Hocąk Syllabic Text — Young Man Gambles Often

translated by Richard L. Dieterle

based upon separate translations by Oliver LaMère

Winnebago V, #22: 1-173   Notebook 56: 1-85   Winnebago IV, #8s: 1-23

At the top right of the first page in the syllabic text is written "#22". A little below this numeral at the center of the top of the page is written in Hocąk syllabary, Ao tti tti w Ki o Ke K, and directly below it the translation, "Young man shoots for them often". What appears to be a large superscripted numeral "1" is placed after the word "shoots", but the expected footnote is absent.

While most syllabic MSS were dictated to Sam Blowsnake, it is clear from an examination of the handwriting that he was not the stenographer for this MS. This can be seen from the fact that Blowsnake elsewhere writes the syllabic letter L, which is equivalent to our /r/, about the same size as the letter a, etc. However, in this MSS, the same syllabic letter is as tall as the syllabic letters K and A.

Stylistically, the raconteur of this story has a number of singular linguistic habits:

He makes unusually frequent use of the exclamations, hąhó (39 times) and koté (30 times) including the rare combination, hąhó koté. Also unusual is hąhó égi, "well, well."
The rare exclamation hišją́ge, "well then," is used often (five times).
The expression anąkra, "to speak, talk," which is not attested elsewhere, is used four times here.
He uses hasjinįk for the more usual hastinįk ("blueberries").
The word higí, meaning, "here, in its place," which is rare elsewhere, is used seven times here.
The word wažį́, which is not very common, is used here six times.
The word žejąga ("now, then, even"), which is not used by most authors, is used seven times.
There is a strong preference for hagoreížą over hagorežą.
It is occasionally the case in standard Hocąk stories that the subject will follow a sentence terminator (-že/še, (ša)ną), but this raconteur often puts a great deal of material in this otherwise restricted post-position.
There are also a number of nearly redundant sentences.

The style of the translation is consistent with that of Oliver LaMère.

English Translation


Winnebago V, #22: 1 —
de e e tt ttAi n Ki d nK deAe. Ao KL
Žee éja cinąkižą nąkše. Hųgra
[This] there a village it sat. The chief



deKe Ai tt nK deAe. Ao KL. ni Ktt KL.
ške hija nąkše. Hųgra nįkjąkra
also there he sat. The chief the children



Ke Le lA n no liAi wi A ni ne de. w KL. Ke Le lA ny d n K.
kerepananųpiwi haníneže. Wąkra kerepanaižą nąk
twenty he had. Of males ten sat (there were)



e Ki Ai no KL Ke Le lA ny d de. e Ki. xoo Ke L.
égi hinų́kra kerepanaižąže. Égi x’okera
and the girls ten. And the parents



da Ki Le de. ni Ktt K ni L. Lo ttt Ai Le de. e Ki da Kitti ni Ki L n K.
š’akireže. nįkjąknira rušjąhįreže. Égi š’akjįnikiranąga
they were old. The children they were done having. Then they were very old and



p. 2 —
e Ki. A Ko Leyd. di Ke. Ai to Ke niKi n K. w o ttK nK deAe.
égi hagoreižą žigé hitokenįknąka waųckanąkše.
and in the course of time again the old woman was pregnant.



A Ko Ley d. w KeKe ttAo de. te we L Ki. w Kini Ki d ttAo de.
Hagoreižą wakekcų́že. Tewéraki wąknikižącųže.
Finally, she gave birth. Unexpectedly, she gave birth to a boy.



w Ki no lL. wo xtt xitti Ai Le de. e Ki. de te Ko Ki di. A Ko Ley d.
Wąkinųpra woxjaxjįhireže. Égi žežegųgiži, hagoreižą
The second people they were very fond of him. And having been thus, in the course of time,



L. tt tti ne tt. m ni de. Ki di m dtt dA n tte Kede.
ra jajineją maniže, giži mąšjąšanajekše.
[he went] already to walk, and he was full of mischief.



e Ki. e Ki. A Ai. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi Ki dKtt Ki di. A Ke
Égi égi hahi hocįcįnįk gišgąjagiži hąké
And then to go out boys when he was able not



p. 3 —
Ki Li ni ra de. Ai tt n ra te. e Ki. A Ko Leyi d. Ko no K
kirinįs’aže. Hijanąs’aže. Égi hagoreižą Kunuga
he would not return. He would sleep over. And in the course of time [the eldest brother]



we de. Ao KL. Ai ni KL. w d y Le n.
wéže, hųgra hinįkra, "Wažą yaréną :
he said, the chief the son of, "Something I know:



Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. wy tteKe xitti wi L. te e.
hisų́gijįwira waicgexjįwira tee
my brothers, my sisters, this one



Ai rAo KiniKi Ki Ai wi L. e Ao KL
hisųknikihiwira e hųgra
our little brother, he the chief



Ae Le Ki di. e ttAi n KL Ai Lo K n Ki di.
heregíži, e cinąkra hirukąnągiži,
he should be, he the village to have charge of,



e L dL L tti Le Ki di. n xi xoAo no ni K.
e rašra raciregiži, 'Naxíxununįka,
he the name they may call him, 'Youngest Son,



p. 4 —
Ao Ki ttA liwi L. Ai Ky Le doAo no Kette n. e de.
Hųgįcábwira', higairešųnųkjeną," éže.
Our Own Chief,' they shall always call him," he said.



A Ao. liAi w L Ke n. A ntt ay Le de. e lA
"hąhó, warageną," haną́c aíreže. epa
"All right, well you mean," all they said. Since that time



de rKe Ai Ky Le de. n xi xoAo no ni K Ao Ki ttA liwi L.
žesge higaíreže. "Naxíxununįka, Hųgįcábwira,"
that way they called him. "Youngest Son, Our Own Chief,"



Ai Ky Le ra te. Ai K K ttAi L Ao n ni te. Ai K tt
higaires’aže. hįkaga cira honąnįže. higáją
they would call him. Never the lodge he would sleep. He would go back to



tt n K. ni Ke o ni Ae ra de A Ky L xitti dA n
jánąga nįgé ’unihes’aže. Hagaíraxjįšąną
as many as place he would continue. Only once in awhile



Ai tt Ki Li ra de. A Ke deKe Ao mi n Ke tt
hija kiris’aže. Hąké ške homįnąkeja
there he would return. Not also at his seat



p. 5 —
mi nK ni ra de. Ai Ko. ttAiyo Ki rA Ke tt. n di Ke Le n di Ki di.
mįnąknįs’aže. higų ciokisakeja nąžį́kere nąžįgiži
he would not sit. Now on the center lodge pole he leaned against having stood



e tt A Ki K w xiAiKi n di tt o di Ke Ai Ai nl ra de.
éja hagi kawaxik nąžįją’ų žigé hihinąps’aže.
there at lodge pole as he stood again he would go out.



A Ai. di Ke o tt o. xeAe te ni Ki di. w Ki o
Hahi žigé ’ųja’ų xetenigiži, waki’ų́
Finally, again finally (?) when he grew old enough to gamble



Ai lAe Le riKi ti. w Ki o de. tt Ko Ai Ki K xiKi di.
hiperezgiži, waki’ųže. Jagú higí kaxgiži
after he knew it, he gambled. How here what he was wearing



A ntt Ao Ai Le de. e Ki. Ai tt Ki Li de. di Ke
haną́c hohiréže. Égi hijagiriže. Žigé
all they won from him. Then he went back. Again



p. 6 —
n di Ke Le tt. A Ki K w xiAiKi Ki Li tte de. n Lo K xitti de.
nąžįkereją hagi kawaxikiriježe. Narokaxjįže.
he stood leaning on the center lodge pole. He was completely naked.



ttAo we xitti w d Ai Lo Ki Ke we tt de. A Ao.
cowéxjį wažą hirogi kewejąže. "Hąhó.
Very little thing it was tied to him as he entered. "Hąhó.



di Ke tt Ko o de. n xi xoAo no ni K.
Žigé jagú ’ųže Naxíxununįka,
Again what have you done Youngest Son,



Ao Ki ttA liwi L. ay Le de. e Ki. Ao Ai Le L. Ao K LK deAe.
Hųgįcábwira," aíreže. Égi hohirera hokárakše.
Our Own Chief," they said. Then they had won he told them.



e Ki Ko no K. w d A ni Ki di. A ntt.
Égi Kunuga wažą hanįgiži haną́c
Then Kunu things belonging to him everything



Ao Koo te. e Ki. wy ni L deKe. Ai n xitti Ao Ki w xo Ki Le de.
huk’ųže. Égi wainį́raške hinąxjį́ hogíwaǧúkireže.
he gave him. Then clothing also plenty they put on him.



p. 7 —
e Ki. di Ke de Ko xA w ni tti K L Ki ni de.
Égi žigé žegų xawanijìkara Kinįže.
Then again just he disappeared. He went back.



di Ke w Ki o L. o ni Ae de. di Ke A ntt
Žigé waki’ųra ’unihéže. Žigé haną́c
Again gambling he was. Again all



Ao Ai Le de. di Ke Ai tt Ki Ki di. Ae n K.
hohiréže. Žigé hija gigíži, Hénaga
he lost. Again there when he returned, Second Born



w d w ni Ki di. A ntt wo Koo de. wy ni deKe
wažą wanigiži haną́c wok’ųže. wainį́ške
things that he had all he gave him. Clothing also



Ki o de. di Ke Le de. tt tti ne tt. di Ke
ki’ųže. Žigé reže. Jajineją žigé
he made for him. Again he went. Already again



w Ki o L. o xitti de. A Ko Ley d. A ntt Ao Ai Le de.
waki’ųra ’ųxjįže. Hagoreižą, haną́c hohiréže.
gambling he did very much. Finally, all he lost.



p. 8 —
di Ke ttAiye tt Ki de. di Ke A K K. w d
Žigé ciejagiže, žigé Hágaga wažą
Again when at the lodge, again Third Born things



w ni Ki di. A ntt wo Koo de. wy ni deKe Ki o de.
wanigiži haną́c wok’ųže. Wainį́ške ki’ųže.
that he had all he gave him. Clothing also he made for him.



di Ke A ntt wo Ai Le de. o tti Le Ki di. Ai ni w Ai L.
Žigé haną́c wohireže. ’ųjiregiži hiniwahira
Again all they won it. ThuL, he kept on and his elder brothers



tt n K w d L A ni ne Ki di. A ntt wo Ai Le de.
jánąga wažą rahaninegiži, haną́c wohireže.
as many as things that they had, all they won it.



e Ki. di Ke. d aK w Ai L deKe w d w ni ne Ki di.
Égi žigé š’akwahiraške wažą waninegiži,
And again his parents also things that they had,



p. 9 —
A ntt wo Ai Le de. di Ke Ai noKo w tt lL
haną́c wohireže. Žigé hinųk´ wajapara
all they won it. Again women [they placed with him]



tt n K. w d L A ni ne Ki di. A ntt wo Ai Le de.
jánąga wažą rahaninegiži, haną́c wohireže.
as many as things that they had, all they won it.



A Ai K tt K. w reKe liAi niKi w ni ne Ki deKe
Hahi gająga wasgé pinįgí waninegiške,
Finally, now dishes good that they had also,



A ntt Ao Ai Le de. e Ki. de e Ai d
haną́c hohiréže. Égi žee hižą
all he lost. Then someone



to ttA m Ltt deAe. e Ki. n xi xoAo no ni K
tocą mąrájše. Égi Naxíxununįka
to go on the warpath made a date. And Youngest Son



A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. A K K ni Ke
hąké wažį́ rokana hinįže. Hágaga nįgé
not anything much he was not. Third Born anywhere



p. 10 —
Ao w K L ni de. de Ko w Ki o L. K tto too ne de.
howakaraniže. žegų waki’ųra gaju t’ųnéže.
[he would go with him.] Thus gambling [?] he abandoned.



wo Ki ro K Ao Ao de. to ttA m L ttn K
Wogizok hohože. Tocą mąrajnąka
He was really for it he was anxious. To go on the warpath the one he made a date with



Aoyi diAili l Ki do o de. e Ki. A Ko Ley d.
hoišíp kiš’ųže. Égi hagoreižą,
always he was going about with him. And finally,



K tt K. tti Ke Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. tee o L o xitti ne de.
gająga jikerekjanahegiži, t’eųra ’ųxjįneže.
now when he was ready to go, this one which they do they did much.



n xi xoAo no ni K. e Le x Lo lAo Lo KL wo Ki tti nK deAe.
Naxíxununįka e réǧarupòrokra wogijįnąkše.
Youngest Son he the oval drum beating.



Ko te. Ao Ki ttA liwi L. A Ke w di Lo K n
"Koté, Hųgįcábwira hąké waši rokana
"Say, Our Own Chief not dance much



p. 11 —
Ai ni tte n ay Le de. K tt K. A ttiy K Ly Le de. A Ai e tt.
hinįjeną," aíreže. Gająga hajiakaraíreže. Hahieja
[does not step]," they said.* Then they started out. On the way

* this sentence is translated as, "Say, our chief seems to be very anxious," they said.



Ai wo dA Ai Le de. Ki K L li Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. e Ki. we de.
hiwušahireže. Gikarapirekjanahegiži, égi wéže,
they stopped. As they were going to count up the number there he said,



n xi xoAo no ni K. n diy n K. Ao ttAi ttAi xitti wi L.
Naxíxununįka, nąži-ánąga, "Hocįcįxjįwira,
Youngest Son, he got up, "My dear young men,



w di Ae Ktt n Ae n. e de. A Ao. ay Le de. e Ki.
wažįhekjanaheną," éže. "Hąhó," aíreže. Égi
I am going to say something," he said. "All right," they said. Then



we de. te e w d y Le n. te e.
wéže, "Tee wažą yaréną : tee
he said, "This thing I know: this



p. 12 —
A n ttAi w Ke Le wi K tt. tt n K. Ao ttAi ttAi L. e Ki.
hanącį wagerewigają janaga hocįcįra égi
all being these ones as many as the young men and



tt n K. Ai xK Lo da KL dA n Ai too L.
janaga hixgąro š’akara šana hit’ųra.
as many as [helpless] the old people alone they have been left behind.



Ai L wi L. leAe wi L. A Ke de rK ni de y Le n.
Hirawira pewįra hąké žesganįže. yaréną
[It may be done to them] I am thinking not not this way. I think



wo no w w Ke rK K tt. A Ke te e e Ki. w too ne
wonowawagesgagają hąké tee égi wat’ųne
[?] not this there to leave them



liAi ni de y Le n. Ao t Ai Ki tti A leAe
pinįže, yaréną . Hotá higici hapé
it is not good, I think. Some at home to stay



liAi de y Le n. te e. ttAi Ao m L
pįže, yaréną . Tee ci homara
good, I think. This lodge place



p. 13 —
Le Ki wi L tti Le Ki di. Aoyi wo tti L n y Le L.
regi wirajiregiži, hoiwojįraną, yaréra,
here if some should come upon them, they would kill them all, I think,



e rKe. Ao ttAi ttAi L. Ao Ki w riAiKi ttAi
ésge hocįcįra hokiwásik ci
so the young men half the number lodges



A leAe wi Ki di. y Le n. w d te de n K. L Lo A xtti K tt.
hapewigiži, yaréną . Wažą téženagá rarohaxjįgają
they should stay, I think. Things this is all it is too much and



Ao rKe deKe tt Ko Ai Ki n Ai Ki Ktt wi de.
hosgeške jagų higiną higikjawiže?
besides how enough they will be for us?



tt n K. Ai Ke L ni Kette Ki di. L dL
Jánąga hįké ranikjegiži, rašra
As many as not they should go, the names



t tti Ktt n Ae n. e de. e Ki to we L dL
tacikjanaheną," éže. Égi towe rašra
I will call their names out," he said. Then he started the names



p. 14 —
w Ltt Le de. tt n K w Ki o Ke
wašjareže. Jánąga waki’ų ke,
he called them out. As many as gambled regularly,



w Ki o ra Ki di w L tt Le de. A Ai ny di.
waki’ųs’agiži, wašjareže. "Hahinaiži
having habitually gambled, he called them out. "That's at least



Ao Ki w riAi Ko ni e de. Ao t n tteKe L te Ki L
hokiwásigųnį," éže. hotá nąjgera tégira
about half the number," he said. Some they were sorry



no ni Ke. e Ao KL w tt n K A Ke
nųnįgé e hųgra wajanąga hąké
but he the chief he was, and not



w do o liAi ni de. e tt. w Ki do. w Kd Ai Ko Lo Ao Ki di.
waš’ųpinįže. Éja wakížu wakšą́ hikuruhogiži,
there was no help for it. There with them to come home when he got ready,



Ai ni w Ai L. A ntt w wo K. tee de. tt Ko
hiniwahira haną́c wawoga teeže. Jagú
his brothers all he had a talk with these. What



p. 15 —
dA n Ki liAi Le ra Ki di de rKe w wi Ki wx we de.
šana gipįres’agiži, žesge wawigiwąxweže.
only what they liked best [that sort of thing] he asked them.



Ao K L Ki Le de. e Ki. w Kd wi de. Ao Ki w riAi Kitti
Hokarakireže. Égi wakšąwiže. Hogiwasikjį
They told him. Then they came home. Half



ttAo Ke Le Ki Li de. w Kde Ko te e e w w d
cokére kiriže. Wákše, "Kot’eé,* ewawažą
with them he returned home. He was saying, "Say, this is something

* the spelling Ko te e is probably meant to reflect an emphatic lengthening of the last syllable.



liAi Ai o wi n tt Ko Ai Ki n. w K Ai L wi n de.
hi’ųwiną. Jagų higiną wągahirawinaže?
good [we are doing.] How enough there are for us?



w d K ny xtti K tt. e te e e Ki
Wažą ganaįxjįgają e tee; égi
Something very much they these; and



A Ki Ki o A tte Ktt n A wi K tt aK deAe.
hagiki’ų hajekjaną. Hawigáją," akše.
gamble we can do. We can do it," he was saying.



p. 16 —
Ao ttiy Ai K nK deAe. n tteKe L teKe Kn Kono ni Ke
"Hojiá," higanąkše. Nąjgera tek kanąknunige
"Yes," they said to him. Hearts ached they bore, but



w nK deAe. e Ki. A Ki Le Ki di. Ao w Le L. Ki o L.
wanąkše. Égi hagiregiži, howaréra ki’ųra
they said that to him. Then when they got back, sure enough to gamble



tt tti ne tt. o tti L wi de. e liA wo Ai tti Le de.
jajineją ’ųjirawiže. Epį, wohi jiréže.
already they started. It was good, to win he began to.*

* this sentence is translated, "From that time on he began to win, and beat them very bad."



w w n xitti de. A ntt wo Ai K. di Ke A Ktt
Wawanaxjįže. Haną́c wohiga žigé hagają
He returned it. Everything he won again having in the past



w wo K Ly K n K. o ra de. e Ki. Ai ni w Ai L
wawogaraíganąga ’ųs’áže. Égi hiniwahira
he gave back to them and he would do it over.* Then his brothers

* translated as, "When he would win all they had, he would give it back to them and start over again."



p. 17 —
Ao mi n Ki Le Ki di. roAo Ai Le tt. tt Ko dA n. Ki liAi Le Ki di
hominakiregiži sųhireja jagúšaną gipįhiregiži
where they resided back on the wall whatever they having liked



de rKe A w xi w Ki do de. di Ke
žesge hawaǧį wagižuže. Žigé
[that sort of thing] he hung on he placed before them. Again



Ai noKo w ttA lL. tt Ko Ki liAi ne Ki di.
hinųk´ wacapara jagú gipįnegiži
women he put what having liked



de rKe A ntt w wi Ki we ni de. e Ki.
žesge haną́c wawigiweniže. Égi
the [sort of] things all [he gave them.] And



daK w Ai L deKe. tt Ko Ao Ai L ni Ae L. A ntt
š’akwahira ške jagú hohiranihera haną́c
his parents also what that he lost all



A wi ttAi wo Ai de. e Ki. di Ke w wo K Ly K n K.
hawįc´ wohíže. Égi žigé wawogaraíganąga
well beyond he won. Then again he gave back to them and



p. 18 —
w Ki L tte de. e Ki A Ko Ley d. A Ki Li w Kette
wagiježe. Égi hagoreižą hakiri wakje
played. Then finally one day they came back victory



wy Le de. n xi xoAo no ni K. Ai tto no wK deAe.
waíreže. Naxíxununįka hijonųwąkše.
giving the whoop. Youngest Son he ran over to them.



te we L Ki. Ai ni L. Ko no K. e ttAo we tt. rA L.
Tewéraki, hiníra Kunuga ecoweja Sara
Unexpectedly, the brother Kunu in front Warbundle cover



Kiiy Kede. e tt. Ki Ko Lo doAo Lotto Le Ai Aiy. m K xi K
k’įyageže.* Éja kikurušorocrehihiya. Mąkáxiga
he carried. There he undressed With mud

* < k’į-hi-áge-že ?



Koo Koow n K. we de. Ai ni A xitti ni Ki Kii Kette n e de.
k’uk’ųwanąga wéže, "Hinihaxjį, nįgik’ikjeną," éže.
he rubbed on himself and he said, "My dear older brothers, let me carry it for you," he said.



p. 19 —
e tt Kii de. w Lo x lL. ttAi n KL. A Ki Li
Éja k’iže, Waruǧápara. Cinąkra hakiri
There he carried it, the Warbundle. The village they came



A w wi xi Le Ki. te we L Ki. ttAo we tt. n xi xoAo no ni K. rA
hawawįxiregi. Tewéraki, cowéja Naxíxununįka Sa
they went around. Unexpectedly, in front Youngest Son Warbundle



KiiyK deAe. Ko L. A K w d diAi diAi Ki d. w ow K.
k’iyakše. "Korá! hagáwažą šišigížą wa’ųwąk.
he was carrying it. "Korá! what a bad fellow he is.



K de rKe Ai leAe Le rn Ko ni. w K ni w Kd wi L. a nK deAe
Gážeske hiperesnagųnį, wakaniwakšawira?" ánąkše.
Like this, thus if he knew why did he turn back with us," they said.



p. 20 —
w Ki o K n K. w nK deAe. e tt. w Kette w di
Waki’ųkanaka wanąkše. Éja Wakje Waši
The gamblers were the ones who said it. There Victory Dance



Ai L o xitti Le de. Ai ni w Ai L. ttAiye tt A Ki Le K tt.
hira’ųxjįreže. Hiniwahira ciéja hagíregáją,
they did much. His older brothers at the lodge when they got back,



te we L Ki. tt Ko Ki liAi Le ra Ki di. de rKe roAo Ai Le tt.
tewéraki jagú gipįres’agiži žesge sųhireja
unexpectedly how what they liked best these things back on the wall



ttAi doAo Lo too le tt A w x n Kde. w i n lL Lo K n Ai Le de.
cišurut’ǫbeja hawaxanąkše. wa’inąpra rokana hireže.
between the lodge poles they were stuck. Thankful very much they were.



w Kette w diAi L. Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di. di Ke tt tti ne tt.
Wakje Wašira rušjąhiregiži, žigé jajineją
Victory Dance when it was over, again right away



p. 21 —
w Ki o L. o tti L Ki ni de. wo Ai tte de. Aoyi diAili.
waki’ųra ’ųjiraginįže. Wohiježe, hoišíp
the gambling he began [already]. He was winning all the time



e Ki. di Ke A Ktt wo K Ly K n Ki di Ke
égi žigé hagają wogaraikanagiži, ge
then again [having in the past] he would give it back and



w Ki L tte de. e Ki. di Ke A Ko Ley d. Ai d
wakiraježe. Égi žigé hagoreižą hižą
play with them again. Then again one day one



to ttA m Ltt dAe di Ke n xi xoAo no ni K.
tocą mąrájše. Žigé Naxíxununįka
to go on the warpath made a date. Again Youngest Son



Ai KK Ai tt Ko ni de. Ai Ki l xitti de a nK deAe.
hįkaga hija gunįže. Hikibaxjįže, ánąkše.
not there come away from. He was very sorry, he said.



