Hocąk Text — The Victory Dance
narrated by a member of the Thunderbird Clan
Original Text — | 1 | 2a | 2b | 3 | 3v | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7v | 8 | 9 | 10 |
hapaxlegomena: cēgērḗšgē, "in the beginning"; corá, "to lead"; haganyahí (< waganyahire), "to bring something for someone"; hajonehi (> wajonehíregi), "to see something at a distance"; hakit’ǭp, "to place or situate something"; hanicap (< hanicábirekjē), "to get a hold of"; hārogḗja, "in the midst"; hirohíra for hihohíra, "to ask someone"; hogiwáxuge (< hogiwáxugērežé), "to put something (clothing) on for someone"; jagúšanąnįk, "whatever"; kāraho, "to be about to (do something)" (< kārahoírēgi); kironṓk, "to follow after someone" (< kironṓgireže); nąwirókaraíšga, "to be tied to a stick"; rašjǭ (< rašjǭgi), "to have finished"; rukáp, "to be directed to something"; rušṓ, "to receive"; sarinį̄́k, "war honor"; taxó for taxú, "to burn up"; tocų̄́, "warrior"; wakšī́gᵉracēk (< wakšī́gᵉracēgᵉrá), "the young men" (cf. Dorsey's racék, "to speak of as new"); wagíšōnō, "attendant" (noun); wik’o, "to use"; woinąǧį̄, "source of help or strength"; worṓk, "to tell" for wórak.
rare words: he’ų, "a messenger who announces a death" (found only in Marino); hiak’ų́na, "I would use it," is probably the same as White Eagle's hak’ų́, "I do for myself, I do for self fulfillment"; hanicáp, "to get hold of"; hináhi (< wináhi) "to get" (occurs once elsewhere meaning "to find"); himąšją kinąk, "to be encouraged by" (found only in Marino); hinahi, "to get something" (found once in the sense of "to find something"); hirowáǧįc, "to hunt up" (found only in Marino where it means, "to burn up everything"); hiwák’ókirinōnōk, "to jump from side to side" (found only in Marino); ho-ašgénįgēja, "nearly"; hirowáǧįc, "to burn up (everything)" (found only in Marino); nącį, "all" (here in the unattested form nącįxjį); ponų, "to remember" (found only in Marino); ’ųanacgi, "the appointees" (found in Marino only as ųanac, "to appoint"); waną’į́-rusgic, "heart-binding" (found only in Marino); žigiotá, "and some" (occurs once in syllabic script).
fond of using giži as a sentence terminator.
uses the unusual expression janūgáka, "as many as there were."
frequent use of žesge in the sense of "that kind".
a fondness for the uncommon word žejǭ́ną, "now".
frequent use of hotá, "some".
The following are Greek letters and other symbols used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin's text. Their values mostly correspond to those given in Radin's notebook Winnebago II, #6, on the interstitial page between 107/108:
α | β | γ | ε | ɜ | λ | ρ | ψ |
égi | éja | -giži | ésge | -šaną | žesge | anąga | hąké |
ω | ·נ | X | २ | 6 | ƪ | - |
žigé | nųnįge | wąkšig | -že, -še | -xjį | -ižą | -ra |
/ | ᴗ | ꜏ | ·/ | ·/, / | ⨪ | ᴖ̣ | > |
-ną | -regi | here | -kjé | -kjanèną | -nąk | -nįk | -gają |
Translations in italics are derived from Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 110-112 (1990) = 158 - 160 (1923, Archive) = 158 - 160 (1923, Hathi).
wakdjê´ waci (Victory dance & preliminary.)
Notebook 74.1:1* | ||||||||
wañ´giaⁿ´ | dotcaⁿ´ṇekurubâ´nañki | dj[ρ] | kiju | rékdjêra | hokaránîⁿgi | wagígâⁿ[ρ´] | [α] | hadjâ´rêgi |
Wą́gią́ | tocą́rekurubā́nąki | janąga | kižu rékjēra | hokaránį̄gi, | wagígoánąga | égi | hajā́rēgi, | |
A man | that he was about to go on the warpath | as many as | he would take | he looked for, | a feast, and | then | when they came, |
* the page number as ① is entered at the top left of the page. In the center top is written 74 , the Notebook number. Below these entries is written:
wakdjê´ waci woruγáp waci wanaγí waci |
= = = |
victory scalp ghost |
} |
dance (wakan´dja waci) |
Below this is written:
so is djopi´wi almost | ||
hidjána = to sleepover |to camp| | another e.g. djopi´í |
Beneath this is written a very large numeral 9.
wagigó[⨪]a | dotcaⁿ | maⁿṇátc | wa’ú[⨪]kiji | kigâ´ra | hanaⁿ´tc | hadjírêgi | [β] | karaⁿkcê´ |
wagigónąka | tocą | mąnác | wa’únąkiži, | kigā́ra | haną́c | hajírēgi, | éja | karąkšḗ |
the feast givers | war | he made a date | he was doing it for | the feasters | [all of them] | [when they came,] | [there] | he told it. |
wê[२´] | hidjána | ṇékdjanégê` | hokárak | wa’ú[⨪][२] | é[२] | pejiónaⁿtcê´gi | rekdjêgi | ’ûñkdjê´gi |
Wežé, | hijána | rékjanēgè† | hokárak | wa’únąkše, | éže. | Pežiónącḗgi, | rekjēgi | ’ų̄kjḗgi, |
[He said,] | on a hunt* | that he would go, | to tell it | is why he is doing it, | he said. | Whoever desires | he may come | he can do so, that is why |
* "war path)" is written above this word.
