Hōcąk Text — Whiskey Making
by John Baptiste
Original Texts: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4v | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 8 v2 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
hapaxlegomena: épašgḗ, "from that time on"; ewai’ŭ, "to be the cause of something"; giǧíc, "to fade in power"; henį̄́gú, "to bring here"; hiratážakerēhíkīní, "lamp oil"; hašékāroho, "to get ready"; hiratážakerēhíkīnį́, "lamp oil, kerosene"; hotará, "what is left"; k’ārēsgē, an exclamation, trs. as "I won't do it," but see k’arésgexjį, "damnation"; ną́b, "the open hand"; wągiruxáj, "to offer, present" (as an open hand); warasgḗp, "to drink up"; wazį́jahį̄, "something else"; žegŭą, "thus."
rare words: ǧíc, "to fade, disappear" (found only in Marino); higų̄́į̄, "now then".
α | β | γ | ε | ɜ | ζ | ϑ | λ |
égi | éja | -giži | ésge | -šaną | -xjį | -ižą | žesge |
τ | ρ | 𝜑 | ω | ·נ | २ |
že(gų) | anąga | hąké | žigé | nųnįge | -že, -še |
- | | | ᴗ | 𝄑 | ·| | ⨪ | ⨪̊ | > |
-ra | -ną | -regi | -nįk, -nįge | -kjé | -nąk | -nǫk (?) | -gają |
Nota Bene: where diacritical marks were unclear or ambiguous, they have been omitted.
Notebook 64:1* | |||
[α] | waigaírecônú[|] | pedjᴇniratcgôⁿ´na | ’uⁿ[ζ´]ṇecônú[|] |
Égi | waigaírešōnúną, | pejᵉniracgǭ́na | ’ųxjį́nešōnúną. |
[And] | they said to me | drinking of liquor | they did very much. |
* the first word is actually wa-īñ´ginaⁿbirecônu´[|] | (= wa-į̄́ginąbirešōnúną"), "they offered thanks on my behalf". Connected to this word by an arrow is the following, written above the line: "This is last word of published autobiography". Written above this, in the center of the page, the translator has written, "From this point on below not been published". Below this, at the very center, is "B. R. 1." At the top left corner is written "39", and below this is, "What is This?" below which is the date 25/1/’47.
dj[ρ] | mañkánixêdê[-] | dj[ρ] | mañkaⁿ’ŭⁿtciroy[β´] |
Janąga | mąką́nixētēra, | janąga | Mąką’ų̆ciroyejá, |
[All] | [Medicine Rite men,] | [as many as] | [at the Medicine Rite Lodge,] |
’ŭañ´ka | hanaⁿ´tcîñ[ζ] | waratcgaiṇecônú[|] | hodacgê´ |
’ŭą́ka, | haną́cį̄xjį, | waracgainešōnúną. | Hotašgḗ |
[the ones doing,] | [all of them,] | they all drank. | Some of them |
djá[𝄑] | horâ´k | ’úinecônú[|] | [α] | jéji |
jánįge, | horā́k, | ’úinešōnúną. | Égi | žéži |
they were drunk, | [it can be said,] | when they went in. | [Then] | [indeed] |
mañkáni | xêdé[ϑ] | heregê´ | [ε] | hañki[ϑ´] |
mąkáni | xēdéžą | heregḗ | Ésge | hąkižą́ |
[medicine] | [a great] | [there was.] | [Therefore] | not anyone |
wajîⁿ´ganîⁿ´[·|´]jê | [ε] | djánîñg[ρ] | hidjá | ’ûⁿ´dje[|] |
wažį̄ganį̄kjánažē. | Ésge | jánį̄ganąga | hijá | ’ų̄́jeną. |
that can say anything. | [Therefore] | he is drunk, but | there | he is. |
[α] | hahí | hicgê´ | ’ûⁿ´naîñgi-íṇe[|] | naⁿná’ŭañ[·|´] |
Égi | hahí | hišgḗ | ’ų̄́naį̄gi-íneną. | "Nąná’ŭąkjé, |
[Then] | [I went there] | [and] | they tried to make me. | "You're going to sing, |
honaⁿ’ųañ´gipîⁿ | hik’únê | hîñgaír[ρ] | pedjᴇni | ratcgaⁿ´ |
honą’ųą́gipį̄, | hik’únē," | hį̄gaíranąga | pejᵉni | racgą́ |
you use your gift,* | do it," | [I was told, and] | [whiskey] | [to drink] |
* the translation adds, "of singing".
hîⁿcírecônú[|] | [𝜑]iá | ’unicônú[|] | hirat’ê´t’e[·|]gi |
hįšírešōnúną. | Hąkiá | ’unišōnúną. | "Hirat’ḗt’ekjegi, |
they asked me to. | [Not once] | I didn't use to do it. | "If you are to make a speech, |
hît’et’égi | p‘îⁿ | kik’únê | hîñgaírecônú[|] |
hīt’et’égi | p’į̄, | kik’únē," | hį̄gaírešōnúną. |
if the speech | good, | [you make for yourself,"] | [they would always tell me.] |
higûⁿ´ | [τ]gûñkdjé[|] | k‘ârêsgê | [λ] | ha[>´] | hit’êt’éra |
"Higų̄́ | žegų̄kjéną. | k’ārēsgē,† | žesge | hagí, | hit’ēt’éra |
"[Now] | let it go.* | I won't do it, | [that kind] | if I do it, | [the speech] |
* the translation adds, "(he refuses)".
† cf. k’arésgexjį, "damnation!" also used by Jasper Blowsnake.
hawin´tc* | haígêcgê | hagâré[ϑ] | [ω] | x’okiátcab[-]‡ | hicgê´ |
hawį́c | haígēšgē." | Hagāréžą | žigé | x’okiácabᵉra | hišgḗ |
[to overdo it] | [I might do."]† | [Finally] | again | my leader | also |
* the /n/ here should have been superscripted (ⁿ).
† hawį́c haígēšgē is translated as, "I may make mistakes".
‡ the mark before the dash is uncertain.
