Trickster Soils the Princess

Translated by Oliver LaMère

Original Text (Syllabic) — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |

Original Text (English) — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |

English Translation

Stylistic Features

  hapaxlegomena: bōkisep, "to blow something out" (as a candle); cēkxeté, "grown up"; gue (Ko e), "what is being said?" (< gu, a front clip of jagu, "what," and e, "to say"); hacį̄ja, in the sense, "whatever"; ehi, "to talk about"; hanaxakerere, "to be visited frequently"; ekjegewe, "to have a message"; hakik’ųk’ų, "to add on to"; harak, "ornamental"; harohēhéxjį, "to get very close to someone" (a likely euphemism for having sexual intercourse) – see below for details; hasepjį, "[very] black"; hataxgixgi, "to thoroughly warm" (an emphatic of hataxgi, "to warm"); haruhehe, "to fool with" ("to engage in sexual foreplay"); hawasa, "to give someone a cross look"; hi, "to swing from side to side"; higiš’ų, "to have a 'running off' (diarrhea?)"; hinak’ų, "awhile"; hirokųǧi, "to change" (as with bedding); hoaruwąk (Aow Lo wK), "eight" for horuwąk; hoate, "well" (an exclamation); honirujis, "to be the younger"; howa, "on the edge"; howarehiesga, "to give one's full attention to something"; hoxgą, "resting place"; hoxugregi, "by"; nąbore, "to run one's hands over"; regi (Le Ki), "strand"; kigiware, strange (person), cf. wakigiware, "traveler"; kikišere, "to court" (an emphatic); kįšōx (Ki doAoxo), "with a crash"; naį́žira, "every once in a while"; ną̄šóšox, "to make his dancing bells ring at every step," an emphatic of ną̄šóx, "to walk with something around the ankles like bells to make noise"; piririke, "a lot of noise"; wajžu huižą, "ones just developing"; žáwaxjį, "with great interest". 
  rare words: hagéšge, "besides"; hikįkinįp, "to be awakened"; xgą, "to rest" (found only in Marino); žere, "to become".
  an unusually heavy use of the suffix -gają.
  a heavy use of šge as a narrative flow particle.

Winnebago V, #18:1* = Notebook 47:1 = Winnebago IV, #8u:1      
de e e tt. Ao we w Ktt K K. owK deAe. e Ki. we de. A  A.
Že’e éja howe Wakjąkaga ’uwąkše. Égi wéže, "Hąhą,
[This one] there to be going about Trickster he was. And he said, "Now then,

* at the top of the page it reads, "The Trickster dirties the princess". Below this is written:

w Ktt K K. Ao Ki wi L
A Le riAi Li Ki di.

This may be transliterated and translated as:

Wakjąkaga hųgiwįra

Trickster Defecates on the Princess


Ko ni K. de tt ny xitti xK ri Ki Low Ko n Ko ni K. Ao xK
kunį́ka! žejanaíxjį xgą ziki* roágųną. Kunį́ka hoxgą
grandmother! now to rest [to cause to extend myself ?] I desire. Grandmother resting place

* < zik-hi?


ri Ki Ai Ki u Le e de e Ki. te Ki. Ao doo Ki niKi mi Ki di.
ziki higi’ųre," éže. Égi tégi hoš’ógenįk mįgiži
[to cause to extend myself ?] you make," he said. And there nearby a small hill there was


                         Winnebago V, #18:2
A xele Le K tt. te we L Ki e tt ttAi loAo Lo Ke xeAe teyi d nK deAe. Ai tt Ai Ki di
haxebᵉregają, tewéraki, éja cīpóroké xeteižą nąkše. Hijá higiži
he went up, and unexpectedly, there oval lodge [a large one] it was. There he went, and



A Ai Ao Ke we de. Ai Ko Lo Ke ni KL w u nK deAe. A A. Ko ni K e liAi n.
hahi hokeweže. Hikorokénįgᵉra wa’ųnąkše. "Hąhą́, kunį́ka, epį́ną.
there he entered in. His grandmother it was. "Now then, grandmother, it is good.



de tt K Ai tteKe n. e rKe. de tt ny xitti Ai wo dA Low Ko Ki w Ae L. e liAi K tt
Žejąga hı̨̄cgeną. Ésge žejanaíxjį hiwušoagugi wahéra, epįgáją
[Now] I am tired. [So] [about now] as I wished to stop and rest it is why I say it, it is good,"



a nK deAe. tt tti ne tt. w Ki re de. wo A L Ai tt tte Ki di. Ao ttoLo Ai.
ánąkše. Jajineja wagiseže, wohą́ra hijajegiži. Hųcruhi
he was saying. Right away she dished it out for him, the kettle as it was on. Bear ribs


                                    Winnebago V, #18:3      
w Lo roKo. Ai L Ki u Ki Ki re de. e tt w Ktt K K. w Lo ttL u xitti de.* e Ki.
warusgú hirakí’ųgigiseže. Éja Wakjąkaga warújᵉra ųxjį́že. Égi
dried corn she dished out for him. There Trickster eating he did much. And then

* it is highly unusual to se the syllabic letter /u/, as /o/ usually does service for both /o/ and /u/.


Ai to Ke niKi n K we de. Ai ttAo deKe niKi A xitti w y L nK dA n. te e. Ao we
hitokenįgᵉnąka wéže, "Hicųšgenįkhaxjį, wayaranąkšaną. Tee howe
the old woman she said, "Grandson, I am thinking something. This to be going about



m n KeLe Ao L L tt L tt ne. rii K tt. ny di. tt Ko Ai L Ki deAe Le
mąną́gᵉre horarajarajane s’igáją naį́ži jagú hirakíšere
about the earth you have gone about long enough [by now] whatever your work is



w doo Ki. A ntt doo Ko ni. Ai K K. ni Ke. A K. Ai doAo wo dA ni K tt.
waš’ų́gi haną́c š’ųgųnį hįkagá nįgé hąká hišuwušanįgają.
if you are doing that, all you are doing never anywhere not you did not stop.


    Winnebago V, #18:4        
e Ki. m n KeLe. w xAo liAi ni w L tti Le L. xeAe te L. ne ni ne K tt. e Ki.
Égi mąną́gᵉre waxopį́nį warájirera xeterá nenįnegają, égi
And on this earth Spirit [the various ones] the greatest you are, and



m n KLe. e Ki. w Kidi KL. w Kidi Ko i wi L Ki Ki deAe Le L. tt rKe
mąną́gᵉre égi wąkšigᵉra wąkšígo’į wiragigišerera, jasgé
[the earth] here the people lives you have been looking out for them, [how]



w L Ki Ko rL. de rKe Ao wyi Le Ktt n Ae L. Ai Ke liAi ni K tt.
waragígųzᵉra žesgé howaírekjanahera, hįké pįnįgają.
you are showing them as [they will be going,] not they will not do well.



Ao we. Ai K K ni Ke. Ai doAo wo lA ni L tt ne. ni Ke. ttAi n K tt.
Howe hįkagá nįgé hišuwušanįrajane. Nįgé cinągają.
Around about never anywhere you never stop. Somewhere they live.


Winnebago V, #18:5        
w Kidi K* Ki do Ai L ni K. te de rKe Ai L ni Ae Ki di. tt Ko
Wą̄kšík kižu hiraniga, téžesge hiranihegiži, jagú
[People] [to place before] [as they are made,] in this way as you are doing, what

* for w KidiKi.


liAi de. doo L tt ne. e rKe. Ai ttAo dKe niKi A xitti Ai noKo L K n Ki di
pįže? š’ųrajane, ésge, hicųšgenįkhaxjį, hinųgᵉra kąnąkiži,
it is good? [You are doing,] therefore, my nephew, [woman] you should marry,



y Le n. e de. e Ki. w Ktt K K we de. Ko ni K de rKe Ai L Le Ke
yaréną," éže. Égi Wakjąkaga wéže, "Kunį́ka žesgé hirarege,
I think," she said. And Trickster he said, "Grandmother [thus] if it is your wish,



w dA no ni Ke. A ttA dKe Ai noKo K K nK n de. e de.
wašá, nųnįgé hacąšge hinųka kąnąknaže," éže.
[I understand,] but [to be possible] wife I could get married?" he said.


Winnebago V, #18:6            
Ai ttAo deKe. e Ki ttAi n Ki d. mi n KL. Ao KL Ai d Ai noKo Ai L. Ai noKo
"Hicųšgé, égi cinągižą mįnągᵉra hųgᵉra hižą́ hinųkhira hinų́k
"Grandson, here a village there is the chiefs one his daughters woman



liAi de Le n. de e Ai L Ki L Kitti ni Ke w A nK dA n.
žeréną. Žee hirakirakjį nįgé wahanąkšaną,
handsome she is. [This one] good mate [perhaps] it is why I am speaking thus,



de e Ai noKo ttAe K ttA liKi di Ay liAi n n. e de. e Ki.
žee hinugᵉcĕ́gᵉra capgiži haipįnaną," éže. Égi
[this one] grandaughter (son's wife) [to have, and] I'd prefer her," she said. And



w Ktt K K we de. Ko ni K. to xAo LoKo n tte Ki di. Ai rKe w deAe K tt
Wakjąkaga wéže, "Kunį́ka, tuxúruknąjegiži, hisgé wašegáją,
Trickster he said, "Grandmother, if I could win her, in truth do as you say,


Winnebago V, #18:7            
tt Ko Ai dA Le. A u n no ni Ke e to da Ki Kette L dA n Ae Le K tt e de.
jagú hišare ha’únă, nųnįgé e tuš’akikjerašaną heregáją," éže.
as you have said I did, but her I failed to get I was," he said.



A A. Ai ttAo deKe Ai ni Ki Ko Lo Ao Kette n e de. e Ki. w u de.
"Hąhą́, hicųšgé hinįgikuruhokjeną," éže. Égi wa’ųžé.
"Now then, grandson I will get you ready," she said. And she did.



ttAe A reAe li d. wo Ki Lo reKe de. e Ki. o Ko lA reAe Ai tto li Ai Ke.
Céha sēbižą wogírosgeže, égi okopase hijobíhike
Buffalo robe a black one [spare ?,] and on the corners all four


          Winnebago V, #18:8
ttAx deAele Ai Lo Ki deKe de. e Ki. de e w i L. Ai Ki Le de. e Ki.
cāxšép hirogišgéže. Égi žee wa’įra higireže. Égi
eagle she tied. And that his blanket it was his. And



w r KL. rK xitti d. m wo do Ki u de. e Ki. t niyo do L. to dA nK.
wazągᵉra sgaxjįžą mąwožú ki’ųže. Égi tānį́ožúra tōšą́nąk
marten a very white one arrow sack she made. And tobacco pouch otter



A reAe litti d. Ae Le de. e Ki. w A reAele ni Ke Ao tt de. w Ko tte L.
hasepjįžą hereže, égi wahá sēp nįgé hoją́že, wagujera.
a [very] black [there was,] and fur black [piece] [he wore on his feet,] the moccasins.



e Ki. tteAe Ai doAo tti d. Ao K nK deAe. e Ki. t ni Ao L. t ni Ao A L Ki d
Égi cēhišujižą hokąnąkše, égi tanihúra tanihu haragižą
And a red yarn turban he wore on his head, and his pipe an ornamental pipe


                      Winnebago V, #18:9        
Ae Le de. e Ki. Ai ttAo deKe L. Lo Ki Ke we Ki Ki de. e Ki. rAe lL Le Ki L. Aow Lo wK
hereže. Égi hicųšgéra rokikewegigiže. Égi sēbᵉra regira hoaruwąk
it was. And her grandson she put paint on. And the black strands eight



n lii de. wo Lo diAi KL. K tt te nK deAe. Ao ttAi ttAi xitti niKi deAe.
nąp’į́že, worušíkᵉra. Gają tenąkše. Hocįcįxjįnįkše.
he wore around his neck, wampum. And there he was. He was very young.



