Hocąk Syllabic Text — Bladder and His Brothers, v. 1

Notebook #27: 1

The MS is written in pencil, with the Hocąk syllabic text on one page and the English translation on the facing page. Both the Hocąk and English texts are extremely clear. At the top center of the Hocąk page the title is written as, w te xoAo K (Wadexúga, "the Bladder"). In the same relative position, the English side has "The bladder", with the page number (1) centered directly below it.

English Translation

There are some singular features in the style of this unknown raconteur which can be tabulated:

  There is extensive use of the words tewéraki, and wéraki, "unexpectedly".
  The word gają is very frequently used as a conjunction ("and then") connecting sentences.
  A rather strong reliance on the conjunctive suffix -anąga ("and").
  A preference for Mą’ųra ("Earthmaker, God") over the rather more common form, Mą’ųna.
  Several instances of the rare exclamation, howo.
see comparative word frequency

w te xoAo K.


p. 1 —
ttiAi reAe Le tti d. e ttK deAe. Ao too Ke Le lA ny dy d.
Ciserecižą ejakše. Hot’ų kerepanaižaižą
A long house there was. Fireplaces ten



Al lo Ko L. A lA AiyK deAe. Ke Le lA ny d w KL.
hąbogúra hąp-hiakše. Kerepanaižą wąkra
the east it lay. Ten men



w owK deAe. Ki Ki no lL. e Ki. Ko no K.
wa’ųwąkše, kikinųbara, égi Kunuga
there were, the brothers themselves, and Kunu, the oldest one,



w nK deAe. Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. ni dA n. m Le Ki.
wanąkše, "Hisųkijiwira, nišana mąrégi
he would say, "Brothers, I only on this earth



w K ttA KL wi ne n. m o L. xeAe te Ai o n.
wakącągera winéną, Mą’ųra xete hi’ųną.
holy I am, [Earthmaker] [great] he made me.*

*the translation has, "the creator made me so."



A K K. w d L. Ai d. n tteKe wo ttiAi
hąkagá wažąra hižą nącgé wocí
Never anything one to be troubled



p. 2 —
wK Kidi Ki i ni Ktt n Ai wi n. w tee Ai Ke L Lo Ki n
wąkšik’įnįkjanahiwiną." wat’ehige rarokiną
we shall not live through." They killed lots of game



Ai Le de. A ntt. Al lK. ttA L. Aotto ttL.
hireže. Haną́c hąpga cara, hųjra
[they did.] Every evening deer, bear



Ai d dA n Kii A Ki Li nK deAe. e Ki. Ko no K
hižąšaną k’įhakirinąkše. Égi Kunuga
each of them they would bring [themselves]. And Kunu



di Ai Ke n Ki K L ni nK deAe. ttiAiye tt.
ži hįké nąkikaranįnąkše. Ciéja
[present there] not he would not hunt. At home



Al lK o nK ra de. A Ko Ley d. de e Ko no K.
hąpga ’ųnąks’aže. Hagoreižą tee Kunuga
every day he would be. One day [this one] Kunu



we de. Ai ro Ki tti wi L. di Ke rA niKi te Ki
wéže, "Hisųkijiwira, žigé sanįk tégi
he said, "Brothers, [again] over here to a certain place



Ao L w dA L wiye Ke. w Lo Kidi* e
horawašárawiyege warugiži e
whatever you do, don't you ever go [perhaps] [it]

*the syllable /so/ is written over a heavy erasure.



Ai Lo L w deAe Le Ktt wi de. m w K L Ke L K tt.
hirorawašerekjawiže. wakaragerakają,"
you have plenty of other places to go.* Arrows I have placed my own there,"

*before the word "plenty", "can kill" had been written and later crossed out.



p. 3 —
a n K deAe. Ko no K. A Ae Le Ki. A ntt
ánąkše, Kunuga hąhéregi haną́c
he said, Kunu in the evening all



Ai tt n KLe Ki w nK deAe. Ay ni Ki di.
hijanąkregi wanąkše. hainigíži,
as they were gathered there* [they say.] In the morning,

*the translation adds, "around the campfire".



n Ki K L L A Ly Le K tt. Ae n L. w o de.
nąkikarara harairegają. Henara wa’ųže.
on the hunt they started. Hena [he did it.]



ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki. w Key d. ey ttiy o we de.
úwahigáją, tewéraki wakeyižą eyajiyoweže.
As he was going along, [unexpectedly] a raccoon he came across.



wo Ki roKo. rii L xeAe te de. Aotto riAi
Wogízók s’íra xeteže. Hųj si
[Really] the track it was big. Bear foot



Ai Ki reKe xitti de. te e tee A Ki di. Ai ni A L.
hikisgexjįže. "Tee t’ehagiži, hinihara
as big as. ["This one] if I could kill him, my brother



w i A Ki o Ki m dtt liAi n Ai Le de.
wa’į́ haki’ųgi, mąšją pįną," hireže.
robe if I could make, very pleased," he thought.



p. 4 —
Ai Low w A Ai Kette Ai Le de. Ai Lo w Le de.
Hirowahahikje, hireže. Hirowáreže.
He would trail it a ways anyway, he thought. He trailed him.



Ai Ko Ao tti dA n xitti w o de. ow Ai K tt.
Higų hojišánąxjį wa’ųže. úwahigáją,
And [not long ago] [it was made.]* After going a ways going along,

*translated as, "And the track was fresh."



e tt. Ai Lo A Li. ttA tii de. e tt K L Ae de.
éja hirohári cąt’įže. Éja karahéže.
there in the distance he could see it. There it went along.



te we L Ki. rK xitti d. w owK deAe. di Ke
Tewéraki, sgaxjįžą wa’ųwąkše. Žigé
[Unexpectedly,] a very white one it was. [Again]



Ai L tty L Lo Ko xitti de. Ai Ko tt rKe Ki di
hirajaira rokoxjįže. "Higų jasgegiži,
he wanted it all the more. ["Yet] no matter what happens



tee A Kette. Ai ni A L. w i. Ki Koo Ki m dtt
t’ehakje. Hinihara wa’į́ kik’ųgi, mąšją
I will kill it. My older brother robe if I could make, very



p. 5 —
liAi n Ai Le de. rA niKi. Ao w Le L Lo xi ni Ae L.
pįną," hireže. Sanįk howarera roxinihera
pleased," he thought. The direction it went toward he had forbidden them



e A lA Ai no ni Ke de Ko Le de. owK Koo. e tt.
ehapahi nųnįgé žegųrežè. úwąk’ų éja
[to start out] but [he did so.] On it went [there]



Ao ttoy d n di Ki e tt Ao Ki ti de. e tt.
hujuižą nažigi éja hogitíže. Éja
a red oak [which stood] [there] [he climbed up]. There



loAoKo tte Ki di* e tt Aoyi Ke we w o de.
poxjegiži, éja hoikéwe wa’ųže.
as it was a hollow one, there it went up into [it did.]

*the /A/ was written over an earlier /x/.



Ai Kow n. Ao xtt n de. Ay ni Ki di y Ki deAe Le Ktte
Higųwąną, hoxjanąže, hainigíži yakišerekje
As now it was evening, until the next morning he would wait



Ai Le Ki di. e tt n. Aoyi tte tt.
hiregíži. Éja huijeja
he thought. [There] tree at the base



leAe tto too de. n L Lo A Lo rA n K. Ai Ko
pejot’ųže. Nąra rohą rusanąga higų
he built a fire. The wood much he gathered [and] [then]



p. 6 —
A Ae Ai L Le xitti K tt. we L Ki. w KeLe Ki Ai d
hąhehirarexjįgają, weraki wągeregi hižą
[in the night,]* [unexpectedly] from above one

*translated as, "after he had been there awhile".



we de. w Ke rK L. wyi Ki Ke Le. e de. we L Ki
wéže, "Wakesgara, waigikere," éže. Weraki,
he said, "White Raccoon, tell me a story," he said. [Unexpectedly,]



n tt ne e Ki. we de. tt Ko ni Ki K Kette de.
nąjane, égi wéže, "Jagú nį́gikąkjèže?
from inside the tree, then he said, "What could I tell you?



wK KL Ai d Ki L tti L. Ko A Le Ki m KL*
Wąkra hižą kirajira kųhą́regi mąkra
Man a he has come [below] the chest

*what appears to have been a /K/ in an orignal /nK/ was erased.



A t xiKi Ai nK dA n. e K tt. Ao. doAoKo ni A xitti
hataxgihinąkšaną," egają. "Ho, šųknihaxjį!
he is warming it," he said. "Ah, my [dear] dog!



doAoKo ni A xitti a Ao do. m L
šųknihaxjį!" a hožu.† Mąra
[my dear dog!"] said voice from above. The arrow

*instead of this repetition, the translation has, "It is good."
†perhaps from ho, "voice" + ožu, "within".



Ko Lo r n K.* w Ke tt Ai L w A n Koo. Ki rAK Ao Ai de.
kurusanąga wągeja hirawahanąk’ų kisákhohižé.
he took his and upwards pointing it [he shot in the middle.]

*the /r/ is written over a previous letter, perhaps an /x/.



p. 7 —
de Ko. Aiy n K. my tt tti tte de.
Žegų hianąga mąįja jiježe.
[Thus] [he did and] [to the ground] they knocked him over.*

*the translation has, "but he was too late, they knocked him over dead."



Ae ow n K. Kiiy n K tti Ke Le de. Ko no K.
He’ųwanąga k’įyanąga jikereže. Kunuga
He made a pack of him [&] packed him away [&] [he went home.] Kunu



w nK deAe. Ae n K. A Ke Ki ni Ki di.
wanąkše, Henaga hąké kinįgiži,
he was saying, [Hena] not as he did not return,



A K K rKey d. Low xi L. A Ke L xoAo LoKo liAi ni K tt.
"Hagagasgeyižą, rowaxira, hąké raxurukpinįgają,"
"Too bad,* as I forbid you, not he would not listen or obey,"

*after this word, the expression "I told" has been crossed out.



a nK deAe. Ay ni Ki di. no liAi wi Ao ni L wiy tte. e de.
ánąkše. "hainigíži, nųpiwi honirawiyaje," éže.
he said. "In the morning, two of you you had better go and look for him," he said.