Ai Ko Ao ttAi ttiAi Ki o w Ki ttA lL
Higų hocįcį ki’ų wakicapara
And to the young men he gambled [being related to some]



p. 22 —
deKe de rKe w wi Ke de. Ai Ki l xitti de.
ške žesge wawigéže, hikibaxjįže.
also the same he told,* that he was very sorry.†

* Hikibaxjįže ... wawigéže is translated as, "he said that he was very sorry for not going before hand to the young men that he gambled with, he told the same".
† translated as, "that he was very repentant of his first act."



p. 22 —
w wi K tte de. K tt K. Le Ktt n Ae de a tt de.
Wawikježe gająga rekjanaheže, ajaže.
He said that this time he was going to go, he was telling them.



di Ke K tt K. Ai K K Ai tt Ai Ao w L ni de.
Žigé gająga hįkaga hijąhį́ howaranįže.
[Again] [this time] never anywhere else he would not go.



to ttA ni L ttn K. Ai K K Ki K dini de.
Tocąnira jánąga hįkaga gigąšnįže.
The man who made the war date [all, as much as] never he would not leave him.



de tt K. ttAo ni ne dKe w o L. te e di
žejąga conine ške wa’ųra teeži
Even before also [he did] but



K tt K Le Ktt n Ae de a n K. w o nK deAe. de tt K.
gająga rekjanaheže, ánąga, wa’ųnąkše. žejąga
this time he would go, he said, is why he did it.* Then

* this sentence is translated as, "and that even before he stayed with him but that he was sure going this time, is why he did it he would say.



p. 23 —
A ttiy Ke Le Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. Ai Ki x L. ttAi n Ki lAy tt
hajiakerehirekjanahegiži, higiǧara cinąkipáija
when they were ready to start, the war camp on the edge of the village



A Ai too li Le de. e tt. tee o L o xitti Le de. n xi xoAo no ni K.
hahit’ųpireže. Éja T’éųra ’ųxjįreže. Naxíxununįka
they made it. There Farewell Dance ("Death-Doing") they did very much. Youngest Son



e Lo xo tti nK deAe. w nK deAe. Ao KL K tt K
e roxocinąkše, wanąkše. Hųgra gająga
he he was beating the drum, they say. The chief this time



Le Ktt n Ae Ke A Ke w di no K n Ai ni nK deAe*
rekjanahege. Hąké wažį́´ nokána hininąkše,
he was going along. Not anything much he did not do,

* in the MS the deAe looks as if it suffered from a slip of the pen.



p. 24 —
a nK deAe. e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le de. e tt
ánąkše. Égi hajiakaraireže. Éja
it was said.* Then they started. There

* this sentence is translated as, "they were very glad, it is said."



A Ai Ki K L li Le de. di Ke e tt. n di de. e tt
hahi. Gikárap’irèže. Žigé éja nąžįže. Éja
they started. On the way they counted them. Again there he stood up. There



Ai tee tee de. we de. te e di. y Ki l xitti n ttAo ni Le.
hit’et’éže, wéže, "Teeži yakibąxjį nącónire
he spoke, he said, "Before I was very repentant [they were blessed]



A Ke. ttAi Ao m L Le Ki w d wi L tti ni L. ttAe KLy deKe
hąké cihomąraregi wažąwira jinįra. Cekraišge
not when in the village anyone they did not come. I should have gone (?);



t tte Ai Le L. Loy K n xitti n. te de Ko ne Ki. di Ke.
tajehirera; royakanaxjįna težegų́regi žigé
I thought very much I dread very much at this time again



p. 25 —
ttAi n L Ai too Le Ktt wi L A Ke A m Ke ni n.
cinara hit’ųrekjawira. Hąké hamąkenįna.
the village to leave [in the future]. Not [I do not keep it in mind.]



Ko Le rKe xitti A ntt ni Ke Ao wi L wi Ktt.
koresgexjį, haną́c nįgé howirawigają,
Perhaps surprisingly, all [place] when we have left,



L xoAo ttL dA n tte Kette L. leAe tto Ke Le L. A Ke
raxojrašana jekjera pejokerera. Hąké
only the ashes it will be standing the fireplaces. Not



A m Ke ni n. e rKe. Ao ttAi ttAi L. Ai rKe A Ki do
hamąkenįna. Ésge hocįcįra hisgé hakižu
[I do not keep it in mind.] Therefore, the young men some with



lA Kd Ktt n Ae n e de. A Ao. Ao KL Ai rKe
pakšąkjanaheną," éže. "hąhó, hųgra hisgé
I am going to return," he said. "All right, the chief is right



we n ay Le de. di Ke to we L dA w L tt Le de.
wéną," aíreže. Žigé towera šawarajareže.
[what he Laid]," they said. Again he began [to point them out].



p. 26 —
tt n K Ki o Ke L. A K K reKey d Ai Ly L
Janąga, ki’ųkera hąkagá skeižą hiraira
Unexpectedly, the gamblers. Not [truly] they thought,



no ni Ke. tt Ko e Ao KL w tt n K
nųnįgé jagú e hųgra wajanąga
but what he the chief he was and



deKe A Ke w do o liAi ni de. di Ke. Ao Ki w riAi Kitti
ške hąké waš’ųpinįže. Žigé hokiwasikjį
also not there was no help for it. Again [about] half



e tt. ttAo do w Kd de. di Ke w wi K Kede.
éja cožu wakšąže. Žigé wawigakše,
there he went with he came home. Again he said to them,



tt Ko w Lo Kidi ne w d L Ai d
"Jagú warukši ne wažąra hižą
"How perhaps we the ones one



p. 27 —
w Ke Le wi n de. e liAi K tt A Ke Ai L wi ni ne. aK deAe.
wakerewinaže. Epįgają hąké hįrawinįne," akše.
we would not be victorious. It is better not we have not gone," he was saying.



Ao ttiy Ai K nK deAe. n tteKe L. te Kitti n Kono ni Ke
"Hojiá," higanąkše. Nąjgera tekjįnąknunige
"That is right," they would answer him. Hearts ached very much, but



w nK deAe. tt tti ne tt. Ki o L o A ttiy Ly L Ki ni de.
wanąkše. Jajineją ki’ųra ’ų hajiarairaginįže.
they would say that. Right away to gamble [to do] they [already] began to.



di Ke. n xi xoAo no ni K. Ao Ki ttA liwi L. w Kd Ki Li n
"Žigé Naxíxununįka Hųgįcábwira wakšąkirina,"
"Again Youngest Son Our Own Chief he has returned home,"



a nK deAe. di Ke Ao Ki w riAiKi A Ki do w Kd n
ánąkše. "Žigé hokiwásik hakižu wakšąną,"
they were saying. "Again half the number with he has brought home,"



p. 28 —
a nK deAe. e Ki. Ki o L. Aoyi diAi litti w w n de.
ánąkše. Égi ki’ųra hoyšipjį wawanąže.
they were saying. And gambling all the time he was winning from them.



Ai Ko tt Ko o L. A ntt. di Ke A Ko Ley d.
Higų jagú’ųra haną́c? Žigé, hagoreižą,
Yet why everything? Again, finally,



A Ki Li w Kette wy Le de. di Ke Ai tto no wK
hakiri wakje waíreže. Žigé hijonųwąk
they came victory giving the whoop. Again running towards him



Ki Le de. di Ke te we L Ki. Ai ni w Ai L. Ae n L.
kiriže. Žigé, tewéraki, hiniwahira Henara
they came. Again, unexpectedly, his brother Hena



e ttAo we tt. rA KiiyK deAe. di Ke e tt. Ai Ko Ae
ecoweja Sa k’įyakše. Žigé éja higųhe
at the head Warbundle he carried. Again there in a hurry



p. 29 —
Ki Ko Lo doAo Lo tt n K. n K xi* Ki Koow n K.
kikurušorojanąga mąkáxi* kik’ųwanąga
he undressed and muddy [he made himself and]†

* the MS has an initial /n/ where there should be an /m/.
† the text has "he rubbed on himself".



Ai ni L Ki Kii de. di Ke ttAi n KL A Ki Li
hiníra kik’įže. Žigé cinąkra hakiri
older brothers he carried it. Again coming out they came



Ao Ki Ki xi Le Ki di. te we L Ki di Ke. ttAo we tt.
hogįgįxiregihi, tewéraki, žigé cowéja
when they went around, unexpectedly, again in front



n xi xoAo no ni K. ttAo we tt. rA L w Ki KiiyK deAe.
Naxíxununįka cowéja Sara wakik’įyak’še.
Youngest Son in front the Warbundle carrying it.



di Ke ay Le de. Ko L A K w d
žigé aíreže, "Korá, hagá wažą
again they said, "Ah, what thing



diAi diAi Ki d. K de rKe Ai lAe Le rn Ko ni. w K ttAo do
šišigižą, gážeske hiperesnagųnį wągacožu
a bad one, like this, thus if he knew we go back



w Kd tte L. a nK deAe. w Ki o Ke w Ki do L.
wakšą́ jerá," ánąkše waki’ųge wakižura.
go back [this one]," they said gambler companions.



p. 30 —
e Ki. di Ke w Kette w di L. o xitti Le de.
Égi žigé Wakje Waši ’ųxjįreže.
And again Victory Dance they did very much.



de de Ko Ai Le Ki di. di Ki Ko Ai t ni A L A Ly Le de.
Žéžegų hiregiži, žigígų hitaníhąra hiraíreže.
When this was over, again the third time they went.



Ai Ko tt rKe Ai ni Ae K. de rKe
Higų jasgé hínihéga žesge
[Still] what he had done that



Ai de. Ai Ko di Ke Ai tto l A L.
hiže. Higų žigé hijobą́hąrá
he did. [Yet] again the fourth time



A Ai Le de. e tt. Ai tto l A L. Ao ny d
hahíreže. Éja hijobą́hąrá honąižą
they went. There the fourth time a campsite



wi Lo nK A Ai de. e tt w Kd de.
wirunąk hahiže. Éja wakšąže.
he followed them [he reached there.]* There he came home.

* this sentence is translated as, "At the fourth time he followed them out far enough to stay out one night with them". Apparently A Ai de was misread as A Ae d, "one night."



p. 31 —
Ai tto l A L deKe K tt K. Ai Kii Ki Le de.
hijobą́hąrá ške gająga hik’įgireže,
At the fourth time [also] [this time] they gave up,



w w K tte K. e rKe deKe de Ko Ai Ke
wawąkjega. Ésge ške žegų hįké
the companions. So [also] [then] not



A Ly L ni de. e Ki. Ao w Le L. di Ke Ao t
harairanįže. Égi howaréra žigé hotá
they did not start out. And sure enough again some



A Ly Le Ki di w Ki do. Ki Li de. e Ki. w nK deAe.
haraíregiži wakížu kiriže. Égi wanąkše,
that did go with them he returned. And they said,



Ao rKe to ttA L. n Ke we w tte K tt
"hosgé tocąra nąkewe wajegają,
"[Indeed] to go to war he is afraid that is why he says it,



Ai Ky Le de. e Ki Ai tto l A L A Ki Li Le Ki di.
higaíreže. Égi hijobą́hąrá hakiriregiži,
they said about him. And the fourth time when they returned,



p. 32 —
A Ki Li w Kette wy Le de. di Ke
hakiri wakje waíreže. Žigé
they came the victory giving the whoop. Again



Ai Ki lA Ao nK deAe. e tt w wi Ki lA Ki di. e tt.
higipáhonąkše. Éja wawikipagiži, éja
he ran forward to meet them. There he met them, there



di Ke. w Lo x lL Ki Kii de Ai ni L. A K L.
žigé Waruǧápara kik’įže, hiníra Hagára
again the Warbundle he carried it for the brother Haga



e rA L Ai niKi w Ai Ki di. e rA L. KiiyK Ki di.
e Sarahinigwahigiži e Sara k’iyakiži.
he who was the first victor he the Warbundle who carried it.



e tt Ki Kii de. A Ki Li ttAi n KL. Ao Ki Ki xi Le de.
Éja kik’įže. hakiri cinąkra hogįgįxireže.
There he carried it. They came back the village they went around.



p. 33 —
di Ke tt tt ne tt. Ai tt Ao we. ttAo we tt.
Žigé jajineją hija howe cowéja
[Again] already there [going about] in the lead



w Lo x lL w Ki KiiyK deAe. Ko L. w ow K o Ke doAo no n.
Waruǧápara wakik’įyakše. "Korá! wa’ųwąk ’ųkešųnųną.
Warbundle carrying it. "Say, he who does it* he has done it often.

* translated as "that fellow that does that."



e w ow n K A K w d. Ai wi nKi wi d.
e wa’ųwanąga hagáwažą hiwinąkiwižą.
He it is who does it and what [a fearful one ?].



K de rKe L. Ai lAe Le riKi di. Le liAi K tt. te e di.
Gažeskera hiperezgiži, repigają teeži
Something like this if he knew it, [?] before



w n K w tte K tt. e rKe Ai Ke L ni tte K tt
wanąga wajegają. Ésge hįké ranįjegają,"
he went [to travel.] Therefore, not he does not go,"*

* the last two sentences are translated as, "If he knew that much, he ought to have gone, but he is afraid, therefore he does not go".



a nK deAe. di Ke e tt. w Kette w diAi L
ánąkše. Žigé éja wakje Wašira
they were saying. Again there Victory Dance



p. 34 —
o xitti Le de. A Ko Le d. Lo dtt Ai L Ki di. Ai Ko
’ųxjįreže. Hagorežą, rušjąhiragiži, higų
they did very much. Finally, when they were done, then



tt tt n K di w Ki o ni A tte de. de e A Ko Ley d.
jająnąkži waki’ųnihaježe. Žee hagoreižą
always [at least] he would always be out gambling. [These] one day



wy Le de. w Kidi KL. Lo K n xitti do w Ao n
waíreže, "wąkšíkara rokánaxjį šuwahoną,"
they said, "People a great many they are coming towards us,"



ay Le de. w KdiKi xeAe te xitti w o nK dA n. ay Le de.
aíreže. "Wąkšik xétexjį wa’ųną́kšaną," aíreže.
they said. "People great big they are," they said.



Lo K n xitti n A Ke Ao de tt L. ttA tii ni n. ay Le de.
"rokanaxjįną hąké hožéjąra cąt’į́nįną," aíreže.
"A great many not the end it is not visible," they said.



p. 35 —
e Ki. ttAi L Ao w Ke Le de. e tt A Ki.
Égi cira howakereže. Éja hagi
Then the lodge he went back There he went



mi nK deAe. w Kidi KL Lo A tti Ki di. e
mįnąkše. wąkšíkra rohajigiži, e
he sat down. "People if many have come, [with these]



K tt K. Ki o L. Ki liAiye rKe Ktt n Ae n. a nK deAe.
gająga ki’ųra gipiesgekjanaheną," ánąkše.
[this time] to gamble there will be more pleasure," he was saying.



A K K rKe. n xi xoAo no w dA dA nK.
"Hagagasgé, Naxíxunu wašašąnąk?
"Oh my, Youngest Born how can you speak thus?



w Kidi Ke. x KL. xey Kd n. ni KttK K L
Wąkšiké ǧakra ǧeakšaną. Nįkjąkara
The people the crying ones they weep aloud. The children



Ki x Kow n Kd n. w Ko Ai L wi Ki di. tee w Ki Le Ktt n A wi n.
kiǧakų’wánąkšaną. Wakuhirawigiži, t’ewagirekjanahawiną.
they cried for their own. If they defeat us, they will kill us.



p. 36 —
e rKe n xi L nK dA n. w Kidi KL ay Le de.
Ésge, naxiránąkšaną, wąkšíkra," aíreže.
Therefore, they are frightened, the people," they said.



e Ki we de. tt Ko n xi Le reKe de
Égi wéže, "Jagú naxireskeže?
Then he said, "What is there to be frightened about?



deKe. tt Ko. e Ki o L.
Ške jagú e ki’ųra
Also how these the gambling



Ki liAiye rKe Ktt n Ae K tt a nK deAe. e Ki xitti
gipiesgekjanahegają," ánąkše. égixjį
it will only make it more interesting," he said. Just then



tt tti ne tt. Ai d tti Ki ni de. A Ao.
jajineją hižą jiginįže. "hąhó
already one he already came. "Now then



Ao KL. A ttAi tt L ttAi Ktt n A wi de e de. Ai Ko
hųgra, hacįjara cikjanahawiže?" éže. "Higų
the chief, where will we camp?" he said. ["Still]



tti n Ki lA Le Ki. Ao rK KL. Ai lA L A ttiAi ttAi wi Le.
cinągiparegi hosgara hipara haci jiwire,"
on the edge of the village the valley next to there there you may camp,"



p. 37 —
e Ao K Ao dK ttL Ae Le Kette n. e de.
e hųk. "Hošgajaraherekjeną," éže.
he said chief. "So that we will have plenty of room to play," he said.



te Ki. Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki d we de. de Ko e tt
Tégi hocįcįnįkižą wéže. žegų éja
Nearby a small boy he said it. And there



n di de rii. e Ki w Ky Le de. e de
nąžįže, s’i. Égi wagaíreže, éže,
he stood for a long time. Then they said to him, they said,



e Ao KL Ae Le n. tt Ko a n K
e hųgra hereną. Jagú ánąga
he the chief he is. What he says



de rKe L Ki Ki Ktt wi n. e de. Ko no K we de.
žesge ragigikjawiną éže," Kunuga wéže.
that you will do he says," First Born he said.



Ai tto w Le de. Ai tt A Ki di w wi m Ki LK deAe. de Ko
Hijowáreže. Hijáhigiži, wawimakirakše. Žegų
He went there. [When he got there,] he pointed it out for them. And



p. 38 —
Ai Ke Ko ni de. e tt Ao we. o tte de.
hįké gunįže. Éja howe ’ųjéže.
not he did not come away. There around he was at.



e tt Ao ttAi ttAi L no liAi wi A tt Ki di. w w Ke de.
Éja hocįcįra nųpiwi hajagiži wawageže,
There the young men two [after] he met he said to them,



Ko te Ao ttAi ttAi wi L. wi L A Kidi xitti dKe
"Koté hocįcįwira, wira hąkšíxjį ške
"Say the young men, the sun very high already



L tti wi K tt. Ao Ki o L deKe Ai d o liAi K tt.
rajiwigają hoki’ųra ške hižą ’ųpigają,"
when you came the game also one it could be done,"*

* translated as, "we could have".



e de. Ko te de rK no ni Ke. tt Ko
éže. "Koté, žésga," nųnįgé jagú
he said. "Say, it is thus," but how



A Ke w d oyi L ni K tt Ay ni Ki di
hąké wažą ’ųiranigają.. "Hainigíži
not anything they did not do. "Tomorrow



di Ae Le Ktt n Ae K tt. de e di Ae Le no ni Ke.
žiherekjanahegają. Žee žihere, nųnįgé
it will be the day. That it is the day, but



p. 39 —
de Ko ne Ki Ai Ko w d L Ai d o liAi K tt
žugųnegi higų wažą hižą ’ųpigają
today [still] thing one it could be done,"*

* translated as, "could we not do?".



e de. Ko te ni di te e deKe
éže. "Koté! niží! tee ške
he said. [Say!] [hey!] [this] [also]



Ko te w Ki o doAo no n. e rKe w A tte n. e Ki.
Koté! wáki’ųšųnųną. Ésge wahájeną. Égi
[Say!] I used to gamble. Therefore, that is why I say this. And



te e deKe Ao KL ne wi ne L deKe
tee ške hųgra néwįné. Ške
this also — the chief I am he. Also



w A tte n e de. Ko te de rKe de. Ai Ky Le de.
wahájeną," éže. "Koté, žesgeže?" higaíreže.
who speaks," he said. "Say, is that right?" they said.



A A o Ao KL ne wi ne n e de. Ko te
"Hąhą́ ’ų hųgra néwįné," éže. "Koté,
"Yes, I am the chief, I am he," he said. "Say,



e Ki Ao KL Ao Ki L Ki Le Ktte L a wi de.
égi hųgra hogira kirekjera," awíže.
[then] the chief to tell him let us go," they [two] said.



p. 40 —
tt Ko Ai ni Ky Le de Ai Ky Le de. n xi xoAo no ni K.
"Jagú hinigaireže?" higaíreže. "Naxíxununįka
"What do they call you?" they asked him. "'Youngest Born,



Ao Ki ttA liwi L Ai Ky Le n e de. e Ki. Ko te
Hųgįcábwira', higaireną," éže. "Égi Koté
Our Own Chief,' they call me," he said. "Well say,



Ai tt Ao tK te Kette n. Ao KL. Ao n ttAe Ki di.
hija hotagatekjeną. Hųgra honącégiži
there we will go and report it. The chief if he is willing,



Ai o Ktt wi n Ai Ky Le de. Ai d Ai tto w Le de.
hi’ųkjawiną," higaíreže. Hižą hijowáreže.
we will do something," they said to him. One of them he went over.



Ai tt Ai Ki di. Aoyi rii de. A Ao. tt Ko w d L
Hajihigiži, hois’įže. "Hąhó, jagú wažąra
When he got there, he peeped in. "Well, [what] [thing]



p. 41 —
Ai d doo L tti ra Le e de Ao KL.
hižą š’ųra cis’are," éže hųgra.
one that which you do (errand) you have come,"* he said the chief.†

* cis’are would seem to mean, "at which you habitually abide".
† this sentence is translated as, "'Well, perhaps you have come on some errand,' said the chief."



e Ki. we de. e tt Ao tti tti ni Ki d o tte L.
Égi wéže "Éja hocįcįnįkižą ’ųjéra
Then he said, "There a little boy there is



we n. Ao xtt n te e. Ao Ki o L. Ai d
wéną hoxjaną ´ tee hoki’ųra hižą
he said evening this to play one



o e n. Ao KL Ki liAi Ki Ai o wi n n.
ųeną. Hųgra gipįgi hi’ųwinąną
he wants. The chief if he was willing we would do it



y K wi n. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L A Ki do e rKe
yakawiną, hicakorohara hakížu. Ésge
[we two are saying,] my friend me with him. [Therefore,]



w o A tti n. e Ao KL Ae Le de deKe
wa’ųhajíną. E hųgra hereže ške
that is why I have come. He the chief he is also



e n. n xi xoAo no ni K. Ao Ki ttA liwi L. Ai Ky Le de
éną. 'Naxíxununįka, Hųgįcábwira', higaíreže,"
he says. 'Youngest Son, Our Own Chief,' they call him,"



p. 42 —
e n. w Ai wi Ki di. Ai dtt Ke. wy r L. Ai d
éną. Wahiwigiži, hišją́ge, waísara hižą
he said. If we win, [well then,] limbs one



Ai deKe ni lA n L Ki Koo doKo ni n Ai Ke de. e Ki.
hišgé nipanara kik’ųšguniną," higeže. Égi
also the soup you can have," he said. And



we de. Ao Kn K. Ai rKe we n. de rKe
wéže, hųknąka, "Hisgé wéną žesge,"
he said, the chief, "That is right, they say that,"



a nK dA n. Ao ttAi ttAi xoAo no ni Ki d. Ao KL Ai Le n.
ánąkšaną. Hocįcįxununįkižą hųgra hiréną,"
he said. A little boy the chief he is,"



a nK dA n. e de Ai rKe Ai wi Le. e liAi
ánąkšaną. Éže, "Hisgé, hiwire. Epį
he said. He said, "That is right, you may do it. Good



p. 43 —
Ai L Ki Ki Ktt n A wi n. Ai deKe ni lA n t ttK Ktt n Ae Ke.
hiragikíkjanawiną, hišgé nį́pąną́ tajgakjanahege.
you will do for me, as the soup I will drink soup.



