Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Nannyberry Picker (Wuwukihíga)

Translated by Richard Dieterle
Based on the Translation of Oliver LaMère

Oliver LaMère, Translator   Winnebago V, #16: 1   Notebook 45: 1

English Translation

wu wu Ki Ai K
The Nannyberry Picker

page 1            
de e e tt. ni Ao tt Ki d Keyi d n di de. wu wu L* Lo K n de. e tt
Žee éja niocąkižakeižą nąžįže, wuwura rokanaže. Éja
There at a fork in the river [it stood,] mulberries many. There

* uis not a character in the Hocąk syllabary. The sound [u] is represented by the letter o.


Ao we. Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki d. uwK deAe. roAo Lo roAo Lo ttAi. w u tte de.
howe hocįcį́nįgìžą ’uwąkše. Surusúrucį wa’ųježe.
going about a little boy he was. Naked he was.



n Lo K xitti. Ao we. tt Ko u Kette ni Kini -?- Ke tte de.
Narokaxjį howe, jagú ’ųkje nikni[...]geježe.
Without any clothes he was going about, what to do seemingly not knowing.



e tt wu wu Au n K. Ai d e tt. tti de. wu wu n K Ai d
Éja wuwuhunąka hižą́ éja jiže. Wuwunąka hižą́
There the mulberry trees one of them there he came. The mulberries one of them



                   page 2          
niKi Lo r n K Lo ttK tt m dtt Ki liAi de. e tt. de rKe Lo ttL
nįk rusanąga rucgáją, mąšją gipįže. Éja žesge rujᵋra
[little] he took, and he ate it, and very much he liked it. There [these] eating


u xitti de. Ai rKe niKi  dKe. Ki Aiy n K. e tt niKi roto
’ųxjįže. Hisgé nįkšge kihíanąga éja nįk sto
he did many of them. Also some he picked, and there [some] pile



niKi do de. e tt u niKi tte ra de. de Ko e tt Ai Ke ni Ke
nįk žužé. Éja ’ųnįkjes’aže. Žegų éja hįké nįgé
[little] he put. There he would be always. [How] there never there



Ao wi L ni de. A lK wu wu Ai Ki deAe Le tte ra de. Ai rKe
howirenįže. Hą́pga wuwu higišerejes’aže. Hisgé
he would not leave. Every day mulberries he would be looking for. [Also]



          page 3    
niKi ni Ke Ao Leyi d Ki L do de. A Ai Lo A niKi Ai de. e Ki.
nįk nįgé horeižąkira žužé. Hahi rohą́nįk hiže. Égi
some place he stored some away he put. Finally, a lot of it he had. [And]



n xA Ao loAo xi d e tt wo do de. w Ki riAi niKi deAe. e Ki. A Ko Leyi d.
nąxa hopoxižą éja wožuže. Wakisínįkše.* Égi hagoreiža,
log a hollow one there he put them. He stored them. And one day,

* Helmbrecht-Lehmann translate kisías, "to save something for oneself."


te we L Ki. Ai no Kini Ki d Ai L tti de. Ai no KiniKi tt ne di.
tewéraki, hinųgᵋnį́gižą hirajiže. Hinųgᵋnįkjaneži
unexpectedly, a girl she came to see him. The little girl



Ai tee tu. w L liAi xitti d Ae Le de. Ai Ko xeAe te ni Ki d Ae Le de.
hit’é tu warapįxjįžą hereže, higų xetenįgižą hereže.
she spoke plainly one who was able she was, as a little older she was.



          page 4      
Ai noKo KiniKi tt ne we de. w n Ai roAo KiniKi A L. e Ki niKi u tte de
Hinųgᵋnįkjane wéže, "Waną́ hisųknįkhara, égi nįk ’ųjéže,"
The little girl she said, "Well my little brother, here [the little one] he is,"



tte L e de. Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki tt ne.* Ao Ki L de. w n
jera éže. Hocįcįnįkjane hokiráže, "Waną́
[the one who is this,] she said. The little boy he repeated what she had said, "Well

* this should be spelled, Ao ttAi ttAi niKi tt ne, otherwise it yields, hocįcįnįkijane.


Ai roAo Kini K L. e Ki n tte de tte L e de. e Ki.
hisųknįkara,* égi nąjéže," jera éže. Égi
my little brother, here [he goes by foot,"] [the one who is this,] he said. Then

* apparently a contraction of hisųknįkhara.


Ai noKo niKi tt ne we de. ne Ai roAo KiniKi ni n e de. Ai deKe e de.
hinųgᵋnįkjane wéže, "Ne hisųgᵋnįgᵋniną," éže. Hisgé éže,
the little girl she said, "You you are my younger brother," she said. Also he said,



ne Ai rAo KiniKi ni n e de. Ao Ki L de. e Ki. Ai K K de rKe
"Ne hisųgᵋnįgᵋniną," éže. Hokiráže. Égi hįkagá žesge
"You you are my younger brother," he said. He mocked her. [And] never [such things]



page 5        
Ai leAe Le rini tte Ki. A Ke Ai tee tee Ai leAe Le rini Ke w tte de.
hiperezᵋnįjegi, hąké hit’et’é hiperezᵋnįge, waježe.
as he had never known, not to talk [as he had not known, that is why] he said it.



e Ki. di Ke w Ke de. Ai roAo KiniKi A xitti to ni Ke we Ai de. e K tt.
Égi žigé wageže, "Hisųkhaxjį," tonikéwehiže?" egają,
Then again she said to him, "My little brother, are you hungry?" she said, and



di Ke Ao Ki L de. Ai roAo KiniKi A xitti to ni Ke we Ai de e de. e Ki.
žigé hokiráže, "Hisųkhaxjį," tonikéwehiže?" éže. Égi
again he mocked her, "My little brother, are you hungry?" he said. Then



                      page 6
Ai noKo niKi tte K w u de. beAe tti d Ao too de. n Ke we de. leAe tto too K.
hinų́gᵋnįkjegá wa’ųže: pejižą hot’ųže. Nąkeweže, pejot’ųga.
the little girl [she did this:] a fire she built. He was afraid, the fire she built.



e Ki. wo A de. w Kii niKi w u de ay Le n. Ai noKo KiniKi tte K. e rKe.
Égi wohąže wak’į́  nįk wa’ųže, aíreną, hinų́genįkjegá. Ésge
Then she boiled something, pack little she had, they say, [the little girl.] So



e tt w Kii tte K. Ko Lo ey n K. e tt Ao niKi Ao xA ttAo doKo ni Lo r n K
éja wak’íjega kuru’eanąga éja hųnį́k huxacųšguni rusanąga
there her pack she opened, and there beans without backs she took, and



de rKe Ao A de. Lexe Ktt leKe ni Ki d deKe Ai L rA Kii w u de.
žesge hohą́že. Reǧ kcabᵋge nįkižą šge hirasá k’į wa’ųže.
them she boiled. Kettle a little one and also pack she had it.



        page 7
e tt. tu tti Ki di.* w rKe ni K[i d]† e tt Aoyi riy n K.‡
Éja tujigiži, wasgé nįgižą éja hoisianąga
There after she had cooked it, dish a little one [there] she dished it, and

* an ink blot obscures the syllable Ki.
† the presumed i dis obscured by an ink blot.
‡ the text appears to have Aoyi rey n K.


Ai tt Ki Ke Le de. Aoyi rAi niy n K. A A. Ai rAo KiniKi A xitti w Lo ttLe
hijakikereže. Hoisinianąga, "Hąhą́, hisųgᵋnįkhaxjį, warujᵋre,"
she placed it before him. She cooled it, and said, "Now then, my little brother, you must eat,"



e de. di Ke Ao Ki L de. Ai rAo KiniKi A xitti w Lo tteLe e de. e Ki.
éže. Žigé hokiráže, hisųgᵋnįkhaxjį, warujᵋre," éže. Égi
he said. Again he mocked her, my little brother, you must eat," he said. Then



di Ke w u de. Ao niKi L Ai d Lo r n K. i K nK K n K Lotto deAe.
žigé wa’ųže: hųnį́gᵋra hižą́ rusanąga ikanąkąkanąga rucše.
again [she did this:] beans one of them she took, and put it in her mouth, and she ate it.



    page 8      
Ki Koro w u de e Ki. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n KLe w u de. ni ttAe tte tt
Kikų́s wa’ųže. Égi hocicinįgᵋnągᵋre wa’ųže: nįcejeja
To show him [she did this.] Then the little boy [he did this:] to the water's edge



Ao w Le de. e tt. i ni Koro Kiri KiniKi we Ai Ki Li de. Ai tt
howareže. Éja ini kus, ksįknįk wehí  kiriže. Hija
he went. There stones he brought, small [he gathered] [he came back.] [There]



wo do de. w wi Ki rKe Ai Le de. e Ki. di Ke Ai no Ko niKi n KLe
wožuže. Wawigisge hireže. Égi žigé hinų́gᵋnį́gᵋnągᵋre
he put them. [They were as big as them] they were. Then again the little girl



w u de. i ni n K. Ai d i K n K n K. Aiye tt Ki ttA ttAd
wa’ųže: ininąka hižą́ ikanąkanąga hieja gicacáš
[she did this:] the stone one of them put it in her mouth, and on her teeth to rattle against



               page 9      
Ai de. e Ki. di Ke Ao niKi n K. Ai d Lotto deAe. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n KLe
hiže. Égi žigé hųnį́gᵋnąka hižą́ rucše. Hocicinįgᵋnągᵋre
[she did.] Then again the beans one of them she ate. The little boy



w u de. Ao niKi n K. Ai d. i K nK dAe. L ttK de. Ko L.
wa’ųže: hųnį́gᵋnąka hižą́ ikanąkše. Rackáže. Korá!
[she did this:] the beans one of them he put it in his mouth. He tasted it. [Well!]



