Hocąk Syllabic Text — Mąznį’ąbᵉra (The Live Iron)

  Notebook 21: 1

The Manuscript

The MS is written in a reasonably clear hand throughout, probably by Oliver LaMère, Radin's translator. The informant is unknown. The numerals "40" are written near the upper left corner of the first page and probably denote a story number in a system of enumeration not presently known. At the very top center is written the title in syllabic script: (Mąznį’ąpra). This means "the Live Iron", an obsolescent term for naturally occurring magnetic iron, which in mineral form is called "magnetite" and which was commonly referred to as "lodestone" (see the Commentary to the translation). We find in the denouement on p. 130, the description of the grandfather as which transliterates as mąznį’ąp wirukanara, the first word of which can be analyzed as, mąz, "iron"; nį’ąp, "living, live"; meaning "live iron". The second word terminates in the definite article -ra ("the one such that"), the whole word meaning, "the one who is in charge". So the phrase, mąznį’ąp wirukanara, means, "the one who is in charge of live iron". It appears that Radin has written just above the first line of text, Mązniabera (a softened form of Mąznį’ąpra), which means "The Live Iron." Just above this to the right of the numeral "40" and below the title, is an expression either crossed out or underlined. It is which is for wąknu Mąznį’ąpka, "old man Live Iron", where the terminal -ka denotes a personal name.

English Translation


p. 1 —
de e e tt ttAi n Ki d nK deAe. Ao KL deKe
Žeé éja cinąkižąnąkše. Hųkra ške
[This one] there a village was [= sitting]. The chief [also]



Ai tt nK deAe. de e A Ko Le d. wy Le de.
hijanąkše. Žeé hagoréžą waíreže,
there was [= sitting]. Then one day they said,



w Lo ttA Ke Le Ki L. Lo K n n. ay Le de. Ai d
"Warocagerekira rokananą," aíreže. Hižą
"Camping outfit carriers very many this is," they said. One



tti de. Ao KL. A ttA ni Ke Ao ttAi de e de.
jiže. "Hųkra hacą nįgé hociže?" éže.
came. "The chief where [someplace] does he live?" he asked.



p. 2 —
Ai m Ki L Ki Le de. K a e Ao ttAi n Ai Ky Le Ki di.
Himągirakireže. "Ga’á e hociną," higaíregiži.
They pointed it [out] to him. "That [it] it is his tent," they said to him.



Ai to w Le de. Ai tt Ai Ki di. we de Ao KL.
Hijowáreže. Hija higiži wéže, "Hųkra,
So he went over. When he got there he said, "Chief,



A ttAi tt A ttAi Ktt ni A wi de e de. e Ki.
hacį́ja hacikjanihawiže," éže. Égi
where will we camp?" he said. Then



w Ke de. A Ko Ao Lo xotto wy n K. e tt
wagežé, "Hagu horuǧujwianąga éja
he said to him, ["To come] to look around, and where [or at]



p. 3 —
ni Ke Ly diAi wi Ki di ttAi wi Le. Ai Ke de. e Ki
nįgé raišiwigiži ciwire," higeže. Égi
[someplace] you think best live," he said to him. Then



Ke Le de. Ai L Le xitti K tt. lexe ni ttK n Ki di.
kereže. Hiraréxjįgają pexenijakanagiži
he went back. After awhile one with a gourd came over



p.4 —
roAo roAoxo Ao de. Ao KL Kii ni Ki K L Ae.
sosóx-hože.* "Hųkra k’i nįgikarahe
rattling. "Chief to gamble to ask you

*for sosóx, see Little Human Head.



Ai tti wi n e de. Aowo e de.
hijiwina," éže. "Howo," éže.
they came," he said. "All right," he answered.



Ki riAi Ki Le de. w Ki di KL. Ao Ai L wi de.
Kisikireže. Wąkšíkra hohirawiže.
They played ball. The people were defeated.



di Ki no l A L. Ki w no Ai Le de. di Ki Ko
Žiginųbahąra, kiwánų hireže. Žigígų
The second time to run a race [they did.] Again



p.5 —
Ao Ai L wi de. di Ki t ni A L. Ao Ki nK Ai Le de.
hohirawiže. Žigitanihąra, hųkinąk hireže.
they were defeated. The third time they wrestled. [they did].



de Ko Ai L wi de. di Ki tto l A L. w Kotto rA L Ke
Žegų hirawiže. Žigijobahąra, waguc sarake
Again they were defeated. The fourth time shooting long distance



oyi Le de. di Ke Ai L wi de. e tt. A ntt.
’ųireže. Žigé hirawiže. Éja haną́c
they did. Again they were defeated. There whole



p.6 —
ttiAi n KL Ao Ai Le de ay Le n. Lo Ai Le Ki
cinąkra hohireže, aíreną. Rohiregi
the village [was defeated,]* they said. Themselves

*the text has "was won from them."



w Ki o w o nK de. wK Lotto Ke w o nK deAe. e tt.
wak’i’ų wa’ųnąkše. Wąkrucge wa’ųnąkše. Éja
betting they were. Giant cannibals they were. There



ttiAi n KL. Ao w xitti. Ai Ko Lo Ao Ai Le K tt.
cinąkra howaxįc´ hikórohóhiregają.
the village to burn up they were about to.



te we L Ki. e tt. wK no ni Ki d. o nK deAe.
Tewéraki éja wąknunįgįžą ųnąkše,
Unexpectedly there an old man he was with [he did],



p.7 —
ni Ktt Kini Ki d. Ai L rA ni KittK niKi w Kini Ki d
nįkjąknįkižą hirasá nįkjąknįk wąknįkižą
a small baby [also] the baby male



Ae Le de. wy Le de. Ko te te e. ni Ktt Kini K
hereže. Waíreže, "Koté! teé nikjąknįk
he was. They said, "Koté! this baby



p.8 —
KeLe. xeAe te Ki e Ki A Ko Lotto wi Ki di.
kere xetegi égi hagorucwigiži.
let us wait until it gets big and [then we eat it].



wK no niKi n KeLe xeAe te Ai Ai Ki Ki wi Ki di
wąknuniknąkere xetehihigigiwigiži,"
This old man let us have him raise it,"



ay Le de. de rKe Kette n ay Le de. e Ki. wK no n K.
aíreže. "Žesgekjeną," aíreže. Égi wąknunąka
they said. "So be it," they said. Then the old man



e tt. ttiAi Ki oy Le de. tt n K w d L
éja ci ki’ųireže. Janąga wažąra
there a house they made for him. All the things



p.9 —
w di Lo Ko n Ki di Ai tt Ki do Ai Le de. e Ki.
wažįrukonąkiži hija kižu hireže. Égi
things that he needed [there] to place for him they did. And



tt n K. w Lo ttL Ki di Ai tt Ki doy Le de.
jánąga warujragiži hija kižuireže.
all there was the food there they placed for him.



e Ki. w Ky Le de. liAi xitti
Égi wagaíreže, "P’ixjį,
And they said to him, "Very good,



p.10 —
xeAe te Ai Ki Ki wy tte diAi Aiy tte Ai Ky Le de.
xetehigigiwaije. Šį hiáje," higaíreže.
raise it for us. Fat make him for us," they said to him.



e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le de. e Ki. e tt
Égi hajiakaraireže. Égi éja
Then they went home. And there



Ai ttAo deKe ni KL. xete te K L Ki n i de A Ko Ley d.
hicųšgénįkra xetekaraginaiže. Hagoréižą,
his grandson he tried to raise. Finally,



m ni de. nK rAK Kitti de. e Ki. m niKi Ki ow n K.
maniže. Naksakjįže. Égi nįgi’ųanąga,
it walked. Very fleet it was. And arrows he made for it, [and]



p.11 —
m wi Kotto niKi tte ra de. ttiAi Lo Ke Le Ki. A Ko Ley d
wigucnikjes’aže cirogeregi. Hagoréižą
arrows he would be shooting always [while] in the house. Finally



ttA KL A Ai Ao o de. e Ki. A t Ki ntt diAi de.
cąkra hahiho’ųže. Égi hątáginąc šiže.
outside he went about. Then to fast he told him.



Ai ttAo deKe A t Ki ntt Le. e A Ko Ley d.
"Hicųšge, hątaginącre e hagoréižą
"Grandson, fast so when someday



p.12 —
w d Li d. A ni Lo riKi di w d Li di n L di Ki di
wažąrižą hanirusgiži wažąrižinaražigiži,
something happens to you and you have something to strengthen you,



liAi xitti w L ttAi Kette n Ai Ke de. e rKe
p’ixjį waracikjeną," higeže. Ésge
very good you shall eat," he told him. So



Al lK. A t Ki ntt tte ra de. e Ki m w Kotto L
hąpgá hątaginąjes’aže. Égi wagucra
each day he would fast. And arrows shooting



p.13 —
o ni Ae r a de. de e A Ko Ley d. e tt. w d ni Ki d.
(h)onihes’aže. Žeé hagoréižą éja wažąnigižą
he would be out always. There [this one] finally there something



Kotto ttK tt tee Ai de. de Ko xitti ttAi L Ao Ki nK deAe.
gujagają t’éhiže. Žegųxjį cira hóginąkše.
he shot at, and he killed it. Right off to the house he ran.



A Ke deKe Lo rini Ai tt Ki Ki di. Ai ttAo Ke L
Hąké ške rusnį hijagigiži. Hicókera
Not even he did not take it when he got back. Grandfather



Ao Ki LK deAe. ttAo K w di d
hogirakše. "Cóka, wažį́žą
he told it to. "Grandfather, something



p.14 —
tee A n. Ao we ta niKi tte n. Ai dtt ni KL.
t’éhaną. Howet’ąnikjeną. Hišjanįkra
I killed. It was flying. Its [small] face



diAi Li liniKi dA n. rK niKi dA n. e Ki. di Ke
širipinįkšaną. Sganįkšaną, égi žigé
was striped. It was white, and also



p. 15 —
xoAo ttiniK dA n. di Ke reAele liniKi dA n e de.
xócnįkšaną. Žigé sepnįkšaną," éže.
it was [a little] gray. Also it was [a little] black," he said.



Ai ttAo deKe. Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke wi Ky Le n. e de.
"Hicųšge, 'hišjaširiricge' wigaíreną," éže.
"Grandson, (...)* they call them," he said.

*the translator has written: "(name of bird I don't know)".