Ai rKe Ai wi Le e de. e Ki. Ai tt Ki de.
Hisgé, hiwire," éže. Égi hijagiže.
That is right, you may do it," he said. Then he returned.



Ko te Ao ttiy e n e de. A Ao. Ko te.
"Koté, hocieną éže. "Hąhó, koté,
"Say, [you have reached the lodge (?),]* he said. "Well, say,

* a blank is left at this place in the translation. Hocieną is probably for hoci-hié-ną.



tt Ko Ai o Ktt n A wi de. e de. Ko te
jagú hi’ųkjanahawiže?" éže. "Koté,
what will we play?" he said. "Say,



n Ki xttK Ke Ai o Ktt ni A wi n Ai Ky Le de. A Ao.
Nąkįxjage* hi’ųkjanihawiną," higaíreže. "Hąhó,
kicking one another we will play," they said to him. "Well,

* the form of this word is uncertain, but it seems to be based on the stem ǧigá, which means, "to clear away"; ną- means "by means of the foot."



Ko te de rKe o L. Ay liAi doAo no n e de.
koté, žesge ’ųra haipįšųnųną," éže.
say, that to do I like," he said.



p. 44 —
e Ki. w Ky Le de. Ko te. Ai Ki Ko ttL tt rKe
Égi wagaíreže, "Koté, hikigujara jasgé
Then they said to him, "Say, betting rules what



Ai L leAe Lere deAe Ai Ky Le de. A A a. e de. e Ki.
hiraperesše?" higaíreže. "Hąhą’ą," éže. "Égi,
do you know?" they said. "Yes," he said. "Well,



ne Ai Ki Ki Ko tti Ktt ne n. e de. Ao ttiy. tt Ko
ne hikikigujikjaneną," éže. Hojiá, jagú
we we will bet one against the other," he said. "All right, [how]



Ai L Ki Ko ttiKi di A o Ktt n Ae n. e de. Ko te
hirakigujigiži, ha’ųkjanaheną," éže. "Koté
if you bet with me, I am willing," he said. "Say



Ao ttAi ttAi niKi KL. Lo Ai Le Ki Ai o Ktt n Ae w Ke n
hocįcįnįkara, rohiregi hi’ųkjanahe wagéną,"
little boy, bodies to bet I mean,"



p. 45 —
e de. A Ao tt rKe w L Ke Ki di. Ai K K.
éže. "Hąhó, jasgé waragégiži, hįkaga
he said. "All right, what you mean, never



de rKe w Ki o ni n. w Ki o A tt no ni Ke.
žesge waki’ųnįną. Wáki’ų haja nųnįgé
that I did not do. I have gambled [there] although



e Ki. Ao ni Ai wi Ki di. tee ni Ktt n A wi n. Ai deKe
égi, honihiwigiži, t’enikjanahawiną, hišgé
[then], if I defeat you, I will kill you, also



Ao L Ai wi Ki di. tee Ai L Ktt wi w Ke n e de. A Ao. e Ki
horahiwigiži, t’ehirakjawiwageną," éže. "Hąhó, égi
if you defeat us, you can kill us," he said.* "All right, [then]

* here the translation inserts a sentence unsupported by the text: "'Thus I mean,' he said."



Ai o Ktt wi n. A Ki d tee ni n tte wi ni Ke
hi’ųkjawiną, hąkižą t’eninąjewinįge
we shall do it, not one I will not kill you



w deAe Ki di e de. A Ao. e Ki.
wašegiži," éže. "Hąhó, égi
if you think," he said. "All right, [then]



p. 46 —
tto liAi wi Ai Ki rKe ni wi n. Ao KL ne ni ne
jopíwi hikisgeniwiną, hųgra nénįné,"
four [we shall be equal to,] the chief [it is you],"



Ke e rKe. Ai Ky Le de. Ao ttiy e de.
ge ésge higaíreže. "Hojiá," éže.
[and] [that is why] they said it to him.* "All right," he said.

* this sentence is translated as, "All right we will bet four against you as you are the chief, they said to him."



tto liAi wi Ai Ki rKe de. e Ki. we de. Ko te
Jopíwi hikisgéže. Égi wéže, "Koté,
Four he was equal to. Then he said, "Say,



e Ki. Ai Ko. Ai o xitti A tt o. Ai d.
égi, higų hi’ųxjį haja’ų hižą
[well,] [still] [intensive play] to be one



w Ko tte riAi K L. Ai n K L deKe Ki di. A Ki leAey n K.
wagujésiką́ra hinąkarašgegiži, hagipeanąga
moccasin strings if we should loosen, we can stop and



p. 47 —
Ai w liAi Koo doKo ni n de e de. Ai Ko Ai n too Ke Ly deKe.
hiwapįk’ųškųnįnąže?" éže. "Higų hinąt’ųgeraišge
we can fix it, can't we?" he said. "Or legging strings (?)



Ai d Ai n deKe Ki di. Ai wo dA n K. Ai w liAi Koo doKo ni n
hižą hinąšgegiži, hiwušanąga hiwapįk’ųškųnįną?"
one if it were loosened to stop and we can fix it, can't we?"



e de. A A o.* de rKe Ai Le doAo no K tt e de.
éže. "Hąhó, žesge hirešųnųgają," éže,
he said. "Yes, that it is always done," he said,

* this should be A Ao, or A A a.



w KoLo ttKe L. A Ao. e de. e Ki. w KoLo tteKe tt ne
Wąkrucgera. "Hąhó," éže. Égi Wąkrucgejane
the Giant. "All right," he said. Then the Giant



e ttAo ni w n xtt Ki Ko Lo Ao de. e Ki. we de. Ai ttA Ko Lo L.
econi wanąxjakikuruhože. Égi wéže hicakórora,
first to [get ready to] kick him. And he said the friend,



p. 48 —
Ai ttA Ko Lo. n roAo L m Ki e L Ki di. Ao Lo tti d.
"Hicakóro, nąsúra mągi’eragiži, horujižą
"Friend, the head if you scatter, a meal



woyi niKi L Ktt n Ae n. e de. Ai ttA Ko Lo. de rKe
woinįkrakjanheną," éže. "Hicakóro, žesge
you will waste enough for it," he said. "Friend, that



y L tte n e de. K tt K. liAi Ai niKi n t liniKi
yarajéną," éže. Gająga pįhinįk natapinįk
I was thinking," he said. Now lightly glancing



n xtt Kede. K tt w Ko tti Ke Le de. K tt. Aoy to L.
nąxjákše. Gają wagujikereže. Gają hoiatura
he kicked him. Then he ducked. Then the wind



Ai L Ke Le Ai Ki di. to we w liAi Li liAi LiKi Le de. Ko tt.
hirakerehigiži, towe wapįrįpįrįkireže. Goja
by the force he went he was whirling along. There



Ao tto li n di Ki Li tte de. xA lee xitti Ki K w a n K n K.
hujopinažį kiriže. Xap’éxjį kikáwa-anąganąk
on his hands and feet he landed. Quickly he got up



p. 49 —
wy dtt dtt de. Ko L. A K L xe Le de. de Ko
waišjašjaže. Korá, hakaraxereže. Žegų
to look about him. [Say,] they just whooped at him. Now



Ao Ao lL xe tti Ke Le de. e Ki. A A. Ai dK K.
hohóbra ǧejįkereže. "Égi hąhą́, hišgaga
the whoops made much noise. "Well, yes, in turn



n ni xtt Ki Ktt ne n. e Ki Ai tt A Ki Ko Lo deAe Le tt tte
nąnixjakikjaneną. Égi hija hakikurušerejaje,"
I will kick you. [And] [then] you may look out for yourself,"



e de. e Ki. n n K tti de. n xttK deAe. Ai Ko
éže. Égi nąnąkjiže. Nąkjákše. higų
he said. Then he came up running. He kicked him. Yet



p. 50 —
Ao loAo Lo A rA ttini Ke tt n xtt K n K. n Ki xA w Le Ai de.
hupóro hasąjnįkeja nąxjaknąk nakixawarehiže.
knee cap striking him there with the kick he knocked himself back.



dtt xitti A n ttA liKi di. K tt A xA L xitti
Šjąxjį hanącą pikži gają haxáraxjį
Very solid to the kick [the back at least?] as flat on his back



Ki nili deAe. di Ke A K L xe Le de. de Ko Ao Ao lL
kįnį́pše. Žigé hakaraxereže. Žegų hohóbra
he fell. Again they just shouted at him. Now the whoops



xe de. e Ki. ttAi n Ke tt wy Le de. A Ai.
ǧeže. Égi cinąkeja waíreže, "Hahi
there was much noise. Then at the village it was said, ["There]



n xi xoAo no ni K. Ao Ki ttA liwi L. w d o tte Ko ni
Naxíxununįka Hųgįcábwira, wažą ’ųjegųnį,
Youngest Son Our Own Chief, something he must be doing,



p. 51 —
Ki dtt wi Le. ay Le Ki di. Ai d Ki dtt Ao de. te we L Ki.
gišjáwire," aíregiži. Hižą gišjahuže. Tewéraki,
go and see," they said. One he came to see. Unexpectedly,



wy Le de. Ko te n xi xoAo no ni KL. Ao Kini ttA lL.
waíreže, "Koté, Naxíxununįkra, hųginicapara
they said, "Say, Youngest Son, the Chief,



w KidiKi w diAi ni L e Ki Ai d A tti
wąkšik wašinira égi hižą haji
man one of yours here one he has come



o tte n. ay Le de. Ki Lo Ko wi Le. Ai Ki Ao w Ao Kette n.
’ųjeną," aíreže. "Girukówire. Higí howahukjeną,"
he is," they said. "Clear a way for him. Here let him come,"



e de. Ki Lo Ko Ai Le Ki di. Ai tt tti de. w Ke de.
éže. Girukohiregiži hija jiže. Wageže,
he said. So they made way for him and there he went. He said to him,



Ko te w Ki o A tte n. Ai dKe Ai d
"Koté, wáki’ų hajéną. hišgé hižą
"Say, I am gambling I am. Also one



p. 52 —
Ai Ki Ko ttLe e de. te e deKe. A Ki
hikigujare," éže. Tee ške hagi
you can make bets for me," he said. This one also [I am doing]*

* the translation has, "I have the one I am betting against".



t A tt ne Ae Ley n K. e Ki di Ke di n K
tahajane hereyanąga, égi žigé žinąka
I have left [besides,] [here] [again] the others



de e. w y Ki Kotto dA n. tto liAi wi Ai Ki rKe wi ne n.
žee wayakikucšaną. Jopíwi hikisgé winéną,
those they bet against me. Four [of them] [equal] I am



ne Ao KL wi ne Ke e rKe. te e di Ai d
Ne hųgra winege. Ésge teeži hižą
I the chief I am. [Therefore,] but you one



Ki L Ai L Ki rKe Ktt n Ae n. e de. e Ki. de Ko de.
kirahirakisgekjanheną," éže. Égi žegų́že.
you will only be equal to," he said. Then thus it was.



m dtt Ki ttAe xiAi no ni Ke. Ao KL w tt n K.
Mąšją gicexi nųnįgé hųgra wajanaga.
Very much he dreaded it, but the chief he was speaking.



p. 53 —
de Ko e tt Ai d Ai Ki Ko deAe. e tt
Žegų éja hižą hikiguše. Éja
So there one he bet against. There



A tti n di wi de. Ao Ao. w Lo Kdi d. ne ttAo ni
hajinąžįwiže. "Hohó, warukšižą ne coni
then they stood together. "Oh my, it happens I first



ttAe Ai Le de. e Ki di Ke. n xtt Ki Le de. Ai Ko
cehireže. Égi žigé nąxjakireže. Higų
[they are going to kill me.]* Then again they kicked at him. Still

* this sentence is translated as, "I am going to die first, he thought."



di Ke. Ai L tty L niKi n dtt niKi ni rKe
žigé hirajaira nįk nąšjánįk nisge
again harder little he grew a little stronger kind of



n xttK deAe. di Ke w Ko tti Ke Le Ki di. A ttA Ke Le n K di Le Ai de.
nąxjákše. Žigé wagujikeregiži hacągére nągąžirehiže.
he kicked him. Again after his moccasin went, just barely he missed him.



p. 54 —
di Ke. Aoy to Ai L Ke Le Ki di. to we w liAi Li liAi LiKi Le de.
Žigé hoiatu hirakeregiži, towe wapįrįpįrįkireže.
Again wind [after the force] he went he sent him rolling on.



e tt Ao tto li n di Ki Li tte de. dK xitti Ki K w a n K n K.
Éja hujopinažį kiriže. Šgąxjį káwa-anąganąk
There on his hands and feet he landed. Very quickly he got up



w dtt dtt de. di Ke A K L xe Le Ki di. Lo K n de.
wašjašjaže. Žigé hakaraxeregiži rokanaže.
he looked about him. Again they shouted at him very much.



Ao Ao lL xe tti Ke Le de. Ai dK K. w n xttK deAe.
Hohóbra ǧejįkereže. Hišgaga wanąxjakše.
The whoops made much noise. In turn he kicked him.



n n K ttiy n K. Ao loAo Lo. w Kini Ke tt. n xtt K tt.
nąnąkjianąga hupóro wąginikeja nąxjakają,
He came running up and knee cap just above he kicked him,



p. 55 —
n Ki K tti n Ki de. A xA L xitti Ki nili Ki de.
nakigajinakiže. Haxáraxjį kįnį́pgiže.
knocking himself down. Flat on his back he fell.



di Ke. A K L xe Ai Le de. Ai tt Ao w L wi Le.
Žigé hakaraxehireže. "Hija howarawire


they made whoops at him. "[There] (you two) go over



no liAi wi. ay Le de. A Ai. w d o tte Ko ni.
nųpiwi," aíreže. "Hahi wažą ’ųjegųnį,
two," [they said.] ["There] something he must be doing,



n xi xoAo no ni K. Ao Ki ttA liwi L. ay Le Ki di no liAi wi
Naxíxununįka Hųgįcábwira," aíregiži. Nųpiwi
Youngest Son Our Own Chief," they said. Two of them



Ai tto w Ao wi de. di Ke. Ai tt A Ai Le Ki di.
hijowahowiže. Žigé hija hahíregíži,
they two came over. [Again] [there] when they got there,



p. 56 —
wy Le de. Ko te n xi xoAo no ni KL. Ao Kini ttA lL.
waíreže, "Koté, Naxíxununįkra, hųginicapara
they said, "Say, Youngest Son, the Chief,



w KidiKi w diAi ni L. no liAi wi e Ki A tti
wąkšik wašinira nųpiwi égi haji
men of yourL two of them here they have come



ow tt wi n e de. Ai d. Ai Ki Ao w Ao
’ųwajawiną," éže hižą. "Higí howahu
they are," he said one. "Here to come over



w diAi wi Le e de. Ai tt A tti Le de.
wašiwire," éže. Hija hajíreže.
tell them," he said. There they came.



w w Ke de. Ko te w Ki o A tte n. te e.
wawageže, "Koté, wáki’ų hajéną. Tee
He said to them, "Say, I am gambling I am. This



tto liAi wi Ai Ki rKe wi ne n. te e di. Ai d
jopíwi hikisgé winéną, teeži hižą
four [of them] [equal] I am, but you one



dA n Ai L Ki rKe Ktt n A wi n. te e. deKe
šana hirakisgekjanhawiną. Tee ške
only you will be equal to. This also



p. 57 —
K a ttAo ni tti L. Ai d A Ki do n di tte K e
k’aconijira hižą hakižu nąžįjega e
who came over before you one with him standing he



Ai Ki Kotto dA n e de. di Ke e tt Ai d
hikigujšaną," éže. Žigé éja hižą
he is bet against," he said. [Again] there one



dA n. Ai Ki Ko tti Le de. e Ki. di Ke n xtt Ki Le de.
šana hikigujireže. Égi žigé nąxjakireže.
only he is betting against. Then again they kicked at him.



di Ke Ai L tty L niKi m dtt
Žigé hirajaira nįk mąšją
Again harder little [more]



n xttK deAe. di Ke w Ko tti Ke Le K tt.
nąxjákše. Žigé wagujikeregają,
he kicked him. Again he ducked and



A ttA Ke Le. n K di Le de. di Ke to we
hacągére, nągąžireže. Žigé towe
just barely, he missed him. Again he went



p. 58 —
w liAi Li liAi LiKi Le de. Ko tt Ao tto li n di
wapįrįpįrįkireže. Goja hujopinažį
he tumbled over and over. There on his hands and feet



Ki Li tte de. xA leKe xitti A Kiiy n K. Lo liAi ni
kiriže. Xap’egexjį hak’ianąga rupini
he landed. Very quickly he turned about and [he turned]



Ao Ki too ney n K. wy dtt dtt de. di Ke
hukit’uneyanąga waišjašjaže. Žigé
[he threw himself and] he looked about him. Again



A K L xeyi Le de. Ai dK K. w n xtt Ki Ktt n Ae Ki di.
hakaraxeireže. Hišgaga wanąxjakikjanahegiži
they shouted at him. In turn to kick so



n n K ttiy n K. n xttK deAe. di Ke Ao loAo Lo
nąnąkjianąga nąkjákše. Žigé hupóro
he came up running and he kicked him. Again knee cap



w Kini Ke tt. A n di de. n Ki xA w Le Ai de.
wąginikeja hanąžįže. Nakixawarehiže.
just above [that he stood on.] He bounced back.



p. 59 —
A xA L xitti K[i] nili deAe. di Ke A K L xey Le de.
Haxáraxjį kįnį́pše. Žigé hakaraxeireže.
Flat on his back he fell. Again they shouted at him.



di Ke wy Le de. wo Lo A L wi Le. n Ki di Ai d
Žigé waíreže, worohąrawire nągížį hižą
Again they said, "Many of you go [to stand by him and] one



Ki Li wiy tte. tt Ko o w o n Ki di. Ao LK Ki Li wiy tte.
kiriwiaje jagú ’ųwa’ųnagiži horák kiriwiaje,"
he comes back what they are doing to report he comes back,"*

* this redundancy is omitted in the translation.



ay Le de. di Ke. wo Lo A Ao Ki Ki Le de. Ai tt
aíreže. Žigé worohą hugígireže. Hija
they said. Again a number of them they sent. There



A tti Le de. w tty Le Ki di. wy Le de. n xi xoAo no ni KL.
hajíreže. Wajaíregiži waíreže, "Naxíxununįkra,
they came. When they saw them they said, "Youngest Son,



p. 60 —
Ao Kini ttA lL. w KidiKi w diAi ni L. wo Lo A xitti
hųginicapara, wąkšik wašinira worohąxjį
the Chief, men of yours many



e Ki A tti n diyK dA n ay Le de. Ao w diAi wi Le
égi hajinąžįyakšaną," aíreže. "Howašiwire,"
here they are standing," they said. "Tell them to come here,"



e de. w Ki Lo Ko wi Le e de. e tt
éže. "Wagirukówire," éže. Éja
he said. "Clear the way for them," he said. There



w Ki Lo Ko Ai Le Ki di Ai tt A tti Le de. A Ao.
wagirukóhiregiži hija hajíreže. "Hąhó,
so they cleared the way for them and there they came. "Now then,



w Ki o A tte n. wi Ki Ko ttiwi Le e de.
wáki’ų hajéną. Wikigujiwire," éže
I am gambling I am. Make your bets with them," he said



te e deKe. A ntt. wy Ki Kotto* w o
tee. "Ške haną́c waikiguj wa’ų
this one. "Also all as bets to be

* the initial "wy" appears originally to have been "wiy".



p. 61 —
A tt wi n e de. e tt. di Ke Ai d dA n.
hająwina," éže. Éja žigé hižą šana
we are," he said. There again one only



Ai Ki Ki Ko tti Le de. de tt K. wo Lo A xitti de. e Ki.
hikikigujireže. Žejąga worohąxjįže. Égi
they put (bet) themselves up against. Now there were very many. Then



we de. A A. tt tt. m dtt n xtt KeLe
wéže, "Hąhą́, jają mąšją nąxjakere
he said, "Now then, whenever hard to kick him



Ai dA wi Ki di. m dtt n xtt Ki Ktt n Ae n. tt Ko
hišawigiži, mąšją nąxjakikjanaheną. Jagú
you tell me, hard I will kick him. How



Ai L leAe Le riwi K tt. w n diAi diAidi doAo no K tt. m dtt
hiraperezwigają wanašišižišųnųgają mąšją
you all know I broke them up when hard



p. 62 —
w n xtt K. tt tt. m dtt o Ai L diAi wi Ki di.
wanąxjak. Jają mąšją’ų hirašiwigiži,
I kick them. Whenever to do it hard you tell me,



Ai wo Ai Ktt n A wi K tt e de. n diAi diAi di Kette n e de.
hiwuhikjanahawigają," éže. "Našišižikjeną," éže.
we shall win," he said. "I will break him up," he said.