de Ko tt lini rK tti nK deAe. di Ki d i K nK deAe. e Ki. di Ke.
žegų ją́pnisgajinąkše. Žigižą ikanąkše. Égi žigé
then he seemed to open his eyes. Another one he put it in his mouth. Then again



ttAo Ki d. Ai u Ki Koro dAe.di Ke ttAo Ki L Ai u de. de Ko Ao niKi
cugižą hi’ų kikųsšé. Žigé, cugira hi’ųže. Žegų hųnį́k
a spoon to use [she taught him.]* Again, the spoon he used. [Thus,] beans

* the translation has, "she motioned him."


                  page 10            
Lo ttL u xitti de. e Ki. K tti n. ttAe li Le Ai de. e Ki. w u de.
rujᵋra ’ųxjįže. Égi gajiną cepire hiže. Égi wa’ųže:
[eating] he did very much. Then [repented]* they ate it up he did. Then [he did this:]

* the translation has, "he liked it so well".


w rKe L. A ni tal tti Le de. e Ki. n xoAo lAo x KLe. A Ai Ao Lo K L K n K.
wasgéra hanít’ą́pjiréže. Égi nąxopoxaǧᵋre hahi horukárakanąga
the dish he arose. And the hollow log he went he reached in, and



w rKe tt. Ai rKe Ao do de. wu wu L. Ai noKo niKi n KLe A Ki Li
wasgéja hisgé hožuže, wuwura. Hinųgᵋnįgᵋnągᵋre hakirí
in the dish some he put, [the nannyberries]. The girl he came back



                                   page 11
Ai tt Ki Ke Le de. Ai deKe Ai Ke wo Lotto de L. Ai leAe Le rini nK dAe.
hija gikereže. Hišgé hįké worucšera hiperezᵋnįnąkše.
[there] he placed it before her. In turn, not that food she was not familiar.



e rKe. de Ko Ai Ke A m Ke ni ni rKe de. Ai dKe
Ésge žegų hįké hamąkenį nisgeže. Hišgé
Therefore, [thus] not to be backward she was kind of. [Therefore,]



Ki n de. Ai d. i K n K n K. Lotto deAe.
ki’ųže. hižą́ ikanąkanąga rucše.
he did the same to her as she had to him. one of them put it in her mouth, and she ate it.



Ai deKe Ki Koro dAe. K tt K. Ai noKo ni Kn KLe. Ai d L ttK de.
Hišgé kikųsšé. Gająga hinųgᵋnįgᵋnągᵋre hižą́ rackáže.
[Thus] [he taught her.]* [Finally,] the girl one she tasted it.



wo Ki ro Kitti ar deAe. Ai Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. ttAe li de.
Wokižuxjį asše. Hįké wažirukanahinįže. Cepiže.
[She filled herself completely] it was delicious. She was very delighted. She ate it up.



          page 12        
tt n K Ao Koo K. e Ki. Ai Ko Ai no Kini Kn KLe. Ai tee K.
Janąga hok’ųga, égi higų hinųgᵋnįgᵋnągᵋre hit’éga,
All he gave her, and [yet] the girl everytime she would speak,



Ao Ki L ra de. e Ki. w u de. ttAi doAo Ki ttiKr deAe. e Ki.
hokiras’aže. Égi wa’ųže: cišú kijigasše. Égi
he would mock her. [Then] [she did this:] poles she cut. And



ttAi d u de. wi ttAi ttAi ttAe Kitti d u de. e tt ttAi wi de.
cížą ’ų́že. Wicici cekjįža ’ų́že. Éja ciwiže.
a lodge she made. Reed lodge a new one she made. There they lived.



e Ki. Ai noKo niKi tte K. w u ra de. m wo tt
Égi hinų́gᵋnįkjegá wa’ųs’aže. mą́wojá
[And] the little girl [she would always do this:] the products of the earth



                                         page 13  
Ai Ki dAe Ley n K. m wo tt Ai m ttAi wi ra de. e Ki. A Ko Leyi d.
hįgišereanąga mą́wojá himąciwis’aže. Égi hagoreižą,
she would look after, and the products of the earth they would live. [And] finally,



Ao ttAi ttAi niKi tte K. xeAe te ni Ki di. m ni Ki d Ki u de.
hocįcįnįkjega xetenigiži, nįgižą ki’ųže.
the little boy he was grown up, arrow [a little one] she made for him.



e Ki. m wi Ko ttL Ki Koro deAe. u niKi tt u w Lo liAi de. ttAi Lo Ke tt.
Égi mąwigujᵋra kikųsšé. ’Ųnįkja’ų, warupįže. Cirogeja
And how to shoot arrows she taught him. Finally, he learned how. Inside the lodge



m wi Kotto tte ra de. A Ai di Ke. ttA KL Ao u de. A t Ki ntt
wigújes’aže. Hahi žigé cagera ho’ųže. Hątáginąc
[arrow] he would be shooting them. Finally, [again] outside he went. To fast



               page 14  
w u nK dAe ay Le n. e Ki. A Ko Leyi d. Ai dtt diAi Li Li tteKe ni Ki d.
wa’ųnąkše, aíreną. Égi hagoreižą, hišjaširiricge nįgižą
they did it, they say. And finally, [sparrow] a small one



tee Ai o m Ai o de. Ai no Kini KL w i nl lL Lo K n de. Lo Kii ni K n K.
t’ehi’ų hi’ųže. Hinųgᵋnįgᵋra wainąbᵋra rokanaže. Rok’įnįkanąga
he killed arrow he used. The girl thankful she was very. She cooked it, and



Lo tte de. to we u tti Le Ki di. A Lo xA Ai L tty L Aiy Le de. A Ai u tt u
ruježe. Towe’ųjiregiži, haruxa hirajaira hiareže. Hahi, ’ųja’ų,
she ate it. Thus he started out, and he kept on he got better and better. Finally, [finally,]



ttA ni Ke Le deKeyi d tee Ai de. e lA. w tee Ai Ke xitti de. ttA L.
canikerešgeižą t’ehiže. Epa, wat’éhikexjįže. Cara,
a young deer he killed. From this time on, he killed much game. Deer,



      page 15      
Ao ttL Ao w L. ttAe L. Ao lo wotto dAe. tt Ko L A ntt tee Ai de.
hų́jᵋra, hųwą́ra céra, hobowocše. Jagúra haną́c t’ehiže.
bears, elk, buffaloes, he killed. These all of them he killed.



wo Ki ro Kitti w tee Ai Ke de. A Ai K tt K. Ao ttAi ttAi wo Ki ro Kitti de.
Wogizukjį wat’éhikeže. Hahi gająga hocįcį wogizukjįže.
Nearly everything he killed. Finally, [finally,] [boy] he was great.



A Ko Leyi d. Ai noKo n KeLe. we de. Ai roAo KiniKi A xitti w d y L nK dA n
Hagoreiža, hinųgᵋnągᵋre wéže, "Hisųknįkhaxjį, wažą yaranąkšąną,"
One day, the girl she said, "My younger brother, something I am thinking.



e de. de tt ny xitti L. Ai noKo L K n Ki di. Ai no KL Ai diAi K ttAo Ai Le
éže. "Žejanaíxjį, hinųgᵋra kąnąkiži, hinųgᵋra hišigą́ cųhire
she said. "About now,  a woman you should marry,  women sister-in-law they have



page 16          
K w Ki liAi doAo no n. e de. e Ki. we de. Ao ttAi ttAi n K. Ai no A xitti
kawagipįšųnųną," éže. Égi wéže, hocįcįnąka, "Hinų́haxjį,
I always admire them," she said. Then he said, the young man, "My older sister,



de rKe Ai L Le Ke w dA no ni Ke. w Kidi K ttAi tt w d K tt
žesge hirarege waša, nunįge wąkšigacįja* wažągają
[this] your desire I understand, but where people any

* < wąkšik-hacįja.


Ai no K K n Ki Kette de e de. e Ki. di Ke we de. Ai nu Kn K.
hinųgakąnąkikježe?"* éže. Égi žigé wéže, hinųgᵋnąka,
I should marry?" he said. Then again she said, the young woman,

* < hinųk-hakąnąk-hi-kje-že.


