Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Funeral Practices of the Thunderbird Clan
narrated by a member of the Thunderbird Clan
Original Texts: | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 |
hapaxlegomena: širíširíp, "striped" (an emphatic of sirip).
rare words: hagere, "to say" (found only in "The Brown Squirrel").
he makes frequent use of the causitive -gigi.
Winn. | |||||||
Ai deKe | te e. | wo n xi Le | w Kidi KL. | Ao tee | A ni Le L. | Ae Le n. | wo n xi Le |
Hišgé | tee | woną́ǧiré | wąkšigᵉra | hot’é | hanirera | heréną. | Woną́ǧiré |
Also | this: | war | the men | death | that they had | it was. | War |
w Kidi Ktt ne. | tteAeK | wK diKi i Ki. | w K tt. | a n KLe | de rKe tt |
wąkšíkjąne | cēk | wąkšikį’igi, | "Waką́já" | ánągᵉre, | žesgéja |
the man | first | when he lived, | "Thunderbird" | he is called, | such as these |
Ao w tti | w o Ai Le de. | e rKe. | Ai d | tee | m. | Ai d. | Ao ni Ae | e tt. |
howáji | wa’ų́hirežé. | Ésge, | hižą́ | t’ē | mą | hižą́ | honįhé | éja |
to come | he had done it. | Therefore, | someone | he dies | ground | someone | group | there |
Ko Ko | A Ly Le n. | Ao Ki tee Ktte Ke. | Lo Ki Ke w[e] Ki Ki Kette K. |
gųgų | haraíreną. | Hokit’ekjege, | rokikewegigikjega, |
to come away (with him) | they went. | Because they would talk, | he would put paint on his face, and |
n m ttAe | A K L ni Ki Ki Kette Ke. | e Ki | Ai d. | w n xi | xAe Kette L. |
ną̄mą́ce | hakáranį́gigíkjege, | égi | hižą́ | wanąǧí | xēkjera |
warclub | because he would have cause to take it with him, | and | someone | body | burying him |
Winn. | |||||||
m Le Ki | Ae Ley[i] d. | m n KLe | e | A ni Ke | e | Kee Kette Ke. | de e |
mąrégi, | here[i]ža | mąną́gᵉre | e | hanįgé, | e | k’ekjege, | žee |
in the ground, | one belonging in* | in the ground | he | because he owned it,† | he | because he digs, | [this one] |
* perhaps from heré meaning, "to be such-and-such, to be in a place, to belong in a place" (Miner, Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
† hani has several meanings all of which apply in this context: "to own, to have, to hold, to carry."
w n xi | leAe L* | Ae Le n. | e Ki. | tti n. | w n xi | Ao Ki tee L. | Ai Ko | Lo Ao Ki Ki n. |
wanąǧí | pera | heréną. | Égi | jíną. | Wanąǧí | hogit’era. | Higų | ruhogiginą. |
corpse | his face | it is. | Then | he came. | Body | he was talking. | Then | he caused it to get ready. |
* the initial letter is hard to read as it appears to have been written over.
n m ttAeyi d | A ni Ki Ki n. | e Ki. | t ni | w Lo diAi d. | e Ki | Lo Ki Ke wi Ki Ki n. |
Nąmąceižą | hanigiginą, | égi | tānį́ | wārúšįža, | égi | rokikewegiginą, |
A warclub | they handed it over to him, | and | tobacco | a bundle, | and | he applied paint, |
leAe tt. | A Lo ttAe. | doAotto | Ki Ki n. | e Ki | e tt. | reAele | Ki toolo dA n. | de de rKe. |
pēja | harucé | šūc | giginą. | Égi | éja | sēp | kit’ųpšaną. | Žežesge |
forehead | across | red | he made. | Then | there | black | he applied. | Thus |
diAi Li diAi Lili | Ki Ki n. | lA | Ai rA w L | Ai lA. | e Ki. | Ai L * lL. | i L. |
širíširíp | giginą. | Pā | hisáwara | hipá | égi | hirápara, | ira |
striped | he made. | His nose | the end | all the way to | and | the chin, | his mouth |
* at this point in the word a letter l has been smudged, presumeably an attempt at erasure.
Winn. | ||||||||
doAotto | Ki Ki n n. | to xiAi L | Ai L rA | wi n Ai L.. | A ntt. | e Ki. | te | de tt ny xitti K tt |
šūc | giginaną. | Toxíra, | hirasa | winąhira | haną́c, | égi | te | žejąnaíxjįgają |
red | he made. | His throat, | also | his windpipe | all, | and | he went | thus far, and |
A Ke Le n. | w d w L L. | n tteAeKe w L n. | m Ai AK Le Ki. | w Kidi Ko i L. |
hagereną,* | "Wažąwarara† | nącge waraną́. | Mąhihakregi | wąkšigo’įra |
he said, | "Your relatives | you have taken by surprise.‡ | On earth | life |
* hagere, meaning "to say," is a rare word, hitherto found only here.