ttAeKe t ni wo Lo Aitti uyi d te nK deAe. wo Ki ro Kitti wK liAi de. de Ko Aiy n K.
Cek tānį wōruhįc ’ų́įžą. tenąkše. Wogizokjį wąk pįže. Žegų hianąga
First breech cloth as one there he was. Very man handsome. Thus she did, and


              Winnebago V, #18:10
Ai ttAo deKe L. Ai K L dtt ni rKe de. e Ki Le de. n m tteAe lA L ri d A ni de.
hicųšgéra hikarašją nisgeže. Égi reže. Nąmą́ceparasižą haniže.
her grandson she fell in love rather. Then he went. A flat warclub he carried.



de e A K L niy n K. Le de. e tt. ow Ai K tt. ni dA n Ki d e tt A wo tti
Žee hakaranianąga reže. Éja, ’ųahigają, nįšanąkižą éja hawujį́
[This] he carried, and he went. There, as he was going along, a creek there he came to



Ai nK deAe. Ai Ko Ao xtt n ni rKe K tt Ae Le de. Ko L ni dA n K KLe. Ai tteAe ttL.
hinąkše. Higų́ hoxjąną́ nisgegają hereže. Korá, nįšanąkagᵉre hicéjᵉra
he did. [Still] evening [it was about] it was. [Exclamation,] the creek the edge



de Ko lA xi L. rA ne de. ni tt A lo roAo Ki Le Ki di. Ko L. w Ktt K K.
Žegų pąxira są̄néže, nįją habozogiregiži. Korá, Wakjąkaga
thus artichokes clear, by water [they were turned sideways.] [Exclamation,] Trickster


Winnebago V, #18:11          
Ai d Lo ttK tt. a rL Lo K n de. roKo de. e tt w Ktt K K. lA xi Lo ttL
hižą́ rucgáją asra rokanaže. Sgūže. Éja Wakjąkaga pąxi rújᵉra
one [he ate, and] delicious it was very. It was sweet. There Trickster artichoke eating



u xitti de. rKo L Lo K n Ai Le de. e Ki. i ntt Ki Ki di. di Ke to w Le de.
ųxjį́že. Skura rokana hireže. Égi inąjᵉgigiži, Žigé towareže.
he did much. Sweet very they were. [And] when he was filled up on it, again he set out.



Ao tti dA n Le K tt. te we L Ki e Ki. ttAi nK xeAe te xitti d A wo tti tti nK deAe.
Hojišą́nąnregają tewéraki, égi cīną́k xetexjįžą hawujijinąkše.
He had not gone very far, when [unexpectedly,] [here] village a large one he came upon.


              Winnebago V, #18:12    
Ao w Ai niKi Le Ki. ttAi loAo Lo Ke ni Ki d n Ki di e tt
Howa hinigᵉregi cīpóroké nįkižą nąkiži éja
On the edge in his direction oval lodge [a small one] there was, and there



A Ai Aoyi rii de. te we L Ki Ai to Ke. ni Ki d. e tt nK deAe. we de. tt Ko.
hahihois’iže. Tewéraki, hitṓke nįkižą éja nąkše. Wéže, "Jagu
he went and peeped in. Unexpectedly, old woman a little one there she was. She said, "Why



ttAo dK no Ai Ke Ao L K w ni Ao Ly rii L tte e Ki di Ao Ke we de. e Ki. we de.
cųšgā́nū, hįké horakáwani horais’įrąje," egíži, hokeweže. Égi wéže,
grandson, not you do not come in you peep in," she said, so he entered. Then she said,



Ke ni Ai ttAo deKe. Ai tt w d ni KL Ai d Ao ni Ki mi di Ktte n. e Ki di. Ai Ke
"Kenį, hicųšgé, hijá wažą́ nįgᵉra hižą́ honikimįžikjeną," egíži, hįké
"Wait, grandson, there something [the little] [a]

I will spread for you,"

she said, so not


Winnebago V, #18:13                
de Ko mi nK ni de. e Ki. w A rAe li d Ai tt Ao Ki midi deAe. e Ki. e tt mi nK deAe. e Ki.
žegų mįnąknįže. Égi wahasebižą hijá hogimįše. Égi éja mįnąkše. "Égi,
[now] he did not sit. Then a black robe there she spread. And there he sat down. "Now then,



ttAo dK no wo ni Ki A Kette n. a n K. Lexe tt leKe ni Ki d. Ao Lo ri Ai tte Ai de. e Ki.
cųšgā́nū, wonįgihakjeną," anąga reǧᵉjąpge nįkižą horusi hijehíže. Égi
grandson, I will boil for you," she said, and kettle a small one she put on (the fire). And


            Winnebago V, #18:14
w Lo ttL Lo dtt K tt e Ki xitti. no w xiAi ne ne Ki. n w xiAi Ly Le de. tto l A. n
warújᵉra rušjągają, égixjį nowaxinenegi, waxiraireže. Jopahą
eating when he had finished, then at the woodpile, wood it was set down. Four times wood



w xiAi Ly Le de. e Ki. Ai Ki Ai ta ta nK deAe. w n Ai noKo tteAeKe n Kii ni rKe.
waxiraireže. Égi higi hit’at’anąkše. "Waną́, hinųkcék nąk’į nisge,"
they set down. Then [here] they talked. "Well, daughter-in-law she packs like,"



ay L n K. Ai Kd nK deAe. w n. Ai to Ke ni K. Ai ttAo deKe w Ai ttAo Ki di. e Ki
airánąga hikšánàkše. "Waną́, hitokénika hicųšgé, wahįcųgiži, égi
they said, and they laughed. "Well, the old woman grandson, if she had him, then



te de rKe A tt n. ay L n K Ai Kd nK deAe. e Ki. Ai d. we de. ni di
téžesge hajáną," airánąga hikšánàkše. Égi hižą́ wéže, "Niži
this [I see,"]* they said, and they laughed. Then one of them she said, "I [in any case,]

* the translation has, "I could be doing [it] all the time".

  Winnebago V, #18:15        
n lA t dotto tt K L Ki Ktt n Ae n. n lL Ai to tt tte n. e de. Ao K w n K tt
ną̄patašúc jākarakikjanaheną. Nąbᵉra hitujajeną," éže. Hokawanąkają
I warm my hands as they will be cold. Hands I am going to warm," she said. She came in, and



te we L Ki. e Ki w Ki d nK deAe. wo Ki ro Kitti wK liAi de. Ai Kd Ao Lo xotto nK deAe.
tewéraki, égi wąkižą nąkše. Wogizokjį wąk pįže. Hikšá horoxucnąkše.
unexpectedly, there a man there was. Very man handsome. Smiling [he looked at her.]



de Ko xitti Ai Kd tti K L n K. A Ktt xA w ni tti Ke Le de. tt A a tt Ko u w doo de
Žegųxjį hikšajikaranąga hakjá xawanijikereže. "Jáha-á, jāgú’ų waš’ų́že?"
[Right away] she gave a little laugh, and [back] she drew out of sight. "Well, why you did it?"


              Winnebago V, #18:16        
ay Le de. A no xA w de Ao rKe w u n e de. di Ke Ai d
aíreže. Hanųxą́wąže. Hosgé wa’ųną, éže. Žigé hižą́
they said. She would not tell. Without any cause, she did it, she said. Again [one of them]



Ao Ke we de. di Ki Ko de rKe Ai de. A Ktt xA w ni tti Ke Le de. di Ke A Ke
hokeweže, žigígų žesgé hiže. Hakjá xawanijikereže. Žigé hąké
she entered, and [again] the same thing she did. [Back] she withdrew out of sight. Again not



Ao L Kini de. di Ki t ni L n de. di Ki Ko de rKe Ai de. Ai tto l A L.
horaknįže. Žigitaniranaže,* žigígų žesgé hiže. Hijobą́hąrá
she would not tell. Again, the third one did it, and [again] the same she did. The fourth time

* < žigitani-hiranaže.

                  Winnebago V, #18:17
Ao Ki wi L Ao Ke we de. no wK tti K L no ni Ke. de Ko Ao K w n K. n o rte
hųgiwįra hokeweže. Nųwąkjikara, nųnįgé žegų hokawanąka ną’ų́ste
the princess she entered. She gave a little start, but right [away] she entered fire log



Ao xo KeLe Ki tti n K n K. n lL A t xKi xiKi Ai nK Koo A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe.
hoxugregi jinąkanąga nąbᵉra hataxgixgi hinak’ų hagihihinąpše.
by she went, and her hands she [thoroughly] warmed awhile she went out again.



de Ko ttAi L Ao Ki nK Ki Le de. ni K te wK liAi K tt tt xitti u tti w u n Ki di
Žegų cīra hoginąkireže. "Nikate, wąk pįgáją. Jáxjį’ųji wa’únąkiži?"
Right [away] home they went. "Say, man he is handsome. I wonder what he is doing it for?"



o K L Ayi Le de. e Ki. A Ki Le Ki di Ao LK nK dAe. Ao Ko ttAiye tt A Ki
’ų́karahaireže. Égi hagiregiži, horaknąkše.  Hųgocieja hakí
as they went along. [And] when they got home, they told of it. At the chief's lodge arriving back


                          Winnebago V, #18:18      
w nK deAe. e Ki. ttAi Ao Ki rA KLe Ki. Ki u nK deAe. e Ki Ke ttA Ke K Ao LoKo ow Ki di.
wanąkše. Égi hokisakregi ki’ųnąkše. Égi Kecąkega horok’ų́agiži,
they said it. And lodge in the center of they were gambling. And Turtle he was one of the gamers, and



te e w n xoKo de. e Ki. we de. Ko L. de Ko A Ktt n Ae n e de. e Ki w Ky  Le de.
tee wanąxguže. Égi wéže, "Korá, žēgų́ hakjanaheną," éže. Égi wagaíreže,
this one he heard them. And he said, "[Exclamation], quitting I will be," he said. And they said to him,



Ko te Ke ttA Ke. w d we L Ki w di deAe Ki u L Ki liAiye rK KLe Ki.
"Koté, Kecąge, wažą́ wéraki wažiše ki’ųra gipiésgakregi,"
"Ah, Turtle, something [unexpectedly] you have said something the game when it is so interesting,"


                       Winnebago V, #18:19    
Ai Ky Le de. Ko te de rK no ni Ke. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. tti Ktt n Ae de e L. Ao m L ttL
higaíreže. "Koté, žésga, nųnįgé hicakorohara jikjanaheže éra, homąrajᵉra
they said. "Well, that is so, but my friend he is coming he said, it is about time



Ae Le n. e rKe ny di tti Ktt n Ae Ko ni y Le Ke e rKe to dtt Ktt ne n e de. e Ki.
heréną. Ésge naįžijíkjanahegųnį, yarége, ésge tošjakjaneną," éže. Égi
it is. So he will be here soon, [I think,] that is why I am going to quit," he said. And



ttAi w ttoKo xe tt wy Le de. Ai to Ke ni K Ai ttAiye tt A tti Ai d nK deAe a nK dA n.
wacguxeja waíreže hitokénika hicieja haji hižą́ nąkše. ánąkšaną.
lodge at the end it was said the old woman [living at] there one there was. they said.


            Winnebago V, #18:20
Ai Ki w Le d. ay Le de. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K we de. e Le Ko ni Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. wK
Higiwarežą, aíreže. Égi Kecąkega wéže, "Eregųnį. Hicakorohara wąk
A stranger, they said. And Turtle he said, "It must be him. My friend man



liAi d Ae Le doAo no n e de. Ai noKo n K wy Le de. wK liAi d Ae Le n ay Le de.
pįžą herešųnųną," éže. Hinų́gᵉnąka waíreže wąk pįžą heréną, aíreže.
handsome he used to be," he said. Women they said man handsome he was, they said.



e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. w Ky Le de. wK liAi de Le de a nK dA n Ai Kyi Le de. A
Égi Kecąkega wagaíreže, "Wąk žereže," ánąkšaną. Higaíreže, "Ha
And Turtle he said, "Man handsome he had become," he said. They said, "Ah,



e Le Ko ni. ttAe A reAe li d wo Lo reKey n K. e Ki. o Ko lA reAe Ai tto li Ke.
eregųnį."* "Cē sēbižą woruskeanąga égi okopase hijóbike
it must be him." "Buffalo robe a black one ornamental, and [also] on the corners [all four]

* < heregųnį, the initial /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.

