Hocąk Syllabic Text — Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, Version 3
narrated by a Member of the Thunderbird Clan
Original Text — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 |
hapaxlegomena: bōǧicga, "to be struck with a blast, as with a bullet"; Ciokinąk Honąžį̄́ra, "He who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge"(a by-name of Fire); égi, in the sense of "in the mean time"; ga herejigó, "here it is"; hąbᵉwira, "the sun"; haisoxjį, "faithfully"; hakarat’et’e, "to put on to boil"; harowowoc (< harowowojireną), "to toss something"; hi’į́ra, "poor (quality)"; hi’ųrašją, "to use to finish"; higinanįk, "to have something passed around"; higųįrera, "even more"; hikinanįgᵉra (< hikinanįgᵉragi), "to pass around"; hikipirak, "protective vest"; hocap, "the place to obtain something"; hocápirera, "their"; honikižu, a variant of hanikižu, "to be with you"; Hokawasmą̄nį́ra, "Those Who Walk in Darkness" (the Nightspirits); hosek/husek, "danger"; hokųk, "path"; hošūc, "red"; korokaras, "to be prepared"; Nāǧīnįka, "Fifth Son" (rather than Nāǧixųnųga); Rōhakja’úwahira, "Disease Giver" ("He Who Causes Somatic Reversal"); rohi, "body" used as a metaphor for relatives; rut’aš, "short, stunted," otherwise only found embedded in cašgegurut’aš, "stunted (short) oak"; sairakarara, (unknown meaning); sginį́k (< sginį́karaga), "to be excessive"; tocąki, "watch men"; wacapwira, "their own"; waroǧí, "example"; warugųxete, "to long for greatly" (rather than warugųxjį); wašíniwira, "your" (usually wašíniwina); wosga, "in vain"; -žara, a variant of the emphatic -žare.
rare words: caxep, “eagle”; hakikowek, "to try to get"; hokųk found embedded in cinąk-hokųgᵉra (ttAi nK Ao Ko Ke L), "streets"; rasapaxu(k) (< hįrasapaxukjanahawiną), "to place outside"; hįbi-ąje, "to bring oneself to" (found only in Marino); hižąkixjį, "proper" (found only in Marino); hocą’wąk, "father of one's wife," found only in Marino where it is defined as "relations of relations-in-law"; hōsák, "to talk very fast, to make a sudden exclamation, to make a surprised exclamation" (found only in Helmbrecht-Lehmann); kuru’i, "to wear"; tejanaixjį, "it is about time" (found only once); waxų́, "to make an offering" (found only in Helmbrecht-Lehmann); Wanaǧírak, "Spirit"; wokera, "food, pieces of meat (ritual)," (found only in Marino); wōšgą́gre, "great endeavor; religious movement" (found only in Miner); xewe, "to weaken"
(found only in Marino).
use of wapahi hokųgᵉra, "weapon-paths" rather than warpaths.
use of the expression waną’į́-rusgijgi, "heart-binding".
frequent use of the uncommon eži, "however".
a great fondness for šgé, hišgé, "also".
Winn. 5, #20: 1 = Radin, WT 534 | ||||||||
w Ki Ko L. | A ntt. | Ai Lo dtt Ki. | |* | wo A L deKe. | e Ki. | ttA A L deKe. | A ntt | Ai Lo dtt |
Wagigóra | haną̄́c | hirušjągi, | - | wohą́raške, | égi | caharašge | haną̄́c | hirúšją |
The feast | [all] | when it is ready, | - | the kettles as well, | and | buckskins also | all | to be ready |
* this mark may have been a slip of the pen.
w Ai Le Kr. | e Ki. | w Ki Ko L | A K L tee tee Ki | e Ki. | w n n. | rA Ke Le L. |
wąhírega,* | égi | wagigóra | hakarat’et’egi, | égi | wanā́na: | "Sakerera, |
when they get, | and | the kettles | once they are put on to boil, | then | [he whoops:] | ["Warbundle owners,] |
* it appears that an original i has been lined out and another period inserted before it.
rA Ke Le. | ni Ktt KL. | ttAi | Ao do dA w KeLe. | ni xo Lo Ai ttiwi n. | e liAi K tt. | ne. | w o n KeLe. | Ai Ke |
Sakere | nįkjągᵉra, | ci | hožušawagᵉre, | nįkúruhįjwíną. | Epįgają. | Ne | wa’ųną́gᵉre | hįké |
[Warbundle] | [the children,] | [lodge] | [you who are going to fill,] | I greet you. | [It is good.] | You | the ones who are | not |
Ai de we wi wi niy n K. | Ai L Ki tti wi L. | tti L. | Aoyi xitti | ttili | Ai L Ki Ki wi L | e liAi K tt. |
hišewewįwinianąga | hiragijiwira. | Cira | hoixjį | jįp | hiragígiwira. | Epįgają. |
[you have not pondered, and] | [you have cared for us.]* | My lodge | full | [to assemble] | [you have done for us.]† | It is good. |
* Radin has, "You have put aside all the wrongs I have done you and accepted my inventation."
† Radin has, "You have filled my lodge."
Winn. 5, #20: 2 | ||||||
ttAo Ke w A wi L. | Ki Ki no lL.* | tto liAi wi wi Ki. | A ntt. | wK. w doAo deAe | Ai Le de. | xeAe te L. |
Cókewahawira, | kikínų̄bᵉra | jopíwiwigi, | haną̄́c | wąk wašošéwe | hireže. | Xetera |
Our grandfathers, | [the brothers] | [the four of them,] | all of them | warriors | they were. | The oldest one |
* just before this word are a number of indistinct markings which appear to have been erased words.
ttAi wo tee Ai K. | Ai Ky Le de. | e Ki. | Ai no le tte Le L. | AoKo mi n K | Ai Ky Le de. | Ai t ni L. |
"Ciwoit’éhiga" | higaíreže. | Égi | hinųbéjerera | "Hų̄k Miną́́ka," | higaíreže. | Hitanį́ra |
["Kills within the Lodge"] | they called him. | And | the second one | "Sitting Chief," | they called him. | The third |
w l no reAe K. | Ai Ky Le de. | Ai tto lL. | ttAi wo tee Ai K. | Ai Ky Le de. | ttAi wo tee Ai K. |
"Wabanosega" | higaíreže. | Híjobᵉrà | "Ciwoit’éhiga" | higaíreže. | Ciwoit’éhiga |
"Waubaunsee" | they called him. | The fourth | "Kills within the Lodge" | they called him. | Kills within the Lodge |
Ao Ki ry tt. | Ai doKo. | Ai Kotto | Ai Le dKe. | lo xittK | Ai se ra de. | e rKe. | w i | Ai Ki liAi L K n K. |
hokisaija, | hižuk | higuc | hírešgè, | bōǧicga* | hires’aže. | Ésge | wa’i | hikipirakanąka† |
[in battle,] | [gun] | [to be shot] | [if he was,] | [to be struck with a blast] | [he would.] | Therefore, | blanket | (this protective) belt |
* the meaning of this word, a hapaxlegomenon, is analyzable: bo-, "to be propelled by air"; and ǧicga, "to strike".
† this term, hikipirak, which is a hapaxlegomenon, clearly refers to what we would now call a "bullet-proof vest."
Ko ttAi Le K. | Ai doKo m L. | Lo Ai | Ai. | oyi Le K. | Ai Ki liAi L KL. | Ko Lo deKe K. |
gújiregá, | hišukmara | rohi | hi | ’ųirega, | hikipiragᵉra | kurušgega, |
[when they shot,] | [the bullet] | [his body] | [it made] | [when they did,] | the protective vest | when he untied, |
Winn. 5, #20: 3 | |||||||
Ai doKo m L. | w i | Ai Ki liAi L KL. | Ai doKo m L. | Aoyi ttAi ra de. | e rKe | te e | w Lo x li d |
hišugᵉmara | wa’i | hikipiragᵉra, | hišugᵉmara | hoicis’aže. | Ésge | tee | Waruǧapižą |
the bullets | blanket | protective vest, | the bullets | it would be full. | So | this one | a Warbundle |
o n. | wo n xi Le. | Ai Lo xoAo L[o]Ko | liAi de Le n. | wK Kidi Ko i | dKe. | Ai L rA n. | wo t |
’úną. | Woną́ǧiré | hiruxuruk | pįžereną, | wąkšíko’į́ | ške | hirasáną. | Wotá |
he made. | [War] | [he was able] | [to be good at,] | [Life] | [also] | [it was together with.] | He requested |
ttAo ni L. | wo n xi Le L. | rA Ke Le L. | mi nK dA w KeLe. | tt n K. | Ai ttAo Ke Ai w Ai wi L. |
conira | woną́ǧiréra. | Sakerera | miną́kšawągᵉre | janąga, | hicṓkehiwahíwira |
[from the beginning] | the war. | Warbundle owners | who are seated | everyone, | our grandfather |
Ai Ki n A wi Ki. | t ni L. | Ai tte | w Ki Ki Ktt ni A wiy n K | w A nK dA n. | rA Ke Le L. | w xoAo liAi ni |
hikinahawigi, | tānį́ra | hije | wagigikjanihawianąga. | wahaną́kšaną. | Sakerera | Waxopį́nį |
[if he brings himself up, (?)] | tobacco | [there] | I will be giving him, and | this is why I am saying this. | Warbundle owners | Spirits |
Winn. 5, #20: 4 | ||||||
Ao Ki o L. | ttAi. | Ao do dA w KeLe. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n | w A n Kd n. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko. | wi Ki Ko L. |
hoki’ųra | ci | hožušawagᵉre, | nįkúruhįjwíną, | wahanąkšaną. | Nįkúruhįjwíjigo!" | Wigígora |
[the main ceremony] | lodge | you who are filling, | we greet you, | [is what I am saying.] | We greet you!" | [To give a feast] |
tt ni Ki Ki | A ntt. | t ni | nl a Ki | wo Ki do n. | e Ki. | lAe tti ttAe tte tt. | mi nK nKd n. | we n. | A Ao. |
janigigi | haną́c | tānį́ | nąp’áki | wogížuną. | Égi | pejicējēja | mįnąknąkšaną. | Wéną, | "Hąhó, |
? | all | tobacco | [in each hand] | he offered them . | And | [by the edge of the fire] | [they sat.] | He said to them, | "Now then, |
K Ae Le tti Ko | K Ae Le tti Ko. | a n K. | t ni. | n le tt. | w t Kini K Lo Ko r n K. | leAe tte tt. | Ao le de. | A Ao. |
ga herejigó, | ga herejigó," | anąga | tānį́ | nąpeja | watáknįk | pejēja | hobéže. | "Hąhó, |
here it is, | here it is," | he said, and | tobacco | in his hand | a small amount | in the fire | he put it down. | "Now then, |
ttiAiyo Ki rA Ko n di L. | t ni L. | me e Le n. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | ne | Ai Ly L K L n L di wiy n K. |
Ciokiságonąžį́ra, | tānį́ra | meereną. | Tani | hunįkižuną.* | Ne | hirairakaranąrážiwiánąga |
He who Stands in Our Midst, | the tobacco | here it is. | Tobacco | it is with you. | You | you have come to stand among your own, and |
* honikižu appears to be a variant of hanikižu, of the same meaning.
Winn. 5, #20: 5 | ||||||
w xoAo liAi ni | w L Ki do L. | L dA Ai d.* | Att wiy n K. | ttA lo ni Ay tte ni wi Ki. | ne | wo L KL |
Waxopį́nį | warakižura, | rarašahiža | hajwiąnaga, | cabonihaijeniwigi, | ne | worágᵉra |
Spirits | with them, | you encouraged us to believe | [when we came,] | if we put on top of his head, | you | the message |
* an initial L can be seen, although it is clear that it was, or was meant to have been erased, as what had followed it had been erased and overwritten with the word shown here.
ni ne de | Ai deAe de | ayi Le d L. | e Ki. | wo t ttAo ni L. | rA ni Ki w lA Ai L. | Ai Ki lA Ai Le Ktte n. |
ninéže | hišéže | airežara. | Égi | wotáconira | sanigiwapahira | hikipahirekjeną. |
even I | [you promised] | [they most definitely had said]. | And | the first request | the edges of the weapons | [they will be caused to meet.] |
wo n xi Le L. | Ai d. | Ai Ly Ki Loyi ttA wi Ko | A Ke. | Ao rALe | w w ni Ktt wi n. | wK KL | Ai Ki L. |
Woną́ǧirera | hižą | hiraikiroicąwigo, | hąké | hōsré | wawanįkjawiną. | Wągᵉra | hįkira |
The wars | one | [if we are directed,] | not | [thin] | [may we not go.] | [Men] | [to fight] |
A Ki KoweKe | Ai Le dKe. | w lA Ai | Ao Lo Ke tt. | w w wi deKe. | w lA Ai | Ao Ko Ke L. | w we Ktt wi n. | e Ki. |
hakikowek | hírešgè, | wapahi | horogéja | wawawišge | wapahi | hokųgᵉra | wáwekjawiną. | Égi |
[to try to get] | [if they were,] | [weapon] | [in the midst] | [our being also] | [weapon] | [paths] | [we will go on.]* | And |
* Radin translates (or perhaps paraphrases), Woną́ǧirera hižą hiraikiroicąwigo, hąké hōsré wawanįkjawiną. Wągᵉra hįkira hakikowek hírešgè, wapahi horogéja wawawišge wapahi hokųgᵉra wáwekjawiną, as, "And if in a vision we be directed to go on the warpath, may we receive the complete blessing, even though we be in the midst of the battle."
Winn. 5, #20: 6 | ||||||
w niKi xAo L. | tt n K. | wo n xi Le | Ai Lo xAo Lo Ki Le L. | ttiAiyo Ki rA KeLe Ki. | Ai Lo ldi tt KeLe. | Ai d |
wánįkxura | janąga | woną́ǧire | hiruxurukirera | ciókiságeregi | hirobᵉžijagᵉre | hižą |
bird skins | all these | war | they are used in | in the center of the lodge | [that are lain ?] | one of them |
y Ki Kx wi deKe. | Ai Ke. | Ao reAeK | A ni | w w ni Ktt wi n. | e Ki. | rii xitti | w Kidi K i Ktt wi n. |
yākíkaxwišge | hįké | hosek* | hani | wawanikjawiną, | égi | s’ixjį | wąkšíga’įkjàwiną. |
[we are going to adorn ourselves, also] | not | danger | [to have ?] | we will not go, | and | very long | we will be granted life. |
* this could also be husek.
Radin, WT 535 | |||||||||
ttAo K. | leAette L | tt ne. | t ni. | Ao ni Ki do n. | K Ae Le tti Ko. | K. Ae Le tti Ko. | ttAo K. | m o L. | t niyo ni Ki do n. |
Coká | Péjᵉra, | jané | tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Ga herejigó, | ga herejigó. | Coká | Mą̄’ų́ra | tānį́-ónįgižùna. |
Grandfather | Fire, | this | tobacco | I pour to you. | Here it is, | here it is. | Grandfather | Earthmaker | I offer tobacco to you. |
t ni tt ne. | ne doo L. | Ae Le no ni Ke. | A Ke | w n o Ke we. | Loro doAo Lo xAo LoKo ni Ktt ne Ai deAe de | ayi Le de L. |
Tanijane | ne š’ųra | herenunige | hąké | waną’ṓkewé | rusšuruxuruknikjanehišeže, | airežera. |
The tobacco | you yourself made | it was, but | not | [willingly] | you cannot take it from us, | it is told. |
Winn. 5, #20: 7 | ||||||||
t niyo ni Ki do n. | wo t ttoAo ni L. | wo n xi Le L. | e Ki | w Kdi Ko i L. | ni Ki t wi n. | e Ki. | w niyo ttKe | Ai rK L. |
Tānį́-ónįgižùną. | Wotaconira: | woną́ǧirera | égi | wąkšigo’į́ra | nįgitáwiną. | Égi | waniócge | hįsgará |
I offer tobacco to you. | [First request:] | [wars] | and | life | [I ask of you.]* | And | animal | the white furred |
* Radin translates this as, "I offer tobacco to you, that I may become a warrior and have long life."
w Ki d. | ttA L. | wo w K L. | e Ki. | ttA A L. | Ko Lo i. | ni t Ktt ni Ki Ki wi n. | w Ko tte L. | riAi d. |
wągížą | cára | wowakąra, | égi | cahara | kuru’i, | nįtakjanigigiwiną. | Wagujera | sižą |
a male | deer | [the choicest parts,] | and | the deer skin | to wear, | [we will cause to be heated for you.] | Moccasins | [long] |
t ni L. | Ai L ni Ki to ttAl wi n. | A Ao. | K a Ae Le tti Ko | Ke Le tto reAele xeAe te L. | w Lo xl. |
tānį́ra | hiránįgitucabwiną. | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó. | Kerejųsepxetera, | Waruǧáp |
tobacco | [we extend to you]. | [Now then,] | here it is. | Great Black Hawk, | [Warbundle] |
Ai L K L L. | t ni. | Ao ni Ki do n. | wo t tto ni L. | wo n xi Le L. | A K. | n Ko L. | Ai d | w w wi Ki. |
hirakárara, | tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Wotáconira: | wōną́ǧirera | hąká | nągúra | hižą | wawawigí, |
the one who is in charge, | tobacco | I offer you. | The first request: | wars | ? | [the road] | [one] | [if we go on,] |
A Ke | wo rAK | w w ni Ktt wi n. | w KL. | Ai d Ki L. | A Ki KoweKe Ki Le deKe. | A ni m[i] Ki Ktte n. | w lA Ai |
hąké | wosga | wawanikjawiną. | Wągᵉra | hižąkíra | hakikowekirešge, | hanimįgikjeną. | Wapahi |
[not] | [in vain] | [we will not go on.] | Men | just one | [it is also to be gotten,] | [may it be that he is seized.] | [Weapon] |
Winn. 5, #20: 8 | |||||||||
Ao Ko Ke L. | w we Ktt wi n. | wo A L. | ttAyi d. | w ttoKoxo. | A L. | Ko Lo i. | w Ko tte L. | rii d. | wo A L. |
hokųgᵉra | wawekjawiną. | Wohą́ra | caížą | wacgux, | hara | kuru’i, | wagujera | s’īžą | wohą́ra |
[paths] | [we are going to tread on.] | The kettle | a deer | half, | the hide | to wear, | the moccasins | [a long one] | the kettle |
ni Ki to dtt Le A wi n. | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | t ni L. | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | wiyo Le Le Ki. | w K tt. | Ao KL. |
nįgitušjabehawiną. | Ga’á herejigó. | Tānį́ra | ga’á herejigó. | Wioréregi | Wakąjá | Hųgᵉra |
we offer you. | Here it is. | The tobacco | here it is. | The place of the setting sun | Thunder | the Chief |
t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | e Ki. | ttAo K K. | rA Lo riKi ttiKi. | w n i | Ai tto L K L Ke Le Ki. | wo n xi Le L. | tt Ko L |
tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Égi | cokagá | sarusgijik | waną’į́ | hijorakarageregi,* | woną́ǧiréra, | jagura |
tobacco | I offer you. | And | grandfather | [heart-binding] | [mind] | [there as you were telling your own, ?] | wars, | whatever |
* hija-hora-kara-k-here-gi. Thanks to Sheila Shigley for her suggestions here.
Ki Koro wi Ki. | tt n K. | Aoyi ttA Ki. | de e. | ni Ki t wi n. | e Ki. | Lo Ai y Ki rK w[i] L | Ai d. | ni KttK Ki Ki rKe |
gigų́swigi, | janąga | hoicagi, | žee | nį̄gítawiną. | Égi | rohiakisgawira | hižą, | nį̄kją́kikisge |
you taught him, | all these | [if you added, ?] | that | we ask of you. | And | our own members | one of them, | like a child |
Winn. 5, #20: 9 | |||||||
w Lotto | w Ko A tte L. | t ni L. | Ai L Lo ttAl | ni Ki lA A Le A wi n. | A Ao. | K a Ae Le tti K. | t ni L. |
warúc | waguhajera | tānį́ra | hirarucap | nįgipaharehawiną. | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigá, | tānį́ra. |
to feed | [?] | the tobacco | together with | we offer you. | [Now then,] | here it is, | the tobacco. |
wy xele Ao Le Ki. | Ao K wr m ni L. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do wi n. | ttAo K K. | ttAi wo tee Ai K. | w xoAo liAi ni. |
Waixephúregi | Hokawasmą̄nį́ra, | tānį́ | hunįkižuwiną. | Cokagá | Ciwoit’éhiga | Waxopį́nį |
In the east | Those Who Walk in Darkness, | tobacco | we offer you. | Grandfather | Kills within the Lodge | Spirits |
w n i d. Lo riKi ttiKi. | Ai tt | w n i | Ao L K L Ke Le Ki. | A Ko Leyi d. | A K L ni. | n di wi dKe. | w lA Ai niKi Kitti. |
waną’į́-rusgijik | hija | waną’į́ | horakarakeregi, | hagoreižą | hakarani | nažį́wišge | wapahínįkjį |
[heart-binding] | there | [mind] | [as you put into,] | [after awhile] | [to take up] | [we stand also] | [without any effort] |
rA ni Ki w lA Ai L. | Ai Ki lA | Ai Le Ktt wi n. | te de rKe. | ni Ki t wi n. | ni Ktt KL. | wo n xi Le | Ai o n tte xitti |
sanigiwapahira | hikipa | hirekjawiną. | Téžesge | nį̄gítawiną. | Nįkjągᵉra | woną́ǧiré | hi’ų nąjexjį |
the edges of the weapons | to meet | we will be caused. | This | we ask of you. | The children | war | [about to do with] |
Winn. 5, #20: 10 | |||||||
Ai Le n. | tt Ko | Ai w owe Le rKe. | wo n xi Le L. | Ai L Ki Loy ttA | Ai Le Ktte n. | t ni L. | ttA. |
hiréną. | Jagu | hiwa’ųeresge | wōną́ǧirera | hirakiroicą | hirekjeną. | Tānį́ra | ca |
they are. | [Whatever] | [similar to what we are doing ?] | wars | to be directed | may they be. | The tobacco | deer |
Ai no Ki d. | Ae Le L. | A L. | w Ko tte L. | rii d. | Ai L ni Ki to ttA liwi n. | wo A L. | A A. | K a Ae Le tti Ko. |
hinųgižą | herera, | hara | wagujera | s’īžą | hiránįgitucabwiną. | Wohą́ra, | hąhą́, | ga’á herejigó. |
a female | it is, | hide | the moccasins | [a long one] | we offer you. | The kettle, | well now, | here it is. |
Ao Lo ttA tte Le Ki. | Lo L. | rA niKi. | liAi dA nK. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | Ao dAe Le o w Ai L. | ttAo K K. | w xoAo liAi ni. |
Horocájeregi | róra | sānį́k | pįšanąk, | tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Hošere’ų́wahira, | cokagá, | Waxopį́nį |
In the south | the body | that part | [you are good,] | tobacco | we offer you. | Disease Giver, | grandfather, | Spirits |
w n i Lo riKi ttiKi. | Ai Ki w n i | Ao L K L Ke Le Ki. | wo n xi Le L. | L Ki doo wi Ki. |
waną’į́-rusgijik | hikiwaną’į | horakarakeregi, | wōną́ǧirera | ragiš’ųwigi, |
[heart-binding] | [by means of one's own mental powers]* | [when you put into,] | wars | when you two have made for him, |
* based on hikiwaną’į beng analysed as, hi-, by means of; ki-, "one's own"; waną’į, "mind (etc.)".
