Hocąk Text — Worúxega
Narrated by R. W.
Translation based on the Interlinear Text of Paul Radin
The manuscript, which is in the hand of Paul Radin, is sometimes difficult to read. Every attempt has been made to check the text against other texts and word lists, but in cases where the reading is doubtful, question marks appear after illegible letters. About 40% of the hand written interlinear text has no English translation, but almost all of the untranslated words could be found elsewhere. Radin also used Greek letter abbreviations for common whole words or syllables some of which he interpreted here and in other manuscripts, although there are some whose values are unknown. The Greek symbols used in the text appear on the table below:
α | β | γ | ε | ɜ |
égi | éja | gają ? | ésge | šaną |
λ | נ | ρ | τ | ϕ | υ |
žesge | nunige | ánąga | žegų ?* | hąké | re, regi† |
ω | U | X | 2 | 6 | 9 |
žigé | wąkwášoše | wąk | že, še | xjį | žą |
ὐ | |· | ·| | / | /, // | - | > |
nįk | nąk | ną | kjéną | -kjanèną | ra | gi |
Words supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are found in brackets '[ ]'. It was also necessary for the editor to supply all punctuation and to determine the beginning and ending of sentences.
p. 1 —
[τ] | Hotcañk | tcinog[-] | [β][|·]í.* | Uañgi[9] | [β´] | horók |
[Žegų] | Hocąk | cinogra | ejanąkí. | Wągižą | éja | horók |
[And so] | [Winnebago] | [the village] | [there was]. | [A man] | [there] | amongst, with them |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
tci[|·][2],* | uañk | [ϕ] | rokónaní[9] | here[2´] | [γ´]. |
cinąkše, | wąk | hąké | rokónanížą | herežé | gáją. |
[the village], | [man] | [not] | not very much of one (not gifted) | [he was] | [.] |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
Hitcáwina | hagaré[9] | wą́gokit’ádja’ų | hak’aradjá[2] | [γ´]. | Aizó[6] |
Hicáwina | hagaréžą | wą́gokit’ája’ų | hak’arajáže | [gają]. | Aizóxjį |
[Wife] | [at one time] | she was courting another man | he saw her | [.] | Very [nicely ?]. |
rokáragighi[2]. | Hinųbóhǫna | jigigų́ | ’ų[2´]. | Hikarapérezse. | Aizó[6] |
rokáragiǧiže. | Hinųbóhǫna | žigigų́ | ’ųžé. | Hikarapérezse. | Aizóxjį |
he forbade her. | [The second (next) time] | [again] | she [did it]. | [He knew it]. | [Very nicely ?] |
rokáragighi[2.] | Hitaníhǫna, | [ω] | nigióware. | [>´] | kiri[>´], |
rokáragiǧiže. | Hitaníhǫna, | žigé | nigióware. | Gí | kirigí, |
[he forbade her]. | [A third time], | [again] | he went away. | [So] | [when] he returned, |
uañge[|·´]a* | tci[β´] | ’ú[|·]’ų. | Kiri[2´] | [γ]. | [β] | wage[2´], |
wągeną́ka | ciéja | ’únąk’ų. | Kirižé | [?]. | Éja | wagežé, |
[this man] | [in the lodge] | he was. | [He returned] | [.]. | [There] | he said to her, |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
p. 2 —
"P’įhins’gighira, | [ϕ] | hanaį́naxgúni[>]. | Tcakó | tcowé[υ] |
"P’įhins’giǧira, | hąké | hanaį́naxgúnigi. | Cakó | cowére |
"I forbade you in a nice way, | [not] | but you didn't listen to me. | [Therefore] | next time |
[ω] | c’uñ[γ´] | djasge | waragíc’ųnadjé[-] | jenísge[//]. | T’eniñ[//]," |
žigé | š’ųgają, | jasge | waragíš’ųnajéra | ženísgekjaneną. | T’enįkjaneną," |
[again] | if you did, | what | you are looking for | that kind you'll be. | I will kill you," |
hige[2´]. | [τ]hi[ρ´] | haninégi | nañkíka[-] | Re[γ´]. | Hoirotcąt’i[β´], |
higežé. | žegųhiánąga | haninégi | nąkíkara | Regáją. | Hoirocąt’iéja, |
[he said to her]. | [Thus he did (?) and] | next morning | [hunting] | he went. | Spot where he could see tent,* |
*The following note occurs at the top of the page connected to this entry by a line: "i.e., in distance where he could see back."
[β´] | hirok’inu* | nąji[ρ] | hitcáwina | kiwesiwį[2][>´]. | Uañkdjega |
éja | hirok’inu | nąžianąga | hicáwina | kiwesiwįžegi. | Wąkjega |
[there] | out of sight | he stood [and] | [wife] | [he watched her]. | [The man] |
*connected to the word with a line and arrow is what appears to read, "him not he could see her".
hidjádji[2] | [γ´]. | Hidjowágugi. | Hidjá | kiri[>´], | hitcáwina |
hijájiže | [γ]. | Hijowágugi. | Hijá | kirigi, | hicáwina |
he came there | [.] | He came towards home. | When | [when he returned,] | [wife] |
wañgakijú | migáñk’ų. | Kiri[2] | [γ´]. | Wage[2´], | "Hinųbóhǫna |
wągakižú | migą́k’ų. | Kiriže | [γ]. | Wagežé, | "Hinųbóhǫna |
with man | she was lying. | [He returned] | [.] | [He said to her], | ["The next time] |
dé[λ] | ra[γ] | djasgé | niñgígi[/][-] | honiñgídakcáre," |
téžesge | ra[?] | jasgé | nįgígikjera | honįgítakšáre," |
[this kind ?] | you do | what | I'll do to you | I've told you," |
hige[2´] | [γ´]. | Uañkdjega | giás | hagihí[|·][2]. | [β´] |
higežé | [-]. | Wąkjega | giás | hagihínąkše. | Éja |
[he said]" | [.] | [That man] | [to run away] | he went out. | [There] |
hitcáwina | t’ekáragí[2] | [γ´]. | [τ]hi[ρ´] | uañkdjega | c’agwahí[-] |
hicáwina | t’ekáragíže | [gáją]. | žegųhiánąga | wąkjega | š’agwahíra |
[wife] | he killed her | [.] | [Thus it was and] | [that man] | his parents |
eówakeré[2]. | Djagi[ρ´] | we[2´], | "C’ageniwína | yaícanána." | Hokárak[2]. |
eówakeréže. | Jagiánąga | wežé, | "Š’ageniwína | yaíšanána." | Hokárakše. |
there he went. | When he got there | [he said], | ["My ? parents] | I've done wrong." | He told his deed. |
Hitcáwina | t’ehi[2], | e[2´] | [γ´]. | "[ϕ] | tcióruge[υ´] |
Hicáwina | t’ehiže, | ežé | [gáją]. | "Hąké | ciórugerégi |
[Wife] | [he killed], | [he said] | [.] | ["Not] | within this village |
t’ewininíkdjege. | Niñgé | gixaídja | hahí | tcekdjoné[/]," |
t’ewininíkjege. | Nįgé | gixaíja | hahí | cekjonékjeną," |
they will not kill me [I do not want them to kill me]*. | Somewhere | in the wilds | [to go] | I will die," |
*The matter in brackets was added by Radin below the line.
