Hocąk Syllabic Text — Earthmaker Sends Rušewe, Version 1

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

translated by John Baptiste

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation


p. 251 —

Ai deKe e tt ni Ke Ao w Ly Le de. e tt.
Hišgé éja nįgé howaraíreže. Éja
Also [there] [someplace] they went away. There



niyo xeAe te L. Ao ta li Le de. A Le Ko to we A Ly Le de.
Nioxetera hot’ąpireže. Harekú towe haraíreže.
The Mississippi they got to it. Down it to go [they did.]



p. 252 —

e tt ow Ai Le K tt. Ll ttiAi Aeyi d e tt
Éja ’ųwahiregają, rap ciheižą éja
There as they were going along, beaver a lodge there



nK deAe. A Ao w Lo L. e tt Ll
nąkše. "Hąhó Warora, éja rap
it was. "Well Flesh, there beaver



ttiAi Aeyi d nK dA n. teeyi Ai Kette n. a n K. A Ktt
ciheižą nąkšaną. T’eįhikjeną," ánąga, hakjá
a lodge it was. Let us kill it," he said, and back



Ao Ki nK deAe. e tt. we de w Lo L. Ai Ke Le tti Kette n.
hokinąkše. Éja weže, "Warora, hįkerejikjeną.
he ran.* Then he said, "Flesh, let us sneak up on it.

*before the word "ran", the word "turned" has been crossed out.



p. 253 —

a Ki w Ke Ao w tti Kette n. Ao doo Kn KeLe. ni L Ao w Ar
Akiwake howajikjeną, hoš’óknąkere. Nira howahasa
From either side [let us go around,] this knoll. The water to drive it



Ai n i Kette n. ni L. Ai Ko tt rKe K. A Le Ko
hįną’įkjeną. Nira higų jasgega harekú
let us try. The water still always downstream



p. 254 —

Ao Ki nK Ai Le dAo no n. de rKe Ai Kidi Ai Ki rA Ki Kette n.
hokinąkhirešųnųną. Žesge higiži, hikisakikjeną,"
he always runs. That if he does it, we will kill it,"



a wi de. de tt K. Ai L we tt Ao n Ki L n K. a Ki w Ke
awiže. žejąga hirawéją honągiranąga akiwake
they said. Then around they ran and from either side



Ao w Ao Ai Le de. Ki Ko Lo ti A Aoyi Le de di Ke
howahuhireže. Kikuruti hahúireže. Žigé
they came. On their hands and knees they came. [Again]



p. 255 —

Ai tt ni Ke. no xA w Aoyi rii wi ra de. niyo xeAe te
hija nįgé nųxawą hois’iwis’aže. Nioxete
[there] somewhere [hiding] every once in awhile they peeped in. Mississippi



Ai tteAe tte tt. xeAe dooKo loAo Lo loAo Lo ni Ki d mi n Ki di
hicejeja xeš’ók póropóro nįkižą mįnąkiži,
on the edge hill round [little] [which lay there,]



p. 256 —

de e Ke Lette w o n[K] deAe. o nK Koo a deKe xitti
žee kereje wa’ųnąkše. ’Ųnąk’ų, ašgéxjį
[this one] [to come] [they did.] Finally, very near



A tti Le Ki di. A ta li Le de. K tt. xeAe n KeLe. tti wi
hajíregiži, hat’ąpireže. Gają xenąkre cįwį
when they got, they rushed for it. [Then] the hill large noise



tti Ke Le de. ni L. ni tt L Lo K n de.* to we
jikereže . Nira nicąra rokanaže. Towe
[it began.] The waters [the overflow] it was much. [Continually]

*a period is mistakenly placed after the /n/ as well as after the /de/.



p. 257 —

Le Ko Lo xA Ly Le de. e tt A Ai Ki rA Ki Le de.
re kiruxaraireže. Éja hahi kisagireže.
to go they chased. There on the way they killed it.