A Ko L Le A tti Kette n. e de. A Ko Ai de.
"Haguráre, hajíkjeną," éže. Haguhíže.
"Go after it, I will eat it," he said. He went after it.



A ni Ki Li Ki di Lo Kiy n K. Lotto deAe. di Ki Ko
Hanikirigiži, rok’įyanąga rucše. Žigígų
When he brought it back, he broiled it and ate it. Again



p. 16 —
Ay ni Ki di. n K Ki Li Ki ni de. di Ki Ko
hainigíži, nąkakiriginįže. Žigígų
the next morning, he came running back already. Again



A tt L. tt rKe Ki di. Ao Ki LK deAe. Ai ttAo deKe.
hajara jasgégiži hogirakše. "Hicųšge,
it looked how he told him of it. "Grandson,



n L xK xKl Ke. Ai dtt niKi Ki de Le n. A Ko L Le.
nąraxgąxgąpage* hįšjanįkigižereną. Haguráre,
small woodpecker a blind one it is.† Go after it,

*from nąra, "wood"; xgą, "motion, action" reiterated; pa, "head"; and -ge, a suffix used in animal terms.
†since "blind" is expressed as "having little eyes," it is the literal meaning that is probably meant, as obviously it is not likely that there is a species of woodpecker that is blind.



p. 17 —
A tti Kette n e de. A Ko Ai Ki di Lo Kiiy n K
hajíkjeną," éže. Haguhígiži. rok’įanąga
I will eat it," he said. [After] he went after it, he broiled it, and



Lotto deAe. di Ko di Ke Ay ni Ki di. Ai d
rucše. Žigų žigé hainigíži, hižą
ate it. [Just] again in the morning, one



tee Ai de. di Ke wi ttA tii Ao L Ki di. we de.
t’éhiže. Žigé wicąt’įhoragiži. Wéže,
he killed. Again he described it to him. He said,



p. 18 —
Lo tteKe wy Le doAo no n. e de. A Ko L Le. Ai ttAo deKe.
"'Rucge', wairešųnųną," éže. "Haguráre. Hicųšge,
"'Pigeon', they call them," he said. "Go after it. My grandson,



A tti Kette n e de. di Ki d tee Ai Ki di. riAi K Kiri KL
hajíkjeną," éže. Žigižą́ t’ehigiži. "'Sikaksígara',
I will eat it," he said. Another one he killed. "'Partridge',



Ai Ky Le n e de. e tti d tee Ai Ki di. diAi Ko Ko KL
higaireną," éže. Ejižą t’ehigiži. "'Šikokokra',
they call it," he said. Then the next one he killed. "'A robin red breast',



p. 19 —
Ai Ky Le n e de. e tti d tee Ai Ki di. rt rt Ke L
higaireną," éže. Ejižą t’ehigiži. "'Stastagéra',
they call it," he said. Then the next one he killed. "(...)*

*no translation is given. Sam Blowsnake also mentions this species (without identifying it) in Paul Radin, Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian, Journal of American Folk-Lore, 26, #102 (1913): 293-318.



Ai Ky Le n e de. e tti d tee Ai Ki di. Ko wi deKe L.
higaireną," éže. Ejižą t’ehigiži. "'Kowįškera',
they call it," he said. The next one he killed. "(...)*

*no translation is given. Dorsey collected the name kowį́kaksígara, 'the sage cock' (?), which at least bears some resemblance to the name of the unknown species mentioned here.



Ai Ky Le n. e de. e tti d tee Ai Ki di. ttA Lo tteKe L
higaireną," éže. Ejižą t’ehigiži. "'Carocgera,'
they call it," he said. The next one he killed. "(...)*

*no translation is given.



p. 20 —
Ai Ky Le n e de. e tt di Ki d. tee Ai Ki di.
higaireną," éže. Ejažigižą t’ehigiži.
they call it," he said. Then the next one he killed.



Lo tteKe w w Ke L. wi Ky Le n. e de. di Ke. liAi deKe L.
"'Rúcgewáwąkera',* wigaíreną," éže. Žigé pišgera,
"'Turtle dove,' they call it," he said. And a plover,

*Cf. Gatschet's tútske wáwąke, 'dove,' and Dorsey's tuckewawanke, 'dove.'



di Ke. w niKi do dotto Ke L. di Ke Ai wi tt d L. di Ke.
žigé wanįkžóžocgera,* žigé hiwicažąra; žigé
also a quail, also a forked tail [hawk];† also

*Cf. Gatschet's wánik zózotske, 'quail', Dorsey's waníñkšóšockéra, 'quail', and Radin's wanįkgizózucge, 'quail'; Helmbrecht-Lehmann, wanįkžóžoc.
†underneath these words is written, "literal translation." Cf. Hiwicažąkega, 'Forked-Tail Hawk', a personal name. These may be shortened forms of hiwįcakijąke, 'falcon'.



p. 21 —
doAo Lo Lolo e L. di Ke. w niKi Ki tee leAe Le reL.
šórorópera, žigé wanįk kit’eperesera,
[prairie plover],* also a meadow lark,

*no translation given, but the identification is made from Dorsey. Cf. Gatschet, šororópke, 'plover (?)'.



di Ke. Ai noKo K n n Ke L. di Ke ttAo xtt L.
žigé hinųkananagera, žigé coxjąra,
also (...),* also blackbird

*no translation given.



di Ke. ritti e L. ttoAo Kiy rA nl leKe L.
žigé sįc’era, cogiasanapekra,
also (...),* a king bird,

*no translation given. The name means 'tail' (Dorsey).



p. 22 —
di Ke. tte ttette. di Ke. ttAo rKe. di Ke.
žigé jejéje, žigé coske, žigé
also a jay bird, also [spotted woodpecker],* also

*no translation given, but the identification is made from Dorsey (coskera).


w niKi rK niKi di Ke. w ri L wi wi tteKe. di Ke.
wanįksganįk,* žigé wasirawiwicge, žigé
snow bird, also (...),† also

*Cf. Dorsey's waníñkskaiñgera, 'snow bird'. The name as here given means simply 'little white bird'.
†no translation given. The front part, wasira, probably means 'pine'.



Ae deAe leKe niKi. wi Ki ni tt KoKo. di Ke K Ke KL.
hešepgenįk, wikinicakok, žigé gąkegra,
[little dark swans]*, (...),† also (...),‡

*no translation given, but cf. hešépge in Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [426-429].
†untranslated, but wakini means 'grease, lard'.
‡no translation given. In "Old Man and Wears White Feather," a gąkek is identified as a hawk.



p. 23 —
di Ke. ttAo deAe Le Ke L. di Ke. t niy K n K n Ke niKi.
žigé cošerekera, žigé taniakanakanakenįk,†
and [kingfisher],* and a hummingbird,

*no translation given here, but it is found as an entry in Marino's dictionary.
†Cf. taniockąnekera (George), tanakanakanake (Dorsey), tani konokoroke (Radin-Marino).


xeAe te ni dA LK niKi. w Lo ni L. di Ke. m w ro Ke L.
xete nišaraknįk, waronira, žigé mąwazųgera,
(...),* (...),* and (...),*

*no translation given.



p. 24 —
wo L doAo doAo leKe L. di Ke Ai A A Ke ni KL
worašošopkera, žigé hihą́ hąkenįkra,
[night bird (big owl)],* and [short-eared owl],†

*no translation given in the text, but the meaning is found in Marino's dictionary.
†no translation given in the text, but cf. hihą́hąke, 'owl (small species)' (Marino); hįhą́he, 'the short-eared owl' (Miner).



K Ko mi nK e L. w niK ttAo L. e Ki. wi xL.
kakominąkera,* wanįk cora, égi wįǧra
whippoorwill, bluebird, and ducks

*cf. kakominągera (George), kakówiriškéra (Dorsey), gágómįnąk´ (Miner).



tt n K Ki di. di Ke. tt n K. wi tt L. Ae xL.
jánągagiži žigé jánąga wicąra, hexra,
all and all kinds of geese, swans,



w d de de rKe L. A ntt tee w Ai de ay Le n.
wažąžežesgera, haną́c t’ewahíže, aíreną.
all that kind, all he killed [them] they say.



p. 25 —
e Ki. w Kono n K. e Ld w o mi nK deAe. di Ke.
Égi wąknunąka érašwa’ųminąkše. Žigé
And the old man was naming them there. And



tt n K. w no tteKe Aotto li m n L. Ko deKe L.
jánąga wanocke hojopimanara: gųškera,
all animals that walk on four legs: skunks,



p. 26 —
A KL. w xA Ai L xo KL. doAo Ktt KL. tt n K.
hąkra, waxąhíra, xogera, šųkcąkra, jánąga
ground dogs,* porcupines, badgers, wolves, all

*ground hogs, also known as woodchucks.



w d my xK xK KeLe. A ntt. Ai ni Ke Ai tee Ai de
wažą mąixgąxgąkre, haną́c hinigehi t’ehiže,
[things] that move about the earth, all one by one he killed,



ay Le n. e Ki. di Ke. ttAi L. Ao w L.
aíreną. Égi žigé cira, hųwą́ra,
they say. And again deer, elks,



p. 27 —
Ao ttL. w d de de rKe L. A ntt Ai ni Ke Ai
hųjra wažą žežesgera, haną́c hinigehi
bears, things of that kind, all one by one



tee w Ai de ay Le n. e Ki. wK no n K.
t’ewáhiže, aíreną. Égi wąknunąka
he killed they say. And the old man,



e A ntt Ld w o de ay Le n. e rKe.
e haną́c raš wa’ųže, aíreną. Ésge
they all to name [he did,] they say. Therefore



p. 28 —
w niy o tte n KeK. Ao Ltt ttAo Ai Le de. e we de te e.
wani-ocenąkega horajacų hireže. E weže tée,
animals to have names [they do.] Them he named them [this one],



ay Le n. e Ki. Ao ttAi ttAi de. A t Ki ntt Ke L.
aíreną. Égi hocįcįže. Hątaginącgera
they say. Then he was a young man. He fasted



Lo K n de. e Ki. de e A Ko Ley d L. wK no n K.
rokánaže. Égi žee hagoreižąra wąknunąka
very much. Then there one day the old man



we de. Ai ttAo deKe niKi A xitti Ay ni Ki di.
wéže, "Hicųšgenįkhaxjį, hainigíži
said, "[O] my [little] grandson, in the morning



p. 29 —
ni Ko L w deAe Le Ktt ne n. Ai Ko Lo Aow tte. m L.
nįgoráwašerékjaneną.* Hikórohowáje. Mąra,
somewhere you will go to. You must get ready. Your arrows,