Ay ni Ki di. A K L. n xi L. A Ki Ki do. A Ly Le de.
hainigíži, Haga, Naxi hakikižu haraíreže.
The next morning, Haga (the third brother), Naxi (the fourth brother) [together] they went.



p. 8 —
ow Ai Le K tt. te we L Ki e tt Ao ta li Le de.
úwahiregają, tewéraki, éja hotąpireže.
On the way, [unexpectedly,] there they came to his tracks.



te we L Ki. w Keyi d. Ai Lo we w o de. Ai Ko
Teweraki, wakeyižą hirowé wa’ųže. Higų
[Unexpectedly,] a raccoon trailing they were. [Yet]



riAi L Ai Ki rKe xitti ni rKe de. Ko te te e.
sira hikisgéxjį nįskeže. "Koté, tee
the tracks as big as [his own ?]. [Say,] this



tee Ai n i ni Ae Ko ni. A L. Ai reKe tt
t’ehi ną’įni hegųnį. Hara hisgeja
to kill he is trying* [to do perhaps]. Its skin surely

*after the word "he", the word "his" had been written then crossed out.



w i liAi n n. Ai ni Ai Ai wi L. w i Ki o Ki di.
wa’į́ pįnaną, hinihihiwira wa’į́ ki’ųgíži,"
robe it would be good, our brother [robe] [if we made it,"]



ay Le de. m ni Le Ki. reAeyo Ki tt w o nK deAe.
aíreže. Mąniregi, seyokija wa’ųnąkše.
they said.* As it was in the winter time, they had snowshoes on [they did.]

*the translation reads, "Surely its skin would make a good robe for our brother they said." After "good robe" the words "they said" had been written and later crossed out.



te we L Ki ow Ai Le K tt. e tt. A tt Le Ai Le de.
Tewéraki, úwahiregają, éja hajarehireže.
[Unexpectedly,] on they went, [there] they saw him in the distance.



p. 9 —
Ao Aolo Le Ai L de A Ke a Ao Ai ni de. e te we L Ki
Hohobrehiraže. Hąké ahuhinįže. E, tewéraki,
They gave a shout. Not he did not answer back. He, [unexpectedly,]



Ai tt A Ai Le K tt. reAe L. dA n w o tte de.
hija hahiregają, sera šana wa’ųježe,
there when he got there, snowshoes only they were,



e tt w r Ke Le Le w o tte de.
éja wa zakerere wa’ųježe.
there snow as they were put sticking up they were.



wyi tt. A Ai Le Ki di. Ao we riAi L. Ai Lo wy Le K tt.
Waija hahíregíži, howe sira hirowairegają,
[In the snow there] [when they got there,] around tracks when they looked,



Ai Ke ni Ke Ao w L ni de. Ao we n
hįké nįgé howaranįže. Howe
not any they could not find. Around wood



Lo rA Ki di. de Ko Ki L de. Ao xtt n Ki ni de.
ruhagiži, žegų kiraže. Hoxjanągįnįže,
[after stepping,] [that's all] [they found ?].* As it was now evening,

*this sentence is translated as, "but they could not find any except as he gathered wood from round about."



Ko te de Ko Ai Ki Ai n Ktte n. Ao xtt n Ki ni K tt.
koté, žegų higihinakjeną, hoxjanągįnįgają.
[koté,] now [they decided to camp there ?] for the night.



p. 10 —
Ay ni deKe. Ai Ki deAe Le Kette n. a wi de. e tt
"Hainiške, higišerekjeną," awiže. Éja
"In the morning [also], we can go on with him,"* they said. [There]

*the tranlation has "came" instead of "can".



di Ke leAe tto too Ai L n K. leAette a K Ki Ki nK
žigé pejot’ųhiranąga, pec aka giginąk
again they built a fire and fire opposite one another



mi n Ki Le de. Ai Kow n. wK KeLe Ki Ai d w Ao de.
mįnąkireže. Higųwąną wągeregi hižą wahože,
they sat. Again from above [one] the voice,



w Ke rK L wy Ki K Le. e K tt. we L Ki. n tt ne
"Wakesgara, waigikare," egają, wéraki, nąjane.
"White Coon tell me a story," said [he,] [unexpectedly,] from the tree.



e Ki we de. tt Ko ni Ki K Kette de.
Égi wéže, "Jagú nį́gikąkjèže?
[And] he said, "What could I tell you?



wK KL no liAi wi tti wi L. Ko A Le Ki m KL.
Wąkra nųpiwi jiwira. Kųhą́regi mąkra
Men two they have come. Below chests



A t xiKi Ai nK dA n. e K tt. we L Ki. Ao
hataxgihinąkšaną." Egają, wéraki, "Ho!
they are warming." He said, [unexpectedly,] "Ah!



p. 11 —
doAoKo ni A xitti. doAoKo ni A xitti. a Ao de.
šųknihaxjį! šųknihaxjį!" ahúže.
my dog! my dog!" it said.*

*the translation adds, "as it came down upon them."



m L w Ko Lo ri L n K. Ai L deAe xitti n Koo.
Mąrawakorosiranąga hirašexjįnąk’ų,
They grabbed their bows and arrows and [while] they waited,



wy rAK Ao Ai de. de Ko Aiy n K. my tt
waisakhohiže. Žegų hianąga maįja
he knocked them over dead. [Then] [he came and] on the ground



tti ttey n K. Ko Ki w xA Ltt ttili w Aiy n K.
jijeyanąga gugi waxarajajip wahiyanąga
he landed and [he went] laying them head to toe [he caused them to be and]



Ai no li Ki w Kiiy n K. tti Ke Le de. di Ke
hinųpi giwąk’įyanąga jikereže. Žigé
[the two of them] he carried them away and [he went home.] [Again]



de Ko xA w ni ne de. Ko no K. i Lo dK nK deAe.
žegų xawanineže, Kunuga irošgąnąkše.
[now] as they did not return, Kunu he became worried.



Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. Ay ni Ki di. di Ke no liAi wi L
"Hisųkijiwira, hainigíži, žigé nųpiwira
"My brothers, in the morning, again two of you



p. 12 —
wiy tte. Ay ni Ki di di Ke no liAi wi L wi de.
wiyaje." hainigíži, žigé nųpiwi rawíže.
you must go." In the morning, again two they went.



di Ki Ko de rKe Ai Le de. ttAo ni tt rKe
žigígų žesge hireže. Coni jasgé
[Once again] the same they did. [First] [when]



Ai Le K. Ai LowK Kini xitti. n xi xoAo no ni K. Ao t de.
hiregá hirowakinixjį, Naxíxununįka, hotaže.
they did until only one, Youngest One, he was left.



Ai roAo Ki tti L Le. tt Ko o w o n Ki di. Ai t tte
"Hisųkijirare, jagų uwa’ųnąkiži hitaje
"Little brother, [how] you go and try



w ow tte. Ki Li n iy tte. Ai Ke de. Ay ni Ki di.
wa’ųwaje kirinąiyą́je ," higeže. hainigíži,
do you try to get back to me," he said to him. In the morning,



Le de. reAe n Ko L. Ao ta liKi Ai Lo Ao w Le de.
reže. Senakura hotąpgi, hirohowareže.
he started. Snowshoe tracks when he came to, he followed them.*

*before the word "followed," the words "went along" have been crossed out.



p. 13 —
wi L Ai de. Ao we wi Ki ttKx doKo ni.
Wiráhiže. Howe wigicgáxšguni
He got [there]. Looking around [for that which was put in his way]



no Lo rA L Ao we Ao o de. Ai Ki d ni Ke
norusara howe ho’ųže. Hikižą (?) nįgé
the gathering of wood he saw [he did.] (?) [a place]



Ao w L ni de. e reKe.* tt Ko o w o n Ko ni


jagú uwa’ųnąkuni?"
[he would not go.] "So [what] could be the matter with them?"

*this is the only deviation in spelling that has been seen from the standard, e rKe.



Ai L tte de. Ai tt Ai deKe* n Kette Ai Le de.
hiraježe. Hija hišgé nąkjehireže.
he thought. [There] [also] [he would sleep.]†

*/Ai tt Ai/ is written over a heavy erasure.
†translated as, "finally he decided to stay all night".



leAe tto Ki too de. tt tt ne tt. A Ae K tt. we L Ki.
péjokit’ų́že. jajáneją hąhegają, wéraki,
He built himself a fire. As soon as it grew dark, [unexpectedly,]



w KeLe Ki. we de. w Ke rK. A wy Ki K ne e de.
wągeregi wéže, "Wakesga,* hawaigikane," éže.
from above he said, "White raccoon, tell me a story," he said.

*here the word for "white raccoon" is not used as a proper name.



we L Ki n tt ne e Ki. we de. tt Ko
Wéraki nąjane égi wéže, "Jagú
[Unexpectedly,] from within the tree [here] he made answer, "What



p. 14 —
ni Ki K Kette de. wK KL. Ai d Ki L tti L. Ko A Le Ki
nį́gikąkjèže? Wąkra hižą kirajira kųhą́regi
could I tell you? Man one he has come [below]



m KL A t xiKi Ai nK dA n. e de. Ao.
mąkra hataxgihinąkšaną," éže. "Ho,
the chest he is warming himself," he said. "Ah,



doAoKo ni A xitti doKo ni A xitti. a Ao de.
šųknihaxjį! šųknihaxjį!" a hože.
my [dear] dog! my [dear] dog!" said [voice.]



to w. ttiAi wi Ao de. m L. Ko Lo r n K.
Towa cįwį́ huže. Mąra kurusanąga
[He went] roaring he came. The arrow he took his and



Ai L n i xitti Ao lo ttK de. di Ke
hiraną’įxjį hobojagaže. Žigé
[where he believed] he shot up in the direction of the sound. Again



Ai no lL. Lo r n K. Ao lo ttK de.
hinųpra rusanąga hobojagaže.
[a second time] he took it and he shot up in the direction of the sound.



m ne K tti tte de. to wi. xoAo riKi xitti. Ai L n.
Mąnega jiježe. "Tuwį! xusgįxjį hirana,"
On the earth he landed. "Ouch! to hurt you did,"



p. 15 —
e de. Le Ke tt. m L. Ai d. Lo diKitti tti li de.
éže. Regéja mąra hižą rušikjijipiže.
he said. In the leg the arrow one he had shot him.



di Ke e Ki. ay tt.* no li Ai o de.
Žigé égi aija nųpihi’ože.
Also and in the arm in two places [he was hit].

