Hocąk Syllabic Text — Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle
transcribed by Sam Blowsnake
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Sam Blowsnake |
Original Texts: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | * | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 |
* there is no page numbered "133."
hapaxlegomena: cēnį̄́k, "(buffalo) calf"; cewehara, "food" (cf. Jipson, cewegihara, "dried buffalo meat"); cįwį́, in the sense of "to drum"; gicecexjį, "breaking into (atomic) pieces" (an emphatic of gice, "to break a soft substance"); gexjį, an emphatic of ge in the sense of "indeed"; gūšíxjį, in the sense of "very low"; ha’uhuhu, "to be anxious (enthusiastic anticipation)" (cf. huhu, of the same meaning); hakakižu, "with (her)"; hakjieja, "way behind"; hawaǧahį, "to hang something on something" (cf. hawaǧį, of the same meaning, probably a contraction: ǧahį > ǧį); hihok’ų, "to give"; hijahahija, "there"; hikik’asti, "low near" (cf. hikik’as, "near"); hikikízų, "together" (cf. hikikízųcį, "side by side"; hikikija, "together"); hikipá, in the sense of "in return (reciprocally)"; hiroišigᵉnįk, "bashful" ("mild embarrassment"); hišjokawas, "blind" ("eye-darkness" < hišja, "eye"; hokawas, "darkness"); ho’ųra heregi, "at the usual time"; hokis’ak for hokisak, "middle"; hopahi, "facing" (a variant of hapahi, of the same meaning); hotaxjac, in the sense of "restful", probably the same as its only other occurance: "low" as applied to a fire; hoxuruc, "to be strung out", cf. hoxurujre (Ao HoAo Loott Le), "to move a little, slowly" (Kingswan); jajireją, "right away" (a phonetic variant of jajineją); jubani, "to hold (in a position)"; k’o (or k’u, k’ų), "to find"; karaisjac, "to come to see someone"; karakíž, "to play with" (cf. kížawa, "to be happy"); mąįkisjį, "to rub the earth" (< mą-hįkis-jį); mąsasak, "to slit up" (< mąs, "knife"; sa-sak, emphatic of sak, "fast, swift"); ną́c hi’ų́, (inferred from ną́c hiš’ų), "to take a liking to" (literally, "to use, consume, or do with the heart"); nįhiwanį, "to be very abusive," a variant of nįhianį, "to be bossy to someone"; nįhų, "to hold (to position) something" (from nį, "to take, have, bring"; and hų, "to handle"); nįkšgegixuruki, "to be unable to strike hard"; ninįge, "or"; rohąk’ų, "boiling with food"; sgąšgekarak, "to keep (moving) on"; wacgux, in the sense of "half" (in its only other occurance, it means "end (part)"; wažąwaną’į, "mind"
(cf. wažąwakikónunįka, "absent-minded man"); wéraki in the sense of "suddenly"; žiwa, "to be unrelenting"; žéžiwanąga, "anyhow".
rare words: ’āšré, "ajar, partly open"; haji-hokewe, both words meaning "to come in"; hagaíre (variant of hagaíra), "sometimes"; hąkawašnį, "to be gone, missing"; hacąšge, "to be possible"; hiragi,
"to come to"; hotákį̄; "to leave oneself behind"; nįkšge, "some"; ruš’oroją, a variant of rušoroją, "to take off, to pull off"; ruserec, "to stretch something"; sikų, "ankle" (occurs as sik’ų in a James Harrison text), but is probably just an incorrect rendering of sīką; wa’ą, "to raise" (Marino-Radin have "to raise the eyebrows (?)"; Susman has, "to lift by hand"; it is now clear that it means "to raise");
wes’į́wi, "to look, examine, carefully" (the standard form is wesį́wi);
wokawa, "to enter";
wikúruwį, "to sell (one's own)".
sentences are frequently begun with hišgé, "also".
frequent use of the suffix ži, "in any case".
égi žigé
is the most common "fill" transition expression.
has a habit of adding šge, "also", to a great many verbs.
frequent use of e in the sense of "so". |
aírena, "they say, it is said", very common elsewhere, is rarely used here.
ttA riAi Ko n xK |
Cāsīkǫną̄xka |
The Deer Ankle Stink Part |
Notebook #20: page 1 | |||||||
de e. | ttiAi | loAo Lo Ke d | e tt | nK deAe. | w Ki d. | Ai ttA wi L | A K L Ki ttAi |
Žee | ci | porokežą | ḗja | nąkše. | Wąkižą | hicawįra | hákarakicì |
There | tent | an oval shaped one | there | it was. | A man | with his wife | to live with her |
w o nK deAe. | Ai noKo n K. | Ai d | niKi | Ai roAoKo niKi | Ai de. * | wK tte K. | wo Ki roKo. |
wa’ųnąkše. | Hinųgᵉnąka | hižą́ | nįk | hisųgᵉnįk | hiže. | Wąkjega | wōgízuk |
[he did.] | The woman | [one] | little | little brother | she had. | The man | really |
* this word has the appearance of Ai di.
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Ai ttA L. | wo Ki xeAe te de. | n Ki K L L. | Ki Li K. | w Lotto K L Ki | o ra de. |
hicą́ra | wogixetéže. | Nąkikarara | kiriga, | waruckaragi | ’ųs’áže. |
his brother-in-law | he loved. | The hunt | when he was back, | to cook for him | he would. |
tt Ko L. | Ai d | liAi Ki | de rKe. | totto. | Ki li ra de. | ttA Lo Ai. | m r r K n K. |
Jagúra | hižą́ | pįgi, | žesge | tuc | gipįs’aže. | Cāruhi | mąsasakanąga |
Whatever | [one] | who was best, | [that one] | to cook | [he would be happy.] | Deer ribs | he slit up, and |
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Ao Ki A ra de. | m dtt | wo Ki xeAe te de. | we de. | wK n K. | Ai ttA A L. | A Ke |
hokihąs’aže. | Mąšją | wogixetéže. | Wéže, | wągᵉnąka, | "Hicąhara, | hąké |
he would boil for him. | Very much | he loved him. | He said, | the man, | "Brother-in-law, | not |
A t Ki ntt | A K L Ki ni Ktt ne n. | A t Ki n ttL | Lo K n | w o | Ai Le L. | e ttA | xA lee niKi |
hątáginąc | hakaraginįkjaneną. | Hątáginąjᵉra | rokana | wo’ų | hirera. | Écą, | xap’enįk |
to fast | I will not let you. | Those that fasted | very much | [doing it] | [they did.] | [Indeed,] | very soon |
deKe | tayi Le n. | w xoAo liAi ni | diAi diAiKi | Ai A te | Ai L n K. | e rKe. | Ai Ke |
ške | t’aíreną. | Waxopį́nį | šišik | hihąté | hiránąga | ésge | hįké |
[even] | [they die.] | Spirits | evil | to dream about | they did, and | [so] | not |
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to Ke we Ai | Ai tee A K L Ki ni Ktt ne n. | di Ke | e | w Ki o Ke. | w d | tee | A n i |
tokéwehi | hit’ehakarakinįkjaneną. | Žigé | e | wak’iųže. | Wažą́ | t’e | hana’į |
to starve | [I will not cause him to die.] | And again | for him | [he did it.] | Something | to kill | [I try] |
Al lK A tt ne * | w o A tte K tt. | e de. | wo Ki roKo | A n tti Ai A K L ni de. | e Ki |
hą̄bókahijāne | wa’ųhajegają," | éže. | Wōgízuk | haną́jihi hakaranį́že. | Égi |
every day | [I have been doing this,"] | he said. | Very greatly | he cared for him. | And |
* "every day" is hą̄bókahi(-jāne), so the syllabic spelling should have been Al lo K Ai tt ne. Hą̄bókahijāne is from hą̄p, "day"; hókahi, "each, every"; and -jāne, a suffix expressing the standing position.
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n Ki K L Le Ktt n Ae K deKe. | Ai Lo K Ly tee ra de. | A Ko Le d. | Ai noKo n K. |
nąkikararekjanahegaške, | hirokarait’es’aže. | Hagoréžą | hinųgᵉnąka |
before he would go on a hunt, | he would speak a good word on his behalf. | One day | the woman |
A Ke | Ki liAi ni de. | Lo K n | e Ki deKe. | ne deKe | A Ki Ke Le K tt. | Ai Le de. | Ai rAo KL. |
hąké | gipįnįže. | "Rokana | egišge | néšge | hā́kikéregają | hireže, | hisųgᵉra." |
not | she did not like it. | "Very much | [indeed] | [even I] | to be less | he considers, | my brother." |
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Ki w rA de. | ni Ke | Ao w Le K. | A Kd Kd ra de. | Ai rAo KL. | A Ke | deKe |
kīwásąže. | Nįgé | howarega, | hakšakšas’aže. | hisųgᵉra. | Hąké | ške |
she was jealous. | [Some place] | when he went away, | she would abuse him, | her brother. | Not | [also] |
wo Koo ni ra de. | wK tte K. | Ay ni xitti | niKi | n Ki K L L Le K. |
wok’ųnįs’aže. | Wąkjega | hą́įnįxjį́ | nįk | nąkikarararega |
she would not give him anything to eat. | The man | early in the morning | [a little] | when he would go hunting, |
A Ae K | dA n | Ki Li ra de. | e rKe. | Ao ttiAi ttiAi niKi tte K. | Ke ni | Ki K w a n Le ra de. |
hąhéga | šana | kiris’aže, | ésge | hocįcįnįkjega | keni | kikáwa’ąnares’aže. |
at night | [only] | he would get back, | so | the little boy | before | he would have gotten up. |
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e rKe. | A t Ki ntt Ki Ki ra de. | Ai roAo KL | w Ki o nK deAe. | di Ke | de e | w Ki o ra de. |
Ésge | hątaginącgigis’aže. | Hisųgᵉra | waki’ųnąkše. | žigé | žee | waki’ųs’aže. |
So | she made him fast. | Her brother | she was doing this to him. | And again | to him | she would do it. |
n Kii ne Ktt n Ae K. | Aoyi Ke we Ki Ki ra de. | ttA KL | Ao too Le ra de. | A t Ki ntt Ki Kiy a n K. |
Nąk’įnekjanahega, | hoikewegigis’aže. | Cagᵉra | hot’ųres’aže. | Hątaginącgigianąga |
When she wanted to pack wood, | she would make him go inside. | Out doors | she would throw him. | She would make him fast, and |
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e Ki. | n Kii Le Ktt n Ae K. | Aoy Ke we Ki Kiy n K. | e Ki. | ttA riAi Ko nx |
égi | Nąk’įrekjanahega, | hoikewegigianąga | égi | cāsikǫną̄x |
[then] | when she wanted to pack wood, | she would make him come in, and | [then] | the stinking part of the deer ankle |
m Ki ttA n K. | Ai tto Ki too L n K. | w Ke ra de. | ttA riAi Ko nx Lo ttL. | de e |
makicanąga | hijógit’úranąga | wages’aže, | "Cāsīkǫną̄ǧᵉrujᵉra, | žee |
she cut off, and | she threw it at him, and | she would say, | "You Who Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle, | that |
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totto tti Ke | Lo ttL. | Ai Ke ra de. | Ai K K | w LoKo * | Ai tt | Ai Ao Koo ni ra de | e Ki. |
tujige | rujᵉra," | hįges’aže. | Hįkaga | waruk | hija | hihok’ųnįs’aže. | Égi |
cook and | eat," | she would say to him. | Never | to eat | [there] | she would not give. | And |
* for w Lotto (warúc) ?
Ai ttA L. | Ki Li K | dA n. | w Lotto tte de. | we ra de. | Ai ttA A L. | w Lotto L. |
hicą́ra | kiriga, | šana | waruježe. |
Wes’aže, | "Hicąhara | warújᵉra |
his brother-in-law | when he came home, | only | he ate. | He would say, | "My brother-in-law | he eats |
Lo K n | w o tte n. | A ttA Ke Le. | A lA ttA tte Ko ni | y Le n. | e | w Ki o K. | n Ki K L A tte n. |
rokana | wa’ųjeną. | Hacągḗre | hapacajegųnį, | yareną. | E | waki’ųga, | ną̄kikarahajeną," |
very much | [he does]. | Just barely | it seems I get back in time, | [I think.] | Him | [as it is for him,] | I am hunting," |
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e K dKe | we ra de. | w Lotto | n Ki i K * | A Ke | o ni tt o. | to ni Ke we | Ai L Ki Li K. |
egášge, | wes’aže, | "Warúc | nąk’įka | hąké | ųnįja’ų, | tonikéwe | hirakiriga, |
he would say, | she would say, | "To eat | I try to make him, | not | he does not do it, | [he is hungry] | when you get back, |
* there is a line break between the two instances of i — the intended spelling was n Kii K.
w Lott | n L dii K | ni | L tt niKi tte n. | e de. | wo Ki roKo | w n tto tty rKe |
warúc | ną̄raš’įga, | ni | rajánįkjeną," | éže. | Wōgízuk, | waną́cocąį́ske |
[to eat] | [when you try,] | you | he causes to think [something misleading]," | she said. | Really, | she was treating him very abusively |
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Ai tt | no ni Ke. | Ai K n L | A no Ki xA w de. | e Ki. | A Ko Le d. | di Ke | ttA KL. | Ao too Le K tt. |
hija, | nųnįgé | hikánara | hanųkixąwąže. | Égi | hagoréžą | žigé | cagᵉra | hot’ųregają, |
there, | but | her husband | she kept it from him. | Then | one day | again | outdoors | she threw him, and |
n tto tt | Ai Le de. | wK tt. | Ai d | we de. | Ao ttAi ttiAi ni KL. | Ai ttAo dKe | n tto ni tt n. |
ną́joją | hireže. | Wąkją | hižą́ | wéže, | "Hocįcį́nįgᵉra, | hicųšgé, | nąjonijáną. |
to be blessed | he was. | Up above | someone | he said, | "Little boy, | my nephew, | I bless you. |
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A Ko Le d. | ni Ki tti te Ktt ne n. | ttAe xiAi A L we Ki di. | Ai Ky Le de. | ttA riAi K K. | e Ki. | A Ko Le d. | de e. |
Hagoréžą | nįgijitekjaneną, | cexiharawegiži," | higaíreže, | Cāsīkąga. | Égi | hagoréžą | žee |
Some day | I will help you, | when you have a hard time," | they said to him, | Deer Ankle. | Then | one day | [this one] |
di Ke. | Ai no L. | n Kii Le Ki. | i ne Ki | nK Koo. | Ai no Ki d | A tti Ao Ke we de. | Ai noKo | n tto doAo tti d. |
žigé | hinųra | nąk’įregi, | inéki | nąk’ų, | hinųgižą | hajihokeweže, | hinųk | nąjušūjižą, |
again | his sister | [when she] went to pack wood, | alone | when he was, | a woman | she came in, | woman | a red haired one, |
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Ai noKo | rK xitti d. | n tto L. | Lo liAi Li liAi Lidi de | aK KLe Ki | A tti | mi nK dAe. | Ao ttiAi ttiAi ni KL. |
hinųk | sgaxjįžą | nąjúra | rupìripírišše.* | Akregi | hají | mįnąkše | hocįcį́nįgᵉra |
woman | very light [complexion] | hair | curly. | Across | she came | she sat. | The boy |
* or rupìripíriše on the principle of there being no double letters in Hocąk.
Ai Lo diAiKi niKi | mi nK deAe. | wo o A Lette deAe. | K tt. | Ai noKo n KLe | w o de. | o xiAi ni. Aoyi reAe li d |
hiroišigᵉnįk | mįnąkše. | Wō’ų́ harécše. | Gają, | hinųgᵉnągᵉre | wa’ųže. | Ų̄xį́nį-hoisebižą |
bashful | he sat. | He did not know what to do. | Then | the woman | she did [it]. | A black piece of coal she threw |
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Ai Lo tti de. | di Ke | Ki o de. | tto l A | Ki o K tt. | ttiA riAi K. Ao nx Lo ttK | we de. |
hirojįže. | žigé | ki’ųže. | Jobą́hą | ki’ųgają. | Cāsīką-honą̄ǧᵉrucka | wéže, |
[she struck him.]* | Again | she did it. | Four times | she did it. | Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle | he said, |
*the translation has, "she threw at him".
tt Ko o. | wy L Ki doo dA n Ko ni. | Ao tt | w n tto tty rK n K tt | Ai tt | Ai doo doo. | e de. | K tt. | Ai noKo n K. |
"Jāgú’ų | wairagiš’ųšą́nąkųnį? | Hoją́ | wanąjojaįsganagają | hija | hįš’ųš’ų," | éže. | Gają | hinųgᵉnąka |
"Why | do you do this to me? | [Well,] | I am very poor, but | there | you are adding on," | he said. | But | the woman |
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we de. | w n tto ni tty rKe L. | y lAe Le rA n. | e rKe | w o A tti n. | A Ke | Ai tt A ni o | o Kette | w o | A tti ni n. |
wéže, | "Wanąjonįjaįsgera | yaperesąną. | Ésge | wa’ųhajíną. | Hąké | hijahanį’ų | ’ųkje, | wa’ų | hajínį́ną. |
she said, | "You are poor, | I know of it. | That is why | I came. | Not | [I did not go] | [to do,] | [to do it] | I did not come. |
Ai Ke Le Kette Ke | w o | A tti n. | e de. | K tt. | ttiA rii K Ao nx Lo ttK | we de. | A ttiAi tt. |
Hį́kerekjége | wa’ų | hajíną," | éže. | Gają | Cāsīkąhoną̄ǧᵉrucka | wéže, | "Hacį́ja |
To take you home with me | [to do it] | I came," | she said. | But | Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle | he said, | "Where |
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Ao L w L tti Ki di. | y lAe Lere n Ke de | di Ke dKe. | Ai no A L. | de rKe A Ki di. | Ai Ki rA Ki Ktt n Ae K tt. | e de. |
horawarajigiži, | yaperezᵉnągeže. | Žigéšge | hinų́hará | žesgehagiži, | hikisakikjanahegają," | éže. |
you came from, | I do not know. | And again | my sister | if I did that, | she would knock me down," | he said. |
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e Ki. | Ai noKo n K | we de. | A Ke | Ai no L K | w Ki leAe Le rini Ktt ne n. | A ttAi tt. | Ao wy Le Ki di. | de n K. |
Égi | hinųgᵉnąka | wéže, | "Hąké | hinųraga | wagiperezᵉnįkjaneną, | hacį́ja | howairegiži. | Žēną́ga |
Then | the woman | she said, | "Not | your sister | she would not know anything about us, | where | we have gone. | Any more |
Ai ni Kd Kd Kette Ke | w Ae n. | ni | A ni Ko A tti n. | Ai Ke de. | e Ki. | Ao ttiy. | liAi n tte Ke | w dAe Ki di. |
hinikšakšakjege | wahéną. | Ni | hanį̄́gúhajiną," | higeže. | "Égi | hojiá | pįnajege, | wašegiži," |
to abuse you is why | I say this. | You | I came after," | she said to him. | "Then | all right, | if it is best, | if you think," |
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e de. | e tt. | A Ki do | Ke Le de. | de Ki xitti | ttA w wi de. | ow Ki wi K tt e tt.‡ | m i d. | Ai L Ki Le de. |
éže. | Ḗja | hakižu | kereže. | Žegixjį | cawawiže. | ’Ųwąkiwigajeja | mąížą | hiragíreže. |
he said. | Then | with her | he went home. | Right away* | they went.† | On their way | a spring of water | they came to. |
* this is usually translated as "a definite, particular, or certain place."
