Hocąk Text — Tobacco Origin Myth, Version 5

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation


p. 53 —
’Éki š’áknįwį́ra c’ekéca wokús te’é.
And the parents in the beginning created it.



Wašcįkéka hik’orók’era hic’ak’órowahirá caną́ka waxop’íni
Rabbit his friends his grandmother all of them spirits



warácire Wažakúzra wakųskí. Wošką te’é
whatever the Creator they were the creation. Ceremony this



p. 54 —
kų́zireki Wokų́zocira wioiréc’a hą́posųeca hap’ahí
when it was created, the council house east to west [direction]



mikšé, ’aíreną. Waxop’į́nį warácirera mąxí
[it lay,] [it is said.] The spirits [the various ones] sky



p. 55 —
wąkrékererá, mąį hakerékirera, k’ų́hąrekererà,
up, on the earth [who were placed], earth [who were placed] below,



nįk’ų́hąicererà, te’é haną́c hic’ok’ížuiréki,* c’irá
who were under water, these all they came higher, and the house
*above the word "came" are written the following notes in very small lettering: "hiróžu put", below which is written, "hirožú lead", and to the right is written, "wac’ožú leader".



hixcį́ mįną́kirežè, ’ąíreną. ’Éki waxop’ini
full they sat around, they said. And the spirits



warácire siók’ereírerá šaną c’ą́pirak’ére hímįną́ki’uže,
[various] the place where they put their feet only they kept my eyes [pointed to,]



p. 56 —
’ąíreną. Hoką́cą́k’še, ’ąíreną. Hąpra c’ira
they said. They were holy, they said. The light the lodge



cakųi hatažairéskų mįkše, ’ąíreną. ’Éki
what [they shone] [it lay,] they said. And



p. 57 —
c’įokisákec’a mąp’á cíną́kše, ’ąíreną. Wasp’a’iníske
in the center of the lodge mound [there was,] they said. [Like a nipple]



wąkšíko’į ’éca hikią́na (?) wažą́ ki’anéra
life there [?] something [?]



hiperés ciną́kireže, ’ąíreną. ’Éki ’éc’a
to know it would come, they said. And there



mąrá waxaną́hižé. Wažą ’ap ’éc’a
the earth it broke through. Some kind leaf there



p. 58 —
haǧephizé, ’ąíreną. Haǧepkáca, wažą c’óxc’įžerè,
it grew up, they said. After it grew up, [thing] it looked very green,



’ap. K?ác-hará ’éreže. Hąprok’ic’óra* cežé,
[leaf.] [Sunlight-skin] [it was.] The color of the day it stood,
*Susman observes that this comes from hąpra-hok’icora. However, the latter is hokicųra, "descendant".



’ąíreną. Haną́c horuǧúc’ mįną́kireže, ’ąíreną.
they said. All to have their eyes on it [they laid,] [it is said.]



p. 59 —
Wažį́žą wa’ų́ceki Wakusra wiwéwį hanįná
Something that was the Creator the thought [he had]



wa’ų́ceki, hip’erésireže, ’ąíreną. P’ąnąrá hiǧoǧóže,*
[that was it,] they knew, [it is said.] The smell it diffused,
*Susman has a note that reads, "hiǧo — smoke-diffusing[,] spread".



’ąíreną. P’įžé, ’ąíreną. Waxop’ini warácirerà
they said. It was good, they said. The Spirits [the various]



haną́c kizíc’ mįnąkireže, ’ąíreną. ’Éki
all of them to lift the head they sat up, [it is said.] And



p. 60 —
žiké ’ąprá hinuprá haǧéphužè, ’ąíreną.
[again] leaf another it grew up, [it is said.]