A Ao m dtt Ki o Le ay Le de. A Ao
"Hąhó, mąšją ki’ųre," aíreže. "Hąhó,"
"All right, hard do it," they said. "All right,"



e de. e Ki di Ke n xtt Ki Le Ktt n Ae de. K tt K.
éže. Égi žigé nąxjakirekjanaheže. Gająga
he said. And [again] he would kick him. Now



m dtt xitti n xttK deAe. wi n di Ke. ttAo ni
mąšjąxjį nąxjákše. Winąžįge coni
very hard he kicked him. He was careful with him before



e dA n Ae Le Ke A ntt tte L te e di. K tt K
éšanąherége haną́c jerá teeži gająga
he was alone [of all] [the ones who were] but as it is now



p. 63 —
wo Lo A Ke tti ni. m dtt n xttK dAe w Ko tti Ke Le de.
worohągejinį mąšją nąxjákše. Wagujikereže.
there were many so hard he kicked him. He ducked.



di Ke A ttA Ke Le n K di Le Ai de. di Ke to we
Žigé hacągére nągąžirehiže. Žigé towe
Again just barely he missed him. Again he went



w liAi Li liAi LiKi Le de. Ko tt Ao tto li n di Ki Li tte de.
wapįrįpįrįkireže. Goja hujopinažį kiriže.
he went tumbling over and over. There on his hands and feet he landed.



xA lee xitti Ai Kiy n K. Lo liAi ni Ao Ki too ne K tt.
Xap’éxjį hikianąga rupini hukit’unegają
Very quickly he turned about and [he turned] [he threw himself and]



wy dtt dtt K tt. te we L Ki. Ko tt Ao n di n KeLe
waišjašjagają. tewéraki, goja honąžįnakere
he looked about, and unexpectedly, there where they were standing



p. 64 —
Ao de tty tt. Ai no Ki d. A tt Le Ai Ki di
hožejaį́ja hinųgižą hajare higíži
at the end a woman he saw [when he got there]



m dtt Ai noKo liAi de. A Ke
mąšją hinųk´ pįže. Hąké
much woman handsome. Not


leKe. xeAe te ni de. Ko L. Ai noKo
ške xetenįže. "Korá, hinųk´
[she herself] not big. "Well, woman



liAi xitti d Ao Lo xo tt n Ko ni w o A tte Ko ni.
pįxjįža horuǧujanagųnį wa’ųhajegųnį,"
a nice looking one she is looking at me I am doing this,"



Ai Le de. m dtt A o Ktte Ai Le de. e Ki.
hireže. "Mąšją ha’ųkje," hireže. Égi
he thought. "Hard I will try," he thought. Then



we de Ke ni. Ko te. w Ko tte riAi K L. n K L deKe n.
wéže, "Keni, koté, wagujésiką́ra nąkaraškeną.
he said, "Wait, say, moccasin strings I have (also) loosened.



p. 65 —
liAi Ai y K L Ki deKe Kette n e de. Ko te Ai rKe we n.
Pįhi yakarakiškekjeną," éže. "Koté, hisgeweną.
[Carefully] I will tie them up," he said. "Say, he is right.



w Ko tte rAi K L. a a Ki Lo ti tte n ay Le de. e tt. mi n K n K.
Wagujesikara a’akirutijeną," aíreže. Éja mįnągánąga
Moccasin strings he is dragging," they said. There he sat and



w Ko tte riAi K L. liAi Ai Ko Lo riKitti deAe. e tt.
wagujésiką́ra pįhi korosgijše. Éja
moccasin strings [carefully] he tied over again. There



m L Ai d. Ai L Ko Lo riKitti deAe. di Ke rA ni Ke tt.
mąra hižą hirakorosgijše, žigé sanįgéja.
arrow one he tied, and also on the other side.



de de Ko Aiy n K. A Ao. e de. riAi w ree ree K tti de.
Žežegųhiyanąga, "Hąhó," éže. Siwas’es’ekjiže.
Thus he did and, ["All right,"] he said. [He came up on his tip toes.]*

* the translation has only , "Thus he did and said."



p. 66 —
de tt K. riAi w ree ree K ttiy n K. m Kitti L Ao n di de.
Žejąga siwas’es’ekjianąga mągijra honašiže.
Already he came up on his tip toes and [the tied arrow] [he had on.]



m L. e tt Ai d Ao n tt de. A L K n K.
Mąra éja hižą honąją́že. hąrąkanąga
The arrows there one he kicked in. He groaned and



Lo liAi ni Ao Ki too ne K tt. di Ke Lo Ai rA ni Ke tt
rupini. Hųgi t’unegają, žigé rohísanįgéja
he turned himself over. [Chief] [after he left him,] again body on the other side



n xttK deAe e tt. di Ke m L Ai d
nąxjákše. Éja žigé mąra hižą
he kicked him. There again the arrows one



Ao n tt de. e Ki. my tt Ki nili deAe. i L.
honąją́že. Égi maįja kįnį́pše. Ira
he kicked it in. Then to the ground he fell. The mouth



p. 67 —
w i L A Ki Ki ni de. e tt tee Ai de. Ai dK K.
waíra hagikinįže. Éja t’éhiže. Hišgaga
the blood it began to flow. There he killed him. In turn



w Kidi Kini KL A K L xe Ai Le de. e Ki. w w Ke de.
wąkšigᵉnįgᵉra hakaraǧehireže. Égi wawageže,
the common people* they gave a shout. Then he said to them,

* literally, the little people.



m wi Ko ttiwi n K tee w K L Ki wi Le
"Mąwi gujwinąga t’e wąkra kįwire,"
"The arrows shoot them and kill [the men] [do your own,"]*

* this is translated as, "Take your arrows and shoot them to death".



e de. Ai deKe te e deKe. tee
éže. "hišgé tee ške t’e
he said. "I too these also kill



w K L Ki Ktt n Ae n e de. Ai tto li Ke m wi
wąkra kįkjanaheną," éže. Hijóbike mąwi
the men you will do your own," he said. All four of them arrows



Ko tt n K. tee w K L Ki de. A ntt
gujanąga t’e wąkra kįže. Haną́c
he shot and he killed the men [he did his own.] All



p. 68 —
Ai deKe de rKe Ai Le de. e Ki. w o de.
hišgé žesge hireže. Égi wa’ųže.
the rest that they did it. [Then] [he did it.]



lA L. Ai tto li Ke. w m diAidi deAe. n roAo L. w Loro deAe.
Pára hijóbike wámąšižiže. Nąsúra warusše.
The heads all four of them he cut off. The heads he took them,



Ai tto li Ke. Ai deKe te de rKe w K L Ki wi Le
hijóbike. hišgé téžesge wąkra kįwire,"
all four of them. "Also in this way the men do to them,"



e de. A ntt de rKe Ai Le de. e Ki.
éže. Haną́c žesge hireže. Égi
he said. All so they did it. And then



w w Ke de. L Ki wi Ki di. leAe tto w Le tt.
wawageže, "Ragiwigiži pejowareja
he said to them, "When you get home up above the fireplace



Ai Ki diAiKi w K nK wiy tte Ay ni Ki di.
higišík wakąnąk´ wiyaje. hainigíži,
you hang them up [do it.] In the morning,



p. 69 —
w L K Ly xoAo xi Ktt wi n. A Ke Aele w ttK wi niy tte.
waragaraixuxikjawiną. Hąké hep wajga winįyaje.
you may break them open. Not prematurely [?] do not do it.



te e di. Ai Ki. wo to xo xo tti Ktt n Ae n. ni Ke
Teeži higí wotuǧuǧujikjanaheną. Nįgé
But I here I will remain and look around. Perhaps



te deKe Ai d di Ke t xoAo Lo Ke Ke. Ki o L
téšge hižą žigé taxurugege ki’ųra,"
[this also] one of them again I might induce to gamble,"



e de. e Ki. wK lA L. w wo K L K de. w Ki o Ke xitti ra Ki di.
éže. Égi wąkpara wawokarakaže. Waki’ųgexjįs’agiži
he said. Then human heads he gave them away. He used to gamble with very much



Ai tt o n Ki di de rKe tt.
hija ’ųnąkiži žesgéja
there when he was [that way at]



p. 70 —
w wi Ki we ni de. A ttiy Ke Le Ai Le de. te we L Ki.
wawigiweniže. hajiakerehireže. Tewéraki,
he divided them among them. [They went back.]* Unexpectedly,

* these sentences are made redundant by another just below, and are therefore not included in the translation.



wK lA L. Loyi Ki Ll Ki de. A Ki Ao L Ki Le de.
wąkpara royigirapagiže. Hagi horakíreže.
human heads they arrived home. They went home they told it.



n xi xoAo no ni K. Ao K. ttA liwi L. w Ki o tt o A Ai wi n.
"Naxíxununįka, Hųk Capwira, wakiųja’ų hahiwina,"
"Youngest Son, Chief Our Own, he was gambling when we got there,"



ay Le de. n Ki xttK Ke w Ki L n. Ai d. Lo Ai L.
aíreže. "Nąkįxjage wakiraną hižą ruhira
they said. "Kick One Another he played one the ribs



n diAi diAi dA n. ay Le de. A ntt. wiy Ki Ko ttiwi n.
nąšišišaną," aíreže. Haną́c wiyakigujwiną
he broke up," they said. All we made bets



p. 71 —
e rKe lA L w ni Ko Ai diAi wi n. ay Le de.
ésge pára wanįgó hišiwiną," aíreže.
so the heads to bring he told us," they said.



Ai tt wi n di ni rKe tti nK Ai Le de.
Hija winąžį nisge cinąk hireže.
There they were encouraged [kind of] [the village] they were.*

* this sentence is translated as, "and they were much encouraged by it."



e Ki. n xi xoAo no ni K. Ai Ko Ao we ttAi L
Égi Naxíxununįka higų howe cira
[And] Youngest Son still he was going about the lodges



wo o de. Ai Ko Ao we woyi rii de deKe.
wo’ųže. Higų howe wois’įže. Ške
he went. Still going around he peeped into them. Also



A Ky L dKe ni Ko K w n K. e tt. n o rette
hagairaške nigokawanąga éja ną’ųsje
sometimes he would enter and there the fire log



Ao xo Ke tt mi n K n K. w wo Ki tee tee ra de
hoxogeja (?) mįnąganąga wawogit’et’es’aže.
[?] he sat and he would talk to them.



p. 72 —
deKe. e Ao KL Ae Le L. A ntt
Ške e hųgra herera. Haną́c
Also he the chief he is. All



Ai leAe Le ri Le de. e Ki. K tt K. Ao K wr deAe. e Ki.
hiperesireže. Égi gająga hokawasše. Égi
they learned. [And] now it was dark. [And]



Ai Ko e tt Ao we o tt o. te we L Ki.
higų éja howe ’ųja’ų.* Tewéraki,
still there going about finally. Unexpectedly,

* ’ųja’ų in this sense ("finally"), elsewhere always occurs at the beginning, not the end of the sentence. In this context, it may mean, "he did".



ttAi n Ko de tt xittiye tt Ai K tt. e tt leAe tti d
cinąkožejaxjįyeja higáją éja pejižą
at the (very) end of the village [he went]* there a fire

* the translation has, "where he was".



t diAi ni tti Le de. Ai tto w Le de. A Ke ttAi ttiAi n Ko Lo Ke tt
tašinįjireže. Hijowáreže. Hąké ci cinąkorokeja
it started to burn brightly. He went towards it. Not lodge in the village



p. 73 —
Ae Le ni de i ttA liniKi w o de. Ai tt Ai K tt.
herenįže. Įcapnik wa’ųže. Hija higáją,
it was not. By itself it was. There when he went,



te we L Ki. ttiAi ni Ki d w o nK deAe. ttAi xAo no ni Ki di.
tewéraki, cinįkižą wa’ųnąkše, cixununįkižą.
unexpectedly, a lodge it was, a small lodge.



e tt. Ai no Ki d. Ai noKo liAi L Lo K n de. Ai L ni Ae L.
Éja hinųgižą; hinųkpįra rokanaže, hiránihera
There a woman; the beautiful woman very much, that he thought



w o nK deAe. Ai tt Ao Ke we de. e tt A Ai
wa’ųnąkše. Hija hokeweže. Éja hahi
it was she. There he went in. There he went



mi nK deAe. Ai noKo n KLe. w Kini Kn KeLe we riAi wi xitti de.
mįnąkše. Hinųknągere wąknįknąkere wesįwįxjįže.
he sat down. The woman the young man she watched closely.



p. 74 —
e Ki. we de. tt Ko o i ne Ki xitti e Ki
Égi wéže, "Jagú ’uinegixjį égi,
Then he asked, "Why are you living alone?" "Well,



L ttAi dA nK deAe e de. e Ki. ttAow Kitti Ke
racišanąkše," éže. Égi cowakjįge
[I live here]," she said. "Well, my monthly terms



w o nK dA n e de. A e de. e Ki.
wa’ųną́kšaną," éže. "Hą," éže. Égi,
it is,"* she said. "Oh," he said. "Well,

* the translation agglomerates these two sentences as, "'Well, because I am having my monthly terms,' she said."



A tti wy rii K tt i ne Ki xitti dA n Ke Ai Ki
haji wais’igają inekixjįšaną, ge higi,"
I came I peeped in you were alone, so I came in,"



w Ke we n. Ai Ko Ao we w wo to xo tt tte n. ttAi L.
wageweną. "Higų howe wawotuǧujajeną. Cira
he said. "Still going about I was looking around. The lodges



A ntt. wo Lo A dA n. ttAi L wo ttAi Le K tt
haną́c worohąšaną. Cira wociregają
all many people. The lodges they are lodging



p. 75 —
ttAi n KeLe. ni dA n i ne Ki L ttAi Ke e rKe
cinąkere nišaną inéki racíge. Ésge
the village as you only alone living. So



Ao xA lini Kette Ke Ai Ki w Ke we n. e de. Ao we
hoxapinikjege higiwageweną," éže. Howe
to keep you company I came in," he said. I went around



w Ki o n i L. to da KeAe. e de. A.
waki’ųna’ira tuš’ake," éže. "Hą,"
because I tried to gamble I failed," he said. ["Oh,"]



e de. Ai noKo Kini Kn KeLe. wo Ki roKo
éže. Hinųknįknąkere wogizok
[she said.]* The young woman very

* this sentence was omitted in the translation.



we riAi wi de. e Ki. Ai noKo ni Kn KeLe. we de.
wesįwįže. Égi hinųknįknąkere wéže,
she watched him closely. Then the young woman she said,



ne ne de. e Ki. xe n Ke wo to xo ttK tt. e tt.
"Neneže. Égi xenage wotuǧujgają éja
"It was you. And a great shouting so I looked there



p. 76 —
Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki d. w n Ki xttK deAe a n K. A xe nK KL.
hocįcįnįkižą Wanąkįxjakše, ánąga haǧenąkra,"
a young man 'Kick One Another', and they were shouting,"



e de. A A a. ne w o A tte n. Ao rKe
éže. "Hąhą’ą, ne wa’ų hajéną. hosgé
she said. "Yes, I I was doing it I was. Just



w Ki o A tte d Le. w KidiKi w ni L. Ai rKe
wáki’ų hajéžaré wąkšikwanira hisgé
I was fooling with him I was my people some



tti n Ki i Ke. w leAe w o A tte d Le. Lo A
jinąk’ige. Wape wa’ų hajéžaré. Roha
so that they might come. To wait I was doing it I was. Many



tti L. m dtt A Ki o L. n diAi diAidi d Le. Lo Ai L.
jira. Mąšją haki’ųra našišižižare. Ruhira
they came. Hard I went at him I broke him up. The ribs



a a Ki w n diAi diAidi dA Le. e de. A. e de.
a’aki wanašišižišare," éže. "Hą," éže.
on both sides I broke them up," he said.* "Oh," she said.

* the last two sentences are agglomerated in the translation, which has, "'I went at him hard and I broke his ribs on both sides,' he said."



p. 77 —
Ai Ko we riAi wi nK deAe.* A tt doAo no ra Le Ai Le Ke
Higų wesįwinąkše. hajašųnųs’are hirege
Still she watched him. She used to see him she thought

* what appears to be a period after "wi" I take to be an artefact of the MS paper.



w o nK deAe. Ai Ki n i w o nK deAe.
wa’ųnąkše. Higi ną’į́ wa’ųnąkše.
she did it. [When he got there] [she longed for him] [that is why she did it.]*

* this sentence is omitted in the translation.



e Ki. we de. A K. Ai xoAo no ne Ki. Ai d
Égi wéže, "Haka hixununegi, hižą
And she said, ["In the past] when I was little, one



A ttA doAo no n. w Lo Ki Ktt n Ae de. y A te doAo no n.
hacašųnųną, warokikjanaheže, yahątešųnųną.
I used to see, I would marry, I dreamt.



ne ni ne de e de. Ai noKo niKi n KeLe. A A a. ne wi ne n.
nénįnéže?" éže, hinųknįknąkere. "Hąhą’ą, néwįnéną.
Is it you?" she said, the young woman. "Yes, it is I.



Ao rKe tt tty xitti Ki di Ai L Ki Kette Ki di y Le Ke.
hosgé jajaixjįgiži, hiragikjegiži yarége
[Indeed] when you would recognize me I wondered



p. 78 —
A Ke w di A ni nK dA n. e tt L Ai Le tt
hąké wašihanįnąkšaną. Haninąkšaną. Éja rahireja
not I did not say anything. [I went home.] There as you went over



Ai ni Ki n. e rKe Ao we Ao ni ni n. A tti Le tt
hinįginą, ésge howe honininą. Hajiréją
I recognized you, so around I have been looking for you. Ever since I came



Ai ni lAe Le rn Kd n. te e A ttAi tt dKe A ttA doAo no L.
hiniperesnąkšaną. Tee hacįjašge hacašųnųra
I knew it. This one where also you used to see me



Ai L L dA nK L. Ai deAe we rAi wi xitti L. tt tty xitti Ki di.
hirarašanąkara. Hišewesįwįxjįra. Jajaixjįgiži,
you were wondering. You watched me very closely. When



Ai Ki Kette Ki di y L nK dA n. e de. A. e de.
higikjegiži yarenąkšaną," éže. "Hą," éže.
she would know me I wondered," he said. "Is that so?" she said.



p. 79 —
e Ki. e Ki. A Ki Li mi nK KeLe Ai Ke de.
"Égi, égi, hakiri mįnągere higeže.
"Well then, to come over sit down," she said to him.



Ai Ki ro ttimi nK deAe A Ai. e Ki. w Ke de.
Higi rojįminąkše. hahi égi wageže,
He went he sat down beside her. She went and she said to him,



w L ttn de. w A n e de.* Ao ttiy e de.
"Warajnaže? Wahąną," éže. "hojiá," éže.
"Would you eat? I have boiled food," she said. "Yes," he said.

* the last two words look as if they were written, w A. n. e. de. The extra dots are doubtless artefacts of the MS paper.



Le xi d Ai tt tte de. de e e Ai L w di ttiKi
Rexižą hijaježe. Žee e hirawašįjik.
A kettle was on. This she she was trying to get cooked.



leAe ttL. Ao w K K. w o nK deAe. leAe ttL. xiAi ni L
Pejara howakaga wa’ųnąkše. Pejara xinįra
The fire to stir [she did.] The fire the sparks



L tte K. e de e A tt Ke Ai tt de de.
rajega. E žee hajage hijažeže,
it sent them flying up. It this he saw it brought him there.



n xi xoAo no ni K. e tt. w Ki re de. w Lo roKo.
Naxíxununįka. éja wagizeže. warusgú,
Youngest Son. Then she dished it out for him. Dried corn,



p. 80 —
A ritti niKi Ai Lo Ki do w o tte de. Ao niKi Ao xA ttoAo deKe ni.
hasjinįk,* hirokižu wa’ųježe. Hónik huxacųšgeni†
blueberries, they are mixed with it was. Beans without backs

* more commonly hastinįk.
† -cųšguni, "without", is the more commonly attested form.



w o tte de. e Ki. A Ki Ki ttA Kette n e de. A A a
wa’ųježe. "Égi, hakikicąkjena," éže. "Hąhą’ą,"
they were. ["Well,] let us eat together," he said. "All right,"



wi de. e Ki. w nK deAe. ey di. w d
wiže. Égi wanąkše, "Eyaši wažą
she said. Then he said, "[Tell it to them ?] something



w L K. Ai K K. Ki o L. Ai d Ao LoKo o ni Ki di.
waraga hįkaga ki’ųra hižą horok’ųnigiži
relatives never the gamblers one to be with them,



Ai K K Ao Ai L ni Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ko Ao Ki o
hįkaga hohiranįkjanaheną. Higų hoki’ų
never they will not defeat me. Still game



tt Ko L. A ntt. w Ai Ktt n Ae n. wo Ai Ke
jagúra haną́c wahikjanaheną. Wohike
any all I will defeat them. Winner



p. 81 —
A ni n. e Ki. w KidiKi w ni L. Ki o w Lo liAi Ai Le n.
haniną, égi wąkšigiwinira ki’ų warupįhireną.
I am, and my people gamblers they are good ones.



A ntt. L Le deKe w w Ai doAo no n. e rKe. daK
Haną́c rareške wawahišųnųną. Ésge, š’ak
All even then I used to beat them. Therefore, parents



w L K. di Ke. Ai no KL Ai d L Ki
waraga žigé hinųkra hižą rági
relatives again the woman one if you do



nolo liKi deKe. wK w L ttA liKi di. A Ke
nųpki ške wąkwara capgiži, hąké
[two] also your men [if you contact,] not



o Ai L ni Ki di. Ai K K. Ao Ai L ni Ktt n Ae n e de.
ųhiranįgiži hįkaga hohiranįkjanaheną," éže.
do not let them as never they will not defeat me," he said.



p. 82 —
Ao ttiy. w ay Le n e de.* Ao. e de.
Hojiá, waireną," éže. "Ho," éže.
"All right, I will tell them," she said. "All right," he said.

* at this point in the translation, "(81)" is entered for a second time, and a paragraph follows which is not found in the text. It reads, "Then he said again, Tell them not to doubt it, he said. Then he slept there all night. In the morning he went home; just as he got home, right away the game challenger came running up. Now then, you youngest born our chief, I come to challenge you to a game, to play good shooting, they said." Apparently this is an interpolation of the translator.



tt tti ne tt. L Ki ni de. Ai ni w Ai L. Ai deKe
Jajineją raginįže. Hiniwahira hišgé
Already he started. His elder brothers also



A Ly L Ki ni de. Ai tt Ai wi Ki di. Ao rK a Ke tt.
harairaginįže. Hija hiwigiži, hosga ageja
they went. There when they arrived, valley across



ttAo we xitti ttA tii de. Ko tti Le Ktt n Ae K. te
cowéxjį cąt’įže, gujirekjanahega. Te
very small it was visible, the target. There



n xi xoAo no ni K. Ai K K myi d* A ni Ki di.
Naxíxununįka hįkaga mąyižą hanįgiži
Youngest Son never an arrow he had

* the MS has miy d.



Ko Lo K deLe Ai ni de. tt tty xitti Ki di. e dA n
kurukšerehinįže. Jajaíxjįgiži, éšaną
that he would not let go of. As long as it was, [only]



p. 83 —
Ai Ki K Le w Ai ni de. e Ki. A A. n xi xoAo no ni KL.
hikigurewahinįže. Égi, hąhą́, Naxíxununįkra
he did not bet them. "Well, now then, Youngest Son



Ao Kini ttA lL. ttAi nK. Ao lA reAe L. Ai d.
Hųginicapara, cinąk hopaséra hižą
the Chief, village corner one



ni Ki Ko tti Ktt wi n Ai Ky Le de. Ao ttiy. e de.
nikigujikjawiną," higaíreže. "Hojiá," éže.
we will bet against it," they said. "All right," he said.



ttAi n Ko lA reAe L Ai d. Ko tti Le de. e Ki. A A.
Cinągopasera hižą gujireže. Égi, hąhą́,
Corner of the village one they bet against. "Well, now then,



te e o Ai Le Ktt n Ae n. ay Le de. wK no liAi wi
dee ’ųhirekjanaheną," aíreže. Wąk nųpiwi
these they will do it," they said. Men two



wi de. xeAe te xitti Ai Le de de Ko wy r L.
wiže. xétexjį hireže. žegų waísara
he meant. Very large they were. And the limbs



p. 84 —
Ao Ki K n K n Ki Le de. m w ni ne Ki di.
hogiganąka nąkireže. waninegiži
bunches of muscles there were. Arrow [which they held]



n Ke we rKe Ai Le de. reAe Le ttAi Ai L n K. A Ke
nąkewesge hireže. Serecį́ hiránąga hąké
frightening* they were. Long they were and not

* the translation has, "were fearful".



w di lo dA n liAi ni Ai Le w Ai Le de.
wažį́´ bošáną pįnįhire wahireže.
anything to miss (in shooting) impossible [they seemed to be.]



te n xi xoAo no ni K w ni L. A Ke w di
Te Naxíxununįka wanira hąké wažį́´
These Youngest Son [the ones he had] not anything



L Ki L Ki L ni de. xoAo no xitti niKi Ki Le de. e Ki. w o de.
ragiragiranįže. Xunuxjįnįkireže. Égi wa’ųže.
[they were told?]. They were very small. [Then] [he did it.]



p. 85 —
w Ki o Ke w Ki do L Ai d. Ko te Ai w Ki L Kette n
Waki’ųge wagišųra hižą, "Koté! hiwagirakjeną,"
Gamblers [the ones with him] one, "Say! let us shoot with them,"



e de. Ao a n K. Ai Ki tti tte de. e Ki.
éže. "Ho," ánąga. Higijiježe. Égi
he said. "All right," he said. He came and stood by them. Then



m L. tto liAi wi Ao Koo de. ne e wi o Le.
mąra jopíwi hok’ųže. "Ne’é wi’ųre,"
the arrows four he gave him. "We are to use these,"



Ai Ke de. A Ao. ay Le de. w Kdi Kn KeLe
higeže. "Hąhó," aíreže. wąkšiknągere
he told him. ["All right,"] [he said.] Common people



Ai rKe tt wo ly reKe Ai Le de. de tt K.
hisgéja wopaisge hireže. Žejąga
very discouraged they were. Then



w KoLo tteKe n KLe. ttAo ni Ai d o de.
Wąkrucgenąkre coni hižą óže.
the Giants first one he hit the mark.



e Ki. Ai deKe. w KidiKi tt ne o de. Ai Ki o n.
Égi hišgé wąkšigijane óže. Higi’ų́ną.
[Then] [also] [the man] he hit the mark. [He did it with it.]



p. 86 —
a Ao Ai Le de. Ai dK K. w KoLo tteKe L. o Le Ai de.
Ahuhireže. Hišgaga Wąkrucgera órehiže.
[They caused it to wing.] In turn the Giant he hit the mark.



di Ke. Ai Ki o n. a Ao Ai Le de. Ai dK K.
Žigé Higi’ų́ną. Ahuhireže. Hišgaga
Again [He did it with it.] [They caused it to wing.] In turn



w Kidi KL o Le Ai de. di Ke. Ai Ki o n.
wąkšíkra órehiže. Žigé higi’ų́ną.
the man he hit the mark. Again [he did it with it.]



a Ao Ai Le de. Ai tto l Ai L. ayi Le Ki di.
Ahuhireže. Hijobąhira ayiregiži
[They caused it to wing.] The fourth time he shot it



w KidiKi tt ne. Ki rA Kitti L. o de.
wąkšigijane gisakjira óže.
[the man] the target he hit the mark.