                     Winnebago V, #18:21      
ttAx deAele m doAo Ai Loyi deKe doAo no n e de. de rKe Ai de a nK dA n
cāxšép mą̄šų̄́ hiroíšgešųnųną," éže. Žesgé hiže," ánąkšaną,
eagle feather they used to be tied to," he said. "That it is what he has," they said,



e de. e Ki Ke ttA Ke K we de. e Le Ko ni. tteAe Ai doAo tti d Ao K n K n K.
éže. Égi Kecąkega wéže, "Eregųnį.* Cēhišujižą hokąnąkanąga,
she said. Then Turtle he said, "It must be him. A red yarn turban he wore on his head, and

* < heregųnį, the initial /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.


e Ki. to dA nK Ay d. t niyo do A ni doAo no n. e Ki. m wo do L. w r Kyi d.
égi tōšą́nąk haižą tānį́ožú hanišųnųną, égi mąwožura wāzą́kížą
[also] otter a skin tobacco pouch he usually had, and quiver a marten


                  Winnebago V, #18:22
rK xitti d. m wo do A ni doAo no n. de rKe n. Ai noKo n K. ayi Le de.
sgaxjįžą mąwožú hanišųnųną." "Žesgéną!" hinų́gᵉnąka aireže.
a very white one arrow sack he usually had." "That's right!" the women they said.



de rKe de Ke ttA Ke a nK dA n. Ai Ky Le de. e Le n Ai ttA Ko Lo A L
Žesgé žege cage ánąkšaną, higaíreže. "Eréną,* hicakorohara,"
That way again because it was seen they said, they said. "It is, my friend,"

* < heréną, the initial /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.


e de. A  Ao de Ko A n. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L tti de a nK Ke.
éže. "Hąhó! žēgų́ hana hicakorohara jī́že, ánąge.
he said. "Well! [Now] I quit my friend he has come, because they say.



Ai noKo Ko wK niKi K dA nK wi Le. de Ko A K L ni wi Le. Ao Ai L.
Hinųgową́gᵉnįkašànągwire žegų hakarániwire hohiranįra,"
You womenly men [now] you can have them back [your losses,"]


          Winnebago V, #18:23
a n K. Ki rA Ke tt Ao w Ko xi n Ki de. wo Ai nK Koo Ae Le Ki di. de Ko xitti
anąga kisakeja howakoxinągiže. Wohínąk’ų heregiži, žegųxjį
he said, and in their midst he shoved it back. He was winning he was, and [immediately]



A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe. e Ki. e Ao ttAi Ki di e Ao Ki we de. Ai tt Aoyi K w Ki n K n K
hagihihinąpše. Égi e hocigiži, e hokíwéže. Hijá hoikawakinąkanąga
he went out. Then it where he lived, and it he went by. There he went in, and



we de. Ai to Ke ni KL. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. tti de a nK dA n. Ll riAi ttL.
wéže, "Hitokenįgᵉra, hicakorohara jī́že, ánąkšaną, rāp sįjᵉra
he said, "Old woman, my friend he has come, they say, beaver tails



xeAe te L. diAi xitti L. Ai d Ao A tte. a n K de Ko di Ke xA w ni tti Ke Le de.
xeterá šįxjįra hižą́ hohą́je," anąga žegų žigé xawanijikereže.
the big the fat ones one boil," he said, and [right away] again he went on.


              Winnebago V, #18:24  
Ai noKo n K. Ai Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. w n Ai diAi Kee A L
hinų́gᵉnąka hįké wažį rokana hinįže. "Waną,́ hišik’ehara
[The woman] [not] [anything] [much] [she did not do.]* "Ah, my brother-in-law

* this sentence does not seem to have been translated. In its place we have, "The woman was very delighted, saying".


tti Ko ni a n K. e Ki. A Ai Ao Ke we de. A Ao Ai ttA Ko Lo K tt K
jigųnį," anąga égi hahi hokéweže. "Hąhó! Hicakóro gająga
he has come," she said, and then he came he went in. "Well! Friend now



L tti de tte L. xtt n ne tt deKe ni K L Kttl dA n. Ao L tti Ktte L xtt n ne
rajížejèra? Xjaną́neja šge nįkararakjąpšaną. Horajíkjera xjaną́ne
you came did you? Since yesterday [also] I have expected you. That you were to come yesterday



Ae Le n y Le n e de. e Ki. Ai Ki w Le n K we de. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo. de rK no ni Ke
heréną, yaréną," éže. Égi, higiwarenąka wéže, "Égi, hicakóro žésga, nųnįgé
it was, I thought," he said. Then, that traveler he said, "Well, friend that is right, but


      Winnebago V, #18:25        
K tt K A tti K tt e de. e Ki. Ai L Le xitti Ki di we de Ke ttA Ke K. Ai ttA Ko Lo. de tt n xitti
gająga hajigają," éže. Égi, hirarexjįgiži, wéže, Kecąkega, "Hicakóro, žejanaxjį
just now I came," he said. Then, after awhile, he said, Turtle, "Friend, by this time



Ai tti  Ke Le Kette n. Ai to Ke ni Kn KL ny d. w d L Ai d t xA w Ai Ko ni
hįjikerekjeną. Hitokenįgᵉnągᵉra naį́ži wažąra hižą́ tāxą́wą hīgųnį,"
let us go home. The old woman by this time something it must be moistened,"



e de. A Ao. e Ki di. A Ki do Ke Le de. e Ki. A Ki Le Ki di. Ke ttA Ke K
éže. "Hąhó," egíži hakižu kereže. Égi hagiregiži, Kecąkega,
he said. "Alright," he said, so with him he went home. And when they got home, Turtle,



Ai ttA wi L Ai Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. Ai diAi Kee A L a n K.
hicawįra hįké wažį rokana hinįže. "Hišik’ehara anąga
his wife [not] [anything] [much] [she did not do.]* "My brother-in-law," she said, and

* just as above, this sentence does not seem to have been translated. In its place we have, "The Turtle's wife was very delighted, saying ...".

Winnebago V, #18:26            
e Ki. Ll riAi ttL t tto Kitti Ki Ki re Ai Le de. wo Ki ro Kitti diAi de. w Ki Ki w Le n K.
égi rāp sįjᵉra tajókjį gigise hireže. Wogízokjį šįže. Wąkigiwarenąka
then beaver the tail well done to dish out it was. Very it was fat. The traveler



Ai Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. e Ki. w d roKo Lo ttL o xitti Ki di.
hįké wažį rokana hinįže. Égi wažą́ sgū rújᵉra ’ųxjįgiži
[not] [anything] [much] [he did not do.]* And something sweet eating [doing very much, and]

* this was translated as, "The traveler was very fond of it."


w do diAi L. ar riti A L ttA liKi di. ttAe li Le Ai de. e Ki. tt tti ne tt.
wažušįra astį̆ haracapgiži cebire hiže. Égi jajineja
the fat [very delicious] it tasted, so to be eaten up [he caused.] And right away


                     Winnebago V, #18:27  
Ke ttA Ke K. Ai noKo K e Ai Ai tti Le de. Ao Ki wi L A e Ai tti Le de.*
Kecąkega, hinųka ehi hijireže. Hųgiwįra haé hajíreže.
Turtle, women to talk about he had come. The princess to talk about he had come.

* for A tti Le de?


e Ki. Ai leAe Le rn Ke w nK dAe. w nK dAe. Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ao Ki wi L. Ao ttAi ttAi L.
Égi hipéresnąke wanąkše. Wanąkše, "Hicakóro, hųgiwįra hocįcį́ra
And he knew all about her they said it. [He was saying,] "Friend, the princess the young men



w wi Ki dAe Le xitti nK no ni Ke. A Ki Le dKe w wi ttAe ttini nK dA n. te e.
wawikišerexjįnąk, nųnįgé hagire šge wawicejninąkšaną, tee.
they are courting her very much, but [they returned] [and] [they could not get her,]* this one.

* the translation has, "they don't pay attention to them."


w Kono A ni no ni Ke. tt rKe L A tte K tt w n Ki di. ni dA n Ai tt A di di xitti
Wą́gᵉnu hanį, nųnįgé jasgera hajegają, wánąkíži ni šana hij hažižixjį
I am an old man, but what I am, but they say I only [there] whisper


            Winnebago V, #18:28      
A tte de a nK dA n a nK deAe. Ao rKe w u A tte K tt.
haježe, ánąkšaną," ánąkše. Hosgé wā’ų́, hajegają,
I did, they say," he was saying. [Without any cause,] I did it, I do it because



Ao rKe Ai noKo Ki Ki deAe Le L. Ay liAi Ke w u A tte K tt. A Ke
hosgé hinų́k kikišerera, haipįge, wā’ų́, hajegają, hąké
[without any cause,] women courting, because I like it, I do it, I do it, but not



A Ki do ni Ktt n A no ni Ke w u A tte n. tt Ko Ai to Ke niKi n KLe de Ko
hakižunįkjanaha nųnįgé wā’ųhajeną́, jagú hitokeną́gᵉre žegų
I am not going to marry her, but I am doing it, as the old woman [now]



ow K L m K tt. liAi Ai Ly K L n K tt a nK deAe. e Ki.
ųwamąkają, hiraikaranąkają," ánąkše. Égi
I have grown used to her, and good as she takes care of me," he was saying. Then


               Winnebago V, #18:29      
Ai ttA wi L we de. te e de de rKe Ai tte Ke. de Ko ow diAi L A Ke u ni
hicawįra wéže, "Tee žežesge hijege, žegų ųšíra hąké ’ųnį
his wife she said, "That thus as he has been doing, so I asked not not to do



mi n K n K w nK dA n. A K xitti Ai noKo w ttAe KL Ai d.
minąkanaga wanąkšaną. Hakaxjį hinų́k wacegᵉra hižą́
as he sat, and [it is why he says it.] [Again and again,] women the young ones one



Ki dtt Ke xitti doAo no y Le Ke w Ae L. A[i] noKo n K a nK deAe. A.
gišjąkexjįšųnų yarége, wahéra," hinų́gᵉnąka ánąkše. "Hą"
he often fools [I think,] it is why I say it," the women she was saying. Answer of approval



wi K nK deAe. e Ki. A Ae rii ni Ki di. A A. Ai ttA Ko Lo. tt Ko A Ki L ni Ktt n Ae de
wigánakše. Égi hą̄hé s’inįkiži, "Hąhą́, hicakóro, jagú hakiranikjanaheže,"
[he told them]. Then late at night, "Now then, friend, [how] we are not going over?"


      Winnebago V, #18:30          
e de. Ao ttiy.* e de. e Ki. Ai tt A Ai Le de ttA Ke tt. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K we de. A A.
éže. "Hojiá," éže. Égi hijá hahíreže, cą̄géja. Égi Kecąkega, wéže, "Hąhą́,
he said. "Alright," he said. So there they went, outside. Then Turtle, he said, "Now then,

* the text appears to have Ao ttiyi., but this is probably just Ao ttiy followed by a period dotted rather high.


