Hocąk Syllabic Text — Partridge's Older Brother

translated by Oliver LaMère

Original Texts, Winnebago V, #9: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 |

Original Texts, Notebook 7 (English): | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 |

Original Texts, Winnebago IV, #8m, Version 1 (English): | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

English Translation

Stylistic Features

hapaxlegomena: ’ųjé, "to remain"; bōžóbōžóci, "to completely mash up ?" (cf. bōžók, "to mush up"; hi, "to cause"); cápirera, "their"; eni, "stone"; esga, "here"; ésge, in the sense of "as"; gias, "to take flight"; gixuc, "to pulverize into very fine pieces" (cp. gi-, "to strike"); hacitó, as direct address (from citó), "brother"; hai’ášjįje, "to stand astride"; hajihaisa (A tti Ay rA), "astride"; hąkéšge, in the sense of "no other"; haragáp, "to be up to them (in position)"; hatetex, "to urinate" (an emphatic, cf. hatex, "I urinate"); hewa, "to give a (female) whoop"; hēyō, "a female whoop"; higeše, "to grow"; higikša, "to be injured"; hijošu, "handy"; hįká’aža, "no" (cf. hįká’a, "no," attested only once in Miner); hirarája, "to be stuck between," cf. hirają́ją, "to have objects stuck to a subject," hirarája kį̄, "to be covered with something"; hoisixjį, "in bunches" (for hoicixjį); hišgúni in the sense of "to remove"; hišja šorož, a kind of owl called "hollowed out eyes/face"; hokikikšų, an emphatic of hokikšų, "to load"; hōkų́, in the sense, "to wish" (< ’ųjéroákųną); horuxoxo, "to scratch up something" (an emphatic of horuxo); hot’ų, "to leave someone"; howexųxų, "to blow [hard]," an emphatic of howexų; karaxīx, "to be very powerful"; kisikjį, "with a thud"; Ki Lo Kd, "to leave behind"; nąk’ų, in the sense of "until"; pežexjį, an emphatic of peže, "who," translated as, "I wonder who?" (or, perhaps, "who in the world?"); ruwįsare, "to be made smaller by hand"; ruxé, in the sense, "to pick up, to pick out of"; tapaną, "odor" (embedded in many expressions, but not found alone); warawax, "to bite into"; žegųžanai, "it is done"; wažągicų, "to be in plenty"; žara, "to come off (as paint from a surface)"; žegų’ų (de Ko o), "thus"; žegų́žanai, "to be done"; ži, "anyhow"; žigiraxjį, "a short ways".

  rare words: hage, "the last" (found only in Marino); hanįxjį, "my, mine"; hatḗ, "forest fire, wildfire" (from ha-nį̄-tḗ, "you are on fire"); hįǧé, "to shout at me" (found only in Susman); hijošu, "to put there"; hisga, "to think" (found only in Rave as hisgaránąkšąną, "I was thinking"); hisgéjaži, "really"; Hohowá, an expression of sadness or regret (found in Lipkind); horuxó, "to scrape" (as bears do a tree) (found once in Dorsey); huja (< hujakjanahera), "to kill, destroy" (found only in Marino); jopihi, "four"; nįhé, in the sense, "to be around a place" (found in Miner and Helmbrecht-Lehmann).  
  use of a nominal sentence ending in -že: Égi nų̄píwi hinųgᵉraže.
  favorite expression: Žegų́že, "Thus it was."
  very heavy use of the suffix -giži.

  heavy use of the suffix -je.

  a fondness for the exclamation hohó.

  a preference for xųnųnį́k rather than simply nįk.

Winn. V, #9: 1* = Winn. 4, 8m, v. 1:1        
e tt ttAi n Ki d nK deAe. Ao KL deKe Ai tt nK dAe n Ki.
Éja cinągižą nąkše. Hųgᵉra šge hija nąkše. Ną̄gí
There a village there was. The chief also there he was. It came to pass

* the top of the page reads,

riAi K Kiri Ke ni K Ai ni L.
  1 #9
         The partridge’s older brother.


Ao KL. ni Ktt KL. t ni A ni de. Ai d Ki L. w Ki d Ae Le de. e Ki.
hųgᵉra nįkją́gᵉra tānį́ haníže. Hižąkī́ra wągížą herežé. Ḗgi
the chief children three he had. Only one a male there was. And



no liAi wi Ai noKo L de Ai no li Ke. wy tteKe w Ai de. e Ki.
nų̄píwi hinųgᵉraže. Hinųpike waicgé wahīže. Ḗgi
two they were girls. Both younger sisters he was related. And



m dtt w wo K L Ki xeAe te Ai Le de. no ni Ke. wK n K Ai L tty L de.
mąšją wokaragixete hireže, nųnįgé wą́gᵉnąka hirajairaže.
very much they loved them they did, but [that fellow] even much more.



Ai noKo w ttA lL dKe. wo xeAe te Ki r Ki Ai Le de. e Ki w Kn K. A A Ki.
Hinų́gᵉwaracábᵉra šge woxetegiragi hireže. Ḗgi wą́gᵉnąka hahági,
His sisters also loving him they did. And [that fellow] [as he was light,]*

* the translation has, "fasting". Hahá means "to be light in weight" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).

                   Winn. V, #9: 2    
w? tte de. Ai Ka tt n K. e Ki. my Ki L Ki deAe Le L. o nK ra de. e Ki.
waježe, hik’ajanąga égi mąįkira kišerera ’ųnąks’aže. Égi
? ... and [then] arrows making he would always do. And



de e. w Kn K. Ao KL Ai ni KL. w niKi L. tto liAi wi ni Ai de. wo Ki roKo
že’é, wą́gᵉnąka, hųgᵉra hinįgᵉra, wanįgᵉrá jopíwi nį̄híže. Wōgízuk
this one, [that fellow,] the chief his son, birds four he had. A great deal



wo xeAe te w K L Ki de.* Ki nolo w Ki K Ltt ra de. Ai deKe w mi Ki n K dKe
woxete wakarakížu, "kinų́p" wakikarajš’aže. Hišgé wamikinąkašge
he loved with them, "brothers" he would call them. Also he laid them down as well

* this appears to end in de (že) when it should have ended in do (žu).


o mK Kitti Ai Le de. diAi Ko Ko Ki d. Ae Ley n K. e Ki. di Ke. riAi K Kiri Ki d.
’umąkjį́ hireže. Šikokogižą hereánąga égi žigé sikaksígižą,
[to be used to him] they were. A robin it was, and then again a partridge,



e Ki di Ke. m no ni. e Ai dtt doAo Lo di d. e Ki. di Ke. Ke Le tto reAe li d.
égi žigé mą̄nų́nį e hišja šorožižą, égi žigé kerejųsebižą,
then again to be lost he himself an owl,* and again a black hawk,

* this is a hitherto unencountered species of owl known in Hōcąk as "hollowed out eyes/face".

Winn. V, #9: 3          
de de n K ni Ai de. e Ki. wy Le n. Ao KiLi ni KL. A Ko Leyi d. Ay ni Le Ki.
žežénąga nį̄híže. Égi waireną, hųgrinįgᵉra hagoreižą hainiregi,
that many he had. And it is said, the chief's son [at] one [time] in the morning,



Ki K w a K tt. miKi texe deAe. Ai Lo diAiKi deAe. di Ki Ko A Ae Ai no l A K tt
kikáwa’ąkają, mįk tēxše. Hirošíkše. Žigígų hą̄hé hinųbąhągają
he got up and bed he wet. He was ashamed. Again night the second



o de. tt rKe K tt. tt Ko o te e w o A tte Ko ni Ai Le de. A Ae
’ųžé. "Jasgegáją? Jagu’ų te’é wa’ųhajegųnį?" hireže, Hą̄hé
he did it. "How is it? What can be the matter this I do?" he thought. Night



Ai t ni A Ki di. mi Ki di. A Ke n ni Kette Ai Le de. tt rKe K tt.
hitanihągiži, mįkiži, hąké ną̄nįkje hireže. "Jasgegáją?
the third, when he went to bed, not he would not sleep, he thought. "How is it?


                    Winn. V, #9: 4
woyi Lo diAi Ke rKe K tt Ai rK deAe.* ni Ke deKe. w Kidi KL Ai d wy o tte ra Le
Woírošigésgegają," hisgaže.* "Nįgéšge wąkšigᵉra hižą́ wai’ųjes’are,"
It is so shameful," he thought. "Perhaps [person] [a] the cause of this,"

* this seems to be mispelled. It should be Ai rK de , hisga being attested elsewhere as "to think."


deKe Ai Le de. e Ki. w Kidi KL. A ntt nyL n K e Ki. Ai no Ki d
šge hireže. Égi wąkšigᵉra haną́c nairanąga égi hinųgižą
also he thought. And [person] everyone they had gone to sleep, [then] a woman



A tti Ao Ke we de. A tti ttA we de. Ai no Ki d w owK deAe. ttiy n K.
hajihokeweže. Hajicaweže. Hinųgižą wa’ųwąkše. Jiánąga
she came in. She went towards him. A woman it was. She came and


A tti Ay rA n diy n K. A te texe deAe. Ao Ao. rii Le tt te de rKe Ai tte Ko ni.
hajihaisa nąžįanąga hatetexše. "Hohó! s’ireją težesge hijegųnį,
astride she stood, and she urinated on him. "Ah, long this she must have been doing,



w d diAi diAi Kitti. leAe de xitti w o tte Ki di. Ai Le de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di.
wažą́ šišikjį. Pežexjį wa’ųjegiži," hireže. Égi hainigíži,
thing bad. I wonder who [she is doing it,"] he thought. Then in the morning,


                      Winn. V, #9: 5      
tt rKe xitti A Ki di. y lAe Le rn Ki di Ai Le de. e Ki. w o de. m Ai Le Ki
"Jasgéxjį hagiži yaperezᵉnąkiži?" hireže. Égi wa’ųže, mą̄hįregi
"What I could do I find out?" he thought. Then he did thus, [with his arrow feather]*

* apparently, this is a paintbrush.


A w doAo tti. Ai o ra Ki di. e tt K L Ke Le de. ni Ke Ai Ki o
hawašuji hi’ųs’agiži, éja karakereže. Nįgé higi’ų
[he placed his hands on] [that he used to have,] there he put handy. [Any place] to put on



Ai Ki di. A Ke d L ni n de rKe wi Ki ni deKe de rKe Ai so Ki do de. A Ke
higiži, hąké žaranįną. Žésge wikįnį́ šge žésge hirokižuže. Hąké
if he did, not it would not come off. This grease as well as this it is mixed with. Not



w d L Ai d Ai doKo L ni de. de e Ai tto do Ke Le Ke tte* Ai Le de.
wažą́ra hižą́ hišgúniranįže. Že’é, hijošu kerekje, hireže.
the things one it would not take it off. This one, handy he would have, he thought.

* the reading assumes that Ke Le Kette was intended.


w o tte K. Ai Ki o Ai n i Ktte Ai Le de. e Ki. A Ae Ki di.
Wa’ųjega higi’ų hįną’įkje, hireže. Égi hąhegiži
[As he was acting this way] to touch some he would try, he thought. So in the night


    Winn. V, #9: 6    
e tt Ke Le de. Ki di de tt n xitti n tte rKi di.* e tt
éja kereže, giži. žejanaxjį najegiži, éja
by him he placed it . About the time [she was going to provoke him,] there

* this may be n tte rKi di (najesgiži). If so, it is an unknown word.


