Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Twins Retrieve Redstar’s Head

Winnebago V, #2: 1 (Syllabic) Winnebago V, #2: 1 (English)

Page one of the manuscript bears the title of the whole collection of stories in Winnebago V, #2 — Ao ttAi ttAi ni KL no liAi wi (Hocįcįnįkra Nųpiwi, "The Two Boys"). It is written in very legible Hocąk syllabary in what appears to be the hand of Sam Blowsnake.

For stylistic elements, see comparative word frequency.

English Translation


p. 1 —
e tt. Ai no ttA l K Ly Ki ttAi d nK deAe. ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d.
Éja hinųcapa karaíkicížąnąkše. Ciporokeižą
There his sister one lived with her. An oval lodge



Ao ttAi w o nK deAe. e Ki. Ai noKo ttA lL wo K L Ki
hoci wa’ųnąkše. Égi hinųkcapra wogáragi
to live [they did it.] And his sister he loved



xeAe te de. wK tte K. wK Lo K ny d Ae Le de. A Ke
xeteže. Wąkjega wąkrokanaižą hereže. Hąké
very much. [This man] a great man he was. Not



w d L Ai d Lo da Kini de. w tee Ai L. Lo K n de.
wažąra hižą ruš’agįnįže. Wat’ehira rokánaže.
anything [one] he did not fail to get. The hunter he was great.



A lK w no tteKe Ao Ki L ttL Kii Ki Li tte ra de. e Ki.
hąpgá wanocge hokirajra k’ikirijes’aže. Égi
Every day animal all kinds he would bring home. And



n Ki K L L. Ko K. a deKe Ki Li K
nąkikarara guga, ašge kiriga,
hunting [when he came back,] near when he got home,



p. 2 —
w o ra de. n L do do leKe rAe lL. Ao ni Ae xeAe te. ttiAi L.
wa’ųs’aže. Nąražožopgesepra honihe xete cira
[this would always happen.] The black swallows a bunch the lodge



Ao K w n Ki Le ra de. ttAi wi A Ki Li Le ra de. de e e
hokawanąkires’aže. Cįwį hakirires’aže. Žee e
they would rush. A loud noise they would always come. These him



ttAo we L Ao o nK deAe A ttAi tt Ao w Le K. e Ki.
cowéra ho’ųnąkše, hacįja howarega. Égi
in front they did, wherever he went. And



Ki Li K. m L. roAowe tt Aili w K L Ki K. w K.
kiriga, mąra sųeja hįpwakaragiga, waką́
when he got home, his arrows back next to the wall when he would put them, snakes



Ao Ki L ttL. Ai L Ki we tt mi Ki Le ra de. e Ki di Ke.
hokirajra hirakiweją mįgires’aže. Égi žigé
different around each other they would lay. And again



p. 3 —
w Ko ttAi L. w Ko Lo doAo Lo tt n K. L rty tt Ai Ki diAi Ki nK
wagucira wakurušórocànąga rastaija hikišiginąk
his moccasins he took them off and at the ceiling of the lodge to be hung



w Ai K. w K reAe Le ttL no liAi wi Ai L K[i] we tt
wahiga, waką́serecra nųpiwi hirak[i]weja
[when he made them,] long snakes two coiled around one another



tti L wi ra de.* de Ko Ki Lo Ki Ki di Le ra de.
jirawis’aže. Žegųgi rugįgįžires’aže.
[they would come to be].† And they would make a squeaking sound.

*wi ra is written over an erasure.
†Marino defines jirawis’aže as "to coil". Actually, it is ji-ra-wi-s’a-že, where the stem ji means "to come to, become" (Miner).



x x Ki Le ra de deKe. de de rKe Ai ra de.
Ğaǧakires’aže, ške žežesge his’aže.
They would make a sound with their voice and this he would do.



Ao rKe de rKe de. tt n A Ki Liy n K. Ki Ko Lo doAo Lo ttK.
Hosgé žesgeže. Janąhą kirianąga kikurušorocga,
[Just so] [it was thus.] Whenever he came back and when he undressed himself,



p. 4 —
w d L ni Ke w Kodo K de rKe ra de. e Ki.*
wažąra nįgé wakšuga, žesges’aže. Égi
his things [somewhere] when he put them, it would be that way. Then

*two bars like an equal sign (=) were placed to the upper left of the letter /e/, probably to indicate the beginning of a new section.



de e A Ko Ley d. Ai ttAi to L. n Ki K L L. Le Ki di.
žee hagoreižą hicitora nąkikarara regiži,
[this one] once her older brother hunting when he went,



Ai Ko A Ai xA w ni K tt. di Ke. n L do do leKe L.
higų hahixawanigają, žigé nąražožopgera
as soon as he had gone out of sight, again the swallows



Aoyi K w n Ki Le de. K tt Aoyi K w Ki Li nK deAe. e Ki.
hoikawanąkireže. Gają hoikawakirinąkše. Égi
they returned and came back in. [Then] he returned and came back in. And



Ai ttAi to L.* a KLe Ki Ki Li nK deAe. m L. roAowe tt
hicitora Akregi kirinąkše. Mąra sųeja
her older brother Across he came and sat. His arrows back next to the wall

*just before this word are two parallel vertical lines, the significance of which is obscure.



p. 5 —
Aili w K L Ki de. w K L. de Ko A Ki w roAo wo de. w K.
hįpwakaragiže. Wakąra žegų hakiwasuwųže, waką́
he put them. Snakes [thus] they began to coil around one another, snakes



Ao Ki L ttL. di Ke w Ki ttA L* Ko Lo doAo Lo tt n K.
hokirajra. Žigé wagicara* kurušorocanąga
many different kinds. Again moccasins he took them off and

*probably mistranscribed for w Ko ttA L (wagucara).



Ai Ki diAi Ki nK K L Ki K tt. w K rAe Le ttL no liAi wi Ai L Ki we tt
hikišiginąkaragigają, waką́serecra nųpiwi hirakiweją
after he hung them up, long snakes (bull)* two to coil around one another

*"(bull)" is found in the text. Bull snakes are called "long snakes" in Hocąk.



tt wi de. de Ko Ki Lo Ki Ki di Le de. we L Ki. L di tti Le de.
jawiže. Žegųgi rugįgįžireže. weraki, ražijireže.
they began. And they made squeaking sounds. Unexpectedly, he began to tease her.



Al reAe Le ttAi L di ttede. Ai no KL Ai Lo diAiKi deAe. Al reAe Le ttAi
hąpsérecį ražicše. Hinųkra hirušikše. hąpsérecį
All day long he teased her. The woman she was embarrassed. All day



p. 6 —
Ai K K Ao Lo xo ttL Le deKe o ni de. Ai reKe tt Ai Lo diAi Kide.
hįkaga horuǧujrareške ’ųnįže. Hisgeja hirošigiže.
[never] to even look at him she did not do. Very much she was embarrassed.



w Lo Ke we Ai n Ki di de Ko de. Al reAe Le ttAi. e Ki.
Warokewe hinąkiži, žegų́že, hąpsérecį. Égi
Work she sat, [thus it was,] all day. There



Ao xtt n Ki de. we de. A A. de tt ny xitti A tti Ke Le Kette n.
hoxcanąkiže. Weže, "Hąhą́, žejanaíxjį hajikerekjeną.
[In the evening] he said, "Now then, about now I will go home.



w d Ai Ki liAi Le K tt w o n Ki Kette de. A Ke Ao Lo xo ttL Le deKe
wažą hįkipįregają wa’ųnągikježe. Hąké horuǧujrareške
[Something] as she does not like me [I will be made to do it.] Not to even look at



Ai Ki o ni n KLe e de. de Ko A Ai Ai nl deAe. K tt*
higi’ųnįnąkre," éže. Žegų hahihinąpše. Gają
she refused me," he said. And he went on out. [Then]

*this word is preceded by two vertical lines indicating a section break.



p. 7 —
di Ke tt tti ne tt. n L do do leKe L. ttAi wi Ki nili de. w Kii
žigé jajineją nąražožopgera cįwįkinįpše. Wak’į
again [right away] the swallows [it became noisy]. Pack



Ki Li de. Aoyi Ke we Ki di. wo Ki A Ke Le ra Ke di. Ai Ke o ni de.
kiriže. Hoikewegiži, wogihakeres’ageži, hįké ’ųnįže.
he came home. When he came in, [it was doubtful that she had done her usual boiling,] not she had not done.



tt Ko Ai d wo Ki A doAo no L. Ai Ki L di ttn K tt. e rKe
Jagú hižą wogihašųnųra higiražicnagają. Ésge
[How] the one for whom she used to boil he was here teasing her. That was why



Ai Ke wo A ni de. w Kii L ttAi Ao K L Ke Ley n K.
hįké wohanįže. Wak’įra ci hokarakereanąga
not Lhe did not boil anything. The pack lodge he carried it, and



p. 8 —
wo Ki A n K. wo sotto deAe. wy tteKe L di. rAo no ttA Ai n Ki di.
wogihanąga worucše. Waicgeraži sųnucą hinąkiži,
he boiled it and he ate it. His sister facing the wall she sat, and



de Ko de. Ai ttAi to L. Ao Lo xo ttL deKe Ki ttAe xAi de*
žegų́že. Hicitora horuǧucra ške gicexiže.
[thus she did.] Her brother to look [also] she dreaded it.

*the penultimate syllable appears to have been written xeAi, but in fact the final curve of the /x/ intersects with the initial curve (a kind of flourish) of the succeeding /A/ to form a phantom /e/.



Ai rKe tt Ai Lo diAiKi deAe. di Ke Ay ni Ki di n Ki K L L
Hisgeja hirušikše. Žigé hainigíži, nąkikarara
Very much she was embarrassed. Again in the morning, hunting



Le de. di Ke A Ai Ai Lo Ki no K tt di Ke.
reže. Žigé hahi hirokinogają, žigé
he went. Again to go once he was out of sight, again



w ni KL A Ki Li Le de. di Ke A Ki Li Aoyi Ke we de.
wanįkra hakiríreže. Žigé hakirí hoikeweže.
the birds they returned. Again he came back he came in.



di Ke o de. m L. roAowe tt Aili w K L Ki di.
Žigé ’ųže. Mąra sųeja hįpwakaragiži,
Again he did. His arrows back next to the wall when he would put them,



p. 9 —
w K L. A Ki w roAo wo de. di Ke. w Ko ttA L.
wakąra hakiwasuwųže. Žigé wagųcra
the snakes they began to coil around one another. Again his moccasins



Ai Ki diAi Ki nK w K L Ki Ki di.  w K reAe Le ttL  no liAi wi  Ai L Ki we tt
hikišiginąkwakaragigiži, wakąserecra nųpiwi hirakiweją
after he hung them up, [bull snakes] two coiled around one another



tti L wi de. de Ko Ki Lo Ki Ki di Le de. de Ko Aiy n K di Ke
jirawiže. Žegųgi rugįgįžireže. Žegųhianąga žigé
they began. And they made squeaking sounds.* [Thus he did, and] again

*the translation adds, "(i.e., from the pressure).".



Lo di tti Le de. Ai Ko K tt K dKe. w d
ružijireže.* Higų gająga ške wažą
he began to tease her. Even now [also] things

*at the top of page 4 of the translation, Radin has the following definitions:

ražic = to tease with the word
ružic = to tease by actions.



niKi Ai Lo tti ra de. di Ke Al reAe Le ttAi. w Lo Ke we de.
nįk hirujis’aže. Žigé hąpsérecį warokeweže.
little he would throw. Again all day she worked.



p. 10 —
roAo Lo ttA mi n K n K. di Ke Ao xtt n Ki di. we de.
Sųrucą mįnąkanąga žigé hoxjanągiži, weže,
To sit with her face towards the wall she sat, and again in the evening, he said,



A A de tt ny xitti A tti Ke Le Kette n. w d Ai Ki liAi Le K tt.
"Hąhą́, žejanaíxjį hajikerekjeną. wažą hįkipįregają.
"Now then, about now I will go home. [Something] as she does not like me.



Ai Ke Ao Lo xo ttL Le deKe Ai Ki o ni n Ki Kette de. a n K A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe.
Hįké horuǧujrareške higi’ųnįnąkikježe," ánąga hagihihinąpše.
Not to even look at [she will refused me,"] he said and he went on out.



e Ki. di Ke tt tti ne tt. n L do do leKe reAe lL. ttAi wi Ki nili deAe.
Égi žigé jajineją nąražožopgesepra cįwįkinįpše.
And again right away the black swallows [it became noisy].



p. 11 —
di Ke Ai ttAi to L. Aoyi K w Ki Li nK deAe. w Kii Ki Li de.
Žigé hicitora hoikawakirinąkše. Wak’į kiriže.
Again her older brother he came back in. Pack he came.



di Ke de Ko de. Ai Ke deKe Ai tt
Žigé žegų́že. Hįké ške hija
Again thus it remained. Not also there



Ao Lo xo ttini de. roAo Lo ttA Ai n Ki di de Ko de. e Ki
horuǧujenįže. sųrucą hinąkiži, žegų́že. Égi
she did not look at him. To sit with her face towards the wall she did, and [thus it was.] And



di Ke wo Ki A n K. wo Lo tt n K.* di Ke Ay ni Ki di.
žigé wogihanąga worujanąga žigé hainigíži,
again he boiled it and he ate it, and again in the morning,

*this word is preceeded by a sign similar to #.



n Ki K L L. Le de. Ai Ko di Ke o de
nąkikarara reže. Higų žigé ’ųže,
hunting he went. The same again he did,



tt rKe Ai ni Ae K. de tt K. o xiAi ni Aoyi reAele. Ai Lo tti
jasgé hínihéga. Žejąga ’ųxini hoisep hirujį
what as he had done. This time he threw charcoal [for some time]



p. 12 —
Ki deKe de rKe L. Ao mi n KL. A Ai Ao e Le de.
gišge, žesgera homįnąkra hahi ho’ereže.
he did, [of that kind] where she sat around there were scattered.



e Ki. di Ke Ai Ai n l n K. di Ke Ki Li Ki ni de.
Égi žigé hihinąpanąga žigé kiriginįže.
And again he went out and again he returned right away.



e Ki. Ki Li Ki di. we de. wy tteKe A xitti i ne Ki
Égi kirigiži, weže, "Waicgehaxjį, inéki
And [when he returned,] he said, "Younger sister, alone



niKi Ai miy n K. wy n doKo ni Ao K L Ki tee A nK doAo no L. tt Ko o
nįk hįmįanąga wainašguni hokarakit’ehaną̀kšųnųra, jagú’ų
[little] you and I sat and freely we used to talk to one another, why



p. 13 —
te e w doo dA n Ko ni. Ao tt t ni A me de rKe L Le.
tee waš’ųšanagųnį? Hoją́ tanihą mežesgerare,"
this are you doing it? [Since] three you have done thus,"



e de. e Ki. we de. wy tteKe L. w d
éže. Égi weže waicgéra, "Wažą
he said. And he said his younger sister, "Something



liAi doo L tte de. Ai Loyi diAi Kd n. m dtt xitti. e de.
š’ųraježe. Hiroišikšaną, mąšjąxjį," éže.
good you are doing. I am embarrassed, very much," she said.



e Ki. we de. A A. wy tteKe xitti Ai leAe Lere
Égi weže, "Hąhą́ waicgexjį, hiperes
And he said, "Now then younger sister, to know



liAi L ni K tt Ai Ke Ai L leAe Le rini K tt. Ai L leAe Le ri Ktt n Ae n
pįranigáją, hįké hirapereznįgają. Hiraperezikjanaheną,
you ought to have, not you did not know it. You would know it,



p. 14 —
y Le Ke Ai Ke w di A ni n. e de. w d
yarége, hįké wašihanįną," éže. "Wažą
I thought, not I did not say anything," he said. "Something



diAi diAi Ki d. m n KeLe e Ki. Ai no KL tt n K.
šišikižą mąnąkre égi hinųkra janąga
a bad one over this earth and the women all



wi K L diAi diAi Ki Le L. A ntt roto w Ai tte n. w K nK tt no ni Ke
wikarašišikirera haną́c stowahijeną. Wakanąkáją, nųnįgé
that are most valued all of them he is gathering. He is marrying them, but



w ni Ai w o tte n. w n tto tty rKe w Ai tte n. e
wanįhí wa’ųjeną. Wanąjojaįsge wahijeną. E
slaves he makes of them. [Poor] [he makes them.] He



w o tti tte n. y Ki rKe n. xeAe tey d w o tte n. tt rKe Ktt n Ae Ki di.
wa’ųjijeną. Yagisgeną. Xeteižą wa’ųjeną. Jasgekjanahegiži,
it is he who came. He is like me.* A Great One he is. How it is going to be,

*the translation adds, "(resembles me)".



p. 15 —
A Ke Ai lAe Lere* liAi ni n. lA n Ktt n Ae Ki di. xeAe te
hąké hipereL pįnįną. Panakjanahegiži, xete
not to know it is not good. Whether I will overcome him, Great Ones

*two diagonal lines // are written above the syllable lAe.



m o L. w o L di ne Ai d wi ne n.
Mą’ųra wa’ųraži ne hižą winéną.
Earthmaker whom he created I one I am it.