† this is usually translated as "to come."
‡ this word should have been spelled, ow Ki wi K tte tt.
Ai noKo tte K. | e | ttAo niy Ki di. | n di de. | we de. | e Ki | ni Le Ki | Ao n di Le | Ai Ke de. |
Hinųkjega | e | conįagiži, | nąžįže. | Wéže, | "Égi | nįregi | honąžį́re," | higeže. |
The woman | [she] | she was walking ahead, and | she stayed. | She said, | "Here | in the water | stand," | she said to him. |
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e tt | Ao n di de. | m i tte K e tt. | n Lo K. | Lo d de. | e Ki | Ao Ke Le L. | Ki Lo reAe Lette dAe. |
Ḗja | honąžiže. | Mą’įjegaeja | naroka | ružáže. | Égi | hōkerera | kiruserecše. |
[There]* | he stood. | In the spring of water | naked | she washed him. | And | his scalp lock | she stretched for him. |
* translated as "so".
e Ki. | di Ke | xAe te | Ai de. | Ai Ki rKe xitti | Ki de. | e Ki. | A Ki do | Ke Le de. | e tt. | xeAe xeAe te d. |
Égi | žigé | xete | hiže. | Hikisgéxjį | kį̄že. | Égi | hakižu | kereže. | Ḗja | xexetežą |
And | also | big | she made him. | As big as herself | she made him. | Then | with him | she went home. | There | a big hill |
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Ai L Ki Le de. | xAe | Aoyi tte tt. | A Ki Le K tt. | e tt. | ttiA Lo li d. | a deLe tt Le de. | te we L Ki. | tti reAe Le tti d |
hiragireže. | Xe | hoijeja | hikeregają, | ḗja | cirobižą | ’āšreją̄reže. | Tewéraki | ciserecižą |
they came to. | Hill | at the foot | when they came, | there | a door | it began to open. | Unexpectedly, | a long tent |
Ae Le de. | xeAey K Lo KL. | e tt. | Ai noKo tte K. | ttiAi Ki di | Ae Le de. | e Ki. | w Ke de. | n tto ni tt n. |
hereže, | xeakarōgᵉra.* | Ḗja | hinųkjega | cigiži | hereže. | Égi | wageže, | "Nąjonijáną. |
it was, | inside of the hill. | There | the woman | to live | she did. | Then | she said to him, | "I bless you. |
* < xe, "hill"; aka, "opposite"; rōk, "inside"; and -ra, the definite article.
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e rKe | A ni Ko | A Ai n. | m n KeLe | tt tty xitti | ni Ae Ki di. | de tty xitti | ni | L a li Ktt ne n. |
Ésge | hanįgú | hahiną. | Mąną́gᵉre | jajaį́xjį | nįhegiži | žejaixjį | ni | ra’ąpikjaneną. |
That is why | [to go] | [I did.] | This earth | as long as | that long | [that length of time] | you | you will live. |
A Ki Ki do. Ktt ne n. * | e de. | Ki K n Ki Le de. | e Ki. | Ai ttA L. | A Ae Ki di. | Ao Ao L | e tt |
Hakikižukjaneną," | éže. | Kikąnąkireže. | Égi | hicą́ra | hąhegiži | hohúra | ḗja |
We are marrying,"† | she said. | They got married. | Then | his brother-in-law | at night | where he came from | [there] |
* there should not be a period after do.
† literally, "we will be together".
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Ki K tt. | A K w dini de. | Ai ttA wi L. | Ai Ki wx deAe. | Ai ttA A L | tt rKe | Ai de. | e de. |
kigają, | hąkawašnįže. | Hicawįra | higiwąxše, | "Hicąhara | jasgé | hiže?" | éže. |
he got back, and | he was gone. | His wife | he asked, | "My brother-in-law | what | [it has happened?"] | he said. |
Ai noKo n K | we de. | ni di | n Kii te L | A Ki Li K tt. | A Ke | Ai Ki nK Kini n. | A ttoAo w Le Ki di |
Hinų́gᵉnąka | wéže. | "Niží, | nąk’įtera, | hakirigáją, | hąké | hikinągᵉnįną. | Hacowaregiži, |
The woman | she said, | "[Exclamation], | I went to pack wood, | when I got back, | not | [he was not present.] | Where he went, |
page 23 | ||||||||
Ai Ke | y leAe Le rini n. | e de. | w KL | de Ko | A Ke | w Lotto ni de. | A Ke | wo L Koo ni ra Ko ni |
hįké | yapérezᵉnį́ną," | éže. | Wągᵉra | žegų | hąké | warujᵉnįže. | "Hąké | worak’ų́nįs’agųnį |
not | I do not know," | she said. | The man | [after that] | not | he did not eat. | "Not | you did not feed him, I thought, |
Ai Ae d Le. | e rKe | ni Ke | Ao w Le K tt. | ni Ke | Ai ttA A L. | Ki xy tt. | w n tto tty rKe |
hihešare. | Ésge | nįgé | howaregają. | Nįgé | hicąhara | gixaíja | wanąjojaį́sge |
I told you before. | That is why | [someplace] | he has gone. | Somewhere | my brother-in-law | in the wilderness | suffering |
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tee Ktt ne. | a n K | Ai Ke | w Lotto ni de. | wo Koo | no ni Ke | A Ke | o ni de. | A Ke |
t’ekjane," | ánąga | hįké | warujᵉnįže. | Wok’ų, | nųnįgé | hąké | ’ųnįže. | "Hąké |
to [the point of] death," | he said, and | not | he did not eat. | She gave it to him, | but | not | he refused. | "Not |
A o ni n. | Ai ttA A L | Le dKe. | w Lotto | Ai L xiAi dA L K tt. | i ne Ki | w Lo tteLe | Ai Ke de. |
ha’ųnįną. | Hicąhara | rešge | warúc | hiraxišaragają, | inéki | warujᵉre," | higeže. |
I will not take it. | My brother-in-law | even | food | you begrudged him, | alone | you can eat," | he said to her. |
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e Ki. | Ay ni Ki di. | Ay ni xitti. | A t Ki n tt n K. | Ai ttA L | Ao K L ni Le de. | Ai L n i xitti | Ao w Le de. |
Égi | hainigíži | hą́įnįxjį́ | hą̄táginą́canąga | hicą́ra | hokaranireže, | hiraną’įxjį | howareže. |
Then | the next morning | early | he fasted, and | his brother-in-law | he went to hunt, | [it looks like] | where he would go. |
Al rAe Le ttiAi | nK Kede. | A Ae Ki | xK | K L Ae de. | de Ko de. | Ai K K | w Lotto ni de. | Ai ttA L. |
hąpsérecį | nąkše. | Hąhégi | ǧāk | karahéže. | Žegų́že. | hįkagá | warujᵉnįže, | hicą́ra |
All day | he ran. | In the night | crying | he went home. | Thus he was. | never | he did not eat, | his brother-in-law |
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wo Ki xAe te L. | Ki xA w ni Ke. | e Ki. | rii de. | K tt K deKe. | Ai rA Ko | Ke Le de. | Ao Ki Ko Lo da Ke. |
wōgíxetéra | gixawąnige. | Égi | s’ižé. | Gajągaške | hisagų́ | kereže, | hokikuruš’ake. |
[whom] he loved | [as] he was lost. | Thus | it was a long time. | Now | cane | he went along, | as he was tired out. |
Ao xtt n K. | xeAey K. | e tt | xeAe Ai A KL | A Ki Li Ao Ki we ra de. | e Ki. | A Ko Le d. |
Hoxjaną́ga , | xeáka | ḗja, | xehihágᵉra | hakirihokiwes’aže. | Égi | hagoréžą |
In the evening, | the hill | [there], | on [the top of] the hill | he would come. | And | one day |
ttiA riAi K. Ao nx Lotto ttK. | Ai ttA wi L | we de. | w d w n i | m ni dtt xitti Ko ni. | Ai ttA L K. |
Cāsīką-honą̄ǧᵉrucka | hicawįra | wéže, | "Wažąwaną’į | mą̄nįšjąxjįgųnį. | Hicąraga |
Eats the Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle | his wife | she said, | "Mind | you must have a strong one. | Your brother-in-law |
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K tt K. | Ao Ki Ko Lo daK dA n. | xK KL. | Lo K n | w tte n. | K tt K deKe. | Ai dotto K wr | rK deKe K L Kd n. |
gająga | hókikúruš’akšąną. | Ğágᵉra | rokana | wajeną. | Gajągaške | hišjokawas | sgąšgekarakšąną.* |
now | he is tired out. | Weeping | very much | [he utters it.] | Now | blind | he still keeps on. |
* sgąšgekarak, "to still keep on," is a hapaxlegomenon, but the syllabic script is consistent with other interpretations (sakaškekarak, sgaškekarak, etc.). The first syllable is not likely sak, "fast", since the person described is blind. The syllable, sgą, is, or is akin to, "to move in," related to šgą, "to make for, to start for"; cf. karak-jąp-ire (K L Ktt li Le), "they expected to go on," which implies karak, "to go on".
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Ai tt | di Ke | Ko Ae n. | tt Ko o K tt. | Ai tt | A Ke | Ao L w dA L n K. | Ao L Ki ta ni Ko ni. | |
Hija | žigé | guhéną. | Jagú’ųgają | hija | hąké | horawášaránąga | horakit’anįgųnį? | |
[There] | again | he is on his way. | Why | over there | not | go and | you talk to him? |
Ai tto w L Le. | w L Ke Kette n. | Ai ttA A xitti | e Ki. | A ttiAi nK dA n. | w n tto tty rKe. | w dA L tte. |
Hicowarare | waragekjeną, | 'Hicąhaxjį, | égi | hacinąkšąną. | Wanąjoją́įsge | wašaraje. |
You had better go over | tell him, | "My brother-in-law, | here | I am living. | Very miserable | you are making yourself. |
ni Ke | w w Ao K. | e Ki Le tt. | Ai no Ki d. | Ai Ko | Ai n. | xA n KeLe. | e | Ao ttiAi n. | e Ki |
Nįgé | wawahuga, | egįreja, | hinųgižą | higų | hīną. | Xanągᵉre | e | hociną, | égi |
[Place] | [since I came,]* | I have been here,† | a woman | [indeed] | she went after me. | In this hill | she | she lives, | [and]‡ |
* the translation has, "since I left".
† perhaps from égi, "here"; hįré, first person singular of hiré, "to be, to be such-and-such, to belong in a place, to be in a place, it is time for something" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann); and -ja, "at".
‡ the translation has, "so". Conceivably, it could once again mean "here".
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Lo KLe Ki | A ttiAi n. | L dKo ni | A o nK dA n. | m n KeLe. | tt tty xitti | mi n Ki di. | e Ki | A ni Ae Ktt ne n. |
rokregi | haciną. | Rāšgų́nį | ha’ųnąkšaną. | Mąną́gᵉre | jajaį́xjį | minąkiži, | égi | hanihekjaneną. |
inside | I live. | Very well | I am getting on. | This world | as long as | it stands,* | here | I will remain always. |
* literally, "it sits".
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ne | my A KeLe Ki. | w n tto ni tty rKe Ktt ne n. | de n K. | w n tto tty rKe Ki Le. | L Ki Ki di. | w Lotto tt n K. |
Ne | mąihágeregi | wanąjonįjaįsgekjaneną. | Žēną́ga | wanąjojaįsgegire. | Ragigíži, | warujanąga |
You | on this earth | you will be poor. | Any more | don't worry yourself. | When you get home, | you must eat, and |
tt rKe | Ly diAi n Ki di. | de rKe | Aiy tte. | ttAi n Ki d. | te Ki xitti | n Kd n. | e tt | Ao w L tte. | Ao Ki wi L. |
jasgé | raišinąkiži, | žesge | hiáje. | Cinągižą | tégixjį | nąkšaną. | Ḗja | howaráje. | Hųgiwįra |
what | you can enjoy, | that | do. | A town | over here | there is. | There | go. | The queen |
page 31 | |||||||||
L K n Ki Kette n. | ni Ke deKe | Ai no A L | A K Ki do | L tte. | de e di | ne | e tt | tt rKe | Ly liAi Ki di |
rakąnąkikjeną, | nįgéšge | hinų́hará | hakakižu |
raje | žeeži | ne | ḗja | jasgé | raipįgiži |
you can marry, | or else | my sister | with her | you do | [that in any case] | you | there | as | you choose |
ow tte. | te e di | Ai Ke | w d | y L ni n. | Ai no A L. | Ai Ke | lAi ni | A Ki Ki | no ni Ke. | A Ke |
’uą́je. | Te’éži | hįké | wažą́ | yaranįną. | Hinų́hará | hįké | pįnį | hagigi | nųnįgé | hąké |
do. | [This] | not | [thing] | I do not care. | My sister | not | not right | she used me, | but | not |
page 32 | ||||||||||
w d | y L ni n. | de e di | e tt | ne | o Le. | Ai K tt. | e di. | A Ky L | t ni L. | Ai rKe |
wažą́ | yaranįną. | Žeeži | ḗja | ne | ’ųre.' | Higáją, | 'Éži | hagaíra | tānį́ra | hisgé |
that | I do not care. | That [in any case] | [there] | you | do.' | Tell him, | 'But | sometimes | tobacco | some |
Ai L Ki dA w xoAo wi doAo no Kette n. | di Ke. | m doAo | doAotto. | Ki xAy tt | w L do Ki | w Ko Lo r n Ki Ktt n A wi n. |
hįragíšawaxųwišųnųkjeną. | Žigé | mą̄šų̄́ |
šūc | gixaíja | waražúgi, | wagorusanąkikjanahawiną,' |
you must pour some for us. | And | feathers | red | wilderness | [if you put,] | we will get them,' |
page 33 | ||||||||
Ai K tt. | e de. | e rKe. | K tt K | Ai tto w Le de. | te we L Ki | e tt | Ko Ae de. | x K Kede. |
higáją," | éže. | Ésge | gająga | hijowáreže. | Tewéraki | ḗja | guheže. | Ğakakše. |
you must tell him," | she said. | So | now | he went out. | Unexpectedly, | [there] | he was coming. | He was weeping. |
Ai ttA L. | n w | Ay too L n K. | w Kede. | te Ki xitti | Ki Li K tt | deKe. | Ai dotto K w r n K. |
Hicą́ra | nąwą́ | hait’ų́ranąga | wákše. | Tégixjį | kirigáją | ške | hišjokawasanąga |
His brother-in-law | singing | in his name, and | [he shouted.] | Very near | when he got | [also] | a blind spell, and |
page34 | |||||||
K Le de. | m dtt | Ai ttA n | n tto Ki tt de. | Ao dA w xitti de. | e Ki | Ki Li Ki di. | w Ke de. |
kąréže. | Mąšją | hicą́na | nąjogijąže. | Hošawaxjįže. | Égi | kirigiži, | wageže, |
he fell down. | Great | brother-in-law | he took pity on. | He was very poor. | [And] | when he got home, | he said to him, |
Ai ttA L | dtt Le. | e Ki | A o n Kd n. | e Ki de. | liAi Ai. | we riAi wi K tt | te we L Ki. | Ai ttA L |
"Hicą́ra | šjąre, | égi | ha’ųnąkšaną," | égiže. | Pįhí | wesįwįgają, | tewéraki, | hicą́ra |
"Brother-in-law | [be strong], | here | I am," | he said. | Careful | he looked, and | unexpectedly, | his brother-in-law |
w o tte de. | di Ke | liAi Ai. | i tt niKi deAe. | Ai ttA A xitti | e liAi n. | Ai ni e L. | ni Ke |
wa’ųježe. | Žigé | pįhí | ijanįkše. | "Hicąhaxjį, | epį́ną, | hiniera. | Nįgé |
there was he. | [Again] | afresh | he began to weep. | "My brother-in-law, | it is good, | I have found you. | [Somewhere] |
page 35 | ||||||
dette Ko ni. | y Le Ke. | Ai deKe | dttAe Ktt n A o Ae Le n. | e Ki. | we de. | ttA riAi K Ao nx Lo ttK. |
šjēgųnį, | yarége. | Hišgé | šjekjanaha’ųhereną." | Égi | wéže, | Cāsīga-Honaǧᵉrucka, |
perhaps he had died, | I thought. | Also | I would die." | Then | he said, | Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg, |
Ai ttA | e Ki | L doKo ni | A ttAi n Kd n. | Ai no Ki d | n tto tt L. | e | A Ki ttAi nK dA n. |
"Hicą | égi | rašguni | hacinąkšaną. | Hinųgižą | nąjojąra, | e | hagicinąkšaną. |
"Brother-in-law, | here | in peace | I am living. | A woman | she blessed me, | she | I am living. |
page 36 | |||||||||
tt tty xitti | m n KLe | ni | Ae Ki di. | e Ki | A ni Ae Ktt ne n. | Ai K n K. | tt Ko | e diAi K | de rKe |
Jajaį́xjį | mąną́gᵉre, | ni | hegiži | égi | hanihekjaneną." | Higanąga | jagú | ešiga | žesgé |
As long as | the world stands, | I | so long | here | I will be." | He told him | what | she told him | [that] |
Ai Ke de. | w i nl lL | Lo K n de. | e Ki. | Ke Le de. | Ki Ki. di. * | w Lotto deAe | Ai ttA wi L. |
higeže. | Wa’inąbᵉra | rokanaže. | Égi | kereže. | Kigiži, | warucše, | hicawįra |
she said to him. | Thankful | he was very. | Then | he went home. | When he got home, | he ate, | his wife |
* the period found in the text after the second Ki is in error.