Ai roAo K xitti. w Kidi KL ttAow Kd n. te Ki deKe ttAi n Ki d.
"Hisųkaxjį, wąkšígᵋra cųakšaną. Tégi šge cinągižą
"My younger brother, people there are many. Over here [also] a village



         page 17          
mi n KL. de e. Ao KL. Ai d Ai noKo Ai L. de e e w Ke Ke
mįnągera, žee hųgᵋra hižą́ hinųkhira žee e wāgege,
there is, [this] the chiefs one of them the daughter [this] [she] I wish,



w A nK dA n. de e Ai noKo liAi de Le n. de e Ai diAi K Ai Low Ko n.
wahaną́kšaną. Žee hinųkpįžereną. Žee hišigą́ hiroagúną."
it is why I say this. [This one] she is a good woman. [This one] sister-in-law I wish to have her."



e Ki. Ai no A xitti Ai Ko liAi Ke i ne Ki Ai ni L dKe liAi
Égi hinųhaxjį, higų pįge inéki hiníra šge
"Well sister, [yet] very nicely [alone] [the older brother] [also] [good]



Ai Le w Ai no ni Ke. w dAe K tt. tt rKe liAi n tte K tt w dAe Ki di.
hiréwahi, nunįge wašegają, jasgé pįnajegają wašegiži,"
it seems, but [as you have said,] [what] if it is for the best, if you think,"



            page 18    
e de. e Ki Ai noKo n KeLe w i nl dAe. Ai rAo KiniKi A xitti Ay ni Ki di
éže. Égi hinųgᵋnągᵋre wainąpše. "Hisųgᵋnįkhaxjį hainigíži,
he said. Then the woman she thanked him. "My younger brother, in the morning,



dAe Le Kette n. Ai ni Ki Ko Lo Ao Kette n e de. e Ki. m wo doyi d.
šerekjeną. Hinįgikuruhokjeną," éže. Égi mąwožúižą
you may go. I will get things ready for you," she said. And then an arrow sack



Ki u de. w r KrKy d. e Ki. to dA n Ky d Ao K nK deAe. e Ki. wy doAotto
ki’ųže, waząksgaižą, égi tošanąkižą hokąnąkše. Égi waišúc,
she made, a white marten, and an otter* [he wore on his head.]† And [red blanket,]‡

* the translation has, "a cape out of otter skin."
† the translation has, "he wore".
‡ the translation has, "red leggings".


w Ko ttAy d Ao ttA de. e Ki. w A reAe li d Ao tt de. e Ki.
wagucaižą hucaže. Égi wahasepižą hoją́že. Égi
a pair of moccasins [it was of bear skin.] And [a black skin] [he wore on his feet.] And



                        page 19            
Lo Ki Ke we Ki di. Lo KL. w reAe xi Ai ow n K. Ai A KL m Kx
rokikewegiži, rogᵋra wasé ǧi  hi’ųanąga hihágᵋra mąkáx
he painted his face, [inside] paint [light brown]* [he used, and] on top mud

* the translation has, "blue".


ttAo we xitti niKi A Lo Aitti deAe. e Ki. we de. Ai no Kn K. Ai rAo KiniKi A xitti.
cowéxjįnįk haruhįcše.* Égi wéže, hinųgᵋnąka, "Hisųkhaxjį,
just the least bit he put on. Then she said, the young woman, "My little brother,

* < ha-ru-hįc-še: ha-, "on"; ru-, "by means of the hand"; hįc, "to cover" (attested only in Marino); -še, indicates that the truth of the statement is not known first hand.


te dAe Le Ktt n Ai Le. ttAi n Kn K. Ai L L Ai Ki di. Ao w Ai Le Ki.
te šerekjanahire cinągᵋnąka hiraráhigiži, howahiregi,
[this] as you go, the village, when you get there, [at the end,]



                                     page 20
ttAi nK Ki lA Le Ki. ttAi lAo Lo Ke ni Ki d n Ki Ktt n Ae n. e tt Ao K w tte.
cinągiparegi, ciporokeižą nągikjanaheną. Éja hokawaje.
on the outskirts of the village, an oval lodge you will come to. There you must enter.



Ai to Ke niKi n K. ne Ai ttAowi Ai Ai n. Ai tt L Ai Ki di. Ai ni Ki Ktt n Ae n.
Hitokenįgᵋnąka ne hicųwįhįhina. Hijarahigiži, hinįgikjanaheną.
The old woman your your aunt. When you get there, she will recognize you.



e Ki. Aiyo Ki wi L. e tt n Kii A tti nK dA n. Ao Ki wi L. Ai ttA Ko Lo w Ai L.
Égi hių́kįwįra éja nąk’į hajinąkšaną. Hųgiwįra, hicakorowahira
[And] the princess there to pack wood she comes. The princess, her friends



w K L Ki do. e tt. Ai ttAo wi niKi Ai Ai L. n Ki Kii nK dA n. Ao xtt n Ao K Ai.
wakarakížu, éja hicųwįnįkhįhíra nąkik’įnąkšaną, hoxjaną́ hokahi.
with her, there our aunt they came to pack wood, evening every.



    page 21        
e tt A ntt* Ai Le Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ke di. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di Ao de.
Éja haną́c hirekjanaheną," higéže. Égi hainigíži, huže.
There all of them they will be," she said to him. So in the morning, he started out.

* the text appears to have, A ni tt.


Ao xtt n K tt Ai tt tti de. Ao w Le L. a ni Ae L. Ao w ttiye tt.
Hoxjanągają, hija jiže. Howarera, anihera howajieja
In the evening there he arrived. Sure enough, as she had said, on the edge



ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d nK deAe. e tt. A tti Aoyi rii de. e Ki. Ai to Ke ni Ki d.
ciporokeižą nąkše. Éja haji hois’įže. Égi hitokenigížą
an oval lodge [there was.] There he went he peeped in. And an old woman



Ai tt nK deAe. we de. tt Ko Ai ttAo dKe. Ai Ke Ao L K w ni. A Lyi rii L tte
hija nąkše. wéže, "Jagú hicųšgé, hįké horakáwani harais’įraje.
[there] [she was.] She said, "Why nephew, not you don't come in instead of peeping.



page 22            
Ao K w Le e de. e Ki. Ao Ke we de. e Ki. Ai ttAo dKe L tti Ktt n Ae y Le Ke
Hokaware," éže. Égi hokeweže. Égi hicųšgé, rajikjanahearege,
Come on in," she said. So he went in. [And,] nephew, I thought you would come, so



wo ni K A n e de. e Ki. wo A L. Ai tt tte Ki di w Ki re de.
wonigihąną," éže. Égi wohą́ra hijájegiži wagiseže.
I am boiling for you," she said. Then from the pot [that it was in,] she dished out for him.



e Ki. w Lo tt n K. Lo dtt de. e Ki. Ai ttAo deKe n di ne. Ai Ki dKe
Égi warujanąga rušjąže. Égi, "Hicųšgé nąžíne, higišge
So he ate, and he finished. Then, "My nephew stand up, and [so]



                             page 23
Ao K w tti n Ki Le doAo no n. w d ni KL Ai d Ai tto ni Ki mi di Kette n.
hokawajinagirešųnųną. Wažánįgera hižą́ hijo nįgimįšikjeną,"
as they come in and out all the time. [Some little thing] one [towards] let me spread for you,"



e Ki di. n di de. e Ki. Ai to Ke niKi n K w u de. w A rAe li d Ai tt
egiži, nažiže. Égi hitokenįgᵋnąka wa’ųže: wahasebižą hija
[she said, so] he stood up. And the old woman [she did this:] a black rug [there]



Ao Ki midi deAe. e Ki. Ai L Le xitti K tt. ttA KeLe Ki. n w xiAi Lyi Le de.
hogimįše. Égi hirarexjįgają cągeregi waxiraireže,
she spread out. [Then] soon after outside wood they put down,



no w xiAi L Le Ki. e Ki Ai Kdyi tee Ai Le de. wy Le de. Aoyi ni Ke.
nowaxiraregi. Égi hikšait’e hireže. Waíreže, "Hoinį́ge
at the woodpile. And to laugh they did. They said to one another, ["In vain]



        page 24  
Ai noKo tteAeKe n Kii ni rKe ay L n K. Ai Kd Ai Le de.
hinųkcek nąk’į nisge," airánąga hikšá hireže.
daughter-in-law she carries wood like," they said, and to laugh they did.



e Ki. Ai d Aoyi rii tti n K tt. w Kn KLe A tt de. te we L Ki. wK
Égi hižą́ hois’įjinąkają wą́gᵋną́gᵋre hajaže. Tewéraki wąk
Then one of them peeped in, and the young man he saw her. Unexpectedly, man



liAi Lo K n xitti d. e Ki. mi nK nK deAe. Ai Kd tti K L n K.
rokanaxjįžą égi miną́gᵋnąkše. hikšajikaranąga
handsome one who was very much so, there he sat. She gave a little laugh, and



A Ktt xA w ni tti Ke Le de. e Ki. tt Ko u w deAe de. Ai Ky Le de. e Ki.
hakjá xawanijikereže. Égi jagú’ų  wašéže, higaíreže. Égi
back [disappeared.]* Then why she said it, they asked her. And

* the translation has, "withdrew."


        page 25      
we de. Ao rKe w Ae n e de. e Ki di Ke Ai d u de. di Ke
wéže, "Hosgé wahéną," éže. Égi žigé hižą́ ’ųže. Žigé
she said, "Not anything I mean," she said. Then [again] one she did it. [Again]



Ai Kd tti K L n K. A Ktt xA w ni tti Ke Le de. di Ke Ai Ki w xi Le Ki di
hikšajikaranąga hakjá xawanijikereže. Žigé higiwąxiregiži,
she gave a little laugh, and back she drew back. [Again] they asked her, but



Ai Ke Ao L Kini de. e Ki. Ao Ki wi L. Ai tto l A L. Ai tto Ke we de
hįké horaknįže. Égi hųgiwįra, hijopahąra, hijokeweže.
not she would not tell. Then the princess, the fourth one, she entered in.



de e di Ai tt Ao K w n K. n o rete Ao xo Ke tt mi nK
Žeeži hija hokawánąga ną’ųste hoxukeja mįną́k
And [there] [she went in, and] fire log by she sat



                     page 26    
tti nK K n K. wo u A Le Le ttn Koo A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe. e Ki.
jinąkanąga wo’ų harerejᵋnąk’ų Hakíhihiną́pše. Égi
she went, and she seemed embarrassed. She went out. Then



A ttiy K Ly Le de. Ai Ki Le Ki di. Ao LK Ki Le de. e Ki. e tt
hajiakaraireže. Higiregiži, horakíreže. Égi éja
they went home. When they got home, they reported it. [And] there



Ki u nK deAe. e tt Ke ttA Ke K Ao LoKo u nK deAe. Ai noKo n KLe.
ki’ųnąkše. Éja Kecąkega horok’ųnąkše. Hinųgᵋnągᵋre
they were gambling. There Turtle [he had joined them.]* The young woman

* the translation has, "was there also".