† the standard form should be wažąwaraga.
‡ according to Radin's translation. The expression, nącge waraną, would seem to literally mean, "it has worked (their) heart."
xeAe te Ai xitti | doAo Lo K dA n. | e Ki. | L Ke Le Ktt n A Le | m doAo | liAi L. | tt n K L. |
xetehixjį | šuruką́šąną. | Égi | rakerekjanahare, | mą̄šų̄́ | pįra | janągara, |
much | you have left behind. | And | as you go home, | feathers | good | every, |
xA wi | liAi L | tt n K L. | Ai Ki Ko Lo riKi ttL | L A Ktt ne n. | m Kx | liAi L. |
xą̄wį́ | pįra | janągara, | hikikúrusgijᵉra | rahąkjaneną. | Mą̄káx | pįra |
plants | good | every, | [?] | as you will be going along. | Clay | good |
Winn. | |||||
ni Ke dA n | Ai n n KeLe. | m ni ttAo L. | doAo ttL. | [m] Kx rA L. | x wi lA n liAi L. |
nįgéšąną | hinąną́gᵉre, | mą̄nį́cora, | šujᵉra, | mą̄kaxsara, | xąwįpąnąpįra, |
here and there | scattered around, | blue clay, | red ones, | white clays, | good smelling plants,* |
* this is how meadow rue is termed.
w Kidi Ko i L. | te de rKe | L t Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | L Ke Le Ki. | w d L. Ai d | ttAo we L A ni Ki Lo ttAe Ki. |
wąkšigo’į́ra, | težesge | ratakjaneną. | Égi | rakéregi, | wažąra hižą́ | cowéra hanį́girucégi, |
Life, | for these | you will ask. | And | as you go on, | anything | if it crosses your path, |
A Ke | A L Ktt lini | A KLe Ki | Ao L too deAe Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | tto l A Ki L Ke Le Ktt ne n. |
hąké | harakjąbᵉnį | hakregi | horat’ųšerekjaneną. | Égi | jōpąhagirakerekjaneną.* |
not | do not look around | behind | you will throw it. | And | in four (days) you will depart. |
* the words jōpąha and hagirakerekjaneną have been elided.
wi Lo LK. | Ai doo Kette L. | ni Ki o | Ai Le Ktt ne n. | A Ae L | tto l A |
Wirorak | hiš’ųkjéra | nįgi’ú | hirekjanéną. | Hąhéra | jōpąha |
Mediator | [you will use] | to be furnished to you | they will be. | Nights | four |
Winn. | ||||||
wo ni Ki L Ki Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | A Ki. | n w L. | ttA ni tii Ki. | ne | w dA dA w KL. |
wonįkirakirekjaneną. | Égi | hagi | nąwąra | cą̄nį́t’įgi, | ne | wašašáwągᵉra |
they will tell you what to do. | And | [on the way] | singing | when they hear, | you | [who has spoken] |
Ai leAe Le ri Le Ktt ne n. | e tt Ki | w KidiKi | dii Ktt ne n. | n ni Ki w Ktt n A Le | e | Ai doo L |
hipérezirekjanéną. | Éjagi | wą̄kšík | š’ikjaneną. | Nąnįgiwąkjanahare | e | hiš’ų́ |
they will know. | There | to live | you will do. | You are going to sing | them | you are going to use |
ni deAe Ktt ne n. | a n K | n Ki w n. | e Ki. | wo xeAe | Kee L | Ki Li n. |
nišekjaneną. | Anąga | ną́kiwąną. | Égi | wōxé | k’era | kiríną. |
you will do. | And | [they sang for one another]. | And | grave | having dug | he returned. |
wo xeAe L | de Ko | Ai Ki Le n. | e Ki. | ttoAo we tt | A ni | m ni ne n. | e Ki | w Ki tee L |
Woxera | žēgų́ | higireną, | égi | cōwéja | hanį́ | maníneną. | Égi | wagit’era |
The grave | finished | [it was time,] | and | in front | he was taken | they walked. | Then | the mourners |
Ai Lo nK | Ai Le n. | wo xeAe tt. | Ao too li Le n. |
hironą́k | hiréną. | Woxéja | hot’ųbireną. |
to follow | they did. | In the grave | they laid him. |
Paul Radin, "Funeral practices of the Thunderbird Clan," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #24: 83-87 (syllabic text). English translation published in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1923) 146.