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wo Koo Ki. | e Ki. | Ay ni Ki di. | we de. | w Lo tt n K. | A A. | te Ktt n A Le. | Ai Ke |
wok’ųgi. | Égi | hainigíži, | wéže, | warujanąga, | "Hąhą́, | tekjanahare, | hįké |
when she gave it to him. | Then | in the morning, | he said, | after his meal, | "Now then! | As I go, | not |
Ai no l A L. | A Ki Li ni Ktt ne n. | w Lotto Ai L | diAi diAiKi dA n K tt. | e | i ne Ki. | w Lo ttL |
hinųbahąra | hagirinįkjaneną, | warúchirá | šišikšanagają. | E | inéki | warujᵉra |
this [second] time | I will not return any more, | your food* | as you are stingy. | So | alone | your food |
* this should be "his food", as -hira is "his" and -hįhira is "your".
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w L Ko Lo tti Kette n. | a n K. | de Ko | A Ai Ai nl liKi | de Ko de. | e Ki. | ttiAi nK | w Ke K. |
warakurujikjeną," | ánąga | žegų | hahihinąpgi, | žegų́že. | Égi | cinąk | wagega, |
you can eat it," | he said, and | [after that] | he went out, and | thus it was. | Then | the town | he was told of, |
e tt | Ao w Le de. | e tt. | A Ai. | Ao Ki wi L | K nK deAe. | e Ki. | ttA riAi Ko n xK. | de e | w o ra de. |
ḗja | howareže. | Ḗja | hahi, | hųgiwįra | kąnąkše. | Égi | Cāsīkǫną̄xka | žee | wa’ųs’áže. |
there | he went. | There | he went, | the queen | he married. | Then | Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg | thus | it would be. |
A Ky L. | Ay ni K. | Ai Ki Le K. | ttAi | Ao Ki rA Ke tt. | wo A L. | Lo A Koo. | Ai Ki Le ra de. | e tt. |
Hagaíra | hainiga | hikįrega, | ci | hokisageja | wohą́ra | rohąk’ų | higires’aže. | Ḗja |
Sometimes | in the morning | when awake, | tent | in the middle | kettles | boiling with food | they would find. | There |
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ttA riAi K Ao n xK. | w Lotto ra de. | w wi Ki Koyi Le K. | w Kidi Ke tt. | w o n Kde. |
Cāsīka-honą̄xka | warucs’aže. | Wawigigoirega, | wąkšigéja | wa’ųnąkše. |
Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg | he would eat. | [When they gave feasts,] | [among the humans] | [they generated them.]* |
* the translation has for this whole sentence, "kettles were what the people gave feasts with on earth".
ttAe wo Ay Le K. | w o n Kde. | Ai noKo n K. | ttAe | Ai no Ki d | w o nK deAe. | A Ko Le d. | Ai no K n K. |
Cē Wōhaįrega | wa’ųnąkše. | Hinų́gᵉnąka | cē | hinųgižą | wa’ųnąkše. | Hagoréžą, | hinų́gᵉnąka |
The Buffalo Feast | [they did it].* | The woman | buffalo | a woman | she was. | Finally, | the woman |
* the translation has, "It would be thus when they give a buffalo feast."
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ni Ktt Ki d | A ni de | Ai no Kini Ki de Le de. | A Ko Le d. | xAe te niKi dAe. | m ni de. | w o ra de. |
nįkją́gižą | haníže. | Hinųgᵉnį́gižereže.* | Hagoréžą, | xetenįkše. | Mą̄nį́že. | Wa’ųs’aže: |
a child | she had. | It was a little girl. | Finally, | she grew big. | She walked. | She would do thus: |
* two expressions that are normally distinct elide here: hinųgᵉ-nį́g-ižą "a little girl", and here-že, "it was."
A Ky L | w KidiK Kiy n K. | e Ki | di Ke. | tteAe niKi | dKe | Ki ra de. | de e | Ai noKo n K | w o ra de. |
hagaíra | wąkšigianąga | égi | žigé | cēnį̄́k | ške | kį̄s’aže. | Žee | hinųgᵉnąka | wa’ųs’aže: |
sometimes | [she was] human, and* | and | again | calf | [also] | she would be.† | Thus | the woman | she would do thus: |
* the translation has, "it would dress in human clothes." However the expression is better analysed as, wąkšigi-hi-anąga, where the elided hi means, "to do, to cause, to be."
† more specifically, kį̄ means, "to make oneself something, to become." (Helmbrecht-Lehmann)
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Al liAi xitti K. | Ai Ai n l n K. | xe | Ai A Ke tt. | ni KttK ni KL. | K L Ki dKtt Ai ra de. | A Ky Le |
Hapįxjįga | hihinąpanąga | xe | hihagéja | nikjągᵉnįgᵉra | karakížᵉkjahis’aže. | Hagaíre |
On a nice day | she would go out[, and] | hill | [on top] | with her young one | she would play with her. | Sometimes |
deKe. | ttiAi | Ao Ki ra Ke tt. | t ni L. | Lo K n | Koo | Ai Ki Le ra de. | de e. | ttAe L. | t ni wo Ki do. |
ške | ci | hokis’ageja | tānį́ra | rokana | k’o* | hikįres’aže. | Žee | cēra | taniwogížu |
[also] | tent | in the middle | tobacco | a lot of | to find | they would wake up. | That | the buffaloes | to pour out tobacco |
* this could be k’u or k’ų.
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Ai Le K. | w o n Kde. | e tt. | ttA riAi K Ao nx Lo ttK. | A ni Ai ra de. | de de rKe |
hirega, | wa’ųnąkše. | Ḗja | Cāsīka-Honaǧᵉrucka, | hanihis’aže. | Žežesge |
when they did, | [they did it]. | There | Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg, | [he would take possession of it.]* | Thus |
* the translation has, "he would smoke."
Ai Le ra de. | A Ky L. | A Ko Le d. | Ai noKo n K | we de. | Ai rKe | w K ttAl dA n. | ttAi n Ki d. | e tt | w w tti n. |
hires’aže, | hagaíra. | Hagoréžą, | hinų́gᵉnąka | wéže, | "Hisgé | wą̄gácā́pšaną. | Cinągižą | ḗja | wawajíną. |
they would do, | sometimes. | One day | the woman | she said, | "Some | [we have kin].* | A town | [there] | I came from. |
* the translation has, "I have brothers".
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daK w A L. | ttiAi n Ki d | Ae Le L. | e | Ai Lo K n | Ai Le n. | Ai rKe. | e tt | n Kd n. | Ai deKe. | Ao ni Aeyi d. |
Š’akwahara | cinągižą | herera | e | hiruką́ną | hiréną. | Hisgé | ḗja | nąkšaną. | Hišgé | honiheižą |
My folks | a town | they are | they | chiefs | they are. | Some | there | there are. | Also | a company |
e tt. | wK Ki Ki no lL. | tto liAi wi wi n. | de e. | e tt | Ai tyi Le n. | Ai Ke. | A o ni n. |
ḗja | wąkikinųbᵉra | jopíwiwìną. | Žee | ḗja | hitaį́reną, | hįké | ha’ųnįną.* |
there | brothers | there are four. | They | [there] | they used to ask for me, | not | I would not consent. |
* this is either a hapaxlegomenon ų, "to consent", or a mistranslation that should have read, "I would not do it."
page 44 | ||||
wK w ttA lL. | Lo xi Le Ke. | daK w A L di | o n i Le n. | w n K wy Le Ke. |
Wąkwacábᵉra | roǧirege, | š’akwaharaži | ’ųną’įreną, | wanąkawairege. |
My brothers | as they forbade me to, | my parents[, in this case,] | they were willing, | because they were afraid of them. |
wK | diAi diAi Ki Le n. | e rKe | A Kiyr | w o nK dA n. | te de Ko ne Ki. | e Ki. | A tti |
Wą̄k | šišikireną. | Ésge | hakiáz | wa’ųnąkšaną. | Težegų negi | égi | hají |
Men | they are bad. | That is why | to hide* | I am. | Now at this place | [here] | I have come |
* hakiáz means, "I flee, run away".
page 45 | |||||||
y K n ttAo n KL. | n xoKo. | Ai Le n | e rKe | wK n K. | wo Ki teKe n Kd n. | e rKe | w o A tti Le Ktt ne n. |
yakanącųnągᵉra, | nąxkų́ | hiréną. | Ésge | wągᵉnąka | wogitegᵉnąkšaną. | Ésge | wa’ųhajirekjaneną. |
I am married, | to hear | they did. | That is why | those men, | they were angry. | So | they will come here. |
e Ki. | w di ni Ke Ktt n Ae L. | doo Ki di | liAi n n. | Ai Ko | A tti Le | w o Ai Le Ktt n Ae L. |
Égi | wažįnįgékjanahéną, | š’ųgiži, | pįnaną. | Higų | hajíre | wa’ųhirekjanahera, |
Now | something I am going to tell you, | if you do it, | it would be good. | [As soon as] | they come | they will do it, and |
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A Ke Le Ktt ne n. | Ai Ke | dA L ni Ki | liAi n n. | dAe Le Ki di. | tee ni Le Ktt ne n. |
hakérekjanèną. | Hįké | šaranįgi | pįnaną. | Šeregiži, | t’énirekjanèną. |
I will go home with them. | Not | you must not go, and | it will be alright. | If you go, | they will kill you. |
Ai Ki doo dA n Kn n. | e Ki. | we de. | ttA riAi K K. | we de. | e Ki | w di | Ae Ktt n Ae L | doo Ki di. |
Higiš’ušanągᵉnaną. | Égi | wéže, | Cāsīkąga, | wéže, | "Égi, | wažį́ | hekjanahera, | š’ųgiži, |
You should stay here. | Then | he said, | Deer Ankle,* | he said, | "Well, | something | I will ask you, | if you do it, |
* the translation reads, "Eats Stink Part of Deer Ankle".
A Ke | A ni n n. | Ai noKo A L. | Ai L Ki too dA L. | dAe Le Ki di. | A Ke |
hąké | hanįnaną:* | Hinųkhara | hiragit’ųšara, | šeregiži, | hąké |
[not] | [I will not be present there]: | My little daughter | you must leave with me, | when you go, | [not] |
* this appears to say, "I will not remain", which is the opposite of what the context demands. Perhaps the raconteur mispoke, and Oliver Lamere, the translator, corrected this error in the translation. On the other hand, hananą means, "to be present, remain", so hąké hanįnaną means, "I will not remain" and "I will not be present". The latter in this context could mean that he will not be present in the town to which his wife was summoned.
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A ni n n. | e de. | K tt. | Ai noKo n K. | Ai Ke | o ni de | Ai deKe. | e rKe | we de. | e Ki. |
hanįnaną," | éže. | Gają | hinųgᵉnąka | hįké | ’ųnįže. | Hišgé | ésge | wéže, | "Égi, |
[I will not be present there]," | he said. | But | the woman | not | she refused.* | Also | so | he said, | "Well, |
* the translation has, "she refused to leave it", but more literally, hįké ’ųnįže means, "she did not do it".
de Ko | te Ktt n Ae n. | w Lo Kidi | tee wi L n de. | e de. | e Ki. | Ai rKe Ai Le. | e de. | e Ki. |
žegų́ | tekjanaheną. | Warukši | t’ewiranaže," | éže. | "Égi, | hisge hire," | éže. | "Égi |
[so] | I will go along with you. | [Perhaps] | they will kill me,"* | he said. | "Well, | alright," | she said. | "And |
* the translation has, "they might not kill me anyway".
page 48 | ||||||
wi ttA tii | Ao ni Ki t Ki Ktte n. | deAe Le Ktt n Ae de | Ai deAe K tt. | wK | A tti Le Ktt n Ae L. | A Ke |
wicąt’į | honikítakikjeną. | šerekjaneną, | hišegáją. | Wą̄k | hajirekjanaheną. | Hąké |
to give you pointers | I will give [tell] you. | You are bound to go, | you say. | Men | [they will come here]. | Not |
tee Ai | liAi L ni n. | Lo L. | A ntt. | Ao deAe Le Ki Le n. | ttA loAo xKe tt | dA n. | loAoxo n di Le n. | e Ki. |
t’ḗhi | pįraniną. | Rora | haną́c | hušerekireną. | Capoxgéja | šana | poxnąžįreną, | égi |
to kill | [not good to be.] | Their bodies | all | they are bone. | In the throat | only | there is an opening, | and |
page 49 | ||||||||
di Ke. | o di L. | de de Ko Ki L. | lAoxo | n di Le n. | A ntt. | Ao deAe Le Ki Le n. | e Ki. | A tti Le Ktt n Ae L. |
žigé | užira | žežegųgira | pox | nąžįreną. | Haną́c | hušerekireną. | Égi | hajirekjanahera, |
[again] | the rectum | there only | hole | there is an opening. | All* | they are bone. | And | when they come, |
* the translation has, "all other parts of the body".
A Ae Ki. | Ay rAe Lette | w diAi Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | Ay ni Ki di. | A ttiya K Ly Le Ktt ne n. | Ao LoKo |
hą̄hégi | haįsérec | wašírekjanéną. | Égi | hainigíži, | hajiakarairekjaneną. | Horók |
[tonight] | all night | they will dance. | And | in the morning, | they will go home. | With them |
page 50 | ||||||
A Ke Le Ktt ne n. | Ay ni Le Ki. | Lo tt L. | xiAi Ki di. | w KL | Ao Ki wy Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. |
hakérekjanèną. | Hainiregi, | rujara, | xįkiži, | wągᵉra | hogiwaírekjaneną. | Égi |
I will go. | In the morning, | they dine, | after rising, | in the heavens | they will go. | And |
wi L Lo ttA tte Ki di. | my tt | A Ki tte Ktt n A wi n. | e tt. | L Ai Ki. | w ni Ky Le Ktt n Ae n. |
wirarocąjegiži, | maįja | hagijekjanahawiną. | Ḗja | rahigi, | wanigairekjanaheną, |
at noon, | on the earth | we will land. | There | when you get there, | they will say to you, |
page 51 | ||||||
Ai ttA wi L K | A ttA n Ke Le de. | Ai n Ky Le Ktt ne n. | ttAo liAi wi | e tt | mi nK n Ki Ktt ne n. | A ntt |
'Hicawįraga | hacąnąkereže?' | hinagairekjaneną. | Cópiwi | ḗja | mįnągᵉnąkikjaneną. | Haną́c |
'Your wife | which is she?' | they will say to you. | Four | there | they will be sitting. | All of them |
Ai Ki Ki rKy Le Ktt ne n. | ne | Ai d | wi ne Ktt ne n. | e tt | dA L Kd Ki dKe | tee ni Le Ktt ne n. |
higikisgairekjaneną. | Ne | hižą́́ | winekjaneną. | Ḗja | šarakjakišge | t’énirekjanènąthus it is. |
they will look alike. | I | one of them | I will be. | Then | if you make a mistake, | they will kill you. |
page 52 | ||||
ni Ke di. | wi ttA tii | ni Ki Ki Ktt ne n. | A dA L ttAl liKi. | Ao tti de Le Ktt n Ae n. |
Nįgéži, | wicąt’į | nįgigikjaneną. | Hašaracapgi, | 'Hojišerekjanaheną,' |
But [somewhere], | sign | I will try to give you. | If you guess me out, | 'He will be another one,' |
ay L n K. | di Ke. | no wk | Ai Le Ktt ne n. | di Ke. | e tt | A tti K L wi Ki di. |
airánąga | žigé | nų̄wą́k | hirekjanéną. | Žigé | ḗja | hajikarawigiži, |
they will say, and | [again] | to run | they will start. | Then | there | when we start from, |
e tt Ki. | ttAe w Ke Le d | n Ki Ktt ne L. | de e. | Lo Ky L n K. | e tt | m Ko A L. |
éjagi | cē wakerežą | nąkikjaneną. | Žee | ruką́iranąga | ḗja | mąkųhąra |
on the way | a buffalo chip | there will be. | [This] | they will turn over, and | [there] | under ground |
page 53 | ||||||
Aoy K wy Le Ktt ne n. | e tt | m Ko A L. | w Ki we Ktt n A wi n. | e Ki. | Ai noKo niKi KL | we de. |
hoikawairekjaneną. | Ḗja | mąkųhąra | wāgíwekjanahawiną." | Égi | hinųgᵉnįgᵉra | wéže, |
they will go. | There | under ground | we shall travel." | Then | his little daughter | she said, |
page 54 | |||||||
tt tti. | Aoy diAili | ni Ki w A ni Ae Ktt ne n. | e de. | di Ke. | Ao dA L ttK Ktt n A wi L | dKe. | wi ttA tii |
"Jā́ji, | hoišíp | nigiwahahanįhekjaneną", | éže, | "žigé | hošaracgakjanahawira, | ške | wicąt’į |
"Father, | always | I will be calling on you,"* | she said, | "and | when you guess at us, | [also] | sign |
* this is a rather more complex idea than the translation can express: hanįhe, "I am remaining, I am in such a state that"; giwahá, "to show, present, perform something to or for someone"; -kjane, future tense; ni-, "you" — "I am in a (spatial) state of affairs such that I shall make a presentation to you."