Ai Ki. Ao L K n K. w n xo Ki de. Ke ttA Ke K. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K
higi horákanąga wanaxugiže, Kecąkega. Égi Kecąkega
[she came] she told, and he overheard her, Turtle. So Turtle



        page 27  
we de. A A. Ko L. de Ko A n Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. tti Ktt n Ae de.
wéže, "Hąhą́, korá, žegųhąna. Hicakorohara jikjanaheže,
he said, [Exclamation] "Say! I have quit. My friend he was coming,



e L. Al te e. Ae Le n. ny di xitti tti Ktt n Ae Ko ni y Le Ke de Ko
era hąp tee hereną. Náįxjį jikjanahegųnį, yarége. Žegų
he said, today it is. [I hope] perhaps he is here, I am thinking. That is why



A n e de. e Ki. w Ky Le de. Ke ttA Ke. Ai d tti de a nK dA n.
hana éže. Égi wagaíreže, Kecąge, hižą́ jiže," ánąkšaną.
I quit," he said. Then they told him, "[Turtle,] [someone]* he has come," [they said.]

* the translation has, "a stranger".  The quotation is treated as indirect.


Ai Ky Le de. A. e de. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. to dA nK. Ay d. Ao K n K n K.
Higaíreže, "Hą?" Éže, "Hicakorohara tošą́nąk haižą hokąnąkanąga
He said, "Is that so?" He said, "My friend otter a skin he wears a cap, and



      page 28      
e Ki. m wo do L. w r K rKyi d A ni dAo no n e de. e Ki. Ai no Kn K.
égi mąwožúra waząksgaižą hanį́šųnųną," éže. Égi hinų́gᵋnąka
and the arrow sack a white marten [he usually has,"] he said. Then the women



wy Le de. de rKe a n K ay Le de. e Ki. Ao Ki L Ki Le de. e Le de
waíreže, žésge-ánąga aíreže. Égi hokirákireže, ereže,
they told them, they said it was him, they say. So they told him, they did,



a nK dA n. Ke ttA Ke. Ai Ky Le de. A Ao. e de. wo Ai n Koo
ánąkšaną. Kecąge higaíreže, "Hąhó," éže. Wohínąk’ų
[they said.] Turtle he said, "Alright," he said. He was winning



Ae Le Ki di. de Ko Ki rA Ke tt Ao w Koxo deAe. Ai noKo Ko wK niKi
heregiži žegų kiságeja howaxúkše. "Hinųgową́genįk,
when he was, [then] the middle of [he had placed.] "You womanly men,


            page 29    
A dA n KLe. A K L ni wi Le. Ao Ai L. a n K. Ki rA Ke tt
hašanągᵋre hakarániwire," huhira anąga kiságeja
[that which remains] take back," shoving back and the middle of



wo Ki w Koxo Ai n Kiy n K. n di Ki Li Ke Le de. e Ki. e
wogiwaxu hinąkianąga naži kírikéreže. Égi e
he put them [he put, and] he stood up he went home. And [there]



Ao ttAi Ki di e Ao Ki we de. Ai to Ke ni KL. Ai tt w d ni KL
hocigiži e hokíwéže. "Hitokenįgᵋra, hija wažánįgᵋra
he lived, and [there] he went by. "Old woman, there something



Ai d. t xA w Ai n iy tte. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L tti de ay Le n. e de.
hižą́ taxą́wą hi ną’įaje, hicakorohara jiže, aíreną," éže.
a to cook try, my friend [he has come,] it is said," he said.



                       page 30    
Ai no Kn K. we de. w n Ai diAi Kee A L tti Ko ni e de. e Ki Ai tt
hinų́gᵋnąka wéže, "Waną́, hišik’ehara jįgųnį," éže. Égi hija
The woman she said, "Oh! my brother-in-law he is here?" she said. Then [there]



Ao w Le de. Ai to Ke ni K Ao ttiAiye tt. A Ai Ao Ki we de. Ao Ao. Ai ttA Ko Lo
howáreže. Hitókenįka hocieja hahí hogiwéže.  "Hohó hicakóro,
he went over. The old woman to the lodge he went and entered. "Oh my! friend,



L tti de tte L. xtt n ne tt deKe ni K L Kttl dA n. A A a
rajížejèra? Xcaną́neja šge nįkararakjąpšaną" "Hąhą’ą,"
you have arrived, have you? Since yesterday [also] I have expected you." "Yes,"



e de. K tt K A tti K tt e de. e Ki. te we L Ki. A Ai Ai d Aoyi rii de.
éže. "Gająga hajigają," éže. Égi, tewéraki, hahi hižą́ hois’įže.
he said. "Just now I came," he said. Then, unexpectedly, he came one he peeped in.



                                                    page 31  
te we L Ki. Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki de Le Ki di. w n tto tty rKe xitti deAe.
Tewéraki, hocįcįnįkižeregiži, wanąjojaisgexjįnįkše.
Unexpectedly, it was a little boy, and [he was very poor.]



A Ke w d w Ai ttAo niKi ni de Le de. wy n ni Ki d. Ae Le de. e Ki.
Hąké wažą wahįcųnįgᵋnįšereže. Wainánįgìžą hereže. Égi
Not [anything] [he did not have.]* An orphan he was. [And]

* the translation has, "[he] had no home and he had no relatives." 


Aoyi ri Ki di. wu wu Ki Ai K we de. A Ao. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ao K w Le
hoisigiži, Wuwukihíga, wéže, "Hąhó hicakóro, hokaware,"
when he peeped in, [Nannyberry Picker] he said, "Well! my friend, come in,"



e de. Ao Ke we de. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. we de. Ko te Ai ttA Ko Lo.
éže. Hokeweže. Égi Kecąkega wéže, "Koté, hicakóro,
he said. He went in. Then Turtle he said, "Say! friend,



              page 32          
Ai to Ke L. ny di w d niKi KL. Ai d. t xA w A Ko ni.
hitokera naį́ži wažą nįgᵋra hižą́ taxą́wągųnį,
the old woman by this time something the little [one of them] perhaps it is cooked,



Ai tt Ao wi Ke Le Ktt wi n e de. A Ao a wi de. e Ki. Ai tto w K L wi de.
hija howįkerekjawiną," éže. "Hąhó," awiže, égi hijowakarawiže.
there let us go back," he said. "Alright!" they said, and they went over.



e Ki. wu wu Ki Ai K we de. Ai tt Ai ttA Ko Lo K L A Le. e Ki. A Ai.
Égi Wuwukihíga wéže, "Hija hicakóro karahare, égi hahí
Then [Nannyberry Picker] he said, ["There] friend you may go on, [and] later



                  page 33  
Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. Ai L Ktt n Ae L. A lAe Ktt n Ae n. A Ai Ktt wi n de Ko
hicakorohara hirakjanahera hapekjanaheną. Hahikjawiną, žegų
my friend while he takes a bath I am going to wait. Then we will come, [then]



Ai Ki di e de. A Ao. e de. e Ki. e tt m i d n di Ki di. e tt A Ai Le Ki di.
higiži," éže. "Hąhó," éže. Égi éja mąížą nąžįgiži, éja hahíregiži,
[when he is done,"] he said. "Alright," he said. [And] there a spring it was, and [there] when they got there,



A A. Ai ttA Ko Lo. e Ki. A Ai leLe. tto l A L Ko wo Ki Kette n. tto l A.
"Hąhą́, hicakóro égi hahįbᵋre jopahą rakorokįkjeną. Jopahą
"Now friend [here] to dive four times you may go in. Four times



tt tt ni A ni tteAe lette ni rKe K dA n. A L Ki xele dAo no Kette n
jają́ nihanįcebᵋjenįsge gášana haragixépšųnųkjeną,"
when [you are about to suffrocate] only when [you will each time come up from beneath,"]*

* the translation has for this sentence: "and you must stay under as long a you can stand it".