é[|] | kunú | hisgé | ratcgáṇê | wakikúruc’ák[ɜ] |
éną, | "Kunú, | hisgé | racgánē | wakikúruš’ákšaną. |
[he said,] | "Kunú, | [truly] | drinks | I am tired out. |
né[ɜ] | haⁿhé | dêê | c’ûñ[·|]´[|] | eañkê |
Néšaną | hąhé | tēē | š’ųkjanéną. | Eąkē |
You yourself | [night] | [this] | you will do it. | So not |
Notebook 64:2† | ||||
nûwaⁿ´gᴇni | c’ûñkdjé[|] | hîñgé[|] | higûⁿ | [τ]gûñkdjé[|] |
nūwą́gᵉni | š’ų̄kjéną," | hį̄géną. | Higų̄ | žegų̄kjéną, |
to be bashful* | you will not be," | [he said to me.] | [Yet] | I refused, |
* "bashful" is written above "afraid".
† the number 40 is written in the upper left corner of the page, and "2" is written slightly below at the center of the page.
y‘agé[|] | higúⁿ | híṇa | pedjᴇni | git’uṇaíṇe[-] |
y’agéną. | Higų́ | hína. | Pejᵉni | git’unaínera. |
[I told him.] | [Then] | I gave in. | [Whiskey] | they offered me. |
pêγ* | kísag[-] | nûⁿpíwi | dewani’ûⁿṇê | waworákixêde[-] |
"Pēǧ | kísagᵉra | nų̄píwi | tewani’ų̄nē. | Waworákixētera |
"[Bottle] | [the middle] | [two] | this you take along. | The ones you love |
* this follows after pêtc.
wawírakaraginaⁿgîⁿ´ | c’ûñkdje[|] | hîñgé[|] | wâdúz[ρ] |
wawírakaraginągį̄́ | š’ų̄kjeną," | hįgéną. | Wātúzanąga |
to teach them as they go along | [you do]," | [he said to me.] | I took them, and |
[λ] | há[|] | [>]. | wawókixêdê[-] |
žesge | háną, | gają. | Wawókixētēra |
[that kind] | [I did,] | [.] | I loved them |
wawagá[|] | djagú | hiṇak‘áragiwi[ρ´] | [𝜑] | caratcgô´ni |
wawagáną. | "Jagú | hinakáragiwiánąga | hąké | šaracgṓni," |
I gave them. | "[How] | you have treated us, and | [not] | you haven't drunk,"* |
* "haven't drunk" is written above "should drink".
hîñgaíre[|] | higûⁿ´ | tcowê´[ζ][𝄑] | ha’ūñkdjê´ | y‘aré[|] |
hį̄gaíreną. | "Higų̄́ | cowḗxjįnįk | ha’ų̄kjḗ | y’aréną." |
[I was told]. | "[Then] | [just a little] | I will do it, | [I think]." |
ep‘á | wadatcgô´na* | hadjí | mañk‘áni |
Ep’á | watacgṓną. | Hají, | Mąkáni |
[From that time on] | I drank. | At the present time, | [Medicine Rite] |
* this word should probably have ended with /aⁿ/.
x’okêátcab[-] | [β] | wagidê´ | hatcí[|] | hainîgá |
x’okēácabᵉra | éja | wagitḗ | hacíną. | Hainīgá |
my [leader] | [there] | I helped him | I stayed. | In the morning |
hakikáwa’ûñgá | pedjᴇní[-] | nîⁿwirátcgaⁿ | hoi[ζ] | hûñk’ûⁿ´conú[|] |
hakikáwa’ų̄gá, | pejᵉníra | nį̄wirácgą | hoixjį́ | hų̄k’ų̄́šonúną. |
when I got up, | [whiskey] | dipper | full | he used to give to me. |
daídjanîñ´kdjîñga | [α] | wadádecônú[|] | hoxdj[ρ´] | hakíriga |
Taijanį̄́kjį̄ga, | égi | watátešōnúną. | Hoxjaną́ga, | hakíriga, |
When I was real drunk, | [then] | I went to work. | In the evening, | when I came back, |
hínitcgê | rakírigúni | hîñg[ρ´] | djadjîṇédjaⁿ | co |
hínicgē, | rakírigúni | hį̄gánąga | jajīnéją | šo |
"You're too tired, | you must come back," | he said to me, and | [right away] | [he spit] |
pedjᴇni | ratcgô´na | ha’ûⁿ´wicônú[|] | daídjonîñ´kdjîñwiga* | [α] |
pejᵉni | racgṓna | ha’ų̄́wišōnúną. | Taíjonį̄́kjį̄wiga, | égi |
[whiskey] | [the drinks] | we used. | When we were really drunk, | [then] |
* the second /ñ/ should have been /ⁿ/.
hanaⁿ´wicônú[|] | hoicî´pdjîⁿ | je[τ] | hîñgigí[|] | hadjia’ŭaⁿ´dja’ûⁿ |
haną́wišōnúną. | Hoicī́pjį̄ | žežegų | hį̄gigíną. | Hajia’ŭą́ja’ų̄; |
we would go to sleep. | [All the time] | that way | he treated me. | Thus I was doing; |
Notebook 64:3 | ||||
peejᴇnína* | jenaⁿ´hawi[-´] | [ω] | rohañ´[ζ] | ruwi[ρ´] |
pējᵉnína | ženą́hawirá. | Žigé | rohą́xjį | ruwiánąga |
[whiskey] | we didn't have anymore. | [Again] | [a great many] | [we bought, and] |
* is the double /e/ meant to indicate vowel length, or is it a slip of the pen?
jêê | ya’ûⁿ´wi[|] | jédja | pedjᴇnína | úmañk |
žēē | ya’ų̄́winą. | Žéja | pejᵉnína | úmąk |
[these] | that we used. | Then | [whiskey] | to get in the habit of |
wí[|] | maⁿ’úṇa | [β´] | hagikdjê´ | ruágŭaⁿnihéra |
wíną. | Mą’ų́na | éja | hagikjḗ | ruágŭąnihéra, |
he made me. | [God]* | [there] | to get back | I want to, |
* literally, "Earthmaker".
wâⁿkíkunúni | wí[|] | ép‘acgê´ | mañk‘áni | wajīⁿ´perêz |
wą̄kíkunúni | wíną. | Épašgḗ | Mąkáni | wažį̄́perēz |
to forget it | he made me. | From that time on, | Medicine Rite* | knowledge [of it] |
* the translation has, "medicine men."