Ai dK K. n xi xoAo no ni K w Ki L de. de Ke
Hišgaga Naxíxununįka wakiraže. Ške
In turn Youngest Son he played. Also



p. 87 —
de rKe Ai wi de. to we Ki w K Le Ke
žesge hiwiže. Towe giwą́kerege
the same they did again. They kept on shooting better



o L. wi Ki di. Ai Low Kini. n xi xoAo no ni K.
’ųra. Wigiži hiroágnį Naxíxununįka
they did. [?] until the last one Youngest Son



Ki rA Kitti o de. e tt. Ao Ai L wi de. e Ki.
gisakji óže. Éja hohirawiže. Égi
the target he shot the target.* [There] they were defeated. And

* this is translated as, "they kept on shooting better at each shot until at the last shot the youngest born shot the target in the center".



tto li Ai. Ai Ki tt Le n di w Ki Ki de. e Ki.
jopihi hikíjąré nąžį́ wagigíže. Égi
four rows [standing] he put them. And



m wi Ko ttiKi di. A K Ki L A. w Ko ttK A ntt
mąwi gujigiži hagakírahą wagujka haną́c
arrows when he shot once only the shot all



tee w Ai ra de. tto l A w Ko ttiKi A ntt
t’ewahis’aže. Jobąhą wagujgi. Haną́c
he would kill. Four times he shot. All



p. 88 —
my riAitti w Ai de. e Ki. de Ko A K Ly Le de.
maįsįj wáhiže. Égi žegų hakaraíreže
killed [he made them.] [And] then they went home.



n xi xoAo no ni K di. Ai Ko Ai tt o tte de. A Ke
Naxíxununįkaži higų hija ’ųjéže. Hąké
Youngest Son [at least] still there he remained. Not



K L ni de. de e. A Ae Le. Ai noKo K n K.
karanįže. Žee hąhére hinųkąnąk´
he did not go home. This one the night before the young woman he married



Ai Ko Kow n K. e Ki Ai o ni L. Ai tt Ai de.
higų guanąga égi hi’ųnį́ra hijahiže.
as soon as he left, and then the mother she came there.



A Ai. Aoyi rii de. we de. Ai noKo A xitti
Hahi hois’įže. Wéže, "Hinųkhaxjį,
She arrived she peeped in. She said, "Daughter,



Ai L K n ttAo de tte L e de. Ai lAe Lere deAe.
hikanącųže, jerá," éže. Hipéresše.
you got married, [the one who is this,"] she said. She knew it.



p. 89 —
A A a. Ai Ke de. n ni. w Kidi Kitti ni Ki d.
"Hąhą’ą," higeže. "Ną́ni wąkšikjinigižą
"Yes," she said to her. "Mother it's an ordinary human



A Ki do n. e de. e Ki. we de. Ai noKo A xitti
hakížuną," éže. Égi wéže, "Hinųkhaxjį,
[I am with,"] she said. [Then] [she said,] "Daughter,



tt Ko e Ki Ai L Le Ke w doo K tt. e de.
jagú égi hirarege waš’ųgają," éže.
how here you choose to do it," she said.



e Ki. we de. n ni. w d e n.
Égi wéže, "Ną́ni, wažą éną:
Then she said, "Mother, something he has said:



Ai K K. Ki o L. Ai d Ai o ni Ktt wi e n.
hįkaga ki’ųra hižą hi’ųnįkjąwi. éną.
never the gamblers one we will not do, he said.



wK w ttA lL deKe. Ai K K. Ao Ai L ni Ktt n Ae de
wąkwacábara ške hįkaga hohiranįkjanaheže,
Brothers also never they will not defeat him,



p. 90 —
e n. wo Ai Key d Ae Le de. e n. e de.
éną. Wohikeižą hereže, éną," éže.
he said. A winner he is, he said," she said.


e Le n. Ai d Ao KL Ae Le de a n KL.
"Éreną hižą hųgra hereže, anąkra,"
"It is he the one the chief he is, they talk about,"



e de. A A a. e tt. A Ae Le. Ai d.
éže. "Hąhą’ą, éja hąhére hižą
she said. "Oh yes, there yesterday one



n Ki xttK Ke w Ki L Ki di. Ai d n liAi diAidi deAe
'Nąkįxjage' wakiragiži hižą nąpįšišiše
'Kick One Another' when they played one he broke him up [good]



a n Kd n. e Le Ko ni. e de. Ai dtt Ke
ánąkšaną. E regųnį," éže. Hišją́ge,
they said. He [he may have gone there,"]* she said. "Well,

* translated as, "he must have been the fellow".



Ai ttiAi to w L K. w w Ki t Ki Kette Ko ni e de. e Ki.
hicitowaraga wawagitakikjegųnį," éže. Égi
your older brothers I will tell them," she said. Then



p. 91 —
Ke Le de Ki Ki di. w Kono L. Ai no Ki Ai L. Ai K n ttAo n.
kereže. Kigiži, "Wąknura hinųkihira hikąnącų́ną,"
she went home. When she arrived home, "Old man, our daughter has gotten married,"



e de. A e de. Ao K ni ne de a n KL.
éže. "Hą," éže. "Hųkanineže. Anąkra
she said. "Is that so?" he said. ["She has a chief."] The one who is told about



w Kidi Kitti n KLe. de e Ao LoKo dA n. e Ki.
wąkšikjinagere žee horokšą́ną. Égi
the people theLe she married him. And



w nK dA n Ai Ke. wK w ttA lL. A K Ki o L.
wánąkšaną, hįké wąkwacábara haka ki’ųra
he says, none brothers [what is now will not be]* the games

* Miner says that haka is "an adverb denoting that what did occur is not occurring now; or that what is now will not then be."



Ai d o ni Kette a nK dA n. Ai K K
hižą ’ųnįkje. Anąkšaną, hįkaga
one they must not take part in. He says, never



p. 92 —
Ao Ai L ni Ktt n Ae Ke. e rKe wo Ai Key d Ae Le de.
hohiranįkjanahege. Ésge wohigeižą hereže.
he will not be defeated. [Therefore,] a winner he is.



a nK dA n. e Ki. Ai tt n Ki di wy Le de.
ánąkšaną. Égi hija nągížį waíreže,
she said. And there they were present they said,



Ao Ao de e tt Koyi de Le K tt. ay Le de. e Ki.
"Hohó, žee jaguižeregają?" aíreže. Égi
"Well, this one what can he be?" they said. [Then]



di Ke we de. wy tteKe niKi L wi K. Ai Ke
Žigé wéže, "Waijgénįkàrawiga hįké
Again she said, "Your little sister not



Ki l L ni Ktt wi a nK dA n. e de. Ai dtt Ke
giparanįkjawi ánąkšaną," éže. "Hišją́ge,
you must not doubt what she said," she said. "Well,



de rKe Ktte Ko ni a wi de. e Le n. A Ae Le e Ki
žesgekjegųnį," awíže. "Éreną hąhére égi
it shall be so then," they (two) said. "It is the one last night [here]



p. 93 —
Ao LK K tti n KL. Ai d deKe Lo Ai L. n diAi diAidi deAe
horakajinąkra hižą ške ruhira našišižiše
the one that they told about one also the ribs he had broken,



a n KL. e w K nK dA n. ay Le de. e Ki.
anąkra. E wąknąkšaną," aíreže. Égi
she said. He the man," they said. And



Ae Le n. tteAe Kitti L. Ki o Ai Le K. e rKe A Ke
hereną. Cekjįra ki’ųhirega, ésge hąké
it was he. The first time they gambled, [so it was that] not



Ai d w d o wi ni de. di Ke. Ai no l A L.
hižą wažą ’ųwinįže. Žigé hinųpáhąra
one thing [they did not make.]* Again the second time

* translated as, "The first time they gambled, they had no show whatever".



Ki o Lo dtt Ai L n K. e Ki. di Ke Ai tto we
ki’ų rušjąhiranąga égi žigé hijowe
they gambled they got through and then again he went about there



o tte de. di Ke e tt Ao ttiAi ttAi L. no liAi wi
’ųjéže. Žigé éja hocįcįra nųpiwi
he remained.* Again there the young men two

* this sentence is translated as, "the second time again they could not win, and when they were through, he still remained there and went about the village."



p. 94 —
w wi de. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki L no liAi wi. te e
wawíže, hicakórokira nųpiwi tee,
they were saying, the friends two these,



Ai ttA Ko Lo. A Ae Le. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki de e. Ai d
"Hicakóro, hąhére hicakóroki žee hižą
"Friend, last night friends these one



n diAi diAidi deAe a n KL. de e. Ai w Ki L K.
našišižiše, anąkra. Žee hiwagiraga
he broke up, they say. Those [used to do it to them]*

* translated as, "we used to defeat them".



Ai w w n xitti doAo no K tt. te e Lo K n. w d
hiwawanąxjįšųnųgają, tee rokana wažą
when we used to play with them, this one much thing



w n liAi tte de. a nK deAe. e Ki xitti* te Ki
wanąpiježe," ánąkše. Égixjį tégi
to defeat," they were saying. Just then near

* a period was placed after e Ki by mistake.



tti de. Ai Ko Ai wo roAo roAo ttini rKe Ki too li Le de.
jiže. higų hiwusųsųcnisge git’ųpireže.
he came. And they sort of edged off towards him [they put themselves.]



p. 95 —
e Ki. tti tte de. Ko te Ao ttAi ttAi wi L. tt Ko.
Égi jiježe. "Koté hocįcįwira, jagú
Then he came up to them. "Say young men, {question}



Ai Ko wi L A Kdi xitti* Ki o L. Ai Lo dtt wi K tt.
higų wira hąkšíxjį ki’ųra hirušjąwigają
yet the sun high up gambling we quit and

* an /x/ has been superimposed over an original /K/ in the MS.


Ai Ko di Ke w d L dKe Ai d
higų žigé wažąra ške hižą
still again something also one



o liAi K tt. y Le Ke Ai Ko Ai Ki A o A tte n.
’ųpigają, yarége? higų higí ha’ų́́ hajéną,"
we could have, I thought? So yet still here I am staying I am,"



e de. Ki o L. dA n w L Ki. doo L tti wi de
éže. Ki’ųra šana waragi š’ųrajiwiže.
he said. Gambling nothing else you came for it [you did ?].



p. 96 —
Ai dA wi K tt. A Ke A K Ai Ki o wi ni K tt. Ai tt
Hišawigają hąké haka hiki’ųwinįgają hija
You said it and not {not future} we are not gambling and there


A K Ki L A. w di o wi Ki de Ko Ki L K. A Ke
hagakírahą waši’ųwigi žegų kirak hąké
only once when you do it thus it becomes not



w Ki o K tt Ai Le w Ai n K tt e de. Ko te Ao KL.
waki’ųgają hiréwahinągają," éže. "Koté, hųgra
having gambled that way it seems," he said. "Say, the chief



w Ki t Kiwiy n K. o e Ki di. Ai o Ktt wi n. ay Le de.
wagitakwianąga ųégiži, hi’ųkjawiną," aíreže.
we will tell it and if he consents, we will do it," they said.



o e Ktt n Ae K tt. tt Ko Ao we Ki o A Ly xA n
"Ųekjanahegają jagú howegi’ų haraixaną
"He will tell you to do it, [how] as you are going around traveling


p. 97 —
A dA w Kiwi K tt. e de. te e deKe
hašą wagiwigają," éže. "Tee ške:
[you are busy] to find it," he said. "This also:



Ao KL ne wi ne L deKe o Ai A tte K tt e de.
hųgra néwįnéra ške ’ųhihajegają," éže.
the chief I am also I am willing," he said.



e Ki. Ai d Ao Ko ttAi L Ao w Le de. Ai tt
Égi hižą hųgocíra howareže. Hija
Then one of them the chief's lodge he went. There



A Ai Aoyi rii de. A Ao. ay Le de. w d
hahi hois’įže. "Hąhó," aíreže, "wažą
[he went]* he peeped in. "Well," they said, "something

* translated as, "when he got there".



doo L tti ra Le. Ai Ky Le de. e tt. Ao ttAi ttiAi ni Ki d.
š’ųrajis’are," higaíreže. "Éja hocįcįnįkižą
you have come for it," they said. "There a boy



o tte L. Ki o L. Ao oyi d xitti o liAi de a tte L.
’ųjéra ki’ųra ho’ųįžąxjį ’ųpiže," ajera.
over there game time enough we would have he is saying.



p. 98 —
e rKe Ai Ki wi w Ao n. Ao ny L Ki ttA wi Ki di.
Ésge higiwiwahuną. Honairagi cąwigiži
So that is why I came here. [We would visit] if you are willing



A Ki t Ktt wi Ai A wi Ke e de. Ai dtt Ke.
hagitakjąwi hihawige," éže. "Hišją́ge,
we (two) said together [we two thought,"] he said.* "Well then,

* translated as, "and if you were willing we would play with him we said together, he said".



wy r L. Ai d. Ai deKe ni lA n L Ki Koo doKo ni n de.
waísara hižą hišgé nipanara kik’ųšguninaže,"
the limbs one also soup to make yourself,"



e de. A Ao. wy L Ki dA L liAi wi n
éže. "Hąhó, wairagišara pį," winą.
he said. "All right, you speak for me well," he said.



Ai rKe Ai wi Le e de. Ai tt Ki de. A Ao.
Hiské hiwire éže, hijagiže, "Hąhó,
[Thus] he returned he said, [when he got there,] "Well then,



o e n e de. A Ao A ttA K Ai o Kette Ki di
’ųeną, éže. "Hąhó, hacągá hi’ųkjegiži?"
we can go ahead and do it," he said. "Well then, which one he will do it?"



p. 99 —
a wi de. ne A o Kette n. e de Ai d.
awíže. "Ne ha’ųkjeną," éže, hižą.
they [two] said. "I I will do it," he said, one.



e Ki. e tt. no liAi wi Ki Ko Le Ai wi de.
Égi éja nųpiwi gigóre. Hiwiže.
Then [there] two they called over. [They arrived.]



Ko te Ki o a tte n. Ai Ko tti Ktt wi n.
"Koté, ki’ų ajeną. Higų jikjawiną,
"Say, to gamble he wants. [Still] [they are coming,]



A Ki t Ktte n e de. tto liAi wi Ai Ki rKe
hagitakjeną," éže. "Jopiwi hikisgé
[we two thought,"] he said. "Four always



Ai nK dA n. Ao KL Ae Le Ke. e de. A Ao
hinąkšaną, hųgra heregé," éže. "Hąhó,"
[they do,] the chief he is," he said. "All right,"



ay Le de. A Ke w di Lo K n Ai L ni de.
aíreže. Hąké wažį́ rokana hiranįže.
they said. Not anything much he did not think.



p. 100 —
e Ki. ni lA n L ttK Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ke.
Égi nį́pąną́ rajga hirekjanahege.
Then Loup to drink they would be doing.



e tt. K tt K. w Ki L Ktt n Ae Ki di. we de.
Éja gająga wakirakjanahegiži, wéže,
[There] then when he was ready to play, he said,



n xi xoAo no ni K. A Ki Ki ta liwiy n K. Ai d.
Naxíxununįka, "Hagigi t’abiwianąga hižą
Youngest Son "When we start we happen to unloosen and one



w Ko tte riAi K L. Ai n dK wi deKe. A Ki leAe wiy n K.
wagujésiką́ra hinaškawiške hagipewianąga
the moccasin strings we can stop also we wait and



Ai liAi Koo Ktt n A wi K tt e Ki di. Ao ttiy tt Ko de e di
hipik’ųkjanahawigają?" egíži. "Hojiá. Jagú žeeži
while we tie it up?" he said. "Why yes. How that



p. 101 —
de rKe Ai Le doAo no K tt ay Le de. A Ao. e Ki.
žesge hirešųnųgają," aíreže. "Hąhó égi,
way they always do it," they said. "Now then,



ttAo ni ny L xtt Ki Ktt n Ae K tt. Ai L ttiAi
coni nairaxjakikjanahegają, hirací
first you will kick me, the avenger



L tte K tt Ai Ke de. Ao ttiy e de. e Ki.
rajegają," higeže. "Hojiá," éže. Égi
as you are," he said to him.* "All right," he said. Then

* this sentence is translated as, "Now then you will kick me first as you are the avenger, he said to him."



we de. Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ai no wK ni rK tte. n roAo L.
wéže, "Hicakóro, hįnųwąk´ niLgaje, nąsúra
he said, "Friend, be easy kind of, the head



my riAitti L Ki di. Ao Lo tti d woyi niKi Ly Ke e de.
maįsįjiragiži, horujižą woinįkraige," éže.
if you smash to pieces, a meal you will be wasting," he said.



de rKe y L tte n* e de. e Ki. n xttK deAe.
Žesge yarajéną," éže. Égi nąxjákše.
That I was thinking," he said. Then he kicked him.

* the initial /y/ appears to have been written with an extra initial loop in it, making it look as if it were /ey/ or /iy/.



p. 102 —
liAi Ai niKi. w Ko tti Ke Le de. n K di Le Ai de. no ni Ke.
Pįhinįk wagujikereže. nągąžirehiže, nųnįgé
Lightly he ducked. He missed him, but



w liAi Li liAi LiKi L n K. Ao tto li n di Ki Li tte de.
wapįrįpįrįkiranąga hujopinažį kiriže.
he went tumbling over and over, and on his hands and feet he landed.



A K L xey Le de. w KoLo tteKe L. Ai Ai dK K.
hakaraxeireže. Wąkrucgera hihišgaga
They Lhouted at him. The Giants his turn



w n xtt Ki Ktt n Ae Ki di. n n K ttiy n K. n xttK deAe.
wanąxjakikjanahegiži nąnąkjianąga nąkjákše,
to kick so he came up running and he kicked him,



p. 103 —
Ao loAo Lo. w Kini Ke tt. A n di de. n Ki xA w Le Ai de.
hupóro wąginikeja hanąžįže. Nakixawarehiže.
knee cap just above [that he stood on.] He bounced back.



A xA L xitti Ki nili deAe. di Ke A K L xe Ai Le de.
Haxáraxjį kįnį́pše. Žigé hakaraxehireže.
Flat on his back he fell. Again they shouted at him.



A Ao. A Ai di Ke w d o tte Ko ni. A K Ki
"Hąhó, hahi žigé wažą ’ųjegųnį, hagaki
"Well, over there again something he must be doing, at once



wo Lo A L wi Le. Ai Ko tt rKe Ki di. Ai d
worohąrawire. higų jasgé giži hižą
many of you must go. [Yet] [how] [so that]* one

* the words in bracks seems to comprise an idiom as they are translated as, "be sure that".



Ao LK Ki Li wiy tte tt Ko o w n Ki di. ay Le de.
horák kiriwiaje jagú ’ųwanąkiži," aíreže.
to report he comes back what they are doing," they said.



p. 104 —
Ai tto no wK Ki Le de. w Lo A. Ai tt A tti Le de.
Hijo nųwąkireže. Waroha hija hajíreže.
To where he was they started to run. Many of them there they came.



w tty Le Ki di. wy Le de. n xi xoAo no ni KL.
Wajairegiži waíreže, "Naxíxununįkra,
When they saw them they said, "Youngest Son,



Ao Kini ttA lL. w KidiKi w diAi ni L. Lo A xitti
hųginicapara, wąkšik wašinira rohąxjį
the Chief, men of yours many



tti n. Ai Ky Le de. w Ki Lo Ko wi Le. e Ki
jíną," higaíreže. "Wagirukówire, égi
they have come," they said to him. "Clear the way for them, and



Ao w Ao w Ki Ki wi Le e de. Ai tt A tti Le de.
howá howagigiwire," éže. Hija hajíreže.*
here have them come," he said. There they came.

* notice the unusual aliteration: howa howa gi gi [wi] re-eže hija haji reže.



p. 105 —
A Ao. Ko te w Ki o A tte n. wi Ki Ko ttiwi wi Le.
"Hąhó koté, wáki’ų hajéną. Wikigujiwire.
"Now then, I am gambling I am. Make your bets with them.



te e deKe di n K wiy Ki Kotto dA n. e de.
Tee ške žinąka wiyakigujšaną," éže.
Those [also] [others] I have bet," he said.



e tt Ai d dA n Ai Ki Ki Ko tti Le de. e Ki.
Éja hižą šana hikikigujireže. Égi
There one apiece they bet against. Then



we de. A Ao. tt tt m dtt o
wéže, "Hąhó, jają mąšją’ų
he said, "Now then, whenever to do it hard



Ai L diAi wi Ki di. m dtt A o Ki di. Ai Kow n.
hirašiwigiži, mąšją ha’ųgiži, higųwąną
you tell me, hard if I do it, [immediately]



n diAi diAi di Ktt n Ae n. e de. e Ki. t ni A dA n.
našišižikjanaheną," éže. Égi tanihąšaną
I will break him up," he said. Then three times



p. 106 —
n Ki xttK Ki L n K e Ki. wy Le de. A Ao.
nąkįxjakiranąga égi waíreže, "Hąhó,
they kicked one another and then they said, "Now then,



de tt ny xitti. Ao Kini ttA lL. m dtt n xtt KLe.
žejanaíxjį hųginicapara, mąšją nąkjákre,"
[about now] our chief, hard kick him,"



Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. n xttK Ki Le K tt. w Ko tte riAi K L.
higaíreže. Égi nąxjakiregają, wagujésiką́ra
they said to him. Then when he was kicked at, moccasin strings



n deKe de. e Ki. liAi Koo de. e tt. m L.
nąšgeže. Égi pįk’ųže. éja mąra
they came loose. Then he fixed it. There the arrows



Ai d Ai L Ko Lo riKitti deAe. a a Ki. w Ki o de.
hižą hirakorosgijše, a’aki waki’ųže.
one he tied, on both sides [he did them.]



de Ko Aiy n K. n nK ttiy n K. n tteKe
žegų hianąga nąnąkjianąga nąjge
Thus he did, and he came up running and heart



p. 107 —
Ao mi n Ke tt. m L Ao n tt de A L K n K.
homįnąkeja mąra honąją́že. harakanąga
sent in the arrow he kicked in. He groaned and



Lo roAo K tt di Ke rA ni Ke tt. Ao n tt de.
rusugają, žigé sanįgéja honąją́že.
turned over, again on the other side he kicked in.



