Hocąk Bibliography

This bibliography concentrates on non-linguistic sources. It is not exhaustive, and was collected mainly during the 1980's, partly under the auspices of Prof. John Ingham.

American Fur Company. Bound Volumes and Papers, 1827-1847 (New York: 1951). Original MSS in the New York Historical Society Library.

American Indian Songs and Dances (Record). Recorded on location by Charles Hofmann. 6-10 inch records. DISC-161.

Andros, F. "The Medicine and Surgery of the Winnebago and Dakota Indians," Journal of the American Medical Association, 1, #4 (Aug. 4, 1883): 116-118.

Anonymous. "Fur Trade in Minnesota —- 1856," Museum of the Fur Trade Quarterly, 1, #1 (1965): 9-10.

Anonymous. "Indians are Helping Themselves," Boletin Indigenista, 19 (1959): 99, 101, 103.

Anonymous. "Indian Method of Courting," The Musical Visitor, 3 (Oct. 8, 1844): 396.

Anonymous. "Medical School: Indian Fashion," Wisconsin Medical Journal, 58 (1959): 668.

Atwater, Caleb. The Writings of Caleb Atwater (Columbus: Published by the author and printed by Scott and Wright, 1833).

Baerreis, D. A. "A Note on a Winnebago Medical Technique," Wisconsin Archeologist, 34 (1953): 139-143.

Barrett, S. A. Ancient Aztalan. Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, #13 (Milwaukee: The Public Museum, 1933).

Barrow, Mark V. and Jerry D. Niswander, and Robert Fortuine. Health and Disease of American Indians North of Mexico: A Bibliography 1800-1969 (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1972).

Beal, Walter H. "The Tegarden Massacre," Palimpsest 24 (March, 1943): 82-91.

Beauchamp, W. M. "Indian Nations of the Great Lakes," American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal 17 (1895): 321-325.

Becker, David A. "Enteric parasites of Indians and Anglo-Americans, Chiefly on the Winnebago and Omaha Reservations in Nebraska," Nebraska State Medical Journal, 53 (1968): 293-296, 347-349, 380-383, 421-423.

Beckwith, H. W. "The Illinois and Indiana Indians," Fergus Historical Series 27 (1884): 138-145.
__. "The Winnebago Scare," Fergus Historical Series, 10: 47-52.

Behncke, Nile. "Winnebagoland Legends," Wisconsin Archeologist, 20, #2 (1939): 31-34.

Berg, David E.; Arden E. Larsen, and C. T. Yarington, Jr. "Association between Serum and Secretory Immunoglobins and Chronic Otitis Media in Indian Children," Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 80 (1971): 766-772.

Bergen, Fanny D. "Some Customs and Beliefs of the Winnebago Indians," The Journal of American Folk-Lore, 9 (1896): 51-54.

Bierhorst, John. The Mythology of North America, ( : Morrow, 1984?), .

Black, Mary Bartholomew. The Value System of the Winnebago Indians (Minneapolis: MA Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1958).

Black Hawk War. Numerous articles in vols. 42 and 43 of Niles Register (Baltimore).

Blaine, Martha Royce. The Ioway Indians (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1978).

Blair, Emma H. The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley. 2 vols (Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Co, 1912).

Boas, Franz. "Zur Anthropologie der nordamerikanischen Indianer," Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen (1895): 367-411.

Boilvin, Nicholas. "Letter from Nicolas Boilvin, Indian Agent, to William Eustis, Secretary of War," Wisconsin Historical Collections, 11 (1888): 247-253.
__. Report. [Addressed to] Hon. T. Hartley Crawford, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City, D. C (Danville: __, 1840).

Bolliger, Theodore P. The Wisconsin Winnebago Indians and the Mission of the Reformed Church (Cleveland: Central Publishing House, 1922).

Bolton, Herbert Eugene. Athanase de Mezieres and the Louisiana-Texas Frontier, 1768-1780 (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1914).

Bracken, Gen. Charles. "Further Strictures on Gov. Ford's History of the Black Hawk War," in Wisconsin Historical Collections, 2 (1856): . . .

