us [rv-F]
haníwagigi-ànañga — he let them have, [and] [h-B]
haniwagígirànąga (A ni w Ki Ki L n K) — they take, and [jb-SE]
hanįwagigireánąga — they took it, and [ss-S]
haniwagígiže — he gave them [r-P]
haniwagigíže — he made them to have [r-P]
haniwaikéwe — I take him into [r-G, m]
haniwaixaną (A ni wy xA n) — to take them along [cf. xana, to move about together.] [l-SM]
haniwaježe (A ni w tte de) — holding them [r-BB]
haníwąk — eight [ha]
haniwakewe — I took him in [r-G]
haníwašíra — dancing [r-HD]
haniwašìrinįkjanèną — to be caught unaware [cf. širi, to squeeze ?] [m]
haníwiánañga — take them, and [jb-D]
haníwiánąga (A ni wiy n K) — we have, and [r-TW3]
hanį́wįge (A ni wi Ke) — because we are [r-TB]
hanį́wįgejinį (A ni wi Ke tti ni) — because we are [r-TB]
haniwígi — if we had it [sb-P]
haniwihinąpše (A ni wi Ai nl deAe) — he would take them out [r-T]
hanį́wįke — you have [sb-D]
haniwíną — had me [jh-M]
haniwìną — we had it [jh-M]
haniwina — we have [r-BC]
haniwinąkiži (A ni w[i] n Ki di) — they had [r-I]
haniwira — our [b-LP]
haniwíra — we have [g-H]
hanį̄́wiže — we have [r-BF]
hanįwojį́wige (A ni wo tti wi Ke) — he dreads [l-N]
haniworucra (ha-nee-wo-rooch-ra [j]) — breakfast [j]
haniwošírinįkjanèną (A ni wo diAi Li ni Ktt ne n) — you will not be caught [jb-P]
hanixe hirekjaneną — to give the war whoop [cf. xe] [m]
hanįxjį́ — I adopt [mn]
haniñxjį — mine [h-O]
hanįxjį (A ni xitti) — my [l-P]
hanį́yąn' — < hanı̨́-hizą́-ną, he is one who has [ss-WP]
haniže (A ni de) — he carried (it) [l-TS, r-O]
haníže (A ni de) — he had [h-W, l-P, l-SM, r-E]
haníže (A ni de) — he held [r-E]
hániže — he owns it [g-H]
hąnižu — to rain [b-G]
hanį̄žú — to rain on something or someone [hl]
hánka — no! [g-H]
hąnkiwušanįkjánihàwiną (< hąnke-hiwušánįkjanihàwiną) — we will not stop [h-R1, h-R2]
hanógają — tomorrow [ha]
hą̄nógejá — tomorrow (felt as archaic) [mn]
hanoka — skin [jmc-B, rt-T]
hánǫkagíwahákjanéna — he’s going to show the skin [rt-T]
hanokeca — tomorrow [d]
hanókeca — tomorrow [ha]
hanóną — I could do [rv-F]
hanóną — it will be [jb-KX]
hanǫzógireže — they bent down [sb-N]
hanǫ́zogirèže — they bent them down [sb-N]
hanp — day [s]
Hanpcék — Monday [s]
Hanphinubanha — Tuesday [s]
Hanphisacanhan — Friday [s]
Hanphitaniho — Wednesday [s]
Hanphižobanha — Thursday [s]
hąnšarak — you (sg.) groan [m]
hantaginaj — fastings [b-LK]
hąntak — I groan [m]
hanugiwína — we are running [su-W]
hanuǧą́wįna — keep it secret [jb-T]
hanukanagre — go down [b-E]
hanųkixąwą (A no Ki xA w) — to keep it in secret [r-I]
hanųkixąwą (A no Ki xA w) — to shield you [r-D]
hanųkixąwąže (A no Ki xA w de) — she kept it from him [r-E]
hanųkížu — with you [su-W]
hanųnį́ — I am ignorant of [mn]
hanuní — I don’t know, I know nothing about, I forget [m]
hanúnige — but even then [rs-S]
hanųnįną (A no ni n) — I am lost to it [bp-TO]
hanųnįną (A no ni n) — I do not know [bp-TO]
hanųnįną (A no ni n) — I have no knowledge of [bp-TO]
hanuniną — to lose, to not know [m]
hanuraxąwąže (A no L xA w de) — you kept it a secret [r-T]
hanųsára — lightly he walked [h-O]
hánuxą — to keep secret [g-C]
hanuxawą (ha-nu-xa-wan [j]) — to conceal [j]
hanųxą́wą (A noon HAn wn) — to keep something a secret, to hide a fact from someone [ki, hl]
hanųxą́wąže (A no xA w de) — she would not tell [l-TS]
háo — yes, yes [rv-F]
haókācanena — I will do that [sm-E]
haokacanenā — make [sm-E]
haožep hušárek — arm bone (humerus) [f]
haožiphušarekera — the humerus, bone of the upper arm [cf. aožubira] [d]
háp — day [g-C]
hą́p — day [g-H, g-C, lt-F,