*< nįgé-horáwašeré-kjaneną.



w Ko tte L. de de rKe L. Ai Lo dtt w K L Kiy tte.
wagujera, žežésgera hirušjąwakarakiaje,"
moccasins, these kinds of things you must get ready,"



Ai Ke de. e Ki de rKe Ai de.
higeže. Égi žesge hiže.
he said to him. And so he did.



p. 30 —
e Ki Ay ni Ki di. rA niKi wiy xele Ao L.
Égi hainigíži sanįk wiaǧébhura
Then in the morning towards the rising sun



Ao w L Ktt n Ae de Ai Ke de. e Ki. w o de. te e
howarakjanaheže, higeže. Égi wa’ųže. "Tée,
he would go towards, he told him. And he did thus. "This,



Ai ttAo deKe. w ni o ni A tti. A Ko Ley d. w d L.
hicųšge, wani’ųnihaji. Hagoréižą wažą́ra
my grandson, always keep with you. Some day if anything



p. 31 —
Ai d. ttAe xiAiy L we Ki di. e tt wi doo Kette n.
hižą cexiara wegiži éja wiš’ųkjeną,"
one in difficulty you get there you can use them,"



Ai K n K. e Ki. ini. reAe leKe. loAo Lo loAo Lo.
higanąga. Égi ini sepge póropóro
he said to him. And stone black round ones



xoAo no ni KL. no liAi wi Ao Ko de. Aa Aa.
xununįkra nųpiwi hok’ųže. "Hąhą́,
[small] two of them he gave to him. "[Now,]



p. 32 —
Ai ttAo deKe niKi A xitti Ai t tte w ow tte.
hįcųšgenįk haxjį, hitajé wa’ųwaje,"
grandson* mine, mightily do you,"

*the word "my" before "grandson" has been crossed out.



Ai Ke de. e Ki Le de. ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki.
higeže. Égi réže. ’Uwahigają, tewéraki,
he said to him. Then he went. On the way, unexpectedly,



n Koyi d. Ao tal tti nK deAe. Ai Lo Ai Aoy tte de
nąguižą hot’ąpjinąkše. Hirohihoaježe.
a path he came to it. In it he went.



p. 33 —
n Ki nK deAe. Ke ni w rii ni. A Ai wo xeAe Le de.
Nąginąkše. Keni was’iinį hahiwoxereže.
He started to run. Before long he caught up to them.



te we L Ki. w KL Ke Le lA ny d w owK deAe.
Tewéraki, wąkra kerepanaižą wa’ųwąkše.
Unexpectedly, men ten there were.



wo xeAe Le Ki di. wi Lo n K Kede. A KeLe Ki Ai d
Woxeregiži wironagageže. Hagerégi hižą
When he caught up to them he followed them. Behind the one



p. 34 —
ow Ki di. Ao Ki tee tee de. A tt ne n K di. Ai tt Ki.
’ųwagiži hok’it’et’eže. Hajanenąkši hijagi
[when he did] he talked to. [A sight ?] the others



dtty L n K de Ko Ki L de. A Ko Ley d. de e Ai d
šjairanąga* žegųgiraže. Hagoréižą, žée hižą
only looked back, and that was all. Finally, there this one

*< šja, "to move the eye, look" and hiranąga, "they did and."



w ttAo dow Ki di. we de. A Ao. e Ki xitti
wacožuagiži wéže, "Hąho, egixjį
that led them said, "[Well], hereabout



p. 35 —
t ni Ai Ktt wi n e de. e tt mi nK Ai Le de.
taníhikjawiną," éže. Éja minąk´ hireže.
let us smoke," he said. Then to sit [they did.]



e Ki. t ni Ao L. w Ko Lo e Le de. L xeKe dooKo
Égi tanihúra wakuru-ereže. Raxgeš’ok
Then their pipes they brought forth. Weeds with bulbs on



t ni Ao Ai Le de. e Ki n al w xottoKo
tanihú hiréže, égi ną’áp waxjuk
for pipes they had, and leaves mashed up



p. 36 —
wo do Ai L n K. w Ai Le de. Ai deKe. te n KeLe.
wožuhiranąga wahíreže. Hišgé tenągere
they filled them with, and smoked them.* Also this other one

*wahíreže seems rather to mean, "they caused them to be."



A[i] d Ko Lo ede. e Ki. w Ke de. A ttA Ko Lo.
hižą koroeže. Égi wagežé, "Hacakóro,
one he brought out. Then he said to him, "My friend,



te e Ai o Le Ai Ke de. t ni Aoyi d Ao Koo de.
tée hi’ųre," higeže. Tanihuižą hok’ųže.
this one use," he said to him. A pipe he filled*

*more precisely, "he gave."



t ni L Ai L rA. e Ki. t ni Ai de. de Ko
taníra hirasá égi tanihiže. Žegų
with tobacco also and they smoked. Then



Ai ntt Ki ritti mi nK Ai Le de. e Ki.
hiną́c kisįcminąk hireže. Égi
they all to sit with their necks stretched.* [they did.] Then

*this seems to mean "to sit with their tails stretched out."



ti nK KeLe w o de. Ai ttA Ko Lo L t ni Ao
tinągre wa’ųže Hicakórora tanihú
this one did [it]. His friend the pipe



Ao Koo Le. w ttAo do L. Ao K L Koo de. e Ki
hok’ųre wacožúra hokarak’ųže. Égi
the one that he gave [it] to the leader he gave it to. Then



p. 38 —
Ao Koy L n K. Ai L Ki w Le Ai Le de.
hokųiranąga hiragiwarehireže.
he filled it, and passed it around.



xiAi L n Ai Le de. Lo Ko xitti n Ki di. w i nl L
Xíra nąhiréže. Rokoxjįnagiži, wa’inąpra
The smoke they swallowed. They were longing for it very much, thankful



Lo K n Ai Le de. e Ki di K[e].
rokana hiréže. Égi žigé
very [they were.] And again



p. 39 —


Ai ttiy K Ly Le de. di Ki Ko A Ke tt. oyi Le de.
hijiaigaraireže. Žigigų hagéja ’ųireže,
they went on. Again behind they did walk,*

*this appears to mean, "they were doing it [walking]."



Ai ttA Ko Lo L. A K L Ki do. A Ko Leyi d.
hicakórora hakarakížu. Hagoreižą
his friend with [him]. Finally



Ao xtt n Ki di. w ttAo do L. we de. A Ao.
hoxjaną́giži , wacožúra wéže, "Hąho,
in the evening, the leader said, "[Hello,]



e Ki. Ai Lo tti Ktt wi L. Ao ni L wi Le w wi Ke de.
égi hirujikjawira honįrawire," wawigeže.
here what we are to eat go look for," he said to them.



p. 40 —
tto liAi wi A Ltt deAe. e Ki e tt
Jopíwi haracše. Égi éja
Four of them he appointed. Then there



A Ai Ai wo dAy Le Ki di. e tt lAe tto too nK Koo.
hahihiwušairegiži. Éja pejot’ųnąk’ų
they stopped. There they were building fire.



A Ai Le de w K ri L. Ai d dA n dA n A niy Ai Le de.
Hahíreže wakązíra hižąšana š’anąhąniahireže.
When the others got there yellow snakes [rattlesnakes] one apiece they took over.



p. 41 —
e tt. wy Le de Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ai Ai wi L. tt Ko
Éja waíreže, "Hicakóro hihíwira, jagú
There they said, "Friend our, what



Ai deKe Lotto ra Ki di. Ai Ky Le Ki di. ttA Att doAo no n.
hišgé rujs’agiži?" higaíregiži. "Ca hajašųnųną,"
usually does he eat?" they asked him. "Deer I always eat,"



e de. Ko te r r tteKe w K nK dA n.
éže. "Koté! zazácke waganą́kšaną.
he said. "Koté! grasshoppers he means.



Ki diAi Ki Ai d nK o Ai tt Ao wi d ny n.
Gišigi hižą nák’ų hija howižanainą.
Over there one there was [there] when we came by.



A Aiy Ko wi Le. ay Le de. A Ai A K Koy Le de.
Hahiaguwire," aíreže. Hahihagaguireže.
Go after it for him," they said. So they went after it for him.



A K ni A Ki Le Le Ki di. A Ao.
Haganihakiriregiži. "Hąho,
They brought it for him. "Ho,



tee K L Ki Le Ai Ky Le Ki di. a xo Ky tt.
t’ekáragíre," higaíregiži. Axukaija
kill it for yourself," they said to him. So behind his shoulders



p. 43 —
Ai Ki rKy Le Ai de. Ko L. A K w d w Kotto liAi d
higisgaire hiže. "Korá! hagawažąwagucpįžą,"
he pierced him through [he did.] "Well! what a good shot he is,"



ay Le de. w w roAo no Ai Le de. i ni xeAe te
aíreže. Wawasunųhireže. Įni xete
they said. They broiled their meat. Stones big



A Kow Ai L n K. w w roAo no L. e tt w w r Ai Le de
haguwahiranąga wawasunųra éja wawasahireže.
they went after, and their broiling sticks there they stuck them.



p. 44 —
my tt w r L Lo da Ki Le de. e Ki. Ai deKe.
maįja wasra ruš’ákireže. Égi hišgé
In the ground the sticks [they could not do it.]* And also

*the translator has "they could not stick them," for wasra ruš’ákireže.



ttA L. Ko Lo xl liKi di. Lo Ai L. K w roAo no de.
cara kuruǧapįgiži, ruhíra kawasunųže.
the deer he skinned, and the ribs he broiled.



wi w roAo no L. de Ko xitti my tt w r de.
Wiwasunųra žegųxjį mąíja wasaže.
The broiling stick just in the ground he stuck.



p. 45 —
di n K. Ko Ly Le de. de de rKe Ai L.
Žiną́ka koraireže. Žežesgehira
The others they marveled at him. That way



Lo daK n Koo w o Ki di. e Ki e tt ny L n Ki di
ruš’aknąk’ų wa’ųgiži. Égi éja nairanagiži.
not being able to do when he did it. Then there they stayed all night.