*there is an attempted erasure of an initial /A/.



Ai L Ki leAe Le ri Ktt ne n e de. w xA Ki d.
"Hiragiperesikjaneną," éže. Waxagižą
"You shall suffer for this," he said. A thorn bush



m ttiKiri deAe. e Ki. w ni L. w n deAe Ai Le de.
mąckísše. Égi wanira wanašehireže.
he cut. And his clothes he took away from him.



n xi xoAo no ni K. A L m ni to we Ki liritti
Naxíxununįka hara mani towe gipsįc´
[Youngest Born] the skin walking he kept on he whipped



A K L Ai Le de. n xi xoAo no ni K. xK
hakarahireže. Naxíxununįka ǧak
they went all the way home. The little brother he cried



A ni A K Ly Le de. x K Ki. wK deAe. w te xoAo L.
hanihakaraireže. Ğaki, wągše, "Watexúra,
as they went.* As he cried, he said, "Bladder,

*between "little brother" and "cried", the following is crossed out with single horizontal lines: "was crying when he was taken home to the other home".



p. 16 —
Ai ni xitti ni dA n. w ni xoAo liAi ni de Ai deAe d Le.
hinixjį, nišana wanixopiniže, hišéžaré,
my brother, you only holy one, you said,



Ai ni xitti aK deAe. w KL A Ki
hinixjį," akše. wągara hagi
my brother," [he said ?]. Over above they went



A ni Ao wy Le de. Kow e de. w te xoAo K.
hanį́ howaíreže. "Guwa!" éže Watexuga.
he was taken he went over. "Oh!" he said, Bladder.



de rKe Ai Ae d Le. a nK deAe. Ay ni Ki di.
"Žesge hihéžare," ánąkše. hainigíži,
"That I said," he said. In the morning,



Ai Ao. w A tti Kette n. e de. w to Ki d. A ntt
hihó, "Wahajíkjeną," éže. Watokižą haną́c
he said, "I will now eat," [he said.] A bear whole



Ao A de. to tti Ki di. ttAi Ao Ki
hohą́že. Tujigiži ci hogi
he boiled it. When it was cooked [lodge] around



rA Ke tt. n A w diAidi dow n K. w Lotto deAe.
sakeja nąhawašišųanąga warucše.
on branches he laid it and he began to eat.



p. 17 —
ttAe li d. xA lee xitti niKi. e Ki. Ai Ko Lo Ao de.
Cepiža xap’exjįnįk égi hikorohóže.
He ate it up very soon and then he began to get ready.



w toKo. Ay d. Ao n di de. e Ki. to dA n Ki d.
Watok haižą honažiže, égi tošanąkižą
Bear a skin he wore, [and] an otter



t ni Ao do A ni de. e Ki. t ni Ao L. Lexe i d*
tanihožu haniže, égi tanihúra rex’ižą
tobacco pouch [he had,] and the pipe a kettle

*the last syllable is written over in a way that makes it impossible to read.



xeAe te ni rKe de. de Ko Aiy n K.
xete nisgeže. Žegų hianąga
big it was like. Then he started [and]



to w Le de. tteAe Kitti L. w Ke rK n K
towareže. cekjįra wakesganąka
[he went in a certain direction]. The first thing the white raccoon



Ai L Ai de. n tte K. too L* Le Ai de. de Ko
hirahiže. Nąjega t’ųra rehiže. Žegų
he came to. The tree he took hold he threw it aside. Then

*/too/ is written over a heavy erasure.



p. 18 —
Aiy n K. n xoAo xoAoxo deAe. w Keyi d Ae Le Ki di
hihánąga* nąxoxoǧše. Wakeyižą heregíži,
[they came and] he kicked it to pieces. A coon there was and

*for hiránąga ?



rK xitti de. w toKo Ai Ki reKe xitti de. xiAi ni
sgaxjįže. Watok hikisgexjįže. Xini
it was very white. Bear it was as big as. It growled,



no ni Ke. Ki rAK deAe. de Ko Aiy n K. ni ttK nK deAe.
nųnįgé gisákše. Žegų hianąga nicgánąkše.
but he killed it. Then [he went and] he hung it in his belt.



to w Le de. no xA w Ao Ki ne w o de. xA wi
Towareže. Nųxawą hogine wa’ųže, xąwį́
He went on. [It disappeared] through it did, grass



Ao Lo Koro L. wo Ki we K deKe. w n xoAo xoAoxo
horuksúra wogiwegašge, wanąxoxoǧ
the center [of a solid] it led through, tearing them open



Ai Le ra de. di Ke. n Ao Lo Koro L. Ao we K deKe.
hires’aže. Žigé horuksúra howegašge,
he would. [Again] tree the center [of a solid] it would lead,



p. 19 —
de rKe Ai ra de. to w Le de. tteAe Kitti L. e tt.
žesge his’aže. Towareže. Cekjįra éja
the same he would do to them. He went on. The first thing [there]



ttAi loAo Lo Key d.* Ai L Ai de. a deKe. Ai de.
ciporokeižą hirahiže. Aške hiže.
a round tent† he came to. Near he went.

*normally, we would expect the spelling, ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d.
†more properly, "an oval lodge".



Ai to Ke ni Ki d. w o nK deAe. m L. Koro Koro tteKe
hitokenįkížą wa’ųnąkše. Mąra koskosjege
An old woman it was. The ground it shook



Ai Ai nl lK tt we L Ki. wK n Ke
hihiną́pgają, wéraki, wąk nąke
so she went out and, [unexpectedly,] man there



we rKe d. Ao Ae de. de e e tt.
wesgežą hohéže. Žee éja
a powerful looking one [he was coming.] [That one] there



Le xAo Lo Lexe* o nK w o nK deAe. Ai ni w o nK deAe.
rexóroréxe† ’ųnąk wa’ųnąkše. Hini wa’ųnąkše.
clay pots‡ to make she was. Slave‡‡ she was.

*/Lexe/ is written over an erasure.
†said by Dorsey to be an obsolete word.
‡just before these words, what appears to be another instance of the word "clay" has been crossed out.
‡‡normally translated as "captive".



p. 20 —
w LeKe rA ni Ki K. e w ni Ai o nK deAe.
Wareksąnįkiga e wanįhí ’ųnąkše.
One Legged One her slave he made.



w xoAo liAi ni tt Ko L ni Ki di. Lexe liAi xitti L
"Waxopį́nį jagura nįgíži, rex pįxjįra
"Spirit whatever [over this place,] pots [very] nice



no liAi wi Ao ni Koo n. e de. a a Ki A ni w tte de.
nųpiwi honįk’ųną," éže, a’akí haniwaježe.
two I give you," she said, on either side holding them.



w te xoAo K. we de. Ko ni K. e liAi n. Ai Ki
Watexúga wéže, "Kunį́ka, epíną." Higį́
Bladder he said, "Grandmother, it is good." [Afterwards]



Ai Ki Ki n Ki Kette n. A Ki Li Ke Le Ki di. w K L ni
hįkikinąkįkjeną hagirikeregiži wagarani
I shall (sometime in the future) when I start back home I shall take them



A Ki Li Ke Le Kette n e de. e Ki. di Ke e tt.
hakirikerekjeną," éže. Égi žigé éja
I shall go back home," he said. Then [again] [there]



Ai to Ke ni Ki d Ai L Ai de di Ke n xi Le de.
hitokenįkížą hirahiže. Žigé nąǧireže.
an old woman he came to. Again she was scared.



p. 21 —
t ni lA L. a a Ki A niy n K. ttAiye tt A xele tti nK deAe.
Tanipara a’akí hanianąga cieja haxepjinąkše.
Tobacco bags on either side [she had and] [at the lodge] she came out.



we de. w xoAo liAi ni w L tti Le tt Ko L ni Ki di.
Wéže, "waxopį́nį warajire jagura nįgíži,
She said, "Spirit [the various ones] whatever [over this place,]



t ni lA L. no liAi wi t ni Ai Lo ni Ki do n. e de.
tanipara nųpiwi tani-hironigižuną," éže.
bags of tobacco two I give you as a (tobacco) offering," she said.



w te xoAo K we de. Ko ni K. e liAi n. A Ki Li Ke Le Ki di.
Watexúga wéže, "Kunį́ka, epíną. Hagirikeregiži
Bladder said, "Grandmother, it is good. Until I return



w K L ni A Ki Li Ke Le Kette n e de. e Ki. to w Le de.
wagarani hagirikerekjeną," éže. Égi towareže.
I shall take them I will start back home," he said. [And] he went on.



p. 22 —
ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki. leA tt rA [K]L. no liAi wi
úwahigáją tewéraki pejas[k]ára nųpiwi
On the road, [unexpectedly,] white cranes two



n Ko a Ki n di A tt wi de.
nągú akí naži. Hajawiže,
road on either side [standing]. They looked up,



Ki ritti tti tte Le de. xK Ai Le Ktte ni reKe K tt.
kizíc cicéreže. Ğak hirekje nisgegają,
[stretching their necks out.] Crying out they will be when they were about to,



ntt wi riKi Ki di. de Ko rotto i Le de. a a Ki
najwiskigiži, žegų sujireže. A’akí
when he scolded him, [then] they became meek. [On either side]



w ni tt n K n K. to xoAo Lo dK. w ni ttK nK deAe.
wanijnąkanąga toxorušgą wánickánakše.
[he took them and] he grabbed them by their necks shoving them through his belt.*

*the translation has, "He grab[b]ed each of them by the necks and shoved their heads through his belt".



de Ko Aiy n K. di Ke. ow Ai K tt. w K L.
Žegų hianąga žigé úwahigáją, wakąra
[Now] [he went and] [again] after going a ways, snakes



p. 23 —
no liAi wi. n Ko a Ki Ki ritti n di Le de.
nųpiwi nągú akí kizci nažireže.
two road on either side [hissing at him]* they were standing.†

*the term kizci seems to mean "stretching their necks at him," which is what snakes generally to do when they hiss.
†describing the snakes as "standing" is purely conventional, rather like the gender of nouns in those languages which have it.



di Ke ntt wi riKi Ki di. de Ko my tt
Žigé najwiskigiži, žegų maįja
Again when he scolded them, [then] on the ground



mi Ki Le de. di Ke a Ki w Ke. w ni Ai
mįgireže. Žigé akí wąge (?) wanįhi
they laid. Again [on both sides] [from above] [captive]



Kow n K. to xoAo Lo dK w ni ttK nK deAe. e tt
kųwanąga toxorušgą wánickánakše. Éja
he made them and he took them by their necks and shoved them through his belt. There



di Ke. doKo tt ni Ke L. no liAi wi. n Ko
žigé šųkjąnįkera nųpiwi nągú
[again] (mountain) lions two road



a Ki nK deAe. di Ke. xiAi ni n i Ai L
akí nąkše. Žigé xini ną’įhira
on each side [they sat.] [Again] to growl it was about to



no ni Ke. ntt wi riKi Ki. rotto i ne de. di Ke.
nųnįgé najwiskigi, sujineže. Žigé
but when he scolded them, they became meek. Again



p. 24 —
w ni ttK nK deAe. e Ki ttiAi Lo le tt.
wánickánakše. Égi ciropeja
he carried them in his belt. And at the (lodge) door



wi tt w riAitti reAe Le ttL no liAi wi di K
wicąwąsįjsérecara nųpiwi žiga
[cougars]* two they tried

*the text has "tigers", but this word, which means "long tailed wild cat", properly denotes the cougar (mountain lion, puma, panther).