ni Ki Ki Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | Ai noKo n K. | we de. | e Ki. | di Ke. | A K L wi Ki di. | wi L Lo ttA tte Ki di. |
nįgigikjaneną. | Égi | hinųgᵉnąka | wéže, | "Égi | žigé | hakarawígiži, | wirarocąjegiži, |
I will try to give you." | Then | the woman | she said, | "Then | [again] | when we go from there, | at noon, |
page 55 | |||||||
di Ke. | Ai loAo dA Ktt n A wi n. | e tt | di Ke | L Ai Ki di. | Ai noKo L K. | Ao L ttK | ni Ki Ki Le Ktt ne n. |
žigé | hipošakjanahawiną. | Ḗja | žigé | rahigíži, | hinųgᵉraga | horacgá | nįgigirekjaneną. |
[again] | we will stop. | There | [again] | when you get there, | your daughter | to guess | they will ask you. |
tto liAi wi Ktt n A wi n. | Ai Ki Ki rKe xitti | Ai Le Ktt n Ae n. | de de Ko | tto l A | ni Ki Ki Le Ktt n Ae n. |
cópiwikjanahawiną. | Higikisgexjį | hirekjanaheną. | Žežegų | jobą́hą | nįgigirekjanaheną. |
There will be four of them. | To be all alike | they will be. | These | four times | they will do to you. |
page 56 | |||||||||
e Ki. | tto l A | A A | dA L ttAl liKi. | e tt di | Ai Ki Ki do | Ai o Ktt n A wi n. | Ai Ke de. | e Ki. | A Ko Le d. |
Égi | jobą́hą | hąhą́ | šaracapgi, | éjaži | hikikízų | hi’ųkjanahawiną," | higeže. | Égi | hagoréžą |
Then | four times | right | if you guessed, | then | together | we can travel," | she said to him. | Then | one day |
A tti Le de. | Ao w Le L. | e tt | tt tti Le tt | dKe. | Ai ttA wi L | Ki dAe L Ki ni de. | n tte | Ai Le de |
hajíreže. | Howarera | ḗja | jajireją | šge | hicawįra | gišeragįnįže. | Ną̄jé | hireže |
they came. | Sure enough | there | right away | [also] | his wife | they [already] took away. | To pick a fight | they did |
page 57 | ||||||||
dKe. | Ao w Le L. | A Ae Le Ki. | w diAi Le de. | Ai ttA wi L | dKe | Ao LoKo | Ai tt o de. | Ai noKo niKi L |
šge. | Howarera | hąhéregi | wašíreže. | Hicawįra | šge | horók | hija’ųže, | hinųgᵉnįgᵉra |
[also]. | Sure enough | that night | they danced. | His wife | also | to take part with them | she was there, | his daughter |
dKe. | A l Ki Li Ki di. | no Ki w Ki Le de | Ai ttA wi L. | Ai noKo ni KL | dKe. | Ai dKe. | rA niKi | A ttiAi tt |
šge. | Hąpakirigiži, | nųgiwąkireže. | Hicawįra | hinųgᵉnįgᵉra | šge | hišgé | sānį́k | hacį́ja |
also. | When it became daylight, | they started to run. | His wife | his daughter | also | also | way | which |
page 58 | ||||||
Ao w K Ly Le Ktt n Ae L. | Ai leAe Le rn Ke. | e | Ai dKe | Ao no wK deAe. | Ai noKo ni KL. | a ni Ae L. |
howagarairekjanahera | hipéresnąke | e | hišgé | honųwąkše. | Hinųgᵉnįgᵉra | anihera, |
they would go | he knew, so | he | also | he ran. | His daughter | true to her saying |
Aoy diAili | Ao L ttA tii | ni Ae de. | w KeLe Ki. | e rKe | Ko Ay tt | o ni Ae de. | wi L Lo ttA tte K tt. | xAeyi d. |
hoišíp | horacąt’į | nįhéže, | wągᵉregi. | Ésge | kųhaį́ja | uniheže. | Wirarocąjegają, | xeižą |
always | she was heard | she was, | up above. | So | below | he remained. | At noon | a hill |
page 59 | ||||||
A Ai A xle lK tt. * | e tt | te we L Ki | mi nK n Ke de. | wy Le de. | A Ao | ttA riAi K Ao nx Lo ttK |
hahihaxepgają, | ḗja, | tewéraki, | mįnągᵉnąkše.† | Waíreže, | "Hąhó, | Cāsīka-Honą̄ǧᵉrucka, |
when he had just climbed, | there, | unexpectedly, | they were sitting. | They said to him, | "Well, | Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg, |
* the spelling should have been A Ai A xe lK tt.
† the spelling implies, mįną́gᵉnągᵉže, an improper form perhaps due to a hesitation of speech.
A tti A xele dA n. | ay Le de. | wK | n i ri n K | w nK dAe. |
hajíhaxépšaną," | aíreže. | Wą̄k | naisinąka | wanąkše. |
he has just come up the hill," | [it was said.] | The man | who was after the woman | [he was the one who said it.] |
page 60 | |||||||
Ao tti de Le Ktt n Ae n. | a nK de. * | Ai tt Ai de. | te we L Ki. | e tt. | tteA wi L. | tto liAi wi. | mi nK nK dAe. |
'Hojišerekjanaheną,' | ánąkše. | Hijáhiže. | Tewéraki, | ḗja, | cēwį́ra | jōpíwi | mįnągᵉnąkše. |
'He will be another one,' | he was saying. | He got there. | Unexpectedly, | there, | female buffaloes | four | they were sitting. |
* spelled a n K de in the text. f
A Ao. | Ai ttA wi L K. | A ttA n Ke Le de. | Ao we | doAo Lo xA | dA w KL | w we riAi wi de. |
"Hąhó, | hicawįraga | hacąnąkereže, | howe | šuruxa | šawągᵉra?" | Wawesį́wįže. |
"Well, | your wife | which is she, | [about] | you are chasing after | you are going?" | He looked at them. |
page 61 | ||||||||
xA lee Ai Ki n Le. | Ai Ky Le de. | no ni Ke. | rii | w we rii wi de. | K tt K | A ttA Ke L[e]. | wi ttA tii L | |
"Xap’ehiginare!" | higaíreže, | nųnįgé | s’i | wawes’į́wįže. | Gająga, | hacągḗre, | wicąt’įra | |
"Hurry up!" | they said to him, | but | a long time | he looked at them. | Finally, | with great effort, | the sign |
A tt de. | te e Le n. | a n K | Ai m LK deAe. | Ko L. | Ao tti de Le Ktt n Ae n. | ay L n K. |
hajaže. | "Teéreną,"* | ánąga | himarąkše. | "Korá, | hojišerekjanaheną," | airánąga |
he found. | "This is the one," | he said, and | he pointed at her. | "Well, | he will be another one," | they said, and |
* < tee-hereną.
page 62 | ||||||||||
no w Ki Le de | di Ke. | di Ke. | w Lo xAe de. | di Ke. | A Ko Le d. | m Ko A L. | Ao Ki wy Le de. | di Ke. | Ai noKo ni KL. | |
nųwąkireže, | žigé. | Žigé | waruxéže. | Žigé | hagoréžą | mąkųhąra | hogiwaíreže. | Žigé | hinųgᵉnįgᵉra | |
they started to run, | [again]. | And | he ran after them. | [Again] | one day | under ground | they traveled. | But | his daughter |
x KL. | Aoy diAili | ttA tii | ni Ae de. | di Ke | A Ko Le d. | wo xeAe Le de | wi L Lo ttA tte K tt. | di Ke. |
ǧágᵉra | hoišíp | cąt’į | nįhéže. | Žigé | hagoréžą | woxereže, | wirarocąjegają. | Žigé |
she cried | always | he could hear | she did. | Again | finally, | he caught up to them, | about noon. | Again |
page 63 | ||||||||
e tt. | Ai noKo ni KL. | Ao L ttK | Ki Ki Le de. | di Ke | A L ttAl liKi di. | di Ke | no wK Ki Le de. | di Ke. |
ḗja | hinųgᵉnįgᵉra | horacgá | gigireže. | Žigé | haracapgiži, | žigé | nųwąkireže. | Žigé |
there | his daughter | to guess | he was asked. | Again | he guessed it right, and | again | they began to run. | Again |
Ai dKe | no wK dAe. | m L. | di | w K L ni | w owK dAe. | di Ke. | e tt | Ay ni Le Ki |
hišgé | nųwąkše. | Mą̄ra | žį | wakarani | wa’ųwąkše. | Žigé | ḗja | hainiregi, |
also | he ran. | His arrows | [to hold] | he had with him | [he did.] | Again | there | [in the morning,]* |
* the translation has, "the next day."
wi L Lo ttA tte Ki | wo xeAe Le de. | di Ke | Ai ttA wi L. | Ao L ttK Ki. | A L ttAl dAe. | di Ke |
wirarocąjegi, | woxereže. | Žigé | hicawįra | horacgági, | haracapše. | Žigé |
at noon, | he caught up to them. | Again | his wife | to guess at, and | he guessed her out. | Again |
page 64 | ||||||
too L n Ki Le de. | tto l A. | de de Ko | Ki Ki Le de. | e tt K tt K. | A Ki do | oyi Le de. |
t’ųranąkireže. | Jobą́hą | žežegų | gigíreže. | Ḗja gająga | hakižu | ųįreže. |
they ran away from him. | Four times | this | they did to him. | Then | with him | they went along. |
A Ko Le d. | A Ki Le de. | ttAi nK | Ao xAe te xitti d | e tt | A Ki Le de. | ttAe. | ttiAi n Ki d |
Hagoréžą, | hagireže. | Cinąk | hoxetexjįžą | ḗja | hagireže. | Cē | cinągižą |
Finally, | they reached home. | Village | a big one | [there] | they went back to. | Buffalo | a village |
page 65 | ||||||
Ae Le de. | Ao Ki wi L. | w Kidi Ki d | A Ki do | Ki Li n | ay Le de. | ttAi n Ko Ki rA Ke tt. |
hereže. | "Hųgiwįra | wąkšigížą | hakižu | kiriną," | aíreže. | cíną́kokiságeja |
it was. | "The princess | a human | with him | she has come home," | they began to say. | In the center of the village |
ttiAi rAe Le tti d | Ki | e tt | A Ki Aoyi K wy Le de. | wo Ki d | w L Lo K ny Le de. | Ai noKo tte K. |
ciserejižą | ki, | ḗja | hagihoikawaireže. | Wokiža | wararokanaireže. | Hinųkjega |
a long tent | he went to, | [there] | they went into. | Very happy | they were. | [The woman]* |
* the translation has "the princess".
page 66 | ||||||
daK w Ai L. | m ttd * | Ki liAi Le de. | wK diAiKi tte K. | e tt. | o tte ra de. | m dtt |
š’akwahíra | mąšją | gipįreže. | Wąkšíkjega | ḗja | ’ųjes’aže. | Mąšją |
her folks | very | they were glad. | The human | there | [he would be.] | Great beings |
* this is apparently a metathesis for m dtt.
wi tt tt Ky Le ra de. | Ay ni K. | Ao xtt n K. | Aoyi diAili | wi tt tt | Ai Le ra de. | A Ky L. |
wijájakaires’aže,* | hainiga. | Hoxjaną́ga , | hoišíp | wijája | hires’aže. | Hagaíra |
to have the crier tell them of things, | in the morning. | In the evening, | always | to cry out | they would have. | Sometimes |
* < wijája-hakaire-s’a-že.
wK no ni K. | A Ky L. | Ki Ko Ai ra de. | Koyi Le K. | m K ni | Ki Ko Ai ra de. |
wągᵉnunį́ka | hagaíra | gigohis’aže. | Guirega, | Mąką́ni | gigóhis’aže. |
[the old man]* | sometimes | [he would be invited]. | [When he came back,] | Medicine Feasts | [he would be invited]. |
* translated as "the king".
page 67 | |||||||
e rKe | w K L ni Ki Li ra de. | Aotto. | A K L ni Ki Li ra de. | w diAi | Lo tti Le ra de. | xA wi. | tteAe xe tt. |
Ésge | wakaranikiris’aže. | Hųc | hakaranikiris’aže. | Wašį́ | rujires’aže. | Xą̄wį́ | cēxeja |
Therefore, | he used to bring [them] home.* | Bear | he would bring. | Fat | they would eat. | Grass | in swamps |
* the translation has, "he used to bring home kettles of food."
page 68 | |||||||||
Ao tty Le doAo no L. | de rKe | w K n Kde. | Aotto. | a n K. | w di | Lotto. | ay Le dAo no L. | de rKe | w K nK deAe. |
hojaį́rešųnųra. | Žesge | wagánąkše. | "Hųc" | ánąga, | "wašį́ | rū́c" | airešųnųra, | žesge | wagánąkše. |
they would mean. | This | they mean. | "Bear" | when they say, | "fat | eating" | it is called, | [this] | they mean. |
Ai rKe | n ttAo | Ki Li K. | de rKe | Lotto ttL | o xitti Le ra de. | Ai n[o]Ko niKi KL |
Hisgé | ną̄cú | kiriga, | žesgé | rujᵉra | ’ųxjįres’aže. | Hinųgᵉnįgᵉra |
Some | to carry in his arms | [when he came back,] | [that] | eat | they would do very much. | His little daughter |
dKe | Ai dKe | Ai Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni ra de. | w Ke de. | Lo Ke xi de. * | i L | L Ki |
šge | hišgé | hįké wažirukanahinįs’aže. | Wageže, | rogíǧiže. | "Ira | rági, |
[also] | also | she was very fond of it. | He said to her, | [he forbade it.] | "Your mouth | [if you do,] |
* this should be Lo Ki xi de.
page 69 | ||||||
dA L Ko no Ki Ktt ne n. | Ai Ke de. | Ai noKo n K. | we de. | tt Ko o | w L K dA n Kede. | Ao tt |
šarakųnųkikjaneną," | higeže. | Hinųgᵉnąka | wéže, | "Jāgú’ų | waragašanąkše? | Hojá́ |
you will [cause it to be] cut up," | he said to her. | The woman | she said, | "Why | you are telling her that? | It is enough |
A Ke | L ttini dA n K tt. | Ai dKe | Ki liAi Ke | w o n K tt. | ar ri Le n. | e dA n. | w Lo ttL. |
hąké | rajᵉnįšanąkają. | Hišgé | gipįge | wa’ųnąkają. | Asireną, | ešana | warujᵉra, |
not | you do not eat. | Also | she likes it is why | [she does it]. | They are delicious, | these alone | the foods, |
page 70 | |||||||||
Aotto n KeLe. | e de | Ai noKo n K. | w Kn K | we de | A Ke | te e | Ao tti L ni n. | xA wi | w o n Kd n. |
hųjᵉnągᵉre," | éže, | hinųgᵉnąka. | Wągᵉnąka | wéže, | "Hąké | tee | hų́jiraníną,† | xą̄wį́ | wa’ųnąkšaną." |
these bears," | she said, | the woman. | The man | he said,* | "Not | these | they are not bears, | plant | it is." |
* for hinųgᵉnąka. Wągᵉnąka wéže, the translation has, inexplicably, "The woman to said about the food she was talking about."
† < hųc hira-nį́-ną.
Ai noKo n K. | we de. | A Ke | i L. | Lo xoAo LoKo ni | liAi ni dAo no n. | A Ke | de e | w d |
Hinųgᵉnąka | wéže, | "Hąké | ira | ruxurugᵉnį | pįnįšųnųną. | Hąké | žee | wažą́ |
The woman | she said, | "Not | your mouth | it cannot do | [it does not usually do right.] | Not | these | things |
page 71 | |||||||
w teeKe Ai L ni n. | w tee Ai Ke L | dA n. | de de rKe | tee Ai nK dA n. | w niy o ttKe | w K K xitti | Ai Le n. |
wat’ege hiranįną. | Wat’éhikera | šana | žežesge | t’ehiną́kšaną. | Waniócge | wakąkąxjį | hiréną." |
they are not easy to get. | Good hunters | only | that kind | they can kill. | Animal | very shy | they are." |
wK n K | we de. | Ai Ke | de e | w d | wo tteAe xiAi L ni n. | A lK | A ow tt ne. | de rKe | Ao Lo Ke tt |
Wągᵉnąka, | wéže, | "Hįké | žee | wažą́ | wocexinįną. | Hą́pga | ha’ųąjane, | žesge | horogéja |
The man, | he said, | "Not | they | things | they are not hard to get. | Every day | as I go about, | these things | in the midst |
page 72 | |||||||||
dKe | w w tte n. | A Ke | de e | Kiyr | Lo xoAo Lo Kini nK dA n. | Lo A xitti | deKe | m ttiKi r n K | deKe |
šge | wawąjéną. | Hąké | žee | giáz | ruxurugᵉnįnąkšaną. | Rohąxjį | šge | mąckísanąga | šge |
[also] | I go along. | Not | they | to run away | they cannot. | Very much | [also] | I could cut, and | [also] |
A niy Ki Li n n. | e de. | Ai noKo n K | we de. | w d | ttAe xiAi xitti | Ai Le n. | tt Kow n | de rKe L n. |
haniakirinaną," | éže. | Hinųgᵉnąka | wéže, | "Wažą́ | cexixjį | hiréną. | Jaguana | žesgeraną? |
I bring home," | he said. | The woman | she said, | "Things | they are very rare | they are. | [How] | [this is]? |
page 73 | |||||||||
A Ke | tee Ai | liAi L ni n. | de rKe | L n Ki. | o | liAi L ni n. | Ao ttiy | Ai rKe. | A lA tti Ktte n. |
Hąké | t’ḗhi | pįraniną. | Žesge | ranągi, | ’ų | pįraniną." | "Hojiá, | hisgé | hapajikjeną," |
Not | to kill | [not easy to be.] | [This] | if you can do, | to do | you had better." | "All right, | some | I shall mow," |
e de. | K tt K. | de e | A K. | tteAe xe tt | Ai Ki di. | Lo A xitti | lA tt n K. | Kii Ki Li de. |
éže. | Gająga | žee | hagá, | cēxeja | higíži, | Rohąxjį | pajanąga | k’įkíriže. |
he said. | Then | [they] | one day, | in the swamps | as he was about, | very much | he mowed, and | he brought it home. |
page 74 | |||||||
wy Le de. | w KidiKi tte L. | Aotto ttL | Lo K n | tee Ai | Ki Li n. | ay Le de. | wo to Ao ttiAiye tt |
Waíreže, | "Wąkšíkjera | hų́jᵉra | rokana | t’ḗhi | kiriną," | aíreže. | Watohocieja |
They said, | "The human | bears | a lot of | he killed | [he came back,"] | they said. | [To the son-in-law's place]* |
* the translation has, "to the father-in-law's house".