híranañ´kik’íṇa | ép‘a | wayáksí[|] | tcekdjína | hinûñgí[ϑ] |
híraną́kikína, | ép’a | wayáksíną. | Cekjína, | hinų̄gií[žą] |
I thought I had, | [but thereafter] | I was a drunkard. | [To begin with,] | a woman |
hakô´nuñg[-] | t’é[|] | nîñkdjôñ´gᴇnîñgra | nûmpíwi | haniná |
hakṓnųgᵉra, | t’éną. | Nį̄kjǭ́gᵉnį̄gᵉra | nųpíwi | haniná, |
[whom] I married, | she died. | [The children] | [two] | I had, |
hinûⁿ´wîñkê | t’aíre[|] | [α] | jê´ê | jegŭaⁿ | wániké[|] |
hinų̄́wį̄kē | t’aíreną. | Égi | žḗē, | žegŭą | wánikéną, |
both of them | they died. | [And] | [these,] | thus | I had been, |
hitcáwoñgit’é[-] | maⁿdjobô´haⁿ | wa-iaⁿkeré[|] | maⁿ´djobô´haⁿ | waícîbra |
hicáwǫgit'éra. | Mąjobṓhą | wa-iąkeréną. | Mą́jobṓhą | waíšībᵉra, |
to be a widower. | Four years | I was in sorrow. | Four years | I went through, |
[α] | [ω] | hinûñ´gakánañk[ɜ´] | nîñkdjôñ´gᴇnîñg[-] | daniánina |
égi | žigé | hinų̄́gakánąkšáną. | Nį̄kjǭ́gᵉnį̄gᵉra | taniánina |
then | again | I got married. | [The children] | three |
nûmpíwi | t’awí[|] | [α] | [ω] | x’oté[-] | t’é[|] | t‘e[>´] | ne |
nųpíwi | t’awíną. | Égi | žigé | x’otéra | t’éną. | T’egáją, | ne |
two of them | they died. | [Then] | [again] | their parent | [she died.] | After she died, | me |
t’ehirairadjiré[|] | [α] | [β] | mañkáuṇa | ducdjâ´na* |
t’ehirairajiréną. | Égi | éja | Mąkáuna | tušjā́ną. |
they blamed me for her death. | [Then] | [there] | the Medicine Dance | I quit. |
* this word probably should have ended with /aⁿ/.
hak‘ê´wêwîñ´[>] | mañkaⁿ´ŭañgᴇre | ewai’ŭañ´k[२] | yaré[|] |
Hakḗwēwį̄́gają, | Mąką́ŭągᵉre | ewai’ŭą́kše, | yaréną. |
When I think of it, | the Medicine affair as it is going on, | it is the cause of it, | [I think]. |
[α] | [ω] | wagigâ´[-] | winûⁿ´piwi | haniaⁿ’unaⁿ. |
Égi | žigé | wagigā́ra | winų̄́piwi | hanią’uną. |
[Then] | [again] | the feast | two of them* | together I took care of. |
* the translation adds, "(Med. + Feast)".
Notebook 64:4* | ||||
jêê´ | [X]o-îⁿ´[ϑ] | here[२´] | aíregê | [𝜑] |
Žēḗ | wąkšigo-į̄́žą | herežé, | aíregē, | hąké |
[These] | [a life] | [they were,,] | [so they said, but] | [not] |
* at the upper right corner is "42", and at the top center is "4"; just below and to the right is written, "wagigo k‘é = I give feast often".
nîñgê´ | [X]o-îⁿ | wajaiⁿ´ | yapérêgᴇní[|] | [𝜑] | wágigo |
nį̄gḗ | wąkšigo-į́ | wažaį́ | yapérēgᵉniną. | Hąké | wágigo |
[a bit] | [life] | anything | I did not find. | [Not] | to feast |
k‘ani[ρ´] | [𝜑] | mañká’ûⁿnîñ´gi | nîñkdjôñ´k | hitcu[ρ´] |
kaniánąga | hąké | Mąká’ų̄nį̄́gi, | nį̄kjǭ́k | hicuánąga |
not very often, and | [not] | if I didn't join the Medicine, | [children] | I'd have lots, and |
[𝜑] | nûⁿbáhaⁿ | hîⁿtcawî´ñgit’áni[|] | wocgâⁿ´ | jêê |
hąké | nų̄báhą | hį̄cawį̄́git’ániną. | Wošgą̄́ | žēē |
[not] | the second time | I wouldn't have lost my wife. | [Rite] | [this] |
éwai’uíṇegê | hocicî´gowê´[-] | hixêdê[ζ´] | [𝜑] | ducdjánîgi |
éwai’uínegē, | hošišī́gowḗra | hixētēxjį́ | hąké | tušjánīgi |
it is the cause of it, | to the bad | very much | [not] | if I didn't quit |
wagigâ´[-] | mañkaⁿ´’uṇa | ṇe[ζ´] | naiⁿ´ji | tcanâ´na* |
wagigā́ra. | Mąką́’una | nexjį́ | naį́ži | canā́ną. |
the feast. | [Doing the Medicine Rite] | myself | about this time | I'd be lead. |
* this word should probably have been tcanâ´naⁿ.
[α] | mañkáni | xêdê | [⨪́]rê | wak‘aⁿ´wañx |
Égi | mąkáni | xētē | ną́gᵉrē | waką́wąx, |
[And] | [medicine men] | [great] | [the ones who] | poisons, |
hoicî´bᴇnañk[>] | wakaⁿ´wañx | hicírecônú[|] | [𝜑]ága | ha’uní[|] |
hoišī́bᵉnąkają | waką́wąx | hišírešōnúną. | Hąkága | ha’uníną. |
all the time | to poison | they used to tell us to. | Never | I did not do it. |
[X]ᴇri[ϑ´] | wajîⁿ´t’ehi | rutc | hagigi[ᴗ´] | t’ekdjê´ |
Wąkšigᵉrižą́ | wažį̄́t’ehi | ruc | hagigirégi, | t’ekjḗ. |
Some human | [something that causes death]* | to eat | if I made him, | he would die. |
* the translation has here, "[some poison]".
mé[λ] | hiñgaírêcô´nu | [·נ´] | [𝜑]aga | ha’uní[|] |
Méžesge | hįgaírēšų́nu, | nųnįgé | hąkaga | ha’uníną. |
[For this reason] | [they used to call me,] | [but] | [never] | I did not do it. |
mañkániṇa | hi[ϑ] | wa[ϑ´] | yagipérêz | naⁿ´îñga |
Mąkánina | hižą | wažą́ | yagipérēz, | ną́į̄ga |
[Medicine men | [one of them] | something | I know,* | if I tried |
* the translation has, "to know".