e tt ni Ai ttAe tte tt. a too li Le de. w Lo L. Ai reKe tt.
Éja nihicejeja at’ųpireže. "Warora, hisgéja
There on the edge of the water they hauled it in. "Flesh, very



Ll diAi d Ae Le n. de tt n K de rKe
rap šįžą hereną. Žeją́nąga, žesge
beaver a fat one it is. At this time, that way



p. 258 —

Ai Le doAo no n. e de. w Kette xiAi d w K nK deAe. e tt.
hirešųnųną," éže. Wakjexižą wagánąkše. Éja
they usually are," he said. A Waterspirit they meant. There



Ai K L Ki deAe Le wi de. Lo xl li L n K. e Ki. w i L. Ai o Ai L n K.
hikaragišerewiže. Ruǧapiranąga égi waíra hi’ųhiranąga
they attended to it. They skinned it and and the blood they used



e tt. ni Ao xeAe te Ai ttAe tte tt. nidi L A ttiKiri
éja Nihoxete hicéjéja nižira hacgis
there Mississippi* [the edge of it] the cliffs perpendicular

*the translation has merely, "the water".



p. 259 —

mi Ki di e tt. w Kette xiAi L. w Kx Ai Le de.
mįkiži, éja Wakjexira wagáx hireže.
that lay, there the Waterspirit to draw they did.



w i w Ki ayi Le de. w Kette xiAi w i. e Ki.
Wa’i wagi aíreže, Wakjexi wa’i. Égi
Blood they used [they say] Waterspirit blood. Then



w o wi de. di Ke. e xitti Ai tt Ki w Kx
wa’ųwiže. Žigé exjį hija giwagax
they did it. Again themselves [there] to paint a picture



p. 260 —

Ai Le de. w Kette xiAi L. Ae Ley n K. e Ki. Ai no li Ke
hireže. Wakjexira hereanąga égi hinųpike
they did. The Waterspirit it was and [then] they two



Ai tt n di A tte de. xeAe te Ai w Ai w oy Le de.
hija nąžįhaježe. Xetehi wahi wa’ųireže.
there they were standing. Very large to make them they did it.



e rKe. Ai Ko te de Ko ne Ki deKe. ttA tii nK deAe.
Ésge, higų težegų negi ške cat’įnąkše.
Therefore, even now [this] at the time also they are visible.



p. 261 —

e Ki. to tti L n K. w wi de. w Lo L. rii Le tt xitti
Égi tujiranąga wawiže, "Warora, s’irejąxjį
Then they cooked it and [it was said,] "Flesh, since long ago



Ai K K Ai w rotto ni n. A ro Ai xitti Ai w Lo tti Kette n. a wi de.
hįkaga hįwarucnįną. Hasuhixjį hiwarujikjeną," awiže.
not we have not eaten. Sedulously and carefully let us eat," he said.



p. 262 —

e tt. n A w diAidi K nK Ai L n K e tt w Lotto wi de.
Éja nąhawašišganąga hiranąga éja warucwiže.
There there they put broken sticks [they did and] there they ate.



e Ki. de e. Ao o Ai Le K de Ko ne Ki deKe
Égi žee ho’ų hiregá žegųnegiške
And this the place they did even now



A[i] Ko Ao o L. ttA tii nK dA n. Ai Lo m A ni Ke tte Le n.
higų ho’ųra cat’įnąkšaną. Hiromą́hą nįgé jereną.
[still] [at this time] it is visible. North McGregor, Iowa* it is standing.
*this is what is given in the interlinear translation, but the Hocąk literally means, "the upriver place".



p. 263 —

te e w Ao tti L Le. e Ki. Ai Lo m Ay tt Lo xAe A Ki Li L n K
Tee Wahojirare. Égi hiromąhąíca ruxé hakiriranąga
This [the place of] the Ioway. And [upstream]* to chase it down [they had come back and]

*the translation has, "it is north of that".