Brown, Charles Edward, 1872-1946. Birchbark Tales: Animal Stories of the Wisconsin Indians (Madison: Wisconsin Folklore Society, 1941).
__, Indian Star Lore (Madison, Wisc.: State Historical Museum, 1930) 8. Informant: Oliver Lamere.
__, Lake Mendota Historical Excursion. Second Issue (Madison: Wisconsin State Historical Museum, 1926) 11.
__, Lake Mendota Indian Legends. A 6 page pamphlet (Madison, Wisc.: University of Wisconsin Press, summer session, 1927).
__, Lake Mendota, Prehistory, History and Legends (Madison: Wisconsin Archeological Society, 1933).
__, Mocassin Tales (Madison, Wisc.: State Historical Museum, 1935) 1.
__, Wigwam Tales (Madison, Wisc.: The Author, 1930) 13-14.
__, Wisconsin History: Campus Landmarks (Madison: Wisconsin State Histroical Museum, 1924).
__, ed., Wisconsin Indian Place Legends (Madison: Works Progress Administration, Wisconsin, 1936), 4-5, 10, 15-16.

Brown, Dorothy Moulding, Indian Fireside Tales: Ka Gwe Do Say ... Sunrise Walker, Wisconsin Folklore Society Booklets (Madison: 1947) 2-3, 9, 10, 36.
__, Indian Legends of Historic and Scenic Wisconsin, Wisconsin Folklore Booklets (Madison: 1947) 60.
__, "Indian Winter Legends," Wisconsin Archeologist, n. s., 22 (1941): 49-53.
__, "Legends of Wisconsin Springs," Wisconsin Archeologist, 18, #3: 79-86.
__, "Myths and Legends of Wisconsin Waterfalls," Wisconsin Archeologist, 18, #4 (1937): 111-120.
__, "Wisconsin Indian Corn Origin Myths," Wisconsin Archeologist 21, #1 (April, 1940): 22.
__, Wisconsin Indian Place-Name Legends, Wisconsin Folklore Booklets (Madison: 1947) 8-18.

Brunson, Alfred. "Memoir of Thomas Pendleton Burnett," Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin 2 (1856): 233-325.

Brymner, Douglas. "Capture of Fort McKay, Prairie du Chien, in 1834," Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin 11 (1888): 254-270.

Buck, Daniel. Indian Outbreaks (Mankato, Minn: 1904).

Buckstaff, R. N. "Painted and Incised Pottery Fragments of the Winnebagos," Wisconsin Archeologist, n. s., 22 (1941): 84-86.
__, "Serrated Shells of the Winnebago," Wisconsin Archeologist, n. s., 20 (1939): 23-28.

Bushnell, David I., Jr. "Villiages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan Tribes West of the Mississippi," Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 77 (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1922).

Carter, B. F. "The Weaving of Winnebago Bags," Wisconsin Archaeologist, 12 n. s (1933): 33-47.

Carver, Capt. Jonathan. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. 3rd Edition (1784). Reprint (Minneapolis: Ross & Haines, Inc., 1956). Originally published by the author (London: 1778).

Casselman, Arthur V. The Winnebago Finds a Friend (Philadelphia: , 1944).

Catlin, George. The George Catlin Indian Gallery in the U. S. National Museum [Smithsonian Institution], with memoir and statistics, by Thomas Donalson. [From the Smithsoninan Report for 1885] (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1887).

de Charlevoix, Francois Xavier. Journal of a Voyage to North America, tr __, ed. Louise Phelps Kellogg (__________________), vols. 1 and 2.

Chicago Historical Society. Addresses delivered at the annual meeting of the Chicago Historical Society, Nov. 19th, 1868 (Chicago: Fergus Printing co., 1877).

Chittenden, Major Hiram Martin, and Alfred Talbot Richardson, edd. Life, Letters and Travels of Father Pierre-Jean de Smet, S. J., 1801-1873. 4 vols (New York: Francis P. Harper, 1905).

Clark, Satterlee, 1816-1881. "Early Times at Fort Winnebago, and Black Hawk War Reminiscences," Wisc. State Hist. Soc. Colls. 8 (1879): 309-321.

Clark, Wiliam Leslie, and William D. Wyman. Charles Round Low Cloud: Voice of the Winnebago (River Falls: University of Wisconsin Press, 1973).