A ni ni Ke Le Kette w o tte n. Ay ni Ki di. A ni ni Ke Le Ktt n Ae L
Haninikerekje wa’ųjeną. hainigíži, haninikerekjanahera
He will take you away with him he means it. Tomorrow that he will take you



Ae Le n. wy tteKe A xitti Ai w n Ki dA n. e Ki tt rKe
hereną. Waicgehaxjį hiwanągišaną, égi jasgé
it is. My sister only if he overcomes me, [here] [how]



Ai Kette Ki di o Ktt n Ae n. e de. e Ki Ay ni Ki di
hikjegiži, ’ųkjanaheną," éže. Égi hainigíži
[if he will do it,] he will do it," he said. And in the morning



p. 16 —
we de wy tteKe A xitti. Ai Ke w d de rK ni Ktt n Ae n.
weže, "Waicgehaxjį, hįké wažą žesganįkjanaheną.
he said, "Younger sister, not anything [it will not be like.]



Ai ttAo Ke Ai Ai L. t ni Ao Ki do L Le. ttAo K. Ai Ki tti L wi Le.
Hicokehihira, tani hokižurare. "Coka, higijirawire.
Our Grandfather, tobacco go and offer it. "Grandfather, help us.



n tto Ki tt wi L. ttAe xiAi Ai Lo riwi n. Ai deAe Ktte n. tt ni L.*
Nąjokijąwira, cexi hiruswiną," hišekjeną. "[T]anira
Take pity on us, difficulties [we took up with,"] you must say. "The tobacco

*this should be t ni L (taníra).



dA w xAo Ki di. rA niKi Ao Lo ttA tte Le Ki. ttA deKe Ko L. A L.
šąwaxųgiži, sanįk horocájeregi cašgegura hara
when you pour, towards the south oak bark



A rA n rA n. de e. w d Ko rL n L e
haLąnąsaną, žee Wažągųsra nąra e
smooth, this one [the Creator of Things] [the tree] it



p. 17 —
ttAo ni o L. Ae Le n. de Ki tti Le diAi L Le
coni ’ųra hereną. Žegi jire širare,"
first that he made he did. To that go ask,"



Ai Ke de. e Ki. t ni wo do L. tto liAi wi n K.
higeže. "Égi tani wožura jopiwinąga
he said to her. "And tobacco bags four and



e Ki di Ke. ttA A rK L.* tto liAi wi de. e Ki.
égi žigé cahasgara jopiwiže. Égi
and again the white deerskins there are four. And

*this word is followed by a mark similar to #.



di Ke. ttAx deAele m doAo L. tto liAi wi de. Ai wi m doAo L.
žigé caxšep mąšųra jopiwiže, hiwimąšųra.
again eagle feathers there are four, tail feathers.



e Ki. ttAe Ai L. w Lo K w n K. de de rKe
Égi ce hįra warukawanąga žežesge
And buffalo hair she made it and this



o w o nK deAe. tteAe Ai. o w o nK deAe. e Ki.
’ųwa’ųnąkše. Ce ’ųwa’ųnąkše. Égi
she was working on. Buffalo hair she was working on. Then



p. 18 —
Le de. e Ki. Ai tt Ai Ki di. n tt[e] K. Aoyi tte tt.
reže. Égi hijáhigiži, nąj[e]ga hoijeja
she went. And when she got there, the tree at the foot



n li Lo x ttL w do de. ttAo K. Ai Ki tti L wi Le. ttAe xiAi
nąpiruxajara wažuže. "Coka, higijirawire. Cexi
the offerings she placed them. "Grandfather, help us. Difficulties



A w wi n e de. e Ki. Ao ni Ki A de. e Ki.
hawawiną," éže. Égi honįgíhaže. Égi
we are," she said. And [he nodded slightly in affirmation.]* And

*this is omitted in the translation, but so defined by Miner.



ni Ke diAi leLe de. no li Ai. de e w Kiiy n K.
nįgé šibreže, nųpihi. Žee wak’įanąga
pieces they fell off him, two. These she packed and



Ko de. Ki Li Ki di. leAe tte tt Ao too de. leAe ttL
guže. Kirigiži, pejéja hot’ųže. Pejra
she came home. When she got back, into the fire she put them. The fire



p. 19 —
Lo K n xitti t e ttAi Le de. lAe ttL Ao t liAi ni L.
rokanaxjį taecireže. Pejra hota pįnira,
very much it was burning. The fire [light] [it was good,]



m xiAi L Ai L Ke Le n di de. A A. te Ktt n Ae n.
mąxira hirakére nąžįže. "Hąhą́, tekjanaheną,
the heavens it reached it stood. "Now then, I am going,



no ni Ke A Ki Li Ktt n Ae n. tti Ki di e de. a n K.
nųnįgé hakirikjanaheną, jigiži," éže, ánąga
but I will come back, when he comes," he said, and



A Ai Ai Ai nl daé.* tt tti ne tt. di Ke tti Ki ni de.
hahihihinąpše.* jajineją žigé jiginįže.
he went out. Right away again he came in.

*this is probably in error for hahihinąpše.



wK n KLe Ao Ke we K tt. n L do do leKe L.* di Ke. ttAi
Wąknągere hokewegają, nąražožopgera žigé ci
The man when he came in, the swallows also [lodge]

*underneath the second /d/ an /A/ has been erased.



p. 20 —
wi Ki nili deAe. A Ki Li Aoyi Ke we de. A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L. L Ki Li K tt
wikįnįpše. Hakirihoikeweže. "Hąhó hocįcįra, rakirigają,"
he came in. He came back in. "Hąhó young man, you have returned,"



e de. A A a e de. Ao ttAi ttAi L. L tti K tt
éže. "Hąhą’ą," éže. "Hocįcįra, rajigają,"
he said. "Yes," he said. "Young man, you have come,"



e Ki di A A a e de. Ko L. Ao ttAi ttAi L.
egíži. "Hąhą’ą," éže. "Korá hocįcįra,
he said. "Yes," he said. "Say young man,



Ai noKo L. ttA lL. Ai L xiAi dA L. ni Ke deKe ny L tte
hinųkra capra hiraxišara nįgéšge nairaje
sister your you begrudge me or challenge to me



w doo Ko ni e de. tt Ko Ai deAe Ki di. de rKe Ktt ne n.
waš’ųgųnį?" éže. Jagú hišegíži, žesgekjaneną.
are you doing it?" he said. Whatever you say, it will be.



Ai noKo L ttA lL. A Ke Le Ktt n Ae L. Ae Le n
Hinųkra capra hanihąkerekjanahera hereną,
Sister your that I will take away with me it is,



p. 21 —
Al te e. Ao ny Ki tteAe K tte Le n.
hąp tee. Honaigi, cek jereną.
day this. As she is willing, new one she is standing.



w d de rKe Ai Le ra de. Ai noKo w ttA li Le L
Wažą žesge hires’aže, hinųk wacapirera
[Thing] [that sort] [they always do,] sister their (?)



w Ki Lo K n. Ai Le K. e de. e Ki. we de.
wakirokana hirega," éže. Égi weže,
to be courted (?) when they are," he said. And he said,



tt Ko* Ao ttAi ttAi L. A Ke dKe t ni Ao L.
"Jagú hocįcįra, hąké ške tanihúra
"Well young man, not also the pipe

*a mark resembling # is placed after this word.



Ao L Ki do ni. w KL Ao L Ki tty Le K. t ni Ao Ki do
hųragįžunį. Wąkra horakijairega, tani hokižu
you do not fill it up. Men when they visit one another, tobacco to offer



Ai Le doAo no K tt e de. ne Ao L Ki do Ktt n Ae y L nK dA n.
hirešųnųgają," éže. "Ne hųragįžukjanahe, yaranąkšaną.
they usually do," he said. "For me you will fill it up, I was thinking.



p. 22 —
tt Ko. Ao L tt n K. e t ni wo Ki do doAo no K tt.
Jagú horajanąka e tani wųgįžušųnųgają,"
As the visitor he tobacco he usually fills it for them,"



e de. to we a L wi de. t ni Ao L. wo Ki do n Ki Kii ne de.
éže. Towe arawiže, tanihúra wųgįžunąkik’įneže.
he said. On they talked, the pipe trying to induce one another to fill it.



Ai Ko Ai Ki Ki rK wi de. A Ke ni Ki niKi Ai tt
Higų hikigisgawiže. Hąké nįginik hiją́
[Yet] they resembled each other. Not nowhere to be different



Ai L ni de. Ao Lo Ki Ke we L deKe Ai Ki Ki rKe xitti Ai wi de.
hiranįže. Horokíkewéra ške higikisgexjį hiwite.
they were not. The manner of painting also just the same [it was made.]



e Ki. Ao L tt n KLe w o de. a L. w xoAo
Égi horajanąkre wa’ųže. Ara waxú
Then the visitor [he did this.] His arms leather



p. 23 —
Ao too l n K. Ay ttA ttAK n Ki di. Ko Lo deKe K tt. te we L Ki. a L
hot’ųpanąga haicacaknąkiži, kurušgegają, tewéraki ara
he wrapped and when he unwrapped it,* [after he untied it,] unexpectedly, his arms

*this is a hapaxlegomenon. However, see hacák, "to bandage something" (Miner).



m Ai Ao toolo deAe. m Ai Ao lA Ai L. n Ke we rKe de.
mąhi hot’ųpše. Mąhi hopahira nąkewesgeže.
knives they were inlaid. Knives the blades they were fearful.



Ao lA Ai L. doAo ttAi de. o ri L. n lL. A Lo ttoKoro r n K.
Hopahira šuciže. Ozira nąpra harujogusanąga
The edges they were red. The wrist the hand it was even with and



e Ki. ayi dA w Ke tt Ai lA de. a n Ke L. Ao miKi deAe.
égi aišawageja hipaže. Anąkera homįkše.
and at his elbows it came up to. The back of the arm it lay.



m Ai L. a a Ki w o de. Ai deKe
Mąhira a akí wa’ųže. hišgé
The knives arms both they were. Also



p. 24 —
Ai noKo ttA l K L Ki ttAi nK KeLe. a L. Ko Lo deKe de.
hinųk capakaragi cinąkere ara kurušgeže.
sister his who lived with her, his arms he unwrapped.



w xoAo Ao to[o] ln Ki di. Ai Ko Ai Ki rKe de. A Ke*
Waxú hot[’]ųpnąkiži, higų hikisgeže. Hąké
Leather [it was wrapped, and] [yet] he was like him. Not

*just before this word is a sign similar to #.



Ai tt ni de.* Ai Ko a nK deAe. t ni Ao L. Ao Ki do
hiją́nįže. Higų ánąkše. tanihúra hokižu
they were not different. Still they were Laying it. The pipe [to offer it]

*after this word there is a dark vertical bar with serifs that make it look something like a backward /z/.



Ki diAi nK deAe. A Ai m dtt a wi de. A Ke
kišinąkše. Hahi mąšją awiže, "Hąké
they were asking one another. Finally, louder they talked, "Not



Ai L Ki rK ni n. Ai Ki K wi de. w Ko rL xeAe te w o L.
hirakisganįną," hikigawiže. "Wagųsra xete wa’ųra
you are not my equal," they said to one another. "The Creator Great Ones he made them,



ne Ai d wi ne n. Ai no li Ke a wi de.
ne hižą winéną," hinųpike awiže.
I one of them I am it," both they would say.



p. 25 —
to we a L wi Ki di. A Ai Ai noKo ttA l K L Ki
Towe arawigiži. Hahi, hinųk capakaragi
On they talked. Finally, sister his



ttAi nK KeLe. wo Ki teKe deAe. A Ke Ki liAi ni Ki di. t ni Ao L.
cinąkere wogitekše. Hąké gipįnigiži. tanihúra
who lived with her, he got angry. Not it was not good. His pipe



Ko Loro deAe. xeAe te w o L Ai d wi ne K tt
kurusše. "Xete wa’ųra, hižą winegają,"
he took. "Great Ones that were created, one of them I am it,"



Ai Le. [Ke* w o de.]* Ai Ke Ki liAi ni K. e rKe.
hire[ge] [wa’ųže.] Hįké gipįnįga, ésge
he thought, he did it. Not [as it was not good,] that is why

*the brackets are in the text.



w tee Kitti Ai w o de. t ni Ao L. Ao Kodo de. de tt K.
wat’ekjį hiwa’ųže. tanihúra hokšúže. Žejąga
[to hurt him very much] [he was angry.] His pipe he filled. Then



p. 26 —
t e K L Kiy n K. m dtt L ri tti Ko de. K tt.
taé karagianąga mąšją rasijiguže.* Gają
he lit [he made it thus and] [strong] he took a few puffs. Then

*cf. raǧoc-higu (> raǧojigu), "to take a puff" (Marino-Radin).



w Kn K. Ki a tti Ke Le de. di Ke Ai tt L loo loow n K.
wąknąka kiajikereže. Žigé hiją́ra p’op’oanąga
[that man] [bounced up.] Again the other one he puffed and



m dtt L ri tt Ko K tt. di Ke Ai L tty L. Ki a tti Ke Le de.
mąšją rasijigugają. Žigé hirajaira kiajikereže.
long he took a draft. Again higher he bounced up.



di Ke Ai t ni A L Ki o Ki di. m dtt Ki a de.
Žigé hitaníhąra ki’ųgiži, mąšją kiaže.
Again the third time he did it, and [hard] he bounced.



p. 27 —
Ai tto l A L. m dtt xitti L ri tt Ko K tt. leAe tte tt Ao w tti Ao de.
hijopahąra mąšjąxjį rasijigugają. pejéja howajihuže.
The fourth time very hard he drew it. Into the fire he fell in.



Lo K Ki dK tt. Ki K w a nK deAe. Ai dK K.† Ai tt ne n K
Rukągiškają* kikáwa, ánąkše. Hišgaga hijanénąka
He tried to grab him, but he raised himself up, it is said. This time the other

*Gatschet records this word as rúkągąškáją.
†just before this word, the sign # is inserted.



t ni Ao L Ao Kodo de. Ai tt L loo loow n K. L ri tti Ko de.
tanihúra hokšúže. hiją́ra p’op’oanąga rasijiguže.
his pipe he filled. The other one he puffed and he took a draft.



K tt Ki a tti Ke Le de. di Ke Ai no l A L o. K tt.
Gają kiajikereže. Žigé hinųphara’ų. Gają
Then bounced up. Again [he did it a second time.] Then



di Ke Ai Ly tteAe L Ki a tti Ke Le de. di Ke. Ai t ni A L
žigé hiraicera kiajikereže. Žigé hitaníhąra
again higher he bounced up. Again for the third time



p. 28 —
o K tt. A Kidi xitti Ao w tti Ke Le de. Ai tto l A L. m dtt xitti
’ųgają, hakšíxjį howajikereže. hijopahąra mąšjąxjį
when he did it, very high [he came up.] The fourth time very hard



L ri ttK tt. leAe tte tt Ao w tti Ao de. Ai Ko. Ai tt ne n KeLe.
rasijigają. pejéja howajihuže. Higų hijanenąkre
he drew on it. Into the fire he fell in. As soon as the other



t ni Ao L. Ao Kodo Le tt. leAe tt ne Ki reAele Le de. Ai tt
tanihúra hokšureja, pejąnegi sepereže. Hija
his pipe he began to fill, the fire it began to go out. [There]



lo xiAi ni xAi no ni Ke deKe de Ko Ki reAele Le de.
boxįnįxį nųnįgé ške žegųgi sepereže.
he tried to rouse the fire but [also] [now so] it began to go out.



p. 29 —
de rK no ni Ke. leAe tte tt Ao w tti Ao Ki di. A ni mi K n K. ttA deAe L.
Žesganųnįge, pejéja howajigiži, hanimįkanąga cašéra
But anyhow, into the fire when he fell in, he jumped onto him and [the neck]



n Ko noKo ne Ai de. de Ko Aiy n K. Ao Aolo Le Ai Aiy n K.
nąkųnųknehiže. Žegųhianąga hohóbrehihianąga
[he kicked and knocked off a large piece from it.] Thus it was, and he gave a whoop and



no Ki wK deAe. de Ko. m n KeLe Koro Koro ttede. e Ki.
nųgíwąkše. Žegų mąnąkre ksųksųcše. Égi
he ran away. Indeed the earth. it shook. And



lA n diAi di L Le. Ki K w a nK deAe. Lo L
Pa nąšiširare, kikáwa ánąkše. Rora
Head the one who had it cut off, he arose [it is said.] His body



dA n. lA L Ko Lo xeAe de. no ni Ke. n roAo L.
šana pára kuruxéže, nųnįgé nąsúra
only his head he chased after, but his head



p. 30 —
Ai n Ke we Ai de. A Ktt* Ai tto Ki n Ki Ktt n Ae Ke. A Ke
hinąkewehiže, hakja hijoginąkikjanahege. Hąké
he kept it away from him, back because it would get in place. Not

*just before this word is a # symbol.



Ai w roAotto Ai ni de. to we Lo xA Le de. Ai dKe
hiwusųc´ hinįže. Towe ruxareže. hišgé
near he would not let him. On he chased him. Also



Ai noKo ttA lL. i tt ni K n K. w Ktt lL A Ko Lo Ko r Kede.
hinųk capra ijanįkanąga wąkcapra hakurukosgeže.
sister his crying and [her man] she held onto him.



to we Lo xA Le Ki di. xeAe Ai tto le tt. Ai lA Lo xeAe de.
Towe ruxaregiži. Xe hijopeja, hipa ruxeže.
On he chased him. Hill to the fourth one, [that far] he chased him.