A nK wi Ki di. xiAi ni L no ni Ke. to xoAo Lo dK
hanąkwigiži, xinira, nųnįgé toxorušgą
[when they groaned,] growling, but he caught them by their throats



w ni Le de. Ao K w Ai nK deAe. te we L Ki e ttK deAe.
wanireže. Hokawahinąkše. Tewéraki, ejakše.
he caught them. Inside he was. [Unexpectedly,] [there he was.]



Ai no Ki d. Ai leAe iy n K. di Ke Ai d. A n roAo de.
Hinugižą hipe’įanąga žigé hižą hanąsųže.
A woman for a pillow and [again] one to rest his legs on.



e Ki a Ki w Ke too l n. A xA LK Kede.
Égi akí wąge t’ųpaną, haxaragageže.
And on each side [above ?] he lay, flat on his back.



p. 25 —
Ko te LeKe ritK dA w KLe. di n K wy Ki
"Koté, rekistakšawąkre,* šinąka waigi
"Say, you flat legged thing, I want [to do this] for me

*this should be from, rek-gistak-šawąk-re, "leg - (pounded) flat - you go about - who". The syllabic spelling reflects a metathesis, and should have been, LeKi rtK dA w KLe.



Lo xl leLe a n K. m Ke tt wi Lo tti de.† w d
ruǧapere," anąga. Mąkeja wirójįže, wažą
skin those," he said.* At his chest he threw them,‡ the things

*the word "he" is crossed out, and the words "the Bladder" were added after "said".
†there is a mark that looks like the stem of an /i/, but there is no dot
‡"threw him" is replaced with "threw at his breast".



w ni ttK nK Kette K. A nK wi Lo tti de. ttiAi n K.
wánickánakjega. Hanakwirojįže. Cinąka
he carried in his belt. [They came running.] The tent



w tt L. A ntt Lo x Ai Le de. Ko te Ao KL
wajara haną́c ruxahíreže. "Koté, hųgra
the spectators all they were (going) about. "[Say,] the chief



w d Ai L tti n. e tt xitti w d Ki dK Ai Le Ktt ne n.
wažą hirajįną. Ejaxjį wažą gįšgąhirekjaneną,"
something it has come. [About now] something they will do to him,"



a nK deAe. tt Ko deKe. Ki dK Ai Le Kette de. Ai d
ánąkše. "Jagúšge gįšgąhirekježe? Hižą
they said. "What could they do to him? One



p. 26 —
de rKe Ai K deKe. tt Ko Ki dK
žesge hįkaške jagú gįšgą
[that kind] never how to do



Lo xAo Lo Ki Le ra de. a nK Kede w tt L. e Ki.
ruxurugires’aže," anągeže wajara. Égi
they have often tried," they said the spectators. Then



Ki K w a de. a K Ki nK A Ai mi nK deAe.
gigawa’aže. Agákinąk hahi mįnąkše.
he arose. Opposite him* [he went] he sat.

*before the word "him" the word "the" has been crossed out.



w LeKe rA ni Ki K we de. t ni Ao do L Ao K Ly Koo wi Le
Wareksanįkiga wéže, "Tanihožura hokaraík’ųwire,"
One Legged One he said, "The tobacco pouch give it to me,"



e de. t ni Ao L. w te xoAo K we de.
éže. "Tanihura," Watexúga wéže,
he said. "The pipe," Bladder said,



LeKe rtK w dA dA n KeLe de e K tt K
"rekstak wašašąnąkre žee, gająga,
"you flat legged thing, you have spoken these, [finally,]



w dA L liAi n. w KL Ai d Ae Le Ki*
wašara pįną. Wąkra hižą heregi,
[you speak] good. The man a when he comes to see you,

*the /i/ looks more like a period.



p. 27 —
Ai Kow n t ni Ao Ki do Ai Le n. e Ki.
higųwąną tani hogižú hiréną." Égi
it is your place tobacco to fill it is." Then



w LeK rA ni Ki K. t ni Ai de. Ai tt L loo loo A n K.
Wareksanįkiga tanihiže. Hija rap’op’óhanąga
One Legged One began to smoke. [There] he smoked a few puffs and



de Ko Ai L roKo doKo ni. K tt. w te xoAo K.
žegų hirazokškuni gają Watexuga
[then] he took a long draw* and Bladder

*the translation has, "he inhaled a big pipe full", which is written above the following which has been crossed out by a single horizontal line: "he made a long draw on his pipe".



Ki a tt Ke Le de. di Ki no l A L e K tt.†
gi’ą́jakereže. Žiginųbahąra egają,
[he bounced up.]* The second time when he did it,

*the translation has "he was nearly drawn in".
†the /e/ is written over another letter which cannot be made out.



di Ke Ai L tty L Ki a tti Ke Le de. di Ki t ni A L
žigé hirajaira gi’ą́jikereže. Žigitanihąra
again [harder] he bounced up. The third time



e de. di Ke Ai L tty L xitti Ki a de. ttAo we
éže, žigé hirajairaxjį gi’ąže. Cowe
he did it, again higher [he bounced.] Almost



p. 28 —
tal tti L n de. di Ki tto l A L. Ai L roKo de. K tt K
t’ąpjiránaže. Žigijobahąra hiraskuže. Gająga
he stood up. The fourth time he drew. And this time



m dtt xitti a n K. Ai L reAe Le ttiAi de. K tt A Ke
mąšjąxjį anąga hirasereciže, gają hąké
[very strongly] and for a very long time, but not



Ai xK ni de. de Ko. t ni Ao L. t ni L. lo doAo Lotto Le Ai de.
hixgąnįže. Žegų tanihúra taníra bošorocrehiže.
he did not move. Then the pipe [the tobacco] he blew out.



Ko L tt A a ni di t ni Ao L Ao L Ki do n
"Korá, jáha-á ! niží, tanihúra hųragįžuną
"Well, [what a surprise!] [say,] the pipe you filled for me



y Le L. LeKe rtK dA nK KeLe. wK KL Ai d Ao L tte K
yaréra. Rekstakšanąkere, wąkra hižą horajega
I thought. You flat legged thing, the man [one] when he goes to see



Ai Kow n. t ni Ao L Ao Ki do Ai Le K tt. a n K.
higųwąną tanihúra hogižú hiregają," anąga.
[it is your place] [pipe] [to fill] it is,"* he said.

*this sentence is translated as, "You flat legged thing, when a man goes to see another, he is usually given a smoke."



p. 29 —
t ni Ao L. Ai deKe w Kodo Ktt n Ae K tt. a n K.
Tanihúra hišgé wakšukjanhegają, anąga,
The pipe [also] he started to fill, saying,



t ni Ao L. Ko Lo e de. w LeKe rA ni Ki K.
"Tanihúra koro," éže. Wareksanįkiga
"The pipe [I am preparing,"]* he said. One Legged One

*the translation follows this with "which he did" which is crossed out. After this, the following sentence is added: "Then he got out his pipe."



t ni Ao A ni L xeAe te Ai L n i n KL te e
tanihú hanira xete hiranąįnąkra, tee
pipe that he had large they thought, this one



e Ai L tty L xitti de. K tt K. Ao Kodo de.
e hirajairaxjįže. Gająga hokšúže.
it it was bigger yet. [Now] he filled it.



Ai tt L loo loow n K. L ritti doKo ni de. K tt.
hijąra popowanąga rasicškuniže. Gają
A few he took puffs and he took a long draw. [And then]



w LeKe rA ni Ki K. Ki a tti Ke Le de. di Ki no l A L.
Wareksanįkiga gi’ą́jikereže. Žiginųbahąra
One Legged One he bounced up. The second time



p. 30 —
L ritti doKo ni de. K tt. di Ke Ai L tty L.
rasicškuniže. Gają žigé hirajaira
he inhaled. [And then] [again] [even more]*

*the translation has "higher".



Ki a tti Ke Le de. Ai t ni A L. di Ke a K tt. di Ke
gi’ą́jikereže. hitaníhąra žigé ągają, žigé
he bounced up. The third time [again] [having pulled in,] again



Ai L tty L xitti Ki a tti Ke Le de. Ai tto l A L. de Ko
hirajairaxjį gi’ą́jikereže. hijobą́hąrá žegų
[even more yet]* he bounced up. For the fourth time [now]

*translated as, "even higher yet".



w LeKe rA ni Ki K. liAi Ai Ki K n K nK doKo ni.
Wareksanįkiga pįhigikanąk nąkškuni.
One Legged One [in a different position] [he sat.]



di Ki tto l A L. e K tt. tal tt L n K. leAe tte tt.
žigijobahara egają, t’ąpjaránąga pejéja
The fourth time having burned it, jumped up and into the fire



leAe m Ke Le. Ao Ki Li tte de. Ai noKo n K. i tt niKi Ai L n K.
pemakere hokíriježe. hinųknąka ijanįkhiranąga
head first he landed. The woman she gave a cry, and



p. 31 —
a too li Le de. w te xoAo K. t ni Ao L. lo K L doAo Lotto Le Ai de.
at’ųpireže. Watexúga tanihúra bokarašorocrehiže.
[pulled him up.]* Bladder the pipe he blew (his own) out.

