Hōcąk Syllabic Text — The Blessings of the Buffalo Spirits

English Translation

Original Texts: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34-35 |

Stylistic Features

  hapaxlegomena: c
  rare words: wąkiku, "feast" (found only in Kinsie);
  a very heavy use of the suffix -giži.
  the usual style of quotations in chiastic form, "he said, '...,' he said," is not used. Typically, only after the quotation does he add, "he said."  


Winnebago V, #21: 1        
w Ki d A t Ki n ttiKi. A Ko Le d. na tto ttyi Le de.* n tto tt. Ai Le Ktt ne Ki di.
Wąkižą hątaginącgi, hagoréžą nąjojaį́reže. Ną̄́joją́ hirekjanegiz..i,
A man when he fasted, after awhile he was blessed. To be blessed so he would be,

* this should be n tto ttyi Le de.

A Kow tti Le de. rA niKi wiyo Le ttA tte L e Ki* A Kow tti Le de. w Kdi Ke
haguajíreže. Sanį́k wiórocąjerégi haguajíreže. Wąkšigé
they came to him. Direction from the south they came to him. Human

* the last L is written above the line to disambiguate the letter that was originally written.

A ni Kow tti n A Ko L Le ayi Le Ki A ni Kow tti n. e Ki
hanįguajíną. "Hagorare," aíregi hanįguajíną. Égi
he was to go after. "Go after," they said, and he went after. Then


Ao Lo xo Ktt tt. w Ki d w tte Ki d. A Ki do Ke Le de. Ai Lo n Kde. A Ke.
horuǧukjają wąkižą, wacekižą, hakižu kereže. Híroną́kše. Hąké
[he saw ...] a man, a young one, with him he went along. He followed him. Not


A Li Ao w L L ni de. ttAi n Ki d Ai L Ai Le de. e Ki. ttAi n K.
hári howararaniže. Cinąkižą híra hireže. Égi cinąka
they did not go far. A village they were going they were. And the village


                              Winnebago V, #21: 2    
rA Ke tt ttAi rAe Le tti d Ki di. e ttA. ny Ki Le de. ttAi n Kn K
sakeja ciserecižą, giží éca nąigireže. Cinąknąka
center a long house, and there they slept. That village


Ai d wi Lo K n n Ki di ttAo ni Kitti n ttA tt de e de.
hižą́ wirukanana, giží conixjįna, cąjąže, éže,
one the chief, indeed the primary one, [publicly,] he said,


w[o] n Hi Le L n tti Lo ni tt n Ai Ke de A Ko Le d. wo n Hi Le doo Ki di.
"Wonąxírera nąjironijáną," higéže. "Hagoréžą, wonąxíre š’ųgiži,
"Wars I bless you with," he said. "After awhile, war if you make,


w L Ki taa li L Ko Lo doAo Ki di A Ke w Ki Ko no ni niy tte.
waragit’abira kurušogiži, hąké wakikųnųninįaje;
[you are causing them to die ?] ? not it must not be forgotten;


t ni Ao L Ki dow n K w L Ki r Ki di. A KeAe tee Ai lAi L ni ni Ktt ne n
tanihúra gižuanąga warakiragiži, hąké t’ḗhi pįraninįkjaneną.
the pipe to fill, and if you do it, not to kill it will not be good.


    Winnebago V, #21: 3      
wo n Hi Le Lo K n A ni n. Ai Ke de. e Ki w Kdi Ko i L. te
Wonąxíre rukąną́ haníną," higéže. Égi wąkšigo’į́ra te
War control I have," he said. And life this


de ni rKe Ktt ne n. Ao Ki Ko Lo Ho ttAe Ai Ke Ki di Ao Ki Ko Lo Ho ttK
žénisgekjanèną." Hokikúruxuc higegiži hokikuruxucga,
it will be thus for you." To look at himself he told him, and when he looked at himself,


tt n tto L A n ttAi rK w Kdi Ko i. L Ai Hitti A Ki tt Ki Ki de.
ja ną̄jú haną́cį ska wąkšigo’į́ra hī́xjį hagijagigize.
he saw hair of his head all white his life the last stage of he had reached.


e Ki tt n K ttAi dow KeLe A n ttAi n to ni ittyi Le n.
Égi janąga cišuągre, haną́cį   ijireną.*
And everyone horizontal lodge poles, all of them ? they had come.