Ai noKo ttA lL n Ki Le xitti w owK deAe. Lo L.
Hinųk capra nąkirexjį wa’ųwąkše. Rora
Sister his in fright she did this. His body



p. 31 —
ni Ke Ao w Le Ktt n Ae Ai Le Ke e rKe* A Ko Lo Koro
nįgé howarekjanahe, hirege, ésge hakurukos
[someplace] it would go away, she thought, so she held onto him

*the initial /e/ is written over an erased /d/, the word de rKe (žesge) having been started by mistake.



w ow Ki di. e rKe e tt. Ai lA Ki L. Ai de.
wa’ųwąkiži. Ésge éja hipa kira hiže.
she did this. So that's why there [that far] [that he went] [he did.]*

*this sentence is translated, "So that is why he did not chase it on any farther."



A Ke to we de Ko Ki Lo xA L ni de. e tt
Hąké towe žegų kiruxaranįže. Éja
Not on [then] [did they chase one another.] There



Ai ttAi to L. A K L ni Ko de. Ai no K K. x KL Lo K n
hicitora hakaraniguže. Hinųkąka ǧakra rokana
her older brother she brought him back home. The woman cried very much



wK deAe. ttAiye tt A K L ni Ki Li de. e tt
wákše. Ciéja hakarani kiriže. Éja
she was saying. To the lodge she brought him they went back. There



A lK x KnK ra de. wK ttA lL. n roAo L. ttAo doKo ni
hąpgá ǧaknąks’aže. Wąkcapra nąsúra cųšguni
every day she would be crying. [Her man] his head without



p. 32 —
a K K L Ki nK Ki di. Ai K K. w n i Ki liAi ni de. e Ki.
ágakaraginąkiži . Hįkaga waną’į́ gipįnįže. Égi
he was sitting opposite her. Never to feel it was not good. And



Ai ttAi to L. w Lotto Ao Koo de. A Ko Ley d. ni lA n
hicitora warúc hok’ųže. Hagoreižą nipana
her older brother [to eat something] [she gave him.] One day broth



niKi. wi n Ai L. loAo xL tte Ki di. e tt
nįk winąhira poxra jegiži, éja
little his throat the hole she did, and there



Ao Ki do Ki di L ttK de. di Ke. w ni Ki xiAi Liy n K.
hokižugiži rajgaže. Žigé wani gixirianąga
she put it in and he drank. Again meat she mashed and



Ai tt Ao Ki do Ki di n Ai de. o nK Koo de Ko Ai Ki di.
hija hokižugiži nąhiže. ’Ųnąk’ų, žegųhigiži,
there she put it in and he swallowed. Finally, [when he was done,]



n le tt wi ttA tii de. de Ko Ki Ki de. de de rKe
nąpeja wicąt’įže. Žegų gigiže. Žežesge
with his hands he made signs. Thus he did. Thus



Ki Ki ra de. e tt w Lotto Ao Ki do ra de. ttA deAe
gigis’aže. Éja warúc hokižus’aže. Caše
she would do for him. There food she would put in for him. At his neck



Ao m Ko no Ki Le tt. wi n Ai L loAoxo n di Ki di. e tt.
homąkųnųkireja, winahira pox nažigiži éja
where it was cut off, his throat hole [it stood and] there



wo Koo ra de. A Ko Ley d. m tto l A de ay Le n.
wok’ųs’aže. Hagoreižą, jopahąže, aireną.
she would feed him. Finally, years it was four, it is said.



e Ki. tt n K. ttAi Lo Ke tt. ttA t wo rL.
Égi janąga cirogeja ca tawusra
Then all in the lodge deer that is dried



Ae Le Ki di. ttAe li Le de. e Ki. di Ke. wo liAi Ke Le L.
heregíži, cepireže. Égi žigé wopįkerera
it was, and they ate it up. Then again the meat racks



p. 34 —
tt n K Ki di. A ntt ttAe li Le de. e tt di Ke.
janąkgiži, haną́c cepireže. Éja žigé
all that there were, all they ate it up. [There] [again]



w o de. Ao deAe Le KL. wy xotto K n K. ni lA n
wa’ųže. Hušerekra waixcukanąga nipana
[she did this.] The bones she would break up and broth and soup



w ow n K. Ai ttAi to L. L ttK Ki Ki ra de. e tt
wa’ųwanąga hicitora rajga gigis’aže. Éja
she would make of them and her older brother to drink [she would make.] There



e lA Ai K K. w Lo tte rK ni de. Ai ttAi to L dA n.
epa hįkaga warujesganįže. Hicitora šana
from that time on never she did not eat much. Her brother only



w Lotto Ki Ki ra de. Ai Ke Ai ttAi to L. e ttAo ni
warúc gigis’aže. Hįké hicitora econi
to feed she would do. Not her older brother first



ta ni Kette Ai Le de. Ai noKo tte K e ttAo ni tee Ke
t’anįkje hireže. Hinųkjega econi t’ege
not to come to die she thought. The woman first she would die



p. 35 —
Ai Le de. w d L Ai d Ai Ke liAi ni n Ki di.
hireže. Wažąra hižą hįké pįnįnąkiži,
she thought. The things one not if they were not good,



Ai ttAi to L Ai Ke e ttAo ni de rK ni Kette Ai Le de.
hicitora hįké econi žesganįkje hireže.
her brother not first not to come to happen she wanted.



e Ki. Ao deAe Le KL. A Ai A ntt t xo Kow Ai de.
Égi hušerekra hahi haną́c taxukuwahiže.
Then the bones finally all she boiled out.



di Ke e tt. ttA A L. tt n K Ki di. wi o
Žigé éja cahara janągagiži, wi’ų
Again there deerskin all that there were, [to use it]



A Ly Le de. to Ka n K. de rKe Ai L rA
haraíreže. To k’anąga žesge hirasá
they began. Potatoes she dug and this with



Ai o de. A Ai K tt K. de n Ai de. w xoAo L.
hi’ųže. Hahi, gająga, ženahiže. Waxura
she used it. Finally, [now,] she used it up. [The leather]



p. 36 —
wi L Ki o w wi o tte Ki di de tt K de Ko xitti de. e lA
wiráki’ų́ wawi’ųjegiži, žejąga žegųxjįže. Epa,
[flavoring] she was using it and now it was exhausted. From that time on,



to L dA n Ai o Ai Le de.*
tora šana hi’ų hireže.
potatoes only to use they did.

*this word is followed by a version of the # sign, indicating the end of a division.



e Ki de e tt Ai d nK deAe.
Égi že éja hižą́ nąkše,
And [this] there one there was,



m n KLe. e Ki. Ai d. w d o Ki di.
mąnąkre égi hižą́ wažą ’ųgiži,
on the earth here one thing he created,



n Ki di. wo Ko ro ttAi d A ni Ki di. A lo K[o] L. wiyo Le L.
nąkiži, Wogų́zocižą hanįgiži, hąpok[u]ra wiorera
there was, a Council Lodge he has, the east the west



A lA Ai. m L Ai L o niyK deAe. e Ki. e tt.
hapahí mąra hira’ųniąkše. Égi éja
[extending] the earth it lies the whole length. And there



roto w diAi de. Ke Le t[t]o reAe lL. rK xitti d. Ae Ley n K.
sto wašiže. Kered[ž]ųsepra sgaxjįžą hereanąga
to gather he told them. The blackhawk a white one there was and



p. 37 —
e Ki. Aexe w w Ke L. rK xitti d de de Ko w KL.
égi heǧwawąkera sgaxjįžą žežegų wąkra
and the shrieking swan* a white one that many upwards

*wawąke means "to coo all the time" according to Gatschett. Heǧwawąkera is probably a misunderstanding of the word heǧwamąkera, "the cackling swan".


Ao w Le w Ki Ki de. A Ki d. Lo K diwi miy tte w wi Ke de.
howarewagigiže. "Hąkižą rugąšiwinįaje," wawigéže.
he sent. "Not any do not miss," he said.



e Ki m n KeLe di Ke. Ao o Ai Le Kette L.
Égi mąnąkre žigé ho’ų hirekjera,
And the earth again [to travel] [they were],



doAo Ktt Ki d. e Ki. Ao tti d. de e Ae Le Le de.
šųkjąkižą, égi hųjižą, žee herereže.
a wolf and a bear, the ones they were.



m n KLe. Ko A L deKe. A n ttAi xitti Ao we w diAi de.
Mąnąkre kųhąraške hanącįxjį howe wašiže.
The earth [that which is under also] all to go over he told them.



p. 38 —
tt n K. w Ki Li xoAo no xitti ni KL deKe. A n ttAi
Janąga wakiri xunuxjįnįkra ške, hanącį,
[As many as there are] insects the smallest even, all,


A Ki d. Lo K di L ni de. n n KLe deKe. xA wi
hąkižą rugąširanįže. Nąnąkre ške xąwį́
[not one] they did not miss. The trees also the grass or weeds



tt n K KLe deKe. A n ttAi. A Ai Le de. ttAi reAe Le tt K.
janąkre ške hanącį hahíreže. Ciserecka
[as many as there were] [also] [all of them] they went. The long tent



m L Ai L o ni xitti no ni Ke. Aoyi xitti xitti de.
mąra hira’unixjįxjį nųnįgé hoixjįxjįže.
the earth it reached from one end to the other but it was filled full.


e Ki. w Ktt K K. e Ki Ke ttA Ke K. e Ki.
Égi Wakjąkaga égi Kecąkega égi
Then Trickster and Turtle and



p. 39 —
w te xoAo K. e Ki. w ditti Ke K. e Ki. Al wi L.
Watexúga égi Wašjįgega égi Hąpwira
Bladder and Hare and the Sun



e Ki. Ae doAo ttK. e Ki. Ai Ko Lo Ke Ai Le L. de e
égi Hešucka égi Hikorokehirera, žee
and Redhorn and their Grandmother, these



e xeAe te L Ae Le Le de. e Ki. w ditti Ke K.
e Xetera herereže. Égi Wašjįgega
they themselves the Great Ones they are. Then Hare



n di de. e Ki we de. Ae Ae. w xoAo liAi ni
nąžįže. Égi weže, "Hehé, waxopį́nį
he stood up. And he said, "Hehé, spirits



Ao Ki L ttL mi n K dA w KLe w di Ae Ktte Ke e rKe
hokirajra mįnąk, šawakre wašihekjege, ésge
all the different ones sitting, [to point out] I would tell you, therefore



p. 40 —
rto ni diAi wi n. te e Ai L leAe Le riwi K tt. w d o L.
sto nišiwiną. Tee hiraperezwigają, Wažą’ųra
to gather I told you. This you know, [the Maker of Things]



tt n K xeAe te w o L. m e Ki.
janąga xete wa’ųra égi
all there are great the ones he made earth here



xAe te L. A Lo wK wi L. Ai d. Ai Ki dA n Ai Le n.
Xetera haruwąkwira. Hižą higišą́ną hiréną.
the Great Ones there are eight. One of them he is injured he is.



de e. A Ke de rK ni de y Le L. e rKe.
Žee hąké žeLganįže, yaréra. Ésge
That not it should not be, I thought. That is why



e Ki roto ni diAi wi n. wo w KL. w o n.
égi sto nišiwiną. Wowąkra wa’ųną.
here to gather I told you. The bad one he did it.



Ae Le doKo ni L w o n. Ai Ke de rK ni de y Le n.
Herešgúnira wa’ųną. Hįké žesganįže, yaréną.
Herešgúnina he did it. Not it should not be, I thought.



w d o L. w d w o L. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAi KL.
Waš’ųra. Wažą wa’ųra, waxopį́nį šišikra
[You have done it.] Something the one he made, spirits the evil ones



p. 41 —
w ni L. Ai d. te e Ai Ki dA n Ai L Le. w d L
wanįra hižą tee hikišą́nahirare. Wažąra
[the beings] one of them this the one who injured him. The thing



Ai d. Ao liAi o liAi Ko ni y Le Ke e rKe
hižą hopį’ų pįguni, yarége. Ésge,
one to fix it is possible perhaps, I thought. Therefore,



e Ki w K roto wi n. Ai w Lo Ao wi Ki. e Ki. w Ko rL
égi wągastowiną. Hiwaruhowigi, égi Wagųsra
here we have gathered. If we take up a collection (?),* and the Creator

*the question mark in parentheses is Radin's. However, cf. ruho, "to donate".



e Ao we A ni t wi Ki di. e Ki e tt
e howe hanitawigiži, égi éja
[he himself] [traveling to] we take it, and there



n tto Ki tt A diAi wi Ki di. Ao ny Ki ttA wi Ki di. ni a li
nąjogiją hašiwigiži, honaigicąwigiži, ni’ąpi
to take pity if we ask him, if he is willing, to cause to live



K L Ki wi n n. e de. A Ao. ay Le de. A ntt
karagiwinaną," éže. "Hąhó," aíreže. Haną́c
we can make him so.," he said. "Hąhó," they said. All



p. 42 —
Ao ni Ay Le de. e Ki. w o de. ttA A rKy d. ttAi
honįhaireže. Égi wa’ųže. Cahasgaižą ci
they answered with approval. Then [he did it.] A white deerskin lodge



Ao Ki rA Ke tt Lo lA L de. e Ki. w o de. n tteKe
hokisageja ruparáže. Égi wa’ųže. Nącge
in the center he spread it out. Then [he did it.] Heart



Ao mi n Ke tt. A ni Ko de. Lo K n K nl litti de. ttA lA n K.
homįnąkeja hanįguže. Rokana kąnąpjįže. Capanąka
[from the seat] he drew from. Much it glittered. The head of the deer



e tt A K nK deAe. de Ko e tt Ao t
éja hakanakše. Žegų éja hota
there he put it. Then there [light]



A Al nK deAe. A A. Ko no no. e Ki ne
hahąpnąkše. "Hąhą́ Kununo, égi ne
[it became as daylight.] "Hąhą́ Kununa, [here] you [yourself]



doo Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ke de. w Ktt K K. Ai deKe o de
š’ųkjanaheną," higeže. Wakjąkaga hišgé ’ųže.
you will do it," he said to him. Trickster also he did.



p. 43 —
tt rKe Ai K de rKe Ai de. tt Ko ni Ke
Jasgehiga žesge hiže. jagú nįgé
As he did it, that [he made.] What [part]



Ai tt tti n Ki K. Ai Ko Ai Ki rKe Ai de.
hija jinąkiga higų hikisge hiže.
there as he put it, [then] one like it [he made.]



e Ki di Ke. Ke ttA Ke K o de. Ai Ko
Égi žigé Kecąkega ’ųže. Higų
And again Turtle he did. [Then]



Ai deKe de rKe Ai de. e tt w te xoAo K
hišgé žesge hiže. Éja Watexúga
also that he made. There Bladder



o Ki di Ai deKe de rKe Ai de. e tt.
’ųgiži, hišgé žesge hiže. Éja
he did it and also likewise he did. There



Al wi L o Ki di Ai deKe de rKe Ai de.
Hąpwira ’ųgiži, hišgé žesge hiže.
the Sun he did it and [also] likewise he did.



e tt. Ae doAo ttK oo Ki di Ai deKe de rKe
Éja Hešucka ’ųgiži, hišgé žesge
There Redhorn he did it and also likewise



p. 44 —
Ai de. e Ki. Ai Ko Lo Ke Ai Le L o Ki di Ai deKe
hiže. Égi Hikorokehirera ’ųgiži, hišgé
he did. Then their Grandmother she did it and also



de rKe Ai de. e Ki Ai tt ne n K. oy Le Ki di.
žesge hiže. Égi hijanénąka ’ųįregiži,
likewise he did. And all the rest they did it and



A ntt de rKe Ai L no ni Ke. Ao Lo ttiri w Ki o
haną́c žesge hiranunige horujís waki’ų
[all] [likewise] [they made, but] less [to do it]



Ai Le de. xoAo no Ai niKi w Ki o Ai Le ra de. o nK Koo
hireže. Xųnųhínįk waki’ų hires’aže. ’Ųnąk’ų,
they did. A small piece [to do it] they always did. Finally,



A n ttAi Aoyi diAi li Le de. tt n K K. A A. e de.
hanącį hoišipireže, janagaka. "Hąhą́," éže,
all they did it, all that were present. "Now then," he said,



de Ko Ai Le Ki di e Ki. te e A Ktt
žegų hiregiži, égi tee hakjá
all through when they were, and "these back



p. 45 —
di Ke w L K L diAi ni Ktt n A wi n. A Ko Leyi d. e Ki.
žigé warakarašinikjanahawiną, hagoreižą. "Égi
again you will get them, sometime. "Well,



xeAe teyi d. Ao Le doKo ni K Ai Ki dA n Ke. de e.
Xeteyižą Horešguniga higišą́nąge. Žee
one of the Great Ones the Devil he has injured. This one



A ttAi Kette L. A ntt. Ao m dtt L. ni Ke dA n. doo wi ne.
hacikjera, haną́c homąšjąra nįgešana š’ųwine.
that we might avenge him, all the powers [here and there] you have added.