Also added below the last line of the page is the following: "[Sometimes a council would be held about it, sometimes he would be killed without warning.]"
p. 3 —
e[2´]. | [ε] | [τ] | niñgiowáre[2], | uañkdjega. | Nąmątcé[9] | haniñgí, |
ežé. | Ésge | [τ] | nįgiowáreže, | wąkjega. | Nąmącéžą | hanįgí, |
[he said]. | [So] | [thus] | he went | [that man.] | A warclub | that belonged to him, |
é[ɜ] | hak’aráni[ρ´] | gixárowáre[2]. | Únihegi, | hagaré[9] |
éšana | hak’arániánąga | gixárowáreže. | Únihegi, | hagaréžą |
[it alone] | he took along with, and | to the wilds he went. | As he was going, | [finally] |
hokik’uruc’akcgúni. | S’i[6´] | únihegi | gadjuñga | hahí | [ϕ] | diráni[2]. |
hokik’uruš’akšgúni. | S’ixjį́ | únihegi | gajųga | hahí | hąké | tirániže. |
he was tired out. | Very long | he was | [now] | [to go] | [not] | he could not move any farther. |
Jedjuñga | hot’énigiré[2]. | [ϕ]aga | wają́ne[9] | rudjeniñge, |
Žejųga | hot’énigiréže. | Hąnkaga | wažą́nežą | rujenįge, |
[Now] | time was near for his death. | [Never] | [anything] | he did not eat, |
t’e karohó[2] | [γ´]. | [β] | k’anégi. | [β´]hi | tcowé[-] |
t’e karohóže | [gają]. | Éja | k’anégi. | Éjahi | cowéra |
[he had been almost dead] | [.] | [There] | he fell down. | [There] | directly facing |
horughúdjerehi[>´] | tcowé[υ] | hoc’óge[ὐ] | míñkije. | Mądjá p’įñ[6] |
horuǧújerehigí | cowéregi | hoš’ógenįk | mị́kiže. | Mąjá p’įxjį |
when he looked | [forward] | a little hill | lay there. | Nice scenery |
miñkí. | [β] | hahí | t’erogų́[2]. | Mądjáka |
mįkí. | Éja | hahí | t’e rogų́že. | Mąjáka |
[it lay = it was]. | [There] | [after awhile] | [to die he wished]. | [On the ground ?] |
etcainé[2]. | Uañk’ų | hatcoñgire. | Hidjáhi[2]. | [>´] | nañgúi[9] |
ecainéže. | Wąk’ų | hacǫgire. | Hijáhiže. | Gí | nągúižą |
he went. | Moving feebly | hardly. | [He stayed there.] | [So] | [another road] |
hanasgápdjine. | Hot’ą́pdjinóñk[2] | [γ´]. | Wawesį́wiñ[>´]. |
hanasgápjine. | Hot’ą́pjiną́kše | [gáją]. | Wawesį́wįgí. |
the trail was there.* | There he got into it | [.] | He looked around carefully. |
*The following material in parentheses occurs at the bottom of the page and is connected to this word with a line: "(i.e. a new fast path, a road that had been traveled recently)."
Hodjicóno[6] | wa’úine[2]. | [X´] | teé | wa’úinegi. | "Djadjigá |
Hojišónoxjį | wa’úineže. | Wą́k | teé | wa’úinegi. | "Jajigá |
Not long ago | they did it. | [Men] | [those] | they did it. | "My father |
wonaghir[β´] | t’e[-´] | p’į[2´], | erá. | Watcagadjé[υ] |
wonaǧiréja | t’erá | p’įžé, | erá. | Wacagajéregi |
in warfare | to die | it was good, | [he said]. | If I had seen them |
edjatcą́ | t’ewinegi | ep’ína," | hire[γ´]. | Nañguák’a |
ejacą́ | t’ewinegi | ep’ína," | hiregáją. | Nąguák’a |
thereto [and then again]* | if they killed me | it would be good," | he thought. | [The other end of the road] |
*Radin added the material in brackets above the word 'thereto'.
p. 4 —
hatcíndja | hap’ahí | wa’úinegi | waruxé[2]*. | T’ekarohó nihé[-], |
hacínja | hap’ahí | wa’úinegi | waruxéže. | T’ekarohó nihéra, |
[whither] | towards | they went | he took after them. | He had been almost dead, |
*The following is written at the top of the page without any line connecting it to a word: "when he knew that they were human [i.e., he hasn't seen them but he knows they are there because he's in their track.]"
[X] | Hot’ąbgí himącdją́[2]. | Wáhi[>´] | [β´] | náñk’ų. |
wąk. | Hot’ąbgí himąšją́že. | Wáhigí | éja | ną́k’ų. |
[the man]. | It made him strong. | As he went | [there] | they were. |
Wiráhi[2´]. | "Ho, | hijoñgoxárawína," | aíre[2] | [γ´]. |
Wiráhižé. | "Ho, | hižǫgoxárawína," | aíreže | [gáją]. |
He came. | "Ho, | someone has caught up to us," | [they said] | [.] |
Jegų́ | horogerá* | howaíre[2] | [γ´].† | Wok’ųine[2]. |
Žegų́ | horogerá | howaíreže | [gáją]. | Wok’ųineže. |
[And so] | in their midst | he went | [.] | They fed him. |
*the letter /a/ has been written heavily (traced over itself) and above it the letters /eje/ have been written, then later crossed out.
†just before this symbol, two letters have been cribbled out.
[β] | warutc[2´] | [γ]. | Nącdjá[ὐ] | dji[|·][2].* |
Éja | warucšé | [gáją]. | Nąšjánįk | jinąkše. |
[There] | [they ate] | [.] | He grew [a little] stronger | [he did]. |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
Haínigi | hadjiákaraí[υ] | horók | re[2´]. | Dotcą́ |
Haínigi | hajiákaraíregi | horók | režé. | Tocą́ |
In the morning | when they started | [with them] | [he went.] | [To go on the warpath] |
wa’ú[|·]k[γ´], | wagaíres’á[2]. | "Wanaghidje[-]," | higaíres’á[2]. | Uañgwácoce |
wa’únąkáją, | wagaíres’áže. | "Wanaǧijᵉra," | higaíres’áže. | Wągwášoše |
they are going for, | they used to tell him. | "Ghost," | they (always) called him. | Warrior |
xedé[9] | hidjádjega | roghis’a[2]. | [ϕ] | [λ]ígawínine. |
xetéžą | hijájega | roǧis’aže. | Hąké | žesgeígawínine. |
[a great one] | there he was | he used to tell them not to say it. | [Not] | he did not say that to him. |
"Uañkdjagúi[9] | wa’uáñk’iji | [ϕ] | hirepérezwiníną," | wigés’a[2]. |
"Uąkjagúižą | wa’uą́k’iži | hąké | hirepérezwiníną," | wigés’aže. |
"What kind of a man | he is (moving)* | [not] | you do not know," | he used to tell them. |
*Radin's hypotheses.