Ao Le dotto miKi deAe. Ao w Le L.
hure, šuc mįkše. Howaréra,
about that time that she was to start coming, red he laid down. Sure enough,



A tti Ao Ke we de. Ai L leAe xitti de. Ay ad tti ttey n K. Ao tti dA n.
hajihokeweže. Hirapéxjįže. hai’ášjįjeanąga hojišą́ną
she came in. He lay in wait for her. She stood astride him, and [shortly after]



texe tti Le K tt. Ai dttyi tt Ai Ki o de. de Ko. Ai noKo tt ne. te tex
tēxjįregają. Hišjaija higi’ų́že. Žegų́ hinųkjąne, tētéx,
she began to urinate. On her face he did it with it. [So] the woman, still urinating,



A Ki Ai Ai nl nK deAe. de Ko de. Ai Ke n ni de. Ai Ke w Ki Ko no ni ni de.
hakíhihiną́pnąkše. Žegų́že. Hįké nąnįže. Hįké wakikųnųninįže.
she went on out. Thus it was. Not he did not sleep. Not he could not forget it.



leAe de xitti Ae Le Ki di Ai Le Ki di. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. w we riAi wi K tt
"Pēžéxjį heregíži?" hiregíži, égi hainigíži, wawesį́wįgáją
"I wonder who it was?" he thought, and in the morning, he watched for her, and


  Winn. V, #9: 7            
A Ke w di leAe Le rini de. Ai Ko di Ke Ay ni Ki di. di Ke A Ke w di leAe Le rini de.
hąké wažipereznįže. Higų́ žigé hainigíži, žigé hąké wažipereznįže.
not he could not find her. Also again the next day, again not he could not find out anything.



e rKe. we de. Ai a ttL Ao Ki LK deAe. tt tti. Ai noKo w ttAe KL. tt n K Ki di.
Ésge wéže, hi’ą́jᵉra hugirakše, "Jā́ji, hinųk wacegᵉra janągagiži,
So he said it, his father he was told, "Father, women the young ones all,


Winn. 4, 8m, v. 1:2            
A Ki d Ki Lo Kd Ai L ni Kette n. A ntt roto Ai Le Ktte n e de. oyi Le de.
hąkížą kirokša* hiranįkjeną, haną́c sto hirekjeną," éže. Ųireže.
not any to leave behind they will do, all to gather they will be," he said. They did it.

* or girokša, girukša, kirukša, etc.


e Ki Ao KL w n Ke. e rKe. w we riAi wi no ni Ke A Ke w d
Égi hųgᵉra wanąga, ésge wawesį́wį, nųnįgé hąké wažą́
[And] the chief [who said it,] [so] they observed them very closely, but not anything


                            Winn. V, #9: 8
A lAe Le rini de. tt rKe K tt. Ai Le de. di Ke e de. Ai noKo Loyi dA nK KL
haperezᵉnįže. "Jasgegáją? hireže. Žigé éže. Hinųkroíšąną́gᵉra
they would not find out. "How can it be?" he thought. Again he said it. Widows



e de di Ke. di Ke A n ttiAi xitti A tti Le de. di Ke A Ke w d ni de.
éže žigé Žigé haną́cįxjį hajíreže. Žigé hąké wažąnįže.
he called this time. Again all of them they came. Again not [there was nothing.]



Kow w Kidi Ktt xitti d wy o Ki di Ai Le de. e Ki.
"Guwa! Wąkšíkjąxjįžą wai’ųgiži," hireže. Égi
"Ah! What kind of a person could it be who has used me thus?" he thought. And



di Ke. Ai noKo Ai K n ttAo L roto w Ki Ki de. di Ke A n ttAi roto
žigé hinųk hikąnącų́ra sto wagigiže. Žigé haną́cį sto
again women married women to gather [he made them.] Again all of them to gather



Ai L no ni Ke. di Ke A Ke. w d. Li d* A tt ni de. di Ke Ai to Ke ni KL
hira, nųnįgé žigé hąké wažąrižą hajanįže. Žigé hitokenįgᵉra
they came, but again not anything he could not see. Again old women

* the first d in this word is followed incorrectly by a period.

                  Winn. V, #9: 9
tt n K Ki di. a no ni Ke di Ke A Ke w d ni de. de Ko de. Ao Aow tt xitti d.
janągagiži anųnįge žigé hąké wažąnįže. Žegų́že. "Hohowá, jaxjį́žą
all he examined, but again not nothing. Thus it was. "Oh my, who



wy o Ki di Ai Le de. A Ke deKe. w KidiKi ni Ki tt* Ai deKe ni Ke
wai’ųgiži," hireže. "Hąkéšge wąkšik nįgéja hišgĕ́ nįgé
it could be the cause of it?" he thought. "No other people nearby also [anyplace]

* probably in error for ni Ke tt, nįgéja (< nįgé-éja).


Ai wo roAo ttini K tt. tt rKe dKe K tt Ai Le de. Ai rKe tt di n tteKe L tteKe de.*
hiwusųcnįkaja, jasgé šgegają?" hireže. Hisgéjaži nącgera tēkše.
nearby, how this could be?" he thought. [Really] his heart it was sore.

* in error for teKe deAe.


de e di. Ai noKo w ttA lL. xeAe te L. A Ke A K. Ai dtt L A tt ni de.
Žeeži, hinųkwacábᵉra xeterá hąké haka hĭšjā́ra hajanį́že.
As it always happened, his sister older not once her face he did not see.



A Lo xeAe w di Ki deAe Le Ai n Ki di de Ko de. tt rKe
Haruxé wažigišere hinąkiži. Žegų́že. "Jasgé
She was turned around always working on something she sat. Thus it was. "How


                            Winn. V, #9: 10
wi Lo K n di te de rK n de Ai Le de. de rK no ni K. w o de. leAe tti tteAe tte tt.†
wirukanaži težésganąže," hireže. Žésga nuniga wa’ųžé. Pejicejeja
* such a thing," he thought. Nevertheless but he did it. At the fireplace

* the translation has, "it is impossible for," but wirukana means, "to be in charge," and ži means, "in any case."
† the top of the page reads,

The partridge’s older brother.
        riAi K Kiri Ke ni K Ai ni L.        

Ao Ki w xitti Le Ai de. w K de. wy tteKe xitti A ni te n. Ai Ko de.
hokiwaxįcire híže. Wagaže, "Waicgexjį, hanį̄tḗną." Hīgūžé.
fire was set to his own he did. He said, "My sister, you are on fire."* She turned around very quickly.

* < ha-nį̄-tḗ-ną, from hatḗ, "forest fire, wildfire"; perhaps meaning an accidental blaze, or out of control fire.


Ai tto Ki too Le K tt te we L Ki. Ai dtt L. w reAe. m Ai Lo Ki d.
Hijókit’uregają, tewéraki hĭšjā́ra wasé mą̄hį́rųgižą
[When she turned around,] unexpectedly, her face paint [a chief's arrow feather]*

* apparently a paintbrush belonging to his father.


Ai Lo tee Ke w o nK deAe. Ao Aow Ai Le de. wo Ki roKo Ai Lo diAiKi deAe.
hirut’eke wa’ųnąkše. "Hohowá," hireže. Wōgízuk hirošíkše.
[because he had dabbed it on] he did this. "Oh my," he thought. A great deal he was ashamed.



A Ke Ai tt o tte Lo xoAo Lo Kini de. e Ki. we de. tt tti. w ttL
Hąké hija ų́je ruxoroginįže. Égi weže, "Jā́ji, wájᵉra
Not there [he was standing] [he could not accomplish.]* So he said, "Father, canoe

* o tte Lo xoAo Lo Kini de is translated as, "he could not remain there any longer."

                           Winn. V, #9: 11
Ai d Ai Lo dtt Ai Ki Ki wi Le. ni Ke w w te Ktt ne n. e Ki di. w tti d Ao Ki Ki Kodo
hižą́ hirúšją higigiwire nįgé wawátekjaneną," egíži, wajižą hokikikšų
a to be ready make for me [some place] I am going away," he said, so a canoe to load for him



Ai Le de. w d w ni Ki di. A ntt Ai tt wo Ki do Ai Le de. e Ki. Ai noKo tte K. Ai tt
hireže. Wažą́ wanigiži haną́c hija wogižu hireže. Égi hinųkjega hija
they did. Things that he had all there to put they were. And [the woman] there



A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. Ao Ki K n K L e Ki. de Ko Ai Le Ki di.
hąké wažį́ rōką́ną hinįže. Hokikanągᵉra, égi žegų́ hiregiži,
not anything [great] she did not do. [Having put them in,]* then thus when they were through,

* the translation has, "when they were through."


Ai tto mi n K n K. w ti Le Ai de. w d ni w Ai K A ntt w K L ni w o de.
hijomįnąkanąga watirehiže. Wažą́nį wahiga, haną́c, wagarani wa’ųžé.
he sat in there, and* he shoved off. [Everything] when he went, all, he took along he did it.

* the translation adds, "taking all the birds that he owned".


Ai Ko Ai L Le xitti Ai n Ki A KeLe Ki. w d ni reKe Ai L n i Ke.
Higų hiraréxjį hinągí hakregi wažą́nįske hirana’įge
After a short distance out [sufficiently] behind [seemingly there was] something he thought, so


                   Winn. V, #9: 12  
A Kttl lK tt. te we L Ki. Ai noKo ttA lL. Ai Lo diAiKi Ai Ki. Ki ... Kiyr n KL
hakjąpgają tewéraki, hinų́kcabᵉra hirošík higi ki ... kiasanągᵉra,
he looked back, and unexpectedly, his sister to be ashamed it made him, and for which he was leaving,



e Ki mi nK nK deAe. e tt o ni Ki Kiy n K. a tti n K Ki Ki de. w Ke de. ne woyi Lo liAi Ke rKe
égi miną́gᵉnąkše. Éja ’ųnigigianąga ajinąk gigiže. Wageže, "Ne woirošigesge
and she sat. There he went ashore, and he came on shore he did. He said, "You a shameful thing



w doo Ke ni Ke w w te n. ta leAe Ai Ke de. e Ki. tal dAe.
waš’ųge nįgé wawáteną. "T’apšé higeže. Égi t’ąpšé.
you have done, so [somewhere] it is why I am going away. "Get out," he said to her. So she got out.



e Ki. di Ki L xitti Ai n K tt te we L Ki di Ki Ki nK deAe di Ke a tti nK diAi de.
Égi žigiraxjį, hinąkáją, tewéraki, žigiginąkše. Žigé ajinąkšiže.*
Then a short ways when he had gone, unexpectedly, he discovered her in. Again he told her to get out.

* an initial /h/ has been lost due to external sandhi.

      Winn. 4, 8m, v. 1:3                                  Winn. V, #9: 13
t ni A. de de rKe Ai de. Ai tto l A L. di Ke a tti nK Ki di. Ai tto Lo xotto ttK tt e tt.
Taníhą žežesge hiže. Hijobą́hąrá žigé ajinąkgiži, hijoruxucgają, éja
Three times thus she did. The fourth time again he let her out, and he looked back, and there



tt tt w w reKe ni Ki d tte de. ni Ke deKe te tt ne deKe w o tt ni de. a n K. a ttL
cącáwa wāsgé nįgižą jéže. "Nįgéšge tejane šge wa’ųjaniže," ánąga ą́jᵉra
birch dish [a small one] it stood. "Perhaps this one also it is the cause of it," he said, and [the shore]



Ao too ne de. K tt. Ai noKo Ktt ne. Ae w de. Ae yo. e de. wK ttAe xiAi d
hot’úneže. Gają hinųkjąne hewaže, "Hēyō!"* éže, "Wąkcexižą
he threw it. And the woman she gave a (female) whoop, "Hēyō!" she said, "A difficult man

* LaMère translates this as, "a female whoop (hey yoo)".