Ai ttA Ko Lo L n ne e de. e Ki. Ai Ki w L tt ne we de. Ko te Ai ttA Ko Lo.
hicakóro, raną́ne," éže. Égi hikiwarajane wéže, "Koté, hicakóro,
friend, you go in," he said. And the traveler he said, "Well, friend,



ttAo ni L Le. tt Ko ne w wi L Ki leAe Le rL tte K tt e de. A Ao. de rKe Kette n
cōnį́ ráre jagú ne wawiragiperezᵉrajegają éže. "Hąhó, žesgekjeną,"
first you go as you you are better acquainted with them," he said. "Alright, [so be it,"]


          Winnebago V, #18:31  
e de. e Ki. Ai tto w Le de. Ai noKo n K. Ai tto li Ke e tt miKi nK deAe. Ao Ki wi L.
éže, égi hicowareže. Hinų́gᵉnąka hijóbike éja mįknąkše. Hųgiwįra
he said, and he went in. The women all four there they were lying. The princess



Ai ttA Ko Lo w Ai L. Ai d A Ki do mi K n K e Ki. Ai dKe no liAi wi A Ki Ki do mi Ki Le de.
hįcākṓrowahirā hižą́ hakižumįkanąga égi hišgé nų̄píwi hakikižu mįgireže.
her friends one she laid with her, and then also two together they laid.



e Ki. Ai Ki Ki leAe i nK dAe. A r tt mi nK nK dAe. e Ki. Ai tto Ke we Ki di Ke ttA Ke K.
Égi hikikipe’į́nąkše. Hasąja mįnągᵉnąkše. Égi hijokewegiži, Kecąkega
And they had their pillow together. On platforms they were lying on. Then when he went in, Turtle


            Winnebago V, #18:32
Ao Ki Ki L. A Ai Ai Ki Lo† ttimiKi dAe. e Ki. we de. Ao Ki wi L Ai ttA Ko Lo A L.
hogigira hahihigi, rojįmikše, égi wéže, "Hųgiwįra hicakorohara
(?)* he went and he laid beside her, and he said, "Princess my friend

* this is untranslated.
† the initial letter is poorly executed, and the /o/ is followed by something that appears to have been erased.


w Ki Ki w L tte L. a n K Ai Kd tti Ke Le de. de Ko A n Ki xoKo de. e Ki. Ai d. wK
wąkigiwarajera ..." anąga hikšajikereže. Žegų hanąkixgųže. Égi hižą́ wąk
the traveler ..." he said, and he laughed. [So] she listened. And one man



Ki liAi xitti L. e tt w d e Kette Ke we Ko ni Ai Le Ke
gipįxjįra éja wažą́ ekjegewegųnį hiregé,
the one she liked very much there something he must have a message because she thought,



A n Ki xoKo de. di Ki Ko e ra de. Ao Ki wi L w Ki Ki w Le tte L. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L.
hanąkixgųže. žigígų es’áže. "Hųgiwįra wąkigiwarejera hicakorohara ..."
she listened. Again he would say it. "Princess the traveler my friend ..."


      Winnebago V, #18:33
a n K Ai Kd K Ke Le ra de. e Ki ttA KeLe Ki. A n xoKo tte Ke.
anąga hikšajikeres’áže. Égi cągᵉrégi hanąxgųjege
he said, and he would laugh. And outside he was listening to him, that is why



Ai Kd tti K L K. Ao Ki tee de e L. A Ai Ai Kd tti K L  K
hikšajikaraga hogit’e žeera hahi hikšajikaraga
he was giving out his little laughs he talked [this way ?] * he was giving out his little laughs

* there are so many meanings to hahi that it is impossible to determine which one was intended here.


Ai rKe we Ko ni Ai Ki Le Kette Ai Le Ke wK deAe. e Ki.
hisgé wegúni hį́girekje hiregé, wákše. Égi
[he must have told the truth] [it will be time] because he thought, he was saying.* Then

* this sentence was translated, "That was why he was giving out his little laughs for, as he wanted to make him believe that she was really in love with him as he had told him."


Ao Ki wi L. we de. Aow te e tt Ko e K tt wK a n K. n xtt Ki Le de.
Hųgiwįra wéže, "Hoate, éja guegają?" wakanąga nąxjakireže,
The princess she said, "Well, there what are you saying?" she said, and they kicked him,


        Winnebago V, #18:34  
A r tte tt n diAi li Le de. my tt. Ki doAoxo Ki nili dAe. Ke ttA Ke K. Ai Kd L
hazajejana šibíreže, maįja kįšōx kįnį́pše, Kecąkega. Hikšára
off the platform short drop, on the floor with a crash he fell, Turtle. Laughing



Lo K n w n K A Ki Li Ai Ai nl deAe. e Ki. we de Ai tt Ki Li Ki di. Ko te Ai ttA Ko Lo.
rokanawanąga hakirihihinąpše. Égi wéže, hijakirigiži, "Koté, hicakóro,
[much], and he came on out. And he said, when he got back, "Say, friend,



A K K rKeyi d w Ki Koo n. Ao Ki wi L. Ai Lo di ttK tt. Ai diAi lLe n.
hagagasgeižą, wakik’ų́ną. Hųgiwįra hiružicgają hįšíbreną.
something awful, I did to myself. The princess she was teasing me, and I fell.



Ai KiriKi a Ki Ai ni tti n K tt. Ai Lo da da Ke. Lo liAi ni w Ki too te K tt.
hīksík ākí hijínąkają, hiruš’aš’age, rupini wą̄git’ųtegają,,
My sides both she got a hold, and because she tickled me, [I turned over] we separated, and


  Winnebago V, #18:35        
Ai dKe de e Ao mi KL o Kitti L A miKi w o mK n Ko ni. Ao mi KL. lA Kd n K.
hišgé žee, homįgᵉra ’ųkjįra hamį̄́k wa’ųmągᵉnąkųnį. Homįgᵉra pākšánąga
also this, the bed ?* I laid on I might have been. The bed I went back, and

* is ’ųkjį for ’ųxjį? In any case, the translation seems to imply that it means "edge," but this is implausible except for the context.


Ai dAi lAe n. de Ko Ai Kd L. L dtt L to dA Ke Ko n e de. A
hišipena, žegų hikšára rašjára, tuš’akegoną," éže. "Hą,"
I came (on out), so laughing when I was through, [I had failed,"] he said. "Is that so?"



e de. e Ki. Ai dK K Le de. e Ki. Ai tt Ai Ki di. A t d w Ai de.
éže. Égi hišgaga reže. Égi hijá higiži, hatažá wahiže.
he said. And then the next time he went. And there when he went, a light he made for them.



Ao Ki wi L. e tt Ki di. lo Ki reAele Ao Ai Ki di. e tt
Hųgiwįra ejagiži bōkisep huhigiži, éja
The princess there she was, and she blew it out when he approached her, and there


  Winnebago V, #18:36        
A Ai miKi deAe. e tt Ai noKo K Ki do miKi deAe. e Ki A Ae Ai L Le xitti Ki di.
hahimįkše. Éja hinų́kakižu* mįkše. Égi hą̄hé hirarexjįgiži,
he laid. There with the woman he laid. [Then] night it advanced,

* < hinų́k-hakakižu.


Ao Ki ra Ke tt miKi diAi Le de. A Ki Ki do miKi n K. e rKe Ao Ki rA Ko too li Le de.
hokis’ageja mį̄k šireže Hakikižu mįgᵉnąka ésge hokis’akot’ųbireže.
between to lie they asked him. Together [those lying down] [so] they had him in the middle between them.

* < hokis’ak-hot’ųbireže.


Ai Ko. A li tt n ni rKe K tt n de. w K K. Ai Ko A litti K tt.
Higų́ hąbijąną nisgegają, ną̄́že. Wąkaga higų́ hąpjįgają,
Then to become daylight when it was about to, he went to sleep. The man then just about daylight,


                                     Winnebago V, #18:37
de Ko. o ttL Koxo deAe. Ai L Le xitti K tt. de Ko Le rAi Li de. liAi Li LiKi ey Ki di de.
žegų ūjᵉra kōxše. Hirarexjįgają, žegų haresiriže. Piririkeagižiže.*
[now] his stomach it roared. After awhile, [now] he had a passage. It made a lot of noise.

* < piririke-hagižiže


Ai noKo n KeLe. ni K te Le riAi Li n. ay Le de. ni K te Ai Lo diAi Ki Ktt n Ae n.
Hinų́gᵉną́gᵉre, "Nikate, resiriną," aíreže. "Nikate, hirošigikjanaheną.
The women, "Say, he has had a passage," they said. "Say, he will get embarrassed.



liAi Ai wo mi dL Ai Lo Ko xi Kette n ay Le de. K tt di Ke u ra de.
Pįhi womį́žᵉra hirokųǧikjeną," aíreže. Gają žigé ’ųs’áže.
Very gently the bedding let us change," they said. But [again] he would do more.



Lo K n xitti w u de. ni K te de Ko Ai Lo xiAi Ki Kette L. Lo K n xitti w u n.
Rōką́nąxjį wa’ųžé. "Nikate, žegų hiruxįkikjera. Rōką́nąxjį wa’ųną,"
[Very much] he did. "Say, [now] let us wake him up. [Very much] he did of it,"


              Winnebago V, #18:38  
ay Le de. e Ki. Lo xiAi Ki Le de. K tt. Ke ttA Ke K. Ai deKe de e. Ao miKi
aíreže. Égi ruxįkireže. Gają Kecąkega hišgé žee homįk
they said. So they woke him up. But Turtle also [this one] bed



Ko A ne Ki w n xoKow Ki di. Ai Kdy tee de. Ae Ae. e de. m dtt xitti. w Ki Ki w Ley K KL.
kuhą́negi wanaxgųagiži, hikšait’eže, "Hehé," éže. Mąšjąxjį wąkigiwareakagᵉra*
under he was listening, and he laughed, "Oh oh," he said. Very much the traveler

* < wąkigiware-hakagᵉra, where hakagᵉra (or hagagᵉra, hagakᵉra, etc.) is a word of unknown meaning.


Ao Ki wi L A Le riAi Li n. w Ktt K K. Ae Le n w Ki Ki w Le a n KL. e de.
hųgiwįra haresiriną. Wakjąkaga heréną, wąkigiware, ắnągᵉra," éže.
the princess [he soiled]. Trickster it was, the traveler, he is called," he said.


                Winnebago V, #18:39
to we ttAi n KL. Ai Lo A w Le de. Ao Ki wi L w Ki Ki w Le tte L. A Le riAi Li n.
Tōwé ciną́gᵉra hirohawareže. "Hųgiwįra wąkigiwarejera haresiriną.
On down the village he went up and down. "The princess the traveler he dirtied.



w Ktt K K Ae Le n. a Le de. w Ktt K K Ai K K w d L. Ai d Ai Lo diAi Kini de. e tt
Wakjąkaga heréną," areže.* Wakjąkaga hįkagá wažąra hižą́ hirošikniže. Éja
Trickster he was," he went on. Trickster never something he was not embarrassed. There

* an initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi.


Ai Lo diAiKi deAe. m dtt Ai Lo diAiKi deAe. de Ko xitti Ai Ko Lo Ke L e Ao w Ke Le de.
hirošikše. Mąšją hirošikše. Žegųxjį hikorókera e howagereže.
he was embarrassed. Very he was embarrassed. Right away to his grandmother he he went.



Ai Lo diAi KL Lo K n xitti de. Ki Ki di. mi Ki di. Ai Ke deKe. w Lo ttini de.
Hirošigᵉra rokanaxjįže. Gigíži, mįkíži hįkéšge warujᵉnįže.
Ashamed he was very much. When he got back, he laid down and not he did not eat.


  Winnebago V, #18:40          
Ao rKe Ke ttA Ke K. de rKe Ki Ki w u de. e rKe m dtt n tteKe L teKe deAe.
Hosgé Kecąkega žesge gigi wa’ųžé. Ésge mąšją nącgera tekše.
On purpose Turtle this to do he did it. That is why very he felt bad.



