Hocąk Syllabic Text — Trickster and the Children

Told by an elder of the tribe in 1912

Transcribed by Sam Blowsnake

Translation based on the interlinear of Oliver LaMère

Oliver LaMère, Translator   Winnebago V, #7: 39

For a description of this manuscript, its source, style, transcription, and interlinear translation, see the syllabic text to Trickster's Warpath.

English Translation


p. 39 —
e Ki. e tt. ow Ai K tt. te we r Ki. w Ki d
Égi éja ’úwahigają, tewéraki, wąkižą
And there as he was going along, to his surprise, a man



e tt owK deAe. Ao Ao. e de. w Ktt K K.
éja ’ųwąkše. "Hohó," éže Wakjąkaga.
there he was. "Ho ho," said he Trickster.



Ai roAoKo A L Ki Ki Ao we owK. e de.
"Hisųkhara, gigihowe ’ųwąk," éže.
"My younger brother, here he is walking [he is,"] he said.



p. 40 —
Ai roAo Ki tti tt Ko Ao we doo dA wK deAe. e de.
"Hisųgijį, jagú howe š’ušawąkše?" éže,
"My younger brother, what about you are doing?" he said,



no ni Ke. Ai Ke Ki xA li L ni de. w K K. n m ttAe d
nųnįgé hįké gixapiranįže. Wąkaga nąmącežą
but not he did not answer. The man a club



A ni w owK deAe. we de. w K KeLe. Ao Ao.
hanį́ wa’ųwąkše. Wéže wą́gere, "Hohó,
he had he did. Said he this man, "Oh oh,



nyi di ni Ktt Kini KL. toyi Ki Ke we Ai xitti ne Ke n.
naį́ži nįkjąknįkara toikikewehixjįnegeną,"
[by now] my children they are very hungry,"



p. 41 —
e de. w Ktt K K. wi wx L. w we rK no ni Ke.
éže. Wakjąkaga wiwąxera wawesga, nųnįgé
he said. Trickster questions he was bothersome, but



Ai K K Ki xA li L ni de. wK tt ne w o de. mo doo Ki d
hįkaga gixapiranįže. wąkjąne wa’ųže: moš’ogižą
never he was not answered. The man he doeth [sic] this a knoll



e Ki n Ki. n m tteAey K Ai ow n K.
égi nąkí nąmąceiga hi’ųwanąga
there it was the club he used it [and]



Ao tti de. we L Ki. w to Ki d. Ki rAK deAe. de Ko
hojiže. wéraki, watokižą gisákše. Žegų́
he struck it. To their surprise, a large, old bear he killed.* Thus

*the translation adds, "by club."



Aiy n K. leAe tti d Ao too de. e tt. Ao tt KeLe.
hianąga pejižą hot’ųže. Éja hųjakre
he had done, then a fire he built. There the bear



A t dA L Ai de. Lo dtt Ki di. L xi d. Lo r n K. Ao A de.
hatašarahįže. Rušjągiži, raǧižą ruzánąga hohą́že.
he burned off the hair. When he was done, a pail he had taken [and] he boiled it.



p. 43 —
e Ki. Ai Kow n. wy re de. xA lee Ai Kiy n K.
Égi higųwąną waiseže. "Xap’ehigianąga
And immediately he dished it out. "Hurry up, [and]



ni Ktt KL. toyi Ki Ke we Ai xitti n Ko ni a n K w o nK deAe.
nįkjąkara toyikikewehixjįnągųnį," ánąga. Wa’ųnąkše.
the children they must be very hungry," he was saying. He was doing it.



n w reKeyi d. Ao ow n K. ni lA n. Ki re de.
Nąwasgeižą ho’ųwanąga nipana giseže.
A wooden bowl he used [and] soup he dished out.