Ke Ay ni Ki di. A ttiy K Ly Le de. di Ki ttA Ko Lo L.
Ge hainigíži hajiakaraireže. Žigicakorora
And the next morning they went on again. Again with his friend



A K L Ki do. A Ke tt o wi de. e Ki di Ke e tt.
hakarakížu hagéja ’ųwiže. Égi žigé éja
with him behind they walked. Then again there



p. 46 —
wi L Lo ttA tte Ki di. e tt di Ke t ni Ao L wo Kodo wi de.
wirarocąjegiži, éja žigé taníhura wokšuwiže.
when it was noon, there again their pipes they filled.



t ni Ao L. de Ko A Ke wi Koo Ai L ni de. Ai ttA Ko Lo L.
Taníhura žegų hąké wik’ųhiranįže. Hicakórora
Their pipes this time not they did not use. His friend



p. 47 —
Ao Koo Ke dA n. Ai L Ki w Le Ai oyi Le ra de. e Ki
hok’ųge šana hiragiwarehi’ųires’aže. Égi
the one he handed him that only they passed around. Then



di Ke Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di. A ttiy K Ly L Ki ni de. di Ke
žigé rušjahiregiži hajiakarairagįnįže. Žigé
again when they got through they went again. Again



Ao xtt n Ki di e tt. A Ai. di Ke Ao t.
hoxjanągiži éja hahí žigé hotá
in the evening there on at again some of them



p. 48 —
Ai Loyo too L. Ao ni w diAi deAe.* tto liAi wi. di Ke.
hiróit’ųra honį́ wašiže. Jopíwi žigé
food to hunt he told them. Four of them again

*this should be spelled, w diAi de.



A Ai Le de. di Ki Ko w K ri L. Ai d dA n
hahíreže. Žigígų wakązíra hižą šana
they got them. Again yellow snakes [rattlesnakes] one apiece



A niy Ai Le de. di Ke tt Ko Ai tt Ai Li d Ltt ra de
haniahireže. Žigé "Jagú hiją hirišarajas’aže?"
they had with them. Again, "What else do you eat?"



p. 49 —
Ai Ky Le de. Aotto e de. wi ttA tii w wo Ki LK deAe.
higaíreže. "Hųj," éže. Wicąt’įwawogírakše.
they asked him. "Bear," he said. He described it to them.



Ko te wo L ri ritti Ke w K tte n. e tt Ai rKe
"Koté! worázįzįcké wakjeną. Éja hisgé
"Koté! a cricket* he means. There some

*the translator adds in parentheses, "or smeller."



x xK nK dA ny n. A Ai Ai d A K Ko wi Le
xaxak nakšanainą. Hahí hižą hagaguwire,"
were crying awhile ago. Go one get it for him,"



ay Le de. Ai d A K ni A Ki Li Le de. tee K L Ki Le.
aíreže. Hižą hagáni hakirireže. "T’ekáragíre,"
they said. One they brought for him. "Kill him for yourself,"



p. 50 —
Ai Ky Le de. di Ke. Ki rA Ke tt.
higaíreže. Žigé kiságeja
they said to him. Again in the middle



m L xA w ni Le Ai de. m L. rA ni Ke tt
mąra xawanirehiže. Mąra sanįgéja
his arrow he made disappear. His arrow on the other side



rA Ay Le Ai de. Ko L. A K w d w Kotto liAi d
sahairehiže. "Korá! hagawažąwagucpįžą,"
it flew on. "Well! what a good shot he is,"



p. 51 —
ay Le de. e Ki. di Ke. K w roAo no de. Lo Ai L.
aíreže. Égi žigé kawasunųže, ruhíra.
they said. Then again he broiled [his own], the ribs.



A ni Ki di di Ke. A ttiy K Ly Le Ki di.
hanįgiži žigé hajiakarairegiži.
In the morning again they started on.



Ao xtt n Ki di. di Ke. Lo tti Le Kette L.
Hoxjaną́giži žigé rujirekjera
In the evening again their place to camp [eat]



p. 52 —
Ao ni w diAi Le Ki di. Ai ttA Ko Lo L. A L tti Le Ki di
honį́ waširegiži. Hicakórora harájiregiži.
to look for they were told. His friend was one of the appointed.



A K L Ki do Le de. e tt. too Le A Ay Ly Le Ki di. e tt
Hakarakižureže. Éja t’ųrehahairairegiži. Éja
He went with him. There they left him at a place. And then



m i d A tt Ki di. m di L. Ki x x de. Ai rKe
mąížą hają́giži. Mąžira k’ixaxaže, hisgé
a spring of water he saw. The algae* he brushed aside, some

*the translator has "fungi."



p. 53 —
L ttK Kette Ke. e Ki. e tt. A Ai. Ai ttA Ko Lo L.
rajgakjege. Égi éja hahí hicakórora
he might drink. Then there at his friend



A Ki tt d. K tt w i nl deAe Ao Ao Ai ttA Ko Lo
hakijaže. Gają́ wa’inąpše, "Hoho hicakóro,
he saw. [And then] he began to thank him, "Hoho my friend,



e liAi n. A ttAi tt Ae Le de. e de. tt Koy d
epíną. Hacį́ja hereže," éže. Jagųižą
it is good. Where is it?" he said. What



w Ke Ki di A Ke Ai leAe Le rini de. tt Koy d. e de.
wagégiži hąké hipereznįže. "Jaguižą?" éže.
he meant not he did not know. "What?" he said.



Ai ttA Ko Lo. L li d tee L n e de.
"Hicakórora, rabížą t’eráną," éže.
"My friend, a beaver you have killed," he said.



A Ke Ai ttA Ko Lo. w d o ni n e de.
"Hąké, hicakóro, wažą ’ųníną," éže.
"Not, my friend, anything I did not do," he said.



A ttA Ko Lo. m K. Ll w Ke Le. Ai Ki o L n. L li d
Hacakóro mąga rap wakere higi’ųraną. Rabížą
"My friend, the arrow beaver dung it has on it. A beaver



p. 55 —
Ai dee n. A ttiAi tte Le de. e Ki di. Ai m K LK deAe.
hiš’éną." "Hacįjereže?" egíži. Himągirakše.
you have found." "Where is it?" [he said.]* He pointed it out to him.

*the translator has "then," which he takes as starting a new sentence. However, it is egixjį that means "(just) then," not egíži.



Ai ttA Ko Lo. ttAi Ae L. K tt n Ke Le n. e Ki
"Hicakóro, cihera gająnąkereną. Égi
"My friend, the top of the house there is. Here



Ai L leAe Le. lA di Ao A Kette n e de. e tt.
hirapere, pažihohakjeną," éže. Éja
wait for it, I will scare it out," he said. There



p. 56 —
Ai L leAe de m i tte K e tt. Ao doAo KiniKi mi n Ki di.
hirapeže mą’įjegaeja hoš’oknįk minąkíži.
he waited for it at the spring a little mound there was.



e tt. A Ai. n xiKi xiKi K tt. Ko de. e Ki
Éja hahí nąxkixkigają,* guže. Égi
There he went he kicked on it, it came. Then

*Lipkind gives the menaing of nąxkixki as, "to brush lightly against with the foot again and again."



A Ki Li A Ki xele deAe. n tteKe Ao mi nK
hagirihagiǧépše. Nącgé homįnąk´.
it came on out. To the heart [it sat in].



p. 57 —

Ke tt o Ke Le de. e tt tee Ai de. e tt Kii L n K.
Kecųgereže. Éja t’ehiže. Éja k’įranąga
[A turtle it was].* There he killed him. There they packed and

*this was translated as "he shot it." However, the spelling is consistent with kecųge-hereže.



A Ki Le de. Ao Ao e liAi n. A K w d w d liAi
hagíreže. "Hoho, epíną. hagawažąwažąpį
they came back.* "Hoho, it is good. What a good thing

*the translation adds " to camp."



Ai o wi n. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ai wi L. liAi Ai K tt.
hi’ųwiną. hicakorohihiwira higáją.
we are doing. Our friend good has done.



te de rKe A K Ai w tteAette wi de ay Le de.
Težesge hąká hiwajejewiže," aíreže.
such things never do we come to," they said.



p. 58 —
e tt. Ao LoKo. w Lotto deAe. w Kette xiAi Lotto deAe.
Éja horók warucše. Wakjexi rucše.
There with them he ate. Waterspirit he ate.



wo Ki roKo ar Ai L n i de. e Ki di Ke
Wogizok ’ąs hiraną’įže. Égi žigé
Very delicious he thought it. Then again



Ay ni Ki *di. A Ly Le Ki di. A Ai di Ke e tt ny Le Ki di.
hainigíži haraíregíži. Hahižige éja nąiregiži.
in the morning they went. Again there they camped.

*in the MS, the letter i looks like an e.



p. 59 —
K tt K di Ke e tt. w K Lo ttL
Gająga žigé éja waką́ rújra
[Finally] again there snakes he ate



Ao LoKo o de. w Ki roKo Ki liAi de. e Ki Ay ni Ki di.
horók ’ųžé. Wagizok gipįže. Égi hainigíži
with them [he did]. Very much he liked it. Then in the morning



A Ay Le Ki di. Ao xtt n K tt A Ai Le de. e tt
hahairegiži. Hoxjanągają hahíreže. Éja
they went. In the evening they got there. Then



p. 60 —
A Ai Aele li wo dAy Le de. e tt leAe tto too Ai Le de.
hahihepi wušaireže. Éja pejot’ųhireže.
before they got there they stopped. There they built a fire.



ttAi reAe Le tti dK deAe. e tt. Ai noKo L.
Ciserecižąkše. Éja hinųgrá
A long tent it was. There women



Ke Le lA ny d n K Ai d Ki L A dA n w owK dAe.
kereponaížąnągahižąkirahašana wa’ųwąkše.
ten plus one [they made up].



Ai noKo Ki Ki nol L. A Ae Ki di. Ai noKo Ai Ki deAe Le L
Hinųgįkinųpara. Hąhégiži hinų́k hikišerera
Sisters they were.* In the night women to court

*if this is, as it seems, Hinųgįk-hinųpara, it would mean literally, "the second girls."



A Ly Le de. Ai ttA Ko Lo L A K Ly Ki do.
haraíreže. Hicakórora hakaraikižu
they went. His friend [with him]*

*the translation has, "later on".