                                 page 34      
e de. e Ki. Ai tto miKi dAe. de rKe Ai de tto l A Ko wo K tt.
éže. Égi hijomįkše. Žésgehìže. Jopahą kųwųkają
he said. Then he entered and laid there. [This way he did.] Four times when he had dived,



Ai ttA Ko Lo L. wK liAi Ai Le w Ai Ki di. e deKe
hicakoróra wąk pįhíre wahigiži, e šge
his friend man he was handsome [after he had done it,] [he himself] [also]



Ai Ly tteAe L de. e Ki. Ai Ko Ai Ki Ki rKe xitti Ai Le de. e Ki. Ai ttAo wi L
hiraiceraže. Égi higų hikikisgexjį hireže. Égi hicųwįra
even more. [And] [now] very much alike they were. Then aunt



e tt Ki Li wi de. ttAo wi. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. wy ni. Ao w xo Ki Kette L.
éja kiriwiže. "Cų́wį, hicakorohara wainį́ howaxukikjera
there they came back. "Auntie, my friend clothes to wear



                page 35      
Ai rKe Ao Koo Le. e Ki di. wyi ni tt rKe u tte K de rKe. Ai tto w tti
hišgé hųk’úre egíži, wainį́ jasgé ’ųjega žesge hicowaji
[also] give him," he said, and clothes [what] [there were] just like [she sent ?]



Ao Ki Ki de. de e wo K w xo K n K. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai wi L.
hugigíže. Žee wokawaxúkanąga égi hicakorohiwira
she handed over. These he put on, and [and] their friends



e Ao w Ao wi de. Ai tt tti wi de. A Ao. Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L.
e howahuwiže. Hija jiwiže. "Hąhó, hicakorowira,
there they went over. There [they arrived.] "Now then, my friends,



Ae t Ke tt A Ai mi nK wi Le e de. e Ki. e tt
hetágeja hahi, mįnąkwire," éže. Égi éja
to the back come around, sit down," he said. And there



        page 36
mi n Ki Le Ki di. tt tti ne tt w w Ki Le de. e tt w Lo ttL
Mįnąkiregiži, jajineją wawagireže. Éja warujᵋra
They sat down, and [right away] [they brought something.] There eating



o xitti wi de. Ll riAitti ttA n Ke Lo. wi L Ki u w Ki u de.
’ųxjįwiže. Rap sįc, ca nąkero wiráki’ų́ waki’ųže.
they did very much. Beaver tail, deer loin [flavoring] [they did it.]



e Ki. tt tti ne tt. Ke ttA Ke K. Ai noKo K e Ai Ai tti Le de.
Égi jajineją Kecąkega hinų́k ka’e hihį jireže.
[And] [right away] Turtle women that he came he began.



e Ai leAe Le rn Ke. Ai no Ki Ki deAe Le Ai w n L. Ao Ki wi L
E hiperezᵋnąge, hinųgį́kišere hiwanąra, hųgiwįra
It he knew, so [to pick girls] [he was talking,] the princesses



                                                 page 37
A e w Ai nK deAe. Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L. Ao Ki wi L. w Lo K n xitti nK dA n.
haéwahinąkše. "Hicakorowira, hųgiwįra warukąnąxjįnąkšaną.
he was talking. "My friends, the princesses they are being courted very much.



Ai Ke w wo Ki dK ni nK dA n. tt rKe L A tte K tt w n Ki di. ni dA n
Hįké wawogišgąnįnąkišaną. Jasgera hajegają waną́giži, nįšana
Not they don't pay attention to them. How I do, [to outdo, but] [I alone]



Ai tt A di di xitti A tte de a wi n e de. Ke ttA Ke K. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L.
hija hažižixjį haježe, awiną," éže, Kecąkega. Égi "Hicakorowira,
[there] whisper [I do,] they say," he said, Turtle. [And] "My friends,



Ao rKe te e di w u A tte n. te e di. tt Ko Ai to Ke niKi Ki d.
hosgé teeži wa’ųhajeną. Teeži jagu hitokenigížą
[for nothing] this [I am doing this.] [This] [how] an old woman



                       page 38  
ow mK n K tt. di Ke dKe Ai L K L L. liAi wi n K n K. e rKe.
’ųamąnąkają. Žigéišge, hirakarara pįwinąkanąga ésge,
as I have grown used to her. Besides, to take care of she does good, and therefore,



Ao rKe w u A tte L. w Ki t Kn n. e Ai d w di L K wi dKe.
hosgé wa’ųhajera, wagitaknaną. E hižą́ wažįragawišge,
[for nothing] I did it, I told them. Them one if you say anything,



A Ke. Ao Ki d ttini n n. a nK dAe. e Ki. we de. Ai Kow n Ai Le K tt
hąké hokižájᵋnįnaną," ánąkše. Égi wéže, "Higuą́ną hiregają
not they will not hesitate," he was saying. Then he said, "Now let us go as



wi n. xA lee niKi nyi Le doAo no n. e de. A Ao. a wi Ki di.
wina xap’enįk ną́įreišųnųną, éže. "Hąhó," awigiži,
[the moon] very early they usually go to sleep," he said. "Alright," they said, so



          page 39
L wi de. e Ki. Ao w Le L. leAe ttL A t xtt ttAi de. K tt A Ai Le de.
rawíže. Égi howarera, péjᵋra hataxjaciže, gają hahíreže.
they went. [And] sure enough, the fire it was burning low, when they got there.



A Ao. Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L. L wi n ne e de. e Ki. w Ky Le de.
"Hąhó, hicakorowira, rawinane," éže. Égi wagaíreže,
"Now then, my friends, go on in," he said. But they said to him,



wi L Ki leAe Le rL tte n. ttAo ni L Le L Ki Li Ki di. Ai dK K te Ktt wi n.
"Wiragiperezᵋrajeną. Coni ráre, rakirigiži hišgagatekjawiną,"
"You are acquainted with them. First you go, when you get back, we will go,"



wy Le de. e Ki. A Ao. de rKe Kette n. w n K Le de. e Ki. A r tti
waíreže. Égi "Hąhó, žesgekjeną, wanąkereže." Égi hasąji
they told him. [And] "Alright, [let it be,] [as you say."]* [And] platforms

* this is omitted in the translation, and instead it has, "he said, and went."


miKi nK dAe. ttiAiyo reAe we Ao ttAi Le de. e rKe. A r tt
mįgᵋnąkše. Cíosewe hocíreže. Ésge hasąja
[they lay.] Bark house they lived in. That is why on platforms



                           page 40          
mi n Ki Le de. e Ki. Ai Ki l. e tt Ai l n K. we de. Ao Ki wi L.
mįnąkireže. Égi hikipá éja hipánąga wéže, "Hųgiwįra,
[they sat.] [Then] [to meet] there near, and he said, "Princess,



Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. w Ki Ki w Le tti tte L. a n K. Ai Kd tti Ke Le de. e Ki.
hicakorohara wąkigiwarejijera ..." anąga hikšajikereže. Égi
my friend the traveler ..." he said, and he laughed. [And]



wK Ki liAi L. e tt w d L Ai d e diAi Ke. w u tti Ko ni
wąk gipįra éja wažąra hižą́ ešige wa’ųjegųnį,
man she liked there [the things] [one of them] because [perhaps she did it,]



Ai Le Ke A n Ki xoKo de. Ai Ko di Ke e ra de. w Ki Ki w Le tte L.
hirege, hanąkixgųže. Higų žigé es’áže, "Wąkigiwarejera ..."
as she thought, she listened. [Yet] again he would say it, "The traveler ..."



                  page 41          
a n K. Ai Kd tti Ke Le ra de. aK Koo. te e tt Ko e K tt. wK deAe.
anąga hikšajikeres’aže. Ak’ų, tee jagú egają, wákše
and he would laugh. Finally, [this one] [what] he said, [he was saying]



tt Ko w d Ao L Ki Kette Ke. we n y Le L. a n K. w xA w Le Ai Le de.
jagú wažą horágikjege, wéną yaréra anąga waxawá rehíreže.
[how] [something] [as he was telling,] she said believing and she shoved him over.



w KL. A r tte tt diAi leLe de. Ai Kdyi tee xitti A Ki Li Ai Ai nl deAe.
Wągᵋra hasajeja šibreže. Hikšait’exjį, hakirihihinąpše.
[The man] on the platforom he fell off. Laughing very much, he went out.



we de. Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L. A r tte tt. Ai diAi leLe n. de Ko Ai Kd L
Wéže, "Hicakorowira, hasajeja hišibreną. Žegų hikšára
He said, "My friends, on the platforom I fell off. [How] laughing



                page 42      
Lo K n w Ae Ke e rKe Ko n. Ai Ki no diAi leLe wi n. Ao Ki wi L.
rokana wahége, esgegųnį. Hikinų́ šibrewiną. Hųgiwįra,
so much [because I uttered it,] it is why. [By accident] [I fell off.] The princess,



A r tti ttAe ttAi ni KL A miKi no ni Ke. Ai Lo da da K tt. now w K tt.
hasaji cĕcĭ nįgᵋra hamįk, nunįge hiruš’aš’agają, nųą́wąkają,
platform the edge [a little] I lay, but when she tickled me, I jumped up, and