Ki de. | wo to Ao tti L. | Aotto | tee Ai | Ki Li n. | Ai rKe tt. | Ki liAi Le de. | Ao Ao. | Ao tt |
kiže. | "Watohócira | hųc | t’ḗhi | kiriną." | Hisgéja | gipįreže. | "Hohó, | hojá, |
he went. | "The son-in-law | bear | he killed | he brought back." | Very | they were pleased. | "Ah, | [yes,] |
page 75 | ||||||||
w d | lA ny L. | wo to Ao tti L. | e liAi n. | wK no n K | e de. | Lo ttL di | Ae Le | no ni Ke. |
wažą́ | pąnaį́ra. | Watohócira | epį́ną," | wągᵉnunąka | éže. | "Rujᵉraži | here, | nųnįgé |
[something] | it is great. | Son-in-law | it is good," | the old man | he said. | "We could eat it | [to be,] | but |
de Ko. | y K L Ki Ko Ktt ne n. | Aoyi diAili | Ai Ko n K tt. | Ai K K. | A K | Ai Ki lA |
žegų́ | yakaragigokjaneną, | hoišíp | higonagają. | Hįkaga | hagá | hikipá |
with it | I will give a feast, | always | they invite me to feasts. | Never | [in the past] | in return |
page 76 | ||||||
w to Aitti ni n KL. | de tt ny xitti. | Ai Ki lA | w to Ai tti Ktte n. | e de. | e Ki. | A Ae Ki di. |
watuhįcnįnągᵉra. | žejanaíxjį | hikipá | watuhįjikjeną," | éže. | Égi | hąhegiži, |
I have never greeted them. | Now | in return | I shall greet them," | he said. | Then | at night, |
m K wo A de. | Ay reAe Lette. | ttiAi wi de. | Ay ni Ki di. | Ko Ko L. | A tti Le Ki di. |
Mąką́ Wohą́že. | Haįsérec | cįwį́že. | Hainigíži, | gōgōra* | hajíregiži, |
he gave a Medicine Feast. | All night | he drummed. | In the morning, | [to invite] | [when they came,] |
* gōgō appears to be an emphatic of gō, "to invite someone to a religious feast."
page 77 | |||||||
w i nl lL | Lo K n | wy Le de. | e Ki. | Ki liAi Le L. | wi leAe Le riKi di. | de rKe | A ni Ki Li ra de. |
wa’inąbᵉra | rokana | waíreže. | Égi | gipįrera | wiperezgiži. | Žesge | hanikiris’aže. |
thankful | very much | they said to him. | [And] | they were thankful | he knew they were. | Thus | he would do very often. |
w Ki Ko ra de. | A Ai | Lo tti Le ra de. | de e | A Ko Le d. | Ai noKo ni KL. | A Ki do | Le de. |
Wagigos’aže. | Hahí | rujires’aže. | Žee | hagoréžą | hinųgᵉnįgᵉra | hakižu | režé. |
He would give a feast. | Finally, | they would eat it. | Then, | one day, | his daughter | with her | he went. |
page 78 | ||||||||
e tt | te | Ai ttAe tte tt. | Ai de. | e tt. | w diAi Lotto tt | mi n Ki. | e tt | A Ai A xele deAe. |
Ḗja | te | hicéjéja | hiže. | Ḗja | wašį́rūją* | mįnąki | ḗja | hahihaxepše. |
There | lake | the edge | they went. | There | a lot of the plant | [they were, and] | there | they went. |
* this is literally, "fat-to-eat", the plants being homologized to animals.
w diAi Lotto n K. | Ai noKo ni KL. | w tt K tt. | we de. | tt tti. | Ao ttL. | Lo K n n. |
Wašį́rūjᵉnąka | hinųgᵉnįgᵉra | wajagają, | wéže, | "Jā́ji , | hų́jᵉra | rokananą. |
The plants | his daughter | when she saw them, | she said, | "Father, | bears | there are a lot. |
page 79 | |||||||
Kiy ri Le Ktt ne n. | a n K | A Ktt | Ao Ki nK deAe. | Ai tt. | Ai Ki di. | Ao Lo Ke tt. | A Ai mi n K n K. |
kiasirekjaneną," | ánąga | hakjá | hóginąkše. | Hija | higiži | horogéja | hahimįnąkanąga |
They will run away," | she said, and | back | she ran back. | There | he went, and | in the midst | he sat down, and |
m Ai L | Ai Koow n K. | w m ttiKiri nK dAe. | Ai noKo niKi tte K. | di Ke | A Ai | Ao Lo xotto ttK tt. |
mą̄hį́ra | hik’ųanąga | wamąckízᵉnąkše. | Hinų́gᵉnįkjegá | žigé | hahí | horoxucgają. |
his knife | [he used, and] | he began to cut them. | The little girl | [again] | finally | she went and looked at him. |
page 80 | |||||
te we L Ki. | Ao Lo Ke tt. | mi n K n K. | w m ttiKi rn Kede. | Ai noKo niKi tte K. | Ke Le de. |
Tewéraki, | horogéja | mįnąkanąga | wamąckízᵉnąkše. | Hinų́gᵉnįkjegá | kereže. |
Unexpectedly, | in the midst | he was sitting, and | he was cutting them. | The little girl | she went home. |
Ai o ni L. | e tt | Ki de. | w Ke de. | ni di. | n ni. | tt tti K. | Aotto. | Ao Lo Ke tt | mi n K n K. |
Hi’ųnį́ra | ḗja | kiže. | Wageže, | "Niží, | ną̄nį́ | jajiga | hųc | horogéja | mįnąkanąga |
Her mother | [there] | she went. | She said to her, | "Say, | mother, | father | bears | in the midst | he was sitting, and |
page 81 | ||||||||
tee w Ai nK | no ni Ke | A Ke. | Kiyr ni nK dA n. | e de. | e Ki. | di Ke. | Lo A xitti | A ni Ki Li de. |
t’ewahinąk, | nųnįgé | hąké | kiasinįnąkšaną," | éže. | Égi | žigé | rohąxjį | hanikiriže. |
he was killing them, | but | not | they didn't run away," | she said. | Then | again | a lot | he brought. |
w i nl | Ai Le de. | w Lo Ko xitti | Ai Le ra Ki di. | wo dKtt deAe. * | e rKe | m dtt |
Wa’inąp | hireže. | Warugųxjį | hires’agiži, | wošgácše.† | Ésge, | mąšją |
To thank him | they did. | To long for | they used to, but | it was play for him. | Therefore, | all the more |
* this should have been spelled, wo dK ttdeAe.
† < wa-hošgác.
page 82 | ||||||
wo Ki xeAe te Le de. | ttAi nK n K. | Ai n di Le Ke. | de e | A Ky L. | Ay ni Le Ki. | Ai Ki Le K. |
wogíxetéreže. | cinągᵉnąka | hinąžirege. | žee | hagaíra | hainiregi, | hikįrega, |
they loved him. | That village | he was a great help. | Then | sometime | in the morning, | when they wake up, |
wo Ao Ki L ttL. | Lo K n Koo | Ai Ki Le ra de. | riAi rK L. | w Lo roKo L. | w Lo roKo. | Ar | Ai Lo Ki do L. |
wohokirajᵉra* | rōką́ną k’ų́ | hikirés’aže. | Sįskára | warusgura, | warusgu | haz | hirokížura, |
different kettles | [great ones] | they would be there. | Rice, | dried corn, | dried corn | fruit | mixed, |
* < wohǫ-hokirac-ra.
page 83 | |||||||||
de e | w Kidi Ke tt. | tte wo A n KeLe | de rKe | Ai Le K. | w o n Kde. | t ni L | dKe. | ttAe | t ni |
žee | wąkšigéja | Cē Wōhąnągᵉre | žesge | hirega, | wa’ųnąkše, | tānį́ra | ške. | Cē | tānį́ |
these | by the humans | Buffalo Feast | [that kind] | when they did, | it was, | tobacco | also. | Buffalo | tobacco |
Ao Ki doyi Le K | w o n Kde. | e tt. | ttA riAi K Ao nx Lotto ttK. | e tt | w Lotto ra de. | de e. | ttAe |
hokižuirega, | wa’ųnąkše. | Ḗja | Cāsīka-Honą̄ǧᵉrucka, | ḗja | warucs’aže. | Žee | cē |
it would be offered, | it was. | There | Eats Stink Part of Deer Leg, | there | he would eat. | This | buffalo |
page 84 | ||||||||||
ttAi nK n K. | ttiAi nK. | w ttoKoxo | tteAe | diAi diAiKi | w o n Kede. | e rKe. | tteAe | to l tte K. * | e | de e |
cinągᵉnąka, | cinąk | wacgux | cē | šišik | wa’ųnąkše. | Ésge | cē | jopajega | e | žee |
this village, | village | half | buffalo | bad | they were. | So | buffalo | the four | [they] | the ones |
* this should be tto l tte K.
Ai dKe. | AoKo ni KttK KL | Ae Le Le de. | Ai rKe tt. | tt | diAi diAiKi | Ai Le de. | ttAe | liAi n K. |
hišgé | hųknįkjągᵉra | herereže. | Hisgéja | cē | šišik | hireže. | Cē | pįnąka |
[also] | the chief's sons | they are. | Very | buffalo | bad | they were. | Buffalo | the good ones |
page 85 | ||||||
ni Ai w ni nK deAe. | A Ko Le d. | wi tt tt L. | di Ke | Ao de. | Ao xtt n Le Ki. | ttAe |
nįhiwanįnąkše. | Hagoréžą | wijájara | žigé | huže. | Hoxjaną́regi, | cē |
they abused them very much. | One day | the crier | again | he started out. | In the evening, | buffalo |
diAi diAiKi n K | e tt | Ao w tti d | wK dAe. | A Ao. | Ay ni Ki di. | w to Ao ttAi | A diAi ni wi L. |
šišigᵉnąka | ḗja | howájižą. | Wákše,* | "Hąhó, | hainigíži, | watohóci | hašiníwira |
the bad ones | [there] | they came from. | [They said,] | "Ho, | in the morning, | son-in-law | your |
* Hoxjanaregi, cē šišigᵉnąka ḗja howajižą. Wákše, is translated as, "The crier was from the bad buffalo's district." This is really more of an interpretation than a translation.
page 86 | ||||||
Ao dooKo n KLe. | Ai A Ke tt. | Ai Kette n. | Ko no K. | de tt ny xitti | n i ri Ktt ne n. | aK dAe. |
hoš’ógᵉnąkere | hihagéja | hikjéną." | "Kųnųga | žejanaíxjį | ną̄’į́zįkjaneną," | akše, |
on the hill | on [top] | he is wanted."* | "Kųnų† | now | he will get jealous," | he was saying, |
* more literally, "he will do."
† the birth order name of the First Son.
tt Ko | niKi dKe Ki xoAo Lo Ki Kette de | aK dAe. | A K K rKe d. | a n Kde. | w to Ao ttAi L. |
"jagú | nįkšgegixurukikježe,"* | akše. | "Hagagasgéžą," | ánąkše, | "Watohócira!" |
"but | he would not be able to strike very hard," | he was saying. | "Oh dear," | they were saying, | "Our son-in-law!" |
* no confidence can be given to either the analysis of this expression, nor in its translation.
wo xl ni Ki Le de. | de Ko | lA m Ko | mi n Ki Le de. | e Ki. | w to Ao ttiAi n K. | we de. |
Woxabᵉnįkireže. | Žegų | pamąku | mįną́kirežè. | Égi | watohocinąka | wéže, |
They were all quiet and sad. | [So] | their heads held down | they sat. | Then | son-in-law | he said, |
page 87 | |||||||
tt Ko o | wo xAl ni Ki n Ko ni | w Lo Kidi | dKe | tee wi Le Kette de. | e de. | Ai ttA wi L | w Ke de. |
"Jāgú’ų | woxabᵉnįkinąkųnį? | Warukši | ške | t’ewirekježe," | éže, | hicawįra | wageže. |
"Why | you keep so quiet and sad? | Might not | [also] | they will kill me," | he said, | his wife | he said it to her. |
e Ki. | Ki xA L. | Ao w Le de. | e tt | A Ai. | A K L dAo | mi K n K. | w we wiyK deAe. |
Égi | gixara | howareže. | Ḗja | hahi | hakarašų | mįgánąga | wawewį́ąkše. |
Then | he went out | he went. | There | he went | on his stomach | he laid down, and | he was thinking. |
page 88 | ||||||
w Ky Le de. | tt Ko o | n L xi dA L dA wK deAe. | n tto ni tt de | Ai Ae L. | ne wi ne n. | ni Ki tti t n de |
Wagaíreže, | "Jāgú’ų | nąraǧišarašawąkše? | Nąjonijaže, | hihéra. | Néwįnéną. | Nįgijitanaže, |
Something said to him, | "Why | you are afraid? | I blessed you, | I told you. | It is I. | I would help you, |
Ai Ae d Le. | A Ke | tee Ai | liAiy ni ni n. | e Ki. | Ai tto Lo xotto dAe. | te we L Ki. | A loAoKo. |
hihešare. | Hąké | t’ḗhi | piáninįną." | Égi | hijoruxucše. | Tewéraki, | hąpok |
I told you before. | Not | to be killed | [I am not good."] | So | he looked at him. | Unexpectedly, | owl |
page 89 | ||||||||
o o di niKi Ki d * | w tte de. | n tto ni tt n. | tee wiy n K. | Ai Lo xl l n K. | w n lii | Ai o ne. | wo n di | Lo Ke tt |
ō’ṓšį nįkižą | waježe. | "Nąjonijaną. | T’ewįanąga | hiruǧapanąga | wanąp’į́ | hi’ųne. | Wōną́žį | rōgéja |
a little [Burrowing Owl]† | that said it. | "I blessed you. | Kill me, and | skin me, and | necklace | make. | Shirt | inside |
* this was mispelled as o o diniKi Ki d.
† ō’ṓ- is used in the names of owls, cf. ō’ṓke, "screech owl". Sheila Shigley uncovered the fact that this is the Burrowing Owl, which Dorsey recorded as hąpókoóšina (< hąpók-ō’ṓšį-na).
ny Le lii Kette n. | di Ke | A K ni xitti | Ai dAo Lo Kd Le Ly Ke. | Aoy diAili | ny liiy tte |
nąirep’įkjeną. | Žigé | hąkąnį́xjį | hįšúrukžareraige. | Hoišíp | nąirep’įaje," |
you will wear me [around the neck]. | [Again] | never | do not let go of me. | Always | wear me on your neck," |
page 90 | ||||||||
e de. | e Ki. | tee Aiy n K. | Lo xl l n K. | wo n di | Lo Ke tt | n lii de. | de Ko | Aiy n K |
éže. | Égi | t’ehįanąga | ruǧapanąga | wōną́žį | rōgéja | nąp’įže. | Žegų | hianąga |
he said. | So | he killed it, and | he skinned it, and | shirt | inside | he wore it [around his neck]. | Thus | he did, and |
Ay ni Ki di. | w Ky Le K | e tto w Le de. | m L. | w K L niy n K. | tt tti ne tt. | Ao de. |
hainigíži, | wagairega | ejowareže. | Mą̄ra | wagaranianąga | jajineją | huže. |
in the morning, | they asked him | he went to the place. | His arrows | he went with, and* | already | he was coming. |
* the translation has, "he went."
page 91 | |||||||
tteAeyi d | Ae Le Ki di. | rK xitti de. | a dKe | Ao Ki di. | xiAi niy n K. | riAi ttL. | w a de. |
Ceižą | heregíži | sgaxjįže. | Ašgé | hugiži, | xįnįanąga | sįjᵉra | wa’ąže. |
A buffalo | [it was, and] | [it was] a very white one. | Closer | as he came, | he bellowed, and | his tail | he raised. |
m L. | dtt | no ni Ke. | m A | Ao we K[i]i | o de. | ttAe | w Ki do L. |
Mąrá | šją̄, | nųnįgé | mą̄há | howek’į* | ’ųže. | Cē | wakižura |
The ground | it was hard, | but | mud | to walk on it as though | [he did.] | The buffaloes | his kind |
* the text has this suffix as -kį, although, following Lipkind, it should be -k’į: "a verbal auxiliary suffix translated as 'to act like, to serve as' (< k’i-, the reflexive prefix combined with the causative hi)."
page 92 | |||||
A K L xe n Kde. | Ao Ao. | Ko no Ko. | Ai dKe | n i ri K. | K rKe niKi dAo no n. |
hakaraǧenąkše,* | "Hohó, | Kųnųgo!† | Hišgé | ną̄’į́zįga, | gáskenįkšųnųną. |
they were cheering him on, | "Ah, | Kųnų! | [Also] | when he gets jealous, | he is thus. |
* this is haǧe-nąk-še with the infix -kara-, meaning, "one's own".
† Kųnųga is the birth order name "First Son". The terminal /a/ transmutes to an /o/ when the sound is extended: the /o/ is better represented in this context as, o-o-o-o!