Winn. 5, #20: 11 | ||||||||
de e | ni Ki t wi n. | tto K K. | A l tt rKe | wi L | Lo ttA tte K tt. | A l tt rKe. | n tto L tt Ki. | e |
žee | nį̄gítawiną. | Cōkága | hą̄́bájasge, | wira | rocájegają | hą̄́bájasge | nąjorajągi, | e |
that | we ask of you. | Grandfather | [in broad daylight,] | the sun | [when it straightens]* | [in broad daylight] | you having blessed, | [he himself] |
* that is, in the middle of the day.
w Ke n. | Lo Ai y Ki rK wi L. | de rKe d. | w Ke Le L. | A K L ni | ni Ki to dtt Le A wi n. | e Ki. | ttA A L. | riAi d. | Ai L rA. |
wą́geną. | Rohiakisgawira | žesgéžą | wakerera | hakarani | nįgitušjabehawiną. | Égi | cahára | sīžą | hirasá |
he said. | One of our members | the kind | the headdress | with | we offer you. | And | deerskin | [a long] | together with |
t ni L. | wo A L. | Ai L ni Ki to ttAl wi n. | A Ao. | me Le n. | t ni L. | ttAo K. | Al wi L. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. |
tānį́ra, | wohą́ra | hiránįgitucabwiną. | Hąhó, | mereną, | tānį́ra. | Coká | Hąpwira | tānį́ | hunįkižuną. |
the tobacco, | [the kettle] | [we extend to you]. | [Now then,] | here it is, | [the tobacco.] | Grandfather | Sun | tobacco | I offer you. |
ttAo K K. | ttAi wo tee Ai K. | n tto L tt Ki. | w xoAo liAi ni. | w n i Lo riKi ttiKi. | w n i | Ai ttAo L K L Ke Le Ki. |
Cokagá | Ciwoit’éhiga | nąjorajągi, | Waxopį́nį | waną’į́-rusgijik | waną’į́ | hicorakarakeregi, |
Grandfather | Kills within the Lodge | when you blessed him, | Spirits | [heart-binding] | [mind] | [when you effectd ?] |
Winn. 5, #20: 12 | ||||||||
w t ttAo ni L. | wo n xi Le L. | tt rKe. | ttAo K K.* | n tti Lo L tt wi Ki | de e. | w K nK Kd n | w lA Ai. | Ao ttA Ke n L |
wataconira. | Wōną́ǧirera | jasgé | cokagá, | ną́jiroràjąwigì, | žee | waganą́kšąną. | Wapahi | hocagenara |
that do I ask of you. | Wars | what | grandfather, | when you blessed him, | this | I ask for. | Weapon | [among ?] |
* the tt is uncrossed in the manuscript.
Radin, WT 536 | |||||
Ao n di Ktte wi n. | w KL. | Ai d tee Ai tt n Ai tte Ki. | Ai tow Ki Kii Ktt wi n. | w n i Lo Ke tt. | w d L Ai d |
honązį́kjewiną. | Wągᵉra | hižą́t’ehijanahijegi, | hitoákik’į́kjawiną. | Wāną’įrokeja | wažąrá hižą́ |
[I will stand in ?].* | Men | for whom death has been ordained,† | [may I take for myself.] | [Within one's mind] | something |
* Radin "translates" this as, "May we have victory in war: and in the presence of the weapons of our enemies, make us safe."
† hižą́t’e means, "someone dies." Otherwise, the rest is Radin's translation, which is more of a paraphrase.
y L wiy n K. | t ni L. | Ai rKe | dA xoAo wi dKe. | Ai Ke | Ai L Ki tt diAi niKi ni Ktt n A wi de | ay Le d Le. |
yarawianąga | tānį́ra | hisgé | šaxųwišge | hįké | hįragijasiniknikjanahawize, | airežaré. |
[we think, and] | the tobacco | along with | you will hear, also | not | [we will ...] | [as they say.] |
t ni L. | wo A L. | ttA. | wo we Ky d. | ttA A L. | w Ko tte L. | riAi d. | ni Ki to dtt Le A wi n | ttAo K. | A A. |
Tānį́ra, | wohą́ra, | ca | wowegaižą, | cahara | wagujera | sīžą | nįgitušjabehawiną, | Coká. | Hąhą́, |
The tobacco, | the kettle, | deer | one for food (?), | the deer skin | the moccasins | [a long one] | we offer you, | Grandfather. | [Well now,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 13 | ||||||||
Ko ni K. | A Ae wi L. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | wo n xi Le. | Low Ko wi n. | ttAo K K. | w n i L Ki Ki Le wi Ki. | w Ke n. |
kunį́ka | hąhewira, | tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Woną́ǧiré | rowaguwiną. | 'Cokagá, | waną’įragigirewigi,' | wagéną. |
grandmother | the moon, | tobacco | we offer you. | [War] | we desire. | 'Grandfather, | [mind ... ?'] | she said to him. |
ttAi wo tee Ai K. | n tto L tt wi Ki. | wo n xi Le L. | L Ki do xitti wi Ki. | Ao t Ai Ke | w Koo ni Ki. |
Ciwoit’éhiga | ną́jorajạ̀wigi, | wōną́ǧirera | rakižuxjįwigi, | hotahige, | wak’ųnigi, |
Kills within the Lodge | when you blessed, | wars | [when you gave him,] | if they are left over, | when they were given to him, |
de e | ni Ki t wi n. | t ni L. | wo A L. | ttA L. | ttA A L. | riAi di.* | wo A L. | Ai L ni Ki to ttAl wi n | | | A A. |
žee | nį̄gítawiną. | Tānį́ra | wohą́ra | cára | cahara | sīžą | wohą́ra | hiránįgitucabwiną. | - | Hąhą́, |
these | we ask of you. | The tobacco | the kettle | deer | the deer skin | [a long one] | the kettle | [we extend to you]. | - | [Well now,] |
* there can be little doubt that this should be riAi d.
K a Ae Le tti Ko. | t ni L. | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | wi L Ko dKe xAe te L. | ttAo K K. | w xAo liAi ni. | w n i Lo riKi ttiKi. |
ga’á herejigó. | Tānį́ra, | ga’á herejigó. | Wiragošge Xetera, | cokagá | Waxopį́nį | waną’į́-rusgijik |
here it is. | [The tobacco,] | here it is. | Morning Star, | grandfather | Spirits | [heart-binding] |
Winn. 5, #20: 14 | |||||
Ai Ki w n i | Ao L K L Ke Le Ki. | w xoAo liAi ni. | A Ae. | Ao ttA li Le L. | A Ae Ki rA KeLe Ki. |
hikiwaną’į | horakarakeregi, | Waxopį́nį | hąhé | hocápirera | hąhé kiságᵉregi |
[by means of one's own mental powers] | [when you put into,] | Spirits | night | their | at midnight |
t ni Ao Ai ni Ki Ke Le Ktt wi.* | de rKe L. | Ai Lo Ai Ai. | w o wi K tt. | wo A Ai Ki Lo tti ttiri |
tānį́huhinigikerekjawi, | žesgéra | hirohihi | wa’ųwigają, | wohahikirujijis |
tobacco [we offer to you,] | that kind | [done not quite right] | they did it, although | we are lacking in all the essentials necessary for success,† |
* the first two syllables are incorrectly written as ta ni.
† cf. hokirujijis (Ao KAi Loo tti ttir), "short of where, what one or more wants or ought to be" (Kingswan).
no ni Ke. | Al lL. | Ai d | ttAe xiAi ttili liKi. | w lA Ai | Ko Lo K Lr | n i | w o A n Kiwi n. |
nųnįgé | Hąbᵉra | hižą | cexijį̄pgi | wapahi | korokaras | ną̄’į́ | wa’ųhanąkwiną. |
but | the Light and Life | one of them | [if it suddenly comes across troubles,] | [weapon] | to be prepared | to try | we are doing. |
ttAe K. | e Ki. | w Kidi Ko i L. | Al li L | Lo tteAe y o Ktt wi L. | ni Ki t wi n. | wo A L. | t ni L. | ttA A L. |
Ceka, | égi | wąkšigo’įra | hąbira* | ruceya’ųkjawira, | nį̄gítawiną. | Wohą́ra, | tānį́ra, | cahara |
[First,] | [here] | life | [the (cause of) light] | we may be blessed,† | we ask of you. | The kettle, | the tobacco, | the deer skin |
* normally one would expect Hąbᵉra, although this form is found elsewhere. It appears to be hap-hi-ra, "the cause of light," which when coupled with wąkšigo’įra, "life," that it is divine life that is the cause of the light that Morning Star possesses, and that by breaking off some of that divine light, it may be converted to life.
† Radin translates wąkšigo’įra hąbira ruceya’ųkjawira nį̄gítawiną, as "that is why we ask, grandfather, that we be blessed with life." Rucé (Loo ttAe) means, "to cut or separate by hand" (Kingswan), with the implication that the substance is soft.
Winn. 5, #20: 15 | |||||||
riAi d. | Ai L ni Ki to ttAl Le A wi n. | ttA[o] K )* | A Ao. | K a Ae Le tti Ko | t ni L. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. |
sīžą | hiránįgitucabrehawiną. | Coka, | hąhó, | ga’á herejigó, | tānį́ra. | Tānį́ | hunįkižuną. |
[a long one] | we offer you. | Grandfather. | [now then,] | here it is, | the tobacco. | Tobacco | we offer you. |
* it is not clear what this parenthesis mark is meant to convey.
Ko ni K. | m L. | e Ki. | wo n xi Le | Low Ko wi n. | Ai L ttA lL. | xA wi liAi L. | tt n K Ki. | y Ki Ko Lo riKi tti Ktt wi n. |
Kunį́ka, | Mą́rā, | égi | woną́ǧiré | rowaguwiną. | Hiracabᵉra | xą̄wį́pį̄ | janągagi | yakikurusgījikjawiną.* |
Grandmother, | the Earth, | here | war | we desire. | ? | [good plants] | all | we may bind ourselves. |
* this appears to be from kurusgī́c, "to tie up": ya-ki-kurusgī́c-hi-kja-wi-ną.
A Lo Ki Ke we L. | Lo A diAi ni L. | Ao doAo ttL | liAi | Ai n n Ki. | ttAo | Ai n n Ki. | Ai Lo Ki Ke | w to xAo Lo Ki Ktt wi n. |
Hirokíkewera* | rōhąšinira | hošūjᵉra | pį | hiną́nągi, | cō | hiną́nągi, | hirogíke | watuxurukikjawiną.† |
[Wearing symbolic paint] | [your body] | red | pretty | he would do, | blue | he would do, | ? | let it be that we could do it. |
* cf. hirokikewe (Ai Lo KAi KAe we), "to wear signifying, identifying make up" (Kingswan).
† cf. hatuxúruk, "I could do." What looks like an /i/ following the terminal /n/ seems to have been a slip of the pen while attempting to make a quick period.
Ki A wi n. | Aoyi Lo Ki Ke we | liAi L. | A to ttA li Ktt wi n. | t ni L. | wo A L. | wi tt wr L. | wo A ni Ki d. |
Gihawíną. | Hoirokikewe | pįra | hatocąbikjawiną. | Tānį́ra, | wohą́ra | wicąwązᵉra | wohanįkižą, |
[We have boiled.] | Painting | the good | [we wish to get ahold of.] | The tobacco, | the kettle | corn | one of the boiled foods, |
Winn. 5, #20: 16 | |||||||
wK. t ni. | Ai L ni Ki to ttAl wi n | ) | A Ao. | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | t niyo ni Ki do n. | Ai ttA wx xAele L. | wi Lo K n L. |
wą̄k tānį | hiránįgitucabwiną. | - | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó. | Tānį́-ónįgižùną. | Hicawaxebᵉra | Wirokanara, |
tobacco | we send along to you. | - | [Now then,] | here it is. | I offer tobacco to you. | The Eagle | Chief, |
ttAo K K. | ttAi wo tee Ai K. | n tto L tt Ki. | w xoAo liAi ni | w n i Lo riKi ttiKi. | w n i | Ai ttAo L K L Ke Le Ki. |
cokagá, | Ciwoit’éhiga | nąjorajągi, | Waxopį́nį | waną’į́-rusgijik | waną’į́ | hicorakarakeregi, |
grandfather, | Kills within the Lodge | when you blessed him, | Spirits | [heart-binding] | [mind] | [when you effected ?] |
wo n xi L. | Ai Lo Ko Ki. | liAi Ki. | Ai Lo loAo no L. | A Ae te e. | w xAo liAi ni. | ni t Ktt Ki Ki n i ni rK nK KL. |
woną́ǧirá | hirokųgi, | pįgi, | hirupųnųra. | Hąhé te’e, | Waxopį́nį, | nįtakjanigigina’inisganągᵉra. |
[warfare] | [if we make use of,] | [if it is good,] | [we are requesting it.] | Tonight, | Spirit, | [I will try to have it heated for you.] |
e Ki | t ni L. | wo A L. | Ki Li Ki Li rKe K. | Ki rAK. | Ai ni Ki Ke Le wi n. | ) | wo A L | te de n K. | Ai tt Ke Le Le n. |
Égi | tānį́ra, | wohą́ra, | Kírikirisgéga | kīsák | hinįgíkerewiną. | - | Wohą́ra | téženagá | hijakererēną. |
And | the tobacco, | the kettle, | [Red Tail] Hawk | [half] | we are offering you. | - | The kettle | [this is al]l | [that was put on.] |
Winn. 5, #20: 17 | ||||||||
w Ki xA n L. | Ai tt Ke Le Le n. | Ai Ke | wo A. | Ai tt ni Ki Ke Le wi ni L deKe. | t ni L. | A ntt. | roto Ai tte ni Ki Ki wi n. | ) |
Wagíxanara | hijakererēną. | Hįké | wohą | hijanįgíkerewinirašge | tānį́ra | haną́c | stohijenigigiwiną." | - |
The attendants | they put it on. | Not | kettle | they were not placed, instead | tobacco | all | they will be caused to gather together to receive." | - |
L dtt n. | e Ki. | w Ki Ko | Ai tt ne L. | t ni | n lo do | A ni n Ki. | nl a Ki | w Ke. | rA niKi. | leAe tte tt. | Ao de |
Rašją́ną. | Égi | wagigo | hijanera | tānį́ | nąbóžu | haninąki | nąp’áki | wąge | sanįk | pejēja | hože. |
[He stopped.] | Then | feast | [the others] | tobacco | he held in each hand | ? | in each hand | above | side | in the fire | [it landed]. |
Ai L n Ki rA niKi. | w Lo x le tt | A Lo wo wo tti Le n. | e Ki. | ) | rA Ke Le L. | w xoAo liAi ni | Ao n Kidi L. |
Hiranąkisanįk* | Waruǧábeja | harowowojireną. | Égi | - | "Sakerera, | Waxopį́nį | honąkšį́ra, |
On the other side | on the Warbundle | they tossed it. | He said: | - | ["Warbundle owners,] | Spirits | [you who represent,] |
* cf. hirakíkisànįk, "by their sides."
Winn. 5, #20: 18 = Radin, WT 537 | ||||||||
ttiAi | Ao do dA w KLe. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | e Ki. | w xoAo liAi ni | ni t Ktt Ki Ki | n i | ni rKe | w o A nK wi L. |
ci | hozušawagᵉre, | nįkúruhįjwíną. | Égi | Waxopį́nį | nį̄tákacgigi | ną̄’į́ | nį̄́sge | wa’ųhanąkwira. |
lodge | [you who are going to fill,] | we greet you. | And | Spirits | to boiling hot water | [to try] | [it seems] | we are doing. |
e Ki. | di Ke. | Ao ni A L. | tt Ko | w Ki Ko ri Le Ki. | Ai do L ttK | n i L. | de rKe Ktt n. A wi n* | e Ki. | t ni | Ai i L. |
Égi | žigé | honihára | jagu | wagigų́ziregi | hišurajga | ną’įra | žesgekjaną hawiną. | Égi | tānį́ | hi’į́ra |
And | again | songs | what | when they taught them | [when he used ?] | trying | we will be that way. | And | tobacco | poor (quality)† |
* the period after the /n/ may be in error.
† elsewhere, hi’į́ra means, "living by means of."
L riKi ni Ktt n. A wi | no ni Ke. | diAitti | w tee i Ktt n A wi | no ni Ke. | to Ke we Ai ni Ktt A wi | no ni Ke. |
rasginikjaną hawi | nųnįgé | šį̄c | wat’eikjanahawi, | nųnįgé | tokewehinikjanahawi, | nųnįgé |
[he will be angered by speech we do,]* | but | [buttocks] | [we will kill,] | but | we have kept you hungry, | but |
* rasgi means "to be angered by speech," but rasgini, which is not found elsewhere, is the stem here. The translation has, "we will perhaps make you smoke". Hawi means, "we do."
rA Ke Le. | L ni wiy n K. | wo dK | te e | w doAo Lo liAi A dA. wK wiy n K.* | te de rKe L. | e liAi K tt. | A Al | Ao Ki liAi |
Sakere | raniwíanąga | wošgą́ | tee | wašurupį́hašą́wąkwianąga | težesgera | epįgáją, | hahą́p | hokipį́ |
Warbundle | you own, and | ceremony | this | you understand it, and | it | it is good, and | all night | to endure |
* Lipkind describes hašą́wąk (A dA. wK) as, "the auxiliary for the lying position." The period between A dA and wK would be inappropriate.
