Hocąk Text — Medicine Rite Foundation Myth, Version 2

The syllabic text, which has neither transliteration nor translation, is written with a dark, thick pencil, with good clarity.

English Translation


p. 144 —
A ntt A K Ly Le Ki di. w ditti Ke K w o de.
Haną́c hakaraíregiži, Wašjįgega wa'ųže.
All after they went home, Hare he did it.



doAo KL no liAi wi o de. e Ki
Šųkra nųpíwi 'ųže. Égi
Dogs two he made. Then



m K o de. i ni d Ai tt A K nK deAe.
Mąká'ųže. Inį́žą hija hakanakše.
he made the Medicine Dance. A stone there he placed.



i no Ke we Ao ttiAi L. Ao Ke we de.
Inokewe hocíra hųge wéže,
Sweat house the lodge the chief he said,



e Ki. w n tteAe Le Ai de. wo A Ai tt A Ke
"Égi wanącerehiže. Wohą́ hija hąké.
"Well, it is made to be poor. Soup there not.



Le A n K. wo Lo roKo Ao A de. e Ki
Rehanąga worusuk huhaže." égi
I send away and shell beads I send." Then



i no Ke we L. Ao Ke we de. e Ki.
inokewera hųge wéže, "Égi
the sweat house chief he said, "Well,



Ai ta ta tti Le de. tt n K. n L. n diy K.
hit'at'ajireže. Jánąga nąra nąžiyaga."
they speak. As many as the trees I erected."



wo Ki tee de. di Ke tt n K. xA wi
Wogit'eže, "Žigé jánąga xąwihura
He spoke to them, "Again as many as the plants



p. 145 —
Ki di. di Ke tt n K. i ni L
giži žigé jánąga inira
[and] again as many as the stones



Ki di m n KeLe deKe. e Ki te ni L.
giži mąną́gereške égi tenįra
[and] this earth also and the lake waters



w xoAo de. de n K Ai o de. e Ki.
waxųže. Ženąk hi'ųže." Égi
I poured them forth. These I made." Then



n w de. Ko ni K. Ai tt w n w tte
nąwáže, "Kunį́ka hija wanąwaje,"
he sang, "Grandmother there she sings it,"



e Ki di. w n w de. n ne tto reAele n w de. de Ko K tt.
egíži wanąwaže. Nąnécųsepnąwaže. Žegųgáją,
he said singing it. Black Root Songs. Having done thus,



Ao tte K. Ai Ke w d de rK ni de.
hojéga hįké wažą žesganįže.
the stem not anything it could not be.



The Hare Cycle, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #23: 144-151.