† the text has hijána|ṇékjanēgè .
e | wogirak[२] | [γ] | rohaⁿ´[6] rê´[२] | honihê´xêdê´[6] | tcorá[२] | haraí[ᴗ] | dotcoⁿ´ṇa | tcekdjína | higiγá[-] |
e | wogirakše, | giži. | Rohą́xjįrḗže. | Honihḗxētḗxjį | coráže. | Haraíregi | tocǫ́na | cekjína | higiǧára |
he | he told them | [.] | Very many went. | A big crowd | he led. | On they went | [the warpath] | the first thing | the stopping place |
tcinôgipaídja | hakit’ôⁿbirê´[२] | [α] | [β] | [X][-´] | djopíwi | [X]cige[⨪]a | warúdjirekdjegi | hiroit’ûⁿ´ |
cinōgipaíja | hakit’ǭbirḗže. | Égi | éja | wągᵉrá | jopíwi | wakšigᵉnąka | warújirekjegi, | hiroit’ų̄́ |
suburbs of village | they placed it. | [And] | there | [the man] | four | these men | that they may eat, | material for fire |
haguré | warádjire[२] | higiγá | sániñgᴇ[ᴗ´] | híjaⁿ | harádjirejê | jigê | saniñgê´dja | higiγá | ske |
haguré | warájireže. | Higiǧá | sánįgᵉrégi | hížą | harájirežē. | Žigē | sanįgḗja | higiǧá | ske |
to go after | they named for them. | A camp | on each side | one | they named. | Again | on the other side | a camp | [also]* |
* the translation has "on each side."
Notebook 74.1:2a* | |||||||||
nûᵐpsa´naⁿ | harádjire[२] | hakiríre[२] | [γ] | tcóni | warádjirêga | hûⁿtc | t’ehi | hakirí[ᴗ] | wagícônôná |
nų̄psą́ną | harájireže. | Hakirireže, | giži. | Cóni | warájirēga | hų̄c | t’ehi | hakiríregi | wagíšōnōná |
two apiece | they named. | They came back | [.] | [New] | they appointed | bear | to kill | they came back | the attendants |
* at the top of the page is written, ꜏ = hire. Just below this is written, "petckere = those who have been in war but who have obtained no honors."
warúzire[२] | [α] | gigihag[β´] | warádjirega | hicgê | [λ] | [꜏][२] | hûⁿ´dj[-] | djô´p | dotcaⁿ´gᴇ[⨪]á |
warúzireže. | Égi | gigihagéja | warájirega | hišgē | žesge | hireže. | Hų̄́jᵉra | jǫ́p | Tocą́gᵉnąká |
they took them. | [And] | the late one | they appointed | also | that | they did. | [Bears] | [four] | the Leader* |
* "leader" is written over a lined out word.
hiró-it’ûⁿ | karadági | hoik’á-iⁿṇe[२] | wonáγire-hirokô´nôṇa | jejegûⁿ* | [γ] | hinûñg[-´] | [X] |
hiró-it’ų̄ | karatági | hoik’á-įreže, | Wonáǧire-hirokṓnōna | žežegų̄ | giži. | Hinų̄gᵉrá | wąk |
(to build fire for) food | he asked for | they gave to him, | the War Spirit | thus | [.] | The women's | men |
* just before this word, another word has been scribbled out.
wajaⁿ | wahírera | wagúdjê | waganyahínaⁿjiⁿ´ṇe[२] | [α] | jigioda | [X]rá | pejê´ | worô´k | rogúnañkiji |
wažą | wahírera | wagújē | waganyahinąjį́reže. | Égi | žigiota | wągᵉrá | pežḗ | worṓk | rogúnąkiži, |
[something] | relative | moccasins | they began to bring for them. | [And] | some | men | who | to tell | if they wished to,* |
* "wished to" is written above "had anything".
wagudjê´ | waganyahíregi | hodá | wagíruzir[ρ´] | jigîodá | [ψ] | wagiruziranijê´* | [ρ] | [α] | hodá |
wagujḗ | waganyahíregi, | hotá | wagíruziránąga | žigīotá | hąké | wagiruziranižḗ, | anąga | égi | hotá |
[moccasin] | [when they brought,] | some | they took, and | [some] | [not] | they did not take for the[m], | [and] | [then] | some |
* two words following this are lined out.
sákêrerá | pê´tckérê | wagigíre[२]† | [ρ][α] | wañgwácocé | xêdê[-´] | nûᵐpíwi | higiγaírakára |
sákērerá | pḗckérē | wagigíreže, | ánąga égi | wągwášošé | xētērá | nų̄píwi | higiǧaírakára |
warriors | & keep fire* | they made them, | while | warriors | [big] | two | in charge of the camp |
* followed by an illegible word. Warriors who had not won war honors were termed pḗckérē , as they were usually assigned the job of maintaining the fire.