Ai de. de Ko de. tee Ai de. A Ao. te de rKe
Hiže žegų́že. T’éhiže. "Hąhó, téžesge
He did thus. He killed him. "Oh my, thus



A Ki Ki Ktt ne n Ai Ae d Le. n diAi diAi dA n e de.
hagigikjaneną, hihéžare. Nąšišišaną," éže.
I would do to him, I had said. He broke up," he said.



e Ki. di Ke. A ntt tee w K L
Égi žigé haną́c t’e wąkra
Then again all he killed the men



Ki L n K. lA L. w m diAi di Le de. di Ke.
kįranąga pára wámąšižireže. Žigé
[he did his own and] the heads they cut off. Again



p. 108 —
a ni Ae K. de rKe wi Ke de. w ni L.
anihéga žesge wigéže. Wanira
as he said so he said. [The ones he had]



w Ki o Ke xitti w Ki dowe tt. w wi Ki we ni de.
waki’ųgexjį wagišųweja wawigiweniže.
gamblers [to the ones with him] he gave them.



de ttAo ni. wK lA. w ni A K Ly L ni Ae K. Ay ni Ki di.
Že coni wąkpa wanihakarairanihega, hainigíži
Those before human heads that were taken home, in the morning


wy K Ly xoAo xi Le K tt. te we L Ki. wo Lo diAi KrK.
waigaraixuxiregają, tewéraki, worúšikska
they broke them open, and unexpectedly, white wampum



Ao t Ao do Ai Le de. di Ke Ao t wo Lo diAiKi rK
hotá hošuhireže. Žigé hotá worúšikska
others they contained. Again others white wampum*

* the translation has "black wampum", but that would be wo so diAiKi relAe = worúšiksep. This, nevertheless, is probably what the raconteur meant to say.



p. 109 —
Ao do Ai Le de. e Ki. di Ke de e Ae Le Le Ki di
hošuhireže. Égi žigé žee hereregiži
they contained. Then again them what would be



K tt K. di w wi lAe Le ri Le de. e rKe
gająga ži wawiperesireže. Ésge
this time present there they knew it. So



w ni A Ki Le Ki di. Ai Kow n. lAe tto w Le tt.
wanihakiregiži, higųwąną pejowareja
when they got them home, immediately at the fireplace



Ai Ki diAiKi w K nK Ki Le de. Ai Ko Ay ni Ki di di Ke.
higišík wakąnąkireže. higų hainigíži žigé
he put them above. And the next morning again


w K Ly xoAo xi Le Ki di. wo Lo diAi KL Lo K n w Ki o Ai Le de.
wagaraixuxiregiži, worušikara rokana waki’ųhireže.
they broke them open, and the wampum much they got.



p. 110 —
n xi xoAo no ni K di di Ke Ai noKo K nK Ai de.
Naxíxununįka žižige hinųkąnąk´ híže.
Youngest Son again the wife he went.



Ai Ko Ki Ki di. we de. A Ao. Ai ttA wi A xitti
higų gigíži wéže, "Hąhó, hicawįhą́xjį
[Now] when he got there he said, "Now then, my wife,



A Ki Li n e de. A. e de. Ki Ki di.
hakiríną," éže. "Hą," éže. Gigíži
I have returned," he said. "All right," she said. When he got there



tt tti ne tt. w Ki re Ki ni de. w Lo roKo. A ritti niKi.*
jajineją wagizeginįže. warusgú, hasjinįk,
immediately she dished it out for him. Dried corn, blueberries,

* ritti is rewritten over an erasure. In other sources the word for blueberries is given as hastinįk.



Ao niKi Ao xA ttAo doKo ni Ai L Ki o Ki Ki re de.
hónik huxacųšguni hirakíų gigiseže.
beans without backs [boiled]* she dished out.

* translated as "mixed".



e Ki. A Ki Ki ttA wi de. e tt. di Ke. n de.
Égi hakikicąwiže. Éja žigé nąžé.
Then they ate together. There again he slept.



di Ke di. w K L di de. A Ke
Žigé ži wąkra žiže. "Hąké
Again he warned her [the men] [to warn.] "Not



wK w L ttA lL A K Ki d Ai L n K. Ai d w d
wąkwaracábara hagakižą hiránąga hižą wažą
brothers [even once ?] they come and one thing



o n i ni Kette n e de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di di Ke
’ųnainįkjeną," éže. Égi hainigíži žigé
they must not do it," he said. Then in the morning again



Ke Le de. di Ke. Ay ni Ki di. wK lA L.
kereže. Žigé hainigíži wąkpara
he went home. Again in the morning the human heads


w K Ly xoAo xi Le Ki di. wo Lo diAi KiKi L ttA Lo K n
wagaraixuxiregiži, worúšikirac rokana
they broke them open, and wampum of different kinds many



p. 112 —
w Ki oyi Le. e Ki. di Ke tt tti ne tt. Ki o Ai Lo we L.
waki’ųire. Égi žigé jajineją ki’ųhirowera
they got. Then again immediately the game challenger



tti Ki ni de. A A. n xi xoAo no. Ao Kini ttA lL. Ki o L.
jikinįže. "Hąhą́ Naxíxunu hųginicapara, ki’ųra
he came. "Now then Youngest Son the Chief, the game



A ni ttAi Le Kette ay Le Ke. Ao ni Ki t K tti n e de.
hanicirekje aírege, honigitakjiną," éže.
they wish to try you over they say, I came to tell you of it," he said.



A Ao e de. Ki w no ay Le n e de.
"Hąhó," éže. "Kiwánų aíreną," éže.
"All right," he said. "To run a race they said," he said.



e Ki. A Ai Le Ki di. di Ke. ttAi n Ko lA reAe L
Égi hahíregíži, žigé cinągopasera
Then when they got there, again corner of the village



p. 113 —
Ai d Ko tti L wi de. A Ao. te e e
hižą gujirawiže. "Hąhó, tee e
one they bet against. "Now then, these these



oyi Le Ktt n Ae n. ay Le Ki di. Ai tt tti tte Le de.
’ųirekjanaheną," aíregiži, hija jijereže.
they will do it," they said, there they came and stood.



A K w d. wy r L. Ao Ki K n K n Ki Le de.
Hagáwažą waísara hogiganąka nąkireže.
How the limbs bunches of muscles there were.



w A Ai Lo Ki deKe dKe Ai Le de.
Wahá hírogíške ške hireže.
Strips of fur they had tied to themselves also they did.



doAo KttK. riAitti deKe Ai Lo Ki dK dK Ai Le de.
Šųkjąk sįj ške hirogiškaška hireže.
Wolf tails also tied to themselves they did.



e Ki. Ai Ko. Ao w. de de rKe. A Ai Lo Ki dK dK
Égi higų hųwą́ žežesge hahirogiškaška
And [still] elk hide [that kind] they tied it to themselves



p. 114 —
Ai Le de. w deAe Le Ke. A deKe. A dKe Ai Lo Ki deKe deKe
hireže. Wašereke haške, haške hirogiškeške†
they did. [Fox]* hide also, hide also they tied to themselves

* tanslated here as "wolf".
† another case of aliteration:

haške haške




Ai Le de. e Ki. n xi xoAo no ni K. Ai deKe. Ai d
hireže. Égi Naxíxununįka hišgé hižą
they did. And Youngest Son also one



A K L Ki do o de. w Ki o w ni L. mo de tty tt.
hakarakižu ’ųže, waki’ųwanira. Možejaija
he was with he was, his gamblers. At the end of the earth



ttA deKe Ko tte L. e tt. w w ro L. Ai Ke Le Ktt n A wi n.
cašgegujera éja wawasura hįkerekjanahawiną,"
the oaks stands there the turning point [we will return,"]



ay Le de. no w Ki Le de. w KoLo tteKe L. Ao w L.
aíreže. nųwąkireže Wąkrucgera hųwą́ra
they said. They started to run. The Giants the elks



p. 115 —
no liAi wi no wK wi de. Ai deKe de rKe Ai wi de.
nųpiwi nųwąkwiže. Hišgé žesge hiwiže.
two they started to run. Also the same they did.



Ao w L. tto liAi wi no wK wi de. to we w Ki o L wi de.
Hųwą́ra jopíwi nųwąkwiže. Towe waki’ųwiže.
The elks four they started to run. They kept on making them.



Ai Ko di Ke w di tt Ai L Ai d Ai Koo
higų žigé wažįjahį́ra hižą hik’ų
[Yet] again [somebody] one he used (as a form)



Ai Le K deKe. Ai deKe de rKe Ai wi ra de. A Ai.
hirekše, hišgé žesge hiwis’aže. Hahi
[they would be,] also the same they always did. He arrived



we de. n xi xoAo no ni K. A Ao de tt ny xitti. Ai no K.
wéže, Naxíxununįka, "Hąhó, žejanaíxjį hinųk´
he said, Youngest Son, ["Now then,] [about now] [woman]



p. 116 —
w Ki Kette n e de e tt w too L n Ki Le de.
wagikjeną," éže. Éja wat’ųra nąkireže.
[let us find,"] [he said.]* There left behind they were.

* this literal character of the passage has been omitted from the translation. In its place it reads, "Finally, the youngest born said, Now then let us really run, he said."



mo de tty tt A Ai Le Ki di. w w ro L.
Možejaija hahíregíži, wawasura
To the end of the earth they ran, and the turning point



lo r Ai tte Ai L n K. di Ke no wK
bozahije hiránąga žigé nųwąk´
stuck the goal they did and again they started to run



K Koyi Le de. Ai Ko e tt
gagųyireže. higų éja
back (the way they came). Still there



w wi Ki lA wi de. w KoAo ttKe L. w w ro tte K
wawikipawiže. Wagujgera wawasujega
on the way back they met them. [The ones who were bet] the turning stake



e tt A Ai Le K tt. te we L Ki.
éja hahiregają, tewéraki,
[at] when they arrived, unexpectedly,



K tt xitti Ai m LK tte de. Ao Ao. rii Le tt xitti
gająxjį himarakježe. "Hohó, s’irejąxjį
in a different direction it pointed. "Oh my, some time ago



w oy Le n. e de. wi L A ttAi tt nK Koo
wa’ųireną," éže. Wira hacįjanąk k’ų
it has been done," he said. The sun where it was to do



e tt A Ai Le Ki di. e tt n Kiri Ki d. xA wi
éja hahíregíži, éja nąksikižą, xąwį́
at when they arrived there, towards it a stick grass



Ai Lo riKi tti L n K. wi L Ai m LK Ke Le Le Ki.
hirosgijiranąga wira himąrák kereregi,
tied together with, and the sun it pointed to when they placed it,



wi L. A Li xitti Ai Ki ni de. [de] rKe*
wira haríxjį higi níže. [Že]ske
the sun far when they got there it had gone. That

* the writer apparently mistook the concluding /de/ of the last sentence for the initial /de/ of the next sentence.



rii Le tt w oy Le L Ai leAe Le ri Le de. e Ki.
s’ireją wa’ųirera hiperesireže. Égi
some time ago it had been done they knew it. Then



p. 118 —
n xi xoAo no ni K. a deKe Ki wi Ki di. e tt Ao n KL
Naxíxununįka ašgekiwigiži éja honąkra
Youngest Son when they got back near there they ran



w wi Koo wi de. te we L Ki A Ki A xe li Le de.
wawik’ųwiže. Tewéraki, hakihą xepireže.
they were in the natural forms. Unexpectedly, [in succession] they came into view.



A Ao. Ao Ki ttA liwi L w o A Ko Ay Le n. a nK deAe.
"Hąhó, hųgicapiwira wa’ų haguhaireną," ánąkše.
"Well, our own chief it is he is coming," they were saying.



te we L Ki e w o nK deAe. A Ki Ki do. o nK deAe.
Tewéraki, e wa’ųnąkše. Hakikižu ’ųnąkše.
Unexpectedly, they it was. Together they were.



no Ki w Kitti A Ki Li Le de. e xitti Ki Ki w no Ko wi de.
Nųgíwąkji hakiríreže. Exjį kikiwanokuwiže.
They came up running [they returned.] Themselves they had been running a race.



tt tty xitti. w tty Le K e lA. n xi xoAo no ni K
Jajaixjį wajairega epa. Naxíxununįka
[As long as] they came into view ever since. Youngest Son



p. 119 —
n tti ri Le de. Ai Kdy tee de. A Ki Li Le Ki di. Ko te
nąjisireže. Hikšait’eže. Hakiriregiži "Koté,
he was beaten. He laughed. When they got back, [Well,]



Ao rKe liAi Ai niKi ni Ki o L. no L Ki wK Kitti n.
hosgé hinįknįk’ųra, nuragiwąkjįną,"
[it is not] best I did not run, you tried your hardest (to run),"



e de. n xi xoAo no ni K. tt A a. tt rKe.
éže Naxíxununįka. "Tjáha-á, jasgé
he said, Youngest Son. "Well, what



Ai Le de. ay Le de. w Ki do A o wi L. xe Le xitti ni Ki Le Ke
hireže?" aíreną. "wakížu ha’ųwira xerexjįnįkirege
they became?" they said. "With them we were, they were so slow



p. 120 —
e tt w to A A nK wi n. w d Ai Lo tti A Ki Li Le Ktte de.
éja watųhahanąkwiną. Wažą hirojį hakirirekježe.
there we left them. Some for a time they will be back.



A ro Ai xitti niKi o nK dA n e de. e tt.
Házohixjįnįk ’ųnąkšaną," éže. "Éja
taking their time they were," he said. ["There]



A Ki Ki lA no Ko wi n. e de. e Ki. A Ko Ley d.
hagikipanukuwiną," éže. Égi hagoreižą
we raced between ourselves," he said. Then finally



A Ki Li Le de. tt A a. ay Le de. rii Le tt.
hagirireže. "Tjáha-á," aíreže. S’ireją
they got back. "Well," they said to them. [For a long time]



A Koyi Le n. ny tti ri L wi Ke. A Ke
hagoyireną. "Naiji sirawige, hąké
they were coming. ["About now] [because of their feet,] [not]



n ttiri liAi L ni n ay Le de. e tt.
nąjis piranįną," aíreže. Éja
[to outrun] [you should not,"] [they said.]* There

* this sentence is omitted in the translation.



p. 121 —
w Le Ai L. tee w K L Ki Le de. tt n K. Ai Ki Ko tti Le Ki di.
warehira t’ewakarakireže. Jánąga hikigujiregiži,
the bets they killed. All that were up for bets,



tee w K L Ki Le de. Ai deKe tto liAi wi tee Ai de.
t’ewakarakireže. Hišgé jopíwi t’éhiže.
they killed. Also four he killed.



Aoy diAili Ai deKe wi Ki Kotto ra de. di Ke.
Hoišíp hišgé wikigujs’aže. Žigé
Always [thus] he would bet with them. Again



Ke Le w diAi de. Ai Ke A o
keré wašíže. Hįké ha’ų́
to go on home he told them. [Difficult ?] to remain



o Ktt n Ae n. ni Ke te di Ke Ai d. Ki o L
’ųkjanaheną. nįge težigé hižą ki’ųra
I will do it. I might these again one to play



p. 122 —
A xoAo Lo Ke Ke e de. di Ke Ai tt Ao we
haxurugege," éže. Žigé hija howe
I can induce them," he said. Again there he was going about



o tte de. di Ke e tt Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki L. no liAi wi
’ųjéže. Žigé éja hicakórokira nųpiwi
he was. Again there the (two?) friends two



w wi de. Ko L. Lo K n. te e. w n Ki xtt Ki di.
wawíže, "Korá, rokana tee Wanąkįxjakiži,
they said, "Well, [much] this fellow 'Kick One Another', and



w w n de a n KL. de e. Ai ttA Ko Lo.
wawanąže. Anąkra žee. hicakóro,
defeated them. [They talk about] [this one.] Friend,



Ai w w n xitti ra de Le. te e ne
hiwawanąxjįs’a, šere. Tee ne
we used to beat them bad, [let us beat him.] This one we



A Ki L Ki di. tt Ko Ai tt o n de. ay Le de.
hakiragiži jagú hija ’ųnaže?" aíreže.
[when he gets back,] what there [he is doing?"] they said.*

* translated as, "If we played with him, he would have no chance," they said.



p. 123 —
e Ki. w teeKe Ai wi Ki di. Ai wo roAo roAotto A Ki K L ni wi de.
Égi wat’egehiwigiži, hiwususųc hakikaraniwiže.
[And] they wished to try him, so around very close they kept him.



Ao w Le L. e tt tti de. w w Ke de. Ko te
Howarera éja jiže. Wawageže, "Koté
Sure enough there he came. He said to them, "Say



Ao ttAi ttAi wi L. wo o A Le tte rKe K tt. Ki o L. A K Ki L A
hocįcįwira, wo’ųharejesgegają, ki’ųra hagakírahą
young men, it is so restless, as we gamed once only



Ai o wiy n K. de Ko Ai Lo dtt wi Le. di Ke.
hi’ųwiyanąga žegų hirušjąwire. Žigé
[we did it] and [then] we quit. Again



ni Ke w do o ni KL deKe Ai d. o liAi K tt
nįge waš’ųnikra ške hižą ’ųpigają,"
another [to do] [also] one we could have,"



e de. e Ki. wy Le de. Ko te Ao KL.
éže. Égi waíreže, "Koté, hųgra
he said. Then they said, "Say, the chief



p. 124 —
Ai Ke w d a ni n Ki di Ai o wi doKo ni n.
hįké wažą anįnagiži, hi’ųwiškuniną.
not anything if he would not object, we could do it.



Ai Ao A te Ktte Ki di. Ai d e de. n xi xoAo no ni K.
Hihohatekjegiži?" hižą éže. Naxíxununįka
Shall I go ask him?" one he said. Youngest Son



we de. Ko te Ai Ao Ai L wi Le. te e deKe
wéže, "Koté, hihohirawire. Tee ške
he said, "Say, go ask him. This also



ne Ao KL wi ne L w A tte n e de.
ne hųgra winera, wahájeną," éže.
I the chief I am, [this is why I say it,"] he said.



o doAo no n. Ao tt no l A Ai tt y K A Ai wi doAo no n.
’Ųšųnųną, hoją́ nųpáha hija yakahahiwišųnųną,"
He used to do it, as twice to him he always gave his consent,"



Ai Ke L. A Ke Lo xi ni doAo no n e de. e Ki.
higérą. "Hąké roǧinįšųnųną," éže. Égi
he said to him. "Not he does not refuse," he said. Then



p. 125 —
Ai d Ai tto w Le de. Ai tt Ai de. Ao Ko ttiAiye tt. Ao.
hižą hijowáreže. Hijáhiže, hųgocieja. "Ho,"
one he went there. He arrived there, at the chief's lodge. "Ho,"



e de. Ao KL. w d L Ai d doo L tti ra Le.
éže, hųgra. "Wažąra hižą š’ųrajis’are?"
he said, the chief. "Something one that you came for?"



e de. A A a. e tt Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki d o tte L
éže. "Hąhą’ą, éja hocįcįnįkižą ’ųjéra
he said. "Yes, there a boy who wants



Ki o a tte n. A Ki A wi n Ki di. liAi n Ki di.
ki’ų ajeną. Hagihawinagiži pįnągiži
to gamble [he is saying.] [If we can do it,] if it is good,



A Ki A Ktt wi Ai Ae Ke w o Ao n. e de. Ai dtt Ke.
hagihakjawi hihege wa’ųhúną," éže. "Hišją́ge,
[we will do it] the reason I say I came," he said. "Well then,



Ai deKe wy r L. Ai d Ao ni Koo wi n n. e
hišgé waísara hižą honįk’ųwinaną. E
also the limbs one we will give you. It



p. 126 —
Ai deKe. de e ni lA n L Ki Koo doKo ni n de e de.
hišgé žee nį́pąną́ra kik’ųšguninaže," éže.
also this soup to make yourself," he said.



A Ao. wy L Ki dA L liAi wi K tt e de.
"Hąhó, wairagišara pį," wigają éže,
"All right, you speak for me well," [he said and then] he said,



o wi Le. e de. e Ki. Ai tt Ki de. A Ao.
"’Ųwire," éže. Égi hijagiže. "Hąhó,
"Go ahead and do it," he said. Then he returned. "Now then,



Ao n tteAe n. o e n e de. A Ao. e de.
honącéną. ’Ųeną, éže. "Hąhó," éže.
[he is willing.] We can do it," he said. "All right," he said.



e Ki Ai Kow n Ae Le Kette n. tt Ko n Ki xttK
"Égi, higųwąnąherekjeną." "Jagú nąkixják
"Well, now let us have it right away." ["How] in kicking



Ke o L.* A ni K L ttAi Ktt n A wi K tt ay Le de. A Ao. Ko te
[ki’ųra] hanikaracikjanahawigają," aíreže. "Hąhó koté,
the game we will of course try you over," they said. "All right,

* probably for Ki o L.



p. 127 —
wo Ki Lo Kitti Aiy liAi doAo no n. Ao Ki o e dA n. n Ki xtt KL.
wogízokjį hiapįšųnųną, hoki’ų éšaną nąkixjákara,"
[really] I always like it, the game only the kicking one,"



e de. e Ki. di Ke. tto liAi wi Ai Ko tti L Ki ni de.
éže. Égi žigé jopíwi hikigujirakiniže.
he said. Then again four they had against him as bets.



e Ki. ttAo ni ny L xtt Ki Ktt ne K tt. tt Ko Ai L ttAi
"Égi coni nairaxjakikjanegają, jagú hirací
"Then first you will kick me, how avenger



L tte K tt e de. e rKe. di Ke. ttAo ni
rajegają," éže. Ésge žigé coni
as you are," he said. So again first



n xtt Ki Le de. no w Ki di. n K di Le de. Aoy to L.
nąxjakireže. Nųwąkiži nągąžireže. hoiatura
they kicked him. He dodged and they missed him. The wind



p. 128 —
Ai L Ke Le Ki di. ttAo we my tt Ki ni ln de.
hirakerekiži, cowe maįja kįnįpnaže.
after striking him, nearly to the ground he fell.



to we w liAi Li liAi LiKi L n K. Ao tto li n di
Towe wapįrįpįrįkiranąga hujopinažį
[He kept on] he went tumbling over and over, and on his hands and knees



Ki Li tte de. A K L xe Ai Le de. Ai dK K.
kiriže. Hakaraxehireže. Hišgaga
he landed. They shouted at him. His turn



w n xtt Ki Ktt n Ae Ki di. de tt K. n n K ttiy n K.
wanąxjakikjanahegiži žejąga nąnąkjianąga
to kick so [now] he came up running and



n xttK deAe. Ao loAo Lo A rA ttini Ke tt. A n di de.
nąkjákše, hupóro hasąjnįkeja hanąžįže.
he kicked him, knee cap a little above [that he stood on.]



p. 129 —
n Ki xA w Le Ai de. A xA L xitti. Ki nili deAe. di Ke
Nakixawarehiže. Haxáraxjį kįnį́pše. Žigé
He knocked himself back. Flat on his back he fell. Again



w KoLo tteKe A K L xe Ai Le de. di Ke. A Ai
Wąkrucge hakaraxehireže. "Žigé hahi
Giants they shouted at him. "Again over there



w d o tte Ko ni Ai tto w L wi Le.
wažą ’ųjegųnį. Hijo warawire.
something he must be doing. To where he is go over.



wo Lo A. L wi Le. Ai d. Ao LK Ki Li wiy tte
Waroha rawire hižą horák kiriwiaje,"
Many you had better go one to report he comes back,"



ay Le de. A Ao Ai Le de. Ai tt A tti Le Ki di.
aíreže. "Hąhó," hireže. Hija hajíregiži,
they said. ["All right,"] they said. There when they came,



w tty Le Ki di. wy Le de. n xi xoAo no ni KL.
wajairegiži waíreže, "Naxíxununįkra,
when they saw them they said, "Youngest Son,



Ao Kini ttA lL. w KidiKi w diAi ni L. e Ki.
hųginicapara, wąkšik wašinira égi
the Chief, men of yours here



p. 130 —
A tti wo Lo A xitti n diyK dA n. ai Le de.
haji. Warohaxjį nąžįyakšaną," aíreže.
coming. Many are standing," they said.



w Ki Lo Ko wi Le. e Ao w Ao w diAi wi Le. e de.
"Wagirukówire, é howá howašiwire," éže.
"Clear the way for them, them here have them come," he said.