Clough, Ethel Pearl. The Winnebago Indians between 1820 and 1835 (Madison, Wisc.: B. A. thesis, Univ. of Wisc., 1907).

Clough, W. G. "Address delivered June 14, 1924 at the dedication of a monument erected by the Wau-bun Chapter, D. A. R., to mark the site of Fort Winnebago and surrender of Red Bird." (Portage, Wisc.: __, 1925?).

Collier, John. Indians of the Americas (New York: Mentor Books, 1948).

Cooper, R. L. "The Red Cedar River Variant of the Wisconsin Hopewell Culture," Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, Bulletin, 16, #2 (1933).

Cruikshank, Ernest A. "Robert Dickson, the Indian Trader," Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 12 (1892): 133-153.

Culin, Stewart. "Games of the North American Indians," 24th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1902-1903 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1907).

Curtis, Natalie. The Indians' Book: An Offering by the American Indians of Indian Lore, Musical and Narrative, to Form a Record of the Songs and Legends of Their Race (New York: Harper and Bros., 1907).

Danker, Kathleen M., and Felix White, Sr., The Hollow of Echoes (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978) 4-6.

__. Winnebago Clothing Styles. Line Drawings by Delmar Free (Macy, Neb.: Nebraska Indian Press, 1973).

Davidson, John Nelson. In Unnamed Wisconsin (Milwaukee: S. Chapman, 1895).
__. Muh-he-ka-ne-ok, A History of the Stockbridge Nation (Milwaukee: Silas Chapman, 1893).

Decorah, Spoon (d. 1889). "Narrative of Spoon Decorah. In an Interview with the Editor." Wisc. State Hist. Soc. Colls, 13 (1895): 448-462.

Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957. "Imitative Dances among the American Indians," Journal of American Folklore, 60 (1947): 73-78.
__. "Music of the Winnebago Indians," Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1927: 183-188.
__. "Peyote Among the Winnebago," Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1938).
__. "Winnebago Beliefs Concerning the Dead," American Anthropologist, 33 n. s (1931): 659-660.

Dever, Harry. "The Nicolet Myth," Michigan History, 50 (1966): 318-322.

Diamond, Stanley, ed. Culture in History: Essays in Honor of Paul Radin (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960).

Dietrich, Mark, Ho-Chunk Chiefs.

Dorsey, James Owen. "The Social Organization of the Siouan Tribes," The Journal of American Folk-Lore, 4, #14 (Jul. - Sep., 1891) and #15 (Oct. - Dec., 1891): 257-266, 331-342.
__. "A Study of Siouan Cults," 11th Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1894), 351-544.
__. "Winnebago Folk-Lore Notes," Journal of American Folk-Lore, 2, #4 (1889): 140.

Douglass, John M. The Indians in Wisconsin's History. Popular Science Handbook Series, #6 (Milwaukee: Board of Trustees, Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, May 1954).

Drake, Benjamin. The Great Indian Chief of the West, or Life and Adventures of Black Hawk (Philadelphia: H. M. Rulison, 1856).

... "Driven People ," Southern Workman, Dec., 1917.

Dunn, Jacob Piatt, 1855-1924. Massacres of the Mountains
__, True Indian Stories, with Glossary of Indiana Indian Names (Indianapolis: Sentinel Printing Co., 1908).

Eastman, Elaine Goodale. Pratt, The Red Man's Moses (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1935).

Eastman, Mary Henderson. American Aboriginal Portfolio (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 1853), 37-38.
__. Chicóra and other Regions of the Conquerors and the Conquered (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 1854), 19-23.

Ellis, Albert G. "Advent of the New York Indians into Wisconsin," Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 2 (1856): 415-449.
__, "Fifty-Four Years' Recollections of Men and Events in Wisconsin," Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 7 (1876): 207-268.

Erdman, Joyce M., Handbook of Wisconsin Indians (Madison: Governor's Commission on Human Rights, 1966).

Erodes, Richard, and Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myth and Legends, ( : Pantheon, 1984). ISBN 0-394-50796-7

Estabrook, Joseph Theodore. The Winnebago Indians, 1634-1863 (Minneapolis: MA Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1936).

"Events of the War." Correspondences with Gen. Bull (?). The Weekly Register (Niles) (Baltimore: Sept. 26, 1812), 53-58.