† the original initial letters /ho/ were lined out and /wa/ written above them.
warádjire[२] | e | djanûñgáka | ewawirukô´naiṇékdjonénaⁿ | jegûⁿ | hírêgi | ’uañgûácocêra |
warájireže. | E | janų̄gáka | ewawirukṓnairékjonéną. | Žegų̄ | hírēgi | ’uągūášošēra |
they appointed them. | So | [the sum of them] | then they would [put]* in charge of. | Thus | they did, and | warriors |
* the word occurring here is illegible.
hinĭñkê´hi | hotcûñ´git’ê´ | ’únaⁿjiⁿ´ṇe[२] | [α] | hainiṇêgí | hodjikê´rera | higiré[ᴗ] |
hinį̄kḗhi | hocų̄́́git’ḗ | ’únąjį́neže. | Égi | hainirēgí, | hojikḗrera | higiréregi |
one by one | warriors who had not been asked to join a particular warparty* |
they began to do. | [And] | in the morning, | ready to go | when they were, |
* a line from this word connects to a note some of which is missing (off the left margin of the page): "refers to a warrior who was not invited in the
[...?...] ly but who nevertheless joins them. In doing so he sings & dancing and makes [the follow]ing remark [
djagú | inanaⁿ´gi wiñgadjaⁿ´ | hinat’uⁿcerê | ranaⁿ- |
Jagú | hinaną́giwįgają́, | hinat’ųšerē | raną |
What | you depend upon, | you left me behind. | You [...] |
(The rest is beyond the left margin.) ]. This is what is meant by hotcûñgit’e. Sometimes they would strip naked in singing. They were brave men and when they went to war they went with the intention of losing their lives anyway] —
[letters off the left margin]ṇe = throwing themselves away. Men who had been [...] one way and don't want to die among their own. So they [... de]ath.
Notebook 74.1:3* | |||||||
hinîñk‘ê´hi | higiγá[-] | hokâ´naⁿγiⁿṇe[२] | dotcûⁿ´gᴇ[⨪]á | tconí[6] | higiγá[-] | hokêhikdjané[२] | wa’ûⁿ[२] |
hinį̄kḗhi | higiǧára | hokā́nąǧįreže. | Tocų̄́gᵉnąká | conixjį | higiǧára | hokēhikjanéže, | wa’ų̄že: |
one by one | the camp | they began to go in.† | War Leader | first | [the camp] | when about to go in, | he did thus: |
* at the center top of the page is written "26."
† "go" is written above "come" (the latter not being lined out).
waruγáb[-] | higiγá | tcirob[β´] | harutcê´ | karat’ûⁿbanûñga | nâⁿmaⁿ´nûñga | racdjôñgí | wagíxônôná |
Waruǧábᵉra | higiǧá | cirobéja | harucḗ | karat’ūbanų̄ga | ną̄mą́ną̄ga | rašjǭgi, | wagíxōnōná |
the Warbundle | [camp] | at the door | crosswise | he placed it, | he sang, and | when he has finished, | the attendants |
akí | djidjér[ρ´] | s‘ârá | hogiwáxugêre[२´] | [α] | higiγá[-] | hokê´wegi | djanûñgáka |
akí | jijéránąga | S’ārá | hogiwáxugērežé. | Égi | higiǧára | hokḗwegi, | janų̄gáka |
on each side of him | they stood, and | Warbundle* | they put it on for him. | Then | the camp | he went in, | [the sum of them] |
* "reed mat" is lined out, and "warbundle" is written above it.
hanaⁿ´tcîⁿ[6] | kironô´gire[२] | higêγára | hanâⁿ´tc | hokawaíre[२] | ép‘â | djasgê | hírega |
haną́cį̄xjį | kironṓgireže. | Higēǧára | haną̄́c | hokawaíreže. | Ép’ā | jasgē | hírega, |
[every one of them] | they followed him. | [The camp] | [all of them] | they went in. | From that time | just as | as they did, |
djánahaⁿṇaínega | hoicî´p | [λ]* | [꜏][२] | [α] | hatcîⁿ´dja | wakigá-ire[·|´]gi | [β] | wináhi | kârahoírêgi |
jánahąnaínega, | hoišī́p | žesge | hireže. | Égi | hacį̄ja | wakigáirekjégi, | éja | wináhi | kārahoírēgi, |
every time they camped, | always | that way | they did. | [And] | where | they were to fight, | [there] | to get them | when they were about to, |
* what appears to be a vertically lined out character appears just before this word.
nûᵐpíwi | [X] | xêdênísgera | waicdjá | warádjire[२] | [γ] | haraí[ᴗ] | [β] | hatciⁿ´dja | wakizaírekdjô´neginañ´ki |
nų̄píwi | wąk | xētēnigᵉra | waišjá | warájireže, | giži. | Haraíregi | éja | hacį́ja | wakizaírekjṓneginą́ki, |
two | [men] | kind of great* | to spy† | they appointed them | [.] | When they went | there | [where] | they were to fight them, |
* the WT translation has, "distinguished".
† the WT translation has, "reconnoiter".
wadjaírêgi | [β] | hakaraíre[२] | dotcûⁿ´ | wakijúrera | wadjonehí[ᴗ] | ép‘â | hiwák’ókirinônôk* |
wajaírēgi, | éja | hakaraíreže. | Tocų̄́ | wakžúrera | wajonehíregi, | ép’ā | hiwák’ókirinōnōk |
when they saw them, | then | they went back. | Warriors | they were with | they saw them at a distance, | from that time | jumping side to side |
* a /w/ is written in above the line.