Ai K wi doKo ni de. ttiAi nK A L Ktt xitti Ktt n Ae K e de. Ai noKo tt ne. e Ki.
higawišgųnįže. Cīną́k hara kjaxjįkjanahega," éže, hinųkjąne. Égi
to get to call. Town [my]* you might not see again," she said, the woman. And

* the translation has, "your".


de Ko w Ktt ne Le de. A Ko Ley d. de e. e tt. A Ai n de. e tt.
žegų́ wąkjąne režé Hagoreižą, že’é, éja hahinaže. Éja
then the man he went on. Finally, this one, there he stopped for the night. There


         Winn. V, #9: 14        
xA wi Ai ttiAi d Ki Koow n K. Ao ttiAi wi K. wo wo L. Lo K n de. e tt diAi Ko Ko Kini K.
xą̄wį́ hicižą kīk’ų́anąga hociwiga, wuwura rokanaže. Éja Šikokogᵉnįka
grass a lodge he made, and where he camped, cherries* there were alot. There Robin

* wuwu is the name for the nannyberry. Ną̄pák denotes cherries.


m w ttAo Ao Ki too ne de. we de. Ai ni A xitti A K w d m liAi te e
mawacu hogit’ųneže. Wéže, "Hinihaxjį, hagáwažą pį̄ te’é,"
[to abound] [he turned himself.] He said, "My older brother, what country nice this,"



ni Ke Le d. e de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. Ao tti Ke Ke Le L. Ae Le K tt. diAi Ko Ko Kini K
nį̄kérežą éže. Égi hainigíži, hojikekerera heregają, Šikokogᵉnįka
[a sweet talking] he said. Then in the morning, it was time to go when it was, Robin



wo xAl ni Ki de. Ko te Ai roAo Ki tti tt Ko o wo xA lini KL dA nK deAe. w d L
woxabᵉnįkiže. "Koté, hisųgijį, jāgú’ų woxabᵉnigᵉra šanąkše? Wažą́ra
he was very quiet. "[Exclamation] little brother, why being so quiet you are? The things


                  Winn. V, #9: 15        
Ai d Ai L Le Ke w doo dA n Ki di tt Ko o A Ke Ao dA L Kini de Ai Ke de.
hižą́ hirarege, waš’ųšanagiži, jāgú’ų hąké hošaragᵉnįže?" higeže.
one you must think, so is why you are doing it, why not do you not tell me of it?" he said to him.



e Ki. we de. Ko te Ai ni xitti e Ki m dtt Ay liAi n. e Ki o tte Low Ko n
Égi wéže, "Koté, hiníxjį, égi mąšją haipį́ną, égi ’ųjéroákųną,"*
Then he said it, "[Exclamation], my older brother, here very much I like it, and here I wish to remain,"

* < ’ųjéra-hoákų-ną.


e de. A Ao Ai rKe Ai Le. liAi w L Ke n. tt Ko Ai Lo Ai Le de Ai Ke de.
éže. "Hąhó! Hisgé hire; warageną, jagú hirohireže," higeže.
he said. "Alright! Right it is; good you have spoken, as there is no harm in it," he said to him.



e Ki. di n K dA n w K L Ki dow n K. tti Ke Le de. A Ko Ley d. e tt di Ke A xtt n
Égi žiną́ka šana wakarakižuanąga, jikereže.  Hagoreižą, éja žigé haxjąna
So then with the others only with them, and he went on. Finally, there again evening


              Winn. V, #9: 16
Ai Le Ki di e tt. A Ai ttAi o de. xA wi ttAi. o de. m ni Ke Ao ttiAi Le Ki di.
hiregiži, éja hahíci ’ųže. xą̄wį́ ’ųže. nįgé hociregiži,
it was, so there [to go and live] [he did]. Grass lodge he made. Land place where they camped,



w deKe tt. A loAo Lotto tte de. di Ke e tt. rAi K Kiri Ke ni K. Ai Ke w di
wāšgéja hāpúruc jéže. Žigé éja Sīkáksigᵉnįka hįké wažį́
among poplar trees [elder (or alder ?) trees]* it was. Again there Partridge not anything

* there is a difference of opinion on what tree or bush this word denotes. LaMère was uncertain himself, and translates this as "other trees."


Lo K n Ai ni de. ny K nK KL. ttAo Ki di. we de. Ai ni xitti Ai reKe tt
rōką́ną hinįže. Ną́įkąnągᵉra cųgiži, wéže, "Hiníxjį, hisgéja
[great] he did not do. Tree buds there were many, and he said, "My older brother, [truly]



m liAi ni Ke te e Ae Le K tt. e de. e Ki. di Ke A ni Ki di.* Ao tti Ke Le L.† Ae Le Ki di.
pį̄ nįgé te’é heregają," éže. Égi žigé hanįgiži, hojikerera heregíži,
country nice place this it is," he said. And again in the morning, time to go when it was,

* the text has Ai ni Ki di.
† the text has Ao tti Ke .Le L [.]

                   Winn. V, #9: 17
di Ke. riAi K Kiri Ke ni K. wo xA lini Ki de. di Ki Ke de. Ai roAo Ki tti. tt Ko o K tt.
žigé Sīkáksigᵉnįka woxabᵉnįkiže. Žigigeže, "Hisųgijį, jagú’ųgają
again [Little] Partridge he was very quiet. Again he asked, "My younger brother, why



wo xAl ni KL dA nK deAe. w d Li d Ai L Le Ke w doo dA n Ki di. Ao LK
woxabᵉnįgᵉra šanąkše? Wažąrižą hirarege, waš’ųšanagiži, horák
being so quiet you are? Something if it is on your mind, it is why you are doing it, to tell



liAi L ni n. Ai Ke de. Ai ni xitti m e Ki Ay liAi n. e tt Ai L too
pįraniną," higeže. "Hiníxjį, égi haipį́ną. Éja hirat’ų
you ought to do," he said to him. "My older brother, country here I like it. Here to leave me



dA L dA L wi Ki di y Le n. e de. Ai rKe Ai Le. A Ke w di Lo Ai Le w L K ni n.
šarašarawigiži, yaréną," éže. "Hisgé hire; hąké wažįrohirewaragᵉnįną".
[while you go on,] I believe," he said. "Yes you may do so; not I see no harm in it."



e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le de. nolo Ki L A K L Ki do. di Ke A Ko Leyi d. e tt A Ai A xtt n
Égi hajiakaraíreže, nųpkira hakarakižu. Žigé hagoreižą, éja hahi haxjąna
Then they went on, only two of them with him. Again finally, there [finally] evening


      Winn. V, #9: 18      
Ai Le Ki di. e tt A Ai di Ke ttiAi Ki Koo Ai Le de. Ao ttAi Le Ki di. w niKi
hiregiži, éja hahi žigé kīk’ų́ hireže. Hocíregiži, wanįk
[when it was,] there he went again lodge to make they did. The place they were at, birds



xoAo no niKi L Lo K n de. ttAo we Kini KL. e tt. m no ni. e Ai dtt doAo Lo di d.
xųnųnįgᵉra rokanaže. Cuegᵉnigᵉra éja. Mą̄nų́nį e hišja šorožižą,
little ones there were many. Little snipes there. He wandered off he himself an owl,*

* hišja šorožižą means literally, "a hollow face/eyed".


w d Ki ttAo de. Ai rKe tee Ai Ki di. w niKi Lo ttL o xitti Ai Le de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di.
wažągicųže. Hisgé t’ehigiži, wanįk rújᵉra ųxjį́ hireže. Égi hainigíži,
he was in plenty. He also he killed, and birds eating to do very much they did. Then in the morning,



di Ke. wo xA lini Ki Ki di. Ai Ki wx deAe tt Ko o w o n Ki di. we de. Ai ni A xitti e Ki
žigé woxabᵉnįkigiži, higiwąxše, jāgú’ų wa’ųnąkiži, wéže, "Hinihaxjį, égi
again he was very quiet, so he asked him, why he did it, and he said, "My older brother, here


Winn. 4, 8m, v. 1:4                Winn. V, #9: 19
o tte Low Ko Ke w o nK dA n e de. Ai rKe Ai Le Ai Ke de. e tt K tt K.
’ųjé ro’agųge wa’ųnąkšaną," éže. "Hisgé, hire," higeže. Éja gająga
to remain because I wish I am," he said. "Yes, you may do so," he told him. There [now]



Ke Le tto reAe lL dA n A K L Ki do Le de. Ay ni Ki di. ttiAi w oyi Le K. e wo ttiAi
kerejųsebᵉra, šana hakarakižureže. Hainigíži, wa’ųiregi, e wocī
the black hawk, only he went on with him. Every morning, lodge when they made it, it to camp



w too L Kede. e Ki. Ai d Ki L A Ki do Le de. e Ki. e tt A Ai ni wi Ki di. te L
wat’ųrąkše. Égi hižąkíra hakižúreže. Égi éja hahíniwigiži, tera
he would leave them. So now only one he went with him. [And] the place where they camped, lakes



Lo K n de. wi xL Lo K n de. e tt Ke Le tto reAel le tte K. wi xL Aoyi wotto deAe.
rokanaže. Wįǧᵉra rokanaže. Éja kerejųsebᵉjega wįǧᵉra hoiwocše.
there were many. Ducks there were many. There the black hawk ducks killed.



wy d Aili tti Le Ai ra de. e tt wixi Lo ttL o xitti wi de. di Ke
Waį́žą hįp jirehis’aže. Éja wį̄x rújᵉra ’ųxjįwiže. Žigé
[Something] [to dive] [he would come suddenly.]* There ducks eating they did very much. Again

* the translation has, "he would fly up to them and knock them down by pecking them".

                                Winn. V, #9: 20      
Ay ni Ki di. Ke Le tto reAe lK. wo xAl lini Ki de. we de. Ko te Ai roAoKo A xitti
hainigíži, Kerejųsepka* woxabᵉnįkiže. Wéže, "Koté, hisųkhaxjį,
in the morning, Black Hawk* he was very quiet. He said, "[Exclamation], my little brother,

* Kerejųsep ending in -ka, forms a proper name.


i ne Ki A n K tt tt Ko o te e wo xAl lini KL dA n Ko ni Ai Ke de. Ko te
inéki hanągają. Jāgú’ų te’é woxabᵉnįgᵉra? šanagųnį ?" higeže. "Koté,
alone we are. Why this keeping so quiet you are doing?" he said to him. "Well,



Ai ni A xitti e dK. de Ko o ni Ae Low Ko n. m dtt m liAi K tt
hinihaxjį, esga? žegų’ų nįhé ro-águną. Mąšją pįgają,"
my older brother, here [thus] [to be around a place] I wish.* Very much country nice,"

* the translation has, "here I wish to remain".


e de. A Ao. Ai rKe Ai Le. i ne Ki te Kette n. e de. de e A Ko Ley d e tt
éže. "Hąhó! Hisgé hire; inéki tekjéną," éže. Že’é, hagoreižą, éja
he said. "Alright! [Right] [it is];* alone I will go," he said. This one, finally, there

* the translation has, "you may do so."


ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki e tt w Ki d n nK deAe. ni ttAe tte tt.
úwahigają, tewéraki, éja wągížą nąnąkše, nįcejeja.
as he was going on, unexpectedly, there a man he was sitting [sleeping], on the edge of the water.


  Winn. V, #9: 21            
ni xA L. Aoyi deKe Kede. e Ki. Ao L. Koro Kiri KiniKi deAe. e Ki. riAi L. reAe Le ttAi de.
Nįxára hoišgékše. Égi hura ksūksígᵉnįkše. Égi sira sereciže.
His stomach it was very large. And his legs they were very slim. And his feet they were very long.



e Ki. n roAo L xeAe te de. nl lL Ai dAeKe deAe. we riAi wi xitti K tt. te we L Ki.
Égi nąsúra xeteže. Nąbᵉra hį̄šékše. Wesį́wįxjįgáją tewéraki,
And his head it was big. His hands they were hairy. He watched him very close, and unexpectedly,



Ai L. w KidiKi n tto Ai L L tt de. e tt A Ktt Ao Ki nK deAe. e tt A Ki o ni de.
hira wąkšik ną̄jú hirarájaže. Éja hakjá hóginąkše. Éja hagí ’ųnįže.
his teeth people hair it was stuck between. There back he turned back. There to return he did not do.*

* the translation has, "he went ashore."


Ao Ao ttAe K tt. tt reKe A Ki di te e. w Kidi K i Ktt n Ae Ko n Ai Le de. w o de.
"Hohó, cegáją. Jasgé hagiži te’é wąkšiga’įkjanahegųnį?" hireže. Wa’ųže:
"Oh my! I will surely die. What I can do this I can do to live?" he thought. He did thus:


  Winn. V, #9: 22            
niye tt wi doAo K nK. Lo xe de. e Ko. Lo KL. w Lo r n K. e Ki. wo A de.
nįeja wīšókąną́k ruxéže. Egų rogᵉra warusanąga égi wohąže.
from the water oysters he picked. And the insides he took out, and [then] he boiled them.



Lexe xAe teyi d A niy Ki di Ai ow n K. de Ko Aiy n K. A niy n K Le de. w tte tt
Reǧ xeteižą haniąkiži hi’ųanąga žegų́ hianąga haniąkareže. Wajéja
Kettle a large one he had with him, and he used, and thus he did, and he took it. In the boat



Ao Ke Ley n Ki Le de. Ai tt Ai Ki di w Ke de. Ao Ao. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L
hokereanikireže. Hija higíži, wageže, "Hohó, hicakorohara
he put in and went to him. There when he got there, he said to him, "Oh my! my friend



e Ki n nK deAe tte L e de A Ki Ki Li nK deAe. Ai ttA Ko Lo. e Ki A n nK dA n e de.
égi nąnąkše," jerá éže. Hįkikírinąkše. "Hicakóro égi hananąkšaną," éže.
here he is sleeping," this one he said. He woke up. "Friend here I am sleeping," he said.


        Winn. V, #9: 23        
e Ki. we Ai ttA Ko Lo. rA niKi te e w o A tt n. A Ky L. ttA nK L. Ai d Ai L tti Ki.
Égi we, "Hicakóro, sanį́k te’é wa’ųhajaną. Hagaíra cāną́gᵉra hižą́ hirajígi,
Then he said, "Friend, part this I am roaming. Sometimes deer one when I came upon,



e tt rii niKi w Att doAo no n. rA niKi w w t Ae L. e tt Ao L w L tti ra Le
éja s’inik wahacšųnųną. Sanį́k wawatahera éja, horawarajis’are?"
then for some time I would have food. The direction I am going in there, that is where you came from?"



e de. A A a. e de. Ai Ko te e w o A tte n e de. Ai ttA Ko Lo. A Ky L. w d L
éže. "Hąhą́’ą," éže. "Higų te’é wa’ųhajeną," éže. "Hicakóro, hagaíra wažą́ra
he asked. "Yes," he said. "[Still] this I am doing,"* he said. "Friend, sometimes the things

* the translation has, "I stay right around here".


Ai d Ao liAi niKi w we K. Le ri L. i ttAl w toro doAo no n. Ai rKe L tti Kette Ki di. Ao ttiy
hižą́ hopįnįkwawega, resira įcap watusšųnųną. Hiské racíkjegiži, hojiá,"
one when I have good luck, the tongues only I usually take them. Some you can eat, alright,"


               Winn. V, #9: 24        
e de. A Ko Ai Ki di. A Ke w di ro K n Ai n[i] de. wo Ki roKo Ki liAi de. e Ki. w Ke de.
éže. Haguhígiži hąké wažirukanahinįže. Wōgízok gipįže. Égi wageže,
he said. He went after it, and he was delighted. Very much he liked it. And he asked him,



Ai Ke de rKe L ni ra de Ai Ke de. Ai K a d. Ai K K e rKe A ni n e de.
"Hįké žésge ranįs’áže?" higeže. "Hįká’aža, hįkagá ésge hanįną éže.
"Not this you don't ever do?" he said to him. "No, never [thus] I have not done," he said.



tteAe li de. e Ki. we de. Ai ttA Ko Lo. a K Ki nK Kitti ne Ki. ttiAi nK xeAe te xitti d nK dA n.
Cepiže. Égi wéže, "Hicakóro, akakinąkjįnegi cīną́k xetexjįžą nąkšaną.
He ate it all up. Then he said, "My friend, just across town a large one there is.



e tt A Ae Le A o A ni Ae n. e rKe A n nK dA n. e de. Ao Ao. Ai ttA Ko Lo
Éja hą̄hére ha’ųhaniheną. Ésge hananąkšaną," éže. "Hohó, hicakóro,
There last night that's where I was. So that's why I was sleeping," he said. "Ah! my friend,


    Winn. V, #9: 25          
e liAi n e de. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo. e Ao wy Le Ktt n Ae K tt. e de. Ao ttiy e de.
epį́ną," éže. "Égi hicakóro, e howaírekjanahegàją," éže. "Hojiá," éže.
it is good," he said. "[Well] my friend, there let us go," he said. "Alright," he said.



e Ki. w Ke de. ni xA xeAe te n K. Ai ttA Ko Lo tt n A Ai o Ki di ttAe li
Égi wageže, nįxaraxetenąka, "Hicakorojąna, hahi’ųgiži cēbí
Then he said to him, the big bellied fellow, "My friend, how long will it take to eat them up



Ai n tte de. e de. tti nK xeAe teyi d Ae Le n e de. e Ki we de. Ai ttA Ko Lo. te e di.
hinąjéže?" éže. "Cīną́k xetexjįžą heréną," éže. Égi weže, "Hicakóro, te’éži
we are doing?" he said. "Town a big one it is," he said. Then he said, "My friend, ?



Ai Ke A n ni doAo no n. te e di L n dA n K tt. n K di Ke Ai Ke deKe Ai tty L ni doAo no n.
hįké haną̄́nįšunúną. Te’éži ranąšanakają, nąga žigé hįgéšge hijaíranįšunúną.
not I do not sleep. But you sleep, and besides not [not to become bigger].*

* the translation has, "to become invisible".

          Winn. V, #9: 26      
Al lL Ki deKe. e Ki. di Ke A Ke tee Ai liAi A ni ni n e de. Ai ttA Ko Lo ni Ki t Ki Kette n.
hąbᵉra gišge, égi žigé hąké t’ḗhipį́ haninįną," éže. "Hicakóro, nįgitagikjeną.
day time even, (?) and also not to be killed I cannot be," he said. "My friend, I will tell you about it.



Lo A o nK Le e Ki. Ai Ke ni Ke Ao tee mi nK ni n. wtt w w tt n. Ki xoAo xoAo xi L n K.
Ro ha’úną̆gᵉre égi hįké nįgé hot’é miną́gᵉnįną. Wāc wawąjéną, gixuxúxiranąga
My body [I have made] [here] not [place] death [it does not sit.] Boat I ride in, it is broken up, and



t xoAo Ai Le Ki di. dA n n. e rKe tt rKe Aiy n K. A K tee wi Le Kette de. e de.
taxuhíregiži, šą́nąną. Ésge jasgé hianąga haga t’ewirekježe?" éže.
it is burned up, then [that only.] So how it is done, and [whenever] they will kill me?" he said.



Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ai deKe tt ni rKe de e de. Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ai deKe Ai Ke tee Ai liAi A ni ni n.
"Hicakóro, hišgeja nisge žeéže?" "Hicakóro, hišgĕ́ hįké t’ḗhipį́ haninįną.
"My friend, how is it with you?" "My friend, also not to be killed I cannot be.


                 Winn. V, #9: 27        
A Ke w Kidi Kn KeLe. Ai d Ao tee L Ai Ki leAe Le rini n. e de. e Ki. Ai ttA Ko Lo.
Hąké wąkšigᵉnągᵉre hižą́ hot’era hikipereznįną," éže. "Égi, hicakóro,
Not human one [killing] he does not know," he said. "Well, my friend,



Ao Ki L KeLe. Ai Ke de. Lo xi xi no ni Ke. a nK Koo Ao Ki LK deAe. we de.
hogirakere," higeže. Roǧiǧi, nųnįgé anąk’ų hugirakše. Wéže,
tell me of it," he said to him. He objected, but finally he was told. He said,



Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ao tee A ni L. A Ke Ai d Ai leAe Le rini n. te e K rKe n. ni Ke
"Hicakóro, hot’é hanira hąké hižą́ hiperezᵉnįną. Te’é gáskeną. Nįgé
"My friend, death my not one they do not know about. This it is thus. Anywhere



t Ae Ki di. e tt. w d diAi diAiKi t lA n. Ai L n K. e Ki. Ai Ko.
tāhégiži, éja wažą́ šīšik tapaną hiránąga égi higų
if I were going, there anything bad odor they did, and [as well] [such as]


        Winn. V, #9: 28
ttA Lo xiAi wi diAi diAiKi de de rKe. Ai L n K e Ki. wx doAotto
caroxíwi šīšik žežesge hiránąga égi wakšúc
hair and dandruff combed off the head bad thus they did, and also red cedar



e Ki. Ai do doKo xoAo no niKi de de rKe Ao we xo xo Ai L n K. Ai xe Ai Le Ki di
égi hišušug xųnųnįkše. Žésge howexųxų hiránąga hįǧé hiregiži,
and flute little. This to blow [hard] they did, and to shout at me when they were through,



ttA n n. e de. Ao Ao Ai ttA Ko Lo. leAe de de rKe Ai leAe Le r n K. tee ni n de.
cananą," éže. "Hohó, hicakóro, pēžé žésge hiperezenąga t’enináže?
I would die," he said. "Ah! my friend, who [this] he would think, and he will kill you?



A Ke tee Ai liAi n. Ai ni K tt e de. Ai ttA Ko Lo. tt rKe xitti Ki di
Hąké t’ehíp’įną. Hinįkają," éže. "Hicakóro, jasgĕxjįgíži
Not you could be killed. [It is not serious,"] he said. "My friend, what we are about to do,



liAi n Ki di. Ao o L Ao Lo xotto tt n K o Ki di liAi doKo ni n de e de. wK n KLe.
pįnągiži, ho’ųra horoxojanąga ’ųgíži pįšgúninaže," éže, wągᵉną̆́gᵉrĕ.
[if it is good,] to do to look into it, and if you do it it would be alright," he said, the man.