Winn. 5, #20: 19 | ||||||||
mi nK KL. | wo n xi Le. | w Kidi Ko i. | Ai Lo xoAo Lo Kede | ay Le L. | de rKe | deAe we wi wiy n K. | A ro Ai xitti | mi L Ki dA nK wi L |
miną́gᵉra, | woną́ǧiré | wąkšigo’į | hiruxurukše, | aírera. | Žesgé | šewewįwianąga | hasuhixjį | mįragišanąkwira. |
seated, | war | life | I will be able to take, | it is said. | For this purpose | you intend, and | [sedulously] | you intend to sit with us. |
e liAi K tt. | Ao K L K L. | deyi rK n Ki KAi n A wi n. | w Lo ttA L. | tt tt. | wo A L. | totto | w Ai Le Ki. |
Epįgáją. | Hokárakára | žeisganagikinahawiną. | Warucára | jają | wohą́ra | tūc | wahíregi, |
It is good, [isn't it?] | [Speeches] | [we are at your service this way.] | The attendants | as soon as | [the kettle] | [cooked] | when they get them, |
Ao xK rAK Ki L. | de rKe Ktt ne n. | wiyo Le Le Ki | Ae Le L. | e | Ao ni A | A ni Le L. | w K tt L. |
hoxgasakį̄ra. | žesgekjaneną. | Wioréregi | herera, | e | honiha | hanirera, | Wakąjára, |
you will receive some food. | [Thus it will be.] | The place of the setting of the sun | they are, | [they] | song | [that they have,] | the Thunderers, |
Winn. 5, #20: 20 | ||||||||
Ao ni A. | tt Ko | ttAo K L | w Ki Ko ri Le Ki. | de e | wo L ttK | n i L. | de rKe Ktt ni A wi n. | ttolo litti niKi |
honihá | jagu | cokara | wagigųziregi, | tee | wōrácąk | ną’įra | žesgekjanihawiną. | Jobjįnįk, |
songs | which | grandfather | they taught him, | those | [which are praiseworthy] | trying | [that way we will be.] | About four, |
y lAe Lere wi Ki. | ay L n K. | n w | Ai Le n. | Ai Ly rotto | Ai oyi Le n. | e Ki. | Ai w diAi | Ai o L dtt |
yapérēzwigi, | airánąga | nąwą | hireną." | Hiraisųc | hi’ųįreną. | Égi | hįwaší | hi’ųrašją́ |
[if we know,] | they sing, and | [singing] | [they are doing."] | [Completion Songs] | [they used.] | Then | dance song | to use to finish |
Ai Le n | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi n. | Ao K L K. | n i L | de rKe. | A nK Kiwiy n K. | e Ki. | ttAo K K. | n tto tt |
hiréną. | "Sakerera, | nįkúruhįjrehawiną. | Hokáraká | ną’įra | žesgé | hanąkwianąga | égi | cokagá, | nąjoją |
they do. | ["Warbundle owners,] | we greet you. | Speeches | [trying] | [that kind] | we are, and | and | grandfather, | he was blessed |
Ai Le Ki. | i woro | w we Ki Ki. | A t Ki n tt n K. | te | n i Ki. | w xAo liAi ni | w n i Ki | Ke Le Le Ki. |
híregi, | īwús | wawekįgi, | hą̄táginą́janąga | te | ną’įgi, | Waxopį́nį | wanąį́gi | kereregi, |
when he was, | [to be thirsty] | [when he burdened himself,] | he fasted, and | [this one] | when he tried, | Spirit | if he could make his heart feel, | [when they placed it,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 21 | |||||
Ao deAe Le o w Ai | Ai Ky se Ki. | n tto tt Ki. | A l tt rKe xitti | A Ki tt Ki | wi L Lo ttA tte Le Ki. |
Hošĕrĕ’ų́wahi | higaíregi, | nąjojągi, | hą̄́bájasgexjį́ | hagijagi, | wirarocą́jeregi, |
[Disease Giver] | [as they call him,] | when he was blessed, | in broad daylight | when he came across, | at noon, |
wo n xi Le L. | e Ki. | Lo rA niKi. | A lL. | xeAe te Ai. | n tti Lo tt Ki. | de e. | tt n K. | Ao Ki ttAo L. |
wōną́ǧirera | égi | rosánįk | Hąbᵉrá | xetéhí | nąjiroją́gi, | žee | janąga | hokicųra |
wars | and | one side of his body | Light and Life | [a great amount] | when he blessed him, | [this one] | all these | [descendants] |
ni Ae Ki. | m n KLe. | Ao L tte Ktt ne deKe. | t ni L. | wo A L. | w Lo liAi Le Ki. | Ae Le deKe L. | wi Lo w Kixi ni A n de |
nihégi | mąną́gᵉre | horajekjanešge | tānį́ra, | wohą́ra | waropįregi, | heréšgera | wirówakixnihánąže,* |
[as exist] | [the earth | [I shall roam, and] | tobacco, | [the kettle] | [when they learn it,] | [even then] | [to be passed down to mine,] |
* hirówakix means, "around"; but -niháną, meaning "mine" applies, so it has been said, only to animals. So the reading or translation of ni A n de e de is doubtful.
e de | Ao L Ki Le n. | e rKe. | te e. | wo A L. | e dA n * | Ai L Ki | tty Le de.† | dAo KL. | m doAo doAo KL. | t ni L. |
éže, | horágireną. | Ésge | tee | wohą́ra | ešana | hiragi | jaireže. | Šų́gᵉra, | mąšušugᵉra,‡ | tānį́ra, |
he said, | [they have told.] | So | this one | [the kettles] | he alone | [to bring back] | [it was attempted.] | The dogs, | [down feathers,] | tobacco, |
* just before the /n/ an xAe appears to have been erased.
† the underlined is an uncertain reading.
‡ the translation has "red feathers," but this would be mąšušujᵉra (m dAo dAotto L).
Winn. 5, #20: 22 | ||||||
Ai L Ki to ttA liwi L. | Ao ni A L. | y o Ktt ni A wi n. | w di tee deKe wiy L n K. | wi Lo to | w Ae Ktt wi de | no ni Ke. |
hiragitucabwira. | Honihára | ya’ųkjanihawiną. | Wažįt’e ške wiaranąga | wiroto | wahékjawiže, | nųnįgé |
we offer. | Songs | we will use. | In a different language they are, and | [important] | we will sing something, | but |
n w L. | Ai d Ki L. | Ai L deAe Le riKi dKe. | Ai Ke | Ai ttKe L ni Ktt ne n. | xK | Ai diy tte ayi Le L. | wo n xi Le L |
nąwą́ra | hižąkíra | hirašeresgišge, | hįké | hįcgéranįkjaneną. | Ğak | hišiajeairera | wōną́ǧirera |
the songs | only one | if he knows, | not | [we will not be tired out.]* | [To cry] | [they are telling ?] | [wars] |
* the translation at WT 537 has, "he should try and use it."
A L xiAi Li Ki. | A Ke | w d L | Ai d | Ai Lo diAiKi niy tte | a Le L. | de rKe | leAe wi wi | w A n Kiwi n. |
haraxirigi, | hąké | wažąra | hižą | hirošiknįaje | arera.* | Žēsgé | pewį̄́wi, | wahanąkwiną. |
[when you appeal for,] | [not] | [the things] | [one] | [not to be ashamed of] | [I have done.] | [Thus] | [we are thinking,] | [it is what we are saying.] |
* an initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.
rA Ke Le L. | w xoAo liAi n | Ao n Kidi L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko | | | n w | Ai Le n. | Ai Ly roAotto | Ai o n. |
"Sakerera, | Waxopį́nį | honąkšį́ra, | nįkúruhįjwíjigo. | - | Ną̄wą́ | hiréną. | Hiraisųc | hi’ųną." |
["Warbundle owners,] | the Spirits | you who represent, | we greet you. | - | Songs | they are. | Completion Songs | we are doing." |
Winn. 5, #20: 23 | |||||||||
e Ki. | di Ke. | Ai w diAi | Ai o n | | | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi tto Ko. | e Ki. | n w L. | do l A.* |
Égi | žigé | hiwaší | hi’ųną. | - | "Sakerera, | nįkúruhįjireháwijogò. | Égi | nąwą́ra | jobą́hą |
[And] | [again] | [to dance] | [he made ready.] | - | ["Warbundle owners,] | we greet you. | [And] | the songs | [four times] |
* a slip of the pen for tto l A.
A K Ly roAotto wi Ki. | wo Lo ttL | Ae Le Ktt ne n. | e tt xitti. | w Lo ttA L. | wo t L. | totto | w Ai Le Ktt ne n. |
hakaraísų̄jᵉwigi, | warújᵉra | herekjanéną. | Ejáxjį | warújᵉra | wotára | tuc | wahirekjaneną. |
after we have used, | the feast | it will be. | About that time | the food | request | cooked | they will cause them to be. |
e Ki. | Ao n w L. | di Ki d | Ao L ttK | n i L. | de rKe Ktt ni A wi n. | e Ki. | w K tt | n w | ni Ki d | te e |
Égi | honąwą́ra | žigižą | horacgá | ną’įra | žesgekjanihawiną. | Égi | Wakąja | ną̄wą́ | nįkižą | tee |
Then | [the singing] | [another one] | [to imitate] | [they tried] | [this way it will be.] | Then | Thunderbird | song | [a little one] | this |
Ae Le L. | e Ki. | w Lo xl | te e. | e Ki | tt n K. | w n i | Ao K L Ke Le Ki. | Ao ni A L. | e Le Le de | a tti Le L. | e |
herera. | Égi | Waruǧáp | tee | égi | janąga | waną’į́ | hokárakéregi, | honihara | erḗrēžĕ.* | Ajirera.* | E |
it was. | Then | Warbundle | this | and | [all these] | [minds] | [when he brought,] | songs | there were. | [They arrived.] | [These] |
* an initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.
Winn. 5, #20: 24 | |||||||
y o Ktt ni A wi n. | ni L. | Al wi L. | A Ae wi L. | wi L Ko dKe. xeAe te L. | m n KeLe. | mi n KeLe | Al tt Le. |
ya’ų́kjaniháwiną: | Nįra | Hąbᵉwira, | Hąhewira, | Wiragošge Xetera, | mąną́gᵉre | miną́gᵉre, | Hąpjąre |
[we will use:] | the Waters, | the Sun, | the Moon, | the Morning Star, | [on the earth] | [who are seated,] | the Daylight |
ttA xedele L. | A ntt. | de e | e | Ao ni A. | n tto K L Ke Le Le Ki. | e de | e |
Caxšĕ́bᵉrā | haną́c | žee | e | honihá | nacokarakereregi," | éže. | "E |
the Eagle, | all | these | they themselves | songs | [which they bless their own to make,"] | he said. | "[So] |
Radin, WT 538 | |||||
w w Ki A Ktt ni A wiy n K | w A n Kd n. | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tto Ko | | | Ai Ly roAo ttL. |
wawakihakjanihawianąga | wahanąkšaną. | Sakerera, | nįkuruhįjwįjigò." | - | Hiraisųjᵉra |
[we will be boiling for them, and] | [is what I am saying.] | [Warbundle owners,] | we greet you." | - | [Completion Songs] |
wi o n. | e Ki | | | rA Ke Le ni Ktt KL. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi n. | Ai w diAi L. | y o Ktt ni A wi n. | Ai d | niKi |
wi’úną. | Égi, | - | "Sakérenį̄kjągara | nįkúruhįjrehawiną. | Hįwašíra | ya’ų́kjaniháwiną: | hižą | nįk |
[they used them.] | [Then,] | - | ["Warbundle owners] | we greet you. | The dancing songs | [we will use:] | [one] | [little] |
niKi n L di Ktt wi Ki. | dA w diAi Ktt wi Ki. | w diAiy KeLe dKe | wo n xi Le | Ai Ki Ko Lo xAo Lo Ki d | Ae Le n. |
nįknaražikjawigi, | šawašíkjawigi, | wašiákrešge, | woną́ǧiré | hikikuruxurukižą | hereną. |
[if you will stand up,] | if you will dance, | through dancing, | [war] | [to get oneself to a place of safety] | [it is.] |
Winn. 5, #20: 25 | ||||||||
e Ki. | Ai noKo L | dKe. | wK w L ttAl wi L. | wo n xi Le | Lo Ko n KL. | w Ki tti L wi Le. | w diAi tt ne dKe. | w Kidi Ko i |
Égi | hinųgᵉra | šge | wąkwaracábwira | woną́ǧiré | rogunąkra | wakijirawire | wašiją̄nešge | wąkšígo’į |
[And] | women | also | your brothers | [war] | [wanting] | it will help them | dancing, also | life |
Ai Lo xoAo Lo Kd n. | Ai w diAi L. | y o Ktt n A wi n. | ttolo litti | niKi | y leAe Le riwi Ki | | | e Ki. | Ai w diAi |
hįruxurukšaną. | Hįwašíra | ya’ųkjanahawiną. | Jopjį | nįk | yapérēzwigi, | - | égi | hįwaší |
I will be able to obtain. | [The dancing songs] | [we will use.] | About four | little | if we know, | - | then | dancing songs |
Ai o L | Li dtt | Ai Le n. | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko. | e Ki. | Ao Low KL. | Ao ni A L. | Ai d |
hi’ųra | rišja | hiréną. | Sakerera, | nįkuruhįjwįjigò. | Égi | horoagᵉra, | honihara | hižą |
using | ? | they are. | [Warbundle owners,] | we greet you. | Then | [for the last time,] | songs | one |
ttA tii A wiy n K | e Ki. | Ao xK rAK Ki. | L Ae Le Ktt ne n. | n w | Ao ni Ae | te e. | ttAo K K. | e |
cąt’įhawianąga | égi | hoxgą̄sák kį̄, | raherekjaneną. | Ną̄wą́ | honįhé | tee | cōkága | e, |
[we will present, and] | then | to have our feast, | [we will be on our way.] | Song | lot | this | grandfather | [he himself,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 26 | |||||||||
we Ki. | wo n xi Le | wi Lo xoAo Lo Ki. | e rKe. | te Ki | Ai L Loro | w Ai de. | ay Le n. | to ttA Ki. | Ai Ki x |
wegi, | woną́ǧiré | wiruxurugi, | ésge | tégi, | hirarúz | wahiže. | Aíreną. | Tocąki | higiǧá, |
as he says, | [war] | if they can do it, | so | [right here,] | [to connect] | [he did it.] | So we are told. | Watch men | war camp, |
Ai L K L Ki deKe. | n w L. | e Le Le de. | de Ke. | w Lo xl nK | Ki Ki Le dKe. | di Ke. | w oo Ai Le dAe. | ni A Lo ttAe |
hirakaragišge | nąwą́ra | erḗrēžĕ.* | žege | Waruǧabᵉnąk | gigirešge | žigé | wa’ųhireše. | Nį̄ haroce |
[you acknowledge also] | the songs | there were. | [Again] | [the Warbundle] | [they made, also] | [again] | [they did it.] | Across the water |
* an initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.
Ai L n Ki | dKe. | wy dtt | w L tti Le | dKe. | A ntt. | e Le Le de | ayi Le n. | e | Ai do L ttK | n i L | deyi rKe Ktt ni A wi n. |
hiranąki, | šge | waišjá | warájire, | šge | haną́c | erereže,* | aíreną. | E | hišurajga, | ną’įra | žeisgekjaniháwiną. |
while they swim, | also | to scout | [various ones,] | also | [all] | that are, | they said. | He | [which he used ?,] | I tried | we will do. |
* an initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.
rA Ke Le L. | mi nK d w KeLe. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi n. | ni A A | dA n Ki* | | | n w n. | Ai Ly roAo tti o n. |
Sakerera, | miną́kšawągᵉrē, | nįkúruhįjireháwiną." | Niháha | šanagi, | - | nąwą́na | Hiraisųji’ųną. |
[Warbundle owners,] | who are seated, | we have sent forth greetings to you." | [Breath] | [having only,] | - | [the songs] | [they used the Completion Songs.] |
* this whole expression, ni A A dA n Ki, is underlined.
Winn. 5, #20: 27 | |||||||||
di Ke | Ai w diAi | o n. | e Ki | | | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi tto Ko. | e Ki | de tt ny xitti | Ao ni A L. |
Žigé | hįwaší | ’úną. | Égi, | - | "Sakerera, | nįkúruhįjireháwijogò! | Égi | tejanaixjį | honihara |
Again | dancing songs | he did. | Then, | - | "[Warbundle owners,] | we greet you! | And | [it is about time] | songs |
tto liAi wi. | w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti L. | t ni. | wo A. | w xoAo liAi ni | Ao Ki tt Ki Ki. | n i | w o A nK wi L. |
jōpíwi, | Waxopį́nį | warájira, | tānį́ | wohą | Waxopį́nį | hogijágigi | ną’į | wa’ųhanąkwira, |
four, | Spirits | [the various ones,] | tobacco | kettle | Spirits | [to have caused to flourish] | [to try]] | [we are doing,] |
Ao tt rii | to Ke we Ai tee ni K L Ki wi K tt. | e Ki | lAe tto Ke Le. | ttAo we Le Ki. | ttA xAe te. |
hojas’i | tōkéwehí t’ēnįkaragiwigają, | égi | pejokere | cowéregi | cāxéte |
[for some time]* | [having almost been made to have starved to death,] | and | fireplace | [in the future] | large deer |
* cf. jas’ixjį, "for some time."
lAeye l | A Ke Le Le Ki. | de e. | t ni L. | wK | t ni L.* | w Ko tte L. | rAi d | Ai L rA. |
pe epa | hakereregi, | žee | tānį́ra, | wąk | tānį́ra, | wagujera | sīžą | hirasá, |
head henceforth | [they might wear as headdresses, and] | this | tobacco, | man | tobacco, | the moccasins | [a long one] | together with, |
* wK t ni L. is underlined.
Winn. 5, #20: 28 | |||||||
m o L. | e | Ai L n i wi L. | Ao Ki ttAl wi L. | e | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ktt ni n. | e | e di. |
Mą̄’ų́ra | e | hiraną́’įwira. | Hųgįcábwira | e | hijagikererekjaniną. | E, | éži, |
Earthmaker | he himself | it is in honor of. | Our chief | he himself | he will place it before him. | He, | [however,] |
w xoAo liAi ni. | n xKoyi Le | liAi n K n K. | w Lo xi w Lo liAi | w o n K n K | e Ki. | di Ke | ett. | wo A L. | Ai d. |
Waxopį́nį | ną́xgų́įre, | pįnąkanąga | warogí warupį́ | wa’unąganąga | égi | žigé | éja | wohą́ra | hižą, |
Spirits | he was attentive, | [the good ones, and] | [good cautioners] | they were, and | then | again | there | [the kettles] | one of them, |
w[o] n xi Le Ai Lo K n L. | wiyo Le Le K[i]. | n KLe. | Ao d w Ki Ke Le Le Ki. | wo n xi Le w Kidi Ki |
Woną́ǧiré Hirukanara, | wioréregi | nągᵉrē, | hošawakikereregi, | Woną́ǧiré Wąkšigi |
the War Spirits, | the place of the setting of the sun | who live, | [you will place in honor of, and ?] | [War People] |
w ttAl wi L | Ai tt | w Ki Ke Le Ai Le Ktt ne n. | Ai Ki leAe Le ri L wi de | di Ai se | w o A nK wiy n K. | t ni L. | wK t ni L. |
wácabwira | hija | wagikerehirekjaneną. | Hikiperezirerawiže. | Žihere | wa’ųhanąkwianąga | tānį́ra, | wą̄ktānįra, |
our | there | they will place it. | [They know of it.] | [It is the day] | we are doing it, and | tobacco, | [the man-tobacco], |
Winn. 5, #20: 29 | ||||||||||
ttA A L. | riAi d. | wo A L | Ai L rA. | w Ki to dtt Le A wi n. | e Ki | e tt. | di Ke. | leAette | Ai no le tt. | wo A L. |
cahara | sīžą, | wohą́ra | hirasá, | wagitušjarehawiną. | Égi | éja | žigé | pēc | hīnų́bĕjā | wohą́ra |
the deer skin | [a long one,] | the kettles | together with, | [it will be enough ?]. | And | there | again | fire | the second | the kettles |
Ai d. | rAyi L K L L. | Ke Le tto reAele xeAe te L. | e | Ai L n i wi L. | t ni L. | ttA A L. |
hižą, | Sairakarara* | Kerejųsepxetera, | e | hiraną́’įwira. | Tānį́ra, | cahara |
one of them, | [the guardian of the Warbundle,] | Big Black Hawk, | they | they are intending. | The tobacco, | the deer skin |
* < Sa, "Warbundle"; and hirakarara, "the guard." Radin's translation has, "war spririt."
riAi d. | wo A L. | de de n K. | Ai L n i wi L. | no tti K. | e | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ktte n. | e | e di. | w xoAo liAi ni |
sīžą, | wohą́ra | žežénąga | hiraną́’įwira. | Nójįga, | e | hijagikererekjeną. | E | éži, | Waxopį́nį |
[a long one,] | the kettles | [that much] | they are intending. | Strikes the Tree, | him | it will be placed before. | He | however, | Spirits |
ni t Ktt Ki * | w Lo liAi d | Ae Ley n K. | Ai Ki leAe Le ri L wi de di | y L wi | w o A nK wy n K | | | e Ki | di Ke. |
nįtákacgi, | waropįžą | hereanąga | hikiperezirawižeži. | Yarawi | wa’ųhanąkwianąga | - | égi | žigé |
[when they boil,] | an understanding of it | he does, and | [would that we knew of it.] | [We think] | [we are doing it, and] | - | then | again |
* the last syllable appears to have been written as KaiKi (kaigi, etc.).
[l]e tti di Ki d tte Ki. | Al wi L. | Ai L n i wi L. | t ni L. | ttA A L. | wo A L. | de de n K. | A Ki lA | Ai Le A wi L. |
[p]ejižigižajegi,* | Hąpwira | hiraną́’įwira. | Tānį́ra, | cahara | wohą́ra | žežénąga | hakipa | hirehawira. |
having the same fireplace, | the Sun | they are intending. | The tobacco, | the deerskin | the kettles | [that much] | [face to face ?] | we are doing. |
* this appears to be peji, "fireplace"; žigížą, "again one"; -je, "standing (upright)"; and -gi, "having".