Ao w n n. Ai KiriKi a Ki Ai ni tti n K tt. Ai Lo da da Ke.
howanąna hikišík akí hijínąkają, hiruš’aš’age,
to roll over [hung up] on my sides she caught hold of me, and because she tickled me,



now w K tt. Ai diAi leLe n. e de. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki n K
nųą́wąkają, hišibreną," éže. Égi hicakóro kiánąga
I jumped up, and I fell off," he said. Then his friends they set out, and



  page 43        
A Lyi Le de. Ai tt Ai wi Ki di. A t d w Ai Le de. w wi Ki Le Ki di.
haraíreže. Hija hiwigiži, hatažá wahíreže. Wawigiregiži,
they went. There when they arrived, a light they held. They recognized them, so



w lo Ki reAele Ao Ai Le de. e Ki. wu wu Ki Ai K. Ao Ki wi L A Ki do
wabokisep huhiréže. Égi Wuwukihíga hųgiwįra hakižu
to blow them out they started. Then the mulberry picker the princess with her



miKi deAe. e Ki. Ao Ki wi L Ai ttA Ko Lo w Ai L. Ai d A Ki do
mįkše. Égi hųgiwįra hicakorowahira hižą́, hakižu
he laid. And the princess her friend one of them, with her



miKi de. Ai ttA Ko Lo L. e Ki. A li tt n Ki di. A ttAo wi Ai wi L.
mįkše, hicakoróra. Égi hąbijaną́giži, hicųwįhiwira
he laid, his friend. Then at daylight, their aunt



                     page 44    
e tt w Ki do Ko wi de. Ai tt A Ki Li Le K tt. te we L Ki.
éja wakížu guwiže. Hija hakiriregáją, tewéraki,
[there] with them they came home. There when they got back, unexpectedly,



Ao mi KL no liAi wi liAi u xitti A tt wi de. e tt mi Ki Le Ki di.
homįgᵋra nųpiwi pį’ų́xjį hają́wiže. Éja mįgiregiži,
beds two to fix up they did. There they lay, and



Aotto A. w i wi L Lo K de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. Ai ttAo wi Ai Le L.
hųc ha wa’į́ wirarukaže. Égi hainigíži, hicųwįhirera
bear skin robes she covered them. [And] in the morning, their aunt



w diAi diAiKi L A ttA Ao Lo ri Le rKe de. Lo K n xitti dA n Ai tt
wašišigᵋra hacą horusiresgeže. rokanaxjį šana hija
goods [where] she had an endless store. Very much apiece [there]



                    page 45  
w Ki do de. Ai Ko Ao mi nK n K. ttAi no xeKe tt
wakížuže. Higų homįnąkanąga cinuxgéja,
she placed before them. [Still] from where she sat, and from the back of the lodge,



w Loro w u de. e Ki. Ai deKe Ai noKo n KLe. w d
warus wa’ųže. Égi hišgé hinųgᵋnągᵋre wazą
to take them [she did it.] Then also the women [anything]



w ni ne Ki di. A ntt Ai tt w K ni A tti Le de. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo
waninegiži, haną́c hija wagąni hajíreže. Égi hicakóro
what they had, all there to bring they came. And then friends



Ki n KLe. w do ni A Ly Le de. n Ki K L L wi Ki di. ttAe L. lA reAe
kinągᵋre wažónį haraíreže. Nąkikararawigiži, céra pasé
the two of them hunting they went. [They went hunting, and] buffalo cornered



                      page 46  
tto li d Ai L w Ar A Ki Li L n K no Kii A lAy tt A Ki Li
jobižą hirawáhas hakiriranąga nok’i hapaija hakirí
a four to drive [they came back, and] to pack wood the place where [to come back]



tee w Ai Le de e Ki. Le ri L dA n. w m doAo Lo tti L n K. ttAe ni xA.
t’ewahireže. Égi resira šana wamąšórojiranąga ce nįxá
they killed them. Then their tongues only they cut out, and buffalo intestine



Ao ri L n K. de rKe L. Ai d dA n Aoyi xitti Kii Ko wi de. Ao Ko ttAiye tt.
hošįranąga žesgéra hižą́ šana hoixjį k’iguwiže. Hųgocieja
[the fat parts, and] [that kind] one of them only full they packed. At the chief's lodge



w w xiAi L wi de. e Ki. Ai ttAo wi Ai Le L e tt di Ke Ki Li wi de. e Ki.
wawaxiwiže. Égi hicųwįhirera éja žigé kiriwiže. Égi
they set them down. Then their aunt [there] [again] they came back. Then



          page 47      
Ai ttA wi w Ai Le L. A ttAi tt w u wi Ki di w wo Ki LK A Ai Le de. e Ki.
hicáwįwahíréra hacįja wa’ųwigiži, wawogírak hahíreže. Égi
their wives where they did it, to tell them they went. Then



wi tt tt L. w wo Ki L Ki L n K. ttiAi n KL. Ao we wi tt tt Ai Le de.
wijájara wawogírak kiranąga ciną́gᵋra howe wijája híreže.
the crier he told him he went, and the village they went over criers [they did.]



w to Ao ttAi L. no Kii A lA Le Ki. ttAe L. lA reAe tto li d. tee Ai Le Ke.
"Watohócira nok’i haparegi céra pasé jobižą t’ehirege,
"The sons-in-law to pack wood the place where buffalo cornered a four as they killed,



tt n K w Kii Ki liAi L. tt n K. L Ki Ko A Ki Ktt wi Ki di
janąga wak’į gipįra janąga rakiguhakįkjawigiži,
everyone to pack some who is able [everyone] you are requested to pack for yourselves,



    page 48      
a nK dA n. ay Le de de Ko wo ni A L xe de. e tt ttAe
ánąkšaną, aíreže. Žegų woniharaǧeže. Éja ce
they said," they said. [Thus] there were many uttering thanks. There buffalo



Ai Ki dAe Le L. u xitti ne de. tt n K. w Kii Ki liAi Ki di. tteAe
higišerera ’ųxjįneže. Janąga wak’i gipįgiži, ce
attending to they did diligently. All to pack anything if they were able, buffalo



Ki Ko A KL u xtti ne de. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki n K. Ao KL
kiguhagᵋra ’ųxjįneže. Égi hicakoròkį́nąká hųgᵋra
packing for themselves they did much. Then the two friends the chief



e tt w Ki Ko A tti Le de. e tt ttA A Ai u wi de.
éja wagigo hajíreže. Éja ca ha hi’ųwiže.
there they were called they went and stayed. There [deer] [skin] [they used.]*

* in the text, this sentence is untranslated.


e Ki. tt tt n Ki K L wi K de de rKe Ai wi ra de. w m tteKe L.
Égi jajanąkikarawigaže, žesge hiwis’aže. Wamaicgera
And every time they went hunting, the same they would do. [Cutting them off]



page 49        
Ao ni Ae L. Ai d Ai L w Ar A Ki Li L n K. no Kii
honihera hižą́, hirawáhas hakiriranąga nok’i
[the herds] [one of them,] to drive [they came back, and]* to pack wood

* Wamaicgera honihera hižą́ hirawáhas hakiriranąga, is translated as, "They would drive some certain kind of animals ..." 


Ai lAy tt. tee w Ai Le ra de. e Ki. A Ko Leyi d. Ai noKo n K
hipaíja t’ewahires’aže. Égi hagoreižą hinų́gᵋnąka
the place where they would kill them. [Then] finally, the women



ni Ktt K ni ne de. e Ki. xeAe te niKi Ki Le Ki di e Ki. tti K L wi de
nįkjąkanineže.* Égi xetenigiregiži égi jikarawiže.
they gave birth to a child. And when they had grown up a little, then they went home.

* < nįkjąk-hanire-že.


K tt K. e Ki. A Ki Le Ki di. e tt Ai noKo L mi n Ki L n K.
Gająga égi hagiregiži, éja hinųgᵋra mįnągᵋranąga
[Then] then when they were near home, there [the women] they sat down, and



                 page 50  
i ne Ki tti K L wi de. Ai ttA Ko Lo L A K K L Ki do. Ai no Ai Le L.
inéki jikarawiže, hicakoróra hakakarakižu. Hinų́hirera
alone they went home, his friend with him. His sister



wo Ki d w L Lo K n de. e Ki. we de. Ai no A xitti Ko no K
wogižawa rokánaže. Égi wéže, "Hinų́haxjį Kunuga
delighted she was very much so. And then he said, "Older sister, [eldest male]



dKe. A tti e Ki n nK dA n e de. e Ki. w n. a n K.
šge haji égi nąną́kšaną," éže. Égi, "Waną́," anąga,
[also] over here [here] he is asleep," he said. [And,] "Oh!" she said, and



Ai tto w Le de. te we L Ki Ai de. Ai diAi K w Ai L. e tt.
hijowáreže. Tewéraki, hiže, hišigą́wáhira éja
she went over there. Unexpectedly, she arrived, her sisters-in-law where,



e Ki. Ai noKo n K. Ai noKo liAi Ai Le de. Ai Li n Ki di. de Ko
égi hinų́gᵋnąka hinų́k hireže, hiranąkiži, žegų
and the women women handsome they were, they thought, but now



      page 51  
Ai to Ke Ai L n Ki Kii Ai Le de wo Ki ro Kitti Ai noKo
hitóke hiranákík’į hireže. Wogizukjį hinų́k
old women to consider themselves they did. [Truly] woman



liAi de. de Ko Lo L. Ki diAi ni diAi ni de. do L Le Ki de.
pįže. Žegų rora gišį́nįšį́nįže, žúraregiže.
she was handsome. [Indeed] [her body] it shined, from money metal.