A Ao. w Ki o A tte n. w wi Ki Ko ttiwi Le
"Hąhó, wáki’ų hajéną. Wawikigujire,"
"Now then, I am gambling I am. Make your bets with them,"



e de. e tt Ai d dA n. Ai Ki Kotto tti Le de.
éže. Éja hižą šana hikigujireže.
he said. There one apiece they bet against.



e Ki. e Ki. we de. A Ao Ai L leAe Le riwi K tt.
Égi égi wéže, "Hąhó, hiraperezwigają,
And then he said, "Now then, you know



w n Ki xtt KL. tt rKe A doAo no L.
Wanąkįxjakara jasgé hašųnųra."
the 'Kick One Another' how I used to do."



p. 131 —
m dtt. A Ki o Ki di. n diAi diAi di Ktt n Ae K tt a tte de.
Mąšją haki’ųgiži, našišižikjanahegają," aježe.
Hard [if I do him,]* I will break him up," he was saying.
* translated as, "if I kick him".



di Ke. m dtt Ki o Ki di. tee Ai de.
Žigé mąšją ki’ųgiži, t’éhiže.
Again hard [when he did him hard,] he killed him.



e Ki. lA L. w Ko Lo ri Le de. Ai tto li Ke di Ke.
Égi pára wakurusireže. Hijóbike žigé
Then the heads they took them back. All four of them again



w Ki o Ke xitti ra Ki di. de rKe tt w wi Ki we ni de.
waki’ųgexjįs’agiži, žesgéja wawigiweniže.
[to those with whom he habitually gambled]* [that kind there] he gave them.
* rendered in the translation as, "his gambling companions".



e Ki. Ai Ko Ai Ki Ao we Ao L tte tte Ktt n Ae n.
Égi higų higí howe horajé jekjanaheną.
Then [yet] here around to visit I will remain (stand).



Ai tt tti K L wi Le w wi Ke de. ni Ke te deKe.
Hija jikarawire wawigéže. Nįgé téšge
There you may go on home," he said to them. Perhaps [this also]



p. 132 —
Ki o L. di Ke ni Ke Ai d A xoAo Lo Ke Ke.
ki’ųra žigé nįgé hižą taxurugege,"
to gamble again perhaps one I might be able to coax,"



e de. di Ke Ai tt Ao we o tt o.
éže. Žigé hija howe ųja’ų
he said. Again there he stayed around [he did]



Ao K w riKi di. tt tti ne tt. tti Ke Le de.
hokawasgiži jajineją jikereže.
until dark [already] he went home.



di Ke Ki de. Ai ttA wi A xitti A Ki Li n e de.
Žigé giže. "Hicawįhą́xjį hakiríną," éže.
Again he got back. "My wife, I have come home," he said.



wo A L. Ai tt tte de. w Ki re de.
Wohą́ra hija ježe. wagizeže.
The boiled food there it was. She dished out some for him.



w Ki Ki ttA wi de. w Lo roKo AL. Ao niKi
Wagigi cawį́že. warusgú, hara hónik
She made it his wife. Dried corn, [fruit,] beans



p. 133 —
Ao xA ttAo doKo ni Ai L Ki o w Ki o nK deAe. e tt
huxacųšguni, hirakíų waki’ųnąkše. Éja
without backs, [boiled]* it was. There
* translated as, "mixed".



n Ki di. di Ke. tt rKe Ai Ktt n Ae L. Ao Ki L LK deAe.
nągiži žigé jasgé hikjanahera hogirarakše.
[near] again what he was going to do he told her.*
* translated as, "There he stayed all night again and he told her what he was going to do.



wK w ttA lL. Ai rKe Ai L n i Ai Le de. e rKe Ai K K.
wąkwacábara hiské hiraną’į hireže, ésge hįkaga
Her brothers thus they believed her he did, so never



Ao LoKo o ni nK deAe. e Ki. di Ke Ay ni Ki di.
horók ų́nįnąkše. Égi žigé hainigíži,
they did not take part. Then again in the morning,



A Ai li tti Ke Le. oyi Le de. di Ke. e w Ki L de.
'Hahipijigere'* ’ųireže. Žigé e wakiraže.
(a certain kind of) ball game they were doing. Again he he did the playing.
* ? < hahi-pi-ji(ji)-ge-re, "to the end point - to defeat - hard - to cause - they must."



p. 134 —
Ai d A Ki do Ki o w Ki ttA lL. di Ke
Hižą hakižu ki’ų wakicapara. Žigé
One of them with them he played his companions. Again



de e Ai d A Ki do w o de. A Ai li tti tti Ke.
žee hižą hakižu wa’ųže. 'Hahipijijige'
these one of them with them he played. This ball game



ay Le K. n L. Ai d. e Ki n di Ki di.
airega, nąra hižą égi nąžįgiži
it is thus, the tree one and there it stands



a K L tteKe L. Ai d. w Ke tt. n di Ki di. w xi xi
akárajgera hižą wągéja nąžįgiži waxįxį
the tree limb one up above standing ball



Ai L lA liAi. Ai Ko A Kidi Ki di. de e
hirapa higų hąkšigiži žee
to throw at well yet high enough this one



Ao tti n n. Ao tti Le. n L. A lA Ki di. w xi xi L.
hojįnaną. Hojįre. Nąra hapakiži waxįxįra
to hit. This they would throw at. The tree if he hits it the ball



p. 135 —
e A K L ni n n. Ai d Ao tti n n. A lA Ki di.
e hakaraninaną. Hižą hojįnaną. Hapakiži,
it it is still under his control. One of them he would throw at. If he hits him,



de e w n xi w Ki Kii n. te Kiyr n KeLe. n L.
žee wanąǧiwakik’įną. Te kiasnąkre nąra
this one he is the ghost-carrier. These who have run away the tree



Ai d. Ai L Le xitti ttA Ki we w o nK dA n.
hižą hiraréxjį cagiwe wa’ųną́kšaną.
a a little distant [they came toward] they do.



Ke ni n tte K. Ai Ki o ni. A lA Ai Le Ki di. de e e Le n.
Kéni nąjega hiki’onį hapahirekiži, žee éreną.
Before the tree he touches it* if they are hit, this one he is "it,"
* the translation has "he reaches it".



w n xi w Ki Kii L. e Ki. di Ke. Ai d. Ao tti Ki.
wanąǧiwakik’įra. Égi žigé hižą hojįgi
the ghost-carrier. Then again one if he throws



n L. Ki K diKi di. w xi xi L A Ki Kowe Ki L n n. Ai d
nąra gigąšgiži, waxįxįra hakikowekirananą. Hižą
the tree if he misses it, the ball they would all try to get it. One



p. 136 —
w n deAe Ki di. e Ao tti n n. n L. Ai d.
wanąšegiži, e hojįnaną, nąra. Hižą
if he got it, he he would throw at it, the tree. One



Lo A. w n xi w Ki Kii Le Ki di. e wo Ai n n. Ai d.
roha wanąǧiwakik’įregiži, e wohinaną. Hižą
the most if the ghost-carrier, he he wins.* One
* this sentence is translated as, "the one who is hit most would be the loser."



Aoyi diAili w lA Ki di. e wo Ai n n.
hoišíp wapagiži, e wohinaną.
all the time if he hits them, he he would be the winner.



A Ai li tti Ke Le o L. te e de rKe
'Hahipijigere' ’ųra. Tee žesge
(A certain kind of) ball game they were doing. This the way



w Ky Le n. w Kidi Ko Ki o. wo d wy de Le n.
wagaireną. Wąkšigo ki’ų wožá waišereną.
[it is described.]* Indian game interesting [they always did ?].†
* translated as, "it is played."
waišere is untranslated.



p. 137 —
e Ki de rKe. w Ki L wi de. di Ke. wo Ai wi de.
Égi žesge wakirawiže. Žigé wohiwiže.
And the way they played with them. Again they defeated them.



no wK rA Ki Ki L n K. Ai K K A lA Ai L wi ni de.
Nųwąk´ sagigiranąga hįkaga hapahirawinįže.
They ran very quickly and never they were not able to hit them.



di Ke e tt. tee w K L Ki wi de.
Žigé éja t’e wąkra, giwiže.
Again there they killed the men, they went home.



e tt. A ttiy Ke Le Ai Le de. te e di Ai Ki A o
Éja hajiakerehireže. "Teeži higí ha’ų́
[There] [they went home.]* "But I here to remain
* this redundant sentence is omitted from the translation.



A tte Ktt n Ae n. ni Ke te Ki o L. di Ke
hajekjanaheną. nįge te ki’ųra žigé
I will be. I might these to play again



Ai d deKe A xoAo Lo Ke Ke e de. e Ki.
hižą ške haxurugege," éže. Égi
one also I can induce them," he said. And



e tt Ao we o tte de. di Ke. e tt.
éja howe ’ųjéže. Žigé éja
there he was going about he was. Again there



p. 138 —
Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki L. no liAi wi. w teeKe Ai Le Ki di. di Ke
hicakórokira nųpiwi wat’egehiregiži, žigé
the (two?) friends two they wished to try him, so again



Ao KL. Ao Ki L K Ai Le de. e tt di Ke* w K L
hųgra hogirakhireže. Éja žigé wąkra
the chief they told him. [There] again the men
* a period is mistakenly placed after the syllable /di/.



Ki di. di Ke Ki dtt A tti Le Ki di. e tt.
giži, žigé gišjá hajíregiži, éja
when, again to look for him when they came, there



w wi Ki Ko tt n K. wo Ai de. di Ke lA L.
wawikigujanąga wohíže. Žigé pára
he bet against them, and he defeated them. Again the heads


w Ko Lo ri Le de. wo Lo diAiKi L Lo A Ao do Ai Le ra de.
wakurusireže. Worúšikra roha hošuhires’aže.
they took them back. Wampum much they always contained.



p. 139 —
e Ki. Ai tto l A L. Ay ni Ki di Ae Le Ktt n Ae Ki di.
Égi hijobą́hąrá hainigíži herekjanahegiži,
Then the fourth time the next morning it would be, and



e Ki. Ai ttA wi L e tt Ki de. e Ki.
égi hijawira éja giže. Égi
and to his wife there he returned. And



wo A L. di Ai tt tte de. di Ke
wohą́ra ži hija ježe. Žigé
the boiled food [to be present] there it was. Again



w Ki re Ki di. w Lo tti Le de. e Ki. we de.
wagizegiži, warujireže. Égi wéže,
after she dished out some for him, they ate. Then he said,



A A. Ay ni Ki di. Ao Aow KL. w Ki o Ktt n Ae n.
"Hąhą́ hainigíži hohowakara waki’ųkjanaheną.
"Now then tomorrow for the last time I will play against them.



e Ki. e tt. w di ni Ke Ktt n Ae n. Ki o L.
Égi éja wažįnįgékjanahéną. Ki’ųra
And there I want to say something to you. The gambling



Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di. e Ki ttiAi L. A d roto
rušjąhiregiži, égi cira hižą sto
when it is over for the last time, then lodge one to gather



p. 140 —
Ao mi nK wiy tte. wK w L ttA lL. daK w L K. e Ki.
hominąkwiyaje, wąkwaracábara, š’akwaraga. Égi
you must remain there, brothers, your parents. And



Ay ni Ki di. Ai Kow n. Ai tt Ao w K L tte. e Ki.
hainigíži higųwąną hija howakaraje. Égi
in the morning you had better there to go back. And



ttAi L. dtt xitti K L Ki wiy tte. Lo riKi riKitti wiy n K.
cira šjąxjį karagiwiyaje ruskiskijwianąga
the lodge very strong [there it must be so] by tying them more and



ttAi doAo L deKe. my tt. Lo Kidi xitti
cišura ške maįja rukšixjį
the lodge poles also to the ground [very deep]



w lo r wiy tte. e Ki. Ao Ktt n Ae L. ne w o
wapozawiyaje. Égi hukjanahera. Ne wa’ų
[to put the posts there.]* And I shall come forth. I [to do it]
* translated as, "and you must make your lodge very strong by tying them up more and have your lodge poles bend clear over to the ground".



p. 141 —
Ao Ktt n Ae n. no ni Ke. A Ke w n i
hukjanaheną, nųnįgé hąké waną’į́
I shall come forth,* but not in the state of mind
* these last two sentences are combined into one in the translation: "and then I shall come forward myself".



tty rK nK KeLe. de rKe w o ni Ktt n Ae n. e Ki. Ai tt
jaisganąkere žesge wa’ųnįkjanaheną. Égi hija
as I am that way it will not be. And there



Ao Ki di. m dtt xitti Ai K n A xitti ne w o nK dA n.
hugiži, mąšjąxjį 'Hikanahaxjį, ne wa’ųną́kšaną,
when I come towards you, very loudly 'Husband, I it is,



woy L Ki xeAe te de Ai deAe ra d Le a tt.
woiragixete hišes’ažare,' aja
you loved me you always told me,' you must say



m dtt xitti a tte. de de Ko Ki di. n ni xoKo Ki di
mąšjąxjį," aje. Žežegųgiži, naníxgųgiži,
very loudly," [he was saying.] If thus only, if I hear you,



A Ke w d ni dK ni Ktt n A wi n e de. Ao ttiy
hąké wažą nišganįkjanahawiną," éže. "Hojiá,"
not something I will not do to you,"* he said. "All right,"
* the last phrase is translated as, "I will not harm you".



p. 142 —
e de. e Ki. e tt n Ki di. Ay ni Ki di.
éže. Égi éja nągiži, hainigíži
she said. Then there he slept, and in the morning



tt tti ne tt ttAi L Ao w Ke Le de. e Ki. Ai tt
jajineją cira howakereže. Égi hija
right away the lodge he went back. And there



Ki Ki di. e tt n di Ke Le tt. A Ki
gigíži, éja nąžįkereją hagi
when he got back, there he stood leaning he went



K w xiAiKi mi nK Ki nK deAe. Ao rKe de rKe de.
kawaxik mįnąginąkše. hosgé žesgeže.
lodge pole he sat. Thus he always was.



Ai K K. A K Ao mi n Ke tt mi nK ni de. A Ky L
hįkaga hagá homįnąkeja mįnąknįže, hagáira
Never there at the regular sitting place he would not sit, [except rarely]



p. 143 —
Ai tt Ki K. e Ki. tt tti ne tt. Ki o w K K L Ae L.
hijagiga. Égi jajineją ki’ų-wąkagara hera
when he got there. And right away the game-challenger [arrived,]



Ai Ki ni de. e Ki. A Aoyi L K ni de. A Ao. Ao Ki nK.
hikiníže. Égi hahuyiraganiže. "Hąhó, hųkinąk
awakening him. And already they started to come over. "Now then, wrestling



ay Le n. ay Le de. A Ao. e de. e Ki.
aíreną," aíreže. "Hąhó," éže. Égi
it is said," they said. "All right," he said. Then



Ai tt tti tte Le de. Lo K n xitti L. no liAi wi wi de.
hija jijereže. Rokanaxjįra nųpiwiwiže.
[there] they came.* Great big fellows two of them there were.
* this sentence was translated as, "Then the wrestlers came forth."



p. 144 — waísara.
Ao Ki K n K nK Ki Le de. wy r L. A Ao. e de.*
Hogiganąka nąkirežewaisara "Hąhó," éže.
Protruding with muscle they were, the limbs. "All right," he said.
* in the MS it looks as if /e A/ had been erased, then written over as /e de./.



Ai d Ki K L Ae de Ai w Ki L Kette n. e de.
Hižą gikarahéže. "hiwagirakjeną," éže.
One [he invited.]* "We shall combat them," he said.
* this sentence was translated as, "he got a partner".



w Ki o Ke w Ki do L. Ai d A Ki do o Ktt n Ae de.
Waki’ųge wakižura hižą hakižu ’ųkjanheže.
Gambling partners one with him he was going to have.



e Ki. K tt K. ay d dA n Ao we w Ki wi de.
Égi gająga aižą šana Howewakiwiže.
Then [at last] [an arm] [only] they took hold of one another.



A Li xitti w Lo tti ri Le de. e Ki. n xi xoAo no ni K.
Haríxjį warujisireže. Égi Naxíxununįka
[Very far] [they had come to eat. (?)]* Then Youngest Son
* this is translated as, "they were much shorter than the giants."



we de. A Ao Ai L ttAi A L tte n. ne
wéže, "Hąhó, hirací harajeną, ne
he said, "Now then, the avenger as you are, you



ttAo ni Ai Ki Ao wi Le e de. e rKe.
coni higihuwire," éže. Ésge
first you will swing us," he said. So



p. 145 —
A ni mi Ki L n K. my tt Ai Lo tti ne K deKe.
hanimįgiránąga maįja hirojį́nega ške
they grabbed hold of him and to the ground they would throw him but



n di Ki Li tte ra de. o tt o. Ai ti de ttA deAe L.
nąžį́ kirijes’aže. ’Ųja’ų, hitiže, cašéra
on his feet he would always land. Finally, he climbed up, the neck



Ki wi ro we Ai de. to xoAo Lo dK de. o nK Koo
giwįsowehiže, toxorušgąže. ’Ųnąk’ų
hang on around, he began to choke him. Finally,



Lo rA Ki di. A n Ki nili deAe. A K L xe Le de. A tt Ke
rohagiži hanakįnįpše. Hakaraxereže. Hajage
[having done so much] he fell on top of him. A great shout went up for him. As he saw him



Ai deKe de rKe Ki Ki di. A ni Ki nili dAe de Ko de.
hišgé žesge gigíži, hanikįnįpše. Žegų́že.
also that he did it, and he fell on top of him. Thus it was.



p. 146 —
di Ke wy rA Ki Le de. e Ki. K L wi Ki di.
Žigé waiságirèže. Égi karawigiži,
Again they killed them. Then when they went home,



w KoLo tteKe L. e tt. n xi Ly Le de. A Ke
Wąkrucgera éja náxiraíreže. Hąké
The Giants there they were filled with fear. Not



Ai w n ni Ktt n A wi Ai Le w Ai n. Ai d Ai ni al li n i Ktt wi n.
"Hiwananįkjanahawihirewahiną, hižą hinį’ąpina’ikjawiną,"
"It seems as though we will not be able to defeat him, one we had better try and save ourselves,"



ay Le de. Ao t Kiy ri L Ki ni de. e Ki. Ai L Le xitti
aíreže. Hotá giaziraginįže. Égi hiraréxjį
they said. Some they had already fled. Then at a distance



xeAeyi d miKi dAe. e tt. Ao w Le Ktt n Ae Ki di.
xeižą mįkše. Éja howarekjanahegiži,
a hill it lay. There he was to go, and



p. 147 —
Ai ni w Ai Ki di. xoAo no xitti L. w Ke de. Ai ni A xitt.
hiniwahigiži, xunuxjįra wageže, "Hinihaxjį,
to the one he had for an older brother the youngest he said, "My dear older brother,



Ay ni Ki di. wi L Lo ttA tte Ki di. A Ke
hainigíži wirarocąjegiži hąké
tomorrow at noon not



A Ki Ko Lo xoAo Lo Kini Ki di. A ntt dette Ktt n A wi n. e rKe.
hakikuruxurukinįgihi, haną́c šjekjanahawiną. Ésge
if I have not overcome myself, all you will die. Therefore



te e. A ni K L di n. n li Lo x ttL* t ni L. de e.
tee hanikaražiną, nąpiruxajara tanira žee
this I encourage you to do, offerings tobacco this
* the syllable /ttL/ appears to have been overprinted on an earlier syllable beginning with an /L/.



Ai Ki wy K ni ttiy tte. e Ki. ttA A rK L. t ni L. Ai L rA.
higiwaiganijiaje. Égi cahaLgara tanira hirasá
you must bring to me. And white deerskin tobacco together with



p. 148 —
Ai Ki wo L le doAo no Kette n. ni Ke w mi Ki di e tt.
higiworapešųnųkjeną, nįgé wamįgiži. Éja
you must throw to me, wherever I am lying. [There]



Ai A tte w ow n K. Ai Ke ny K w niy tte. e tt.
hihaje wa’ųwanąga hįké nąikawanįyaje. Éja
[I am saying] to do it and not don't be afraid of me. There



A Ki Ko Lo da Ki di. de tt K. e tt de ni Ko Ktt n A wi n.
hakikuš’agihi, žejąga éja ženįgųkjanhawiną,"
if I fail to overcome myself, then there [thus it will be,"]*
* this last clause is translated, "then you shall all die".



e de. e Ki. xeAe n K. eyo w Le de. e Ki.
éže. Égi xenąka eyowáreže. Égi
he said. Then to the hill he went. And



Ay ni Ki di. Ay n xitti niKi wi L A w diAi ni diAi ni.
hainigíži hąįnaxjįnįk* wira hawašįnįšįnį
the next morning very early the sun it began to brighten
* more usually, hąįnixjįnįk.



p. 149 —
Ao Ki di. e Ki. te we L Ki. xeAe nK KeLe
hugiži, égi tewéraki xenąkre
[when it started coming,]* then unexpectedly from the hill
* translated as, "and the next morning early when the sun began to brighten the horizon in the east".



e Ki. w di d. i tt niKi deAe. Lo K n xitti de. de Ko
égi wažį́´žą ijanįkše. Rokanaxjįže. žegų
here something cried out. It was very great. Then



m L L Koro Korotto deAe. Ao Lo xo tti Le K tt. te we L Ki.
mąra raksuksujše. horuǧújiregają, tewéraki
the earth it shook. They looked at him, and unexpectedly,



w no tteKey d Ae Le Ki di. rK xitti de. xeAe te de.
wanocgeižą heregíži, sgaxjįže, xeteže.
an animal it was, and very white, it was very big.



m dtt xeAe te de. A Ko Leyi d Ao de. Lo K n de.
Mąšja xeteže. Hagoreižą huže. rokanaže.
[Might] [it was very big.] Finally, it came. It was great.



p. 150 —
w KoLo ttKe ttAi nK KL. A tti ttA we de. Ai d
Wąkrucge cinąkra hajicaweže. Hižą
Giant town he came towards. One



A L tti Ki di. de Ko xA w ni tti Ke Le Ai de.
harajigiži žegų Xawanį́ jikerehiže.
when he got to them then to disappear [he caused it suddenly.]



to we o Ao de. A Ko Ley d A tti w ttA we de.
Towe’ų huže. Hagoreižą hajiwacaweže,
He did along [it came.] Finally, he came towards,



Ai ttA wi L. Ao ttAi wi L. e tt. m dtt xitti w de.
hicáwįrá hociwira. Éja mąšjąxjį waže,
his wife her lodge. There very loud she shouted,



Ai K n A xitti. ne w o nK dA n. woy L Ki xeAe te de
"Hikanahaxjį, ne wa’ųną́kšaną, woyaragixeteže
"My husband, I it is I, you do love me



p. 151 —
Ai deAe d Le. e de. Ai Ko di Ke e ra de.
hišéžare," éže. Higų žigé es’aže.
you said," she said. [Yet] again she would say it.



m dtt xitti e ra de. A Kowe Le deKe. ttAi L
mąšjąxjį es’aže. Hagowerešge cira
Very loud she would say it. Even then the lodge



A l ni rKe de. ttAo we ttAi L. Ki K n de. de Ko
hapanisgeže. Cowe cira gikąnaže, žegų
he glanced. Nearly the lodge he knocked down, but



di Ai Le de. e Ki. to we w Lo xA Le de. n Ko L
žihireže. Égi towe warúxareže. Nakura
he went on by. Then he went on chasing them. Road



Ai d de tt Ai K. di Ke. Ai tt L Ao o Le ra de.
hižą žejahika, žigé hijąra ho’ųres’aže.
one to reach an end, then another he would take up.



p. 152 —
A ntt de tt Ai de. e Ki. Ki Li de. Ai Ko
Haną́c žejahiže. Égi kiriže. Higų
All of them he ended. Then he came back. [Yet]



xA leKe niKi Ki Li de. e Ki. xeAe n K. e tt.
xapgenįk kiriže. Égi xenąka éja
it was not long before he came back. Then the hill there



Ki de. tt tti ne tt. Ai tt Ao no wK deAe e tt.
giže. Jajineja hija honųwąkše. Éja
he went. Right away there he ran over. There



Ai tt Ai K tt te we L Ki. e tt. o xitti nK deAe. e tt
hijahigają, tewéraki, éja ’ųxjįnąkše. Éja
when he got there, unexpectedly, there he was doing much. There



m L. tto li Ai Lo reAe LeK too l n K. e tt.
mąra jopihi ruserek t’ųpanąga éja
the ground four he dug [he put] and* there
* the beginning of this sentence is translated as, "there he had four long places dug and".



de Ko Ao Ki Ke w tt ttK deAe. e Ki. t ni L. ttA A rK
žegų hokikewajająkše. Égi tanira cahasga
now he was rolling. Then tobacco white deerskins



p. 153 —
n li Lo x ttL. Ai tt Ao Ki do de. di Ke Ai L Le xitti
nąpiruxajara hija hokižuže. žigé hiraréxjį
offerings there together with. Again In a short time



Ai tt Ki dtt Ai ra de. di Ke t ni. Ai tto Ki do Ai ra de.
Hija gišjahis’aže. žigé tani hijogišuhis’aže.
There he would go and see him. Again tobacco he would put in.