Aoyi riAi ni de. e Ki w o de. w te xoAoyi d
Hoisiniže. Égi wa’ųže. Watexuyižą
He cooled it off. And he did. A bladder



p. 44 —
ni ttK nK tte Ki di. Ko Loro reAe. Lo deKe de.* te we L Ki.
nicganąkjegiži kuruze ruškéže. Tewéraki
he had attached to his belt that he took he untied it. To his surprise

*a period occurs after /deKe/ by mistake.



ni Ktt Kini KL. tto liAi e tt Lo e de. de Ko.
nįkjąknįkara jopi éja rueže. Žegų́
wee children four there he uncovered. [Then]



w ni K L Ke Le Ke Le de. w Ktt K K. w tte de.
wanį kara kere kereže. Wakjąkaga wáježe,
[beings ?] he talked to them lovingly. Trickster he was saying,



p. 45 —
Ao Ao Ai roAo Ki tti. A K w d. ni KttK niKi liAi
"Hohó hisųgijį, hagáwažą nįkjąknįk
"Oh oh my younger brother, what little children fine



A diAi ni d. a tte de. e Ki.* w Lotto w Ki Ki de.
hašįnį́ža," aježe. Égi waruj wagigiže.
you own," he was saying. And to eat he let them.

*there are two parallel bars just after the period, the significance of which is unclear.



Ai Ko w tK niKi Lotto w Ki Ki de. e Ki.
higų watáknįk ruj wagigiže. Égi
But not so very much to eat he let them. And



Lo dtt Ki di. di Ke. w te xoAowe tt wo Kodow n K.
rušjągiži, žigé watexuweja wokšuwanąga
when he was done, again into the bladder he had put them in and



p. 46 —
w ni K L ttK nK deAe. e Ki. w o de. n a K L tteKe
wanikaracganąkše. Égi wa’ųže: akáracgé
he carried them hanging from his belt. And he doeth this: [tree] branches



Lo diAi diAi d n K. e tt. wo A tte K. Ki re de. A ntt.
rušišižanąga éja wohajega giseže, haną́c.
he had broken off and then the kettle he dished out all of it.



e Ki Ai tt mi n K n K. w Lotto deAe. tteAe li de.
Égi hija mįnąganąga warujše. Cepiže.
And there he sat he did then he ate. He [finished] all of it.



di Ke. ni lA n L. riAi ni Aiy n K. Le xL. Ao xo woKo K n K.
Žigé nipanara sinihianąga rexara hoxųwoganąga
Again the soup he cooled [and] the pail he drank from and



p. 47 —
L reKele deAe. e Ki. we de. A A. e de.
rasgépše. Égi wéže, "Hąhą́," éže,
[finished it completely.] Then said he, "Now," he said,



Aoyi dA A tte Ke tti ni. A Ke Ao ni Ki ta ni A tte n.
hoišahajegejįnį hąké honikit’anį hajéną,"
I am busy therefore not I did not talk with you I had,"



e de. e Ki. w Ktt K K. we de. Ai roAo Ki tti.
éže. Égi Wakjąkaga wéže, "Hisųgijį,
he said. Then Trickster said he, "My younger brother,



p. 48 —
A K w d. ni KttK w xtt niKi A diAi ni d.
hagáwažą nįkjąk waxjanįk hašįnį́ža.
truly indeed children [rather funny]* you own.

*the translation has "very beautiful". In this context, it might mean "cute".



Ai rAo Ki tti no liAi wi niKi Ai deKe deKe
Hisųgijį, nųpiwi nik hišgé ške
My younger brother, two of them [young ones] [myself] [also]



Ai L K L tte deKe. ni Ktt KiniKi Ai w ttAo L. e de.
hirakaraješge nįkjąknįk hiwacora," éže.
supposing that I should care for little children our," he said.



p. 49 —
Ai Ke Le deKe. de rKe Ai to xoAo Lo Kini n. w ni Ktt K K tt.
"Hįkerešge, žesge hituxuruginįną. Wanikjąkagają,
"Not so, that I could not do. [As] you are tricky,



tee wy L Ki Ki doo ni n de. e de. K tt.
t’e wairágigiš’ųnínąže," éže. Gają
dead you would make them for me," he said. [After that]*

*the translation has "when".