Žiké hitanį́ra haǧéphužé, ’ąíreną. Žiké
And a third [it grew up,] [it is said.] And



hicoprá haǧéphuže, ’ąíreną. ’Éki caskékcane
a fourth [it grew up,] they said. And how it would be



p. 61 —
wa’ų́ceki, hanąc’´ žeskéki, hacarą́ k’arap’įéské,
[that was it,] [all] [it was this way,] it looked beautiful,



’ąíreną. P’ąnąp’į́že, ’ąíreną. C’axíwira skaxcį́že,
[it is said.] It smelled good, they said. The blossoms they were very white,



’ąíreną. ’Éki waxop’íni warácire ną́kre,
[it is said.] And spirits [the various] [who were sitting,]



"Hac’ąkaixcį* hi? ’É hitak’ánakcawira," hirámįną́kireže,
"Which one of us [is it to be?] [It] maybe it is going to be mine," they thought,
*Susman has the following note: "hac’ą́įca, where, which".



p. 62 —
’ąíreną. Žiké hotašké, "Né xeté
[it is said.] And some, "I great



hi’ųk´ca, ’écaxcį́ hitak’ą́nąkcanékacą," hik’irá
he made me, I maybe I am going to manage it," to think



mįną́kireže, ’ąíreną. ’Éki wanįkinį́kiža c’axíni
[they did,] [it is said.] And a little bird* blossoms
*this is the interlinear translation given by Susman, but in the free translation she takes it to be a hummingbird.



p. 63 —
’éca ciceké, ’ąíreną. Ğįk’´ ceže,
there it came, [it is said.] Humming it came.



’ąíreną. Wanįkį́kcegá hacará k’arap’įéskeže. Wanikį́kceną́
[it is said.] That little bird it looked it was pretty. That little bird



’aprá hąprá hok’ic’óra cežè.* C’axiwira
the leaves the day [the descendant] [he came.] The blossoms
*Susman has hok’ic’órcežè, which she translates as "the day color".



p. 64 —
wap’į’ų́ nąžį́že, ’ąíreną. Hokįkįx´ nąžį́že.
to be fixed he stood, [it is said.] Around he stood.



’Éki Wašcįkéka ’excį́ t’ą́pcireže, ’ąíreną.
And Rabbit himself he got up, [it is said.]



Hik’orokéra wa’ųžé. Nąksíkįą ’įnį́ šuc’
[His friends] [did it.] A stem stone red



taní húižą sųk’eį́ca rúzanąka hok’ųžé,
tobacco a stem back he took, and he gave it to him,



p. 65 —
’ąíreną. ’Éki p’ecrá hokįkį́xak’erįanąka ’aprá
[it is said.] And the fire he went around, and the leaves



warusócanaka ną́porehíciréki waxcukšé, ’ąíreną.
he pulled off the husks, and he started to handle them, and he crushed them, [it is said.]



p. 66 —
Wús-hįánąka taníhųéca hožužé, ’ąíreną. ’Éki
He dried them, and in the pipe he put it, [it is said.] Then



p’ec’ówec’a hą́pokura hap’ahí k’irižéže, ’ąíreną.
to the fire the east facing [he returned,] [it is said.]



’Éki "C’įóžušánąkre, hicak’óró, nįwįre waxopíni
And "You sit in the lodge, my dear friends, you spirits



waracire nįc’ápwira. ’Éki te’é Mą’ų́ra
[various] my own relatives. And this Earthmaker



wiwéwįhaniéca howácíną. ’Éki hitekį́kwahara, hi’ųnįnįkwahará,
from his thought it came. [And] my dear uncles, [my aunts,]*
*Susman has "my mother (humans)" followed in small letters by "sister".



wakšíkoį́ra waną́cųcąįskaíreke, wąkšíko’į kik’i-šerekce.
life because it is poor, life earth he sent me.



p. 68 —
Wąkréki hi’ác’hará huįkikíną. ’Éki c’įóžušánąkre,
Up there my father he sent me. And who are in the lodge,



haną́c, wiwéwį hikí horakšúwire. ’Éki
all, thought here put in. But



me’é hąk’é nežą́ hǫnį́nįkcanahawiną. ’Éki
this not one of us we are not going to have it. And



p. 69 —
hitékwahára hi’unį́nįkwahára ’é hanį́, wąkšík’
my uncles my aunts this to have, [people]



