Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Lost Blanket, Version 1

translated by Oliver LaMère

Winnebago V, #2: 123

English Translation

Stylistic Features
A more frequent use of the rare construction, éną.
A strong preference for causatives in -gigi-.


p. 123 —
di Ke ni Ke w KidiKi i i Ao we w o nK dA n.
Žigé nįgé wąkšikį’i howe wa’ųnąkšaną.
Again somewhere to be born [going about] [they did it.]



e Ki. e tt m L Ao L tte A Aoyi Le de.
Égi éja mąra horaje hahúireže.
And there the earth [to wander about] they came.



Ki di. w lA K n Ki Le de. e tt A Ko Ley d. xeAe ni di d.
Giži wapakąnąkireže. Éja hagoreižą, xenįšiža
And they were clever. There once a rocky cliff



p. 124 —
Lo xA n xA n. Ai Le de. e tt w K ttAi Le Ki di.
roxanąxaną hireže. Éja waką́ ciregiži,
to tear down [they did.] There snakes they lived, and



de e. w K w ttAe xi Ai Le Ki di. w Ki ry Le Ki di
žee waką́ wacexi hiregiži, wakizairegiži,
[these] [snake] savage they were, and they fought them, and



e rKe w oy Le de. xAe n K. my riAi ttAi. Ai Le de.
ésge wa’ųireže. Xenąka maisicį hireže.
that is why they did it. The hill to be rent to pieces it was.



e Ki. w K n K m Ao tt xitti Ai wi de. e tt.
Égi wakąnąka mahujaxjį hiwiže. Éja
And the snakes to be ended [they caused them.] There



o n Koo. Lo dtty Le Ki di. w i L a tt w K L
’ųnąk’ų rušjaįregiži, waira aja wakąra
[finally] when they got through, the blankets previously the snakes



p. 125 —
K n Ki L n K. w o n Ki di. xeAe te niKi tte K w i L Ki xA w ni de.
kanąkiranąga wa’ųnąkiži, xetenįkjega waira gixawąniže.
[he put it and] [as they did it,] the older one the blanket it was missing.



Ai Ko e tt Ao Lo xo xo tti Le K tt Ai rKe xitti xA w ni de.
Higų éja horuxuxujiregają, hisgéxjį xawaniže.
[Yet] there they looked about, but really it was missing.



w i d i Ki di. xeAe te niKi tte K. wi tto Kiri K
wa’įžą įgiži, xetenįkjega wijuksika
A blanket [which he had worn over his shoulder,] the oldest one [the weasel]*

*this is translated as "mink". However, having wijuksik, wijusigera as "weasel", are Jasper Blowsnake, Radin-Marino, Lipkind, Miner, Hocąk Wazijaci Language and Culture Program. There are no other instances in which this word is translated as "mink".



w i de Le de. de e Ai te KL e Ki o de.
waižereže.* Žee hitekra égi ’ųže.
[that is the one.] [That one] his uncle [here] he made.

*apparently for wa-hižere-že.



A ntt wo Lo reKe de. w i n K. de e Ae Le de.
Haną́c woruskeže, wainąka žee hereže,
[Everywhere] it was ornamented, the blanket [that one] it was,



p. 126 —
xA w ni K. e Ki. Ai deKe xoAo no tte K. Ai n LeKe
xawaniga. Égi hišgé xunujega hinarék*
[the missing one.] And [also] the youngest mouse†

*more usually hinanék.
†at the end of the sentence, LaMère adds the parenthetical addendum, "(timber mouse)".



A w i d i de. Ai Ko Ai deKe. liAi de.
haižą įže. Higų hišgé pįže.
a skin [he wore over his shoulder] [Yet] also it was good.



A ntt wo Lo rKe de. de e Ai d Ki xA w ni ne de.
Haną́c woruskeže. Žee hižą gixawąnineže.
[Everywhere] it was ornamented. [These] one of them it was lost.



e Ki. e tt Ai wo roAo ttn Ki di Ao we e tt
Égi éja hiwosųcnąkiži, howe éja
And [there] in the neighborhood, to go around [there]



wi w xiwi K tt Ai Ke w di leAe Le ri L ni de. to we
wiwąxiwigają, hįké wažipereziranįže. Towe
they inquired, but not they did not know anything about it. To keep on



p. 127 —
ow Ly Le Ki di. A Lo xA m L. Ao loAo nK Ao o
’ųwarairegiži, haruxa mąra hoponąk ho’ų
[as they were going along,] to begin the earth all over to go over



A Ly Le de. e tt ow Ai Le K tt te we L Ki. e tt.
haraíreže. Éja ’ųwahiregają, tewéraki, éja
they went. There as they were going along, unexpectedly, there



ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d nK deAe. Ko te e Ki Ao Ke we Ktte n.
ciporokeižą nąkše. "Koté, égi hokewekjeną.
an oval lodge there was. "Say, here let us go in.



ttAo K K e Ki. w d e di w o Ko ni
Cokaga égi wažą eši wa’ųgųnį
Grandfather here [something] [regardless] [he may have done it]



Ai Le Ai w o Ktt n Ae de. Ao rKe. e Ki. t ni Ai Ai Ktte n.
hirehi, wa’ųkjanaheže. hosgé, égi tanihihikjeną.
[he caused to do,] we will do it.* [Indeed,] [and] we will have a smoke.

*translated as, "To our grandfather, of course, we will not accuse him, by doing this, i.e., this will not be an accusation."



ttAo K K e Ki. a wi de. e tt Ao K w wi de.
cokaga égi," awiže. Éja hokawawiže.
grandfather here," they said. There they entered.



A Ao. ttAo K A tti n w d ny n. e Ki.
"Hąhó coka, hajiną, wašanainą. Égi
"Hahó grandfather, we have come, as we said. Here



p. 128 —
t ni A Ai Ktt wi Ai A wi Ke. ttAo K. ay Le de. mi nK Ki Li nK K n K.
tanihahikjawihihawige, coka," aíreže. Mįnąkirinąkanąga
as we would have a smoke, grandfather," they said. He sat up and



wo Lo xo ttK tt. te we L Ki Ao ttAi ttAi ni KL no liAi wi e tt
woroghocgają. Tewéraki, hocįcįnįkra nųpiwi éja
he looked at them. Unexpectedly, boys two there



mi nK K nK deAe. ttAo K e Ki Ao Ke we Ktte n Ai A wi Ke
mįnąkanąkše. "Coga égi hokewekjeną, hihawige,
they were sitting down. "Grandfather here we would come in, we said,



e Ki w K w wi n. t ni Ai Low Ko wi Ke Ai Ky Le de.
égi wągawawiną tanihi ruwaguwige," higaíreže.
[and] we came in to smoke as we longed for," they said to him.



p. 129 —
we L Ki de Ko di Ke miKi deAe.
Weraki, žegų žigé mįkše.
Unexpectedly, [then] again he laid down.



Lo Ke tt miKi deAe. xAo no nK KeLe
Rogeja mįkše. xununąkre
Inside he laid down. The youngest one



w o de. tal L n K. t ni Ao L. t ni Ao do L. roAowe tt
wa’ųže. T’ąparanąga tanihúra, tanihožura sųeja
[he did this.] He went forward and the pipe, the tobacco pouch back next to the wall



K L toolo w ow Ki di. Lo r n K. t ni Ao L Ao do de.
karat’ųp wa’ųwagiži, rusanąga tanihúra hožuže.
[he left] [having had it,] he took it and the pipe he filled it.



t e Aiy n K. Ai ni L. Ao Koo de. Lo ett Ki di. Ai dK K.
Taehianąga hiníra hok’ųže. Roejagiži, hišgaga
He lit it and his older brother he handed it. When he got through, he also



p. 130 —
Ao dow n K. Ai dK K t ni Ai de. Lo ett Ki di. w o de.
hožuánąga hišgaga tanihiže. Roejagiži, wa’ųže.
he filled it and he also smoked it. When he got through, [he did this.]



t ni Ao L. Ki rA Kitti Ao Lo Kdl deAe. Ao n L deKe
tanihúra kisákjį horukšapše. Hunąra ške
The pipe in two he split it. The pipe stem also



Ai L rA. e Ki di Ke. t niyo do L.
hirasa, égi žigé taniožura
[together with,] and again the tobacco pouch



de rKe Ki Ki de. Ki rA Kitti
žesge gigiže. kisákjį
these [he made.] In two



Ao Lo Kdl dAe. e Ki. Ai Lo i Ai tt w Ki K[i] nK deAe.
horukšapše. Égi hiroi hija wagiganąkše.
he split it. Then he tied there he made them.



e Ki. Ai Ai n li Le de. Ai L Le xitti Ki di. w Konow KeLe.
Égi hihinąpireže. hirarexjįgiži, wąknukre
Then they went out. After awhile, the old man



p. 131 —
Ki ritti Ki Li nK deAe. tt. e de. A ttAo w K Ly Le.
kisįckirinąkše. "Ja!" éže. "Haco,† wagaíreže?
he raised himself up. "Well,"* he said. ["What] [did they say?]

*LaMère's translation has, "Well, where have they gone to?".
†this is hacą with its last syllable extended, meaning, "What?".



Ko L. w d xeAe te xitti ay Le. t ni
korá, wažą xetexjį aire. Tani
Well, thing great they said. Tobacco



i Ki Ke Le xitti Ai Le. A Ai Kette L Le deKe.
igikerexjį hire. Hahikjerare ške
[to hardly press to my mouth] they did. Hardly enough for myself even



wy Ki tK m KL. tt Kow n e Ki t ni Ai w Ki Ki mK Kn.
waigitakmąkra, jaguana égi tani hiwagigimąkaną?
[I told it to them,] how here tobacco [I did for them?]



w d xeAe te xitti ay Le. e de. ni di
Wažą xetexjį aire," éže. "Niží,
Thing great one they ask," he said. ["Say,]



p. 132 —
w Kidi Ke Ai Ke e Ao we xitti ni n Ke. A Ke
wąkšige hįké e howexjįnįnąke, hąké
humans not here as they do not ever come, not



t ni Ai ttAo ni m Ke t ni L Ai Ki ttAe xiAi mK. e de.
tani hicųnįmąke, taníra higiceximąk," éže,
tobacco as I do not have, [the tobacco] [I hate to part with,"] he said,



a n K. mi n K n K we de. Ai tt ttAo we xitti niKi
anąga mįnąkanąga weže, "Hija cowéxjįnįk´
then he sat up and he said, "There a few



A K L ri ri tti Kette n e de. a n K. t ni Ao L. A K L ni
hakarasisijikjeną," éže, ánąga tanihúra hakarani
I will take puffs," he said, and his pipe he brought forth



Ai Ko K tt. mo Ki e tti Ke Le de. Ao Ao t ni Ao L.
higųgają mokie jikereže. "Hohó tanihúra,
and to burst apart [it suddenly did.] "O my my pipe,



woyi Ki niKi Kitti e de. di Ke t niyo do L A ni Ko K tt.
woiginikjį," éže. Žigé taniožura hanįgugają,
what a great loss," he said. Again his tobacco pouch when he brought forth,



p. 133 —
t ni L. mo Ki e Ai de. A ntt Lo xoAo de. Ao Ao.
taníra mokiehiže. Haną́c ruxože. "Hohó,
the tobacco it scattered in every direction. All he had spilled. "O my,



te de rKe w wo LK Kitti n KL. te de rKe Ke. A Ki K w a n K.
težesge waworakjįnąkra. Težesgege, hagikawą ánąga
thus they have been speaking of them. Therefore, I got up and



w w Ki do Kette t ni Ao L. y Le K tt. di Ke a tti Le L.
wawakižukje, tanihúra yaregają, žigé ajirera,*
I would fill it for him, the pipe I thought, but again [that they came,]

*for hajirera.



e ttA w dii K n K. Ai Ke A o ni L. e liAi
écą waš’ikanąga hįké ha’ųnira. Epį
but I took a dislike to him, so not I did not do it. It would have been better



p. 134 —
A n K tt w o. t ni Ao L woyi Ki niKi Kitti e de.
hanągają, wa’ų. tanihúra woiginikjį," éže.
[after I did,] I did it. The pipe it is lost," he said.



t ni L. y K L diAi diAi Ke A Ke w Ki o ni L. e ttA
"taníra yakarašišike, hąké waki’ųnįra, écą
"The tobacco because I was stingy, not I did not do it, but instead



woyi ni Kitti Ai Ki Ki Le a nK deAe. t ni L Ke we
woinįkjį higikire," ánąkše. taníra kewe
losing all [it was done for me,"] he was saying. His tobacco he picked up



Ai mi n K n K. e Ki.* Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n K. Ai Ko A Ky L.
himįnąkanąga égi hocįcįnįknąka higų hagaíra
as he laid, and the boys [yet] [sometimes]

*above and to the left of the /e/ are three short lines pitched at 45°, which were probably meant to indicate a new paragraph.



ni Ke. Ao K w n KLe. t ni Ao L. w wo Ki do Ai L n K.
nįgé hokawanąkre, tanihúra wawokižu hiránąga
[place] when they entered, the pipe to fill it for them they did and



e Ki w Lotto w Ki Ki Ai Le ra de. e Ki
égi warúc wagigi hires’aže. Égi
[then] food [to do for them] they would make. And



p. 135 —
A ntt w wi Ki nK deAe. tt n K. w d Ko rL w o L.
haną́c wawiginąkše. Janąga Wažągųsra wa’ųra.
all they knew them. All the Creator [he created them.]



e tt Ao w tti. w KidiKi i. w o nK Ke. tt n K.
Éja howaji wąkšigi wa’ųnąke, janąga
There [they came] [the living things] [because he made them,] all



m Ai xK xK L. A ntt e w Lo Ao Ai L n K.
mąhixgąxgąra, haną́c e warohohiranąga
the ones that moved upon the face of the earth, all they they had made a donation, and



e tt w KidiKi i. w o n Ke. Ai deKe Ai tt ne n K.
éja wąkšigi wa’ųnąke, hišgé hijanénąka
there [the living things] [because he made them,] also the others



w ni L w o nK deAe. A Ke t ni Ao Koo ni n K.
wanira wa’ųnąkše. Hąké tanihú k’ųnįnąka,
flesh he made them. Not pipe [that did not do,]



p. 136 —
e Ki. tt n tt ttAi Ke Le L Ki di A n ttAi xitti wo K w nK deAe.
égi janąja cikereragiži, hanącįxjį wokawanąkše.
and all that kept lodges, all they entered there.



tt n K. w d L. w KidiKi i Ki. A ntt Ai d Ki d n.
Janąga wažąra wąkšigigi, haną́c hižąkíšaną
All [the things] that lived, all one by one



Ao we w wo Ki tee w o nK deAe. di Ke de e
howe wawogit’e wa’ųnąkše. Žigé žee
going about to talk to them [they were doing it.] Again [these]



e tt. te we L Ki. ttAi loAo Lo Key d. Ai L Ai Le de. Ai ttAo K w wi de.
éja, tewéraki, ciporokeižą hirahireže. Hicokawawiže.
there, unexpectedly, an oval lodge they came. They entered in.



te we L Ki. w Konoyi d. e tt. roAo Ke Ki ra Kede. a K Ki nK
Tewéraki, wąknuižą éja sųkekis’akše. Agákinąk
Unexpectedly, an old man there he was warming his back. Opposite him



p. 137 —
A Ai mi nK Ki Le de. Ai L Le xitti K tt. w Kono L. Ai xK xK de. we de.
hahimįnąkireže. Hirarexjįgają, wąknura hixgąxgąže. Weže,
they sat. After awhile, the old man he began to move. He said,



tt A a. tt Ko de Ko w ni lA n ni rKe deKe
"jaha-á, jagú žegų wani pąnąnisgeške,"
"Well, [how] [now] flesh I seem to smell,"



e de. a n K. mi nK Ki Li n K tt. te we L Ki. a KLe Ki
éže, ánąga, mįnąkirinagają. Tewéraki, akregi
he said, and he sat up. Unexpectedly, opposite him



Ao ttAi ttAi ni KL. no liAi wi mi nK n Kede. Ao Ao. e liAi n.
hocįcįnįkra nųpiwi mįnąknąkše. "Hohó, epíną,
boys two they sat. "O my, it is good,



p. 138 —
Ai ttAo deKe wi L. A K w d K rKe mi nK w tee A.
hicųšgewira. Hagawažągasge, mįnąk wat’eha,"
my grandsons. What greatness, wonderful, sitting they have killed something,"



e de. e liAi n. ni lA n Lo Ko L. Loyi K n n KL.
éže. "epíną. Nipana rokorá roikananąkra.
he said. "It is good. Soup very much I was longing.