Uañgwácocedjega | karacíks’a[2]. | "Kodé, | wajaįzó[6] | deé? |
Wągwášošejega | karašíks’aže. | "Koté, | wažaįzóxjį | teé? |
[That warrior] | he always stood up for him. | "Oh, | what are you fussing about him for | [that one]? |
Curutcáñgwiconų | wanaghi[|·]re," | higaį́res’á[2]. | "Mąnégųs | [ϕ] |
Šurucą́gwišonų | wanaǧinągre," | higaį́res’áže. | "Mąnégųs | hąké |
You think as much of him | this ghost,"* | they said to him. | "All the years past | [not] |
*The text has "ghosts." However, "the" which precedes this word, has been overprinted to read "this." Radin crosses out the following note: "i.e., the men that he met are ghosts." At the top of the page he notes that wanañghi-nañgre = the ghosts, wanañghinañgre = this ghost.
warudjeníñge. | Hucą́wañxdjiñgí." | [ε]. | wagá[|·][2], | "Wanaghi," |
warujenị́ge. | Hušą́wąxjįgí." | Ésge | wagánąkše, | "Wanaǧi," |
he had (not) eaten. | He is very poor." | [So] | they were calling him, | ["Ghost]," |
higá[|·]a. | Hagaré[9] | hahí | waicdjá | warádjire[2]. |
higánąka. | Hagaréžą | hahí | waišjá | warájireže. |
they're calling him. | [Finally,] | [to go] | spies* | they name. |
*nowadays the word "scout" is preferred.
p. 5 —
Dotcų́wųgenóñka | we[2´], | tcóni[6]na | uañgwácocexete | hidjánáñka |
Tocų́wųgeną́ka | wežé, | cónixjįna | wągwášošexete | hijáną́ka |
The leader | [he said], | the very first one | the most noted [warrior] | that was with them |
tconí[6] | waicdjá | harádjire[2´]. | [α] | [ω] |
coníxjį | waišjá | harájirežé. | Égi | žigé |
[the very first] | [scout] | they called on him. | [And] | [again] |
hinųb[-] | "Wanaghi" | higá[|·]a* | haratc[2´]. | Eákikíju |
hinųbra | "Wanaǧi" | higánąka | haracšé. | Eákikížu |
second time | "Ghost" | they call | he selected. | They two |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
waicdjá | warátc[2] | [γ´]. | Haraíre[2]. | Uañgwácocéaka |
waišjá | warácše | [gáją]. | Haraíreže. | Wągwášošéaka |
[scouts] | he selected for | [.] | [They departed.] | [The warrior] |
sageré[9] | here[2´]. | 'Wanaghi' | higá[|·]a* | [ϕ] |
sageréžą | herežé. | 'Wanaǧi' | higánąka | hąké |
[swift] | [he was.] | ['Ghost'] | [the one they call] | [not] |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
sageré[9] | hereni[·נ] | uañgwácocéaka | djasgéri[9] | waicdjákijúga |
sageréžą | hereninunige | wągwášošéaka | jasgérižą | waišjákižúga |
[a fast one] | [he was not, but] | [the warrior] | whatever | he went spying with |
t’unes’á[2]. | [λ´] | gigínąį́[·נ] | t’uné[-] |
t’unes’áže. | Žésge | gigínąį́nunige | t’unéra |
he always left behind. | [Thus] | he tried to do it [but] | [to leave behind] |
ruc’ak[2´]. | Hagaré[9] | [β] | hikaraíwiñghiré[2], | [α], | "Hotcintcína, |
ruš’akšé. | Hagaréžą | éja | hikaraíwįǧiréže, | égi, | "Hocincína, |
he could not. | [Finally] | [there] | they turned around, | [and], | "You, young man, |
wa[9]ni[9] | witcą́t’į | hiri[ρ´], | hiwákcoñkdjé[·|]. | [α] |
wažánižą | wicą́t’į | hiriánąga, | hiwákšǫkjéną. | Égi |
[some] | we make a sign, mark | we will do (and),* | then we'll go back. | [Here] |
*Above these words, Radin adds the following: "[so as to know the place again."
hindjirá. | E, | hipérezirekdjé[·|], | harindjína. | [ϕ] |
hinjirá. | E, | hipérezirekjéną, | harinjína. | Hąké |
we came. | They | they will know, | we came very far. | [Not] |
uañge[|·]re | hi[9´] | [λ´] | ruxúrugenína," | é[2]. |
wągeną́gre | hižą́ | žésge | ruxúrugenína," | éže. |
[this man] | [one] | that | he could not do," | [he said]. |
[α] | hagí[υ], | [β] | mąná | witcą́t’į |
Égi | hagíregi, | éja | mąná | wicą́t’į |
[And] | when they return, | [there] | the land | how they made a mark* |
*The remark, "i.e., general description," is written at the bottom of the page and connected by a line to these words.
horágir[ρ´], | ["β] | pakcą́winą," | aíre[2]. | "[λ´]ge |
horágiránąga, | "Éja | pakšą́winą," | aíreže. | "Žésgege |
when they told,* | ["There] | we turned back," | [they said]. | ["If that be so] |
*"they told it, and" would be more appropriate.
wahé[·|], | ['ϕ] | uañkdjane | wajį́gagáwinine,' | hihé[-]. |
wahéną, | 'Hąké | wąkjane | wažį́gagáwinine,' | hihéra. |
I say it, | ['Not] | [that man] | don't make fun of him,' | I had said. |
p. 6 —
Djadjaíñ[6] | p’agagų | wawahúre | [ϕ]i[9´] | [λ´] |
Jajaị́xjį | p’agagų | wawahúre | hąkižą́ | žésge |
All the time past in my life | the way | I came | [with him] | [thus, this way] |
y’ap’érezení[·|]. | Sager[ρ] | [ϕ]i-oix’iñgipérezeni[·|]," | wigé[2]. |
y’ap’érezeníną. | Sageranąga | hąki-oix’įgipérezeniną," | wigéže. |
I have known. | He was fast [and] | he didn't know what it was to get tired," | [he told them.] |
*this should be "after that".
Épa | giracdjaį́ne[2]. | "Wanaghi" | higá[|·]a* | [α] |
Épa | girašjaį́neže. | "Wanaǧi" | higánąga | égi |
To then* | they quit calling him [that]. | ["Ghost]" | [they called him and] | [then] |
*before this word, higa[ρ] has been crossed out. An /o/ is written above [|·].
heraí[υ] | wagaré[9] | hirahíre[2].* | Hatcindja | wakcaįnánihera, |
heraíregi | wagaréžą | hirahíreže. | Hacinja | wakšaįnánihera, |
when | [they told them] | they reached it.† | [Where] | turned back, they had made the sign, |
*just before this word, hahi has been crossed out.