w oyi Le n. de w Kette xiAi deAe Kitti L. Ao Ke Le tti Le K.
wa’ųireną. Že Wakjexi šekjįra hokerejirega
[they did it.] [That] Waterspirit [the dead one] the place where they snuck up on it



deKe Ao o L. ttA tii n. wo Ke Lette Ao o
ške ho’ųra cąt’įną. Wokerec* ho’ų
also [at this time] it is visible. [The sneaking up on it] [the place]

*probably from wa-hokerec.



p. 264 —

Ai Le K deKe. Ao wy Le Ki di. doAo Lo di Le n. e Ki tt n A.
hiregášge howairegiži šorožireną. Égi janąhą
[it was ?] where they went it is still hollowed out. And wherever



Ki ri tti Le Ki deKe. wi ttA tii mi n Ki Le n. de e
kisijiregi ške wícą́t’į mįnąkireną. Žee
they raised up also it is visible [they lie.] [These]



e tt. m n KeLe Ao L tt n Ki. Lo dtt Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ki di
éja mąnąkere horajanagi rušjąhirekjanahegiži,
there about the earth that they were traveling they were going to stop and



p. 265 —

Ai leAe Le ri Le Ke e rKe de de rKe e tt wo L KL
hiperesirege, ésge, žežesge éja worakra
that they might know, [so,] that [there] [the story]



ttA tii ni Ae Ktte Ke w o Ai Le n. e rKe. tteAe KeLe.
cąt’į nįhekjege wa’ųhireną. Ésge, cekere
it is visible that is why they did it. Therefore, in the early days



e tt. Ao ttAK w Kidi KL o Ai L ni Ae n. Ai Ko
éja Hocąk wąkšikra ’ųhiraniheną. Higų
there Winnebagoes [the people] they were then and ever are. [Still]



p. 266 —

de Ko Le Ki deKe Ai tt Ai rKe o nK dA n.
žegųregi ške hija hisge ’ųnąkšaną.
[at one time] [also] [there] [truly] [they were.]



e Ki. de e. wo Lo K.* we de. Ai Kow n.
Égi žee Woroga weže, "Higųwąną
And this one Flesh he said, "Now




Ai Le Kette n. Ai ni A xitti e de. e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le K tt.
hirekjeną, hinihaxjį," éže. Égi hajiakarairegają,
let us go, my older brother," he said. Then they started out and



p. 267 —

e tt. xeAe d Ki di. A xele l Ly Le K tt te we L Ki. w di d
éja xežągiži, haǧeparairegają, tewéraki, wažį́´žą
there a hill that was, as they came up, unexpectedly, something



e tt A xele Ao de. n Ke we Ai Le de. Ao Ao.
éja haǧephuže. Nąkewe hireže. "Hohó
there it appeared. To be afraid they were. "Well



p. 268 —

w Lo L. Lo deAe we ay Le doAo no L de rKeyi d. w owK dA n.
Warora, rušewe airešųnųra. Žesgeižą wa’ųwąkšaną.
Flesh, rušewé* it is called. [One of that sort] [it is.]

*on the interstitial page between 267 and 268, Radin has the following note: "rušewé = a man the skin of whose head is cut off and is hanging down over his face, which is bloody & fearful looking."



Ai tt ni al n iy tte. a n K no Ki wK deAe.
Hija nį’ą́p ną’įaje," ánąga nųgíwąkše.
So life try and save," he said and he ran.




w KL. e tt A lo Ki Ke we o wi de. w Lo xeAe de.
Wąkra éja habokíkewe’ųwiže. waruxéže.
[The men] there stumbled over each other in their flight. He chased them.



p. 269 —

w Lo L. Ai Ke w d de rK ni Ktt ne n. A Ke
"Warora hįké wažą žesganįkjaneną. Hąké
"Flesh [not] [anything] [it will not be that way.]* Not

*hįké wažą žesganįkjaneną, is translated as, "it is going to be very difficult".