Winn. 5, #20: 30 | ||||||||
Ai ttAo Ke A L. | e | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ktt ne n. | e | e de | w Lo xi | w Lo liAi d | Ae Ly n K. | wo dK KeLe |
Hicókeharà | e | hijagikererekjaneną," | e | éže. | Waroǧí | waropįžą | hereanąga | wōšgą́gre |
My grandfather | him | it will be placed before," | [he] | [he said.] | [He counseled] | an understanding of it | he did, and | [great endeavor] |
liAi AiyK Kn K | | | e Ki. | e tt. | leAe tto Ke Le | Ai t niye tt tte K | e tt. | Ai de tte Ki. | Ai Ko Lo Ke | Ai Ai wi L. | A Ae Le Ki | Ao tt ne. | e |
pįhiákanąga | - | égi | éja | pejokere | hitaniéjajegà | éja | hižejegi, | hikorōke | hihiwira | hahąheregi | hująne | e |
[carefully, and] | - | and | there | fireplace | the third one | at | if it has, | grandmother | our | after dark | she comes | they |
Ai L n i wi L | a Ki. | Ai ttoAo deKe | A Ki L | e | Ai tt | Ki Ke Le Le Ktt ne n. | w Lo xl. | Ai L K L | w Lo liAi d |
hiraną́’įwira. | Akí | hicųšgé | hagira | e | hija | gikererekjaneną. | Waruǧáp | hirakára | waropįžą, |
they are intending. | [Side] | nephew | [coming back (?)] | he | there | he will place it before her. | Warbundle | taking care of | an understanding of it, |
Winn. 5, #20: 31 = Radin, WT 539 | |||||||||||
e di | Ae Ley n K. | Ai Ki leAe Le ri L wi de di | Ai Le | w o A nK wiy n K. | e Ki. | di Ke | e tt | Ai d | tte Ki. | wi L Ko dKe xeAe te L. | e |
éži | hereánąga | hikiperezirawižeži. | Hire | wa’ųhanąkwianąga | égi | žigé | éja | hižą | jegi | Wiragošge Xetera, | e |
but | besides | [would that we knew of it. ] | [?] | we are doing it, and | then | again | there | one | he was | Morning Star, | he himself |
Ai L n i wi L. | wK t ni L. | ttA A L. | riAi d | niKi. | wo A L. | de de n K. | Ai L n i wi L. | e tt. | te K K |
hiraną́’įwira | wą̄ktānįra, | cahara | sīžą, | nįk, | wohą́ra, | žežénąga, | hiraną́’įwira. | Éja | tegaga |
he was thinking | the man-tobacco, | the deerskin | [a long one,] | little, | the kettles, | [that much,] | he was thinking. | There | my uncle |
Ki Ke Le Le Ktte n. | e | e di. | w xoAo liAi ni. | wo Ki A tt Le | w Le | liAi | A ttiy n K. | e | Ao Ki K wi deKe * |
gikererekjeną. | E, | éži, | Waxopį́nį | wogihajare | ware | pį | hajianąga | e | hogigawišge |
he will place it. | He, | however, | Spirits | [the boiling] | [to work] | well | he came to, and | [they] | [they give, also] |
* this is underlined in the text probably to suggest a doubtful transcription. The -wi- is the dual, not the plural.
Ai Ki lAe Le ri Le Ktt wi Low Ko | w o A nK Kiwiy n K. | w A nK | tto Ko. | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n. |
higipérezirekjawiroákų | wa’ųhanąkwianąga | wahánąk | jogu | Sakerera, | nįkúruhįjwiną. |
[they will know] | [we are doing it, and] | [it is what I am saying] | ...? | [Warbundle owners,] | we greet you. |
Winn. 5, #20: 32 | ||||||||
te de n K. | wo A L | Ai tt Ke Le Le L. | te de n K. | Ai Ki n ni wi n. | Ai Ki Lo tti ttiri | de rKe Ktt n A | no ni Ke. | rA Ke Le L. |
Téženagá | wohą́ra | hijakererēra. | Téženagá | higinaniwiną. | Hikirujijis | žesgekjanaha, | nųnįgé | Sakerera, |
[This is all] | the kettles | they put on. | This is all | they can hold. | It is lacking | in every way, | but | [Warbundle owners,] |
w o | w Lo liAi | L ni wi K tt. | Ai Ki n L Ki Ktt n A wi K tt. | e Ki. | tt tt. | Ai Lo Att L Ki wi Ki. |
wa’ų | warupį́ | raniwigają | higinąrakikjanahawigają, | égi, | jają | hirohajrakiwigi, |
to do it | knowing how to do it | [you are supplied, so] | it will be enough for us, so | then, | whenever | you get ready, then |
w Lo ttiwi Le. | Ai tt | w K L K n Ki Ktt n A wi n | | | e Ki | n w L. | tto liAi wi | Ai o n dtt n.* |
warujwíre. | Hija | wakarakanąkikjanahawiną. | - | Égi, | nąwą́ra | jōpíwi | hi’ųnąšjaną." |
you can start eating. | [There] | [we will cause our own to be dished out.] | - | In the meantime, | [songs] | [four] | [you see us doing. ?]" |
* the period after the first n is struck out by a verticle line.
e Ki. | tto ni xitti. | wo A. | A L ttL. | Ai tee tee n | | | w Lo xi L. | wo Lo Ki xi Le L dKe. | wo n Kidi L. | Ki Ko |
Égi, | conixjį | wohą | harájᵉra | hit’et’éną, | - | "Waruǧíra | warugiǧirerašge, | woną́kšįrà, | gigo |
Then, | the first one | kettle | who recieves | he spoke, | - | "Elders | [they forbade them, also]* | [impersonators,] | to feast |
* this doesn't seem to make sense and is probably in error.
Winn. 5, #20: 33 | |||||||
Ai mi nK KL. | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | e liAi K tt. | w d. | A Ke | e liAi | e liAi ni de. |
hįmįną́gᵉra, | Sakerera, | nįkúruhįjwíną. | Epįgáją. | Wažą | hąké | epį | epįnįže. |
[with whom we sit,] | [Warbundle owners,] | we greet you. | It is good, [isn't it?] | [Thing] | [not] | it is good | it is not good. |
Ao Ki K L ttL. | w Lo xi | lA nyi L. | w oyi L n K. | Ai Koyi Le L. | Ai Ki A o n KeLe d n Le dKe. | Lo K n. | y L n KL. |
Hokíkarajᵉra, | waroǧí | [pąnaį́ra] | wa’ųiranąga | higųįrera | higiha’ųnąkᵉrežanarešge | rokana | yaránągᵉra. |
Relatives, | [to counsel] | [it is great] | it was done, and | even more | that I was invited, also (?) | [much] | [I am thinking.] |
di Ke | K Ki L xitti. | w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti Le L | Ai d Ki L. | Ai Ly tty L. | Ao L Ki Le L. | wo Ki Ayi Le Ki. | ne | w xoAo liAi ni |
Žigé | gakiraxjį | Waxopį́nį | warájirera | hižąkíra | hiraijaira, | horákirera. | Wogihairegi, | nē | Waxopį́nį |
[Again] | more now | Spirits | [the various] | only one | greater, | [so it is said.] | [When they boil,] | [we] | [Spirits] |
Ao n Kidi wi L. | m o L. | wo A L. | Ki oyi Le L. | Ao Ki tt Kette L. | ttA A L. | t ni L. | ne | iy Ke Le wi L. |
honąkšįwira. | Mą̄’ų́ra | wohą́ra | ki’ųirera. | Hokiją́kjera | cahara, | tānį́ra, | ne | iąkérewira* |
[we are substituting for.] | Earthmaker | the kettle | they are making. | [To wear on the foot] | the deerskin, | the tobacco, | we | [we have assembled this] |
* < hiąkérewira, the initial /h/ having been lost through external sandhi.
Winn. 5, #20: 34 | ||||
Ai my dtt Ktt ni A wi K tt. | w wi Ki leAe Le ri Le Ki. | Ao Ki K L ttL. | iy Ke Le wi L. | tt rKe |
himaįšjąkjanihàwigają. | Wawigipereziregi, | hokíkarajᵉra | iąkérewira,* | jasgé |
that we might be strengthened by it. | [If they know of them,] | the relatives | [with whom we have assembled this,] | [how] |
* < hiąkérewira, the initial /h/ having been lost through external sandhi.
Aiy n K. | A Ke | Ai Ki leAe Le ri L ni Kette de. | w d L. | Ai d | Ai L wiy n K. | t ni L. | Ao doy[i] d. | Ai w xoAo wi deKe. |
hianąga | hąké | hikipereziranįkježe? | Wažąra | hižą | hirawianąga | tānį́ra | hožuižą | hiwaxųwišge |
[it was done, and] | [not] | [they will not know of it?] | [The things] | [one] | [we did, and] | [tobacco] | [a pipe full] | [we have poured out, also] |
w Ki Ki leAe Le ri L wi de | ay Le d L. | te e di | w d | K rKe xitti K tt. | Ai Ki leAe Le ri Le K tt. | wo n xi Le |
wagigiperezirawiže, | airežara. | Te’éži | wažą | gasgexjįgają, | hikipereziregają, | woną́ǧiré |
[they knew of them,] | [they most assuredlly said.] | This | [thing] | when it is just thus, | once they know of it, | [war] |
Lo Ko L. | w Kidi Ko i. | A KeLe Ki | Ai L Lo xeAe | w Kidi Ko i L. | Ai L n Ki Kii wi n K | w A n Kd n. |
rokora, | wąkšígo’į | hagerégi | hiraruxe | wąkšígo’įra | hiraną́kik’įwìnąka, | wahanąkšaną. |
[very much,] | life | [those behind] | [to recieve] | the life | [we think ourselves in connection with,] | [is what I am saying.] |
Winn. 5, #20: 35 | ||||||
w Lo Ki xi Le L. | m o L. | A Ko Lo Ai tt n K. | w Lo xi L. | w Ko Lo Ai tt n K. | rA Ke Le L. | w xoAo liAi ni |
Warugixirera. | Mą̄’ų́ra | hakuruhį́janąga | waruǧíra | wakuruhį́janąga | "Sakerera, | Waxopį́nį |
[They were forbidding it.] | Earthmaker | [I worship, and] | [elders] | he greeted them, and | ["Warbundle owners,] | Spirits |
Ao n Kidi L | dKe | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n | | | Ai dKe | Ai no le tt n K | e n | | | w Lo xi L. | Ao Ki K L ttL. | mi nK d w w[i] Ki |
honąkšį́ra, | šge | nįkúruhįjwiną." | - | Hišgé | hinųbéjanąka | eną, | - | "Waruǧíra, | hokíkarajᵉra, | miną́kšawawigi. |
you who represent, | also | we greet you." | - | Also | the second one | he said, | - | "Hosts, | relatives, | who are sitting, |
ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n. | e liAi K tt. | w d Ke | e liAi n | e liAi ni de. | A Ke di | Ao Ki Ki L. | Ai w ni doAo no K tt. |
nįkúruhįjwiną. | Epįgáją. | Wažąge | epįną. | Epįnįže? | Hąkéži | hogigira | hiwanišunugają, |
we greet you. | It is good. | [Something of importance] | it is good. | Is it not good? | [Not much] | [sending him] | ours (?) always, and |
Lo Ai | w i Ki nl ltt ne di. | Ai Ae Ktte | ttAo K L. | Ai K L Ky Le n. | A Ke | wo n xi Le | A Ki liAi ni | no ni Ke. |
rohi, | wa’įginąpjaneži | hihekje, | cokara | hįkaragaíreną. | Hąké | woną́ǧiré | hakípįnį, | nųnįgé |
relatives, | to be thankful at all times | we should be, | my grandfather | I was told. | Not | war | I have not done, | but |
Winn. 5, #20: 36 | ||||||
w d | lA ny L K tt. | w d Ke | w i nl | liAi ni de. | e liAi K tt. | wo n xi Le Ai Lo K n L. |
wažą | pąnaį́ragają, | wažąge | wa’įginąp | pinįže? | Epįgáją. | Woną́ǧiré Hirukanara, |
[something] | [it is great, and] | [something of importance] | to be thankful | is it not good? | It is good. | [The War Controllers,] |
wo n Kidi wi L. | t ni L. | w Ko tte L. | wo A L. | w Ki oyi L n K. | wo n xi Le | Lo Ko Ai L n K. | w Kidi Ko i. |
Woną́kšįwirà, | tānį́ra, | wagujera | wohą́ra | wagi’ųiranąga | woną́ǧiré | rogųhiranąga | wąkšígo’į, |
[the Impersonators,] | tobacco, | moccasins | kettles | they offered, and | war | [they longed for, and] | life, |
w wi Ki leAe Le ri Le doKo ni. | tt rKe | Aiy n K. | A Ke | wi Ki leAe Le ri L ni Ktte. | w n i | Lo Ke tt | w d L |
wawigiperezirešguni. | Jasgé | hiyanąga | hąké | wigipereziranikje, | waną’į́ | rōgéja | wažąra |
[they perhaps accepted them.] | [What] | [it was done, and] | [not] | [they will not be accepted,] | [mind] | [within] | [the things] |
Ai d | Ai L wi dKe. | Ai lAe Le ri Le de | ayi Le d Le. | e Ki. | Ao Ki K L ttL | tt n K. | w xoAo liAi ni. | wo Ke L. | w i Ke Le Le L. |
hižą | hirawišge | hiperesireže, | airežaré? | Égi | hokíkarajᵉra | jāną́ga | Waxopį́nį | wokera | wa’įkererera, |
[one] | they do, also | they know, | [do they not say?] | And | the relatives | all | Spirit | the food | ? |
Winn. 5, #20: 37 | Radin, WT 540 | ||||||
Ai m dtt | Ai Le Kette L. | w Lo xi L. | w w iy Ki nl liwi n K. | e liAi K tt. | y L n K | w A n Kd n. | w Lo Ki xi Le L. |
himaį́šją | hirekjera. | Waruǧíra | wawa’įkinąbwinąka | epį̄gáją, | yaránąga | wahanąkšaną." | Warugixírera, |
to be strengthened by | they will be. | [The feasters] | our thanking of them | it is good, | [I think, and] | [I am saying."] | Feasters,* |
* this means literally, "they who are forbidden."
w Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | wo n xi Le Ai Lo K n L. | e Ki. | w Lo xi L | de Ke. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n. | wo n Kidi L de. | rA Ke Le L. |
wakuruhį́cšąną, | Wonąǧire Hirukąnąra. | Égi, | "Waruǧíra | žege, | nįkúruhįjwiną. | Woną́kšįràže, | Sakerera, |
he greeted them, | the War Controllers. | Then, | ["Feasters,] | again | we greet you. | [We impersonate.] | [Warbundle owners,] |
ni Ko | |..* | e Ki. | Ai t ni L. | | † | w Lo xi L. | Ao Ai Ki K L ttL. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n. | w xoAo liAi ni | Ao n Kidi L deKe. |
nįkúruhįjwiną." | - | Égi | hitanį́ra | [eną, ] | "Waruǧíra, | hikikarajᵉra, | nįkúruhįjwiną. | Waxopį́nį | honąkšį́rašge, |
we greet you." | - | Then | the third | [he said,] | "Elders, | relatives, | we greet you. | Spirit | [you who also represent,] |
* this odd mark is meant to indicate a new paragraph, but at the same time follows an abbreviated form of the concluding paragraph's final word.
† the | mark correlates with, "he said."
Winn. 5, #20: 38 | |||||||
ttAiy o do dA w KLe | deKe | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n. | e liAi K tt. | w d Ke | e liAi K tt | e liAi ni de. | A K xitti |
cióžušawągᵉrē | šge | nįkúruhįjwiną. | Epįgáją. | Wažąge | epįgáją. | Epįnįže? | Hakaxjį |
you who are in the lodge, | also | we greet you. | It is good. | [Something of importance] | it is good. | Is it not good? | Many times |
me de rKe. | w K Ki Ki L wi K tt | Ao w Ao L. | w Lo xi | w Lo liAi L n K. | w xoAo liAi ni. | t ni L. | wo A L. |
mežesge | wągagigirawigają, | howahura | waroǧi | waropįranąga | Waxopį́nį | tānį́ra, | wohą́ra; |
this | he has done for us, and | [to come over] | [he forbade them] | [when they learn it, and] | Spirit | tobacco, | kettles; |
w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti Le L. | Ai n dKe | ni | Ao Ki tt Ki Ki L n K. | e Ki. | ttAi | w Ko do | Ai L wi L. | w d Ke |
Waxopį́nį | warájirera | hiną́ške | ni | hogijagigiranąga | égi | ci | wagožu | hįrą́wįra. | Wažąge |
Spirit | [the various] | [the full amount, also] | [you] | [to have caused to flourish, and] | [then] | [lodge] | [to fill it] | [you have caused us.] | [Something of importance] |
w i nl liAi ni de. | w Kidi Ki i Ktt wi Ke. | w xAo liAi ni. | Ao n Kidi | w K Ki Ki L wiy an K. | Ao w Le L. |
wa’iną́pįnįže. | Wąkšígi’įkjawige, | Waxopį́nį | honąkšį́, | wągagigirawianąga, | howaréra |
[he expresses gratitude for.] | That we might live, | [Spirit] | [you who represent,] | [he has done for us, and] | [as a result] |
Winn. 5, #20: 39 | ||||||||
wo Ke w K ttA KL | Ao Ki K L ttL | Ai wi Ki L | e wi L. | w Lo xi L | w wi Ki lAe Le ri Le Ki. | wo n xi Le L. | w Kidi Ko i L. | A Ke tt |
woke wakącą́gᵉra | hokíkarajᵉra | hiwigira | ewira. | Waruǧíra, | wawigipereziregi, | wōną́ǧirera | wąkšigo’įra | hāgéja |
Spirit food | the relatives | ? | ?* | [The elders,] | [if they know of them,] | [wars] | life | [afterwards] |
* Radin translates this sentence as, "They have given us spirit-food to eat in the presence of our relatives."
Ai wi L Lo xeAe | Ai o Ktt wi. | Ai Ki Ke we wi wi L. | w KL. | Ai d. | to tti Le dKe. | w Lo ttA L dKe. | nl | t xAo xAo Ki L n K. |
hįwíraruxe | hi’ųkjawi | hikikewewįwira. | Wągᵉra | hižą | tucirešge | warucábirašge | ną̄p | tāxúxukiranąga |
[to follow ?] | [we'll do it] | [thinking of ourselves.] | [Men] | [one] | they cook also | [they hold them also] | hand | he has burned his own, and |
wo n xi Le L. | Ai d | tti liKi dKe. | A Ke. | Ao rAK | Ao wy L ni Ktt L. | de rKe L. | e liAi K tt. |
woną́ǧirera | hižą | jį́pgišge | hąké | hōsák | howairanįkjara | Žesgéra | epįgáją. |
wars | one of | it will come to pass, also | not | [surprise exclamations] | [they shall not be going.] | To be thus | it is good. |
Winn. 5, #20: 40 | |||||
w d Ke | Ai lAe Lere liAi ni de. | w wi Ki leAe Le ri Le K tt. | y L n K. | e liAi K tt. | w Lo Ki xi Le L. |
Wažąge | hiperezpįnįže? | Wawigipereziregają, | yaránąga | epįgáją." | Warugixírera, |
[Something of importance] | it could not be overlooked? | [They are accepting them, ] | [I thought, and] | it is good." | [The elders,] |
w Ko Lo Aitti tt n K. | w Lo xi L dKe. | wo n Kdi L dKe. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko | |:. * | e Ki | Ai tto lL. | ) † | w Lo xi L. |
wakúruhį́janąga | "Waruǧírašge, | woną́kšįràšge, | nįkuruhįjwįjigò." | - | Égi | híjobᵉrà | [eną, ] | "Waruǧíra |
[he greeted them, and] | ["Elders also,] | [the impersonators also,] | we greet you." | - | Then | the fourth | [he said,] | "Elders, |
* the symbol |:. is being used to indicate the end of a paragraph.
† apparently, this odd mark is meant to stand for the rest of an obvious expression, rather like et cetera.
Ao Ki K L ttA * | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | w xoAo liAi ni | Ao n Kidi L dKe. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi tto Ko. | e liAi K tt. | rA Ke Le L. |
hokíkarac |
nįkúruhįjwíną. | Waxopį́nį | honąkšį́rašge, | nįkúruhįjireháwijogò. | 'Epįgáją,' | Sakerera |
relatives, | we greet you. | [Spirit] | [you who also represent,] | we greet you. | 'It is good,' | [the Warbundle owners] |
* this appears to be a spelling error for Ao KAii KA Ltt, or an omission of a final L ("-ra").
