Hocąk Syllabic Text — Sore Eye Dance
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
Original Text to Notebook 23 — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 150 | 151 | 152 | 153 | 154 | 155 | | 155a | 156 | 157 | 158 | 159 | 160 | 161 | 162 | 163 | 164 | 165 | 166 | 167 | 168 | 169 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 173 | 174 | 175 | 176 | 177 | 178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 184 | 185 | 186 | 187 | 188 | 189 | 190 | 191 | 192 | 193 | 194 | 195 |
Original Text to Notebook 69 — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 |
Radin's Translation — | 329 | 330 | 331 | 332 | 333 | 334 | 335 | 336 | 337 | 338 | 339 | 340 | 341 | 342 | 343 |
The transliterated text of Notebook 69 is very difficult to read. Its cursive style makes it hard to disambiguate the letters /a/, /o/, and /e/. In his earlier works, Radin often substituted the letter /o/ for /ą/, a convention that he later abandoned in favor of one that was more in conformity with the conventions of the syllabic text. Consequently, I have followed the syllabic text in disambiguating these letters, and have generally represented the transliterated /o/ as an /ą/ where the syllabic text indicated its propriety.
A word should be said about the transcription of the syllabic text. It is highly eccentric in using regularly H for x, and occasionally na for n, u for o (to disambiguate it by specifying the value of /u/), and the use of a freestanding I instead of i. It can also be very annoying by frequently omitting yi in words that have /ai/ rather than just /a/.
Notebook 23:1= Notebook 69:1= Winnebago Tribe, 329 | |||||
w Ki d. | w n rA Le n. | w Ki Ko Kette Ke. | w KL | tt n K | w Ki Ko |
ŭāŋgī́ja | wānásarḕna | wagīgṓkdjege | ŭā́ŋgᴇra | djā́naga | wagigṓ |
wągížą | waną́sarèną, | wagigókjege. | Wą́gᵉra | jánąga | wagigó |
A man | he went hunting, | that he might give a feast. | The men | all of them | [feast] |
A Ki do Ki di. | A n ttAi | w K L Ki do | w o n | e Ki. | ttA | tee | Ai Le Ki di. |
hakijū̀giji | hanā́ntci | wak‘ā́rak‘ījū̀ | wa‘ū́na | ë́gi | tca | t‘é | hiregī̀ji |
hakižúgiži, | haną́cį | wakárakižù | wa’úną. | Égi | ca | t’é | hiregíži, |
that would give it with them, | all of them | with him | they went. | And | deer | to kill | when they had, |
Notebook 23:2 | |||||
e Ki. | ttAi oyi L n K. | e Ki Ko | Ai Le Ki di. | w Kow Ki Ko | w Ki do L. |
ḗgi | tcī‘u-iṇā̀ anaga | ḗk‘īgṑ | hiregī̀ji, | ŭāŋg wagī́go | wak‘ī́jūra |
égi | ci’uiránąga | ékigò | hiregíži, | Wąguagígo | wakížura, |
[then] | building a lodge, and | and then | [when it was done,] | the other Feast Givers | with him, |
A n ttAi | A tti L n n. | w Ki Ko | A tti | w oyi Le Ke | wi Ki Ko | A Ki niya tti Le n. | Ao t |
hanā́ntci | hadjī́ranầna | wagī́go* | hadjī́ | wā‘úiṇege | wīgī́go | hak‘íni-adjī̀rēna | hṓta |
haną́cį | hajíranàną. | Wagígo | haji | wa’ųyirege, | wigígo | hakíniajìreną. | Hóta |
all of them | they would come. | Feast | something | they would bring, | to give a feast | they would bring. | [Others] |
* sic.
Notebook 23:3 | ||||||||
di Ke. | t ni | wi Lo Ki do. | A Ki niy tti Le n. | t ni | wo Ki diw tti Le Ke* | e rKe. | wi Lo Ki do L. | |
jīgé | tāni | wī́rōgījū̀ | hak‘íni-adjī̀rēna | tāni | wogī́ju adjī́rege | ë́sge | wīrṓgijū̀ra | |
žigé | tani | wírogižù | hakíniajìreną. | Tani | wogížuajírege, | ésge | wirógižùra | |
again | tobacco | with them | they would bring. | Tobacco | as they came to offer, | [so] | [with them] |
* the syllabic text should read, wo Ki dow tti Le Ke.
A K L niy tti Le n. | Ao t | di Ke | doAo K niy tti Le n. | wi Ki Ko L | A K L niy tti Le n. | w Ki Ko |
hak‘ā́rani-adjī̀rēna | hōtā́ | jīgé | cuŋgāni-adjī̀rēna | wīgī́gora | hak‘ā́rani-adjirēna | wagī́go |
hakaraniajiraženą. | Hota | žigé | šųganiajíreną. | wigígora | hak’áraniajireną. | Wagígo |
they would bring other things. | Some | [again] | they would bring dogs. | To give a feast | they would bring. | Feast |
A tti Le Ke | e rKe. | e Ki. | dAo KL. | wyi rA Ki L n. | A t dA L | w Ai L n K. |
hadjī́rege | ë́sge | ë́gi | cúŋgᴇra | waisā́girḕna | hatacā́ra | wahīrā́naga |
hajírege, | ésge | égi | šų́gᵉra | waiságirèną. | Hatašára | wahiranąga |
as they would come, | [so] | [then] | the dogs | they would kill. | To be singed | [they made them, and] |
Notebook 23:4 | ||||||||
e Ki | wo Ayi L n n. | e Ki* | di Ke | ttA | Ai L [r].† | e Ki | w Lo rKo. | wo A L |
ë́gi | wohaíṇanầna | ë́gi | jīgé | tcā́ | hirasā̀ | ë́gi | warūsgū́ | wōhốṇa |
égi | wohaį́ranàną. | Égi | žigé | cá | hirasá | Égi | warusgú | wohą́ra |
then | they would boil them. | And | [again] | deer | also | [and] | dried corn | [to boil] |
* Ki is written above the line.
† an original terminal A has been overwritten and an /ra/ written above it.
wo w HAo [i] L n K. | wo Ayi Ki deAe Le L. | w Ki HA n L | e wo A Ki dAe Le n Kd n. |
wōwā́xu-iṇā̀naga | wōhaiak‘īcérera | wagī́xanaṇa | ēwōhaík‘īcerenàŋkcana |
wowáxųįrànąga | wohaįakišérera | wagíxanara | ewogíxunạ̀ną. |
they would mix them, and | the boiling of the food | the attendants | they would look after. |
Notebook 23:5 | ||||||
w Ki Ko n K | Ai ttAo dKe | w Ai Le L. | e w Ki HA n. L.* | Ae Le n Kd n. | Ai Ko | tt tt[o] n† |
wagī́gōnā̀ŋk‘ā | hītcucgé | wahī́rera | ēwagī́xunàna | herenáŋkcana | hīgu | djadjóna |
Wagígonạ̀ka | hicųšgé | wahírera | e wagíxunàra, | hereną́kšąną. | Higų | jajóna |
The Feast Givers | nephews | his | they, the attendants, | they would be. | [Yet] | every time |
* given the transliteration, this should have been e w Ki HAo n L. The text has a period (.) after the n in error.
† tt is inserted above the line before n, and the o has been omitted.
w Ki Koyi Le K tt ne K.* | e dA n. | wo A | w Ki Ki n Kd n. | Ao rKe | e wo Leya ni ne n |
wagīgoī́rëk‘djàṇega | ë́cana | wōhâ | wagīgīnáŋkcana | hōsgé | ēwṓri-anī̀nēna |
wagigoírekjànega | éšąną | wohą | wagiginą́kšąną. | Hosgé | ewórianineną. |
when they give a feast, | [they alone] | to boil | they would do for them. | [Indeed,] | it is their work to do so. |
* the tt has been inserted above the line.
Notebook 23:6 | |||||||
Ai Ko. | tt tt | to ttAyi ne dKe. | e tt | di Ke | w Ki HA n L | e tt | di Ke |
hīgú | djā́dja | tōtcaíṇēcge* | ë́dja | jīgé | wagíxonoṇà | ëdja | jīgé |
Higų́ | jáją | tocaį́rešge, | éja | žigé | wagíxanarà | éja | žigé |
And | [when] | if he went on the warpath, | there | again | the attendants | [there] | [again] |
* given the syllabic text, the /s/ should be a /c/ (/š/).
A we L | Ai Lyi tte L n n | A ttAi tt | tee Ktt neyi dKe | de Ko. | o n n n * | Ai te KL. |
hawḗra | hīraī́tceranầna | hatcíndja | t‘ék‘djonḕcge | jḗgu | ‘ūnā́na | hitégᴇra |
hawéra | hiraíceranàną | Hacį́ja | t’ékdjonèšge | žégų | ’ųnaną. | Hitégᵉra |
to suffer | they would do so more. | Even | if he was to die, | [thus] | he would do it. | Uncle |
* sic (three ns).
Notebook 23:7 | ||||||
wo Ki HAe te Ke. | Ai te KL | tee Ai Le dKe. | Ai dKe | tee Ktte | de rKe | w Ki o n Kd n |
wōgī́xetegè | hitégᴇrā | t‘ehī́rëcgè | hicge | t‘ék‘dje | jë́sge | wagī‘ūnā́ŋkcana |
wogíxetegè. | Hitégᵉra | t’ehírešgè, | hišge | t’ékje | Žésge | wagi’ųną́kšąną. |
as he would love him. | Uncle | if he was killed, | also | he would die. | That is what | he does it for. |
w Ki HA n n K. | wo Le L | ey n ttAi | o tte n | Ai te Kow Ai L | w Ki Koyi Le K. | wo A L |
wagīxanának‘a | wōrḗra | e-anā́ntci | ‘undjḗna | hītégwahī̀ra | wagīgoírega | wōhốṇa |
Wagixanánaka | woréra | eaną́ci | ’ųjéną, | hitégwahira | wagigoírega. | Wohą́ra |
The attendants | the work | they all | they do, | their uncles | when they give a feast. | The kettles |
Notebook 69:2 | |||||||
A n ttAi | Ai Lo dtt | w Ai Le Ki | e Ki | w Ki Ko n KA. | de Ko | Ai Le Ki | e Ki |
hanā́ntci | hīrū́cdja | wahī́regi | ë́gi | wagīgṓnak‘a | jë́gu | hī́regi | ë́gi |
haną́cį́ | hirúšją | wahíregi | égi | wagigónąka | žégų | hiregi, | égi |
all | ready | when they get them, | and | the place to hold the feast, | then | [they did it, and] | [then] |
Notebook 23:8 | ||||||
n Lo H L. | tto lAi wi | oyi L n K. | o HAi ni. | Ai rAele. | w Ai L n K. | e Ki. |
nanṓγoṇa | djōp‘ī́wi | ‘u-iṇā́naga | uŋxíni | hīséb | wohīrā́naga | ë́gi |
nąnóǧara | jopíwi | e’uįránąga | ųxíni | hisép | wohiránąga | égi |
inviting stick | four | they make, and | charcoal | blacken | [they made them, and] | then |
ttA HeAe lm doAo. | Ao do doKo. | rK. | n no H n KA. | Ai rA wyi tt | w Ke Le L n K. |
tcaxcéb mācú | hōjū́jūk | skā | nā́ṇōγonàŋk‘ā | hīsā́waidja | wak‘eréranaga |
caxšébᵉmašų́ | hožúžuk | ska | ną́noǧonạ̀ka | hisáwaija | wakeréranąga |
eagle feathers | fluffy | white | the [invitation] sticks | on the end | they would fasten, and |
Notebook 23:9 | ||||||||
e Ki | t ni | w Lo diAi. | Ao doyi d | n tte Htti | t ni L | w Ki oyi Le n. | e Ki | w Ki HA n n K. |
ë́gi | tā́ni | warucí | hojū́-ija | nadjexdjí | tanī́ṇa | wagī‘úiṇenà | ë́gi | wagī́xananàŋk‘a |
égi | táni | warušį́ | hožúižą | nąjéxjį | taníra | wagi’ų́inenạ̀. | Égi | wagíxananąka |
[then] | tobacco | bundle | a pipe full | about | the tobacco | [they would make them.]* | Then | these nephews |
* the text has, "they would bundle".
Ai d. | Ai we ni ne n | A Aeyi Ho lni Ktt K | A ttA dA n n Ki. | n no H n K. |
hijá | hīwéninḕna | hāhe xṓp niŋk‘djáŋk | hatcā́cananā̀ŋk‘ī | nā́nōγanā̀ŋk‘ā |
hižą́ | hiwéninèną, | Hąheixóbᵉnįkją́ka* | hacą́šananạ̀ki. | Nánoǧanakạ̀ |
one of them | they would give them out, | the Night Blessed Children, | wherever they would be. | The sticks |
* this transliteration follows the syllabic text. It may be analysed as, Hąhé-hi-xop-nįkją́k-ka : Hąhé, "Night"; hi-, an instrumental prefix ("by means of"); xóp, a state of religious frenzy; nįkją́k, "child"; -ka, a definite article used primarily for personal names: "the children crazed by the agency of the Nights (Night crazed children)."
Notebook 23:10 | ||||
Ai d dA n | wo K [L] Le n | A Aeyi Ho lni Ktt Kn K | w i n li Le n | w KdiAi Ko i L |
hījacaná | wōgā́rarēnà | hāhexōp niŋk‘djáŋgenaŋk‘ā̀ | wā‘inámbirḕna | ŭaŋkcígoìṇa |
hižąšaną | wogárarenạ̀. | Hąheixóbᵉnįkją́gᵉnąkà | wa’įną́birèną. | Wąkšígǫ̀į̀ra |
one each | he would give them. | The Night Blessed Children, | they would thank him. | Life |
Ai L n Ki Kii. | w Ai Le n | e Ki | Ai dKe | w oyi Le n. | w Kn K | n no H |
hīranā́ŋk‘īk‘ì | wahī́rēna | ë́gi | hīcgé | wā‘ú-iṇenà | ŭā́ŋgᴇnaŋk‘ā̀ | náṇōγa |
hiraną́kik’į | wahíreną. | Égi | hišgé | wa’ų́įrenạ̀: | wą́g‘nąkà | nánoǧa |
to think of themselves | they caused them to be. | Then | [also] | [they did this:] | [the man] | the stick of invitation |
Notebook 23:11 | ||||||
Ao Koo n K. | w o n. | Ai rKe | K L Ko n | de e | w ttAo dow n K. | Le n. |
hōk‘únaŋk‘a | wa‘ū́na | hīsgé | k‘aragṑna | jé‘e | watcōjū-ā́naga | rḗnā |
hok’ų́nąka | wa’úną. | Hisgé | karagóną | žée | wacožuánąga | réną, |
the one that receives | [he would do it.] | Some | his own people | with them | [he would lead and] | he would go, |
A ttAi tt | w Ki Ko n K * | w o n Ki di | eyo w Le n. | A n ttAi. | de rKe | Ai Le n |
hatcíndja | wagīgōnáŋk‘a | wa‘ū́naŋk‘ī̀ji | eowarḗna | hanā́ntci | jë́sge | hīrḗna |
hacį́ja | wagigoną́ka | wa’únąkìži, | eowaréną. | Haną́cį | žésge | hiréną, |
wherever | the feast | it was to be, | there he would go. | All | [the ones] | [there were,] |
* a tt occurs jusst after the w.
Notebook 23:12 | |||||
tt n K. | n no H | Ao Kooyi Le Ki | A n ttAi. | Ai rKe dA n | ttAo doyi L n K. |
djā́naga | náṇōγa | hōk‘ú-iṇegì, | hanántci | hīsgecána | tcṓjū-īrā̀naga |
jánąga | nánoǧa | hok’ų́įregì, | haną́cį | hisgešą́ną | cóžuirànąga |
[as many as there were,] | the stick of invitation | that received them, | all | someone | go with them, and |
A Ai Le n. | w Ki Ko n K | Ai Lo dtt Htti | KiAiy n K. | w leAe n Koo. | A Ai Le n. |
hahī́rēna | wagīgṓnaŋk‘a | hīrū́cdjaxdji | k‘ī-ā́naga | wap‘énaŋk‘u | hahī́rēna |
hahíreną. | Wagigónąka | hirúšjąxjį | kiánąga | wapénąk’ų | hahíreną. |
[they went forth.] | The Feast Giver | to prepare himself | he did, and | to be ready | they come. |
w Ki Ko n K | Ai Lo dtt Ki L | w o n. | Le Hi ttA ttA rL. | no lAi wi. | Ai o Ktt ne Ki. |
wagigṓnak‘a | hīrūcdjáŋk‘ī́ṇa | wa‘ū́na | rēxtcā́tcagᴇra* | nump‘ī́wi | hi‘uŋk‘djanḗgi |
Wagigónąka | hirušją́kìra | wa’ų́ną. | Rexcácagᵉra | nųpíwį | hi’ukjanégi |
The Feast Giver | the preparation | he did thus. | Drums | two | that he would have to use |
* /tc/ is written above some blacked out letters.
Notebook 23:13 | |||||||
Ai tt | w K n K n K. | t ni | wo Ki do n. | t ni | Ai A Ke tt | w w HoAo n | e Ki. |
hīdjā́ | wakónaŋgānagà | tāni | wōgijū́na | tāni | hīhagédja | wawaxū́na | ë́gi |
hijá | wakónąganągà | tani | wogižúną. | Tani | hihagéja | wawaxúną. | Égi |
there | he placed them, and | tobacco | he offered them. | Tobacco | on top | he poured it. | And |
lAe [H]L | no lAi wi | Ai o Ktt ne Ki di. | e tt | w K n K n K. | t ni | wo Ki di n. |
p‘ḗγᴇra | nump‘ī́wi | hī‘uŋk‘djanḗgiji | ë́dja | wakónogānaga | tāni | wōgijū́na |
péǧᵉra | nųpíwi | hi’ųkjanégiži, | éja | wakónogąga | tani | wogižúną. |
gourds | two | that he would have to use, | there | he placed them, and | tobacco | he offered them. |
Notebook 23:14 | Notebook 69:3 | ||||
Ai tto li KeAe. | ttAo we tt | Ai Ki tt Le | w dow n K | Ai tto li KeAe. | Ai A Ke tt. |
hīdjṓbik‘e | tcōwédja | hīk‘ī́djare | wajō-ā́naga | hīdjṓbik‘è | hīhagédja |
Hijóbike | cowéja | hikíjare | wažoánąga* | hijóbikè | hihagéja |
Four | in front | in a row | he put, and | four | on top |
* this should be wažuánąga.
t ni | w w HAo n | e Ki | w KdAi Ko i. | w Ki t n. | we n | w Ki Ko n K. | di Ke |
tāni | wawaxū́na | ë́gi | ŭāŋkcígo‘i | wagitā́na | wḗna | wagīgṓnaŋk‘a | jīgé |
tani | wawaxų́ną. | Égi | wąkšígo’į | wagitáną. | Wéną, | Wagigónąka | žigé |
tobacco | he poured. | And | life | he asked them. | He said, | the Feast Giver, | [again] |
Notebook 23:15 | |||||||
lAe tte tt | t ni | wo Ki do n | A e K L Ki n. | w Ki Ko n K. | tt rKe | wo tti | w Ki o n Ki. |
p‘ēdjédja | tāni | wōgī́jūna | ha-ék‘aragī̀na | wagīgṓnak‘a | djasge | wā́dji* | wagī‘ū́nak‘ī |
pejéja | tani | wogížuną. | Haékaraginą | Wagigónąka | jasge | wáji | wagi’ų́nąki, |
to the fire | tobacco | he offered. | He spoke of | the Feast Giver | what | source | it came from, |
* the syllabic wo tti is here corrected, appropriately, to w tti (wáji). Cf. Jipson, he-wa-jē-ra (hiwajira), "origin (source)".
we n. | ttAo K wi L. | ttAo K ni K. | n tto L tt wi Ki di. | w KdAi Ko i L | n tti Lo L tt wi Ki di. |
wḗna | tcōk‘ā́wīrà | tcōk‘ā́nik‘ā̀ | nā́djōradjā̀wigī̀ji | ŭaŋkcígo‘iṇa | nā́ndjīrorā̀djawigī̀ji |
wéną, | "Cokáwirà, | cokánįkà | ną́jorajàwigìži, | wąkšígo’įra | ną́jiroràjąwigìži, |
saying, | "Grandfathers, | my grandfather | when you blessed, | life | when you blessed him, |
Notebook 23:16 | |||||
tt tt n | ni t KA ttni Ki Ki wi Ki | t ni L | Ao doyi d | ni Ki lA HAo wi Ki di. | |
djadjána | nītak‘ā́tc | niŋgigigī́wigi* | tanī́ṇa | hōjū́rija | niŋgip‘axū́-iŋgījì |
jajána | nįtakác | nįgigíwigi, | taníra | hožúižą | nįgipaxų́wįgižì, |
as often as | to boil | he would do for you, and | tobacco | a pipe | he would offer [pour for] you, |
* the transliteration has three instances of -gi-, whereas the syllabic text has but two.
Aoyi diAi ltti. | Ai L Ki Ai Ktt ni A wi de | Ai deAe de | ayi Le L | ni t K ttL.* | Lo Ai |
hoicípdji | hīragī́hik‘djanihā̀wijè | hīcéje | aī́rera | nitā́k‘adjᴇra | rōhī́ |
hoišípjį | hiragíhįkjanihàwižè, | hišéže, | aírera. | Nįtákajᵉra | rohí |
always | you would smoke it., | you promised, | it is said. | Hot water | body |
* the tt is inserted in smaller letters above the line.
Notebook 23:17 | |||||
wi KAi rKe | Ai Liyi K L lowi L. | de rKeyi d. | w Lotti | HoAo liAi ni | Ai L ni Ki to ttA lowi n. |
wiā̀k‘ísgè* | hīnaík‘arabwīrà | jēsgḗją | warūtc | xṓp‘ini | hīrā́niŋgitūtcabwī̀ra; |
wikisgé | hįraíkarabwirà, | žesgeižą | waruc | xópini | hiránįgitucabwira, |
the same as | you considered, | the same | food | spirit | he extended to you, |
* the transliteration wiā̀k‘ísgè is not supported by the syllabic text.
e Ki | t ni L | Ao doyi d | Ai L rA. | Le ni Ki Ki wi n. | tt Koyi tt Ai. | ni Ki t Ktt wi de. |
ë́gi | tanī́ṇa | hōjū́-ija | hīrasā́ | rēniŋgī́giwī̀na. | djagū́-idjāhī̀ | niŋgī́tak‘djawījè |
égi | taníra | hožúižą | hirasá | renįgígiwiną. | Jagú-ijąhį̀ | nigítakjawižè? |
and | tobacco | a pipe full | also | we send you. | What else | we could ask of you? |
wo n Hi Le L. | Ai L Ki Loyi ttA | w we Ktt wi n. | ttAo K wi n | A Ae | wo d w |
wōnóγirera | hīrak‘ī́roitca | wā́wek‘djawī̀na. | tcōk‘ā́wirà | hāhé | wōjā́wa |
Woną́ǧirera | hirakiroicą | wáwijawìną. | Cokáwinà | "Hąhé | Wožáwa," |
War | to be directed | [it travels to us.] | Grandfathers, | "Nights | Happy," |
Notebook 23:18 | ||||
Ai ni Kayi L wi Ki di. | ttAo K K | n tto L tt wi Ki di | wo n Hi Le L. | A Ke |
hīniŋgaī́ rawīgī̀ji | tcōk‘ága | nā́ndjōradjā̀wigī̀ji | wōnáγírera | hāŋk‘é |
hinigairawigiži, | cokága | ną́jorajạ̀wigìži, | wonáǧírera | hąké |
you who are called, | my grandfather | when you blessed, | wars | not |
de n lAi ni | n tti Lo L tte de | ayi Le L. | e | ey K L t wi n. | ttAo K K |
jēnap‘ī́ni | nā́ndjirōrā̀djajè | aírera | e | ḗk‘aratā̀wina | tcōk‘agá |
ženąpíni | ną́jiroràjąžè, | aírera. | E | ékaratàwiną. | Cokagá |
endless | you blessed, | it is said. | That | it is what we asked for. | Grandfather |
Notebook 23:19 | |||||
n tti Lo L tt wi Ki di | de rKe | w K n Kd n. | e Ki | di Ke. | ttAo K wi L |
nā́ndjirorā̀djawīgī̀ji | jë́sge | wāganákcana | ë́gi | jīgé | tcṓk‘awirā̀ |
ną́jiroràjąwigìži | žésge | waganą́kšąną. | Égi | žigé | cókawirà |
as you blessed, | the same | I ask for. | And | also | grandfather, |
n no Ki r ni | Ai ni Kyi L wi Ki di | ttAo K K | n tto L tt wi Ki di. | w KdiAi Ko i |
nānū́gizā̀ni | hīniŋgaī́rawigìji | tcōk‘agā́ | nā́ndjōradjā̀wīgiji | ŭāŋkcígo-‘i |
"Nąnúgizànį," | hinįgaírawigìži, | cokagá | ną́jorajạ̀wigiži, | wąkšígo’į |
"Those of Rounded Wood," | you who are called, | my grandfather | when you blessed, | life |
Notebook 23:20 | |||||
n tti Lo L tt wi de. | e n | e Ki | t niyo w Ho | ni Ki Ke Le Ktt wi | Ai L K wi Ki di |
nā́ndjirōrā̀djawījè | ḗna; | ë́gi | tāni-ṓwaxu | niŋgī́k‘erek‘djawī̀ | hīragā́wigiji |
ną́jiroràjąwižè, | éną. | Égi | taniówaxų | nįgíkerekjawì, | hiragáwigiži. |
you blessed him, | he said. | And | tobacco [pourings] | to make you offerings, | you asked him. |
te e Le n | A Ae | te e | w KdAi Ko i * | ni Ki t Ktt ni A wi Le. | w KdAi Ko i | Ao Koo wi ne. |
te‘érēna | hāhé | te‘e | ŭāŋkcígo‘i | nigītā́k‘djanihā̀wire; | ŭāŋkcígo‘i | huŋk‘ū́wire |
Te’éreną. | Hąhé | te’e, | wąkšígo’į | nįgitákjanihàwįre; | wąkšígo’į | hųk’ų́wine, |
Here it is. | Night | this, | life | we are going to ask for; | life | give us,† |
* an i is written above what appears to be n i.
† the translation has, "we desire that you give us".
Notebook 23:21 | ||||||
tt n K | e Ki | A o Ktt ni A wi Le. | de de n K | w KdAi Kii | Low Kow o Ktt ni A wi n. | |
-* | ë́gi | hā‘úŋk‘djanihā̀wire | jejḗnaga | ŭāŋkcík‘i | rō-ā́gu | wā‘uŋk‘djanihā̀wina |
[jánąga.] | Égi | ha’ų́kjanihàwire; | žežénąga | wąkšik’į | roágųwa’ųkjanahàwiną," | |
[all.] | [Here] | [we are to do it;] | all | to live | we desire," |
* omitted from Notebook 69:3.
Notebook 69:4 | |||||||
e de. | e Ki | tt n K. | w Ki Ko L | w Ki do | o n Ki di | A n ttAi | t ni L. |
ējé | ë́gi | djā́naga | wagīgấra | wak‘ī́ju | ‘ū́naŋk‘ī̀ji | hanā́ntci | tanī́ṇa |
ežé. | Égi | jánąga | Wagigóra | wak’ížu | ’ų́nąkìži, | haną́cį | taníra |
he said. | Then | all | the Feast Givers | with him | that must be there, | all of them | tobacco |
Radin, WT 330 | ||||||
n laa Ki | Aoyi Htti | w ni n Ki di. | Le H Lo lA Lo Kn K | e tt | Ao t. | Ai A Ke tt |
nāmp‘ā́k‘ī | hōixdji | wā́ninaŋk‘ī̀ji | rḗγarupầroganaŋk‘ā | ë́dja | hōtá | hīhagédja |
nąp’áki | hoixjį | wáninakìži. | réǧarupàrogᵉnąka | éja | hotá | hihagéja |
each hand | [full] | they would have. | The drum | there | some | on top of |
Notebook 23:22 | |||||||
Ai rKe | w doyi L n K | e Ki * | di Ke. | lAe Hn K | e tt | Ao t | w doyi Le n |
hīsgé | wajūirā́naga | ë́gi | jīgé | pḗγᴇnak‘a | ë́ dja | hōtā́wajū-irḕna | |
hisgé | wažuįránąga | égi | žigé | péǧᵉnąka | éja | hotá | wažuiréną. |
[also] | they would pour, and | [then] | [again] | the gourds | on | some | they would pour. |
* the Ki is written in above the line.
e Ki | di Ke. | n lrA ni Ke tt. | t ni. | A ni n K. | lAe[ttte] tte K | t ni | wo Ki do de. |
ë́gi | jīgé | nāmpsā́niŋgèdja | tā́ni | hanī́naŋk‘ā | p‘étcdjega | tā́ni | wōgíjūjè |
Égi | žigé | nąpsánįgèja | táni | hanínąka | pécjega | táni | wogížužè. |
And | [again] | in the other hand | tobacco | [he had] | the fire | tobacco | they would pour. |
Notebook 23:23 | |||||
lAe tte tt | t ni | wo Ki do | Ai Le K | A Ae. | n no Ki r ni |
p‘ēdjédja | tāni | wōgī́jū | hiregá | hāhé | nānū́gīzā̀ni |
pejéja | tani | wogížu | hiregá, | Hąhé | Nąnúgizàni, |
In the fire | tobacco | to pour | they did, and | Nights, | "The Ones with Rounded Wood," |
wi K n K. | e | t ni | wo Ki do | w oyi ne n. | e Ki | LeHe ttA ttA rn K. |
wīgā́nak‘a | ḗ | tāni | wōgī́jū | wa‘úiṇena | ë́gi | réxtcatcasnā̀ŋk‘a |
wigánąka | é | tani | wogížu | wa’ų́įneną. | Égi | réxcacazᵉnạ̀ka |
[the ones who are called] | these | tobacco | to pour | they did it. | And | the drum |
t niyo Ki do n K. | e | LeHe ttA ttA rn K | e Hitti | t niyo Ki do | w oyi Le n. | e Ki. | di Ke. |
tā́ni-ogijū̀naŋk‘a | ḗ | rēxtcátcazenā̀ŋk‘a | ë́xdji | tani-ṓgijū | wa‘u-iṇena | ë́gi | jīgé |
táni-ogižùnąka | é | rexcą́cazᵉnạ̀ka | éxjį | tanįógižu | wa’ųįreną. | Égi | žigé |
the tobacco offering | this | the drum | directly | [tobacco pour] | [it is made to it.] | And | [again] |
Notebook 23:24 | ||||||||
lAe Hn KA. | t ni | wo Ki do n K | e | t ni | w wo Ki do | w oyi ne n. | e Ki | di Ke. |
p‘ḗγenaŋk‘ā | tani | wōgī́junaŋk‘a | e | tāni | wōgī́ju* | wa‘ú-iṇena | ë́gi | jīgé |
péǧᵉnąka, | tani | wogížunąka | e | tani | wawogížu | wa’ų́įneną. | Égi | žigé |
the gourds, | tobacco | [the pouring] | to them | tobacco | [to pour it] | [they do it.] | And | [again] |
* the transliteration omits the intial wa-.
n no Hyi tt | t ni | noyi dKe | Ai Le K. | de e | Ao Ao Ai n KL | e | t ni |
nāṇōγaī́ndja | tāni | wīroícge* | hīregá | je‘é | hōhūhī́naŋgra | e | tā́ni |
nąnoǧaį́ja | taninoíšge | hiregá | žeé | hohuhínągᵉra | e | táni | |
on the invitation sticks | to tie tobacco to it | they did, and | those | the four directions | [it] | tobacco |
* t ni noyi dKe = taninoišge < tanį wiroišge, through external sandhi and the assimilation of the /r/ to the previous /n/.
Notebook 23:25 | ||||||
wo Ki do * | w oyi ne n. | e Ki | n no H | wo K n K | e | t ni L |
wōgī́ju | wa‘ú-iṇena | ë́gi | nāṇṓγa | wōgā́nak‘a | é | tanìṇa |
wogížu | wa’ų́įneną. | Égi | nąnóǧą | wogánąka, | é | taníra |
[to pour] | [they do it.] | And | [the invitation sticks] | [the ones they were given to,]† | they | the tobacco |
* wo is written above do.
† for nāṇṓγawōgā́nak‘a, the translation has, "the invited [ones]".