Ai n tti rini Ki di. tt rKe Ai Ai Ktt n Ae Ko ni* A ttiAi tt
hinąjísnįgiži, jasgé hihikjanahegųnį? Hacįja
if we cannot run away from it, what we will do? Where

*the terminal dot representing the letter /i/ is placed so low that it looks more like a period. However, -ną (< /n./) expresses a statement, whereas -gųnį is dubitive and therefore appropriate as the termination of the present sentence.



Ai no xA w n Ki Ai Ke y leAe Le rini n. tt Koyi d deKe
hinųxawąnagi, hįké yaperesnįną. Jaguižą ške
if we can hide, not I do not know. Who also



p. 270 —

A K L Ar ri Ktt n Ae Ki deKe Ai Ke y lAe Le rini n. di Ke
hakarahasikjanahegi, ške hįké yaperesnįną. Žigé
if they can help us, also not I do not know. Again



leAe de w K Ki tti L n Ki deKe Ai Ke y leAe Le rini n.
peže wągagijiranagi, ške hįké yaperesnįną.
who if they can help us, also not I do not know.



ni Le deKe. n Ke we K tt. w Lo K A[i] ni L. e de.
Niréške nąkewegają," Waroga hiníra éže.
Even I as I am afraid," Flesh the older brother he said.



p. 271a* —

m n KeLe A n ttAi Ao Kiyr L Ao o de. w K L
Mąnąkere hanącį hokiasara ho’ųže. Wąkra
Over the earth all fleeing [they did.] The men

*this and the succeeding page are both numbered "271".



Ar L ttAo deKe ni Ai Le de. tt Ko e dA n xeAe te L
hasra cošgenihireže. Jagú ešana Xetera
refuge they could not run. [How] [alone] the Great Ones



Ae Le Le L Le dKe w w Ki o n K tt. Ao tti d n m n KeLe
herere, rareške wawaki’ųnagają. Hojišą́ną mąnąkere
they were, even then he was doing it to them. Shortly before over the earth



p. 271b* —

w lA K n KL no liAi wi Ao we Ao o A tt wi L.
wapakąnąkra nųpiwi howe, ho’ų hajawira
holy ones two about, time they are fleeing

*this is the second of two pages numbered "271".



Ai dK K di Ke.* m n KLe. Ao we Kiyr Ao o wi de.
hišgaga. Žigé mąnąkre howegias ho’ųwiže.
in turn. [Again] [the earth] [they ran away] [they did.]

*the first syllable is written with what appears to be a dotted /e/.



di Ke m Ko A L. Ao o wi de. Ai Ke w d
Žigé mąkųhąra ho’ųwiže. Hįké wažą
And also under the earth [they were.] Not [anything]



de rK ni de. m Ko A L. tt rKe xitti Ki di A ntt. Kiyr L
žesgenįže. Mąkųhąra jasgexjįgiži haną́c giasra
[it was not this way.] Under the earth [being the extent of] all to flee



p. 272 —

Ao o wi de di Ke. di Ke* A ntt n de n
ho’ųiwiže. Žigé - haną́c naženąhiregiži,
[they did.] [Again] - all when they had gone over,

*this word was inadvertantly repeated on the next line.



Ao o Ai Le de. tt rKe xitti Ki di A ntt Ao w wi de.
ho’ųhireže. Jasgexjįgiži, haną́c howawiže.
they went up. [Being as much as,] all they fled over.



Ai Ke w d de rK ni de. Ai rKe xitti
Hįké wažą žesganįže. Hisgéxjį
Not [anything] [it was not like that.] Really



p. 273 —

w Lo xeAe w o de. de Ke m xiAi w KL.
waruxe wa’ųže. Žege mąxi wągara
to chase [he did to them.] [Again] skies above