Notebook 74.1:4* | |||||||
hakaraíre[२] | hârogê´dja | hagí[ᴗ] | wagíxônanôñ´ka | dotcûⁿwâñgᴇ[⨪]á | danihoíjaⁿ | hodjá | hojú |
hakaraíreže. | Hārogḗja | hagíregi, | wagíxōnanǭ́ka | Tocų̄wą̄gᵉnąká | tanihoížą | hojá | hožú |
they went. | In the midst | when they got (back), | the attendant | the Warleader | a pipe | that he had | he filled |
* the numeral 27 is written at the top center of the page.
kêrenañ´ki | agi-anínaⁿjiⁿṇ[ρ´]* | waicdjá[⨪]a | hagíregi | hí’uañgígiñ[ρ´] | gidánihi | rucdjaiⁿ´ṇêgi |
kēreną́ki | hagi-hanínąžįránąga | waišjánąka | hagíregi | hi’uągígįánąga | gitánihi† | rušjaį́rēgi, |
[he placed it] | they held it ready, and | the spies | when they returned | they let them use, and | smoking | when they got through, |
* the initial /h/ was lost to external sandhi.
† < gi-tánihi, from gi-, a prefix meaning "for the benefit of someone"; and tánihi, "to smoke."
dotcûⁿ´wâñg[-´] | waragíc’ûⁿráwañgra | hikirê´cgunîxdji[⨪´][ɜ] | hanaⁿ´tc | wa-íṇabire[२] |
Tocų̄́wą̄gᵉrá | waragíš’ųráwągᵉra | hikirḗšgunīxjiną́kšaną. | Haną́c | wa’ínabireže. |
"Warleader | the ones you're after | they are not paying any attention to themselves." | [Everyone] | they thanked them. |
[α] | hadjiakaraíre[२] | hatcîⁿ´dja[6] | hêrêgi | [β´][6] | ho-acgénîñgêdja | hahí | waruγáp | rokikêwêr[ρ´] |
Égi | hajiakaraíreže. | Hacį̄jaxjį | hērēgi, | ḗjaxjį | ho-ašgénįgēja, | hahi | Waruǧáp | rokikēwēránąga |
[Then] | they started. | Where | it was, | there | nearly, | there at | Warbundle* | they painted themselves with, and |
* the translation appears to read, "their paint".
waruγáp nañkgigire[२]* | pejêgêrira | naⁿtci[6] | djagú[ɜ´]nîñk | woínaⁿγîⁿ | haninañkiji | [β] | hanaⁿ´tc |
Waruǧáp Nągigireže, | pežēgērira | nącixjį | jagúšanąnįk | woínąǧį̄ | haninąkiži, | éja | haną́c |
they did the Warbundle Race,† | anybody | [all] | whatever | strength from | they had, | [there] | [all] |
* the text has, nañk|gigire[२] . In addition, the verso side of the page (Notebook 74.1:3v) has the following comment:
"nañkgigirejê = when a war party has located the
enemy, they prepare & run about, trying
themselves & their powers. What is
referred to here is the running which
they make so that [lined out word] attacking
their enemy they would not get tired out."
† the translation has, "war club race".
wawik’oire[2] | hodá | wonaγir[β´] | wonaγirerukô´nana | wonaγirê´ | naⁿtcwirodjaiⁿ´rêgi | dâní | wogiju-ir[ρ´] |
wawik’oireže. | Hotá | wonaǧiréja | Wonaǧirerukṓnana | wonaǧirḗ | nącwirojaį́rēgi, | tāni | wogižu’iránąga |
they used them. | Some | in war | the Chief of Wars | wars | that blessed one with, | tobacco | they offered to, and |
[ψ] | [β´] | t’airaníkdjê | woirukípina | hijaⁿ´ | hanitcábirekdjê | [λ] |
hąké | éja | t’airaníkjē, | woirukípina | hižą́ | hanicábirekjē, | [žesge] |
[not] | [there] | that they may not die, | the war honors | [one] | that they might get a hold of, | [this kind] |
Notebook 74.1:5* | |||||||||
daíre[२] | [α] | hodá | waíre[२] | [ψ] | waxop‘íni | warádjire | nâⁿtcwodjaiṇánêgi | jê´[λ] | waírejê |
taíreže. | Égi | hotá | waíreže, | hąké | Waxopíni | warájire | ną̄cwojairánēgi, | žḗžesge | waírežē. |
they asked for. | [Then] | some | they said, | [not] | [Spirits] | [the various] | not blessed by, | [in that way] | they said. |
* at the top center of the page is written "28".
woroγí | p‘îⁿ | hiadjírêgi | jê[ λ ] | dâniwogíjŭ´r[ρ´] | karádjire[२] | hópîowaínekdjé |
Woroǧí | pį̄ | hiajirēgi | žēžesge | tāniwogížŭ́ránąga | karájireže. | Hopīowaínekjé |
Doctrine, belief | well | they did | [in that way] | they offered tobacco to | asked it for them. | They may be fortunate |
* < hopī-howaínekjé, the /h/ having been dropped from internal sandhi.