w Ktt K K. we de. Ao Ao Ai rAo Ki tti
Wakjąkaga wéže, "Hohó hisųgijį,
Trickster said he, "Oh no my younger brother,



w Lo K n w di deAe. wo Ki xAl w Ke Ke
warokanawažiže. Wokíxap wagege
you have made too much of it. For their companionship [I want]*

*the translation has "I asked for".



p. 50 —
w A tte n. tt rKe wi L L K L L tte Ki
wahájeną. Jasgé wirarakararjegi
[that is why] I am saying [it]. In whatever way you are taking care of them



Ai deKe de rKe A n n. e de. a tt o
hišgé žesge hanąną," éže. ája’ų
also the same I would do," he said. [Saying this]*

*translated as, "Continuing, finally".



L xoAo LoKo dAe. e Ki.* n m ttAeyi d. Ki o de. e Ki.
raxurukše. Égi nąmąceižą ki’ųže. Égi
he persuaded him. And a club he made for him. And

*this is written /e Ke/ the presumption being that the last letter looks like an /e/ mainly because it was not dotted.



Le xL. w reKe L. wo Koo de. e Ki. Aotto
rexara wasgéra wok’ųže. Égi hųj
the pail the plate he gave to him. And bear



p. 51 —
tee Ai K. te xL. de e e tt no liAi wi
t’ehiga, teǧera žee éja nųpiwi
that he had killed, the bladder [these] there two of them



Ao Ki K nK deAe. e Ki. w Ke de. A A. w Ktt K L.
hokikanąkše. Égi wageže, "Hąhą́ Wakjąkara,
he put them for him. And he said to him, "Now Trickster,



te e tee w L Ki di. dette Ktt ne n. Ai Ko A ttiAi tt.
tee t’ewaragiži, šjekjanéną. Higų hacija
these if you kill them, you shall die. Where so ever



doo L tt o. e tt tee w L Ki e tt A Ki K w a n K.
š’ųraja’ų, éja t’ewaragi, éja hagikawą’ąnąk
you may be, there if you kill them, there I shall rise up



p. 52 —
tee ni Ktt ne n. Ai L K L tte. wi d K. w Lotto
t’enikjaneną. Hirakaraje. Wižąga waruj
I shall kill you. You keep that. Once a month to eat



w Ki Ki A tte n. A Ke Ai tt Ai niy tte. Ai tt L Ki di.
wagigihajeną. Hąké hijahiniaje. Hijaragiži,
give them something. Not do not change from it. If you change from it,



tee w L Ktt ne n. tt rKe A Le A dtt n. de rKe
t’ewarakjaneną. Jasgé hare hašjaną. Žesge
you will kill them. What I have done, you have seen. That



p. 53 —
Aiy tte. Ai Ke de. e Ki. w Ktt K K we de.
hiáje," higeže. Égi Wakjąkaga wéže,
do," he said to him. And Trickster said he,



Ai roAo Ki tti Ai dA L tte Ke n ni xoKo K tt. de rKe
"Hisųgiji hišarajege nanixkųgają, žesge
"My younger brother, you have been saying and I have heard, that



A Ktt n Ae n. e de. e Ki. Ki Lo ttA wi de.
hakjanaheną," éže. Égi girucawiže.
I will do," he said. And they separated.



p. 54 —
w te xoAo L. w ni K L ttK nK. Ki Lo ttAy Le de. Ai Ke.
Watexura wanikaracganąk girucaireže. Hįké
The bladders they attached to their belts they separated. Not



rii xitti ni de. ow Ai K tt. we de. Ao Ao. ni Ktt Kini KL.
s’ixjįnįže. ’Úwahigają, wéže, "Hohó, nikjągᵉnįgᵉra
it was not very long. As he went along* he said, "Oh oh, the children

*translated as, "When as he went along, suddenly,".



ny di. toyi Ki Ke we Ai Le Ko ni e de. tt Ko
naį́ži toikikewehiregųnį," éže. "Jagú
about [now] they are hungry [perhaps]," he said. "What