..". Farmers ," Red Man, Feb., 1913.

Fay, George E., ed., "Charters, Constitutions and By-laws of the Indian Tribes of North America. Part II: The Indian Tribes of Wisconsin (Great Lakes Agency)," University of Northern Colorado, Museum of Anthropology, Occasional Publications in Anthropology, Ethnology Series, 2 (Greeley, Colo.: Colorado State College, Museum of Anthropology, 1967).
__, __, "Part XIII: Midwestern Tribes." University of Northern Colorado, Museum of Anthropology, Occasional Publications in Anthropology, Ethnology Series, 14 (Greeley, Colo.: Colorado State College, Museum of Anthropology, 1972).
__, "Charters, Constitutions and By-laws of the Indian Tribes of Wisconsin," Wisconsin Indians Research Institute Journal, 3, #1 (1967): 1-124.
__. ed., "Treaties between the Winnebago Indians and the United States of America, 1816-1865," Wisconsin Indians Research Institute Journal, 2, #1 (1966): 7-49.
__. compiler. Treaties between the Winnebago Indians and the United States of America, 1817-1856, no. 1 (1816-1865). Museum of Anthropology. Occasional Publication in Anthropology, Miscellaneous Series, no. 1 (Greeley, Colo.: Colorado State College, Museum of Anthropology, 1967).

Federal Writers' Project, Wisconsin Indian Place Legends (Milwaukee, 1936), 4-17.

Feest, Christian F., Indians of Northeastern North America (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1986).

"Fifty years ago; Reminiscences of the Winnebago Indian War of 1827 " Chicago Tribune, Apr. 7, 1877.

Flagg, . The Far West: or, A Tour beyond the Mountains. 2 vols (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1838) 149. Reprinted in Thwaites (1905), v. 26.

Flannery, R. "Algonquian Indian Folklore," Journal of American Folklore, 60 (1947): 397-401.

Fletcher, Alice C., 1838-1923. "Notes on Certain Beliefs concerning Will Power among the Siouan Tribes," Proceedings of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science ( : , 1896), 1-4.
__, "Phonetic Alphabet of the Winnebago Indians," American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings, 38 (1889): 354-357.
__, "Symbolic Earth Formations of the Winnebagoes," American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings, 32 (1883): 396-397.

Flower, John Cyril. An Approach to the Psychology of Religion (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., Inc., 1927).

Forsyth, Thomas. Letters (Madison, Wisc.: Archives, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, various dates).

Friedli, Josias. The Winnebago Indian Mission at Black Rivers Falls, Wis (n. p.: Board of Home Missions of the Northwest, Central and Southeast Synods of the Reformed Church in the U. S., 1918).

Foreman, Grant. Advancing the Frontier, 1830-1860 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1935).

Fugle, Eugene. "An Extant Winnebago Pirogue in the Sioux City Public Museum," Museum News (South Dakota State University, W. H. Over Museum), 22, #1 (1961): 1-2.

Fulton, A. R. The Red Men of Iowa (Des Moines: Mills & Co., 1882), 146-162.

Funmaker, Walter W. The Bear in Winnebago Culture: A Study in Cosmology and Society (Minneapolis: MA Thesis [anthropology], University of Minnesota, 1974).

Funmaker, Walter W. The Winnebago Black Bear Subclan: a Defended Culture (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota: December, 1986 [MnU-D 86-361]) 48-49.

Furnas, Robert W. "The Second Nebraska's Campaign Against the Sioux," ed. Richard D. Rowen, Nebraska History, 44 (1963): 3-53.

Gabriel, Ralph Henry. The Pageant of America; The Lure of the Frontier, A Story of Race Conflict (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1929).

Gallaher, William H. "Up the Missouri in 1865; The Journal of Wiliam H. Gallaher," ed. James E. Moss, Missouri Historical Review, 57 (1962/3): 156-183, 261-284.

Gilmore, Melvin Randolph. "Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region," 33rd Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology, 1911-1912 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1919), 43-154.

Greenman, E. F. "Chieftainship among Michigan Indians," Michigan History Magazine, 24 (1940): 361-379.
__. "Indian Chiefs of Michigan," Michigan Historical Museum, 23, #3 (1939): 247-249.