Ao tt w d xeAe te e de. Le xi d
Hojá, wažą xete," éže. Reǧižą
Even this much, [something] it is great," he said. A kettle



Ai tt A Ke Le de. e Ki. w o de. xoAo no n KLe.
hija hagereže. Égi wa’ųže. Xununąkre
[there] he put on. [Then] [he did this.] The younger one



A n Ko de. to xoAo Lo dK de. Lo rA K n K.
hanaguže. Toxorušgąže. Rusakanąga
he took hold and drew him to him. He choked him to death. He choked him and



dA Ki ow n K. ttA loAo xeKe L. Ao Lo rA K n K. m KL.
šagį ’ųanąga capoxgera horusakanąga mąkra
fingernails he used, and his neck he stuck it down, and [his breast]



p. 139 —
Lo lA n de. de Ko otto wo do L. Ai Lo doAo Lotto deAe.
rupanaže. Žegų ųjwožura hirušorocše.
he tore out. [Then] his entrails he took out.



de Ko Aiy n K. wo Ay tt Ao K nK deAe e Ki.
Žegų hianąga wohaija hokanąkše. Égi
Thus he did, and in the kettle he put him. Then



diAi lL. Lo Kii de. o xiAini L. Ki xiAi ni xiAi niy n K. e tt
šipra rok’įže. Uxinira gixįnįxįnįanąga* éja
the intestines he broiled. Live coals he spread out and there

*cf. xį́nį, "to knock off coals to make a fire blaze" (Lipkind).



Lo Kii de. Ao Ao A K w d a ri d. a nK deAe.
rok’įže. "Hohó, hakawažą asižą," ánąkše.
he broiled. "O my, what a delicious one," he kept saying.



Ai tt ne L. a KLe Ki mi n K n K. x KnK deAe. w Ko
Hijanera akregi mįnąknąka, ǧaknąkše. Wakú
The other opposite he sat, crying. He bowed his head



p. 140 —
mi n K n K. e Ki we de. w Kono n KLe. Ai ttAo deKe
mįnąknąka, égi weže, wąknukre, "hicųšgé,
he sat, and he said, the old man, "Grandson,



de n K a Le do do KL Ki Ktt n Ae n. de n K
ženąga áre, žužukra* kįkjanaheną. Ženąga
no more [utter,] to cook by charring [you will do your own.] [No more]

*at the top of the page of the English translation, it says, "žužúk = heat flesh by charring it".



a Le. tt Ko w d ri Ai roAo KL K. tt rK Le
áre, jagú wažą zi hisųkraga jasgare
[utter,] [how] [something] [brown] your brother [which is how]



A Ke de ni rK ni Kette de. te e to tt n K. A Ko Lo tt n K.
hąké ženisganįkježe. Tee tujanąga hakurujanąga
not [you will not be like.] [This one] he is cooked and I eat and



A Ke Ai lA n ni deKe. di Ke Ai Kow n.
hąké hįpąnąnį, ške žigé higuą́ną
not I have not gotten enough, [also] [again] immediately



p. 141 —
Ao ni K L A Ktt n Ae n e de. Ai L Le xitti K tt. te we L Ki.
honikarahakjánaheną," éže. Hirarexjįgają, tewéraki,
I will boil you," he said. After awhile, unexpectedly,



wo A tt ne xeAe Le K tt. e tt. Ai roAo Kini KL. w Ke Le L.
wohająne xeregają, éja hisųknįkra wakerera
the kettle began to boil, and there his brother headdress



Aoyi rii tti Ke Le de. Ai ttA w xeAele* m doAo
hois’įjikereže. Hicawaxep* mąšu
it stuck out a little ways for a moment. Eagle feather

*one would expect, Ai ttA w xetele (hicawaxšep). See "Young Man Gambles Often", page 154; nevertheless, this may be a natural outcome of sandhi.



Ao do do KL Ai d dA n
hožužukra hižą šana
fine ones on their heads one apiece



A Ke Le wi de. de e Aoyi rii tti Ke Le de. de Ko
hakerewiže. Žee hois’įjikereže. Žegų
they had. This it peeped out a moment. So



we riAi wi n Koo. te we L Ki wo Ay tt. Aoyi rii tti Ke Le de.
wesįwinąk’ų, tewéraki, wohaija hois’įjikereže.
he watched it, and unexpectedly, out of the kettle he peeped out a moment.



p. 142 —
Ai Kd n K. e Ki. n w de. x Kn KL. m ttoKo ni Ke tt.
Hikšánąga égi nąwą́že, ǧaknąkra, mącgunįkeja
He smiled and then he sang, the one who was crying, on his bowstring



Ao K L tti ttiy n K. m ni KL Ai d Ai Koow n K. n w de.
hokarajijįanąga mąnįkra hižą hik’ųanąga nąwą́že.
he began to strike and his arrows one of them he used, and he sang.



L dL L tt n K. w K ttA Ki de Le n. Ai roAo KiniKi A L.
Rašra racanąga "Wakącąkižereną,* hisųknįkhara,"
His name he called, and, ["He is a holy one,] my little brother,"

*< wakącąk-ižą-hereną.



e w nK deAe. te we L Ki w diAi tte de. Lexe
e wanąkše. Tewéraki, wašiježe, reǧ
he he said it. Unexpectedly, he was dancing, pot



Lo Ke tt. e Ki. w Kono n KeLe we de. Ai ttAo deKe
rogeja. Égi wąknunąkre weže, "hicųšgé,
within. Then the old man he said, "Grandson,



p. 143 —
w K ttA Ke w dA n Ko ni. tt Ko diAi lL deKe
wakącąke wašanagųnį, jagú šipra ške
because he was holy I suppose it is why you say it, but his entrails [also]



A tt Ki ni n. to tti Ko Lo Ao ni Lo L di Ke. tt Ko
hacaginįną. Tujikorohoni rora, žigé jagú
I have already eaten. It is about to be cooked his body, so what



Ly dK Kette de. w n tto tty rKe w dA dA nK e de. ne
raišgąkježe? Wanajojaisge, wašašąnąk," éže. Ne
you can do? Very pitiable, as you say this," he said. I



ey di wy K ttAK dA n e de. e Ki.
eiži waikącąk šana," éže. Égi
instead I am holy [alone,"] he said. But



Ai Ko n w nK deAe. Ai Kd mi n K n K w nK deAe.
higų nąwąnąkše. Hikšá mįnąkanąga wanąkše.
[still] he sang. He smiled he sat and [he said this.]



p. 144 —
w xtt xtt Ai tte Ki di A tt mi n K n K w n Ke
Waxjaxja hijegiži, hajá mįnąknąka wanąke,
Very funny [as he was acting,] to see sitting as he sang,



e rKe. A Kd mi n K n K w nK deAe. Ko L
ésge hakša mįnąknąka wanąkše. "Korá
that is why he smiled sitting he sang. "Well



Ai ttAo dKe. L x Kd n KL di Ke Ai L Kd.
hicųšgé, raǧakšanąkra, žigé hirakša
grandson, you were crying, now laughing



dA nK e de. Ai Ke A tt ni w nK deAe
šanąk," éže. Hįké hajanį wanąkše.
you are," he said. Not he did not see, he said it.



te w diAi tt n. A Lo xA m dtt w diAi L.
Te wašijąną. Haruxa mąšją wašira
[This one] he danced. Harder [much] to dance



ow ne de. A Ai Le xL Ao w Lo Ai de. e tt.
’ųwaneže. Hahi, reǧra howarohiže. Éja
[he did ?]. Finally, the kettle he made it swing. [There]



p. 145 —
w o de. wo A tt ne. wi Ki ni tti tte Ai de. e Ki.
wa’ųže. Wohająne wikįnį́ jijehíže. Égi
[he did it.] The kettle grease or oil he turned it into it. [Then]



w o de a tti nK n K n K. e Ki. Le xL A n Kodo de.
wa’ųže. Ajinąknąkanąga égi reǧra hanąkšųže.
[he did this.] He jumped out and [then] the kettle he tipped over.



de Ko Ai L n K Ai Ai nl n Ki Le de. t e L Lo K n xitti de.
Žegų hiránąga hihinąpnąkireže. Taera rokanaxjįže.
Thus he did and they ran out. To burn it did very much.



w Ki ni tte K e Ai t e Ki di. Lo K n de. e tt
Wakįnį́jega e hitaegiži, rokanaže. Éja
The oil it [on account of its burning,] [it was much.] There



p. 146 —
w Kono L t tteAele deAe. Ai Kd L Lo K n w nK deAe.
wąknura tacépše. Hikšára rokana wanąkše.
the old man he was burned up. To laugh very much [they did it.]



Ko te w Kono diAi diAi Ki d Ae Le Ko ni e rKe. diAi lL
"Koté, wąknušišikižą heregųnį, ésge šipra
"Say, a bad old man he must be, that is why my intestines



Ai Lo ttK tt a n Kede. tt rKe xitti w K ttA Kn KL A Ke
hirucgają," ánąkše. jasgéxjį wakącąknąkra, hąké
he ate," he said. To what extent they were holy, not



Ai K L leAe Le rini nK deAe. A Lo xA Ai Ly ttAe L Ai K L lAe Le r Ly Le de.
hikaraperesnįnąkše. Haruxa hiraicera hikaraperesaraireže.*
they did not know. Beginning more they were finding out.

*< hi-kara-peres = hara-ire-že.



tt rKe w K ttA KL n KL. e dA n Ai Ly ttAe L
Jasgé wakącągera nąkra ešana hiraicera
[How] the holy [the ones who sat] they alone the most



p. 147 —
w K ttAK w o nK deAe m te e. e Ki
wakącąk wa’ųnąkše, tee égi
holy [they were it,] earth this and



di Ke w KLe Ki deKe. Ko A Le Ki deKe. e tt di Ke
žigé wągeregišge kųhąregišge éja žigé
[again] above and below and there [again]



to we L wi de. Ao we w i Ao K L ni w o nK deAe.
towerawiže. Howe wa’į hokarani wa’ųnąkše.
they went on. About blanket hunting they were it.



tt n K. ttAi Ke Le L wi Ki di A ntt wo o A AK wi de.
Janąga ci kererawigiži, hanąc wo’ųhahągwíže.
All lodges if they kept them, [all] they went to them.



Aoyi diAili Ai tt ne n K. liAi wo Koo Ai L wiy n K.
hoišíp hijanénąka wok’ų hirawianąga
Always the others [good] to give to them they did and



p. 148 —
t ni Ai w Ki Ki nK deAe deKe. de e di Ke
tani hiwagiginąkše, ške žee žigé
tobacco [they did for them,] [also] [these] again



A Ko Ley d e tt. ttAi loAo Lo Key d nK deAe.
hagoreižą éja ci porokeižą nąkše.
finally at another time there lodge an oval one there was.



Ko te e Ki Ao Ke we Ktte n. e Ki. t ni
"Koté, égi hokewekjeną. Égi tani
"Say, here we will go in. And smoke



Ai Ai Ktte n. Ai ttAo Ke Ai Ai L e Ki. a wi de. A Ai
hihikjeną, hicokehihira égi awiže. Hahi
let us go in, our grandfather [here]," they said. [Finally,]



Ao K w wi de. te we L Ki. w Konoyi d e tt. roAo Ke Ki raK deAe.
hokawawiže. Tewéraki, wąknuižą éja sųkekis’akše.
they went on in. Unexpectedly, an old man there he was warming his back.



A Ao ttAo K A tti wi n. Ai Ky Le de. e Ki
"Hąhó coka, hajiwiną," higaíreže. Égi,
"Hąhó grandfather, we have come," they said to him. And,



p. 149 —
Ai K K. rii xitti A ni ttA wi ni Ke Ai ttAo Ke Ai Ai L. e Ki
"Hįkaga s’ixjį hanicawinįge, hicokehihira, égi
"Never for a long time as we have not seen you, our grandfather, here



A Ai t ni Ai Ai Kette n Ai A wi Ke e Ki
hahi tani hihikjeną, hihawige égi
[after awhile] smoke let us go in, we said, [here]



w K w wi n ay Le de. Ao Ao Ai ttAo deKe niKi w A L e de.
wągawawiną," aíreže. "Hohó hicųšgenįkwahara," éže.
[we mean,"] they said. "O my grandsons," he said.



A Ao. e liAi L wi n. te Ki A ttAi Le tt A K
"Hąhó, epįrawiną. tégi hacireja, hąká
"Now then, you have done right. Here since I have lived here, not



w Kdi KL Ai d Ao Ke we de. e liAi n Ao xA li L wi L.
wąkšikra hižą hokeweže. epíną. Hoxapirawira,"
the humans one of them he has come. It is good. You have come to visit me,"



p. 150 —
e de. e Ki t ni Ao L. wo Ki dow n K w Koo de.
éže. Égi tanihúra wokižuanąga wak’ųže.
he said. And the pipe he filled it and he gave it to them.



e tt t ni Ai L o xitti Le de. A Ke deKe
Éja tanihira ’ųxjįreže. Hąké ške
There to smoke they did very much. Not even



t ni L ttAo ni no ni Ke w o nK deAe.* Ki L rKe li Le Ki di.
taníra cųnį, nųnįgé wa’ųnąkše. Kirasgepiregiži,
tobacco he did not have, but he did this. After they smoked it up,

*just after this word is a bold # symbol.



de Ko Ki L. A ni no ni Ke w o nK deAe.
žegų kira hanį́, nųnįgé wa’ųnąkše.
[thus] no more he had, but he did thiL.



L reKe li Le K. di Ke Ao do diAi Le ra de. tto l A
Rasgepirega, žigé hošušires’aže. Jopahą
When they would smoke it up, again they would tell him to fill it. Four times



p. 151 —
L rKe li Le K tt. t ni L Ki L rKe li Le de. ttAo K t ni L
rasgepiregają, taníra kirasgepireže. Coga, taníra
after they had smoked it up, the tobacco they had smoked it up. "Grandfather, the tobacco



de ni Ki n de Ai Ky Le Ki di. A A a e dA n niKi
ženiginaže?" higairegiži. "Hąhą-a, ešana nįk
it is all gone?" they asked him. "Yes, [only] [little]



A ni n. A Ke deKe Ai ttAo deKe niKi
haniną. Hąké ške hicųšgé nįk
I had. Not even nephews, grandsons [little]



Ai w Ai wi L. e Ao o ni n K n K. te e deKe.
hiwahíwira e ho’ųnįnąkanąga tee ške
our they they don't come around her and this [but]



ttAiyo Ki ni wo Ki rKe niKi w o n. t ni L
ciokini wogisge nįk wa’ųną, taníra,"
[to have in the lodge] [to have left over] little [I do,] the tobacco,"



e de. e Ki. wy Le de. Ko te* Ai ttAo Ke Ai Ai L.
éže. Égi waíreže, "Koté, hicokehihira
he said. They they said, "Say, our grandfather

*written in darker pencil just before this word, and a little above the line, is "§49".



p. 152 —
Ai rKe dA n t ni L Ao Koo Kette L a wi de.
hisgé šana taníra hok’ųkjera," awiže.
some each the tobacco let us give," they said.



de rKe Kette n. ay Le de. xeAe te ni KL w o de. Ao Ke Le tt
"Žesgekjeną," aíreže. Xetenįkra wa’ųže. Hokereja
"That will do," they said. The oldest one [he did this.] His scalp lock



Ao Lo ttK ttK de. e tt t ni A Lo diAi A Ke Le nK deAe.
horujkajkaže. Éja tani harušį́ hakerenąkše.
he reached for it. There tobacco bundle [he wore on his scalp lock].



de e. Ko Lo ey n K. t ni Ao do L. Ki t de. Ao Koo Ao Ai Ki di.
Žee kuru’eanąga tanihožura gitaže. Hok’ųhuhigiži,
This he opened and his tobacco pouch he asked for it. When he handed it to him,



e tt Ai rKe niKi Ao Ki do K tt. t ni Ao do L
éja hisgé nįk hokižugają, tanihožura
there some little he took, and his tobacco pouch



p. 153 —
Ki rA Kitti tti nK deAe. Ai deKe Ai tt ne n K o Ki di.
kisákjį jinąkše. Hišgé hijąnenąka ’ųgiži,
half full it became. [Also] the other one when he did it,



Aoyi xitti Ao Ki do de. e Ki Ao K Ly Koo Ai Le Ki di.
hoixjį hokižuže. Égi hogaraik’ų hiregiži,
full [he made it]. And to hand it back to him [when they did,]



w i nl L Lo Ki n de. e liAi n Ai ttAo deKe wi L. w Kidi Ke.
wa’įnąpra rokinaže. "epíną, hicųšgewira. Wąkšige,
he thanked him very much. "It is good, my grandsons. The humans,



Ai ttAo deKe niKi Ai w Ai wi L. Ai Ke e Aoyi xK
hicųšgenįkhįwahiwira, hįké e hoixgą́
our little grandsons, [not] they to come about here



Ai L niy n K. Ai K K. A K t ni L. Ao doyi d
hiranįanąga hįkaga haga taníra hožuižą
they do not, and never ever tobacco a full one



p. 154 —
Ai Ki w xoAo ni nK dA n. e rKe t ni A Ai K.
higi waxųnįnąkšaną. Ésge, tani hahiga,
for me they do not pour it. Therefore, to smoke when I get to,



ni Ke ttAi w Ki ni K dA n t ni A Ai m KL
nįgecį waginįga, šana tani hahimąkra.
a little when I beg it, only [to smoke] [that I get to.]



e liAi n. Ai ttAo deKe wi L. te e di m Le Koro t ni
epíną. Hicųšgewira, teeži, mąregųs tani
It is good. My grandsons, with this, as long as the earth lasts, to smoke



A Ai Ktt n Ae n e de. e Ki.* di Ke A ttiy K Ly Le de.
hahikjanaheną," éže. Égi žigé hajiakaraíreže.
[I shall get to,"] he said. Then again they went on.