* < hijireną, the initial /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.

ttAe ttAi n KeLe Ki L tti n. Ai Ki Ki di ttAi Lo Hittiy KLe.
Ciną́gᵉre kirajiną. Higįgíži, ciroxjįągre*
Buffalo the Lodge it had come. When he returned, the entire lodge

* < ci-ra-hoxjį-ągre.

wo Lo Ho ttK tt. ttAiy KLe. w Kdi Kow tt n KL. A n ttAi tteAe w o nKde.
woroǧocgają, ciągre wąkšígoajaną́gᵉra, haną́cį wa’ųnąkše.
after he looked at it, the lodge the life that was seen, all of it buffalo it was.


Winnebago V, #21: 4        
w Kdi Ke n tto ni tt. Ai Le Ke A ni Ku Ai Le n. w Kdi Ke
"Wąkšigé nąjoniją," hiregé haniku hiréną. "Wąkšigé
"Human I bless you," because he thought, to bring it forth he did. "Human


Ai d A l HeAe we Ki di t ni L lAi n tte. ni Ki oyi Le Ki di.
hižą́ hāpá xewegiži, tānį́ra pįnaje nigi’ųregiži,
a I touched when he bothered, tobacco it is for the best if he does,


te de Ko L Ktte n Ai Kyi Le de. e Ki w Ki oyi ne de. w Kdi Ki d
težegúrakjeną," higaíreže. Égi wagi’ųineže. Wąkšigížą
this will be the way," he said. And he was the one who did it. A human


tee xitti. ttAiyo Ki rA Ke tt KiAi di. tt n K ttAi dow K A n ttAi
t’exjį ciókiságeja, kíži janąga cīšuąka, haną́cį,
quite dead in the middle of the lodge, [and] everyone lodge poles, all of them,


A to deAe we Le Ki di A Ke. ni al Ai L ni de. Ai Low Kini xitti
hatošeweregiži, hąké nį’ą́p hiraniže. Hiroagnįxjį
? not they did not come to life. The very last


  Winnebago V, #21: 5      
o Ki Ki Le Ki di de tt K. o de. w Kdi Kn K. n di Ki di A n ttAi Hitti
ųgigiregiži, žejąga ųže. Wąkšiknąka nąžígiži, haną́cįxjį
that they made, now they made. The human he stood, and all of them


ni Ki A Le de. e Ki Holo Ki Ki di ttAe n w n K.
nįgihareže. Égi xópkįgiži, Cē nąwąnąka
they breathed with him. And miracles [were performed], and the Buffalo Song


L dtt Ki di. w Kdi tee. ttAo Ki rA Ke tt KA.
rašjągiži,́ wąkšit’e* cokiságeja ka
when they were through, dead man in the middle of the lodge there

* either a contraction of, or in error for, wąkšik t’e.

Ao ni A tan lde. ttAe Kitti L Ao we Ho Ki. Ai no l A L Ao we Ho de
honihat’ąpše. Cēkjįra howexǫgi, hinųbahąra howexǫže.
he breathed upon him. The buffalo when he blew, the second time he blew.


Ai t ni A L Ao we Ho K tt. ttl Ki ni lde Ai tto l A L
Hitaníhąra howexǫgają, jąp kinípše. hijobą́hąrá
The third time when he breathed, lightning it became. The fourth time


                      Winnebago V, #21: 6      
Ao we Ho K tt Ki K w o Ki Li Ke Le Ai de. w Kdi Ke
howexǫgają, giką́ wa’ų, kirikerehiže. "Wąkšigé,
when he breathed, to knock over he did to him, he suddenly started away. "Humans,


A n ttAi wo L Ai n Ai Ke de tteAe Ao Kn K we de.
haną́cį, worahíną," higéže. hųgᵉnąka wéže,
all, you have won," he said. Buffalo the chief he said,


w Kdi Ke me de Ko w L Ki Ki L ni deAe Ktt ne n
"Wąkšigé, mežegų: waragígi nišekjaneną.
"Human, this is what I mean: you are making them you will do.