†the word "went" has been crossed out and "reached it" has been written in above it.
nųbóhą | naį́ne[>´] | hirahíre[2]. | Waxighire[2]. | Hariahí |
nųbóhą | naį́negí | hirahíreže. | Waxiǧireže. | Hariahí |
two* | night's distance | [they reached it]. | They thought they were holy. | Very far they went |
*A line connects this word to the following at the top of the page: "i.e., in a short time they reached a trip of two days distance (the spies did) so they thought they were holy."
wa’úinege. | [α] | [ω] | hageré[9] | hahí, |
wa’úinege. | Égi | žigé | hageréžą | hahí, |
[they went]. | [And] | [again] | another time | [they went,] |
[ω] | waicdjá | warádjire[2]. | Uañgwácoce | xedédjega |
žigé | waišjá | warájireže. | Wągwášoše | xetéjega |
[again] | [the scouts] | [they named them]. | [Warrior] | [the great one] |
tconí[6] | harádjire[2], | [α] | [ω] | Worúxega |
coníxjį | harájireže, | égi | žigé | Worúxega |
[the very first] | they called, | [and] | [again] | (name) |
harádjire[2]. | Heraíre[2] | [γ´]. | Higuañké | háriowaraírani[2´]. |
harájireže. | Heraíreže | [gáją]. | Higuąké* | háriowaraíranižé. |
they select him. | [They arrived] | [.] | [Not yet] | they didn't go very far. |
*< higų-hañké.
Wągwácoce | xedédjega | wé[2], | "Hotcintcina, | waícdjaga |
Wągwášoše | xetéjega | wéže, | "Hocincina, | waíšjaga |
[Warrior] | [that great one] | [he said], | "You boy, | when I spy |
[ϕ] | mowea’úniconu[·|]," | e[2´]. | "Hotcintcína, | djasgéras’ági |
hąké | mowea’únišonuną," | ežé. | "Hocincína, | jasgéras’ági |
[not] | I did not travel on the ground," | [he said.] | "Boy, | the way you used to |
’uné, | hicdjoñgé nat’ų́ceregi, | yak’íñgagi, | pakcóñkdjegúni," | higegí. |
’uné, | hišjǫgé nat’ų́šeregi, | yak’ị́gagi, | pakšą́kjegúni," | higegí. |
do, | if you happen to leave me, | I'll give up, | I'll return," | [he said to him]. |
"Hó!," | e[2´]. | Uañkwácocédjega | wa’ų[2´]. | [β] |
"Hó!," | ežé. | Wąkwášošéjega | wa’ųžé. | Éja |
"Ho!," | [he said.] | That warrior | he did [it]. | [There] |
p. 7 —
daniwogíju[ρ´] | wa’ų[2´]. | Cuñkdjóñkhi[9´] | náñgi[|·][2´]. |
taniwogížuánąga | wa’ųžé. | Šųkją́khižą́ | ną́ginąkšé. |
he poured tobacco | [he did]. | A wolf | he ran (for the human).* |
*The parentheses are Radin's.
Egicge* | Worúxega | wa’ų[2´]. | Hicgé | daniwogíju[ρ´] | hicgé |
Egišge | Worúxega | wa’ųžé. | Hišgé | taniwogížuánąga | hišgé |
[And indeed] | Worúxega | [he was it]. | [Also] | [he poured tobacco, and] | [thus] |
*the initial /e/ overprints an original [α].
’ų[2]. | [>´] | cuñkdjóñksga[6´][9] | náñgi[|·][2´]. | Uañgwácocéaka |
’ųže. | Gí | šųkją́ksgaxjį́žą | ną́ginąkšé. | Wągwášošéaka |
[he did]. | [So] | [a very white wolf] | [he started to run]. | [The warrior] |
cuñkdjoñk | ki[ρ´] | [β] | nañgerahégi, | hahíkidjóna |
šųkjąk | kiánąga | éja | nągerahégi, | hahíkijóna |
[wolf] | he turned himself into [and] | [there] | he was running in that direction, | to that direction |
howe[2´]. | "Hotcintcína | epíną," | e[2´]. | Uañgwácoceáka |
howežé. | "Hocincína | epíną," | ežé. | Wągwášošeáka |
he went and passed him.* | "Boy | [it is good]," | [he said]. | [The warrior] |
*The following note from the top of the page is connected to this word with a line: "i.e., the white wolf [Worúxega] the other wolf [the warrior] the white wolf can pass the other."
[β´] | [X´] | kiridji[ρ´] | hikcáit’é[2], |
éja | wą́k | kirijiánąga | hikšáit’éže, |
[there] | human | he became again [and] | [he laughed], |
"Hotcintcína | epi[·|]," | e[2´]. | "Djadjaíñ[6] | p’a | wawáhure, |
"Hocincína | epiną," | ežé. | "Jajaị́xjį | p’a | wawáhure, |
["Boy] | [it is good]," | [he said]. | "As far as | (it) has been | I've come (lived),* |
*the parenthetical matter is Radin's.
[ϕ]agá | uañge[|·´]ere | hi[9´] | [λ´] | y’apérezeni[·|]. |
hąkagá | wągeną́kere | hižą́ | žésge | y’apérezeniną. |
[never] | [that man] | [one] | [that kind] | [I don't know.] |
Né[ɜ] | [λ´] | hatuxúruk[2], | yáreconu[·|]," | e[2´]. |
Néšana | žésge | hatuxúrukše, | yárešonuną," | ežé. |
Myself (or I alone) | [that way] | I could do, | [I used to think]," | [he said]. |
"Hotcintcína | waícdjaga | [ϕ]agá | gheré[ὐ] | howiá’uniconu[·|]. |
"Hocincína | waíšjaga | hąkagá | ǧerénįk | howiá’unišonuną. |
["Boy] | when I spy | never | to travel | I did not used to do alone. |
[ϕ´] | mowé | ha’úniconu[·|]," | e[2´]. |
Hąké | mowé | ha’únišonuną," | ežé. |
[Not] | [traveling] | [I usually do not stay in place for a time]," | [he said]. |
"Hotcintcína | djasgé | ras’ági ’uné?" | hige[2´]. | Worúxega |
"Hocincína, | jasgé | ras’ági ’uné?" | higežé. | Worúxega |
["Boy,] | [what] | you had been doing?" | [he said to him]. | Worúxega |
wé[2], | "Higų́ | djasgéragiji | nicgiáuñkdjóne[bar]," | hige[2´]. |
wéže, | "Higų́ | jasgéragiži, | nišgiáųkjóneną," | higežé. |
[he said], | ["Now] | [what you are doing,] | I am going to do," | [he said to him.] |
p. 8 —
Uañgwácocedjegá | une[2]. | "Hotcintcína, | epi[·|]," | é[2]. |
Wągwášošejegá | uneže. | "Hocincína, | epiną," | éže. |
[That warrior] | [he did it ?]. | ["Boy,] | [it is good]," | [he said]. |
"Gagų | haconu[·|] | waícdjaga," | ánañga. | Daniwógiju[ρ´] |
"Gagų | hašonuną | waíšjaga," | ánąga. | Taniwógižuánąga |
["These things] | I used to do | when I go spying," | [he said]. | [Offering tobacco, and] |
rucdjoñgí, | hiwizígi[9] | t’á[|·][2]. | Uañge[υ´] | giwiñxnąghį́[2]. |
rušjǫgí, | hiwizígižą | t’ánąkše. | Wągerégi | giwįxnąǧį́že. |
[when he got through,] | a bird* | he flew. | [Up above] | he circled around. |
*The following note at the top of the page is connected to this point with a line: "about size of [quail?]. Sings pretty loudly in the timber." Marino's dictionary says that it is a hawk, and Lipkind says that it is specifically a chicken hawk.