’į́rekcanéną.* Hąk’é hižą́ waną’ók’ewe wažą́
[it will be.] Not one asking freely [thing]
*this is hirekjaneną, the /h/ dropped from sandhi.



hirok’ų hiruxúruknikcanį́hiną. ’É wąkšík’oį
to use we shall not attain. They life asking



p. 70 —
hi’ųįrekcanéną. Hižą́ ražrá wą́karácirawįąnąka te’é
they are going to use. One name they call us, and [this]



hožuį́žą waxųį́reki, cakú taį́reki žeské
[a full one] if he places for us, what they ask, and [that]



hįwikírusikcanaháwiną. Mą’ų́ra ’excį́ ’ų, nų́nįke
we will take it. Earthmaker himself he made, but



hišké žeskékcaniną. Cacą́ razrá ráciránąka
even he is the same as the rest of us. [Father] name they call him, and



p. 71 —
hiskéki, wahų́įreki, cakú hitaį́reki, wonį́kihánąka,
[if correctly,] if they offer it to him, what if he asks for it, he will answer, and



ruzíkcaneną. ’Éki hąpwioiré* hap’ahí k’iriciónąka
he will take it. And the west toward he turned, and
*after the syllable /hąp/, okura has been lined out and wioiré written above it.



honiká, hat’ų́panąka hanąc’´ hį’įkérekcanį́heną.
[as he asked,] I am going to put it, and [all] [they will have life by means of it.]



p. 72 —
Že’é wošką́ te’é hiskexcį́ hanąšcą́ra.
That ceremony this truly he will put our power.



’Éki hokšúwi, hį’eya’ų́kcąnáwiną. Wihóhirà c’įók’isákreki
And it is put in, we mean that. The witness [in the middle of the lodge]



Mą’ų́ra hokiraki, hįwa’ųkcanahániną. Hunúpmąnį, wąkšík’,
Earthmaker if he tells him, we will do this. [Two-legged walkers,] human beings,



p. 73 —
waną́cocąį́ske, te’é c’akú warųákikų́ra* honį́hawí
because they are poor, this what I wish for them in answer
*an initial /ho/ has been lined out and /wa/ written above it.



hiya’ų́kcanaháwi. ’Éki nąwą́že, Wašjįkéka. Wežé
we will answer. And he sang, Rabbit. He said,



’aį́reną, "Té heréną. Hąp ta’ųną.
they said, "This it is the one. Light [it makes a wish for.]



Wąkšíko’į-itará,* wąkšík š’įkcánąháwiną́. ’Éki wak’uruhįcrehíže,
The life-asking, [humans] you will live. And he saluted them,
*Susman has wąkšíko’į-(h)itará.



p. 74 —
c’irirókžú. Hanąc’´ honįhą́ireže. ’Éki ną’ų́stéžą*
the whole lodge. All they answered. And firebrand
*before the letter /ų/, /wa/ has been crossed out.



rúzanąkà tanį́hurá ta’éhikí rap’orehíkiži, hą́pokuréki
he took, and the pipe he lit, and after he puffed on it, the east



hap’ahí hąprá skaxjį́ c’at’į́hižé,
towards the day very clear it showed



p. 75 —
’aį́reną. ’Éki žiké sanįk’´ siníwakúreki
they said. And [again] direction north



hap’ahí k’iricįánąka ’éca horap’órehíki, hąprá
towards he faced, and there he puffed, and the day



skaxjį́ c’at’į́hižé, ’aį́reną. ’Éki žiké
very clear it showed, [it is said.] And [again]



wioiréreki horap’órehíki, hižé. Žeskéže, ’aį́reną.
west when he puffed, [it was.] [Thus it was,] [it is said.]



p. 76 —
’Éki žiké rek’úhuhireki horap’óke, žiké
And [again] towards the south he puffed, and