*just before this word is a mark indicating a paragraph.



di Ke to w L wi de. to we ttAi L. wo K w L wi de.
Žigé towarawiže. Towe cira wokawarawiže.
Again they went on. [They kept on] the lodges [they entered them.]



p. 155 —
K tt K m L Ao loAo nK ni rKe Ao o
Gająga, mąra hoponąk nisge ho’ų
Even now, the earth all nearly to go over



Ai Le de. di Ke de e e tt. ttAi
hireže. Žigé žee éja ci
they did. Again [this] there lodge



loAo Lo Ke. n K de rKey d nK deAe. Ko te
poroke, nąga žesgeižą nąkše. "Koté,
oval, and [one of that kind] it was. "Say,



e Ki Ao Ke we Kette n. Ai ttAo Ke Ai Ai L e Ki a wi de.
égi hokewekjeną, hicokehihira égi," awiže.
[well] let us go in, our grandfather here," they said.



w d te e di e w o Ai L n i
"Wažą tee ži e wa’ųhira, ną’į
["Thing] [this] to accuse him [that he did it,] [to try]



Ai w o Ktt ni Ae de. Ao rKe. Ai ttAo Ke Ai Ai L A tt Ktte Ke Ai w o Ktt n Ae K tt
hiwa’ųkjanįheže. hosgé hicokehihira hajakjege hiwa’ųkjanahegają,"
[let us not do it.] But our grandfather merely to see [we will do it,"]



p. 156 —
e de. A Ao a wi de.* e tt Ao K w wi de.
éže. "Hąhó," awiže. Éja hokawawiže.
he said. "All right," they said. There they entered.

*this is followed by a symbol something like "#".



A Ao ttAo K A tti wi d ny n. ay Le de. Ki K w de.
"Hąhó coka, hajiwižanainą," aíreže. Gikawaže.
"Well now grandfather, we have come," they said. He got up.



mi n K n K. we de. Ai ttAo dKe wi L. e liAi n. Ao ni LK n Kiwi L.
Mįnąkanąga weže, "Hicųšgewira, epíną. Honirakanakiwira
He sat up and he said, "My grandsons, it is good. They are speaking of you.



A Ky L Ai Ki L Ki Li Ktt n A wi y Le doAo no L K tt K
Hagaíra higi rakirikjanahawi, yarešųnųra. Gająga,
Sometimes here you would come back, I thought. But now,



deKe y Kii K K tt Ae Le n. e liAi n
ške yak’įgagają, hereną. epíną.
[also] I had given it up, [it came to pass.] It is good.



p. 157 —
ni Ko no ni wi doAo no n e de. e Ki.
Nikunųniwišųnųną," éže. Égi
I sometimes get lonesome for you," he said. Then



w wo Ki A de. w Lo roKo Koro Kiri KiniKi Ao ttoLo Ai.
wawogihąže. Warusgu-ksuksigenįk hųcruhi
he boiled for them. Small dried corn bear ribs



Koro Kiri KiniKi Ai Lo Ki A de. e Ki. t ni L.
gusgisginįk hirogihąže. Égi taníra
[small] he boiled. And tobacco



Ai Ki Lo lA n L Ai tt w Ki toolo deAe. e tt t ni Ai L
hikirúpąnąra hija wakit’ųpše. Éja tanihira
mixed [there] he placed before them. There tobacco



o xitti wi de. e Ki di Ke wo A L to ttKi di.
’ųxjįwiže. Égi žigé wohą́ra tucgiži,
[they did much.] And [again] the boiling it was cooked,



p. 158 —
w w Ki re Ki di w Lo ttL o xitti wi de. e tt w w Ke de.
wawagizegiži, warucra ’ųxjįwite. Éja wawageže,
when they dished it out, eating [they did much.] There he said to them,



Ai ttAo deKe wi L. m te e. Ai d Ai L K L L ni Ke
"Hicųšgewira, tee hižą hirakąrąra nįge
"My grandsons, earth this the one the one in charge somewhere



nK dA n. m n KLe e n tteKe A ni L Ae Le n.
nąkšaną. Mąnąkre e nącgehanira hereną.
he is. [In the earth] he of the heart he is.



e Ki Ai A KeLe Ki tt n K Ai o A tt wi ne. A ntt
Égi hihakeregi janąga hi’ųhająwine, haną́c
And [on the surface] all [it is seen ?], all



wi we wi L deKe w Ki Ki leAe Le r AK dA n. e rKe
wiwewįra ške wagigipereza hąkšaną. Ésge,
our thoughts [also] to know of them [he does.] [Therefore,]



p. 159* —
tt n K. w d L Ki di. e m n KL e Ki
janąga wažąragiži, e mąnąkra égi
all the things as they are, [he] the earth [here]

*on p. 49 of the English translation, Radin writes at a later date, "159 to 160 There is something wrong about the translation here. 28/4 '48." The numerals 159 and 160 are circled.



A Lo Ko r Kd n. e Ki e w o Ke. tt rKe
harokoząkšaną. Égi e wa’ųge. Jasgé
[he holds.] And [he] [because] is the cause of them. [How]



m n KL w d L. e Ki n KLe e
mąnąkra wažąra égi nąkre, e
[the earth] [the things] [here] [which sit,] [he]



w owK dA n. e rKe A Ke w d L Ai d.
wa’ųwąkšaną. Ésge, hąké wažąra hižą
[he made them.] [Therefore,] not [the things] one of them



w n o Ke we w Ke tt Ai wo dA ni n. e m Le Ki w d L
waną’ókewé wągéja hiwušanįną. E mąrégi wažąra
[of his own free will] up above he does not stop. He on earth the things



w Lo t nK dA n. e rKe de de rKe n. e m n KL.
warutąnąkšaną.* Ésge, žežesgeną. E mąnąkra
he straightens them. [Thus,] [it is that way.] He the earth

*LaMère has "leaves", which does not make sense. However, cf. Dorsey's rutą, "straight".



p. 160 —
n tteKe L tt rK n Ki di Ai Ki Le n. e rKe tt n K
nącgera jasganąkiži, higireną. Ésge, janąga
the heart [so he was,] [it is thought.] Therefore, all



w d n Ai xK xK L. Ai Ko tt Ko L. Ai d.
wažąna hixgąxgąra, higų jagura hižą
the things that move, even whatever one



tt Ko n tteKe Lo Ktti L Ai L n Ki deKe Ai leAe Le rnK dA n. de e.
jagú nącgerokjįra hiranągišge, hipereznąkšaną. Žee
what way down in his heart he thinks about, he knows of it. [That one]



A K K w d L Ai d xA w ni Ai ni Kette w o nK dA n.
hąkagá wažąra hižą xawanihinįkje, wa’ųnąkšaną.
never thing one he is not supposed to lose, [he is it.]



m te Ki. de rKe Ai deKe Ai Lo K n Ki Ki n. w d Ko rL
tégi žesge hišgé hirukąnągiginą, Wažąguzra,"
Earth [right here] [this] also he was given charge of, [the Creator of Things,"]



p. 161 —
e de. e tt. w ni Ki xA w ni wi ne Ai L K w xiwi Ki di. Ai leAe Le rnK dA n
éže "Éja wanigixawaniwine hirakawaxiwigiži, hipereznąkšaną,"
he said. "There about your loss if you ask, he knows of it,"



w wi Ke de. e tt w i nl li Le de. A Ao. ttAo K
wawigéže. Éja wa’inąpireže. "Hąhó coka,
he said to them. There they thanked him. "Now then grandfather,



e liAi n. e de e A Ke we riAi wi w o A tt wi n.
epíną," éže. "E hąkewesįwi wa’ųhajawiną,
it is good," [he said.] "It to look for [we came here,]



te e de. A Ke e Ki w di L ni n i wi no ni Ke.
teeže. Hąké égi wažįranįna’įwi, nųnįgé
it is this. Not here we did not suspect you of anything, but



p. 162 —
Ao rKe e Ki de tt ny xitti w K w wi n. tt n K L.
hosgé égi žejanaíxjį wągawawiną. Janągara
just [here] [about now] we came to visit you. Everyone



A n ttAi w w K w A AK wiy n K. tt rKe Aiy n K
hanącį wawągawa hahąkwianąga jasgé hianąga
[all] to visit as we go in, how [to do, and]



ni dA n A Ke Ao ni K w ni Ktt wi de y L wi Ke. e liAi n.
nišana hąké honikawanįkjanawiže, yarawige." epíną.
[you alone] not we did not visit you, we thought." "It is good.



ttAo K. e w w te Ktt n A wi n ay Le de. e Ki.
Coka, e wawatekjanahawiną," aíreže. Égi
Grandfather, him we will go there," they said. And



p. 163 —
e tt. Ai Ai n di Le Ki di. A ttAi tt w Ke Ki di e
éja hihinąžiregiži, hacįja wagegiži, e
there when they came out, where he meant, he



Ao w Ly Le de. m n KLe ni Ke Ao Ki rA KL Ae Le Ki di
howaraíreže. Mąnąkre nįgé hokisakra heregíži,
he went there This earth [someplace] in the middle there is,



e tt. ttAi d n Ki di. e tt Ae Le de.
éja cížą nąkiži, éja hereže.
there a lodge there is, there it is.



de ttAi lAo Lo Ke Ao we we K w A A Kiwi K. w Kette xiAi
Že cipóroke howe wekawahahakiwiga, Wakjexi
[Those] [oval lodges] into that they had been entering, Waterspirit



Ao ttAi w w Ki o nK deAe. w Kono wo K w A A K. e rKe
hoci wawaki’ųnąkše. Wąknu wokawahahaga, ésge
lodges [they were going into.] Old man [as they were entering,] that is why



p. 164 —
Aoyi diAili mi Kn Kde ay Le n. e Ki. A ttAi tt
hoišíp mįgᵉną́kše, aíreną. Égi hacįja
always they were lying down, it is said. And wherever



mo Ki rA KL Ae Le Ki di. e tt. ttAi d n Ki di.
mokisakra heregíži, éja cížą nąkiži,
the center of the earth it is, there a lodge it sat, and



e w Ky Le de. e tt A Ai Le de. m n KL*
e wagaíreže. Éja hahíreže. Mąnąkra
it he meant it. There they arrived. The earth

*just before this word is a "#" sign.



Ai Lo K n L. w Ky Le de. Ao L tte Ke K. Ai Ky Le de. w K n K.
hirukąnąra wagaíreže. "Horajegega", higaíreže. wąknąka
the one in charge he meant it. "Traveler", he was called. The man



ttAe Ke tt. w lA K nK w KidiKi i de. de e. Ai Lo K n n K.
cegéja wapaką́nąk wąkšigiže. Žee hirukąnąnąga
in the beginning clever he was in his life. This one the one in charge, and



p. 165 —
e rKe A tti. Ai Ki w Le Ke K Ai Ky Le de.* daK w Ai L di.
ésge haji "Hikiwárekega" higaíreže. Š’akwahiraži
therefore, [here] "Traveler" he was called. His parents

*at the end of this word, there occurs a dark mark in pencil that resembles a "#" sign.



Ld Koo Ai Le Ki di. Ao Kini Ktt K Ai Ky Le de. de e.
rašak’ų hiregiži, "Hųknįkjąka", higaíreže. Žee
to give a name when they did, "Chief's Child", they called him. These



w Kette xiAi L. xeAe te L. tto liAi wi o Ki di. w d o L.
Wakjexira xetera jopíwi ’ųgiži, Wažą’ųra,
the Waterspirits the great ones four which he made, [the Maker of Things,]



w tti L w reAe we L. ttAo liAi wi o Ki di. Ai d
Wajira Wasewera copiwi ’ųgiži, hižą
[Island] Weights four he made, and one



p. 166 —
xoAo no Ki di. Ai Low Kini Ki. Ae Le de. m ni ttAo Ao Loro. Ai Lo Lo Kowe tt.
xunugiži, hiroagnįgi, hereže. Mąnico-horus hirorugwéja
that was youngest, as he was last, he is. St.Paul downstream from it



te reAe Lette a n K. e tt Ki di. de e. Ai niKi
"Te Sérec" ánąga ejagiži. Žee hinįk
"Long Lake" it is called there he is at. This one son



Ai Ki di. Ae Le de. m Ai Lo K n L. A Ke
higiži, hereže. hirukąnąra. Hąké
he was begotten, he was. Earth he is in charge. Not



w d o Ki di. w o Ki di. Ai d w o niyK deAe.
wažą ’ųgiži, wa’ųgiži, hižą wa’ųnįąkše.
[things] [when he made,] [when he made them,] one of them he did not make him.



Ao Ki ttAoyi d w owK deAe. de e. A Ko Ley d. w K tty d.
Hokicųižą wa’ųwąkše. Žee hagoreižą Wakąjaižą
A begotten one [he was made it].* [This one] once a Thunder

*the English translation has, "he is not one of the ones made by the creator, but he is one begotten (i.e., borne from an ordinary water spirit)."


167 —
w Kette xiAi tt n K xeAe te o K. tee w Ai Ktt n Ae Ki di.
Wakjexi janąga xete ’ųga, t’ewahikjanahegiži,
Waterspirits all great that were created, he was going to kill, and



w Kette xiAi L. n xi Le Ai Le Ki di. m tto l A w e Ai
Wakjexira nąǧirehiregiži, jopahą wa’ehi
the Waterspirits they were frightened, and years four to hold council



Ai Le de. tt rKe Ai L n K. de e tee Ai L
hireže. Jasgé hiránąga žee t’ehira
they did. How [they did, and] him to kill



n Ki di de de rKe A e K L Ki Le de. e Ki. de e.
nąkiži, žežesge haekaragireže. Égi žee
[if they were,] [this] they counseled over. And then this one



p. 168 —
A Ke w d L Ai d Ae Le ni de. e dA n
hąké wažąra hižą herenįže. Ešana
not anything one [he was not.] Only



Ai niKi Ai de. w Kette xiAi xeAe te n Ki di
hinįk hiže. Wakjexi xete nąkiži,
son he was. Waterspirits great [as he was,]



Ai d. de rK no no Ke.* Ao L tte L dA n Ae Le de.
hižą, [žesganųnįge] horajera šana, hereže.
one, [although] he visited around nothing but, he was.