Ai lAe Le rn Ke. e w u de deKe. lA xi L Lo K n A Ai A tt tte K.
Hiperezᵉnąge, e wa’ųžé. šge pąxira rokana hahi hajájega,
As he knew about it, [he himself] he did. Also artichokes many on the way when he saw,



e Ki. Ll riAitti diAi xitti Ao Ki A tte K dKe Ao rKe de rKe Ki Ki de.
égi rāp sį̄c šįxjį hokihąjega, šge hosgé žesge gigiže,
and beaver tail very fat that was boiled for him, [also] purposely this it was done,



e diAi lL Ai Ki doo Kette Ke w Ki u de. Ao w Le L de rKe te.
e šibᵉra higiš’ųkjege wak’iųže. Howaréra, žesge te
so the stomach he might have a running off [to get him to.] Sure enough, this this [happened]


    Winnebago V, #18:41        
tt Ko u n i w u L Ai Ki rKe xitti de. Ai xiAi L w u de. e tt Ai noKo
jāgú’ų ną̄’į́ wa’ųra hikisgexjįže. Hixirá wa’ųžé. Éja hinų́k
why to want he did it [to be as big as him.] To be jealous he did it. There woman



K n Ki Ktt n Ae K. e rKe n tteKe L teKe de. Ai Ko Lo Ke L e tt
kąnąkikjanahega, ésge nącgera tekše. Hikorókera éja
as he would have married, that is why he felt bad. To his grandmother there



Ki Ki di miKi Ki liKi di de Ko de. Ai K K xA lini de. e Ki.
gigíži, mįg gį̄pgiži, žegų́že. Hįkagá xapinįže. Égi,
when he got back, he laid down he arrived, thus it was. Never he would not speak. Then,



Ai Ko Lo Ke L we de. Ai ttAo dKe tt Ko u w doo dA wK deAe. w d L Ai d n tteKe L ni te Ki di.
hikorókera wéže, "Hicųšgé, jāgú’ų waš’ųšáwąkše? Wažąra hižą́ nącgera nį tekiži,
his grandmother she said, "My grandson, why you are doing this? Anything if it hurts your feelings,


                    Winnebago V, #18:42            
xeAe te w u L ne Ai d ni ne n. e Ki. Ai dKe. w d L Ai d A u n Ki di A u n n.
xeté wa’ųra ne hižą́ nineną. Égi hišgé wažąra hižą́ ha’ųnąkiži ha’únaną.
great that were created you one you are. And I also anything I am able to do what I would do.



A Ke n tteKe L teKe Ai liAi A ni ni n. e de. e Ki w Ktt K K. we de. Ko ni K Ai K K
Hąké nącgera tek hipįhaninįną," éže. Égi Wakjąkaga wéže, "Kunį́ka, hįkagá
Not to feel sad it is not best to make me," she said. Then Trickster he said, "Grandmother, never



w d Ai Ai d Ai Loyi diAi Kini n. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L Ai Lo diAiKi wi n. e de. e Ki.
wažą́ hižą́ hiroišiknįną. Hicakorohara hiroišikwiną," éže. Égi,
anything to do one not to be ashamed. My friend he has made me ashamed," he said. Then,


        Winnebago V, #18:43    
tt rKe Ki Ki K Ao Ki LK deAe. A ntt e Ki. Ai to Ke ni Kn K. we de. Ai ttAo deKe
jasgé gigiga hogirakše, haną́c. Égi, hitokenįgᵉnąka wéže, "Hicųšgé,
what it was done to him he told her, all. Then, the old woman she said, "Grandson,



y leAe Le rnK dA n. Ai deKe n tteKe L Ai teKe dA n. ne w A n K. w doo deAe Le K K.
yapereznąkšaną, hišgé nącgera hįtekšąna. Ne wahánąka waš’ų́šeregaga,
I knew it, and also my heart was sore. You at my request as you went,



Ai leAe Le rK K. Ke ttA Ke K. ne wy Ki u Ke w u K tt. Ai Ke de rK ni K tt.
hiperezgaga, Kecąkega ne waikí’ųge, wa’ųgają. Hįké žesganįgáją,
he knew it, Turtle me therefore, he did it to me he did it. Not it should not have been,


                   Winnebago V, #18:44
Ao tt w di tt ne L. m Ai xK xK L. A ntt Ai ni Kd Kd Ai Le K tt. te e di. ne         
hoją́ wažįjanera mą̄ hixgąxgąra haną́c hinikšakša hiregają, te’éži ne  
as all other creatures earth [that move] all to abuse you as they have, but this one you  



xeAe te w L Ki do L Ai d Ae Le K tt. A Ke te de rKe Ki Ki liAi L ni ni K tt
xeté warakižura hižą́ heregáją, hąké téžesge gigipįraninįgają
great with them one he was, and not this he should not have done it to you, but



w u K tt. te de rKe y Le L Ai Ke Ay liAi ni n. n tteKe L Ai teKe dA n. e de.
wa’ųgają. téžesge yaréra, hįké haipįnįną. Nącgera hįtekšąna," éže.
he has done it, and thus thinking, not I cannot like it. My heart is sore," she said.



e Ki. Ai ttAo deKe A ttAi Kette n. Ai ttAK A L. Ai deKe de rK nK dA n. Ai to Ke niKi
Égi, "Hicųšgé, hacikjeną. Hicąkhara hišgé žesgáną̄kšą̄ną̄. Hitokenįk
[And,] "Grandson, we will try him. My younger sister also she is the same. The old woman


           Winnebago V, #18:45
ttAi n Ki lAy tt n K ne Ai. ttAK A L * w u nK dA n. Ai lAe Le rnK dA n.
cinąkipáijanąka hicąkhara wa’uną́kšaną. Hipereznąkšaną.
the one on the edge of the village, I my younger sister she is. She knows all about it.

* the period after Ai is either an error or an artifact.


te e tt rKe w K Ki Ki Le. A Ke liAi ni Ai n. di Ke Ke ttA Ke K. e Ao ni Lo tti rA n.
Tee jasgé wągagigire hąké pįnįhiną. Žigé Kecąkega e honirujisaną.
That one what it has been done to us not he did not do right. Again Turtle he he is the younger.



ne xeAe te L ni ne n. Ai Ke de. e Ki. Ai ttAo deKe e ttAo ni w u n A ttAi Kette n
Ne xeterá nineną," higéže. "Égi hicųšgé, e cōnį́ wa’ųną. Hacikjeną,"
You the greater you are," she said to him. "And grandson, he to start he did it. We will try him,"



e de. e Ki. w Ke de. Ai ttAo dKe. di Ke Ai tto L w deAe Le Kette n. ni
éže. Égi wagežé, "Hicųšgé, žigé hijura* wašerekjeną. ni
she said. Then she said again, "Grandson, again going back there you will go. I

* < hija-hu-ra.

                       Winnebago V, #18:46      
Ki xeAe we Ki Kette n. te Ki A Ki Li mi nK KeLe Ai Ke de. e Ki. Ki Ki xeAe we K tt.
kixewekikjeną. Tégi hakiri miną́gᵉre," higéže. Égi kigixewegają
I will comb your hair. Here to come over sit down," she said to him. Then she combed his hair, and



te nK deAe. Ai no Kini Ki d. tteAeKe xeAe te ni Ki d. te nK deAe Ai noKo
tenąkše. Hinųgᵉnį́gižą cēkxeté nį́gižą tenąkše. Hinų́k
there she was. A little girl grown up just there she was. Woman



ttoAo Kitti ttA w tti Leyi d[e]. tteAeKe wr L w ttodo Aoyi d.
cōkjį́ cawa jireiže. Cēk wāzᵉra wajžu huižą,
menstrual period to approach she began. New breasts ones just developing,



wo Ki ro Ki noKo liAi de. e Ki. wyi ni L tt rKe liAi n Ki di de rKe Ai Ki Kx Ki Ki de. A A.
wogizokinųk pįže. Égi wainį́ra jasgé pįnągiži, žesge hikikxagigiže. "Hąhą́,
very handsome woman. And clothing what the best, and this one [?]* "Now then,

* žesge hikikxagigiže is untranslated, and the second word is unknown.

Winnebago V, #18:47        
A L ttAi deAe Le Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ke de. e Ki. wo Lo Ke we Ki Koro deAe.
hakaráci šerekjanaheną," higéže. Égi worokéwe kikųsšé.
to try him over you will go," she said to him. And then work bag [she taught him].



lA reAe li d. Ai tt ni Ki Ki u Ai n Ki de. de e A K L ni de. lA L K L Kii de.
Pasebižą hijá nigigi’ų hinąkiže. Žee hakaranį́že. Pą́rakarak’iže.
A black bag there she started for her she did. This she took with her. She packed her own bag.



di Ke ttAi nK Ko Ai ni Ae K. e Ao w Le de. Ai tt Ai Ki di. ttAi nK Ki lAyi tt.
Žigé cīną́k gūhí nįhéga, e howáreže. Hijá higiži, cīną́kipáija,
Again village she went back to that was, there she went. There when she went, at the edge of the village,


          Winnebago V, #18:48
ttiAi loAo Lo Ke ni Ki d n Ki di. e tt A Ai Aoyi rii de. Ai to Ke ni Ki d
cīpóroké nįkižą nąkiži éja hahihois’iže. Hitokenigížą
oval lodge a little one there was, and there she went and peeped in. An old woman



Ai tt n Ki di we de. tt Ko. ttAo d Ki no L tti K tt Ao K w Le e Ki di
hijá nąkiži wéže, "Jagú, cū́žą́kinura,* jigáją. Hokaware," égiži
there there was, and she said, "Well, eldest granddaughter, you have come. Come in," she said, so

* < cū́žą́k-hinura.


Ao Ke we de. e Ki. we de. Ai to Ke ni Kn K. ttAo d Ki no. Ai tt wo ni Ki mi di Kette n.
hokéweže. Égi wéže, hitokenįgᵉnąka, "Cū́žą́kinu, hijá wonikimižikjeną.
she went in. And she said, the old woman, "Eldest granddaughter, there let me spread something down for you.



Ao mi nK KL. A Ke Ao mi nK liAi ni tte n. e de. e Ki. w A reAe li d. Ai tt Ao Ki midi deAe.
Homįnągᵉra hąké homįną́k pįnįjeną," éže. Égi wahasebižą hijá hogimįše.
Your seat not to sit in it is not fit," she said. Then a black robe there she spread.


          Winnebago V, #18:49    
e Ki. Ai tt mi nK deAe. e Ki. wo Ki A de. wo Ki A Ki di to ttiKi di.
Égi hijá mįnąkše. Égi wogihaže. Wogihagiži, tucgiži,
Then there she sat down. Then she boiled for her. [When she had it boiled,] when it was cooked,



w Ki rey n K. wo Koo de. e Ki. w Lo ttL Lo dtt n K. e Ki. xitti* ttA KLe Ki.
wagiseanąga wok’ų́že. Égi warújᵉra rušjąnąga, égixjį, cągregi
she dished it out, and she gave it to her. [Then] eating she finished, and and just then, outside

* the period after e Ki is in error.


no w xiAi ne Le Ki. n w xiAi Lyi Le de. Ai noKo Ai tt Ai tee tee Ai Le de. a nK Koo Ai d
nowaxineregi, waxiraireže. Hinų́k hijá hit’et’é hireže. Anąk’ų, hižą́
at the woodpile, wood it was set down. Woman there to talk they were. Finally, one of them


            Winnebago V, #18:50
Ao Ke we de. te we L Ki. Ai no Ki d e tt nK deAe. wo Ki ro Kitti Ai noKo liAi de.
hokéweže. Tewéraki, hinųgižą éja nąkše. Wogizokjį hinų́k pįže.
she came in. Unexpectedly, a woman there she was. Very woman handsome.



lA reAe li d u nK deAe. Ai noKo tte K Ai to Ke we Ki di. de Ko Ki d w xitti de.
Pasebižą ’ųnąkše. Hinųkjega hitṓke wegiži, žegų́gi žáwaxjįže.
A black bag she was making. The woman old woman she began to talk to her, [and] with great interest.