Winn. V, #9: 29            
Ai Ko Ai ttA Ko Lo. A Ae K. Ai Aiy n K. w i ntt Ai Ki K Ai Ko A tte Ki di.
"Higų, hicakóro, hąhega hihįanąga wa’inac hįgíga, higų hajegiži,
"[Yet,] my friend, when night it comes, and all we want to eat when I get, then if I did,



liAi doKo ni n de. Ai L tty L Ai w o Ki di. Ko Le reKe. Kiyr Ai Le Ki di.
pįšgúninaže. Hirajaira hį̄wá’ųgiži, korésge gias hiregiži,
it would be best. More than that, if I did, perhaps to take flight it made them, and



mo Ki e Ki di. Lo A Ke L Ai Ai doKo ni n de. e de.
mokiegiži rōhą́ kera hįhíšgųnįnaže," éže.
they scattered over the country, and many ? they would get away from us," he said.



Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai reKe w deAe n. e de. e Ki. w Kidi Kn KeLe we de. Ai ttA Ko Lo.
"Hicakóro, hisgé wāšĕ́ną̄," éže. Égi wąkšigᵉnągᵉre wéže, "Hicakóro,
"My friend, right [you speak,"] he said. Then the man he said, "My friend,


                        Winn. V, #9: 30
Ai tt w w te Ki di y Le n. A Ao Ao xitti n. ttAi nK KL. Ao Ki Kixi Ao we
hija wawátegiži yaréną, hahuhuxjįną. Ciną́gᵉra hogígįx howe
there I had better go, I think, I am very anxious. The village around I go around



Ao to xotto [d] n y Le n. A ttAi tt. Ao o liAi xitti n Ki di. Ao to xotto ttiKi di
hotuxucšaną, yaréną. Hacį́ja ho’ų epįxjįnagiži, hotuxucįgiži
I look, I think. Where to do our work it would be best, if I had it spotted,



e liAi n n. A Ke Ai tty L ni dAo no n. Ao Lo Ke tt Ao we A ow tte K
epįnaną. Hąké hijaíranįšunúną. Horogéja howe ha’ųą̄jēga,"
it would be better. Not [not to become bigger].* In their midst [to go around] I am doing,"

* the translation has, "they cannot see me".


deKe e de. e Ki. Ai reKe Ai Le e de. e w Ke de. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai we riAi wi
šge éže. "Égi hisgé hire," éže. E wageže, "Hicakóro, hįwesįwį́
[also] he said. ["Then] right it is," he said. So he said to him, "My friend, to watch me



ni n K tt. a deKe te Ki di. xA w ni A Ki te Ktt n Ae n e de. A Lo xA
ninąkáją ašgétegiži, xawanį́ hakį́tekjanaheną," éže. "Haruxa
I want you as I get nearer, to disappear I'm going to make myself," he said. ["Continuously]


       Winn. V, #9: 31          
xoAo no niKi A Ki A te Ktt n Ae n e de. e Ki. Le de. te xeAe te xitti d.
xųnųnį́k hakiha tekjanaheną," éže. Égi reže. Te xetexjįžą
to be small I make myself I will be going along," he said. Then he went. Lake a large one



A Ai tt lL. Aoyi xA w ni Ki di. e tt w K. nK deAe.* e rKe e tt Ao w Le
hahi ją́bᵉra hoixawanįže. Éja wagánąkše. Ésge éja howare
[over which] [the view] [it vanished.] There he meant. [So] there to go

* the period after the initial K is likely an artefact.


Ai Ko Lo Ao nK dAe. K tt K. Le de. K tt K. n tte tt A n Ki di. we rAi wi tte de.
hikorohonąkše. Gająga reže. Gająga nąjeja hanąkiži, wesįwį́ježe.
[he made ready.] Now he went. Now [in the center] [that is,] he watched him.



e Ki. Ai wo roAo tto w Le n tte K tt. A Lo xA xoAo no niKi Ae Le de. Ko L.
Égi hiwusųjowaréną,* jegają. Haruxa xųnųnį́k hereže. "Korá,
[Then] near he went, he was. [Continuously] to be small he was. "Well,

* < hiwusųc-howaréną.

              Winn. V, #9: 32  
Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. Ai rKe tt w lA K n Ki d Ae Le de tte L Ai L tte de. K tt K.
hicakorohara, hisgéja wapakąnąkižą hereže," jerá hiraježe. Gająga
my friend, really a clever fellow he is," this one he thought. Now



Ai tt Ai K tt. xA w ni de. Ko L. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L. A K w d. w K ttA Ki de.
hijahigają, xawaniže. "Korá, hicakorohara hagáwažą wakącąkiže.
when he was there, he disappeared. "Well, my friend really he is a holy one.



wy K ttAK d n y Le L. A Ke K de rKe Ai to xoAo Kini K tt* a tte de. A[i] ttA Ko Lo L.
Waikącąkšaną, yaréra, hąké gážésge hituxuruginįgają," aježe. Hicakórora
I was holy, I thought, not like that I was not able to do," he was saying. His friend

* this should have been spelled, Ai to xoAo Ki ni K tt.


K L xiAixi deAe. e Ki. wK tt ne. ttAi n Ke tt wi L Ai de. e Ki. Ao Ko ttAi L
karaxīxše. Égi wąkjąne cinąkeja wiráhižé, égi hųgocíra
he was very powerful. Then the man at the village he arrived, and the chief’s lodge



Ai wx deAe. e Ki. Ai m Ki L Ki se Ki di. Ai tt Ai de. e Ki. w Ke de.
hiwą́xše. Égi himągirakiregiži, hijáhiže, égi wageže,
he asked for. So it was pointed out to him, and he went there, and he said to him,


           Winn. V, #9: 34*      
A Ae Le. A Ke Ai Ai K n K. Ai tto w Ao K deKe Ao Ki rK deAe. Ay dtt Ke n.
"Hą̄hére hage hihįganąga hijowaho, gašge hókisakše. Haišjageną.
"Last night the last he came, and he came over to them, but to kill. I fooled him.

* there is no page 33 — when the pages of the Hōcąk text were numbered, the number 33 was accidentally skipped. There is no missing text.


e rKe Ai Ke tee wi ni n. ttiAi n KL. Ay dtt Ao de Ai Ae n. di Ke
Ésge hįké t’ewinįną. Ciną́gᵉra hįšja huže, hihéną. Žigé
That is why not he did not kill me. The village to spy I was coming, I told him. Again



Ai tt w w Ke Le Ktt n Ae n. Ao tee Ai L. tt rKe Ki di Ao Ki LK dA n. de rKe Ai Ki Ki Ktt wi n.
hija wawakerekjanaheną. Hot’éhira jasgégiži hogirákšaną. Žésge higigikjawiną.
there I shall go. It would kill him what he told. That we will do it.



tti nK. Ai lA Le K. ni ttAe tteLe Ki. Lo xi tt KL. e w w tti Ktt ni A wi n. e tt
Cīną́k hiparegi nįcejᵉregi rūǧíjagᵉra,* e wawajikjanihawiną, éja
Town at the edge of on the water's edge where the willows are, there we will come to, there

* rūǧí-hijak-ra, where hijak means, "to be there" (Marino).

    Winn. V, #9: 35        
Ai L L leAe Ktt wi n. e Ki ttA Lo xiAi wi. e Ki. wx doAotto. w d diAi diAi Ko Ki Ltt
hirarapekjawiną. Égi caroxíwi égi wakšúc wažą́ šišigokirác*
you can lay in wait for him. [Then] dandruff and [red cedar] things all the other bad things

* < šišik-hokirác.


t lA n L Ktt wi n. e Ki. Ai do doKo xoAo no niKi. Ao deAe we xo xo Ktt wi n.
tapaną rākjawiną. Égi hižužuk xųnųnį́k hošewé ǧoǧokjawiną.
odor [you will make.] And flute small to blow [you will make a rasping sound].*

* Cf. ǧoǧo (Ho Ho), "sort of like scraping" (Kingswan); ǧōc (Hott), "a rough whistling sound as deer make" (Kingswan);  ǧoc, ǧoǧoc, "to snort, to make a snorting sound."


de de Ko Ki di. ta n de e n. Ai Ke de. Ao Kn K. w i nl deAe. Ao Ao Ao ttAi ttAi L
Žežegųgiži t’anaže," éną, higeže. Hųknąka wa’įnąpše. "Hohó, hocįcįra
Thus he would die," he said, he told him. The chief he thanked him. "Ah! young man



e liAi n. e de. de Ko di Ke Ko de. te we L Ki A Ki Li Ai tt
epį́ną," éže. Žegų́ žigé guže. Tewéraki, hakiri hija
it is good," he said. [Then] again he came right back. Unexpectedly, he came right back there


          Winn. V, #9: 36
ttA tii de. o nK Koo w Lo d xitti de. Ki de. Ao Ao e de. A K w d
cąt’įže. ’Ųnąk’ų, waružaxjįže. Kiže. "Hohó," éže. "Hagáwažą,
he was visible. Finally, he came into full view. He got back. "Oh my!" he said. "What,



Ai ttA Ko Lo. w ni lA K n Ki d. Ai rKe xitti w deAe K tt e de. e Ki. we de.
hicakóro, wanipakanąkižą, hisgéxjį wašegáją," éže. Égi wéže,
my friend, a clever fellow you are, right what you told me," he said. Then he told him,



Ai ttA Ko Lo. ttAi nK xeAe te xitti d Ae Le n. e Ki. Ai tt rii niKi Ai w Lo tti Ktt n Ae n
"Hicakóro, cīną́k xetexjįžą heréną. Égi hija s’inik hiwarujikjanaheną,"
"My friend, village a large one it is. Then there for some time I will be eating,"



e de. e Ki. Ao w Ai L m dtt liAi y [L]e n. de Ko w Ao Ao xitti n. Ai ttA Ko Lo
éže. Égi howahira mąšją yaréną. Žegų́ wahuhuxjįną. Hicakóro,
he said. And going there very much good [I think.] [So] I am very anxious for them. My friend,



m dtt Ao A diAi Le n. diAi L ttAo xitti n. e rKe
mąšją hohą́ šį́reną. Šira coxjįną. Ésge
very much [a solid out of which soup is made] they are fat. Fat one there are many. Therefore


                Winn. V, #9: 37            
w Low Ko xitti n. Ao we Ao Lo Ke tt A o n. e de. tt tti ne tt A Ae Ki di
warųakųxjįną. howe horogéja ha’úną," éže. Jajineją hąhegiži,
I am very anxious for them. Around in their midst I was," he said. As soon as as the night came,



L wi Ki ni de. Ai ttA Ko Lo L. ni L A m ni de. wtt Ai Ki tty tt m niyK deAe.
rawigįnįže. Hicakoróra nįra hamąnį́že. Wāc hikijáįja mą̄nįą́kše.
they went. His friend the water he walked on. Boat along side he walked.



Ao K w K wr rK tt A Ai Le de. w ttL e tt too l n K. L wi de. Ao Lo KL
Hokawasgają hahíreže. Wájᵉra éja t’ųpanąga rawíže. Horogᵉra
It was dark when they got there. His boat there he left it, and they went on. In their midst



Ao wi L wi Ki ni Ki di Ai leAe Le r Kede e tt. do do Ki Le de. A xe Ai L wi de.
howirawigi, nįgíži hiperesąkše. Eja žužúkireže. Haǧe hirawíže.
they were already, and [?] he knew of it. Just then they blew a flute. To shout they did.