* translated as, "her person shined as she wore much money metal".


e Ki. ni Ktt Kini KL a a Ki w Aiy n K Ki Li de. e Ki. e tt.
Égi nikjągᵋnįgᵋra a akí wahianąga kiriže. Égi éja
Then a child arm in each she carried, and she came home. Then there



Ai diAi K w Ai L. w K w di Ki di. Lo K n de. w diAi diAi KL.
hišigą́wáhira wakawažigiži, rokánaže. Wašišigᵋra
her sisters-in-law she gave them presents, very much. Dry goods



K tto w Ki Li Ke Le Ai Ai tt w Ki do de. e Ki. Ai tt
kąjowakírikére hi hija wakížuže. Égi hija
to be stacked up high [she made] there [it was together with them.] [And] there



      page 52    
u wi de. rii niKi. e Ki A Ko Ley d. ttAi n KL Ao w Koyi Le Ktt n Ae Ki di.
’ųwiže, s’inik. Égi hagoreižą, ciną́gᵋra howakoirekjanahegiži,
they stayed, for some time. [Then] finally, their village they came home, and



A ntt A Aoyi Le de. ttAi n Ke tt. A ntt A tti Le de. w to Ao ttiAi L.
haną́c hahúireže. Cinągeja haną́c hajíreže. "Watohócira
all they came. To the village all they came. "The sons-in-law



Ai noKo ttA li Le L. A K L ni A Ki Li Le n. ay Le de. wo Ki ro Kitti
hinų́kcabirera hakarani hakirireną." aíreže. Wokižuxjį
their sister to bring [they came back"] they said. [Truly]



Ai noKo liAi de. Ai K K Ai noKo liAi de rKe L Ai d
hinų́k pįže. Hįkaga hinų́k žesgéra hižą́
[woman.] she was handsome. Never woman handsome [that kind] [one]



               page 53
A tty L ni de. Ao ttAi ttAi L. de Ko. ttA xL w K Ly ttoKo Ki Le de.
hajaíraniže. Hocįcįra žegų cáǧᵋra wakaraickųkireže,*
they had never seen. The young men [thus] their spit they swallowed it,

* the nearest word to this that could be found was kick’ų́k, "the sound of swallowing a liquid, gulping" (Susman).


iyo roKoyi Le de. e Ki. Ao KL Ai d Ai niKi Ai Ki di.
iosgoireže. Égi hųgᵋra hižą́ hinį́k higiži,
as she made their mouths watery. [And] the chiefs one of them son he had, and



Ao Koo Ai Le de. Ai noKo ttA li Le L. e Ki. de Ko e Ao KL
hok’ų́  hireže, hinųgᵋcabirera. Égi žegų e hųgᵋra
to give they did, their sister. And [then] they the chiefs



dKe Ae Le wi de. e Ki. A Ko Ley d. de e. A Koyi Le Ktt n Ae de.
šge herewiže. Égi hagoreižą, žee hakoirekjanaheže.
also they became. And finally, [these] they were to come home.



Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki n K. Ai ttA wi w Ai Le L. w Ki do. A Ko
Hicakoròkį́nąká hicáwįwahíréra wakížu hagú
The two friends their wives with them [to obtain on request]*

* "to get, to obtain, to fetch, to retrieve, to obtain on request (from an uncle) according to tribal custom, to ask for and get from maternal uncle" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).


                            page 54      
Ai Le Ktt n Ki di. ni Ktt KL di. w too L Ko Ktt n A wi de.
hirekjanagiži, nįkjągᵋraži, wat’ų́ra gukjanahawiže,
they were to come home, but the children, in any case, to leave behind* they left to go home,

* the translation adds, "in the village".


a wi de. ni KttK w ni Le L. Ai no li Ke w Ki Le de. wo Ki ro Kitti
awiže. Nįkjąkwanirera hinųpike wagireže. Wogizukjį
they said. Their children both [they brought them.] [Truly]



dA n tte Ki Le de. e Ki. Ai no Ai wi L Ai dKe Ko Ktt n Ae de e de.
šanajekireže. Égi hinų́hiwíra hišgé gukjanaheže, éže.
they were mischievous. And their sister also she is coming home, she said.



e Ki. A Koyi Le de. Ai noKo niKi tte K Ai K n L. A Ke A Ki do
Égi haguireže. Hinųknįkjega hikánara hąké hakižu
And they came away. The woman her husband not with her



                 page 55        
A Koyi L ni de. Ai no Ai Le L. i ne Ki Ke Le de. Ai ttA Ai Le L. too ne
haguiranįže. Hinų́hirera inéki kereže. Hicąhirera  t’ųné
he did not come away. Their sister alone she came. Their brother-in-law [leaving behind]



A Koyi Le de. e Ki. w Ktte xiAi L Ao w Ke Le w uyi Le de. w Kette xiAiye tt.
haguireže. Égi Wakjexira howakere wa’ųireže, Wakjexieja
they came away. And Waterspirits to go home [they did it,] at the Waterspirits



Ao w tti w u Ai Le de. wu wu Ki Ai K. Ai no L A K L Ki do.
howaji wa’ų́hirežé. Wuwukihíga, hinųra hakarakižu,
to come from [they did it.] [The Nannyberry Picker,] his sister [she was with him,]



my A KLe Ki. A t Ki ntt w u A tti Le de. w Kette xiAi ttAi n Ki d e tt
maihagerégi hątáginąc wa’ųhajíreže. Wakjexi cinągižą éja
upon the earth to fast [it is why they came.] Waterspirit a village from



               page 56            
Ao w tti Le Ki di e Ao KL. Ae Le Le de. daK w Ai Le L. e rKe AoKo
howajiregiži, e hųgᵋra herereže, š’akwahirera. Ésge hųk
they come, and they chiefs they were, their parents. So rulers



ni Ktt Kow u nK dAe. e Ki. e tt A Ki Le de. A ntt. w Kn K. Ai noKo
nįkjąkwa’unąkše. Égi éja hakireže. Haną́c wągᵋnąka hinų́k
they were children of them. So there they returned. [All] the men women



ttAo Ke Le L n K. ni KttK Lo K ni A Ki Le de. e Ki. Ai ttAi Ai Le L. Ao KL
cokéreranąga nįkjąk rokáni, hakireže. Égi hicihirera,* hųgᵋra
with them, but children without, they returned. [And] their brother-in-law, the chief

* apparently, a contraction of hicąhihirera.


                            page 57  
Ai ni KL. Ai Ke w d de rK ni de. wo w ri lL Lo K n de. e Ki. Ki Ktte di
hinígᵋra, hįké wažą žésgenįže. Wowázibᵋra rokanaže. Égi gikjéži
his son, not anything he was not like. Lonely he was very. [Then] he could go, at least,



Ai Ky Le de. A Ko Ley d. tee Ki di. e Ki K tt K Ki Kette Ai Ky Le de.
hikaíreže, hagoreižą, t’egiži, égi gająga gikje, hikaíreže.
they said to him, [in time] when he died, [then] [at last] he could go, they said to him.



de rK no ni Ke Ai Ke w d de rK ni de. Ki xA L Ao w L n K.
Žesganųnįge hįké wažą žesganįže. Gixara hówaránąga
But still not [anything] [he was not like.]* The wilderness he went, and

* the translation has for this sentence, "But still he could not stand it."


x Kr de* dKe. A Ai deKe Ai Le niKi deAe. A Ke w Lo ttini ra de.
ǧaks’áže. Šge hahíšge, hirenįkše. Hąké warujᵋnįs’aže,
he would weep. [Also] finally, he became thin. Not he would not eat,

* this should be spelled, x Kra de.


                                    page 58    
e rKe. Ai Le xitti niKi de. e Ki. Ao ttAi ttAi ni K tt Le* wi wi de. Ko te
ésge hirexjįnįgiže. Égi hocįcįnįgᵋjąré wiwiže, "Koté,
[that is why] he became very thin. Then the young boys they said, "Say!

* this should probably have been spelled, Ao ttAi ttAi niKi tt Le (hocįcį-nįk-ją-ré).


Ai te Ki Ai L. Ai tt Ai Ke Le Ai Le Kette L a wi de. Ai ttAo wi Ai Ai L e tt
hitekihira hija hį́kerehirekjéra," awiže. Hicųwįhihira éja
our uncle [there] [let us take him home,"] they said. Our aunt there



Ai Ke Le Ai Le Kette n a wi de. e Ki. w K Ai Le de. te K. ttAo wi K
hį́kerehirekjéną," awiže. Égi wagahireže, "Téga, cų́wįga
[let us take him home,"] they said. Then they said to him, "Uncle, aunt



e tt ni Ke Le te Ktt wi n. Ai Ky Le de. Ao ttiy Ai tt Ai Ai n tte wi Ki di.
éja nįkere tekjawiną," higaíreže. "Hojiá, hija hihinajewigiži,
there to take you we will go," [they told him.] "Alright! there if it is possible to go,



              page 59  
e liAi n. Ai ttAo deKe wi L e de. eKi. A Ki doyi L n K. to w L wi de.
epįną, hicųšgewira," éže. Égi hakižuiranąga towarawiže.
it is good, my nephews," he said. So then they took him with them and they went.