A Ke w n liAi ni n. m o L. Ao m dtt L Ai Ki rKe n.
Hąké wanąpinįną. Mą’ųra homąšjąra hikisgeną,
Not it cannot be defeated. Earthmaker the power it is the same as,



no ni Ke w o L. de rKeyi d Ae Le n. w d Ko rL.
nųnįgé wa’ųra žesgeižą hereną. Wažągųsra
but the one who did it the same he is. [The Creator of Things]



p. 46 —
Ao m dtt L. Ai Ki rKe d Ae Le n. e rKe. Ai L dA n Kette
homąšjąra hikisgežą hereną. Ésge, hirašąnąkje
the power one like it he has. Therefore, we should have a little more.



de rKe n. e rKe. w d o L. e Ao w ni te Ktt n A wi n.
Žesgeną. Ésge, Wažą’ųra e howanitekjanahawiną.
Thus it is. Therefore, the Creator it we are going to take it.



e tt ntt w Ko tt wi Ki di. Ai L dA n Ktt ne n. de de Ko Ki di.
Éja nąjwagujawigiži, hirašąnąkjaneną. Žežegųgiži,
There if we are pitied, we shall overcome him. [If it is thus,]



te e Ai Lo xoAo Lo Ki Ktt n A wi n. e de. e Ki.
tee hiruxurukikjanahawiną," éže. Égi
this we shall accomplish it," he said. Then



xAe te A Lo w K nK wi K Ao wi de. A Ke we
Xete haruwąknąkwiga howiže. Hakewe
Great Ones the eight they went. Six



p. 47 —
w o L wi de. w d o L e Ao w Ly Le Ki w Ktt K K
wa’ųrawiže. Wažą’ųra e howarairegi: Wąkjąkaga
[they were the ones who did it]. The Creator [they] they went: Trickster



Ae Ley n K. e Ki. Ke ttA Ke K. e Ki. w te xoAo K.
hereanąga égi Kecąkega, égi Watexúga,
[it was, and] [and] Turtle, and Bladder,



e Ki. w ditti Ke K. e Ki. Ae doAo ttK. e Ki.
égi Wašjįgega égi Hešucka, égi
and Hare, and Redhorn, and



Al wi L. de de n K. w o L wi de. w Ko rL e
Hąpwira, žeženąga wa’ųwiže. Wagųsra e
the Sun, this many [they were the ones who did it.] The Creator [they]



Ao w Ly Le Ki di. A Ko Ley d A Ai Le de. e Ki. Ai tt
howarairegiži, hagoreižą hahíreže. Égi hija
[when they went,] finally they arrived. And there



A Ai Le Ki di. ttAi L Ao Ke we w Ki Ki de. A A
hahiregiži, cira hokewe wagigiže. "Hąhą́,"
when they arrived, the lodge to come he permitted them. "Hąhą́,"



p. 48 —
e de. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. w d Aoyi ni Ke
éže. "Nįkjąknįkxjįwira wažą hoinįge
he said. "My children, not for nothing



w doo L tti Ktt wi de. w d Aoy ni Ke xitti L A K Ai d
waš’ųrajikjawiže. Wažą hoinįgexjįra haka hižą
you came here. It is not for nothing [now] one



Ai Ki L tti A L tte de. w d xitti L Ai d
higi raji haraježe. Wažąxjįra hižą
here you came you are. Great thing a



A w o L tti wi d[e] y L nK dA n e de. e Ki.
hawa’ų rajiwiž[e], yaranąkšaną," éže. Égi
[that is why] you have come, I am thinking," he said. And



w Ktt K K w o de. ttA A rK. wo w K ttA K
Wakjąkaga wa’ųže. Cahasga wowakącąk
Trickster [he did this.] The white deerskin bundle of holiness



Lo diAi n K. Ai tt Ki K nK deAe. Ao Lo xo ttede. A A.* e lAi n.
rošinąka hijagikanąkše. Horuǧuježe. "Hąhą́, epíną,
[in full sight (?)] he placed it before him. He looked at it. "Now then, it is good,

*this word is preceded by a # mark.



p. 49 —
ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. te de rKe L. y leAe Le rnK dA n. lAe wi L.
nįkjąknįkxjįwira. Težesgera yapereznąkšaną. Pewįra,
my children. It I have known. I have been thinking of it,



Ai Ke y lAe Le rini nK KL. e liAi n. te de rKe K. te e
hįké yapereznįnąkra. epíną. Težesgega. Tee
not I did not know. It is good. Thus it is. This



A o L. wo we wi L liAi Kette A o L. ni ne deKe.
ha’ųra. Wowewira pįkje ha’ųra. ninéšge
when I created, [thinking qualities] [it will be good] I created him. Even I



A Ke y Ki rK ni K tt. Ai rKe xitti wo we wi L. liAi n.
hąké yagisganįgają. Hisgéxjį wowewira pįna.
not I am not equal. Sure enough [the thinking qualities] [they are good.]



p. 50 —
e liAi n. A A. Ai deKe ni Ki tti te Ktt wi n e de.
epíną. Hąhą́, hišgé nįgijitekjawiną," éže.
It is good. Now then, I also I will help you," he said.



wi we wi Ao mi n Ke tt. A ni Ko de. de Ko ttAo L L de.
Wiwéwį homįnąkeja hanįguže, žegų coraraže.
Thinking [from his seat] he brought something forth, and it was blue.*

*the translator adds, "(with lightning)".



tt rKe xitti A ni A Ai Le K. no l A de rKe xitti Ai tt
Jasgéxjį hanihahirega, nųpáha žesgexjį hija
As much as they had taken over, twice that much [there]



Ao K nK deAe. e Ki. we de. n doo Ktt n A wi n. ne
hokanąkše. Égi weže, "Naš’ųkjanahawiną. Ne
he added. Then he said, "You will do it. [You]



liAi Ai L leAe Le riwi n. de e. xeAe te w o L.
hiraperezwiną. Žee xete wa’ųra,
[good] [you know.] That one great I created him,



Ai d. e Ki. wo Ko rL Ai Ki rKe Ai Ki n KL.
hižą égi wogųzra hikisgé higinąkra
one [here] his powers equal to mine [remaining]



p. 51 —
w o L. Ai d Ai Ki dA n Ai Le L. A Ke
wa’ųra. Hižą higišą́ną hirera, hąké
I created him. One injured [he did,] not



de rK ni L y leAe Le rnK KL Ke ni w d Ao o
žesganira yapereznąkra, kéni wažą ho’ų
it should not be so I know it, but not [something] [time]



Ai Ki liAi ni n KL. e liAi L L tti wi n. e de.
higi, pįnįnąkra. epíną rajiwiną," éže,
[when it was,] [I had not done well.] It is good that you have come," he said,



m o L. Ao mi nK n Ki di. Ao L tteKe tt. nK deAe. Ao Le doKo ni L.
Mą’ųra. Homįnąknąkiži, horajgeja nąkše, Horešgúnira.
Earthmaker. From where he sat, to the left he sat, the Devil.



ttAi L. Ai Ko Ai Ki rKe de. e Ki. de de Ko Ki di.
Cira higų hikisgeže. Égi žežegųgiži,
His lodge [just] it was the same. [Then] [having been thus,]



p. 52 —
w i nl deAe. w Ktt K K. Ai att ni L. e liAi n. tt Ko
wa’inąpše, Wakjąkaga. "Hi’ącnira, epíną. Jagú
he thanked him, Trickster. "Father, it is good. What



Low Ko wi L. e xitti Ae Le Ai L Ki Ki wi L. wi no w Ko ni xitti
rowaguwira exjį herehi ragigiwira, winowagunixjį
we wanted exactly [to make to be] you did, without hesitation



doo L. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. e o Ktt n Ae n.
š’ųra, égi hicakorohara e ’ųkjanaheną.
you did, and my friend he he will do it.



e dA n Ae Le n. A ntt A n xKo Ai Le n.
Ešana hereną. Haną́c hanąxgų́ hiréną.
The only one he is. All to listen they do.



w w tti wi K. e dA n Ai lAe Le rL. Ae Le n. wo we wi L.
Wawajiwiga, ešana hiperezra hereną. Wowewira
Where we came from, the only one who knows he is. His thoughts



p. 53 —
liAi n. Ao no li m ni L. e dA n. w Ki tti Le n. e
pįną. Hunųpimąnįra ešana wagijireną. E
they are good. The humans he only he has helped them. He



te e. o Ktt n Ae n di Ke. tt Ko Ai Lo Ao wi Le.
tee ’ųkjanaheną. Žigé jagú hiruhowire,
this he will do. [Again] what it is donated,



e A ni A Ki Ki Ktt n A wi n. a n K. ttA A rK L.
e hanį́ hagigikjanahawiną," ánąga, cahasgara
it to take charge we shall have him do," he said, and the white deerskin



w Lo diAi Ao Koo de. A Ao. e liAi n. e de.
warušį hok’ųže. "Hąhó, epíną," éže.
bundle he handed to him. "Hąhó, it is good," he said.



w ditti Ke K. w i nl deAe. Ai d o Ktt n Ae L. w Ko r ni wiye tt
Wašjįgega wa’inąpše. Hižą ’ųkjanahera wagųzniwieja
Hare* thanked him. The one who will really do it to our council lodge

*the translator includes this as the last word of the last sentence ("Hare said").



p. 54 —
Ai Ki tte wi Ki di A ni A Ki Ki Ktt n Ae n. Ao K L n KeLe e Ki.
higijewigiži, hanihagigikjanaheną. Hokaranąkre égi
when we return, I will give him possession of it. In returning here



A ni A o Ktt n Ae n e de. e Ki. w d o L.
hanį́ ha’ųkjanaheną," éže. Égi Wažą’ųra
I bring I will," he said. And the Creator



w w i Ki nl deAe. e Ki. we de. w d o L. A A.
wawa’įkinąpše. Égi weže Wažą’ųra, "Hąhą́
he thanked him. And he said the Creator, "Now then



Ai niKi A xitti. Ko no ne xeAe te L ni ne n.
hinįkhaxjį Kunu, ne xetera nineną.
my son Kunu, you the oldest one [you are.]



w KidiKi lAi ni o n. e Ki. w K ttAK
Wąkšik ni’ųną, égi wakącąk
Man good I made you, and holy



ni o n. e Ki. m L Ao w Le ni Ki Ki n.
ni’ųną. Égi mąra howare nigiginą.
I made you. And the earth [to go] [I made you.]



p. 55 —
m Ao doo L tte K. A n ni xoKo Ai L n K. ni Ki da Ki L n K.
hoš’ųrajega, hanąnixgų hiránąga nįgiš’agiranąga
Earth [when you went,] to listen to you they did, and to honor you, and



A n ni xoKo Ai Le Kette. e Ki. tt Ko w KidiKi
hanąnixgų hirekje, égi jagú wąkšik
to obey [they were,] and what to live by



i L n L de rKe w diAi n Ao L we Ktte de de rKe
iranara,* žesge wašiną. Horawekježe. Žesge
they were, that you should lead them. [You are cursed.] Thus

*for hiranara, the initial /h/ dropped by external sandhi.



ni Ko rA n. ne xitti w L Ki Koo n. ne wo dK A liAi ni L.
nigųsaną. Nexjį warakik’ųną. Ne wošgahapinira
I created you. You you brought this on yourself. You your own deeds



A w o. A ntt Ao ni dK tti Le n. Ai ni Kd Kd
hawa’ų, haną́c honišgajireną. Hinikšakša
for, all they have jested with you. To abuse you



p. 56 —
Ai Le n. tt n K w Ki Li xoAo no xitti niKi L Le deKe.
hiréną, janąga wakiri xunuxjįnįk rareške.
they did, all insects smallest even.



e Ki. te e Ai d. tt rKe Ai Kette
Égi tee hižą jasgé hikje
And [this] one what [he should do]



Ai Ae L. o L. te e e dA n. A Lo x
hihéra, ’ųra, tee ešana haruxa
I told him, who did, him alone in front



A diAi ni wi n. wo Ko rL xtt doKo ni* Ai L Ki Ki n. xeAe te L
hašiniwiną. Wogųzra xjašguni hiragiginą. Xetera
you are to hold. My creation to make light of you have done. [The oldest]

*the /x/ is overwritten on an erased /K/.



ni K tt. w ni Ktt K n. ne xitti te e w doo n.
nigáją, wanikjąkaną. Nexjį tee waš’ųną.
you are, but it is foolish.* You this you have done it.

*this should be "you are foolish".



A Ke de rKe Ai ni liAi ni n. wo dK A diAi ni L
Hąké žesge hinipįnįną. Wošga hašinira
Not this I did not tell you. Affair [on account of]



p. 57 —
Ae Le n. w Ktt K K Ai ni K nK KL. Ai ttA Ko Lo L K.
hereną, "Wakjąkaga" hiniknąkra. Hicakororaga
it is, "Foolish One" they call you. Your friend



w ditti Ke K. o Le de rKe L Ktte ni o n. A Ke
Wašjįgega ’ųre, žesge rakje ni’ųną. Hąké
Hare do, that [you are to do] I created you. Not



A Ai wo Ko r ni L. xtt doKo ni L Kette ni o ni n. Ai Ke de.
hahiwogųznįra xjašguni rakje ni’ųnįną," higeže.
I did not create you to abuse [you are to do] I did not," he said it.



Ke ttA Ke K. Ai dKe Ai Ke de. e tt. di Ke
Kecąkega hišgé higeže. Éja žigé
Turtle also he said it. There again



liAi Ai w Ao Ko de. tt n K Ai wi K.
hiwahokože, janąga hiwiga.
[well] he counseled them, all who went there.



p. 58 —
e Ki. Ko wi de. e lA Ae Le n. te tt rK Le
Égi guwiže. Epa hereną, tejasgare
Then they came away. Since then it was, [how it was]



de rK Ao n. e Ki. wo Ko r K. Ai Ko. ttAi L
žesgahuną. Égi wogųzaga higų cira
[as he came.]* And [created things] [still] lodge

*žesgahuną appears to be for žesge-hahuną. The translator translates the sentence as, "Since then it was as it is."



Aoyi xitti wi Ke Le KnK deAe. e Ki. Ki Li wi de. e Ki.
hoixjį wikereknąkše. Égi kiriwiže. Égi
full they sat quietly. Then they returned. Then



w ditti Ke K. ttAi Ao Ki rA Ke tt n de de. ttA A rK L
Wašjįgega ci hokisakeja nąžeže. Cahasgara
Hare lodge in the middle he stood. The white deerskin



A ni n di de. A A.* w xoAo liAi ni xitti wi L. e Ki. tt Ko
haninąžįže. "Hąhą́ waxopinixjįwira, égi jagú
he stood holding. "Hąhó you real spirits, here [what]

*just before this word is written, "§39".



p. 59 —
doo wi L. Ai rKe n. Ai a tti Ai wi L. Ai rKe w K Ki Ki wi n.
š’ųwira, hisgeną. Hi’ącihiwira hisgé wągagigiwiną.
you have done, it has become a reality Our father a reality he has made it become.



e Ki. Ao m dtt L. tt n K. A Ai wi L. no l A.
Égi homąšjąra janąga hahiwira, nųpáha
And the strength as much as we took over, twice



A wi tte tte de n K. Ai tt Ao do n. e Ki.
hawijeježe, nąga hija hožuną. Égi
he added in for us, and [there] [he filled it.] And



Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. e o Ktt n Ae n. e A ni A Ki Ki Ktt n Ae n.
hicakorohara, e ’ųkjanaheną. E hanihagigikjanaheną,"
my friend it he will do. It I will give him,"



e de. e Ki. ttA A rK L. Al wi L. A ni Ki Ki de.
éže. Égi cahasgara Hąpwira, hanigigiže.
he said. Then the white deerskin the Sun he handed him.



e Ki. e tt. e Le de.*
Égi éja ereže.†
Then there it was.

*superscripted at the end of this word is, "§41 6".
ereže is for hereže, the /h/ being dropped from external sandhi due to the previous word's vowel.



p. 60 —
e Ki.* Al wi L. wi L Lo ttA tte Ki di. e tt Ai wo dA de. e tt
Égi Hąpwira wirarocąjegiži, éja hiwušaže. Éja
And the Sun at noon, there he stopped. There

*just to the left and above this word is written, "§41 6".