karadaíre[२] | [ψ] | [β] | t’aírenîkdjê | woírokipiⁿna | hijaⁿ´ | rukábirekdjê´ | [λ] | daíre[२] |
karataíreže. | Hąké | éja | t’aírenīkjē, | woírokipįna | hižą́ | rukábirekjḗ, | [žesge] | taíreže. |
they asked for. | [Not] | [there] | they may not die, | war honors | one | they might be directed to, | [this kind] | they asked for. |
[α] | jigê´ | hodá | waírejê | mañkaⁿ´ | wonañ´γire | ’uⁿwaídja | hirakírak | wawipérêziregí | [λ] |
Égi | žigḗ | hotá | waírežē, | mąką́ | woną́ǧire | ’ųwaíja | hirakírak | wawipérēziregí | [žesge] |
[And] | [again] | some | they said, | medicine | in war | did | that is good for | that they knew of | [this kind] |
akâraní* | wa’û´nañtcê | mañk‘aⁿ´p‘îⁿ | jêê | dâni | wawoikáragiju-ir[ρ´] | wonañ´γirê | ’uⁿ-iⁿkârohoínûñka† | [β] |
hakāraní | wa’ū́nącē | mąką́pį̄ | žēē | tāni | wawoikáragiražuiránąga | woną́ǧirē | ’ų-įkārohoinų̄ka | éja |
they had with them | they were | good medicine | that | tobacco | they offered to them, and | war | they were about to do | [there] |
* an initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi.
† just before this word, ’uiⁿ is lined out.
hirohí[-] | pônúiⁿṇe[γ] | mañk‘ánûñka | niⁿdákatc | gigirá | p‘îⁿhigê | hopiówekdjê | [λ] | karadáji |
hirohíra | pōnúįnegiži, | mąkáną̄ka | nįtákac | gigirá. | Pį̄higē, | hopiówekjē | žesge | karatáži; |
they asked* | to be remembered, and | [the medicine] | hot water | they did. | If he did well, | he might be fortunate | [this kind] | they asked for; |
* "might" is lined out and "asked to" is written above it.
daniógijura | p‘îⁿhigê | [X]rijaⁿ* | t’ehikdjê´ | [λ] | dáji | woirakípinaⁿ | hijaⁿ | rutcábik’djê |
taniógižura | pį̄higē | wąkrižą* | t’ehikjḗ | žesge | táži; | woirakípiną | hižą | rucábikjē |
tobacco offering | if he did well | they w...?...* | he might kill | [that kind] | he asked for [in any case]; | war honor | a | he might get hold of |
* uncertain reading. However, the form and context suggest wągᵉrížą, "a man".
Notebook 74.1:6* | |||||||||
[λ] | kidá[γ] | [α] | jigiodá | waruγáp | hokirátc | djagú[ɜ] | haní[⨪]kíji | [λ] | daniókaragijú-iⁿṇe[γ] |
žesge | kitágiži. | Égi | žigiotá | Waruǧáp | hokirác | jagúšaną | hanínąkiži, | žesge | taniókaragižúįnegiži, |
[that kind] | he asked for. | [And] | [some] | Warbundle | different | whatever | they had, | [that] | they offered tobacco to, |
* the top center of the page reads, "29.".
waruγápdjega | maⁿcdjañ´kdjê | [λ] | dâní | waruγápdjega | waxop‘íni | warádjirê | hokirádjêra | wanaⁿ-îⁿ rusgítc |
Waruǧápjega | mąšją́kjē | žesge | tāní | Waruǧápjega. | Waxopíni | warájirē | hokirájēra | waną’į́-rusgíc |
that Warbundle | that it might be mighty | [that] | tobacco | [that Warbundle]. | [Spirits] | [the various] | different | heart-binding* |
* the translation has "heart thought".
wa’ûⁿ´djegê | woínajiⁿ | xêdê[6] | hêre[२´] | hikararánañkê | daniokaragíju[ρ´] | wénaⁿ | [X]eríjaⁿ |
wa’ų̄́jegē, | woínažį | xētēxjį | hērežé. | Hikararánąkē | taniokaragížuánąga | wéną, | wągerížą |
because it is, | (your) faith | much | it carried with it. | They think | they offered tobacco to it, and | he said, | a man |
t’ehékdjê | â´nañga | [α] | jigê | sariniñgwahíkdjê | [λ] | gidánaⁿ | waruγápdjega | [α] |
t’ehékjē | ā́nąga | égi | žigē | sarinįgwahíkjē, | žesge | gitáną, | Waruǧápjega. | Égi |
he might kill | [he said and]* | [then] | [again] | that he might [win first war honors], | [that kind] | he asked of it, | Warbundle. | And |
* a translation is given, but it is illegible.
[ψ] | ’oîreníkdjê | [ψ] | t’ehiranî´kdjê | hakdjá | hohúra | [β´] | gikdjê´ | je[λ] | gidánaⁿ |
hąké | ’oīreníkjē, | hąké | t’ehiranī́kjē, | hakjá | hohúra | éja | gikjḗ, | žežesge | gitáną. |
[not] | [not] to [be] hit (shot) from, | [not] | not to be killed, | back | from where he came | [there] | he might get, | [that] | he asked of it. |
Notebook 74.1:7* | ||||||||||
hodá | [ψ] | wajaⁿ´ | je[λ] | woínaⁿγîⁿ | tcûⁿnanîgi | nañγirair[ρ´] | djasgê´xdjanihékdjegi | jegûñkira | hiraírejê | |
Hotá | hąké | wažą́ | žežesge | woínąǧį̄ | cų̄nanīgi, | nąǧirairánąga | "Jasgḗxjanihékjegi?" | žegų̄kira | hiraírežē, | |
Some | [not] | anything | [that] | source of help | that he had not, | they get scared, and | "How will I be?" | that's all | they thought, |
* at the top of the page is written " 30 ." Below this is "(...?... meditation of one who hasn't any blessings)."