Grignon, Augustin. "Seventy-Two Years' recollections of Wisconsin," Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 3 (1857): 195-295.

Grinnell, George Bird. The Fighting Cheyennes (New York: Charles scribner's sons, 1915). Mention of Winnebago Scouts.

Grottanelli, Cristiano. "Alternative Forms of Power: Tricksters and Others," forthcoming.

Hafen, LeRoy R. and Francis Marion Young. Fort Laramie and the Pageant of the West, 1834-1890 (Glendale, Calif: The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1938).

Hagan, William T. American Indians (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961).

Hamley, Elmer George, 1869-1942. Monopacataca (Green Lake, Wisc.: _, 1933).

Hargrett, Lester. A Bibliography of the Constitutions and Laws of the American Indians (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947).

Harkins, Arthur M., and Richard G. Woods, "Attitudes and Characteristics of Selected Wisconsin Indians," Wisconsin Indians Research Institute, Journal, 4, #1(1968): 64-130.
__, and Mary L. Zemyan, Indian Americans in Omaha and Lincoln, (Minneapolis: Univesity of Minnesota, Training Center for Community Programs, 1970).

Harmon, George Dewey. Sixty Years of Indian Affairs, Political, Economic, and Diplomatic, 1789-1850 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941).

Harrison, J. B. The Latest Studies on Indian Reservations (Philadelphia: Indian Rights Association, 1867).

Harstad, Peter T., "Disease and Sickness on the Wisconsin Frontier: Smallpox and Other Diseases," Wisconsin Magazine of History, 43 (1959): 253-263.

Haskins, Roswell W. "Legend of the Winnebagoes," Wisc. Hist. Soc. Colls., 1 (1854): 86-93.

Heard, Isaac V. D. History of the Sioux War and Massacres of 1862 and 1863 (New York: Harper and Bros., 1865).

Hebard, Grace Raymond and E. A. Brininstool. The Bozeman Trail; Historical Accounts of the Blazing of the Overland Routes into the Northwest, and the Fights with Red Cloud's Warriors. 2 vols (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1922).

Hebberd, Stephen S. History of Wisconsin under the Dominion of France (Madison, Wisc.: Midland Publishing Co., 1890), 34, 128-130.

Hexom, Charles Philip. Indian History of Winneshiek County (Decorah, Iowa: A. K. Bailey & Son, Inc., 1913).

Hieb, Jane, ed. Voices and visions: Winnebago elders speak to the children. Oral history gathered by Winnebago teens.

Hildreth, A. B. F. "A Winnebago Encampment," Palimpsest 16 (Sept., 1935): 299-302.

Hill, Edward E., compiler. Guide to the Records in the National Archives relating to American Indians (Washington: National Archives and Record Service, General Service Administration, 1981).

Hill, Elbert Ray. Tales and Trials: Children's Stories and Cultural Alienation among the Winnebago (Lincoln: Ph. D. Thesis, University of Nebraska, 1973).

Hinstale, Wilbert B. First People of Michigan (Ann Arbor: George Wahr, 1930).
__. Primitive Man in Michigan. Michigan Handbook Series I (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1925).

Hirschfelder, Arlene B.; Mary Gloyne Byler, and Michael A. Dorris. Guide to Research on North American Indians (Chicago: American Library Association, 1983).

History of Jefferson County Wisconsin (Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1879).

History of Rock County, Wisconsin (Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1879).

Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Letter to the Hon. James Buchannan [!] on the subject of the document no. 229, printed by order of the House of Representatives, Feb. 1839, on the execution of the Winnebago treaty of 1837 (St. Louis: C. Keemle, printer, 1839?).

Hodge, William. A Bibliography of Contemporary North American Indians. Selected and Partly Annotated with Study Guide (New York: Interland Publications, Inc., 1976).

Hofmann, Charles. "American Indian Music in Wisconsin, Summer 1946," Journal of American Folklore, 60 (1947): 289-293.
__. American Indian Songs and Dances (6 - 10" phonodiscs [DISC-161]). Recorded on location by Charles Hofmann. Contents: Winnebago's Friend's Song; Winnebago Buffalo Feast Dance Song; Winnebago Mocassin Game Song; Game Song of Decision to Losing Side; Winnebago Morning Song; Winnebago Love Songs (flute); Winnebago Song of the Unfaithful Women; Two Old Winnebago Medicine Songs; Old Medicine Society Song of the Initiation to the Lodge; and other non-Winnebago music.