Ao reKe | niKi | w o. | tt Ko | niKi dKe Ki xoAo Lo Ki Kette de. | a nK dAe. | A tti. |
Hosgé | nįk | wa’ų; | jagú | nįkšgegixurukikježe," | ánąkše. | Hají |
Just | [a little] | he does that; | but | he would not be able to strike very hard," | they were saying. | He came on |
ttA we de. | Ae L. | Ko di xitti | w ni Ao de. | te tt o. | Ki KoKo Kitti de. | K tt. |
cawéže. | Héra | gūšíxjį | wanįhųže.* | Teja’ų, | gikokjįže. | Gają |
[towards him.] | His horns | very low | he held them. | As he stood, | he struck him making a loud noise. | But |
* < wa-, "them"; nį, "to take, have, bring"; hų, "to handle".
page 93 | |||||||
ttAo we xitti. | Ki a n K. | my tt | Ki Li tte de. | Ai dK K. | tteAe tte K | A tti ttA | wyi Le de. |
cowéxjį | gīánąga | mąįja | kiriježe. | Hišgaga | cējega | hajica, | waíreže.† |
just a little | he raised him, and | on the ground | [he landed.]* | This time | the buffalo | he started for, | [it was said.] |
* the translation has, "he stood".
† the expression could be,
hajicawaíreže, "they started for" or "they were started for". However, the proper stem is hajicawe. In either case, hajicawa and hajica are hapaxlegomena.
page 94 | |||||||
m L. | a K A K L niy n K. | A Lo ttAe | A Ki K L ni de. | tteAe tte K. | ttA loAo xKe L. | Ai Ll lL | |
Mą̄ra | akahakaranianąga* | harucé | hákikáraníže. | cējega | capoxgera | hīrabᵉra | |
His arrows | he held ready, and | his side | he kept holding to him. | The buffalo | his throat | the jaw |
* this may come from hąká, "the long object; the object lying down; the object moving along", hakarani, "to take (care of)", and -ánąga, "and".
Ao Ke Ley n K. | riAi ttL. | Ao Lo doAo | ttoolo l niy n K. | de rK no ni Ke. | Ao Ki Kixi nK | n di de. |
hōkereranąga | sįjᵉra | horušų́ | jubanianąga | žésga nųnįgé | hogįgįǧᵉnąk | nąžįže. |
his scalp lock, and | tail | in close | he held, and | [even at that] | running around him | he kept doing. |
page 95 | ||||||||
o tt o. | ttA lAo xKe L. | Ai Ll lL. | w Kd | Ai Ki di. | e tt. | Kotto deAe. | m L. | e tt |
’Ųja’ų, | capoxgera | hīrabᵉra | wakšą́ | higiži, | ḗja | gū́cše. | Mą̄ra | ḗja |
Finally, | from his throat | his jaws | [to turn back] | he did, and | there | he shot. | The arrow | there |
xA w ni tti Ao Ai de. | xiAi ni | tti K L n K. | no wK de. | riAi ttL | Ki Ao Le | Ai K tt. | o diye tt. |
xawanį́ jihuhíže. | Xįnį | jikaranąga | nowąkše. | Sįjᵉra | gihúre | higają, | ’ū́žieja |
it disappeared inside. | He bellowed | [he uttered], and | he started to run. | His tail | he swung | as he did so, | in his rectum |
page 96 | ||||||
di Ke. | Ai d | xA w ni tti Ao Ai de. | n K Kiy n K. | ta Ki nK deAe. | tteAe diAi diAi KL. | xK KL. |
žigé | hižą́ | xawanį́ jihuhiže. | Ną́kakiánąga | t’akinąkše. | Cē Šišigᵉra | ǧágᵉra |
[again] | one | he made it disappear in him. | He ran home, and | he died. | The Bad Buffaloes | they wept |
xe de | e Ki. | wy Le de. | tee Ai Le K. | daK w Ai L. | w Kdi Ke | e | w lA K nK dA n. |
ǧēže. | Égi | waíreže, | t’ehirega | š’akwahíra, | "Wąkšigé | e | wapaką́nąkšąną. |
[making a lot of noise.]* | Then | [they said,] | the dead one's | folks, | "The human | [he] | he is cleverer. |
* the translation has "very much".
page 97 | |||||
te de rKe Ke. | A Ke | o wi ni ne | Ai Ai wi L. | w d Ke. | Ai L ni tti wi n. |
Težesgege, | hąké | ųinįne | hihawira. | Wažąge | hiraníjiwiną. |
Thus it is, | not | not to do it | so we told you. | [A person of importance] | [he was coming to you.]* |
* for wažąge hiraníjiwiną, the translation has, "he knows what he is doing or else he would not come".
tee L wi n Ki. | Ai L L Ai wi Le tt. | e tt | tee L wi n n. | te e di. | e |
T’erawinąki, | hirarahiwireja | ḗja | t’erawiną. | Te’éži | e |
If you could kill him, | [you went somewhere to find him, but] | there | he killed you. | [This one] | he |
tee ni Ktt wi Ke | Ai L ni tti wi n. | w Lo K n. | di Ke | Ai d | w d | doo Ktt wi. | de Ko |
t’enįkjawige, | hiranijiwiną. | Waruką́ną, | žigé | hižą́ | wažą | š’ųkjawi, | žegų |
he will kill you is why | he came to you. | Knowing thus,* | again | [one] | [thing] | [you will do,] | [thus] |
* Miner says that waruką́ną means specifically, "to go into a trance to recover a lost thing."
page 98 | ||||||
Ai wi Le. | a | no ni Ke. | Ae n K. | we de. | Ko te | w d A L Ki ro xitti.† |
hiwire," | a, | nųnįgé | Heną́ga | wéže, | "Koté, | wažą́ harakižuxjį. |
[you may do it,"]* | they said, | but | the second son | he said, | "Ah! | you seem to submit to him.‡ |
* this clause is translated as, "Knowing thus, I hope you will not try again. You had better stop".
† this form implies wažą harakižuxjį, and should, instead, have been w d A L Ki do xitti.
‡ literally, "you-with-him thing."
Ay ni Ki di | tee A Ktt ne n | e de. | A Ke | o ni Le. | w d n. | a | no ni Ke. | Ai att ttL. |
Hainigíži, | t’ehakjanéną," | éže. | Hąké | ųnį́re, | wažą́na," | a, | nųnįgé | hi’ą́jᵉra |
Tomorrow, | I will kill him," | he said. | "Not | [do not do it,]* | [the thing,"] | they said, | but | his father |
* the translation has, "Do not try it."
page 99 | ||||||
de Ko | tee Ai Ktt ne de | e de. | Ai Ly tty L | de di w n K. | tee Ai K. | Ai Lo AeKe deAe. |
žegų | t’ehíkjaneže, | éže. | Hiraijaira | žéžiwanąga | t’ehiga, | hirohékše. |
but | he would kill him, | he said. | Greater than | anyhow | the one who was killed, | [he is better than him.]* |
* t’ehiga hirohékše, is translated as, "the one who was killed was not as great".
e rKe | di w nK dAe. | di Ke. | wi tt tt L | Ao de. | A Ao. | w to Ao ttAi | A diAi ni wi L. |
Ésge | žiwanąkše. | Žigé | wijájara | huže. | "Hąhó, | watohóci | hašiníwira, |
That is why | he would not relent. | Again | the crier | he started to come. | "Ho, | son-in-law | your, |
page 100 | |||||||
di Ke | Ay ni Ki di. | xeAe | Ai A Ke tt | tte Kette n. | Ae n K. | n i ri Ktt ne n * | Ay ni Ki di. |
žigé | hainigíži, | xe | hihagéja | jekjéną." | "Heną́ga | ną̄’į́zįkjaneną." | Hainigíži, |
again | in the morning, | hill | on [top] | he is wanted." | "The second son | he will get jealous." | In the morning, |
* the syllable n is written above the line at an angle.
di Ke | Le de. | di Ke. | w tt L | dKe | Lo K n de. | e Ki. | di Ke. | w KidiKi tte K. | ttAo ni |
žigé | reže. | Žigé | wajara | šge | rokanaže. | Égi | žigé | wąkšíkjega | cōnį́ |
again | he went. | Again | spectators | [also] | there were a great many. | [And] | again | the human | first |
Ao tti L | no ni Ke. | A Ke | tee Ai ni de | e Ki. | Ai t ni L. | Ai Ko | di Ke | tee Ai de. | e Ki. |
hųjira | nųnįgé | hąké | t’ehinįže. | Égi | hitanį́ra | higų́ | žigé | t’ehiže. | Égi |
he was struck | but | not | he was not killed. | And | the third one | [yet] | again | he killed. | And |
page 101* | |||||||
A Ae Ki di. | wK no n K | we de. | Ai niKi | w Ai L. | w w K de. | Ai ttA L wi K. | wo ttAe xiAi |
hąhegiži, | wągᵉnunąka | wéže, | hinį́k | wahíra, | wawagaže, | "Hicą́rawigá | wocexi |
at night, | that old man | he said, | sons | his, | he said to them, | "Your brother-in-law | difficult |
* at the top of the page, above the page number, is written: ttiA rAi K Ao nx xK. This is for Cāsīką-honą̄xka, another variant of the protagonist's name: "The Stinking Part of the Deer Ankle." The added element, ho-, means "the place where".
w o tte n. | Ai ttKe | tte Ko ni. | i no Ke we | Ki o wi Le. | Ao t xtt ttiKi Ktte n. | wi Ke Ki di. |
wa’ųjeną. | Hįcgé | jegúni. | Įnokewe* | ki’ųwire, | hotaxjajᵉkikjeną," | wigegiži. |
he is doing. | Wearied | he must be. | Sweat bath | make for him, | restful make for himself," | he said to them. |
* < į̄nį́, "stone", and hoikéwe, "to go into, to enter".
page 102 | ||||||
i ni | A Ki K n Ki Le de. | e Ki. | i no Ke we. | o Ktt n Ae Ki di. | Ki Ko Lo doAo Lo ttede. | e tt. |
Į̄nį́ | hakikanągireže. | Égi | inokewe | ’ųkjanahegiži, | kikurušorocše. | Ḗja |
Stone | they put on for him. | And | steam bath | when [it] was ready, | he pulled off his clothes. | There |
w n lii L. | Lo dooAo Lo tt n K. | ttAi doAo Lo too le tt. | A w x Ai n Ki de. | Lo dtt Ki di. |
wanąp’į́ra | ruš’orójąnąga | cišúrut’ǫbeja | hawaǧahįnągiže. | Rušjągiži |
the necklace | he pulled off, and | on the cross piece of the house | he hung it there. | When he got through, |
page 103 | |
w n lii L. | w K L Ki Ko no ni doKo ni. |
wanąp’į́ra | wakarakikununišgųnį. |
the necklace | he forgot his own. |
Ay ni Ki di. | L Ki ni doKo ni de. | Ai tt | Ai K tt. | Ao Ki ni de. | ttAo ni | tee w Ai L. | Lo K ny Le. |
Hainigíži, | ragįnįšgųnį. | Hija | higają, | hoginiže. | Cōnį́ | t’ewahira. | Rokanaire |
In the morning, | he had gone already. | There | as he was, | come already. | First | those he killed. | Formidable |
page 104 | ||||||
Ai Le w Ai Ki di. | Ai Ly tty L xitti de. | m ni | Ae Ki di. | m L. | m Ki A. | Ao m ni Ki o de. |
hiré wahígiži, | hiraijairaxjį. | Mą̄nį́ | hegiži, | mąrá | mą̄kihą̄́ | homąnįki’ųže. |
they make you think so, but | this is more so. | Walking | when he came, | the ground | swampy | he walked on. |
lA L | Ko di xitti | A ni de. | Ae L. | my Ki riAitti | A ni de. | te tt o. | Ao tti Le de. | xA w ni |
Pára | gūšíxjį | haníže. | Héra | mąįkisjį | haníže. | Teją’ų | hojįreže. | Xawanį́ |
His head | very low | he held. | The horn | he rubbed the ground | [he had]. | Standing there | he was struck. | Disappeared |
tti Ke Le | Ai Le de. | Lo L. | Ki tteAe tteAe xitti. | Ai ni Ke Ai | diAi lLe de. | tee Ai Le de. |
jikere | hireže. | Rora | gicecexjį, | hinįkéhi | šibréže. | T’ehireže. |
suddenly | he was made. | The body | [breaking] into pieces (atoms), | [one by one] | to fall they did. | He was killed. |
page 105 | |||||||
wo to Ao ttAi L. | xK KL. | xe de. | e Ki. | A Ae Ki di. | Ai no K K. | roAo we tt. | Ao lA Ai o |
Wotohocira | ǧágᵉra | ǧeže. | Égi | hąhegiži, | hinų́kąka | sųeja | hopahi’ų |
The sons-in-law* | they cried | in tumult. | And | at night, | that woman | side next to the wall | [while] she was facing |
* The translation has, "the home he abided in".
mi K n K. | xK K Kede. | K tt e Ki | Ai d | we de. | xK KL. | L dtt n K. | ttA Ke tt. | Ao wy Le wi Le. |
mįkánąga | ǧakakše. | Gają égi | hižą́ | wéže, | "Ğágᵉra | rašją́nąga | cągéja | howairewiže," |
she lay, and | she was crying. | When | one | he said, | "Your crying | stop, and | outside | put me," |
page 106 | |||||||||
w d dy e de. | di Ke | xK | tti Le de. | K tt. | di Ke | e de. | tt Koyi d | w n Ko ni | Ai Le de. |
wažąžaeže. | Žigé | ǧāk | jirežé. | Gają | žigé | éže, | "Jaguįžą | wanagųnį | hireže?" |
something said. | Again | to cry | she began. | [Then] | again | he said, | "What [one] | to have said it | it was?" |
di Ke. | x K ttA. | di Ke | e de. | K tt K. | we rAi wi xttiy n K. | di Ke. | e K tt. † | we L Ki. |
Žigé | ǧagącą̄* | žigé | éže, | gająga | wesįwįxjįanąga | žigé | ǧagają̄ | wéraki |
Again | she cried, | again | it spoke, | this time | she watched very closely, and | again | [when] she cried, | suddenly |
* the -cą̄ may be the replacement suffix, "instead".
† this sould have been x K tt.
roAo we tt. | ttAi roAo Lo too le tt. | w niKi | Lo x li d | n Ki | w nK deAe. | ttA Ke tt. |
sųeja | cisúrut’ǫbeja* | wanįk | ruǧabižą | nąki | wanąkše, | "Cągéja |
next to the wall | between the tent and pole | [bird]† | a skinned one | [it sat] | it did the talking, | "Outside |
* cisúrut’ǫbeja could be for cišúrut’ǫbeja. See above.
† the translation has, "owl".
page 107 | |||||||
Ao wy Le wi n. | xK KL. | L dtt n K. | Ai K n L K. | A ni K Ko te Kette n | e de. | e rKe | Lo r n K. |
howairewiną. | Ğágᵉra | rašją́nąga | hikanaraga | hanįgakutekjeną," | éže. | Ésge | rusanąga |
put me. | Your crying | stop, and | your husband | I will go after him for you," | he said. | So | [she took, and]* |
* the translation has, "she opened the door".
ttA Ke tt. | K nK | Ai de. | Ai L Le xitti K tt. | te we L Ki. | A Ki Li Aoy Ke we de. | Ai noKo n K. |
cągéja | kąną́k | hiže. | Hirarexjįgają, | tewéraki, | hakirihoikeweže. | Hinųgᵉnąka |
outside | to set it | she did. | After a while, | unexpectedly, | he came back in. | The woman |
page 108 | ||||||
Ko Le xitti de. | de Ko rii xitti | Ai tee L | Lo daK deAe | Ai tee Ki di. | we de. | Ai K n A xitti. |
korexjįže. | Žegųs’ixjį, | hit’era | ruš’ágᵉnąkše. | Hit’égiži | wéže, | "Hikanahaxjį, |
she was very surprised. | For a long time, | to speak | [she was unable.] | When she talked, | she said, | "My husband, |
Ki liAi L. | no liAi wi A Ki A. | Ai ni liAi n. | Ai reKe xitti | ni L al | w doo Ki di | e de. | niy al dA n |
gipįra | nų̄píwi hakihą́ | hinipįną, | hisgéxjį | nįra’ąp | waš’ųgiži," | éže. | "Nį’ąpšąną," |
love | double* | I love you, | really | you are alive | if you are," | she said. | "I am alive," |
* hakihą́ means, "again, for a second time, overlapping (indicating repetition, re-doing)". (White Eagle)
page 109 | |||||||
e de. | e Ki. | A ntt. | A tty Le Ki di. | Ko Le L. | Lo K n xitti | Ai Le de. | A ntt. |
éže. | Égi | haną́c | hajairegiži, | kōréra | rokanaxjį | hireže. | Haną́c |
he said. | Then | all | they saw him, and | they were surprised | very much | [they were.] | All |
Ai Ki L n K. | w Lo tti Le de. | wy dtt | A tti Le de. | te we L Ki. | tee Ai L | ni Ae Le. |
hīkį́ranąga | warujireže. | Waišjá | hajíreže. | Tewéraki, | t’ehira | nįhēre |
they awoke, and | they partook of food. | [Scouts] | they came. | Unexpectedly, | the killed one | he was alive |
Ai tt | A Ki Li o nK deAe. | Ao tee Ai Le K | e tt | w o | A tti Le de. | e tt | Ai noKo n K. |
hija | hakiri’ųnąkše. | Hot’éhirega, | ḗja* | wa’ų | hajíreže. | Ḗja* | hinųgᵉnąka |
there | [he had come back.] | [Concerning his mode of death,] | [there] | [to do it] | they came. | [There] | the woman |
* for the whole sentence, "Hot’éhirega, ḗja wa’ų hajíreže," the translation has, "Those who came to see were from the village of the Bad Buffaloes." To get to anything resembling this, e tt would have to be transliterated as e cē, "they themselves, buffaloes". If that had been what the raconteur had said, one would have expected Sam Blowsnake to have recorded e ttAe, rather than e tt, which is ḗja, "there".