Ai noKo tte K. to* Kee L L Ae de. e tt ni Ke.
hinųkjega to k’era raheže. Éja nįgé
the woman potatoes she dug [she went by while on the way.] There place

*something is scribbled out just above and to the right of this word.



m L. A t rAl Ki Ki de. xeAe Ai L lo rt Ke tt. e tt.
mąra hatasapgigiže. Xe hirabostakeja éja
the earth [he caused it to dry out.] Hill on the side there



Ai de. Ai noKo tt n. e tt. to Kee K tt. de Ko
hiže. Hinųkjana éja to k’egają, žegų
she was. The woman there potatoes as she dug, [thus]



m L. dotto ttAi de. de Ko. Le da KL. A ni Ko K.
mąra šjucįže. Žegų reš’akra haniguga
the earth he made very warm. Thus her hoe as she brought it out



to L. Ki e Ai Ko Ko de. to xete te xitti L
tora gi e hikukuže. Toxetexjįra
the potatoes [to remain] [she] [to dig ?]. The really big potatoes



p. 61 —
Le Ki de. e tt to Kee L. xeAe Ai L lo rt Ke tt.
regiže. Éja to k’era xe hirabostakeja
[she kept.] There the potatoes she dug hill at the side



n di to Kee Ki di e Ki. A t xiKi Ki di Ki liAi L
nąžį́ to k’egíži, égi hataxgigiži gipįra
she stood potatoes as she was digging, and as she was basking she liked it



Lo K n de. diAi ttL. A t xiKi Ki di
rokánaže. Šijra hataxgigiži,
very much. Her buttocks as she was basking,



m dtt Ki liAi de. e rKe wi
mąją gipįže. Ésge wi
[much] [she liked it.] [And so] sun



w t K ttL A ttAi tte Le Ki di. e tt Ao w rii
watakacra hacijeregiži, éja howas’į
he warmed it up for her everywhere, there she turned her buttocks



n di o Ki di m dtt Ki liAi de. Ai deKe
nąžį́ ’ųgiži, mąšją gipįže. hišgé
[standing] [as he did it,] [mightily] she liked it. Also



p. 62 —
Al wi L. Ai noKo tte K. diAi ttL A ni o n Ke w o tte de.
hąpwira hinųkjega šijra hani’ųnąke wa’ųježe.
the sun the woman her buttocks [having taken her] [he did it.]



e Ki. e tt. wo w K ttAK Lo Ao Ai L ni Ae K. A ntt
Égi éja wowakącąk ruhohiranihega, haną́c
And there all the holiness that had been gathered together and sent, all



Ao wy Le Ai de. Ao o Ai d Ki L e tt*
howairehiže. Ho’ų hižą kira éja
he made it to enter. Time one only there

*slightly above and to the right of this word something is scribbled, then crossed out.



Ai noKo tte K. w o ttK nK Ai L no ni K. A Ki Ki leAe Le rini de.
hinųkjega waucakanąkhira nuniga hagįgi pereznįže.
the woman she became pregnant, but afterwards she was not aware.



e Ki. Ai noKo tt ne. Ki lAi L Lo K n de. w n i
Égi hinųkjane gipįra rokánaže. wanąį
[And] the woman she liked it very much. Her mind



Ki liAi tti tte de deKe e Ki. to L
gipį jijéže. Ške égi tora
happy she became. Also here the potatoes



p. 63 —
Lo K n w Ki o de. to xAe te xitti deKe L Le Ki
rokana waki’ųže. Toxetexjį ške raregi
many [she got.] The great big potatoes also [as she went]



Kee de. to w ttAe Kitti L Le Ki w Ki o de
k’eže. To wacekjį raregi waki’ųže.
she dug. Potatoes very new [as she went] [she got.]



deKe. to L. A rA nr tti Le de. lA Kii tti Ki di.
Ške tora hasąnąs-jireže. k’ijigiži,
Also the potatoes they were smooth. Bag which she brought,



Aoyi xitti Ai de. Ai ttAi to L. Ai tt Ki Ki di. to L
hoixjį hiže. hicitora hijagigiži tora
full she made. Her older brother when she got back, the potatoes



Lo ttK w Ki Ki de. Ki liAi L Lo K n de. Ai Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de.
rucgá wagigíže. Gipįra rokánaže. Hįke wažirukanahinįže.
[to eat] [she let him.] He was delighted very much. He was very happy.



p. 64 —
n lL Ai o w n K. wy tteKe L. Ao K L Ki ta nK deAe.
Nąpra hi’ųwanąga waijgera hokarakit’anąkše.
His hands he would use and his younger sister he talked.



Ai dKe. Ai ttAi to L de rKe Ki Ki tte de. n lL
hišgé hicitora žesge gigiježe, nąpra
Also her older brother the same she did, his hand



A Lo Ko r n K w d L Ai d Ai Ke K. Ai leAe Lere ra de.
harukosanąga wažąra hižą higega, hiperes’aže.
taking hold, and [the things] [one] she said, he would understand it.



Ai noKo tt ne. Ai Ke deKe A K w d
Hinųkjane hįkešge hąká wažą
The woman heretofore never anything



Lo tte rK ni w o tte de. Ai ttAi to L dA n xitti. A K L Ki
rujeskanį wa’ųježe. Hicitora šanaxjį hakaraki
she had not eaten much she did. Her brother only for him



Koxo tte de. w Lotto diAi no no ni Ke deKe. Ai Ke
koxježe. Warúc ši nununigeške hįké
she looked after. To eat he told her but not



p. 65 —
o ni ra de. e rKe K tt K deKe Ao dA w xitti de.
’ųnįs’aže. Ésge gająga ške hošawaxjįže,
she would not do it. Therefore, now [also] she was very thin,



Ai noKo tt ne. e rKe ntt wo K L Ki tt xitti Le de.
hinųkjane. Ésge nąj wokaragi jaxjįreže,
the woman. Therefore, taking pity [how they did,]



w xoAo liAi ni w Ki do L. e Ki wo A Ki di. e tt.
waxopį́nį wakižura, égi wohakiži, éja
spirits with him, and when she boiled, there



wo K L Koo Ki di. w Lotto Ki Ki Ki di Lo A Lotto
wogára k’ųgiži warucgigigiži, roha ruc
she gave him [after she made it,] [after getting him to eat,] much to eat



diAi de. o de. Lo A Lotto deAe. Ai deKe
šiže, ’ųže. Roha rucše. hišgé
she told him, she did. Much he ate. Also



p. 66 —
w Lo tti Ktt n Ae L Ao Ki LK deAe. Ki liAi xitti de. e lA. to L
warujikjanahera, hogirakše. Gipįxjįže. Epa tora
that she would eat, she told him. He liked it. From then on potatoes



Lo A Kee ra de. e lA to Lo ttL
roha k’es’aže. Epa to rujra
many she would dig. From that time on potatoes they ate



tt Ko Ki liAi o wi de. de e* A Ko Ley d. Ai noKo tt ne.
jagú gipį’ųwiže. Žee hagoreižą, hinųkjane
as many as they liked. Then one day, the woman

*just before this word, with a different writing implement, is written "§46.".



Ai Ko w d ni xA L. w d ni rKe
higų wažą nįxara, wažą nisge
[then] something her abdomen, something like



Ai L n Ki Kii de. Ai Ko Ai rKe xitti de rKe de. A Lo xA
hiranákík’įže. Higų hisgéxjį žesgeže. Haruxa
it felt. And really it was so. It began



Ai L tty L A Le de. K tt K A Ai. ni xA Lo Ke tt
hirajaira hareže. Gająga, hahi nįxarogeja
bigger to get. Finally, after awhile in her abdomen



p. 67 —
deKe w d Ai xK xK Ai Le ra de. e tt
ške wažą hixgąxgą́ hires’aže. Éja
also something to move it would. There



Ai leAe Lere deAe. w o ttK nK w o tt L. Ki liAi de. te de rKe Ki di.
hipéresše. Wa’ųjkanąk wa’ųjara, gipįže. "Težesgegiži,
she knew. Pregnant that she was, she liked. "If I am really thus,



ni Ktt KiniKi A ni Ki di. ttAi to K. wo Ki xAl ttAo
nįkjąknįk hanįgiži, citoga wokíxap
children if I have, older brother [companion] [to make available]



A K L Ki Ktt n Ae Ai Le de. Ai ttAi to L. Ao Ki L Ki tteKe
hakaragikjanahe," hireže. Hicitora hogirakijege,
[I will make thus and so,"] she thought. Older brother she would tell him,



Ai Le de. tt rKe A Ki di A leAe Le rn Ko ni Ai Le de.
hireže. Jasgé hagiži hapereznagųnį, hireže.
she thought. What [can I do] to let him know, she thought.



p. 68 —
n le tt. A Lo Ko r n K. Ao Ki LK n i no ni Ke
Nąpeja harukosanąga hogirak ną’į́ nųnįgé
By hand she held and to tell him she tried but



Ai Ke Ai leAe Le rini de. e Ki. K tt K w o de*
hįké hipereznįže. Égi gająga wa’ųže.
not he did not understand. [And] [now] [she did this.]

*after this word is written a symbol similar to the # sign.



n lL A ni Kow n K. ni xA L. Ai Ki o n Ki i Ki
Nąpra hanį́guánąga nįxara hiki’ó nąk’įki
His hand she took and her abdomen to touch she tried to have him



Ai leAe Le rK A K L ni n lL Ai Ko ra de. wy tteKe L.
hiperezga hakarani nąpra hikus’aže. Waijgera
when he knew [he took] his hand he would snatch it away. His younger sister



ni xA L Ai Ki o L. n Ke we de. Ai noKo tt ne. n xi Le de.
nįxara hiki’ora nąkeweže. Hinųkjane naxireže.
her abdomen to touch he was afraid. The woman she got frightened.



p. 69 —
w d wo Lo diAi Ke rKe o n i Ai L n i Ko ni
Wažą worošigesge ’ų ną’į́ hirana’įgųnį,
Something shameful to do she was trying he must think,



Ai Le Kidi. de Ko Ai leAe Lere Lo Ki Ko xitti de.* o nK Koo
hiregiži. Žegų hiperes rogigųxjįže. ’Ųnąk’ų,
she thought. So to know she wanted him to ever so much more. Finally,

*the syllable de is written over an erasure which is difficult to make out.



Lo ttK de. ni xA L. te we L Ki w o ttK nK nK deAe.
rucgáže.* Nįxara tewéraki waucakanąkše.
he felt her. Her abdomen unexpectedly she was pregnant.

*this is a hapaxlegomenon from ru-, "by means of the hand", and cgą, "to grope".



Ao w Le L. Ki liAi L Lo K n de. e Ki. n
Howarera gipįra rokánaže. Égi
Sure enough, he was delighted very much. And wood



Ki Kd l n K. Ao Koo Ki di. Ao xitti o n i nK ra de.
gikšapanąga hok’ųgiži, hoxjį́ ’ų ną’įnąks’aže.
she split and she gave it to him, and cradle to make he would try,



p. 70 —
Ao Lo ttK. A Ko Ley d. Ai d o de. A lK
horucgá. Hagoreižą, hižą ’ųže. Hąpgá
feeling. Finally, one he made. Every day



A ni o nK ra Ki di. liAi Ai de.* A Ko Leyi d. wi L.
hani’ųnąks’agiži, pįhiže. Hagoreižą, wira
he would be at it, so he made a good one. Finally, month

*after this word, with a different writing implement, is written, "§47".



Ai d Ki ttAo doKo ni A de. e Ki. w Ke Kotto Ktt n Ae Ki di.
hižąk’íc’ųškų́nįhaže. Égi wakegockjanahegiži
it was the ninth. And it was her time to be confined



Ae Le K tt. te we L Ki. ttAi Lo l[e] tt. w di d Ao w tti Ao
heregają, tewéraki cirop[e]ja wažį́žą howajihu
when it was, [unexpectedly] through the door something to be thrust through



Ai Le de. Ao rA L xitti Ai de. ri xitti de. mr Ao xitti d
hireže. Hosaraxjįhiže. Zixjįže. Mąz hoxjį́žą
it was. It made a ringing noise. It was yellow. Metal a cradle



p. 71 —
Ae Le Ki di. do L ri de. Aoyi xiAi wi xitti w o de. di Ke
heregíži, žuraziže. Hoixiwixjį wa’ųže. Žigé
it was, and it was gold. Filled it was. Again



o de. di Ke de rKey d Ae Le no ni Ke.
’ųže. Žigé žesgaižą here, nųnįgé
it was done. Again one like it it was, but



rK xitti de. do L rK L Le Ki xitti de. e Ki. Ai ttAi to L. Lo ttK
sgaxjįže. Žurasgararegixjįže. Égi hicitora rucgá
it was white. It was of silver. And her older brother to feel them



w Ki Ki de. A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. Ao xitti Ao m L L
wagigiže. Hąké wažirukanahinįže. Hoxjį́ homąrara
she had him. He was very much delighted. Cradle the empty



w Lo a de. n Lo xiAi wi d deKe Ai ow n K. ny Ki K L ri L
waruaže. Nąroxiwižą ške hi’ųanąga naįgikarasira
he held. A poker also he took and the railings



p. 72 —
Ao tti tti de. ni KttK n Ki w w o nK deAe.* e Ki. Ai noKo n K.
hojijiže. Nįkjąknąki wawa’ųnąkše. Égi hinųknąka
he began to hit. For the child he was doing it. And the woman

*after this word, with a different writing implement, is written, "§48".



Ai Ki Le Ktt n Ae L. Ai leAe Le riKi di. Ai Ai nl deAe e Ki. ttA Ke tt A Ai
higirekjanahera hiperezgiži, hihiną́pše. Égi cągéja hahi
it would be her time when she knew it, she went out. And out she went



Ai L Le xitti o de. w KeKe ttAo Ki di. e Ki. w Ko Lo n K. Ao xitti*
hiraréxjį ’ųže. Wakekcųgiži, égi wakuruanąga hoxjį́
a little distance she did. When she gave birth, [here] she washed them and cradle

*some kind of mark is made before this word.



wo too l n K Ki Li di.* no liAi wi ttAo de. w Kini KL
wot’ųpanąga kiriži.* Nųpiwi cų́že, wąknįkra.
she put them and she came back. Two she had given birth, boys.

*this should really be a terminal /e/ rather than /i/, yielding kiriže.



p. 73 —
di Ke K Ki L de. Ai K K w Lo K deLe Ai ni de. tt tt n K
Žigé gakiraže. Hįkaga warukšerehinįže. Jająnąga
Again he was more so. Never he would not let go of them. Always



w ni o nK ra de. tt tt. Ai d x x K n K. w ri Ki Ki Kette K
wani’ųnąks’aže. Jają́ hižą ǧaǧakanąga wasigigikjega
he would have them. When one he would cry and she would nurse him



dA n. Ko Lo r n K. w ri Ki Ki Ki di Ke tt tti ne tt
šana, kurusanąga wasigigigi, žigé jajineją
only, she would take and when she had nursed him, again right away



Loro ra de. wo Ki ro Kitti wo xeAe te w Ai de.
rus’aže. Wogizokjį woxéte wahiže,
he would always take him. Really he loved [he did it,]



wi w Ai ttAi de. e Ki. A Lo xA xeAe te niKi A Ly Le Ki di.
wiwahįcįže. Égi haruxa xetenik harairegiži,
very much so. And [increasing] larger as he started,



p. 74 —
A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. e Ki. Ai deKe o mK Ki Le de
hąké wažirukanahinįže.* Égi hišgé ’ųmąkireže,
he was delighted. And also they were accustomed to him,

*< hąke waži hirukono hiriną, "so anxious he cannot control himself" (Marino).



deKe. A i teKe Ai Le L e. Ai o ni Ai Le L deKe
ške hitekhirera e hi’unihirera ške
[and] their uncle him their mother even



Ai Ke e Ai L Ki tt L Ai L ni de. A i teKe Ai Le L.
hįké e hiragicara hiranįže. Hitekhirera
not she more she was not. Their uncle



e Ai L Ki ttAe L Ai Le de. A Ai K tt K.
e hiragicera hireže. Hahi, gająga,
[he] more they were. Finally, [then]



Ki Ko Lo ti Ai Le de. dA n tte KL Lo K n
kikúrutí hireže. Šanajekra rokana
to creep they were. Mischievous [very]



p. 75 —
Ai Le de. Ai teKe Ai Le L. e A Ki K w ttA nK ra de.
hireže. Hitekhirera e hakikawacanąks’aže.
they were. Their uncle they they were always on him.



e rKe. to Kee L deKe. L doKo ni
Ésge, to k’era ške rašgúni
Therefore, Indian potatoes she dug also in peace



o tte de. Ai teKe Ai Le L e A Lo de Le tti Le Ke. e Ki.
’ųježe. Hitekhirera e harušerejirege. Égi
[she did.] Their uncle they they would rather be with him. And



A Ai m ni ne Ki di di Ke Ai Ly ttAe L. Ai Le de.
hahi maninegi, žižige hiraicera hireže.
it came on as it was winter, [again] [bigger] they were.



dA n tte Ki Le de. Ai K K Ai teKe Ai Le L. Lo A Ai L ni de.
Šanajekireže. Hįkaga hitekhirera ruha hiranįže.
They were mischievous. Never their uncle to leave they would not.



p. 76 —
Ai o ni Ai Le L deKe A Ke Ao Lo ttA Ai L ni de.
hi’ųnįhirera ške hąké horucą́ hiranįže.
Their mother also not to pay attention they would not.



e Ki. A Ko Ley d. m wi Kotto Ki liAi Ai Le Ki di.
Égi hagoreižą mąwigucgi, hiregiži,
Then finally, as they shot bows and arrows, good when they were,



e Ki m w Ki o Kette e Ki di. Ai noKo tte K.
égi waki’ųkje egíži. Hi’ųkjega
then arrows he wanted to make them he said. The woman



m w Ki Kdl Ai de. Ai ttAi to L. Ai tt w Ki do Ki di.
wagikšaphiže. hicitora hija wakižugiži,
arrow she split it. Her older brother [there] [it was with him, so]



m ttoKo w Ki o de. e Ki. m Lo xiAini xiAi ni L.
mąjgu waki’ųže. Égi mą ruxįnixįnira
arrows he made them. And (with the wood whittled instead of feathers)*

*the parentheses are in the text of the translation.



tto liAi wi dA n w Ki o de. e Ki. A ni
jopiwi šana waki’ųže. Égi hanį́
four only he made them. And to give



p. 77 —
w Ki Ki Ki di. di Ke A Ly ttAe L Ai Le de. e Ki.
wagigigiži. Žigé haraicera hireže. Égi
he did it for them. Again [the more so] they were. And



Ao ttAi ttAi ni Kn K Ai d we de. n ni. te K K.
hocįcįnįknąka hižą weže, "Ną́ni, tegaga
the boys one he said, "Mother, uncle



tt Ko o w o de. Ai Ke tt w K reKe A n KLe
jagú’ų wa’ųže? Hįké jawągaske hanąkre
why he is the way he is? Not [how we are] [?]



de rK ni ne. A Ke n rAo ttAo ni ne. w Lo ttiKi Ki L.
žesganįne. Hąké nąsu cųnįne. Warujgigira
[he is not this way.] Not head he does not have. To feed him



wo ttAe xiAi K tt. n rAo Ai deKe ttAo Ki di. liAi n K tt
wocexigają. nąsu hišgé cųgiži, pįnagają.
it is difficult. Head also if he had, it would be better.



p. 78 —
e de. tt Ko o n ni w o de e de.
éže. "Jagú’ų ną́ni wa’ųže?" éže.
he said. "Why mother he is that way?" he said.