*the sentence is translated as, "The woman gave a cry and jumped for him".



Ai Loyi Le LeKe rtK w o n KLe tt Ko o K tt
Hiroyire rekstak wa’ųnąkre, jagú’ųgają
["Homely,] flat legged one [who does this,] why



t ni A[i] Ai n i L. tal tti L nK. de n K
tanih[i] hiną’įra t’ąpjiranąk. (?) Ženąga
my smoke to disturb jumping up. (?)* [This much]

*the word "for" is added to the end of the sentence, then crossed out.



A o Kette n. e deKo ni de. de de rKe w Ki Kiy n K.
ha’ųkjeną. Ežegų niže. Žežesge wagigianąga
[I will do.] [That was all] [he got.] This is the way [he had been doing it to them and]



tee w Ai ra Ke w o no ni Ke e ttA Ki o Ai Le de.
t’ewahis’age wa’ų, nųnįgé écą ki’ųhireže.
[he would usually kill them] [he did,] but this time he was the victim.



e Ki w LeKe rA ni Ki K. we de. i ni L Ai d
Égi Wareksanįkiga wéže, "Inira hižą
Then One Legged One said, "The stones [one of them]



p. 32 —
Ai tt Ai Ki K nK wi Le e de. w te xAo K we de.
hija higikanąkwire," éže. Watexúga wéže,
[there] heat them," he said. Bladder said,



LeKe rtK w dA dA nK KeLe.* K tt K de e w di d
"rekstak wašašąnąkre? Gająga žee wažį́žą
"Flat legged one how can you talk thus? Now then that one a thing

*the second /dA/ is written over a heavy erasure.



w dA L liAi n. wK KL Ai d Ai Ki w Le K.
wašara pįną. Wąkra hižą higiwarega,
you are speaking good. Man one when he goes visiting,



Ai Kow n. i ni A Ki K n Ki Le doAo no n. Ai ttKe nK L*
higųwąną, įnįhakį kąnąkirešųnųną. Hickenąkara
[as now,] sweat bath he is usually given. I am in pain

*a second /t/ has been overprinted on an /e/ to produce /ttKe/ in place of /teKe/.



e liAi L Ktt ne n. i ni* reAe leKeye d. leAe tte tt
epirakjaneną." Ini sepgeižą pejéja
you will do me good." Stone a big black one in the fire

*an initial /e/ has been overprinted with an /i/.



Ao K nK deAe. t roAo ttiAi de. e Ki. w o Ai Le de.
hokanąkše. Tasociže, égi wa’ųhireže.
it was put. [It steamed] [and] [they did it.]



i no Ke we Ao ttiAi d oyi Le de. ttAi doAo L
Inokewe hocižą ’ųįreže. cišura
Steam bath a house they made. The [lodge] poles


p. 33 —
ttK litti Ai Le de. A Ke Ai Ai nl liAi ni
ckapji hireže. Hąké hihiną́p’įni
very close to one another they were. Not it would be impossible to get out



Ai Le de. A Ao. e de. w LeKe rA ni Ki K.
hireže. "Hąhó," éže Wareksanįkiga,
they were. "Now then," said One Legged One,



Ki Ko Lo doAo Lo tteLe i no Ke we Ai o Kette n. Aowo.
"kikurušorojere inokewe hi’ųkjeną." "Howo,"
"undress steam bath we will have." "All right,"



e de. w te xoAo K. Ao Ke we Ai Ko Lo Ao Ki di w o de.
éže Watexúga. Hokewé hikorohógiži wa’ųže.
said Bladder. He entered as he undressed [he did it.]



t ni Ao do L. w LeKe rA ni Ki K. t ni Ao do
Tanihožura Wareksanįkiga, tanihožu
The tobacco pouch One Legged One, tobacco pouch



A niye tt Ai Lo tti de. Ki Ki r Ai Le de.
haniyeja hirojįže. Kikizahireže,
[at the one he owned] he threw it. They fought (among themselves),



t niyo do n K. w LeKe rA ni Ki K. A ni L.
taniyožunąga Wareksanįkiga hanira
the tobacco pouches, and One Legged One [that he owned]



p. 34 —
L K K ri Le de. t ni L. Ao L i Ai Le de. di Ke
ragagasireže. taníra horái hireže. Žigé
it was torn up.* The tobacco scattered about it was. [Again]

*on a separate page just before the English page 33, is the following note by Oliver LaMère: "The tobacco pouches were made out of some kind of animal's skin and they became alive and fought".



w o de. wo n di A ni Ki di Ke e tt
wa’ųže. Wonąžį hanigi, žigé éja
[he did it.] Coat which he owned, again there



n Ki di. di Ke wo n di L e tt
nągiži, žigé wonąžįra éja
[nearby] again the coat there



Ai Lo tti de. di Ke wo n di. w LeKe rA ni Ki K
hirojįže. Žigé wonąžį Wareksanįkiga
he threw it. [Again] coat One Legged One



A ni L. A ntt L K K ri Le de. e Ki.
hanira haną́c ragagasireže. Égi
which he owned all it was torn up. Then



i niyo Ke we* o L Ao K w Ai Le de. dtt Ai wiy tte
įnįókewé ’ųra hokawahireže. "Šjąhiwiaje,
sweat bath [that they made] they went inside it. "Make it as stong as possible,"

*the initial /i/ is overprinted on an original /a/.



a nK deAe. w LeKe rA ni Ki K. Ao K w Ai L n K. ttiAi n K.
ánąkše, Wareksanįkiga. Hokawahiranąga cinąka
he said, One Legged One. [They went inside and] [the lodge]


p. 35 —
A Lo K xitti Ai Le de. e Ki. w Ki ni. e ni n K
harukąxjįhireže. Égi wakíni eninąka
they covered it all over. Then oil the stone



A w xoAo Ai Le de. de Ko. roxo mi nK deAe. e ttA di Ke.
hawaxųhireže. Žegų soxmįnąkše. Écą žigé
they poured it on it. Then it began to steam. But [again]



w te xoAo K. Ki liAi xitti de. de Ke Ao Ki Ke we xo xo de.
Watexúga gipįxjįže, žege hokíkéweǧųǧųže.
Bladder he liked it all the better, and he blew on himself.



Ko t* o K tt. tt Ko A Ke i ni L.
"Kota, ’ųgáją, jagú, hąké inira
"Say! [indeed] why not the stone

*for Ko te ?



A Ly xAK ni dA nK deAe. a n K. n deAe de.
haraixganįšąnąkše?" anąga nąšéže.
do you not pour on some more?" and then he took it away from him.



de Ko Aiy n K. de Ko i ni L A w xoAo de.
Žegų hianąga žegų inira hawaxųže.
[Then] he did it and [then] [the stone] he poured it.



w LeKe rA ni Ki K. Ai Ai nl n i de. Lo Ar
Wareksanįkiga hihinąp ną’įže. Ruhás
One Legged One to get out he tried. To open it



p. 36 —
w diAi mi nK deAe. Ki Lo Ar Ai Le de.
waší mįnąkše, gi ruhás hireže.
[he ordered] the ones sitting (outside), so to open they did.



e ttA ttAo we w d K dK Ai L n de.
Écą cowe wažą gašga hiranaže.
Indeed, nearly thing smothered he was.



w tt L di. ttAo Aoyi ttL
Wajaraži co hoijara
The spectators thick the sides



A ntt w KL Ao Lo a Ai Le de.
haną́c wągara horu’ą hireže.
all up to draw (lift up) they did.



ttAi nK n K w tt L A ntt tti li
Cinągᵉnąka wajara haną́c jįpi
[The village] [the spectators] [all] [to assemble]



Ai Le de. e Ki. Ao Ki K w xoKo Ai L n K. di Ke
hireže. Égi hokikáwaǧuk hiranąga žigé
[they did.]* [And] they dressed themselves [they did and] again

*this entire sentence was omitted in the translation.



a K Ki Ki nK. mi n Ki Le de. e Ki. we de.
agakikinąk mįnąkireže. Égi wéže,
opposite one another they sat. Then he said,



w LeKe rA ni Ki K. A Ke deKe w Ly K n. e doKo ni
Wareksanįkiga, "Hąké ške waraikąną," ešguni.
One Legged One, "Not also you tell a story," he said.


p. 37 —
Aowo. tt Ko tt rKe Aiy n K. ne wy K Kette de.
"Howo, jagú jesge* hianąga ne waikąkježe?
"Well! why [this sort] [to do and] you you will tell a story?

*a variant of žesge?



Ai Ke ne Ai dA ni de e doKo ni de. A Ao.
Hįké ne hižąnįže?" ešguniže. "Hąhó,
[Not] [you] [not one?"] he said. "All right,



Ai dtt Ke ne Ai Ae Kette Ko ni e de. Ao
hišjąge, ne hihešjegųnį," éže. "Ho,
[well then,] I I will tell one," he said. "[Ho,]



de Ki w LeKe rA ni Ki K ttiAi nK doKo ni de.
žegi Wareksanįkiga cinąkškuniže."
there One Legged One he lived."