Worúxega | wa’ų[2´]. | Hicgé | ’ų[2´]. | Tcexcéb[-] | sga[6´][9] |
Worúxega | wa’ųžé. | Hišgé | ’ųžé. | Cexšébra | sgaxjį́žą |
Worúxega | [he did this]. | [Thus] | [he did]. | [Eagle] | [a very white one] |
t’á[|·][2]. | Uañgwácocedjega | hikízuntc | t’anaíre[2]. | Ép’a |
t’ánąkše. | Wągwášošejega | hikízunc | t’anaíreže. | Ép’a |
[he flew]. | [That warrior] | by his side | [they flew]. | [From then on] |
rutcą́ | sagere* | ’úine[2]. | [β´] | wagi’uąnai[υ] |
rucą́ | sagere | ’úineže. | Éja | wagi’uąnairegi |
straight ahead | [fast] | [they do it]. | [There] | the place they were going |
*just before this word, /sg/ has been crossed out.
[β] | hahíre[2]. | Tcinóñge[|·]a* | uañge[-´] | hahí |
éja | hahíreže. | Ciną́genąka | wągerá | hahí |
[there] | [they arrived.] | [That village] | above† | [over there] |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
†"the man" has been crossed out and "above" written above it.
ho’úine[2]. | Hanątc´ | hadja[6´]n[ρ] | [α] | hagúire[2]. |
ho’úineže. | Haną́c | hajaxjį́nanąga | égi | hagúireže. |
they were. | [Everyone] | [they definitely saw, and] | [then] | they came back. |
[α] | waíre[2], | "Hotcintcina, | djasgihi[·|´][2]*?" |
Égi | waíreže, | "Hocincina, | jasgihiną́kše?" |
[And] | [they said], | ["Boy], | what are we going to do?" |
*Connected by a line from the bottom of the page: "Strictly speaking, hik’igaíreje)".
aíre[2]. | "Hijacána | hánikar[ρ] | niñgécge | [τ] | kere[·|´][2]," |
aíreže. | "Hižašána | hánikaranąga | nįgéšge | žegų | kereną́kše," |
[they said]. | "Each | we take with us, and | without | [then] | to go home,"* |
*hánikar[ρ] niñgécge [τ] kere[·|´][2] is translated together as, "take me home, or: we just go home, without".
e[2´]. | Uañgwácoce | xedédjega | wé[2], | "Djasgéragi |
ežé. | Wągwášoše | xetéjega | wéže, | "Jasgéragi |
[he said]. | [Warrior] | [that great one] | [he said], | ["Whatever it is] |
nicgiá’uñ[//]," | hige[2]. | Worúxega | we[2´], | ["α´] |
nišgiá’ųkjaneną," | higeže. | Worúxega | wežé, | "Égi |
[I am going to do it]," | [he said to him]. | Worúxega | [he said], | ["And] |
[τ´] | hiją[ɜ] | haniñkérekdje[·|]," | e[2]. | [ε] |
[τ´] | hižąšana | hanįkérekjeną," | eže. | Ésge |
[so] | one apiece | we'll take home," | [he said]. | [And so] |
maį́dja | hidjer[ρ´] | [α] | [β´] | mi[|·´]gire[2]. |
maį́ja | hijeránąga | égi | éja | miną́gireže. |
[down on the ground] | they landed | [and] | [there] | they sat. |
p. 9 —
Tci[|·´]ipaídja* | nañguóxedé[9] | miñk’íji | [β] | wirapéreje, |
Ciną́kipaíja | nąguóxetéžą | mįk’íži | éja | wirapéreže, |
At edge of village | a big trail | as it laid | [there] | they watched, |
*an /o/ is written above [|·].
[γ´]. | Hagaré[9] | uañg[-´] | nųpíwi | djiwí[2], | [γ´]. |
[gają]. | Hagaréžą | wągerá | nųpíwi | jiwíže, | [gáją]. |
[.] | [Finally] | [the men] | [two] | came, | [.] |
Hiją[ɜ´] | giságir[ρ´] | p’ará | wámącijir[ρ´] | [α] |
Hižąšána | giságiránąga | p’ará | wámąšižiránąga | égi |
Each one | they killed [and] | head | they cut off (broke) [and] | [and] |
hakaraíre[2]. | Wadjá[6]né[2]. | [ε] | waruxaíre[2], |
hakaraíreže. | Wajáxjįnéže. | Ésge | waruxaíreže, |
they went home. | They saw them clear. | [Therefore] | they took after them, |
[γ´]. | "Hotcintcína | higų́ | [α] | hinuñxáwañkdjé[bar]," |
[gáją]. | "Hocincína | higų́ | égi | hinųxáwąkjéną," |
[.] | ["Boy] | [now] | here | we must hide," |
e[2´], | uañgwácocedjegá. | Wé[2], | "Hodjiá," | higé[2]. |
ežé, | wągwášošejegá. | Wéže, | "Hojiá," | higéže. |
[he said,] | [that warrior.] | [He said], | ["All right,"] | [he said to him]. |
"Djasgér[ρ] | nųnáxawañgi | hicgiá’uñ[//]," | e[2´], |
"Jasgéranąga | nųnáxawągi | hišgiá’ųkjaneną," | ežé, |
"In what(ever) way | are you going to conceal yourself | I will do it," | [he said,] |
Worúxega | we[2´]. | [ε] | uañgwácocedjega, | wa’ų[2´]. | Wak’ą́djúsek’ |
Worúxega | wežé. | Ésge | uągwášošejega, | wa’ųžé. | Wak’ą́júsek’ |
Worúxega | [he said.] | [And so] | [that warrior], | [he did it]. | Garden snake |
k’i[ρ´] | [β´] | nųxáwą[2]*. | Hicgé | Worúxega |
k’iánąga | éja | nųxáwąže. | Hišgé | Worúxega |
he turned himself into | [there] | [to hide]. | [Also] | Worúxega |
*connected to this word by a line is the following note from the top of the page: "i.e., implying that you can't conceal yourself."