*this probably should be de rK no ni Ke.



ttAe Ke tt deKe. Ao Kini Ktt K Ai Ky Le Ki di A Ai. de Ko
cegejaške "Hųknįkjąka" higaíregiži, hahi žegų
In the beginning "Chief's Child" he was called, but finally again



Ai Ki w Le Ke K Ai Ky Le de. tt n K. m n KLe e Ki
"Hikiwárekega" higaíreže. Janąga mąnąkre, égi
"Traveler" they called him. All the ones upon the earth, and



p. 169 —
ni Ktt Kini KL Le deKe Ai lAe Le ri Le de. e Ki Ao L tte Ke d
nįkjąknįkra rešge, hiperezireže. Égi horajegežą
the children even, they knew. And a traveler



Ae Le Ke. e Ki. de e e. w K tt tte K.
herege, égi žee e Wakąjajega
because he was, [here] [that one] he the Thunder



tee Ai de. w Kidi Ki d Ki dtt Key n K. w o de. e rKe.
t’ehiže. Wąkšikižą gišjąkeanąga wa’ųže. Ésge,
he killed. A human because he deceived, and he did it. Therefore,



m n KLe e Ki de de rKe Ai Le de. A Ke
mąnąkre égi žežesge hireže. Hąké
on earth here this it was made. Not



w d o L w o ni de. e tt Ai Lo K n K. wo w Ki d
Wažą’ųra wa’ųnįže. Éja hirukąnąka wowąkižą
the Creator [he did not do this.] There he was made in charge a wayward fellow



p. 170 —
w owK deAe. m n KLe Ao Ki ttA liwi L. e tt. A Ai Le de.
wa’ųwąkše, mąnąkre hųgįcábwira. Éja hahíreže,
[he was made into this,] of the earth our lord. There they went,



Ki Ki no ln KLe. w i Ai K w xL. A Ke w di leAe Le rini de
kikinųbnąkre wa’į hikawaxra. Hąké wažipereznįže.
the brothers blanket to ask for. Not he did not know anything about it.



e de. Ai lAe Le rnK no ni Ke we de. Ao rKe
éže. Hipereznąk, nųnįgé weže hosgé
he said. He knew, but he said it just



Lo K n Ki n Ke. A Ke wo Ki LK ni de.
rokana kinąke, hąké wogiraknįže.
great because they made themselves, not he did not tell it to them.



p. 171 —
w Ki w rA Ke. A Ke w d o L. wo o A ni L
Wagiwasage. Hąké Wažą’ųra wo’ų hanira
He was jealous of them. Not the Creator doing [he had]



Ae Le ni de de e e rKe. de de rKe de. de rK no ni Ke.
herenįže. Žee ésge žežesgeže. Žesganųnįge,
it was not. This one that is why he was thus. Nevertheless,



m ne Ki Ae Le L. e Ao Ki ttA liwi de. de rKe
mąnégi herera, e hųgįcábwiže, žesge
over the earth that he was, he he is our chief, that way



Ai Le Ke. te w K ttAK ay Le Ki di e tte Le de.
hirege. "Te Wakącąk" airegiži, ejereže.*
because he was made. "Lake Holy" it was called, there he is.

*< eja-hereže.



te e. Ao Kete e. te n K. m n KLe Ao A lLe
Tee hųktee, tenąka mąnąkre hohąpre
There this chief, this lake the earth the light (window)



p. 172 —
w o nK dAe A Ke m Lo Ko ttAo ni w o nK deAe.
wa’ųnąkše. Hąké mąruko cųnį wa’ųnąkše.
it was. Not bottom it did not have [it was it.]



e Ki. e tt A Ke w wo Ki LK ni de. Ai leAe Lere n Ke.
Égi éja hąké wawogiraknįže, hipereznąke.
And there not he would not tell them of it, because he knew it.



A Ke rii Le tt Ao K w ni n Ki di. Ao rKe
Hąké s’ireją hokawanįną, giži hosgé
Not long before they did not go in, but [just]



de e e tt Ai wx w diAi Le Ke w o
žee éja hiwąx´ waširege, wa’ų
[that one] there to ask because they were told, to do it



Ai Le de. w d Ki dK Ktt wi Ai L wi K tt. Lo A xitti
hireže. Wažą gįšgąkjawi hirawigają, rohąxjį
they did. Something they would think they would harm him, but many



p. 173 —
de de rKe a n K w o n Ki di e rKe Ai Ke
žežesge ánąga wa’ųnąkiži, ésge, hįké
[this way] [it is said] they did it, and therefore, not



w d Ki dK wi ni de. w wi de. Ko te. A Ke
wažą gįšgąnįže. wawíže, "Koté, hąké
anything [they did not wish.] They said, "Say, not



Ay liAi ni no ni Ke. tt Ko di Ai Ki dA n nK deAe. y Le Ke
haipinį, nųnįgé 'Jaguži higišąnąnąkše?', yarége.
I do not like it, but 'What he is doing harm?', I thought.



Ai Ke w d Ay dK ni n. di Ke. w d Ko rL.
Hįké wažą haišganįną. Žigé Wažągųsra
Not [thing] I did not do harm. Again the Creator



xeAe te w o L. e wo we wi A ni Le L
Xete wa’ųra, e wowewį hanirera
the Great Ones he created them, so desire that they had



p. 174 —
Ae Le K tt y Le Ke. Le too Key d w o nK L di Ae Le no ni Ke.
heregają, yarége. Ret’ųgeižą wa’ųnąkraži herenunige
it was, I thought. A liar [he is at least it] although he is



a nK deAe. di Ke w KdiKi Ki dtt Key n K deKe. w o n K tt
ánąkše, žigé wąkšigišjągeiną,* gašge wa’ųnąkają
they say, and besides he deceived a human, but in order to gain it

*< wąkšigi-higišjągeiną.



e tt Ao Kn K. de Ko o n Ki Kette n. e di
éja hųknąka žegųo nągikjeną, eši
[there] his chieftainship now he will sit, but



w d L Ai d Ai Ki dA n Ki di w d Ai Ki dK Kette n
wažąra hižą higišąnąkiži, wažą higišgakjeną,"
[the thing] one if he does wrong, something we will do harm,"



a wi de. n xKo n K n K w nK deAe. e Ki. w wi de.
awiže. Nąxgųnąkanąga wanąkše. Égi wawíže,
they said. They said within his hearing [they did it.] Then they said,



p. 175 —
de tt ny xitti w KeLe Ki Ao wi ne Kette n a wi de. e tt
"Žejanąixjį wągeregi howinekjeną," awiže. Éja
"About now up above let us go," they said. There



w KL Ao w L wi de. di Ke de e A ntt
wągra howarawiže. Žigé žee haną́c
up above they went. [Again] these all



Ao o wi no ni Ke A Ke w di leAe Le ri L ni de. A n ttA
ho’ųwi, nųnįgé hąké wažipereziranįže.* Haną́c
they went, but not they could not find anything. Everyone




e tt tt n K. ttAi L Ki di. di Ke tt n K
éja janąga ciragiži, žigé janąga
there all of them that lived, [again] all



e tt Ao L tt Ki di A ntt w wo o wi no ni Ke
éja horajagiži, haną́c wawo’ųwi, nųnįgé
there they went to, all they went to, but



p. 176 —
A Ke w di leAe Le ri L ni de. di Ke m Ai t ni L
hąké wažipereziranįže. Žigé hitanira
not they did not know anything. Again earth the third



A Ai Ao wi de.* di Ke de rKe Ai wi de. tt n K
hahihowiže. Žigé žesge hiwiže. Janąga
they went about it. Again the same they did. All

*this word is followed by "#1" in bold ink.



ttAi n KL Ki di A n ttAi Ao o wi de. di Ke
cinąkra giži, hanącį ho’ųwiže. Žigé
the villages [,] all they went to. Again



tt n K. ttAi Ke Le L Ki di. A n ttAi Ao o wi
janąga cikerera giži, hanącį ho’ųwi,
all the private lodges [,] all of them they went to,



no ni Ke. A Ke w d ni de. di Ke tt n K
nųnįgé hąké wažąnįže. Žigé janąga
but not [there was nothing.] Again all



Ai tto L tt Ki di A n ttAi w Ki tt wi no ni Ke. A Ke
hijorajagiži,* hanącį wakijawi, nųnįgé hąké
they were going about there, all they saw them, but not

* < hija-horaja-giži.



p. 177 —
w di leAe Le ri L ni de. e Ki. di Ke. m Ai tto lL
wažipereziranįže. Égi žigé hijopra
they did not know anything. Then again earth the fourth



A Ai Ao o wi de di Ke o xitti wi no ni Ke. A Ke
hahiho’ųwiže. Žigé ’ųxjįwi, nųnįgé hąké
they went about it. Again [they did much,] but not



w d ni de. e tt w wi de. Ko te a deKe
wažąnįže. Éja wawíže, "Koté, ašge
[there was nothing.] Then they said, "Say, near



Ai tti Le Ki. Ai a tti Ai L e Ao wi ne Kette L. tt Ko
hijiregi, hi’ącihira e howinekjera, jagú
we have come, our father him let us go, as



tt n K L. A n ttAi Ao we K tt e dA n A Ke
janągara hanącį howegają, ešana hąké
to everyone else [all of them] we have gone, he only not



p. 178 —
Ao K w ni Ktt n Ae. A K Ki di. Ai tt Ao wi ne Ktte L. w d
hokawanįkjanahe. Hagagiži, hija howinekjera. Wažą
we should not miss him. So, there let us go. Anything



e di w d Ai L n i Ai w o Ktt n Ae de. Ao rKe.
eši wažą hiraną’įhi wa’ųkjanaheže. hosgé
[regardless] something to accuse we will do it. Just



A tt Ai Le Kette de Ko Ki L K tt a wi de
hajá hirekje žegų giragają," awiže.
to see [we shall do,] [so] [let's go,"] they said.



A Ao a wi Ki di Ai tto w L wi de. Ai tt A A Ao K w wi de.
"Hąhó," awigiži, hijowarawiže. Hija hahahokawawiže.
"All right," they said, so they went there. There they went and entered.



p. 179 —
w d Ko rL. Ai L Ai wi de. A Ao. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. e liAi n
Wažągųsra hirahiwiže. "Hąhó, nįkjąknįkxjįwira, epíną,
The Creator they had gone. "Hąhó,* my children, it is good,

*the English translation uses the Hocąk word.



L tti wi L. e de. A A. A Ke A K
rajiwira," éže. "Hąhą́, hąké hąka
that you have come," he said. "Now then, not [never]



e Ki Ai d Aoyi ni Ke xitti tti ni tte n. w d
égi hižą hoinįgexjį jinįjeną. Wažą
here one for nothing they come. Something



Aoyi ni Ke xitti te Ki L tti Ktt wi de. e de. e Ki.
hoinįgexjį tégi rajikjawiže," éže. Égi
for nothing here you must have come," he said. And



w Ky Le de. m n KLe. A ntt w w wi n. tt n K.
wagaíreže, "Mąnąkre haną́c wawawiną. Janąga
they said, "The earths all we have gone over. All



p. 180 —
w KidiKi y i wi L. Ao we w w K w wi n. tt n K.
wąkšik yaiwira, howe wawągawawiną. Janąga
[people] [that we reached,] about we went among them. All



wo Ko rL doo Ki di. Ai tto li Ke w w o wi n. m L
wogųsra š’ųgiži, hijopike wawa’ųwiną. Mąra
the creations you have made, the four of them we have gone about. The earths



Ai tto li Ke w w o wi n. tt n K. ttAi nK Ki n n Ki Le L.
hijopike wawa’ųwiną. Janąga cinąk ginanągirera,
the four of them we have gone about. All villages that exist,



di Ke tt n K. ttAi Ke Le L. di Ke tt n K.
žigé janąga cikerera, žigé janąga
and all the private lodges, [again] [all]



Aoy ni Ke Ao L tt Ki di. A n ttAi w w wi n. e Ki
hoinige horajagiži, hanącį wawawiną. Égi
[in vain] [we have traveled to,] all we went to. And



A tti wi L. tt rKe Aiy n K e dA n A Ke
hajiwira, 'Jasgé hianąga ešana hąké
[as we came,] 'How to go by and [he alone] not



p. 181 —
Ao Ki w ni Kette de Ai A wi Ke Ai Ki w w Ao wi n. Ai didi Ai ni A L.
hogiwanįkježe?', hihawige. Higiwawahuwiną. Hiži hinihara
[without stopping by?',] we said. We came here. But my brother



w i L Ki xA w ni n. e rKe w i no K ni o tt ne
wa’įra gixawaniną. Ésge wa’į nokani’ųjane*
his blanket he lost. That is why blanket he is without

*noka- for roka-, "without".



w o tte n. de e Ao we Ai L rA A Ke we riAi wi
wa’ųjeną. Žee howe hirasa hąkewesįwį
he is. [That one] [going about] [together] [did not scrutinize]



w o wi n. te e di. A Ke e Ki w di L ni n i wi
wa’ųwiną. Teeži, hąké égi wažįranįna’įwi,
[we did it.] Of course, not here we did not suspect you of anything,



p. 182 —
no ni Ke. Ai Ki w w Ao wi n. tt rKe Aiy n K. Ai Ke
nųnįgé higiwawahuwiną. Jasgé hianąga hįké
but we came here. How [to do, and] not



Ao ni K w ni Ktt wi de y Le wi Ke tti ni. a wi de. e Ki. A A
honikawanįkjanawiže, yarawigejinį," awiže. Égi, "Hąhą́,
we did not visit you, [so] we thought," they said. And, "Now then,



liAi L wi n. tt n K L. A n ttAi Ao L w wi L. e de
pįrawiną, janągara hanącį́ horawawira," éže.
you have done well, that everyone [all of them] you have gone all over," he said.



e Ae Le Le n. te de rKe ni Ko ri L wi L. e Ki.
"E herereną, težesge nikusirawira, égi
"The ones they are, thus they created you, and



L tti wi Le. liAi n. A A Ai w Lo tti Ktt wi n. e de
rajiwire, pįną. Hąhą́, hiwarujikjawiną," éže.
that you have come, it is good. Now then, let's eat," he said.



p. 183 —
e Ki. tt n K w d liAi L Ki di A n ttAi
Égi janąga wažą pįragiži, hanącį
And then all things that are good, and all



w Lo tte tt A do de. e Ki. e tt w w Ki ttA de.
warujeja hažuže. Égi éja wawagicaže.
the things to eat off he placed. And there he ate with them.



e tt w Lo tti L n K Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di e Ki.
Éja warujiranąga rušją́ hiregiži, égi
There [they ate it, and] [stopped] when they were, [and]



w w Ke de. A A. e Ki w d xA w ni L wi K.
wawageže, "Hąhą́, égi wažą xawanirawiga
he said to them, "Now then, [well,] thing the one that you lost,



Ai Ko e tt w L Ki Koo wi n. Ai L Kee Ktt n A wi n. e rKe
higų éja warakik’ųwiną. Hirak’ekjanahawiną. Ésge
[yet] there you yourselves did away with it. You will find it. That is why



p. 184 —
w o nK dA n Ai Ke Ao LK ni n K. e tt w ni o Ai L wi n.
wa’ųnąkšaną. Hįké horaknįnąga éja wani’ųhirawiną.
[they did it.] Not they did not tell you, and there it was done to you.



A ntt Ki K L diAiKi w o nK dA n e de. e Ki.
Haną́c kikarašik wa’ųnąkšaną," éže. Égi
All to make up themselves [they did it,"] he said. Then



w w Ke de. L K L wi Ki di te Ki n Ko L Ki xA tte L.
wawageže, "Rakarawigiži, tégi nągúra kixajera.
he said to them, "When you go home, over here the road it forks.



Aoyi L ttKe tt Aoyi xA tte L Ai Ke e Ao w L wi niy tte.
Hoiracgeja hoixajera, hįké e howarawinįaje.
To the left the one that turns, not it do not take it.



w xAo liAi ni diAi diKi KL e wi Lo K n L w o nK dA n.
Waxopį́nį šišigara e wirukanara wa’ųnąkšaną.
[Spirit] [the evil one] he the one that is in charge [he is it.]



p. 185 —
e Ai att Ai Le n. de e e de.
E hi’ąc hiréną, žee," éže.
He father he is, these," he said.



e Ki Ai Ai n li Le de. A Koyi Le Ki di. n Ko Ao Ki xA
Égi hihinąpireže. Hakoiregiži, nągú hokixa
Then they went out. When they started away, road the fork



w Ke K e tt A Ki Li Le de. e tt Ai wo dA wi de.
wagega, éja hakiríreže. Éja hiwušawiže.
that he mentioned, there they came to. There they stopped.