Hoffman, Matthias M. "The Winnebago Mission: A Cause Celebre," in Mid-America, 13 (1930): 26-52.

Hollman, Frederick G., 1791-1875. Auto-biography of Fredrick G. Hollman, Settled in Platteville, Wisconsin in 1828 (Platteville, Wisc.: R. I. Dugdale, 1920?).

Horan, James D. The McKenny-Hall Portrait Gallery of American Indians (New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1972).

Horsmann, Reginald. "Wisconsin and the War of 1812," Wisconsin Magazine of History, 46, #1 (1962/3): 3-15.

Hughes, Thomas. Indian Chiefs of Southern Minnesota (Mankato, Minn.: Free Press co., 1927).

Humphreville, Capt. J. Lee. Twenty Years among our Hostile Indians (New York: Hunter and Co., ____).

Hurt, Wesley R. "Factors in the Persistence of Peyote in the Northern Plains," Plains Anthropologists, 5 (1960): 16-27.

"Indian Affairs." Extract of a letter from Gov. Harrison, dated 4 March, 1812, regarding a council with the Kickapoo, Winnebago, and Piankeshaw. The Weekly Register (Niles) (Baltimore: Sat., March 28, 1812), 69.

"Indian Claims Interstate Path Cuts Burial Ground," Portage Daily Register, Nov. 2, 1959.

"Indian Hostilities." Extracts of letters to Seš'y of War laid before Congress June 11, 1812; speech of Le Maigouis (the Trout), on May 4, 1807; extract from the speech of Red Jacket, Feb. 1810, etc., The Weekly Register (Niles) (Baltimore: Saturday, July 25, 1812), 342-344.

"Indian War." Lord Chatham's speech against employment of Indians in the war against United States; Anglo-Indian account of the battle on the Wabash. The Weekly Register (Niles) (Baltimore: Saturday, March 7, 1812), 5.

"Indian War on the Mississippi." Extract of a Letter dated Feb. 18, 1812 to "a gentleman in Washington," The Weekly Register (Niles) (Baltimore: Sat., March 28, 1812), 69.

Irwin, Mathew. Letter (Madison, Wisc.: Archives, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, July 12, 1820).

Jackson, Helen Hunt. A Century of Dishonor; A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with some of the Indian Tribes (New York: Harper and Bros, 1881).

James, . James's Account of S. H. Long's Expedition, 1819-1820 ( .) 2. 131. Reprinted in Thwaites (1905), v. 15.

Janorin, Mary W. "The Legend of Starved Rock," Peterson's Magazine 30 (Dec., 1856): 355-357.

Jenks, Albert Ernest. "The Wild Rice Gatherers of the Upper Great Lakes; A Study in American Primitive Economics," 19 th Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology, 1897-1898, Part 2 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900), 1013-1137.

Jipson, N. W. "Winnebago Villages and Chieftains." Wisconsin Archaeologist, 2 n. s (1923): 125-139.

Johnson, Elias. Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and History of the Tuscarora Indians, by Elias Johnson, a Native Tuscarora Chief (Lockport, N. Y.: Union Printing and Publishing Co., 1881).

Jones, James A. Traditions of the North American Indians: being a Second and Revised Edition of "Tales of an Indian Camp." 3 vols., (London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1830), vol. 2, 273f. The story related as being Winnebago is highly suspect.

Jones, John Alan. Winnebago Ethnology (New York: Garland, 1974).

Kappler, Charles J., compiler. Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, 4 vols (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1903-1941), vol. 2: Treaty with the Menominee, Oct. 18,1848 (9 Stat. L., 952).

Kellogg, Louise Phelps. The French Regime in Wisconsin and the Northwest (____: Cooper Square Publishers, Inc., 1968).
__. "The Removal of the Winnebago," Transactions of the Wisc. Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, 21 (1924): 23-29.
__. "The Winnebago Visit to Washington in 1828," Transactions of the Wisc. Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 29 (1935): 347-354.