Ai ni KiniKi A xitti Ao rKe Ai deKe de rKe Ke w o nK dA n
"Hiniknįkhaxjį, hosgé hišgé žesgege wa’ųnąkšaną,"
"My son, naturally [also] that way [he is it,"]



e de. e Ki. de Ko o nK ra de. K tt K.
éže. Égi žegų ’ųnąks’aže. Gająga
she said. And thus he would be. Now



Ai teKe Ai Le L. wi Ko Ko rL n Ki xoKo xitti deKe Ai Le de.
hitekhirera, wigugųsra nąkixgųxjį ške hireže.
their uncle his motions to understand very well [also] they were.



Ai Ko di Ke Ai Ki wx deAe. Ai d. n ni
Higų žigé higiwąxše, hižą, "Ną́ni,
Still again he asked her, one, "Mother,



te K K. n rAo L. m Ko no Ki Le n tte K tt. tt Ko o
tegaga nąsúra mąkųnųkirenajegają. Jagú’ų
uncle his head it seems to have been cut off. Why



p. 79 —
w o Ko ni e de. di Ke e de Ai niKi niKi A xitti.
wa’ųgųnį?" éže. Žigé éže, "Hiniknįkhaxjį,
it is thus?" he said. Again she said, "My son,



Ai deKe Ao rKe de rKe Ke w o nK dA n e de.
hišgé hosgé žesgege wa’ųnąkšaną," éže.
[also] naturally that way [he is it,"] she said.



di Ko Ko A[i] t ni A L. Ai Ki w xi Le de.* di Ke A Ke
Žigųgų h[i]tanihąra hikiwą́ǧireže. Žigé hąké
[Then] the third time they asked. Again not

*a # sign follows this word.



wo Ki L Kini de. Ai tto l A L. Ai Ko di Ke. Ai Ki w xi Le Ki di
wogiraginįže. hijopahąra higų žigé higiwąxiregiži,
she would not tell them. The fourth time yet again they asked her, and



Ai Ke wo Ki Le Kini de. e Ki. w wi de. ttA Ke tt n d L n K
hįké wogireginįže. Égi wawíže, cągéja nažaranąga
not she would not tell them. Then they said, outside as they stood, and



p. 80 —
w nK deAe. Ko te. w Kno n KL. e tt Ao wi ne Ki di.
wanąkše, "Koté, wąknunąkra éja howinegiži,
[they did this,] "Say, the old man there let us go,



A Ke n ni K. w Ko Ki L Kini K tt. de e di
hąké nąnį́ga wągogiraknįgają,* žeeži
not mother she will not tell us, but

*< wąga-hogirak-nį-gają.



w Ko Ki LK doKo ni n de. A Ke Ai te Ki Ai L. Ao rKe de rK ni Ko ni
wągogirakšguninaže. Hąké hitekihira hosgé žesganįgųnį,
perhaps he might tell us. Not our uncle naturally he is not thus,



y Le n a tt wi d[e]. Ay ni xitti niKi w nK deAe. Ai o ni Ai Le L.
yaréną," ajawiže. Hainixjįnįk wanąkše. hi’ųnįhirera
I think," they stood and said. Very early in the morning they said this. Their mother



w n xoKo de. w w Ke de. A Ke ni Ke Ao w L wi niy tte
wanąxguže. Wawageže, "Hąké nįgé howarawinįaje;
she heard them. She said to them, "Not [anywhere] do not go away;



p. 81 —
A Ke Ai te KL wi K.* Ai Lo A Li too L L wi niy tte w wi Ke de.
hąké hitekrawiga hirohári t’ųrarawinįaje," wawigéže,
not your uncle far away do not go from," she said to them,

*a symbol of some kind is written after this word.



de rK. no ni Ke. no wK wi de. te we L Ki Ao K w Ai n Ki Le de.
žesga nųnįgé, nųwąkwiže. Tewéraki, hokawahinąkireže.
but anyway, they started to run. Unexpectedly, they entered.



Ao Ao. Ai niKi w A L A tti Le de tte L. e de.
"Hohó, hinįkwahara hajíreže, jerá," éže.
"O my, my sons they have come, [the ones who are,"] he said.



tt A a Ai niKi A xitti wi L. w d doo L tti wi ra Le e de.
"Jáha-á hinįkhaxjįwira, wažą š’ųrajiwis’are," éže.
"Well my sons, something you must have come for it," he said.



A A a ay Le de. te K K. n roAo L ttAo doKo ni n.
"Hąhą’ą," aíreže. "Tegaga nąsúra cųšguniną.
"Yes," they answered. "Uncle his head [it seems to have been cut off.]



p. 82 —
e rKe tt Ko o de de rKe Ki di. n ni K. y Ki lA xiwi L.
Ésge, jagú’ų žežesgegiži, nąnį́ga yakipąxwira.
[Therefore,] why he is thus, mother we asked her.



Ai K K Ao Ki L Kiwi ni n. m Ko no Ki Le w o nK n tte Ke
Hįkaga hogirakiwininą. Mąkųnųkire, wa’ųnąganajege,
[Never] she would not tell us. It was cut off, it seem to have been,



w A wi n. e rKe w A wi n. w Lotto Ki Ki L.
wahawiną. Ésge, wahawiną. Warujgigira
we asked. It is why we asked. To feed him



wo ttAe xiAi n. e rKe de e
wocexíną. Ésge, žee
it is hard. Therefore, that



Ai ni Ki lA x tti wi n. te K K w n tto tty rKe xitti n. tt tti
hinikipąxjiwiną. Tegaga wanąjojaisgexjįną. Jaji,
we have come to ask you. Uncle he is very pitiable. Father,



p. 83 —
Ao Ki L Kiwi Le. e de. Ae Ae.* Ai niKi A xitti wi L. Ke ni
hogirakwire," éže. "Hehé hinįkaxjįwira, kéni
tell us," they said. "Hehé my sons, not yet

*just prior to this word is a set of angled parallel lines, "//".



ni xeAe te wi ni n. e rKe Ai o ni L wi K Ai Ke Ao ni Ki LK wi ni n.
nixetewinįną, ésge hi’ųnirawiga hįké honigirakwinįną.
you are not grown up, this is why your mother not she would not tell you.



Ai Ko tt rKe Ki di Ai L leAe Le ri Ktt n A wi Ke.
Higų jasgegiži, hiraperezikjanahawige,
But [no matter what happens,] inasmuch as you will find out anyway,



Ao ni Ki t Ki Ktt n A wi n. Ai teKe L wi K. m n KLe e Ki. xeAe te L
honigitakikjanahawiną. "Hitekrawiga manąkre égi xetera
I will tell you. "Your uncle on the earth [here] the Great Ones



Ai d Ae Le n. e dA n. w xoAo liAi ni liAi L Ae Le n.
hižą́ hereną. Ešana waxopį́nį pįra hereną.
one he is. He alone spirit the good one he is.



p. 84 —
e rKe. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAi KL Ki w rA n. Ai teKe L wi K.
Ésge, Waxopį́nį Šišigera kiwasąną. Hitekrawiga
Therefore, Spirit the Bad he was jealous. Your uncle



L rKi rKi Ai Le n. e rKe w Ki o Ai Le n.
rasakisgi hiréną. Ésge, waki’ų hiréną.
provoked with talk he was. Therefore, to do it to him he did.



Ai K L dA n Ai L[e] n. e rKe e tt ttA deAe L.
Hikarašana hir[e]ną. ÉLge, éja cašera
Taken advantage of he waL. Therefore, [there] [the neck]



m w xi Le n. Ai d w o L. Lo K n xitti tte n.
mąwáǧireną. Hižą wa’ųra rokanaxjį jeną.
[he cut in two with a knife.] The one the one who did it very great he became.



A Ke w xoAo liAi ni ttAo Ai ni tte n. Ai teKe L wi K.
Hąké waxopį́nį cuhinįjeną. Hitekrawiga
Not spirits he does not leave them in peace. Your uncle



e w o xitti nK dA n. lA L. Ai L rA Ai o tte n.
e wa’ųxjįnąkšaną. Pára hirasá hi’ųjeną,
he he is the cause of it. His head also he used,



p. 85 —
no ni Ke. tee Ai n i tte n. K tt K w Ae Ae Ai n.
nųnįgé t’ehi ną’įjeną. Gająga wahehehiną.
but to kill he tried. And now he is getting him weaker.



e rKe w o nK dA n. Ai teKe L wi K. Ao lA w xitti n K. lA n K.
Ésge wa’ųnąkšaną, hitekrawiga hopawaxjįnąga panąka
That is why [he is it,] your uncle he is so poor, and* the head

*the translation adds, "(in health)".



tee Ai Ki di. Lo n K K ne Ktt n Ae n. K tt K. Ai dA L.
t’ehigiži, ronąka kąnekjanaheną. Gająga hišara
when he kills, the body it will fall down. Now his face



A Ke w d wi ttA tii ni n. A ntt Lo K K rA n.
hąké wažą wicat’įnįną. Haną́c rugagásaną,
not something it is not recognizable. All it is scratched up,



Ai dA L. e Ki. tt rKe L wi n L. Ao ni Ki t Ki Ktt wi n.
hišara. Égi jasgé rawinara honikit[’a]kikjanwiną,
his face. And what you should do I will tell you,



p. 86 —
Ai doo dtt Ktt wi Ki di. wi L Lo ttA tte xitti K e Ki. tti tte n.
hiš’ųšjakjawigiži. Wirarocąjexjįga égi jijeną.
if you wish to try him. Just at noon here he comes.



ni Ke Ki L Ai wo dA tte n. te tt. n ttAi ne Ki.
Nįgé kira hiwušajeną. Teją nącinegi
One place [that he goes] he stops. The ocean in the middle



lAo r Ke w L xo ni Ke mi nK dA n e tt.
pųzake waraǧo nįgé mįnąkšaną. Éja
sand bar [clearing] [a spot] [he lay.] There



wi L Lo ttA tte xitti K. mi L ttK tte n. w o doAo no n. e tt tti tte K.
wirarocąjexjįga niracgajeną. Wa’ųšųnųną. Éja jijega,
just at noon he drinks. Then he would do this. There as he comes,



e tt ni L Ao Ko wo K n K xA lee xitti niKi Ki ri tt n K.
éja nira hokųwųganąga xąp’exjį nikisįjanąga
there the water he would dive and right away he would come up again and



p. 87 —
we doAo no n. tt A a. doAo Kini A xitti. A[i] ttAo deKe w L K deKe
wešųnųną, "jáha-á šųknihaxjį, h[i]cųšgewaraga ške
he would say, "Well dog, your nephews also



lA n ni rKe Ai Le e doAo no n. a n K
pąną́ nisge hire," ešųnųną, ánąga
to smell it seems I do," he would say, then



w o doAo no n. dA Ki ow n K. Ai dtt L. ni Ke
wa’ųšųnųną. Šagį ’ųanąga hišjara nįgé
[he would do this.] Fingernails he did and his face piece



Lo ttAe doAo no n. e Ki we doAo no n. Ai ttAo deKe w A Ki di.
rucešųnųną. Égi wešųnųną, "Hicųšgewahagiži,
he would tear. And he would say,* "If they were my nephews,

*the translation adds, "(i.e. the head)".



de tty xitti Ao w Ao Lo xoAo LoKo nK deAe. te Ki A tti Le Ki di
žejaixjį howa horuxuruknąkše, tégi hajiregiži,
this far to come they were able, [here] [if they came,]



p. 88 —
wi L Ki tt diAi ni Kn de. e doAo no n. de de Ko tto l A
wiragijašinįknaže," ešųnųną. Žežegų jopahą
you would surely know," he would say. Thus four times



Aiy n K. e Ki Ai tto l A L. Ao Ko wo K. rii xitti
hianąga égi hijopahąra hokųwųk* s’ixjį
he would do and [then] the fourth time he drank* a long time

*kųwųk means "to dive".



o doAo no n. e tt dA n Ae Le n. Ai tto l A L
’ųšųnųną. Éja šana hereną, hijopahąra
he would do. There only he does it, the fourth time



o K e tt e de. Ko L xoAo no tt ne. ttAeKe
’ųgaeja," éže. Korá, xunująne cek
when he does it," he said. [Well,] the younger one to begin



a Le tt m dtt wo Ki teKe deAe. Ai Kow n deKe.
areja, mąšją wogitekše. Higųwąną ške
when he spoke, very he was angry. Ever [also]



p. 89 —
de Ko ttA we Lo Ko xitti de. e Ki. w wi Ki w xete.
žegų cawe rokųxjįže. Égi wawigiwąǧeže,
then to go to him he wished. Then he asked them,



tt rKe L wi n de. w wi Ke de. e Ki. loAo r Ke
"Jasgé rawinaže?" wawigéže. "Égi pųzake
"How you would do?" he asked them. "Then sand bar



w L xo n K. e tt. m Ko Ay tt. w K xoAo no niKi A Ki wiy n K.
waraǧoanąga éja mąkųhąija wakąxununįk hakįwianąga
[he clears and] there under the earth small snakes we would make ourselves and



A miKi wi doKo ni n ay Le de. a A Ke Le deKe. A ni tt Ktt n A wi n
hamįkwišguniną," aíreže. "A, hąkerešge, hanijakjanahawiną,"
we will lie," they said. "Oh, it is not to be, he will see you,"



e de. e Ki. niye tt. Ao A Ki wiy n K. A miKi wi doKo ni n de.
éže. Égi, nieja ho hakįwianąga hamįkwišguninaže,"
he said. Well, in the water fish we could make ourselves we will lie,"



p. 90 —
di Ke ay Le de. a A Ke Le dKe. de e di.
žigé aíreže. "A, hąkerešge, žeeži
again they said. "Oh, it is not to be, there



A Lo lA L ni A ni tt Ktt n A wi n e de. e Ki. di Ke
haroparani hanijakjanahawiną," éže. Égi žigé
as in broad daylight he will see you," he said. Then again



wy Le de. e Ki. w o wi n n. Al liAi xitti Ki di. w Ki Li Ao Ke Le
waíreže, "Égi, wa’ųwinaną, hąpįxjįgiži, wakirihokere
they said to him, "Well, we will do thus, on a nice day, [spiders]



Aoy K L n K. Ai deKe* de rKe A Ki wi doKo ni n de ay Le de.
hoikaranąga hišgé žesge hakįwišguninaže," aíreže.
floating and [thus] [this way] we would make ourselves," they said.

*just before this word is a # sign.



a A Ke Le deKe. A Lo lA L ni A ni tt wi n n e de.
"A, hąkerešge haroparani hanijawinaną," éže.
"Oh, it is not to be, plainly he would see you," he said.



p. 91 —
e Ki. di Ke Ai tto l A L. wy Le de. e Ki.
Égi žigé hijopahąra waíreže, "Égi
Then again for the fourth time they said to him, "Well



tt tti A tt K ttL Ki di. A t K tte K. ne Ae Le
jaji, hajakacragiži, hatakacega ne here
father, if you make it hot, the warmth we [to be]



A Ki wi doKo ni n de ay Le de. A A. e Le n Ai niKi A xitti wi L.
hakįwišguninaže," aíreže. "Hąhą́, éreną hinįkhaxjįwira,
we would make ourselves," they said. "Now then, that is it my sons,



de de rKe Ai deAe Ktt wi Ke w A nK dA n. e dA n Ae Le n.
žežesge hišekjawige, wahanąkšaną. Ešana hereną.
that it is what I want you to say, that is why I speak. The only way it is.



ey di Ai teKe L wi K. Ao Ki Ktt l ni L e Ki di Ke
Eiži hitekrawiga hokikjąbanira égi žigé
But your uncle's looking glass and also



p. 92 —
Aoyi Lo Ki Ke we Ao do A ni L. de e w diAi ni
hoirokikewe hožu hanira. Žee wašinį
paints-box [to fill] take. These to have them



doo wi Ki di. de de Ko Ki di. ni Ke te e. Ai te KL wi K.
š’ųwigiži, žežegųgiži, nįgé tee hitekrawiga
[if you do,] [if it is that way,] [place] [this] your uncle



Ai Ke w d a ni n ra Le. e w K K L
hįké wažą anįnąs’are. E wakąkąra
not anything he would not say. He on the alert



Ae Le xitti nK dA n. Ai Ke Ai K L dA n. Ai liAi ni n e de.
herexjįnąkšaną. Hįké hikarašana hipįnįną," éže.
he is really. Not to take unaware [it is not likely,"] he said.



ttAo we tt w diAi ni wi n n e de. A A. Ai niKi A xitti wi L.
"cowéja wašiniwinaną," éže. "Hąhą́ hinįkaxjįwira,
"In front you should have them," he said. "Hąhą́ my sons,



p. 93 —
Ai deKe ni Ki tti te Ktt n A wi n. Ai ni Ki loAo dA Ktt n A wi n. A lAo dA n K.
hišgé nįgijitekjanahawiną. Hinigipušakjanahawiną. Hapušanąga
also I will also help you. I will stop for you. I will stop and



t ni A Ai to dtt xitti K e Ki xitti tti doAo no n e de.
tanihąhi tušjąxjįga, égixjį jišųnųną," éže.
I smoke when I stop, then he always comes," he said.