                              Winn. V, #9: 38      
de Ko xitti K Le de. xA lee leAe tto too Ai L n K. e tt t xoAo Ai Le de. e Ki.
Žegųxjį kąréže. Xap’é pejot’ųhiranąga éja tāxú híreže. Égi,
Immediately he fell down. Right away they built a fire, and there to burn they did. Then,



wK tte K. liAi w Ki Ki Ke. e rKe. ttiAi nK KL.  Ao tt Ktt n Ae L. e w o Ke tti ni.
wą́kjega pį  wagigíge, ésge ciną́gᵉra hujakjanahera, e wa’ųgejinį,
the man he did them a great favor, as the village it would have been killed, and as he saved them,



ni al li Le Ke tti ni. e rKe. e ttiAi nK KL. Ai Lo K n Kette ay Le de.
ni’ąbiregejįnį, ésge e ciną́gᵉra hirukanakje, aíreže.
[as their lives were saved,] so therefore he himself the village he would be the chief, they said.



e Ki. Ao KL. Ai d Ai noKo Ai Ki di. K n Ki Ktte ay Le de. e rKe de e K nK deAe.
Égi hųgᵉra hižą́ hinųk higíži, kąnąkikje, aíreže. Ésge že’é kąnąkše,
And the chief one women he gets there, and he should marry, they said. So [this one] he married,



Ao Ki wi L. e tt. wK tte K o tte ra de. ttiAi nK _ deKe e Ai Lo K n n K. w Ki roKo.
hųgiwįra. Éja wą́kjega ’ųjes’aže. Cīną́k ? e hirukąnąnąga wagizok
the princess. There the man he remained. Town [the] he he was in charge of, and [as a matter of fact]


                  Winn. V, #9: 39        
wo xAe te Ai Le de. e Ki. w tee Ai Keyi de Ley n K. e Ki. Aoy diAili w do ni K.
woxéte híreže. Égi wat’ehigeižereanąga* égi hoišíp wašónįka
to love they did. And as he was one of those who killed, also and [always] [as he was a little better than them,]

* < wat’ehige-hižere-anąga.


Lo K n. w Ki o tte Ke. e rKe m dtt Ai n di Le de. ttAi nK Kn K. AoKo liAi de Le de.
rōką́ną waki’ųjege, ésge mąšją hinąžireže, cinąkąną́ka. Hų̄k pįžereže.
[much] [because got,] so very much he benefited them, the village. Chief he was good.



ttAi nK A ni L. A ntt w Lotto Ao K L Koo tte de. e Ki. rii de.
Cīną́k hanira haną́c, warúc hogára k’ų̄́jéže. Égi, s’ižé.
Village his [entire,] food to supply [he did on his own initiative.] Thus, a long time had passed.



A Ko Ley d. ni Ktt Ki d. A K ni ne de. w Kini Ki d. e Ki de e A Ko Ley d. wK Kono niKi n K
Hagoreižą nįkją́gižą haganíneže, wąknįkižą. Égi že’é hagoreižą, wąknúnįknąka,
One day a child it was born to him, a boy. Then [this one] one day, the old man,


      Winn. V, #9: 40  
w[e]de. Ai noKo A xitti de tt ny xitti* ni Ke Ao w tti Le Ki di. w Ko no ni ne Ko ni.
wéže, "Hinųkhaxjį, žejanaíxjį nįgé howajiregiži, wakununinegųnį;
he said, "My daughter, about now where they came from, they must be lonesome for them;

* the presumed de (že) in this word is unreadable in the text.


de tt ny xitti ni Ke Ao w tti Le Ki di. eyo w Le liAi L ni n. e de. e Ki. w Kn KeLe we de.
žejanaíxjį nįgé howajiregiži, eoware pįraniną," éže. Égi wą́gᵉną́gᵉre wéže,
about now where they came from, to go there you ought to do," he said. And the man he said,



ttAi n Ki d. e tt w w tti no ni Ke. Ai d Ai noKo K ttA lL. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAiKi
"Cinągižą éja wawaji, nųnįgé hižą́ hinųkacabᵉra waxopį́nį šīšik
"A village there I came from, but [one] its women devil



Ao wK dA n. wy Ki n dKe ttiAi nK. A L Ktt xitti Ktt n Ae K tt Ai Ke ni ni Ke w w Ao L.
hową́kšąną. Waiginašge cīną́k harakjaxjįkjanahegają hįké nį nįgé wawahura,"
she turned into. She even told me village you will see again not [where] I came away,"


                         Winn. V, #9: 41      
e de. de Ko Ai _ di Ao w Le Ki di di y Le n e de. e Ki. w wi Ki Ko Lo Ao Ai L n K.
éže. Žegų́ [?] howáregíži ži yaréną," éže. Égi wawigikorohohiranąga
he said. [So] [?] to go there anyhow [I think,"] he said. Then they got things ready for them, and



e Ki. K tt K. A ttiy K Ly Le de. A Ko Ley d. Ke Le tto reAele Ao too L Ao ni Ae L e tt Ki de.
égi gająga hajiakaraíreže. Hagoreižą, kerejų́sep hot’ųra honihera éja kiže.
and [now] they went back. Finally, black hawk he had left him the family there they went back.



e Ki. we de. Ai ni A xitti de Ko d ny n. wo wK tte L. ttiAi nK KL. my riAi ttiAi Ai n. tteAe li n.
Égi wéže, "Hinihaxjį, žegų́žanainą. Wowąkjera ciną́gᵉra mą́įsįc hīną. Cebiną.
Then he said, "My older brother, it is all done. The bad one the village she has destroyed. She ate it up.



wy tteKe niKi Ai Ai wi L dA n. Ai tt ni al nK no ni Ke. w ni Ai o w o tte n. Ao rKe tee
Waicgénįk hihíwira šana hija nį’ą́pnąk, nųnįgé wanįhí ’ųwa’ųjeną. Hosgé t’e
Little sister our only there alive, but slave she is making her. But [this one]


    Winn. V, #9: 42        
tteAe xiAi Ke Ai Ke ta ni tte n. e wy dtt Ki Ki tte n. Ai L ni leAe xitti tte n.
cēxíge, hįké t’anįjeną. E waišjá gigijeną. Hiranįpexjįjeną,
because she is hard, not she does not die. She to look out she made her. She is on the look out for you,



tee ni Kette Ke tti ni e de. e Ki. Ke Le tto reAe lK di m w deAe nK deAe. wi xL.
t’enįkjegejįnį," éže. Égi Kerejųsepka žį mąwášenąkše. Wįǧᵉra
because she wants to kill you," he said. Then Black Hawk [anyhow] he was living in plenty. Ducks



Lo K n xitti tee Ai Ki di. t woro w Aiy n K. t diAi Li deKe w Ai Ki di. e tt. wixi Ai L w dette w Ai de.
rōką́nąxjį t’ehigiži, tāwús wahianąga tāšíri šge wahigiži, éja wį̄x hirawášje wahīže.
many he killed, and dried [he did it, and] to boil also he did, and there duck he gave them.



e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. di Ke A ttiy K Ly Le de. m no ni. Ai dtt doAo Lo dini K ttA Ki w
Égi hainigíži, žigé hajiakaraíreže. Mą̄nų́nį Hišja Šorožnįka, cagiwa
Then in the morning, again they started. [To be lost] [Little Concave Face]* to start for

* for Mą̄nų́nį Hišja Šorožnįka, the translation has, "the owl's place."

                     Winn. V, #9: 43          
A K Ly Le de. e Ki. A Ko Leyi d Ai L Ki Le de. Ao xtt n K tt. di Ke i Lo d Kede. Ai ni xitti
hagaraireže. Égi hagoreižą, hiragireže. Hoxjanągają, žigé irušakše, "Hiníxjį,
they went on. Then finally, they arrived. In the evening, again he told the bad news, "My older brother,



de Ko n. ttAi n KL. wo wK tte L. tteAe li n. e de. Ai Ko tt Ko a ni Ae K.
žegų́ną. Ciną́gᵉra wowąkjera cebiną," éže. Higų jagú anihega,
it is finished. The village the bad one she has eaten it up," he said. Then what [as he said before,]



di Ke de rKe e de. di Ke m w deAe nK deAe. w Lo ni L. de Ko Aoyi riKitti A n[i] nK Ai de.
žigé žésge éže. Žigé mąwášenąkše. Waronira žegų́ hoisixjį hanį́ną́k hiže.
again this he said. Also he was living in plenty. Small birds [indeed] in bunches he had he did.



e tt. di Ke. w Lo ni Lo ttL o xitti Ai Le de. e Ki. di Ke Ay ni Ki di. A ttiy K Lyi Le de.
Éja žigé waroni rújᵉra ’ųxjį híreže. Égi žigé hainigíži, hajiakaraíreže.
There again birds eating to do much they did. Then again in the morning, they started.


          Winn. V, #9: 44        
riAi K Kiri Ke ni K ttA Ki wy Le de. di Ke Ao xtt n Ki di Ai L Ki Le de. di Ki Ki lA Ao n K n K.
Sīkáksigᵉnįka cagiwaireže. Žigé hoxjanągiži, hiragireže. Žigigipáhonąkanąga*
Partridge they went. Again in the evening, they arrived. He also came running to meet them, and

* < žigi-higipáhonąk-anąga.


di Ke e de. Ai ni A xitti de Ko d ny n. Ai noKo wo wK tte L. ttiAi nK L. my riAitti Ai n
žigé éže, "Hinihaxjį, žegų́žanainą. Hinųk wowąkjera ciną́gᵉra mą́įsįc hīną,"
again he said, "My older brother, it is all done. Woman the bad one the village she has destroyed,"



e de. e Ki. e tt. n wiy n K. Ay ni Ki di. diAi Ko Ko Kini K e. ttA Ki w Koyi Le de.
éže. Égi éja nąwíanąga hainigíži, Šikokogᵉnįka e cagiwakoireže.†
he said. Then there [they slept,] and* in the morning, Robin they they started for.

* the translation has, "they stayed all night and".
† < cagiwa-hakoireže.

            Winn. V, #9: 45
Ao xtt n Ki di. Ai L Ki Li Le de. e Ki. we de. de Ko d ny n. Ai ni A xitti wo wK tte L.
Hoxjanągiži, hirakírireže. Égi wéže, "Žegų́žanainą. Hinihaxjį, wowąkjera
In the evening, they got there. There it said, "It is all done. My older brother, the bad one



ttAi nK L. my riAitti Ai n. ni dA n A lK Ai L ni leAe tte n. te e dKe A ttA Ke Le
ciną́gᵉra mą́įsįc hīną. Nišana hą́pga hiranįpejeną. Te’é šge hacągḗre
the village she has destroyed. You only day after day she is waiting for. This one even she nearly gets to



Ai Lo ttiri tte n. wy tteKe niKi Ai Ai wi L. w ni Ai o tte n. e de e Ai L ni leAe nK dA n.
hirojįjeną. Waicgénįk hihíwira wanįhí ’ųjeną," éže. "E hiranįpenąkšąną.
[she throws something.] Little sister our slave she makes her," he said. "She she has her to be on the look out for you.



e tt L Ki Ki di. Ao L Ki Ktte Ai K n K. A ntt tiAi Lo L. xiAi Li nK dA n.
Éja ragigíži, horagikjé," higánąga "haną́cį rora xirinąkšąną,
There when you get [back] she will report you," he said, and "all her body it is covered with sores,



A ntt Ao Lo xo xo Ke. dAK Ai ow n K. m ttAo i n. wy tteKe Ai Ai wi L.
haną́c horuxoxoge, šāk hi’ųanąga mącó iną.* Waicgé hihíwira
all as she scratched her, claws she used, and grizzly bear [she made.] Younger sister our

* < hiną́, the initial /h/ having been lost through external sandhi.