žeskéže, ’aį́reną. Žeskų́ki hąprá k’arap’įéska
[thus it was, [it is said.] And then the day very beautiful



cežé, ’aį́reną. ’Éki howáhįéca c’irópsanįkecá
it was, [it is said.] And near to the door



hižaną́k’i c’orį́xcį ’ik’érekikižé, ’aį́reną. Copą́hą
[the one sitting] [the first one ?]* he put in his mouth, [it is said.] Four times
*this is probably for corįxjį, a case of the alternance of /r/ for /n/.



p. 77 —
rap’ožé, ’aį́reną. C’irókįkįx hižąk’íšąną žeské
he puffed, [it is said.] All around the lodge one by one, each one that



wakikíže, ’aį́reną. Wak’uruhį́crehíranąka hanąc’´ honįhaį́reka,
they did it, [it is said.] They saluted them, and everyone they received it,



’éki copą́hą rap’oį́res’áže, ’aį́reną. Žeskų́
and four times they puffed, [it is said.] And



p. 78 —
hikí, tanį́hųrà hižą́ c’ekcį́ra, wąkšíkižą́
when he got through, the pipe one the new one, a human



’ų́kikínąk’í, tanį́hu že’é hįánįže, ’aį́reną.
who was made to do this, pipe that it came to him, [it is said.]



"Š’áknįwíra nįk’úrųhįcwíną. ’Éki hą́pitaį́’ųrá wo’éhira
"Dear parents I salute you. And [the doing of the life-asking] the saying, duty, rule



p. 79 —
méžeské ną́xkurá, wáheną. Wąkšik’ wacekią
[in this wise] I heard, [it is why I say it.] [Man] a new one



hą́pirok’arakųį́rerak’é worak te’é hoxeterá heréną.
[because he is coming back in charge of life,] [story] this the biggest it is.



’É hakitác’ wahéną, wąkšiki’įkcaneną." ’Éki
Him [?] I say this, he will get life." And



p. 80 —
méžegųį́ce hánąka waxop’íni warácire wicáca
[thus he did,] [and] spirits [the various] crier



c’ápirerà hikícąré caské hiánąka ’inį́kihi,
their own [he was side by side] [how] he did, and without speaking,



hanįáciték’ce. ’Éki ha’ehánąka nápak’érekcánahawiną. ’Éki
he took it. And he talked about it, and [he would hand it on.] And



p. 81 —
mąxíwakréki c’įwį́huže, ’aíreną. Copą́hą mąrá
up in the sky [a great noise came,] [it is said.] Four earths



hikiską́ cihužé, ’aíreną. ’Éki Mą’ų́ra
through it came, [it is said.] And Earthmaker



wowéwį hanįrá wa’ųąk’i hipérézireže, ’aíreną.
thought [he had] [he did it] they knew, [it is said.]



p. 82 —
’Éki k’ųhą́reki hihįanąka himąšcą́ra hanąc’´
And under the earth it came, and power all



kuhą́reki p’á c’įók’isákreki k’iriceže, ’aíreną.
under the earth up to the center of the lodge it came, [it is said.]



Wąžį́žą wa’ų́cekí [k?ąprá] hįšca, ’ųžé,
Something it was it showed its face, [it did,]



’aíreną. ’Éki nį́ ’eki mąrá
[it is said.] And water and earth



p. 83 —
’eki ną́ ’eki nąną́ži mąįhąkréki
and wood and standing trees [on top of the earth]



caku´ak’i hanąc’´ hik’ik’ų́ wa’ų́cezé, ’aíreną.
[how] all to be used on himself [they were it,] [it is said.]



’Éki te’é Wašcįkéka ’eki rucį́žą*
And this Rabbit [here] something to hit him with
*cf. Miner, rujį́, "to hit something".



p. 84 —
hanįanąka hópokura hap’ahí ciną́kąnaka hocįžé,
he had, and the east toward he faced, and he hit it,



’aíreną. Kiží c’íwį́cik’ereki, mąną́kre hikirúkše.
[it is said.] [Then] when the sound rose, the earth it shook.