Winn. 5, #20: 41 | ||||||||
Ai dA dA nK wi Le. | Ai rKe K tt. | liAi K tt. | Ao ttAK | lAe tto Ke Le L. | Lo Ki | w ttAl wi L. | wi Lo Ki lAe no L. | Ai no KL. |
hišašanągwire. | Hisgegają | pįgáją. | Hōcąk | pejokerera | rokį | wacapwira | wirogipenura. | Hinųgᵉra, |
[you should have been saying.] | Most certainly | it is good. | Hōcąk | the fireplaces | [to roast] | their own | [?]. | The women, |
ni KttK niKi L. | w xoAo liAi ni | Ao Ki L ttL. | A n deKe ni. | t ni | Ao Ki dow n K. | wo n xi Le. | w Kidi Ko i. | w Ki t n K. | e Ki. |
nįkjąknįgᵉra, | Waxopį́nį | hokirájᵉra | hanąšgeni | tānį́, | hogižuanąga | wonąǧire | wąkšígo’į, | wagitánąga | égi |
the children, | Spirit | [different] | [all already] | [tobacco,] | [he filled it, and] | war | life, | they ask for, and | then |
A KeLe Ki. | wo n Kidi L. | Ai L Lo xeAe | Ai o Ktt wi L. | Ai w K n K tt. | w Lo x li d. | ttAi wo tee Ai | Ai Ky Le Ki. |
hagerégi | woną́kšįrà, | hiraruxe | hi’ųkjawira | hiwakąnągają. | Waruǧapižą | "Ciwoit’éhi" | higairegi |
we minor ones | [the impersonators,] | [to recieve] | we will do | [we will leave.] | A Warbundle | "Kills within the Lodge" | he was named |
w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti Le d. | w Kidi KLe Ki. | A tti ow n K. | te de rKe Ki. | de tt ny d. | te de rKe L | e liAi K tt. | wo n xi Le L |
Waxopį́nį | wirájiréžą, | wąkšigeregi | haji’ųanąga | težesgegi | žejanaížą | težesgera | epįgáją." | Wōną́ǧirera |
Spirit | [one of the various] | among humans | he came, and | when it was thus | an end | it | it was good." | Wars |
Winn. 5, #20: 42 | |||||||
Ki o | Ao L Ki Le. | Ai n xoKo wi doAo no K tt. | e liAi K tt. | wo Ke L. | tt n Ai | m tty Le Ki. | A ntt |
ki’ų | horákire, | hinaxgų́wišųnųgają. | Epįgáją. | Wokera | janąhi | macairegi, | haną́c |
[he made] | it is told, | we all have heard it. | It is good. | The food | [as many as, how many] | [having cut off,] | all |
w K ttA Ki Le de | ay Le d L. | w xoAo liAi ni | Ao n Kidi L. | w do Ki L | Ai m dtt | Ai Le Ktt ne K tt. |
wakącą́gireže, | airežara. | Waxopį́nį | honąkšį́ra, | wažókįrà, | himąšją | hirekjanegają, |
[they were holy,] | [they assuredly said.] | [Spirit] | [you who represent,] | the relatives, | to be strengthened | they would be, |
y L n K. | w iy nl L n K | w A nK d n. | w Lo Ki xi Le L. | A Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | Al wi L. | w Lo xi L dKe. | wo n Kidi L dKe. |
yaránąga | wa’iánąpánąga | wahaną́kšaną. | Warugixírera, | hakuruhį́cšaną. | Hąpwira, | waruǧírašge, | woną́kšįràšge, |
I thought, and | I am thankful, and | that is why I am speaking. | [Elders,] | [I salute you.] | The Sun, | elders also, | [the impersonators, also] |
Winn. 5, #20: 43 | ||||||
ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n K | w A nK Kd n | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko | ).. * | w Lo xi L. | wo n Kidi L deKe. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko. |
nįkúruhįjwínąga | wahaną́kšaną. | Nįkuruhįjwįjigò," | [eną, ] | 'Waruǧíra, | woną́kšįràšge, | nįkuruhįjwįjigò. |
we greet you, and | for that reason I am speaking. | We greet you," | [he said,] | ["Elders,] | [the impersonators, also] | we greet you. |
* judging from prior examples, this mark is meant to stand for the rest of an obvious expression, rather like et cetera.
e liAi K tt. | Ao Ki K L ttL. | w xAo liAi ni. | ni t Ktt Ki Ki L n K. | t ni Ao L. | w wo Ki do | Ai L n K. | Ao Ki tt |
Epįgáją. | Hokíkarajᵉra | Waxopį́nį | nį̄tákacgigiranąga | tanihúra | wawokížu | hiránąga | hogijá |
It is good. | The relatives | Spirit | [they boiled hot water, and] | the pipe | to fill it for them | they did, and | [growing in abundance] |
w Ki Ki Le L. | w xAo liAi ni. | A Ae Ao Ki rA KeLe Ki. | wy Le Ai | w n xoKo wi K tt. | de tt n K. | w xAo liAi ni |
wagigirera | Waxopį́nį | hąhé hokisagregi | waíre hi | wanąxguwigają, | žeją́nąga | Waxopį́nį |
[handing them that] | [Spirit] | at midnight | [they caused to be said to them] | [they listened, and] | at this time | Spirit |
w L tti Le L. | Ai Ki L n K. | Lo ni Ki toolo nK Kde | ay Le L. | de tt n | ne Ki | t niyo Ai L. | w Ki Ke Le Le Ki. | t ni L. |
warájirera | hīkį́ranąga | runikit’ubᵉnąkše, | aírera, | žejaną | negí | tani-ohira | wagikereregi, | tānį́ra, |
[the various] | [they awaken, and] | turn over in their beds (?), | it is said, | now | at the time | [winning tobacco] | when they made for them, | the tobacco, |
Winn. 5, #20: 44 | ||||||
w K L Ai Ai Le Ktt n Ae de | ay Le L. | wo A L. | w Ko tte | w Ki oy L n K. | wi wi Ki lAe Le ri Le doKo ni. | wo n xi Le L. |
wakarahihirekjanaheže, | aírera. | Wohą́ra | waguje | waki’ųranąga | wiwigiperezirešguni. | Wonaǧirera |
[they would certainly do for them their own,] | it is said. | Kettles | moccasins | [they did for them, and] | it was for this reason. | Wars |
w Kidi Ko i L. | w Lo Ki Koyi L n K. | L xoAo Lo Ki Le K tt. | w d L | Ai d | Ai Le Ki | Le deKe | Ai lAe Le ri Le de |
wąkšigo’įra | warogiguiranąga | raxurugiregają, | wažąra | hižą | hiregi, | rešge | hiperezireže, |
life | [they covet, and] | [when they persuaded them,] | [the things] | [one of] | [when they did,] | [even] | [they know,] |
ayi Le d Le. | y L n K. | w Kidi Ko i L. | Ai L n Ki Kii wi n. | Ao Ki K L ttL | n K | w A n Kd n. | w Lo Ki xi Le L. |
airežare, | yaranąga | wąkšigo’įra | hiraną́kik’į̀winą. | Hokíkarajᵉra, | ną́ka | wahanąkšaną. | Warugixírera, |
[they most definitely had said], | [I think, and] | life | [we expect for ourselves.] | Relatives, | that | [I am saying.] | [Elders,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 45 | ||||||||
w n - A- L- L | A Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | A Ae wi L. | Ko ni K K | |.. * | di Ke | wo A L | Ai tt w Ke Le Le n | | |
? | hakuruhį́cšaną. | Hąhewira | Kunikága, | [hakuruhį́cšaną."] | Žigé | wohą́ra | hijáwakērēreną. | - |
? | [I salute you.] | Moon | Grandmother, | [I salute you."] | Again | kettles | they put them on. | - |
* judging from prior examples, this mark is meant to stand for the rest of an obvious expression, rather like et cetera. The content has been supplied from Radin's translation.
Radin, WT 541 | |||||||||
rA Ke Le L | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n. | e liAi K tt. | tt Ko | Low Ko L. | A ntt. | Ao L Ki K wi L. | da KL. | tt Ko | wo i nl lL. |
"Sakerera | nįkúruhįjwiną. | Epįgáją. | Jagu | ruwagúra, | haną́c | hǫrágigawìra. | Š’agᵉra | jagu | wō’ínąbᵉra |
["Warbundle owners] | we greet you. | It is good. | What | I wanted, | all | you told it for me. | [Old people] | [how] | [being grateful] |
ay Le Ki. | liAi xitti. | Ai L | ta ta wi L. | e liAi K tt. | e Ki. | A we ni K L Ki | A nK | no ni Ke. | di Ke | w Ki xA n L. |
aíregi | pįxjį | hira. | T’at’awira. | Epįgáją. | Égi | hawenikaragi, | hanąk, | nųnįgé | žigé | wagíxanara |
[they said, and] | [very well] | [they did.] | ?. | It is good. | And | I am causing you to suffer, | [to groan,] | but | again | the attendants |
wo A L. | Ai tt | w Ke Le L n K. | t ni L | Ai tte | w Ki Ki Ktt n A wi n. | tt n K | Ai ttAo Ke Ai w Ai wi L. | wo A niKi |
wohą́ra | hija | wakeréranąga | tānį́ra | hije | wagigikjanahawiną. | Janąga, | hicṓkehiwahíwira | wohanįk |
kettles | there | they would put them on, and | [the tobacco] | [to place] | [we will put them. ] | [Everyone,] | [our grandfather] | [boiled food] |
Winn. 5, #20: 46 | |||||||||
A tt w Ki | Ke Le Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi tti Ko | | | e Ki. | t ni wo Ki do | tti Le n. | tt n A. | Ai tt L | Ai d |
hają́wigi, | kerérera. | Nįkúruhįcrehàwijigò." | - | Égi | tānįwogížu | jireną. | Jāną́hą | hijąra | hižą |
[when we do,] | [they placed it.] | I send greetings to you." | - | Then | to pour out tobacco | [they arrive.] | Every time | the others | one of |
L ttn KeLe. | t ni. | leAe tte tt. | Ao de | mi n K n K | w nK dA n | ) * | A Ao | K a Ae Le tti Ko | t ni L. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. |
rajᵉnągᵉre, | tānį́ | pejēja | hožé | minągánąga | wanąkšaną. | - | "Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó, | tānį́ra. | Tānį́ | hunįkižuną. |
the calling, | tobacco | into the fire | [it landed] | [to sit in, and] | he says it. | - | ["Alright,] | here it is, | the tobacco. | [Tobacco] | [I pour to you.] |
* this symbol apparently marks the beginning of a new paragraph.
ttAo K. | ttAiyo Ki nK Ao n di L. | ne | wo L KL. | Ae Le n L di Ktt ne | Ai dAe de | ay Le d L. |
Coká, | Ciokinąk Honąžį̄́ra, | ne | worágᵉra | hereną́rašikjane | hišeže, | airežara. |
Grandfather, | He who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge, | you | [the message] | [he would be the mediator, ?] | [you promised,] | [they assuredly said.] |
t ni L. | Ai reKe. | ttA lo ni Ay tt. | Ay tte ni wi Ki. | w xoAo liAi ni | tt Ko L. | Ai d. | L dL | t tti wi Ki. | Ai Ke. |
Tānį́ra, | hisgé, | cabonihaija | haijeniwigi, | Waxopį́nį | jagura | hižą | rašra | taciwigi, | hįké |
The tobacco, | [truly,] | on top of his head | if we put, | Spirit | whatever | [one] | the name | if we call out, | not |
Winn. 5, #20: 47 | |||||||
xA w ni L ni Ktt ne de | Ai dAe de | ay Le d Le. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | A Ao | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | Ao Lo ttA tte Le Ki |
xawaniranįkjaneže. | Hišeže, | airežare. | Tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó. | Horocájeregi |
it will not be in vain. | [You promised,] | [they assuredly said.] | Tobacco | I pour for you. | [Alright,] | here it is. | In the south |
dA n Ki. | Ao deAe Le o w Ai L. | ttAo K. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. * | Ao ttolo li | m ni d. | Lo Ai y Ki rK wi L | de rKey d. |
šanąki, | Hošere’ų́wahira | Coká, | tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Hujopi | mą̄nį́žą | rohiakisgawira | žesgaižą |
you who are, | Disease Giver | Grandfather, | tobacco | [I pour for you.] | Four legged | a walker | our own members | [one like it] |
* after this word there occurs an odd mark, whose meaning is not clear.
wo A L | Ai tt | ni Ki Ke Le Le n. | t ni L. | m doAo L. | w Ke Le L. | ttA A L. | Ao Ki tt | ni Ki Ki wi n. | ttAo K K. |
wohą́ra | hija | nįgikerereną. | Tānį́ra, | mą̄šų́ra, | wakerera, | cahara | hokiją́, | nįgigiwíną. | Cokagá |
the kettle | there | I have put. | The tobacco, | feathers, | the headdress, | the deerskin | to wear on the foot, | we offer you. | Grandfather |
n tto L tt Ki di. | A l tt rKe. | wi L Lo ttA tte Le Ki. | A ni Ki tt Ki. | tt Ko | Ai L Ke Ki | e | ni Ki t wi n. |
nąjorajągiži, | hą̄́bájasge | wīrá rṓcą́jeregi | hanįgijagi, | jagu | hiragégi, | e | nį̄gítawiną. |
you blessed, | [in broad daylight] | in the middle of the day | when you met him, | [what] | [having said to him,] | it itself | we ask of you. |
Winn. 5, #20: 48 | ||||||||
Lo t Ktt L. | Ai Ke | A my ni ni Ktt wi Ke. | e Ki. | wo n xi Le L. | w Kdi Ko i L. | Ai doAo Lo K n de | Ai dAe de | ay Le d Le. |
Rōtakajᵉra | hįké | hamaininįkjawige, | égi | wōną́ǧirera | wąkšigo’į́ra | hišurukanaže. | Hišeže, | airežare. |
Fevers | not | it may not come upon us, | and | wars | life | you are in charge. | [You promised,] | [they assuredly said.] |
ttoAo K. | te de rKe | ni Ki t wi n. | t ni Ao L. | Ao ni Ki do wi n | |. | A Ao. | ttAo K wi L. | t niyo ni Ki do wi n. | Al lo Koo Le Ki |
Cōká | téžesge | nį̄gítawiną. | Tanihúra | hunįkižuwiną. | - | Hąhó, | cokáwirà, | tānį́unįkižuwiną. | Hąbok’urégi |
Grandfather | [this] | we ask of you. | The pipe | we offer you. | - | [Now then,] | grandfathers, | we offer you tobacco. | [In the east] |
Ae Le L. | Ao K wr m ni L. | ttAo K K. | n tto L tt wi Ki. | tt Ko L | Ki Koro wi Ki | e | w K nK | no ni Ke. | Ai ni Ki dA n dA n. |
herera, | Hokawasmą̄nį́ra, | cōkága | ną́jorajạ̀wigi, | jagura | gigų́swigi, | e | waganą́k, | nųnįgé | hinigišanašaną. |
who are, | Those Who Walk in Darkness, | grandfather | when you blessed, | whatever | you taught him, | it | I ask for, | [but] | ? |
Winn. 5, #20: 49* | ||||||||
A nK | m ni Ke. | e ttA | n tto L Ki tt Ktt wi. | Ai Ke | w di L | liAi Ai ni L ni wi de | ay Le d Le. | ttAo K K. |
Hanąk | mą̄́nįge, | écą | nąjoragijakjawi | hįké | wažįra | pįhiniranįwiže, | airežare. | Cokagá, |
[To groan] | [because I walk,] | instead | they will bless me | not | anything | they will not be good, | [they assuredly said.] | Grandfather, |
* centered below the page number is written, "The Thunder clan feast".
wo Kro | Ao ttAi | A diAi ni wi Ki Le dKe. | Ao Ke we | L Ki Ki w de | ay Le d Le. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do wi n. | A Ae L. | wo n xi Le L. |
woksu | hoci | hašniwigirešge | hoikéwe | ragigiwiže, | airežare. | Tānį́ | hunįkižuwiną, | Hąhĕ́ra. | Wonaǧirera |
[?] | to live | they have, also | to enter | you let him, | [they assuredly said.] | Tobacco | we offer you, | Nights. | Wars |
A Lo ttAl | w we Ktt wi n. | e Ki. | rA KLe | m diAi ni wiy n K. | xA lee Ai | Al li Ktt wi n. | wK t ni L. |
harucáp | wáwekjawiną. | Égi | sāgré | mą̄šį́nįwianąga | xap’éhi | hąbikjawiną. | Wą̄ktānįra, |
to come our way | [we are going to go through it.] | Then | fast | you walk, and | soon | the daylight will come. | Men's tobacco, |
ttA A L. | riAi d. | wo A L. | ni Ki lA A Le A wi n | |.. | A Ao | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | t ni L. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | ttA A L. |
cahara | sīžą, | wohą́ra | nįgipaharehawiną. | - | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó, | tānį́ra. | Tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Cahara, |
the deerskin | [a long one,] | [the kettle] | we offer you. | - | [Alright,] | here it is, | [the tobacco.] | [Tobacco] | [I offer you.] | [Deerskins,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 50 | |||||||
wo A L. | Ai L ni Ki to ttAl dA n. | wi L Ko deKe xeAe te L. | ttAo K K. | w xoAo liAi ni | w n i Lo riKi ttiKi. | w n i | Ai ttAo L K L Ke Le Ki. |
wohą́ra, | hiránįgitucapšaną. | Wiragošgexetera, | Cokagá, | Waxopį́nį | waną’į́-rusgijik | waną’į́ | hicorakarakeregi, |
[kettles,] | [we offer you.] | Morning Star, | Grandfather, | [Spirit] | [heart-binding] | [mind] | [when you effected, ?] |
de e. | w Ke n. | wo n xi Le. | ni Ki A wi n. | A Ko Ley d. | wo n xi Le L | A Ki ttA wi Ki. | e tt | t ni L. | ni Ki lA A wi Ki. |
žee | wagéną. | Wonąǧire | nįgihawiną. | Hagoreižą, | wōną́ǧirera | hakicawigi, | éja | tānį́ra | nįgipahawigi, |
this | I mean. | [War] | [we boiled for you.] | [Finally,] | wars | when we choose for ourselves, | there | the tobacco | when we offered you, |
Aowo. | Ai dAe dKe. | Ai Ke | n xoKo ni Ktt n A wi de | ay Le L. | te de rKe | Low Ko wi n. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do wi n. | ttAo K |
howo, | hišešge | hįké | nąxgúnikjanahawiže, | airera. | Težesge | rowaguwiną. | Tānį́ | hunįkižuwiną, | coká. |
[now then] | [you said also] | [not] | [we will not hear,] | [they were saying.] | This | [we desire.] | Tobacco | [we offer you,] | grandfather. |
Winn. 5, #20: 51 | |||||||||
|... | A Ao | Ai ttA wx xAle * | Ao KL. | t ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | ttAo K K. | A t Ki ntt ttiKi. | n tto L tt Ki. | wo n xi Le L |
- | Hąhó, | Hicawaxep | Hųgᵉra, | tānį́ | hunįkižuną. | Cokagá, | hątaginącgi, | nąjorajągi, | wōną́ǧirera |
- | [Now then] | Eagle | the Chief, | tobacco | I offer you. | Grandfather, | when he fasted, | when you blessed him, | wars |
* this should be spelled Ai ttA wx xAele.
Radin, WT 542 | ||||||||||
L Ki doo Ki. | tt rKe xitti | Aoy dtt Le L | w Ke n. | e Ki. | w Lo xl lLe Ki. | m doAo | A diAi ni L KL. | n Ko L. | Ai d | A ni. |
ragiš’ųgi, | jasgéxjį | hoišją́rera, | wagéną. | Égi | Waruǧabᵉregi | mą̄šų́ | hąšinirakara | nągúra | hižą | hanį́ |
when you made for him, | whatever | that is left behind, | [I mean.] | And | in a Warbundle | feathers | your own | the paths | [one] | to have |
w w wi dKe. | w KL. | Ai d Ki L | A Ki KoweKe. | Ai Le dKe. | ne | A ni A | A Ki Ktte n. | me de rKe | ni Ki A wi n. | t ni |
wawawišge | wągᵉra | hižąkíra | hakikowek | hírešgè, | ne | haniha | hagikjeną. | Méžesge | nįgihawiną. | Tānį́ |
we go on, also | the men | [only one] | to try to get | if they were, | I | to come with | I will return. | [For this] | [we boiled for you.] | Tobacco |
Ao ni Ki do n. | tAo K | )..* | A Ao | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | w ditti Ke. | A ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | ttAo K K. | n tto L tt Ki di. | te de rKe |
hunįkižuną, | coká. | - | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó. | Wašjįge | hanį́ | hunįkižuną. | Cokagá | nąjorajągiži, | téžesge |
I offer you, | [grandfather]. | - | [Alright,] | [here it is.] | Hare | I have | I offer you. | Grandfather | you blessed, and | this way |
* indicates the end of the paragraph.