wa’ų[2´]. | Wak’ą́ | xódje[ὐ] | k’i[ρ´] | [β´] |
wa’ųžé. | Wak’ą́ | xójenįk | k’iánąga | éja |
[he did it.] | [Snake] | gray small | [he turned himself into and] | [there] |
nųxą́wą[2]. | Uañgeruxé-hodjí[υ] | deádjionáñk, | nąghíne[2]. |
nųxą́wąže. | Wągeruxé-hojíregi | teájioną́k, | nąǧíneže. |
[he hid]. | The man chased when they came | here then they are hunting around, | they stood around. |
Haną́tciñ[6] | hadjiaraí[υ]. | [α] | wa’úine[2]. | Kík’áwa’ųn[ρ´] | [ω´] |
Haną́cįxjį | hajiaraíre. | Égi | wa’úineže. | Kík’áwa’ųnánąga | žigé |
[Running much] | they went by. | [And] | [they did it.] | They got up [and] | [again] |
[β´] | waníñk | hik’úįn[ρ´] | uañgerógiwaír[ρ] | hakeraíre[2]. |
éja | wanị́k | hik’úįnánąga | wągerógiwaíranąga | hakeraíreže. |
[there] | [bird] | they turned themselves into [and] | up above they traveled [and] | they went back. |
Hagíre[2] | [γ´]. | Uañgwácocedjegá | we[2´], | "Dé[λ´]ge |
Hagíreže | [gáją]. | Wągwášošejegá | wežé, | "Téžesgége |
They got home | [.] | [That warrior] | [he said], | ["For this reason] |
p. 10 —
roniñgighiwi[·|]. | Hi[9] | 'Wanañghidje[-]' | hirec’gawiconu[bar´], | denécgera* | [ϕ] |
ronįgiǧiwiną. | Hižą | 'Wanąǧijᵉra' | hireš’gawišonuną́, | tenéšgera | hąké |
I cautioned you. | [One] | ['Ghost'] | you used to call him, | even myself | [not] |
*an /n/ is inserted above the line by use of a vertical line.
yakísgani[·|]. | Hodudjisono. | Djagús’uną, | haną́tciñ[6], |
yakísganiną. | Hotujisono. | Jagús’uną, | haną́cįxjį, |
I am not his equal. | I am not up to him. | Whatever was undertaken, | [he did every bit of it,] |
hodudjísono. | [ε] | "Hitcakáro | ha[//]," | e[2´] |
hotujísono. | Gają | "Hicakáro | hakjaneną," | ežé |
I wasn't near him. | [Then,] | ["Friend] | I am going to make," | [he said] |
uañgwácocedjegá. | We[2´], | "Hitcakáro | niñ[//], | tci[β] |
wągwášošejegá. | Wežé, | "Hicakáro | nįkjaneną, | cieja |
[that warrior]. | [He said,] | "Friends | I'm going to make with him, | [at the lodge] |
hakdjá | hiñgíwi[γ´]," | e[2´]. | Worúxega | gip’į[2´]. |
hakjá | hįgíwigáją," | ežé. | Worúxega | gip’įžé. |
[back] | when we get," | [he said]. | Worúxega | [he liked it.] |
Aígi* | tcinoge[|·]a† | hirahí[υ], | k’izaí[υ], |
Aígi | cinogenąka | hirahíre, | k’izaíregi, |
[Then] | [that village] | they got to,‡ | when they fought,‡‡ |
*aí is written above [α].
†there is an /o/ written above the [|·].
‡below this phrase a group of words has been crossed out.
‡‡the following note is connected to this phrase by a line: "They evidently returned to the enemy's village after meeting their friends and fought."
Worúxega[ɜ] | hidjaíra[2]. | Uañgwácoce | xedédjega | hicgé |
Worúxegašana | hijaíraže. | Uągwášoše | xetéjega | hišgé |
Worúxega only | he was better. | [Warrior] | [that great one] | [also] |
rokóna[·נ´] | Worúxega | [ϕ] | kisgé | p’iní[2]. |
rokónanunigé | Worúxega | hąké | kisgé | p’iníže. |
[very much, but] | Worúxega | [not] | [to be his equal] | [he did not like it]. |
[α] | [τ]hir[ρ´] | kizá[-] | hakaraí[υ]. | Hagíre[2]. |
Égi | [τ]hiránąga | kizára | hakaraíregi. | Hagíreže. |
[And] | [thus it was, and] | [the fight] | when they went home.* | They got back. |
*the text has "when they went home."
Hagíre[γ´], | uañgwácoce | xedédjega | hotci[β´] |
Hagíregáją, | wągwášoše | xetéjega | hociéja |
[Once they got back there,] | [warrior] | [the great one] | into his tent |
hagiokáwaire[2´]. | [α] | [β] | hitcakáro | hi[2´]. | Cuñkxédera |
hagiokáwairežé. | Égi | éja | hicakáro | hižé. | Šųkxétera |
there they went. | [And] | [there] | [friend] | [he made]. | [The horses] |
uañgwácoce | xedédjega | dj[ρ´] | nįhídjegi | haguré | waci[2´]. |
wągwášoše | xetéjega | jánąga | nįhíjegi | haguré | wašižé. |
[warrior] | [that great one] | [all] | he had | to go after. | he told them. |
Wirági-ahás | hak’iríre[2´]. | Honihé | xedé[6] | hiráwahas | hakiríre[2] |
Wirági-ahás | hak’irírežé. | Honihé | xetéxjį | hiráwahas | hakiríreže |
They drove them | back they came. | Herd | [very large] | to drive | they (came) back* |
p. 11 —*
[γ´]. | Hokį́asik† | hok’ų[2´]. | [α] | [ω] | uañgwácoce* |
gáją. | Hokį́asik | hok’ųžé. | Égi | žigé | wągwášoše |
[.] | Half of herd | he gave. | [And] | [again] | [warrior] |
*Radin has written in the upper right corner of this page:
"naínji = when speaking in an anmiated way
"naínji' = when speaking slowly".
†just before this word, /hokin/ has been crossed out.
xedédjega† | hijaį́tcawihigi | hijaįtcáñkhigí, | hinuñk |
xetéjega | hižaį́cawihigi | hižaįcą́khigí, | hinųk |
[the great one] | his wife | had a sister (younger),‡ | [woman] |
*above this word Radin writes /U/, connecting it to the word with two parallel vertical lines.
†just before this word is a vertical line separating this word from its predecessor.
‡the parenthetical matter is Radin's.
p’į́[9] | here[2]. | Tcék | xedé[9] | jee |
p’į́žą | hereže. | Cék | xetéžą | žee |
[a good one] | [she was.] | [Young] | [a very great] | [that one] |
hirasá | hok’ų[2´]. | Hitcakárora | hakárakítci[2]. | [α] |
hirasá | hok’ųžé. | Hicakárora | hakárakíciže. | Égi |
[in addition] | [he gave her to him.] | [The friend] | he lives with. | [There] |
djadjóna | dotcǫnaírega | é[ɜ] | hoicípdjį | hidjaíra |
jajóna | tocǫnaírega | éšana | hoišípjį | hijaíra |
whenever | in the warfare they go | [only] | all the time | were more |
wa’uánihaíre[2]. | [U]ra* | hahi. | ["ϕ]i | kisge |
wa’uánihaíreže. | Wąkwášošera | hahi. | "Haki | kisge |
they did, as they went along. | The braves | [they went forth.] | ["To make myself] | [equal] |
*just before this symbol the letters /uan/ are crossed out.
pinánije," | aíreconu[·|]. | [α] | hagaré[9] | niñkdjóñgenigioñcge |
pinániže," | aírešonuną. | Égi | hagaréžą | nįkjǫ́genigiǫšge |
[I ought not to]," | [they always said.] | [There] | [finally] | their little child |
Worúxega | haniániñga | [α] | hagaré[9] | hitcáwina |
Worúxega | haniánįga | égi | hagaréžą | hicáwina |
Worúxega | he came a parent of [it was born to him] | [and] | [in time] | [his wife] |
c’agwahigí | waíre[2], | "Naį́ji | watohótciga. | Wa[9]wahí[-] |
š’agwahigí | waíreže, | "Naį́ži | watohóciga. | Wažąwahíra |
her parents | [they said to her], | "(Well) it must be time for him to return | son-in-law. | His relatives |
[ε] | we[2´], | "Worúxega | [α] | hokárak[2´]. |
Gają | wežé, | "Worúxega | égi | hokárakšé. |
[Then] | [he said,] | "Worúxega | here | he told his story. |
Djasge | hínihéga | t’ekdjége. | [ε] | gixáruwáhugi |
Jasge | hínihéga | t’ekjége. | Ésge | gixáruwáhugi |
[What] | he had done | to die.* | [Thus] | he came to the wilds |
*more like, "he intended to die" (literally, "he would die").