A Ao. e Ki Ae Le n Ao Ki xA e L
"Hąhó, égi hereną, hokixa era
"Now then, here it is, fork that he spoke of



Ai a tti Ai L. tt Ko e Ki Ao w Le w K diAi d Le.
hi’ącihira, jagú égi howare wągašižare,"
our father, [how] here to go he told us,"



e de. Ai Ao a wi de. e Ao w Ly Le de.
éže. "Hiho," awiže. E howaraíreže.
he said. "all right," they said. They they went.



p. 186 —
e tt e lA Ki Lo xeAe A Ly Le de. Ki Lo di ttw o nK deAe.
Éja epa kiruxe haraíreže . Kiružic wa’ųnąkše.
There from then on to chase one another they were. They were playing with each other.



to w de Ko o n Koo A Ai Le de. e Ki. A Ai Le Ki di.
Towažegų ’ųnąk’ų hahíreže. Égi hahiregiži,
They kept on until they arrived. And when they arrived,



we de. A Ao ni Ktt KiniKi w ttAo L A tti Le de tte L
weže, "Hąhó, nįkjąknįkwacora hajíreže," jera
he said, "Well, my children they have come," [the one who is this]



e de. Ao K wy Le de. A A ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L e liAi L wi n.
éže. hokawaíreže. "hąhą́ nįkjąknįgaxjįwira, epįrawiną,
he said. They went in. "Well then, my children, you did well,



L tti wi L. e de e Ki. w w Ke de w L tti Ktt wi Ki di.
rajiwira," éže. Égi wawageže, "Warajikjawigiži,"
that you came," he said. Then he asked them, "Would you eat?"



p. 187 —
e de. Ao ttiy Ai Ky Le de. toyi Ke we Ai A tt wi n
éže. "hoji-á," higaíreže. "Toikewehi hajawiną,"
he said. "All right," they said to him. "Hungry we came here,"



ay Le de. e tt w Lo ttw Ki Ki de. w Lotto tt n K.
aíreže. Éja warucwagigiže. warúc janąga
they said. There he gave them food to eat. Food all



ttAe xiAi Ki di. de rKe Lotto w Ki Ki de. wo Lotto
cexigiži, žesge ruc wagigiže. Woruc
that is rare, [that kind] to eat he gave them. Food



tteAe xiAi L Le Ki e tt Lo tti Le de. e Ki. w Lo ttoLo dtt
cexiraregi, éja rujireže. Égi warucrušja
rare, there they ate. And done eating



Ai Le Ki di. e tt w wo Ki tee de. Ao Ki too ne w Ai n i we de.*
hiregiži, éja wawogit’eže. Hogit’ųne wahina’įweže.
when they were, there he talked to them. To say something he tried to get them.

*this word is followed by something that looks like a # sign, presumably to indicate a new paragraph or section.



p. 188 —
Ai Ki leAe Le ri Le de de rKe we Ki di. e rKe
Hikiperezireže. Žesge wegiži, ésge
They knew of it. This purpose he was saying it, therefore



w d Ki dK Ai Le de. e tt Ki Lo di tti Le de.
wažą́gišgą* hireže. Éja kiružijireže.
to do something in the nature of harm they did. There they scuffled with one another.

*at the top of the English translation's page 56 is written, "wažą́gišgą = to do something in the nature of harm, to [illegible]".



xoAo no n K. w Lo di ttede. Ai tt ne n K. Lo xi de. Ko te
Xununąka waružícše. Hijanénąka roǧiže, "Koté,
The younger he teased him. The other [objected,] "[Say,]



Lo dtt ne. a no ni Ke A Ke L xoAo Lo Kini
rušją́ne," a nųnįgé hąké raxuruginį,
[stop it,"] he said, but not not heeding him,



p. 189 —
w wy xtt nK deAe. Ko te Ai niKi A xitti A K L Le e de.
wawaixjanąkše. "Koté hinįkhaxjį, hakarare," éže.
he laughed at them. "Say my sons, go outside," he said.



wo xtt w Ai de. o tt o A Ao tt Ko Ai o Kette n
Woxjawahiže. ’Ųja’ų, "Hąhó, jagú hi’ųkjeną,"
He admired them.* Finally, "All right, [how] we shall do it,"

*the translator adds, "(he thought they were funny)".



e de. A ni miKi deAe. de Ko Ki Ao de. o tt o
éže. Hanímįkše. Žegųgi hože. ’Ųja’ų,
he said. He grabbed hold of him. And he swung him. Finally,



rAi L. w roKo do L. A lA Ki di. Ki K de. w reKe L.
sira wasgóžu hapagiži, gikąže. wasgéra
his feet the place where the dishes were he struck, and he knocked it over. The plates



my riAi ttAi Ai Le de. Ao Ao ay Le de. wi Ke LeKe nK deAe.
mąįsįcį hireže. "Hohó," aíreže. Wikereknąkše.
to destroy completely they did. "Oh my," they said. They were quiet.



Ko te ne w doow n K. Ai a tti Ai L. w rKe L.
"Koté, ne waš’ųanąga hi’ąchihira wasgéra
"Say, you you are the cause of this, and our father his plates



p. 190 —
my riAi ttAi Ai w Ki Ki n e de. Ko te ne
mąįsįcį hiwagiginą," éže. "Koté, ne
to destroy we did," he said. "Say, you



w doo n a nK deAe. e Ki. we de. Ai niKi A xitti wi L.
waš’ųną," ánąkše. Égi weže, "Hinįkhaxjįwira,
[you did it,]" they kept saying. And then he said, "My sons,



tt Ko Ai Lo Ai Le doo wi de. di Ke Ai rKe
jagú hirohire š’ųwiže? Žigé hisgé
what harm you have done? [Again] [also]



A Ki Koo Ktt n Ae K tt. tt Ko Ao o nK deAe. A lK
hakik’ųkjanahegają, jagú ho’ųnąkše. Hąpga
as I will make myself more, as [I am doing it.] Every day



wo o Ai ne tt tte L. e wo o Ae Le A Ktt n Ae n e de.
wo’ųhįnejajera, e wo’ų herehakjánaheną," éže.
I am at a loss to do something, [so] something to do it will give me," he said.



p. 191 —
e Ki. we de. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. w d y L nK dA n
Égi weže, "Nįkjąknįgaxjįwira, wažą yaranąkšaną,"
And he said, "My children, something I am thinking,"



e de. Ao we m n KLe. Ao doo wi n. Ai K K
éže. "Howe mąnąkre hošųwiną. Hįkaga
he said. "Over the earth you have gone. Never



ni Ke Ai doAo wo dA wi ni n. e Ki di Ke. tt n K.
nįgé hišuwušawinįną. Égi žigé janąga
anywhere you did not stop. And again all



ttAi n KL Ki di. A n ttAi ttAi L. w wo L K w wi n. Ao t
cinąkragiži, hanącį cira waworakawawiną. hotá
the villages, and all the lodges you have entered. Some



p. 192 —
ttAi nK n KLe w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAi KL Ai tt
cinąknąkre waxopį́nį šišikra hija
the villages spirits the bad ones* there

*waxopį́nį šišikra is translated as "devils".



nK dA n. Ao tt lL deKe
nąkšaną. Hojąpra ške
there are. The force (power) of looking at one another also



diAi dAi KnK dA n. di Ke Ao ni A L deKe
šišiknąkšaną. Žigé honihara ške
it is bad. Again their breath also



diAi diAi KnK dA n. e de di Ke tt n K
šišiknąkšaną," éže. Žigé janąga
it is bad," he said. Again all



ttAi Ke Le Ki di. A nt[t] Ao L K w wi n. di Ke
ci keregiži, haną́c horakawawiną. Žigé
lodges if they kept, all you entered. And



de e dKe de rK nK dA n di Ke tt n K.
žee ške žesganąkšaną. Žigé janąga
they also they are that way. And all



p. 193 —
Ao L tt Ki di. A Ke A ntt liAi ni nK dA n. Ao t.
horajagiži, hąké haną́c pįnįnąkšaną. hotá
that visit about, not all they are not good. Some



w xoAo liAi ni dAi diAiKi w o nK dA n. e rKe. Ai dtt roAo
waxopį́nį šišik wa’ųnąkšaną. Ésge, hišjasu
spirits bad they are. Therefore, looks



Ai L Ke Le ni L wi deKe. A Ke w Kidi Ko i L
hirakerenirawišge, hąké wąkšiko’įra
if they cast them upon you, not life



liAi ni Ao L w wi n n. di Ke deKe. ttAo Kitti
pįnį horawawinaną. Žigé ške cokjį
not good you would go through. And [also] her menses



Ao we do L Ki ttoKo xiwi Ko ni. di Ke Ao ni A L
howe šurakicguxwigųnį. Žigé honihara
path perhaps you crossed. Again their breath



deKe Ai Ke liAi ni n K. Ai d Ao ni A
ške hįké pįnįnąga hižą honihá
also not it is not good, and one of them their breath



p. 194 —
Ai L Ke Le n wi Ki di. Ao doAo Lo lA n wi deKe. Ao ni ttAo xiwi n n.
hirakerenawigiži, hošurupanawišge, honicuxwinaną,"
if they made it reach you, and if you inhaled, you would become weakened,"



e de e rKe. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. i no Ke we doo wi Ki di.
éže. "Ésge, nikjąknįkxjįwira, inokewe š’ųwigiži,
he said. "Therefore, my children, sweat bath you should take,



y Le n. t doKo L Ki wi Ki di. liAi n n e de. de rKe Kette n.
yaréną. Taškuragiwigiži, pįnaną," éže. "Žesgekjeną,
I think. If you had it soaked out of you, it would be good," he said. "It will be so,



p. 195 —
Ai att ni L. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAi Kitti deKe. A Ki ttA wi doAo no n.
hi’ącnira. Waxopį́nį šišikjį ške hakijawišųnųną.
our father. Spirits [very bad] [also] we must have met.



di Ke. ttAo Kitti deKe. Ao we L. w low Ki ttoKo xiwi doAo no n.
Žigé cokjį ške howera waboakicguxwišųnųną,"
And menstruating women [also] the paths we must have crossed them,"



e de. di Ke w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAi Kitti deKe
éže. "Žigé waxopį́nį šišikjį ške
he said. "And spirits [very bad] also



Ao ni A xitti Ai L wi doAo no n. ay Le de. de rKe Kette n.
honihaxjį hirawišųnųną," aíreže. "Žesgekjeną.
their breath they must have breathed on us," they said. "Then it shall be.



i no Ke we ni Ki o Ktt wi n e de. e Ki.
Inokewe nįki’ųkjawiną," éže. Égi
Steam bath I will give you," he said. Then



p. 196 —
w o de. mr ni al ni Ke w Ki o de. de e
wa’ųže. Mąznį’ą́p nįgé waki’ųže. Žee
[he did it.] Live iron piece he did it. [This]



Ao Ki reKe xeAe te Ai xitti ni Ke t Ktt Ai de.* leAe tte tt
hųgisge (?) xetehixjį nįgé takjahiže. pejéja
like a chief (?) a great big one piece he heated. In the fire

*this is followed by a sign similar to "#" which indictes the start of a new paragraph.



Ao K nK deAe. Ke ni wi rii n. t doAo ttAi de. e Ki.
hokanąkše. kéni wis’ina tašucįže. Égi
he put. Before long it was red hot. And



Ai Ko di Ke mr de rKe ni Ke
higų žigé mąz žesge nįgé
[yet] [again] iron the same kind piece



w Ki o de. Ai ttAi w Ki o de. m Le tte tt Ai w xiAi Litti
waki’ųže. Hici waki’ųže. Mąrejeja hiwaxiric
he made it. Lodge he made it. Into the earth penetrated



p. 197 —
mi nK deAe. ttAi n K. de e e dA n. w d L
mįnąkše. Cinąka žee ešana wažąra
[it sat.] [This lodge] [these] only the things



riKi KeLe de. m o L. w d w o Ki di. de e
sgįgreže, Mą’ųra wažą wa’ųgiži. Žee
it is heavy, Earthmaker things he created. This



de rKe Ai o de. i no Ke we Ao ttAi L. e Ki.
žesge hi’ųže, inokewe hocira. Égi
kind he used, sweat bath the lodge. Then



Ai tt Ao Ke we w Ki Ki de. e Ki Ao tto Keyi d.
hija hokewé wagigiže. Égi hųjokeižą*
there to enter he let them. And a bear stomach

*> hųj-hoké-hižą́.



wi Ki ni L Aoyi xitti Ai tt w Ki K nK deAe. de e
wikįnį́ra hoixjį hija wagikanąkše. Tee
oil full there he placed it. [This]



p. 198 —
e i ni Ai Ly xA KL Ae Le de. e Ki.
e ini hiraixakra hereže. Égi
[he] stone the pouring of oil [they did.] And



Ai tto K w wi Ki di. wi Ki ni n K A w xAo Le Ai L Ki di. ttAi wi tti Le de.
hijokawawigiži, wikįnį́nąka hawaxųrehiragiži, cįwįjireže.
they entered, and the oil after they began to pour, it began to roar.



Ke ni wi rii ni ttAi n KLe t doAo ttAi de. e Ki
Kéni wis’įni cinąkre tašucįže. Egi
Before long the lodge it was red hot. Then



Ai d. we de. Ai att A xitti de Ko A wi n.
hižą́ weže, "Hi’ąchaxjį, žegų hawiną,
one of them he said, "Father, [now] we are through,



p. 199 —
ty doKo wi n e de. Ke ni. Ke ni t ni doKo wi ni n.
taišguwiną," éže. "Kénį, kénį, tanišguwinįną,"
we are cleaned," he said. ["Not yet,] [not yet,] you are not cleaned off,"



e de. di Ke e de. x Kewe de. tt tti
éže. Žigé éže. Ğakweže. "Jaji,
he said. Again he said. They were crying. "Father,



ty dKo wi n de Ko A wi n e de. Ke ni.
taišguwiną, žegų hawiną," éže. "Kénį,
we are cleaned off, [now] we are through," he said. ["Not yet,]



t ni doKo wi ni n e de. de tt K. Lo K n xitti de. t doAo ttAi de.
tanišguwinįną," éže. Žejąga, rokanaxjįže. tašucįže.
you are not cleaned off," he said. Now, it was very hot. It was red hot.



di Ke. ay Le de. K tt K Ao Ki Ko Lo daK Kitti we de.
žigé, aíreže. Gająga, hókikúruš’akjį weže,
Again they said it. This time, very feebly he said it,



p. 200 —
tt tti ty doKo wi n. de Ko A wi n e de.
"Jaji, taišguwiną, žegų hawiną," éže.
"Father, we are cleaned off, [now] we are through," he said.



liAi Ai xitti niKi e de. de Ko de tto l A e K tt.
Pihixjįnįk éže. žegų́že. Jopahą egają,
[Somewhat carefully,]* he said it. Thus it was. Four times they had said it,

*the translation has, "in a loud voice".



e lA deKe A Ke w Ki xA lini de. de tt K
epa ške hąké wagixapnįže. Žejąga,
from then on, [also] not he would not answer them. This time,



Ao Ki Ko Lo daK Kitti wy Le de. liAi Ai xitti niKi ay Le de. de Ko de.
hókikúruš’akjį waíreže. Pihixjįnįk aíreže. žegų́že.
very weakly they said it. [Somewhat carefully,] [they said it.]* Thus it was.