[ρ] | [α] | tcêgêrê´cgê | haⁿdagínadjadjécgê* | hiraíre[२] | tcâgêrê´cgê | wagigâ´ra | ha’ûñkdjîⁿcûnôs’uaⁿ´djê |
anąga | égi, | "Cēgērḗšgē | hątagínajajéšgē," | hiraíreže. | "Cēgērḗšgē | wagigā́ra | ha’ų̄kjį̄šūnōs’uą́jē," |
and | [then,] | "In the beginning | I should have fasted," | they thought. | ["In the beginning] | feast | I should have given," |
* just after haⁿdagí, nadadjê is lined out.
hiraíre[२] | tcêgêrê´cgê | wajaⁿ´ | wagit’ûⁿdánôga | mank‘aⁿ´p‘iⁿna | hijaⁿ´ | yapérêz | naⁿ’iaⁿ´djê | hijaⁿ´ |
hiraíreže. | "Cēgērḗšgē | wažą́ | wagit’ų̄tánōga, | mąką́pįna | hižą́ | yapérēz | ną’ią́jē, | hižą́ |
[they thought.] | ["In the beginning] | thing* | I should have offered, | good medicine | one | I would know | I should have tried, | one |
* "something" is lined out and "thing" is written above it.
hĭapérêzgê | jedjâⁿ´na | mañkánañka | kizaí* | kârodoínañgᴇrê | [α] | ĭak’uⁿ´na† | wagigócûnûñgí |
hĭapérēzgē, | žeją̄́ną | mąkánąka | kizaí | kārotoinągᵉrē | égi | hĭak’ų́ną. | Wagigóšūnų̄gí, |
if I should have known, | now | the medicine | in this war | that they're about to have | now | I would use it. | If I had been a feast giver, |
* a set of letters following kizaí has been scribbled out.
† an initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi.
jedjôⁿ´na | woínaji | haninañ´kcguninaⁿ | haⁿdáginaⁿtc gadjérêgi | waxopî´ni | warádjirera | wonaγírirûkônôna | hijaⁿ´ |
žejǭ́ną | woínaži | haniną́kšguniną. | Hątáginąc gajérēgi,* | Waxopī́ni | warájirera | wonaǧírirūkōnōna | hižą́ |
now | a source of strength | I would have. | If I had fasted, | Spirits | [the various] | ones in charge of war | one |
* Helmbrecht-Lehmann have this to say about the meaning of the suffix -gajérē: "would have; someone was going to do something but changed their mind; someone is about to do something but hasn’t gone through with it (yet)." Grammatical class: hypothetical counterfactual. "This enclitic means that the action or event of the clause is perceived by the speaker as a possibility that did not come true. Its meaning is very similar to the enclitic -’oire which is described as 'counterfactual'."
naⁿdjûñ´djañgi | jedjôⁿ´ṇa | kizaírekdjonárê | [α] | [ψ] | t’ewiranîkdjanerá* | yapérêzcguninaⁿ | [α] |
nąjų̄́jągi, | žejǭ́ną | kizaírekjonárē | égi | hąké | t’ewiraīkjanerá, | yapérēzšgųnįną. | Égi |
if he had blessed me, | now | in this war that they are about to have | [then] | [not] | they would not kill me, | I would know it. | [Then] |
* an incorrect form of this word was lined out just prior to this word.
Notebook 74.1:8‡ | ||||||||
djanûñgáka | hanaⁿ´tcîⁿ[6´] | hikâ´roho-medjaínêgi* | [α] | dotcûñ´gᴇ[⨪]a | nañji[ρ´] | [X][-´] | djopíwi | ’uâ´natcgi |
janų̄gáka | haną́cį̄xjį́ | hikā́roho-mejaínēgi, | égi | Tocų̄́gᵉnąka | nąžiánąga | wągᵉrá | jopíwi | ’ųā́nacgi |
[as many as there were] | [all of them] | when they finished getting ready,† | then | the Warleader | he stood up, and | men | four | the appointees |
* uncertain reading.
† at the bottom of the page, Radin writes in summary: "(If I had been blessed I would know whether I was going to die or not)".