Ai Le n. | Ao Ao Ai L. | eyo n KdiAi | t ni L | Ai n. | e Ki. | di Ke |
hī́ṇena | hōhūhī́ra | e-ṓnaŋkci | tanī́na | hī́na | ë́gi | jīgé |
hireną. | Hohuhíra | eónąkšį | taníra | hįną. | Égi | žigé |
[they did.] | The directions | as they were taking the place of, | the tobacco | [they did.] | And | [again] |
w Ki Ko | mi n Kn K | ttAi no HKe tt | Ai no KL. | no lAi wi | mi n Ki Ki Le n |
wagigṓ | mīnágᴇnaŋk‘ā | tcīnuxgḗidja* | hīnuŋgᴇra | nump‘ī́wi | mīnak‘iragirḕna |
wagigó | miną́gᵉnąka | cinuxgéja | hinųgᵉra | nųpíwi | minąkirągirèną, |
feast | [the ones sitting] | back next to the wall | the women | two | [they came and sat,] |
* a small /i/ is superscripted after /é/.
Notebook 23:26 | ||||
e w diAi ttAo ni ne Kette Ke. | de de Ko | Ai L n K. | e Ki. | n no H |
éwacī̀tcōnirēk‘djège | jéjēgu | hīrā́naga | ë́gi | nānṓγa |
é wašiconįrekjége. | Žéžegų | hiránąga | égi | nąnóǧa |
that they might lead in the dance. | Thus | they do, and | [then] | [the invitation sticks] |
wo Kayi Le K. | A tti Le Ki. | ttA KeLe Ki | A ttiy lAe n Ke | e rKe. | Ai Kow n. |
wōgaī́rega | hādjī́regi | tcaŋgᴇrégi | hā́djā-ap‘ḕnaŋk‘e | ë́sge | hīgŭána |
wogaírega | hajiregi, | cągᵉrégi | hájapènąke, | ésge | higuána |
[the ones who have them] | when they come, | outside | they would wait, | so | [immediately] |
Notebook 23:27 | |||||
n w L | tti Le Ai n n.* | Ai Lyi rAo ttL. | wi o Lo dtt Ki di. | e Ki. | Ai d |
nāwáṇa | djīrehī́nana | hīraī́sundjᴇra | wī-ū́ṇucdjāŋgī̀ji | ë́gi | hījá |
nąwą́ra | jirehínaną | Hiraísųjᵉra | wių́rušjągìži, | égi | hižą́ |
songs | they start up. | The Starting Songs | when he gets through with them, | then | the one |
* the last n is inserted above the line.
ttAo niyo Ke we Ktt ne Ki di. | Ao K w Ao de. | ni A n K. | ni A Koo | de Ko |
tcōni-ṓk‘ewek‘djanègiji | hōk‘ā́wahūjè | nīhā́naga | nīhā́k‘u | jḗgu |
coniókewekjanègiži, | hokáwahužè, | nihánąga | nihák’ų, | žégų |
the one who should enter first, | he comes in, | uttering sounds, and | making these sounds, | [thus] |
Notebook 69:5 | Notebook 23:28 | ||||
ttAi Lo Ki H Ki Le de * | Ao L ni Ae tt | Ki Li tte Ki. | e Ki | we de | A lLo HAo Lo KL. |
tcī́nōgigìŋxirējé | hōrānihédja | k‘īrīdjégi | ë́gi | wējé | hāmbᴇruxū́rugᴇra |
círogįgį́xirežé, | horanihéja | kirijégi. | Égi | wéže, | "Hąbᵉruxúrugᵉra, |
he goes around the lodge, | where he started | [he returned.] | Then | he said, | "You who obtain life, |
* after this syllable, the text has e#. It is not represented in the transliteration. The syllabic text should have read, ttAi Lo Ki Ki Hi Le de.
Radin, WT 331 | ||||
w Lo Hi L | Ao Ki K L ttL. | mi n KdA w K | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | e liAi n |
warōγī́ra | hōk‘ī́k‘aradjᴇra | mīnákcawaŋk‘ā̀ | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | ep‘ína |
waroǧíra | hokíkarajᵉra | miną́kšawakà, | nįkúruhįjwìną. | Epíną |
you who forbid, | your relatives | who are seated, | [we] greet you. | It is good |
n tto L tt wi L | tt n K | ttAow dow tt ne. | de n K | Ao Ki K L ttL. | w KdAi Ko i L |
nādjōrā́djawina | djā́naga | tcōā́jū-adjanà | jë́naga | hōk‘ī́k‘aradjᴇra | ŭāŋkcígo‘iṇa |
nąjǫrájąwiną. | Jánąga | coážuająnà, | žénąga, | hokíkarajᵉra | wąkšígo’įra |
you have pittied me. | All | that I have with me, | that many, | your relatives | life |
Notebook 23:29 | ||||
Ai L n Ki Kii | Ai L wi L. | A lL | w ttAo Ki d | Ai L Ai L wi L. |
hīranákīk‘i | hīnáwira | hāmbᴇrá | watcōgī́ja | hīrahī́nawirà |
hiraną́kik’į | hįrą́wįra. | Hąbᵉra | wacogížą | hirahį́rawįrà, |
to think of ourselves | you have caused us. | [Light-and-Life] | a great one | you caused to come to us, |
w KdAi Ko i | w n tto ttyi rKe | A ow A Kowi L. | e li n. | te e | me de Ko Ki di. |
ŭaŋkcígo‘i | ŭā́nōdjōdjaìsge | há‘ŭahàŋgwira | ep‘ī́na | te‘é | me tēgùgīji* |
wąkšígo’į | wánojojaį̀sge | há’uąhạ̀gᵉwira. | Epíną. | Te’é | mežegų́giži, |
life | poor | when we were leading. | It is good. | This | when it happens, |
* me témejēgùgīji is both contrary to the syllabary and unattested.
Notebook 23:30 | ||||
w KdAi KL | Ao w d n Koo | Ae Le dKe. | A n rA n de. | Ao w d d n KL |
ŭāŋkcígᴇra | hōwajā́naŋk‘u | herḗcge | hanas‘ā́naje | hōwā́jàjānagra |
wąkšígᵉra | howažánąk’ų, | heréšge | hanąs’ánaže, | howážàžanągᵉra |
people | they are sick and weakly, | [even then] | it would head them off, | their sickness |
Lo dttAyi L n de | ayi Le L | e lAi n. | Ao w d d L | w K Lo dtt Ktt ni A wi K tt |
rūcdjaíṇanàje | aírera | ep‘ī́na | hōwajā́jara | ŭāŋgᴇrū́cdjaŋk‘djanihḕwigadja |
rušjaį́ranàže, | aírera. | Epíną. | Howážàžara | wągᵉrúšjąkjanihèwigają, |
they can overcome, | it is said. | It is good. | Those who are sick | they will get well, |
Notebook 23:31 | ||||
y Le L | w iy n ld n | ni Ktt Kini KL. | Ao Ki w d n Kowi L | de tt n Hitti. |
yaréra | wa‘yā́nampcanà* | niŋk‘djóŋgᴇniŋgra | hōŋgī́ wajanàŋgwira | jēdjā́naŋxdji |
yaréra. | Waiąnąpšąnạ̀. | Nįkjǫ́gᵉnįgᵉra | hǫgíwažąnạ̀gᵉwira, | žejánąxjį |
I think. | I am thankful. | Our children | they were sickly, | but henceforth |
* this reading is a mistranscription of the syllabic text. The version under my transliteration is attested elsewhere.
n ttKe wo ttAi | ttAo dKo ni | A ni Ktt ni A wi L | w iy n ld n. | e Ki |
nantcgé wōtcī́ | tcucgū́ni | haník‘djaníhā̀wira | wa‘ĭā́nampcàna | ë́gi |
nącgé wocí | cųšgúnį | haníkjaníhàwįra. | Waiąnąpšạ̀nạ. | Égi |
to worry | no | we will have cause. | I am thankful. | [And] |
Notebook 23:32 | |||||
n Ao KL. | A Ae | m n leAe | w wi Kyi Le Ki | ttAi Lo le tt | K L Ke Le n Ki di. |
nā́huŋgᴇra | hāhé | manā́pe | wawigaī́regi | tcīrṓbedja | k‘arak‘érenaŋk‘ī̀ji |
náhųgᵉra | Hąhé | Maną́pe | wawigaíregi | ciróbeja | karakérenąkìži, |
the chief tree | Night | Soldiers | that is in front | of their door yard | it is in full bloom, and |
K L liye rK[e] tte de | a lL | A Keyi d | t tee Kini tte de. | e Ki | a K L ttKe L |
k‘arapī-ésge djējé | ā́bᴇra | haŋk‘éja | tat‘éginidjèje | ë́gi | ak‘ā́ratcgèra |
karapiésgeježé. | Ábᵉra | hąkeížą | tat’éginijèže, | égi | akáracgèra |
[it was nice looking] | The leaves | not a | it is not dead, | and | limbs |
A Keyi d. | deAe Ko Ko[yi] Le ni tte de. | K L lAiye rK tte Ki di | e tt. | Lo ri L n K. |
haŋk‘é-ija | cék hogwī́renī̀je | k‘arapīésgadjēgī̀ji | ë́dja | rūzirā́naga |
hąkéižą | šékoguírenìže. | Karapiésgajegiži, | éja | ruziránąga |
not one | [they did not grow] dry. | It is beautiful to look upon, and | there | they obtained it, and |
Notebook 23:33 | ||||
Ai L Ai | wi L wi L. | A to ttA lowi L | Ai tow i Hitti wi n. | w do Ki L |
hīrā́hī | wī́ṇawirà | hatūtcā́bwira* | hītō-á‘ixdjiwī̀na | wajṓk‘iṇà |
hiráhi | wírawirà. | Hatu[ca]cábwira | hitoa’įxjįwìną. | Wažókįrà |
to come to us | they caused it. | [For our warpath ?] | we feel grateful. | Our families |
* the literal transliteration would have been hatūtcā́boira, which is unattested and here untranslated in any case. The corrected version gives us hatocábwira, where -cábwira means, "our". The word hato remains unattested, but hatocą means, "on the warpath," but could be a translation only on the supposition that a second ttA = ca was omitted.
Ai myi dtt Ktt wi L. | e Ki | ttAi L. | w K w wi Le. | K L lAiye rK deAe * | ayi Le L. |
hīmaícdjaŋk‘djawírà | ë́gi | tcī́ra | wak‘ā́wawīrè | k‘ā́rapiesgā̀kce | aī́rera |
himaíšjąkjawirà. | Égi | círa | wakáwawirè | kárapiesgàkše, | aírera. |
it will strengthen. | And | this lodge | we have entered | [it is nice,] | [it is said.]† |
* this should have been spelled, K L lAiye rK KdAe.
† the translation reads, "And this lodge that we have entered is like unto the first one."
Notebook 23:34 | ||||
w K w wi Le | Ai myi dtt Ktt ni A wi K tt. | A Ae | m n lAe | wi Kyi Le Ki di. |
wak‘ā́wawirè | himaícdjaŋk‘djaníhā̀wigadja | hāhé | manā́mpe | wī́gairegī́ji |
wakáwawirè | himaíšjąkjaníhàwigają. | "Hąhé | Maną́pe" | wígaìregiži, |
That we have entered it | it will surely strengthen us. | "Night | Soldiers" | [as they are called,] |
e ttA a ni ne Ki di | w K w wi Le. | w Ai rA rA L. | riAi Ko doo Ke tt. |
ḗtcā-anī̀negī̀ji | wak‘ā́wawire | wahīsásaṇa | sīk‘ṓc‘ōgèdja |
éca anínegìži,* | wakáwawìre. | Wahisą́sąra | sikóš’ogèja, |
[if they are there,] | we have entered it. | Fine white feathers | up to the ankle, |
* the initial /h/ of the second word has been lost from external sandhi.
Notebook 69:6 | Notebook 23:35 | |||
Ai lAe Le K L lAeye rK Kede | a Le L. | n Ko L | w weAi l Ktt ni A wi Le. | Ai m I dtt Ktt ni A wi K tt‡ |
hīpére k‘ārapīésgakce | aī́rera | naŋgū́ra | wawe himbā́k‘djanihā̀wire | hīmaícdjaŋk‘djanihā̀wigadja |
hipérekarapiésgàkše,* | aírera. | Nągúra | wawe hįbákjanihàwire,† | himaįšjąkjanihàwigają. |
[strewn nicely,] | it is said. | The path | we are about to go over, | we will surely be strengthened by it. |
* < hi-pérek-karapiésge-àk-še.
† < hįp-ha-kjaniha-wi-ire, where hįp means, "to reach (and remain), to reach a destination or goal" (Helbrecht-Lehmann), and ha, "I do."
‡ the character rendered I is unattested elsewhere.
ttAiy KeLe. | A lL. | K L liAi rK KeAe | ayi Le L. | A lL | Ai L n Ki Kii Ktt wi L. |
tci-ā́gere | hāmbᴇrá | k‘arapīésgakce | aī́rera | hā́mbᴇra | hīranā́k‘ik‘ìŋk‘djawirà |
ciágᵉre | hąbᵉrá | karapiésgakše, | aírera. | Hą́bᵉra | hiraną́kik’ìakjawirà. |
The lodge | the daylight | it was fair, | it is said. | Day | we shall consider ourselves in connection. |
Notebook 23:36 | |||||||
e Ki | A Ke | A Ae | Ho lni Ktt K | ni wi ni n. | A Ke | wo dK L | e Le A ni Ktt ni A wi |
ë́gi | haŋk‘é | hāhḗ | γōp niŋk‘djáŋk | hanī́winī̀na | haŋk‘é | wōcgáṇa | érehā́nik‘djanihā̀wi |
Égi | hąké | Hąhé | Ğop Nikjąka | [ha]níwinìną. | Hąké | wošgą́rą | érehánįkjanįhàwi,* |
And | not | Night | the Blessed Ones' Children | we are not. | Not | [honors] | [it will not give us,]† |
* the initial /h/ has been dropped due to external sandhi.
† the translation has, "we will not be able to carry ourselves like we ought".
no ni Ke. | w KdAi Ko i | w Ki o | w o Ktt ni A wi K tt. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL |
nunigé | ŭāŋkcígo‘i | wak‘í‘u | wā́‘uŋk‘djaníhā̀wigā̀dja | hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra |
nunįgé | wąkšígo’į | wak’í’ų | wá’ukjaníhàwigàją. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra |
but | life | [to get it] | we shall do it for it. | You Night Blessed Children |
Notebook 23:37 | |||||
ttAiyo do | mi n KdA w KLe. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko. | e Ki | n w n | {ttAiyo Ke we * |
tciṓju | mīnákcawāŋgre | niŋk‘ū́ruhiŋdjrehā̀widjígō | ëgi | nāwáṇa | tcīṓk‘ewe |
cióžu | miną́kšawągre | nįkúruhįjᵉrehàwijį́go." | Égi | nąwą́na | (Ciókewe |
[within the lodge] | who are seated, | [we] greet you." | Then | the songs | (Entrance |
* the braces are in the text.
n w n.} | e Ki | ttAiyo de ttyi tt | Ki Le tte Ki. | di Ke | n w n. | L dtt Ki. | ni A Ko n. |
nāwáṇa | ë́gi | tcī-ṓjedjaíndja | k‘īridjégi | jīgé | nāwáṇa | racdjā́ŋgi | nīhagū́na |
Nąwą́na). | Égi | cióžejaį́ja | kiridjégi, | žigé | nąwą́na | rašją́gi, | nihagúną. |
Songs). | And | to the end of the lodge | when he gets to, | and | singing | when he stops, | he comes back chanting.* |
* the translation has "uttering".
w Ki Ko n K. | ttAo we Aiye tt | m Lo wiHi | K n K n K | e Ki | Ai wo dA de. |
wagī́gōnak‘a | tcṓwe hī-èdja | māṇū́wiŋx | k‘anagā́naga | ë́gi | hīwūcā́je |
Wagígonąka | cówehièja, | marúwįx* | kanągánąga | égi | hiwušáže. |
The Feast Givers | in front | to sit in a circle | he would make, and | then | he would stop. |
* a hapaxlegomenon — compare horuwįx, "to circle around" (Marino).
Notebook 23:38 | |||||
e Ki | w Ke n | ni Ko Lo Ai ttd n.* | A lL | w ttAo Ki d | Ai La I Ai L. |
ëgi | wagḗna | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccanà | hāmbᴇrā́ | watcōgī́ja | hīraī́hira |
Égi | wagéną | nįkúruhįcšąnạ̀. | Hąbᵉrá | wacogížą | hiraíhira. |
And | they say to him, | "I greet you. | Day | a great one | it came to me. |
* an original K was scribbled out, and tt written to the left above it.
Ao Ki K L ttow ni L | A n ttAi | iy Ke Le wi L | Ai m I dtt Ktt wi L. | e Ki | ni dKe. |
hōk‘ī́k‘aratc wā́niṇa | hanántci | i-ā́k‘erewirà | hīmaícdjaŋk‘djàwira | ë́gi | nicgé |
Hokíkaracuànira | haną́cį | iákerewirà* | himaį́šjąkjàwira. | Égi | nišgé |
My relations | all of them | they tasted it, | that we might be strengthened. | And | I also |
* cf. hiąkére hi, "to put together (as a framework), to tie something to something, to connect something to something" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann). "Taste" is used presumably as a poetic metaphor. The initial /h/ is lost from external sandhi.
t ni L | Ao doyi d | A Ktt | Ki Li n Kini Ki Ki | m a Ki | m dtt |
tanī́na | hōjū́-ija | hak‘djā́ | k‘īrinìŋk niŋgī́gi | mā‘ā́k‘ī | mācdjā́ |
taníra | hožúižą | hakjá | kirinąknįgigi | mą’ák’i | mąšją́, |
tobacco | a pipe full | back | [I am caused to return] | [from beyond the earth] | [power,] |
Notebook 23:39 | |||||
ayi Le L | de rKe | w Ki o n. | ni Ko Lo Aitti d n | a n K. | a K Ki n Ke tt |
aírera | jësge | wagī‘ū́na | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccanà | ā́naga | āga k‘īnágedja |
aírera. | žesge | wagi’úną. | nįkúruhįcšąnạ̀," | ánąga | agakiną́geja |
it is said. | Therefore, | I do it. | I greet you," | he said, and | opposite him |
A Ki mi n Kd n. | mi n Ki | KoAo Lo Ao L | we n. | A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL. |
hagī́mīnàkcana | mīnági | kôrōhṓra | wḗna | hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra |
hagíminạ̀kšąną. | Miną́gį | korohóra, | wéną, | "Hąhé Ğop Nikją́gᵉra |
he went and sat down. | To sit down | when he was about to, | he said, | "Children of the Night Blessed |
Notebook 23:40 | |||
mi n Kd w KeLe | ni Ko Lo Ai tt wi tti Ko. | w Lo Hi L | Ao mi n Ki d |
mīnákcawāŋgrè | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā̀widjigṑ | warōγī́ra | hōmīnágija |
miną́kšawągrè | nįkúruhįjawijgò. | Waroǧíra | hominą́gižą |
who are seated, | [we] greet you. | The Forbidden | a seat |
Ai L[yi] n i n. | Ao Ki K L ttL | Ao miy n[yi] Ktt ni A wi Le. | Ai m[yi] dtt Ktt wi L. |
hiraíṇa‘ìṇa | hōk‘ī́k‘aradjᴇra | hōmī-ā́naiŋk‘djanihā̀wire | hīmaícdjaŋk‘djawirà |
hįraína’į̀ną. | Hokį́karajᵉra | homiánaįkjanihàwire, | himaį́šjąkjawirà. |
he saw fit. | We relatives | we will sit in it, | we might be strengthened. |
Notebook 69:7 | Notebook 23:41 | |||
tt tt ne tt | miy n Ki Ktt ni A wi n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko | a n K | mi n Kd n. |
djadjanḗdja | mīā́nogik‘djanihā̀wina | niŋk‘uruhíndjrehā́widjīgṑ | ā́naga | mīnákcana |
Jająnéją | miánogikjanihàwiną. | nįkuruhį́jreháwijįgò," | ánąga | miną́kšąną. |
Now | we will take our seats. | [We] send forth my greetings," | he said, and | he sat down. |
Ai dKeyi no le tt tte K | Ai dKe | e n. | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko. | a n K | mi n Kd n. |
hīcgé numbédjadjèga* | hīcge | ḗna | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā̀widjigṑ | ā́naga | mīnákcana |
Hišgéinųbèjajèga | hišge | éną | nįkúruhįjrehàwijigò," | ánąga | miną́kšąną. |
The second one also | the same | he said, | "I send forth my greetings," | he said, and | he sat down. |
* the transliteration has, mīnákcanahīcgé || numbédjadjèga, attaching hīcgé to the previous sentence. However, the syllabic text shows that hīcgé is attached to hinumbédjadjèga, the first syllable of which is not even represented in the given transliteration. The translation also reflects the attachment presented in the syllabic text.
tt n K | w ow Ki. | A n ttAi | de rKe | Ai Le n | w Ko Lo Ai tti L n K | mi n Ki Le n. |
djā́naga | wa‘ŭā́ŋk‘ī | hanā́ntci | jësge | hī́rēna | wak‘uruhindj hirā̀naga | mī́nagirḕna |
Jánąga | wa’ųwagi, | haną́cį | žesge | híreną. | Wakuruhįjirànąga | mínągirèną. |
All | who were present, | all of them | the same | they did. | They greeted them, and | they sat down. |
Notebook 23:42 | Radin, WT 332 | ||||||
A n ttAi | mi n Ki Le Ki | e Ki. | di Ke | Ai no le tte Le L. | Ao K w | Ao n | ni A n. |
hanā́ntci | mīnágiregì | ë́gi | jīgé | hīnumbédjerera | hōk‘ā́wa | hū́na | nīhā́na |
Haną́cį | miną́giregì, | égi | žigé | hinųbéjerera | hokáwa | húną, | niháną. |
All of them | they are seated, | then | [again] | the second one | to enter | he came, | uttering. |
ttAi Lo Ki Ki H n K | e Ki | Ao L ni Ae tt | KiAi Li tte Ki. | we de. | w Lo Hi L |
tcīrṓgigiŋγ ānagá | ë́gi | hōrā́nihḕdja | k‘īridjégi | wḗje | warṓγī́ra |
cirógigįǧanągá | égi | horánihèja | kirijégi, | wéže, | "Waróǧíra, |
He would go around the lodge | and | where he started | when he came back, | he said, | "You Forbidding Ones, |
Notebook 23:43 | |||
A lLo HAo Lo KL. | Ao Ki K L tte L * | mi n KdA w K. | Ao mi dA n KL |
hā́mbᴇ rūxūrū́gᴇra | hok‘ī́k‘aradjᴇra | mīnákcawāŋk‘ā | hōmī́conaŋgā̀† |
Hábᵉruxurùgᵉra, | hokíkarajᵉra | miną́kšawąka, | homíšanągàra |
who obtain [Life-and]-Light, | your relatives | who are seated, | your seats |
* the syllabic text at tte L is a jumbled mess, so the text at this point is based upon the transliteration.
† the transliteration omits the terminal -ra.
ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko. | e Ki | ttAo ni | mi n KL. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttA Le A wi tti Ko.* |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindj rehā́wīdjigṑ | ë́gi | tcṓni | mīnágᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintc rehā́wīdjigō |
nįkúruhįcreháwijigo. | Égi | cónį | miną́gᵉra, | nįkúruhįcreháwijigo. |
[we greet you.] | And | first | you who are seated, | [we] greet you. |
* the syllabic text at tA se contains cross out and rewrites that are not entirely clear, so the transliteration text has been followed.
A Ae Hlo ni Ktt KL | ttAiyo do | mi n KdA w KLe | ni Ko Lo Ai Ai ttiwi n * |
hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra | tcī-ṓju | mīnák cawaŋgre | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na |
Hąhé Ğop Nįkją́gᵉra | cióžu | miną́kšawągᵉre, | nįkúruhįjwìną. |
You Children of the Night Blessed | in the lodge | who are seated, | [we] greet you. |
* the second Ai may be a mistake, but could it perhaps represent an emphatic for ruhįc (> ruhįhįc)?
Notebook 23:44 | |||||
e liAi n | w KdAi Kii | nyi L Ki dii wi Ke | me de rKe | w we K tt. | A Ke |
ep‘ī́na | ŭāŋkcik‘í | naíṇagic‘ìwige | mḗjësge | wā́wegādja | haŋk‘é |
Epíną | Wąkšik’į́ | naį́ragiš’į̀wige, | méžesge. | Wáwegają, | hąké |
It is good. | To live | [as] you wish me, | I am thus. | [When I was bothersome,] | not |
A Ae Ho lini Ktt K | niy n K | w[yi] Ki oyi Le | ya L ni n.* | w KdAi Ko i L |
hāhé γōp niŋk‘djóŋga | nī-ā́naga | waīgī-‘ú-iṇe | yaranī́na | ŭāŋkcígo‘iṇa |
Hąhé Ğop Nįkją́ga | niánąga | waigi’ų́ire, | yaranį́ną. | wąkšígo’įra |
Child of the Night Blessed One | [?] | that did this to me, | [I do not think.] | My life |
* ya rather than y, is unconventional.
Notebook 23:45 | ||||
ttyi rK tte L | Ai L lAe Le ri L tte Ke | wyi L Ki doo wi n. | w Ki K L ttiwi L. | K L L |
djaī́sgadjèra | hīrap‘érez ārādjége | waīrā́gīc‘uwī̀na | wak‘ī́k‘aradjwirà | k‘āṇára |
jaísgajèra | hirapérezirajége, | wairágis’ųwìną. | Wakíkarajwirà | kąrára |
how it is | [as] you know, | that is why you did it for me. | My relatives | [my own ?] |
ayi Le dKe | A Ki ni Hitti | w KiAi K iy A Kowi L. | e liAi n. | e lA. |
airḗcge | hak‘ínixdji | ŭāŋkcíga‘ihaháŋgwira | ep‘ī́na | ḗp‘a |
airéšge | hakínixjį | wąkšíga’įahą́gwira. | Epíną. | Épa |
[they also say] | even more than weaklings | that is how we are in life. | It is good. | Henceforth |
w KdAi Ko i L. | liAiy o Ktt ni A wi K tt. | w KL | Ai no KL | wi Ktt Kini KL |
ŭaŋkcígo‘ina | pīā́‘uŋk‘djanihā̀wigā̀dja | ŭā́ŋgᴇra | hīnúŋgᴇra | niŋk‘djáŋgᴇniŋgra |
wąkšígo’įra | piá’ųkjanihàwigàją, | wą́gᵉra, | hinų́gᵉra, | nįkją́gᵉnįgᵉra. |
life | we shall be stronger, | the men, | women, | children. |
Notebook 23:46 | ||||
L dKo ni | w KidiAi Kii ne Ktt ne K tt | tt n K | Ai ttAow Ki dow tt ne | de n K |
rācgū́ni | ŭāŋkcik‘inēk‘djánegā̀djà | djā́naga | hitcō-ā́ kīju-ā̀djaṇe | jḗnaga* |
rašgúni | wąkšik’įnekjánegàjạ̀ | Jánąga | hicoákižuàjąne | žénąga |
In peace | they will live. | All | [the ones who follow] | that many |
niy a lowi K tt | y Le n | w iy n ld n | w HAo lAi ni | w L tti Le L. | tt n K KLe |
ni-ā́‘ampwigā̀dja | yarḗna | wa‘ĭánampcana | waxōpíni | warā́djirera | djanagā́gᴇre |
niá’ąpwigàją, | yaréną. | Wa’iánąpšąną. | Waxopíni | warájirera | janagágᵉre |
of us shall live, | I think. | I am thankfull. | Spirits | [the various ones] | of all |
Notebook 23:47 | ||||||||
Notebook 69:8 | ||||||||
te e | dA n. | e Ki | A lL | Ai Lyi tte L | Ai Lo K nyi ne de | ayi Le L | w d | lA nyi L K. |
te‘é | cana | ë́gi | hāmbᴇrá | hīraī́tcera | hīrūk‘anaī́ṇeje | aī́rera | wajā́ | panaíṇa |
te’é | šąną | égi | hąbᵉrá | Hiraíjera | hirųkanaįneže, | aírera. | Wažą́ | pąnaį́raga, |
these | only | [here] | life | the most | they control, | it is said. | Thing | [as] it is great, |
w so Hi | lA nyi L | w oyi ne K tt | Ao t di | de rKe | Ai no HoAo Lo Kowi de. |
warōγī́ | panaíṇa | wa‘ú-iṇegā̀dja | hōtā́ji | jēsge | hīnūxū́rugwījè |
waroǧí | pąnaį́ra | wa’ų́įnegàją. | Hotáži, | žesge | hinuxúrugwižè. |
council | great | they have given us. | [Some, in any case,] | [such things] | they are not able to do it. |
Notebook 23:48 | |||||
te e dKe | w A tt ne. | A tte L Le dKe | Low Kow tte n. | tt tt ne tt | n Ko L. |
te‘ë́cge | wahā́djaṇe | hadjā́rarëcge | rō-ā́gŭādjḕṇa | djadjanḗdja | nāŋgū́ra |
Teéšge | wahájąne | hajárarešge | roáguą́jèną. | jająnéją | nągúra |
Even I | I who am speaking | I don't even see | [as much as I want.] | Now | the path |
w we Kette L | to Ai ttA ne Ke | w Ae n | Ao ni A L | tt Ko | a tti Le Ki | de rKe |
wawék‘djera | tūhintcanḕge | wahḗna | hōnihā́ra | djagu | adjī́regi | jësge |
wawékjera | tuhįcanège, | wahéną. | Honihára | jagu | ajiregi, | žesge |
I will go over | that I may greet it, is why | I say it. | The songs | [what] | [when they came,] | [the kind] |
Notebook 23:49 | ||||||
to HAo Lo Ki Ktt wi de | no ni Ke. | Ai Ko | tt rKe | A wi Ki | Ae Le Ktt ne K tt. | |
tūxū́rugik‘djawījè | nunigé | hīgu | djāsgé | hawī́gi | herēk‘djarègadja | |
tuxúrugikjawižè, | nunigé | higų | jasgé | hawígi, | herekjarègają. | |
we will do, | but | [yet] | whatever | [if we can do it,] | [it will be.] |
A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko | n w n. ttAiyo Ke we | n w n. |
hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā́widjīgṑ | nāwā́ṇa tcīok‘éwe | nāwā́ṇa |
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra | nįkúruhįjireháwijigò." | Nąwą́na Ciokéwe | nąwą́ną. |
Children of the Night Blessed Ones | [we] send forth greetings to you." | The Entrance Song | he sang. |
ttiAiyo de tt tt. | Ki Li tte Ki di. | di Ke | n w n | e Ki | ni A Ko n. | w Ki Ko n K | ttAo we |
tcīṓjedjaìndja | k‘īridjégiji | jīgé | nāwā́ṇa | ë́gi | nīhāgūna | wagīgṓnaŋk‘a | tcówe |
Cióžejaį̀ja | kirijégiži, | žigé | nąwą́na. | Égi | nihaguną | Wagigónąka | cówe |
The end of the lodge | when he got to, | again | he sang. | Then | uttering | the Feast Giver | in front |
Notebook 23:50 | |||||
Aiye tt | A Ki Li | m Lo wi HKA n Kd n | e Ki | Ai wo dA n. | Ko Lo Aitti dA n. |
hī-ếdja | hak‘ī́ri | māṇū́wiŋγ nāŋkcana | ë́gi | hīwūcā́na | k‘ūruhíntccana |
hiéja | hakiri | mąrúwįǧᵉkanąkšąną. | Égi | hiwušáną. | Kuruhícšąną. |
[thereat] | he came back | he made a circle. | Then | he stopped. | He greeted him. |
A lL | w ttAo Ki d | Ai L Ai L L | tt n K | w Ki K L ttL | de n K |
Hābᴇra | watcōgī́jā | hīrahínara | djā́naga | wak‘ī́́k‘aradjara | jë́naga |
"Hąbᵉra | wacogížą | hirahírara. | Jánąga | wak’íkarajara | žénąga |
"Day | a great one | you have caused to come to me. | All | relations | [that many] |
Notebook 23:51 | ||||||
iy Ke Le wi L | w KdAi Kiy i Ktt wi L | ni dKe | t ni L | Ao do d | A Ktt | Ki Li n Kni Ki Ki. |
eā́k‘erewirà* | ŭaŋkcíga‘iŋk‘djā̀wira | nīcgé | tanī́na | hojū́-ija | hā́k‘dja | k‘ìrinaŋkniŋgī̀gi |
iákerewirà, | wąkšíga’įkjàwira. | Nišgé | taníra | hožúžą | hákja | kirinągᵉnįgìgi, |
they tasted it, | that we might live by it. | We also | tobacco | a pipe full | back | we bring to you, |
* this should be iā́k‘erewirà (see above). g
a Ki | m dtt | ayi Le L | de rKe | w Ke n | ni Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | e Ki | Ai no lL |
ā́k‘ī | macdjá | aī́rera | jësge | wā́gena | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | ë́gi | hinúmbᴇra |
áki | mąšją́ | aírera | Žesge | wágeną. | Nįkúruhįcšąną." | Égi | hinų́bᵉra |
one another | to strengthen | it was said. | [That] | [is what is meant.] | I greet you." | And | the second one |
Notebook 23:52 | ||||
A Kiyo mi n Kd n | Ai ni Ke Ai | mi n Ki Le n | w KoAo Lo Ai tteLe Ai L n K. | A n ttAi |
hagī-ṓmīnàkcana | hīniŋk‘éhi | mī́naŋgīrḕna | wak‘ūruhíndjarahī̀ranaga | hánā́ntci |
hagióminạ̀kšąną. | Hinįkéhi | mínągirèną. | Wakuruhį́jarahìranąga | haną́cį |
he went and sat down. | One by one | they sat down. | They greeted them, and | all |
mi n Ki Le Ki | e Ki d. | Ai t ni L | Ao K w | o n. | ni A n K. |
mīnágiregè* | ë́gi† | hītanī́ṇa | hōk‘ā́wa | hū́na | nīhā́naga |
miną́giregì, | égižą | hitaníra | hokáwa | húną. | Nihánąga |
after they were seated, | [and one,] | the third one, | he entered | [he came.] | [He was chanting, and] |
* hypercorrected or mistransliterated in place of mīnágiregì, as this form gives the sense given in the translation, whereas the former would mean, "because they were seated".