Hik’iskéže, ’aíreną. Žekų́kíži mąną́kre cakú
[So it seemed,] [it is said.] Then in the earth whatever



hokuák’i haną́cakúirežè,* ’aíreną. Hinupahara hoc’įkíži,
he started to grow, all started to rise, [it is said.] [A second time] he hit it, and
*Susman has, haną́c(’ h)akúirežè.



p. 85 —
žiké žeskéže, ’aíreną. Mąną́kre cakú
[again] [he did that way,] [it is said.] In the earth what



hokųák’i c’ąt’į́ ciną́kirežè, ’aíreną. Mąxínira
he grew, to show it had come out. [it is said.] The clouds



sanį́k’i hokoxrá círežé, ’aíreną. Hitanįhąrá
to one side to move they started, [it is said.] A third time



p. 86 —
hocįka žiké žeskéže, ’aíreną. Wažąra
when he hit it, again it was the same, [it is said.] [Things]



hanąc’´ mąxrá, ną’ápra xąwį́ra, caną́ka,
[all] the fields, the leaves the sprouts, all whatever,



hą́pinažįra c’axíwira haųíreže, ’aíreną.
what stands with life (medicines) grass they came up, [it is said.]



Hicópą́hąra hocikíži, mąxíakreki* Wažakų́zra žecąį́xci
The fourth time when it came up, [to the sky] Earthmaker [as far as]
*Susman has mąxí(w)akreki.



p. 87 —
hip’á nąxkúireže. Mąk’úharéki cacąįxcį recreki
[up to] it was heard. [Under the earth] [as far as] to the bottom



žecąį́xci hip’á nąxkúireže, ’aíreną. ’Éki
[as far as] [up to] it was heard, [it is said.] And



hą́pokuréki móžecąį́ca hip’á nąxkúireže, ’aíreną.
in the east of the world [up to] it was heard, [it is said.]



p. 88 —
’Éki žiké wioiréreki móžecąį́ca hip’á
And [again] [to the west] [of the world] [up to]



nąxkúireže, ’aíreną. Žekų́ki mąną́kre hanąc’´
it was heard, [it is said.] And then in the world [all]



cakúra haǧiže, ’aíreną. Mąį́xkąxką́ra cak´ra
[how] it was ripe, [it is said.] [That move on the earth,] [outside]



hanąc’´ k’arap’įeskaireže, ’aíreną. ’Ahuį́rasára hanąc’´
everything it was good, [it is said.] Winged ones everything



horá c’ąt’į́ hacįaníreki, hanąxkų́ra p’įže,
voices to sound when they began, [to listen] it was good,



’aíreną. Hąprá k’erác’orà hąk’é mąxíwira
[it is said.] The day the sky not clouds



nįké mįną́kniže,* ’aíreną. Hąprá ruk’irik’íri
anywhere it had, [it is said.] The day shimmering
*the letters /ire/ in the original mįną́kireže were crossed out and /ni/ written above them.



p. 90 —
nąžį́že, ’aíreną. Wak’irihók’erera cákųiroį́k’araireske* nąžį́že,
it stood, [it is said.] The spider it was suspended it stood,
*below this word is the note, "hoik’ara to be suspended".



’aíreną. Žéžekų́ki wąkšíko’ira wokúzra hoixcį
[it is said.] Then life the creation full



p’į́ k’inį́pše, ’aíreną. ’Éki wicácąréca
good it showed, it got to be, [it is said.] And [the crier]



p. 91 —
horá c’ąt’į́cirekì, mąnąkre hą́pinąžįra p’įhí
the voice when he kept sounding, this earth what stands with life (herbs) a little



ksųksų́že, ’aíreną.
it swayed, [it is said.]




Sam Blowsnake, Unititled account of the Medicine Rite, in Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, January 13-17, 1939) Notebook 8, 52-91.