Ai do w d Ki di. w too ne L lAi ni Ki Ki Le Ki di.
Hiš’ų́ wažá, giži wat’ųnéra pįnigigiregiži,
You are going to use things, and the leavings* if they make good ones,

* wat’ųné means, "the leaving of something behind (for someone)." Miner says that a wat’ųné was, "a gift given to a medicine man in return for healing or knowledge; gift or donation in honor of someone else (not the same as waixéwe)."

t ni L tt n K t ni Lo ni Ki doyi Le Ki di. de n K. wo Ko ro ttAi
tānį́ra janąga tānį́runįkižuiregiži, žēną́ga Wogų́zoci
tobacco as much as there is when they offer tobacco, that much the Creation Lodge


te Ki. tti Ki A Ktt ne n. e di Ke mo Ko ro ttAiy KeLe
tégi jikihakjeną. E žigé Mogošuciąkére*
right here it itself will come. There again to assemble at Red Banks

* < Mogošuc-hiąkére. Cf. hiąkére hi, "to put together (as a framework), to tie something to something, to connect something to something," (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).

Winnebago V, #21: 7        
Ao ni Kooyi ne n Ao Ki ttAo. A diAi ni L. tt tt Hitti Ao w Le Ki di.
honik’ú-ineną. Hokicų hašinira jajaxjį howáregíži
I give you. Descendants your as long as they extend


de tt Hitti w L Ki A tte n. m n KLe. tt tt Hitti ni Ae Ki di
žejąxjį waragi hajéną. Mąną́gᵉre jajaxjį nįhegiži
to their end in time you come I have. On this earth as long as that long


de tt Hitti. Ao Ki ttAo. A diAi ni L. t ni Ao w HoAo Ke Le Le Ki
žejąxjį, hokicų hašinira, tanihú waxų́ kereregi,
to its end in time, descendants your, pipe to pour when they place,


tt Ko [t]tyi Le Ki di de rKe. t ni L wi L K ni A tti n Kowi do no Ktt ne n.
jasgujiregiži, žesge tānį́ra wiraka, ni hajinąkuišųnųkjaneną.
however it comes, that way tobacco to take care of, you I will come suddenly.


wo A L tt n K Ki di A Ke A K. Ai d Ao ni Ke
Wohą́ra, janągagiži, hąké hąká hižą́ hōnį́ge
The kettles, everyone of them, not never one unrewarding


                                       Winnebago V, #21: 8      
w Ki to rni Ktt ni A wi n. wo n Hi Le ayi Le dKe. wo n Hi Le Ai to K n wi n
wagitusnikjanihawiną. Woną́ǧiré, aíreške, woną́ǧiré hitukanawiną.
we will not be taking out. War, they also say, war we govern.


w d Ko rL. de rKe Ki Lo K n Ai Ki Ki wi n e Ki di Ke.
Wažągų́zᵉra žesgégi rukąną́ higigiwiną." Égi žigé
The Creator it was this way control he has made us." And again


w Kdi Ko i ayi Le dKe. di Ke. de rKe w wi L K ni A tti n.
wąkšigo’į́, aíreške, žigé žesge, wawiraga, nihajiną.
life, they also say, again that way, [as they say,] he breathed.