† this appears to be another hypercorrection or mistranliteration, as the regular transliteration of e Ki d makes perfect sense.
ttAi Lo w Ki HLe n | Ao L ni Ae tt | Ki Li Ki di. | e tt | Ai wo dA n K | e Ki | we n. |
tcīrōwagiŋγᴇrḕna | hōrā́nihḕdja | k‘īrigī́ji | ë́dja | hīwūcā́naga | ë́gi | wḗna |
cirowagįǧᵉrèną. | Horánihèja | kirigíži, | éja | hiwušánąga | égi | wéną, |
he went around the lodge. | Where he started | when he got back, | there | he stopped, and | [then] | he said, |
Notebook 23:53 | Notebook 69:9 | ||||
w Lo Hi L | A lLo HAo Lo KL. | Ao Ki K L ttL | mi n Kd w K | Ao mi dA n Kowi L | |
warōγī́ra | hā́bᴇrūxū̀rugᴇra | hōk‘ī́k‘aradjᴇrà | mīnákcawaŋk‘ā | hōmīcónagwirà | |
"Waroǧíra, | Hą́bᵉruxùrugᵉra, | hokíkarajᵉrà | miną́kšawąka, | homišánągwirà | |
"You Forbidders, | you Day Obtainers, | you relatives | who are seated, | your seats |
ni Ko Lo Ai ttowi n | e Ki. | n tto ttyi Le L | A Ke | n tto tt | liy ni ni | no ni Ke. |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | ë́gi | nā́djudjaìṇera | haŋk‘e | nā́ndjōdja | p‘iā́nini | nunigé |
nįkúruhįjwìną. | Égi | nájųjaį̀rera. | Hąké | ną́joją | piánini, | nunigé |
I greet them. | Here | I have been blessed. | Not | to be blessed | I am not worthy, | but |
Radin, WT 333 | Notebook 23:54 | |||||||
e | ttAo K K | we n | e Ki | di Ke | tt tti K | wyi Kyi Le n | A Ko Le d | w Kdi Kow Lo Ke ri L n K |
etcok‘ā́ga | wḗna | ë́gi | jigé | djadjī́ga | waigaírena | hagōrḗja | ŭaŋkcíg warūgézirā̀naga | |
e | cokága, | wéną, | égi | žigé | jajíga | waigaíreną, | 'Hagoréžą | wąkšígwarugèzirànąga |
[he,] | my grandfather, | he said, | and | also | my father | they said to me, | 'Some day | they lack for people, and |
n tto ni tty L wi Ki di | w Ki ro wiy tte | Ai Ke n. | e rKe. | wo dK | te e |
nā́ndjōnidjaiṇāwìgiji* | wagī́zo wi-ā́dje† | hiŋgḗna | ë́sge | wōcgá | te‘e |
ną́jonijairawìgiži, | wagízowiáje,' | hįgéną. | Ésge | wošgą́ | te’e |
[if] they take pity on you, | submit to them,' | he said to me. | [Thus,] | [activities] | [these] |
* a number of syllables following nā́ndjōnidja have been lined out, and iṇāwìgiji attached to the remainder by a line.
† following wagī́zo, a word has been lined out and wi-ā́dje added thereafter.
w Ke n | wo Ki Ko n KLe | A n ttAi | w K dtt Kn Kono ni Ke | te e |
wagḗna | wōgī́gonàŋgᴇre | hānā́ntci | wak‘atcā́ŋgᴇnaŋgᴇnunigé | te‘e |
wagéną, | wogígonạ̀gᵉre. | 'Haną́cį́ | wakącą́gᵉnągᵉnunigé | te’e |
he meant, | the feasts. | 'All | they are sacred, but | this |
Notebook 23:55 | ||||
w K ttA KL | Ai Lyi tte L de | Ai Ke n | A Ke | Ao dKtt. |
wak‘atcā́ŋgᴇra | hīraidjéraje | hiŋgḗna | hāŋk‘é | hōcgā́tc |
wakącą́gᵉra | hiraijéraže,' | hįgéną. | 'Hąké | hošgác |
the sacred | it is most,' | he said to me. | 'Not | to be trifled with |
liAi ni n | A Ke | ttAi L | de dKe | lo ttKo HilAi ni n | e n. |
p‘inī́na | hāŋk‘é | tcīra | rë́cge | bōtcgū́xp‘inī́na | ḗna |
pįníną. | Hąké | cira | réšge | bocgúxpįníną,' | éną. |
[it is not good.] | Not | the lodge | even | one should not cross the path,' | he said. |
Ao L dK ttowi Ki di | ne | w L KiAi Koo Ktt ne n | A KeAe | A Ae | m n lAe |
hōracgā́djwigī̀ji | né | warak‘ī́k‘wok‘djanḕna | haŋk‘é | hāhé | manampé |
'Horašgájwigìži, | né | warakík’ųkjanèną. | Hąké | "Hąhé | Manąpé" |
'If you trifle with it, | you | you will bring injury upon yourself. | Not | "Night | Soldiers" |
Notebook 23:56 | |||||
wi Kyi Le Ki di | A Ke | w dyi Ki Lo Ktt KoliAi L ni de | Ai Ke n. | A Ae | m n lAe |
wī́gairegī́ji | hāŋk‘é | wajī́gīrū̀k‘djak p‘iṇanī́je | hiŋgḗna | hāhé | manámpe |
wígairegízi, | hąké | wažį́girùkjagopiraníže,' | hįgéną. | 'Hąhé | Maną́pe |
[as they are called,] | not | they are not to be trifled with,' | he said to me. | 'Night | Soldier |
wi K n KiAi | m n lAe n KeLe. | w dyi Le | oyi ne Ki. | Ai Ko | Ai dKe | de rKa n Kde† |
wīgenā́ŋk‘ī | manā́mpenā̀ŋgᴇre | wajī́ṇe | ‘ú-iṇegí | hīgú | hīcgé | jësgā́ naŋkce |
wigeną́ki, | maną́penạ̀gᵉre | wažį́re* | ’úįnegì, | higų́ | hišgé | žesgánąkše,' |
so called, | the soldiers | to be stern | as they make them, | [yet] | [also] | [they are that way,' |
* the syllabic spelling implies wažaire, but the sense matches wažį́re, so I have followed this correction.
† once again an unconventional a is added after the first K.
Notebook 23:57 | |||||
e n | tt tti K. | Ai d | Ai Lo Ktt Kowi Ki di. | w K w o Ktt ni A wi de. | de rKe |
ḗna | djadjigá | hījā | hīṇū́k‘djakwīgijì | waŋgawā́‘uk‘djanihā̀wije | jësge |
éną, | jajigá. | 'Hižą | hįrúkjakwigiži, | wągawá’ųkjanihàwiže,' | žesge |
he said, | my father. | 'One of them | if we slight, | we shall be punished for it,' | [in this way] |
e we n. | w K w o wi Ki di. | Ai d | Ai tee Ktt ni A wi de | e n | e Ki |
ēwḗna | waŋgawā́‘u-wiŋgijì | hīja | hit‘ék‘djanihā̀wije | ḗna | ë́gi |
e wéną. | 'Wągawá’ųwįgižì, | hižą | hit’ékjanihàwiže,' | éną. | 'Égi |
[he himself said.] | 'If we are punished by them, | [one] | we would die,' | he said. | 'And |
Ayi ro L | w Kdi Ko i | Ai Lo HAo Lo Kde | e n. | liAi Ai L | liAi de | e n. |
haizóra | ŭaŋkcígo‘i | hīrūxū́rukce | ë́na | p‘ihī́ra | p‘ī́je | ḗna |
haizóra | wąkšígo’į | hiruxúrukše,' | éną. | 'Pįhíra, | pį́že,' | éną. |
one attended to it | life | he obtained,' | he said. | 'Being good to do, | it is good,' | he said. |
Notebook 23:58 | |||||||
w Kdi Ko i | liAi de Le de | e n. | e rKe | ni Ki daa Kowi doAo no n | wo dK | te. | wo dK |
ŭāŋkcígo‘i | p‘ī́jerèje | ḗna | ë́sge | niŋgī́c‘agwicunū̀na | wōcgá | te‘e | wōcga |
'Wąkšígo’į | pį́žerèže,' | éną. | 'Ésge | nįgíš’agwišunùną. | wošgą́ | te, | wošgą |
'Life | it was good,' | he said. | 'Therefore, | I always look upon with awe | affair | this, | affair |
lAi de Le de | tt tti K | e n | e rKe | tt tti K | me de rKe | wo A K | Ai K L di wi dAo no n |
p‘ī́jerèje | djadjī́ga | ḗna | ë́sge | djadjíga | mḗjesge | wōháŋga | hiŋk‘ā́rajiwicunū̀na |
pį́žerèže,' | jajíga | éną. | Ésge | jajíga | méžesge | wohą́ga | hįkáražiwišunùną. |
it is good,' | my father | he said. | Therefore, | my father | this kind | feast | he would encourage us. |
Notebook 23:59 | |||||
Ayi ro wi Le | e dAo no n | e rKe | de rKe | A n i doAo no n. | A Ke |
haizṓwire | ëcunū́na. | ësge | jḗsge | hānā́‘icunū́na | haŋk‘é |
'Haizówire,' | ešunúną. | Ésge | žésge | haná’įšunúną, | hąké |
'Pay attention to it,' | he used to say. | Therefore, | it | I always tried to do, | not |
Notebook 69:10 | |||||
A Ae Ho lni Ktt Ki d | w o niy tte Ke | e rKe | A Ke | w do e | Ai ttAo ni n |
haŋhḗ γōp niŋk‘djaŋgī́ja | wā́‘uni-adjegè | ë́sge | haŋk‘e | wajṓ‘e | hitcōnī́na |
Hąhé Ğop Nįkjągížą, | wá’uniąjegè. | Ésge | hąké | wažóe | hįconíną. |
a Child of the Night Blessed Ones, | as I am not it. | Therefore, | not | to say | I haven't much. |
Notebook 23:60 | ||||
Ao ni A L dA n | Ai lA u Ktt ne n.* | ttAiy KLe | to Aitt | w Ae Ktt ne n‡ |
hōnihā́racana | hīp‘ā́‘uŋk‘djanḕna | tcī-ā́gᴇre | tū́hintc | wahék‘djanḗna |
Honihárašąną | hipá’ųkjanèną. | C.iágᵉre | túhįc | wahékjanèną," |
The song only | I shall start. | This lodge | I am greeting† | [I am going to speak about,"] |
* the appearance of u is inconsistent with the conventions otherwise followed in this MS, but it is found (rarely) elsewhere in Radin's notebooks.
† Miner translates tuhį́c as "I fetch a medicine man and give him a gift for healing; I beseech someone for his power to heal; I recognize ceremonially (similar to wat’ųné)."
‡ the syllabic text has, to Ai ttKow Ae Ktt ne n.
e di * | ttAiy KLe | w we Ktt n Le† | e to Ai ttow Ae Ktt ne n. | |
ë́jè | tcī-ā́gᴇre | wā́wek‘djanèra | étūhìndj | wahék‘djanḕna |
éže. | "Ciágᵉre | wáwekjanèra, | é tuhįc | wahékjanèną. |
he said. | "This lodge | I am going to go through it, | it I am greeting | [I am going to speak about.] |
* this should be, as indicated by the transliteration, e de.
† following the correction in the transliteration, the syllabic text should have read, w we Ktt ne L.
A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL | ttAiyo do | mi n Kd w KLe | ni Ko Lo Ai ttowi tti Ko |
hāhé γopníŋk‘djaŋgᴇra | tcī-ṓju | mīnákcāwaŋgrè | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjīgō |
Hąhé Ğop Nį́kjągᵉra | cióžu | miną́kšawągᵉre, | nįkúruhįjwijigo." |
You Children of the Night Blessed Ones | [fill the lodge] | who are seated, | [we] greet you." |
Notebook 23:61 | |||||||
n w n. | ttAiyo Ke we | n w n. | e Ki | di Ke. | ttAiyo de tt[yi] tt | A Ai | n w n |
nāwáṇa | tci-ṓk‘ewe | nāwā́ṇa | ë́gi | jīgé | tcīṓjedjaìndja | hahī́ | nāwáṇa |
nąwą́na | ciókewe | nąwą́na. | Égi | žigé | cióžejaį̀ttAo K wi nja | hahí | nąwą́na. |
Song | Lodge Entrance | he sang. | Then | [again] | at the end of the lodge | he went | he sang. |
ttAiyo de tt | a Ki | n w n. | e Ki | L dtt L. | ni A Ko n. | w Ki Ko n K |
tcī-ōjedjá | ak‘ī́ | nāwā́ṇa | ë́gi | racdjā́ṇa | nīhagū́na | wagīgṓnak‘a |
Ciožeją́ | akí | nąwą́na. | Égi | rašjára, | nihagúną. | Wagigónąka |
At the lodge | at both ends | he sang. | And | when he got through, | he came uttering. | The Feast Givers |
Notebook 23:62 | |||||||
ttAo we | Aiye tt | Ki Li tte n. | e Ki | we n. | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n. | A li d | Ai L Ai L L |
tcṓwe | hī-édja | k‘iridjḗna | ë́gi | wḗna | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | hāmbī́ja | hīrahī́ṇara |
cówe | hiéja | kirijéną, | égi | wéną., | "Nįkúruhįšąną. | Hąbížą | hirahírara, |
in front of | [thereat] | he stopped, | and | he said, | "I greet you. | A day | you caused to come to me, |
w Ki K L ttowi L | A n ttAi iy Ke Le wi L. | A lL | Ai L n Ki Kii wi n |
wak‘ī́k‘aradjwirā̀ | hānā́tciyā́k‘erewirà | hābᴇra | hīranā́k‘īk‘iwìna |
wakíkarajwirà | haną́cįákerewirà. | Hąbᵉra | hiraną́kik’įwìną. |
our relatives | all tasted of it. | Life | we thought ourselves in connection. |
w iy n lowi n. | w Kdi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Kii wi n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttowi n. |
wa‘iā́nāmbwī̀na | ŭāŋkcígo‘ìṇa | hīranā́k‘īk‘iwī̀na | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na |
wa’iánąbwìną. | Wąkšigo’įra | hiraną́kik’įwìną. | Nįkúruhįjwiną." |
We were thankful. | Life | we thought of in connection with ourselves. | [we] greet you." |
Notebook 23:63 | |||||||
e Ki. | Ai t ni L | Aa Aiyo mi n Kde.* | yo Le L | A Ai | Ao mi n Kd n | e Ki | Ai ni Ke Ai |
ë́gi | hītanī́na | hahī-ṓmīnàŋkce | wi-oiréra | hahī́ | hōmīnákcana | ë́gi | hīniŋk‘éhi |
Égi | hitaníra | hahióminạ̀kše. | Yoréra | hahí | hominą́kšąną. | Égi | hinįkéhi |
Then | the third | he went and sat. | [The West]† | he went | and he sat. | Then | one by one |
* the a in Aa seems to have been written over an original i.
† yo Le L would be transliterated as yoréra, which is unattested, leading to the interpolated transliteration of wi-oiréra. However, this would imply a syllabic rendering as wi oyi Le L which is a rather extensive error, whereas the correction to wiyo Le L reflects merely the omission of the initial syllable. The one sitting in the west is the West impersonator, and can therefore be called "the West." However, the reading of the syllabic text is found consistently throughout this narrative, leading to the conclusion that /yo/ is a natural contraction of wioi.
mi n Ki Le n. | w Ko Lo Ai tti L n K. | A n tti | mi n Ki Le Ki | e Ki. | Ai tto lL |
mī́nagīrḕna | wak‘ū́ruhindjírā̀naga | hānā́tci | mī́nágiregì | ëgi | hīdjṓbᴇra |
mínągirèną. | Wakúruhįjírànąga | haną́cį | mínágiregì, | égi | hijóbᵉra |
they sat down. | He greeted them, and | all | when they were seated, | then | the fourth one |
Notebook 23:64 | ||||||
Ao Ke we de. | ni A n K. | Ao L ni Ae tt | Ki Li tte Ki | e Ki | we de | w Lo Hi L. |
hōk‘éweje | nīhā́naga | hṓranihḕdja | k‘īridjégi | ëgi | wḗjè | warōγī́ra |
hokéweže, | nihánąga | hóranihèja | kirijégi, | égi | wéže, | "Waroǧíra |
he came in | uttering sounds, and | when he got back, | where he started, | there | he said, | "You Forbidders, |
A lLo HAo Lo K | Ao mi dA n K[L] | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n | e Ki | ttAo ni | mi n KL[e] |
hāmbaruxū́rug* | hōmīcónaŋgrà | niŋk‘úruhintccanà | ë́gi | tcṓni | mīnágᴇre |
Hąbᵉruxúrugᵉra, | homišánągᵉrà | nįkúruhįšąnạ̀. | Égi | cóni | miną́gᵉre, |
you Life Obtainers, | your seats | I greet. | And | the first | who is seated, |
* in order to get this expression ending in /g/, the syllabic spelling would have to have been, A lLo HAo LoKo. However, the word should then be transliterated as, hānbaruxū́ruk.
ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko. | e Ki | e tt. | riAi ni w Ko | Ai L n Ki Kii L |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindj rehā́widjīgṑ | ë́gi | ë́dja | s‘iniwā́gu | hīranák‘īk‘ìṇa |
nįkúruhįjᵉreháwijigò. | Égi | éja | siniwágu | hiraną́kik’įra |
[we] greet you. | And | [there] | in the north | [the ones who think of themselves] |
Notebook 23:65 | |||||
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ki to Ai dA n. | e Ki. | yo Le | Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL |
hōmīcánogᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhiàtccana | ë́gi | wīoī́re | hīranā́k‘īk‘ì | mīnágᴇra |
homišą́nagᵉra, | nįkúruhišąną. | Égi | yore | hiraną́kik’į | miną́gᵉra |
your seats, | I greet. | And | in the west | to think of themselves | the ones seated, |
Notebook 69:11 | |||
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ki to Ai dA n. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt K* | ttAiyo do |
hōmīcánagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | hāhé γōp níŋk‘djaŋk | tci-ṓju |
homišą́nągᵉra | nįkúruhįšąną. | Hąhé Ğop Nįkjąk | cióžu |
your seats | I greet. | Children of the Night Blessed One, | within the lodge |
* to arrive at the transliteration given, the syllabic text would have to have been spelled, Holo niKi ttK.
Notebook 23:66 | ||||||
mi na dA w KeLe* | A n ttAi | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | e liAi n. | wo dK | te e | Ala o L.‡ |
mīnakcā́waŋgre | [hanā́ntci]† | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | ep‘ī́na | wōcgá | te‘e | hāmbā́‘uṇa |
minąkšáwągᵉre, | [haną́cį] | nįkúruhįjwìną. | Epíną. | Wošgą́ | te’e | Hąbá’ųra |
who are seated, | all of you | I greet. | It is good. | Affair | this | 'the Life Giver' |
* the unconventional na is in the text.
† omitted in the transliteration in 69:11.
‡ omitting the unconventional a, this should have been spelled, A l o L.
Ai Kayi Le de | ayi Le | n HKo n. | A Ae wo d w | wi Kyi Le Ki | de dA n.† |
hīgaī́reje | aī́re | naŋxgū́na | hāhé wojā́wa | wīgaī́regi | jécana |
higaíreže, | aírĕ | nąxgúną. | Hąhé Wožáwa, | wigaíregi, | žéšaną |
they are called, | [it is said,] | according to my understanding.* | 'Happy Nights', | so called, | they only |
* this means more literally, "I have heard."
† in the text this is written d e dA n., and is corrected in the transliteration.
A lL | HAe te Ai | Ai Lo K nyi ne de | Ai Kayi Le n | e rKe. | Ala o L. | Ai Kyi Le de |
hā́mbᴇra | xetéhi | hīruk‘onaíneje | hiŋgaī́rena | ë́sge | hambā́‘unha | hīgaī́reje |
hą́bᵉra | xetéhi | hirukanaį́neže, | hįgaíreną. | Ésge | Hąbá’ųra, | higaíreže, |
life | the most | they are in control, | I was told. | Therefore, | 'the Life Giver', | it is called, |
Notebook 23:67, Radin, WT 334 | |||||||||
Ai Kyi Le n. | wo dK | te e | A o Ki. | Ao L ttL | A lL | y Ke n de | Ai Kyi L | no ni Ke | A Ke |
hiŋgaī́rena | wōcgá | te‘e | hā‘úŋgi | hōradjerá | hāmbᴇra | iagḗnaje | hiŋgaīra | núnige | hānk‘é |
hįgaíreną. | Wošgá | te’e | hā’ų́gi, | horajerá | hąbᵉra | yagénąže, | hįgaíra | núnige | hąké |
they told me. | Affair | this | [if I did it,] | [the guest] | 'the day' | I could call it, | I was told, | but | not |
Ayi ro ni K tt. | lAi L | Ao Ki L Ki L | no ni Ke. | e Ki | di Ke. | mo Lo Ki r ni * |
haīzōniŋgā́dja | p‘î́ṇa | húŋgīragīra | núnige | ë́gi | jīgé | nā́ṇūgīzā̀ni |
haizonįgáją. | Pį́ra | hų́giragira | núnige | égi | žigé | "Norugizáni,"† |
I did not pay attention to it. | Good | they told me, | [but] | [then] | [again] | 'Those with Rounded Wood,' |
* m is in error for n.
† < no-rugis-hani. The first syllable no is a variant of ną; rugís, "to form or make a circle, to make something round (like a circle), to form a ring out of something" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann); hani means, "to have." A revised transliteration of Ną́nugizàni would be hypercorrected.
Notebook 23:68 | ||||||
wi Kyi Le Ki di. | HA wi Ao. | w ni ne Ki di. | lAi ne n | Ai d | w di low KoAo K | A K K. |
wīgaī́regiji | xawíhu | wā́niṇegìji | p‘inḗna | hījā́ | wajīrū-ā́k‘uŋga | haŋk‘ā́ga |
wigaíregiži, | xawį́hu, | wánįnegìži, | pįnéną. | Hižą́ | wažįruákųga, | hąkága |
the ones called, | the plants | that they own, | they are good. | One | when I use, | never |
Ai Lo dAi K Ki ni n. | w Kdi Ki | Ki K w o | A n. | wo dK | te e. | H wi Ao liAi L | tt n K |
hīrṓrigakīnī̀na | ŭaŋkcíg‘i | k‘īk‘ā́ wa‘u | hā́na | wōcgá | te‘e | xāwíhūp‘ìṇa | djā́naga |
hiróšigakinìną. | Wąkšík’i | kikáwa’ų | háną. | Wošgą́. | te’e | xawį́hupį̀ra | jánąga |
I get embarrassed. | [Life] | to cause them to arise | I did. | Affair | this | good plants | all |
Notebook 23:69 | |||||
A ni ne Ki. | liAi ne n. | e Ki. | w Kdi Ko i L. | Lo HoAo Lo KL. | wo w tee Kini Kd n. |
hānī́negí | p‘īṇḗna | ëgi | ŭāŋkcígo‘iṇa | rūxū́rugᴇra | wōwā́t‘eginiṇkcana |
hanínegi, | pįnéną. | Égi | wąkšígo’įra | ruxúrugᵉra | wowát’eginįkšąną. |
[as they had,] | they are good. | And | life | to obtain | it is easy. |
wo dK | te e. | w dAi L dKe. | w Kdi Ko i | Ki HeAe we | Ai w o Ktt ni A wi n | Ayi ro |
wōcgá | te‘e | wacī́racge | ŭāŋkcígo‘i | gīxéwe | hīwa‘úŋk‘djaṇehā̀wīṇe* | haī́zo |
Wošgą́ | te’e | wašírašge | wąkšígo’į | gixéwe | hiwa’ų́kjąnihàwiną, | haízo. |
Affair | this | dancing also | life | to obtain | [we will do,] | in earnest |
* this should terminate in /a/.
Notebook 23:70 | ||||||
w diAi | wiy [tte]. | ttAo we Le Kiye Le L. | A n ttAi | A e Ai L n K. | e Ki | Ao mi n Ki d |
wací | wī-ā́dje | tcōwéregerèra | hanā́ntcí | há‘ehīrā̀naga | ë́gi | hōminágija |
waší | wiáje | cowéregierèra. | Haną́cį́ | há’ehirànąga | égi | hominą́gižą |
to dance | [to do it] | [in the future.] | Everything | they spoke of, and | then | a seat |
Ai Lyi n i L wi L. | Ae Ley n K. | e Ki | ttAiy KeLe | to Ai tteAe L. | e Ki | Ao ni A L | Ai d |
hīraī́nā‘ìṇawīna | here-ā́naga | ë́gi | tcī-ā́gᴇre | tūhíntcera | ë́gi | hōnihā́ra | hijá |
hiraíną’į̀rawira, | hereánąga | égi | ciágᵉre | tuhį́cera, | égi | honihára | hižą |
they selected us, | they did, and | [and] | this lodge | that I might greet, | and | song | a |
wi Lo Ai ttiy o Kette L. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL. | ttAi[yo] do |
wīrū́hintc ya‘úŋk‘djerà | hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra | tcīṓjù |
wirúhįjia’ų̀kjerà. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra | cióžù |
I might use to greet it. | You Children of the Night Blessed Ones | [to fill the lodge] |
Notebook 23:71 | ||||
mi n Kd w K[L]e | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | e Ki | n w n. | ttAiyo Ke we n w n. |
minákcawaŋgrè | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | ë́gi | nāwā́ṇa | tci-ṓk‘ewe nāwā́na |
miną́kšawągᵉrè | nįkúruhįjwìną. | Égi | nąwą́ną, | Ciókewe Nąwą́na, |
[who are going to your seats,] | [we] greet you. | Then | he sang, | the Lodge Entrance Song, |
e Ki. | L dtt Ki di. | ni A L n K. | ttAiyo de ttyi tt | di Ke | n w n. | e Ki | L dtt Ki di. |
ë́gi | racdjaŋgī́ji | nīharā́naga | tci-ṓjedjaídja | jigé | nāwā́ṇa | ë́gi | racdjaŋgī́ji |
égi | rašjągíži, | niharánąga | cióžejaį́ja | žigé | nąwą́na, | égi | rašjągíži, |
and | when he finished, | he uttered, and | at the end of the lodge | [again] | he sang, | and | when he finished, |
Notebook 69:12 | ||||||
Notebook 23:72 | ||||||
ni A Ke Le n | w Ki Ko n K | ttAo we | Aiye tt | m Lo wi Hi K n K n K | e Ki | Ai wo d n. |
nīhā́k‘erḕna | wagīgṓnak‘a | tcṓwe | hī-édja | mā́nuwìŋx konugā́naga | ë́gi | hīwucā́na |
nihákerèreną. | Wagigónąka | cówe | hiéja | mą́ruwį̀ǧikanųgánąga* | égi | hiwušáną. |
he went back uttering. | The Feast Givers | in front of | [thereat] | he made a circle, and | [then] | he stopped. |
* < mą́ruwį̀x-hįkanąk-ánąga — mą́ruwį̀x, "circle"; hįkanąk, "to establish"; -anąga, "and."
ni Ko Lo Ai dA n | w Kidi Kii | n L Ki diiy n K. | A lL. | w ttAo Ki d | Ai L[yi] Ai L. |
niṇk‘ū́ruhìntccanà | ŭāŋkcík‘i | raíṇagīc‘iā̀naga* | hā́mbᴇra | watcōgī́ja | hīraī́hira |
nįkúruhį̀šąnạ̀. | Wąkšik’į | [raį́ragš’iànąga | hą́bᵉra | wacogižą | hirahira. |
"I greet you. | To live | you wished me, and | day | a great one | to come upon me. |
* the initial letters are hard to read and the transliteration does not match the syllabic text.
Notebook 23:73 | |||||
tt n K | w Ki K L ttowi L. | de n K | iy Ke Le wi L. | w Kdi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Kii wi n. |
djā́naga | wak‘ī́k‘aradjwira | jḗnugā̀ | e-ā́k‘erewirà | ŭaŋkcígo‘iṇa | hīranā́ŋk‘īk‘ìwī̀na |
Jánąga | wakíkarajᵉwira | žénągà | iákerewirà.* | Wąkšígo’įra | hiraną́kik’įwiną. |
All | our relatives | all of them | they got a taste of it. | Life | we think of ourselves. |
* the initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi. See above for this word.
Ai dKe | t ni L | Ao doyi d. | a Ki | m dtt | ayi Le L | de rKe | leAe wi Ke. | te e | w o n |
hīcgé | tanī́na | hōjū́-ija | ākī́ | mācdjā | aī́rera | jḗsge | p‘ewíṇge | te‘é | wa‘ū́na |
Hišgé | taníra | hožúižạ | akí | mąšją, | aírera. | Žésge | pewį́ge, | te’e | wa’úną. |
We also | tobacco | a pipe full | one another | to strengthen, | it is said. | That | we thought, is why | this | we did it. |
ni Ko Lo Ai tti dA n.* | e L n K | e Ki | Ao de tt L | A Aiyo mi n Kd e† | we n | Ao mi n Ki d |
niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | ëgí rā́naga** | ë́gi | hōjédjāṇa | hahī hṓminàkcana | [wḗna] | hōmīnágīja |
nįkúruhįcšąną," | eranąga | égi | hožéjąra | hahióminạ̀kše. | [Wéną,] | "Hominą́gižą |
I greet you," | [he said, and] | then | at the end | he went and sat. | [He said,]‡ | "A seat |
* this should have been spelled, ni Ko Lo Aitti dA n.
** this is a misreading of the syllabic text (or accompanying audio), and went untranslated.
† the last syllable should be Kde.
‡ this part of the syllabic text went untransliterated and untranslated.
Notebook 23:74 | ||||
Ai Lyi n i ne L. | w do Ki L | Ao miy n Ki Ktt ni A wi Le. | w Kdi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Kii. |
hīrainā‘íṇera | wajṓk‘iṇa | hōmī-ā́nagīk‘djanihā̀wire | ŭaŋkcígo‘iṇà | hīrā́anaŋk‘īk‘ì |
hirainą’į́nera | Wažókįra | homiánągikjanihàwire. | Wąkšígo’įrà | hiránąkik’į |
it was reserved for me. | With our relatives | we are about to sit. | Our lives | considering |
wyi n Ktt ni A wi n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tte Ko | a n K | mi n Ki | A n ttAi |
mī-ōnaíŋk‘djanihā̀wina* | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjᴇrehā̀widjēgā̀ | ā́naga | mīnák‘ī | anā́tci |
miąnaį́kjanihàwiną. | Nįkúruhįjᵉrehàwijegò," | ánąga | miną́k’i | haną́cį |
[we shall attain it.]† | [we] greet you," | he said, and | he sat down, and | all |
* this bears almost no relationship to the syllabic text which would transliterate as, wainakjanihawina.
† the translation has, "helped from it." with "we shall attain it" written above "from it". The word substituted in transliteration means, "we will sit down."