             Winn. V, #9: 46        
w Ke doAo no n. Ai tt Ke Le K. A ttiAi to Ai K n. a Le Ai K n K. A Ke a ni K.
wagešųnųną, hijakererega, "Hacitó, hikąną́," arehíganąga hąké anįga,
she was usually told, when he went back, "My brother, my husband," say to him, and not when she did not say,



dA Ki ow n K. Ao Lo xo Ai Ko tte n. e rKe tee ttAe xiAi Ke
šāki’ųanąga horuxó, higų́ jeną. Ésge, t’e cēxíge
she used her claws, and she scraped, that way she was. Therefore, to kill it is difficult, is the reason



ni al tte n e de. Aowo. Ai leAe Le ri Kette n. tee Kette n e de. e Ki wy Le de.
ni’ąpjéną," éže. "Howo, hiperesikjeną. T’ekjéną!" éže. Égi waíreže,
she is living," he said. "Alright! she will have me to account to. She will die!" he said. Then they said,



Ai Ke tee Ai liAi ni w o tte n. A Ke Ao tee L ni Ke mi nK Kini n. ay Le de.
"Hįké t’ḗhi pįnį wa’ųjeną. Hąké hot’era nįgé mįnąknįną," aíreže.
"Not to be killed [it is not good] [she is it.] Not death [anywhere] [it does not sit,"] they said.


          Winn. V, #9: 47
e Ki. Ai tto w Ao de. w niKi Kiy n K. Ai wi riKi Kiy n K.
Égi hijowahože. Wanįk kiánąga hiwizík kiánąga
Then he came over to them. Bird he turned himself into, and [chicken hawk] [he turned himself into, and]*

* LaMère does not translate hiwizík kiánąga, no doubt being uncertain of the bird's identity.


A Kidi xitti Ao we de. e Ki. wy ttKe L. Ao o n K. e tt. tti de. i Lo dK deAe. ttiAi to
hąkšíxjį howežé. Égi waicgéra ho’ųanąga éja jíže. Irošgąže. "Citó,
high up [he went.]* Then his sister he went, and there he lit. [She was worried.]† "Brother,

* the translation has, "he flew."
† the translation has, "she cautioned him about his safety".


de Ko n. tee ni Ktt ne n. e de. Ai Kow n Ae Le Kette n. ni Ke Ai Kili li
žegų́ną. T’enįkjaneną," éže. "Higuą́ną, herekjeną. Nįgé hį́gipį́
it is useless. She will kill you," she said. ["Right now,]* let us get away from here. Where [we are happy]

* the translation has, "Come".


n i Ktt n. e de. ni Ko wK wi de. A Ki Le Ki di. m Ko do A ni Ki di Ko Lo e de.
ną’įkjaną," éže. Nįgowakwiže.† Hagiregiži, mąkošu hanįgiži, kuru’eže.
[let us try,"]* he said. They got away from there. When they got back, medicine [which he had] he opened.

* this sentence is untranslated in the text.
† < nįge-howak-wi-že.


e tt. i ni reAe leKe loAo Lo loAo Loyi d. Loro deAe. de e. my tt K n K. n Ki.
Éja į̄nį́ sepge poroporoižą rúsše. Že’é maįjakanąga nąki
There stone black a round one he took. That he put on the ground, and [while it sat]


      Winn. V, #9: 48        
we de. i ni A ni xitti xeAe te le e K. Ai L tty L L tti nK ra de. A Ai. A Kidi de.
wéže, "Į́nį́ hanįxjį, xetere!" ega, hirajaira rajínąks’aže. Hahi, hą̄kšíže.
he said, "Stone my, get larger!" as he said it, bigger it became. Finally, it grew up very high.



e tt. w K L do de. Ai ttA wi L. ni Ktt Kini KL. wy ttKe L. Ai roAoKo w Ai L. Ai Ke
Éja wakaražuže, hicawįra, nįkjągᵉnįgᵉra, waicgéra, hisųkwahira. Higé,
There he put them, his own, his wife, his children, his sister, his brothers. He said,



Ai L tty L xitti A Kidi xitti Ai de. m xiAi L. Ai Ke deAe Ai de. Ai A KL. w niKi Ko m
"Hirajairaxjį," hąkšíxjį hiže. Mą̄xíra higeše hiže. Hihagᵉra wanį́gomą́
"Higher," high up he made it. The clouds to grow he made it. The top bird's nest



ni rKe de. e tt Ao mi nK Ai Le de. e Ki. K tt K. Ai wi riKi Ki Koow n K.
nisgeže. Éja homįną́k híreže. Égi gająga hiwizík kīk’ų́anąga
it was shaped like. There to sit in they did. And [now] [chicken hawk] he turned himself into, and


           Winn. V, #9: 49            
e tt ta de. e Ki. m xiAi Ko L rKl Ao we de. e Ki. te we L Ki. A tt de. e tt mi K Koo.
éja t’ą̄že. Égi mą̄xí koraskap howežé. Égi tewéraki, hajáže. Éja migą́k’ų
there he flew. And [sky] [the vault] [he went.]* And unexpectedly, she saw him. There she was lying down

* the translation has, "he flew up next to the clouds."


A tt de. m L. tto li Ai Lo reAe LeKe too l n K. e tt n nK deAe. we L Ki
hajáže. Mą̄ra jopihi ruserek t’ųpanąga éja nąnąkše. Wéraki
she saw him. The ground four to dig [she laid out, and] there she was sleeping. All of a sudden



Ki ritti Ki Li nK K n K. w KLe Ki Ao Lo xotto deAe. w niKi ta tt ne we riAi wi de.
gisį́c kirinąkanąga wągᵉregi horoxocše. Wanįk t’ąjane wawesį́wįže.
she rose up [he appeared, and] [up above] she looked. Bird flying she watched him.



Lo K n K tt. te e. wK tteAe xiAi tte L. w o tte Ki di. Ai Ko di w K ttAK de
Rokanągają te’é wakceǧijera wa’ųjegiži, higųži wakącąkše,
[It would be a tremendous thing] this the difficult one if he is doing it, although he is holy,


              Winn. V, #9: 50        
ay Le doAo no no ni Ke. e Ki dKe Lo K n doKo ni n. te e e w o tte Ki di. a n Ki Koo
airešųnų, nųnįgé egíšge rokanašgųnįną, te’é e wa’ųjegiži, anągįk’ų.
they say, but [yet] it would be too much, this one him if it was him, she was saying.



A A tt Ko di Ke n tti se de. e Ki. w o de. w Ai rA Ao do doKo Kiy n K.
"Hąhą́! jagú?" Žigé najireže. Égi wa’ųže: wahį́są́ hožúžukianąga
"Ah! what?" Again she went to sleep. Then [he did thus:] a fine feather he made himself fluffy, and



e Ki. e tt diAi leLe Ki de. e Ki. my tt Ki Li tte Ki de. n xitti n Ki di. n tteKe L. Ai xK
égi éja šíberegiže. Égi maįjakirijegiže, nąxjįnąkiži. Nącgera hixgą́
then there he floated down. And he lit on the earth, as she lay asleep. Her heart it throbbed


                Winn. V, #9: 51  
tti K L K L K tt. e tt xitti Kotto deAe. A L K n K. Lo liAi ni Ao Ki too ne K tt
jikarakaragają, ḗjaxjį gū́cše. Hąrąkanąga rupįnį́ hogit’ųnegają,
[it kept, and] there he shot. She groaned, and she turned over when she turned over,



di Ke rA ni Ke tt Kotto deAe. de Ko Ao Aiy n K. K L Ki ni de. ttiAi L
žigé sanįgéja gū́cše. Žegų́ huhianąga karakiniže. Círa
again from the other side he shot. Already she started up, and she went. Her lodge



Ao no Ki wK dAe. to we n n L deKe. w L wx A Ke Le de. Ai Lo[yi] Le xitti L.
honųgíwąkše. Towena nąra šgé. warawax hakereže. "Hiro[i]rexjįra
[she ran for it]. On the way trees [also] to bite into she went home. "You bad homely



Ai noKo w Lo ni L. dette n. ni di Ao Ki L K tte Ai Ae n. te e Ki Li Ki di.
hinųk, waronira šjeną." "Niží! hogirakąje hihéną, te’é kirigiži,"
woman, the bad one you will die." "[Exclamation], [tell me,] I said, this one when he got back,"



n n K. ttiAi L Ai w xAo LoKo A ni Ki Ke Le K tt. te we L Ki A Ke
nanąga círa hiwaxórok hanįgi keregają tewéraki, hąké
but her lodge she burst into which she had [when she came,] unexpectedly, not


               Winn. V, #9: 52      
Ai tt ni nK deAe. di Ke i Lo dK tti de. A ttA xitti Ao w K Ly Le Kette Ki di. do doKo Kitti
hijanįnąkše. Žigé irošgąkjįže, "Hacaxjį howagarairekjegi? Žožokjį
she was not there. Again she threatened, "Where they could escape me? Tired



Ki Le. w n tto tty rKe w oyi Le. A ttA xitti Ao w K Ley Le Ktte Ki.
kire. Waną́cocąį́ske wa’ųire, Hacaxjį howákarearekjegi,
they will make themselves. The poor things [they did it,] Where they go, if they will go,"



a n K. w Lo xeAe de. n K Ai Ki di. i n[i] tte K. Aoyi tte tt tti n K n K.
ánąga waruxéže. Ną́ka higiži į̄nį́́jega hoijeja jinąkanąga
she said, and she gave chase to them. [That] she did, and the rock [at the base] [she turned, and]



tal tti Ke Le Ke di. ttAo we w Lo ttA ln de. e tt. di lL Ke Le Ki di. i ni L. Ao Lo xo Ke Le de.
t’ą̄pjikeregiži, cowe warucanąže. Éja žī́bᵉra keregiži, įnį́ra horuxó, kereže,
she jumped up, and nearly eating them. There being short [as she held it,] the rock she scraped, as she went,


             Winn. V, #9: 53          
dAK Aoyi tte tt Ai lA di Ke tt tti ne tt. Ao Ki ni de. e ni L. Ao Lo xo w o tte de.
šāk hoijeja hipá. Žigé jajineją hoginiže. Enira horuxó wa’ųježe.
her claws to the depths all the way to. Again right away [she started for them.] The stone to scrape she did.



e Ki. wK tt ne. Kotto tt no ni Ke. o o tt no ni Ke e ttA deKe. A Lo xA. w Lo ttA li Ktte
Égi wąkjąne guja, nųnįgé o’ųją,* nųnįgé, écą šge haruxa warucabikje
Then the man he shot at, but [this time,] however, instead [also] every time [she would grab hold of them]

* for ho’ųją, the initial /h/ having been lost due to external sandhi.


ni rKe A Le de. i ni L deKe A Le xA. Lo wi r Le de. A Ke w d de rK ni de.
nisge hareže. Įnį́ra šge haruxa ruwįsareže. Hąké wažąžesganiže.
nearer she got. The rock [also] every time it was getting smaller by her hand. [Not] [they were not able to do much.]*

* the translation has, "It was getting dangerous."


e Ki. Ai roAoKo w Ai L. wy Le de. tt rKe Ki di. tee Ai n Ki di. wy tteKe niKi Ai Ai wi L. A Ky dKe
Égi hisųkwahira waíreže, "Jasgégiži t’ehinąkiži, waicgénįk hihíwira, hagaišge,
Then his brothers they said, "Where it is her death, little sister our, [exclamation],