A A. te e w ni K L wi Le. Ai tt t Ktt
"Hąhą́, tee wanikarawire. Hija takja
"Now then, these take them back. [There] to heat



w L too li Ktt wi n. Ai o ni L wi K. o L diAi Ktt wi n. Ai ttAo Ke L. Ki K LK
warat’ųpikjawiną. Hiunirawiga ’ųrašikjawiną, hicókera gikarak
have them ready. Your mother tell her, grandfather prayers



p. 94 —
Ai ni Ae L. di Ke Ai Ke Ktte n. Ai leAe Lere nK dA n. di Ke
hinihera, žigé higekjeną. Hipereznąkšaną. Žigé
that she went and said, again she must say it. She knows it. Also



Ai ttAo Ke L dKe Ai leAe Lere tte n. mr L. tto liAi wi A ni Ko w Ki Ki de.
hicokeraške hiperezjeną." Mązra jopiwihą nigowagigiže.
her grandfather he knows it." Irons four he let them bring back.



mr ni al w Ki o de. A A. Ai niKi A xitti wi L. K L wi n ne.
Mąznį’ą́p waki’ųže. "Hąhą́ hinįkhaxjįwira, karawinane.
Live irons they were. "Now then my sons, go home.



Ao Le L Ai Ki xA n e de. A Ao. ay L n K.
Horera higixaną," éže. "Hąhó," airánąga
[West] [I move]," he said. "Hąhó," they said and



A Koyi Le de. te we L Ki Aoyi K w Ki nK Ki Le de. tteAeKe wi L
hakoireže. Tewéraki, hoikawakinąkireže. Cek wira
they came away. Unexpectedly, they entered back home. [First] the sun



p. 95 —
A xele Ao K tt. A A. n ni. tt Ko o A no L xA w de.
haxebhogają, "Hąhą́ ną́ni, jagú’ų hanuraxąwąže?
he had arisen, "Now then mother, why you kept it a secret?



tt Ko te K K w n tto tty rK nK KLe Ai Ke Ai L leAe Le rini de.
Jagú tegaga wanąjojaįsganąkre, hįké hirapereznįže?
[How] uncle he is very pitiable, not you did not know?



tt tti K. tt Ko o w o L. y leAe Le rini n. ay Le de.
Jajiga jagú’ų wa’ųra, yapereznįną," aíreže.
Father why that he is thus, I know," they said.



Ai Loyi Le L. w Kono diAi diAiKi w n K. Ke ni
"Hiroirera, wąknu šišik wanąga kéni
"The homely one, old man bad that said it, and [before]



xeAe te L ni Ke w w now Ki xA w A tte L. Ai d
xetera nįgé wawanųwąki, xąwąhajera. Hižą
big [somewhere] [if they ran off to,] I was keeping it from them. One



p. 96 —
ni Ke w di Ki dK Ai Le Ktt n Ae. wo LK rA Ki d. e de.*
nįgé wažigįšgą hirekjanahe, woraksagižą," éže.
[somewhere] to be injured they might be, he was in such a hurry to tell," she said.

*a # sign follows this word.



e Ki. wy Le de n ni. wi L Lo ttA Ki di A Ki Li Ktt n A wi n.
Égi waíreže, "Ną́ni, wirarocągiži hakirikjanahawiną.
And they said, "Mother, at noon we will return.



to xoAo LoKo wi Kidi. Ai ttAo Ke L K L Ki K Ltt L Ai L ni deAe Ki di.
Tuxurukwigiži, hicokeraga ragikarajara, hiranišegiži,
If we accomplish it, your grandfather that you prayed to that you went to before,



di Ke Ai K L Le. e Ki te e. Ai tt
žigé higarare; égi tee hija
again go and say it to him; and these there



t Ko al w Lo too li Kette n. Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. wi Lo Lo ttA tte xitti Ki di.
taku’ąp warut’ųbikjeną," higaíreže. "Égi wirorocąjexjįgiži,
heated red hot lay them," they said. "And at noon,



p. 97 —
wi ttA tii Ktt n Ae n. ttAi Lo lL. Lo A r n K. te K K e tt
wicąt’įkjanaheną. cirópra rohasanąga tegaga éja
by the sign you will know. The door open and uncle [there]



A lL Ai too l tte e de. e Ki. Ai Ko w n.
hąpra hit’ųpje, éže. Égi higuą́ną
[the day] have him turn in that direction, he said. And now



te Ktt n A wi n ay L n K di Ke A Ai Ai Ai n li Le de.
tekjanahawiną," airánąga žigé hahi hihinąpireže.
we will go," they said and again [over there] they went on out.



e Ki. Ai noKo tt ne. t ni A niy n K. n li Lo x ttL
Égi hinųkjane tani hanianąga ną́biruǧácra
And the woman tobacco she took and the offerings



w niy n K. wiyo Lo ttA tte L Ao w Le de. n tte K e tt
wanianąga wiorocąjera howareže. Nąjega éja
[she had them, and] the south she went. The tree [there]



p. 98 —
Ai Ki di. ttAo K. ni Ki K L tt tti n. Ai Ki tti L wi Le. di Ke
higiži, "Coka, nikikarajajiną. Higijirawire. Žigé
when she got there, "Grandfather, I come to pray to you. Help us. Again



ni Ktt Kini KL w ttAi A Ly Le n e de. Ko L.
nįkjąknįkra waci haraireną." éže. "Korá,"
the children to try him they have gone," she said. ["Say,]



e K tt. n L no li Ai. diAi lLe de. de e
egają, nąra nųpihi šibreže. Žee
[when he said,] wood two they fell off. These



w Kiiy n K. Ko de. Ki Li Kidi leAe tte tt w too Ki di
wak’įanąga guže. Kirigiži, pejéja wat’ųgiži.
she packed and she came home. When she got back, into the fire she put them.



Lo K n xitti de. leAe ttL. Ao t Ao L. w d o L.
Rokanaxjįže, pejra hota hura. Wažą’ųra
Very strongly, the fire [light] [that came.] Creator



leAe tto Ke Le A ni Ki di e tt Ai L Ke Le n di de.
pejokere hanįgiži, éja hirakére nąžiže.
fireplace [which he owned, and] [there] it reached [it stood.]



p. 99 —
tt tti ne tt. m rL Ai tt wo too liKi di. t doAo tti L Ki ni de.
Jajineją mązra hija wot’ųpgiži, tašujiraginįže.
As soon as the irons there she put, they began to get red.



e Ki.* tt tti ne tt Ai tt A Ai n Ki ni de. Ai att Ai Le L.
Égi jajineją hija hahinąkinįže. Hi’ąchirera
And right away there they were already there. Their father

*this word is followed by a # sign.



Ko A Ai Le L. A Ai Ao mi nK n Kede. xAo no nK KeLe di
kųhą hirera hahi hominąknąkeže. xununąkreži
under [that they were] to go they sat. The younger one



m dtt wo Ki teKe nK deAe. e rKe w nK deAe Ai att Ai se s.
mąšją wogiteknąkše. ÉLge wanąkše, hi’ąchirera,
very he was angry. So he said this, their father,



p. 100 —
te de rKe Ai teKe L wi K. Ai n. e tt Ai K L dA n
"Težesge hitekrawiga hiną. Éja hikarašana
"This way your uncle he did. There to be taken unaware



Ai Le n. A Ke de rKe Ai wi ni ne. Ai te KL wi K.
hiréną. Hąké žesge hiwinįne. Hitekrawiga
he was. Not that way do not do. Your uncle



xAe tey d Ae Le no ni Ke w Ki o n. e de.
xeteižą here, nųnįgé waki’ųną," éže.
a Great One he was, but he did it to him," he said.



K tt K A Ko Ley d. wi L Lo ttA tte de. e tt Ai att Ai Le L.
Gająga hagoreižą wirarocąježe. Éja hi’ąchirera
Then finally it was noon. There their father



t ni Ao Kodo de. e tt t ni Ai Lo dtt K tt.
tanihú kšuže. Éja tani hirušjągają,
pipe he put away. There smoking after he finished,



p. 101 —
e Ki xitti w KeAe Ki ttAi wi Ao de. A K w d Ai Lo K n Ai ni de.
égixjį wągegi cįwįhuže. Hakawažą hirukanahiniže.
just then from above there came a loud noise. [Surely] [he governed it.]



di Ko xAi de. ri Ai lo loAo Lo de. ttAi wi Ao de. K tt
Žigų xiže. Zi hibopuruže. cįwįhuže. Gają
The air became dense. Yellow the atmosphere became. There was a loud noise. Then



wi ttn K e tt Ai tte de. e tt Ai l n K
wicnąka éja hiježe. Éja hibanąga
the island there he alighted. There he lay and



ni L Ao Ko woKo deAe. K tt xA lee xitti Ai Kiy n K.
nira hokųwųkše. Gają xap’exjį higianąga
the water he drank. But in a hurry he got up and



Ki K a nK deAe. we de. tt A a doAo Kini A xitti.
giką́ (?) ánąkše. Weže, "Jáha-á šuknihaxjį,
[he was knocked down,] [they say.] He said, "Well my dog,



p. 102 —
Ai ttAo dKe w L K. a deKe [...] xtt* Ai L ni Ae n tte e de.
hicųšgewaraga ašge [...]xja hiranihenaje," éže.
your nephews very near [?] they were," he said.

*this is the first syllable on page 102. The lower right corner of page 101 is torn and folded over. There is enough space in the fold for another syllable to have preceded xtt.



w o de. Ai dtt L. ni Ke Lo ttAe de. dA Ki
Wa’ųže. hišjara nįgé ruceže. Šagį
[He did this.] His face piece he tore out. Fingernails



ow n K. Ko L.* xoAo no n KeLe Ai xK tti K L K L de.
’ųwanąga, korá, xununąkre hixgą́ jikarakaraže.
he did and, [well,] the younger one to move he could not help it.

*just before this word a symbol similar to # is written.



m dtt wo Ki teKe deAe. de Ko Lo Ki xi mi nK Ki Le de.
Mąšją wogitekše. Žegų rogiǧi mįnąkireže.
Very he was angry. And to forbid [they lay.]



di Ki no l A L. o de. di Ke. de rKe Ai de.
Žiginųpahąra ’ųže. Žigé žesge hiže.
[Again a second time] he did it. Again the same he did.



di Ki t n A L o de. Ai tto l A L. di Ke ni L
Žigitanahąra ’ųže. Hijopahąra žigé nira
Again the third time he did it. The fourth time again the water



p. 103 —
Ao Ko woKo Ki di. e tt A Ly Le de. lA n K. n rA L.*
hokuwųkiži, éja haraíreže. Panąka nasara*
[having dived in,] there they went. The head his back

*this should have been n KA L. = nakara.



Ai L Ki Lo riKitti w o nK deAe.* e rKe Ai deKe Ai dtt L.
hirakiruskic wa’ųnąkše. Ésge, hišgé hišjara
it was tied [he did it.] Therefore, [also] face

*right after this word the # sign follows.



A Ke tt Ai d nK deAe. e Ki. w d L
hagéja hižą nąkše. Égi wažąra
behind one there was. Then his things



w Ktt de. Ao Ao. Ao Ki Ktt l ni L. Aoyi Lo Ki Ke we Ao do.
wakjaže. "Hohó, hokikjąbanira hoirokikewe hožu
he saw them. "Hohó, looking glass paint case [to fill]



A n[i] L. e de A Ao. e de. Ki ritti.
han[i]ra," éže. "Hąhó," éže. Gisị́c
[that were taken,"] he said. "Well," he said. He raised up



Ki Li nK deAe. tt Ko o w deAe de e de. w Ke de.
kirinąkše. "Jagú’ų wašéže?" éže. Wageže,
[coming back.] "Why did you say that?" he said. He answered,



p. 104 —
tt Ko o w Ae Ktte de. Ao Ki Ktt l ni L. y K L o K. Ai dtt L.
"Jagú’ų wahekježe? Hokikjąbanira yakara’ųga, hišjara
"Why I should say it? The looking glass when I used, my face



A Ktt K. A K Ly liAi A tte doAo no L. y Le L e rKe w Ae n
hakják hakaraipįhaješųnųra, yaréra, ésge wahéną,"
[to look] I used to like it, I thought, that is why I said it,"



e de. Ao Ao o. Ao ni Ke xitti n xi Le xitti Ai L n.
éže. "Hoho-o, honįgexjį naxirexjį hiraną,"
he said. "Well, for nothing to be frightened you made me,"



a n K. a Ai no li Ke xitti Ai ow n K. Ai dtt L.
ánąga a hinųbikexjį hi’ųanąga hišjara
[he said] and [arms] both he used and his face



Lo K K ri Ko de. de Ko Aiy n K. ni L Ao Ko wo K tt
regagasiguže. Žegų hianąga nira hokowųgają,
he scratched. Thus he did and the water [as he dove]



p. 105 —
Ao tti dA n. e tt. xeAe te tte K w o de. lA L
hojišáną éja xetejega wa’ųže. Pára
[just before] there the oldest one he did it. His head



Ki wx Ao Ai de e Ki. lA L. a
giwąx huhiže. Égi pára a
he knocked off [he sent it down.] And his head [arm]



a Ki w ni de.* e Ki wi Ke de xoAo no tte K.
akí waníže. Égi wigeže xunujega,
in either one he took. And he said to him [the younger one,]

*this is followed by a # sign.



Ai tt A Ki ni o Le te e w ni A o Ktt n Ae n. e de.
hija hakini’ųre. Tee waniha’ųkjanaheną," éže.
there combat him. These I will take care of them," he said.



tt tti ne tt no wK deAe. m n KLe de Ko ttAi wi de.
Jajineją nųwąkše. Mąnąkre žegų cįwįže.
Right away he ran. The earth [thus] [it rumbled.]



p. 106 —
m L. Koro Korotto deAe. no Ki w Ki di. e tt. A Ki ni o de.
Mąra ksųksųcše. Nųgiwąkiži, éja hakini’ųže,
The earth it shook. As he ran, there he combatted him,



xoAo no tt ne. e Ki w Kono L. Ai tt w K L di
xunująne. Égi wąknura hija wakaraži
[the young one.] And the old man there with him



nK deAe. Ai Ke w d de rK ni de. Ko ttK
nąkše. Hįké wažą žesganįže. Gucga
he sat.* [Not] [anything] [it was not like it.] When he shot him,

*the text adds, "& encouraged them!".



dA n Ai tt Ai wo dA n K di Ke tt tti ne tt
šana hija hiwušanąga žigé jajineją
only there he would stop and again right away



Ao Ki ni ra de. m Lo xiAi ni xiAi ni n K. Ai d Ai Ko ttK.
hokinis’aže. ruxįnixįninąka hižą higucga,
[he would fight.] Arrow the whittled ones one of them when he shoots him,



e Le L. Ae Le L tte de. e rKe n tteKe L
erera* herera ježe. Ésge nącgera
to be it he was to become. Therefore, his heart

*for herera, the /h/ lost through external sandhi with the preceding vowel.



p. 107 —
dKe ttAe Ke tt Le tt. Lo doAo Lotto A ni Ai nl deAe. to we
ške cegejaréją rušoróc hanįhinąpše. Towe
even the first time [to pull out] he took out. [To keep on]



ow K Ly Le de. A Ao. Lo L. Ko xitti d Le. Ai Kow n
’ųwąkaraireže. "Hąhó, rora gųxjįžare. Higųwąną
they did. "Now then, [his body] [did you not seek it?] Now



tee Ai n ne. Ai K nK deAe. Ai a ttL. de rKe e K.
t’ehinane," higánąkše, hi’ącra. Žesge ega,
kill him," he said to him, his father. That when he would say,



Lo Ai L.* e m L Ae Le Kiy n K. o tte tt.
rohira* e mąra heregianąga ujeja†
[his body]* he the arrow [he would be and] from his stomach

*this could also be ruhira, "his rib". However, this is counterindicated by the statement above that he was an arrow.
†in Radin's Winnebago Phonetic Stem Dictionary, the word ujeja is said to mean, "at root, at edge"; but the present instance is no doubt from uja-eja, "stomach-at", the first /a/ being lost to sandhi.



w d L Ai ni Ke Ai A ni wi Ai nl deAe. e Ki. de Ko
wažąra hinigehi haniwihinąpše. Égi žegų
the things one by one he would take them out. And [then]



p. 108 —
m L. Koro Korotto deAe. e Ki. ttAi L a deKe
mąra ksųksųcše. Égi cira ašge
the earth it shook. And their home near



A Ki Le Ki di. w Ke Le de xeAe te niKi tte K. e rKe Ai o ni L
hagiregiži, wąkereže,* xetenįkjega. Ésge, hi’ųnira
when they got back, he shouted as he went, the older one. Therefore, his mother

*< wą-hakere-že.



w o de. Ai ttAi to L. ttiAi Lo le tt A lA Ai too lede.
wa’ųže. Hicitora ciropeja hapahi t’ųpše.
[she did this.] Her older brother at the door toward she put.



e Ki. n rAo A niy K w o de. e tt
Égi nąsu haniąka wa’ųže. Éja
And head the one having [he did this.] There



Ki Li ttey n K. lA n K. Ai Lo tti Ao Ai de. ttAo ni tt rKe
kirijeanąga panąka hirojįhuhiže. "Coni jasgé
he came and the head he threw. "[At first] [how]



p. 109* —
ni dtt Ki di. Ai Ly tteAe L dtt tte e de.
nišjągiži, hiraicera šjąje," éže.
as strong as you were, more become strong," he said.