Ai A mK w Lotto w K L K Le A Kette n. a n K. e tt.
[hihanąk´]* waruj wakaragarehakjeną," ánąga. Éja
I am saying? To eat I will let them," he had said. There

*the last syllable of the syllabic text is clearly written as /mK/, an unattested form which almost certainly should have been /nK/.



p. 55 —
mo doo Ki d n K. n m ttAe L. Ai Koow n K. Ao tti de.
moš’ogižąnąga nąmącera hik’ųwanąga hojiže.
a knoll and the club he used [and] he struck it.



w to Ki d. Ki rAK deAe. xA lii Kiy n K. leAe tto too de.
Watokižą gisákše. xap’i kiánąga pejot’ųže.
A large, old bear he killed. Hurriedly he did [and] a fire he built.



e tt Ao ttL. A tt dA L Ai de. tt tti ne tt. m de dey n K.
Éja hųjra [hatašarahįže.]* Jajineją mąžežeyanąga
There the bear he burned off the hair. Already he cut it up [and]

*the second syllable of the syllabic text is clearly written as /tt/, an unattested form which almost certainly should have been /t/.



p. 56 —
Ao A de. ttAo we xitti. Ai tt xeAe Le Ki. tt tti ne tt.
hohą́že. Cowéxjį hijaxeregi, jajineją
he boiled it. Just a little [after] it had begun to boil, quickly



wy re Ki ni de. Aoyi riAi ni de. riAi ni Ai Ki di.
waiseginįže. Hoisiniže. Sinihigiži,
he [already] dished it out. He cooled it off. When he had cooled it,



w te xoAo L Ko Lo e de. we de. ni Ktt KiniKi w ni L.
watexura kurueže. Wéže, "Nikjąknįkwanira,
the bladder he opened up. Said he, "My little children,



w K L Ko no ni xitti n. a n K. w Ko Lo e de.
wakarakununixjįną," ánąga. Wakurueže.
I am lonesome for them very much," he had said. He uncovered them.



p. 57 —
w Lotto w Ki Ki de. n w reKe tte K Aoyi xitti
Waruj wagigiže. Nąwasgejega hoíxjį
[To eat] [he let them.]* That wooden bowl full

*this sentence is translated as, "He fed them."



wo K de. e xitti Ai L ni Ae L. Lo K n w w Ki o de.
wogáže. Exjį hiránihera, rokana wawaki’ųže.
he gave to them. In spite of all he was commanded, very much he did to them.



de Ko Aiy n K. w te xe tt wo Kodow n K.
žegų́ hianąga watexeja wokšuwanąga
Then after he did this into the bladder he had put them and



p. 58 —
w ni K L ttK nK K n K. n A w diAidi K nK K n K.
wanikaracganąkanąga hawašiškąnąkanąga
dangling upon his belt [and] wood he had gathered together broken pieces



e Ai tt mi n K n K. tteAe li di. ni lA n L
e hija mįnąganąga cepiži nipanara
he there he sat [and] he ate it up the soup



deKe. Le xL. Ao xo wo K n K L reKele deAe. e Ki
ške rexara hoxųwoganąga rasgépše. Égi
also the pail he drank from and [finished it completely.] Then



p. 59 —
di Ke to w Le de. w niyo tteKe tt n K Ki di. A ntt
žigé towareže. waniyocge jánągagiži haną́c
again he went on. The animals all there are all



w Ktt K K Ai Ky Le de. Ai Ko di Ke. xA lee niKi.
"Wakjąkaga" higaíreže. higų žigé xap’enįk
"Tricky One" they called him. [Now]* again in a little while

*translated as "this".



e xitti to Ke we Ai de. ni KttK niKi n K di. wi d K
exjį tokéwehiže. "Nikjąknįknąkaži wižąga
himself he was hungry. "[At least] the little children those once a month



p. 60 —
dA n. w Lo tti Ktte ay L no ni Ke. e xitti di w Lotto
šana warujikje," airanunige exjįži waruj
only they were to eat," they said, [but] he himself food