Ai tt ne n K di Ke Ai tto K wy Le de. e tt w wo Ki tee tee de. m dtt Ki liAi Le de. e Ki
Hijanénąka žigé hijokawaireže. Éja wawogit’et’eže. Mąšją gipįreže. Égi
The others also they came in. There she talked to them. Very much they liked her. Then



tti K L wi de. ni K wo Ki ro Kitti Ai noKo liAi K tt. di Ke Ai noKo liAi L Ai tt
jikarawiže. "Nįká! wogizokjį hinų́k pįgáją? Žigé hinų́k pįra hijá
they went home. "Say! very woman she is handsome? But woman [pretty] there


                            Winnebago V, #18:51      
A Ki Koo Koo K tt. wo Ki ro Kitti w KidiKi liAi K tt a nK deAe. e Ki Ao L L[o] Ki Le Ki di.
hakik’ųk’ųgają wogizokjį wą̄kšík pį̄gają," ánąkše. Égi horarokiregiži,
she adds on to it very good natured," they were saying. [And] they told of her, and



Ai tt A tt A tti nK deAe. Ai to Ke niKi K Ao tti L. A n x Ke Le Le de. Ao ttiAi ttAi L.
hijá hajá hajinąkše. Hitokenįga hocíra hanaxakerereže, hocįcįra.
there to see they came over. The old woman her lodge it was visited very much, young men.



Ai Ko Ai noKo w tteAe KL deKe. w Lo K w nK deAe. lA reAe li d u nK deAe. e Ki.
Higų́ hinų́k wacegᵉra šge warukawanąkše. Pasebižą ’ųnąkše. Égi
Still woman the young also she kept on working. A black bag she was making. [Then]


      Winnebago V, #18:52    
A Ko Leyi d Ao xtt n ni rKe Le Ki e tt Ke ttA Ke K. we de. tt Ko u w u nK deAe.
hagoreižą, hoxjąną́ nisgeregi, éja Kecąkega wéže, "Jāgú’ų wa’ųnąkše?
finally, evening along, [there] Turtle he said, "Why they are doing that?



Ai to Ke ni K Ao ttAi L. w Kdi KL. A n x Ke Le nK deAe e de. e Ki. w Kyi Le de.
Hitokenįgᵉra hocíra wąkšígᵉra hanaxakerenąkše," éže. Égi wagaíreže,
The old woman her lodge people it was visited very much," he said. And they said to him,



Ai noKo Ki Ki w Leyi d. e tt nK KL A tt A Ai w u nK dA n. wo Ki ro Kitti Ai noKo
"Hinų́k kigiwareižą éja nągᵉra hajá hahi wa’uną́kšaną. Wogizokjį hinų́k
"Woman a strange one there she was to see to go they did. Very [woman]



liAi n. Ai K K Ai noKo liAi de rKe L Ai d A tt wi ni n e rKe de e
pįną. Hįkagá hinų́k žesgera hižą́ hajawinįną. Ésge žee
handsome. Never woman handsome such one we have never seen. That is why they


      Winnebago V, #18:53            
A tt A Ai w u nK dA n e de. A e de. A Ke dKe Ao ttAi ttAi L Ai d Ki liAi n
hajá hahi wa’uną́kšaną," éže. Haeže? Hagéšge, hocįcį́ra hižą́ gipį́ną,
to see to go they did," he said. Is that so? [Besides,] the young men one she likes,



tte ni nK deAe e de. Ke ttA Ke K. A Ke de rKe n tte ni n. e de. e Ki.
jeninąkše," éže, Kecąkega "Hąké žesge ną̄́jenįną," éže. Égi
[?]," he said, Turtle. "Not this one I will not oppose," he said.* Then

* this sentence was not translated.


Ke ttA Ke K. Ke Le de. Ki Ki di. wK w doAo deAe wyi ni L. w wo K w xo K n K
Kecąkega kereže. Gigíži, wą́kwášoše wainį́ra wawokawaǧukanąga
Turtle he went home. When he got back, warrior clothing he put on, and



Ai tto w Le de. te we L Ki. Ai tt n doAo doAoxo L Ae de.
hicowareže. Tewéraki, hijá ną̄šóšóǧᵉra* heže.
he went over. Unexpectedly, there making his dancing bells ring at every step he was coming.

* cf. ną̄šóx, "to make noise with the feet, to swish feet in water, to walk with something around the ankles like bells to make noise," (Helmbrecht and Lehmann, following White Eagle).

Winnebago V, #18:54          
w Ko ttA doAo dAo xL. Ai n doAo xL Ae de. A Ai Ao Ke we de. K tt Ai no Kn KL.
Wagucą́ šošoǧᵉra hinašoǧᵉra heže. Hahí hokéweže. Gają hinų́gᵉnągᵉra,
His leggings bells ringing he went. He went right in. And the woman,



Ao K w Le Ki di. Ai tt Ki dtt K tt. A tt K n K tt. no wK tti Ke Le de
hokáwagiži, hijá gišjągają, hajakanąkają, nųwąkjikereže.
when he entered, there she looked up just a little, and when she saw him, she gave just a little start.



Ke ttA Ke K. Ao Lo xo ttK tt w u de. tt tti ne tt. Ke ttA Ke K. Ai dtt
Kecąkega horuǧucgają wa’ųžé. Jajineja Kecąkega hišją
Turtle he happened to be looking when she did it. Right away Turtle to be smitten


                     Winnebago V, #18:55  
Ai Le de. Ai Ki L Ki ni de. A Ai Ae t Ke tt mi nK deAe. de Ko
hireže. Hikirakiniže.* Hahi hetágeja mįnąkše. Žegų
she was. He thought she was smitten on him. He went opposite the entrance he sat. And

* < hikire-hakini-že.


Ke ttA Ke K. Ai ta ta tti Le de. de Ko. Ai no Kn KLe. w Lo Ke we L A Ke Ai tt Ao w Le Aiye rK ni de.
Kecąkega hīt’at’ájireže. Žegų hinų́gᵉną́gᵉre warokewera hąké hijá howarehiesganįže.
Turtle he began to talk. And the woman her work not there she could not give all her attention.



Ai Ko Ke ttA Ke K. w d L Ai d w xtt we K deAe* Ai Kd ra de. Ke ttA Ke K.
Higų́ Kecąkega wažąra hižą́ waxjá wega, še hikšas’aže. Kecąkega
And Turtle something funny whenever he said, ? she laughed. Turtle

* is this a mistranscription of deKe (šge), "also"?

              Winnebago V, #18:56
wo L KL A[i] Ki lA n ni de. Ai Ko wo n xi Le dKe Ao K LK nK deAe A Ai deKe no xA w
worágᵉra hikipánanįže. Higų́ woną́ǧiré šge hokaragᵉnąkše. Hahíšge, nųxą́wą
stories he could not get enough. And war also he told. Finally, [in secret]



Ai Kd nK Koo deKe A tt de. de Ko e tt Ke ttA Ke K. A A Ae de.
hikšánąk’ų šge hajaže. Žegų éja Kecąkega hahąheže.
her laughing to herself also he saw. And there Turtle he remained there until night.



Ai to Ke niKi n KLe deKe Ai leAe Lere deAe. Ai ttAo de KL.* w Ki dtt nK KL. e rKe
Hitokeną́gᵉre šge hipéresše, hicųšgéra wakišjanągᵉra. Ésge
The old woman also she knew, her grandson she was smitten on him. So

* this seems to be a mistranscription of Ai ttAo deKe L.


n tti rKi de deKe. no xA w Ai dtt A w rA no ni Ke Ai Ke
ną́jisgíže. šge nųxą́wą hišją hawasa, nųnįgé hįké
she scolded her. Also [in secret] to be smitten she gave her a cross look, but not


            Winnebago V, #18:57
w d de rK ni Ki di. n tti rKi de. A Ai A A Ae no ni Ke Ai Ko a nK deAe
wažąžesganįgiži, ną́jisgíže. Hahi hahąhé, nųnįgé higų́ ánąkše.
it did not help, and she scolded her. [After awhile] it was night, but still he was talking.



wo n xi Le Ao L KL. e Ki Ai to Ke ni Kn K we de. mi Kn KLe. Ay ni Ki di. xA lee niKi L
Woną́ǧiré hōrāgᵉra, égi hitokenįgᵉnąka, wéže, "Mįgᵉną́gᵉre, hainigíži xap’enįgᵉra
War he told, and the old woman, she said, "Go to bed, as in the morning early



Ke Le Ktt n Ae n. n tti riKi de. e Ki. wo Lo Ke we L. A w x Ai nK K L Kiy n K.
kerekjanaheną," ną́jisgíže. Égi worokéwera hawaxá hinąkaragianąga
you will have to go home," she scolded her. So her work bag she rolled it up she put it up, and



miKi deAe. no ni Ke. no xA w deKe Ao Lo xo tt Kde. Ai Ko Ai tt mi nK deAe
mįkše, nųnįgé nųxą́wą šge horuǧujakše. Higų́ hijá mįnąkše,
she went to bed, but [in secret] also she still kept peeking out at him. Still there he sat,


Winnebago V, #18:58          
rii deKe. e Ki. ny di L n wi n Ko ni dKe w A nK e Ki
s’i. šge égi, naį́žira, "Nawinagųnį šge wahanąk," égi
for a long time. Also then, every once in a while, "Perhaps you are asleep also I am talking," he would say,



e Ki. Ai no Kini K KLe. Ai xK xK K. di Ke e ra de. Ai to Ke ni K KL.
égi hinųgᵉnįkagᵉre hixgąxgąga, žigé es’áže. Hitokenįkagᵉra
and the girl she would move about, again he would continue talking. The old woman



K tt K Ai ttAo d KL. n tti riKi de. Ke ttA Ke K. w A ri Le de. Ai to Ke ni K K we de.
gająga hicųžągᵉra ną́jisgíže. Kecąkega wahasireže, hitokenįkaga wéže.
finally her granddaughter she scolded her. Turtle he was told to leave, the old woman she said.


              Winnebago V, #18:59  
e Ki. Ko de. Ke ttA Ke K. Ko L wo Ki teKe deAe Ke ttA Ke K. Ai Loyi Le
Égi guže. Kecąkega gura wogitekše. Kecąkega, "Hiroire
[Then] he came away. Turtle [leaving] he was angered. Turtle, "The homely



Ai to Ke diAi diAi KiniKi w KeLe. A Ke de rKe Ai Ky Le ni doAo no n. Ai ttAo d KL K
hitókešišigᵉnįk, wą́gᵉre hąké žesge higaírenįšųnųną. Hicųžągᵉraga
[bad old woman], person not this way I was not spoken to. Your granddaughter



Ao L Koo Ke w deAe n. aK deAe. e Ki. Ai Ko e tt w n xoKo tte de. n rA L ttL n K.
horak’ų́ge wášeną," akše. Égi higų́ éja wanąxguježe. Ną̄sarajaranąga
you will give me when you say that," he was saying. And [still] there he listened to them. He snuck up, and


            Winnebago V, #18:60
A Ai ttAi Lo li tt. w n xoKo de. K tt Ai to Ke niKi n K xoAo Lo nK deAe. n rA L tto Ke we de.
hahi cirobija wanąxguže. Gają hitokenįgᵉnąka xoronąkše. Ną̄sarajokeweže.*
he went to the entrance he listened to them. And the old woman she was snoring. He snuck in.

* < ną̄saraja-hokewe-že.


e Ki. Ai no K K. e tt Ai n K n K. Lo xiAiKi deAe. Ki Lo Ko de. e tt de Ko
Égi hinųkąka éja hinąkanąga ruxįkše. Girukože. Éja žegų
And the woman there [he went, and]* he woke her. She made room for him. There so

* hinąk actually means, "to flop down into a sitting position" (Lipkind and Miner).