wa[ϑ´]ni[ϑ] | tcekdjína | hûñgirágirêgi | wikaⁿ´wañγa | hi[ϑ´] |
wažą́nižą, | cekjína | hų̄girágirēgi | wiką́wąǧa | hižą́ |
[something,] | [the first thing] | they would tell me | some poison | [one] |
hûñgirágiranâ´na | hahióradjê | wôgánañgrê | [λ] |
hų̄girágiranā́na, | "hahiórajē" | wōgánągrē, | žesge |
they would tell me, | "traveling at night" | so they call them, | [that kind] |
hûñk’úṇaⁿiⁿnucônú[|] | wairé[|] | tceg[β´] | haⁿhióradje’únañka |
hų̄k’únąįnušōnúną, | wairéną. | Cegéja | hąhióraje’únąka, |
they tried to give to me, | they said. | [At first] | they're doing night traveling, |
hagâré[ϑ] | tcegagûⁿz[β´] | haⁿhiónadjê | hi’úiṇêga |
hagāréžą, | cegagųzéja, | hąhiónajē | hi’úinēga, |
[at that time,] | when they first thought of it, | [night travel] | when they did, |
honaⁿ´ | djobô´haⁿ | jêdjaiñ´[ζ] | acgê´[ζ][𝄑] | tcáwegi’úîṇes’á[२] |
honą́ | jobṓhą | žējaį́xjį, | ašgḗxjįnįge | cáwegi’úīnes’áže. |
nights distance | four | that far, | very near | they would travel.* |
* on the verso of this page, Radin says, "They would travel 4 nights distance in a short time as though it was not far at all."
Notebook 64:5* | |||
cûñk | k‘îⁿṇ[ρ´] | hūⁿtc | k‘îⁿṇ[ρ´] |
Šųk | kį̄nánąga | hų̄c | kį̄nánąga |
Dog | they transformed themselves into, and | bear | they transformed themselves into, and |
* in the upper left corner is the number 43. At the top of the page is written: "i.e. The other night travellers would be afraid of the one you have. Therefore, your medicine would be more powerful than theirs." This is connected to a spot below by an arrow.
[α] | [ω] | kerêdjûⁿ´sêp | hik’úîṇ[ρ´] | [α] | [ω] |
égi | žigé | kerējų̄́sēp | hik’úīnánąga | égi | žigé |
then | again | blackhawk | they used, and | then | again |
naⁿnaworácocôp‘gê | hi’úîṇ[ρ´] | [α] | [ω] | haⁿp‘ô´k‘ |
nąnaworášošōpgē | hi’úīnánąga | égi | žigé | hąpṓk, |
[night bird]* | they used, and | then | again | owl, |
* written above this word is "sparrow?".
zizíkê | wanañγí | dê | jénûñga | k‘iⁿruxúrûgéránaⁿ[२] |
zizikē, | wanąǧí, | tē | žénų̄ga | kįruxúrūgéránąže. |
turkey, | ghost, | this | many | they could transform themselves into. |
dé[λ] | hûñgirágiré[|] | [·נ] | hagâré[ϑ] | [λ] |
Téžesge | hų̄girágiréną, | nųnįge | hagāréžą, | žesge |
[This] | what they told me, | [but] | [at that time,] | [that kind] |
hê´aⁿdjíre[|] | dê´[τ]ṇegi | [𝜑] | [λ] |
hḗąjíreną. | Tḗžegųnegi | hąké | žesge |
they had _ _. | At the present time | [not] | [that kind] |
hiⁿ’úⁿîⁿruxúrûgwî´ni[·נ´] | tcíraká[-] | warup‘îⁿ´ | hiregê´ |
hį’ų́į̄ruxúrūgwī́ninųnįgé | círakára | warupį́ | hiregḗ, |
we can't do anything like that, but | good housekeeper | experienced one | they are, |
tciáp‘ê | ragíginâ´na* | haⁿhióradjê´ | hi-ú[⨪]a |
ciápē | ragíginā́ną. | Hąhiórajḗ | hi-únąka |
housekeeper | you'll make him. | Made for night transiting | what they use |
* this word should have terminated in /aⁿ/.
sûñk[β´] | rakô´nôñkcô´nôñki | haⁿhé[ᴗ] | ranacánañkícgê | [𝜑] |
sų̄kéja | rakṓnǭkšṓnǭki, | hąhéregi | ranašánąkíšgē, | hąké |
at back of | if you have it there, | at night | if you were sleeping, | [not] |
hahióradjé[-] | hi[ϑ´] | honiwáninâ´na* | hahióradjê |
hahiórajéra | hižą́ | honiwáninā́ną. | Hahiórajē |
[the night walkers] | [one] | they won't come around you. | [Night walkers] |
* this word should have ended with /aⁿ/.
hacî´nicô´[⨪̊]a | nañkå´wairekdjôné[|]† | dé[λ] | hîñgaírêcônú[|] |
hašī́nišṓnǫka | nąkā́wairekjōnéną. | Téžesge | hį̄gaírēšōnúną, |
the one you have* | they'd be afraid of. | This kind | they used to say, |
* connected here from the top of the page by an arrow: "i.e. The other night travellers would be afraid of the one you have. That is, your medicine would be more powerful than theirs."
† what /å/ represents is undefined.
hahióradjuⁿ´[⨪̊]a | mañká’uṇa | t’á[⨪][२] | aír[ρ´] | ret’úgᴇ[⨪̊]a |
"Hahiórajų́nǫka | Mąká’una | t’ánąkše," | aíraną́ga | ret’úgᵉnǫka |
["These night walkers] | Medicine Dance | they are dying," | [they said, and] | they are liars |
higûⁿ´ | îⁿkisgé[|] | haⁿhiónadjê | ā´[⨪]a | wânañk[ɜ] |
higų̄́, | "Į̄kisgéną, | hąhiónajē," | ā́nąka, | wānąkšaną. |
but, | "They are not like that,* | [night walkers,"] | [he said,] | [they are saying]. |
* the following near the bottom of the page is connected here by a line: "(i.e., they are not true (Med. b_____)".
mañká’ûⁿ[⨪´]rê | tceg[β´]ji | t’ek‘îñ´[ζ]nes’a[२] | hisgê[ζ] |
"Mąká’ų̄ną́gᵉrē | cegejáži | t’ekį̄́xjįnes’aže. | Hisgēxjį |
"The Medicine Rite men | in the first time | they really killed each other. | [Really] |
wa’úîṇes’á[२] | ā´[⨪]a | hosgê´ | wá[⨪][ɜ] | djesgáka |
wa’úīnes’áže," | ā́nąka. | Hosgḗ | wánąkšaną. | Jesgáka |
[they would do it,"] | [he said.] | Not the truth | they are saying. | The way it is |
Notebook 64:6* | ||||
hoicî´p | jesgá | nihé[|] | [·נ] | wá[⨪][ɜ] |
Hoišī́p | žesgá | nihéną, | nųnįge | wánąkšaną. |
All the time | [thus] | it has been, | [but] | [they are saying it.] |
* at the top left corner is written "44". At the center top of the page is a long statement connected by a line to a word below. Beneath this at the center of the top of the page is "6."
