
Version 1.0

I tried to complete this on 4 July 2012, the 958th anniversary of SN 1054, but a number of new lines of analysis came up and this version was not completed until 9 September 2012.

Version 1.1

13 September 2012. Some linguistic material on the relationship of owls and moths added to §1.2.1. The Owl and the Butterfly.

Version 1.2

23 September 2012. Dakotan material added to footnote 2 of Class, War, and Rebirth.

24 September 2012, added a footnote 13 to The Shattering of Flint.

Version 2.0

4 October 2012. A new section added to "Mothra Revisted": §3.4.2. The Whirlwind Moth.

Version 2.1

14 October 2012. A Moundville raptor conclusively identified as a falcon (note 38).

Version 3.0

21 October 2012. A new section added to "Mothra Revisted": §3.4.3. The Plumed Serpent of Moundville.

Footnotes renumbered.

Version 3.1

11 June 2013. A second escatological source found in Trowbridge (1823). Material concerning the imminent demise of the sun added to §4.1. The Hocąk World Renewal Rite.