K deKe Ai Ko de KowK ra de. K tt K. wi L Lo ttA tte xitti de.
Gašge higų žegųwąks’aže. Gająga wírarocąjéxjį́že.
But still he would remain the same. Now the sun was straight above.



n xi Ly Le de. A Ke w d de rK ni Ktt n Ae n.
Náxiraíreže. "Hąké wažą žesganįkjanaheną,"
They were frightened. "Not something [it will not be that way,"]*
* translated as, "It will be difficult". Apparently an idiom in Hocąk.



p. 154 —
a nK deAe. e Ki. w KoLo tteKe wi L. Ai tt tti L Ae de.
ánąkše. Égi Wąkrucgewįra hijajiraheže.
they were saying. Then the Giantess she was going towards him.



ni Ktt Ki oy d. Ae Ley n K. e Ki. Ai ttA w xetele m doAo L.
Nįkją́gi’ų́ižą hereyanąga égi hicawaxšep mąšura
A doll she had and and eagle the feathers



tto liAi wi. t ni L. de de n K. A niy n K. Ai tt
jopíwi tanira žeženąga hanianąga hija
four the tobacco that many she took, and there



Ai de. ni Ktt Ki o L. Ai tt Ao Ki too ne de. e Ki.
híže. Nįkją́gi’ų́ra hija hogit’uneže. Égi
she went. The doll there she threw it at him. Then



t ni L. e Ki. ttAx xetele li wi. m doAo L. tto liAi wi.
tanira égi caxšepiwi mąšura jopíwi
the tobacco and eagles the feathers four



p. 155 —
de e Ai tt w Ki too ne de. ni Ktt Ki o L. riAi Li riAi Lili deAe.
žee hija wagit’ųneže. Nįkją́gi’ų́ra sirisiripše.
those there she threw to him. The doll he licked.



e Ki. Ai noKo n KeLe. my t tte Ai. Ai Lo m A L.
Égi hinųknągere maįtajehi hiromą́hąra
Then the woman wind against the wind



Ao mi Ki nK deAe. w tte Lo K. mi nK deAe. ni Ktt Ki o L.
homįginąkše. Wajéroka mįnąkše. Nįkją́gi’ų́ra
she sat. Naked she sat. The doll



riAi Li l Koo. di Ke Ai noKo Kn KeLe. di Ke
siríp k’ų. Žigé hinųknągere žigé
to lick [he did himself.] Again the woman then



p. 156 —
A Ai riAi rili deAe o nK Koo. de Ko e tt.
hahi sisípše. ’Ųnąk’ų žegų éja
he went he licked. Finally, [then] [there]



mi K tt. ni L. A xele deAe. Ao t K K ttL
mįgają nįra haxebše. Hotakákajara
he laid down and [the water] [he brought forth.] He sweat



Lo K n de. ni A A tee Kette ni rKe de.
rokanaže. Niháha t’ekje nisgeže.
very much. He breathed he would die as if.



A Lo xA. Lo L. w Kidi K Le de. A Ai. A ntt
Harúxa rora wąkšikareže. Hahi haną́c
It began his body to turn into a human one. Finally, [all]



tt rKe ra Ki di de rKe de. A A. e de
jasgé s’agiži, žesgeže. "Hąhą́," éže,
what it used to be, thus it was. "Now then," he said,



e liAi n. Ai ttA wi A xitti. Ai doAo Lo xoAo LoKo dA n.
"epíną, hicawįhą́xjį , hišuruxúrukšaną,
"it is good, my wife, you have saved me,



p. 157 —
A Ki Ko Lo da K tte Le n. A A. ttAi L Ao w L Le.
hakikuruxuruš’akjereną. "Hąhą́, cira howarare
as I am unable to overcome myself. "Now then, the lodge go over to it



wy ni Ai K Ko L Le. e Ki ttAi L
wainį́ hikakorore. Égi cira
clothes get for me. Then the lodge



Ao t lA n Ai Le Kette n. e de. de Ko ttAi L.
hotapąną hirekjeną," éže. žegų cira
to smoke (fumigate) [they will do,"] he said. So the lodge



Ao Ki nK dAe Ai tt Ai de. Ao Ko ttAiye tt. wy ni
hóginąkše. Hijahiže, hųgocieja. "Wainį́
she ran back. She came there, to the chief's lodge. "Clothes



A Ko Ko A tti n. e Ki. di Ke. ttAi L.
haguguhajiną. Égi žigé cira
I came after them. And again the lodge



p. 158 —
wo t lA n L Ktt w e n* e de. Ao Ao e lAi n.
wotapąnąrakja, wéną," éže. "Hohó, epíną,"
have them smoke it, he said," she said. "Oh my, it is good,"
* this should be/we n/.



ay Le de. wy ni A K ni Ko de. e Ki. Ai tt
aíreže. Wainį́ hakaniguže. Égi hija
they said. Clothes she brought him. And there



Ki Li Ki di. Ai Ko Lo Ao Ki di. A Ki Ki do A Koyi Le de.
kirigiži hikorohógiži hakikižu haguyireže.
when she arrived he put them on and together they came home.



e Ki. Ai tt A Ki Li Le de. e Ki K tt K.
Égi hija hakiríreže. Égi gająga
[And] [there] [they came back.] And only then



Ao mi n Ke tt mi nK deAe. Ai ttA wi L A Ki do. e tt
homįnąkeja mįnąkše. hicáwįrá hakižu éja
in his seat he sat. His wife together with there



K tt K deKe Ai leAe Le ri Le de de e K nK tte Ki di.
gająga ške hiperesireže žee kąnąkjegiži.
only then also they knew that that one if he was married to her.



p. 159 —
e Ki. we de. de Ko K tt Ae Le n.
Égi wéže, "Žegųgáją hereną,
And he said, ["After thus done] it was,*
* these two words are translated as, "I was no more".



A Ki Ko Lo da K tte Le n. Ai ttA wi A L. e w o Ke.
hakikuruxuruš’akjereną. hicáwįhàra e wa’ųge
as I was unable to overcome myself. My wife she because it was



ni L al wi n. e Ai Lo xoAo LoKo dA n. ni Ktt Ke
nįra’ąpwiną. e hiruxurukšaną. nįkjąge
she saved you. She [she took it on.] The child



A ni Ai L. e w o n. de e e.
hanihira e wa’ųną. Žee e
she took it there she she did it. That one she



wo we wi ttAo ttili wi n. e Ki. te e. A Ko Ley d.
wowewicujipwiną. Égi tee hagoreižą
[she became full of ideas.] Then [this one] [finally]



ntt w tt n. e Ki te de rKe. A Ktt n Ae L.
nąjawająną, égi téžesge hakjanahera.
she got on my mind, and [in this way] she took it.*

* this sentence was translated as, "she took the child over there and got on my mind, and once I blessed her".



p. 160 —
e Ki. A Ki do Kette. w Ke n. te e de rKe xitti
égi hakižukje wagéną. Tee žesgexjį
[Then] I would marry her, I meant. [This one] this much



ni Ki tti L wi n. ttAi nK KL ni al Ai n. e n
nįgijirawiną: cinąkra nį’ąphiną," éną.
she has helped you: the village she has saved (caused to live)," [he said.]



tto tt K tt. w Kidi KL. ni al wy Ki Ki K tt. e de.
"Jojagają wąkšíkra nį’ąp wagigigają," éže.
"Instead the people life [she has made,"] he said.



e Ki. Ai noKo m do n KeLe e dA n
"Égi hinųk´ mąšunąkere e šana
"And women on earth she alone



Ai noKo Ay liAi n. e rKe. A K n Ki Kette w o A tti n.
hinųk´ haipįną. Ésge hakąnąkikje wa’ųhajíną.
woman I like. Therefore, I will marry her [is why I came here.]



p. 161 —
e Ki. te de rKe Ai Le Ktt n Ae L. y lAe Le rA n.
Égi téžesge hirekjanahera yaperesąną,
And this they were going to do I knew,



Ai Ki w w Ao n. e Ki de tt ni ne Ktt wi L. A Ke
higiwawahuną. Égi žejaninekjawira hąké
I came here. And they would end you not



Ay liAi ni n. te e. A Ke Ai Ki A ni A ni Ki di de tt ni L wi n n.
haipįnįną. Tee hąké higihanihanįgiži, žejanirawinaną.
I would not have liked it. Here not if I had not (come), they would have ended you.



e rKe. te e e Ki w Kidi K i n. e Ki.
Ésge tee égi wąkšik’iną. Égi
[Therefore,] [this] [here] [to live.]* And
* this sentence is omitted in the translation.



A ttAi n. xeAe te Ki. e Ki
haciną. Xe tégi égi
[they dwell here.] Hill in this [here]



daK w A L. nK dA n. xeAey KeLe
š’akwahara nąkšaną. xeakre
my parents they are. In this hill



p. 162 —
e Ki. xeAe te L. tto liAi wi o L
égi xetera jopíwi ’ųra.
here] great four that are created.



e Ai de Le n. tt tti K. e rKe. w KidiKi
E hižereną, jajiga. Ésge wąkšik
He he is one of them, father. Therefore, people



n tto tt. A Ko ri L wi n. e Ki te e ttAi nK L
nąjoją́ hagųzirawiną. Égi tee cinąkra
to bless we were created. And this village



mi nK KeLe. e Ki. Ai to K n L. daK w A L. Ai to i Ai Le n.
mįnąkere égi hitukanara š’akwahara hito’įhireną.
it lay, and I was made chief my parents they were very glad over it.



e Ki. nK dA n. daK w A L e de. e Ki.
Égi nąkšaną, š’akwahara," éže. Égi
Here they sit, my parents," he said. Then



p. 163 —
w Lo tti Le de. Ai no Kn KeLe. w KLo tteKe wi d Ae Le no ni Ke.
warujireže. Hinųknągere Wąkrucgewįžą herenunige,
they ate. The woman a cannibal Giantess she was, but



A Ke w KidiKi Lo ttini de. e dA n xitti. de rKe de.
hąké wąkšik rujnįže. Ešanaxjį žesgeže.
not people she did not eat. The only one that was that way.



w Ko Lo tteKe L. A ntt. w KidiKi Lo tti Le de.
Wąkrucgera haną́c wąkšik rujireže.
The Giants all people they ate.



e Ki. n xi xoAo no ni K w o de. A Ko Leyi d.
Égi Naxíxununįka wa’ųže. Hagoreižą
Then Youngest Son [he did it.] One day



m K A diAi Li Ai de. Le xA. tto liAi wi Ai o de.
mąką́ haširihiže. Rexa jopíwi hi’ųže.
medicine he boiled. Kettles four he used.



e Ki. Ai ttA wi L w Ke de. wK w L ttA lL. Ai d
Égi hicáwįrá wageže, "Wąkwaracábara hižą
Then his wife he said to her, "Your brothers one



A K L Ko L Le. e de. Ao Ki wi d Ae Le de. Ai ttAi to L.
hakarakorare," éže. Hųgiwįžą hereže. Hicitora
go after him," he said. A princess she was. Her older brother



xeAe te L. A Ko Ai de. n xi Le de. m dtt n Ke we Ai Le de.
xetera haguhíže. Naxireže. Mąšją nąkewehireže,
[the oldest one] she went after. He was frightened. Very much they were afraid



n xi xoAo no ni K. Ai tt A ni Ki Ki di w Ki o de.
Naxíxununįka. Hija hanįgigiži, waki’ųže,
of Youngest Son. There when she took him back, he said,



Ai ttA A xitti te Ki mi nK KeLe Ai Ke de.
"hicąhaxjį, tégi mįnąkere," higeže.
"My dear brother-in-law, here sit," he said.



p. 165 —
e tt. mi nK Ki Kiy n K. e Ki m K n K.
Éja mįną́k gigianąga égi mąkąnąk
There to sit he made him, and [also] the medicine



L ttK w Ki Ki de. o nK Koo w L riAi Li Ai de.
rajga wagigiže. ’Ųnąk’ų, warasirihiže.
to drink he made him. [Finally,] he began to vomit.



o xitti de w L riAi Li L. o xitti de. o nK Koo.
’ųxjįže, warasirira. ’ųxjįže. ’Ųnąk’ų,
He did much, he vomited. He did much. [Finally,]



noxo ni Ke L. riAi Li de. i L Ao Ki liAi xitti
nųxnįkera siríriže. Ira hokipį́xjį
the small piece of ice he vomited up. The mouth about the size to fit



A ttA Ke Le L rAi Li de. di Ke Ai d L rAi Li de.
hacągérera siríže. Žigé hižą rasiríže.
he had much difficulty vomitting it up. Again one he vomited up.



p. 166 —
ttAo liAi wi L riAi Li de. e Ki. de Ko L dtt de.
Copiwi rasiríže. Égi žegų rašją́že,
Four of them he vomited up. And now he stopped



w L riAi Li L. e Ki w Ke de. tt A a Ai ttA A xitti
warasirira. Égi wageže, "Jáha-á, hicąhaxjį,
vomitting them. And he said to him, "Now then, brother-in-law,



Ai Ke. to ni Ke we Ai ni de.* Ai Ke de. Ai ttA
hįké tónikewehìnįže?" higeže. "Hicą,
not you are not hungry?" he asked him. "Brother-in-law,
* /to ni Ke/ is written over an earlier erased /w L rA/.



toiyi Ke we Ai n e de. wo Koo Le e de.
toikéwehiną," éže. "wok’ųre," éže.
I am hungry," he said. "Give him food," he said.



ttA Ki Ki re Ai Le de. w reKe xeAe teyi d. Aoy xitti
Ca gigise hireže. wasgéxeteyižą hoixjį
Deer to dish out they did. A large plate full



p. 167 —
Ki Ki re Ai Le Ki di. A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni nK
gigise hiregiži, hąké wažį́´ rokana hinįnąk
to dished out after they did, not anything much [he did not leave]



Koo ttAe li de. Ao Ao e liAi n. Ai ttA A xitti e liAi n.
k’ųcepiže. "Hohó, epíną, hicąhaxjį. Epiną,
he ate it up. "Oh my, it is good, brother-in-law. It is good,



wy tteKe niKi A xitti. te de rKe. w Kdi KL w Lo ttL
waíjgenįkháxjį. Težesge wąkšíkra warujra
(younger) sister. This is the way the people food



A L ttAl nK n Ko ni. w d diAi diAi Kitti A o
haracapnąknągųnį. wažą šišikjį ha’ų́,
it must (perhaps) taste. Thing very bad we had been doing,



A tt wi ra Ko ni. Ao Ao. e liAi n. Ai ttA A xitti.
hajawis’agųnį. Hohó, epíną, hicąhaxjį.
[we perhaps had always eaten.] Ah, it is good, brother-in-law.



p. 168 —
w Kidi KL. te de rKe. w n i Ki liAi nK Kn Ko ni
wąkšíkra téžesge waną’į́ gipinąknągųnį
The people this is the way they must (perhaps) get along happily



w Lo tti Le Ki e liAi n. e liAi n. e de. Ke Le de.
warujiregi. Epiną, epíną," éže. Kereže.
when they eat. It is good, it is good," he said. He went home.



e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. Ai tt tti de. A Ke de rK ni tte L
Égi hainigíži, hijájiže. Hąké žesganįjera
And the next morning, he returned. Not he was not that way before



deKe w i ne xitti de. w Kdi KL. e Ki m K
ške wa’įnexjįže, wąkšíkra. Égi mąką́
but now he liked them very much, the people. Then medicine



p. 169 —
w Ki o K. Ao o L. Ao Ki L K n K. Ai rKe A ni Ke Le
waki’ųga ho’ųra hogirakanąga hisgé hanį́keré
they used [at that time] he told them and some to take home with them



Ki Ki de. tt rKe ni Ki Ki L. Ai L lAe Le rA n de rKe
gigíže. "Jasgé nįgigira hiraperesną, žesge
he gave them. "How I did to you you know, so



w Ki Ki Le Ai Ke de. to w Ko de. Ai tt Ki Li Ki di.
wagigire," higeže. Towaguže. Hijakirigiži,
you do it to them," he told him. He came on home. When he got home,



A Ke w di Lo K n Ai Ai L ni de. Lo Ko xitti
hąké wažį́´ rokana hihinįže. Rokoxjį
[not] [anything] [much] [they did not do.]* Very desirous of it
* the bracketed material was translated as, "they were very delighted".



nK Koo Ae Le de. e tt. w Ki o de. Ai ni Ke Ai
nąk’ųhereže. Éja waki’ųže. Hinigehi
they were. [There] [he did it.] One after another



p. 170 —
A tti n di ne de. Ai d w L riAi Li L. Lo dtt K.
hajinąžį́neže. Hižą warasirira rušją́ga,
they kept coming. One he vomited [he gets through],



to Ke we Ai Le K. Ai tt A tti nK deAe. w Lo ttL
tokewehirega hija hajinąkše. Warujra
they get hungry, there he usually comes over. To eat



o xitti Le ra de. Lo dtt Ai Le K. w i nl L
’ųxjįres’aže. rušjąhirega wa’inąpra
they would do it very much. When they got through they thanked him



e xitti Ai Le ra de. A ntt o n Koo A tti Le de. e Ki.
exjįhires’aže. Haną́c ’ųnąk’ų hajíreže. Égi
they would do very much. All finally, they came. Then



ttAi nK Ao Lo Ke tt. A tti ttAi Le de. e Ki.
cinąk horogéja hajicireže. Égi
village in the midst they came and lived. Then



ni Ktt Kini Ki d A ni ne de. w Kini Ki de Le de. de e
nįkjąknįkižą haníneže. Wąknikižereže. Tee
a child they had. It was a boy. This one



p. 171 —
xeAe te ni Ki di. mi ni rA Kini Ki di. xA w ni ra de. A Ky L.
xetenigiži, minisaginįgiži,* xawanis’aže. Hagaíra
when he was old enough, when he walked, he would disappear. Sometimes
* one might expect manisaginįgiži, but the MS is clear.



A lL no l A xitti deKe. tteAe Ke tt Ao ni ne ra de.
hąpara nųphaxjį ške cegéja honines’aže.
days for two also at first they used to hunt for him.



e Ki. w wo Ki LK deAe. Ai Ko Lo Ke L. Ai ttAo Ke L.
Égi wawogírakše, hikorókera, hicókera
Then he told them, to his grandmother, his grandfather



e tt Ki w o tte n. w wi Ke de. e rKe Ai Ke
éja kiwa’ųjeną, wawigéže, ésge hįké
there he goes, he said to them, so not



p. 172 —
Ao ni L ni ra de. A Ai e Ki. A Ko Ley d.
honiranįs’aže. Hahi, égi hagoreižą
they would not hunt for him. Finally, then one day



n xi xoAo no ni K. tti Ke Le Ktt n Ae de e de.
Naxíxununįka jikerekjanaheže éže.
Youngest Son he was (immediately) going home he said.



A ttA wi L. A K L Ki do. ni Ktt KiniKi tte K di.
Hacawira hakaragižu nįkjąknįkjegaži.
[Any of the places] [he could make his own] the child at least.



o tt o A ttAi tt o m Ki di. e tt o Ktt n Ae de.
’Ųja’ų hacįja’ų mągiži éja ’ųkjanaheže,
Finally where (at that time) [having nested] there he could be,



ay Le de. e Ki. Ai deKe. w KoLo tteKe L.
aíreže. Égi hišgé Wąkrucgera
they said.* Then also the Giants
* the last two sentences are translated as, "one day the youngest born said he was going home with his wife, but the child could finally stay where it got accustomed to they said".



A K Ly Le Ktt n Ae de. w wi Ke de. w KoLo tteKe liAi L
hakarairekjanaheže, wawigéže. "Wąkrucgepįra
they would go home, he said. "The 'good cannibal Giants'



p. 173 —
Ai ni Ky L ni Ae Ktt n A wi n e de. e rKe
hinigairanihekjanahawiną," éže. Ésge,
they will ever call you," he told them. Therefore,



w KLo tteKe liAi ttAo de. w KLo tteKe L. Ao Ki w riAi Kitti
Wąkrucgepį cųže. Wąkrucgera hokiwasikjį
good cannibal Giants we have. The Giants (about) half



A Ke w KidiKi Lo ttini n. e Ki. w Kidi KL
hąké wąkšik rujnįną, égi wąkšíkra
not humans they did not eat, and the humans



wo xeAe te xitti w Ai Le de ay Le n. A A.
woxetexjį wahireže, aíreną. Hąhą́,
they loved them, it is said, they said. Now then,



de tt n. e lA.
žejáną, epa.
it is ended, thus far.



Young Man Gambles Often (Hocįcįwaki’ųk’ega), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #22: 1-173. Syllabary without translation. The handwritten English translation is in Young Man Shoots for Them Often, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 56: 1-85. A typed English translation is found in Young Man Shoots for Them Often, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3861 [3891] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, pre-1930) Winnebago IV, #8s: 1-23.