hosgê´ | djagú | air[ρ´] | ret’ûⁿ´k | xêdê[ζ´] |
Hosgḗ | jagú | airánąga | ret’ų̄́k | xētēxjį́ |
[Not the truth] | [what] | they said, and | to lie | they did very much |
airanåñgi | herecgúniga | [λ´] | wagigígê | wá[⨪][ɜ] |
airanągi, | Herešgúniga | žesgé | wagigígē | wánąkšaną, |
if they say it, | Devil | [that kind] | he made for them | [they are saying it,] |
haⁿhióradjê | ă´[⨪]a | higûⁿ´îⁿ | kisgé[|] | tceg[β´] |
Hąhiórajē | ắ́nąka, | "Higų̄́į̄, | kisgéną: | cegéja |
[Night walker] | [he said,] | ["Well then,] | [it is like:] | [at first] |
hisgê[ζ´]ną̆* | haⁿhióradjuⁿ´[⨪]re | hūⁿtc | k‘ir[ρ´] | giγídjirega‡ |
hisgēxjį́ną̆ | hahiórajų́nągᵉre | hų̄c | kiránąga† | giǧíjirega, |
[really] | [these night walkers] | bear | turning into, and | with faded powers, |
* the diacritics of the /a/ are doubtful.
† in all other instances, the word ki is rendered as kį.
‡ from the top of the page, the following is connected here by a line: "⎷ γítc = to fade, disappear. [when a man transformed himself into a bear etc after awhile his powers would fade & then he would have to transform himself into another animal. The powers give out.]
[ω] | wajiⁿ´djahîⁿ | hik’úîⁿṇ[ρ´] | howê´ | ’ûⁿ[⨪´][२] |
žigé | wazį́jahį̄ | hik’úį̄nánąga | howḗ | ’ų̄ną́kše. |
[again] | something else | they use, and | going | they are. |
cûñk | k‘îⁿṇ[ρ´] | [ω] | wanîñk |
Šų̄k | kį̄nánąga | žigé | wanį̄k |
[Dog] | [they transformed themselves into, and] | [again] | [bird] |
k‘îⁿṇ[ρ´] | howé | t’āī´ṇes’á[२] | tceg[β´]ji | hisgê[ζ´] |
kį̄nánąga | howé | t’āī́nes’áže. | Cegéjaži | hisgēxjį́ |
they transformed themselves into, and | away | they would fly. | In the beginning | [really] |
mé[λ] | hiranihé[|] | dê´[τ]ṇêgí | [𝜑] | [λ] |
méžesge | hiranihéną. | Tḗžegų́nēgí | hąké | žesge |
[this] | they have been doing. | At the present time | [not] | [that kind] |
ruxúrûgēninâñgᴇ[·נ] | tceg[β´] | hisgê[ζ´] | [λ] | hiré[|] |
ruxúrūgēniną̄gᵉnųnįge | cegéja | hisgēxjį́ | žesge | hiréną. |
they can't do anything, but | [at first] | [really] | [that kind] | they were. |
[ε] | higûⁿ´ | wakaⁿtcañ´gᴇ[⨪][ɜ] | aíre[-] | hosgê´ |
Ésge | higų̄́ | wakącą́gᵉnąkšaną, | aírera. | Hosgḗ |
[Therefore] | [still] | they are holy, | [they are saying]. | [Not the truth] |
djagu | air[ρ] | ret’ûñ´gᴇra | rokô´nô[ζ] | wairanañ´gi |
jagu | airanąga | ret’ų̄́gᵉra | rokṓnōxjį | wairaną́gi, |
[what] | [they said, and] | [to lie] | [it was very much] | they would tell,* |
* this translation is underline twice.
Notebook 64:7* | |||
[λ] | wanañ´k[ɜ] | hagâré[ϑ] | wa’ú[|] |
žesge | waną́kšaną. | Hagāréžą, | wa’úną. |
[that sort] | they are saying. | [Finally,] | he did (it). |
* the center top of the page reads, "Whiskey Making" and is followed by a cursive scribble that looks like "Rum."
maⁿtcó-ihaⁿdé[ϑ] | wa’ûⁿ´djegê | pédjᴇni | ’unaⁿ´[२] |
Mącó-ihątéžą | wa’ų̄́jegē, | péjᵉni | ’uną́že, |
A man who dreams of grizzly bears | he is, | whiskey | he could make, |
é[|] | hagâré[ϑ] | x‘íγᴇnañ´k’ûⁿ* |
éną. | Hagāréžą, | xiǧᵉną́k’ų̄, |
he said. | [In time,] | they thought he was a wonder, |
* this word is preceeded by xiγi.
nāñxgú[|] | wakaⁿtcåñ´k[>] | hisgê´[ζ] | hi[ϑ´] |
ną̄xgúną. | Wakącą́kają, | hisgḗxjį | hižą́ |
I heard. | He was holy, but | [really] | [one] |
kibáhigi | pedjᴇnína | hisgê´ | ’unaⁿ´[२] | erá |
kibáhigi | pejᵉnína | hisgḗ | ’uną́že. | Erá |
he who doubts | whiskey | some | he could make. | He had said |
wakaⁿtcañ´kdje[-] | hiⁿpérêz | haⁿdjaⁿ´wîñ[>] | djagú | wokíba[-] |
wakącą́kjera, | hįpérēz | hąją́wį̄gają, | jagú | wokíbara |
holy he is, | we all know | [we have seen,]* | [how] | doubting |
* the translation is difficult to decipher.
hí[ϑ] | hëregí | kibaiⁿhiⁿwínaⁿ[२] | hí[ϑ´] | kibaihíwigadjaⁿcgê´ |
hížą | heregí, | kibaįhįwínąže. | Hížą́ | kibaihíwigająšgḗ, |
[one] | if it will be, | we would doubt. | [One] | if he would happen to doubt it, |
wak‘aⁿtcañ´k | wa’ûⁿ´dje[-] | maⁿtcóidja | naⁿ´b | wañgiruxádj* |
wakącą́k | wa’ų̄́jera, | mącóija, | ną́b | wągiruxáj |
holy | he is, in his standing, | from the grizzly bear, | his open hand | he offered |
* at the end of the word, djaⁿ is scribbled out and hijaⁿ´ written above it.
hijaⁿ´ | wa’ûⁿ´dje[>´] | úcgê | k‘ibá | gigípini[>´]* |
hižą́ | wa’ų̄́jegáją, | úsgē, | kibá | gigípinigáją? |
[one] | he has, and, | well, | to doubt | has one a right? |
* at the bottom of the page, Radin offers an exegesis, "[There is no reason why we shouldn't believe him.]" Also at the lower right corner of the text we have "p. 217".