Kowi doAo no Ktt ne n. e Ki di Ke. HA wi Ao. n tti Lo tt Ai Le Ki di
Koišųnųkjaneną. Égi žigé xąwįhu ną̄́jiroją́ hiregiži,
He will always ____. And again plants to be blessed when they were,


w Ki oyi ne de. H wi L Ai d dA n Le tt Ki Ki Le de. de e
wak’iųineže. Xąwį́ra hižą́ šana rejagigireže. Tee
they got them. The plants one only it was made to go. This


    Winnebago V, #21: 9    
tt Ko wi Lo Ko Ktt ne Ki di. Ao Ki L Ki Le de w Kdi Ki KiAi K
jagu wirokukjanegiži, hogirákireže. "Wąkšigi kį̄́ga,
how it will be used, they told him. "Life when one makes oneself,


w o Ai liAi ne Ktt ne de Ai K Le de. w L Ki Ko Ki di. H wi Ao n KLe
wa’ų, hipinekjaneže," higareže. Waragigogiži, xąwį́hunągᵉre,
he made it, they should do it," he said to him. When you are feasting, these plants,


Ao dAi ltti t ni wo K L Ki dow tte e m dttyi Le Ktt ne n. e Ki
hošípjį tānį́ wokarakįšuaje, e mąšjaį́rekjaneną." Égi
always tobacco you will bring your own, they they will be mighty." And


di Ke. Le H Lo lAo Lo Ki da* n tti Lo ttyi Le de. te e w L Ki Ko
žigé rḗxarupórokiža   nąjirojaireže. "Te’é waragigo
again a drum they blessed him. "This feast

* the terminal Ki da (kiš’a) is likely a spelling error for Ki d (kiža).

Ki Ao L tti Ki di tt Ko Lo L Ko Ki di. de rKe. Ao Ki L Ki Ktt ni A wi n
ki horajį́, jagu roragųgiži, žesge hogirákikjanihawiną.
? if you beat it, what you really want, this way we will tell.


                            Winnebago V, #21: 10      
n HKo Ktt ni A wi n. Le H Lo lAo Lo KL w KA ttA Kini Ki Ki wi n. ni dKe. w K ttAK.
Nąxgųkjanihawiną. Rḗxarupórogᵉra wakącąknįgigiwíną. Nišge wakącą́k
We will hear it. The drum I have sent holiness. You also holy


K L Kiy tte. Ai Kyi Le de. e Ki. di Ke te e
karakiáje," higaíreže. "Égi žigé te’é
make it for yourself," they told him. "And again this


w ttA ttA KL Ktt ne n A Ko Le d. wo n Hi Le doo Ktt ne dKe
wacącąkarakjaneną. Hagoréžą, woną́ǧiré š’ųkjanera,
[it, my own, will be made very great.]* After awhile, war you will be doing,

* an uncertain translation. Perhaps from wa-, "it, they"; cąk, reduplicated, "very great"; -kara-, "one's own"; -kjane, third person future tense; -ną, a declarative suffix.

A K L ni ow tte. ni Ki tti Le Ktt ne n. w Kdi Ke. Ao Ki Kette w L ttA lL.
hakarani’ųaje nįgijirekjaneną. Wąkšigé, hokikje waracábara
the attending of they will be helping you. Human, enemies your


        Winnebago V, #21: 11
w n L rK li Ktt ne n w lA Ai L rA ni Ki ni Ki lA Ai Ktt ne n.
waną́ra sgabikjaneną. Wapahira sánįki nį̄kipahikjaneną.
defeats they will press. Weapons one sided I will make them sharp for you.


e Ki. Ao ni Kow diAi ni L. wo dK te e A Ke de tt Ai Lo ni Ktte n.
Égi honįk’ųašinira* wōšgą́ te’é hąké žéją hironikjeną,"
And your gifted rite this not to end it will not be put,"

* < honįk’ų-hašinira, the second /h/ having been lost through internal sandhi.