A Ki do miKi deAe. Ao Ki tee tee de. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. we de. K n Ki Kette e de. e Ki.
hakižumįkše. Hogit’et’eže. Égi Kecąkega wéže, "Kąnąkikje," éže. Égi
he laid with her. He talked to her. And Turtle he said, ["Let's get married,"] he said. And



Ai no K K we de. Ai rKe w deAe Ki di. liAi doKo ni n de. de rKe L Ki di. Ayi liAi n n.
hinųkąka wéže, "Hisgé wašegiži, pįšgųnįnaže. žesgéragiži, haipįnaną.
the woman she said, ["In truth] if you meant it, it would be alright. [If thus you do,] I would be glad of it.


     Winnebago V, #18:61          
de rKe Low Ko doAo no n. wK w ttA lL. Ai d. wo n xi Le. Ao dA LK dA n KL de rKe
žesgé ro-agušųnųną. Wąkwacábᵉra hižą́ woną́ǧiré hošárakšanągᵉra, žesge
This kind I always wished for. My brothers one of them war you were telling of, this one



tee Ai Le L. n tteKe L Ai teKe doAo no n. e rKe. A ttAi tt w u Ai Le Ki di. Ai deKe.
t’ehirera, nącgera hįtekšųnųną. Ésge hacį̄ja wa’ų hiregiži, hišgé
that they had killed, my heart is sore. And whatever to do it if they did, also



Ai d de rKe Ki Ki Le deyi d. y Le doAo no n. e rKe. Ai Ko A Ko Leyi d.
hižą́ žesge gigírežeižą, yarešųnųną. Ésge higų́ hagoreižą,
one of them these [they did something to one of them,] I always thought. Therefore, [still] finally,


               Winnebago V, #18:62        
w Kidi K Ki do Ki di. wK w doAo deAe L Ai d A Ki do Kette y Le n. e de. e rKe
wąkšíkakižugiži, wąkwašošera hižą́ hakižukje, yaréną," éže. "Ésge
if I married, the brave men one of them I would marry him, I thought," she said. "Therefore,



Ai Ki L tti L. de de rKe leAe wi L. w d L Ai d Ai dA n K. Ai rKe w dA n Ki di.
hikirajira. Žežesge pewįra, wažąra hižą́ hišanąka hisgé wašanagiži,
[I was thinking.] Thus I have been thinking, something you say in earnest if you told me,



A u n y Le n e de. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K we de. A A. Ai no Kitti L w L Ki K L liAi n.
ha’úną, yaréną," éže. Égi Kecąkega wéže, "Hąhą́, hinųkjį́ra, waragikarapįną.
I would do, I thought," she said. Then Turtle she said, "Now then, woman, you have spoken good words for yourself.


                 Winnebago V, #18:63    
A ttAi tt w u Ai Le Ki di. e tt Ai d w ni Ai L w Le L Ki Ki Kette n e de. de Ko
Hacį̄ja wa’ų hiregiži, éja hižą́ wanihíra warera gígikjanèną," éže. Žegų
Where it was done if they did, there one of them slave servant [he will be sent,"] he said. And



Ke ttA Ke K n too litti Ai Le de. Ki liAi L Lo K n de. e Ki. Ai Ko Ai Ki Ao ttAi ttAi L.
Kecąkega nąt’ųbjį hireže. Gipįra rokanaže. Égi higųhigi hocįcį́ra
Turtle to throw her arms around she did. He liked it very much. [And] still about the young men



Aoyi rii ne ra de. Ai no K K Lo K n n i w u nK no ni Ke. Ke ttA Ke K. A Ki do miKi deAe.
hois’įnes’aže. Hinųkąka rokana ną̄’į́ wa’uną́k, nųnįgé Kecąkega hakižumįkše.
they would peep in. The woman [much] to want they did,* but Turtle he laid with her.

* the translaation has, "they wanted to court the woman".

          Winnebago V, #18:64
e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. Ai no K KeLe A Lo Ae Ae xitti no ni Ke A Ke w d de rK ni de.
Égi Kecąkega hinųkagᵉre harohēhéxjį,* nųnįgé hąké wažąžesganiže.
Then Turtle the woman he was getting very close to her,* but not [they were not able to do much.]†

* a hapaxlegomenon, < ha-, the superessive applicative (Helmbrecht-Lehmann); ro, "body"; hēhé, "to pant, to run out of breath, to breathe hard" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann); xjį, an emphatic suffix. Cf. also, rohera, "spawn" (Jipson). The superessive applicative is defined as, "a grammatical element of the verb unknown in English. It is mostly translated as 'on something' or 'over something'." (Helmbrecht-Lehmann) It may be that rohe means "to spawn, to have sexual intercourse," with -he and -xjį both being emphatics. However, the narrative context implies that the interruption precluded consumation.
† this expression is not translated, but instead is replaced by the next sentence.


te tt Ki Aoyi rii Ai L wi de. Ai Ko w d L Ai d u n i deKe. tt rKe Ki A w ttAyi L wi n de.
Tejąkí hois’į hirawiže. Higų́ wažąra hižą́ ’ųną’į šge jasgégi, hawacąirawinaže.*
Too much to peep in they did. [Yet] anything [he wished to do] [also] if he attempted, he would be caught at it.

* < hawacąire-hawina-že. How this compound produces the meaning given to it, is obscure.


de Ko Ke ttA Ke K. ttA xL n K L Ai K. Ki ttoKo Kitti ra de. e Ki. Ai Ko Ai owK Koo we de.
Žegų Kecąkega cáǧᵉra nąkarahiga gigukjįs’aže. Égi higų́ hi’ų́ak’ų wéže,
And Turtle his spit he would gulp down his own ?* And finally ?† he said,

* the translation has, "every once in awhile".
† this is untranslated.

          Winnebago V, #18:65      
ni di Ai Loyi Le Ai L n i n. te tt Ki w Koyi rii n KLe. Ai Ai deKe Ai L Lo tteAe tt
"Niži, hiroire," hiranąįną. "Tejąkí wagois’įnągᵉre. Hįhí šge hirarucéja
"[Exclamation] [the bad fellows,"] he thought.* "Very often they peep at us. Let us go out and somewhere

* this is translated as, "I don't like this."


ttA Ai mi K tte deKe e de. Ai no Kini K Ke we de. Ao ttiy e de. e Ki. no xa w. wo midi
himį̄́kajéšge,"* éže. Hinų́gᵉnį́kage wéže, "hojiá," éže. Égi nųxą́wą womį́ž
[instead] we lay," he said. The young girl she said, "Alright," she said. So [in secret] bedding

* < himį̄́k-hajéšge, the /h/ having been lost through internal sandhi.


A ni L n K Ki xA L Ao w Ly Le de. e tt A Ai wo mi d n K. Ai noKo niKi tte K. e Ki.
haniranąga gixara howaraíreže. Éja hahi womį́žanąka hinų́gᵉnįkjegá, égi
[they took, and] the wilderness they went. There she went the bedding the young girl, and then


      Winnebago V, #18:66      
Ki Ko Lo doAo Lotto deAe. e Ki. w i d. i Ki di e tt wo do de. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K w Ke de.
kikurušorocše, égi wa’įžą į́giži, éja wožuže. Égi Kecąkega wagežé,
she undressed, and a mantel that she wore, there she put them. And Turtle she said to him,



Ai deKe Ki Ko Lo lAo Lotto liAi L ni Ai Ke de. e Ki Ke ttA Ke Ke* we de. de rKe A Ktt n Ae n
hišgé, "Kikurušoroc, pįrani," higéže. Égi Kecąkega wéže, "Žesgé hakjanaheną,"
also, "To undress, you ought to," she said to him. And Turtle he said, "This I am about to do,"

* the e appears to be a slip of the pen.


e de. e Ki. wy ni L. w Ko Lo doAo Lo ttiKi di. w i. Ai no Kn K. A ni Ki di. e tt Ai dKe
éže. Égi wainį́ra wakikurušorocgiži, wa’į hinų́gᵉnąka hanįgiži, éja hišgé
he said. And clothing when he undressed, mantel the woman [which belonged to her,] there [also]


        Winnebago V, #18:67      
wo Ki do de. e Ki. mi Ki Le de. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. Ai no K KeLe. A Lo Ae Ae de. de Ko Ai A KL
wogižuže. Égi mįgireže. Égi Kecąkega hinųkagᵉre haruheheže. Žegų hihágᵉra
he put them. And they laid. And Turtle the woman he began to fool with. And on top



Ao w tti Le n i de. e Ki. Ai no Kini K KLe we de. de Ko Ko Ai Kow n Ai Ke de rKe L mi Ki di
howajire ną’įže. Égi hinųgᵉnįgᵉre wéže "Žegųgų higuą́ną hįké žesgéra mįgiži
he proceeded he tried. But the girl she said, "Please right off not that to do, as



w d Ai L Ki tt diAi ni Ki Kette de. Ai K K de rKe A ni n. Ai K A m Ke ni n.
wažą́ hirakī́ją šįnįgikježe. Hįkagá žesge hanįną. Higa hamąkenįną.
something [you reach] you will know me. Never this way I have not done. [Doing it ?] I dread.


                           Winnebago V, #18:68          
Ai Ly  tt L miKi Ai L Ki do doo Ki. o mi m Ki di.* e Ki. de e di. tt Ko Ki liAi doo doKo ni n de.
Hiraijara mį̄k hiragišųš’ųgi, omimąkiži, éki žeeži jagú gipį š’ušgųnįnaže.
[Awhile ?] to lie after you stay with me, after I get use to you, and then what to like you can do.

* cf. homǫk, "to get used to." An initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi.


tt Ko Ai L Ki do Ktt ne de. Ai dA dA w[i] K tt. Ko Le rKe dKe A Ae te e. tt Ko Lo L Ko Ki doo K tt
Jagu hiragišųkjaneže, hišašawigają, korésgešge hą̄hé tée jagu rora gugiš’ųgają,
[How] you will marry me, as you say, and [perhaps] [tonight] what my body ... ? ..., and


          Winnebago V, #18:69
A Ke Ai L Ki do ni Ki di. diAi diAi Kitti wy L Ki doo dKo ni n de e de. e Ki Ke ttA Ke K. we de. e Ki
hąké hiragiš’ųgiži, šišikjį wairagiš’ųšgųnįnaže," éže. Égi Kecąkega wéže, "Égi
not if you married me, very bad it would be for me,"* she said. And Turtle he said, "And

* or, "should you do this to me."


Ai rKe di deKe w deAe K tt. A ni Ki do Ke di de Ko K tt e de. e K. Ai no K  K
hisgéži šgewašegáją, hanįkižugeži, žegųgają," éže. Égi hinųkąka
of course you are right, I am marrying you in any case, that is the end of it," he said. And the woman



we de. A Ke di. Lo Ko dtt ni dKo ni n de. Ai L Ki do Ktt ne de Ai dA dA w K tt. tt rKe Ki
wéže, "Hąkéži rukošjanįšgųnįnaže.* Hiragišųkjaneže, hišašanawagają, jasgégi,
she said, "Not you would not die from want of it. You will marry me, as you have been saying, surely

* an unknown word. Its initial syllables could be, roko, roku, ruko, ruku.

                      Winnebago V, #18:70    
de rKe L Ktt n Ae K tt e de. Ai no K K. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. Ai rKe w deAe n. de rKe Ai L Le Ke
žesgérakjanhegają," éže, hinųkąka. Égi Kecąkega, "Hisgé wášeną. žesge hirarege,
[it will be thus,"] she said, the woman. And then Turtle, "Right you speak. That if it is your wish,



w deAe K tt e de. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K di. de Ko n too too li Le de. a L deKe
wášegają," éže. Égi Kecąkegaži žegų́ną t’ųt’ųbireže. Ara šge
[that you are saying,"] he said. And then Turtle [thus it was] [that he was laid.]* Her arms also

* this sentence was translated as, "And then she put her arms around the turtle some more." T’ųt’ųp is an emphatic of t’ųp.