Notebook 64:8* | ||||
kibaíhiwícgê | wakaⁿtcañ´kdje[-] | [𝜑] | hîñkísgawinina[ⁿ]† | djagú’ûⁿ |
Kibaíhiwíšgē, | wakącą́kjera, | hąké | hį̄kísgawininą. | Jagú’ų̄ |
If we doubt him, | he is holy, | [not] | we are not like he is. | Why |
* this page is duplicated by the next in sequence (page 8 v. 2). The first version has dark lettering and smudges in the lower right corner, whereas the second version of this page has lighter lettering with very little smudging. At the upper left of the page is the numbe 26, and above it and to the right is either /2/ or /9/ or /?/ in smaller handwriting.
† this word should probably have terminated in /ⁿ/.
kibaígigíwinaⁿ[२] | ’unañgê | wadje[>´] | dêéji | [𝜑] |
kibaígigíwinąže? | ’Unągē, | wajegáją. | Tēéži, | hąké |
we should doubt him? | He could do it, | that's why he says it. | As for me, | not |
kibágigi | duxúrûgᴇninaⁿ | aíre[|] | hagêré[ϑ] | ųañgí[ϑ] |
kibágigi | tuxúrūgᵉniną | Aíreną, | hagēréžą | wągížą |
to doubt it | I am unable. | [It is said], | at one time | [a man] |
hakíju[ρ´] | [α] | [ω] | ŭañkwákaⁿtcañ´kdjega |
hakížuánąga | égi | žigé | wąkwákącą́kjega |
picked him up as a companion, and | then | again | the holy man |
hijaíîⁿsuñk‘í[-] | wikídani | mówe | hikiwaraíre[२] | hacékârohoí[ᴗ] |
hižaíį̄́sųkíra, | wikítani | mówe | hikiwaraíreže. | Hašékārohoíregi |
one his br[others], | three of them | on foot | they went traveling. | They got ready |
uañkwákaⁿtcañ´kdjega | kinûⁿ´b[-] | pédjᴇni | ninokíju [?] | gigire[२] |
wąkwákącą́kjega | kinų̄́bᵉra | péjᵉni | ninokížu [?]* | gigireže. |
the holy man | the brother | whiskey | mixed with water | they did for him. |
* if this is the correct reading, it would seem to be from niṇą-hirokižu.
peγí[ϑ] | [β]kí | rúz[ρ´] | ruj[ρ´] | pedjᴇnína | hokíwasik |
Peǧížą | ejakí | rúzánąga | ružánąga | pejᵉnína | hokíwasik |
A bottle | in there | they took, and | they washed, and | [the whiskey] | half full |
[β´] | hoju[ρ´] | [α] | niwirókijujê | hinúwîñkê |
éja | hožuánąga | égi | niwirókižužē. | Hinúwį̄kē |
[there] | he filled it, and | then | the other half with water. | Both of them* |
* the translation adds, "(bottle)".
waratcgáji | pê´γᴇ[⨪]a | hi[ϑ´] | hiradájakerêhíkîniⁿ´ | pônaⁿ[२´] |
waracgáži | pḗǧᵉnąka | hižą́ | hiratážakerēhíkīnį́ | pōnąžé. |
he tasted them | these bottles | one | lamp oil | it smelled/tasted. |
hi[ϑ]jí | [𝜑] | wa[ϑ´] | ’uní[२] | [α] |
hižąží | hąké | wažą́ | ’uníže. | Égi |
One of them or other | [not] | [something] | is the matter with. | Then |
hahú-ire[२] | pex kísagᴇ[⨪´]a | hinûⁿ´wîñkê | warasgê´p* | hire[२´] |
hahú-ireže. | Pex kisagᵉną́ka | hinų̄́wįke | warasgḗp | hirežé. |
they came. | Half pint | both of them | to drink up | they did. |
* the first letter is a scribble. This is probably for kīrásgep (KAi L reKel), "to drink up all one's money" (Kingswan, Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
hicgê´ | hisgê´ | ratcgañ´k[२] | waíre[२] | peγ[-´] |
Hišgḗ | hisgḗ | racgą́kše, | waíreže. | Peǧᵉrá |
Also | some | he drank with him, | they said. | [The bottle] |
Notebook 64:9† | ||||
dêê´ | hiruágᴇra | heré[|] | aíre[२] | ret’ûñ´gire[-] |
tēḗ | hiruágᵉra | heréną," | aíreže. | Ret’ų̄́girera |
this | the last* | [it is,"] | [they said.] | They lied about it |
* the reading is from page 8 v2.
† at the top center of the page is the number 3.
hipérezcê´ | p‘êx | nîⁿwirókeja | nihéra | hi[ϑ´] |
hipérezšḗ. | P’ēx | nį̄wirókeja | nihéra, | hižą́ |
he knew it. | [Bottle] | they mixed with water | they had, | one |
hiradájakerêhíkîni | pônánihé[-] | k‘ení | jêê´ | ratcgaⁿ´ninogera |
hiratážakerēhíkīni | pōnánihéra | k’ení | žēḗ | racgą́ninǫgᵉra |
[lamp oil] | it had tasted | [before] | [this] | they haven't drunk it |
hipérezcê´. | djagú | pë´γᴇrá | hi[ϑ´] | nûⁿxáwaⁿ t’aⁿbir[ρ´] |
hipérezšḗ. | Jagú | pḗǧᵉrá | hižą́ | nų̄xáwą t’ąbiránąga |
[he knew]. | [How] | the bottles | one | they were hiding it, and |
[𝜑] | hisgí’ûñk’úranî´kdjegê | wánañkúni | hire[२´] |
hąké | hisgí’ų̄k’úranī́kjegē | wánąkúni | hirežé. |
[not] | they don't want to give me any* | [to say, they must have] | [they did]. |
* the translation adds something which is difficult to read: "(of the ______ whiskey in".