Winn. 5, #20: 52 | ||||||||
n tti Lo L tt Ki. | e | w Ke n. | Ai ttAo deKe | Ki K L tti Le L. | wo n xi Le L. | w Kdi Ko i L. | wo n xi Le. | A Ko Ley d |
ną́jiroràjągì, | e | wagéną, | "Hicųšgé" | kirájiréra, | wōną́ǧirera | wąkšigo’į́ra. | Wonąǧire, | hagoreižą, |
when you blessed him, | [he himself] | [he told him,] | "Nephew" | the so called, | wars | life. | War, | finally, |
w w wi Ki. | w KL. | w lA Ai niKi Ktti. | woyi to Ki Kii L | A ni Ktt wi n. | w lA Ai | Ao Lo Ke tt | A ni A wi dKe. | w lA Ai |
wawawigí, | wągᵉra | wapahínįkjį | woitokík’įra | hanikjawiną. | Wapahi | horogéja | hanihawišge | wapahi |
if we go on, | the men | without effort | honors | we will do it. | Weapon | in the midst | [we are taking with us, also] | weapon |
Ao Ko Ke L. | Ao n di Ktt wi n | |.... | A Ao. | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | Ke ttA Ke. | A ni | Ao ni Ki do n. | wK t ni L | L dA n. | t ni Ao L. |
hokųgᵉra | honą̄́zįkjawiną. | - | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó. | Kecąke | hanį́ | hunįkižuną. | Wą̄ktānįra | šana, | tanihúra |
the paths | [we will stand in.] | - | [Alright,] | here it is. | Turtle | I have | I offer you. | Men's tobacco | [only,] | the pipe |
Winn. 5, #20: 53 | ||||||||||
Ao ni Ki do n. | e Ki. | Ai Ki Lo tti ttiri | A ni wiy n K. | wo A | Lo K ni | no ni Ke. | A Ke | Ai d | w dttK ni Ktt n A wi de | ay Le d Le. |
hunįkižuną. | Égi | hikirujijis | haníwiánąga | wohą | rokáni, | nųnįgé | hąké | hižą | wašjaknįkjanahawiže, | airežare. |
I offer you. | Here | it is lacking | we have, and | kettle | without, | but | not | [one] | [you will not see them,] | [they assuredly said.] |
ne | e di. | wo n xi Le L. | A diAi ni K tt. | wo n xi Le | ni Ki t wi n. | t ni Ao | ni Ki do wi n. | ttAo K | | | A Ao | K a Ae Le tti Ko. |
Ne, | eši, | wōną́ǧirera | hašinigają, | wōną́ǧire | nį̄gítawiną. | Tanihú | nįkižuwiną, | coká. | - | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó. |
You, | however, | wars | you have, and | war | we ask of you. | [Pipe] | we offer you, | grandfather. | - | [Alright,] | [here it is.] |
t ni Ao | ni Ki do n. | Ko ni K. | m L. | wK t ni L. | wo n xi Le | ni Ki t wi n. | ttAo K K. | w xAo liAi ni | w n i Lo riKi ttiKi. |
Tanihú | nįkižuną, | Kunį́ka | Mą́rā, | wą̄ktānįra, | wōną́ǧire | nį̄gítawiną. | Cokagá, | Waxopį́nį | waną’į́-rusgijik |
[Pipe] | I offer you, | Grandmother | Earth, | men's tobacco, | war | we ask of you. | Grandfather, | Spirit | [heart-binding] |
Winn. 5, #20: 54 | |||||||
w n i | Ai tto L K L Ke Le Ki. | de tt n xitti. | t ni | Ai L ni Ki K L n Kiwi L. | te e Le n. | t ni Ao | ni Ki do wi n. |
waną’į́ | hijorakarageregi, | žejanaíxjį | tānį́, | hiránįgikaranakwira | Te’éreną. | Tanihú | nįkižuwiną, |
[mind] | [there as you were telling your own, ?] | [about now] | tobacco, | [we are extending to our own.] | Here it is. | [Pipe] | we offer you, |
Ko ni K | ). | A Ao | A ntt | t ni L | Ai tte ni Ki Ki wi n. | tt n K. | ttAo K K | w n i | L Ki Ke Le wi Ki. |
Kunį́ka. | - | Hąhó, | haną́c | tānį́ra | hijenigigiwiną. | Janąga | cōkága | waną’į | ragikerewigi, |
Grandmother. | - | [Alright,] | [all] | [the tobacco] | [they will be caused to receive.] | [Everyone] | [grandfather] | [his [mind] | if he bestows,] |
A n tti d | Ai ni leAe Le ri Ktt wi de. | t ni L. | roto | ni Ki lA xoAo wi n. | ttAo K wi L. | m Le Ki. | Ae Le L. | wK KeLe Ki |
hanąjižą́ | hinįperezikjawiže. | Tānį́ra | sto | nigipāxų́winą. | Cokáwirà, | mąrégi | herera, | wągᵉregi |
[?] | [we will know about it.] | [The tobacco] | [pile] | [we pour for you.] | Grandfathers, | on earth | who are, | up above |
Ae Le L. | wo t L. | te e Le n. | wo n xi Le L. | tt rKe | ttAo K K. | L Ki doo wi Ki. | de e | ni Ki t wi n. | ttAo K wi L | | |
herera, | wotára | te’éreną. | Wōną́ǧirera, | jasgé | cōkága | ragiš’ųwigi, | žee | nį̄gítawiną, | Cokáwirà. | - |
who are, | the request | [here it is.] | [Wars,] | just as | grandfather | when you two have made for him, | this | we ask of you, | Grandfathers. | - |
Winn. 5, #20: 55 | ||||||
A Ao | rA Ke Le L. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko. | de rKe d n n. | rA Ke Le L. | t ni Ai. | i L L |
Hąhó, | Sakerera, | nįkuruhįjwįjigò. | Žésgešananą. | Sakerera, | tanįhį | irara* |
[Alright,] | [the Warbundle owners,] | we greet you. | [Thus it is.] | [The Warbundle owners,] | to smoke | [you are concerned about] |
* an initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi.
riKi ni K L K | A nK | no ni Ke. | wo n xi Le | Ai Lo Ko wiy n K. | w Kidi Ko i | Ai Lo Ko | A n KLe |
sginį́karaga | hanąk, | nųnįgé | wōną́ǧire | hirokųwianąga | wąkšígo’į | hirokų, | hanągᵉre |
when our own was excessive | we have been, | but | war | we make use of, and | life | I am making use of, | what I am saying |
A we Ai Ki wi Ki. | wo n xi Le | Ai Lo xAo LoKo Kede | ay Le L. | de rKe | deAe we wi wiy n K. | Ay ro xitti | mi L Ki dA nK wi L |
hawé hīgiwigi, | wōną́ǧire | hiruxurukše, | aírera. | Žesgé | šewewįwianąga | haisoxjį | mįragišanąkwira. |
[if we annoy someone,] | war | he will get it done, | it is said. | That kind | you intend, and | faithfully | you intend to sit with us. |
e liAi K tt. | e Ki. | di Ki tty L. | Lo ni Ki Ko wi n. | rA Ke Le L. | wi Lo L KL. | n w L | A K Ly rAotto wi Ki |
Epįgáją. | Égi | žigijaíra | ronigigowiną. | Sakerera, | Wiróragᵉra, | nąwą́ra | hakaraisųcwigi, |
It is good. | And | even more | we must ask of you. | [Warbundle owners,] | [the Mediator,] | songs | as we bring to an end our own, |
Winn. 5, #20: 56 | ||||||||||
m ni Le Ktt ne n. | wi tt tt L. | tt rKe.* | A Ae L. | wi ttn KL. | Ao Ki Kixi | A ni | ni Ki | Ai Lo Ki o | m ni Le Ktt ne n. | A[i] Kow n. |
mánįrékjaneną. | Wijájᵉra | jasgé | Hąhĕ́ra | Wijnągᵉra | hogįgį́x | hanį́, | nįgi | hirokí’ų | mánįrékjaneną. | Higuą́ną |
they will walk. | [The Announcer] | just as | the Nights | [the Island] | it went around | it has, | here | [in imitation] | they will walk. | Right away |
* the syllable tt appears to have been written over a previous syllable.
Ao K wr m ni L. | Ao ni A L. | ttA tii | tti Le | w A Ktt n A wiy n K. | w A nK Kd n. | rA Ke Le L. |
Hokawasmą̄nį́ra, | honihara | cąt’į | jire | wahakjanahawianąga | wahaną́kšaną. | Sakerera, |
[Those Who Walk in Darkness,] | songs | to appear | to pass by | we will show, and | for that reason I am speaking. | [Warbundle owners,] |
ni Ko Lo Aitti wi tti Ko | | | e Ki | n w n. | Ai Ly rAo tti o n | e Ki. | di Ke. | Ai w diAi | Ai o n. | rA Ke Le L. |
nįkuruhįjwįjigò. | - | Égi | nąwą́na | Hiraisųji’ųną. | Égi | žigé | hįwaší | hi’ųną. | Sakerera, |
we greet you. | - | Then | the songs | [they used the Completion Songs.] | And | again | dancing songs | we are doing. | [Warbundle owners,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 57 | ||||||
ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n | e Ki. | Ai Ae d L. | Ao K wr m ni L. | wo L Ki dA L Ktt wi L. | e di. | w xoAo liAi ni |
nįkuruhįjwįną. | Égi | hihéžara, | Hokawasmą̄nį́ra | worákišàrakjawira. | Eši , | Waxopį́nį |
we greet you. | And | [I am definitely telling you,] | [Those Who Walk in Darkness] | [you will be imitating.] | However, | [Spirit] |
Ai Ki rKe. | Ao L Ki dA L wi doAo now n K. | w di L | xoAo roKo | liAi Ai L n K. | wi tt tt L. | m ni Le Ktt n | A n K. |
hikisgé | horakíšarawišųnųanąga | wažįra | xusuk* | pįhíranąga | Wijájᵉra | mánįrékjaną, | hanąga |
[to be equal to] | [you would imitate verbally, and] | [anything] | [?] | [it is good to do, and] | [the Announcer] | they will walk, | and |
* this unknown word could be transliterated as xusuk, xusku, xusgu, xosuk, xozuk, etc.
w A nK Kd n | | | e Ki. | w Lo ttA L. | Lex A Lo loAo Lo KL. | Lo ri Le n. | t ni | Ai L rA. | wo Ki Ko | Ao mi nK |
wahaną́kšaną. | - | Égi | warucára | reǧ harupórogᵉra | rusireną, | tānį́ | hirasá, | wogigo | homįną́k |
[for that reason I am speaking."] | - | Then | the attendant | the oval drum | he takes, | tobacco | together with, | [feast] | to sit in |
a K Ki nK | Ke Le n. | t ni | Ai L rA. | Ao ni Le d[e]. | w ow KL. | Ai d | n w doAo ne L. | e | Ai tt | Ki Ke Le n. |
agákinąk | keréną. | Tānį́ | hirasá, | honireže. | Wa’ųwągᵉra | hižą | ną́wąšųnᵉra, | e | hija | gikeréną. |
across | he put. | Tobacco | together with, | [they hunted for him.] | The ones who did it | [one] | the one about to sing, | he himself | there | he placed. |
Radin, WT 543 | Winn. 5, #20: 58 | |||||||
t ni n K | n lo do | Ki Ki n | ) | w Lo xi L | Ao Ki K L ttL | mi nK dA w K. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi n. | w xAo liAi ni |
Tānį́nąka | nąbóžu | giginą. | - | "Waruǧíra, | hokíkarajᵉra, | miną́kšawąka, | nįkúruhįjreháwiną. | Waxopį́nį |
This tobacco | in his hand | he gave him. | - | "The feast-givers, | the relatives, | who are seated, | we send forth greetings to you. | Spirit |
Ao n Kdi L | deKe | ttiyo do dA w KeLe. | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n. | e Ki. | e liAi K tt. | wi tt tt L. | A m ni wi Le L. | A Ke | w ttiri |
honąkšįra | šge | cióžušawagᵉre | nįkuruhįjwįną. | Égi | epįgáją. | Wijájera | hamaniwirēra | hąké | wajís |
[the enactors] | [also] | [you who are within the lodge] | we greet you. | And | it is good. | [The Announcer] | walking by | not | to refuse to accept |
liAi ni de | ay Le d L. | wi ttL | Ao Ki Kixi | x KL. | w Kidi K i K tt. | t ni wo Ki do | Ai Ki Ki Le L. | wi Lo L KL. |
pinįže, | airežara. | Wijᵉra | hogįgį́x | ǧágᵉra | wąkšiga’įgają | Tānįwogížu | hįgígirera. | Wiróragᵉra, |
it is not good, | [they assuredly said.] | [The Island] | [it went around] | singing | [I felt alive.] | To pour out tobacco | they made me. | [The Mediator,] |
Ao Ki K L ttL | w wiy Ki o wi | dKe | Ai my dtt Ktt wi L. | e Ki. | A Ae Ai m ni L. | t ni L |
hokíkarajᵉra, | wawiakį́’ųwi | šge | himaįšjąkjanihàwira. | Égi | Hąhe Himąnįra | tānį́ra |
the relatives, | [we caused ourselves to be bothered] | [also] | that we might be strengthened by it. | And | [Those who Walk in Darkness] | [the tobacco] |
Winn. 5, #20: 59 | |||||||||
Ai tte | w Ki Ki Ki. | Ai Kow n. | da Ko K L Ki L | n i L | dey rKe Ktt n A wi n. * | A Ke | wi leAe Le rini L | deKe | dey rK wi |
hijé | wagigígi, | higuą́ną | š’akokarakira | ną’įra, | žeisgekjanaháwiną. | Hąké | wipereznįra | šge | žeisgawi, |
[to place] | [when he did it for them,] | [right away] | [telling ancestors] | [trying,] | we will do that.] | Not | he did not know it, | also | we are thus, |
* there is a very large gap between A and wi n.
no ni Ke. | Ai d Ki xitti | y lAe Lere wi Ki. | y o Ktt ni A wi n. | Ai d Ki L. | n w L | Ai L lAe Le riKi | deKe. | xK | Ai li a tte |
nųnįgé | hižąkixjį | yapérēzwigi, | ya’ų́kjanihàwiną. | Hižąkíra | nąwąra | hiraperezgi, | šge | ǧak | hįbi-ąje, |
but | [proper] | [if we know,] | [we will use it.] | Only one | the songs | if you know, | also | to cry | to bring oneself to, |
ayi Le L. | wo n xi Le. | A L xiAi Li Ki. | A Ke | w d L. | Ai d | Ai Lo diAiKi niy tte | ay Le L. | de rKe | lAe wi |
airera. | Wonąǧire | haraxirigi, | hąké | wažąra | hižą | hiroišiknįaje, | aírera. | Žesgé | pewį̄́ |
they are saying. | War | if you cry, | not | [the things] | one of | not to be ashamed of, | it is said. | These things | thinking of |
Winn. 5, #20: 60 | |||||||||
w Ae Ktt n A wi n. | A Ao | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | K a Ae Le tti Ko. | ttAo K wi L. | A Ae L. | t ni Ai | ni Ki do wi n. | e Ki. | Ao ni A |
wahékjanahàwiną. | Hąhó, | ga’á herejigó, | ga’á herejigó! | Cokáwirà | Hąhĕ́ra | tanįhį | nįkižuwiną. | Égi | honihá |
we will sing. | [Alright,] | [here it is,] | [here it is!] | Grandfathers | the Nights | [to smoke] | we offer you. | And | songs |
w diAi ni wi L. | w ni Ki | A Kede Kede Ki Ktt n A wi n. | ni Ke. | A Ke | w di Le | liAi Ai ni L ni wi de | ay Le d L. | w liAi L |
wašíniwira | wanigi | hakšēkšekikjanahawiną, | nįgé | hąké | wašíre | pįhiniranįwiže, | airežara. | Wapį́ra |
your | that he had | [we will cause to be crooked,] | but | not | [they dance] | they will not be good, | [they assuredly said.] | [Taming] |
Koo A | L tte de | ay Le d Le. | w t diAi diAiKi wi deKe. | Ai d Ki xitti | Ai L K L Ki wi deKe | e n | tto L Ki tt Ktt wi n. | ttAo K wi L. |
k’ųhą́ | rajéže, | airežare. | Watašišikwišge | hižąkixjį | hirakaragiwišge," | éną. | "Joragijakjawiną, | cokáwirà. |
[beneath] | [you do,] | [they assuredly said.] | [... bad ... also] | [proper] | [you recognize also,"] | [he said.] | ["They will bless me,] | our grandfathers. |
Winn. 5, #20: 61 | ||||||||||
e Ki. | rA KeLe | m diAi ni Ktt wi n. | xA lee Ai | A li Ktt wi n. | t ni L | te e Le n | | | e Ki | n w n. | Ai Ly rAo tti o n. |
Égi | ságᵉre | mąšínįkjawiną, | xap’éhi | hąbikjawiną. | Tānį́ra | te’éreną." | - | Égi | nąwą́na | Hiraisųji’ųną. |
And | fast | you will walk, | soon | the daylight will come. | The tobacco | here it is." | - | Then | the songs | [they used the Completion Songs.] |
di Ke | Ai w diAi | Ai o n.* | e Ki | di Ke. | w Lo ttA L. | Ai d. | t ni | n lo do | Lo r n K. | di Ke | Lex A Lo lAo Lo KL. |
Žigé | hįwaší | hi’ųną. | Égi | žigé | warucára | hižą | tānį́ | nąbóžu | rusanąga | žigé | reǧ harupórogᵉra |
[Again] | dancing songs | they did. | And | again | the attendants | one of | tobacco | in his hands | he took, and | again | the drum |
* the text here appears to read Ae o n, probably a slip of the pen for Ai o n.
Lo A | Ke Le n. | di Ke. | Ao ni Aeyi d. | e tt | n KL. | Ai d. | w Lo xl. | A L K L L | Ai tt n KL | e |
ruha | keréną. | Žigé | honiheižą | éja | ną́gᵉra. | Hižą | Waruǧáp | harakarara | hijanągᵉra, | e |
he moved | it went down. | [Again] | [a group] | [there] | ;it is] | [One] | [Warbundle] | [to have along with him] | [gathering there,] | [he himself] |
Ao Ko_ n | t ni L. | w i nl dA n. | tAo ni | tt Ko | e L. | Ai deKe | de rKe | e n. | tt Ko | a n K. | w d | liAi |
hogu_ną. | Tānį́ra | wa’inąpšaną. | Coni | jagú | era, | hišké | žesgé | eną. | Jagú | anąga | wažą | pį |
? | The tobacco | [he was thankful.] | From the beginning | what | he said, | also | that kind | he said. | [What] | and | [something] | good |
Winn. 5, #20: 62 | ||||||||||||
a n L | de rKe | e n. | e Ki. | t ni. | Ao Koo | Ai Le K. | Ai ow n K. | t ni | wo Ki do n. | leAette L. | t ni | Ao Ki do n. |
anara | žesgé | eną. | Égi | tānį́ | hok’ų́ | hirega | hi’ųanąga | tānį́ | wogížuną. | Péjᵉra | tānį́ | hokižuną. |
[?] | [this way] | [he said.] | [Then] | tobacco | [to give] | [when they did,] | they accepted, and | tobacco | he offered them. | Fire | tobacco | he put in. |
A Ae L. | rA KLe | m ni w diAi n. | e | xA lee niKi | A li Kette Ke. | e Ki | n w n. | Ai Ae | n w n. | di Ke | Lo A Ke Le Le n. |
Hąhĕ́ra | sāgré | mą̄nį́wašį́ną, | e | xap’enįk | hą́pikjege. | Égi | nąwą́ną. | "Hihe | nąwą́ną." | Žigé | rohakeréreną. |
The Nights | fast | they are walking, | so | sooner | [that it may be light.] | Then | he sang. | ["I am singing] | [the songs."] | [Again] | [he placed it.] |
Ai Ko | di Ke | de rKe | Ai Le n. | Lo A xitti | n w n L | Ai tt Kd n. | e rKe | A ttAiy tt | ow Koo | Al li tt n Ki. |
Higų | žigé | žesgé | hiréną. | Rohąxjį | nąwą́nara | hijakšąną. | Ésge | haciaja, | ’ųwąk’ų, | hąbijaną́gi, |
[Yet] | [again] | [this way] | [he did.] | [A great many] | [songs] | [there were there.] | [So] | [there at some distance,] | [as thus he did,] | [when it was daylight,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 63 | ||||||||||
wo Ki Ko | Ao mi nK. | Ai L Ki Ki L n K | e tt | Ki tte | Ai Le n. | de e | n w Ki. | A Ae | daK | n w Ktt ne n. |
wogigo | homįną́k | hiragigiranąga | eja | gije | hiréną. | Žee | nąwągi, | Hąhé | š’ak | nąwąkjaneną. |
[feast] | [to sit in] | [they will do, and] | [there] | [to return to a place walking] | [they did.] | These | when they sing, | Night | old | they will sing. |
Al li tt n K. | A Ko n Ki | de reKe. | A Ae | daK n K. | n tto L | rK n Ke. | e rKe. | Al lr Ke | Ai n Kd n. |
Hąbijaną́ga, | hagunągi, | žesge | Hąhé | š’agᵉnąka | nąjúra | sgānąke, | ésge | hąpsą̄ge, | hinąkšąną. |
When it was daylight, | when it comes, | that | Night | these old | their hair | being white, | so | so that to be pale light, | they make. |
e Ki. | Ao Loro KL. | e Ktt n Ae Ki. | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ki. | e Ki. | tt n K. | mi Ki L n K. | n n Ki. | Ki K w n | w diAi L n n. |
Égi | horūsgara | ekjanahegi,* | hijagikereregi, | égi | jāną́ga | mįgiranąga | nanąki, | kikáwana | wašíranā́ną. |
[And] | [taking it there] | [if I ask,] | [if it is placed before,] | [then] | all | they laid down and | if they were asleep, | to arise | they would dance. |
* an initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi.
A Ae. | da Kn K. | Ai rA Ko Ke Le | w o n Kd n. | e rKe. | A Ae | daK | n wyi Le Ki. | A Ae | da. KL. * | eyo Ki | wy Le Ki. |
Hąhé | š’ágᵉną́ka | hisagųkere | wa’uną́kšąną. | Ésge | Hąhé | š’ak | nąwaį́regi, | Hąhé | š’ágᵉra | eogi, | waíregi, |
Nights | these old | using canes | they were. | So | Nights | old | if they sing, | Nights | the old | [if they pass by ?] | if they think, |
* the period following da is a slip of the pen.