A Kini Ki di A Ly L de. we de. wK dAiKi tte K.
hagígižiharairaže. Wéže wąkcíkjega,
they two went. Said the human,



Ai ttA Ko Lo A Ae Ki di. y Ai n liKi di
"Hicakóro, hąhégiži yahínąpgiži
"My friend, tonight when I come out,



p. 62 —
Ai deKe Ai Ai nl l tte e de. A Ai Le Ki di.
hižege hihinąbaje," éže. Hahiregiži
also you must come out," he said. When they got there



w KdiKi tt ne. Ai d xoAo no xitti Ki di. e
wąkšíkjąne hižą xunuxjįgiži e
the human one the youngest [he]



A Ki do miK dAe. e Ki. e tt Ai Lo nK L.
hakižumįkše. Égi éja híroną́kra
[lay together with her].* And there the next youngest†

*this sentence is translated as, "When they got there, the human courted the youngest one of them."
híronąk´ literally means "to follow," hence, "the one following her in age."



p. 63 —
Ai ttA Ko Lo L. A Ki do miKi dAe. e Ki. A Ko Ley d.
hicakórora hakižumįkše. Égi hagoréižą
his friend she laid with. Then finally



A Ae Ki di. Ai Ai n li Le de. e ni niKi Ki L ni Ae K.
hąhégiži hihinąpireže. Eni nįk kiranihega
in the night they came out. The stones [little] he had (?)



lAe tte tt. wo K nK K n K Ai Ai nl wi de. e Ki.
pejéja woganakanąga hihinąpwiže. Égi
in the fire he put and then they came out. Then



p. 64 —
Ai ttA Ko Lo L. A K L di de. Ai t tte w ow tte. Lo A Ai
hicakórora hakaražiže, "Hitajé wa’ųwaje rohąhi
his friend he encouraged, "Mightily do you many



tee Ktt ni A wi n e de. e Ki. Aoy K w wi Ki di.
t’ekjanihawiną," éže. Égi hoikawawigiži
we will die," he said. Then when they came in



i ni n K. t doAo ttiAi Le K tt. Ki wi de. Ai d
ininąka tašuciregają. Kįwiže. Hižą
the stones were red hot. [They did it to themselves. ?] One



p. 65 —
dA n.. n Ai wi de. e Ki. di Ke A Ki
šana nąhiwiže. Égi žigé hagi
apiece they swallowed. Then again they went



Ai noKo A Ki do mi Kiwi de. Ai Ko
hinų́k hakižu mįkwiže. Higų
women with them they laid. After awhile



A Ae Ai L Le xitti K tt. riAi ni Ai Ki di Lo K n xitti de.
hąhehirarexjįgają, sinihigiži, rokanaxjįže.
in the night, it began to get cold, very, very.



p. 66 —
de Ko Ao ttAi ttAi L. Ai Lo xiAi ni L. xe de.
Žegų́ hocįcįra hiroxinira ǧeže,
[So] the (other) young men's teeth just chattered out loud,



no ni Ke. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ki n K Le. Ay rAe Lette.
nųnįgé hicakóroginakare haįsérec
but the two friends all night



Ao t loAo Lo loAo Lo Ai K de. Ay ni K tt. te we L Ki.
hotapurupuruhigaže. Hainigáją, tewéraki,
they were very warm. In the morning, there unexpectedly,



ttiAi Ao n Ai L ni Ae L. te we L Ki. noxo Ai ttiAi d
ci honahiranihera tewéraki nuxhicižą
the tent they were sleeping in unexpectedly an ice tent



p. 67 —
Ae Le de. Ay ni Le Ki. Ao t tay Le de.
hereže. hainiregi hotá t’aíreže.
it was. In the morning some of them they died.



Ai ttA Ko Lo L. A K L Ki do. w wi wo roAo tti Le Ki di
Hicakórora hakarakížu wawiwosujiregiži,
The friend [with him] those that slept,



p. 68 —
de e. Ai Ke tay L ni de. Ay ni Ki di. Ai noKo n K.
žeé hįké t’aíraniže. Hainigiži hinųknąka
they not they did not die. In the morning the women



ni Ko Ao w K Ly Le de. rA niKi Al lo Ko L.
nįgohowakaraireže. Sanįk hąbogúra
they went away from there. Towards the coming day



Ao w K Ly Le de. to we. dK tt K L Ay Le de.
howakaraireže. Towe šgájakárahaíreže.
they went to. On[ward] they played as they went.



p. 69 —
Ai deKe Ao tti tti L. Ai noKo Lo xA wi de. ta n K.
Hišgé hocįcįra hinų́k ruxawiže. T’anąka
Also the young men women they chased. The dead ones



liAi Ai w Kdo wiy n K. to we w Lo xA L wi de.
pįhiwakšuwianąga towe waruxarawiže.
they laid away, and on[wards] they chased them.



A Ko Ley d. ow Ai Le K tt. te tt L. Ao ta li Le de.
Hagoréižą ’úwahiregają, Tejąra hot’ą́bireže.
Finally, on the way, the Ocean they came to.



p. 70 —
Ai noKo n KeLe. de Ko to we ni L.
Hinųknakere žegų́ towe nira
The women [thus] right on the water



A m ni A K Ly Le de. e tt Ao ttAi ttAi L.
hamani hakaraíreže. Éja hocįcįra
walking they went. There the young men



wo o A Lette wi de. e Ki. we de. w KidiKi niKi tte K.
wo’ųhárecwiže. Égi wéže wąkšiknįkjega,
stood puzzled [as to] what to do. Then he said the human being,



p. 71 —
Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L. A Lo ttA wi n n. no ni Ke.
"Hicakorowira, harocąwinaną, nunigé
"My friends, we can cross, but



w di d A Ke to xoAo Lo Kini n. de e
wažį́žą hąké tuxúruknįną. Žeé
one thing not I am not able to do. That



doAo xoAo LoKo wi Ki di. A Lo ttA wi n n. e de.
šuxuruk’wigiži harocąwinaną," éže.
if you can do we can cross," he said.



my t tte Ai L. a Ke tt Le Ai Ki di. A Lo ttA wi n n.
"Maįtajéhira agéjarehigiži harocąwinaną,"
"The wind if it would blow towards the other side we can cross,"



p. 72 —
e de. A Ao. e liAi n. de e di
éže. "Hąho, epíną. Žeeži
he said. "Hąho, it is good. That



wo w teeKe niKi dA n e de. e Ki.
wowat’eknįkšaną," éže. Égi
is very easy," he said. Then



a Ke tt Le Ai. A Ki Li de. e Ki w o de.
agéjarehi hakiriže. Égi wa’ųže.
on the other side to blow it began. Then he did [it].



Aotto A ni KL. tto liAi wi A ni Ki Li de. e Ki
Hųjhanįkra jopíwi hanikiriže. Égi
Little bear skins four he got. Then



p. 73 —
LoKo ni KL. m L. w Ai de. e Ki. Lo Ke tt.
Roknikra mąrá wahiže. Égi rogeja
the insides hollow he made them. Then inside



Ai d dA n Ao mi nK w Ki Ki de. e Ki.
hižąšana homįnąkwagigiže. Égi
one apiece he put them in. Then



deKe Ai d Ao mi n K n K. ni L.
ške hižą homįnąkanąga nįra
he himself one he rode in and in the water



p. 74 —
w wo too Le Ki di. A Ko Ley d. Ai Ko. w d.
wawot’ųregiži. Hagoréižą higų wažą
he put them. Finally [then] something



Ki xA w ni reKe Le Le Ai Ai L n Ki Kii Ke tti ni
gixawąnisgerere. Hihiranákík’į. Gejini
he seemed to knock against. [He ceased his efforts.]* So

*translated as "he thought."



a tti n K tt te we L Ki. a Ke tt A Ai Ai Ly xA nK deAe.
ajinąkja. Tewéraki, agéja hahihiraixanąkše.
he got out. Unexpectedly, on the other side he was washed against.



p. 75 —
Ai ttA Ko Lo w Ai L. w a K L. ttK nK deAe.
Hicakorowahira wa’akrą cgąnąkše.
His friends he took out [of the water] [groping.]



Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L. Ai wi L tti wi n. e de. e Ki.
"Hicakórowira, hiwirajiwiną," éže. Égi
"My friends, we have come to them," he said. And



Ai Ko ttAi nK L Ae Le de. A Ae ttAi nK L.
higų cinąkra hereže. Hąhecinąkra
right near the village it was. A Night's village



p. 76 —
Ai L Ai wi de. e Ki. te we L Ki. Ai noKo
hiráhiwiže. Égi tewéraki, hinų́k
they had come to. Then unexpectedly, the women



Ai L ni Ae L. xeAe te L. e tt A xele Ao de.
hiranihera. Xetera éja haxebhože.
that were. The oldest one there she appeared unto them.



w tt Ki di i tt niKi K n K A Ktt Ao Ki nK deAe.
Wajagíži ijanįkanąga hakjá hóginąkše.
When she saw them she gave a cry, and back she ran.



p. 77 —
e Ki. ttiAiy tt Ki de. Ai ttAK w Ai L. w w Ke de.
Égi ciaja giže. Hicąkwahira wawagéže,
And to the house she went. Her sisters she said to them,



Ai K n w L wi K. A tti Le n. w wi Ke de. e Ki.
"Hikánawarawíga hajiréną," wawigéže. Égi
"Your husbands they have come," she said to them. Then



Ai Ki lA Ao nK Ai Le de. Ki liAi L Lo K n Ai Le de
higipáhonąk hireže. Gipįra rokana hireže.
to meet them they ran [they did.] Pleased very they were.



p. 78 —
Ai rKe daK w Ai Le Ki di. Ki liAi L Lo K n Ai Le de
Hisgé š’akwahiregiži, gipįra rokana hireže.
Also their parents pleased very they were.



wK w ttA li Le Ki deKe. de e. A Ae. w o nK deAe.
Wąkwaca pįregi ške. Žeé Hąhe wa’ųnąkše.
Their brothers they were pleased. also. [These] Nights they were.