page 110 | |||||
K n Ki Le Ktt n Ae Ke. | K Ly dtt | A tti Le | w oyi Le de. | te we L Ki. | Ai K n L. |
kąnąkirekjanahege, | karáišja | hajíre | wa’ųireže. | Tewéraki, | hikánara |
they were to have her in marriage is why | to see them | they came | [they did thus.] | Unexpectedly, | her husband |
Ai tt nK deAe. | A Ki Ao LK Ki Le de. | n xi Ly Le de. | Ao t. | ni ni Ke. | w o K. |
hijaną́kše. | Hagihorakireže. | Náxiraíreže. | Hotá | ninįge | wa’ųgá, |
he was there. | They went home and told it. | They got scared. | The one that was left | or | the one who did it, |
di Ke | e ttA | tee Ai Ktt ne | A oAo Ao de. | e Ki. | wK diAiKi n K. | wo to Ao ttAi L. | w w Ke de. |
žigé | écą | t’ehíkjane | ha’uhuhuže. | Égi | wąkšigᵉnąka | wotohócira | wawagéže, |
[again] | [but instead] | to kill | he was anxious. | So | the human | the sons-in-law* | he said to them, |
* this should be singular and refer to the human, their son-in-law.
page 111 | |||||||
Ay ni Ki di. | tt n K. | e Ki | Ae Le L. | tt tt. | tee A Ki di | Ai Kow n. | ttAi L. |
Hainigíži, | jánąga | égi | herera | jają | t’ehagiži, | higuą́ną, | círa |
"In the morning, | all | here | that belong, | as soon as | I kill him, | [immediately,] | your tents |
w woy K w wiy tte. | A ntt | tee w A Ktt n Ae n | e de. | e rKe. | w Lo ttA L. | A Ae Le Ki. | no xA w. |
wawoikawawiaje, | haną́c | t’ewahakjanaheną," | éže. | Ésge | warucára | hąhéregi | nųxą́wą |
I want you to go into them, | all | I will kill them," | he said. | So | the servant | at night | in secret |
* the translation has, "at night".
page 112* | ||||||
Ao we | w wo Ki LK deAe. | e Ki. | de Kow n. | Ay ni Le Ki. | di Ke. | Ao oo L Ae Le Ki. |
howe | wawogírakše. | Égi | žeguaną. | Hainiregi, | žigé | ho’ųra heregi, |
[he went about] | he informed them. | Then | thus it was. | In the morning, | again | at the usual time, |
* starting with this page, the handwriting of the transcription changes, but not that of the translation.
ttA ri K Ao n xK. | Ai tt A Ai tt. | Ki ni de. | e rKe | Ai Kow n | Ai dKe | n i ri L |
Cāsīka-honą̄xka | hijahahija | gįnįže. | Ésge | higuą́ną, | hišgé | ną̄’į́zįra |
Stinking Part of Deer Leg | there | he was already. | So | [immediately,] | also | the jealous one |
Ao Ki ni n. | de Ko n. | Ai K. | lA L | my tt | A ni n K. | m L |
hogininą. | Žegų́ną. | Higa, | pára | mąįja | hanį́nąga | mąrá |
he started for him. | [Thus it was.] | When he did, | his head | to the ground | [he brought it, and]* | the ground |
* the translation has, "almost dragging".
page 113 | |||||
m Ki A. | Ao we Ki oo | Ao Ki mi n | m ni lA dAo Lo ttKe L | Ai d | ni Ke n Ki. |
mą̄kihą̄́ | howeki’ų | hokimįną. | Mąnįpašorocgᵉra | hižą́ | nįgenąki, |
mud | [to go, he made] | [he crouched himself down.] | Small lump of earth | a | [if there was somewhere,]* |
* the translation has, "if he came to".
de Ko | Hi tti Ke Le * | Ai | A tti ttA we n. | ttAo ni | tee Ai Ke. | de Ke | de rKe | K L Kttl |
žegų | xijikere | hi | hajicaweną. | Cōnį́ | t’ehige, | žege | žesge | karakją́p |
[then] | to knock to pieces | he did | as he came. | Before | he had killed him, so | [again] | [thus] | he expected |
* using the letter H in place of x was characteristic of the earlier work of Jasper Blowsnake. Jasper was the older brother of Sam Blowsnake who had done the earlier part of this transcription. See also below.
w oo | Ao w | de tt K | Ai tt Htti | tti ttey n K. | m L | Ai Ki Ka rti | Ao tti n. | ttAo ni |
wa’ų | howa. | Žejąga | hijaxjį | jijeanąga | mąrá | hikik’asti | hųjiną. | Cōnį́ |
to do it | as he came. | Then | up to | he came, and | the ground | low near | he was struck. | Before |
page 114 | ||||||
my ritti Ai L. | de rKe. | K L Kttb * | w oo K tt. | ttAo we xitti | w Kd | Ao a n K. |
mą́įsįc hīra | žesge | karakją́p | wa’ųgają, | cowéxjį | wakšą́ | hūanąga |
he knocked him to pieces | and that | it is what he expected | to do, but | just barely | [to turn back] | [he started coming, and] |
* the letter b was used by Jasper Blowsnake as a version of the letter l used by his brother Sam. See above.
de Ko | my tt | Ki L tte n. | de Ko. | Aiy n K. | xiAi niy n K. | ttA loAo xeKe L. | Ai L lL. |
žegų́ | mąįja | kirajeną. | Žegų | hianąga | xįnįanąga | capoxgera | hīrabᵉra |
[then] | on the ground | he lit. | Thus | he did, and | he bellowed, and | his throat | his jaws |
page 115 | |||||||
Ao Ke Ley n K. | A Lo tteAe | Ki Ke Le de. | e Ki. | wK tt ne. | m L. | A K L niy n K. | Ao Ki KiHi |
hokereanąga | harucé | gikereže. | Égi | wąkjąne | mą̄ra | hakáraniánąga | hogįgį́x |
he stuck it, and | sideways | he held himself. | Then | the man | the arrow | he took, and | around him |
nK deAe. | o tt o. | Ai L lL. | ttA loAo xKe L. | w Kd | Ai Ki di. | m L. | Ai d | e tt | xA w ni |
nąkše. | ’Ųja’ų, | hīrabᵉra | capoxgera | wakšą́ | higiži, | mą̄ra | hižą́ | éja | xawanį́ |
he ran. | Finally, | his jaws | his throat | [to turn back] | he did, and | the arrow | [one] | there | to disappear |
Ai Le Ai de. | e Ki. | xiAi ni | tti K L n K. | riAi ttL | Ki Ao Le | Aiy n K. | no w K tt. | di Ke |
hirehiže. | Égi | xįnį | jikaranąga | sįjᵉra | gihúre | hianąga | nųwąkáją, | žigé |
he sent. | [Then] | bellow | [he uttered], and | tail | swinging | he did, and | he started to run, and | again |
page 116 | ||||||||
o diye tt. | Ai d | xA w ni | tti Ao Ai de. | e tt. | Ao w n n. | Ki Ke Le de. | de Ko | Ai Aiy n K. |
’ū́žieja | hižą́ | xawanį́ | jihuhíže. | Éja | howanąna | gikereže. | Žegų | hihiánąga |
in his rectum | [one] | to disappear | he sent. | Then | to roll over | [he left the rest.] | Thus | he did, and |
w tal dAe | to we | w Lo xA Le de. | Ao lo wotto dAe. | ttAo we | w lo de n n de |
wat’ąpše. | Towe | warúxareže. | Hobowocše, | cowe | waboženąnąže.* |
he started for them. | On[ward] | he chased them. | He killed them all, | very nearly | [by shooting them.] |
* it is not clear what this expression is. The first part looks to be waboži, "to shoot"; ną́že, "near hitting", and with a prefix, ną-, "with the hand or foot", it would be nąną́že, "nearly hitting with the hand", referencing the bow. However, it is not clear how we are to explain /e/ rather than /i/ after wabož.
page 117 | ||||||
nol Ki L xitti. | Ao t Ai de. | Ai noKo ni Ki d. | Ae Ley n K. | wK Ki d. | de de Ko | Ao t w Ai de. |
Nųpkiraxjį | hotahiže. | Hinųknįkižą | hereanąga | wąkižą, | žežegų | hotawahiže. |
Only two | he saved. | A little female | it was, and | a male, | these | he left them unharmed. |
w w Ke de. | de Ko | de tt ni Ktt wi | y Le K tte Le n. | w Koro L. | A Ke | Ki liAi ni Ktt ne |
wawagéže, | "Žegų | žejanikjawi | yaregajeréną. | Wagųzᵉrá | hąké | gipįnįkjane, |
He said to them, | "Altogether | I would end you | I thought. | The Creator | not | he would not be pleased, |
page 118 | ||||||
y Le Ke | A Ke | de ni tt wi ni n. | w Kidi Ke. | tt Ko. | tteAe dAi diAi KL. | ay L ni Ae Kette de. |
yarége, | hąké | ženijawinįną. | Wąkšige | jagú | 'Cē Šišigᵉra' | airanihekježe, |
I thought, so | not | I did not end you. | The people | anything | 'Bad Buffaloes' | they will not call, |
y Le Ke | e rKe. | ni Ke | m Ko Ay tt. | Lo Kidi xitti | L miKi Ktt wi n. | A Ki no l A L. |
yarége, | ésge, | nįgé | mąkųhąija | rukšixjį | ramįkjawiną. | Hąkinųpahara |
I thought, so | therefore, | somewhere | underground | very deep | you shall lay. | Never again* |
* literally, "not a second time" (< hąke-hinųpahara).
page 119 | ||||||
Ai d. | my AK KeLe Ki. * | L tti ni Ktt ni A wi n. | wi Ke de. | e Ki. | A Ktt | ttAi n Ke tt |
hižą́ | mąihageregi | rajinį́kjanįhawiną," | wigeže. | Égi | hakjá | cinąkeja |
any | here on earth | you will not come again," | he said to them. | Then | back | to the village |
* this should have been spelled my AK Ke Le Ki.
Ki Li de. | w i n lL | Lo K n | Ai Le de. | Ai ni xitti | w ni nK Koo | Ae Le de. | w to Ao ttAi L. |
kiriže. | Wa’inąbᵉra | rokana | hireže. | Hinixjį | waninák’ų | herežé. | Watohócira |
he came back. | Thankful | very | they were. | [Brother] | his (?)* | [he was.] | The son-in-law |
* -wanína is given by Gatschet as meaning "his", but in reference to inanimate objects, in this case, perhaps, a corpse; -k’ų is an endearment suffix. This sentence goes untranslated in the original text, and instead we get, "They were abused very much by them before."
Aoy ni Ke L Le deKe. | wo xeAe te | K L Ki n KL. | di Ke | Ai L tty L | Ai Le de. | e Ki |
hoinįgerarešge | woxéte | karaginągᵉra, | žigé | hirajaíra | hireže. | Égi |
[even for nothing] | to love | [they did their own,] | but now | so much more | they did. | Then |
page 120 | ||||||||
di Ke | Aotto. | tee Ai L | dKe | o xitti doKo ni de. | e Ki | wK no n K | A Ko Le d | we de. |
žigé | hųc | t’ehira | ške | ųxjįšgųnįže. | Égi | wąknunąka | hagoréžą | wéže, |
again | bear | he killed | [also] | he did many of them [perhaps]. | Then | the old man | one day, | he said, |
Ai noKo A xitti. | w to Ao ttAi n KeLe. | ni Ke | Ao w tti Le Ki. | w Ko no ni nK n Ko ni |
"Hinųkhaxjį, | watohocinągᵉre | nįgé | howajiregi, | wakunų̄nįnągᵉnąkųnį. |
"My daughter, | this son-in-law | somewhere | he came from, and | they may be lonesome for him. |
page 121 | ||||||
de tt ny xitti. | ni Ke | Ao w tti Le Ki di. | Ai tto L | w dA L wi Ki di. | e liAi n n. | e Ki. |
Žejanaíxjį | nįgé | howajiregiži, | hijora | wašarawįgiži, | epįnaną." | Égi |
About now | where | he came from, and | [to where he was] | [if you consider,]* | it will be better." | Then |
* hijora wašarawįgiži, is not translated in the text.
ttA riAi K K * | we de. | A ttA dKe | w w K L n de. | ni Ke | w w tti L. | tt rKe |
Cāsīkąga, | wéže, | "Hacąšge | wawakaranaže. | Nįgé | wawajíra | jasgé |
Stink Part of Deer,† | he said, | ["To be possible]‡ | I would go. | The place | I came from | how |
* it is not clear what the last syllabic character is.
the name is actually abbreviated to "Deer Ankle".
‡ this could be hacá, "I observe, behold, witness, view", and šge, "also".
page 122 | ||||||
Ai L ni Ae Ki di | A Ke | y lAe Le rini n. | wK Kidi KL. | no liAi wi | xAe te wi Le L. | e dA n. |
hiranihegiži, | hąké | yapérezᵉnį́ną. | Wąkšigᵉra | nų̄píwi | xetewirera | ešana |
they are doing, | not | I don't know. | People | two | who raised me, | alone |
Ae Le Le L. | A ttA | o Ai A ni Ae Ki di | Ai Ke | y leAe Le rini n. | di Ke | daK |
herérera. | Hacą | ’ųhiranihegiži, | hįké | yaperezᵉnįną. | žigé | š’ak |
they were. | Where | they are now, | not | I do not know. | And besides | parents |
w Ai Ai ttAoy dKe | A Ke | y leAe Le rini n. | xoAo no niKi | i ne Ki | y lAe Le rA n. | e rKe. |
wahįhicų̄išge, | hąké | yaperezᵉnįną. | Xųnųnį́k | inéki | yaperesąną. | Ésge, |
if I have any of them, | not | I do not know. | Very small | alone | I remembered. | Therefore, |
page 123 | |||||||
A Ke | w d w Ai | y Ki leAe Le rini n. | e de. | e Ki. | de e | A Ko Ley d. | we n Le Ki. |
hąké | wažawahi | yakīperezᵉnįną," | éže. | Égi | žee | hagoreižą | wénąrègi, |
not | [his] relation | I do not know [myself]," | he said. | Then | [there] | one day | in the spring of the year, |
e tt. | ttAi n Ko de tty tt. | wo xe L | Lo K n de. | w w | Ai L n K. |
éja | cinąkožejaija | woxera | rokanaže. | Wąwą́ | hiránąga |
at | the end of the village | noise and commotion | there was a great [amount]. | [Whooping] | they did, and |
page 124 | |||||||
Ao ttAi ttAi. | Ai noKo | w ttAeKe L. | de de rKe | w nK deAe. | de e | wK no n K | we de. |
hocį́cį́ | hinųk | wacegᵉra | žežesge | wanąkše. | Žee | wągᵉnunąka | wéže, |
young men | women | the young | they | [they were uttering this.] | Then | the old man | he said, |
Ai noKo A xitti. | w to Ao ttAi K. | Ai K K. | xe tte K. | e tt | Ao w L ni Kette n. | e de. |
"Hinųkhaxjį, | Watohóciga* | hįkaga | ǧējega | éja | howaranįkjeną," | éže. |
"My daughter, | the Son-in-law | never | that noise | where | he should not go there," | he said. |
* -ga is usually reserved for personal names, but is here used in a kinship term, apparently to upgrade it to a higher level of respect and to make it function as his name.
Ai noKo n K. | Ai K n L. | Ao Ki LK deAe. | xe tte K | e tt | Ai K K | [A]o L w dA L ni Kette * |
Hinųgᵉnąka | hikánara | hokirákše, | "Ğējega | éja | hįkaga | [h]orawašaranįkje, |
The woman | her husband | she told him, | "That noise | where | never | you should not go there, |
* damage to the paper in the original manuscript has removed the A and part of the o.
page 125 | ||||||||
ay Le n. | tt tti K | we n. | Ai Ke de. | e Ki | we de. | tt Ko o K tt | we de. | tt Ko o |
aíreną. | Jajiga | wéną," | higeže. | Égi | wéže, | jagú’ųgają | wéže? | Jāgú’ų |
they say. | My father | he said it," | she told him. | And | he asked, | "Why he did | he said that? | His reasons |
we Ki di. | Ao Ki L Ki di. | e | y leAe Le riKi | A Ke | liAi ni Ke we Ki. | A Ke | Ai tt |
wegiži, | hogiragiži, | e | yaperezᵉgi | hąké | pįnįgewegi, | hąké | hija |
if he would tell me, | [if he told me,] | then | I would know, and | not | if it is not good, | not | [there] |
page 126 | |||||||
w w t ni n n. | e de. | e rKe. | Ao Ki LK dAe. | e tt | xe tte K. | wK diAi KL. | my A Ke tt. |
wawatanįnaną," | éže. | Ésge | hogirakše: | "Éja | ǧējega | wąkšígᵉra | maįhagéja |
I will not go," | he said. | So | she told him: | "There | that noise | the people | on earth |
ttAe | Kotto | A Ao Ai Le Ktt n Ae L. | e tt. | nl Lo xtt | Ai Le Ki. | e Ki. | A tti nK KL. |
cē | gū́c | hahuhirekjanahera. | Éja | ną́bᵉruǧác* | hiregi, | égi | hajinągᵉra. |
buffalo | to shoot | they make ready to come. | Here | offerings | they make, | and | they come here. |
* this form is otherwise unknown. It is normally ną́biruǧác (nl li Lo xtt).