Lo Ko Ki ni de. e rKe e tt. di Ke we de.
rokoginįže. Ésge éja žigé wéže,
he was in want. Therefore, there again he said,



Ao Ao ni Ktt Kini KL. ny di toyi Ki Ke we Ai Le Ko ni.
"Hohó, nikjągᵉnįgᵉra naį́ži toikikewehiregųnį,"
"Oh oh, the children about time they were hungry [perhaps],"



e de. A A. A K Ki w Lotto w K L Ki Le A Kette n.
éže. "Hąhą́ hagaki waruj wakaragirehakjeną,"
he said. "Now, for that to eat I shall have made them,"



p. 61 —
a n K. mo doo Ki d e tt n KiAi Ao tti Ki ni de.
ánąga. Moš’ogižą éja nąkí hojįginįže.
he had said. A knoll there it was already he had struck.



w to Ki d. tee Ai de. tt tti ne tt. leAe tto toow n K.*
Watokižą t’ehiže. Jajineją pejot’ųwanąga
A monstrous bear he had killed. Already a fire he built [and]

*the MS has /to/ for the second syllable.



A t dA L. Aiy n K. Ki de dey n K. Ao A Ki ni de.
hatašara hianąga gižežeyanąga hohąginįže.
he burnt off the hair he did [and] he cut it up [and] already he had boiled it.



p. 62 —
tt tti ne tt. xeAe Le Ki di. wy re Ki ni de. Ai rKe
Jajineją xeregiži, waiseginįže. Hisgé
Quickly following when it boiled, dished out he did quickly. When



Ai rKe riAi ni Ai Ki di. w te xoAo L. Ko Lo e K tt.
Hisgé sinihigiži, watexura kuruegają,
Some when he had cooled it, the bladder when he had opened it,



te we L Ki. ta nK deAe. Ao Ao. ni KttK niKi KL.
tewéraki, t’anąkše. "Hohó, nikjągᵉnįgᵉra
to his surprise, they were dead. "Alas! the little children



woyi Ki niKi Ai Le. e K tt. tt tti ne tt. wK ni Ae L.
woiginikhire." egają, jajineją wąknihera
unfortunately they are gone." When he had said it, immediately that man



p. 63 —
te Ki A Ki ni de. we de. A A a. w Ktt K L.
tégi haginiže. Wéže, "Hąhą’ą, Wakjąkara,
close by he was coming. He said, "Now, you Trickster,



detteAe n. tee ni Ktt ne n. Ai ni Ke [?] Le.* ni Ktt KL. tee
šjeną. T’enikjaneną, hinige[-]re. Nikjąkara t’e
you'll die. I will kill you, I had told you. The children killed

*the "[?]" represents a syllabic letter that looks like either an /a/ or a /d/; possibly an /e/. It is probably a /d/.



wy L Ki Ki Ki di. A tti ttA we de. Ao Ao. Ai rAo Ki tti.
wairágigi giži. Hajicaweže. "Hohó hisųgijį,"
you have done [.] He approached him. "Oh oh my younger brother,"



p. 64 —
w Ktt K K a no ni Ke. de Ko Ai rKe xitti
Wakjąkaga a, nųnįgé žegų́ hisgéxjį
Trickster he had said, but anyway [sure enough]*

*the translation has, "meaning[ful]ly".



A tti ttA we de. w Ktt K K. Ki Li Ke Le Ai de. Kiyr deAe.
hajicaweže. Wakjąkaga kirikerehiže. kiasše.
he came toward him. Trickster suddenly he starts away. He fled.



no Ki wK Kitti no ni Ke. A ttA Ke Le. Ki K Kd Ai Le de
Nugiwąkjį nųnįgé hacągére gigąšhireže.
He ran with all his might, but barely missing him he was struck at.



p. 65 —
A Ke w d de rK ni de. Ai w Koo Ai K dA n.
Hąké wažą́ žesgenįže. Hiwak’ųhiga šana
Not anything truly he was not. It was by sudden turns only