Winn. 5, #20: 64 | |||||||
Ai d | mi K Ki. | Ai rA Ko L. | e tt | Ai tte Ai. Le Ki.* | Ai rA Ko. | A Ke Le Le Ki. | tee Ktt ne Ke |
hižą | mįgąki, | hisagų́ra | éja | hijehiregi, | hisagų́ | hakereregi, | t’ekjanege, |
someone | if he was lying down, | the canes | there | if they spear, | cane | if they put it on their heads, | such that they will die, |
* the period following Ai is a slip of the pen.
e rKe. | ttA A. | n li Lo xtt L. | Ai w diAi L | wi oyi Le Ki. | A ni | wo Ki Ki xi Le Ktt ne n. | A n ttAi | n di |
ésge | cahara | ną́biruǧájᵉra, | hįwašíra | wi’ų́iregugi, | hanį́, | wogįgįxirekjaneną. | Haną́cį | ną̄žį́ |
[so] | [deerskins] | [offerings,] | [the dancing songs] | [if they use,] | [possessing it,] | [they will go around them.] | [Everyone] | [to stand up] |
Ai Le Ktt ne n. | ttA A n K. | w Loro | Ai Le Ktt ne Ke. | e | Ao Ki wy Le Ktt ne Ke. |
hirekjaneną. | T’ekjanege, | warus | hirekjanége, | e | hogiwaírekjanege. |
[they will do.] | [Because they will be made to perish,] | [to take them] | [they will do, ] | [they themselves] | [because they will go.] |
e Ki. | | | n w n n. | Ai Ly rAo tti o n | Ai w diAi | Ai o n. | e Ki | w Ki Ko n K. | tt A L. |
Égi | - | nąwąnáną. | Hiraisųji’ųną. | Hįwaší | hi’ųną. | Égi | wagígonąka | cahara |
[Then] | - | he sang. | [They used the Completion Songs.] | Dancing songs | they did. | [Then] | the host | buckskins |
Winn. 5, #20: 65 | |||||||
w Ko Lo diAi di Le n. | t ni. | Ai L. | Ao ttAl | w ni Le n. | ttiAi L. | Ao Ki Kixi | A Ay Le n. |
wakikurušižįreną. | Tānį́ | hira | hocap | wanįreną. | Círa | hogįgį́x | hahaireną. |
they are taken down and carried around. | Tobacco | they did | the place to obtain | they took. | The lodge | to go around | they went. |
Ao Ki xoAo Lotto. | w Ki Ko L | A n tti | w oy Le n. | Ki Ko n K. | A ttAi tt | mi nK n Ki | e tt |
Hokixoroc | wagigóra, | haną́cį | wa’ųireną. | Gigonąka | hacį́ja | mįnągᵉnąki, | éja |
[Situated between lodges] | [the kettles,] | [all] | [they have been done.] | [The host] | [where] | [he had been seated,] | [there] |
Radin, WT 544 | ||||||||
n di L n K. | w diAi nK Kd n. | w KL. | Ai no KL. | A ntt. | tto l A. | ttAi rAe Le tt K. | Ao Ki Ki xi Le n. | e Ki. |
nąžįránąga | wašiną́kšąną. | Wągᵉra, | hinųgᵉra, | haną́c, | jobą́hą | ciserejaga | hogįgįxireną. | Égi |
[they would stand, and] | [they danced.] | [The men,] | [the women,] | [everyone,] | four times | within the lodge | they went around. | Then |
wo Ki Ko | Ao mi n Ke tt. | leAette tte K. | e tt. | ttA A L. | ttiAi L | Ae tt. | Ao wyi Le | w Ai Le n. | A Ae | da KL. |
wogigo | homįnąkeja | pecjega | éja, | cahara | círa | heja | howaíre | wahíreną. | Hąhé | š’ágᵉra |
feast | at their seats | the fire | at, | the deerskin | the lodge | the top | they went | they caused them to be. | Nights | the old |
Winn. 5, #20: 66 | ||||||||||
w Lo r ttiy K Ly Le n | | | e Ki. | n w n K. | L dtt n. | A ntt | mi nK | Ai Le n | e Ki. | w Ki Ko n K. | e tt. |
warusajiakaraíreną. | - | Égi | nąwą́nąga | rašją́ną. | Haną̄́c | mįną́k | hiréną. | Égi | wagígonąka | éja, |
they took them and started to go back. | - | Then | they sang, and | they stopped. | All | to sit | they did. | Then | the host | there, |
A Ktt. | Le x Lo lAo Lo KL.* | Ki tte | Ai Le n.† | rA Ke Le L. | ttAi | Ao do dA w KLe. |
hakjá | réǧarupòrogᵉra | gije | hiréną. | "Sakerera, | ci | hožušáwągᵉre, |
back | the drum | to return to a place walking | it was done. | "[Warbundle owners,] | [lodge] | [who are filling,] |
* the initial e looks like an o in the MS.
† the n is followed by a set of marks corresponding to a new paragraph in Radin's translation.
ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko. | e liAi K tt. | tt Ko | Low Ko L. | A ntt | Ao L Ki dAi lini L | e Ki. | w xoAo liAi ni |
nįkúruhįjᵉrehàwijį́go. | Epįgáją. | Jagu | roagųra, | haną́c | horagíšibᵉnira. | Égi | Waxopį́nį |
we greet you. | It is good. | [Whatever] | I wanted, | all | you have complied with. | Then | Spirit |
w L tti Le L. | ttA A L. | w Ko Lo ri L Ki niy n K. | e Ki | wo A L | dKe. | A KeLe Ki. | w n xi LK. | Ao L ttK |
warájirera | cahara | wakurusiragįnįanąga | égi | wohą́ra | šge | hagerégi; | Wanaǧírak | horacgá |
[the various] | the deerskin | they have already taken them, and | as well | the kettles | [also] | [those behind;] | Spirit | [to imitate] |
Winn. 5, #20: 67 | |||
Ai K xi Ktt wi L. | Ae Le ny ni Ke. | n tto L tt wi Ki ni K tt. | to Ke we Ai tte ni K L Ki |
higaǧikjawira | herenainige* | ną́jorajạ̀wigįnįgają. | Tokéwehicenikaragi, |
[we will be acting like] | [it is, tomorrow] | [when you are already blessed.] | Even though I am making you suffer from hunger, |
* is this, hereną-hainige?
A nK | no ni Ke. | Ao Low KL. | Ao ni A L. | Ai d | y o Ktt n A wi n. | e Ki. | Ao xK rAK Ki L. | Ae Le Ktt ne n. |
hanąk, | nųnįgé | horoagᵉra, | honihara | hižą | ya’ų́kjanaháwiną. | Égi | hoxgasakį̄ra | herekjanéną. |
we have been, | but | for the last time, | songs | one | we are going to use. | Then | [you will receive some food] | it will be. |
e Ki. | ttAo K K. | te e | wo n xi Le tt. | Ai o Ki di. | A Ke | A K. | wo rAK | A ni Ao w ni Ki. | e rKe. | w Lo xl leLe Ki. |
Égi | cōkága | tee | woną́ǧireja | hi’ųgiži, | hąké | hąká | wosga | hanihuwanįgi. | Ésge | Waruǧabᵉregi |
And | grandfather | this | in war | when he used, | not | never | in vain | he did not go with it. | [So] | [in the Warbundle] |
Ao K n Kede. | ayi Le L. | e | Ao ni A L. | y o Ktt ni A wi n. | ra Ke Le L. | wK Kidi Ktt wi L. | w reAe A n L. |
hokanąkše, | airera. | E | honihara | ya’ų́kjanihàwiną. | Sakerera, | wąkšíkjawiną. | Wasehanara |
[he put it,] | [they are saying.] | So | the song | we will use it. | [Warbundle owners,] | [we will have life.] | Holy paint |
Winn. 5, #20: 68 | ||||||
Ai Ki A L ni dA wi L. | A K K rKe | d w | Ae Ktt n A wi | no ni Ke. | w rAe A ni A ni Ke. | w di |
higiharanišawira. | Hagagasgé, | žawa | hēkjanahawi, | nųnįgé | wasehanihanige | wažį́ |
we do not possess.* | [Exclamation,] | [happy]* | [we will continue,]* | but | [a medicine man who owns red paint] | something |
* uncertain translations.
ttAo n Kede | A Ke | Ai Ae | w o ni Ktt ne n. | wo n xi Le tt. | Ai o | Ai Le Ki | liAi Ki | e rKe. | Ao LoKo. | w Lo xl | e Ki |
cųnąkše. | Hąké | hihe | wa’ųnįkjaneną. | Woną́ǧireja | hi’ų́ | hiregi | pįgi, | ésge | horók | Waruǧáp | égi |
they have. | Not | I say | it will not be. | In war | to use | he thought | if it is good, | so | in | Warbundle | and |
Ao ni A L. | y o | A ni Ae Ktt wi | ay Le L | e rKe | w Ae Ktt ni A wi n. | rA Ke Le L. | lAe de | w diAi Ktte Ki. |
honihara | ya’ų | hanihekjawi, | aírera. | Ésge, | wahékjanihàwiną. | Sakerera, | peže | wašikjegi, |
the song | I use | we will do, | [it is said.] | [Therefore,] | we will sing them. | [Warbundle owners,] | [who] | [if I ask them,] |
wo n xi Le Ki | xAe we | w o Ktt ne n. | Ai d | w reAe | A ni Ki | dA n. | w diAi Ktte | A Ke | de rKe ni n. |
wonaǧiregi | xewe, | wá’ųkjaneną. | Hižą | wase | hanįgí | šana | wašikje, | hąké | žesgenįną. |
[in war] | [to weaken,] | [I will do it to them.] | [One] | [paint] | [which he had] | [only] | [I may ask him,] | [not] | [this is not so.] |
Winn. 5, #20: 69 | |||||
Ai Ly roAo ttL. | tto liAi wi n. | e Ki. | Ai w diAi L. | A Lo wK Kd n. | rA Ke Le L |
Hiraisųjᵉra | jobiwina | égi | hįwašíra | haruwankšana | Sakerera, |
[The Completion Songs] | [the four] | [and] | the dancing songs | [only eight] | [Warbundle owners,] |
ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi tti Ko | ) | n w n. | Ai Ly roAotto | Ai o n. | e Ki | Ai w diAi | Ai o n. | ) | rA Ke Le L |
Nįkúruhįcrehàwijigò." | - | Nąwą́na, | Hiraisųc, | hi’ųną. | Égi | hįwaší | hi’ųną. | - | "Sakerera, |
I send greetings to you." | - | The songs, | Completion Songs, | they did. | Then | dancing songs | they did. | - | ["Warbundle owners,] |
mi nK dA w KLe. | ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi tti Ko. | Ao tt. | Ayi rAe Lette. | to Ke we | Ai tee ni K L Ki wi K tt. |
minąkšanągᵉrē, | nįkúruhįcrehàwijigò! | Hojá | haįsérec | tokéwe | hit’enikaragiwigają, |
who are seated, | I send greetings to you! | It is enough | all night | hunger | even though I am making you all, |
w Ki xA n L. | wo A L. | totto | wi Ai Le Ki. | Ai Ki Lo tti ttiri | de rKe Ktt n A | no ni Ke. | A Ke | w Ke Le |
wagíxanara | wohą́ra | tūc | wįhíregi, | hikirujijis | žesgekjanaha, | nųnįgé | hąké | wakere |
the attendants | the kettles | to cook | having made it for us, | less than enough | in every way, | but | [not] | [they would put them on] |
Winn. 5, #20: 70 | |||||||
liAi Ai ni L ni wi K tt. | e Ki. | leAette. | e Ki. | Lo A Ktt o w Ai L. | wo A L. | A Ki Ke Le Le L. | Ao tto li m ni d. |
pįhiniranįwigają, | égi | pēc, | égi | Rōhakja’úwahira | wohą́ra | hakikererera. | Hojopimąnįžą |
[they will not be good,] | and | fire, | and | Disease Giver | the kettles | [they are connected to ?]. | A four-legged animal |
Lo Ai | Ai Ki reKe | w K Ai L wi L | de rKeyi d. | t ni L. | w Ko tte L. | riAi d. | Ai L rA. |
rōhí | higisge | wągahirawira | žesgeižą, | tānį́ra, | wagujera | sīžą, | hirasá, |
[body] | [to come true as wished for] | [being from us] | one of that kind, | the tobacco, | the moccasins | [a long one,] | together with, |
A Ki to dtt Le A wi L. | e Ki | di Ke. | ni Ktt Kini KL. | Ao tto li m ni ni Ki d. | Ai dKtt * | niKi n KL. | ttAo we |
hagitúšją rēháwira. | Égi | žigé | nikjągᵉnįgᵉra | hojopimąnįnįkižą | hiškác | nį́gᵉnągᵉra | cowé |
we are sending. | And | again | children | a little four-legged animal | to play with | the little ones | [together] |
* this should be spelled Ai dK tt(A).
A wi Le | Kiy KeLe. | t ni L. | A K L niy n K. | eyo w Le | A Ki Ki Ktt n A wi n. | Ai d | t ni | dA w xoAo Ktt wi Ki. |
hawire | kiagᵉre | tānį́ra | hakaranianąga | eoware | hagigikjanahawiną. | Hižą | tānį́ | šawaxųkjawigi, |
? | [the one] | the tobacco | he took with him, and | to go | we shall have him do. | Someone | tobacco | if you pour out, |
Winn. 5, #20: 71 | ||||||
Ki Ko L. | Ao deAe Le KL. | w L K w. | Lo dtty Le Ki. | Ao deAe Le KL. | roto w Ai Le Ki. | e Ki. |
kigóra | hošeregᵉra | waragawa | rušjaįrēgi, | hošeregᵉra | stówahíregi | égi |
the feast | bones | his (?) | after they are gathered, | his bones | when they are gathered together, | then |
Ao deAe LeKe tte K. | doAo K KL. | m doAo doAotto | Ai L rA lA xoAo Ktt n A wi n. | Ai d | t ni | wo L Ki do Ktt wi Ki |
hošerekjega | šų̄kagᵉrá | mąšušuc | hįrasapaxukjanahawiną. | Hižą | tānį́ | woragižukjawigi, |
the bones | [back of the dog] | [red feathers] | we will place them outside. | Someone | tobacco | if he pours for him, |
doo Ktt wi n. | Lo A Ktt o L | Ai Ke | w K m ni ni Ktt wi. | Ai Ki t Ktt wi n. | wo A | te e. | Ai Ke. |
š’ųkjáwiną. | Rohąkja’ųra. | Hįké | wągamąnįnįkjawi, | hįkit’akjawiną. | Wohą́ | tee | hįké |
you may do so. | [There would be many.] | [Not] | [we will not walk,] | [we will not speak of ourselves.] | Kettle | this | not |
Winn. 5, #20: 72 | |||||||||
Ai noKo | Lo tti L ni doAo no n. | wK L | Le Ki. | wiy tte | | | Ae Ae | de rKe | d ny n. | e Ki. |
hinųk | rujiranįšųnųną. | Wągᵉra | regí | wiaje. | - | Hehé, | žesgé | šanainą. | Égi |
women | they will not be permitted to partake. | Men | there | you must go. | - | [Exclamation] | [this way] | as we said. | And |
Radin, WT 545 | ||||
rA Ke Le L. | Ai Ki Lo tti ttiri ri Ktt n A | no ni Ke. | Ai Ki n niKi L Ki | n L dii Ktt wi n. |
Sakerera, | hikirujijisīkjanaha, | nųnįgé | hikinanįgᵉragi, | ną̄ráš’įkjawiną. |
[Warbundle owners,] | it will be lacking in every respect, | nevertheless | to have it passed around, [then] | you must try. |
e K | ) | Ao K wr m ni L. | wo A ni Ki d. | A tt | w Ki Ke Le Le L. | wi tt tt. | Ao n di L. |
Ega | - | Hokawasmą̄nį́ra | wohanįkižą, | hają́ | wagikererera, | Wijája | honąžį̄́ra |
?* | - | [Those Who Walk in Darkness] | [one of the boiled foods,] | [he saw] | [they were making for them,] | [the Announcer] | [he who stands] |
* it is not at all clear what is going on here. Is e K in error for e Ki (égi)? In any case, the next sentence begins a new paragraph in Radin's translation.
Ao ttA wK. | A L. | e | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ktt ne n. | t ni L. | ttA A L. | riAi d | niKi | Ai L rA. |
hocą’wąk | hara | e | hijagikererekjaneną. | Tānį́ra, | cahara | sīžą, | nįk | hirasá, |
father of the wife | my | he himself | he will place it before them. | The tobacco, | the deerskin | [a long one,] | [little] | [together with,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 73 | |||||||
w Ki to dtt Le A wi L. | wo n xi Le L. | w Kdi Ko i L. | wo n Ki i wi | w o wi n. | ).. | e Ki. | Ao tti A nK dA L. |
wagitušjarehawira. | Wōną́ǧirera | wąkšigo’į́ra | wōną̄́ki’įwi | wa’ųwiną. | - | Égi | hojihanąkšara, |
we are offering. | [Wars] | life | we desire for ourselves | we did it. | - | And | [as I have said before, ?]* |
* Radin's translation, which may be doubtful here.
A Ke | w di Ki n ni ni Ktt n A wi | no ni Ke. | w xAo liAi ni | w L tti Le L. | A Ke | w di Le | liAi Ai L ni de |
hąké | wažiginaninikjanahawi, | nųnįgé | Waxopį́nį | warájirera | hąké | wažire† | pįhíranįže, |
not | [we will not have any too much for you, ?]* | but | Spirits | [the various] | [not] | [they did something] | [it is not good to do,] |
* Radin's translation, which may be doubtful here.
† this appears to be wažą́-hire, "something - they did."
ay Le d L. | e Ki. | wi L Ko dKe xAe te K. | wo A ni Ki d. | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le L. | Ko no K. | e di. | wo dK |
airežara. | Égi | Wiragošge Xetega, | wohąnįgįžą | hijagikererera, | Kų̄nų́ga, | eši, | wošgą́ |
[they assuredly said.] | And | Morning Star, | [a small kettle] | he will be placing it before him, | Kunu, | [however,] | ceremony |
w Lo liAi de Ley n K. | w xAo liAi ni. | n xoKo | Ai L ny d | Ae Le L. | e | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ktte n. | wo A L. | t ni L. |
warupį́žereanąga | Waxopį́nį | nąxgú | hiranaižą | herera, | e | hijagikererekjeną. | Wohą́ra, | tānį́ra, |
knowing how to do it, and | Spirits | [to hear] | [a thought ?] | [who are,] | he himself | he will place it before. | The kettle, | the tobacco, |
Winn. 5, #20: 74 | |||||||
ttA A L. | A Ki to dtt Le A wi L. | wo n xi Le L. | w Kidi Ko i | Low Ki Ko wi L. | e | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ktt ne n. | )... |
cahara | hagitúšją rēháwira. | Wōną́ǧirera | wąkšigo’į́ | roakigųwira. | E | hijagikererekjaneną. | - |
the deer skin | [we are sending.] | Wars | life | [we are wanting for ourselves.] | He himself | he will place it before him. | - |
Ae Ae | rA Ke Le L. | de rKe | d ny n. | e Ki. | ttAo K K. | w Lo xl | Ko riKi. | te e | wo n xi Le tt. | Ai o xitti de. |
Hehé, | Sakerera, | žesgé | šanainą. | Égi | cōkága | Waruǧáp | gųsgi | tee | woną́ǧireja | hi’ųxjįže. |
[Exclamation,] | [Warbundle owners,] | [this way] | [as we said.] | And | grandfather | Warbundle | [he made] | [this] | in war | [he definitely used.] |
A K K. | Lo da Kini de. | e rKe | wo n xi Le. | Ai Lo xAo LoKo | liAi Ki. | e rKe. | w Lo xl | o de. | ay Le L. | e |
Hąkagá | ruš’agįnįže. | Ésge, | wōną́ǧire | hiruxuruk, | pįgi, | ésge | Waruǧáp | ’ųže, | aírera. | E |
Never | he never failed to get. | Therefore, | war | [he will get it done,] | [if it is good,] | [so] | [Warbundle] | [he made,] | [it is said.] | [It itself,] |
wo A L. | Ai di tt Ki Ke Le Le L. | e tt. | n xi ni K. | Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le Ktte n. | wo n xi Le. | Ai Ki t wi L. | w Kidi Ko i. |
wohą́ra, | hišijagikererera. | Éja | Nāǧīnįka | hijagikererekjeną. | Wōną́ǧire | hįgitáwira, | wąkšigo’į́ |
the kettle, | you are placing it before him. | There | [Fifth Son]* | he will place it. | War | we are praying for, | life |
* Radin translates this as "Fourth Brother."
Winn. 5, #20: 75 | ||||||||
w Lo Ko xeAe te. | ttA xAle * | Ao KL. | wo A L. | Ae Le n | ).. | A A | rA Ke Le L. | mi nK dA w KeLe |
warugųxete. | Caxep | Hų́gᵉra | wohą́ra | hereną. | - | Hąhą́, | Sakerera, | miną́kšawągᵉre, |
[it is longed for greatly.] | Eagle | the Chief | the kettle | [it is.] | - | [Well now,] | [Warbundle owners,] | who are seated, |
* this should be spelled ttA xAele.
ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A wi tti Ko. | Ai Lo dtt* | niKi L | Ki wi Ki. | w Lotto L | Kx wi doKo ni. | Ai tt |
nįkúruhįcrehàwijigò! | Hirúšją | nįgᵉra | kiwigi, | warujᵉra | gaǧwišgųnį. | Hija |
we send greetings to you! | [To be ready] | [the little ones] | [when they went back,] | [the food] | [they may have made.] | [There] |
* there is an unusual mark just before the first syllable Ai, which apparently is just an exaggerated flourish.
w K L K | Ai n Ki Kit n A wi n | | | e Ki. | n w | Ai Ly roAotto | Ai oyi Le de. | de e | n w L. | tto liAi wi. | m o L. |
wakaraga | hinąkikjanahawiną. | - | Égi | nąwą | Hiraisųc, | hi’ųįreže. | Žee | nąwą́ra | jōpíwi, | Mą̄’ų́ra |
[to give it away] | [we will place it.] | - | Then | to sing | [Completion Songs,] | they are using. | [These] | [songs] | [four,] | [Earthmaker] |
w Ki Koro rKi | e | w wi o | Ai Le de. | we diKi deAe K. | Ai Ky Le Ki. | w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti Le L. |
wagųsgi, | e | wawi’ų | hireže. | Wešgíšega | higairegi | Waxopį́nį | warájirera |
[when he created them, ] | [he himself] | [to be made by him] | [they were.] | Wešgíšega* | as he was called, | Spirit | [the various] |
* Radin has Wegi'ceka (= Wegíšega).