[β]djí | jé[λ] | ni-ą́p[2]. | [ϕ] | wijérení[9] |
éjají | žéžesge | ni-ą́pše. | Hąké | wižérenížą |
there | [in this way] | he lived. | [Not] | he was not a gifted one |
heré[ɜ][·נ´] | gixaídja | t’enąiáñka. | [β] | jé[λ] |
heréšananunigé | gixaíja | t’enąią́ka. | Éja | žéžesge |
[he was only, but] | [wilds] | he tried to die. | [There] | [in this way] |
p. 12 —
kíruxúruk[2?] | howak’ą́tcóñg[-]. | Djagu’ų́djega | jé[λ] |
kíruxúrukše,? | howak’ą́cą́gra. | Jagu’ų́jega | žéžesge |
he accomplished for himself | his holiness. | What he is doing | [in this way] |
nuxáruk[2]. | [α] | tceg[β´] | wak’ąxúdje | [ὐ] | hik’úniheja. |
nuxárukše. | Égi | cegéja | wak’ąxúje | nįk | hik’úniheža. |
[he hid.] | [And] | at [first] | gray snake | little | they used. |
E[ɜ][6´][ὐ] | wajǫna | hihądè[2]. | T’enąíñga, |
Ešanaxjį́nįk | wažǫna | hihątèže. | T’enąị́ga, |
That was all (the only) | the thing | he dreamt of. | When he was trying to die, |
[β] | wak’ątcóñk[2]. | Dé[λ] | hok’árak[2]." |
éja | wak’ącą́kše. | Téžesge | hok’árakše." |
[there] | he became holy. | [This sort of thing] | he told of." |
[α], | "Hitcakáro, | [τ´]inekdje[·|]," | hige[2´]. |
Égi | "Hicakáro, | [τ´]inekjeną," | higežé. |
[And], | ["Friend], | let us go anyhow," | [he said to him]. |
[U] | xedé[|·]a* | we[2´], | "Warok’óno, |
Wąkwášoše | xeténąka | wežé, | "Warok’óno, |
[Warrior] | [that great one] | [he said], | "(Expression of doubt), |
*there is an /o/ over the [|·].
t’eninąną[2]. | X´[-] | ganaíñ[6] | t’eninaįgarécge.* | [ϕ] |
t’eninąnąže. | Wą́kra | ganaị́xjį | t’eninaįgaréšge. | Hąké |
I don't think they'll kill you. | [Men] | very many | have tried to kill you. | [Not] |
*before the letter /į/ an /i/ has been crossed out.
t’enininañk[>´]," | higé[2]. | [ε] | hahúire[2]. | Hinuñkdeók’erér[ρ] |
t’enininąkí," | higéže. | Ésge | hahúireže. | Hinųk teók’eréranąga |
they have killed you," | [he said to him]. | That's why | they came. | [They] had their wives with them [and] |
tci[|·]* | wot’éhi | nihé[-] | [β] | hak’iríre[2]. |
cinąk | wot’éhi | nihéra | éja | hak’iríreže. |
the village | he murdered in | he had (in the past) | [there] | they came. |
*an /o/ is written above the [|·].
Hąhé[υ] | hatcíndja | c’agwahi[-] | tcí[|·]i* | hiperézdége. | [β] |
Hąhéregi | hacínja | š’agwahira | cínąki | hiperéztége. | Éja |
[At night] | [where] | [his parents] | [lived] | he knew (all the time).† | [There] |
*an /o/ is written above the [|·]. Before this word hatcíndja has been crossed out.
†Parenthetical remark added by Radin.
hąhé[υ] | hahiókawaíre[2]. | [X] | naįne[υ] | [ε] |
hąhéregi | hahiókawaíreže. | Wąk | naįneregi | esge |
[at night] | they came in. | [Men] | when they slept | [that is why] |
hahiókawaíre[2]. | Hedágedja | hahí | minóñgire[2]. | Uañgenuwáñka |
hahiókawaíreže. | Hetágeja | hahí | miną́gireže. | Wągenuwą́ka |
[they came in.] | Directly opposite the door* | [going] | [they sat]. | [The old man] |
*"directly" is inserted above the line by a caret.
kikáwau[ρ] | woróghutc[2]. | "Hotcintcínwina | horaíradja | radjíwira. |
kikáwauanąga | woróǧucše. | "Hocincínwina | horaíraja | rajíwira. |
he got up [and] | [he looked about]. | "You young men | you're visiting | you came. |
Epi[·|]," | e[2´]. | "Hidoké[-] | kikáwau[ρ´] | wa[9]niñgeri[9] |
Epiną," | ežé. | "Hitokéra | kikáwauánąga | wažąnįgerižą |
[It is good]," | [he said]. | "Old woman | get up [and] | something |
takátc | hiną-į́ni,"† | hige[2´]. | "Hotcintcína, | nųpiwi‡ |
takác | hiną-į́ni," | higežé. | "Hocincína, | nųpiwi |
warm up for them | [to do stone]," | [he said to her]. | ["Young man,] | [two] |
*at the upper right of this page is written:
wañgadjáną = he saw us (two)
wañgadjairawíną = he saw us".
†before this word, /hiną/ has been crossed out.
‡written abvove and to the right of this word to which it is attached by a line, is "(he & his wife)".
wañgorádja* | hadjíre[·|]," | Kikáwáu[ρ´] | wawogíhą[2]. |
wągorája | hajíreną," | Kikáwáuánąga | wawogíhąže. |
to visit us | they came." | She got up | she boiled something. |
*A note at the top of the page is connected to this word by a line: "obsolete form for wañgowáñk’ini."
[α], | "Hotcintcínwira | taní | hįwiné," | wigé[2]. | Danį́ |
Égi, | "Hocincínwira | taní | hįwiné," | wigéže. | Tanį́ |
[Then], | "You young men | a smoke, | take," | [he told them]. | Tobacco |
k’imp’óno | hidjá | wagijú[2] | [γ]. | Daníhį[υ´] |
k’imp’óno | hijá | wagižúže | gáją. | Taníhįregí |
mixed with something | [else] | he placed before them | [.] | When they smoked* |
*this would be better translated as, "after they smoked".
rucdjaį́negi | [α] | uañgenu[|·´]a* | we[2´], | "Hagás’irédjañ[6´] |
rušjaį́negi | égi | wągenuną́ka | wežé, | "Hagás’iréjąxjį́ |
[they quit] | [then] | [that old man] | [he said], | "It's a very long time |
*an /o/ has been written over the [|·].
hiniñk’á-xawanína. | [ϕ]agá | wakarakíkununíni | hadjé[·|]," |
hinįk’á-xawanína. | Hįkagá | wakarakíkununíni | hajéną," |
my son he disappeared. | [Never] | I have not forgotten him | I have," |
e[2´] | [γ´]. | [α] | [U] | xede[|·]a* | we[2´], |
ežé | gáją. | Égi | wąkwášoše | xetenąka | wežé, |
[he said] | [.] | [Then] | [warrior] | [that great one] | [he said], |
*an /o/ has been written above the [|·].