Ai leAe i Ki Ki L n K. e Ki. de Ko Ay a a di L n K. de Ko di n lo Le
hipe’į́ gigiránąga égi, žegų hai’a’aširanąga žegųži, nąbore
he used as a pillow he did, and then, [thus] she put her leg over him, and and thus, to run her hands about him


                  Winnebago V, #18:71
Ai Le de. e rKe Ke ttA Ke K. de Ko n tteKe tee Ai Le de. e Ki dKe A Ke tt Ko Ki liAi u Ki Ki L ni de.
hireže. Ésge Kecąkega žegų nącge t’e hireže. Égi šge hąké jagu gipį ’ų̄gígiranįže.
she did. So Turtle [thus] his heart hurt it did. Then also not what to like he was not allowed.



e Ki. A li Kette ni rKe K tt. Ke ttA Ke K n de. Al rK xitti A Ki Li K tt. xoAo Lo L. Ai tt tt Ai Ki di.
Égi hąbikje nisgegają, Kecąkega nąžé. Hąpsgaxjį hakirigáją, xorora hijąjąhigiži,
Then daylight just about, Turtle he fell asleep. Daylight when it came, he was snoring [in a deformed way, and]*

* the translation has, "all kinds of tunes."


Ai no KiniKi tt ne. w i L liAi Ai Ko Lo r n K. wyi ni n K w Kiiy n K. ni Ko w Ke Le de. Ke ttA Ke K.
hinųgᵉnįkjane wa’įra hikurusanąga wainį́nąka wak’įanąga nįgowakereže. Kecąkega
the young girl her mantel [good] she took, and the clothes she packed, and she came away. Turtle


        Winnebago V, #18:72          
e tt. w KL n Lo K xitti too L n Ki Le de n n Koo. e Ki. Ai noKo tt ne Ai Ko Lo Ke L e tt
éja wągᵉra narokaxjį t’ųranąkireže, nanák’ų. Égi hinųkjąne hikorókera éja
there the man without clothes he was left, while he slept. Then the woman to her grandmother there



Ki Ki di. wy ni L wo K w xo K n K. de Ko. Ai Ko Lo Ke L. w i wo Ae u tte K. Ao Koo de.
kigiži, wainį́ra wokáwaǧúganągá žegų hikorókera wa’į wohe’ųjega hok’ųže.
when she got back, her clothes she put on, and [then] to her grandmother mantel the bundle she gave her.


e Ki. we de. A A Ai ttAo deKe e ttAo ni w u n. tt rKe K tt w u Ki di. u Kette n
Égi wéže, "Hąhą́, hicųšgé e cōnį́ wa’ųną. Jasgegają wá’ųgiži ųkjéną,"
And she said, "Now then, grandson he to start he did it. How he caused this, let him do what he will,"


Winnebago V, #18:73              
e de. e Ki. Ao ni nK n K. e rAo Aiye tt Ke Le de. w Kii L. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. wi L
éže. Égi honiągᵉnąka e sųhieja* kereže. wak’į́ra Égi Kecąkega, wīrá
she said. And where she sat [she herself] in back she put it. the bundle And Turtle, the sun

* cf. sųhireja, "back on the wall".


A Kidi xitti K tt Ai Ki Ki nili lK tt te we L Ki. e ne Ki xitti e tt mi K Kede. wo Lo xo xo ttK tt. Ai Ke
hąkšíxjįgają, hikįkinįpgają tewéraki, enekixjį* éja mįgąkše. Woruxuxucgają hįké
when it was high up, he woke up, and unexpectedly, all alone there [he lay.] He looked around, but not

* a variant of inekixjį.

                      Winnebago V, #18:74
ni Ke w d L Ai d A tt ni de. de Ko de. e tt n Lo K xitti wo u A Lette Ki Li n nK deAe.
nįgé wažąra hižą́ hajanįže. žegų́že. Éja narokaxjį wō’ų́ haréc kiriną́nąkše.
anywhere anything he could not see. Thus it was. There naked he did not know what to do he sat.



e Ki. do tt n K. Ki w de. de e. Ke ni too L m Ki L ni. Ke tt Ke Ke we de.
Égi žōjanąga giwą́že. žee, kḗnį t’ųra, mągiranį Kecąkege weže.
Then he whistled, and he called for her. This one, before she ran away, ? Turtle at night* he talked to her.

* since the translation has, "while they were talking in the night, the turtle ...", Kecąkege would have to be an elide of Kecąkega and hąhe, "night".


Ai no K K Ao Ki ta KLe Ki. tt Ko L dL Ai Kyi Le Ki di Ai Ki wx deAe. e Ki. Ai no K K. we de.
Hinųkąka hokit’agregi, jagu ražᵉrá higairegiži, higiwąxše. Égi hinųkąka wéže,
The woman while they were talking, what her name she was called, he asked her. Then the woman. she said,


    Winnebago V, #18:75        
L dL. mi riAi riAi xeKewe Ai Kiy Le n e de. mi riAi riAi xeKowe e de Ke ttA Ke K. e Ki. Ay ni Le Ki.
ražᵉrá Misīsīxegwe higiaíreną," éže. "Misīsīxugwe!" éže, Kecąkega. Égi hainiregi,
her name Misīsīxegwe they call me," she said. "Misīsīxugwe!" he said, Turtle. Then in the morning,



Ko do tt n K Ki w de. do tt n K de rKe e de. mi riAi riAi xoKowe. Ko Le a nK deAe
žōjanąga giwąže. žōjanąga, žesge éže, "Misīsīxugwe!" kōré ánąkše.
even he whistled and shouted. He whistled, and this way he said, "Misīsīxugwe!" [he was surprised] he was talking.



e tt n Lo K xitti mi n K n K. A Ke w d ni Ki di. di Ke Ao ni de Aoyi Lo ttA tii L. Ai Lo Ki no
Éja narokaxjį minąkanaga hąké wažąnįgiži žigé hunįže. Hoirocąt’įra hirókinǫ́
There naked as he sat, and not there was nothing, and again she did not come. Visibility out of sight


                    Winnebago V, #18:76            
Ai Le Ki di Ao we wo Lo xo ttono ni Ke Ai Ke w di Ai e ni de. K tt K. Ai to Ke niKi n K e tt
hiregiži, howe woroǧocnųnįgé hįké wažį hi’énįže. Gająga, hitokenįgᵉnąka éja
if she was, he went around he looked for her, but not [anything] he did not find. So now, the old woman there



A Ki Li Ko ni Ai Le Ki di. e tt di Ko Ao w Ko de. n Lo K xitti e tt Ki Li de. e tt A Ki Li
hagirigųnį hiregiži, éja žigų howaguže. Narokaxjį éja kiriže. Éja hakiri
she must have come back as she did, there so [he went]. Naked there he returned. There he went


              Winnebago V, #18:77
Aoyi rii de Ko ni K. Ai ttA wi A L. mi riAi riAi xoKowe A Ke e Ki Ki Li ni de e de. e Ki
hois’įže. "Kunį́ka, hicáwįhàra Misīsīxugwe hąké égi kirinįže?" éže. Égi
he peeped in. "Grandmother, my wife Misīsīxugwe* not here she has not returned?" he said. And

* the translation has, Mi see see xegwe.


Ai to Ke niKi n K we de. A Ke Ai ttAo deKe. leAe de de rKe Ai Ky Le Ki di y lAe Le rini n. mi riAi riAi xoKowe.
hitokenįgᵉnąka wéže, "Hąké hicųšgé pēžé žesge higairegiži yapérezᵉnį́ną, Misīsīxugwe.
the old woman she said, "Not grandson who this one she is called I do not know, Misīsīxugwe.*

* the translation has, Mi see see xegwe.


A Ke Ai Ki w d tti ni n. e de. Ko ni K. w Lo diAi Ke rKe. w d L A ntt ttAi wy K ni nK dA n.
Hąké higí wažą́ jininą," éže. "Kunį́ka, worošigesge wažąra haną́cį waiką́ninąkšaną,
Not here anyone she has not come," she said. "Grandmother, shamefully things all  


        Winnebago V, #18:78      
w Lo x lL dKe. Ko ni K Ai L leAe Le riKi di Ao Ki L KLe. tt rKe te e A Kette de. e de.
Waruǧábᵉra šge. Kunį́ka, hiraperezᵉgiži, hogiragᵉre jasgé tee hakježe,"* éže.
[Warbundle] even. Grandmother, if you know, [tell me] [whether] [this one] [she has come back,"] [he said.]†

* < hakja-he-že.
† this sentence was not translated.


e Ki. w Ke de. Ai ttAo deKe. tt tt n K. A K K. Ai Lo Ae Kini rKe L ni K tt. A Ke ni Ktt xoAo no L. ni ni K tt.
Égi wagežé, "Hicųšgé, jająnąga hąkagá hirohégᵉnisgéranįgają hąké nı̨̄kjąxų̄nų́ra nįnįgają*
And she said, "Grandson, at all times never you do not let up, and not child you are not, and

* probably < nį-nį-hi-gają.


ne w L Ki Koo K tt. Ai noKo i Le L Lo ni K n K tt. w d w diAi ni L tt Ko Ly liAi L. e tt xA w ni
ne warakik’ųgają hinų́k írera* ronikanagają wažą́ wašinira jagu raipįra. Éja xawani
you it is all your fault, and woman all you desire, and thing your what you like. There lost

* < hirera, the initial /h/ having been lost due to external sandhi.

     Winnebago V, #18:79            
w L n Ki liAi Le Ai Ke de. Ai noKo wi L K nK K tt tt Ko o w dA L tte de. Ai Ke de.
waranagipįre," higéže. Hinųgᵉwira kąnągáją, jāgú’ų wašaraježe?" higéže.
you had better like it," she said to him. Women if you marry, why you ask for them back?" she said to him.



Ao Aow a n K. ttAi L ttA Ki we de n Lo K xitti. Le L Ai n Ao Ao
"Hohóanąga," cīra cagiweže. Narokaxjį réra hiną. Hohó,
"Oh my!" he said, and his lodge he started for. Naked his private parts swinging side to side. [Oh my!]



K L Ae de. e Ki A ttyi Le Ki di. A Ao. Ke ttA Ke K. Ao we w d owK dA n
karaheže. Égi hajairegiži, "Hąhó! Kecąkega howe wažą́ ’ųwąkšaną,"
[he went home.]* [And] when they saw him, "Well! Turtle [he is going about] something he is doing,"

* this sentence was not translated.

      Winnebago V, #18:80    
ay Le de. A ntt Ai Ai nl li L n K. Ao Lo xo tti Le de. w d Ki dK Ai Le Ko ni.
aíreže. Haną́c hihínąbiránąga horuǧújireže. "Wažagįšgą hiregųnį,
they said. Everyone they came out, and they looked at him. "To have done something to him perhaps it was done,



Ai no Ki Ki w Le tti L. A Ae Le. A Ki do Ki xA L Ao u Le de ay Le n a nK deAe. Ko L.
hinųkikiwarejera hą̄hére hakižú gixara ho’ųreže, aíreną," ánąkše. Kora,
the girl-traveler last night with the wilderness he went out, it is said," they said. [Exclamation]



Ke ttA Ke K Ai Lo diAiKi deAe. Ai ttA wi L e tt A Ki Aoyi Ke we de n Lo Ki xitti* Ai ttA wi L
Kecąkega hirošikše. Hicawįra éja hakirihoikeweže, narokaxjį. Hicawįra
Turtle he was ashamed. His wife there he went and enterred, naked. His wife

* this should be n Lo K xitti.


i Lo d Kitti de. tt Ko o w doA de.*
irušakjį, "Jāgú’ų waš’ųže?"
[she was taken aback,] "Why do you do this?"

* this story may be missing a last page.


Paul Radin, "The Trickster Soils the Princess," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook 47: 1-80 (English only); Winnebago V, #18 (syllabic text); Winnebago IV, #8u. (typed English translation).