*this sentence was not translated.



p. 201 = 202* —
L dtt Ai Le de. de Ko de. tee w Ai Ki di. w nK deAe
rašją hireže. žegų́že. T’ewahigiži, wanąkše,
To say no more they did. Thus it was. When he had killed them, he was saying,

*the page was misnumbered as "202". The pages hereafter are one number too high.



te e te de rKe Ao ni LK Kitti L wi L. A Ke ni liAi wi ni
"Tee težesge honirakjįrawira, hąké nipiwinį
["These] thus you have been spoken of, not I did not like you



no ni Ke A Ke w d Ai A ni Kette Ke w o L.
nųnįgé hąké wažą hihanįkjege, wa’ųra
but not anything I did not intend to do, [I did it,]



A Lo xA Ay tte Ae L dA L wi n. K tt doAo wi L. e tt Le tt.
haruxa haijeherašarawiną. Gają šųwira ejareja
[more and more] [you had an effect.] When you did over here



L Ki doAo Lo di ttodo dA wi Le tt. ne ni ne wi L.
ragi, šuružic-žušawireja, neninewiną
when you were coming, you were scuffling on the way, you were



p. 203 —
y lAe Le rA n. Ao tt w xoAo liAi ni w o L. Ao we
yaperesąną. Hojá waxopį́nį wa’ųra, howe
I knew. Even the spirits that I created, to go about



wo L dK tt L tte de. ay Le L. Ao tt Lo K n
worašgac raježe, aírera. Hojá, rokana
you abused them [you stood,] they said. [Yes,] [much]



w doo wi n. A Ke di Ke A tti ne xitti
waš’ųwiną. Hąké žigé haji nexjį
[you did to them.] Not [again] to come you



de rKe di Ai L Ki Ki wi ni n n. ty doKo wi n a wi. Ao tt
žesgeži hiragigiwinįnaną, 'Taišguwiną,' awi. Hojá,
that way you will not do, 'We are cleaned,' to say. [Yes,]



t ni doKo Ktt wi Ke w o n. Ao deAe Le KL. t doKo ni wi w o n.
tanišgukjawige, wa’ųną. hušerekra, tašguniwi wa’ųną.
to intend that you be cleaned off, I did it. Your bones, to clean I did it.



p. 204 —
de tt n ni Ke n Ko ni. w d Lo K ny Le n
žejaną, nįgé nakųnį. Wažą rokanaireną,
Even now, there they must be. Something they are great,



y Ke Ktt n Ae. Ao tt w d Ao w d xitti Ai Le Ko ni.
yagekjanahe. Hojá, wažą howažaxjį hiregųnį.
I will call. [Indeed,] [something] very weak they must have been.



ni di Ao t deKe. w K ttAK w A n y Le L.
Niží, hotašgé wákącąk wahaną, yaréra.
[Exclamation] some holy I had created them, I thought.



te de rKe tee wo w teeKe Kitti niKi n Kn Ko ni. A Ke
Težesge, t’e wowat’ekjį nįknąknagųnį, hąké
[These sorts,] to kill very easy [little children,] [not]



te de rKe w Ki Ki ni n Ko ni. tt rKe xitti Ai n K tt. di Ke
težesge wagiginįnągųnį. jasgéxjį hinagają, žigé
[these sorts] [to do for them.] What they must have been doing, [again]



p. 205 —
de tt K. w rKe L. wy Ki xAo xoAo xi Le. A Ke di de rKe
žejąga, wasgéra waigixoxoǧire. Hąkéži žesge
even now, dishes they broke them up. But not this



w Ki Ki ni Ktt n A o Ae Le n. w rKe L. woyi niKi
wagiginįkjaną. Ha’ų hereną. wasgéra woinįk
I did not intend to do to them. [To remain] [it is.]* The plates to be destroyed

*this sentence is not translated.



wy Ki Ki Le L e tt Ai Ke wy liAi ni n e de.
waigigirera éja hįké waipįnįną," éže.
when they caused them, then not I did not like them," he said.



e Ki xitti i no Ke we Ao ttAi Lo KeLe Ki. Ai d Ai Kd tti Ke Le de.
égixjį, inokewe hocirokregi, hižą hikšajikereže.
Just then, sweat bath within the lodge, one he let out a little laugh.



p. 206 —
A K K reKey d Ai Le de. we de. ni Ktt KiniKi w ni L. Lo K n
"Hagagasgeižą," hireže. Weže, "Nįkjąknįkwanira, rokana
"Oh my," he thought. He said, "My little children, [much]



niKi Ai Le K tt. t dKo niKi w K L Ki
nįk hiregają, tašgu nįk wakaragi,
little having been, to clean [a little] [as I said,]



n i nK dA n. tee wy Ki Ki dKe n i n Ke
ną’įnąkšana. T’e waigigi ške ną’įnąke,
I am trying. To kill to do them for me [also] because they tried,



A K xitti. ne w o L Ae Le Le n. w lA K nK
hakaxjį, ne wa’ųra herereną. Wapaką́nąk
often, I [that I created them] they are. To be clever



w o n. Ao w d xitti Ai Le K tt w o nK dA n. tee
wa’ųną. Howažaxjį hiregają, wa’ųnąkšaną. T’e
I made them. Very weak they were, [I made them]. To kill



p. 207 —
w w teeKe Kitti w o nK dA n. ni Ktt Kini KL tee wy Ki Ki
wawat’ekjį wa’ųnąkšaną. nikjąknįkra t’e waigigi
[to be going to do it] [they did it.] My children to kill they did for me



n i n KeLe. a tti Le de. Lo KeLe Ki* n KeLe w n Kde.
ną’įnąkre," ajireže. Rokregi nąkre wa’ųnąkše.
they tried," he began to say. From within [who were] [they did it.]

*at the beginning of this word is an odd symbol that looks like a square version of the numeral "8" followed by a numeral "1", set at an ascending angle of about 45°. The English translation, p. 60, begins here with a symbol that seems to suggest the beginning of a new paragraph.



Ko te Lo dtt neyi* Ke ni w K t doKo ni n. Ki rAe we
"Koté, rušjąnei, kéni wągatašgunįną. Kiséwe
"Say, stop that, not yet we are not cleaned. Still

*just before this word, there appears to be a paragraph sign (¶).



mi nK KLe. a nK deAe. Ko te Lo dtt ne. i no Ke we
mįnąkre," ánąkše. "Koté, rušjąne, inokewe
sit," they said. "Say, quit that, sweat bath



p. 208 —
Ao ttAi L w d Ly dKy Ke. Ke ni w K t doKo ni n a nK dAe.
hocira wažaraįšgąige. kéni wągatašgunįną," ánąkše.
the lodge you might injure. Not yet we are not cleaned," they said.



te we L Ki. A tti Ay ri Kitti nK Ki Le ra de deKe.
Tewéraki, haji haizikjį nąkires’aže, ške
Unexpectedly, they came to bulge they would do, [also]



o n Koo A Ki ni mi Ki Le de. m ri ttAi L.* t Ko al
’ųnąk’ų, hakini mįgireže. Mązicira taku’ąp,
finally, to take a hold of one another they did. The iron lodge it was red hot,

*the bottom portion of the letter /s/ seems to have been overwritten to make it less ambiguous.



nu ni Ke. Ki Kr Ai Ai nl n Ki L n K dKe
nųnįgé gigás hihinąp nąkiranąga ške
but to burst to go out [they did, and] again



Aoyi K wy Le ra de. Ki Lo xeAe. w o nK deAe. o n Koo A ntt
hoikawaires’aže. Kiruxe wa’ųnąkše. ’Ųnąk’ų, haną́c
they would run back in. [To chase each other] [they did it.]* Finally, all

*this sentence is not translated.



p. 209 —
Ki de de Le de. i no Ke we Ao ttAi L. e Ki. wi Ki ni
gižežereže, inokewe hocira. Égi wikįnį́
they broke it up, sweat bath the lodge. Then oil



Ao do n K. n xtt Ki Le de. ttAi wi tti Le de. te e L Lo K n de.
hožunąka nąxjakireže. Cįwįjireže. Teera rokanaže.
the bag they kicked. It made a loud noise. [This one] [it was much.]



ttAi L. Aoyi nK deAe. e tt. di Ke ttAi Lo le tt.
Cira hoinąkše. Éja žigé ciróbeja
The lodge it caught on fire. Then [again] front door



A Ki A Ki ni oyi Le de. e tt Ki Ke Le L. rii xitti
hagi hakini’ųireže. Éja gikerera, s’ixjį
[there] they scuffled. There [he dove in], for a long time



p. 210 —
Lo daK deAe. e tt n tto L deKe A t dA L de.
ruš’akše. Éja nąjúra ške hatašaraže.
[he failed.] There his hair [also] it was singed.



wy ni L deKe. t Ki A A li Le de. e Ki.
Wainira ške taki hahąpireže. Égi
His clothing [also] here and there became as daylight. [And]



K tt K Ki Lo Ko Ai Le de. e tt Ai Ai nl deAe.
gająga giruko hireže. Éja hihiną́pše.
then to get out of the way they did. Then he came out.



de Ko de. ttAi L Aoyi t Koo xitti de. de Ko L xAo ttL dA n
žegų́že. Cira hoitak’ųxjįže. Žegų, raxojrašana
Thus it was. The lodge it was burned to the ground. [Thus,] nothing but ashes



Ae Le de. e Ki. w nK deAe. Ko te Ai Ke
hereže. Égi wanąkše, "Koté, hįké
[there was.] Then they said to one another, "Say, not



liAi ni L n. Ai a tti Ai L. ttAo ni w reKe L. w L Ki xoAo xeKe
pįnįraną. hi’ącihira coni wasgéra waragixuxek
you have not done right. Our father first dishes you broke them up



p. 211 —
w Ae L. di Ke K tt K. ttAi L t xoAo L Ki Ki n.
wahéra. Žigé gająga, cira taxuragiginą."
it is why I say it. [Again] now, his house you burned down."



e tt n tti Ki rKe nK deAe. n ttKe L Ki te Ki Le de a nK deAe.
Éja najikisgenąkše. Nącgera gitekireže, ánąkše.
There they scolded one another. They felt sorry for him, they said.



e Ki. we de. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. Ai Ke w di Lo Ai L ni n.
Égi weže, "Nįkjąknįkxjįwira, hįké wažįrohiranįną.
Then he said, "My children, not it is of no consequence.



tti Ai Lo Ai Le de. ttAi n KLe. tt Ko ne
Jihiro hireže. Cinąkre jagú ne
[?]* they were. The lodge [how] you

*this is not translated.



p. 212* —
A liAi ni wi L w L K L Ki doo wi n. di Ke Ai d. A o Ktt n Ae n.
hapiniwira waragaragiš’ųwiną. Žigé hižą ha’ųkjanaheną.
[it belongs] [you have done it to ?]. [Again] one I will make for myself.

*at the top right of this page is written a large bold sign, either "*" or "#".



A Ke w di L wi ni ne e de. A Ke
Hąké wažį́ rawinįne," éže. "Hąké
Not anything you are not," he said. "Not



w d y L ni n. di Ke e liAi xitti L Ai d
wažą yaranįną. Žigé epixjįra hižą
[anything] I do not care. [Again] the better one



A Ki Koo Ktt n Ae n. e de. di Ke e tt Ki Lo di tti Le Ki.
hakik’ųkjanaheną," éže. Žigé éja kiružijiregi,
I will make for myself," he said. Again there they began to tease one another, and



Ki Lo xeAe to we A Koyi Le de. Ko L. m dtt
kiruxe towe hakoireže. Korá, mąšją
to chase one another [to go] they came away. [Exclamation] [mighty]



p. 213 —
n tteKe L te Kono ni Ke. e Ki dKe di Ke dKe
nącgera teknunige égi ške žigé ške
he was angry, but and [also] [again] [also]



w n Ke we de. e tt t xoAo Ai n i ne dKe
wanąkeweže. Éja taxu hinaįne ške
he was afraid of them. There to burn up if they wanted to, and



Ki o Ai L n K Ai Ki lAe Lere deAe. e Ki di Ke.
ki’ų hiránąga hikiperezše. Égi žigé
[to do] [they did and] he knew it. Then [again]



w Kd Ai Le de. Ko te A Ke deKe
wakšą́ hireže. "Koté, hąké ške
to turn back they did. "Say, not perhaps



liAi ni Ai Ai ra Le.* Ai a tti Ai L. Ao Ki L Ki ne Ktte n. a wi de.
pįnį hįhis’are. hi’ącihira hogiraginekjeną," awiže.
wrong we did. Our father let us go and tell," they said.

*at the end of this word is a bold "#" indicating a new paragraph.



p. 214 —
e rKe di Ke w Kd wi de. we L Ki di Ke
Ésge žigé wakšąwiže. Weraki, žigé
So again they turned back. Unexpectedly, again



A Ktt Ai tt A Ai Le de. tt A a. di Ke
hakjá hija hahíreže. "Jáha-á žigé
back there they came. "Well, again



L tti wi de. w wi Ke de. A A a. te Ki Ao w
rajiwiže," wawigéže. "Hąhą’ą, tégi howa
you have come back," he said to them. "Yes, over here [around]



Le L Lo L xi L. e tt A Ki wi n. n Ko
rera roraxira, éja hakiwiną. nągú
to go you forbade us, there we went back. Road



Ao Ki xA L. Ai L Ki wi L. A Ao. tt rKe Ai Ai Ktt n Ae de.
hokixara hirakiwira, hąhó, jasgé hihikjanaheže?
the fork when we got to, well, what we were going to do?



e Ki Ai a tti Ai L Ao w Le w K diAi L Ai A wi n.
Égi hi’ącihira howare wągašira, hihawiną.
Here our father to go he told us, we said.



p. 215 —
A Ao Ai A wi L e w w t wi n. e tt
'Hąhó,' hihawira e wawatawiną. Éja
'All right,' we said, and we went that way. There



Le tt Ai Lo di ttd n. e rKe. e tt A Ki
reja hiružicšaną. Ésge, éja hagi
[on he went] he teased me. So, [there] on the way



to di t[t] wi n. Ai A wi L. Ai niKi A xitti wi L. a n K.
tužicwiną, hihawira. 'Hinįkhaxjįwira,' ánąga
we teased one another, [as we said.] 'My sons,' he said and



wo xeAe te xitti wi wi n. e Ki. wo Ki teKe A n i wi L deKe.
woxetexjįwiwiną. Égi wogitek hana’įwira ške
he loved us very much. And to get angry we tried and



Ai Ke w di L ni n. tt rKe wo xAe te Ai L wi L Ai deKe
hįké wažįranįną. Jasgé woxetehirawira hišgé
not he would not think anything about it.* As much as you loved us, he also

*at the top of the English translation page (63), the following definition is entered: "tacgú = to clean off by fire".



p. 216 —
de rKe n. woy Koo wi n dKe. w Att wi n. w d
žesge woik’ųwiną. Ške wahajawiną, wažą
the same [he reciprocated with.] [Also] we ate things



ttAe xiAi L Le Ki xitti Lo tti Ki Ki wi n. e Ki w o n. Ai Lo xi ttL
cexiraregixjį rujigigiwiną. Égi wa’ųną. Hiruǧicra*
rare he gave us to eat. And he did that. To tease me

*one would expect -ružic-, but there is no question that the syllabic letter is /x/.



Lo w xi no ni Ke. A Ke Ae Ki Lo dtt ni n. e Ki.
rowaǧi, nųnįgé hąké hekirušjąnįną. Égi
I forbade him, but not he would not stop. Then



we n. A Ki L Le e n. wo xtt wi wi n. e tt A ni A mi KL.*
wéną, 'Hakirare', éną. Woxjawiwiną. Éja hanįhamįkra
he said, 'Fight with him,' he said. He did it in fun. [There] I grabbed hold of him,

*the syllable /ni/ is inserted above the line in smaller letters.



to a tti Le A n K. Ay Ao K t. w reKe Ao do L.
tu’ąjire, hánąga haihugają, wasgé hožura
he was swung, and after I swung him, dish containers



p. 217 —
riAi L Ai Lo tti A n. w roKo do L. Ki K L.
sira hirujį haną. Wasgóžura gikąra
his feet to strike [I did.] Dish container it was knocked down



my rAi ttAi n. e tt wo Ki teKe n tte n. e tt
maisįcįną. Éja wogiteknąjeną. Éja
it was destroyed. Then he seemed to become angry. Then



t doKo wi Ktt wi e n. Ao we w xAo liAi ni diAi diAiKi
tašguwikjawi éną. Howe waxopį́nį šišik
he would clean us off with fire, he said. Going about spirits bad



w o wi Ke e rKe. Ao ttiy y K wi L. mr ni al.
wa’ųwige. Ésge, hoji-á kąwira. Mąznį’ą́p
because we had been with. So all right we told him. Live iron



Ao Ki rKe xAe te Ai xitti ni Ke t Ktt Ai n.
hogisge xete hixjį nįgé takjahiną.
chunk great full place he heated it.



e Ki di Ke. mr de rKe ni Ke
Égi žigé mąz žesge nįgé
And [again] iron kind [thing]



p. 218 —
Ai ttAi o n. e Ki. Ai tt Ao Ke we Ai Ki Ki wi n.
hici’ųną. Égi hija hokewé higigiwiną.
he made the lodge. Then [there] to enter he made us.



e Ki. wi Ki ni A lA xAo wi n. t K ttL Lo K n n.
Égi wikįnį́ hapaxuwiną. takacra rokananą.
And oil we poured. Hot it was very.



e tt tee A Ki Ki Koo wi L. e xitti n tee wi wi de.
Éja t’ehakgigi k’ųwira exjįna t’ewiwiže,
There he killed we feigned to him he killed us,



a n K. Lo K n wy K wi n. L dtt L e Ki.
ánąga rokana waigawiną. Rašjąra égi
and very much he said. [Having stopped talking,] [here]



A Ki to di ttiwi L. i no Ke we Ao ttAi L. Ay de de wi n.
hagi tužicwira, inokewe hocira haižežewiną.
[afterwards] we teased one another, sweat the lodge we broke to pieces.



p. 219 —
e tt. ttAi L t e A Ki Ki wi n. e tt
Éja cira ta’é hagigiwiną. Éja
There the lodge afire [we caused it.] [There]



ttAi Lo le tt A Ki ni A o wi L. eyo w Ki Li Ko L.
ciropeja hakini ha’ųwira, eowakiri gura,
[door] [to go] [we stood in place for a time,] [to come back] [to go home,]



Lo daK dA n.* e tt t xAo A wi n no ni Ke Ai Ke
roš’akšaną. Éja taxuhawiną, nųnįgé hįké
[he could not do it.]† There we could have burned him up, but not

*just before this word is an inscrutible symbol written in ink slightly above the line.
†this entire sentence is omitted from the translation.