Ai noKo n K. A Ae wi w o nK deAe no ni Ke.
Hinųknąka Hąhéwi wa’ųnąkše, nųnįgé
The women Night women they were, but



p. 79 —
Ai noKo Ki Ki nolo n K. xeAe te tte K dA n xitti
Hinúkikínųbnąka xetejega šanaxjį
[Of the women of the brothers]* the oldest one only

*this is translated simply as "sisters."



w o tte de. w K diKi tee Ai tte K. Ai ttAK w Ai Ki di.
wa’ųjéže wąkšik-t’ehijega. Hicąkwahigiži
was doing the human killing. Her sisters



p. 80 —
Ai ni w niy n K w o tte de. e tt. Ao LK Ai Le de.
hiniwanįanąga wa’ųjéže. Éja horák hireže.
she would force them into it [she was doing]. There to report [they did.]



daK w Aiye tt. A Ke Ai leAe Le rini nK deAe
š’akwahieja. Hąké hipereznįnąkše
to her folks. Not they were not aware of it



de de rKe Ai tte Ki di. e rKe. n tti riKi Ai Le de.
žežésge hijegiži. Ésge nąjisgi hireže,
that she had been doing. Therefore to scold [they did,]



Ai no K. e Ki. deKe. wK n K w i ne de.
Hinųga. Égi ške wąknąka wa’įneže,
the oldest one. And also to the men she paid attention,



no ni Ke deKe ntt tti rKi Le ra de. Ai d
nunigé šge nąjisgires’aže, hižą
but [also] they would scold her, one



Ai wo roAo ttK. de e w KidiKi n K. ttAi nK
hiwusų́cga. Žeé wąkšiknąka cinąk
when she went near. These people of the village



p. 82 —
de e. Ai dtt L. A Ke r ni Ai L ni de.
žeé hišjará hąke sanihiranįže.
this faces they were all disfigured.



w KL. Ko noKo L L Ai Le de. de e A Ko Le d
Wąkra kunųkrara hireže. Žeé hagoréžą
The men all cut up [they were.] Then one day



wy Le de. Ki r Le Ko Lo Aoyi Le n ay Le de.
waíreže, "Kizarekorohoíreną," aíreže.
they said, "They are going on the warpath," they said.



te w to Ao ttAi n KeLe. Lo Ki xi L wi de. A Ke
Te watohocinąkre rogiǧirawiže. "Hąké
These the sons-in-laws they forbade them to go. "Not



p. 83 —
A Ly L ni Kette ay Le de. A Ly L n K. A Ke tt.
haraíranikje," aíreže. Haraíranąga hageja,
they must go," they said. They went, and afterwards,



no xA w. w Lo xA wi de. e tt.
nųxawą, waruxawiže. Éja
in secret, they followed them. There



wi L Ai wi de. e tt A Ai.
wirahiwiže. Éja hahí
they caught up to them. There they went



p. 84 —
wo Lo xotto wi de. wo Ki roKo wo xtt[i] w Ai wi de.
woroǧocwiže. Wokizokwoxjį wahiwiže.
and looked on. Very fond they were of them.



wo dA reAette* A ni Le de. w Ki r n K. e rKe.
Wošá sérec hanireže, wąkizánąka. Ésge
Spear long they had, the enemies. Therefore,

*this should be reLette.



w w Ko no Ko noKo n Kede. e tt w o wi de. w K tt n K.
wawakųnųkųnųknąkše. Éja wa’ųwiže, Wakąjanąka.
they would get cut up. There they did, the Thunders.



p. 85 —
n m tteAey d o wi de. t reAe reAele Ai wi de. e Ki.
Nąmąceižą ’ųwiže. tasesep hiwiže. Égi
A warclub they made. Burnt black here and there [they did.] Then



Ai d Ai tto w Le de. n m tteAe t reAe l K.
hižą hijowáreže. Nąmące tasépka
one went over. Warclub the black[ened]



rA niKi ni Ko. A lA Ai. Aoy Ao K. A ntt
sanįknigų hap’áhi hoihuga haną́c
in whatever direction [towards] he swung it all



wy rAK ra de. e tt w o n K. m Ao tt xitti Ai wi de.
waisaks’aže. Éja wa’únąka mąhujáxjįhiwiže.
he would kill. The[re] the enemies* they killed all.

*literally, "the ones who did it."



e Ki nolo Ki L niKi Ao t Ai wi de.
Égi nųpkira nįk hotahiwiže.
Then only two [little ones] did they leave.



Ai no Kini Ki d. w Kini Ki d de de Ko
Hinųknįkižą wąknįkižą žežegų
A little girl a little boy that many



p. 87 —

Ao t w Ai wi de. e Ki te tt n tte tt w o Ao Ai Le de.
hotawahiwiže. Égi Tejąnajeja wa’ųhúhireže.
they let remain alive. And [to the shore of the] Ocean they came.*

*this has been translated as "in the middle of the ocean they threw them."



w L Ki r n dii wi. w KdiKi A dtt wi Ki ni Ke
"Warakizánaš’įwi. Wąkšik hašjawiginige,
"You always want to fight. People Whenever you see,



n L xi deAe Le xitti A L ni dAe Ktt wi w w Ky Le de.
nąraǧišerexjį haranišekjawi," wawagaireže.
you shall be frightened always from henceforth," they said to them.



p. 88 —
leAe tti L Ai ni Ky Le Ktt wi n wi wi K wi de.
"'Pejira,' hinįgairekjawiną," wiwigawiže.
"'Cranes', they shall call you," they said to him.



e Ko Ko wi de. w to Ao ttAi L. Aoyi ni Ke L Le deKe.
E guguwiže. Watohócira hoinįgerarešge
They came home. The sons-in-law even for nothing



A ttA w ni Le Kette ni rK n Ki di di Ke
hacawanirekjeniskanagiži, žigé
they treated them well, but even



K Ki L xitti Ai Le de. e Ki. A Ko Ley d L.
gakiraxjį hireže. Égi hagoreižąra
more now they were. And after a time



p. 89 —
w Kidi Kn K. ni Ktt Ki d. A K ni Le de ay Le n.
wąkšíknąka nįkją́gižą hagánireže. Aíreną,
the human a child they had for him. They say



w Ki di. e Ki. A Ko Le d. wK no nK.
wąkiži. Égi hagorežą wąknunąka
a male child. Then one day the old man



we de. A A. Ai noKo A xitti wi L.
wéže, "Hą́hą, hinųkhaxjįwira.
said, "Ho, my daughters.



p. 90 —
de tt ny xitti. w to Ao ttiAin KeK.
Žejanaíxjį watohocinąkega
About time these sons-in-law



ni Ke Ao w tti w o ni Ki di. ny di.
nįgé howajiwa’ųnigiži naį́ži
wherever they came from about now



w Ko no ni Le Ko ni. e de. e Ki. A Koy Le de.
wakununiregųnį," éže. Égi haguireže.
they must be lonesome for them," he said. Then [they came back.]



p. 91 —
ni ttAe tte tt A Ki Li Le Ki di. Ai noKo n K.
Nįcejéja hagiriregiži, hinųknąka
To the edge of the waters when they got to , the women



ni L m ni Ai Le de. wK n KeLe n ttK wi K deKe.*
nįra mani hireže. Wąknągerena cgawigaške
the [water] to walk [they did.] These men [when they] would try it

*the syllable ttK appears to have been written as tteK.



Ai Ke w d de rK ni de. e rKe. Ai noKo
hįké wažą žesganįže. Ésge hinų́k
not anything they could not make of it. So the woman



p. 92 —
xoAo no tt ne we de. tto l A. Aoy tte L.
xunująne wéže, "Jobą́hą hoijéra
the youngest said, "Four times our steps



Ao Ki tte wi Le w wi Ke de. de rKe Ai Le de.
hogijewire," wawigeže. Žesge hirežé.
step in," she said to them. [Thus] they did it.



K tt de Ko xitti ni L A m ni A ttiy K Ly Le de.
Gająžegų́xjį nįra hamani hajiakaraireže.
And right off the water to walk they started to.



p. 93 —
e tt A Ki. tee w Ai L ni Ae L. ni al w Ai Le de. e Ki.
Éja hagi t’ewahiranihera nį’ąpwahireže. Égi
Thereat where they had killed the others they brought them back to life again. Then



e tt. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Le L. n m tteAe L. Ao Koo Ai Le de.
Éja hicakórohirera nąmącera hok’ųhireže.
there their friend the warclub they gave to him.



Ai o tt Ki Ki Le de. A Ke liAi Ai o L w Lo liAi ni de
Hi’ųjagigireže. Hąké pįhi’ųra warupįnįže,
They made him try it. Not easily he could not learn to use it,



p. 94 —
ay Le n. m dtt xitti rAi L Lx e tti Ke Le Ai Ki ra de
aíreną. Mąšjąxjį siraraxejigerehigis’aže,
they say. Very loud he would make it [...]* sound,

*there are unreadable marks in the dieresis that may represent an erasure.



ay Le n. A Ke liAi Ai o Lo xoAo Lo Kini de
aíreną. Hąké pįhihi’ų ruxuruknįže,
they say. Not easily he could not use it,



ay Le n. e Ki. w Ky Le de. A Ke Ai ttA Ko Lo.
aíreną. Égi wagaíreže, "Hąké hicakóro
they say. Then they said to him, "Not my friend



p. 95 —
Aoy ni Ke xitti A K te e. Ki Ao niy tte. di Ke
hoinįgexjį hąká teé gihunįaje. Žigé
for nothing never this do not swing it. And



Ai doo Kette Ki di. lAi Ai Lo r tte. A Ke
hi’ųkjegiži, pįhí rusaje. Hąké
when you want to use it, take it out carefully. Not



m dtt Lo KoLo ttini doAo now tte Ai Ky Le de.
mąšją́ rokorojinįšųnųwaje," higaíreže.
jar it do not ever do it too much," they said to him.



p. 96 —
e Ki. e tt w Ki Lo tteAe de. tee w Ai L ni Ae L.
Égi éja wakiruježe. T’ewahiranihera
Then there he separated from them. The ones that were killed



ni al w Ai L n K. w Ki do A K Ly Le de. w K tt L.
nį’ąp wahiranąga wakížu hakaraíreže. Wakąjara
alive they made again, and with them went home. The Thunders



Ao w K Ly Le de. e Ki Ai deKe. Ai ttA wi L.
howakaraireže. Égi hišgé hicawįra
they went home. Then he also with his wife



ni Ktt Kini KL. wi Ki t ni ttAi L. Ao w K L w de.
nįkjąknįkra wigi taní cira howakarawaže.
his child together the three home they went to.



e Ki. Ki wi Ki di. wK no n K. we de.
Égi giwigiži, wąknunąka wéže,
Then when they got home, the old man said,



Ai ttAo deKe. Ai ttAo deKe niKi A L. e ttAo ni
"Hicųšgé! hicųšgénįkhara! econi
"My grandson! my little grandson! first



Aoyi Ke we Ki Ki wi Le e de. e ttAo ni
hoikewegigiwire," éže. Econi
let him come in," he said. First



Aoyi Ke we Ki Ki Le de. A Ao e Ki. di di Ke
hoikewegigireže "Hąho! égi žižige
they let him go in. ["Hello!] then again