[α] | waíre[२] | pedjᵉnína | enaiñ[ζ´]na | hisgê´ |
Égi | waíreže, | "Pejᵉnína | enaįxjį́na | hisgḗ |
[Then] | [they said,] | "[The whiskey] | I wish very much | [some] |
datcgaⁿjéjê | aíre[२] | uañ´gidjaⁿneáka | we[२´] | korá |
tacgąžéžē," | aíreže. | Wą́gijąneáka | wežé, | "Korá, |
I drink," | [they said]. | The other man | he said, | "[Exclamation] |
[𝜑] | wajó’ûⁿpini[>´] | nicgê´ | [wa]ruágᴇ[·נ]* | [α] |
hąké | wažó’ų̄pinigáją, | nišgḗ | waruágᵉnųnįge," | égi |
[not] | we can't do anything, | myself | I wish I had some," but | [then] |
* the brackets occur in the text.
xûnu ŭañk | pedjᴇni | nínokíju | nihé[-] | p‘ëx kísagiaⁿ |
xūnu wąk | pejᵉni | nínokížu | nihéra, | p’ēx kísagią |
the young man | [whiskey] | [together with water] | [they had,] | half a pint |
hodará | hipérezdiañ´k[ɜ] | [·נ] | ŭañk | wakaⁿtcûñ´gôñka |
hotará | hipéreztią́kšaną, | nųnįge | wąk | wakącų̄́gǭka |
what is left | he knows all about it, | [but] | [man] | [the holy one] |
hitcakâ´ro[-] | hakarakíju | wawí[२] | "Hohó | [wa]ruágunąⁿ* |
hicakā́rora | hakarakížu | wawíže, | "Hohó, | [wa]ruáguną," |
his friend | with him | they said, | "[Exclamation] | I wish some," |
* the brackets occur in the text.
aíre[२] | hinúwîñkê | [α] | ŭañk | hidjaniañ´ka |
aíreže, | hinúwį̄kē, | égi | wąk | hijanią́ka |
[they said], | both of them, | [and] | man | the other one |
wa’ûⁿ[२´] | ŭañgᴇwákaⁿtcañ´kdjôñka* | daniógijújê | haⁿhaⁿ |
wa’ų̄žé. | Wągᵉwákącą́kjǭka | taniógižúžē. | "Hąhą, |
[he did it.] | [The holy man] | he poured tobacco. | [Exclamation,] |
* an uncertain reading with respect to /kdj/.
Notebook 64:10* | ||||
danióniñgíju[|] | pedjᴇnína | hisgê´ | datcgaⁿ´jejê | y‘aré[|] |
taniónįgížuną. | Pejᵉnína | hisgḗ | tacgą́žežē, | y’aréną," |
tobacco I pour. | Whiskey | some | I wished to drink, | [I think,"] |
* the top of the page is blank, without any page number.
higê´[२] | hó | é[२] | mąnúsëreg[-] |
higḗže. | "Hó," | éže, | "Mąnúsēregᵉra |
he said to him. | [Exclamation,] | [he said,] | "Tear the earth open* |
* this is put in brackets. An arrow is drawn past the next word to a drawing: ⨁.
hijaiⁿ´gi’ûⁿ´wîñgê | [α´] | peγ[-] | hi[ϑ] | nió[-] |
hižaį́gi’ų̄́wį̄gē, | égi | peǧᵉra | hižą | nióra |
make one for me, | [and] | [the bottles] | [one] | with water |
najúi[ρ´] | manúseregê´dja | rakérekdjáwi[|] | é[२] | [α] |
nažúiánąga | mąnúseregḗja | rakérekjáwiną," | éže. | Égi |
you fill, and | on the mound | you place it," | [he said]. | Then |
hotcîntcînî´ñkdjega | ’ûⁿcíre[२] | pedjᴇnína | hisgé | ṇaⁿtcgôñkdjáwi[|] |
hocīncīnį̄́kjega | ’ų̄šíreže. | "Pejᵉnína | hisgé | rącgǭkjáwiną," |
the boy | he asked him to do it. | ["The whiskey] | [some] | let us drink," |
higaíre[२] | [α] | hotcîñtcîⁿ xônúdjega | p‘ë´γomanaí[ϑ] | hok’ûⁿ´huhíre[२] |
higaíreže. | Égi | hocį̄cį̄ xōnújega | pḗǧomanaížą | hok’ų̄́huhíreže. |
[he said]. | Then | the younger man | an empty bottle | it was handed to him. |
déniô´jugê | hidjákerêrê´ | higaíre[२] | p‘êxdjegú | horuxútc[>] |
"Téniṓžugē, | hijákerērḗ," | higaíreže. | Pēxjegú | horuxúcgają, |
"Put water in it, | place it there," | they told him. | The bottle | when he looked at it, |
péxiê´dja | nîñgê´ | djaboré[२]. | kiri[γ´] | niná |
péxiḗja | nį̄gḗ | jaboréže. | Kirigáją, | "Niná |
the mouth of the bottle | a piece | it broke off. | When he came, | ["The water] |
henî´ñgúrê | hoduxŭítcawi[|] | higaíre[२] | [γ´] | p‘ë´γ[-] |
henį̄́gúrē, | hotuxŭícawiną," | higaíreže. | Gáją | pḗǧᵉra |
bring it here, | let's look at it," | they told him. | [Then] | [the bottle] |
wogárehí[२] | nióju[ρ´] | higaíre[|] | hidjá | kererê´ |
wogárehíže. | Nióžuánąga | higaíreną, | "Hijá | kererḗ," |
he handed to them. | He filled it with water, and | [they said to him,] | ["There] | [put it,"] |
higaíre[२] | horuxútc[>] | p‘ëγ’í | djabᴇrádjega | [𝜑] |
higaíreže. | Horuxúcgają | pēǧ’í | jabᵉrájega, | hąké |
[they told him.] | When [he looked,] | the mouth of the bottle | it was broken off, | [not] |
érêní[२] | [·נ] | iⁿdjákere[२´] | [β´] | redjaⁿ´ |
érēníže,* | nųnįge | įjákerežé.† | Éja | reją́ |
it was not the same, | but | he left it there.‡ | [There] | [it was gone] |
* < hérēníže, the initial /h/ having been dropped from external sandhi.
† < hįjákerežé, the initial /h/ having been dropped from external sandhi.
‡ below this, Radin adds in braackets: "he paid no attention to the piece broken off."