Winn. 5, #20: 76 | |||||||||
A n ttAi | n tto tt | Ai Le de. | no ni Ke. | m o. | Ai Ky Le Ki. | e dA n | Ai Ke | n tto tt ni de. | e rKe. |
haną́cį | nąjoją | hireže. | Nųnįgé, | 'Mą̄’ų́' | higairegi, | ešana | hįké | nąjojąnįže. | Ésge, |
everyone | to bless him | they did. | However, | 'Earthmaker' | as he was called, | he alone | not | he did not bless him. | Therefore, |
Ai A te | n i de. | o xitti de. | A t Ki ntt L | tee | n i de. | A Ko L e d. | K tt K. | n tto tt de | e de. | w ni | rAele litti |
hihąté | ną’įže. | ’Ųxjįže. | Hatáginąjᵉra | t’e | ną’įže. | Hagoréžą, | gająga, | nąjojąže, | eže. | Wanį | sepjį |
[to dream] | he tried. | [He did much.] | Fasting | to death | he tried. | Finally, | at last, | he blessed, | [he said.] | Being | [very black] |
oy de. | Ai rA Koyi d | A ni Ki | dKe | n Ke we rKe de. | ttAo xitti de. | Al lL. | Ao Ki | ttAo L | tte de. |
’ų́įže. | Hisagúįžą | hanigi | ške | nąkewesgeže. | Coxjįže. | Hą́bᵉra | hogi | cora | jéže. |
he was. | A cane | which he had | also | it was fear inspiring. | Ir was very blue. | [The light] | [around it] | [the blue] | [it stood.] |
we diKi dAe | n tto ni tt n. | e de. | w we L Ki ni | i wori. | w d L . A n ttAi |
"Wešgiše, | nąjonijáną," | eže. | "Waweragįnį | iwusį. | Wažąra haną́cį |
"Wešgišega, | I bless you," | he said. | "You have already burdened yourself | to become thirsty. | Everything |
Winn. 5, #20: 77 | |||||||
n tti L o tt de. | e de. | wo n xi Le L. | wK to deAe we L . | Ai t tte Kette L | dKe | w tee Ai Ke Ktte L | dKe. |
nąjiroją́že," | eže. | "Wonaǧirera, | wąktóšewera, | hitajékjera, | ške | wat’ehikekjera, | ške |
I bless you," | he said. | "Wars, | [doctoring,] | there will be riches, | also | there is going to be hunting, | also |
Ai noKo | Ai w liAi Ktte L | dKe. | w d L. | A n ttiAi. | n tti Lo tt de | e de. | a n K. | A Lo xeAe | Ke Le Ke. |
hinų́k | hiwapį́kjera, | ške | wažąra | haną́cį | nąjiroją́že," | eže, | ánąga | haruxé | kerége, |
women | they will become enamored of you, | [also] | things | all of these | I bless you," | he said, | and | he turned | as to leave, |
Ao Lo xotto K tt. | we L Ki. | tte ttette tti d | wK Kde. | di Ke | e tt | n tto Ki tt. | xK dAe. | tto l A. |
horuǧucgają, | wéraki, | jejéjižą | wąkše. | Žigé | éja | nąjogiją | ǧakše. | Jobą́hą |
when he looked, | [unexpectedly,] | a blue jay | he became. | Again | there | [to be blessed] | he cried. | Four times |
de de rKe | Ki Ki L e de. | A Ko L e d | dKe. | ni KttK w ni | Ki dKe | Ai d. | nl li Ko L o xtt dAe. | K tt K. |
žežesge | gigíreže. | Hagoréžą, | ške | nįkjąkwani | gišge | hižą́ | ną́bikuruǧácše. | Gająga, |
thus | he was treated. | Finally, | even | their children | [there was] | one | he sacrificed his own. | Finally, |
Winn. 5, #20: 78 | ||||||
e Ki. | m o L. | wi L Lo ttA tte xitti K tt. | m ne Ki. | A Ki tt de. | n tto tt de. | we diKi dAe L . |
égi | Mą̄’ų́ra | wirarocąjexjįgają, | mąnégi | hagijaže. | Nąjojąže. | "Wešgišera, |
then | Earthmaker | about the hour of noon | [on earth] | [he came across.] | [He blessed.] | "Wešgíšega, |
n tto L Ki tt | L x Ke | n tto ni tt n. | Ai K K | w Kidi KL | Ai d | ntt w tt ni n. | ttAeKe Kitti |
nąjoragija; | raǧage | nąjonijáną. | Hįkaga | wąkšígᵉra | hižą | nąjawająnįną. | Cekjį |
I bless you; | because you have cried, | I bless you. | Never | the people | one | I have not blessed. | For the first time |
n tto ni tt n. | e de. | e Ki. | Ai rA Koyi d. | Ao Koo de. | n w L | tto liAi wi | Ai L rA. | de e | wi o | L dtt |
nąjonijáną," | eže. | Égi | hisagúįžą | hok’ųže. | Nąwąra | jopíwi | hirasá | žee | wi’ų | rašją́ |
I bless you," | [he said.] | Then | a cane | he gave him. | Songs | four of them | together with | this | to use | to end with |
Radin, WT 546 | |||||||||
Ai L e Ki | | | Ki Ko L. | w Lotto | Lo dtt | Ai Le de | ) | A A. | w Lo xi L. | ni Ki Lo Aitti wi tti Ko. |
hiregi. | - | Kigóra | warúc | rušją́ | hireže. | - | "Hąhą́, | waruǧíra, | nįkiruhįjwįjigò. |
they did. | - | The feast | to eat | to finish | they did. | - | ["Well now,] | [elders,] | I greet you all. |
wo n Kidi L deKe. | Ae Ae. | e liAi K tt. | w Kidi Ko i L. | Al li L | Lo tteAe |
Woną́kšįràšge, | hehé, | epįgáją. | Wąkšigo’įra | hąbira* | ruce |
[The impersonators, also] | [exclamation,] | it is good. | Life | [the (cause of) light] | [to pull off a piece] |
Winn. 5, #20: 79 | ||||||
Ai o Ktt wi L. | Ae Ley n K. | t ni | wo Ki do | w K Ki Ki L wiy n K. | da Ko K L Ki L | deKe. |
hi’ųkjawira. | Hereanąga | tānį́ | wogížu | wągagigiwianąga, | š’akokarakira | šge |
[we will do.] | He does, and | tobacco | to offer them | [he has done for us, and] | telling ancestors | also |
w K Ki Ki L wiy n K. | te e. | te de tt xitti | Ai liAi | w Lotto | w Ko Koo | Ai L wi L. | liAi K tt. |
wągagigiwianąga, | tee | težejáxjį | hipi | warúc | wągok’ų | hįrą́wįra. | Pįgáją. |
[he has done for us, and] | [this] | [about time] | [up to] | [to eat] | [to give to us] | [you have done.] | It is good. |
w Lo xi | lA ny L | w o Ai L n K. | w xoAo liAi ni L | Ai n dKe ni. | Ao Ki tt Ki Ki L n K. |
Waroǧí | pąnaį́ra | wa’ųhiranąga | Waxopį́nįra | hiną́škeni | hogijágigiranąga |
[To council] | [it is great] | [they did it, and] | [the Spirits] | [the full amount] | [it caused to flourish, and] |
t ni L. | wo A L. | w Ki oy L n K. | w wi Ki deAe Le | ri Le K tt. | w d K rKe xitti K tt. |
tānį́ra, | wohą́ra | waki’ųranąga | wawigišere | ziregają, | wažągasgexjįgają, |
the tobacco, | [the kettle] | [they did for them, and] | [to dress them] | [when they extended (?)] | [when he was so froward,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 80 | ||||||||
w n i Lo Ke tt. | w d L | Ao d | Ai L n K. | t ni L. | Ai rKe. | leAe tte tt. | Ao doyi deKe. | A Ke |
wāną’įrogeja | wažąra | hūžą | hiránąga | tānį́ra, | hisgé | pejēja | hožuišge* | hąké |
[in their mind]s | [the things] | [to clean] | [they did, and] | the tobacco, | some | in the fire | to pour, also | [not] |
* > hožu-hišge, the second /h/ lost through internal sandhi.
Ai Ki tt niKi | Ai L ni de | ay Le d Le. | te e di | w d | K rKe xitti | w oyi Le K tt. | w Ki Ko L. |
hikijanįgi* | they did not do, | airežare. | Te’éži | wažą | gasgexjį | wa’ųiregają, | wagigóra, |
[on either side] | [they did not do,] | [they assuredly said.] | This | [thing] | [it is just thus] | when they did t[his,] | [the kettles,] |
* this trasnsliteration assumes that Ai Ki tt niKi should have been spelled, Ai Ki tt ni Ki.
Ao Ki K L ttL. | e Ki. | Ai Ki A tti | L dA n | Le dKe. | Lo K n | y L n KL. | di Ke | Ai tty L xitti. | te. |
hokíkarajᵉra | égi | higihají | rašana, | rešge | rokana | yaránągᵉra. | Žigé, | hijaíraxjį | te |
[the relatives] | [and] | [I came here] | [that was all,] | [now] | [much] | [I am thinking.] | [Again,] | [much more] | [these] |
w xAo liAi ni | w L tti Le L. | Ai d Ki L. | Ai tty L xitti | Ao L Ki Le L. | wo A L. | ne | w do Ki L. |
Waxopį́nį | warájirera | hižąkíra, | hijaíraxjį, | horákirera. | Wohą́ra, | ne, | wažókįrà, |
[Spirits] | [the various] | [just one], | [much more,] | [so it is said.] | [The kettle,] | [you yourself,] | [the relatives,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 81 | |||||
iy Ke Le wi L. | w Kidi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Ki xitti wi n. | e Ki. | Ao deAe Le o w Ai | Ai Ky Le Ki. |
iákerewirà. | Wąkšigo’įra | hiraną́kikįxjįwìną. | Égi | Hošere’ų́wahi, | higairegi, |
[they tasted it.] | Life | [we thought ourselves in strong connection.] | And | Disease Giver, | as he was called, |
wo n xi Le L. | Lo rA niKi | Ae Le de. | e Ki. | w Kidi Ko i L. | e | Ao n Kidi wi L. | w Lo Ki Ki Le L. |
wōną́ǧirera | rosánįk | hereže. | Égi | wąkšigo’įra | e | honąkšįwira, | warogigirera. |
wars | one side of his body | it is. | [And] | [Life] | [itself] | [we are substituting for,] | [they were telling them.] |
Ao deAe Le o w Ai K. | A Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | w Lo xi L dKe. | w Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | wo n Kidi L deKe. |
Hošere’ų́wahiga, | hakuruhį́cšaną." | Waruǧírašge, | wakuruhį́cšąną. | "Woną́kšįràšge, |
Disease Giver, | [I salute you."] | [Elders also,] | he greeted them. | ["The impersonators, also] |
Ki Ko | Ai mi nK L. | deKe | ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n | ). | Ai no le tt n K. | Ai dK K. | e n. | ). | w Lo xi L. | wo n Kdi L dKe. |
gigo | hįmįną́k, | šge | nįkuruhįjwįną." | - | Hinųbéjanąka | hišgaga | eną, | - | "Waruǧíra, | woną́kšįràšge, |
[feast] | [we sit,] | [also] | we greet you." | - | The second one | [in his turn] | [he said,] | - | "The elders, | [the impersonators also,] |
Winn. 5, #20: 82 | |||||||
ni Ko Lo Aitti Le A w[i] tti Ko. | e liAi K tt | e liAi K tt. | w d | Ke | e liAi K tt. | e liAi ni de. | e liAi K tt. |
nįkúruhįjᵉrehàwijį́go. | Epį̄gáją, | epį̄gáją. | Wažą | ké | epį̄gáją, | epįnįže? | Epį̄gáją. |
we greet you! | It is good, | it is good. | [Thing] | [not] | it is good, | is it not good? | It is good. |
AocKi K L ttL. | w Lo xi | lA ny L | w oy L n K. | w xoAo liAi ni. | Ao Ki tt Ki Ki L n K. | t ni L. |
Hokíkarajᵉra, | waroǧí | pąnaį́ra | wa’uąranąga | Waxopį́nį | hogijagigiranąga | tānį́ra, |
Relatives, | example | it is great | it is set, and | Spirit | [to have caused to flourish, and] | the tobacco, |
wo A L. | e Ki. | Ai wo n Kidi wi L. | w K m dtt Ktt wi L. | wo n xi Le L. | di Ke. | A Ko Le d. |
wohą́ra, | égi | hiwonąkšiwira | wągamašjąkjawira. | Wōną́ǧirera, | žigé | hagoréžą, |
the kettle, | and | [those who have impersonated (?)] | they will strengthen us. | Wars, | again | finally, |
A tt wi deKe. | A Ke. | w lA Ai | A Ki o ni Ktt wi L deKe. | te de rKe | w Ki t | Ai L n K. | Ayi reAe Lette. |
hają́wišge | hąké | wapahi | haki’ųnįkjawirašge | téžesge | wagitá | hiránąga | haįsérec |
we came, also | not | [weapon] | [we could not make, also] | such | to pray for | they did, and | [all night] |
Winn. 5, #20: 83 | |||||
Ai dtt | ni Lo xoAo xoAo | Ai L Le. | wo n xi Le. | A xiAi Li. | w Kdi Ko i. |
hišjá | niruxuxu | hiraré, | wōną́ǧire | haxirí | wąkšigo’į́ |
[eye] | [to completely accomplish his intentions] | [you thought,] | [war] | [to cry for] | [life] |
L xoAo Lo Ki Le Ke. | te de rKe K tt. | Ao K wr m ni L. | t ni L. | wo A L. |
raxurugirege, | téžesgegáją, | Hokawasmą̄nį́ra | tānį́ra, | wohą́ra, |
[because they persuaded them,] | [so this is the way it is,] | [Those Who Walk in Darkness] | the tobacco, | [the kettle,] |
w Ko tte L. | w Ko Lo ri Le K tt. | e Ki. | rA KeLe. | w K m Ki ni L wiy n K. | A Ae L. | Lo tad K tt.* |
wagujera | wakurusiregają. | Égi | ságᵉre | wą̄gámąkįnįrawianąga | hąhĕ́ra | rut’ašgają, |
the moccasins | [when they took them back.] | And | fast | [they visited us, and] | the night | when it is short, |
* this should be spelled Lo ta dK tt.
A Ae L. | dili litti ni K tt. | A Ae L. | rA KeLe | m ni Le K tt. | de rKe | Ai w Ki t wi L. | e liAi K tt. |
hąhĕ́ra | šipjinįkają. | Hąhĕ́ra | ságᵉre | mánįrégają, | žesgé | hįwagitawira. | Epįgáją. |
the night | it has been very short, | the Nights | fast | they walk, | as | we have asked. | It is good. |
Winn. 5, #20: 84 | ||||||
Ai ttAo Ke Ai w Ai wi L. | wo n Kdi wi L. | Ao Ki K L ttA L. | w Kdi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Kii wi n. | n K | w A n Kd n. |
Hicṓkehiwahíwira, | wonąkšiwira | hokíkaracara, | wąkšigo’į́ra | hiraną́kik’į̀winą, | ną́ka | wahanąkšaną." |
Our grandfather, | the impersonators, | relatives, | life | [we expect for ourselves,] | that | [I am saying."] |
w Lo Ki xi Le L. | w Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | Ai Le L. | e Ki. | w Lo xi L dKe. | w xoAo liAi ni | Ao n Kidi L deKe. |
Warugixírera | wakuruhį́cšąną, | hirera. | "Égi | waruǧírašge, | Waxopį́nį | honąkšį́rašge, |
[The elders] | [to have greeted them,] | [they did.] | ["And] | [the impersonators also,] | [Spirit] | [you who also represent,] |
ni Ko Lo Aitti wi n | ).. | Ai t n[i] L. | di Ke | e de. | Ai Ko | di Ke | de rKe | e de. | w i nl deAe. | di Ke |
nįkuruhįjwįną." | - | Hitanį́ra | žigé | eže, | higų | žigé | žesgé | eže, | wa’inąpše. | Žigé |
[we greet you."] | - | The third one | again | he said, | yet | again | [this way] | he said, | [he was thankful.] | Again |
Ai tto lL. | e Ki | di Ke. | w i nl deAe. | w Ki Ko ni K | woyi n di | Ai Ki tee de | de Ke. | w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti Le L. |
híjobᵉrà | égi | žigé | wa’inąpše. | Wagigónąka | woinąži | higit’éže, | žege | Waxopį́nį | warájirera |
the fourth | and | again | [he was thankful.] | [The host] | [to strengthen] | [he spoke,] | [and again] | [Spirit] | [the various] |
Winn. 5, #20: 85 | ||||||||||
w L ttAK deAe | e Ki. | w Ki Ko L. | di Ke | w i nl deAe. | tt Ko | Lo Ko L. | A ntt | Ki | y Le Ke. | e Ki. |
waracą́kše. | Égi | wagigóra, | žigé | wa’inąpše. | "Jagu | rokora, | haną́c | ki, | yarége," | égi |
[he praised.] | [And] | [the kettles,] | [again] | [he was thankful.] | ["How] | [very much,] | [all] | [it went to,] | [I thought,"] | and |
we n. | rA Ke Le L. | Ao o L. | de Ko Ki. | n w L. | Ai w diAi L | dA n. | y o Ktt n A wi n. | e Ki. |
weną, | "Sakerera, | ho’ųra | žegų́gi | nąwą́ra, | hįwašíra | šana | ya’ų́kjanaháwiną. | Égi |
he said, | ["Warbundle owners,] | using | this way | the songs, | the dancing songs | only | we are going to use. | Then |
Ai d. | w xoAo liAi n[i] | w L tti Le L. | wo n xi Le Ai Lo K n L. | Ao ttA tii | w Ki Ki Ktt ne n. |
hižą | Waxopį́nį | warájirera | Wonaǧire Hirukąnąra | hocąt’į́ | wagigikjaneną. |
one | Spirit | [the various] | the War Controllers | [he appeared] | [we will make an offering to him.] |
Radin, WT 547 | |||||||||
e Ki. | Ai d. | t ni | wo L Ki do Ktt wi Ki. | e Ki | o wiy tte. | Ai no KL | deKe. | w Lo x lL. | to riKitti wi n. |
Égi | hižą | tānį́ | woragižukjawigi, | égi | ų́wią́je. | Hinųgᵉra | šge, | Waruǧabᵉra | tusgicwiną. |
And | someone | tobacco | if he pours for him, | then | you may do so. | The women | also, | the Warbundle | we have rolled up. |
Winn. 5, #20: 86 | |||||||
doAo Ki d | n li to xtt wi L. | Ai Kiy KeLe. | e Ki. | A ni | wo L Ki do Ktt wi n. | e de. | e Ki |
Šųkižą | ną́bituǧajᵉwira, | hīkį́ągre. | Égi | hanį́, | woragižukjawiną," | eže. | Égi |
A dog | we are going to offer, | [one of our own friends.] | And | [possessing it,] | he will pour for him," | he said. | Then |
n w n. | Ai d | m dtt xitti | w n. | L dtt | tti Ke Le L. | e Ki. | Ai tt ne n KLe. | A n ttAi | di Ke | m dtt xitti |
nąwą́na, | hižą | mąšjąxjį | wáną | rašją́ | jikérera. | Égi | hijanenągᵉre | haną́cį | žigé | mąšjąxjį |
the songs, | someone | [mighty] | whoop | to end with | suddenly. | Then | the others | all of them | again | mighty |
Ao Ao li Le n. | n w L. | tto liAi wi | Ai o n. | tto l A | e n. | w tt n. | e tt | L dtt | Ai Le n. | e Ki. | doAo Ki d |
hohóbireną. | Nąwąra | jopíwi | hi’ųną. | Jobą́hą | éną. | Wajana | éja | rašją́ | hiréną. | Égi | šųkižą |
they whooped. | Songs | [four of them] | they did. | Four times | he said. | [In this manner ?] | there | to end with | they did. | And | a dog |
Winn. 5, #20: 87 | ||||||||
e tt Kd n. | to xiAi L. | ttA deAe L. | Ao Ki Kixi | wy leAe Le. | doAo tti d | n lii Ki Ki Le n. | e Ki. | t ni |
ejakšaną. | Toxira | cašéra | hogįgį́x | waipére | šucižą | nąp’įgigireną. | Égi | tānį́ |
he is there. | His throat | the neck | circling | rag | a red one | [he wears around his neck.] | And | tobacco |
w Lo dAi d. | e tt | Ai Lo Ki dKyi Le n. | e Ki | di Ki | wyi r L. | Ai tto li Ke. | Ai d dA n | w wi Lo Ki deKe | Ai Le n. |
wārúšįža | éja | hirogíškaireną. | Égi | žigi | waísara | hijóbike | hižąšana | wawirugišge | hiréną. |
a bundle | there | it was tied to it. | And | there | limbs | four of them | each | [to tie them together] | they did. |
A ni | w Lo diAi L. | Ki rA Ki L n K. | w owK dA n. | de e. | Ao deAe LeKe tte K. | w xoAo |
Hanį́, | warušįra | kisakiranąga | wa’ųwąkšaną. | Žee | hošerekjega | waxų́ |
[Possessing it,] | [the bundle] | [he killed it, and] | [he caused it.] | These | the bones | to make an offering |
Ai Le Ki. | e tt | too li Le Ktt ne n. | n Aoyi tte tt. | e | de e. | t ni L. | w ni A n K. |
hiregi, | éja | t’ųpirekjaneną, | nąhoijeja. | E | žee, | tānį́ra, | wanihanaga |
when they do, | there | they will place, | at the base of a tree. | So | this, | the tobacco, | when he took it |
Ao deAe Le o w Ai K. | e tt | Ao w Le Ktt ne n | e | ni Ai | ...* |
Hošere’ų́wahiga, | éja | howarekjaneną. | E | nį̄hí | ... |
Disease Giver, | there | he will go. | He himself | [he owned it as a pet] | ... |
* the remaining four or five words are illegible. Radin concludes with, "and there be taken over by him."
Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #20: 1-87. A translation is given in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 486-499 [1923 ed.: 534-547].