Ai noKo tteAe KL. Aoyi Ke we Ki Ki Ki di. A Kini xitti.
hinųkcékra hoikewegigigiži." Haknįxjį
my daughter-in-law let her come in." Last of all



p. 99 —
w Kette K Aoyi Ke we de. K tt. te n Kde. A Ke
wąkjéga hoikeweže. Gáją tenąk’še. Hąké
the man came in. There they were. Not



w wi Keye rKy L ni de. to i w Ki Ki de.
wawigiesgairaniže. To’įwagigiže.
he did not know them. He had dressed them up.



p. 100 —
Lo K n K nl li Le de. Ai ttAo deKe niKi L m dtt
Rokanaganapireže. Hicųšgenįkra mąšją
Very bright they were. His little grandson very much



w K L Ki xeAe te de. de Ko wy deAe de.
wąkra gixeteže. Žegų́ waišeže.
[the man] he loved him. [Thus] he was with him always.



e ni Ktt KL o mK deAe. de e A Ko Ley d.
E nįkjąkra umąkše. Teé hagoreižą
Him the child got used to. Then after a time



A Ae Le Ki. w K KeLe Ai Ki Ki di. Ai ttA wi L
hąhéregi wą́gere hikįgiži. Hicawįra
in the night the man he woke up. To his wife



p. 101 —
w K L Ke de tt rKe Ai ttA wi A xitti.
wąkra geže, "Jasgé hicawįhąxjį?"
[the man] said, "How are you my wife?"



woy L Ki xeAe te de e de. Ai no K KeAe. A A a.
Woiragixeteže?" éže. Hinųké, "Hąhą’ą ,"
Do you love me?" he said. The wife: "Yes,"



e de. e Ki. w Ke de. Ay ni Ki di. w Ki d.
éže. Égi wageže, "Hainigíži wągížą
she said. Then he said, "In the morning a man



p. 102 —
Ai Ki tti Ktt n Ai n. Ai Ki o tti w o Ktt n Ae n.
higijikjanahiną. Hiki’ųji wa’ųkjanaheną.
will come here. to gamble with me He will come.*

*this actually means, "he will do it."



Ai Ko y Ki rKe Ktt on Ae n. A o A tti t wi Ki di.
Hikuaigisgekjonaheną. Ha’ųhajitawigiži
He will look just like me. As we go on to wrestle



Ai Ko tt rKe Ki di. m w too te Ktt n Ae n.
hikųjasgegiži wat’ųtekjanaheną.
without fail to the ground I will throw him.



p. 103 —
Ai Ki rA K tte. A A a A o Ktt n Ae n e de.
hikisakje. "Hąhą’ą, ha’ųkjanaheną," éže.
Kill him for me. "Yes, I will do it," she said.



Ao w Le L. Ay ni K tt. te we L Ki. w Ki d
howarera, hainigáją tewéraki wągížą
Sure enough, in the morning there unexpectedly a man



tti de. A Ao. Ai Ki Ki o Ktt n Ae K tt.
jižé. "Hąho! higiki’ųkjanahegają.
came. "Hello! we shall gamble, of course.



p. 104 —
w KL ni Ke A Ki Ki tty Le Ki Ki Ki oyi Le doAo no K tt
Wąkra nįgé hagigijairegi, kiki’ųire šunugają,"
Men anywhere when they meet, they gamble always,"



e de. A Ki Ki w Ki o ni n. Ao rKe deKe Ai Ke
éže. "Hagigiwaki’ųniną. Hosgeške hįké
he said. "I never gamble. Besides not



w Le Ai Ai ttAo ni n. e de tt rK n K.
warehíhicųniną," éže. "Jasganąka?
I have nothing to bet," he said. "How can it be?



p. 105 —
Ao o L de Ko K tt. w Le Ai deKe ni ttAo d nK dA n.
Ho’ųražegųgają. Warehíšgenicųžanąkšaną.
It is customary. You have plenty to bet.



Ai ttAo Ke L K deKe Ae Ley n K. Ai ttA wi L K deKe.
Hicokeraga ške hereanąga hicawįraga ške
Your grandfather and [besides] your wife and



p. 106 —
Ai niKi L K deKe e de. A Ao. Ai o Kette Ko ni
hinįkraga ške," éže. "Hąho! hi’ųkjegųnį,"
your boy [also]," he said. "Yes indeed! we shall do it,"



e de. tt Ko Ai o K tt n Ae de. e de.
éže. "Jagú hi’ųkjanaheže?" éže.
he said. "What shall we play?" he asked.



Ao Ki n K Ktt n Ae K tt e de. e Ki.
"hųkinagakjanahegają," éže. Égi
"We shall wrestle," he said. Then



n m ttAe lA L ri d. Ai tt w r Ke Le de. de e e.
nąmą́ceparasižą hijá wazakereže. Že’e
a flat, baldheaded warclub* there he stuck in the ground.† It

*nąmą́ce, "warclub"; paras, "broad, flat"; -ižą, "a, one." The description of the warclub as "baldheaded" is added from the knowledge of the translator. For a picture of this sort of club, see the translation.
†"in the ground" is an interpolation.



p. 107 —
w K rA KL Ae Le de. A Ki ni n di wi Ke Le.
wągasakra hereže. Hakíninąžįwigere.
to kill the loser with he was. They got a hold of one another.



o xitti wi de. A Ko Ley d. Ai d A ni Ki ni li Le de.
’Ųxjįwiže. Hagoréižą, hižą hanįginįpireže.
Very much they did. Finally, one he was thrown down.



p. 108 —
A Ko Ai Ki Ki rK wi de. A ttA tte K Ae Le Ki A Ke
Haguhikikisgawiže. Hacąjegaheregi, hąké
Exactly alike they looked. Which was which, not



Ai lAe Lere liAi ni de. A ni Ki ni li Le K. we de.
hiperezepįnįže. Hanįginįpirega wéže,
it could not be known. The one thrown down he said,



Ao Ao Aow. Ai Ae xitti A ni Ae L. Ai ttA wi A xitti
"Hohohowá! hihexjįhanihera, hicawįhąxjį,
"Oh my! I told you about this, my wife,



p. 109 —
mo too ne n e de A Ao. Ai ttA wi A xitti
mot’ųnéną," éže. "Hąho, hicawįhąxjį,
but he has thrown me [to the ground]," he said. "Now, my wife,



Ai Ki rA Kn ne e de. Ai tt ney KeLe. Ai no KL. e tt
hikisaknane," éže. hijaneakre. Hinųkra éja
kill him for me," he said the other. The woman there



Ao Ki datt deAe. de Ko A ttA K Li li Kette ni rKe de.
hugiš’acše, žegų hacągá ripikjeniskeže.
she was puzzled, [and] which to strike, she did not know.



p. 110 —
o tt o. Ai ttAo Ke L. we de. Ai noKo tteAe KL.
ųja’ų, hicokera wéže, "Hinųkcekra,
Finally, her father-in-law said, "My daughter-in-law,



Ai ttAo deKe A L tt Ko e Ki di o Le e de.
hicųšgehara, jagú egiži, ’ųre," éže.
my grandson, what he told you, that do," he said.



e Ki K tt K. A w roAo ttn K Ki rAK deAe.
Égi gająga hawasųcnąka gisákše.
Then only the under one did she kill.



Ao Ao Aow. Ai tteKe wi n. de rKe
"Hohohowá! hįcgewíną. žesge
"Oh my! tired he made me. That is what



p. 111 —
Ly Ke y Le Ke Ai Ae xitti K tt e de.
raige yarége, hihexjįgają," éže.
you would do I thought, so I told you very much," he said.



e Ki. leAe ttL Lo K n xitti Ao tooyi L n K
Égi péjara rokanaxjį hot’ųiránąga
Then a fire great they built, and



e tt Ao too Ly Le de. t xAo Ai Le de. di Ki Ko
éja hot’ųraireže. Taxuhíreže. Žigígų
there they threw him. They burnt him up. Again



p. 112 —
e de. Ai tti t tte w ow tte. di Ki d
éže. "Hijitaje wa’ųwaje. Žigižą́
he said it. "Mighty do you. One again



tti Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ko di Ke m w too te Ktt n Ae n
jikjanaheną. Higųžigé wat’ųtekjanaheną,"
he will come. Again to the ground I will throw him,"



e de. Ao w Le L. Ay ni Ki di di Ki d tti de
éže. howarera, hainigíži žigížą́ jiže.
he said. Sure enough, in the morning again one came.



p. 113 —
di Ki Ko Ao Ki nK deAe. di Ki Ko mo too ne de.
Žigígų hųkinąkše. Žigígų mot’ųneže.
Again he wrestled with him. Again he threw him to the ground.



di Ki Ko Ai noKo tte K. rii xitti Ao Ki datt deAe.
Žigígų hinųkjega s’ixjį hugiš’acše.
Again the woman very long she was puzzled.



di Ke Ai ttAo Ke L e Ki K tt K Ki rAK deAe.
Žigé hícokera egigająga gisákše.
Again her father-in-law only when he spoke did she kill him.



p. 114 —
di Ke t xAo Ai Le de. e Ki. di Ki Ko Ai d
Žigé taxuhíreže. Égi žigígų hižą
Again they burnt him. Then again one*

*the translation has "another one."



tti de. tto l A. de de rKe wi L tti Le Ki di.
jiže. Jobąhą žežésge wirajiregiži.
came. Four times this kind came to them.



Ai tto li Ke tee w Ai de. de e.
Hijóbike t’ewahiže. Žeé
All four of them he killed. This, the one



p. 115 —
xeAe te K L Ki Ai L ni Ae L. e w o nK deAe.
xetekaragi hiranihera. E wa’ųnąkše.
to be raised for them they left. Them it was.