Kelsey, Rayner Wickersham. Friends and the Indians, 1655-1917 (Philadelphia: The Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs, 1917).

Kimball, Solon T., and James B. Watson. Crossing Cultural Boundaries: The Anthropological Experience (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Co., 1972).

Kingsbury, George W. History of Dakota Territory. 5 vols (Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1915), vols. 1 and 2.

Kinzie, Col. John Harris (1803-1865), Notebook compiled at Prairie du Chien in 1826 (Chicago: Chicago Historical Society).

Kinsey, Juliette Augusta (Magill), 1806-1870. Wau-Bun: The "Early Day" in the North-West (Chicago: R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., 1932 [New York: Derby & Jackson, 1856]).

Kirsch, Mary Moran. "The Indians of Wisconsin," Wisconsin Blue Book, 1931: 91-112.

Koenig, Margaret W. Tuberculosis among the Nebraska Winnebago: a Social Study on an Indian Reservation (Lincoln, Neb.: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1921).

Kvelve, Rudolf. Four Winnebago Indian Melodies for Piano (New York: E. Schuberth and Co., Inc., ca. 1939).
__. Three Medicine Songs from the Winnebagos, for Violin and Piano (New York: E. Schuberth and Co., Inc., ca. 1939).

La Barre, Weston. "Primitive Psychotherapy in Native American Cultures: Peyotism and Confessions," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 43, #3 (July, 1947): 294-309.

La Flesche, Francis. "Death and Funeral Customs among the Omahas," Journal of American Folklore, 2, #4 (1889): 3-11.

Laird, Carobeth. "Intimations of Unity," The Journal of California Anthropology, 4 (1977): 50-54.

Lamere, Oliver. "The Clan Organization of the Winnebago," Nebraska State Historical Society Publications (1919): 86-94.
__. "An Interpretation of the Winnebago Language" in Capt. Don Saunders' When the Moon is a Silver Canoe, 25-27.
__. Winnebago Calendar (__: __, 1920).
__, and Paul Radin. "Descriptions of a Winnebago Funeral," American Anthropologist, N. S., 13, #3 (1911): 437-44.
__, and Harold B. Shinn. Winnebago Stories (New York, Chicago: Rand, McNally and Co., 1928).

Lamere, Joseph A. See Lenders, 1914.

Lapham, Increase A. The Antiquities of Wisconsin. Smithsonian Institution Publication No. 70, (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1852).

Larzelere, Claude S. "The Red Man in Michigan," Michigan History Magazine (Lansing), 17 (1933): 344-376.

Lass, William E. "The 'Moscow Expedition'," Minnesota History, 39 (1964/5): 227-240.
__, "The Removal from Minnesota of the Sioux and Winnebago Indians," Minnesota History 38, #8 (1963): 353-364.

Lawson, Publius Virgilius, 1853-1920.. "Habitat of the Winnebago, 1632-1832," Wisc. Hist. Soc. Proc., 54 (1906): 144-66.
__. "The Winnebago Tribe," The Wisconsin Archeologist and Transactions of the Wisconsin Archeological Society, 6, #3 (July, 1907): 77-162.
__. Winnebago Village on Doty Island (Menasha, Wisc.:, 1900).

Lee, Dorothy Sara. Native North American Music and Oral Data: A Catalogue of Sound Recordings, 1893-1976 (Blomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1979), 2, 3, 25, 28, 38, 51, 59*, 74, 87*, 88, 89(2),138, 183.

Legler, Henry Edward. Narratives of Early Wisconsin Travellers prior to 1800 (

Lenders, E. W. "Myth des ´Wah-ru-hap-ah-rah» oder des heiligen Kriegskeulenbündels," Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 46 (1914): 404-420.

Lesser, Alexander. Siouan Kinship (Dissertation Abstracts, 19 (1958/59): 208.) UM 58-2596.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. ""Four Winnebago Myths: A Structural Sketch," in Culture in History: Essays in Honor of Paul Radin. ed S. Diamond (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960).
_. From Honey to Ashes. Introduction to a Science of Mythology: 2. tr John and Doreen Weightman (New York: Harper & Row, 1973).
_. The Naked Man. Introduction to a Science of Mythology: 4. tr John and Doreen Weightman (New York: Harper & Row, 1981).
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