Notebook 23:75 | |||||||
de rKe | Ai Le n. | Ai ni Ke Ai. | A n ttAi | mi n Ki Le Ki di. | ttAi Lo Hitti de. | e Ki. | we de |
jḗsge | hīrḗna | hiniŋk‘éhi | hanā́ntci | mīnágiregī̀ji | tcī́roīxdjíje | ëgi | wēje |
žésge | hiréną, | hinįkéhi. | Haną́cį | miną́giregìži, | ciroixjį́že. | Égi | weže, |
[this way] | they did, | one by one. | All of them | when they were seated, | the lodge was filled. | Then | he said, |
wa Lo Hi n K.* | n diy n K. | ttAo ni | mi KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n. |
warōγī́nak‘a | nāji-ā́naga | tcṓni | mī́nagra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana |
"Waroǧínąka | nąžiánąga | cóni | mínągᵉra, | homišą́nągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąną, |
"The Feast Giver | he stood, and | first | who were seated, | your seats | I greet, |
* wa, which is in the text, represents an odd spelling redundancy.
Notebook 23:76 | ||||||
e Ki | riAi ni w Koyi L n Ki Kii | mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n. | e Ki | e tt. |
ë́gi | síniwagū̀iranàk‘īk‘i | mínagra | hōmicónągra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | ëgí | ë́dja |
égi | síniwagùirarạ̀kik’į | mínągᵉra, | homišónągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąną, | egí | éja |
and | in the north | who are seated, | your seats | I greet you, | and | [at] |
yo Le L n Ki Kii | mi n K[L] | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n. | e Ki. | n Kowo de tt |
wi-oiréranàkīk‘i | mī́naŋgra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | ëgi | naŋgŭṓjedjā |
yoréranạ̀kik’į, | mínągᵉra, | homišą́nągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąną, | egi | Nąguóžeją |
in the west, | you who are seated, | your seats | I greet, | and | at the end of the Road |
Notebook 23:77 | ||||
Ai L n Ki Kii L | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n | A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL | tt n K |
hīranā́k‘ik‘iṇà | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra | djā́naga |
hiraną́kik’įrà, | homišą́nągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąną. | Hąhé Ğop Nįkją́gᵉra | jánąga |
the one who is seated* | your seat | I greet. | Children of the Night Blessed Ones | all |
* this should be translated as, "the one who considers himself," that is, "the impersonator."
ttAiyo do | mi dA n KdA w KeLe | A n ttAi | Ai L Ki w Le | ni Ko Lo Ai ttowi n. | e Ki |
tciṓju | mīcanákcawāŋgrè | hanā́ntci | hīrak‘ī́ware | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | ë́gi |
cióžu | mišaną́kšawągᵉrè, | haną́cį | hirakíware | nįkúruhįjwį̀ną. | Égi |
[within the lodge] | who are seated here, | all | [in turn] | [we] greet you. | And |
Notebook 23:78 | Notebook 69:13 | |||||||
ttAo KA K | tt tti K. | wo dK | me e | Ao Ki L Ki Le L | liAi de | Ai Kyi Le n. | wo dK | te e |
tcōk‘agā́ | djadjī́ga | wōcgá | me‘é | huŋgī́ragirèra | p‘ī́je | hiŋgaī́rena | wōcgá | te‘e |
cokagá | jajíga | wošgą́ | me’é | hųgíragirèra, | pį́že, | hįgaíreną. | Wošgą́ | te’e |
my grandfather | my father | affair | this | they told me, | it was good, | they said. | Affair | this |
Ai d | Lo HAo Lo Ki di. | Ke doAo Ktte ni K * | Ai Kayi Le de | (d w no mi te)# | Ai Kyi Le Ki di. |
hījā́ | rūxuruk‘ī́ji | k‘ecútcgeniŋk‘ā̀ | hīgaī́reje | jāwā́nūmit‘è† | hīgaīregī́ji |
hižą́ | ruxurukíži, | 'Kešų́cgenikà' | higaíreže. | 'Žawánųmitè,' | higairegíži, |
one | [he earned, and] | 'Little Red Turtle,' | he was called. | (Indian name)‡ | he was called, |
* Ktte (kce) should be ttKe (cge).
† mit‘è is written in very small letters above a blacked out set of orignial letters.
‡ žawanų́, is the first part of this name, and Helmbrecht-Lehmann renders this as, "medicine person, healer, fortune-teller, prophet (whoever has to do with medicine)." Of mit’e, nothing could be learned.
A te Ki di. | n no Ki r ni | wi Kyi Le Ki di | de rKe | n tto tt[yi] Le de |
hāt‘égiji | nāṇū́gīzā̀ni | wī́gairegī̀ji | jë́sge | nāndjōdjaíṇeje |
hątégiži, | 'Nąnúgizànį,' | wígairegìži, | žésge | nąjojaį́reže. |
he was blessed,* | 'Those of Rounded Wood,' | the so-called, and | these | he was blessed. |
* more literally, "he dreamt."
Notebook 23:79 | |||||
wi L Lo ttA tte Hitti K tt. | w d | Ki Ko ri Le de. | tt rKe | Ai Kette Ki | A n ttAi |
wīrarōtcādjéxdjiŋgā̀dja | wajā́ | gīgúzireje | djāsge | hāk‘djégi* | hānā́ntci |
wirarocąjéxjįgàją, | wažą́ | gigúzireže. | Jasge | hikjégi, | haną́cį |
At the middle of the day, | things | he was taught. | What | he was to do, | all |
* this should be hik‘djégi.
e tt | Ki Ko ri Le de | m wo tti tteyi d | A Ae | Ki K n Ki L n K | e tt. | n tto ttyi Le de. |
édja | gīgúzireje | māwítcāt‘ī̀ja | hāhé | gīk‘ā́nagirā̀naga | ë́dja | nādjōdjaíṇeje |
éja | gigų́zireže. | Mąwojijeižą,* | hąhé | gikánagirànąga | éja | nąjojaį́reže. |
there | they taught. | At a certain place, | night | they made it for him, and | there | they blessed him. |
* the given transliteration bears no resemblance to the syllabary.
Radin, WT 335 | Notebook 23:80 | |||||
m Lo wi HL | tto liAi wi | A tt [Ki] Ki Le de. | e Ki | e tt | Ao ni A | Ki Ko ri Le de. |
māṇū́wioγᴇra | djōp‘ī́wi | hadja gigī́reje | ë́gi | ë́dji | hōnihā́ | gīgúzireje |
mąrúwįǧᵉra | jopíwi | haja gigíreže, | égi | éja | honihá | gigúzireže. |
Circles | four | they showed him how to make, | and | there | songs | they taught him. |
e lA | wo dK | e | te e | w o de. | Ai rKe Hitti | n tto ttyi Le de | Ai Kyi Le Ke | e rKe. |
ēp‘ā | wōcgá | -* | te‘e | wā‘uje | hīsgéxdji | nāndjōdjaíṇeje | hīgaī́rege | ḗsge |
Epa | wošgą́ | e | te’e | wa’ųže. | Hisgéxjį | nąjojaį́reže, | higaírege, | ésge |
Since then | affair | [it] | this | it was started. | Really | he was blessed, | he was told, | therefore |
* omitted from the transliteration.
Notebook 23:81 | ||||||||
wo dK | te e | A Ke | HA w ni [ni] Ktte | e de | ayi Le n. | wo dK | te e. | Ai K L dAi dAi Ke |
wōcgá | te‘e | haṇk‘é | xāwanī́niŋk’dje | ḗje | aī́rena | wōcgá | te‘e | hīk‘āra cī́cik‘e |
wošgą́ | te’e | hąké | xawanínįkje, | éže, | aíreną. | Wošgą́ | te’e | hik’arašíšike, |
affair | this | not | [it should not disappear,] | he said, | it is said. | Affair | this | as he liked it, |
Ai Lo K L lAo nu de | ayi Le n. | e Ki | di Ke | HA wi Ao L | tt n K | e Ki | Ai L Lo rKi. |
hīrōk‘ā́rap‘ūnūjè | aī́rena | ë́gi | jīgé | xāwíhūra | djanága | ë́gi | hīrarū́sgi |
hirokárapunuže | aíreną. | Égi | žigé | xawį́hura | janą́ga | égi | hirarúsgi, |
he spoke on its behalf, | it is said. | And | also | the medicines | all | [and] | that go with them, |
w dyi Lo Ko | liAi ne de. | e de | - | ayi Le L | ni dKe | y leAe Le rA n | HA wi Ao L. |
wajī́ṇōk‘u | p‘ī́ṇeje | ḗje | aī́rena* | aī́rera | nicgé | yāpérezanà | xāwíhūra |
wažį́rokų | píneže, | éže, | - | aírera. | Nišgé | yapéresanạ̀ | xawį́hura |
useful [things] | [they are good,] | he said, | - | it is said. | Also | I know | the medicines |
* this word is added without any correspondent in the syllabary text.
Notebook 23:82 | ||||||
tt n K L | w Kdi Ki i | lAi ne n | Ai d | w dyi Low Ko K | Ai KA K. | Ao ni Ke |
djanagā́ra | ŭaŋkcígi‘i | p‘īṇēna | hījā́* | wājī́rōā̀k‘uŋga | hiŋk‘agá | hōnigé |
janągára | wąkšigi’į | pįneną. | Hižą́ | wažįroàkųga, | hįkagá | honįgé |
[everyone] | to live on | they are good. | One | if he uses them, | [never] | [ordinary] |
* this word is followed by a set of words heavily scribbled out.
w o ni n. | ni Ktt Kw ni n | e | w Kdi Kiwi i n Kd n. | e rKe | liAi L |
wā‘unī́na | niŋk‘djaŋgwā́nina | e | ŭāŋkcígwi‘inàŋkcana | ếsge | p‘ī́ṇa |
wa’uníną. | Nįkjągwániną | e | wąkšígwi’įnạ̀kšąną. | Ésge, | pį́ra |
[they will not be.] | His children | them | they will receive life. | Therefore, | they are good |
Notebook 23:83 | |||||
y lAe Le rA n. | A Ae | Ho li niy n K. | A Ae Ho lw A n [K]deAe | HA wi Ao | tt n K |
yap‘érezana | hāhe | γṓbīni-ā̀naga | hāhe γōb wāhā́naŋkce | xāwíhū | djā́naga |
yapéresaną. | Hąhe | ǧóbiniànąga | Hąhe Ğobwahą́nąkše. | Xawį́hu | jánąga |
I know. | Night | I am blessed, and | Night Blessed I am saying.* | Medicine | all |
* the translation has, "not that I am a blessed of nights do I say this", but there is no negation in the text. Since the sentence ends in -še, we may take it to be a question.
Ai L K L n K. | t ni | w Ki do Ki di. | e Ki | ni t K ttow Ki Ki | liAi A Ki di. | HA wi Ao L |
hīrā́k‘arānak‘ā̀ | tāni | wagijū́gìji | ë́gi | nitā́k‘atc wagigíra | p‘íhagī̀ji | xāwíhūra |
hirákaranąkà | tani | wagižúgìži, | égi | nįtákajwagigíra | pį́hagìži | xawį́hura |
I have charge of, | tobacco | I make offerings, and | and | [to cause them to boil] | if I do well, | the medicines |
Notebook 23:84 | ||||||
Ai d | w di Low Ko Ki | nyi Ki dtt Ktt ne | Ai Kyi Le L | e rKe | te e. | w o n Kd n. |
hijā́ | wajī́rū-ā̀k‘uŋgijì | naíŋgīcdjàŋk‘djare | hiŋgaī́rera | ë́sge | te‘é | wā‘unákcana |
hižá | wažį́ruàkųgiži, | naį́gišjạ̀kjąre, | hįgaírera. | Ésge, | te’e | wa’uną́kšąną. |
one | if he uses them, | it would be the better for him, | they told me. | Therefore, | this | I am doing. |
Notebooks 69:14 | ||||||
Ai w diAi L | Ai Kow n. | ttA tii | w A Ktt ni A wiy n K. | e Ki | Ao ni A L | tt n K |
hīwacī́ra | higŭā́na* | tcānt‘i | wahā́k‘djanihawi-ā̀naga | ë́gi | hōnihā́ra | djānagā́ |
hiwašíra | higuána | cąt’į | wahákjanihawiànąga | égi | honihára | janągá |
Dancing songs | now | audible | I am going to make them, and | [then] | the songs | all |
* tcānt is scribbled out just after this word at the end of the page.
Notebook 23:85 | |||||
y o Ktt ni A wi Le. | HA wi Ao | n w | w Ae Ktt ni A wi n. | n w L. | tt n K |
ya‘uŋk‘djanihā̀wire | xāwíhū | nā́wā | wahék‘djanihā̀wina | nāwáṇa | djā́naga |
ya’ųkjanihàwire, | xawį́hu | ną́wą | wahékjanihàwiną. | Nąwá.ra | jánąga |
we are going to use, | the medicines | [songs] | they will be sung. | Songs | all |
Ia o Ktt ni A wi Le. | A n ttAi. | HA wi Ao. | Ai L Lo ri Le de | Ai Kyi Le L. |
ya‘úŋk‘djanihā̀wire | hanā́ntci | xāwíhu | hīrarū́zirejè | hiŋgaī́rera |
ya’ų́kjanihàwire, | haną́cį | xąwį́hu | hirarúzirežè, | hįgaį́rera. |
we will use, | all | medicine | they are connected, | I was told. |
Ai dtto ni riAi ttA ni A wi | no ni Ke | A Ke | w di Ki L wi niy tte | A Ae Ho bini Ktt KL * |
hīcdjṓnisintc-hānihā́wina | nunigé | haŋk‘é | wagīŋgī́rawini-ā̀ndje | hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra |
Hišjónisįcaniháwi | nunigé | hąké | wagįgírawinạ̀je. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra |
We will cause you to fan your faces, | but | not | [we will not do it to them.] | You Children of the Night Blessed |
* b, which is extremely rare elsewhere, is introduced here.
Notebook 23:86 | ||||
mi n Kd w KLe. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | Ai no Kow ttA bi Le Ki d | ttAo we L | wo Ke Le n Ki di |
mīnákcawaŋgrè | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | hīnúgwatcā̀biregī̀ji* | tcōwéra | wōk‘ére naŋk‘ī́ji |
miną́kšawągᵉrè, | nįkúruhįjwiną." | Hinų́gwacàbiregìžą | cowéra | wokérenąkíži. |
who are seated here, | [we] greet you." | Their sister | ahead | they place her. |
* the terminal /i/ is not expressed in the syllabic text. The English would be, "a sister of theirs".
Ai Lo Ki o | Ai no Kow ttA lowi L | ttAo we L | w K L Ke Le Ktt ni A wi n. | Ai no Kn K |
hīrōk‘ī́‘u | hīnugwā́tcabwira | tcōwéra | wā́k‘arak‘èrek‘djanihawī̀na | hīnúgᴇnāŋk‘ā̀ |
Hirok’íų | hinųgwácabwira | cowéra | wákarakèrekjanihawìną. | Hinų́gᵉnąkà |
[To be with] | our sisters | to lead | we will put them. | The women |
Notebook 23:87 | ||||
tto we tt. | Ai Ki ro ttn di L n K | n no H. | w wo K ni Ae L. | A Ktt |
tcōwḗdja | hīk‘ī́zundjnājīṇā́naga | nāṇṓγa | wawōgā́nihera | hā́k‘dja |
cowéja | hikízųjᵉnąžiránąga | nąnóǧą | wawogánihera | hákja |
in front | they would stand side by side, and | the invitation sticks | which are given out, | back |
wo K Lyi Koo ne Ki. | Ai no Kn K. | nl a Ki. | Ai d | dA n | A ni L n K |
wōk‘ā́raik‘ùiṇegì | hīnúgᴇnaṇk‘ā̀ | nāmp‘ā́k‘ī | hījā | cana | hānī́ṇānagà |
wokáraik’ùįegi, | hinų́gᵉnąkà | nąp’áki, | hižą | šąną | haníranągà |
they are brought, | [the women] | in each hand, | one | each | they would hold, and |
Notebook 23:88 | ||||||||
e Ki | w di | ttAo ni ne n. | e Ki | lAe Hi | o n K. | A Ktt | Ao lA Ai | n di L n K. |
ë́gi | waci | tconíṇéna | ë́gi | p‘eγi | ‘ū́nak‘a | hā́k‘dja | hōp‘ahī́ | nājīṇā́naga |
égi | waši | coninéną, | égi | peǧi | ’ų́nąka | hákja | hopahí | nąžįránąga |
[then] | dance | they would lead, | and | gourds | [the one who did] | backwards | [to start] | she would stand, and |
se Ho tti n [n] K. | i ttowo Ki lA Ai | n di ne n. | we n Ki w n Kd n. | |
réγōdjiṇā̀naga | ī́ndj wōk‘ī́p‘ahi | nājīṇḗna | wenák‘īwa[nakcana] | nājī́na† |
réǧojįnànąga | į́j wokípahi* | nązįnéną, | Weną́kiwąnąkšąną. | [Nąžįną.] |
facing the drummers, and | [face to face with them] | they stood, | singing together. | [She stood.] |
* cf. Marino, ’inj hokipahi, "face to face" – wokípahi < wa-hokípah, where wa- means, "them." The translation has, "forwards".
† this has no counterpart in the syllabic text.
e Ki | A n ttAi | w diAi L dKe. | no ld n | Ai L Ki KiAi rA ni Kn di n n K. | w diAi n Kd n. | |
ë́gi | hanā́ntci | wacirā́cge | numpcána | hirak‘ī́k‘isā̀nik | nājiṇā́naga | wacinā́nkcana |
Égi | haną́cį | waširášge | nųpšą́ną | hirakíkisànįk | nąžįnánąga | wašiną́kšąną. |
And | all of them | the dancers | partners | by their sides | [standing,] and | they danced. |
Notebook 23:89 | |||||||
wo Ki ro Ktti | wo d wyi d | Ae Le n. | e Ki. | de tt K | n di ne n. | ni A Lyi Le n. | e Ki |
wōgī́zodji* | wōjā́waijerḕna | ë́gi | jḗdjaŋga | nājī́rena | nīhaī́rena | ë́gi | |
Wogízokjį | wožáwaįžą | heréną. | Égi | žéjąga | nąžįneną. | nihaíreną. | Égi |
[Certainly] | a very interesting one | it is. | Then | now | they stand up, | they make utterings. | [Then] |
* the /k/ is dropped in this text.
ttAi Lo Ki Hi L n K | Ao L Le L. | e tt | Ki Li tte Le L | e tt. | n wyi Le n. | e tt |
tcirṓgigiŋx hīrḗnaga | hōraī́rera | ë́dja | k‘īrīdjérera | ëdja | nāwainḗna | ë́dja |
cirógigįxirènąga | horaírera | éja | kirijérera. | Éja | nąwaįnéną. | Éja |
they go around the lodge, and | they went | where | they went back. | There | they sang. | When |
Notebook 23:90 | ||||||
L dtt[yi] ne L. | ni A Lyi L n K | di Ke | ttAi de tt | rA ni Ke tt. | A Ai | n w[yi] ne n. |
racdjaíṇera | nīharaī́rānaga | jigé | tcīṓgedja* | sāniogédja | hahī́ | nāwaírena |
rašjaį́nera, | niharaíranąga | žigé | ciógeją | saniogéja, | hahí | nąwaį́reną. |
they finish, | they make the utterings, and | again | of the lodge | on the other end, | to go | they sing. |
* this bears little resemblance to the syllabic text, and neither are attested anywhere else.
Notebook 69:15 | |||||||
ttAiyo de tt | a Ki. | n w | n di n. | n w L. | tt n K | Ai o Ktt ne Ki di | |
tcī-ojedjá | ak‘ī́ | nāwá | nājī́na | nāwáṇa | djā́naga | hī‘uŋk‘djanégiji | |
Ciožeją́ | akí, | nąwą́ | nąžíną. | Nąwą́ra | jánąga | hi’ųkjanégiži, | |
Of the lodge | on both ends, | to sing | [they stood.] | The songs | all | that they intended to use, |
A n ttAi | wi o n. | e Ki | Ao L dtt L | Ai Ki Le Ki di | di Ke | tto l A | n no wi HK n K n K * |
hanā́ntci | wī‘ū́na | ë́gi | hōrā́cdjina | hīgirégiji | jīgé | djōbóhā | māṇū́wiŋx k‘anagā́naga |
haną́cį | wi’úną. | Égi | horášjina | higirégiži, | žigé | jobóhą | mąnúwįx kanągánąga |
[all] | they used it. | Then | going to stop | when he is, | [again] | four | he makes circles, and |
* the initial letter should be an m.
Notebook 23:91 | ||||||||
e Ki | ttAo ni | mi n Kn K | e tt | Ki Ke Le n. | e Ki | A n ttAi | mi n K Le n | e Ki. |
ë́gi | tcōni | mīnágᴇnak‘ā | ëdja | gīk‘erḗna | ë́gi | hanā́ntci | mīnágirḗna | ë́gi |
égi | coni | miną́gᵉnąka | eja | gikeréną. | Égi | haną́cį | miną́girèną. | Égi |
then | first | the seated ones | [there] | he placed.* | Then | [all] | they sat down. | Then |
* the translation adds, "the things to."
ttAo ni | mi n Kn K | n di n. | w Lo Hi L. | A lLo Ho Lo KL. | Ao Ki K L ttL |
tcṓni | mīnágᴇnaŋk‘ā | nājī́na | waroγī́ra | hāmbᴇra xū́rugᴇra* | hok‘ik‘ā́radjᴇra |
coni | miną́gᵉnąka | nąžíną. | "Waroǧíra | Hąbᵉruxúrugᵉra | hokikárajᵉra |
first | the seated one | he arises. | "You Councilors, | you Life Obtainers, | you relations |
* the second word should be ruxū́rugᴇra.
Notebook 23:92 | |||||
mi n Kd w K. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttowi n. | e Ki | di Ke. | rA ni KLe Ki. | riAi ni w Kowo |
mīnákcawāŋk‘a | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī́na | ë́gi | jīgé | s‘anígregi | s‘iniwagū́ |
miną́kšawąka | nįkúruhįjwíną. | Égi | žigé | sanígregi | siniwagú |
who are seated, | [we] send forth greetings to you. | And | also | on the side | the north |
mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n. | e Ki | e tt | wiyo Le L | n Ki Kii |
mīnágᴇra | hōmī́canagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccanà | ëgi | ë́dja | wī-oirécanà* | k‘īk‘i |
minágᵉra | homíšanągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąnạ̀. | Egi | éja | wiorera | nąkik’į† |
who are seated, | your seat | I greet. | And | [there] | the west | honored |
* this bears no resemblance to the syllabic text.
† this form is attested elsewhere as, "to be wishing."
Notebook 23:93 | ||||||
mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Aitti | Le A tti Ko. | n Kowo de tt | Ai L n Ki Kii L. | |
mīnágᴇra | hōmī́canagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindj | réhadjigṑ. | nā́ŋgŭojḕdjā | hīrā́nak‘īk‘ìṇa | |
miną́gᵉra | homíšanągᵉra, | nįkúruhįj | réhajigò. | Ną́guožèją, | hiránąkik’į̀ra, | |
your seat | [your place,] | greetings | I send forth. | At the end of the Road, | who are seated,* |
* this should be translated as, "the one who considers himself," that is, "the impersonator."
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n | w Lo Hi L. | wi Lo L KL | wi L w HAo Lo ttL |
hōmī́cánagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccanà | warōγī́ra | wīrṓragᴇra | wīraī́raxū̀djᴇra |
homíšanągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąnạ̀. | Waroǧíra | wiróragᵉra | wirawáxurujᵉra;* |
your seats | I greet. | The Councilor | the Mediator | he has passed it over to me; |
* < wa-hirawáxuruc. See Helmbrecht-Lehmann, hirawáxuruc, "to push a task onto someone." The text of 69:15 deviates from the syllabic text.
A li tyi o L. | A L rA | Ai Ki tti n Ki Ki L. | A li tyi o L | w da ttAo ni L |
hāmbitaī́‘uṇa | hīrasā́ | hīgī́djinàgigigī̀ra* | hāmbitaī́‘uṇa | wajātcōnī́na |
Hąbitaí’ųra | hirasá | hįgíjinạ̀gigìra | Hąbitaí’ųra | wažąconíra |
the instrument to ask Life | [also] | you have passed on to me. | The instrument for Life asking | the foremost thing |
* the transliteration adds a /gi/ that is not in the syllabic text.
Notebook 23:94 | ||||
w Ki Ki Le de | a[yi] Le doAo no L. | w Kono ni KL. | e ttAo ni Hitti | [w] y nl Ai Ki Ktt wi L. |
ŭāŋgīgī́reje | aī́recanū̀na | ŭāŋgᴇnū́nīgᴇra | ë́tcōnìxdji | wainábik‘iŋk‘djā̀wira |
wągigíreže, | aírešunùną, | wągᵉnúnigᵉra. | Éconį̀xjį | wa’iną́p hikįkjáwira. |
[they made it,] | it was always said, | by the old men. | First | we shall be thankful for it. |
Radin, WT 336 | |||||||
t ni n KeLe. | m o L | A Ke | w d Li di Lo K n. | w K Ki Ki ni Ke | e rKe | te e | w d |
tanī́nagre | mā‘ū́na | haŋk‘é | wajānijā́ rūk‘óna | waŋgā́gigīnigè | ësge | te‘é | wajā |
Tanínągᵉre: | Mą’úra | hąké | wažąrižirukána | wągágiginįgè, | esge | teé | wažą |
The tobacco: | the Creator | not | in charge of anything | [as] he did not put us, | therefore | this | thing |
Notebook 23:95 | ||||||
HeAe te L | w Ki Ki Le de | ttAo ni | w Kdi Kii L | a Le L. | w Kdi Ko i | Ai K L t |
xétera | waŋgigī́reje | tcōni | ŭaŋkcík‘iṇà | airera | ŭāŋkcígo‘i | hik‘aratá |
xétera | wągigíreže. | Coni | wąkšik’įrà, | airera. | Wąkšígo’į | hikaratá |
the greatest | it is. | Foremost thing | the older people | [they said.] | Life | to ask for |
Ai o Ktt ne de | w Ki K[yi] Le L. | te de rKe | w Kyi Le dKo ni de. | te e dKe * | A li tyi o L. |
hī‘uŋkdjanḗje | wāŋgigaī́rera | tejḗsge | wagairëcgū́nije | te ë́cge | hāmbitaí‘uṇa |
hi’ųkjaneže, | wągigaírera. | Težésge | wagairešgúniže. | Teešge, | Hąbitaí’ųra, |
we would use, | we are told. | This | it must be what they meant. | This, | the instrument to ask for Life, |
* a very small second e has been inserted in this word.
Notebook 23:96 | |||||
Ki KarAl. n tt Hitti | Ai Le | Ai Ko tt rKe Ki. | Ai Ki lAe Le ri Le Ki di | ni dKe | Ai L Lo HeAe |
gīk‘sā́benādjèxdji | hī́re | higú djasgégi | higi pérez hīregīji | nicgé | hīrarū́xe |
giksábᵉnąjèxjį | híre | higų́jasgègi | higipéreziregiži, | nišgé* | hirarúxe |
sufficient | he has done, | and surely | if they know it for him, | we also | to follow him |
* < ni-hišgé.
Ai o Ktt wi L. | w HoAo liAi ni | Ao n Kidi Ktt ni A wi Le. | tt n K. | ttAiyo do |
hī‘uŋk‘djā́wira | waxōpíni | hōnákciŋk‘djanihā̀wire | djā́naga | tcī-ṓju |
hi’ųkjawira, | waxopíni | honą́kšįkjanihàwire. | Jánąga | cióžu |
[we shall try,] | spirits | taking the place of. | [However many] | within the lodge |
mi n Kd w KeLe | A n ttAi | w Kdi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Kii Ktt wi L. | A Ae | wo d w |
mīnákcāwaŋgrè | hanántci | ŭāŋkcígo‘iṇa | hinā́nak‘ī̀k‘iŋk‘djawirà | hāhé | wōjawa |
miną́kšawągrè, | haną́cį | wąkšigo’įra | hįnánąkik’įkjawirà. | Hąhé | Wožawa |
who are seated, | all | [lives] | we shall consider ourselves saved. | Nights | [Happy] |
Notebook 69:16 | |||||
Notebook 23:97 | |||||
wi Kyi Le Ki di | ta ni | w wo Ki do L n K. | e Ki | Ao Ao Ai L | tto l n Ke |
wīgaī́regī̀ji | tani | wōgī́ju-irā̀naga | ë́gi | hōhūhī́ra | djōbok‘e ānagā*́ |
wigaíregìži, | tani | wogížuirànąga | égi | Hohuhíra | Jobanąge, |
so called, | tobacco | they have been offered, and | [furthermore] | the Directions | Four, |
* this does not match the syllabic text.
e Ki | di [Ke] | H wi Ao L | A li n di L | tt n K Ki di | de n K | t niyo Ki doyi Le L. |
ë́gi | jigé | xā́wihūra | hā́mbinājī̀ṇa | djanagā́kiji | jḗnaga | tani-ṓgijū̀-irera |
égi | žigé | xą́wįhura | hą́binąžira, | janągákiži, | žénąga | taniógižùirera. |
and | [again] | the plants | that are life giving, | [all of them,] | this many | they are offered tobacco. |
Ai i Ke Le wi Ki di | w Ki m dtt Ktt wi Ke | w HoAo lAi ni | Ao n Kdi | a[yi] Le doAo no L |
hī‘iŋk‘érewigī̀ji | waŋgimā́cdjiŋk‘djawigè | waxōp‘íni | hōnakcí | aī́reconū̀na |
Hi’įkérewigiži, | wągimášjįkjawigè, | waxopį́ni | honąkšį, | aírešonùra. |
If we taste of it, | it will strengthen us, | spirits | imitating, | [they have always said.] |
Notebook 23:98 | ||||
de rKe | Ai Ai. | w o Ktt ni A wi K tt. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL | mi n Kd w KeLe |
jēsgé | hīhī́ | wa‘úŋk‘djanihā̀wigadja | hāhé γōp níŋk‘djaŋgᴇra | mīnákcawaŋgrè |
Žesgé | hihí | wa’ų́kjanihàwigają. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra | miną́kšawągᵉrè, |
[This] | we are doing | we will do it for. | You Children of the Night Blessed | who are seated, |
ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | Ao ni A L | tt tt ne tt | Ai d | Ai lA a Ktt n Ki ni n |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjiwīdjigō | hōnihā́ra | djādjanḗdja | hījā́ | hīp‘a‘áŋk‘djanaginī̀na |
nįkúruhįjwìjigo. | Honihára | jająnéją | hižą́ | hipa’ą́kjanaginìną, |
[we] greet you. | Songs | now | [one of them] | we will start, |
n w n. | t ni Ao | t e Ai | n w n. | L dtt L | e Ki | t ni Ao L | t e Ai n |
nāwā́ṇa | tani | hūtā́‘ehī̀ | nāwáṇa | racdjaṇā́ | ëgi | tāni hūra | ta‘éhīna |
nąwą́na | tanihu | tá’ehi." | Nąwą́na | rašjará, | egi | tanihura | ta’éhiną, |
song | pipe | to light." | The song | when he finished, | then | the pipe | he lit, |
Notebook 23:99 | ||||
w Ko Lo Ai tt n K. | e Ki. | L loo loow n K. | wiy Hel Ao Le Ki. | Ao L loo Le Ai n. |
wak‘ūruhíndjanaga | ë́gi | rāp‘op‘ŭā́naga | wī-aγép hūrégi | hōrāp‘órehī̀na |
wakuruhį́janąga, | égi | rap’op’uánąga | wiaǧép hurégi | horap’órehiną. |
after he greeted them, and | then | he puffed on it, and | towards the east | he puffed it. |
e Ki | di Ke. | L loo loow n K. | wiyo we dKo ni ne Ki | Ao L loo Le Ai n. | Ai t ni A L |
ë́gi | jīgé | rāp‘op‘ŭā́naga | wīṓwecgū̀niṇegi | hōrap‘órehī̀na | hītanī́hana |
Égi | žigé | rap’op’uánąga | wiówešgùnįnegi | horap’orehiną. | Hitaníharą |
Then | again | he puffed on it, and | towards the north | he blew it. | The third time |
Notebook 23:100 | ||||||
di Ke | w o n | L loo loow n K. | wiyo Le Le Ki | Ao L loo Le Ai n. | e Ki | Ai tto lo A L |
jīgé | wā‘ū́na | rāp‘op‘ŭā́naga | wī-oiréregi | hōrap‘órehī̀na | ë́gi | hīdjōbóhoṇa |
žigé | wa’ų́ną, | rap’op’uánąga | wioréregi | horap’orehiną. | Égi | hijobǫ́hąra |
again | [he did it,] | he puffed on it, and | towards the west | he blew it. | And | the fourth time |
L loo loow n K | wiyo Lo ttA tte Le Ki | Ao L loo Le Ai n. | e Ki. | A n ttAi | Ai ne n. |
rāp‘op‘ŭā́naga | wī́-orotcadjèregi | hōrap‘órehī̀na | ë́gi | hanā́ntci | hī́rena |
rap’op’uánąga | wíorocąjèregi | horap’órehìną. | Égi | haną́cį | híreną. |
he puffed on it, and | towards the south | he blew it. | Then | all of them | [they did it.] |
w Ki Ko n K dA n | A Ke | Ai L ni n. | e Ki | we n | A Aeyi Ho lL |
wagīgṓnaŋk‘ā̀cana | haŋk‘é | hīranī́na | ë́gi | wḗna | hāhé γōp* |
Wagigónąkàšąną | hąké | hiraníną. | Égi | wéną, | "Hąhéiǧobᵉra |
The Feast Givers | not | [they did not do it.] | Then | he said, | "You Night Blessed Ones |
* this transliteration oversimplifies the syllabic rendering.