de rKe | Loro | w nK dA n. | Ai d. | w d L | Ai d | Lo rK | w nK dA n. |
Žesge | rūs | wanąkšaną. | Hižą | wažąra | hižą́ | rūsga, | wanąkšaną. |
That is what | to take | [they do.] | One | [the things] | [one] | when he takes, | [they do it.] |
page 127 | ||||||
A K L xe n K. | Ai d. | nl li Lo xtt L | Lo ri Le Ki. | w o tte K. | tteAe | Ko Ai |
Hakaraǧenąka | hižą́ | ną́biruǧájᵉra | rusiregi, | wa’ųjega, | cē | kuhí |
They shout | one | offerings | when he takes, | [when he does it,] | buffalo | [to start to come] |
Ao Ai Le Ktt n Ae K. | e tt | Ao w L n K | tee Ai Le Ktt ne n. | nl li Lo xtt | Lo rK. |
huhirekjanahega, | éja | howaranąga | t’ehirekjaneną. | Ną́biruǧác | rūsga, |
[when they get ready to come,] | [there] | [they go, and] | they get killed. | Offerings | when he takes, |
wi Ki Ko Lo wi | w o tte n. | tt n K. | n li Lo xtt | Lo rKi di. | w KidiKi | tteAe | Kotto |
wikikúruwį | wa’ųjeną. | Janąga | ną́biruǧác | rusgiži, | wąkšík | cē | gū́c |
to sell himself | [he does it.] | All | offerings | [if they] take, | humans | buffalo | [to shoot] |
page 128 | |||||||
A Ao Ai | Ko Lo Ao n K. | e tt | Ai Ki lA | Ao w Ly Le Ktt ne n. | w d L. | Ai d | ntt Ai doo Ki. |
hahuhi | kuruhonąga | éja | hikipá | howarairekjaneną. | Wažąra | hižą́ | ną́c hiš’ų́gi, |
to come | get ready, and | [there] | [to meet] | [they will go to.] | [The things] | [one] | if you take a liking, |
doAo Lo rKi | Ai deKe | deAe Le Ki | tee ni Le Ktt ne n. | e rKe | A Ke | Ai tt |
šurusgi, | hišgé | šeregi, | t’énirekjanèną. | Ésge | hąké | hija |
if you take it, | [also] | you will have to go and | you will get killed. | So | not | there |
page 129 | ||||||
Ao L w dA L ni Ki di. | liAi n n. | Ai Ke de. | A. | e de. | Ai Ko. | e tt |
horawašaranįgiži, | pįnaną," | higeže. | "Hą," | éže. | Higų | éja |
you should not go, | it is best for you," | she told him. | "Alright," | he said. | So | around about |
o tte ra de. | de e di | Ai Ko | e tt. | xe | tti K L tte de. | A Ko Le d. | Ko L. |
’ųjes’aže. | Žeeži | higų́ | éja | ǧē | jikaraježe. | Hagoréžą, | "Korá, |
he used to be. | But | all the time | [there] | the great noise | it was kept up. | One day, | ["Well,] |
tt rKe xitti | Ai n di L n K | w n Ki di. | Ai Li Ki. | Ai tto w Le de. | Ai tt | Ai K tt |
jasgéxjį | hinąžiranąga | wanagiži," | hirigi, | hicowareže. | Hija | higáją, |
so much | they make, and | [I wonder," so] | [when he did,] | he went over. | There | [he went, and] |
page 130 | ||||||||
te we L Ki. | e tt. | ni Ke | m | Ao liAi xitti | mi n Ki. | e tt | w d L | tti nK nK deAe. |
tewéraki, | éja | nįgé | mą | hopįxjį | mįnąki, | éja | wažąra | jinągᵉnąkše. |
unexpectedly, | [there] | a piece | ground | nice | that was there, | there | the things | they would appear. |
w d L | Ai d | Ai tt | tti n K. | Ai d | Ai tt | tti L n K. |
Wažąra | hižą́ | hija | jinąka | hižą́ | hija | jiranąga |
[The things] | [one] | [there] | when it appeared, | someone | [there] | they would walk over and |
Loro rK | w nK deAe. | A K L xe n K. | w d | liAi L | Lo K n de. | ttAe Ai L. |
rūsga | wanąkše, | hakaraǧenąka. | Wažą́ | pįra | rokanaže: | cehįra |
if they took it, | [they would utter it,] | they would shout. | Things | good | there were many: | woolen belts |
page 131 | ||||||||
e Ki. | ttA A rK L. | m doAo | doAo ttL. | t ni L. | wK diAiKi | wy ni | Ao Ki L ttL | Ae Le de. |
égi | cāhasgara, | mą̄šų̄́ | šūjᵉra, | tānį́ra, | wąkšík | wainį́ | hokirajra | herežé. |
and | white deerskins, | feathers | red ones, | tobacco, | human | clothes | all kinds | there were. |
e tt | A Ai n diy n K. | wo Lo xotto tte de. | Ao n di tte K | e tt xitti. | ttA | riAitti. |
Éja | hahinąžįanąga | warogųježe. | Honąžį́jega | ejaxjį | cā | sįc |
There | he stood and | he looked at them. | When he was standing, | [about then] | deer | tail |
page 132 | ||||||
w Ke Leyi d. | ttili dAe. | wo Ki roKo | liAi de. | Loro dAe | A Ki xe | Ai Le de. |
wakereižą | jį̄pše. | Wogizúk | pįžé. | Rúsše. | Hakiǧe | hireže. |
a headdress | there appeared. | [Truly] | it was fine. | He took it. | They shouted for him | they did. |
Ke Le de. | Ki Ki de. * | wK no n K | i Lo dK deAe. | A K K rKe d. |
Kereže. | Kigiži, | wągᵉnunąka | irušakše, | "Hagagasgéžą, |
He went home. | When he got home, | the old man | he cried in distress, | "Oh my, thus it would be, |
* this is a slip of the pen for Ki Ki di.
te de rKe Ke | Low xi L. | de rKe | K ny xitti | deKe | ttiAi Le Kiy K tt. | w Lo Kidi d |
težesgege | rowaǧira. | Žesge | ganaį́xjį | ške | ciregiagają | warukšižą |
it is why | I forbid it. | [So] | [very much] | [also] | I would that you stayed at home, but | it happens |
page 134* | |||||||
w doo wi K tt | e de. | e Ki. | tt n K | Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. | A Ly Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. | e Ki. | wK no n K |
waš’ųwigają," | éže. | Égi | jánąga | rekjanahegiži, | harairekjanahegiži. | Égi | wągᵉnunąka |
you have done it," | he said. | Then | all | that were to go, | they were ready to go. | Then | the old man |
* there is no page numbered "133" (Radin or LaMere having accidentally skipped that number).
we de. | e Ki. | Ai noKo A xitti | dAe Le Ktt n Ae K tt. | tt Ko | w to Ao ttAi K. | i ne Ki | tt rKe |
wéže, | "Égi, | hinųkhaxjį, | šerekjanahegają, | jagú | Watohóciga* | inéki | jasgé |
he said, | "Now, | my daughter, | you will go along, | [how] | Son-in-law | [alone] | what |
* here again (see above) the word for son-in-law is treated like a personal name.
page 135 | ||||||
Ai Kette de. | A K L Ki do | Le Le Ai Ke de. | nl li Lo xtt L. | A Ke | rA ni Ki | Ki |
hikježe? | Hakarakižu | rerehigeže. | Ną́biruǧájᵉra | hąké | sanįki | gī, |
he does? | With him | you go. | Offerings | not | [one-sided] | to return,* |
* the translation has, for sanįki gī, "a part return".
Ki liAi L ni n. | e de. | e Ki. | A Ly Le de. | Ao L | Ko. | e Ki. | wK diAiKi tte K. |
gipįranįną," | éže. | Égi | haraíreže. | Hura | gų | égi | wąkšíkjega |
they do not like," | he said. | Then | they went. | [He came] | also | [then] | the human |
ttAe | tolo niKi oyi Le de. | tte L. | e dA n. | A tt L. | A Ke | liAi L ni de. |
cē | t’ųbᵉnįk’ų̄ireže.* | Cēra | ešana | hajára | hąké | piranįže. |
buffalo | they made into. | That kind of buffalo | only | [their looks] | not | they do not like. |
* from t’ųp-nį-k’ų̄-ire-že: t’ųp, "to put, to make, to lay out, to make an offer"; nį, "to take, have, bring"; k’ų̄, "to do, make for one's own"; -ire, third person plural suffix; -že, a declarative sentence suffix expressing a statement not of the speaker’s own knowledge.
page 136 | |||||||
A Ke | w Kotto | Ai L ni ra de. | ttAe | de e | niKi. | Ao dA w niKi deKe de. | e |
Hąké | waguc | hiranįs’aže. | Cē | žee | nįk, | hošawąnįkšgeže, | e |
Not | [to shoot them]* | they do not do it. | Buffalo | this | [small,]† | [a little thin also they were,]‡ | so |
* translated as "to eat them" as if the text read w Lotto (waruc).
† the translation has "poor".
‡ this phrase was not translated.
A Ke | tee Ai Ai L ni Ktt Ke tti ni. | e Ki. | A Ly Le Ki di. | tteAe n K. | Ai noKo L. | wK KL. | tt rKe |
hąké | t’ehihiranįjini. | Égi | haraíregiži | cēnąka | hinųgᵉra | wągᵉra | jasgé |
not | they would not kill it. | Then | they went, and | the buffaloes | females | males | as |
page 137 | |||||
A Ki Lo ttA li Le Ki di | Ae Le de. | w KL | Ai noKo KL. | wy Le de. | Ao Ki wi L di. |
hakirucąbiregiži, | hereže. | Wągᵉra | hinųgᵉra | waíreže, | "Hiųgiwiraži |
[when they obtained for themselves,] | they were. | Males | females | they said, | "The princess [in any case] |
A Ke | Lo ditti wi niy tte. | wK diAiKi n K. | e dA n | A K L Ki do | o Ki Ki wi Le. | te e di. | Ao rKe. |
hąké | ružijiwinįąje | wąkšigᵉnąka | ešana | hakarakižu | ’ųgigíwire | te’éži, | hosgé |
not | don't tease her, but | the human | [only] | with him | let her be | [this one,] | but |
page 138 | |||||||
w Ko rL. | de rKe | w K Ai wi n. | A Ke. | w KidiKi n KLe | de rKe | Ai ni nK dA n. | ay Le de |
Wagųzᵉrá | žesge | wą̄gáhiwiną. | Hąké | wąkšigᵉnągᵉre | žesge | hinįnąkšaną," | aíreže. |
the Creator | thus | we are created. | Not | the humans | that | they don't do," | they said. |
e rKe. | w KidiKi n K. | e dA n | Ai ttA wi L. | Ai K K | Ai tt | Ai. | Lo di tti L n[i] de. |
Ésge | wąkšigᵉnąka | ešana | hicawįra | hįkaga | hija | hi | ružijiranįže. |
So | the human | only | his wife | never | [there] | [to do] | they do not tease. |
Ai tt ne n K di. | tt rKe | A Ki Lo ttA li Le Ki di | Ae Le de. | e Ki. | A Ko Le d. |
Hijąnenąkaži | jasgé | hakirucąbiregiži, | hereže. | Égi | hagoréžą, |
The others [in any case] | as | as they could please themselves, | they did. | And | finally, one day, |
page 139 | |||||||
wy Le de. | e Ki | Ay ni Ki di. | w Kidi KL. | Ai wi L Ai Ktt n A wi n. | ay Le de. | e Ki. | Ai tt. |
waíreže, | "Égi | hainigíži, | wąkšigᵉra | hiwirahikjanahawiną," | aíreže. | "Égi | hija |
they said, | "Here | in the morning, | the people | we shall come," | they said. | "So | [there] |
Ao Ki wi L. | Ai K n L. | Aoyi diAili | ttAo we tt. | ni Ae | Ai wiy tte. | e | A Ke | oyi L ni Kette n ny Le de. |
hųgiwįra | hikánara | hoišíp | cowéja | nįhé | hiwiąje, | e | hąké | ’ųiranįkjenanaireže," |
you princess | your husband | always | in front | [to be] | they are, | so | not | they will not do it to them," |
page 140 | |||||||
ay Le de. | e Ki. | e tt. | Ao rK | Ki ri d. | mi n Ki di. | n tte tt. | mi n Ki Le de. |
aíreže. | Égi | éja | hosga | gisižą | mįnągiži, | ną̄jéja | mįnąkireže. |
they said. | Then | there | valley | a round one | when they laid down, | [out in a clearing] | [they sat down.] |
e Ki. | w Kidi KL. | wi L tti Le de. | e tt. | Lo xeAe | Ko tti L wi de. | e tt di | Ai Ke |
Égi | wąkšigᵉra | wirajireže. | Éja | ruxé | gujirawiže. | Éjaži, | hįké |
Then | the people | they came upon them. | There | to chase | they were shooting. | At that time, | not |
page 141 | ||||||
w d Ki dK | Ai L ni de. | Ai Ke | tt rKe | Ai Le Ki deKe | w wi leAe Le rini de. | t ni Ai |
wažagįšgą | hiranįže. | Hįké | jasgé | hiregišge | wawipereznįže. | Tanihi |
to be hurt | they were not. | Not | how | they got along | he did not know of them. | Three times |
de de rKe | Ki Ki. | Ai L wi ra de. | e Ki. | Ai tto l A L. | di Ke | e tt. | Ko tti Le Ktt ni A wi Ki di. |
žežesge | gigí | hirawis’aže. | Égi | hijobą́hąrá | žigé | éja | gujirekjanihawigiži, |
thus | to do to | they [would] do to them. | Then | the fourth time | [again] | [there] | when they were about to shoot them, |
wK dAiKi n K | tt rKe | Ai n Ki di. | w tt Lo Ko de. | e rKe | A Ke tt | Ao t Ki de. | Ao w Le L. |
wąkšigᵉnąka | jasgé | hinąkiži, | wajarōgųže. | Ésge | hagéja | hotákį̄že.* | Howarera |
the people | how | they did, | he wanted to see it. | So | behind | he hung (back). | Sure enough |
* hotá kį̄, "to leave oneself behind" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
page 142 | |||||||
w tt de. | m dtt | A tt L. | wy liAi de. | e Ki | rii xitti | Ai Ke | wK diAiKi |
wajaže. | Mąšją | hajára | waipįže. | Égi | s’ixjį | hįké | wąkšík |
he did see them. | [Very much] | their ways | he was pleased with them. | And | a long while | not | people |
A tt ni Ki di. | e rKe | m dtt | A tt L. | wy liAi de. | de Ko | A Ke tt | A Ki K L ni de. | K tt K. | e tt |
hajanįgiži, | ésge | mąšją | hajara | waipįnįže. | žḗgų | hagéja | hákikáraníže. | Gająga | éja |
he had not seen, | therefore | very | to see | he was glad. | [Thus] | behind | he kept lagging. | Then finally, | [there] |
page 143 | |||||||
A Ko | Ai Le de. | ttAe L. | tt n K. | lo Kd Ai L wi Ki di. | Ao xoAo Lotto | A Koy Le de. | AK Kittiye tt |
hagu | hireže. | Cēra | jánąga | pokšahirawigiži, | hoxuruc | haguireže. | Hakjieja |
to come homeward | [they did.] | [The buffaloes] | all | [who escaped,] | to be strung out | they came. | Way behind |
owK dAe. | de e | Ao ttAi ttAi L. | no liAi wi. | Ai LowK Kini | w Lo xA tti Le de. | w Kotto |
’uwąkše. | Žee | hocįcįra | nų̄píwi | hiroágnį | waruxajireže. | Waguc |
he was. | [These] | young men | two | the last | they chased. | To shoot at them |
page 144 | |||||||
Ao Ai Le K tt. | oy Le de. | A Ke tt | owK Koo. | A[o] ttiAi ttAi n K. * | we de. | Ko L. | Ai Loyi se xitti |
huhirégają, | ’ųįreže, | hagéja. | ’Ųwąk’ų | hocicinąka | wéže, | "Korá, | hiróirexjį́ |
[when they started to go,] | [they did it,] | behind. | [Finally,] | [the young man]† | he said, | "Well, | the homely thing |
* the text reads, Ai ttiAi ttAi n K, a presumed misprint.
† the translation reads, "the human".
w ow K n L. | Ai K ni Ke Le Ktt n Ae n. | tee A Ktte n. | a n K. | Lo xeAe de. | e tt | Ao xA L n K |
wa’ųwakanara | higanigerekjanheną. | T’ehakjeną," | ánąga, | ruxeže. | Éja | hoxaranąga |
[the one who did it] | he will take it away with him.* | I will kill him," | he said, and | chased him. | There | he caught up to him, and |
* wa’ųwakanara higanigerekjanheną, is translated as, "[he] will take my arrow away with him."
page 145 | |||||||
tee Ai de. | K tt. | te we L Ki. | w Kidi Ki d | w Ki o de. | Ao Ao | Ko L. | A K K rKe d. |
t’ehiže, | gają | tewéraki | wąkšigížą | wak’iųže. | "Hohó, | korá, | hagagasgéžą, |
he killed him, | but | unexpectedly, | a human being | [it was.] | "Oh my, | [exclamation] | what have we done, |
Ai wi Ki dA n K tt. | ay Le de. | Ko L. | w Lo Kidi | d w doo K tt | a wi de. |
hiwigišąnągają," | aíreže. | "Korá, | warukši | šawaš’ųgają," | awiže. |
we have committed a crime," | they said. | "[Exclamation], | it just happened | [you] did it,"* | they [two] said. |
* the text has, "you we did it".
e Ki. | de Ko de. | e tt | tee Ai Le de, | de e di. | ttAe n K. | tee w Ai L n K. | tt tt. |
Égi | žegų́že. | Éja | t’ehireže, | žeeži | cēnąka | t’ewahiránąga | jają́ |
[And] | thus it was. | There | they had killed him, | but | the buffaloes | when they are killed, and | when |
page 146 | ||||||
Lo L. | tteAele | w Ai Le K. | A Ktt | A K Ki nK dAe.* | de e di. | tee [Ki] di |
róra | cep | wąhírega, | hakjá | hakaginąkše, | žeeži | t’e[gi]ži, |
[the bodies] | to be eaten up | [when they caused them,] | back | they returned, | but | [when] he died, |
* damage to the page removed two characters, but they were rewritten above the line and attached by a line to the syllable Ki.
K K. | de Ko | tee de | ttAe xitti nK KeLe. | wK diAiKi | n tto tt. | Ke xitti | Ai Le de. |
kaga, | žegų | t’eže. | Cēxjį́nągᵉre | wąkšík | ną́joją | gexjį | hireže. |
never, | in reality | he died. | The buffaloes | human | to be blessed | [most assuredly] | they did. |
e rKe. | di Ke. | t ni | we Ki do n KeLe dKe. | tteAe we A L | de Ke † | w wi Ki lAe Le rtti nK |
Ésge | žigé | tānį́ | wegižunagᵉreške | cēwehara* | žege | wawigiperesjįnąk. |
So | [again] | tobacco | they offer it, and | food | and | they are remembered in turn. |
* Jipson has cewegihara, "dried buffalo meat".
† written above the line is,
de Ke
Paul Radin, "Dear Ankle Smelling Feet," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #20: 1-146.