Ai L n Ki Ki Le o w oyi Le de. e Ki. wK no ni K.
Hiranákíkire ’ųwa’ųireže. Égi wąknunik
To beat one another to him they were trying to do. Then the old man



we de. Ai Ke w d de rK ni Ktt n Ae n.
wéže, "Hįké wažą žesganikjanaheną.
said, ["Not] [thing] [like this will ever be.]*

*translated as, "very might it will be."



p. 116 —
Ai Ki xA n Ktt wi n e de. Ai ttAo Ke Ai Le L.
Higixanąkjawiną," éže. hicokehirera
Let us move," he said. The grandfather



we de. e Ki. wK no n K w o de.
wéže. Égi wąknunąka wa’ųže.
[said it.] Then the old man did [it].



ttAi doAoyi d. Lo doAo Lo tt n K. e tt.
Cišuižą rušorójąnąga éja
One of the tent poles [he] pull[ed] up, and there



Aoyi K w wi de. e Ki. Ai Lo A Li xitti A Ki
hoikáwawiže. Égi hiroharixjį hagi
they went in. And away off at



p. 117 —
ttAi d Ki Koo Ai Le de. n w ttA KL. rA ttA
cížą k’i’kųhireže. Nąwacakra sacą
a house they made for themselves. Fences five of them



A Ki A Ao we Ai Le de. e Ki. K tt.
hikihahowehireže. Égi gają
they put one within the other. Then there



wK Lo tteKe ttAi n Ke tt. Ao KL. Ai niKi
Wąkrúcge cinąkeja hųkra hiník
Giant at the village the chief his sons



p. 118 —
w Ai Ki di xA w ni Ai Le de. tt rKe w oyi Le Ki di
wahigiži, xawanį́ hireže. Jasgé wa’ųiregiži,
[that were sent,] to be lost they were. What became of them,



A Ke w w leAe Le ri L ni de. e rKe.
hąké wawapereziranįže. Ésge,
not they did not know. Therefore,



w K ttA KL. w Lo K n w Ki Ki Ai Le de. A Ko Ley d
Wakącągera warukąną wagigi hireže. Hagoréižą
the Holy Ones to ask to locate them* [to cause them to do it] they did. Finally,

*waruką́ną means, "to go into a trance to recover a lost thing" (Miner).



p. 119 —
Ai d w wi leAe Lere deAe. A Ko Le d. ttAi n Ki d.
hižą wawíperezše. "Hagoréžą cinągižą
one knew of them. "Once a village



de tt L wi L. e tt. w Kono d. Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki d.
žejąrawira. Éja wąknužą hocįcįnįgìžą
you ended. There an old man a boy



xeAe te Ai L Ki Ki wi L. xeAe te ni Ki Ki wi L
xetehi ragigiwira. Xete nigigiwira,
to raise him you let him. To raise him he has done it for you,



p. 120 —
e w o n. tee w Ai n. e Ki. Kiy ri Le n.
e wa’úną t’ewahíną. Égi kiasireną."
and he is the one that has killed them. Then they ran away."



A Ao. A Ke liAi ni Ai Le n. Ai Ki n Ki di.
"Hąho! hąké pįnįhireną. Higinąkiži
"Ho! not they have not done right. If they were here



A ro Ai Ai w ttAi wi doKo ni ni de. te e di.
hazohíhi waciwišgųnįnįže. Téeži,
fair[ly] we would try them over. As it is,



p. 121 —
Ki[y] r L. e Ki liAi Le Ke w o Ai Le K tt.
ki[a]sara ekipihirege wa’ųhiregają
to run away they like best [so they did it]



Kiy ri L Le. ay Le de. e rKe. tee w Ai Le Ktte
kiasirare," aíreže. Ésge t’ewahirekje,"
they have run away," they said. Therefore, go kill them,"



ay L n K. wo ni A Ao Ai Le de. wi L tti Le de.
airanąga wonį́ hahuhireže. Wirajireže.
they said, and to look for them they came. They came upon them.



p. 122 —
wK no n K. m i lA xeAe te L. Lo A xitti Ki Koo de
Wąknunąka mąįpaxetera rohąxjį kik’ųže,
The old man big headed arrows very many he made for himself,



ay Le n. wi L Ai Le Ki di. o xitti Le de. Ki r L
aíreną. Wirahiregiži, ’ųxjįreže kizára.
they said. When they came to them, very mighty they fought.



w Kono n K. m lA xeAe te L Ai d o Le Ai K
Wąknunąka mąpaxetera hižą ’ųrehiga
The old man big headed arrow one he shot



p. 123 —
Ao Aitti ttAK Ai ra de. de rK no ni Ke Ai Ke
hohįcakhis’aže . Žesganųnįge, hįké
it would knock many down on its way. Even then, not



w d de rK ni de. n w ttA KL. Ai n Ke Ai wy de Le de.
wažąžesganiže. Nąwacakra hinagehi waižereže.
they were not able to do much. The fences one after another they broke down.



K tt K. w ni mi Ki Le Ktte L dA n Ao t K tt.
Gająga wanimįgirekje. Rašana hotagają.
Now they were about to seize them. That was all that was left to do.



p. 124 —
e Ki. Ai noKo tt ne. Ai K n L. Ko Lo Koro Koro deAe.
Égi hinųkjąne hikánara korokoskosše.
Then then woman her husband she shook.



ni di Ai ttA Ko Lo w L K. w di d
"Niží! hicakórowaraga wažį́žą
"Say! your friends something



Ao ni Koo Ai Le n y Le e de. Ao Ao. a n K.
honik’ųhirenąire?" éže. "Hoho!" anąga
they gave you?" she said. "Hoho!" and



p. 125 —
ttAi L Ao Ki nK deAe. e tt Ki di A Ke
cira hóginąkše. Éjagiži. Hąké
to the house he ran. There it was. Without



Ai tt liAi n tte o ni de. m dtt xitti A ni Ko K tt
hijapįhinaje ’ųníže. Mąšjąxjį hanikugają.
care he did not do it. Mightily he brought it forth.



m dtt xitti ttAi w tti Ke Le de. Ai ttAo Ke L deKe.
Mąšjąxjį ciwajigereže. Hicokeraške
Very mightily it thundered. His grandfather



p. 126 —
Ai L rA A m ni K L Ki de. A Ke di tee Ai ni de.
hirasá hamanikaragiže. hąkéži t’ehiniže,
also he affected. But not he did not kill him,



no ni Ke my tt Ki nili deAe. e Ki. A ni Ai Ai nl n Ki de.
nųnįgé maįjakinipše. Égi hanihihinapnagiže.
but he fell to the ground. Then he ran out with it.



p. 127 —
e de Ko de. m Ao tt xitti Ai de. w K tt L deKe
Ežegų́že. Mąhujáxjįhiže. Wakąjara ške
That was all. He killed all of them. The Thunders also



A Ki Li Le de. e Ki. wK no n K we de. A A.
hakiríreže. Égi Wąknunąka wéže, "Hąhą́,
came. Then the old man said, "Now then,



Ai ttAo deKe de tt ny xitti. ni Ke.
hicųšge, žejanaíxjį nįgé
my grandson, about now somewhere



p. 128 —
A Ki miy n Ki Ktt n Ae n. te e di. tt r Ke
hagimianągikjanaheną. Teéži jasgé
I will go and settle down. But you whatever



L Kette Ki di. doo L tte Ktt n Ae n. te e di.
rakjegiži š’ųrajekjanaheną. Teéži,
you want you can do. But me,



Ai noKo tteAe K. e Ki. Ai ttAo deKe niKi A L.
hinųkceka, égi hicųškénįkhara
the daughter-in-law, and my little grandson



p. 129 —
w K L Ki do A ttAi Ktt n Ae n. Ai ttA Ko Lo w L K.
wakarakížu hacikjanaheną. Hicakórowaraga
with them together I will live with. Your friends



e tt. doo Kette deKe. ni Ke deKe. ne
éja š’ųkješke nįgé ške ne
there you can [be] [someplace]* or else me

*š’ųkješke nįgé is translated as "you can stay with."



Ai L K L Ki ttAi Ktt wi Ki di. e de. e Ki we de.
hirakaragicikjawigiži," éže. Égi wéže,
you can live with," he said. Then he said,



p. 130 —
Ai ttA Ko Lo w A L. e w K L Ki do Ai o Ktt n Ae n e de
"Hicakorowahara e wakarakížu hi’ųkjanaheną," éže.
"With my friends [them] with I will stay with," he said.



e Ki. wK no nK Le. xeAeyi d. Ao ttAi de.
Égi wąknunąkre xeižą hociže
Then the old man in a hill lived



mo Ki rA KeAe Ki. mr ni al wi Lo K n L Ae Le de.
mokisakegi. Mązanį’ąpwirųkanara hereže.
in the middle of this earth. Chief of the Live Irons he is.



p. 131 —
e Ki. Ai ttAo deKe. m n KeLe tt tty xitti
Égi hicųšge, mąnąkre jajaį́xjį
And my grandson, the earth as long as



ni Ae Ki di. e K A ni Ae Ktt n A wi n e de.
nįhegiži egahanihekjanahawiną," éže.
that long here we will be," he said.



e Ki Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Le L. w KL. Ao w K L n
Égi hicakorohirera wągra howakarana
Then their friends up above [to go]



p. 132 —
A Ke Le n i Le Ki di. Lo da Ki Le de. K tt K
hakeré ną’įregiži, ruš’ákireže. Gająga
to take him they tried, but but failed. Then



de e Ai d w o de. a Ao m doAo Ko Lo r n K.
Žeé hižą wa’ųže. Ahu mąšu kurusanąga
[This one] one he did [it]. Wings feathers he took, and



p. 133 —
Ai tt Ai Ki o Ki di e tt ta de K tt K. de e.
hijahigi, ’ųgiži. Éja t’ąžekjaga. Žeé
[when he got there,] [he did.] Then only he could fly. That



e w o tte n. Koo L. A Ke. liAi Ai.
éwa’ųjeną k’ora hąké pįhí
he is the one the thunder never careful



ttiAi wi tti Ke Le Ai ni n KL. m dtt xitti.
ciwįjikerehininąkra. Mąšjąxjį
he does not do in his thunderings. Very mightily



Ao rA L xitti Ai Le doAo no L. w Kidi Ki tte K
hosaraxjįhirešųnųra. Wąkšigijega
they make it ring. The human



p. 134 —
e A Ai w o tte n. e Ki. A Ae L. w K tt L.
e hahí wa’ųjeną. Égi Hąhera Wakąjara
he [there at] he is the one who does it. And the Nights the Thunders



Ki K nK n Ki di. w Kidi Ki d w o n. w K tt L.
kikąnąkąnąkiži wąkšigížą wa’ųną. Wakąjara
they are intermarrying by a human's cause. The Thunders



w Ki doo tte n. A A de tt n
wagiš’ųjeną. Hąhą́, žejáną.
he is with them. [Well then,] [it is] ended.



Paul Radin, "Mązeniabera," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, nd) Notebook 21: 1-134 [Winnebago syllabary with interlinear translation].