Notebook 64:11† | ||||
hipéressê´ | gicdjañkirekdjoné[-] | p‘ëγ‘ijaⁿ | -hí[ϑ]‡ | wagi’úîṇe[-] |
hipéresḗ. | gišjąkirekjonéra. | pēǧižą | - | wagi’úīnera, |
[he knew.] | They were going to fool him.* | A different bottle | - | they had used, |
* the translation adds, "(the boy)."
† 29 is written in the upper left corner of the page.
‡ this is redundant.
[·נ] | [τ] | iⁿdjákere[२´] | [α] | jêdjûñ´ga | maⁿtcó |
nųnįge | žegų | įjákerežé.* | Égi, | žējų̄́ga, | mącó |
[but] | [that way] | he left it there. | [And,] | [now then,] | [grizzly bear] |
* < hįjákerežé, the initial /h/ having been dropped from external sandhi.
naⁿwaiṇ[ρ´] | wacír[ρ] | x’opk‘îⁿ´ṇe[२] | p‘ê´xdjega | [β´] |
nąwairánąga | wašíranąga | xopkį̄́neže. | Pḗxjega | éja |
they sang, and* | [they danced, and] | [they performed miracles.] | The bottle | [there] |
* the translation has, "they began to sing".
kiridjer[ρ´] | ruksûñksûⁿdjires’á[२] | hagâré[ϑ] | djobô´haⁿ | ruksûⁿksûⁿ´djiregi |
kirijeránąga | ruksų̄ksų̄́jires’áže. | Hagāréžą, | jobṓhą | ruksų̄ksų̄́jiregi, |
they stood and | they shook it.* | [Finally,] | [four times] | [as they shook it,] |
* the translation has, "they shook the bottle".
[α] | haⁿhaⁿ´ | [τ] | hawí[|] | rúz[ρ] | ratcgánanê | higaíre[२] |
égi, | "Hąhą́, | žegų | hawíną. | Rúzanąga | racgánanē." | higaíreže. |
and, | "[Exclamation,] | [now] | we're through. | Take it, and | drink it," | [they said.] |
hotcîⁿtcîⁿ´[𝄑]djega | ruház[ρ] | pedjᴇni | niṇokíju | nihé[-] |
Hocį̄cį̄́nįgᵉjega | ruházanąga | pejᵉni | ninokížu | nihéra |
[The boy] | he opened it, and | [whiskey] | mixed with water | that he had |
ë | herekdjô´ne[-] | hipérezcê | hiradájakerêhíkîni |
ē | herekjṓnera | hipérezšē. | Hiratážakerēhikīni |
[it itself] | it will be | he knew it. | [Lamp oil] |
pônañkdjô´ne[-] | hipérêzdi[ρ´] | ratcgá[२] | [>] | howaré[-] |
pōnąkjṓnera | hipérēztiánąga | racgáže. | Gają | howaréra |
it was going to taste | he knew all about it, and | he tasted. | [So] | [sure enough] |
ére[२] | hiradájakerehíkîni | pônajê´ | korá |
éreže.* | Hiratážakerehíkīni | pōnažḗ. | "Korá, |
it was it. | [Lamp oil] | [it tasted.] | "[Exclamation] |
* < héreže, the initial /h/ having been dropped from external sandhi.
p‘iⁿ´ṇá[·נ´] | pedjᴇnî´[ζ][>´] | eji | hiradájakerehíkîni |
pį́nánųnįgé | pejᵉnī́xjįgáją, | eži, | Hiratážakerehíkīni |
it may have been good, but | it is real whiskey, | indeed,* | [Lamp oil] |
* the translation has "indeed". However, "but" is more common and a better fit for this context.
pônâṇê´ | [𝜑] | p‘íni[>´] | hiradájakerehíkîni |
pōnānḗ. | Hąké | pínigáją, | hiratážakerehíkīni, |
[it tasted.] | [Not] | it is not good, and | [Lamp oil,] |
c’ûxcgê´ | curuxúrukcguní[|] | pedjᴇni | c’ûⁿṇurecgê |
š’ūxšgḗ, | šuruxúrukšguníną. | Pejᵉni | š’ų̄nurešgē |
if you were to make it, | you could do that too. | [Whiskey] | if you made although |
hiradájakerehíkîni | pôna[>´] | aíre[२] | ŭañg[-´] | nûⁿpíwiwigí |
hiratážakerehíkīni, | pōnagáją," | aíreže, | wągᵉrá | nų̄píwiwigi. |
kerosene | it tastes like," | [they said,] | [men] | two of them.* |
* written below this and connected to it by a line, is, "[they are ...?... holy man (or men)]".
Notebook 64:12* | ||||
ŭañgí[ϑ] | gicdjañkére[२] | [·נ´] | wipérezdîⁿ[२´] | djasgê´ |
Wągížą | gišjąkéreže, | nųnįgé | wipéreztį̄žé, | jasgḗ |
A man | they tried to fool, | [but] | he knew it very well, | the way |
* at the upper left corner of the page, heavily blotted out, appears to be the number 30. At the center top of the page is written:
IV – The Medicine Dance | ||
44, 7 | ||
1304 – 49, 4:) |
hire[-] | pedjᴇnídjega | hadjaírekdjê | ánañka | [β] |
hireną. | Pejᵉníjega | hajaírekjē, | ánąka, | éja |
they did. | The whiskey | they that went to see,* | they are saying, | [there] |
* written above "they looked at".
hikírutcaⁿ | pedjᴇnína | eajok’û´ | rehir[ρ´] | niná |
hikírucą | pejᵉnína | eažok’ū́ | rehiránąga | niná |
he changed | [the whiskey] | they left the contents in the bottle | they did, and | the water |
hodahíre | [𝜑] | wakaⁿtcañ´k | pedjᴇní | hi’ûⁿ´ |
hotahíre, | hąke | wakącą́k | pejᵉní | hi’ų̄́ |
they kept, | [not] | by holiness | [the whiskey] | to make |
wa’úinaní[|] | woicdjoñkê | ’ûⁿ´ | wa’úiṇe[|] | jê´ê |
wa’úinaníną. | Woišjǫkē | ’ų̄́ | wa’úineną. | Žḗē |
they didn't. | To trick him | [to do] | they did.* | [These] |
* under ’ûⁿ´ wa’úiṇe[|], the translation has "they did" underlined twice.
jê´[λ] | hire[|] |
žḗžesge | hireną. |
that kind | [they were]. |
Jasper Blowsnake, "Whiskey Making," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 64: 1-13.