A Ko Ley d. Ai L Ai wi de. w Kette xiAi ttAi nK n K. A ttAi tt. Ao Ko ttAi L
Hagoreižą, hiráhiwiže. Wakjexi cinągᵋnąka hacį́ja hųgocíra
Finally, they reached her. Waterspirits village where the chief's lodge



Ae Le Ki di. e tt Ai wi de. A Ao Ai niKi w A L A tti Le n. ay wi de
heregiži, éja hiwiže. "Hąho, hinįkwahara, hajiréną," aiwiže,
he was, but there they went. "Well! our sons they have come," they said,



Ai att w Ai wi L. te we L Ki. Ai teKe Ai Le L* A Ki do A Ai Le de.
hiącwahiwira. Tewéraki, hitekhirera hakižu hahíreže.
their fathers. Unexpectedly, their uncle with him [they had come.]

* the text appears to have,Ai deKe Ai Le L, but this is due to a failure to cross the t, which gives it the appearance of a d.


        page 60    
e Ki. Ao Ke we Ki di. Ai ttA wi L e tt mi nK n Ki di. e A tti ttA we de.
Égi hokéwegiži, hicawįra éja mįnągᵋnąkiži e hajicaweže.
And when he went in, his wife there she sat, and he [he came towards her.]



e tt A Ai mi nK deAe. w Kette xiAi L Ko Le Ai Le de. w Kdi KL
Éja hahimįnąkše. Wakjexira koré hireže, wąkšígᵋra
There he sat down. The Waterspirits to be surprised they were, humans



Ao ni Ae xAe te wi L Ai Le Ki di. e Ki. wy Le de. e Ki di Ai Ke
honihéxetewira hiregiži. Égi waíreže, "Egiži hįké
his great herd [as they were.] Then they said, ["It is said that] not



de rK ni n ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. Ai Ke de rKe. Ai ni nK dA n. Ai Ke
žesganįną. Nįkjąknįkwira, hįké žesge hinįnąkšaną. Hįké
it cannot be thus. My children, not this they do not do. Not



      page 61      
te de rKe. w KidiKi [...]i[...] wi ni n.* ay Le de. e Ki. wy Le de. e Ki.
téžesge wąkšik [...]i[...]winįną," aíreže. Égi waíreže, "Égi
thus [humans] you were not created," they said. Then [they said,] "Then

* the empty brackets [...] represent letters the lower parts of which are blotted out at the bottom of the page.


te e di A Ke Le Ktt n A wi n. Ao rKe te K K Ai Ki A K L Ke Le
teeži hakérekjanahawiną. Hosgé tegaga higí hakarakere
again we are going back. Just uncle over here to bring him



A tti wi Ke w u A tti wi n. te K K. wo w ri lL Lo K n tte Ke.
hajiwige, wa’ųhajíwiną. Tegaga wowazibᵋra rokanajege,
as we came, [that is why we came.] Uncle lonesome he was very much, that is why



Ai Ki A Ke Le A tti wi Ke w u wi n. di Ke A Ke Le Ktt n A wi n. ay Le de.
higí hakeré hajiwige wa’ųwiną. Žigé hakérekjanahawiną," aíreže.
over here to bring him as we came [we did it.] Again we are going back," they said.



             page 62          
e Ki. di Ke w wi de. Ai att w Ai Le L. Ai Ko e w nK deAe. eKi. Ao tt
Égi žigé wawíže, hi’ącwahirera higų e wanąkše, "Égi hojá
And again they said, their fathers [still] talking they did, ["But] [already]



Ai teKe L wi K. Ai Ki Ki Li Kette y K wi n. Ai Ke. Lo w u n KLe
hitegᵋrawiga higigirikje yakąwiną, hįké ro wa’ųną́gᵋre
your uncle he could come we told him, not flesh one who is



de rKe e Ki tti ni Ki di. liAi n Ke w A wi n.
žesge, égi jinįgiži, pįnąke, wahawiną.
[this way,] [and] [if he did not come] [it would be good, that is why] [we are saying it.]*

* the translation has, "as he is now, as it would not do."


A Ke de rK ni n. ay Le de. e Ki. di Ke Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n KLe. wy Le de.
Hąké žesganįną," aíreže. Égi žigé hocicinįgᵋnągᵋre waíreže,
Not it cannot be thus," they said. And again the boys they told them,



                 page 63  
tt rKe K tt. te e te K K dA n. Ai Ke Ai Ki u ni n n K. Ai u ni w A wi L
"Jasgegają tee tegaga šana hįké hígi’unįnánąga hių́niwahawira
"How is it here uncle only not he cannot remain, but our mothers



dA n. Ai Ki u Lo xoAo Lo Ki Le de. de de rK n Ki di. Ai u ni w A wi L.
šana hįgių́ruxúrukireže? Žežesganagiži, hių́niwahawira
only [they can remain?] If that is the case, our mothers



Ai deKe A Ke e Ki u ni nK dKo ni n de. a wi de. Ai lA n w di L
hišgé hąké égi ’ųninąkšųnįnaže," awiže. "Hipąną́ wažįra
either not here they should not stay," they said. ["To have enough] [things]



leAe Le riwi Ai deKe ttA wi K. Lo K L Ko nK n Ko ni dKe. ay Le de.
perezwi, hišgé cawį́ga rokarakonągᵋnąkųnį šge," aíreže.
[they are aware,] [she also] [his wife] perhaps she wishes for him also," they say.



                          page 64      
e Ki. A tt. Ai att w Ai wi L. daK w Ai Le Ki di n Ki di. e Ki.
Égi hajá hiącwahiwira š’akwahiregiži nągížį égi
Then [he saw] their fathers their parents [they stood up for them,] and



wy Le de. Ai niKi A xitti wi L. Ai ttAo dKe niKi w A L Ai rKe xitti w nK dA n.
waíreže, "Hinįkhaxjįwira hicųšgenįkwahara hisgéxjį wanąkšaną.
they said, "My sons, my grandsons the truth they speak.



Ai no L wi K. Ai Ke tt rKe doAo no L de rK ni nK dA n. te de rKe.
Hinųrawíga hįké jasgešųnųra žesganįnąkšaną. Téžesge
Your older sister not how she used to be she is not like that. This



w u nK KL y lAe Lere A aK dA n. no ni Ke ne
wa’uną́gᵋra yapéres, ha’ąkšaną, nųnįgé ne
it is the cause of it I know, [I do,] but on your account



                                   page 65        
A ni wo tti wi Ke. Ai Ke w d a ni nK dA n. ay Le de. tt Ko
hanįwojį́wige, hįké wažą anįnąkšaną," aíreže. "Jagú
she dreads, not anything she does not say," they said. "What



Ai Lo Ai Le de. Ai teKe Ai Le L. Ai Ki K L Ke Le A tti Le Ke w n Ki di.
hirohireže, hitekhirera higí karakére hajírege, wánąkíži?
harm, their uncle here to bring as they came, [they are saying?]



liAi n. ay Le de. e Ki. e tt. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n K. w Kette xiAi
pįną," aíreže. Égi éja hocicinįgᵋnąka Wakjexi
it is good," they said. Then there the boys Waterspirit



Ao ttAi ttAi niKi Ki dKtt nK ra de. A Ko Ley d. Ai d dA n Kii
hocicinįk kišgajᵋnąks’aže. Hagoreižą, hižą́ šana k’į
boys they would play with them. One day, one each to pack



             page 66        
A Ki Li Le de. Aotto. tee Ai Le de ay L n K wi u Ai Le de.
hakiríreže. Hųc t’ehireže, aíraną. Ka wi’ų hireže.
[they returned.] Bear they killed, they said. [Over there] [to shoot them] [they did.]*

* this sentence was untranslated.


daK w Ai wi L. i Lo d Kitti w Ai wi de. w Kno n K. ni al
Š’akwahiwira irušakjį wahiwiže. Wąknųnąka nį’ą́p
Their parents to be very much taken aback they were of them. The old man life



w Ki Kiy n K. t ni. A ni Ke Le w Ki Ki de. Ai Ko di Ke
wagigianąga tani hanį́keré wagigíže. Higų žigé
[he made them, and] tobacco he sent them home [he did to them.] But again



u wi de. tto l A de de rKe Ai Le ra de. e Ki. di Ke. w Kdi KL
’ųwiže. Jopahą žežesge hires’aže. Égi žigé wąkšígᵋra
they did it. Four times to do it they did. Then [again] the humans



        page 67  
Ao w Ko wi de. Ai te KL. K L too Le e tt A Koyi Le de. e Ki.
howa guwiže. Hitégᵋra karat’ųre éja haguireže. Égi
[here] they came back. His uncle [he left behind] there they came away. [Then]



A Ki Li Le Ki di. e tt. wi n di ne de. ttAi nK n K e tt. Ai Ke
hakiriregiži, éja winąžįneže. Cinągᵋnąka éja hįké
when they got back, there they helped them very much. The village there not



w d L Ai d Lo da Ki L ni de. ay Le n. e lA de tt n.
wažąra hižą́ roš’akiranįže, aíreną. Epa žejáną.
anything [one of them] they did not want for, it is said. [Thusfar,] it is ended.



Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #16: 1-67 (syllabic text); with an English translation in Paul Radin, "Wuwukihiga," Winnebago Notebooks  (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 45: 1-67.