Lo Kd Le Ai Le ra de. to we Ki ow Ly Le de. w KL.
rugąžerehiras’aže. Towe gi’ųwaraireže. Wągara
from which he barely escaped. This way he was chased along. Up above



Ao Ki we K deKe Ai deKe w KL Ao we ra de. di Ke
hogiwegaške hišgé wągara howes’aže. Žigé
if he should go also above he would go. Again



p. 66 —
m Ko A L. Ao Ki we K deKe. di Ke e Ao Ki we ra de.
mąkųhąra hogiwegaške, žigé e hogiwes’aže.
under the ground if he fled through, again he he would chase.



w Ktt K L. A Ke ni Ke Ao ni al L Ke Le ni n.
"Wakjąkaga, hąké nįgé honį’ąparakerenįną.
"You Trickster, not anywhere you will not have any living.



Ai Ko tt rKe Ki di. tee ni Ktt ne n. de Ko Ai Kii Ki Le e ttA.
Higųjasgegiži, t’enikjaneną. žegų́, hik’įgire écą.
At any rate, kill you I will. So then, give up right now [instead].



p. 67 —
do doKo L Ki n. A Ke ni Ke Ao w Ke Le
Šųškurakiną. Hąké nįgé howagere,
Exhaust yourself you have. Not anywhere you go you could,



doAo Lo xoAo Lo Kini n. a n K w owK deAe. Ai Ko K tt K.
šuruxurugᵉnįną," ánąga. Wa’ųwąkše. higų gająga
you are not able," he was saying. He was following him. Then finally



Ai w Koo Ai K dA n. Ki Kd Le Ai ra de. w KL.
hiwak’ųhiga šana gigąšarehis’aže. Wąkra
through quick dodging only he would be missed from being struck. The man



p. 68 —
w Ktt K K. n xi Le doKo ni. K tt K. m L. A ntt
Wakjąkaga naxirešguni. Gająga mąra haną́c
Trickster fear fell on him. Now the earth all



Ao Ki nK deAe. K tt K. de e. wiy xele Ao L.
hokinąkše. Gająga žee, wiyaxebhora
through it he has fled. Now finally, sun-appearing-from



Ao Ki nK Ki. mo de tt L. ow Ai K tt A wo tti tti nK deAe.
hoginąki možejara. ’Úwahigają, hawujijinąkše.
He ran to the end of the world. As he was going, he ran onto



p. 69 —
mo lA reAeyi d. nidi lA reAe d. te tt Ai ttAe tte tt.
mopaseiža nįšpasežą teją hicéjéja
a pointed piece of land a projecting piece of a steep wall of rock the ocean the edge of it



A wo tti tti nK deAe. e tt. de Ko ni L.
hawujijinąkše. Éja žegų́ nįra
it pressed up against. There [so]* the waters

*the translation has, "at all".


Ao tal Ke Le de. ni ntt tte tt. Ki Li nK deAe.
hot’ąpkereže. Nįnacajeja kirinąkše.
into jump he did. Middle of the water [he landed].*

*the translation has "lit he did", "lit" being old western slang for "alighted".



Kow. e de. w Ktt K L L ni n. detteAe Ktt n A o Ae Le n.
"Guwa!" éže. "Wakjąkara rániną́. Šjekjanaha’ųhereną."
"Ah!" said he. "Trickster you, you'll live. Dead you were to be."



p. 70 —
e tt w Ktt K K. Lo Kd Le Ai Le de. Ao Ao Aow.
Éja Wakjąkaga rukšarehireže. "Hohohowa!
There Trickster unhand he did. (Expression of relief)



e de* w Ktt K K. w KL. Ai Ke de rKe
éže Wakjąkaga. Wąkra hįké žesge
he said, Trickster. The man not that kind

*what appears to be an extra final /e/ is added to this word by mistake.



p. 71 —
A Ki Ke we wi ni doAo no L. ttAo we w di Ki dKy L n. e de.
hagikewewinįšunura. Cowe wašigišgąiraną," éže.
I thought of never myself I did. Almost they did me harm," he said.



John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 39-71.