           Winn. V, #9: 54          
w d L Ai d e n xoKo n Ko ni deKe ay Le de. e Ki. Ai Ki wx Ai Le de. we de.
wažą́ra hižą́ é, naxgųnąkųnįšge," aíreže. Égi higiwąx, híreže. Wéže,
the things one she remarked upon, she might have heard," they said. Then to ask her, they did. She said,



A K we n. dA Ko xoAo no. Aoyi L tteKe L. Ki rA Kitti Ai Ki Kd li Le Ki di ta n de
"Haga wéną šagoxōnu hoirájkera kisákjį higikšakša pįregiži, t’anaže,
"At one time she said little finger the left one in half it is injured if it is good, she would die,



e n. e de. A Ao, wy tteKe xitti e liAi n. de e di wo w tee KiniKi dA n e de. di Ke Ao de.
éną," éže. "Hąhó, waicgexjį, epį́ną. Žeeži wowát’eginįkšąną," éže. Žigé huže.
she said," she said. "Ah, my sister, it is good. That it is easy," he said. Again she was coming.



tt tti ne tt. te Ki A L xKl tti n K tt. A tt xittiy n K. dA Ko xoAo no.
Jajineją téki haraxgáp jinagają, hijaxjįanąga šagoxōnu
[As soon as] [over here] to be up to them when she came, he watched very closely, and little finger


    Winn. V, #9: 55        
Aoyi L tteKe Ki rA Kitti lo Kdl Ke Le de. e tt lo diAili deAe. my tt.
hoirájke kisákjį bōkšáp kereže. Éja bošipše. Maįja
left in the center he split it by shooting he placed it. There he shot her down. On the ground



Ki riKi Kitti Ki Li nK deAe. e tt. e ni L. xoAo no niKi Ki Li n Ki di my tt Ki Li tte Ai Le Ki di.
kisikjį kírinąkše. Éja enira xųnųnį́k kírinąkiži, maįja kirijé hiregiži,
with a thud [she landed.] Then the stone small he made it, and on the ground to come he made them, and



leAe tto too Ai L n K. e tt t xoAo Ai Le de. e Ki. t xoAo xitti Ki di. Ao deAe Le KL. rK xitti
pejot’ų hiránąga éja tāxú híreže. Égi taxuxjįgiži, hošeregᵉra sgáxjį
to build a fire he did, and there to burn they did. Then they burned her up, and her bones white crisp



Ai Le de. w Lo ri Le de. e Ki. Ki xotto Ki Le de. lo do lo do ttiAi Ai L n K.
hireže. Warosireže, égi gixuc gireže.* Božobožoci hiránąga
they made. They took them, and to pulverize very fine [they did by striking.] [To mash it] they did, and

* < gi-ire-že, where gi- is an instrumental prefix meaning "to strike"; hi, "to do"; -ire, the third person plural; and -že, the hearsay suffix.

      Winn. V, #9: 56        
e Ki. ttAi nK. Ao mi n Ki di ey w Ao de. ttAi n KL. Ai Ko de Ko nK dAe. ttAi L. e rKe
égi cīną́k hominąkiži, eowahuže. Ciną́gᵉra higų́ žegųnákše. Círa ésge
then village where it had been, and he himself went. The village still it remained the same. Lodge so therefore



w o de. A ntt ttiAi n K. Ai rKe niKi dA n. Ai tt w Lo e de. Ao deAe Le Kn K. e Ki. w o Ai Le de.
wa’ųže: haną̄́cį hiské nįk šąna hija waru’éže, hošeregᵉnąka égi wa’ų́hirežé.
[he did thus:] [everyone] some a little only there he took some out, that bone and they did it.



Ao Ko ttiAi L Ao ni Ai Le de A Ae Ki di. Ai Ko A Ae. Ki rAK n tte xitti K tt. de Ko w d
Hųgocíra honį́ híreže. Hąhegiži, higų́ hą̄hékisák nąjexjį́gają, žegų́ wažą́
The chief's lodge [to look for] they did. As the night came, [just] midnight about, then something



              Winn. V, #9: 57
wo xe ni rKe de. we L Ki A ro Ai w n xoKo Ai Le K tt. w nK deAe m ni te.
woxe nisgeže. Wéraki, hasuhi wanaxgú hiregają, wanąkše, "Mą̄nį́te
noise there seemed to be. Unexpectedly, [in a quiet way,] he heard them when they did, they were saying, "I walked,



lA Kd Ao. ay L n K. ta l ttiy nK dAe. e rKe. de Ko Ao ttAi wi xitti Ai Le de. de Ko o
pākšá," airánąga t’ąbajianąga* ésge žegų́ hocíwįxjį híreže. Žegų’ų
I went back," they would say, and they started to arise, and [so] [then] to make noise they did. Thus

* < t’ąp-haji-anąga.


nK Koo Ay ni Ki di. A lL. Ao K tt. xA w ni ne de. wo Lo xoAo[tto] Ai Le K tt
nąk’ų hainigíži, hąbᵉrá hugáją, xawanineže. Woruxuc hiregają,
until [in the morning,] daylight when it came, they disappeared. They looked around for them when they did,



te we L Ki n xitti nK deAe Ai L Le xitti K tt Ai Ki ne de. ttAi Ao n wi ne deKe e Ki Ae Le L.
tewéraki, nąxjįnąkše. Hiraréxjįgają hikinéže. Ci honąwine, šge égi herera,
[unexpectedly,] they were sleeping. After awhile they woke up. Lodge they slept in, also and that belonged,


      Winn. V, #9: 58          
Ai Ki ne de. A Ai Ai leAe Le ri Le de. tee w Ai L ni Ae L. e tt x Ki Le de. w i nl L Lo K n Ai Le de.
hikinéže. Hahi, hiperesireže. T’ewahiranihera éja ǧakireže. Wa’inąbᵉra rōką́ną híreže.
they woke up. Finally, they knew it. The ones that were killed there they cried. [Thankful] [much] [they were.]*

* this sentence was not translated.


te we L Ki. Ao KL. Ai ni KL. Ai noKo K n K n K. ni Ktt Kini Ki d deKe A ni nK deAe. Ai Ko
Tewéraki, hųgᵉra hinįgᵉra, hinųk kąną́kaną́ga nįkją́gᵉnįgižą šge hanį́ną́kše. Higų
Unexpectedly, the chief his son, the woman he married, and a child also they had. Even



e Ki Le tt. wy ttKe niKi KL. liAi Koo de ay Le n. e rKe. Ai noKo liAi ra Ki di.
egįreja waicgénįkàra pįk’ųže, aíreną. Ésge hinųk pı̨́s’ágiži,
then his [little] sister he fixed up, it is said. So therefore, woman she used to be good looking, but


                    Winn. V, #9: 59
di Ke Ai L tty L de ay Le n. e Ki. ttAi nK L. A ntt ni al deAe. e Ki. AoKo ttA li Le L w o Ki di.
žigé hirajairaže, aíreną. Égi ciną́gᵉra haną́c nį’ą́pše. Égi hų̄k cápirera wá’ųgiži
again even much more, it is said. Then the village whole it was alive. As it was, chief their he caused it, and



Al reAe Lette e tt A tt A tti n di ne de ay Le n. t ni Ao A ni L n K. te tt Ki i L
hąpsérec éja hajá hajinąžį́neže, aíreną. Tānį́hu haniránąga tejąkí ira
all day long there to see him they kept coming, it is said. Pipes [they took along, and] very often his mouth



Ao w rA Ki Le ra de. w K ttA Ki L n i Ai Le de ay Le n. e Ki. di Ke. A Ko Ley d. Ai noKo n K.
howasakireže. Wakącą́gira ną’į́ hireže, aíreną. Éja žigé, hagoreižą, hinų́gᵉnąka
they would hold it to. [Making it holy] [to try] [they did,] [it is said.]* Then again, after a time, the woman

* the text translated this sentence as, "as they desired to see them."


ttiAi nK Ao Ki n KL. Ao w K Ly Le de. e tt. wK Kette K. Ai roAoKo w Ai L. Ai rKe xitti
cīną́k hoginągᵉra howagaraireže. Éja wą́kjega hisųkwahira hisgéxjį
village [following an established route] they went back. There the man his brothers [indeed]


                          Winn. V, #9: 60  
e tt. m ttAi Le de ay Le n. e lA. Ai ni Ai Le L. de n K A K L Ki do ayi Le de. e lA
éja mącireže, aíreną. Epa hinį̄hírera žēną́ga hakarakižu, aíreže. Epa
there they remained permanently, it is said. After that their brothers no longer with him, it is said. From that time on



Ao ttAy n Ao L tty Le de. ay Le n. Ke Le tto reAe lK. m no ni e Ai dtt doAo Lo dK.
hocaíną horajaíreže, aíreną. Kerejųsepka mą̄nų́nį e, Hišjašoróška,
they have wandered about,* it is said. Black Hawk to wander about he himself, Concave Face,

* literally, "they have lived in the wilderness."


rAi K Kiri Kini K. diAi Ko Ko Kini K. e lA. Ao ttAy n Ao L tty Le de ay Le n. Ai Ko Al te e
Sīkáksigᵉnįka, Šikokogᵉnįka epa hocaíną horajaíreže, aíreną, higų hąp te’é
Partridge, Robin from that time on they have wandered about, it is said, even day this



dKe o n K tt. e Ki. e tt. Ai ttA wi L dA n A K L Ki dow n K Ko de. di Ke ni Ktt Kini KL. e Ki.
šge ’unąkają égi éja hicawįra, šana hakarakižuanąga guže, žigé nįkjągᵉnįgᵉra. Égi
also they did, and then there his wife, only with her, and he went on, and his children. Then


               Winn. V, #9: 61  
ttAi n Ke tt A Ki Li Le Ki di. wo Ki d w Ai Le de. e Ki. di Ke tt Ko. o wi Ki Ao LK wi Ki di.
cinąkeja hagirikeregiži, wogišawa hireže. Égi žigé jagú ’ųwigi, horagwígiži.
at the village when they got to, very delighted they were. And again what they had done, they told of it.



e tt wK tte K w K ttA KL Ai leAe Le ri Le de. Ao KL. ttAo ni. wi K L Koro n K Ki di
Éja wą́kjega wakącą́gᵉra hiperesireže. Hųgᵉra cōnį́ wīkáragųzᵉnągagiži
Then the man having supernatural power they knew. The chief even before they respected him, but



di Ke Ai Ly tty L xitti Ai Le de. K Ly da Ki Le de. w K ttA KL Ai leAe Le ri Le Ke. ttiAi nK n K
žigé hiraijairaxjį hireže. Karaiš’agireže. Wakącą́gᵉra hiperesirege, cinąknąka
now they were more so they were. [They honored him.] Holy as they knew, the villages



Ai no li Ke w wo o wi ra de. Ai no li Ke. e w wi Lo K n wi Ke tti n. e lA de tt n. te e.
hinųpike wawo’ųwiže. Hinųpike e wawirukąnąwigejiną. Epa žejáną, te’é.
both they went to them. Both them [he ruled over them.] Thus far it is ended this.



Paul Radin, "Partridge's Older Brother," Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #9: 1-61 (syllabic text only). Paul Radin, "Partridge's Older Brother," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook 7: 1-61 (English Translation by Oliver LaMère). Paul Radin, "Partridge's Older Brother," (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago IV, #8m, 1-11 (typed English translation by Paul Radin), 2 copies.