Notebook 23:101 | ||||
mi n Kd w KLe | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko. | A li tyi o L. | e Ki | Ai n K Ktt ne n |
mīnákcāwaŋgre | niŋk‘ū́ruhiŋdjrehā̀widjígō | hāmbītaī́‘uṇa | ë́gi | hīnuŋgā́k‘djanḕna |
miną́kšawągᵉre | nįkúruhįjᵉrehàwijį́go. | Hąbitaí’ųra | égi | hinųgákjanèną |
who are seated, | [we] greet you. | The instrument to ask for Life | here | I will place. |
Ai d | t ni Ao L | Ao L K L do Ktt wi Ki di. | doo Ktt wi n | e Ki. | di Ke | Ai no le tt n K. |
hījā́ | tanī́hura | hōrak‘ā́rajūk‘djàwīgijì | c‘uŋk‘djā́wina | ë́gi | jīgé | hīnumbédjanaŋk‘a |
Hižą́ | taníhura | horakaražukjàwigižì, | š’ųkjáwiną". | Égi | žigé | hinųbéjanąka |
Any | your pipes | if you wish to fill your own, | you may do so." | Then | [again] | the second one |
Notebook 23:102 | |||||
we n | w Lo Hi L. | A lLo HoAo Lo KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n | e Ki |
wḗna | warōγī́ra | hāmbᴇruxū́rugᴇra | hōmīcánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccanà | ëgi |
wéną, | "Waroǧíra | Hąbᵉruxúrugᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąnạ̀. | Égi |
he said, | "You Councilors, | Life Obtainers, | your seats | I greet. | And |
A lo Kowo mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL. | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n | e Ki. | rA ni KLe Ki. |
hā́mbōgumīnàgᴇra | hōmīcánagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccanà | ë́gi | sā́niŋgᴇregí |
hą́bogųminạ̀gᵉra | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąnạ̀. | Égi | sánįgᵉregì, |
who sit where the day comes, | your seats | I greet. | And | on the other side, |
wiyo [i] Le | Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL. | ni Ko Lo Ai[tti] dA n. | e Ki | di Ke. |
wī-oiré | hīrā́nak‘īk‘i | mīnágᴇra | hōmīcánagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana | ë́gi | jīgé |
wioiré | hiránakik’į | miną́gᵉra | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąnạ. | Égi | žigé |
west | [to expect for himself] | who sits, | your seat | I greet. | And | also |
Notebook 69:17 | Notebook 23:103 | |||
n Kowo de tt | Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL. | Ao mi dA n KL. | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n. |
naŋgŭṓjedjā | hīranák‘īk‘i | mī́nagᴇra | hōmīcánagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana |
Nąguóžeją | hiraną́kik’į | mínągᵉra | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįcšąną. |
on the end of the Road | [to expect for himself] | who sits, | your seat | I greet. |
ni dKe | A li tyi o L | A Ao Ao L | deyi rK n K tt. | t ni Ao L | Ai d |
nicgé | hāmbitaī́‘uṇa | hahūhū́ra | jësgānak‘ā́dja* | tāni hūra | hijā́ |
Nišgé | Hąbitaí’ųra | hahuhúra | žeisganąkáją, | tanihura | hižą́ |
We also | the instrument to ask Life with | anxious | [that way we are, therefore] | pipe | a |
* this transliteration omits the /i/ shown in the syllabic text.
w K L do Ktt ni A wi n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | e Ki | di Ke. | Ai dKe. | n Kowo de tt. |
wak‘ā́rajūk‘djanihā̀wīna | niiŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigṑ | ë́gi | jīgé | hicgé | naŋgŭṓjedja |
wakáražukjanihàwiną. | Nįkúruhįjwijigò. | Égi | žigé | hišgé | Nąguóžeją |
we will fill for ourselves. | [we] greet you. | And | [again] | also | on the end of the Road |
Notebook 23:104 | |||||
Ao mi n KL. | we de. | wo Lo Ai ttL | Aoyi diAi lKi. | ni dKe. | A li t Ai o L |
hōmīnágᴇra | wḗje | worūhíndjᴇra | hoicípgi | nicgé | hāmbitaī́‘uṇa |
hominą́gᵉra," | wéže, | "Woruhį́jᵉra. | Hošípgi, | nišgé | Hąbita hí’ųra |
who sits," | he said, | "Greeting. | If he is through, | we also | the instrument to ask Life with |
A Ao Ao L | deyi rK n K tt. | Ai Kow n | t ni Ao L | Ai d | w do t[e] Ktt ni A wi Ke | de rKe |
hahūhū́ra | jësgānak‘ā́dja* | higŭā́na | tānihū́ra | hijā́ | wajū tek‘djanihā̀wīje† | jë́sge |
hahuhúra | žeisganąkáją, | higuána | tanihura | hižą́ | wažutekjanihàwige, | žésge |
anxious | [that way we are, therefore] | right away | pipe | a | we will go and fill, and | this |
* this transliteration omits the /i/ of the syllabic text.
† the last /j/ is in error for /g/. A line (|) separates wajū from the rest of the word.
Notebook 23:105 | ||||
Ao t Ke | w Ae n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko. | riAi ni w Koyi L n Ki Kii n KA. | t ni Ao. |
hōtā́k‘e | wahḗna | niŋk‘ū́ruhiŋdjrehā̀widjīgō | síniwagū̀-iranàk‘īk‘inak‘ā̀ | tanihu* |
hotáke | wahéną. | Nįkúruhįjᵉrehàwijį́go." | Síniwagùirarạ̀kik’įnąkà | tanihu |
to tell you | I mean. | [we] greet you." | The one in the north, | the pipe |
* this is written as, tanihu/hōjū́.
Ao do ni Ae L. | A Ke | ttAi Lo Ki KiHi. | Ai w Ki Ki ni n | tt n K | ttAo do Ke we L |
hōjū́nihera | haŋk‘é | tcīrōgigíŋx | hī́wagigīnī̀na* | djā́naga | tcṓjū-ōk‘ewerā̀ |
hožúnihera | hąké | cirogįgį́x | híwagiginį̀ną. | Jánąga | cóžuokewerà† |
he had filled, | not | all around the lodge | he did not let it go. | [As many as] | his crowd‡ |
* this transliteration omits the negation infix (-nį-).
† < cóžu-hokewerá, "the ones who accompanied him entering".
‡ a XXᵀᴴ century slang term for a group of friends with whom a person was typically seen.
de e dA n | Ai w Ki [Ki] n. | A n ttAi | de rKe | Ai Le n. | Ai tt ne n K. | ttAo we tt n K dA |
je‘écana | hī́wagigī̀na | hanā́ntci | jë́sge | hī́rena | hīdjanénak‘a | tcōwédjanak‘aca* |
žeéšąną | hį́wagigìną. | Haną́cį | žésge | híreną, | hijanénąka. | Cowéjanąkaša |
them only | [he let them do it.] | The rest | [this] | they did, | [not different.] | The first one only |
* the end of this word is written as, canaca|.
Notebook 23:106 | |||||||
w o | A n ttAi | Ai w Ki Ki K. | e Ki | de Ko | Ai Le Ki di. | ttAo ni | mi n Kn K |
wā‘ú | hanā́ntci | hī́wagigī̀ga | ëgi | jĕgu | hī́regī̀ji | tcōwḗdja* | mīnágᴇnaŋk‘ā |
wa’ų́, | haną́cį | hį́wagigìga. | Égi | žegų | hiregizi, | coni | miną́gᵉnąka |
[he did it,] | all of them | he let them. | [And] | then | when they were through, | the first one | the one seated, |
* there probably is no compelling reason to change coni to cowéja.
n diy n K | we n. | wo Lo Ai tt [L]. | Aoyi dAi lKi. | we n | Ai ttAo Ke | w A wi Ki di. |
nājī-ā́naga | wḗna | warūhíndjᴇra | hoicípgi | wḗna | hitcṓk‘e | wahā́wigijì |
nąžiánąga | wéną, | "Waruhį́jᵉra." | Hošípgi, | wéną, | "Hicóke, | waháwigiži, |
he arose, and | he said, | "Greetings." | When he was through, | he said, | "Grandfathers, | [when we are ready for it,] |
Radin, WT 337 | |||||
Notebook 23:107 | |||||
wo dK | te e | oyi Le raa de | Ao Ki L Ki Le n. | A Ko Le d. | w Kdi Kow Lo Ke ri L n K |
wōcgá | te‘e | ú-iṇes‘ā̀je | huŋgī́ragirḕna | hagôrë́ja | ŭāŋkcíg warū́gizirā̀naga |
wošgą́ | te’e | ų́įres’àže, | hųgíragirèną. | Hagoréžą, | wąkšígoarúgezirànąga |
affair | this | they used to carry on, | they told me. | At any time, | people they lack, and |
n tto ttyi Le Ki | Ai Ae Kette | e n | tt tti K. | A lo Ko Le Ki. | A Ae. |
nāndjōdjaíṇegi | hihék‘dje | ḗna | djādjigā | hāmbōgurégi | hāhé |
nąjǫjaį́regi, | hihékje, | éną, | jajiga. | Hąbogurégi, | Hąhé |
if they take pity on me, | I should say it, | he said, | my father. | In the direction where the day comes, | Nights |
Ao mi n Kn Ki di | A wi tte tt. | A Ae. m n lAe | wi Kyi Le Ki di. | ttAo K K * |
hōmīnágᴇnaŋk‘ī̀ji | hāwindjédja | hāhé mānámp‘e | wīgaī́regī̀ji | tcōk‘ā́ga |
hominą́gᵉnąkìži, | hawįjéja | Hąhé Maną́pe | wigaíregìži, | cokága |
where they are, | beyond that | the Night Soldiers | [as they call them,] | my grandfather |
* this is followed by Ai Ke n.
Notebook 23:108 | |||
n tto ttyi Le Ki di. | Ai Ki Koo Ktt Ki Ki Le de. | te tt n tte tt. | ni Ke Ki L. |
nāndjōdjaíṇegī̀ji | hīk‘ī́k‘uŋk‘djā̀ gīgī́reje | tedjáṇadjèdja | nigek‘íra |
nąjǫjaį́regìži, | hikíkųkjàgigireže. | Tejánąjèja, | nįgekíra |
they blessed, and | they made him try himself. | In the middle of the sea, | [going where] |
deAe we n Ki di | e tt. | m Lo Ki rL* | Ki Ke Le L n K. | A Ae m n lAe n K | A Ke |
cewenák‘īji | ḗdja | māṇugī́zᴇra | gīk‘erérānaga | hāhé manā́np‘enāŋk‘a | haŋk‘e |
šeweną́kiži, | éja | nąrųgízᵉra | gikeréranąga | Hąhé Maną́penąka | hąke |
it is deepest, and | there | rounded wood | they placed, and | the Night Soldiers | not |
* the initial m should be an n. The transliteration had an /n/ which was crossed out and an /m/ written above it. The expression is from ną, "wood"; and rugís, "to form or make a circle, to make something round (like a circle), to form a ring out of something" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
Notebook 69:18 | |||||
Lo ri L ni de. | e Ki. | ttAo KA K | o K | A K K. | Ko Lo K dini raa de |
rū́ziranī̀je | ë́gi | tcōk‘agā́ | ‘uogā́ | haŋk‘ā́ga | k‘ūrugā́jinic‘ā̀je* |
rúziranìže. | Égi | cokagá | ’uogá, | hąkága | kurugą́žᵉnis’àže. |
they would not take it. | And | grandfather | when he tried for it, | never | he would not miss it. |
* the /c‘/ should be an /s‘/. The first /j / should not be followed by an /i/, as that implies a spelling in the syllabic text of di ni.
Notebook 23:109 | |||||
liAi L n. | w Kdi Ke. | wo L Ai n | Ai Kyi Le raa de. | e rKe | wo n Hi Le tt |
p‘īṇā́na | ŭāŋkcigé | wōrahī́na | hīgaī́res‘ā̀je | ë́sge | wónaγirḕdja |
'Pįrána, | wąkšigé, | worahíną,' | higaíres’àže. | Ésge | wónąǧirèja |
'You have done well, | human, | you have won,' | they would say to him. | Therefore, | in war |
Ai o liAi de. | e de | ayi Le n. | liAi L wi Ki di | t niyo Ki do L. | wo n Hi Le | Ai o liAi de. |
hi‘úp‘ijè | ëjé | aī́rena | p‘ī́ṇawigī̀ji | tani-ṓgijū̀ra | wōnáγire | hi‘úp‘ijè |
hi’ų́pįžè, | ežé, | aíreną. | Pį́rawigìži | taniógižùra, | woną́ǧire | hi’ų́pįžè, |
it was instrumental, | he said, | it is said. | If you did well | in offering it tobacco, | war | it was instrumental, |
Notebook 23:110 | |||||||||
e de | ayi Le n. | e Ki | di Ke | we de. | HA wi Ao L | tt n K | n tti Loyi tt | Ai Le L. | w d. |
ë́je | aī́rena | ëgi | jīgé | wējé | xāwíhūra | djā́naga | nāndjiroídja | hīrerá | wajā́ |
éže, | aíreną. | Egi | žigé | wežé, | 'Xąwį́hura | jánąga | nąjiroíją, | hirerá | wažą́ |
he said, | it is said. | And | also | he did say, | 'The plants | all | I was blessed, | [they were] | [things] |
Ai Lo Ko | li ne n. | w Kdi Ki i | li ne n. | Ai L K L L | liAi L wi Ki di. | HA wi Ao L |
hīrōk‘u | p‘īṇéna | ŭāŋkcígi‘i | p‘īṇéna | hīrak‘ā́rara | p‘ī́rawigī̀ji. | xāwíhūra |
hirokų, | pįréną. | Wąkšígi’į | pįnéną, | hirakárara, | pį́rawigìži. | Xąwį́hura |
they are useful, | [they are good.] | Life | it is good, | to take care, | if you do well. | Your plants |
m ni Ki dttyi ne Ktt n A wi n. | e Ki. | HA wi Ao L. | Ao t | wi dK tti | o ne de |
mā́nigīcdjaìṇek‘djaníhā̀wina | ë́gi | xā́wihūrā̀ | hōtā́ | wīcgā̀dji | ú-iṇejè |
mą́nįgišjąį̀nekjonihàwiną.' | Égi | xą́wįhurà | hotá | wišgádji | ’ų́nežè, |
they will be powerful.' | And | your plants | some | in fun | they could be used, |
Notebook 23:111 | |||||
Ai K L wi L. | A Ke dKe | Ai KA K | Ai d | w di Low KoAo wi ni n | wi dK ttn K |
hiŋgaī́rawira | haŋk‘ésge | haŋk‘āgā́ * | hijá | wajīṇū-ā́k‘uwinī̀na | wīcgā́djᴇnaŋk‘ā̀ |
hįgaírawira, | hąkéšge | hįkagá | hižą́ | wažįruákųwinįną. | Wišgájᵉnąkà |
we are told, | but | never | [one] | we have never used. | In fun |
* both hąkagá and hįkagá are attested, but the latter fits the syllabic text.
Ai d | y o wi Ki di.* | HA wi Ao L | A Ke | m dtt | Ai L ni Ktt ne de | Ai K Le n |
hijaíya‘ùwigiji† | xāwíhūra | haŋk‘é | mācdjá | hirā́niŋk‘djanḕje | hiŋgaī́rena | |
hižą́ | ya’ų̀wigiži, | xąwį́hura | hąké | mąšją́ | hiránįkjanèže, | hįgaíreną. |
one | if we used, | our plants | [not] | strength | [they would not have,] | I have been told. |
* d y are underlined.
† just before ‘ù, two letters (ya) appear to have been lined out, but may in fact have been retraced.
wi dK ttL. | Aoyi diAi ltti | y o Ki di. | HA wi Ao L. | Ai d. | Ao w d n K | e tt |
wīcgā́djᴇra | hoīcípdji | ya‘úŋgiji | xāwíhūra | hijā́ | hōwajā́naŋk‘a | ë́dja |
Wišgájᵉra | hoišípjį | ya’ų́giži, | xąwį́hura | hižą́ | howažánąka | éja |
For fun | often | if I used them, | our plants | [a] | sick person, | [then] |
Notebook 23:112 | ||||||
y o Ki. | A KeAe | m dtt ni Ktt ne de. | Ai Ke n. | tt tti K. | wi dK ttL. | Ai KA K |
yā́‘uŋgi | haŋk‘é | mācdjā́niŋk‘djanḕje | hiŋgḗna | djadjī́ga | wīcgā́djᴇra | hiŋk‘agā́ |
yą́’ųgi, | hąké | mąšjánįkjanèže, | hįgéną, | jajíga. | Wišgájᵉra | hįkagá |
if we use, | not | it would not have any power, | he said to me, | my father. | In fun | never |
Ai d | w di Low Ko ni Ki di. | m K L | m dtt | Ai Le Ktt ne de. | Ai Ke n. | e rKe |
hījá | wajīṇū-ā́k‘uniŋgijì | maŋk‘ā́ṇa | mācdjā́ | hīrek‘djanèje | hiŋgéna | ë́sge |
hižą́ | wažiruákunįgiži, | mąką́ra | mąšją́ | hirekjanéže, | hįgéną. | Ésge |
[one] | if I never use them, | my medicine | powerful | it would be, | he said to me. | Therefore, |
Notebook 23:113 | |||||||
Ke ni | Ai d | w d Ai Low Ko ni n. | A K K. | Ai d | ni K w Howi ni n. | e Ki | di Ke. |
k‘éni | hijā́ | wajī́ṇūak‘unī̀na | hā́ŋk‘aga | hījā́ | niŋk‘ā́waŋγwinī̀na | ë́gi | jīgé |
kéni | hižą́ | wažą híruakųnìną. | Hą́kaga | hižą́ | nįkáwąǧwinìną. | Égi | žigé |
never yet | one | I have never used it. | Never | any one | I have poisoned. | And | [again] |
A KA K. | Ai HAi Hi Le Ktte | y L n K. | A KA K. | A Ae wi dK ttL | Ai d. | y ow n K |
haŋk‘agā́ | hiγī́γīrek‘djè | -* | haŋk‘agā́ | hāhé wīcgā́djᴇra | hījá | ya‘ŭā̀naga |
hąkagá | hįǧíǧirekjè | yaránąga, | hąkagá | Hąhé wišgájᵉra | hižą́ | ya’uánąga |
never | to be great | I thought, and | never | Night Trick Medicine | a | I did not use, and |
* yaránaga is omitted in 69:18. It also lacks the negation infix, -ni-.
leAette | y dK ttn de * | di Kyi L | no ni Ke | Ai K K | de rKe | A ni n | HA wi Ao L |
p‘ḗdji-ācgā̀djanājè | hiŋgaī́ra | núnige | hī́ŋk‘aga | jësgé | hanīna | xāwíhura | |
péc | yašgájanažè, | hįgaíra, | nų́nige | hį́kaga | žesgé | haniną. | Xąwį́hura |
fire | [I could play with,] | I was told, | but | never | this | I did not do. | The plants |
* this should have been spelled, y dK tt n de.
Notebook 23:114 | ||||||
Ai d. | w d | wi Low Ko K. | Ai Ki rK tt ne | ey liAi Ke | A Ke | A K |
hījā́ | wajá | wīrū-ā́k‘uŋga | hiŋgī́sgadjāṇè | e-aip‘î´ge* | haŋk‘é | hagā́ |
hižą́ | wažą́ | wiruákųga | hįgísgająnè | e aipį́ge, | hąké | hagá |
[one of them] | [thing] | to have it do its work | I use | I like it, therefore | not | [once] |
* a word prior to this one was partly scribbled out.
wi dK ttL | Ai d | w di Low Ko ni n. | e Ki | te de rKe | Ai Ae n. | A Ke. |
wīcgā́djᴇra | hijā́ | wajīṇū-āk‘unī̀na | ë́gi | té jësge | hihā́na | haŋk‘é |
wišgájᵉra | hižą́ | wažįruakųníną. | Égi | téžesge | hihéną,* | hąké |
in fun | [one of them] | I never used them. | And | this | I say, | not |
* hiheną is well attested in meaning, "I say," and matches the syllabic text.
Notebook 69:19 | ||||
A Ae Ho lini Ktt K * | [A] niy n K | w A niy tte n. | Ai Kow n. | Ai no Kow ttA lowi L. |
hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋk | hani-ā́naga† | wā́hāni-ādjḕna | hīgŭā́na | hīnuŋgwā́tcabwira |
Hąhé Ğop Nįkją́k | haniánąga | wáhąniąjèną. | higuána | hinųgwácabwira |
Child of the Night Blessed Ones | I am not, and | that I speak thus. | Now | our sisters |
* these words should have been spelled, A Ae Holo niKi ttK.
† this word was run together with the previous word, the /h/ being dropped by external sandhi, so the /ha/ has been supplied.
Notebook 23:115 | ||||
n Ao KL. | A Lo ttA low A Ktt wi L. | Ai Ki | mi n Ki L n K | wo n K L Ki w Ktt ni A wi Ke. |
nā́huŋgᴇra | harutcā́bwahāk‘djā̀wira | higī́ | mīnágirā̀naga | wōnák k‘arak‘ī́waŋk‘djanihā̀wige. |
Ną́hųgᵉra | harųcábwahakjàwira. | Higí | miną́girànąga | woną́karakìwąkjanihàwige, |
Chief Sticks | we will cause them to get hold. | Here | they will sit, and | they will sing with us, and |
de rKe | Ao t Ke | w Ae n. | Ai no Kn K | na no H n K | no ld n |
jë́sge | hōtā́k‘e | wahḗna | hīnúŋgᴇnāŋk‘a | nā́ṇoγōnàŋk‘a | wai numpcána* |
žésge | hotáke | wahéną. | Hinų́gᵉnąka | ną́nóǧąnạ̀ka | nųpšą́ną |
that | to report | it is what I mean. | The women | [invitation] sticks | two apiece |
* the /w/ in wai implies a missing w not evident in the syllabic text and also interpolates a missing yi.
Notebook 23:116 | |||||
A ni w Ki Ki L n K | Ao n w[yi] ne Ktt ne K | e tt | w Ki do | mi n Ki Le n. | m w L * |
haniwagī́girā̀naga | hōnāwaíṇek‘djanḕga | ëdja | wak‘ījù | mīnágirḕna | nāwáṇa |
haniwagígirànąga | honąwaį́nekjanèga, | eja | wakižú | miną́girèną. | Nąwą́ra |
they take, and | where they are to sing, | there | with them | they sit. | The songs |
* the m is in error for an n.
tti Le Ai Le L. | Ai no Kn K | w n w. | Ai Le n. | te de Ko | Ai Le de. | Ai K L K Le L. |
djīrehī́rera | hīnúŋgᴇnaŋk‘a | wānáwa | hīrḗna | té jëgu | hī́reje | híŋk‘aragaìrera |
jirehírera, | hinų́gᵉnąka | waną́wą | hiréną. | Téžegų | híreže, | hį́karagaìrera. |
when they start, | the women | to sing | they would. | This way | it is done, | I was told. |
Notebook 23:117 | |||||
e rKe | de rKe | A n. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL. | ttAiyo do | mi n Kd w KLe. |
ë́sge | jë́sge | hā́na | hāhé γōp niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra | tcī-ṓju | mīnákcawaŋgre |
Ésge | žésge | háną. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra | cióžu | miną́kšawągᵉre, |
So | this | I do. | Children of the Night Blessed | within the lodge | who are seated, |
ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko | n w L. | Ai Lyi roAo ttL | wi o Lo dtt Ki di. | e Ki | di Ke. |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjerehā̀widjīgṑ | nāwáṇa | hīraī́sundjᴇra | wī-‘ū́ṇūcdjaŋgī̀ji | ëgi | jīgé |
nįkuruhį́jreháwijįgò." | Nąwą́ra | Hiraísųjᵉra | wi’ų́rušjągìži, | egi | žigé |
[we] send forth greetings to you." | The Songs | the Starting | when he is through, | then | [again] |
n di de. | we de | (wo Ko Lo Ai ttL.)* | L dtt Ki di. | A Ae Ho lL | ttAiyo do |
nājíje | wḗje | wok‘ūruhíndjᴇra | rācdjaŋgī́ji | hāhé γōbᴇra | tcī-ṓju |
nažį́že, | wéže, | wokuruhį́jᵉra | rašjągíži, | "Hąhé Ğobᵉra | cióžu |
he stood, | he said, | greeting them | after he was through, | "You of the Night Blessed | within the lodge |
* this is parenthetical in the text.
Notebook 23:118 | ||||||
mi n Kd w KeLe | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n | A KeAe | w d | y lAe Le rKe | e rKe | me Ki |
mīnákcawaŋgrè | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | haŋk‘é | wajā | yapérezge | ë́sge | mḗgi |
miną́kšawągᵉrè, | nįkúruhįjwìną. | Hąké | wažą | yapérezge, | ésge | megi |
[who are seated,] | [we] greet you. | Not | [anyway] | I was wise, | [thus] | [over here] |
mi n Ki Ki L ni de | y Le n. | ni a ln[yi] Ki i ne Ke | wyi Ki oyi ne K tt. | Ai Kow n |
mīnágigiranījè | yarḗna | nī‘ā́mbᴇnaigī‘ī̀ṇege | waigī́‘ú-iṇegā̀dja | hīgŭā́na |
miną́gigiranižè, | yaréną. | Ni’ą́bᵉnaįgi’įnege, | waigí’úįnegàją. | Higuána |
I was not put in this seat, | I think. | In order to help me get life, | they did it. | Now |
Notebook 23:119 | ||||
n di te Kttni A wi n.* | Ai dtto ni | rAi ttA ni A wi | no ni Ke | n tto Ki tt wiy tte. |
nājitḗk‘djnihā̀wina | hīcdjṓni | sintc djanihā́wi | nunigé | nādjuŋgī́djāwi-ā̀ndje |
nąžįtékjanihàwiną. | Hįšjóni | sįcaniháwi, | nųnigé | nąjųgíjąwiạ̀je. |
we will arise and go forth. | Your faces | we will brush, | but | you must take pity on us. |
* this should have been spelled, n di te Ktt ni A wi n, contrary to the transliteration.
A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | A Ke | miy n Keni | Ai Kow n. |
hāhé γōb niŋk‘djáŋgᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhiŋdjwidjī́gō | hank‘é | mī-ā́nāgᴇni | hīgŭána |
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra, | nįkúruhįjwijígo. | Hąké | mią́nagᵉni, | higuána |
Children of the Night Blessed, | [we] greet you. | Not | we will not sit, | but |
n no Ki r ni L | w Ki o te Ktt wi A wi Ki ni Ke | Ao t | Ke w Ae n. |
nānū́gizaninà | wāgi‘utèk‘djanihā̀wiginigè | hōtā | k‘ewahḗna |
Nąnúgizanira | wagi’ųtèkjanihàwiginigè, | hota | kewahéną. |
the [Ones Who Have] Rounded Sticks | we will go forth, so | [the rest ?] | I announce to you. |
Notebook 23:120 | Radin, WT 338 | |||||
ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko | ttAe Kitti L | n di ne Ki | Ai Ko | e tt | m Lo wi Hi d | K n Ki Le de |
niŋk‘ū́ruhiŋdjwidjī́gō | tcek‘djī́ṇa | nājī́ṇegi | higú | ëjā́ | māṇū́wiŋγ hijā́ | k‘anágireje |
Nįkúruhįjwijígo." | Cekjį́ra, | nąžínegi, | higų́ | ejá | mąrúwiǧižạ̀ | kaną́gireže. |
[we] greet you." | [Initially,] | when they got up, | [still] | [there] | a circuit | they made. |
Notebook 69:20 | ||||||||
e Ki | di Ke | Ai no lL | Ao mi n Kn K | e tt. | di Ke | m Lo wi Hi d | K n Ki Le de. | e Ki |
ë́gi | jīgé | hinumbrā́ | hōmīnágᴇnaŋk‘a | ë́dja | jīgé | māṇū́wiŋγ hijá | k‘anágireje | ë́gi |
Égi | žigé | hinųbrá | hominą́gᵉnąka, | éja | žigé | mąrúwiǧižạ̀ | kaną́gireže. | Égi |
And | [again] | the second | when they got to the seat, | there | again | a circuit | they made. | And |
Notebook 23:121 | |||||||
Ai t ni L. | Ai L Ai Le Ki di. | e tt | di Ke | m Lo wi HL | Ai t ni L | K n Ki Le de. | e Ki |
hītanī́ṇa | hīrahī́regī̀ji | ë́dja | jigé | māṇū́wiŋγra | hitanī́ṇa | k‘anágireje | ë́gi |
hitaníra | hirahíregìži, | éja | žigé | mąrúwįǧᵉra | hitanira | kanągireže. | Égi |
the third | when they got to, | there | again | the circuit | the third | they made. | And |
di Ke. | Ai tto lL | Ao mi n Kn K | Ai L Ai Le Ki di | e tt | m Lo wi HL | Ai tto lL |
jigé | hidjṓbᴇra | hōmīnágᴇnaŋk‘a | hīrahī́regī̀ji | ēdja | māṇū́wiŋγᴇra | hī́djṓbᴇrà |
žigé | hijóbᵉra | hominą́gᵉnąka | hirahíregìži, | eja | mąrúwįǧᵉra | híjobᵉrà |
again | the fourth | seat | when they got to, | there | the circuit | the fourth |
Notebook 23:122 | |||||||||
K n Ki Le de. | e Ki | Ao L. | Ai L ni Ae L | e tt | Ki Li tte Le | Ki di | e tt | n w Le de | Ai w di |
k‘onágirejè | ëgi | hōra | hīrā́nihera | ëdja | k‘īridjére | giji | ëdja | nāwaíṇeje | hiwacī́ |
kaną́girežè. | Egi | hura | hiránihera, | eja | kirijére | giži. | Eja | nąwaį́reže, | hiwaši |
they made. | And | to get back | when they did, | there | [they came] | [.] | There | they sang, | dancing |
Ai oyi ne n. | e tt | L [d]tt | Ai Le Ki di. | ttAiyo de ttyi tt | di Ke | A Ai | n w L |
hī‘ú-iṇena | ëdja | racdjaī́ṇegī̀ji | tcī-ōjedjaíndja | jīgé | hahī́ | nāwáṇa | |
hi’uįneną. | Eja | rašja | híregìži, | ciožejaį́ja | žigé | hahí | nąwą́ra, |
[they used.] | There | to be through | when they were, | at the other end of the lodge, | [again] | to go | they sang, |
Notebook 23:123 | |||||||
ayi Le n | di Ke | e tt | A Koyi Le Ki | ttAiyo de tt | rA ni Ke tt | A Ki Li | ayi Le n |
aī́rena | jīgé | ë́dja | hagū́-iregi | tci-ṓjedjā | sanigédja | hak‘ī́ra | airḗna |
aíreną. | Žigé | éja | hagúiregi, | cióžeją, | sanįgéja, | hakíri, | airéną. |
[it is said.] | Again | there | they came from, and | at the end of the lodge, | at the other side, | they came,* | it is said. |
* the translation adds, "and sang." The transliteration ignores the terminal /i/, but with hakíri this meaning is well attested.
de Ko | Ai Le n. | L dtt ne Ki | di Ke | rA ni Ke tt. | di Ke | rA ni Ke tt.* | n w L |
jegu | hī́rena | racdjaíṇegi | jigé | sanigédja | - | - | nāwáṇa |
Žegų | híreną. | Rašjaínegi, | žigé | sanįgéja | - | - | nąwą́ra |
[Thus] | [they were.] | When they were through, | [again] | on to the other | - | - | he sang |
* di Ke rA ni Ke tt appears to have been accidentally repeated and is omitted from the transliteration in Notebook 69:20.
tt n K | Ai o Ktt ne Ki di. | L dtt Ki di. | e Ki | di Ke | m Lo wi HL | Ai tto li Ke. |
djānaŋga | hī‘úŋk‘djanègiji | racdjaŋgī́ji | ëgi | jīgé | māṇū́wiŋγra | hīdjṓbike |
janąga | hi’ų́kjanègiži, | rašjagíži, | égi | žigé | mąrúwįǧᵉra | hijóbike |
all | that he should use, and | when he got through, | [then] | [again] | the circuits | four |
Notebook 23:124 | ||||||
wo K Lyi wi Hi Le n. | e Ki | Ai no le tt | Ke Le Le n. | e Ki | w diAi L | A n ttAi |
wōk‘araī́wiŋγirḕna | ëgi | hinumbédja | k‘erérena | ëgi | wacī́ra | hanā́ntci |
wokaraíwįǧirèną.* | Egi | hinųbéja | keréreną, | egi | wašíra | haną́cį |
[they turned himself around.] | Then | [with] the second one | he placed it, | and | the dancers | all |
* < wa-ho-kara-hiwix-ire-ną.
mi n Ki Le Ki | e Ki. | ri ni w Ko | Ai L n Ki Kii L | n di n. | w Ko Lo Ai[tti] dA n. |
mīnágiregi | ëgi | síniwā̀gu | hīranák‘īk‘ìṇa | nājina | wak‘ūruhíntccana |
miną́giregi, | egi | síniwàgu | hiraną́kik’įra | nąžiną. | Wakuruhį́cšąną. |
when they were seated, | then | the one in the north | [the impersonator] | he arose. | He greeted them. |
Notebook 23:125 | |||||
L dtt L | e Ki | we n | na tto tt ne L. | A Ke | A Ae Ho lini Ktt K niy n K |
racdjána | ë́gi | wḗna | nādjōndjaī́ṇera | haŋk‘e | hāhé γōp niŋk‘djaŋdjani-ā̀naga |
Rašjára, | égi | wéną, | "Nąjǫdjaínera. | Hąké | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjąjaniànąga |
When he got through, | [then] | he said, | "I was pitied. | Not | a Child of the Night Blessed Ones, and |
wyi Ki o L ni K tt. | Ai di.* | tt tti K | we n | wo dK | te e. | liAi L wi Ki di. |
waigī́‘u-iṇā̀nīgā̀dja | (hijā́)† | djadjī́ga | wḗna | wōcgá | te‘e | p‘ī́ṇawigī̀ji |
waigí’ųįrànigàją | [hižą́.] | Jajíga | wéną, | 'Wošgą́ | te’e | pį́rawigìži, |
they did not make me | [one of them.] | My father | he said, | 'Affair | this | if you do it right, |
* this is in error for Ai d.