Ao Kiyr L Ao o wi de. A Ke ni Ke n Kd wi ni Ao we
hogiasara ho’ųwiže. Hąké nįgénąkšawinį howe
to flee [they did.] Not there was no place to go over



w o A tte de. e Ki m n KeLe e Ki. w KL.
wa’ųhaježe. Égi mąnąkere égi wągara
[they had done it.] [And] on this earth and [above]



p. 274 —

m xAi w KL. A ntt. Lo K n L. no liAi w[i]
mąxi, wąkra haną́c rokanara nųpiwi
the heavens, men all the greatest two



Ao L tt wi Ke. di Ke Kiyr ttA Ao K L w wi de. e Ki.
horajawige Žigé giasac hokarawawiže. Égi
[the were made to travel.] Again over which they fled they were the greatest. And then



mo o L.* e tt A Ai Le Ki di. e tt Ao K w wi de.
Mo’ųra éja hahiregiži, éja hokawawiže.
Earthmaker there they went to and there they entered.

*sic. Perhaps archaic for the more usual Mą’ųra, Mą’ųna.



m o L. w xK Ai Lo xA wi n. Ai tt w d
"Mą’ųra waxgą hiruxawiną. Hija wažą
"Earthmaker something fearful it is chasing us. [There] something



p. 275 —

o n i ne. ni dA n ni Le n. A ni K L xr wi n L.
uną’įne. Nišana nireną. Hanįkaraxaswinara.
try to do. You only you are. We should have fled to you for refuge.



Ai tt ne n KeLe. de e di. ni ne deKe. n Ke we n. ni dA n
Hijanenąkere žeeži nineške nąkeweną. Nišana
As far as the others it even we we are afraid. You only



w d L Ai d Ai L K n n. e de w Lo K
wažąra hižą hirakananą," éže. Waroga
something [one of them] you can say," he said. Flesh



p. 276 —

Ai ni L we de. e tt m o L. we de.
hiníra weže. Éja Mą’ųra weže,
the older brother he said. Then Earthmaker he said,



A A. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. ne w Le A Ki Ki n. A Ke
"Hąhą́ nįkjąknįkaxjįwira, ne ware hagiginą. Hąké
"Well my children, my servant [I have made him.] Not



liAi n L wi Ke. Ao rKe de rKe Aiy Ki Ki n. tAo ni
pįnarawige. hosgé žesge hiagiginą. Coni
you did not do right. Purposely [this way] I had him do it. Before



p. 277 —

liAi L A L tte n. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAiKi tee L
pįra harajeną. Waxopį́nį šišik t’era
doing right you were. Spirits bad killing




L tte L. A Ke ne w o ni L w w L Ki doo
rajera. Hąké ne wa’ųnįra wawaragiš’u
you were doing. Not my I did not make it [you were doing to it]



A L tte L. de e di liAi n. w Kidi Ki Kd Kd n KL de de rKe
harajera. Žeeži pįną. Wąkšikikšakšanąkra. Žežesge
[you were.] That [it was good.] They were abusing people. That kind



p. 278 —

tee L wi L liAi n. e Ki deKe A witti L wi n.
t’erawira pįną. Égi ške hawijrawiną.
you killed it was good. But [also] you have gone a little beyond.



A Ke di Ke ne w d L Ai d
Hąké žigé ne wažąra hižą
Not again you the things one



o ni liAi wi ni n. ne xitti xi K L Koro tt Ko
’ųnį piwinįną. Nexjį xikarakos jagú
to not do I did not tell. You on your own account [what]



doo wi Le w doo wi n. w ni lA K nK wi n di. no ni Ke.
š’ųwire waš’ųwiną Wanipakanąkwinaži nųnįgé
[you did] you have done it. You were really clever* but

*after this word is added, "(holy)".



p. 279 —

ne wo Koro A ni L di A Ke w di L
ne wogųs´ haniraži hąké wažira
you creation mine at least not [anything]