A* LeKe rtK KL.† e dA n w xoAo liAi ni
"Hą, rekstakra!" Éšaną waxopį́nį
"Is that so, you flat legged thing!" Only [spirit]‡

*before this word there is a smudge where some attempt was made to erase a mark.
†After the word there is a vertical line, probably indicating that this is an interjection by Bladder.
‡translated as, "holy one".



xeAe te L Ae Le doKo ni de. m o L. e ttAo ni xeAe te
xetera hereškuniže. Ma’ųra econi xete
the great he was. Earthmaker first great



o L* Ae Le de. e tt ttAi n Ki d Ai Lo K n nK deAe.
’ųra hereže. Éja cinąkižą hirukananąkše.
created [he did.] There [a town] [he ruled over.]†

*an extremely large /o/ was reased and a smaller one written in its place.
†this sentence is translated as, "and as there he lived".



p. 38 —
ttiAi reAe Le tti A Ao ttiAiy n K. Ai noKo KL.
Ciserecį, hąhó, cianąga hinųkra
A long lodge, now then, he lived and the women



ttAi reAe Le tt K Aoy xitti de. A ntt e
ciserecka hoixjįže. Haną́c e
the long house it was full. [All of them] they



Ai ttA wi w Ai de. w K ttA Ki d Ae Le de. e Ki. de e
hicáwiwahìže. Wakącąkižą hereže. Égi žee
his wives. A holy one he was. And [these]



e tt. w KL. Ke Le lA ny d ttAiy Ki di. xeAe te L.
éja wąkra kerepanaižą ciagiži, xetera
there the men ten they lived, and the oldest one



w te xoAo K Ai Ky Le Ki di. w K ttAK Ai tee
Watexúga higaíregiži, wakącąk hit’é
Bladder being called, holy he spoke of himself



o de. Ao rKe w nK deAe. A Ke w d
’ųže. Hosgé wanąkše. Hąké wažą
being. Not so [they say.] Not anything



Ai Ki rK ni d w nK deAe. w LeKe rA ni Ki K. A Ke
hikisganįžą wanąkše. Wareksanįkiga hąké
one who did not amount to [they say.] One Legged One not


p. 39 —
Ai Ki rK ni w nK deAe. A LeKe rtK KL.*
hikisganį wanąkše." "Hą, rekstakra!"
he was not equal to [they say."] "Is that so, you flat legged thing!"

*there is a vertical line before and after this sentence, probably indicating its status as an interjection.



e rKe w Ki o de. doAoKo ni w Ai L. Ai d
"Ésge, waki’ųže, šųkniwahira hižą
"Therefore, he sent him, his dogs one of them



Ai tto w Le Ki Ki de. e tt. A Ae Ao K Ai Ai d
hijowaregigiže. Éja hąhé hokahi hižą
to go over to where he was. [There] night every one



A K L Ko Ai ra de. w LeKe rA ni Ki K A
hakarakohis’aže, Wareksanįkiga." "Hą,
he would go after him, One Legged One." "Is that so,



LeKe leAe Le L.* o tt o Ao Low KL xoAo no xitti L.
rekperera!" "’ųja’ų, horowakra xunuxjįra.
you flat legged one!" "Finally, he went after the youngest one.†

*there is a vertical line before and after this sentence, probably indicating its status as an interjection.
†before this word, the word "littlest" is crossed out with a single horizontal line.



Ai Ko Ai K tt. w xoAo liAi ni xeAe te tte K.
Higų higáją, waxopį́nį xetejega
Thus he did, [spirit] [this great one]*

*waxopį́nį xetejega is translated as "this holy one".


p. 40 —
Le Ke tt o de e Ki di Ke. ay tt.*
rekeja ože, égi žigé aija
in the leg he shot him, and also in the arms

*the /a/ is written over an erasure.



n xi xoAo no ni K w o de. e rKe. w xA Ki d.
Naxíxununįka wa’ųže. Ésge waxagižą
Youngest Born he did it. So a thorn bush



Ai ow n K. Ki liritti A n Ko de. w te xeAe n K.
hi’ųwanąga kipsįj hanaguže. Watexenąka
he took and he whipped him all the way home. The Bladder



Ao ttAi L. e wK Ai L A Ki Li A ni
hocíra e wągahira hakirí hanį́
the house him over (?) [to come back] he took



Ao Ki we de. Ao rKe e n tte w o tte de.
hogiweže. Hosgé enąjé wa’ųježe.
[he went around.] [It was not so] [to threaten] [he did thus.]*

*translated as, "he was only trying to anger the Bladder anyway".



xeAe te Ai Ki ta n K. Ao rKe w n Ke
Xete hikit’anąga hosgé wanáge
[Great]* he had spoken of himself and† it was not so [the one that speaks]

*translated as "holy".
†prior to this phrase, "was the one he wanted" has been crossed out.



e rKe. w LeKe rA ni Ki K. e xeAe teyi de Le Ke
ésge Wareksanįkiga e xeteyižerege,
and [so] One Legged One he [he was made one of the great ones,]



p. 41 —
e rKe. A LeKe rtK KL. a nK deAe
ésge." "Hą, rekstakra!" ánąkše,
is why he did it." "Is that so, you flat legged thing!" he would say,



Aoy diAili Ao ni A n KeLe. w te xoAo K. e Ki.
hoišíp honihąnagere, Watexúga. "Égi
every once in awhile he answered, Bladder. "And then



w te xoAo K. Ai tt tti Ki di. Ao rKe Ke ni
Watexúga hijajigiži, hosgé kéni
Bladder he came but, [purposely]* not yet

*this, and the succeeding instance of hosgé, are translated as "not ready".



tee Ai ni nK deKe ni de. t ni Ai Le tt deKe
t’ehininąk šékniže. (?) Tanihireja ške
he did not kill him not dead. When he smoked also



tee Ai n no ni Ke A Ke Ao rKe Ki o ni de.
t’ehina, nųnįgé hąké hosgé ki’ųnįže.
he could have killed him, but not [purposely] he did not do it.



di Ke. i no Ke we oy tt tee Ai n no ni Ke
Žigé inokewe’ųyaja t’ehina, nųnįgé
[Again] while he was in the sweat bath he could have killed him, but



deKe Ao rKe A Ke Ki o ni de. K tt K.
ške hosgé hąké ki’ųnįže. Gająga
[also] [purposely] not he did not do it.* But now

*the translation adds, "as he was not ready".


p. 42 —
n Ki xtt Ke owe tt tee Ai Ktt n Ae doKo ni de.
Nąkįxjage ’ųweja t’ehikjanahešguniže.
Kick One Another [when they do] he will kill him.



A A. de tt n. Ai dK K. a Le e doKo ni de.
Hąhą́, žejáną. Hišgaga are," ešguniže.
Now, it is the end. [Your turn] tell one," he said.



Ai dK K. w te xoAo K. e doKo ni. e Ki.
Hišgaga Watexúga ešguni, "Égi
[In his turn] Bladder he said, "And



tt Ko ni Ki K Kette de. w te xoAo K. Ai Ky Le Ki di.
jagú nį́gikąkjèže? Watexúga higaíregiži,
what could I tell you? 'Bladder' [as they called him,]



m o L. e tt m L Ao w Ao Ki Ki Le Ktt n Ae Ki di.
Ma’ųra éja mąra howa hugigirekjanahegiži,
[Earthmaker] there the earth [to go] when he was about to be sent,



w xoAo liAi ni w L tti Le tt n K. m o L. o Ki di.
waxopį́nį warájire janąga Ma’ųra ’ųgíži,
spirits the various ones all Earthmaker [that he created,]



A ntt roto w Ai Le Ki di e tt A ntt
haną́c stówahíregiži. Éja haną́c
all of them they were gathered together. There all of them



p. 43 —
roto Ai Le Ki di. e tt tt n K. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAi KL
stohiregiži, éja janąga waxopinišišikra
after they were gathered together, [there] all the devils



Ki di e Ai Ki deAe Le w o Ao Ktt n Ae de.
giži e higi šere wa’ųhukjanaheže.
[so that] he to go for the purpose of putting out of the way.



e tt m o Ke tt w LeK rA ni Ki. LeKe rtK Kette K.*
Éja mą’ųgeja wareksanįki, rekstakjega,
[There] over edges (of the earth) one legged one, that flat legged one,

*the /r/ is written over an erased /K/.


Aoyi rii tti K L tte de. e Ki. Ao de. e tt
hois’į́. Jikaraježe, égi hožé. Éja
he peeped. He came, and [he landed.] There



Ai roAoKo w Ai ttAo Ki de. e Ki e tt ttAi de.
hisųkwahí cųkiže. Égi éja ciže.
his younger brothers he made himself. And there he lived.



e Ki Ai leAe Lere nK deAe. de de rKe Ai Ktt n Ae Ki di.
Égi hipereznąkše, žežesge hikjanahegiži,
And he knew it, [these things] [when he was going to do them,]



e rKe. de Ko o Ki Ki de. Ao rKe w o n Ke.
ésge žegų ’ųgigiže. hosgé wa’ųnąke.
[so] [now] he let it happen. It is not [he would be.]*

*an idiom translated as, "it would not amount to anything".


p. 44 —
Ai roAo KiniKi KL. Ai LowK Kini xK A K ni
Hisųkinįkra hiroágnį ǧak hagani
The brother the youngest crying he was taken



Ko Ki e tt ttAo we Lo diAi ln de. de rKe
gugí éja cowe rušipnaže. Žesge
when he came, there [almost] he could have brought him down. But



Ki Ki n no ni Ke. Ao rKe Ai L ttiy n K.
giginą, nųnįgé hosgé hirajianąga
he did not do it. But [because] to come to his home, and



Ki o Kette Ke e rKe. A Ke e tt Le tt.
ki’ųkjege, ésge hąké éja reja
he will do it, that is why not [there] [he had gone]



tee Ai ni de. di K tt n K. w d L. w Le Ki Ki n Ki di.
t’ehinįže. Žigajanąga wažąra warégigínąkiži,
he did not kill. [Again all] [the things] [after they were made to do it,]



A ntt to we w ni ttK n K A Ao de.
haną́c towe wanickának hahuže.
all [he kept on] sticking them in his belt he came to him.



e Ki. ttAi n K A tti Ao Ke we K tt.
Égi cinąk haji hokewegają,
And the house he came to when he went in



p. 45 —
te we L Ki LeKe rtK K K. e tt A xA LK deAe.
tewéraki, Rekstakaga éja haxaragakše.
[unexpectedly,] Flat Legged One there lying flat on his back.



w d n K wi Lo tti de. e tt. Ki rA K
Wažąnąka wirójįže. Éja kisák
The things he threw at him. There in the center



de Ko tee Ai n no ni Ke Ao rKe A Ke
žegų t’ehina nųnįgé hosgé hąké
then he could have killed him, but [purposely] not



de rKe Ki Ki ni de. e Ki. di Ke t ni Aiye tt
žesge giginįže. Égi žigé tanihiyeja
[that] he did not do it. And [again] in his smoking



tee Ai n no ni Ke deKe A Ke Ki o ni de.
t’ehina nųnįgé ške hąké ki’ųnįže.
he could have killed him, but [also] not he did not do it.