A o wi ni n. e Ki. n tteKe L. Ai teKe wi de Ai A wi L. A Ke
ha’ųwinįną. Égi nącgera hitekwiže, hihawira. Hąké
we did not do it. [Then] we were sorry, we told him. Not



w di L ni Ai diAi wi n. Ai d Ki Koo Ktt n Ae de e Ke
wažįranį, hišiwiną. Hižą kik’ųkjanaheže, ége.
it is nothing, he told us. One he could make himself, he said.



e Ki. di Ke e w w Ao wi n. A Ke
Égi žigé e wawahuwiną. Hąké
Then again here we came. Not



p. 220 —
liAi ni deKe A w ra Le Ai A wi Ke Ao mi Ki tK
pįnį ške hawas’are hihawige, honįgitak
not right also as we were thinking, because we had done, to tell you



Ao wo n ay Le de. e Ki. w wy xtt de. A Ke
huwoną," aíreže. Égi wawaixjaže. "Hąké
we came," they said. Then he laughed at them. "Not



w di Lo Ai Le doo wi ni n. wo w Ki d w o nK dA n.
wažį́ rohire š’ųwinįną. Wowąkižą wa’ųnąkšaną.
anything that was harmful you did not do. A bad fellow he is.



e Ki. te de Ko ne Ki dKe Ai Ke
Égi težegų negišge hįké
And [this] even now not



w di L ni n Kd n. A Ke deKe Ao ni dii Kini A nK dA n. n ni K
wažįranįnąkšaną. Hąké ške honiš’įknįhanąkšaną, nuniga
it is nothing. Not [also] he was not angry at you, but



p. 221 —
w wi n di. e rKe A Ke w di L ni n. e Ki.
wawinąžį, ésge hąké wažįranįną. Égi
[he encouraged], that is why not [it is nothing.] And



de e e Le n. tt n K. w d L. A Ke
žee ereną.* Janąga wažąra hąké
he he is the one. All the things [not]

*for hereną, the /h/ being dropped form external sandhi from the concluding vowel of the previous word.



liAi ni L. e Ai att Ai Le n. e w o nK dA n.
pįnįra, e hi’ąchireną. E wa’ųnąkšaną.
[not good,] he he is their father. He he created them.



tt n K. w d L. A Ke Ae Le ni L. A Ke
Janąga wažąra hąké herenira hąké
All the things not they should not be, not



w di Lo Ai Le doo wi ni n. e de. e Ki.
wažį́ rohire š’ųwinįną," éže. Égi
anything that was harmful you did not do," he said. Then



A Koyi Le de.* e tt† A Ko Ley d ow Ki Li Le K tt. e tt
haguireže. Éja hagoreižą ’ųwąkiriregają, éja
they came away. [There] finally, as they came on their way, there

*this is followed by a # sign indicating the beginning of a new paragraph.
†just before this word is a kind of double "#" sign indicating the start of a new paragraph.



p. 222 —
ni dL A Kidi xitti lA reAe tte de. e tt
nižra hąkšixjį paseježe. Éja
the cliffs very high [they became pointed.] There



Ao t[i] wi de.* e Ki Ao ti Ktte n. xeAe n KLe.† xAe
hot[i]wiže. Égi, "Hotikjeną. xenąkre, xe
they climbed. Then, "Let us climb, this hill, hill

*this is translated as though there were an /i/ in the second syllable, although it seems to have been omitted.
†just before this word are a pair of inscrutible symbols written in dark ink and pitched upward at a 45° angle.



w xtt n KLe e Ki a wi de. e Ki. Ai tto ti wi K tt.
waxjanąkre égi," awiže. Égi hijotiwigają,
this funny one [here,"] they said. And when they climbed up,



te we L Ki e tt w ni Ko m L no liAi wi
tewéraki, éja wanįkomara nųpiwi
unexpectedly, there bird nests two



e tt A[i] tte de.* wo Lo xo tti Le K tt. w niKi niKi xoAo dA L L.
éja h[i]ježe. Woruxujiregają, wanįgᵉnįk xušarara
there [they came to.] When they looked at them, chick featherless

*probably, but not cetrtainly, an /i/ has been omitted in the first syllable.



p. 223 —
Ai d dA n. Ai tt nK deAe. Ko te w niKi ni Ki
hižą́ šana hijanąkše. "Koté, wanįgᵉnįk
one each it contained. "Say, birds



Ki n Kd n a nK deAe. Ai Ko e tt n di L n K
ginąkšaną," ánąkše. Higų éja nąžįrenąga
there are,"* they said. [Now] there they stood and

*or "were left behind".



wo Lo xo ttnK deAe. Ai d. a Ao Aoyi ttini Ke tt. m dAo
woruxucnąkše. Hižą́ ahu hoijnįgeja mąšu
they looked at them. One arms under feathers



Ao xiAi Li niKi ni rKe de. Kidi. m doAo L ttAo xitti Le de.†
hoxirinik* nisgeže, giži. Mąšura coxjįreže.
[?] he seemed to have [.] The feathers they were very blue.‡

*an unknown word, which is also untranslated. Cf. xíri, "to get into something soft", or perhaps, xinį, "sparks".
†at the begining and end of the syllables // there are two elongated dots in ink.
co can also mean "green".



m dtt m dAo liAi ne de. Ko L. m doAo L.
Mąšją mąšu pįneže. "Korá, mąšura
Very feathers they were good. "[Say,] feathers



p. 224 —
w d liAi Ae Ktti L n Ki di. m dAo L wo Ki ro Ki re Ki di
wažą hekjįranagiži, mąšura wogizokiregiži,"
[things] fine they will be, the feathers when they mature,"



a nK deAe. Ko te xoo Ke L. w d liAi
ánąkše. "koté, x’okera wažą
they said. "Say, the old ones [things] good



Ae Ktti ne Ki di. ay Le de. e Ki. Ai d wi K wi de.
hekjįnegiži," aíreže. Égi hižą́ wigawiže,
they must be," they said. And one of them they said,



Ko te Ao ttAi ttAi ni KL. L dL tt Ko Ai ni Ky Le de.
"Koté hocįcįnįkra, rašra jagú hinigaireže?",
"Say little boy, [name] [what] they call you?",



Ai Ke de. e Ki. da Kow A L. A Ki Li Le K. ni Ke Le Le K.
higeže. "Égi, š’agowahara hakirírega, nįgererega,
they said to it. "Well, my parents when they come home, when they find me,



p. 225 —
wy Ky Le doAo no n. ny rA w Ki diAi dK Ai Ky Le doAo no n. e de. Ko L
waigairešųnųną, Nąisawągišiška higairešųnųną," éže. "Korá,
[they used to tell me,] "Breaks the Tree Tops" they used to call me," he said. "Say,



Ld w xtt ni Ki d A diAi ni K tt a nK deAe. ny rA w Ki diAi dK
raš waxjanįkižą hašinigają," ánąkše. "Nąisawągišiška,"
name a funny one you have," they said. "Breaks the Tree Tops,"



a nK deAe. di Ki tt ne n K. Ai Ki w xi Le de. Ko te. Ai deKe
ánąkše. Žigijanenąka* higiwąxireže, "Koté, hišgé
[they said.] Then the other one they asked, "Say, [also]

*< žigé-hijanénąka.



tt Ko niKi Ai ni Ky Le de e de. e Ki.
jagú nįk hinigaireže?", éže. "Égi,
what [little one] they call you?", [he said.] "Well,



daK w A L A Ki Li Le K. ni K L Ke Le Le K. wy Le doAo no n.
š’agowahara hagirirega, nįgarakererega, wairešųnųną,
my parents when they come home, when they speak lovingly to me, they used to call me,



p. 226 —
L di L tti Le K. ny rA w Ki xo K. Ai Ky Le doAo no n e de.* Ko L.
ražirajirega, Naįsawągiǧoga, higairešųnųną," éže. "Korá,
to call me by name, 'Smashes the Tree Tops', they used to call me," he said. "Say,

*the word e de is reduplicated as the succeeding word on the next line by mistake.



Ld w xtt ni Ki d A diAi ni K tt a nK deAe. ny rA w Ki xo K.
raš waxjanįkižą hašinigają," ánąkše. Naįsawągiǧoga,
name a funny one you have," they said. "Smashes the Tree Tops,"



a tt wi de. ny rA w Ki diAi dL. tt tt n K. daK w L wi K A Ki Li Le ra de
ajawiže. Naįsawągišišra, jajanąga š’agowarawiga hagirires’aže?,"
they said. "Breaks the Tree Tops, about when your parents they would come back?,"



p. 227 —
Ai Ke de. e Ki. Ai Ko tt tt w Ki Ko Le A wi K
higeže. "Égi, higųjają wakigó rehawiga,
[he asked.] "Well, whenever to call [we send out,]



A Ki Li Le dAo no n. e de. Ko te e Ki w Ki Ko
hakirirešųnųną," éže. "Koté, égi wakigó
they always come back," he said. "Say, well, to call



Le Ai wi Le A Ki Li Le K tt n. w wi Ky Le de. Ao ttiy ay Le de.
rehiwire hakirirekjaną," wawigaireže. "Hojiá," aíreže.
[send out] that they may come back," they said to them. "All right," they said.



e Ki. ny rA wi Ki diAi dK we de. n w n K we de.
Égi Naįsawągišiška weže, nąwąnąka weže,
And Breaks the Tree Tops said, this song he said,



Ai tt Ko wi Le. Ai tt Ko wi Le. w Le ttA w
"Hijagųwire. Hijagųwire. Warecáwa
"Come back and see us. Come back and see us. Twins



mo tt niKi Ai L ni Ae L. Ai Ly tti L wi n.
mojanįk hiránihera hiraijirawiną.
who have gone crazy over the earth they have they have come upon us.



p. 228 —
Ai tt Ko wi Le. e de. K tt. m xiAi Aoyi tte tt ttAi wi tti Ke Le de.
Hijagųwire," éže. Gają mąxihoijeja cįwįjikereže.
Come back and see us," he said. And at the horizon there was a great thunder.



Ko te Ai dKe a L. Ai tt ne n K Ai Ky Le de.
"Koté, hišgé ara," hijanénąka higaíreže.
"Say, also you say," the other they said to him.



tt Ko Ai deAe ra Ki di. e xA lee A Ki Li Le Kette n.
"Jagú hišes’agiži, e, xap’é hakirirekjeną,"
"Whatever you are in the habit of saying, say, soon they may come back,"



Ai Ky Le de. Ao ttiy e de. Ai no li Ke Ai A wi doAo no n.
higaíreže. "Hojiá," éže. "Hinųpike hihawišųnųną,"
they said to him. "All right," he said. "Both we used to say it,"



e de. A A e Ki. Ai dKe a Le
éže. "Hąhą́, égi hišgé are,"
he said. "All right, [then] also you say it,"



p. 229 —
Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. Ai deKe e de. n w
higaíreže. Égi hišgé éže, nąwą
they said to them. Then also he said, song



we de. Ai tt Ko wi Le. Ai tt Ko wi Le. w Le ttA w
weže, "Hijagųwire. Hijagųwire. Warecáwa
he said it, "Come back and see us. Come back and see us. Twins



mo tt niKi Ki L ni Ae L. Ai Ly tti L wi n.
mojanįk kiranihera hiraijirawiną.
who have gone crazy over the earth they have they have come upon us.



Ai tt Ko wi Le. e de. Ko L. xoAo no tt ne A Ke
Hijagųwire," éže. Kora, xunująne hąké
Come back and see us," he said. [Say,] the younger one not



Ki liAi ni de. mo tt niKi Ai Ky Le Ki di. e Ki tt tti ne tt.
gipįnįže, mojanįk higairegiži, égi jajineją
[it was not good] going crazy over the earth when they said it, and even now



p. 230 —
ttAi wi A Koy Le de. Lo K n xitti Ko de. tt tti ne tt.
cįwį haguireže. Rokanaxjį guže. jajineją
thundering they came. Very great they came. Even now



Ki ni li de. Lo tteKe L Lo K n n Ai d Ki rA Kn i ne a wi de.
kinibiže. "rucgéra rokanana hižą gisakną’įne," awiže.
[they were here ?]. "pigeons the many ones one try to kill," they said.



e tt i ni Ai oyi L n K. wy diAili tti Le Ai Le ra de.
Éja ini hioíranąga waišipjire hires’aže.
There stones they used and they knocked them down [they would do.]



Ai deKe o xitti L no ni Ke. A Ke w wi ttAe tti L ni de.*
Hišgé ’ųxjįra nųnįgé hąké wawicejiranįže.
Also they tried very hard but not they could not harm them.

*there is a large horizontal ink smudge between the letters /w/ and /wi/, but the letters in this word are unusually widely spaced and the smudge seems to have fallen between them.



e Ki te we L Ki. e tt Ai d Ao we
Égi, tewéraki, éja hižą howe
Then, unexpectedly, there one [going about]



p. 231 —
ow K tt. w i Ki xA w ni n KL i w owK deAe.
’ųwąkają, wa’į gixawaninąkra į́ wa’ųwąkše.
[when he was,] blanket the lost one he had on (wore) [he was doing it.]



Ki diAili tti Le Ai wi de. e tt w i L Ko Lo ri Le de. e Ki
Gišipjirehiwiže. Éja wa’įra kurusireže. Égi
They knocked him down. There the blanket they took it back. And



wy Le de. w K m Ao tt Ktt n A wi n. de Ko Ai Ai Ktt wi n ay Le de.
waíreže, "Wągamąhujakjanahawiną, žegų hihikjawiną," aíreže.
they said, "We will be ended, so let us stop," they said.



e tt w Ki Lo dtt Ai Le de. w K tt w o nK deAe.
Éja wagirúšją hireže. Wakąja wa’ųnąkše.
There to let up on them they did. Thunderbirds they were them.



e Ki. w i L. Ao Ko Lo xo ttK tt. te we L Ki. t ri de.
Égi wa’įra hokuruxucgają, tewéraki, taziže.
And his blanket he looked at it, and unexpectedly, it had become yellow.*

*the translation adds, "with age (smoke?)."



p. 232 —
e Ki. wo Lo reKe L deKe. A ntt rA n L L de.
Égi woruskera ške haną́c sąnąraraže.
And the ornaments also all they had fallen off.