*at the top of the translation page 85, the following definitions are set out — "gišgóp' = sound made by one hand upon the other, making a suction sound. gipsák = sound made by same not upon other hand".



Ki doKo litti de. Ao Ao Aow e de. Ai te KL.
Gickopjiže. "Hohohowá," éže, hitekra.
It struck him with a sound like a clapping hand. "Oh my," he said, his uncle.



e Ki wK lA L A ni Ki Ki de. Ai te KL.
Égi wąk pára hanigigiže, hitekra.
Then man the head [he gave him,] his uncle.



te e w ni o L Ae Le n. Ai Ke de. Ao tt
Tee wani’ųra hereną," higeže. "Hoją́,
"This the one that did it he is," he said to him. "Yes,



w d Ao lA w d xitti Ko ni Ai Ke de. e Ki. tt tti ne tt.
wažą howažaxjįgųnį," higeže. Égi jajineją
[from something] you must have been very weak," he said to him. [Then] [right away]



Lo L tti Ki ni de. e Ki. Ai noKo tte K. w Ke de.
rora jiginįže. Égi hinųkjega wageže,
the body even now it had come. [Then] the woman he said to her,



p. 110 —
n ni. rii x Kidi diAi Kitti Ai deAe n. tt rKe L n K
"Ną́ni, s’ixagiži šikjį hišeną. Jasgeranąga
"Mother, for a long time [to be ashamed] [you said.] [In whatever way]



A we L n Ki di Ki o Le Ai Ky Le de. e rKe mr
hawewinąkiži, ki’ųre," higaíreže. Ésge, mąz
you can make it suffer, do so," they said to her. Therefore, irons



t Ko al n K. Ai d Lo r n K. Lo tte K tti Ki di.
taku’ąpnąka hižą rusanąga rojega jigiži,
the heated ones one of them she took and the body when it came,



w loAoxo lAo xr Lo K n w Ki o de. e Ki. Ai dtt n K
wapoxpoxra rokana waki’ųže. Égi hįšjanąka
to stab repeatedly many times she did it. And the face



deKe de rKe Ki Ki de. o tt o Ao Ki Ko Lo daK
ške žesge gigiže. ’Ųja’ų, hókikúruš’ak
[also] the same she did. Finally, to exhaust



w Ai de. o tt o tee Ai de. e Ki Ai teKe Ai Le L
wahiže. ’Ųja’ų, t’ehiže. Égi hitekhirera
she did it to them. Finally, she killed him. Then their uncle



p. 111 —
w i nl deAe. e liAi n Ai ttAo deKe wi L. de Ko wi K tte Le n.
wa’inąpše. "epíną, hicųšgewira." Žegų wigajereną.
he thanked them. "It is good, my nephews." [Thus] [he kept saying.]



ttAe Ke tt. Ai n Ki Kidi de y Le L e tt Ai K L dA n wi n.
"Cegéja hinąkíkšįže yaréra, éja hikarašanawiną."
"At the outset I had much confidence in my self [I think,] there he took me unaware."



tee wi K tte Le K tt a n K deAe. e Ki. tt rKe ra Ki di.
T’e wigajeregają, ánąkše. Égi jasges’agiži,
[He is dead] [he kept saying,] [it is said.] [Then] as he used to be,



de rKe de. no ni Ke. Ai Ke diAi ni de. Ao dA w de.
žesgeže, nųnįgé hįké šįnįže. Hošawaže.
[thus he was,] but not he was not fat. He was thin.



p. 112 —
Ai o ni Ai Le L deKe de rKe de. e Ki. xoAo no L
Hi’ųnihirera ške žesgeže. Égi xunura
Their mother also she was this way. Then the younger one



w o de. n di de. Ai w Lo tti Ktt wi n e de. e Ki.
wa’ųže. Nąžįže. "Hiwarujikjawiną," éže. Égi
[he did this.] He stood up. "Let us eat," he said. Then



w o de. m Lo xiAi ni xiAi ni L. Ai Koow n K. n di Ke Le tte Ki di.
wa’ųže. ruxįnixįnira hik’ųanąga nąžikerejegiži,
[he did this.] Arrow his whittled one he used, and being one of the lodge poles,



e tt Ko ttede. K tt. w to Ki d. e tt.
éja gucše. Gają watokižą éja
there he shot. Then a bear* there

*the translation has "(coon?)(bear)". However, all other sources (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.) agree that it means "bear".



lo diAili deAe. de e. Ai Lo Ki Ki nK Ki L n K A t dA L Ai Le de.
bošipše. Žee hirugiginąkiranąga hatašara hireže.
he shot down. This they all took hold of and to singe they did.



p. 113 —
xoAo no niKi n Kono ni Ke. w oyi Le de. w K ttAK w o n Ke.
Xununįknąknunįge wa’ųireže. wakącąk wa’ųnąke.
It was small, but they did this. Holy they were it.



w m dtt L. A Ke Ai Ki rKe liAi ni w o nK de. e Ki.
Wamąšjąra hąké hikisgé pįnį wa’ųnąkše. Égi
Strength not [not to be equal] [they were to them.] Then



A t dA L. Ai Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di. Ki de deyi L n K. Le xo do
hatašara hirušją́ hiregiži, gižežeiranąga reǧožu*
to singe to finish when they did, they had cut it up, and put it in a kettle

* < reǧ-hožu.



Ai L n K. Ai tt A Ke Le Le de. lAe tte tt. e tt w Lo tti Le de.
hiránąga hijahakerereže, pejéja Éja warujireže.
they did and they placed it there, on the fire. There they ate.



ttAe li Le de. Ai tto li Ke w o wi de. Ai xo li w Lo tti Le de.
Cebireže. hijóbike wa’ųwiže. Hiǧopi warujireže.
They ate it up. The four of them they did it. With all their power they ate it.



p. 114 —
e Ki. de e tee Ai Le K. leAette tte K. e tt
Égi žee t’ehirega, pecjega éja
Then that one which they had killed, this fire there



t xoAo w Ai Le de. de Ko Ao deAe Le KL deKe.
taxu wahireže. Žegų hošerekra ške
to burn they did it. And his bones even



t ttAo doKo ni Ai Le de. Lo L. lA L deKe
tacošguni hireže, rora, pára ške.
to burn up to nothing [they did,] his body, his head also.



e rKe de de rKe Ai Le K A w o w o tte de.
Ésge žežesge hirega, hawa’ų wa’ųježe.
It is the reason [that way] because they did, [that's why] [it does this.]



A te K. ni Ke leAe ttL w n o Ke we. Aoyi n K.
hątega, nįgé pejra waną’ókewé hoinąk´
When he dreams, somewhere the fire [of its own accord] [it ignites]



tt Ko L. A ntt t ttAe ln KLe e tt leAe ttL.
jagura haną́c tacepnąkre. Éja pejra
whatever everything it burns up. There the fire



p. 115 —
wo Ki te Ki di. de de rKe de. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diKi Ki d. xeAe teyi d.
wogitekiži, žežesgeže. Waxopį́nį šišikižą Xeteižą
when he is angry, [thus it is.] Spirit a bad one a Great One



t tteAele Ai K e rKe w owK dAe ay Le n. leAette tt ne
tacephiga, ésge wa’ųwąkše, aíreną. Pecjane
[because he was made to burn up,] this is the reason [he does it,] it is said. This fire



ni Ke m dtt t e K. A Ke w d L.
nįgé mąšją taega, hąké wažąra
[someplace] very hard when it burns, not anything



Ai d. xtt Ai ni tt ne. e tt wo Ki teKe t e K.
hižą xjąhinįjane, éja wogitek taega.
one it does not stop, there anger when it burns.



de Ko ne Ki deKe A Ky L wo Ki teKe ni Ke t e K.
Žegųnegiške hagaíra wogitek, nįgé taega,
Even now sometimes anger, [someplace] when it burns,



p. 116 —
w owK deAe ay Le n. ttAi n KL deKe A Ky L.
wa’ųwąkše, aíreną. Cinąkra ške hagaíra
[he does it,] it is said. The towns also sometimes



ni K[e] Ai d. my rAi tt KLe. leAe ttL wo Ki teKe K
nįgé hižą maįsįjąkre pejra wogiteka,
part a it is destroyed the fire when it is angry,



w owK dA n. e rKe. lAe ttL ni Ke m dtt
wa’ųwąkšaną. Ésge, pejra nįgé mąšją
[it does it.] Therefore, the fire [someplace] very hard



te e Ki di.* my t tte Ai Ke e rKe ro K n n. ay Le doAo no L.
teegiži,* maįtajehige ésge rokananą, airešųnųra
when it burns, it is because of the wind, [that is why] [it is so much,] they always say.

*this should be, t e Ki di = taegiži.



A Ke my t tte Ai ni K deKe. leAette tte K. e
Hąké maįtajehinįga ške pecjega e
Not it is not because of the wind [also] the fire it



p. 117 —
w o tte n e rKe me de rKe n. A Ky L wo Ki teKe tte n.
wa’ųjeną. Ésge mežesgeną. hagaíra wogitekjeną.
it does it. Therefore, thus it is. Sometimes it will get angry.



ttAi n Ko xeAe te L. m Ai xeAe te n KLe. A K K. leAe ttL t ni
Cinąkoxetera Mąhixetenąkre, hąkagá pecra tani
The big villages the Big Knives, never the fire tobacco



Ao Ki do Ai L niy n K. e Ki. w Le xitti Ki Ki n Kd n
hokižu hiranįanąga égi warexjį giginąkšaną.
together with they do not and and to work very hard they make it.



e rKe woKi teKe Ai n Ke w w Ki o tte n. ttAi nK
Ésge wogitekhinąke wawaki’ųjeną. Cinąk
Therefore, because they get it angry that is why he does it to them. Villages



t xoAo Ke Ao LK n KLe. t ni Ao Ki do Ai Li n K.
taxuge horaknąkre. Tani hokižu hirianąga
because it burns, they tell of it. Tobacco together with they did and



p. 118 —
A Ky Ly deKe wo A ni KL Ai d Ki o n Ki di. liAi xitti*
hagairaiške wohanįkra hižą ki’ųnąkiži, pįxjį
sometimes the boiled foods one of them if they did it, in peace

*it appears that between the syllables liAi and xitti, and additional xitti had been erased.



Ai o nK n n. w Ki tti L n n. leAette tt ne. w Kidi Ki d w o tte L.
hi’ųnąkananą. Wakijirananą. Pecjane wąkšigížą wa’ųjera.
they would use it. It would help them. This fire a being he is it.



w d L. t ni L dA n Ai L ttAe L w o tte n.
Wažąra taníra šana hiracera wa’ųjeną.
The things the tobacco [only] the favorite it is it.



t ni Ai Kiri d w o tte n. te de rKe ay Le n.
Tani hiksižą wa’ųjeną. Težesge, aíreną.
Tobacco a habit it is it. Thus it is, they say.



e tt. wo Ki teK deAe ay Le n. e Ki.* e tt.
Éja wogitekše, aíreną. Égi éja
There he is angry, it is said. And there

*after this word is a # sign to indicate a new section.



p. 119 —
Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n K. w no tteKe Ao Ki L ttL. tee Ai Le de
hocįcįnįknąka wanocge hokirajra t’ehireže,
these boys animals many kinds they killed,



ay Le n. e tt Ai teKe Ai Le L. tt rKe ra Ki di. de rKe de.
aíreną. Éja hitekhirera jasges’agiži, žesgeže.
they say. There their uncle as he used to be, [thus he was.]



e Ki. di Ke Ai o ni Ai Le L. di Ke tt rKe ra Ki di
Égi žigé hi’ųnįhirera žigé jasges’agiži,
And again their mother again as she had been,



de rKe de. e Ki. Ai teKe Ai Le L. we de. A A.
žesgeže. Égi hitekhirera weže, "Hąhą́,
[thus she was.] And their uncle he said, "Now then,



wy tteKe xitti. Ai ttAo deKe wi L. de tt ny xitti tt rKe w Ko rL
waijgexjį, hicųšgewira, žejanaíxjį jasgé Wagųsra
my younger sister, my nephews, about now [for what] the Creator



p. 120 —
Ai Ko rL Ai Ki e tt. miy n Ki Ktt n Ae n.
higųzra, higi éja miąnągikjanaheną,"*
he created me, to go there I will sit and do,"

*< mį-anąga hi-kjanaheną.



e de. e Ki. m Le Ki. A tti w Kidi Ke.
éže. Égi mąrégi haji wąkšike
he said. [And] to this earth I came the humans



w n tto tty rKe w KidiKi i ne Ke. w Ki tti te Kette A o L.*
wanąjojąisge wąkšiginege wagiji tekje ha’ųra.
they were pitiable [because] in life to help I came [I did.]

*over the period of this word is a slightly superscripted double forward slash, //.



Ai w n K tt. w d diAi diAi diAi KL. ne wy doo wi Ke
Hiwanagają, wažą šišišikra. Newaiš’ųwige,
But he overcame me, [thing] the bad one. On account of you,



niy al lK tt e de. e Ki. w KL Ao w Ke Le de.
nį’ąpgają," éže. Égi wąkra howakereže.
I am alive again," he said. And [the man] [he went back.]



p. 121 —
w n K. wi L Ko deKe doAo ttL. w nK deAe. w d Ko rL.
Wanąka wiragošge šucra wanąkše. Wažągųsra
He who spoke star the red one he was. The Creator



xeAe te L. A Lo wK. n lo Le Ai o Ki di. e
Xetera haruwąk´ nąpore* hi’ųgiži, e
the Great Ones eight [hand-wrought] [he made,] he

*apparently from nąp-wore, "hand-wrought".



xoAo no L Ae Le de. e Le n. e A Ki
xunura hereže. Éreną, e hagi
the youngest he is. It is he, he there



w o nK dA n. wi L Ko deKe doAo tti d. A Ae K ttA tii n KLe.
wa’ųnąkšaną, wiragošge šucižą hąhéga cąt’įnąkre.
he is, star a red one at night it is visible.



e Ki. Ai noKo n K. A Ae wi L Ae Le de. e rKe.
Égi hinųknąka hąhewira hereže. Ésge,
And the woman the moon she was. Therefore,



p. 122 —
Al wi L. A Ae wi L. Ki K nK w o nK dA n. e Ki.
hąpwira hąhewira kikąnąk wa’ųnąkšaną. Égi
the sun the moon married they were. And



Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n KLe wy Le de. A A. m L. Ao we
hocįcįnįknąkre waíreže, "Hąhą́, mąra howe
the young boys they said, "Now then, the earth going about



w o Ktt n A wi n. Ai Ko Ai rKe Ai L ni Ae n. w d
wa’ųkjanahawiną. Higų hisgé hiraniheną, wažą
we will be. Still some they remained, things



diAi diAi KL. Ao we wo to xo tti Ktt n A wi n. A Ky L.
šišikra. Howe wotuǧujikjanahawiną. hagaíra
the bad ones. [Going around] we will look them up. Sometime



Ai L ni Ai A tte Ktt n A wi n. ay Le de. w Le ttA w
hiranihihajekjanahawiną," aíreže. Warecáwa
we will come and see you," they said. Twins



p. 123 —
w wo L Ki Le doAo no L. Ai Ko e w o nK dA n. w n xi d.
waworagirešųnųra. Higų e wa’ųnąkšaną. Wanąǧižą,
they told of them. [Still] [there] [they are.] A ghost,



w Lo K. ay Le doAo no L.
Waroga, aírešųnųra.
Flesh, they always tell.



The original text is in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #2: 1-123 (syllabic text), 1-38 (English translation). A published translation can be found in "The Epic of the Twins, Part One," in Paul Radin, The Evolution of an American Indian Prose Epic. A Study in Comparative Literature, Part I (Basil: Ethnographical Museum, Basil Switzerland, 1954) 24-41.