† this is parenthetical in the text. There is also an arrow that inserts this after te‘e.
wi L Ki Ktt ni A wi n. | Ai Ke L | me de rKe | w Ke n. | te e dKe | n tto tt | Ai L Le. |
wīragík‘djanihā̀wina | hiŋgéra | mḗjësge | wagḗna | te‘écge | nādjudjā́ | hirare |
wiragíkjanihàwiną,' | hįgéra. | Méžesge | wagéną. | te’éšge | nąjųją́ | hirare, |
you will make answers,' | he told me. | This | he meant. | This | to be pitied | I am, |
Notebook 23:126 | ||||||
te de Ko Ki di. | w Kdi Kiy i wi n de | Ai K wi n | tt tti K | Ao w Le L | te e dKe. | w Kdi Ko i L |
te jēgúŋgiji | ŭaŋkcíg ya‘íwinājè | hiŋgā́wina | djadjī́ga | hōwaréra | te écge | ŭaŋkcígo‘iṇa |
težegų́giži, | wąkšígiaįwinąžè, | hįgáwiną, | jajíga. | Howaréra, | teéšge | wąkšigo’įra |
because of this, | they will make me live by it, | he said to me, | my father. | Sure enough, | this | life |
Ai L n Ki Kii wi K tt | te de rKe | w Ke K tt. | A Ke | Lo K n | A ni Ke | n tto tt |
hīrā́naŋk‘īk‘iwigā̀dja | te jësge | wagegā́dja | haŋk‘e | rōk‘óno | hanigé | nāŋdjudjā́ |
hiránąkik’iwigàją. | Težesge | wagegáją. | Hąké | rokána | hanįgé, | nąjųją́ |
it caused me to think. | This | it is what he meant. | Not | great | because I have, | to invite me |
Notebook 23:127 | ||||||
Ai L ni dKo ni de | y L tte n. | e liAi K tt. | Ai A tt n de | Ai Ke n | Ai rKe | w A tte Ki di. |
hīrā́nicgū̀nije | yarādjḗna | ep‘iŋgā́dja | hihā́djanājè | hiŋgḗna | hīsgé | wahadjegī́ji |
hiránišgùniže, | yarajéną. | 'Epįgáją,' | hihájąnazè, | hįgéną. | Hisgé | wahajegiži, |
they did, | I think. | 'It is good,' | I should be saying, | he told me. | [Also] | if I meant it, |
Notebook 69:21* | |||||||
Ai niy a ln de | Ai Ke n. | wo dK | te e | liAi Ai di Le n. | no ni Ke | A Ke | de rKe |
hīnīā́‘āmbᴇnājè | hiŋgḗna | wōcgá | te‘e | p‘ihīcī́nena | nunigé | hank‘é | jësgé |
hiniá’ąbᵉnąžè, | hįgéną. | Wošgą́ | te’e | pįhįšíreną, | nųnigé | hąké | žesgé |
I would live by it, | he told me. | Affair | this | he did right, | but | not | it |
* this page, while only half as long as the others, and in the same hand, is much neater, suggesting that it represents a recopy.
Ai to HAoLo Kni n | liAi de | Ao Ki L Ki L | no ni Ke | A Ke | t ni | w Ho |
hītūxū́rugnī̀na | p‘ījé | huŋgī́rāk‘ hīra | nū́nige | haŋk‘e | tanī́ | waxu |
hituxúrugᵉnìną. | Pįžé, | hųgíragira, | nų́nige | hąké | taní | waxu |
I was not able to do. | It was good, | I was told, | but | not | tobacco | to pour |
Notebook 23:128 | ||||
to HAo Le Kni K tt | na Lo Ki r ni * | wi Kyi Le Ki di. | A li Lo K n | Ai Le de. |
tūxū́rug niŋgā́dja | nāṇū́gizā̀ni | wī́gairegī̀ji | hā́birukàna | hīrejé |
tuxúrugᵉnįgáją. | Nąrúgizàni, | wígairegìži, | Hą́birukàna | hirežé. |
I was not able. | Ones with Rounded Wood, | so called, | in charge of Life | they were. |
* using na rather than simply n is a very unusual spelling convention.
w Kdi Ko i L * | HeAe te Ai | Lo K n. | Ai Le de. | e Ki. | w K ttA Ki Le de. | no ni Ke | A KeAe |
ŭāŋkcígo‘iṇa | xetéhi | rukána | hīrejé | ë́gi | wak‘aŋtcā́ŋgireje | nūnigé | haŋk‘é |
Wąkšígo’įra | xetéhi | rukąną́ | hirežé, | égi | wakącą́gireže, | nųnigé | hąké |
Life | [big piece] | [to manage]† | they were, | and | they were holy, | [but] | not |
* dAi occurs after the initial w.
† the translation has "much" (which is appropriate for rokana).
Notebook 23:129 | |||||||||
w[o] dK | te e | Ao dKatt * | li ni de. | e n | e Ki | Ao ni A L | tt Ko | a tti Le Ki di | A Ke |
wōcgá | te‘e | hōcgā́tc | p‘inī́je | ḗna | ë́gi | hōnihā́ra | djagū́ | ādjī́regī̀ji | haŋk‘é |
wošgą́ | te’e | hošgác | pįníže, | éną. | Égi | honihára | jagú | ajíregìži† | hąké |
affair | this | to be trifled with | [it is not good,] | he said. | And | the songs | [what] | [they had, and] | not |
* dKatt would normally be spelled dKtt.
† the initial /h/ has been dropped due to external sandhi.
de reKe | A ni Ktt ni A wi no ni Ke. | Ai Ko | tt rKe | A ni Ki | Ae Le Ktt ne K tt |
jësgé | hāniŋk‘djanehā̀winunigè | hīgú | djasge | hanī́gi | herek‘djanégadja |
žesgé | hanįkjanehàwinunigè | higų́ | jasge | hanígi, | herekjanégają. |
heretofore | they will not be able to initiate, but | [yet] | whatever | [that he had,] | [they will be satisfied.] |
A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | n w n. | Ai L rAo tti o n |
hāhé γōbᴇniŋk‘djaŋgᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | nawána | hīraī́sundj hī‘ū̀na |
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra, | nįkúruhįjwiną." | Nąwą́ną. | Hiraísųji’ų̀ną. |
Children of the Night Blessed Ones, | [we] greet you." | He sang. | [He used] the Starting Songs. |
Notebook 23:130 | |||||
L dtt L. | e Ki. | n diy n K | w Ko Lo Aitti dA n. | e Ki | na no Ki r ni |
racdjā́na | ëgi | nāji-ā́naga | wak‘ūruhíntccana | ë́gi | nāṇū́gizani |
Rasją́ną. | Egi | nąžįánąga | wakuruhį́cšąną. | Égi | Nąnúgizani |
He was through. | Then | he arose, and | he greeted them. | [Then] | the Ones with Rounded Wood |
wi Kyi Le Ki di. | m niy Koyi Le K. | Ai no Kow ttA li Le Ki di. | ttAo we L |
wīgaī́regī̀ji | mā́niagū́irega | hinuŋguŋtcā́biregī̀ji | tcōwéra |
wigaíregìži, | mą́niągúirega, | hinųgųacábiregìži,* | cowéra |
when they told them, | they started to walk back, | when their sisters did, | in front |
* < hinųk-wacáb-ire-gìži.
Notebook 23:131 | ||||
wo K L Ke Le n Kde | ayi Le L | Ai no Kow ttA liwi L | ttAo we L | w K L Ke Le Ktt wi L. |
wōk‘ā́rak‘ere nā́ŋkce | aī́rera | hinuŋgwā́tcabwira | tcōwéra | wāk‘ā́rak‘erek‘djawira |
wokárakerenạ̀kše, | aírera. | "Hinųgwácabwira | cowéra | wakárarakerekjawįra. |
they placed them, | it is said. | "Our sisters | in front | we will place. |
w Kdi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Kii ne Kette Ke | n Ao KL | Ai Lo Ki K n KL. |
ŭaŋkcigo‘íṇa | hīranák‘ik‘iṇek‘djegè | nā́huŋgra | hīrok‘ī́kanagrà |
Wąkšigo’į́ra | hiraną́k’ik’įrekjegè, | Ną́ Hųgᵉra, | hirokíkanągᵉrà, |
[Life] | [because they consider for themselves,]* | The Chief Sticks, | the staffs, |
* the translation has, "that they might live by it".
Notebook 69:22 | ||||
w Lo ttA li Le Ktte L. | e Ki. | wi dK ttL | w y Ki o Ktt ni A wi Le | Ai myi dtt Ktt ni A wi K tt. |
warūtcā́birak‘djèra | ëgi | wīcgā́djera | wī-ā́gí‘uŋk‘djanihā̀wire | hīmaícdjaŋk‘djanihā̀wigadjá |
warucábirakjèra. | Egi | wišgájᵉra | wiágì’ųkjanihàwire, | himaį́šjąkjanihàwigajạ̀, |
they might hold them. | And | the toys | we will use for them, | they might be strengthened by it, |
Notebook 23:132 | ||||||
Ia Le Ke* | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | e Ki | Ai no Kn K | ttAo ni | w Ki [Ki] L n K. | ttAo we Ai Le tt |
yārége | niŋk‘ūruhindjwidjigṑ | ë́gi | hīnúŋgᴇnaŋk‘a | tcōni | wagigirā́nanga | tcṓwe hīrédja |
yarége, | nįkuruhįjwijįgó." | Égi | hinų́gᵉnąka | coni | wagigiránąga | cówehirèja |
we think, and | [we] greet you." | Then | the women | to lead | they let them, and | in front |
* instead of the unconventional Ia, one would expect y.
Ai Ki Ki Ki rotti * | ttAo ni ne n. | e Ki | e tt | lAe Hi o L | n di ne n |
hīk‘īk‘ī́zuntc | tcōninḗna | ëgi | ḗdja | peγi‘uṇà | najinḗna |
hikikízųcį† | coninéną. | Egi | éja | peǧi’ųrà | nąžįnéną. |
side by side | [they went in before them.] | Then | [there] | the ones with gourds | [they arose.] |
* this expression has one too many instances of Ki.
† this corresponds to the corrected spelling in the syllabic text. Cf. hikizų́cį, "to be right beside someone."
Notebook 23:133 | ||||||
A Kotto lA Ai | n di ne n | e Ki | e tt | Le HttA HttA ro tti L | n di ne n. | e tt |
hāk‘djṓp‘ahī̀ | nājinḗna | ëgi | ḗdja | reγtcā́tcas hōdjīṇá* | najinḗna | ëdja |
Hakdjópahi | nąžinéną. | Egi | éja | reǧcáǧcasojįrà† | nąžįnéną. | Eja |
[Facing backwards] | [they stood.] | Then | [there] | the drummers | [they arose.] | Then |
* this is rather remote from the syllabic text. The /h/ was written above the line.
† < reǧcáǧcas-hojį-ra. Reǧ cácas is the standard form of the word for a snare or tamborine drum. Reǧcáǧcas is not attested elsewhere. Hojį-ra means, "the ones who strike."
w Ki Ko L | wi Lo n Ki Le n. | e lA | Ai Ko lAe de | n di Kette Ki | o n n | e Ki |
wagigóra | wīrṓnangirḕna | ép‘a | higu pḗje | nājíŋk‘djegi | ‘ūnána | ëgi |
Wagigóra | wirónągirèną. | Épa | higų péže | nąžį́kjegi, | ’ųną́ną. | Egi |
the Feast Givers | they came after them. | Then after | anyone | [if they stood,] | [they could do it.] | Then |
ni A[yi] L n K | A ttiy K Lyi Le n | m Lo wi HL. | wo K L[yi] wi Hi Le n. | Ai tto li Ke. |
nīhairā́naga | hadji-ak‘araī́rena | māṇū́wiŋγra | wōk‘ā́raiwiŋγinḕna | hīdjobī́ke |
nihairánąga | hajiakaraíreną. | Marúwįǧ.ᵉra | wokáraiwįǧinèną, | hijobíke. |
they made utterances, and | they went forth. | The circuits | they made, | the four. |
Notebook 23:134 | |||||||
e Ki | ttAiyo de tt | wiy Hele Aowe tt | Ki Li tte Le n. | e Ki | e tt | n w n L dtt n | di Ke |
ë́gi | tci-ṓjedja | wī-aγépu-èdja | k‘īridjḗreną,* | ë́gi | ë́dja | nawáṇacdjàna | jigé |
Égi | cióžeją, | wiaǧépuèja | kirijéreną, | égi | éja | nawą́rašjàną. | Žigé |
Then | at the end of the lodge, | in the east, | they came, | and | there | [he finished singing.] | Again |
* reną is written above some letters that have been blacked out.
tti Ke Le n | ni A n K. | ttAiyo de tt | rA ni Ke tt | A Ai | di Ke. | n w n. | L dtt n |
djak‘eréna* | nihā́naga | tci-ṓžedja | sanigédja | hahī́ | jigé | nāwáṇa | racdjána |
jakeréną. | Nihánąga | cióžeją | sanįgéja | hahí | žigé | nąwą́na | rašjáną. |
he started. | [He chanted, and] | at the end of the lodge | the other side, | [after awhile] | again | the song | he stopped. |
* the i in the syllabic is indistinct, causing the word to be misread as djak‘eréna. Cf. cikére, "he started."
Notebook 23:135 | |||||||
di Ke | ttAiyo de tt | rA ni Ke tt | ttA Ki we n. | ni A n K. | Ai tt Ki L. | e tt | |
jigé | tci-ṓjedja | sānigédja | tcagiwḗna | nihā́naga | hidjā́gī-irā̀ | ëdja | |
Žigé | cióžeją, | sanįgéja, | cagiwéną, | nihą́nąga, | hijágirà, | eja | |
Again | at the end of the lodge, | on the other side, | he came back, | making utterances, and | when he got there, | there |
Radin, WT 339 | |||||||
di Ke. | n w n. | de de Ko Ai n.* | e Ki. | n w L | tt n K | Ai o Ktt ne Ki di. | K L de n Ki |
jigé | nāwáṇa | jéjeguhī̀na | ëgi | nawáṇa | djānaga | hī‘úŋk‘djanegī̀ji | k‘arajḗnagi |
žigé | nąwáną. | Žéžegųhìną. | Egi | nąwą́ra | janąga | hi’ų́kjanegìži, | karažénągi, |
again | he sang. | [Thus he did.] | Then | the songs | all of them | he would use, and | [when he was through,] |
* a second de is inserted in smaller letters above the line.
Notebook 69:23 | ||||||||
e Ki. | di Ke | m Lo wi HL | tto liAi wi | K n K n K | e Ki. | Ai t niyett | Ki Ke Le n. | e Ki |
ë́gi | jigé | māṇū́wiŋγra | djōp‘ī́wi | k‘anagā́naga | ë́gi | hitani-ë́dja | gikerḗna | ëgi |
égi | žigé | mąrúwįǧᵉra | jopíwi | kanagánąga | égi | hitaniéja | gikeréną. | Egi |
and | again | circles | four | he made, and | then | the third one | he placed them. | And |
Notebook 23:136 | ||||||
A n ttAi | mi n Ki Le Ki | e Ki. | wiyo Le L n Ki Kii | mi n KL. | n di n | we n. |
hanā́ntci | mīnágiregi | ë́gi | wi-oiréranàk‘īk‘i | mī́nagra | nājī́na | wḗna |
haną́cį | miną́giregi, | égi | wioréranạ̀kik’į | mínągᵉra | nąžíną, | wéną, |
all | when they are seated, | then | on the west end | the one seated | he stood up, | he said, |
w Lo He L | A lLo HAo Lo KL. | Ao Ki K L ttL | mi n Kd w K | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko |
waroγī́ra | hā́mbᴇruxurugrà | hōk‘ī́k‘aradjᴇra | mīnákcawaŋk‘a | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehawīdjigo |
"Waroǧíra, | Hą́bᵉruxurugērà, | hokíkarajᵉra, | miną́kšawąka, | nįkúruhįijrehawijįgo. |
"You Councilors, | Life Obtainers, | relatives, | who are seated, | [we] send forth greetings to you. |
Notebook 23:137 | ||||||
e Ki | ttAo ni | mi n KL. | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko.* | ttAo te Ki. | riAi ni w Ko. |
ëgi | tcṓni | mīnágᴇra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā́djigo† | tcotégi | siniwā́gu |
Egi | cóni | miną́gᵉra | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrehàjigo. | Cotégi | siniwágu |
And | first | seat | [who are seated,] | I send forth greetings to it. | On this side | the north |
* ni is repeated in error as the first syllable of the next page.
† after the syllable hā́, wi has been blacked out.
Ai L n Ki Kii L. | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko. | e Ki | rA ni KLe Ki | n Ko de tt |
hīranák‘īk‘ìṇa | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā́djigo* | ëgi | sanígregi | naŋgŭójedja |
hiraną́kik’įra | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrehajigo. | Egi | sanį́gᵉregi | Nąguóžeją |
[the impersonators] | [who are seated,] | I send forth greetings. | And | on the other side, | at the end of the Road |
* the /wi/ inserted between rehā́ and djigo has been scribbled out.
Notebook 23:138 | |||||
Ai L n Ki Kii L. | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko. | w d Li di | Ae Kette | w K tte de |
hīranákīk‘ìṇa | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā́djigo | wajánijī | hēk‘djé | wāgadjeje |
hiraną́kik’į̀ra | homišánągᵉra, | nįkúruhįjrehájigo. | Wažą́rižį | hekjé, | wagaježe. |
[the impersonators] | who are seated, | I send forth greetings to you. | Anything | [I shall say,] | I mean. |
w[o] dK | te e | Ai Ki Ko ri s | no ni Ke | A Ke | y lAe se rni n. | e rKe | wo dK | te e |
wōcgá | te‘e | hiŋgigúzira | núnige | haŋk‘é | yapérezenī̀na | ë́sge | wōcgá | te‘e |
Wošgą́ | te’e | hįgigų́zira, | nų́nįge | hąké | yapérezᵉnìną. | Ésge, | wošgą́ | te’e |
Affair | this | I was taught, | but | not | I do not know it. | Therefore, | affair | this |
Notebook 23:139 | ||||||
ni Ki daa Kowi doAo no n. | e Ki. | w Kdi Ko i | li d | Ae Le de | Ai Kyi L | no ni Ke. |
niŋgī́c‘agwiconū̀na | ë́gi | ŭaŋkcígo‘i | p‘ī́ja | herejé | hiŋgaī́ra | nunigé |
nįgíš’agwišonùną. | Égi | wąkšígo’į | pį́žą | herežé, | hįgaíra, | nųnįgé |
I have always honored. | And | life | a good one | it was, | [they told us,] | but |
ni dKe | y lAe Le rno ni Ke | A KeAe | liAi Ai | to HAo Lo Kini K tt. | te e | lAi A Ki di. |
nicgé | yapérez nunigé | haŋk‘é | p‘īhī́ | tūxū́rugnigā̀dja | te‘é | p‘ī́hagī́ji |
nįšgé | yapéreznųnįgé | hąké | pįhí | tuxúrugᵉnigàją. | Te’e | pį́hagìži, |
[I myself] | I knew it, but | not | well | I could not do it. | This | if I did well, |
w Kdi Ko i | Ai Lo HAo Lo Kede | Ai K[yi] L | no ni Ke. | te e dKe | li Ai K tt | Ao t di |
ŭaŋkcígo‘i | hīruxū́rugce | hiŋgaíra | nunigé | te ḗcge | p‘ihigā́dja | hōtajī́ |
Wąkšígo’į | hiruxúrukše, | hįgaíra, | nųnįgé | teéšge | pįhigáją. | Hotaží |
Life | I would obtain, | I was told, | but | [for this reason] | [it is done well.] | Some |
Notebook 23:140 | Notebook 69:24 | ||||||
de rKe | Ai no HAo Lo Kowi de. | w Lo Hi | lA n[yi] L | w ow n K | tt rKe | Aiy n K | |
jësgé | hīruxū́rugwījè | waroγī́ | panaìna | wa‘ŭā́naga | djasge | hī-ā́naga | |
žesgé | hiruxúrųgᵉwižè. | Waroǧí | panaį́ra | wa’ųánąga | jasge | hi-ánąga | |
it | you are able to do. | Council | such a great one | it is, and | how | [he did, and] |
A KeAe. | Ai Ki lAe Le ri L ni Kette de. | Ai Ki lAe Le ri Le Ki. | wo n Kidi L | w Kdi Ko i L |
haŋk‘é | hīgīpérez hīraník‘djeje | higipérez hīregī́ | wonákcīṇà* | ŭaŋkcígo‘iṇa |
hąké | higipéreziranį̀kježe. | Higipéreziregì, | woną́kšįrà | Wąkšígo’įra |
not | they could not ignore it. | If they know it, | we impersonators | [Life] |
* a number of letters are blacked out before this word.
Notebook 23:141 | |||||
Ai L Lo HeAe | Ai o Ktt wi L. | de rKe. | w Ke w A tte n. | wi Lo La KL | y Ki o wi Ki di. |
hīrā́ruxe | hī‘uŋk‘djā́wira | jësgé | wāge wahā́djena | wīrṓragᴇra | yak‘ī́‘owigijì |
hiráruxe | hi’ųkjáwira. | Žesgé | wagewahàjeną. | Wiróragᵉra | yaki’owigiži, |
to receive | we will do it. | That | it is what I mean. | The Mediator | when we hold, |
A m dtt Ktt wi L | de rKe | Ai Ki Ke we wi. | w y Ki o Ktt ni A wiy n K |
hīmaícdjaŋk‘djawira | jë́sge | hīk‘īk‘áwewi | wīyā́k‘ī‘ok‘djanihāwi-ā̀naga |
himaį́šjąkjawira. | Žésge | hikikéwewį* | wiyáki’okjąnihawiànąga |
we will be strengthened by it. | Thus | thinking | we will take hold of them, and |
* the syllabic text implies hikikéwewį, but since it is a hapaxlegonemon, there are no grounds for deciding between the correction of the transliteration and the syllabic text.
A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | e Ki. | Ai L[yi] rAo tti o n. | L dtt n. |
hāhé γōbᴇniŋk‘djáŋgra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigō | ë́gi | hīraī́sundj hī‘ū́na | racdjána |
Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra | nįkúruhįjwijigo." | Égi | Hiraísųji’úną | rašją́ną. |
Children of the Night Blessed Ones | [we] greet you." | And | the Starting Songs | he finished. |
Notebook 23:142 | |||||
m di n.* | w Lo Hi L | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko | ttAo ni | mi n KL |
nājī́na | waroγī́ra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehadjigo | tcṓni | mī́nagra |
Nąžíną. | "Waroǧíra | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrehajigo. | Cóni | mínągᵉra, |
He arose. | "You Councilors | your seats | I send forth greetings to. | First | the seat, |
* the initial m is in error for n.
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ki to Ai ttLe A tti Ko | e Ki | di Ke. | riAi ni w Kowo mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL |
hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | ëgi | jigé | siniwā́gŭaminàgᴇra | hōmicánagra |
homišánągᵉra | nįkítuhįjrèhajigò.* | Egi | žigé | siniwáguaminạ̀gᵉra, | homišánągᵉra |
your seats | I send forth greetings to [you]. | And | [again] | you who sits in the north, | your seat |
* the eccentric syllabic text can be analysed as, nį-kí-tuhįc-reha-ji-gò, where tuhįc means, "I greet" (Miner).
Notebook 23:143 | |||
ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko | na Kow de tt | Ai L n Ki Kii n. | Ao mi dA n KL |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjréhadjigo | naŋgŭā́jedja | hīranák‘īk‘ìṇa | hōmicánagra |
nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. | Nąguážeją | hiraną́kik’įna, | homišánągᵉra |
I send forth greetings to. | At the end of the Road | [the impersonator,] | your seat |
ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko. | A Ae m n lAe | wi Kyi Le Ki di. | m niy Koyi Le K. | m n KLe |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehadjigò | hahé manámpe | wīgaī́ragī̀ji | mā́nīagùirega | manágᴇre |
nįkúruhįjrehajigò. | Hąhé Maną́pe | wigaíragìži, | mą́niągùirega, | mąną́gᵉre |
I send forth greetings to. | The Night Soldier | the so-called, | when they come, | the earth |
tt rKe Hitti n Ki di. | de rKe Hitti | A n rKl. | A Ko n Ki di. | wo n Hi Le L | de rKe |
djasgéxdjinak‘ījì | jësgéxdji | hanasgā́p | hagū́nak‘ī̀ji | wōnáγirera | jësge |
jasgéxjįnąkižì, | žesgéxjį | hanąsgáp, | hagúnąkìži. | Wonáǧirera | žesge |
as much as there is, | that much | they tramp under, | when they come. | In war | [this way] |
Notebook 23:144 | |||||||
Ai Ki rKe | ttAo K K. | n tti Lo tt. | Ai Le de | Ai Ky Le de | e de | ayi Le n. | e Ki. |
hīk‘ísge | tcōk‘agá | nadjirandjá | hīrejé | hīgaī́reje | ēje | aī́rena | ëgi |
hikísge. | Cokagá | nąjirąją́ | hirežé, | higaíreže, | eže, | aíreną. | Egi |
likewise. | Grandfather | to bless him | they did, | [they say,] | he said, | it is said. | And |
Notebook 69:25 | |||||||
A lL | HeAe te Ai. | n tti Lo tt. | Ai Le de | Ai KiAi Ke de | ayi Le L | de rKe | A HiAi Li |
hā́mbᴇra | xetéhi | nādjiradjá | hīrejé | hīk‘īgéje | aī́rera | jësge | haxirī́ |
Hą́bᵉra | xetéhi | nąjiroją́ | hirežé, | hikigéže, | aírera. | Žesge | haxirí |
Life* | much | to bless him | they did, | he said of himself, | it is said. | That | to plead |
* literally, "Light," which Radin later translated as "Light-and-Life."
Notebook 23:145 | ||||
w Ae Ktt ni A wi K tt. | tt tti ne tt | Ai no Kow ttA lowi L | ttAo we L | w Ke Ktt wi A wiy n K. |
wahḗk‘djanihā̀wigadja | djadjinḗdja | hīnugwā́tcabwirà | tcowéra | wāk‘erek‘djawihawi-ā̀naga |
wahékjanihàwigają. | Jajįnéją | hinųgwácabwįrà | cowéra | wakerekjawihawiànąga |
[we are going to speak about.]* | Right away | our sisters | in front | we will place, and |
* the translation has, "we will plead for that in our songs."
e Ki | wi Low K n Ki Ktt ni A wi Ke | Ao t Ke | w Ae n | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL |
ë́gi | wīronā́kanagī̀k‘djanihawigè; | hōtak‘é | wahḗna | hāhé γōbᴇniŋk‘djaŋgra |
égi | wironákanągìkjanihawigè; | hotaké | wahéną. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra |
[then] | we will follow them; | to announce | that is what I mean. | You Night Blessed Children |
mi n Kd w KLe | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | e Ki | ttAe Kitti L | m Lo wi HL. | Ao mi n Ki Le tt n KA |
mīnákcawangre | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigò | ëgi | tcēk‘djī́ṇa | mānū́wiŋγra | hōminágirēdjanaŋk‘ā |
miną́kšawągᵉre, | nįkúruhįjwijigo." | Egi | cekjį́ra | mąrúwįǧᵉra | hominą́girejanąka. |
who are seated, | [we] greet you." | Then | the first thing | the circuit | where they sat. |
Notebook 23:146 | ||||||
e tt | m Lo wi HKA n Ki L n K. | e Ki | di Ke* | n Kowo de tt[yi] tt n K | e tt | m Lo wiHi |
ë́dja | mārū́wiŋx kanágiranaga | ëgi | jigé | naŋgŭó/jedjaiàdja naŋk‘ā́ | ëdja | māṇū́wiŋx |
Éja | mąrúwįǧᵉkaną́giranąga | egi | žigé | Nąguóžejaįàjanąká, | eja | mąrúwįx |
There | they circled, and | [then] | [again] | at the end of the Road, | [there] | circuit |
* Ke is inserted above the line with a caret.
K n Ki Le de | Ai no l A L | e Ki | di Ke.* | A lo Kowe tt n K | e tt. | di Ke | o [i] ne de |
kanágireje | hīnubóhana | ë́gi | jigé | hāmbogŭḗdjanaŋk‘a | ëdja | jige | ‘ú-ineje |
kaną́gireže, | hinubóhąna. | Égi | žigé | hąboguéjanąka, | eja | žige | ’ų́ineže. |
they made, | the second time. | Then | [again] | at the east end, | there | again | they did it. |
* di is inserted above the line with a caret.
Notebook 23:147 | ||||||
e Ki | riAi ni w Kowo mi n Ke tt. | Ai Low Kini o Ki | e Ki | n w L | tt n K | Ai o Ktt ne Ki di. |
ë́gi | siniwā́gŭominagèdja | hīrōnā́gᴇni ‘uŋgī́ * | ëgi | nāwána | djānaga | hī’uŋk‘djanā́giji |
Égi | siniwáguominąkèja | hiroágᵉni’ųgi, | egi | nąwą́ra | janąga | hi’ųkjanágiži, |
And | [to the seats] on the north side | the last time he did it, | then | songs | as many as | he would use, |
* the first /n/ is an inappropriate insertion.
A n ttAi | wi o Ki. | e Ki. | di Ke | tto l A | m Lo wi HKA n K n K | e Ki. | na Kowe de tt[yi] tt |
hanā́ntci | wī‘úŋgi | ë́gi | jigé | djōbóha | māṇū́wiŋx kanagánaga* | ëgi | naŋgŭéjedjaìndja |
haną́cį | wi’ų́gi. | Égi | žigé | jobóhą | mąrúwįǧᵉkanągánąga | egi | Nąguéžejaį̀ja |
all of them | he used them. | Then | again | four | he made circuits, and | then | at the end of the Road |
* the transliteration has been put in the third person plural rather than in the singular as indicated by the syllabic text.