Ko L. Ai Loyi Le xitti n KL. w i L diAi diAi Ki Ki Ki Le. e de.
"Korá, hisoirexjįnąkra wa’įra šišikigigire," éže.
"Well, the bad fellow the blanket they have spoiled," he said.



e Ki. K Ly riAiriAi ttede. K tt ttAe Ke tt tt rK ni Ae Ki di
Égi karaisisįcše. Gają cegéja jásganihègiži,
Then he shook it. And new as it used to be,



de rK Ki Li nK deAe. wo Lo reKe L deKe. liAi xitti de. A ntt.
žesgakirinąkše. Worusgera ške pįxjįže, haną́c.
it became. The ornaments also it was good, all.



e Ki. xoAo no tte K. we de. Ko te te n KLe
Égi xunujega weže, "Koté, tenągere
Then the youngest he said, "Say, these



p. 233 —
w day Le L A Ke wy liAi ni n e de.* a n K.
waš’airera hąké waipįnįną," éže, ánąga
they said something not I do not like," he said, and

*something like a "#" sign occurs after this word.



n xiAi Li xiAi Li Ai Ko Lo Ao de. Ai tt ne tt ne Lo xi de.
naxirixiri hikorohóže. Hijanejąne roǧiže.
to smash with the feet he was about to. The other one he forbade it.



A Ke de rKe L ni Ki di. w di w Ki Koo Ktte n.
"Hąké žesge ranįgiži, wažį́ wakik’ųkjeną,"
"Not that do not do, something we can make it ourselves,"



e de. xAe te niKi tt ne we de. w Ke Le Ai w Ki Koo Ktte n
éže. xetenįkjąne weže, "Wakerehi wakik’ųkjeną,"
he said The oldest one he said, "Headdresses we can make it ourselves,"



e de. A Ao e de. e Ki. Ai d d n.*
éže. "Hąhó," éže. Égi hižąšana
he said "All right," he said. And one apiece

*the text seems to read, Ai d dt n. Above the line, /tt/ is written apparently as a correction to /dt/. However, given the translation, "one apiece", /dt/ should read /d/ alone.



p. 234 —
Lo ri L n K. to xoAo Lo dK w Lo rA Ki Le de. K tt. m dtt
rusiranąga toxorušgą warusakireže. Gają, mąšją
they took and [to seize by the throat] they choked them to death. And hard



w Lo Ko ri Le K tt. di Ko ni do xoAo tteKe L. xiAi n di de.
warukosiregają, žigų nįžuxocgera xinažį́že.
when they pressed on them, [then] drizzling rain [it rushed by in a billowing fashion.]

*for xinažį́, see Houghton's "The Old Man and the Giants".



Ko te w Ke Le w xtt Ai Le Ktt n Ae n. a nK deAe. w K L
"Koté, wakere waxjahirekjanaheną," ánąkše. Wągara
"Say, headdress what funny ones we'll have," they said. [The above]



Ke Le Le de. e Ki. w Lo Ko ri Le K. de Ko ni do xoAo tteKe L
kerereže. Égi warukosirega, žegų nįžuxocgera
they put. And when they pressed on them, [then] a fine rain



xAi ra de. wo Ki ro Ktt[i]. wo xtt w K L Ki Le de. e Ki.
xis’aže. Wogizukj[į], woxja wakarakireže. Égi
it began to rain. [Certainly,] to be fond [they were of their own ?]. Then



p. 235 —
di Ke to we K L wi de. w i L Ai Kee Le Ki di. Ki liAi xitti
žigé towekarawiže. wa’įra hik’eregiži, gipįxjį
again they went on. Their blanket they had found, so very happy



Ai Le de. w i L. Lo tteKe m no Ai Le K tt
hireže. wa’įra rucgé mąnų hiregają,
they were. The blanket pigeon it had stolen [they thought],



Ae Le K tt a nK deAe. Ao rKe w d o L de rKe
heregają, ánąkše. hosgé Wažą’ųra žesge
it was, they were saying. Purposely the Creator [this way]



w Ki Ki de. oyi Le K de rKe Ai Le Ktte Ke w o de.
wagigiže. ’Ųirega žesge hirekjege wa’ųže.
[he caused them.] When they did, [that way] so that they would, [he caused them.]



e A ntt w tt Ai Le Ktte Ke. Ao w Le L
E haną́c waja hirekjege, howarera
They all to see so that they might be, sure enough



p. 236 —
de rKe Ai Le de. A ntt Ao wy Le de. e tt.
žesge hireže. Haną́c howaíreže. Éja
that they did. All over they went. Then



A K Ly Le Ki di. e tt A Ki xeAe A Kdi xitti d
hagarairegiži, éja hagi xe hąkšixjįžą
they went home, and [there] on the way back hill a high one



A tt Le Ai Le de. Ko te Ky tt A Ki
hajare hireže. "Koté, kaija hagi
to see they did. "Say, in the distance [there]



Ao ti Kette n. m L xeAe te Ai xitti ttA tii Ktt n Ae n. m
hotikjeną. Mąra xetehixjį cąt’įkjanaheną.
let us climb. Country much it will be visible. Country



Ao Lo xo tti Ktte n. e de xoAo no tte K. Ao ttiy de rKe
horuǧujikjeną," éže, xunujega. "Hoji’a, žesge
we will view," he said, the youngest one. "All right, that



p. 237 —
y L mK dA n. Ai deKe e de. Ai tt
yaramąkšaną," hišgé éže. Hija
it is what I'm thinking," [also] he said. There



A Ki Le Ki di. Ao ti Le de. xeAe A Kidi xitti d
hagiregiži, hotireže. Xe hąkšixjįžą
when they arrived, they climbed it. Hill a very high one



Ae Le Ki di. A ttA Ke Le Ao ti we de. Ao w Le L.
heregíži, hacągére hotiweže. Howarera
it was, and with great effort they climbed it. Sure enough



Ao Ki Kixi xAe te Ai xitti ttA tii de. m L.
hogįgį́x xete hixjį cąt’įže, mąra.
round about much [way off] it was visible, the country.



Ko L. ttAi nK KL ni Ke dA n Ai n nK deAe.
"Kora, cinąkra nįgé šana hinąnąkše."
"Say, [the village] place only to go."*

*the translation adds, "and villages were visible here and there", which is not in the Hocąk at all.



de e e tt. ttAi n Ki d n Ki di. e dA n
Tee éja cinąkižą nąkiži ešana
This one there a village sitting alone



p. 238 —
Ai L ttiy L de. Ko te Ky tt Ao wi ne Kette L. de tt ny xitti
hirajairaže. "Koté, gaíja howinekjera. Žejanaixjį
it was bigger. "Say, there let us go there. [About now]



e tt A ro Ai Ao L tte Kette n. de Ko Ai K K
éja hazohi horajekjeną. Žegų hįkaga
there plenty of time let us visit. Then not



ni Ke A ro Ai deKe Ai wo dA ni n. e de
nįgé hazohi ške hiwušanįną," éže.
place plenty of time also to not stop," he said.



xeAe te niKi tte K we de. A Ao de rKe Kette n Ko te
Xetenįkjega weže, "hąhó, žesgekjeną. Koté,
The oldest one said, "All right, that we will do. [Say,]



liAi w L Ke n e de. e Ki. Ai tto w L wi de
warageną," éže. Égi hijowarawiže.
good you have spoken," he said. Then they went over there.



p. 239 —
A Lo K nK wiy n K. Ai tt. Ai wi Ki di. w tty Le de. Ai Ko
harukąnąkwianąga hija hiwigiži, wajaíreže. Higų
They came down and there when they got there, they saw them. [Yet]



e tt Ki Li tte tte A tt wi de. e Ki.
éja kirije je hajawiže. Égi
there [going over] standing [they watched them.] And



de Ko wy da Ki Le de. Ao Ki tee L deKe
žegų waiš’akireže. Hųgit’era ške
[then] they treated them with shyness.* [To speak to the chief] [also]

*the translation adds, "(through fear)".



w n K wy Le de. e Ki. Ao KL Ai tt n Ki di
wanagawaireže. Égi hųkra hija nąkiži,
[they went to him ?]. And the chief there as he was sitting,



e tt Ao LK A Ai Le de. e Ki Ao ttAi ttAi ni KL
éja horák hahíreže. Égi hocįcįnįkra
there to report they went. "[And] boys



no liAi wi a A tt wi L. Ao Kini Ktt KL w Ke Le nK dA n
nųpiwi ahajawira hųginįkjąkra wagerenąkšaną.
two [we have seen] the chief's children they have on their heads.



p. 240 —
ay Le de. e Ao KL we de w Ki Ko L wi Le.
aíreže. E hųkra weže, "Wagigorawire,
they said. He the chief he said, "Go tell them to come here,



n tto Ki tt w diAi Kette n. w Lo K n Ai [r]Ke n tto tt
nąjogiją wašikjeną, waruganą. Hi[s]gé nąjoją
to bless I may ask them, [you are to tell them ?]. Surely to take pity



Ai L ni Ktte de. e de. e Ki. w Ki Ko A Ai Le de.
hiranįkježe," éže. Égi wagigo hahíreže.
they will do," he said. And to call them they went.



Ko te Ao Ko ttAiye tt ni Ki Ko nK wi n. e tt
"Koté, hųgocieja nigigonąkwiną.* Éja
"Say, to the chief's lodge you are called. There

*< ne-higigo-nąk-wi-ną.



Ao w dAe Le Ktt wi a nK dA n. w wi Ky Le de. Ao.
howašerekjawi, ánąkšaną," wawigaireže. "Ho,"
you should go, he says," they said to them. "All right,"



a wi de de e tt w Ki do A K Ly Le de.
awiže. Že éja wakížu hagaraireže.
they said. These there together with them [they went back.]



p. 241 —
Ai tt w Ki do A Ki Le K tt te we L Ki. Ao Kn K.
Hija wakížu hagíregáją, tewéraki, hųknąka
There [together with them] when they took them, unexpectedly, the chief



Ai niKi w Ai L Ai d dA n A Ke Le nK dAe. e Ki.
hinįkwahira hižą šana hagerenąkše. Égi
his sons one apiece [sitting on top.] And



t ni Ao L. Ai Ki Lo lA n L. Ai tt w Ki too li Le de.
tanihúra hikirúpąnąra hija wagit’ųpireže.
the pipe [that which is mixed] there it was placed before them.



t ni Ao L. w wo Ki do Ai L n K. Ai d dA n.
tanihúra wawokižu hiránąga hižą šana
The pipe they filled for them [they did and] one apiece



Ai w Ki Ki Le de. e Ki. Ao KL we de. A A.
hiwagigireže. Égi hųkra weže, "Hąhą́,
they were given to them. Then the chief he said, "Now then,



p. 242 —
w xoAo liAi ni rK wi L. n tto L Ki tt wi Ki di. A Ke lAi ni ni
waxopinisgawira, nąjoragijawigiži, hąké pinįni
you white spirits, bless me, although not not good



Ki Ki wi no ni Ke. A Ke L xoAo L[o]Ko liAi ni d
gigiwi, nųnįgé hąké raxur[u]k pįnįžą
I have done, but not to heed not a good one



w o n. e rKe A Ke deKe y leAe Le rini n.
wa’ųną. Ésge, hąké ške yaperezeginįną.
he was. Therefore, not even I did not know.



A Ke liAi ni ne ni Ki Ki wi Ke me de rKe
hąké pįnį ne nįgigiwige. Mežesge
not it is not good you because we did it to you. [For this reason]



L wi L. y leAe Le rA n. ni Ktt KL. woyi L K Ly Koo wi Ki di.
rawira, yaperesąną. Nikjąkra woiraga raik’ųwigiži
you did it, I know. The children our [that you have on]



p. 243 —
n tto L Ki tt wi Ki di w d Ai ni Ki rK wi de. e de.
nąjoragi jawigiži, wažą hinįgisgawiže," éže.
[If the blessing] [you must do for us, as] [anything] we are not equal," he said.



A. a wi de. tt Ko e Ki. Ai Le
"Hą," awiže. "Jagų égi hire
"All right," they said. ["What] [here] [they think]



w o A nK wi de. Ao rKe wo xtt w A wi Ke w o wi n. di Ke
wa’ųhanąkwiže? hosgé woxjawahawige wa’ųwiną. Žigé
we are doing? [Because] we were fond of them we did it. [Again]



deKe A Ke Ai ni w ni wi ni w o A tt wi n. w niKi
ške hąké hiniwanįwinį wa’ųhajawiną. Wanįk
[also] not we are not abusing them [the way we do it.] Birds



niKi wi L n i wi Ke w o wi n. ni Ktt K Le Ki di
nįkwira ną’įwige wa’ųwiną. Nįkjąk regiži
[little ones] we thought [we did.] Children [when they went]



p. 244 —
Ai Ke y leAe Le riwi ni n. w Ke Le L. e tt. w wo K Ly K
hįké yaperezwinįną." Wakerera éja wawogaraiga
not we did not know." The headdresses there they gave them back



Ai Le de. w i nl dAe* Ao Kn K. Ke Le tto reAele xeAe te†
hereže. Wainąpše. Hųknąka Kerejųsepxete
[they did.] He was thankful. The chief "Big Black Hawk"

*the syllabic /dAe/ is rewritten above the line in darker pencil since the original is faded.
†the syllabic /tto/ is rewritten above the line in darker pencil since the original is faded.



Ai Ky Le Ki di w o nK deAe. w K tt ttAi n Ki d Ae Le Ki di
higairegiži wa’ųnąkše. Wakąja cinąkižą heregíži,
[being called] he was. Thunderbird a village [being,]



e tt A Ai w o nK deAe. e tt Ao Kini KttK
éja hahi wa’ųnąkše. Éja hųginikjąk
there [they had gone] [they did.] There the chief's children



w ni ne Ki di w w Ki o nK deAe. w niKi niKi w Ke Le n K*
waninegiži, wawaki’ųnąkše, wanįk nįk wakerenąka.
that they had [it was they,] birds little the headdresses.

*all the syllables of /niKi w Ke Le n K/ are rewritten above the line in darker ink or pencil to compensate for darkening of the original line from damage done to the bottom of the page.



p. 245 —
e Ki. e tt di Ke ni Ke Ao w Ke Le
Égi éja žigé nįgé howagere
Then there [again] place they went away



Ai Le de. w i m Ki no Ai L wi Ki di. ttiAi nK
hereže. Wa’į mąginuhirawigiži, cinąk
[they did.] Blanket that was stolen, village



de tt w oyi Le de. w roAo wo Ai m ni K Ai Kyi Le Ki di
žeja wa’ųireže. Wasuwuhimaniga higairegiži,
from that one it had been. "Sleets as He Walks" he is called,



w Ki oyi Le de. w i m Ki no Ai L tte K. we de.
wagi’ųireže. Wa’į mąginuhirajega weže,
he was the one who did it. Blanket the one who had it stolen he said to him,



rA niKi wiy xele Ao Le Ki Ao too ne de. A Ke te de rKe
sanįk wiaǧephuregi hot’úneže, "Hąké težesge
toward to the east he threw him, "Not for this



p. 246 —
w d Ko rL ni Ko rini n. Ai Ke lA ni L n.
Wažągųsra nigųsnįną. Hįké pįnįraną.
the Creator he did not create you. Not [it is not right.]



tt Ko Ai Ke w KdiKi w L Ki do L. w Ki do L
Jagú hįké wąkšigiwarakižura wakížura
How not with your people with them



ttAi ni Kette n. A Ke de rKe Ai nK dA n. i ne Ki
cinįkjeną. Hąké žesge hinįnąkšaną. inéki
you will not live. Not that you will not do. Alone



A Ai ni Ke mi dA n Ki Kette n. Ai K n K.
hahi nįgé mįšąnągikjeną," higanąga
to go place you will sit," he said to him and



A ni tti n K n K. rA niKi wiy xele Ao Le Ki* Ao too ne de.
hanijinąganąga sanįk wiaǧephuregi hot’úneže.
he took hold of him and toward to the east he threw him.

*an original /s/ was partly erased and /Ao/ written over it.



p. 247 —
e tt Ae Le de. xAe A Kidi L Ai d
Éja hereže. Xe hąkšira hižą
There he is. Hill the high one one



Ki L. e Ki n Ki di e Le de. de e.
kira. Égi nąkiži ereže. Žee
he went. And sitting he was. That one



Ao ttAi de. e rKe. de e e tt. w K tt L.
hociže. Ésge, žee éja Wakąjara
he lives. Therefore, that one there the Thunder



Ao de nK deAe.*
[he landed.]

*just after this word, the expression "#III" is written in ink on an upward angle and circled.



Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #2: 123-247 (syllabic text), 38-71 (English translation). A published translation can be found in "The Epic of the Twins, Part Two," in Paul Radin, The Evolution of an American Indian Prose Epic. A Study in Comparative Literature, Part I (Basil: Ethnographical Museum, Basil Switzerland, 1954) 42-58.