‡ above the numeral "31." at the upper center of the page, is written:
"(Λ ...?... ) waikê´wê tconína worucî´k hañkcágijaⁿ rurô´naⁿ"*
* uncertain reading. The whole line is inserted below .
waínekdjánega | higûⁿ | ’uaⁿdjirehírêgi | wacgaⁿhíra | haraírekdjônénaⁿ | ’uaⁿdjirehírera |
waínekjánega, | higų̄ | ’uąjire hírēgi, | wašgąhíra | haraírekjōnéną. | ’Uąjire hírera |
to give the war whoop, | right after then | [when they made themselves do it,]* | to make a rush for | they will go. | [They made themselves do it,]* |
* the translation has, "they gave the warwhoop".
hanaⁿ´tcî[6] | nûⁿwañ´gire[/] | djagú[ɜ] | himaⁿcdja k‘i[⨪]kíji | [λ] | niháhire[२] | tcinô´gᴇ[⨪]á | rohañ´[6] | wa’ŭañ´kê |
haną́cīxjį | nų̄wą́gireną. | Jagúšaną | himąšją kinąkíži, | žesge | niháhireže. | Cinṓgᵉnąká | rohą́xjį | wa’ŭą́kē. |
[all of them] | started to run. | Whatever | they were encouraged by, | [that] | (imitated noise of) they made a cry. | The village | very many | there were. |
* the Λ is a giant caret whose omitted text was entered above at the top of the page with a similar caret.
† uncertain reading.
‡ the first letter could be a /c/. The -ižą, which means, "a, one", has been written over a word that has been scribbled out. As the context implies, the word is wąkšigižą, it is apparent that the writer failed to put in the initial "[X]" used as shorthand for wąk.
waixê´we | hinûⁿbra | rucô´naⁿ | [α] | jigíjaⁿ | waixê´wê | hidâ´nina | rucô´naⁿ | [α] | jigê´ | hijaⁿ´ | hidjobᴇrá |
waixḗwe | hinų̄bra | rušṓną. | Égi | žigížą | waixḗwē | hitā́nina | rušṓną. | Égi | žigḗ | hižą́ | hijobᵉrá |
war honor | second | he received. | [Then] | [another one] | [war honor] | [the third one] | he receives. | [And] | [again] | [one] | [the fourth one] |
hêrénaⁿ | [α] | jigê´ | hodá | ’uañgehîniaⁿ | rukô´zirénaⁿ | [α] | jigê´ | hodá | hakihaⁿ´ | ’uañgonañ´giré[२] |
hēréną. | Égi | žigḗ | hotá | ’uągehīnią | rukṓziréną. | Égi | žigḗ | hotá | hakihą́ | ’uągoną́giréže. |
it was. | [And] | [again] | [someone] | a captured man (captive) | they captured. | [And] | [again] | [some] | [in succession]* | (an honor).† |
* the translation has, it appears, "second war honors".
† the parentheses occur in the translation.
Notebook 74.1:9† | |||||||
[α] | jigê´ | ’uañ´ginîñk wahírenaⁿ | jêê | γagᴇ[⨪´][२] | run´ziregê | [ε] | [α] |
Égi | žigḗ | ’uą́ginį̄k wahíreną, | žēē | ǧagᵉną́kše, | rúziregē. | Ésge, | égi |
[And] | [again] | those that didn't get anything, | [these] | they were weeping, | because they [took it from them.]* | Therefore, | [then] |
* the translation has, "because they had no honors".
† the top center of the page reads " 32." Below this is written, "꜏ = hirê". Below this is written, "he’uⁿ = men telling of deaths".
tcinô´gᴇnôñka | hanaⁿ´tc | hirowáγîⁿtc | hirénaⁿ | daxó | hirénaⁿ | [α] | hakaraírenaⁿ | wanaⁿîⁿ´gipîⁿ[6] | djasgê´ |
cinṓgᵉnǭka | haną́c | hirowáǧįc | hiréną. | Taxó | hiréną. | Égi | hakaraíreną. | Wanąį̄gipį̄xjį | jasgḗ |
village | all | to burn up | they did. | To burn it up | they did. | Then | they went home. | Very happy | as |
gip‘îⁿrananana | [λ][6] | hakaraírenaⁿ | âcgĕagí[ᴗ] | [β] | hijaⁿ´ | worakérêgigíre[२] |
gipį̄rananana | žesgexjį | hakaraíreną.* | Āšgĕagíregi, | éja | hižą́ | worakérēgigíreže. |
as happy as they could have wished for | [that much] | they went home. | When they got near, | [there] | one | they sent him on to tell the news. |
* this word is spelled peculiarly as hakal̃aírenaⁿ . It is preceeded by hakalataírenan. . and followed by a word that is scribbled out and perhaps dee .
worakdjegá | âcgê´ | gi[γ] | wa’ûⁿ[२] | wa’îñkére[२] | hagihaγê´pgi | he’ŭañgiágiγê´p[२] | [γ] | tcinôgena | hanaⁿ´tc |
Worakjegá | āšgḗ | gigiži, | wa’ų̄že. | Wa’į̄kéreže. | Hagihaǧḗpgi, | he’ŭągiágiǧḗpše, | giži. | Cinōgᵉna | haną́c |
The messenger | near | when he gets, | he did. | He put on mourning. | When he came in sight, | a messenger telling, | [.] | Village | [the whole] |
* a word is lined out before this word.
† a line running down to the bottom of the page connects to a comment: "they generally told the bad news before they came to destination".