di Ke i no Ke we owe tt tee Ai n no ni Ke
Žigé inokewe ’ųweja t’ehina nųnįgé
[Again] sweat bath [in doing it] he could have killed him, but



deKe A Ke Ki o ni de. Ai Ko tee Ai Ktt n Ae di
ške hąké ki’ųnįže. Higų t’ehikjanaheži
[also] not he did not do it. But he will kill him yet



p. 46 —
w o nK deAe. A A. LeKe rtK KL. de tt n.
wa’ųnąkše. Hąhą́, rekstakra, žejáną."
he intends. There [you are], you flat legged thing, it is ended."



w LeKe rA ni Ki K we de. Ai Ao tt Ko
Wareksanįkiga wéže, "Hiho, jagú
One Legged One he said, "[I ask ?], what



Ai o Kette Ki di a Le. Ai Ko tt Ko
hi’ųkjegiži, are. Higų jagú
it shall be, you name it." "But what



w teeKe Ai L Ki di. e de. e Ki we de.
wat’egehiragiži?" éže. Égi wéže,
[were the things done to try each other?"] he said. And he said,



Ai dA dA n K tt Ai Ke Ai dA ni de
"Hišašanagają, hįké hįšanįže,"
"You have been naming everything we did, not I will not not name anything,"



e de. e Ki we de. w LeKe rA ni Ki K.
éže. Égi wéže, Wareksanįkiga,
he said. Then he said, One Legged One,



n Ki xttK Ke Ai o Kette n. e de.
"'Nąkįxjage' hi’ųkjeną," éže.
"'Kicking One Another' we will do," he said.



p. 47 —
LeKe rtK w nK Kere. w n Ki xttK Ki di tt rKe xitti
"Rekstakwanąkere, wanakixjakiži, žesgexjį
"You flat legged thing, [kicking something,] [this much]



Ai Kette Ki di LeKe w ttAo Ki d. w n Ki xtt Ki Ktt n Ae n.
hikjegiži, rek wacugižą wanakixjagikjanaheną?
[you doing] leg [a flat one] [will you kick something?]*

*this sentence is translated as, "It will surely amuse me to see you kick and see how you will do it with that leg of yours."



Ai dtt Ke Ai o Kette Ko ni. LeKe KL ni leAe Le dA nK KL Le
Hišjąge, hi’ųkjegųnį, rekarani perešąnąkrare,
Now we will do it perhaps, leg which is as slim as yours,



deKe w dA dA nKe e de. A Ao.
ške wašašąnąke," éže. "Hąhó,"
as [you said you would do it,"] he said.* ["All right,"]

*this sentence is translated as, "Now we will do it, as even one like you is willing to do it with a leg as slim as yours, said the Bladder."



ay Le de. w tt L di ro K n Ke de. Ao t
aíreže. Wajara ži rokanageže. Hotá
[he said.] The spectators discussing it they crowded around. Some



w nK deAe. e Ki. te Ai Le Ktt ne n. de rKe
wanąkše. "Égi tehirekjanena, žesge
they said, ["Here] he will kill him, that



w Ki Ki doAo no n. a nK deAe Ao t
wagigišųnųną," ánąkše. Hotá
[he had usually been doing it to them,"] they said.* Some

*this sentence was translated as, "'Some said, the Bladder will surely get killed now as this is where he usually kills them when he fails at the others,' they said."



p. 48 —
di w nK deAe tee Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ai Le
ži wanąkše. "T’ehirekjanahehire
[discussing] they said, "He will get killed,



w Ai K tt. Ai tt ne n K w d K reKe xitti K tt.
wahigáją hijanénąka wažą gaskexjįgają
as he has beaten him the others things [exactly like this]



tt Ko L. A ntt Ai L dA n Ai Le K tt. Ao t
jagura haną́c," hirašąnąhiregają hotá
whatever all," [letting fall from their mouths] some



a nK deAe. e Ki. Ai Ai nl Ai Le de. ttoAo ni
ánąkše. Égi hihinąphireže. "Coni
they said. Then they came out. "First



ny xtt KeLe e de. w LeKe rA ni Ki K. tt rKe L ra Ki.
naixjągere," éže, Wareksanįkiga. "Jasgeras’agi,
you kick me," he said, One Legged One. ["Do as usual,]



ttAo ni ny xtt KeLe. tt reKe w n L xtt Ki di
coni naixjągere," jasgé wanaraxjągiži
first you kick me," [seeing as how] [when you kicked them]



p. 49 —
L Ktt n Ae Ki di. LeKe rtK KL tt ne. Ki di.
rakjanahegiži, rekstakrajane, giži."
[as you made the rules,] you flat legged thing [.]"



Ao ttiy Ai dtt Ke n ni xtt Ki Kette Ko ni e de. e Ki.
"Hojiá, hišjąge, nanixjagikjegųnį," éže. Égi
"All right, [now then,] I will kick you first," he said. And



w te xoAo K n xtt Ki Le de. w KL. Ao n dA L tti Le Ki di
Watexúga nąxjakireže. Wągara hunašarajiregiži
Bladder he did kick him. Up he went until



de Ko xA w ni de. tt A a. A ttA Ao w Le de.
žegų xawaniže. "Jáha-á, hacą howareže,
[now] he went out of sight. "Well! [where] [did he go,]



Ao tti dA n. i L Lo K n tte L. e de.
hojišáną ira rokana jera?" éže.
[lately] [the mouth] much [the one who is this?"] he said.



w tt L deKe Ao tt de rKe n Ai Ae d Le.
wajara ške, "Hojá žesge nąhįhežare,"
The spectators [also,] ["Yes,] [that] [it did give him pleasure,"]*

*this sentence was translated as, "Then said some of the spectators, 'I told you so.'"



ay Le de. Aoy Ke we Kette Ke. A Lo xeAe m ni Ke Le K tt.
aíreže. Hoikewekjege, haruxé manikeregają,
they said. He was about to go in, [turning back] walking back,



p. 50 —
m Le Ki Ki Li tte de. Ko te tt. LeKe rtK*
mąrégi kírijéže. "Koteja, rekstak,
on the earth he landed. "Well, you flat legged thing,

*an original /A/ was erased and overwritten with a /r/.



w doo dA w KeLe. ni di n Ki xttK Ke
wažó šawąkere? Niži, 'Nąkįxjage'
[somewhere ?] you are going? [Say,] 'Kicking One Another'



o Ai deAe n y Le. tt Ko di Ke
’ų hišéna yaré. Jagú žigé
[to do] you suggested I think. [How] again



doo L Ke Le de. w Kd de. di Ke Ai no l A L.
š’ųrakereže?" Wakšąže. Žigé hinųbahąra
are you going?" He returned. Again [a second time]



n xttK doKo ni de. di Ki Ko de rKe. Ai de.
nąxjakškuniže. žigígų žesge hiže.
he kicked him. And again [thus] he went.*

*between this sentence and the next, the translation inserts the following: "the bladder went up out of sight and the third time the same but ..."



Ai tto l A L.* Ai Ki xK ni de. Ai dK K. w LeKe rA ni Ki K.
hijobą́hąrá hįkixgąnįže.† Hišgaga Wareksanįkiga
The fourth time he did not move. It was his turn One Legged One

*the /Ai/ was inserted in smaller letters above the line.
† < hįké-hixgą́-nį-že.



p. 51 —
n xtt Ki Le de. te tt o. w KL Ao n dA L tti Le de.
nąxjakireže. Teja’ų wągara hunašarajireže.
to kick him. [As he was there] up he went.



Ai L Le xitti K tt. Le KL. Ai d i ttAl diAi leLe de.
Hirarexjįgają, rekra hižą įcap šibereže.
After awhile, the leg [one]* [it came off] it fell.

*the words "one of" have been crossed out (because One Legged One has but one leg).



diKe* a L. A ntt Lo L deKe. wy r L deKe
Žigé ára haną́c, rorášge waísarašge
[Again] the arms all, his body also his limbs also

*sic (normally spelled /di Ke/).



i ttA ttAl diAi lLy Le de. w d w ttAo Ki d.
įcacap šibraireže. "Wažą wacugižą
separately they fell. "Thing [a flat one]



wK diAiKi Ai Kd Kd Ktt ne n. w owK KeLe.
wąkšik hikšakšakjaneną. Wa’ųwąkere.
[people] he should have abused you. [It was he who did it.]



t xoAo Ai wi Le. e Ki di Ke tt n K. ni Ktt KL.
Taxuhiwire, égi žigé janąga nįkjąkra
Burn him up, and [again] all the children



Ae Le Ki deKe. di Ki tt n K Ai ttA wi w Ai L.
heregi, ške žigi janąga hicawiwahira,
[there are,] also again all his wives,



p. 52 —
w o ttK n K Ki deKe Ai L rA t xoAo w Ai wi Le.
wa’ųjkanągi, ške hirasá taxuwahiwire."
if they are pregnant, also [in addition] burn them up."



e tt t xAo w Ai Le de. tt n K Ki di. e Ki. w o de.
Éja taxuwahireže, janągagiži, égi wa’ųže.
[There] they burned them, all that were, then he did it.



Ai roAoKo w Ai L. Ao deAe Le KL. roto w Ai de.
Hisųkwahira hušeregra stowahíže,
His brothers the bones he gathered them,



A ntt. e Ki. e tt w do de. we de. Ao.
haną́c, égi éja wažuže. Wéže, "Hó,
all of them, and [there] laid them. He said, "Oh!



Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. nyi d. w K K L wi n. no wK wi Le.
hisųkijiwira, nąyižą wągakarawiną, nųwąkwire!"
brothers, a tree it is falling on us, run!"



e K tt. Ao deAe LeKe L. Ai L Ki Ke Le Ke. tti li Le de.
Egają, hušeregra hirakikerege jipireže.
As he said this, the bones [caused to suddenly come back] they joined together.



p. 53 —
di Ki no l A L. we de. Ao. Ai roAo Ki tti wi L.
Žigi nųpahara wéže, "Ho hisųkijiwira,
[Again] the second time he said, "Oh brothers,



xeAe lA reAe d. w K xA n L wi n. no wK wi Le. e K tt.
xepasežą wągaxanąrawiną, nųwąkwire!" Egają,
a precipice they are falling on us, run!" When he said this,



K L. Ai tt Ao wy Le de. di Ki t ni A L.
kąra hija howaíreže. Žigi tanihąra
sinews there [they came together.] [Again] the third time



we de. Ao. Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. m xiAi L.
wéže, "Ho hisųkijiwira, mąxira
he said, "Oh brothers, the heavens



w K diAi lL w n. no wK wi Le. te Ki dA n
wągašiparawiną, nųwąkwire! Tégi šana
it is falling on us, run! Over here only



Ko Ke Ktt ne n. e K tt. Lo L
gokekjaneną." Egają, rora
it will be the vacant spot." As he said this, their bodies



p. 54 —
wo Ki LoKo Kitti Ki ni li Le de. di Ki
wogírokjį kinibireže. Žigi
whole they became.* Again

*in the translation, the words "perfect or altogether" are crossed out in the phrase, "they became perfect or altogether whole".



tto l A L. Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. dK w Ki L wi n.
jobahąra, "Hisųkijiwira, šgawakirawiną,
the fourth time, "Brothers, we are being rushed upon by a warparty,



no wK Kiwi Le. e K tt. Ao wo ay L n K†
nųwąkwire!" Egają, "Howo," airánąga
run!" [As he said this,] "Ho,"* they said, and

*the translator crossed conventions and inadvertantly wrote /A/ in place of /H/.
†originally the second syllable was /Le/, but the /e/ was erased.



Ki K w a n Ki Le de. te we L Ki A Ke w d ni de.
kikáwa-anagireže. Tewéraki hąké wažąnįže.
they got up.* [Unexpectedly] not there was nothing.

*the translation added "and ran to fight but." The words "and ran" were later crossed out.



Ao Ao Aow. n. L Ay liAi xitti nK Koo Ae Le n.
"Hohohowá, rahaipixjįnąk’ų hereną,"
"Oh dear, sleep you were enjoying it very much [it is,"]



ay Le de. e Ki n xi xoAo no K we de. Ai ni xitti wi L.
aíreže. Égi Naxixunuga wéže, "Hinixjįwira,
they said. Then Youngest One he said, "Brothers!



Ai ta ni A wi L. e Ki di Ao Ao ay Le de.
hįt’anihawira," egíži. "Hohó," aíreže.
we were dead," he said. "Ao. Ao. or Oh yes,"* [they said.]

*this is how it is given in the text of the translation. The occurence of /A/ represents a crossing of conventions, substituting the Hocąk syllabic for /h/.



p. 55 —
e tt K tt K Ai lAe Le ri Le de. e Ki.
Éja gająga hiperesireže. Égi
[There] then they thought of it.* Then

*the translation has, "Then they happened to think of the seriousness of the thing."



ttAi nK n K wy Le de. Ao Ao. A ttA
cinągᵉnąka waíreže, "Hohó, hacą
the people (villagers) they said, ["Hohó,] wherever



Ao L w L tti wi Ki di. Ai tt
horawárajìwigiži, hija
[we have come from different places, and] there



ttAi nK. ni Ki K n Ki Ktt wi n.
cinąk nikikanakikjawiną,"
village we will go and keep for you,"



ay Le no ni Ke. de Ko Ai d ttAi nK
aire nųnįgé žegų hižą cinąk
they said but now one village



Ai doAo Lo K n wi ra Ki di e Koo wi Le.
hišurukanawis’agiži, e k’ųwire,
[governing you per usual,] he he should do it,



Ao tt di. w di d. Ai ni A ni ni
hoją́ ži wažį́žą hinihanini
as [present there] one thing [?]



A tt wi L tee ni Ki Ki wi n L doKo ni L
hajiwira t’e nįgigiwiną. Rašgúnira
[we came] to kill [the one who has been doing it to you.]* In peace

*translated as, "that has been making slaves of you".



p. 56 —
ni deAe Ktt n A wi n. w wi Ke de. w i nl li Le de. e Ki.
nįšekjanahawiną," wawigéže. Wainąpireže. Égi
you may have it," he said to them. They thanked him. Then



A K Ly Le de. e Ki tteAe Kitti L. t ni o n K e tt
hakaraireže. Égi cekjįra tanionąka éja
they went home. [Then] [the first one] who offered tobacco to him [there]



A Ki Le de. Ko ni K. A ttAi tt. doo ra Ki e tt
hagireže. "Kunį́ka, hacįja š’ųs’agi éja
he came to. "Grandmother, where you used to live [there]



Ao w K L Le. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAiKi KL
howakarare. waxopį́nį šišigara
you can go back. [Spirits] [the evil ones]*

*waxopį́nį šišigara is translated as, "devils".



tee A n. e Ki di. Ai to Ke niKi KL. w i nl lL
t’ehaną," egíži. Hitokenįkra wainąpra
I have killed,"* he said. [The old woman] she thanked him

*an initial "we" has been crossed out, and "I" written above it.



Lo K n de. e tt tt n K. t ni L.
rokánaže. Éja janąga taníra
very much. [There] all the tobacco



ttAi Ao do n Ki A ntt wo K de.
ci hožunągi haną́c wogáže.
[lodge] that was in it all she gave him.



p. 57 —
Ao t. t ni Kii ne de. e Ki. di Ke
Hota tani k’ineže. Égi žigé
[The remainder] tobacco they were supplied. And [again]



Lexe o n K. e tt A Ki Le de. di Ke.
rex ’ųnąka éja hagireže. Žigé
pots the one who made [there] they came. Also



Ao Ki L Ki Le de. tee Ai Le K. di Ke w i nl deAe.
hogirákireže t’ehiregi. Žigé wainąpše.
they told her that they had killed it. Again she thanked them.



di Ke e tt. Le xL. A ntt wo Ky Le de.
Žigé éja rexra haną́c wogaireže.
[Again] [there] the pots all she gave them.



tt n K Ai tt Ki di. di Ke e tt Ao t
Janąga hijágiži, žigé éja hotá
[Everyone] [when they got there,] [again] [there] [remainder]



Lo K ni n Ki di. Lexe xiKii Le de. de Ko
rokanįnagiži, rex xįk’ireže, žegų
those that did not have them, pots they carried them, and



A K L Ai Le de. e Ki A Ki Le Ki di. e tt. de e.
hakarahireže. Égi hagiregiži. Éja žee,
they went on. And they finally got home. There this one,



w te xoAo K. m nK KeLe e Ki. tt n K. w d
Watexúga, mąnąkere égi janąga wažą
Bladder, on earth here all [things]



p. 58 —
diAi diAi KL Ki di. wK KidiKi Ai Kd Kd KiAi di
šišigaragiži, wąkšik hikšakšakiži,
[being evil,] [people] [having abused them,]



w Ki o tti w o n Ki di. A Ke o ni de.
waki’ųji wa’ųgíži, hąké ’ųnįže.
[he came to gamble with him] [when he did it,] not he did not do it.



de e dA n. tee Ai de. w LeKe rA ni Ki K. e
Žee šana t’ehiže, Wareksanįkiga; e
This one only he killed, One Legged One; he



w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAiKi xeAe te L
waxopį́nį šišik xetera
[spirit] [bad] the biggest



Ae Le Ki di e dA n tee Ai de. m o L.
heregíži, éšaną t’ehiže. Mą’ųra
he was, he alone [he killed.] Earthmaker



ttAo ni xitti w Kidi Ki d o Ki di e Le de.
conixjį wąkšikižą ’ųgíži, ereže,*
the first [a man] having made, he was,

*more usually hereže.



p. 59 —
w LeKe rA ni Ki K. tteAe Kitti L w Kidi KL de e o K tt.
Wareksanįkiga. Cekjįra wąkšíkra žee ’ųgają,
One Legged One. The first one the man this one he made, so*

*the word "but" is crossed out and "so" written above it.



Ai Ke liAi ni Ai de. LeKe KL. rA ni Ki L de. e Ki.
hįké pįnįhiže. Rekra sanįkiraže, égi
not he did not make him right. The leg [the other side only,] and



LeKe KL deKe leAe Le xitti niKi Ai de. e rKe.
rekra ške perexjįnįkhiže. Ésge
the leg also it was flat. Therefore,



m Le Ki. Ao too Le de. too Ly Le de. w LeKe rA ni Ki K.
mąrégi hot’ųreže, t’ųraireže. Wareksanįkiga
on earth he threw him, as condemned. One Legged One



e rKe. A Ke. w K ttAK KL. w te xoAo K
ésge, hąké wakącągera Watexúga
therefore, not holy Bladder



Ai Ki rKe ni de. w te xoAo K di. m o L. Ai niKi w Ai L.
hikisgenįže. Watexúga ži Mą’ųra hinįkwahira
not as. Bladder [at least] God his son



p. 60 —
Ai no le tt Ae Le L Ae Le de. e Ki. e Ki.*
hinųbejaherera hereže. Égi égi
the second* he was. Then here

*before this phrase "one of" is crossed out.



w te xoAo K. e tt. Aoyi wo dA L Ai Ki Le de.
Watexúga éja hoiwúšara higireže.
Bladder there his stopping point he came.



Lo da Ke tt Ko o Ao Ki Ki Le L. e rKe.
Ruš’akeja k’ų hugígirera. Ésge
He failed the mission [for which he was sent.] Therefore,



w Ki o Ai Le de. m o L. w o de. tt n K.
waki’ųhireže. Mą’ųra wa’ųže. Janąga
[he gambled.] The creator [made him.] All



w d L. xA wi L. Al li n di L. n L.
wažąra xąwį́ra, hąp pįnižira, nąra
the things the grasses and herbs, [light & life] [that repair,] the trees



w Ke xitti niKi KL. w KidiKi i liAi Ki di.
wagexjįnįkra wąkšigi pįgiži,
[which particularly means] life that are good,



o ttAo Ki Ki de. e Ki.
’ų cu gigiže, égi
[he made] within him he put,* and

*in the translation, before the word "put", "made him to" has been crossed out. The translator (Oliver LaMère) adds a note on the backside of page 59: "The Indians use a bladder for [a] syringe and they put all kinds of medicines in it before using it, is what I think it means that the creator put all sorts of grasses and trees in him." This is followed by two horizontal lines below which is written, "look on next page 60".



wK diAiKi n KeLe. A ni wK KidiKi e ne de.
wąkšiknągere hanį́ wąkšikeneže.
the people they might have it in their lives.*

*the translation has "in their life here on earth." Before, "in their life," the phrase, "for life," has been crossed out.



Paul Radin, "The Bladder," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #27, 1-61. Hocąk syllabary is on one page, and its English translation is on the facing page.