Ai Kyi Le de. wo dK te e o ne Ki. Ao dAi ltti tt Ko
higaíreže. Wōšgą́ te’é ųnēgi, hošípjį jagú
they told him. Rite this if he does it, always how


[t]tyi Le Ki di de rKe t ni L wi L K niy tti n Ki Ktt ni A wi n. e Ki
jairegiži, žesge tānį́ra wiraka, nįajinąkikjanihawina. Égi
if they try, this way tobacco he takes care of, we will come to you. And


w Ki Ko Ai Le Ki di Ai do do Ki d w K ttA Ki Kette Ai K Le de. e Ki
wąkiku hiregiži, hišušugiža wakącąkikje," higareže. "Égi
feast if they do, a flute he will make holy," he said to him. "And


                      Winnebago V, #21: 12      
Koo Kette Ai K Le de. e rKe. Ai do do Ki d w K ttK
k’ųkje," higareže. Ésge hišušugiža wakącąk
he will make it," he said to him. So a flute holy


Ki de. e di K Le de. w Lo H lL Ai d Ki Koo Ktte
kį́že. Ešigareže, Waruǧábᵉra hižą́ kīk’ų́kje,
he made himself. However, he said, the Warbundle one he can make himself,


Ai K Le de. tte wi ro K n we de e rKe ttAe lA d
higareže. "Cēwį́ rokananą̄ka," wéže, "ésge cēpažą
he told him. "Female buffalo these are many," he said, "so a buffalo head


w Lo Hl Ki Koo de e Ki di Ke ttAe ri Ki d.*
Waruǧáp kīk’ų́že, égi žigé [sį̄jižą́]
Warbundle it can be made for oneself, and again buffalo a tail

* this is almost certainly a transcription error for ri tti d.

w K ttA Ki de e Ki de e t ni wo Ki do Ai L ni Ae Ktte
wakącą́giže. Égi tee tānį́ wogížu hiranihekjege,
it is made holy. And this tobacco to offer them they would do, and


de e w o n rii Le tt Hitti w o L Ai Ko. o n Kd n.
tee wa’ųną. S’irejąxjį wa’ųra, higų́ ’ųnąkšąną.
this they do it. For a very long time he did it, still doing it.


         Winnebago V, #21: 13
A lte e. Ae Le dKo ni K w o n te e. e Ki di Ke.
Hą̄pte’é Herešgúniga wa’ųną, te’é. Égi žigé
Today the Devil he does it, this. And again


w K Le de. ttAe Aiyo Ki L ttL. tto lAi wi n n tto tt Ai Le de.
wakareže, hiųgirájᵉra jōpíwi nąjųją́ hireže:
he said to him, buffalo [the princesses ?] four to bless him they did:


rK L. e Ki di Ke. rAe lL. e Ki di Ke.
sgara, égi žigé sēbᵉra, égi žigé
the white one, and again the black one, and again


ri L. e Ki di Ke. doAo tti d, de n K n [t]to tt ne de.
zī́ra, égi žigé šujižą, žēną́ga nąjųjąneže.
the yellow one, and again a red one, that many they blesserd him.


e Ki di Ke. Ai no l A L. w KeLe Ki A ow tti Le de. w KeLe Ki.
Égi žigé hinųbahąra wągᵉregi ha’ųąjireže. Wągᵉregi
And again the second time up above they were doing it. Up above


ttAe w Kotto Hi d n KdeAe. de e n tto tt de. w Ke de.
cēwą́kjo• xižą nąkše. Tee nąjųjąže, wagežé.
buffalo bull a yellow one there was. This one he blessed him, he told him.

* cēwą́k means "buffalo bull," but the meaning of tto (jo/ju) is not known.

m o L e Ki. Ai KA n Kd n Ai dKe w d Lo K n
"Mą̄’ų́ra égi hįkanąkšąną. Hišgé wažą́ rukąną́
"Earthmaker here he established it. Also things to control


                         Winnebago V, #21: 14  
Ai Ko rA n. Ai ttAo dKe n tto ni tt n. wo n Hi Le Ai to K n n.
hįgų́saną. Hicųšgé, nąjonijáną. Woną́ǧiré hitukananą.
he created me. Grandson, I bless you. War I control.

































































































Paul Radin, "Buffalo Dance," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.): Winnebago V, #21 (Freeman #3897): 1-35.