γagiré[/]* | dj[ρ´] | [X]cî´geratcêg[-´] | hanaⁿ´tc | wa’uaⁿraí[ᴗ] | hanaⁿ´tc | t’aíre[२] | êgê´ | wôrák karádjega | [α] | p‘ejê´ |
ǧagiréną. | Jánąga | wakšī́gᵉracēgᵉrá | haną́c | wa’uąraíregi | haną́c | t’aíreže, | ēgḗ | wōrák karájega. | Égi | pežḗ |
they cried. | [As many as] | the young men | all | that had gone | [all] | they were dead, | he said | the messenger. | [Then] | who |
sarinigwahí[-] | etconî´[6] | t’e[꜏][२] | hagi | é[/] | [α] | dj[ρ´] | [X]onôg[-´] | djasgê | [ɜ] |
sarinigwahíra | econī́xjį | t’ehireže, | hagi | éną. | Égi | jánąga | wąkonōgᵉra, | jasgē | šaną |
the first war honor (winner) | he first | they killed, | [there]* | he said. | [Then] | [as many as] | all those men who had gone, | how | whichever |
* the translation has "on/at".
hirakíruxê | [X]onañ´gi[ᴗ´] | jejeguⁿ | t’ewa[꜏][२] | hagi | e[२´] | [α] | pejê´ga | ênaⁿbózakdjênegiji |
hirakíruxē | wąkoną́girégi, | žežegų | t’ewahireže, | hagi, | ežé. | Égi | pežḗga | ēnąbózakjēnegiži, |
in that rotation | [if he was a man who had gone,] | [thus] | they were killed, | [there,]* | he said. | [And] | whoever | if he would place a stake (pole), |
* the translation has "on".
Notebook 74.1:10* | |||||||
nûⁿxáwaⁿ | hogirátc[२] | [ά][6] | wakdjêwaíne[२] | tcinôñgᴇ[⨪]á | hanáⁿtcîⁿ[6] | wogijáwa | djidjê´re[२] |
nų̄xáwą | hogirácše. | Égixjį | wakjēwaíneže. | Cinǭgᵉnąká | haną́cį̄xjį | wogížáwa | jijḗreže. |
in secret | he would tell him. | Just about then | victory whoop they would give. | Village | all | glad | they became. |
* at the top of the page is written "33". Well below that is written: "the leader generally had prize fixed before he went to war-path (wampum belts or beads)".
wacgaⁿhí[-] | tci[⨪´]gakdjîⁿ | nûⁿ´wañ´gire[२] | ’uañgonañg[-´]† | ’ûñxdjîⁿ´ṇe[२] | dotcôⁿ´[⨪]á |
Wašgąhíra | ciną́gakjį̄ | nų̄́wą́gireže. | ’Uągonągᵉrᇠ| ’ų̄xjį̄neže. | Tocǭ́nąká |
The rush for the warriors* | the whole village without exception | they ran. | The scalps‡‡ | very much they did. | The warriors |
* "the rush for the" is put in brackets below "warriors".
† wa’ is written just before this word.
‡ ’uągonągᵉrá is a variation of the now more standard wągonągᵉrá.
‡‡ the translation has, "struck the (...?...)" followed by two other illegible words, then "scalp".
’uañgᴇnaⁿ´su[-]* | naⁿwirókaraícgair[ρ´] | tci[⨪][-´]† | hakiriawagîñ´x | [꜏][२] | hotcîⁿ´dja | naⁿbóza[-] | djegí |
’uągᵉną́sura | nąwirókaraíšgairánąga | cinągᵉrá | hakiriawagį̄x‡ | hereže. | Hocį̄ja | nąbózara | jegí |
the scalps | they were tied to sticks, and | in the village | they went around | they did. | Where | the pole | [it was placed] |
* wa´ has been lined out just before this word.
† a similar expression occurring just before this word has been lined out.
‡ < hakiri-hawagįx, where hakiri means, "to come back"; and hawagįx means, "to circle about; one complete circuit, as an hour hand around the face of a clock."
[β] | kiridjêre[२] | [α] | [β] | waixê´wê | hinûñgwatcábire[-´] | wawokáragiwaxúgere[२´] | hinûñ´gwatcábire[-´] | hido’iⁿ´naⁿ |
éja | kirijēreže. | Égi | éja | waixḗwē | hinų̄gwacábirerá | wawokáragiwaxúgerežé. | Hinų̄́gwacábirerá | hito’į́ną |
[there] | they stood. | [And] | [there] | prize | their sisters | they put on to them. | [Their sisters] | very proud |
rokô´no[6´]ṇe[२] | haⁿbi[ᴗ´] | wakdjê´wacir[ρ´] | haⁿhé[ᴗ] | hokixérê | wacírerê | haⁿp | djobô´haⁿ |
rokṓnoxdjį́reže. | Hąbirégi, | Wakjḗwaširánąga | hąhéregi | Hokixérē | Wašírerē. | Hąp | jobṓhą |
they were very much. | In the daytime, | they would dance the Victory Dance, and | at night | Hokixérē | Dance. | Days | four |
wakdjê´wacir[ρ´] | [α] | haⁿhê´ | djobô´haⁿ | hokixerê | wacírerê.* |
Wakjḗwaširánąga | égi | hąhḗ | jobṓhą | Hokixerē | Wašírerē. |
they danced the Victory Dance, and | [then] | [at night] | four | Hokixérē | Dance. |
* at the bottom of the page is written: "[Many questions are to be asked about this account when translated.]." Below this is written: "(This is the hokixére Dance (...?... Dance)."
Paul Radin, "The Victory Dance," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 74.1:1-10. Published in English only in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 110-112 (1990) = 158 - 160 (1923, Archive) = 158 - 160 (1923, Hathi).