Notebook 23:148 | |||||||
Ki Li tte | w Ai n | wi Lo L KL. | e Ki. | A n ttAi | mi n Ki Le Ki di. | e Ki. | n Kowo de tt |
k‘īridje | wahī́na | wīrṓragᴇra | ëgi | hanā́ntcin | mīnágiregī̀ji | ëgi | naŋgŭṓjedja |
kirije | wahíną, | Wiróragᵉra. | Egi | haną́cį | miną́giregìži, | egi | Nąguóžeją, |
[he returned,] | he placed it, | the Mediators. | Then | all of them | when they are seated, | then | at the end of the Road, |
Radin, WT 340 | |||||
Ai L n Ki Kii L. | n di n. | we n. | w Lo Hi L. | A lLo HAo Lo KL. | Ao mi dA n KL |
hiranā́k‘ī̀k‘ìṇa | nājī́na | wḗna | warōγī́ra | hā́mbᴇruxurugrà | hōmicánagra† |
hiraną́kik’į̀ra, | nąžíną. | Wéną, | "Waroǧíra | Hą́bᵉruxúrųgᵉrà, | homíšą́nągᵉra |
the one who is seated, | he arose. | He said, | "You Councilors, | you Life Obtainers, | your seats |
* this should be translated as, "the one who considers himself," that is, "the impersonator."
† in the text at 69:25, this expression was placed after niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigo, but was circled and inserted here with an arrow.
Notebook 69:26 | |||||
ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko. | e Ki. | ttAo ni | mi n KL. | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai dA n |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigo | ë́gi | tcōni | mī́nagra | hōmīcánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintccana |
nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. | Égi | coni | mínągᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįšąną. |
I greet. | And | first | the seat, | your seats | I greet you. |
Notebook 23:149 | |||||
e Ki | riAi ni w Ko | Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko. |
ëgi | siniwā́gu | hīrā́nak‘īk‘i | mīnágᴇra | hōmīcánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindj réhadjigo |
Egi | siniwágu | hiránąkik’į | miną́gᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. |
Then | in the north | [impersonators] | the ones who are seated, | your seats | I send forth greetings to. |
e Ki | e tt. | wiyo Le L n Ki Kii | mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko |
ëgi | ë́dja | wī-oiréranàk‘ik‘i | mī́nagra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigo |
Egi | éja | wioréranạ̀kik’į | mínągᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. |
And | [there] | in the west | who is seated, | your seats | I send forth greeting to. |
Notebook 23:150 | |||
A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL | ttAiyo do | mi n Kd w KLe | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko. |
hāhé γōbᴇníŋk‘djaŋgra | tci-ṓju | mīnákcawaŋgᵉre | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā́widjigṑ |
Hąhé Ğobᵉnį́kjągᵉra | cióžu | miną́kšawągᵉre, | nįkúruhįjreháwijįgò. |
Children of the Night Blessed | within the lodge | who are seated, | [we] send forth greetings to you. |
e liAi n. | A Ae te e. | Ai ttAo Ke w L wi Ki | w HAo lAi ni | w L tti Le | Ai Ki rKe. |
ep‘ī́na | hāhé te‘é | hītcṓke warāwigī̀ | waxopíni | warā́djire | hīkīsgé |
Epíną. | Hąhé te’e | hicókewarawigì, | waxopíni | warájire | hikisgé, |
It is good. | Tonight | your grandfathers, | spirits | [the various] | like unto, |
Notebook 23:151 | ||||
wo L Ki dA L wiy n K. | A lL HAo LoKo | lAi Hitti | w d Ai lL wiy n K | te e di |
worā́kicā̀rawi-ā̀naga | hāmbᴇruxū́ruk‘ | p‘ī́xdjì | wacāhimbawi-ā̀naga | te ḗji |
worákišàrawiànąga | Hąbᵉruxúruk | pį́xjį̀ | wašahįbawiànąga | teéži, |
you have imitated, and | to obtain Life | sufficient | what you have uttered, and | as for me, |
daa Kow Ai Le Ki di | tt Ko | a tti Le Ki di | A Ke | Ai lAe Le rni L | de rKe doAo no K tt |
s‘agwahī́regī̀ji | djagū́ | ādjī́regī̀ji | haŋké | hipereznī́na | jë́sgeconuŋgā̀dja |
š’agwahíregìži, | jagú | ajíregìži,* | hąké | hiperezníną. | Žésgešonųgàją. |
what my forefathers have said, | [how] | [when they came,] | not | I do not know. | [It used to be that way.] |
* the initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.
w do e L | Ai d | e to HAo Lo Ki Ktt ne de. | A Ko Le d. | n tto ni ttyi L wi Ki di. | A Ke |
wajṓ‘erà | hījá | esuxū́rugik‘djanḕje* | hagârḗja | nándjonidjaìṇawigī̀ji | haŋké |
Wažóerà | hižą́ | e tuxúrugikjanèže. | Hagoréžą, | ną́jonijaį̀rawigìži, | hąké |
[The words] | [one of them] | it I will do. | [Sometime,] | if you are pitied, | not |
* the /s/ in place of /t/ is in error.
Notebook 23:152 | |||||
w Ki Lo Htt dKo ni | wi niy tte. | tt tti K | Ai Ke n | wo mi w Ki. | wo L Ki dK tt Ktt ne n |
wagīrṓxdjācgū̀ni | wīni-ā́dje | djadjī́ga | hiŋgḗna | womī́waŋk‘ī | wōragī́cgatc djak‘djanḗna |
wagiróxjašgùni, | winią́je, | jajíga | hįgéną. | Womíwąki, | woragíšgajakjanèną, |
to talk foolishly about it, | do not do it, | my father | he told me. | If you are bad, | you will act foolishly with it, |
e n. | ttAo KA K | A Ae m n lAe | wi Kyi Le Ki di | de rKe | n tto tt[yi] Le Ki di. | Ao ni A |
ḗna | tcōk‘agā́ | hāhé manā́npe | wīgairegī́ji | jësge | nādjodjaī́ṇegiji | hōnī́ha |
éną. | Cokagá | Hąhé Maną́pe | wigairegíži, | žesge | nąjojaį́regiži, | honíha |
he said. | My grandfather | the Night Soldiers | the so-called, | [these] | he was blessed, and | utterings |
Notebook 69:27 | Notebook 23:153 | |||||
n tti Lo tt. | Ai Le de. | e de | a[yi] Le L | tt n K. | w ni KL | ttA lAo Hitti L |
nā́ndjirodjà | hīrejé | ēje | aī́rera | djā́naga | waniŋgrā́ | tcāpṓxdjiṇà |
ną́jirojạ̀ | hirežé, | eže, | aírera. | Jánąga | wanįgᵉrá | capóxjįrà* |
to be blessed | he was, | he said, | it was said. | All there are | the birds | near their breasts |
* < capóx-xjį-ra, "those who near their breasts".
deAe l Ki | de n K. | A Ae | Ki KiAi ne de | e de | ayi Le L | Ao ni A L | de de rKe |
cebáŋk‘i | jë́naga | hāhégi k‘ī́ṇeje | ēje | aī́rera | hōnihā́ra | jḗjēsge | |
šebą́ki* | žénąga | Hąhé | gikį́neže, | eže, | aírera. | Honihára | žéžesge |
black [on each side] | that many | Night | they appeared, | he said, | it is said. | The utterings | that |
* < sep-aki, "black on each side".
Notebook 23:154 | |||||
w Ke | w Ae Ktt ni A wi n. | Ao ni A L | wo L Ktt L * | deyi rKe Ktt wi L. | wi Lo L KL |
wage | wahḗk‘djanehā̀wina | hōnihā́ra | wōrā́tcgara | jë́sgëk‘djawirà | wīrṓragra |
wage | wahékjanihàwiną. | Honihára | worácgara | žéisgekjawirà. | Wiróragᵉra |
[he designated] | [we will sing.] | The utterings | to guess at them | we are going to. | The Mediators |
* the K and tt have been metathesized and should read, ttK.
w to ttA lowi Ki | Ai m dtt Ktt wi L | A Ae Ho lL | mi n Kd w KeLe | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. |
watū́tcabwigì | hīmaícdjaŋk‘djawirà | hāhé γobra | mīnákcawaŋgre | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigṑ |
watúcabwigì, | himaį́šjąkjawirà. | "Hąhé Ğobᵉra | miną́kšawągᵉre, | nįkúruhįjwijigò." |
when we hold them, | we will be strengthened. | The Night Blessed | who are seated, | [we] greet you." |
Notebook 23:155 | ||||||
Ai L[yi] roAo ttL | w wi o Lo tt Ki di. | e Ki | di Ke | n di n. | w Ko Lo Ai ttL | we n. |
hīraī́sundjᴇra | wawī́‘urūcdjŋgī̀ji | ëgi | jigé | nājī́na | wak‘ūruhíndjᴇra | wḗna |
Hiraísųjᵉra | wawí’ųrušjįgìži, | egi | žigé | nąžíną. | Wakuruhį́jᵉra, | wéną, |
The Starting [Songs] | when he gets through using, | then | [again] | he arises. | He greeted them, | he said, |
w Lo Hi L | A loLo HAo Lo KL. | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko. | A lo Ko L |
waroγī́ra | hā́mbᴇruxurugᴇra | homicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | hāmbogo-* |
"Waroǧíra, | Hą́bᵉruxurugᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. | Hąbogúra |
"You Councilors, | Life Obtainers, | your seats | I send forth greeting to. | The east |
* this is run together with the next word.
mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko | rAi ni w Kowo mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL |
mī̀naŋgra | homicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | siniwaguminàgᴇra | hōmicánagra |
mínągᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. | Siniwágųminạ̀gᵉra, | homišánągᵉra |
who is seated, | your seat | I send forth greeting to. | You who sits in the north, | your seat |
Notebook 23:156 | ||||
ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko | wiyo [i] Le. | Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | wī-oiré | hīrā́nak‘īk‘i | mīnágᴇra | hōmicánagra |
nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. | Wioiré | hiránakik’į | miną́gᵉra, | homišánągᵉra |
I send forth greeting to. | West | [to expect for himself] | who sits, | your seat |
ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | hāhé γobᴇníŋk‘djaŋgra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀djigṑ |
nįkúruhįjrèhajigo. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjwíjigò. |
I send forth greetings to. | You Children of the Night Blessed, | your seat | [we] greet you. |
Notebook 23:157 | ||||
e Ki | A Ae m n lAe | wi K[yi] Le Ki di. | Ai no Kow ttA li Le Ki di. | w K ttA Kow KA L Ki n Kede |
ëgi | hahé manámpe | wīgaī́ragī̀ji | hinuŋgwaŋtcā́biregī̀ji | wakantcaŋk‘ wak‘āragī́naŋkce |
Egi | Hąhé Maną́pe | wigaíragìži, | hinųgųacábiregìži, | wakącąkuakaragìnąkše. |
And | the Night Soldiers | the so-called, | when their sisters did, | they treat with holiness. |
Notebook 69:28 | ||||||
ttAo we L | wo K L KeAe Le | n Ki di | Ai Lo Ki o | Ai no Kow ttA lowi L | Ai dKe | Ai m dtt. |
tcōwéra | wōk‘ā́rakere | naŋk‘ī́ji | hīrōk‘ī́‘u | hīnungwatcā́bwira | hīsgé | hīmacdja |
Cowéra | wokárakere | nąkíži, | hirokí’ų | hinųgųacábwira | hisgé | himąšją |
In front | to place them | they did, and | in imitation | our sisters | [also] | to be strengthened |
Notebook 23:158 | |||||
Ai Le Ktte | ttAo we L | wo K L Ke L Ktt wi A wiy n K | Ao t Ke | w Ae n | tt n K |
hīrāk‘djé | tcōwéra | wṓk‘árak‘èrak‘djanihawi-ā̀naga | hōtaké | wahḗna | djā́naga |
hirakjé | cowéra | wókárakèrakjawihawiànąga | hotaké | wahéną. | Jánąga |
they might be. | At the head | we will place them, and | I answer | [it is why I say it.] | All |
Ai ttAow Ki do | A tti wi L | de n K | Ai m dtt Ktt wi L | de de rKe | Ai Low Ki lAo no |
hītco-ā́k‘iju | hadjiwī́ra | jë́naga | hīmaícdjaŋk‘djawirà | jéjēsge | hīro-ā́k‘i pū́nu |
hicoák’ižu | hajiwíra | žénąga | himaį́šjąkjawirà. | Žéžesge | hiroákipúnu, |
together | we have come | [that many] | we might be strengthened by it. | That | it is our plea, |
Notebook 23:159 | ||||
w A tt wi K tt. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | Ai w dAi L | wi o[yi] ne Ktt ne Ki | n di ne Ki di. |
wahadjáwigadja | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀djigò | hīwacī́ra | wī‘ú-iṇek‘djanḕgi | nā́jīṇegī̀ji |
wahają́wigają. | Nįkúruhįjwíjigo." | Hiwašíra | wi’ų́inekjanègi, | ną́žįnegìži, |
[we who speak.] | [we] greet you." | The dancing songs | when they were to use, | they arose, and |
Ai no KL | ttAo ni | w Ki tti Le de. | e Ki | e tt. | lAe Hi | o n. | n di ne de |
hīnuŋgrá | tcōni | wagīgī́reje | ëgi | ë́dja | peγī́ | ‘uṇa | nājī́ṇeje |
hinųgᵉrá | coni | wagigíreže. | Egi | éja | peǧí | ’una, | nąžį́neže. |
their sisters | at the lead | they put them. | Then | [there] | the gourds | [the ones doing,] | [they arose.] |
Ai Kotto lA Ai. | n di n n K. | A Kotto Ki K w HAo[w] tt * | m ni ne de | e Ki | e tt |
hāk‘djṓp‘ahi | nājīṇā́naga | hak‘djṓ k‘īk‘ā̀waxuantc | manī́ṇeje | ëgi | ë́dja |
Hakjópahi | nąžįnánąga | hakjókikàwaxu[ąc ?] | maníneže. | Egi | éja |
Facing backwards | [they stood, and] | [they dressed themselves] backwards | they walked. | Then | [there] |
* something illegible is written after HAo, and the transliteration is difficult to read. To compound the matter, the only part translated is hakjá, "backwards."
Notebook 23:160 | |||||||
LeHe ttA ttAri.* | Ao tti L. | n di ne de. | e Ki | e lA | tt rKe Ki | li | n di ne de. |
rextcā́tcas | hōdjíṇá | nājī́naje | ëgi | ḗp‘a | djasgégi | p‘i | nājī́naje |
rexcácas | hojį́rà | nąžį́neže. | Egi | épa | jasgégi | pį | nąžį́neže. |
the drums | they followed | [they arose.] | Then | [from then on] | [anyhow] | well | [they arose.] |
* the function and meaning of the concluding i is obscure and has been dropped from the transliteration.
A n ttAi. | nolo. dA n * | Ai L Ki KiAi rA ni Kn di ne n. | e Ki. | n w L | tt n K |
hanā́ntci | nupcána | hīrak‘ī́k‘īsànik‘ nājīnḗna | ëgi | nāwáṇa | djā́naga |
Haną́cį | nųpšą́ną | hirakikisànįknązįnéną. | Egi | nąwą́ra | jánąga |
All of them | two | side by side they stood. | Then | the songs | all of them |
* the period is ignored in the transliteration. The expression means, "two only." A small n is inserted slightly above the line after dA.
Ai o Ktt ne Ki di. | A n ttAi. | wi o Ki | e Ki. | ttAiyo Ki rA Ke tt | Ki Li tte Ai de |
hī‘úŋk‘djanḕgiji | hanā́ntci | wī‘úŋgi | ëgi | tcī-ōk‘isā́gedja | k‘īridjéhije |
hi’ų́kjanègiži, | haną́cį | wi’ų́gi. | Egi | ciokiságeja | kirijéhiže. |
he was going to use, | all of them | he used them. | Then | to the middle of the lodge | they brought it back. |
Notebook 23:161 | ||||||
Ao Lo dtt L | Ae Le Ai Le de | w dAi L. | e Ki. | n Kowo de tt | Ao mi n KL. | n diy n K. |
hōrūcdjéṇa | herehī́reje | wacī́ra | ëgi | naŋgŭṓjedja | hōmī́nagra | nāji-ā́naga |
Horušjéra | herehíreže, | wašira. | Egi | Nąguóžeją | homínągᵉra, | nąžiánąga |
To stop | they made it, | dancing. | Then | at the end of the Road | the one who sits, | he arose, and |
Notebook 69:29 | ||||
A n ttAi | w Ko Lo Aitti deAe. | wo Lo Hi Lo HAo Lo KL. | Ao Ki K L ttL | mi n Kd w K. |
hanā́ntci | wak‘ūruhíntcce | wṓruγiruxū̀rugᴇra | hōk‘ī́k‘aradjᴇra | mīnákcawaŋk‘a |
haną́cį | wakuruhį́cše. | Wóruǧiruxùrugᵉra, | hokíkarajᵉra | miną́kšawąka, |
all of them | greeted them. | "You who have obtained council, | you relatives | who are seated, |
Notebook 23:162 | |||||
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttwi n. | e Ki | ttAo ni | mi n KL. | Ao mi dA n KL. |
hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | ëgi | tcṓni | mī́naŋgᴇra | hōmicánaŋgra |
homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjwiną. | Egi | cóni | mínągᵉra | homišánągᵉra |
your seats | I greet. | And | first | you who were seated, | your seats |
ni Ko Lo Ai ttwi tti Ko. | e Ki | rAi ni w Ko | Ao mi n K[L]. | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko. |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwīdjigō | ëgi | siniwagū́ | hōmīnágra | hōmicánaŋgra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjīgò |
nįkúruhįjwijigo. | Egi | siniwagú | hominą́gᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjirèhajigò." |
I greet. | And | in the north | you who sits, | your seat | I send forth greetings to." |
e Ki | wiyo Le L n Ki Kii | mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttwi tti Ko |
ëgi | wi-oiréranàk‘īk‘i | mī́nagra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigṑ |
Egi | wioréranạ̀kik’į, | mínągᵉra | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjwijigo. |
And | you who sits in the west, | you who were seated, | your seats | we greet. |
Notebook 23:163 | ||||
A Ae Ho lL | ttAiyo do | mi n Kd w Ke * | A n ttAi Hitti | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko. |
hāhé γobᴇra | tci-ṓju | mīnákcawaŋk‘ā | hānā́tciŋxdjí | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā̀wīdjigṑ |
Hąhé Ğobᵉra | cióžu | miną́kšawąka, | haną́cįxjį́, | nįkúruhįcreháwijigò. |
Night Blessed | [filling the lodge] | who are seated, | all of you, | [we] send forth greetings. |
* the concluding e appears to be in error. The expression might be analyzed as, miną́k-šawąk-ka, where -ka is a definite article used to indicate respect.
A Ko Le d | A Ae Ho lni Ktt KL | Ai d. | w Lo Hiy n K | Ao Lo Kini Koyi Le Ki di. |
hagârḗja | hāhé γobᴇniŋk‘djaŋgᴇra | hijā́ | warōγi-ā́naga | horāk niŋgoiregī́ji |
Hagoréžą | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra | hižą́ | waroǧi-ánąga | horak nįgoiregíži, |
Whenever | the Night Blessed Children | one of them | he councils, and | you are invited, |
Notebook 23:164 | ||||
e Ki | n Kowe de tt n | Ao mi n Kini Ki Ki Le Ki di. | w Kdi Kii | n ni Ki i ne |
ëgi | naŋgŭṓjedjàṇa | hōmīnágᴇnigigīregī̀ji | ŭaŋkcik‘i | nā́nigi‘iṇe |
egi | Nąguóžejạ̀na | hominą́gᵉnįgigiregìži, | wąkšik’į | nánigi’įne |
and | the end of the Road | you are given the seat, | to live | they try |
w o ne Ktt ne n. | Ai K L Kyi Le L | me de rKe | w Kyi Le K tt. | Ao w Le L. | w Kdi Ko i L |
wā‘úiṇek‘djaṇèna | hiŋk‘aragaī́rera | mḗjësge | wagaī́regā̀dja | hōwerḗra | ŭāŋkcígo‘ìṇa |
wa’úįnekjąnèną, | hįkaragaírera. | Méžesge | wagaíregàją. | Howaréra, | Wąkšgo’įra |
they will do it, | they told me. | This | it is what they meant. | Sure enough, | Life |
Radin, WT 341 | ||||
Notebook 23:165 | ||||
Ai L n Ki Kii wi ne n | e Ki | wi Lo L KL. | A lL | wi L wo Ko ri L n K. |
hīranák‘ik‘i ‘ŭinḗna | ëgi | wīrṓragᴇra | hāmbᴇrā́ | wīrā́xukzīrā̀naga* |
hiraną́kik’įwįnéną. | Egi | wiróragᵉra | Hąbᵉrá | wiráwokuzirànąga |
they have caused me to think. | And | the Mediators | Life | they held it, and |
* this bears little resemblance to the syllabic text. Cf. hirakus, "to be arrested." This seems to be, wa-hirá-wo-kus-ire-ànąga, although the infix -wo-, dropped in the transliteration, remains obscure.
wi L Ki w Ho Lo tti Le L | ni dKe | wi L w Ho Lo tti L wi L. | tt n K | w do Ki ni KL. |
wīrakiwaxū̀rudjirera* | nicgé | wīraiwaxū́rutcirawirà | djanagá | wijṓk‘inigra |
wirakiwaxùrujirera. | Nišgé | wiraiwaxúrucirawirà. | Janągá | wižókįnigᵉra, |
they passed it on to one another. | To us also | they passed it on to us. | All | relatives, |
* after the first /a/, two letters were blacked out and /k/ written above them.
Notebook 69:30 | |||||
Ai no Kow ttA liwi L | dKe | A n ttAi. | w Kdi Ko i L | Ai L n Ki Kii wi L | de ttyi Hitti |
hinuŋgwā́tcabwiracge | hanā́ntci | ŭaŋkcígo‘ìṇa | hīranák‘ik‘iwirà | jedjaíŋxdji | |
hinųgųácbwira | šge, | haną́cį, | Wąkšigo’į́ra | hiraną́kik’įwirà. | Žejaį́xjį, |
our sisters | [also,] | all of them, | Life | we were caused to think. | Thus far only, |
Notebook 23:166 | ||||
Ai loAoyi dA A wi L. | de de rKe | w iy n lKe | w A tte n. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL |
hīpoī́ca hawī́ra | jéjësge | wa‘yā́napge | wahā́djena | hāhé γobᴇniŋk‘djaŋgra |
hipoíšąhawìra. | Žéžesge, | wa’iánapge | wahájeną. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra |
we will detain them. | [Thus,] | I am thankful, | I anounce. | The Children of the Night Blessed |
ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi n. | e Ki | w Ki Ko n KA. | n di n. | we n. | ttAo ni | mi n KL. | Ao mi dA n KL |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwī̀na | ëgi | wagigṓnak‘a | nājī́na | wḗna | tcōní | mī́naŋgra | hōmicánagra |
nįkúruhįjwiną. | Egi | Wagigónąka | nąžíną, | wéną, | "Coní | mínągᵉra, | homišánągᵉra |
I greet you. | Then | the Feast Giver | he arises, | he says, | "First | the seat, | your seat |
Notebook 23:167 | |||||
ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko | e Ki | e tt. | rAi ni w Ko. | Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL. |
niŋk‘ūruhindjréhadjigṑ | ëgi | ë́dja | siniwā́gu | hīranák‘īk‘i | mīnáŋgᴇra |
nįkúruhįjrehajigo." | Egi | éja | siniwágu | hiránąkik’į, | miną́gᵉra, |
I send forth greetings." | Then | [there] | in the north | [the impersonators] | the ones who are seated, |
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko. | e Ki | wiyo [i] Le | Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL |
hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | ëgi | wī-oī́re | hiranák‘īk‘i | mīnáŋgᴇra |
homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigò. | Egi | wioíre | hiraną́kik’į | miną́gᵉra |
your seats | I send forth greetings. | And | the west | [impersonator] | the one who is seated, |
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko. | e Ki | n Kowo de tt | Ai L n Ki Kii L. |
hōmicánagᴇra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | ëgi | naŋgŭṓjedja | hīraná́k‘īk‘iṇà |
homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigò. | Egi | Nąguóžeją | hiraną́kik’įrà, |
your seat | I send forth greetings. | And | at the end of the Road | [impersonators,] |
Notebook 23:168 | ||||
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A tti Ko. | e liAi n. | K Ko dKe ni Kette de. | te de rKe |
hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | ep‘ína | [gagúcgeniŋk‘djèje]* | téjësge |
homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigò. | Epį́ną. | Gagų́šgenįkjèže. | Téžesge |
your seats | I send forth greetings. | It is good. | [-]† | This |
* this word is placed in brackets in the text.
† untranslated and unanalyzable.
Low Ko L. | Ao K L K L * | to daa Kn KL | A n ttA.† | Ao L Ki K wi L | e liAi n. | e Ki. | w d L |
rō-āguṇa | hōk‘ā́ragᴇra | tūc‘ā́gᴇnaŋgra | hanā́ndj | hōṇā́gigawíra | ep‘ína | ëgi | wajā́ṇa |
roagųra. | Hokáragᵉra | tuš’ágᵉnągᵉra. | Haną́c | hǫrágigawìra. | Epį́ną. | Egi | wažą́ra |
I wanted. | To tell it | I have not been able. | All | you told it for me. | It is good. | [And] | things |
* given the transliteration, the word should have been spelled, Ao K L KL.
† the last A appears to be followed by an o, but is probably either just a "flourish" at the end of the word, or an aborted attempt to make a ligature with the next word. In the transliteration, it is followed by a number of words blacked out by fine vertical lines.
te e dA n. | Ai L tteAe L de | ayi Le L. | A li tyi o L | ttAo we | A wi L |
te ë́cana | hīraitcéraje | aī́rera | hāmbitaī́‘uṇa | tcṓwe | hawī́ra |
teéšąną | hiraicéraže, | aírera. | Hąbitaí’ųra | cówe | hawíra |
this [alone] | it is the foremost, | it is said. | The instrument with which to ask for Life | in front | of us |
Notebook 23:169 | |||||||
Ao L Ki do wi L | te e dA n | ne dKe | w Kdi Ki i | lAi Hitti. | Ai L Ki Ki wi L | e lAi n. | e Ki |
huṇā́gijuwirā̀ | te‘écana | ṇḗcge | ŭaŋkcígi‘i | piṇxdji | hīṇāgī́giwira | ep‘ī́na | ëgi |
hųrágižuwirà. | Te’éšąną | néšge | wąkšígi’į | pįxjį | hiragígiwira. | Epíną. | Egi |
you have placed. | This alone | even | [for Life] | enough | you have done for us. | It is good. | And |
Notebook 69:31 | |||||||
di Ke | daa Kow L wi K. | w HAo liAi ni | Ki rKe. | Ao A te L | A lo L ttL | tt Ko | ayi Le Ki di. |
jigé | c‘agwarā́wiga | waxopíni | k‘īsgé | hātéra | hā́mboradjᴇrà | djagū́ | airegī́ji |
žigé | š’agwaráwiga, | waxopíni | kisgé, | hohątéra | hą́borajᵉrà | jagú | airegíži, |
[again] | your forefathers, | spirits | like unto, | they did dream | to obtain Life | how, | [it is said, and] |
Notebook 23:170 | ||||||
de de rKe | Ayi rAe Letti. | A e L wi L. | e li n. | w Kdi Ko i | Ai L HoAo LoKo. | lAi Hitti. |
jéjësge | haíseretc | harerā́wira | ep‘ī́na | ŭaŋkcígo‘i | hīrarū́xuk | piŋxdjí |
žéžesge | haį́serecį* | haeráwira.† | Epíną. | Wąkšígo’į | hiraxuruk‡ | pįxjį́ |
that kind | all night | you have talked about. | It is good. | Life | to obtain | enough |
* the transliteration takes Letti to be in error for Lette, but it seems more likely that it is in error for Le tti.
† hae, meaning, "to talk about, discuss," is attested and in conformity with the syllabic text, but the form hare- is not.
‡ the hiraxuruk of the syllabic text is not attested; but compare, ruxúruk, ruxúruki (< ruxuruk hi), "to be able, to accomplish, to earn, to obtain."
w dA Ai lL w[i] L | e lAi n. | w iy n lKe | w A tt[e] n | e Ki. | w d Li d | doo Ki. | liAi Aiy tte. |
wacāhimbrā́wira | ep‘ī́na | wa‘yā́nāmp‘ge | wahadjḗna | ë́gi | wajanipá | c‘uŋgī́ | p‘īhi-ā́dje |
wašahįbᵉráwira. | Epíną. | Wa’iánąpge, | wahajéną. | Égi | wažąrižą* | š’ųgí, | pįhiáje, |
you said it. | It is good. | Because I am thankful | I say this. | And | anything | if you do, | do it right, |
* the tranliteration hypercorrects the L of the syllabic text to /n/ and mistakes the concluding d for l, yielding the unattested wažąnipą́ in place of the well known wažąrižą (< wažą-hižą), "a thing, something, anything."
Notebook 23:171 | |||||
Ai Kyi Le L. | n HKo | no ni Ke. | te de Ko Ki L | Ai to HAo Lo KL | Ai tt w ni Ki Ke Le Ktt ni A wi n. |
hingaī́rera | naŋxgu | nunigé | tejëguk‘ī́ra | hītuxū́rugᴇra | hīdjā́waṇigī̀kerek‘djanihā̀wina |
hįgaírera. | Nąxgų, | nųnįgé | težegųkíra | hituxúrugᵉra. | Hijáwanigikerekjanihàwiną. |
they told me. | I understand it, | but | this [only] | I could do. | I will place them to you. |
w Konow ni | no ni Ke. | wo Lo Hi | te ey o dAo no L | Ao o L | Ai Ki Le Ke | e rKe | A Ke |
ŭā́ŋgᴇnu-āni | nū́nige | wōrṓγi | teé ya‘úconunà | hō‘úṇa | hiŋgī́rege | ë́sge | haŋk‘e |
Wą́gᵉnuani, | núnige | woróǧi | teéya’ų́šonųnạ̀. | Ho’úra, | hįgírege, | ésge | hąké |
I am an old man, | but | affair | I always did this. | To do it, | as it is time, | therefore, | not |
Notebook 23:172 | ||||||
lAi. | A ni L | y lAe Le rono ni Ke | w Kow ni K tt. | A ttAi tt | w ni | w d to HAo Lo Ki Ktte de. |
p‘ī́ | hanī́ṇa | yapérez nunigé | ŭā́ŋgᴇnu-anigā̀dja | hatcíndja | wanī́ | wajātūxū́rugīikdjèje |
pį́ | haníra | yapéreznųnįgé | wą́gᵉnuanįgàją. | Hacį́ja | waní | wažatuxúrugikjèže, |
right | I did not | I know, but | I am an old man. | Where | meat | [I could obtain some,] |
w do Ki L | Ai Ki tti L Le Ke | me de rKe | A n. | ni t K ttL | Le HL | tto liAi wi wi n. |
wajṓk‘iṇà | hiŋgīdjiraī́rege | méjësge | hā́na | nitā́k‘adjera | réγᴇra | djōp‘ī́wiwī̀na |
wažókįrà | hįgijeraírege, | méžesge | háną. | Nįtákajᵉrá | réǧᵉra | jopíwiwìną. |
the relatives | they helped me, so | this | I did. | Hot water | kettles | there are four. |
ttAiyo Ki rA Ke tt | w ni Ki Ke Le Ktt ni A wi n. | rA niKi. | A lo Ko Le Ki tt ne. |
tcī-ṓk‘isā̀gedja | waniŋgī́kerek‘djanihā̀wina | sā́nik | hāmbogurégidjaṇè |
Ciokiságeja | wanįgíkerekjanihàwiną. | Sánįk | hąbogurégijąnè, |
In the middle of the lodge | I will place them for you. | [The side] | the one in the east, |
Notebook 23:173 | |||||
A lo Kowo mi n KL | ey ni Ktt ne n | e Ki | Ai no le tt tte K. | rAi ni w Ko | Ai L n Ki Kii L |
hā́mbogŭominàgᴇra | e-ā́nik‘djanḕna | ëgi | hīnūmbédjadjega | siniwā́gu | hīranák‘ik‘iṇà |
hą́boguominạ̀gᵉra, | eánįkjanèną. | Egi | hinųbéjajega, | sinįwágu | hiraną́kik’įrà, |
the one in the east seat, | he will have it. | And | the second one, | in the north | the one who sits,* |
* this should be translated as, "the one who considers himself," that is, "the impersonator."
ey ni Ktt ne n. | e Ki | Ai t niye tt tte K. | Ai dKe | Ai t ni L | ey ni Ktt ne n. |
e-ā́nik‘djanḕna | êgi | hītani-ḗdjadjega | hīcgé | hītanī́ṇa | e-ā́nik‘djanḕna |
eánįkjanèną. | Egi | hitaniéjajega, | hišgé | hitaníra | eánįkjanèną. |
he will have it. | And | the third one, | [also] | the third one | he will have it. |
Notebook 69:32 | ||||
e Ki. | ow Ke tt tte K. | Ai dKe | n Kowo de tt | Ao mi n KL |
ë́gi | ‘ŭáŋgedjadjega | hīcgé | naŋgŭā́jedja | hōminágᴇra |
Égi | ’uą́gejajega, | hišgé | Nąguážeją, | hominą́gᵉra, |
And | the one on the end, | [also] | on the end of the Road, | the one who sits, |
Notebook 23:174 | ||||
ey ni Ktt ne n. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL. | tt n K | mi n Kd w Ke | A n ttAi |
e-ā́niŋk‘djanḕna | hāhé γōbᴇniŋk‘djaŋgra | djānaga | mīnákcawaŋk‘a | hanā́ntci |
eánįkjanèną. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkją́gᵉra, | janąga | miną́kšawąka,* | haną́cį |
he will have it. | Children of the Night Blessed, | all | who are seated, | all of them |
* the syllabic text implies miną́kšawąke, but this is hard to rationalize. See above.
ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko. | e Ki | Ai dKe | n di n | A lo Kowo mi n KL | we n. |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā̀widjigò | ëgi | hīcgé | nājī́na | hāmbogŭṓmīnàgra | wḗna |
nįkúruhįjrehàwijigò. | Egi | hišgé | nąžíną | hą́boguóminạ̀gᵉra, | wéną |
I send forth my greetings. | Then | [also] | he stood up | [the one in the east seat,] | he said, |
Notebook 23:175 | ||||
w Lo Hi L | Ao mi dA n Kowi L | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A wi tti Ko. | e Ki. | rA ni KeLe Ki. |
waroγī́ra | hōmicónagwira | niŋk‘ū́ruhintcrehā̀widjigò | ëgi | sanígᴇregi |
"Waroǧíra | homišánągwira | nįkúruhįcrehàwijigò. | Egi | sanį́gᵉregi |
"Councilor, | your seats | we send greetings to. | And | over here |
riAi ni w Ko | Ai L n Ki Kii L. | Ao mi dA n K[L] | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A [wi] tti Ko. | wiyo Le L |
siniwā́gu | hīranák‘īk‘ìṇa | hōmīcónaŋgra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintcrèhāwidjigò | wī-oī́rera* |
siniwágu | hiraną́kik’įra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįcrèhawijigò. | Wiórera |
north | [who impersonates,] | your seats | we said greetings to. | The west |
* the last /r/ is written over a blacked out /n/.
n Ki Kii L | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko. | e Ki | n Kowo de tt |
nák‘īk‘ìṇa | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintcrehā̀widjigò | ëgi | naŋgŭṓjedja |
ną́kik’į̀ra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkúruhįcrehàwijigò. | Egi | Nąguóžeją |
[who wishes to be,] | your seats | we send greetings to. | And | at the end of the Road |
Notebook 23:176 | ||||
Ai L n Ki Kii | mi n KL | Ao mi dA n KL. | ni Ko Lo Ai tte A tti Ko. | A Ae Ho lini Ktt KL. |
hīranák‘īk‘i | mīnágᴇra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | hāhé γōbᴇniŋk‘djaŋgra |
hiraną́kik’į | miną́gᵉra, | homišánągᵉra | nįkų́ruhįjrèhajigò. | Hąhé Ğobᵉnįkjągᵉra |
[impersonator] | who sits, | your seat | I send greetings to. | Children of the Night Blessed |
ttAiyo do | mi n Kd w KLe | ni Ko Lo Ai tteLe A wi tti Ko. | tt tti ne tt | Ao n di ni KL |
tci-ṓju | minákcawaŋgre | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrehā̀widjigò | djadjaṇḗdja | hōnajīniŋgra |
cióžu | miną́kšawągᵉre, | nįkúruhįjrehàwijigò. | Jająnéją, | honąžinįgᵉra. |
in this lodge | who are seated, | I send greetings to you. | Right away, | we shall arise. |
Notebook 23:177 | ||||||
deyi rKe Ktt ni A wi Ke | Ao ni Ki t Kowi Ke | w A tt Ko. | e Ki | Ai dKe | Ai no le tt n K | we n. |
jësgek‘djanihā́wige | hōnigī́tagwigè | wahadjigō | ëgi | hīcgé | hīnumbédjanak‘a | wéna |
Žeisgekjaniháwige | honigítagwigè, | wahajago. | Egi | hišgé | hinųbéjanaka | wéną, |
We will do | [as we have told you,] | I mean. | And | [also] | the second one | he said, |
ni dKe | Ao n di n | Ai L Ke Le wi Ki | Ao n di n | deyi rKe Ktt ni A wi n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. |
nicgé | hōnajī́ṇa | hīraī́kerewigi | hōnā́jina | jësgek‘djanihā́wina | níiŋk‘uruhìndjwiidjigò |
"Nišgé | honąžiną. | Hiraíkerewigi, | honą́žina, | žeisgekjaniháwiną. | nį́kuruhìjwijigò." |
"We also | we will arise. | As it is our turn, | we shall arise, | we will do. | [we] greet you." |
Notebook 69:33 | ||||||
Ai dKe | Ai t ni L. | de rKe | e n | Ao n di n | Ai Lyi Ke Le Ki di | w w Ki K L ttL |
hicgé | hītanī́ṇa | jësge | ḗna | hōnā́jīṇa | hīraī́keregijī̀ | wawak‘ī́k‘aradjᴇra |
Hišgé | hitaníra | žesge | éną, | "Honą́žiną. | hiraíkeregižì, | wawakíkarajᵉra |
[Also] | the third | the same | he said, | "We will arise. | As the time has come to us, | we relatives |
Notebook 23:178 | |||||
n di Ktt ni A wi tti Ko. | e Ki. | n Kowo de tt | Ao mi n Kn K | we n. | w Lo Hi L |
nā́jink‘djanihā̀widjigò | ëgi | naŋgŭā́jedjā | hōminágᴇnaŋk‘a | wḗna | wāroγī́ra |
ną́žįkjanihàwijigò." | Egi | Nąguážeją, | hominą́gᵉnąka, | wéną, | "Waroǧíra, |
we will arise with you." | Then | at the end of the Road, | the one seated, | he said, | "Councilors, |
Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko | tt n K | n tto ni ttyi L wi L. | Ai L Ki w Le |
hōmīcā́nagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjrèhadjigò | djā́naga | nā́ndjonidjaìṇawìra | hīrak‘ī́ware |
homišánągᵉra, | nįkúruhįjrehajigò. | Jánąga | ną́jonijaį̀rawìra | hirakíware, |
your seats, | I send forth greetings to. | All of you | who have been blessed, | each in turn, |
Notebook 23:179 | ||||
ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | ni dKe | Ao n di n | deyi rKe Ktt ni A wi tti Ko. | e Ki |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigò | nicgé | honājī́ṇa | jḗ[i]sgek‘djanihā̀widjigò | ëgi |
nįkuruhįjwįjigò. | Nįšgé | honąžį́na | zeísgekjanihàwijigò." | Egi |
we greet you. | We also | to arise | we are going to be that way." | Then |
A lo Kowo mi n KL | we n.* | w Lo Hi L | Ao mi dA n KL | ni Ko Lo Ai ttLe A tti Ko |
hā́mbogŭōmīnàgᴇra | wḗna | wāroγī́ra | hōmicánagra | niŋk‘ū́ruhintcrèhadjigò |
hą́bogųminạ̀gᵉra | wéną, | "Waroǧíra, | homišą́nągᵉra | nįkúruhįjrèhajigò. |
the one seated at the east end | he said, | "Councilors, | your seat | I send greetings to. |
* this word is preceded by w..
tt tti ne tt. | ni t KA ttL | e | to Ai ttow Ae Ktt ne n | Ao ni A L | Ai d | y o Ktt ne n. |
djadjinḗdja | nitā́k‘adjᴇra | etūhíadjwahek‘djanḕna | hōnihā́ra | hījá | ya‘uŋk‘djanḗna | |
Jajįnéją, | nįtákajᵉrá | e | tuhíajuahekjanèną. | Honihára | hižą́ | ya’ųkjanéną." |
Right away, | hot water | [it itself] | I will greet. | The songs | one of them | I will use." |
Radin, WT 342 | Notebook 23:180 | |||||||
e Ki | Ai dKe | Ai no le tt tte K | we n | Ai dKe | n w L | Ai d | Ai lA | u Ktt ne n.* |
ëgi | hīcgé | hīnumbédjadjega | wḗna | hīcgé | nāwáṇa | hīja | hīp‘ā́ | ‘uŋk‘djanḕna |
Egi | hišgé | hinųbéjajega | wéną, | "Hišgé | nąwą́ra | hižą | hip’á | ’ųkjanèną. |
And | then | the second one | he said, | "I also | songs | one of them | [to the end] | [I will do it.] |
* the use of a u instead of the standard o, while exceedingly rare, is not unheard of.
ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | Ai dKe | Ai t niye tt tte K. | we n. | ni dKe | n w L | Ai d | Ai lA |
niŋk‘ū́ruhindjtcwidjigṑ | hīcgé | hītaniédjadjegà | wḗna | nicge | nāwáṇa | hījā́ | hīp‘ā́ |
nįkúruhįjwijįgò." | Hišgé | hitaniéjajegà | wéną, | "Nišge | nąwą́ra | hižą́ | hip’á |
[we] greet you." | Also | the third one | he said, | "I also | song | a | [to the end] |
u Ktt ne n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | Ai dKe | n Kowo de tt. | Ao mi n KL | we n. |
‘uŋk‘djanḕna | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigò | hīcgé | naŋgŭṓjedja | hōminágᴇra | wḗna |
’ųkjanàną. | nįkuruhįjwįjigǫ̀." | Hišgé | Nąguóžeją | hominą́gᵉra, | wéną, |
[I will do it.] | [we] greet you." | And | the one at the end of the Road | [who sits,] | he said, |
Notebook 23:181 | |||||||
ni dKe. | n w L | Ai d | Ai lA | u Ktt ne n. | ni Ko Lo Ai ttiwi tti Ko. | e Ki | ttoAo we tt tte K |
nicgé | nāwáṇa | hījā́ | hīp‘ā́ | ‘uŋk‘djanḕna | niŋk‘ū́ruhindjwidjigò | ëgi | tcōwḗdjadjega |
"Nišgé | nąwą́ra | hižą́ | hip’á | ’ųkjanèną. | nįkuruhįjwįjigò." | Egi | cowéjajega |
"I also | song | a | [to the end] | [I will do it.] | [we] greet you." | Then | the first ones |
Notebook 69:34 | ||||||
n w n | A n ttAi | Ai Ki ttyi Hitti | n w L | Ai d dA n | Ai w [o ne n] | ayi Le n. |
nāwáṇa | hanā́ntcí | hīk‘īdjaíŋxdji | nāwáṇa | hījacána | hīwa‘uṇḗna | - |
nąwą́ra | haną́cį́ | hikijaị́xjį, | nąwą́ra | hižąšą́ną | hiwa’ųnéną, | aíreną. |
to sing | the rest of them | [simultaneously,] | the songs | [one apiece] | they did, | [it is said.] |
[A Ke | A n Ki HKo ni | ayi Le n.]* | n w L | A n ttAi | Ai tt Ai dA n |
- | - | - | nāwáṇa | hanā́ntcí | hīdjahícana |
Hąké | hanąkíxgųni, | aíreną. | Nąwą́ra | haną́cį́ | hijąhį́šąną |
Not | they did not listen to the others, | [it is said.] | The songs | all | different |
* these brackets occur in the text. The bracketed material has no counterpart in the transliteration. In addition, the transliteration omits ayi Le n.
Notebook 23:182 | ||||
Ai o w n Kd n. | A n Ki rK ln i ne de | e | w n Kd n. | Ai d |
hī’úwanáŋkcana | hanak‘ísgap‘ nā‘ī́ṇeje | ēwanáŋkcana | hījá | |
hi’ų́waną́kšąną. | Hanąkísgabᵉną’į́neže, | e | waną́kšąną. | Hižą́ |
[they would use.] | To drown others out, they are trying, | it | it is why they are saying it. | One of them |
w n rK liKi. | wo n Hi Le. | e tt | L HAo Lo Ki Le Ki di. | ey ni Ktt ne Ke |
wanásgapgī | wōnáγire | ëdja | raxū́rugīregī̀ji | e‘ā́niŋk‘djanegè |
waną́sgapgi, | woną́ǧire | eja | raxúrugiregìži, | e ánįkjanegè,* |
if one overcomes the other, | the wars | [there] | if they obtain, | [it they would have,] |
* the initial /h/ of this word has been dropped from external sandhi.
w n dA n. | n w ni L | e | m dtt n | e | w n Kd n. | Ai ttAo Ke A L |
wanaŋkcana | nāwā́niṇa | emācdjā́na | ewā́naŋkcana | hītcṓkeharā̀ | ||
waną́kšąną. | Nąwą́nira | e | mąšją́ną | e | wánąkšąną. | Hicókeharà |
[it is why they are saying it.] | Their songs | them | powerful | they | they are saying. | My grandfathers |
Notebook 23:183 | ||||||
e | w K ttA Kd n. | e | w n Kd n. | e Ki | A n ttAi | Ai m ni wa diAi |
ewak‘atcáŋkcana | ewanáŋkcana | ëgi | hanā́ntcí | himanī́waci | ||
e | wakącą́kšąną, | e | waną́kšąną. | Égi | haną́cį́ | himaníwaši |
they | they were holy, | they | they are saying. | And | all of them | to dance out |
A Ki Ai n ln di ne n. | Ai ni Ke Ai. | Ai dKe | w Ki Ko n K dKe. | n w n Kd n. |
hagī́hinanbᴇnājiṇḕnā | hīniŋk‘éhi | hīcgé | wagigī́naŋk‘acge | nawā́naŋkcana |
hagíhinąbᵉnąžinèną, | hinįkéhi. | Hišgé | Wagigṓnąkašge | nawą́nąkšąną. |
they arose and went out, | in single file. | Also | the Feast Giver | he would be singing. |
Le Ho ttiy n K. | Le HL | w Ko Lo ayi L n n. | e Ki. | di Ke | A ttAi tt. | wo A n K |
réγodji-ā̀naga | réγᴇra | wak‘ū́ru ‘a-iranā̀na* | ëgi | jigé | hatcíndja | wōhánok‘a |
Réǧojiànąga, | réǧᵉra | wakúru’ąįranàną. | Egi | žigé | hacį́ja | wohą́nąka |
He beat the drum, and | their kettles | they carried them. | And | [again] | wherever | [the boiled things] |
* between wak‘ū́ru and ‘a-iranā̀na, a word or two has been scribbled out.
Notebook 23:184 | ||||||
w Lo tti Le Ktt ne Ki | e tt. | di Ke | A Ki w dAi r n K. | wo H tte K. | A w dAi L n K. | e Ki |
warū́djirak‘djanègi | ēdja | jigé | hagīwacī́ranaga | wōhádjega | hawacī́ranaga | ëgi |
warújirakjanègi, | éja | žigé | hagiwašíranąga | wohą́jega | hawašíranąga | egi |
they would eat them, | there | [again] | they would go, and | the kettle | they would dance, and | then |
Lo tti L n n. | ni Ke dA n. | w dAi L | He tte tte n. | te e di | de Ko | Ai L no ni Ke. |
rū́djiranàna | niŋgécana | wacī́ra | γedjedjḗna | te‘éji | jëgu | hī́ranū̀nige |
rújiranàną. | Nįgéšąną | wašíra | ǧejejéną. | Te’éži | žegų | híranùnige |
they would eat. | [Here and there] | dancing | [they would make noise.] | This | [then] | it would be all, but |
Notebook 23:185 | ||||||
ttAo ni | mi n Kn K. | n Lo H | Ao Koo ne K | tt rKe Ki. | Ai dKe | w Ki Ko Kette. |
tcōni | mīnágᴇnok‘a | nāṇṓγa | hōk‘ú-ṇega | djasgégi | hīcgé | wagī́gōk‘dje* |
coni | miną́gᵉnąka | nąnóǧą |
hok’ų́nega, | jasgégi | hišgé | wagígokje. |
first | the seat | [the invitation stick] | [he handed him,] | surely | also | he will give a feast. |
* the first /g/ is written over an original /k/.
de rKe n. | e rKe. | ttAo ni | ni n KL. | o Ki di | w Ki Ko L. | Ai dKe | Ai Kow n | Ai no le tt n K |
jësgḗna | ësge | tcōni | mináŋgᴇra | ‘uŋgī́ji | wagigóra | hīcgé | hīgŭána | hīnumbédjanuk‘a |
Žesgéną. | Ésge | coni | miną́gᵉra | ’ųgíži, | wagigóra. | Hišgé | higŭána | hinųbéjanąka |
Thus it was. | Therefore, | first | [the one seated] | he does it, | the feast. | Also | right away | the second one |
Notebook 69:35 | ||||||
Ai dKe | o n n | A Ae Ho low Ki Ko n n. | Ai tto li KeAe | w diAi | w Ki Ki L n n | e rKe. |
hīcgé | ‘uṇána | hāhé γop wagigónana | hīdjṓbike | wacī́ | wagī́giranàna | ësge |
hišgé | ’ųną́ną, | Hąhé Ğop Wagigónąną. | Hijóbike | waší | wagígiranạ̀ną. | Ésge, |
also | [they would do,] | a Night Feast. | Four of them | dance | they would give it. | Therefore, |
Notebook 23:186 | |||||||
de de Ko | Ai Le K | A Ae | rA ttA A | Ai L Ki Ke Le | o[yi] ne K. | de n A | A Ke |
jë́jëgu | hīrega | hāhé | satcáha | hīrak‘ī́kere | ‘úiṇega | jënáha | haŋk‘e |
žéžegų | hirega, | hąhé | sacáhą | hirakíkere | ’ų́įnega. | Ženą́hą | hąke |
this | when they do, | nights | five | in succession | they would have it. | And | not |
n L ni raa Ki di | e tt. | wyi Le n | Ai dtt HiAi Li w dAi | a n K. | A Ae | rA ttA A. | A Ke |
nā́ṇīs‘agijì | ëdja | wairḗna | hīcdjaxī́ri wacī | ā́naŋk‘a | hāhé | satcáha | haŋk‘e |
náranis’agiži. | Eja | wairéną, | "Hišjaxíri Waši," | ánąka, | hąhé | sacáhą | hąke |
they would not sleep. | Then | [they said it,] | "Sore-Eye Dance," | [they said, and] | nights | five | not |
n[yi] L ni K | A Ai dtt L | HiAi Li Le Ki | e rKe | w[yi] Le de. | Ai dtt HiAi Li w diAi |
naíṇanigà | hahī́sdjara | xirī́regi | ësge | waī́reje | hīcdjaxī́ri wacī |
naį́ranįgà, | hahíšjara | xiríregi, | esge | waíreže, | "Hišjaxíri Waši," |
when they don't get any sleep, | their eyes | they would get sore, | that is why, | they said it, | "Sore-Eye Dance," |
Notebook 23:187 | ||||||
ayi Le de. | e Ki | Ai dtt HiAi Li w di L | A Ae | wo[yi] dKtti * | o ayi Le Ki | A Kyi L |
aī́reje | ëgi | hicdjaxī́ri wacī́ra | hāhé | woicgā́tc | ‘u aī́regi | hagaī́ra |
aíreže. | Egi | Hišjaxíri Wašíra | Hąhé | woišgác | ’uąíregi,† | hagaíra |
they say. | And | the Sore-Eye Dance | Night Spirit | tricks | [when they use,] | sometimes |
* the concluding /i/ is rejected in the transliteration, and is not attested.
† ’uą is found twice in Marino in the sense given.
de rKe | Ai Le raa de. | wo A L | Ai d | HAe Le Ke Le L n K. | e tt | n li Lo He |
jë́sge | hī́res‘ā̀je | wōhā́na | hījá | xérekererā̀naga | ḗdja | nā́nbíruxè |
žésge | híres’àže. | Wohą́ra | hižą́ | xérekererànąga | éja | ną́bį́rųxè |
that way | they would be. | The kettles | one of them | it would be boiling, and | [there] | the bare hand |
w Lo tti Le K dKe | A Ke | t HoAo Ai L ni raa de. | de e | A Ae | wi dKtti | o ne K | de de Ko |
warū́djiregā̀cge | haŋke | taxū́iranis‘ā̀je | je‘e | hāhé | wicgā́tc | úiṇega | jéjëgu |
warújiregàšge | hąke | taxú hiranis’áže. | Že’e | Hąhé | wišgájį* | ’ų́įnega, | žéžegų |
if they ate it, also | not | they would not get burned. | [These] | Night | tricks | when they did, | this |
* this is written elsewhere as wi dKtti, with a terminal /į/, probably from wišgac-į (> wišgaj-į), where wišgac means, "to perform," and į, "to be."
Notebook 23:188 | ||||||
Ai Le raa de. | e Ki | di Ke | w o ne raa de. | wi ttA w | dA Kow Ki o ne raa de. | Le H Lo lAo Lo KL |
hī́res‘ā̀je | ëgi | jigé | wa‘úiṇes‘ā̀je | witcā́wa | cak‘ wagi‘úiṇes‘ā̀je | réγarupồrogra |
híres’àže. | Egi | žigé | wa’úįres’àže. | Wicáwą | šakuagi’ų́įnes’àže. | Réǧarupòrogᵉra |
they would do. | And | sometimes | [they would do it.] | Wildcat | they would use claws. | The drum covering |
w lo Ki K ri Le K dKe | w liAi Kooyi ne raa de. | te e | di Ke. | Aa Ae | woyi dK tti d | Ae Le de. |
wabōgī́gaziregā̀cge | wapiŋk‘úiṇes‘ā̀je | te‘e | jigé | hāhe | woicgadjija | hereje |
wabogígaziregàšge, | wapįk’ų́įnes’àže. | Te’e | žigé | Hąhe | woišgajižą | hereže. |
they would shoot a hole in it, but | they would fix it again. | This | also | Night | a trick | it is. |
Notebook 23:189 | |||||
e Ki. | w KL | Ai d | wo dK ttini rKe K. | w dyi Ko tti L n K | tee Ai Le raa de |
ëgi | ŭaŋgᴇra | hijá | wōcgadjanī́sgega | wajī́gūdjirā̀naga | t‘ehī́res‘ā̀je |
Egi | wągᵉra | hižą́ | wošgajanísgega, | wažígujirànąga | t’ehíres’àže. |
And | the men | one of them | when he is very bad, | they would shoot him with something, and | they would kill him. |
Notebook 69:36 | ||||||
e rKe | w n K wyi Le raa de. | e Ki | di Ke | w o ne raa de. | leAe ttL | Ai d |
ësge | wanak‘ā́waires‘ā̀je | ëgi | jigé | wa‘úiṇes‘ā̀je | pēdjᴇra | hījá |
Esge | wanąkáwaires’àže. | Egi | žigé | wa’ų́įnes’àže: | pejᵉra | hižą́ |
So | they used to be afraid of them. | And | also | [they would do it:] | fire | a |
t HiAi ni Hitti. | KeAe Le L n K | e Ki. | n o rte L | w L K wyi L n K |
taxínixdji | kererā́naga | ëgi | nā‘ústera | wā́rak‘āwairā̀naga |
taxínixjį | kereránąga | egi | ną’ų́stera | wárakawairànąga |
a lot of live coals and embers | they would have, and | [then] | the burning embers | they would take them, and |
Notebook 23:190 | |||||
o HiAi ni L. | L ttAo ttAo li L n K | L HAo Le | Ai Le K. | lAe ttL | HiAi ni L L |
uŋxíniṇa | ratcotcóbirā̀naga | raxúṇehī̀raga | pēdjᴇra | xininā́ra | |
ųxínira | racocóbirànąga | raxų́re | hiraga, | pejᵉra | xinirára |
the bits of coals | [they would bite off, and] | to spit out | when they did, | the burning | [there would be sparks] |
Ai Le Ai Le raa de. | de de Ko | Ai Le K | dKe | A Ke | t HAo[yi] L ni raa de. | e rKe |
hirehī́res‘ā̀je | jéjëgu | hī́regā̀cge | haŋk‘é | taxū́-iranis‘ā̀je | ḗsge | |
hirehíres’àže. | Žéžegų | híregà, | šge | hąké | taxúiranis’àže. | Ésge |
[they would send it forth.] | This | when they did, | [also] | not | they would not bet burned. | So |
w K ttA Ki Le de. | w K[yi] Le raa de | ayi Le n. | e [Ki] | di Ke | w w o ne raa de. | w K tt. |
wakatcángireje | wīgaī́res’ā̀je | aīrḗna | ëgi | jigé | wa‘úiṇes‘ā̀je | wak‘andjá |
wakącą́gireže, | wigaíres’àže, | airèną. | Egi | žigé | wa’úįnes’àže. | Wakąjá |
they were holy, | [they would say of them,] | it is said. | And | [again] | they would take them. | Lightning* |
* Wakąjá is actually the word for Thunderbird.
Notebook 23:191 | ||||||
n t e | w Ai Le de | [de] rKe | o HiAi ni. | lAe tte tt | Ao K n Ki L n K. | t doAo ttAi ne K. |
nā́ta‘ihī̀ra | jësgé | uŋxíni | pēdjédja | hōkánagīrā̀naga | tacū́kciṇega | |
ną́ta’e | wahireže. | Žesgé | ųxíni | pejéja | hokánągirànąga | tašúkšįnega,* |
burnt tree | [they would do it.] | [These] | [coals] | in the fire | they put them, and | when they were red hot, |
* < tašúkšį-ine-ga, tašúkšį is apparently a variant of tašúcį, "to be red hot" (Miner, Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
Ko Lo ri L n K. | i K n Ki L n K | A Ke di | L rAe li L ni | w o ne raa de. |
k‘ū́ruzisā̀naga | īkánagirā̀naga | haŋkéji | rasébiranì | wa‘úiṇes‘ā̀je |
kúruzirànąga | ikánągirànąga | hąkéži | rasébirani, | wa’ų́įnes’àže. |
they would take them, and | they would put them in their mouths, and | without | not to put out, | they would do it. |
m dtt. | L HAo ne | Ai Le K. | tt lL | w Le Le ri Le | Ai Le raa de. | w K tt |
mācdjá | raxúṇehī̀rega | djánbᴇra | warerésirehī́res’ā̀je | wakā́ndja | ||
Mąšją́ | raxúne | hírega, | ją́bᵉra | warerésire | hires’áže. | Waką́ja |
[Mightily] | to spit | [when they did,] | lightning | they made it look like | they would do. | [Thunderbirds] |
* before rehī́res’ā̀je, it appears that hī has been lined out.
Notebook 23:192 | |||||
Ao tt lni rKe | Ai Le raa de. | e Ki | di Ke | w o ne raa de. | o HiAi niyo [i] rAele. |
hōdjambᴇnī́sge | hī́ras‘aje | ëgi | jige | wa‘úiṇes‘ā̀je | uŋxíni-oisep |
hojąbᵉnísge | híres’aže. | Egi | žige | wa’ų́įnes’àže. | Ųxínioisep |
like lightning | they would make it. | And | [again] | [they would do it.] | Cold charcoal |
Ai Ki Ko tt Le raa de | de de Ko | Ai Le raa de | a[yi] Le doAo no n. | ne | me de n K |
hik‘īgū́djires‘àje | jéjëgu | hī́res‘ā̀je | airecanū́na | neméjenuga | |
hikigújires’àže. | Žéžegų | hires’áže, | airešųnų́ną. | Ne | meženą́ga |
they would shoot each other. | Thus | they used to do, | it is said. | I | this is all |
Radin, WT 343 | ||||||
Notebook 23:193 | ||||||
y leAe Le rA n. | e | A Ko Le d | w o[yi] ne de. | m K[yi] ni L. | A Ae Ho L | w Ki w rA |
yapérezsana | e | hagârḗja | [-]* | maŋk‘aíniṇa | hāhé γobᴇra | wak‘īwā́sa |
yapéresaną. | E | hagoréžą | wa’ų́įneže. | Mąkaínira | Hąhé Ğobᵉra | wakiwásą |
I know. | [And] | once | [they did this.] | The Medicine Men | the Night Blessed | to be jealous |
* omitted in Notebook 69: 36.
Notebook 69:37 | ||||||
Ai Le de. | Ki di | A Ko Le d | w o[yi] ne de. | m K[yi] ni L. | A Ae Ho lL. | wi dK tti o. |
hīrejé | gīji | hagârḗja | wa‘ú-iṇeje | maŋk‘aíniṇa | hāhé γōbᴇra | wīcgā́tc‘u |
hirežé | giži. | Hagoréžą | wa’ų́įneže. | Mąkaínira | Hąhé Ğobᵉra | wįšgáji’ų* |
they were | [.] | One day | [they did this.] | The Medicine Men | Night Blessed people | to play tricks on |
* < wišgaj-i’ų < wišgac-hi’ų, where wišgac means, "to perform, circus"; and hi’ų́, "to do with, to do by means of, to utilize" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
w Ki do | o ne Ktt | ayi Le de. | m K[yi] ni L | wyi Le de. | A Ae Ho lL | o ne n. |
wāk‘īju | ‘u-´inek‘dji | aī́reje | maŋk‘aíniṇa | waī́reje | hāhé γōbᴇra | ‘u-iṇḗna |
wakížu | ’ųįnekjí, | aíreže. | Mąkaínira | waíreže. | Hąhé Ğobᵉra | ’ųįnéną, |
[with them] | they would do, | they said. | The Medicine Men | they said it. | Night Blessed men | they did, |
Notebook 23:194 | ||||||
a Kow Ki n Ki Le n. | m K[yi] ni L. | wi dKtti | o ne n. | e Ki | Lo dtt[yi] ne L. | Ai dK K |
agwak‘ī́nagirḕna | maŋk‘aíniṇa* | wīcgā́tc | ‘u-iṇḗna | ëgi | rūcdjaíṇena | hīcgā́ga |
aguakínągirèną. | Mąkaínira | wišgájį | ’ųįnéną. | Egi | rišjaínera. | Hišgága |
they were willing. | The Medicine Men | to play tricks | they did. | And | they got through. | Also |
* the terminal /a/ (= /ą/) is underlined in error.
o ne n | A Ae Ho [l]L | w o ne n | A Ae Ho lL | e | Ai L[yi] ttAe L |
‘u-iṇḗna | hāhé γōbᴇra | wa‘u-iṇḗna | hāhé γōbra | e | hīraitcéra |
’ųįnéną. | Hąhé Ğobᵉra | wa’ųįnéną. | Hąhé Ğobᵉra | e | hiraicéra |
they did it. | Night Blessed Ones | they did it. | Night Blessed Men | [they themselves] | more |
w o n | m K[yi] ni L. | w n[yi] ne n | e rKe. | m K[yi] ni L. | w n Kewe n. |
wa‘ū́na | maŋk‘aíniṇa | wanaíṇena | ësge | maŋk‘aíniṇa | wanakewḗna |
wa’úną. | Mąkaį́nira | wanaíneną. | Esge | Mąkaį́nira | wanąkewéną, |
they did. | The Medicine Men | they were defeated. | So | the Medicine Men | they feared them, |
Notebook 23:195 | |||||
w dA Kiwi Ko tti Le Ki | dKe | A Ke | tee w Ai | Lo HAo Lo Ki L ni Ki | e rKe |
wacā́gwigū̀djiregī̀cge | haŋk‘et‘éwahi | rūxū́rugiraniŋgī | ësge | ||
wašágwigùjiregì, | šge | hąke | t’éwahi | ruxúrugįranįgį. | Esge |
because they shot them with claws, | but | not | to kill | they could not do. | So |
w n K w[yi] Le de. | e Ki | m K[yi] ni n K | Ao tee Ai L | tt rKe | w Ki Ki n i * |
wanak‘āwaireje | ëgi | maŋk‘aíninaŋk‘a | hōt‘éhira | djasgé | wagī́gina‘ì |
wanąkawaireže. | Egi | Mąkaį́ninąka | hot’éhira, | jasgé | wagíginą’į̀ |
they were afraid of them. | And | the Medicine Men | they could kill, | [how] | to wish it |
* the second Ki is inserted in small letters above the line.
o[yi] ne Ki | e rKe. | m K[yi] ni L. | wo Lo tti rL | Ai lAe Le ri Le n | de n K n. |
‘ú-iṇegi | ësge | maŋk‘aíniṇa | wōrudjízara | hīpsizirḗna.* | Jënaŋgā́na. |
’ų́įnegi, | esge | Mąkaį́nira | worujízᵉra | hipereziréną. | Ženągáną. |
they did, | so | the Medicine Men | inferior to them | [they knew.] | This is all. |
* this should have been hīp‘erezirḗna.
Jasper Blowsnake, "The Sore-Eye Dance (Hišjaxiri Waši)," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Notebook 23, 1-195 (Syllabary with an interlinear translation). Jasper Blowsnake, "The Sore-Eye Dance (Hišjaxiri Waši)," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Notebook 69, 1-37 (phonetic text only). Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe, The Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1923]) 329-343.