Ki dK Ktt wi de rK ni n. w d Ai Ly dA n wi n. tteAe Kitti L.
gišgąkjawiže, zaknįną. Wažą hiraišanawiną. Cekjįra,
there should be harm, it is wrong [Something] you did wrong. On the start,



w Le w Ki Ki L. Lo A tee L wi n. xeAe A Ki d e tt
warewagigira roha t’erawiną. Xe hakižą éja
my servants many you killed. Hill [with them] there



p. 280 —

w niKi niKi xoAo dA L. tee L wi L. de e xeAe te
wanįgᵉnįk xušara t’erawira. Žee Xete
little birds featherless you have killed. These Great Ones



w L Ki doo wi n. xeAe te w o L de rKe w L Ki doo wi n.
waragiš’ųwíną. Xete wa’ųra. Žesge waragiš’ųwíną.
you have done to them. Great Ones they are. Thus you have done to them.



w K tt. wi Ky Le L. de e. e Ao AoKo
Wakąja wigaírera. Žee, eho, hųk
'Thunders' they are called. These, eho, chief



p. 281 —

niKi KttK w ni Le L w w L Ki doo wi n. liAi L deKe
nįkjąk wanirera wawaragiš’ųwiną. Pįra ške
children of them (?) you have done it to them. Good ones [also]



Lo A tee L wi n. e Ki. di Ke. Ao tti dA n.
roha t’ewiną. Égi žige hojišą́ną
many you killed. [And] [again] [recently]



Ai Low Kini tee L wi Le. witti tti L w reAe we w o L Ai d.
hiroágnį t’erwire. Wijijirawasewe wa’ųra, hižą
the last one [they have been killed.] Island Weight whom I made, one



p. 282 —

w r Ki doo wi n. e rKe. Ai Ke Ai Ly tteAe L w doo ni Ktt wi Ke
waragiš’ųwíną. Ésge hįké hiraicera waš’ųnįkjawige,
you did this to. Therefore, not anymore you may not do it,



w o n. te e Le A Ki Ki n. w di tt Ai L di.
wa’ųną. Tee rehagiginą. wažį́ jahįraži.
I did it. This it is why I sent it. Things others you have done.



Lo A liAi L wi n. nolo Ki L w K Le
Roha pįrawiną. Nųp kira wagare
Many you have done good. Two [only] I mention



e dA A Ke liAi ni L wi n. e rKe* te e
eša hąké pįnįrawiną. Ésge tee
alone not [it is not right.] Therefore, this

*this is written over an erasure that cannot be made out.



p. 283 —

Ao ni Ki tK wi n. A A. ni Ke L ttAi Ktt wi n. e Ki.
honigitakwiną. hąhą́, nįgé racikjawiną. Égi
I tell you, now then, somewhere you shall live. And



w Kdi Ke. Ai d. n tto L tt Ktt wi K doo A L ni deAe Ktt wi n.
wąkšige hižą najorajakjawiga š’ų haranišekjawiną.
humans one that you wish to bless you may do [always from henceforth.]



w Kidi Kn tto tt liAi L ni wi n. wo dK L. ni xeAe te wi n. A A.
Wąkšik-nąjoja pįraniwiną. Wošgara nixetewiną." Hąhą́,
Human-blessing [it is good.] Your actions they have been great." [Now then,]



p. 284 —

e Ki. w Lo K. Ai ni L. e lAi n. e de.
égi Waroga hiníra, "Epíną," éže.
and Flesh the brother, "It is good," he said.



e Ki. rA niKi. wy xele Ao Le K. m o Ke tt. xAe
Égi sanįk waixephúrega mąogeja xe
Then side in the east on the edge of the earth hill



A Kidi d mi Ki de. e de e A Ki
hąkšižą mįgiže, éže. E hagi
a high one [they lie,] it is said. They there



Ao ttiAi n Ke de. ay Le n. de tt n deKe Ai tt nK doKo ni de tt n.
hocinageže, aíreną. Žejanaške hija nąkšguni. Žejana.
they are living, it is said. Even now there they must be. [It is ended.]



Sam Blowsnake, Waretcáwera (the Twins Cycle), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n. d.) Winnebago V, #11: 251-284.