Osage Moons
Month | Osage Moons | Meaning | Corresponding Hocąk Moons |
January | Hóⁿbastsedse | Moon of the Long Days | - |
February | Míukoⁿdsi | Solitary Moon | - |
March | Miúk'oⁿdsi thiⁿge | Idle Days | - |
April | Íwabi | Planting Moon | Moinkewira (Planting Time), about May |
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Waábi | Preparing the Ground for Planting Moon | Mąįna'ųwira (Earth Cultivating Month), June |
May | Hiúwathixthaxtha zhudsa bi | Moon when the Sensitive Rose becomes Red in Bloom | - |
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Xthçka zhiⁿga tsethe | Killer of Flowers | - |
June | Tsedo ga Moⁿnoⁿxa bi | Moon when the Buffalo Bulls Rut | - |
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Tsétoga gishiⁿ bi | Moon when the Buffalo Bulls Regain Fat | - |
July | Tsekíthexa bi | Moon when the Buffalo Rut | - |
August | Xthaçibi | Yellow Flowers Moon | - |
September | Toⁿmi pahoⁿgthe kshe | First Moon of Autumn | - |
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Xthaçibthogaçi | All Yellow Flowers Blossom | - |
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Tabiçpabi | Does Crouch to Hide Moon | - |
October | Tákithixabi | Deer Rutting Moon | Cakiruxewira (The Month of the Deer Running), about October |
November | Tahébaxoⁿbi | Moon when the Deer Shed Their Horns | Cahewakcunwira (Deer Horn Season, when the deer shed their horns), about November |
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Mikákithixa bi | Moon when the Raccoons Rut | Wakékirúxewirá (Raccoon Mating Month), March |
December | Waçábe wedatha bi | Moon when the Black Bear Gives Birth to Its Young | Hųcwira (Bear Season or Month — when the young she bears have their young), about December |
Francis La Flesche, A Dictionary of the Osage Language, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 109 (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1932) 359.