"Hitcakároka[-], | ére[bar], | hiniñgrága | dinañgrére[bar]," | hige[2´]. |
"Hicakárokara, | éreną, | hinįgrága | tinągréreną," | higežé. |
["Friend,] | it is he, | your son | this is the one it is," | [he said to him]. |
Uañgenúníñgé[|·]a* | koré[2]. | Hiníñg[-] | s’irédja[6] | t’egúni, |
Wągenúnị́génąka | koréže. | Hinị́gra | s’iréjaxjį | t’egúni, |
[That old man] | he was surprised. | [His son] | [very long ago] | [maybe he was killed,] |
*an /o/ has been written above [|·].
hiranáñk’ų. | Hiniñg[-] | hakaradjána | gipi[bar´] | rokóna[6][2´]. |
hiraną́k’ų. | Hinįgra | hakarajána | gipiną́ | rokónaxjįžé. |
he was thinking. | His son | he saw again | [he liked it] | [very much]. |
Hi-unínacge | gipini | rokóna[6´][2]. | "Hinúñgwaratcáb[-] | wawarákaracdjakdje[·|],"† |
Hi-unínašge | gipini | rokónaxjį́že. | "Hinų́gwaracábra | wawarákarašjakjeną," |
His mother | liked it* | [very much]. | "Your sisters | you will see them," |
*the text has, "who liked it".
†before this word, /wawe/ has been crossed out.
hige[2´]. | Hąhé, | [α], | wagígonhíre[2]. | Worúxega |
higežé. | Hąhé, | égi, | wagígonhíreže. | Worúxega |
[he said to him.] | [Night], | [then,] | they went to call them. | Worúxega |
hinúñgwatcab[-] | dj[ρ] | wa[9]higi | hanątcį[6] | hąhe |
hinų́gwacabra | janąga | wažąhigi | hanącįxjį | hąhe |
[sisters] | [all] | [something for him ?] | [everyone of them] | [night] |
p. 14 —
[α´] | sdoíre[2]. | Worúxega | hakarádjadjíre[2]. | Gipį́ne[2]. |
égi | stoíreže. | Worúxega | hakarájajíreže. | Gipį́neže. |
[then] | [gathered together]. | Worúxega | they came to see him. | [They liked it]. |
Wagaíre[2], | "Hitcą́waraga | xedénoñkáji | [ϕ] | wajį́nąnį́[|·][ɜ]. |
Wagaíreže, | "Hicą́waraga | xeténąkáži | hąké | wažį́nąnį́nąkšaną. |
[They told him], | "Your brothers-in-law | the older ones | [not] | they don't think anything of it. |
Hisgénądjé | wac’ų[2´], | aír[ρ] | [α] | hitcą́waraga |
Hisgénąjé | waš’ųžé, | aíranąga | égi | hicą́waraga |
You have reason | you did, | [they said, and] | [and] | [your brother-in-law] |
xónųdjega | higų́ | djadjóna | nákirigi | t’eniñ[·|][2], |
xónųjega | higų́ | jajóna | nákirigi | t’enináže, |
younger | [still] | at any time | when you return | he will kill you, |
ádje[bar]," | aíre[2]. | [α] | [U]* | xedé[|·]a† | we[2´], |
ájeną," | aíreže. | Égi | wąkwášoše | xeténąka | wežé, |
[he was saying]," | [they said]. | [And] | [warrior] | [that great one] | [he said], |
*before this letter, at least one letter has been crossed out.
†an /o/ has been written above the [|·].
"Hitcakároha[-]´ | [ϕ] | t’ehípiní[9] | wa’unáñk[ɜ]. |
"Hicakárohará | hąké | t’ehípinížą | wa’uną́kšaną. |
"My friend | [not] | [he is not one who is vulnerable] | he is. |
Wa[9]xéde | é | [ϕ] | uañgerí[9] | kí[-] | t’ehípini. |
Wažąxéte | é | hąké | wągerížą | kíra | t’ehípini. |
Something great | he | [not] | one man | [only] | [he cannot kill him.] |
Hitcakároha[-] | wa’ú[|·][ɜ]," | e[2´]. | "[α] | [τ´] |
Hicakárohara | wa’únąkšaną," | ežé. | "Égi | [τ´] |
[My friend] | [he is]," | [he said]. | ["And] | [so] |
hatcíndja | p’įc’únadjegi | [β] | ųdjepínani," |
hacínja | p’įš’únajegi | éja | ųjepínani," |
wherever | you get along well | [there] | you ought to stay," |
higaíre[2]. | "Higų | hatcíndja | ha’añgí | [ϕ] |
higaíreže. | "Higų | hacínja | ha’ągí | hąké |
they said to him. | "[Now] | [where] | I stayed | [not] |
nątcgé wotci-ésganína," | é[2]. | Hitcą́wahi[-] | xede[-´] | hadjíre[2]. |
nącgé woci-ésganína," | éže. | Hicą́wahira | xeterá | hajíreže. |
he had no worry," | [he said]. | His brothers-in-law | older | [they came.] |
Wa-inąbire[2]. | Ni-ą́be[|·]re* | t’egúni, | hiranañk’ų. |
Wa-inąbireže. | Ni-ą́benąkre | t’egúni, | hiranąk’ų. |
They were thankful. | This live one | [maybe he was killed,] | they thought. |
*above the [|·] an /o/ has been written.
Ni-ą́be[|·][ɜ]. | [ε] | gip’ine[·|]. | "Hitcą́ | dégi | [ϕ] |
Ni-ą́benąkšaną. | Ésge | gip’ineną. | "Hicą́ | tégi | hąké |
Live he was. | [And so] | [he liked it]. | "Brother-in-law | myself | [not] |
wa[9]´ | yaráwini[·|]. | Deéji | hanitcáwi[-] | haipįwi[bar], | [·נ´] |
wažą́ | yaráwininą. | Teéži | hanicáwira | haipįwiną, | nunigé |
[anything] | I did not care. | [You] | we saw | we liked it, | [but] |
p. 15 —
hisúñk hawí[-] | higų́* | djadją́nidjági | t’énį[//], |
hisų́khawíra | higų́ | jają́nijági | t’énįkjaneną, |
our younger brother | [still] | whenever he sees you | [he will try to kill you,] |
*this word is inserted above the line by a caret.
adje[·|]. | Naįjicge | dji[·|]guni," | aíre[2]. | "[>´] |
ajeną. | Naįžišge | jinaguni," | aíreže. | "Gí |
[he was saying]. | Maybe now | he might come," | [he said]. | ["So] |
jowahuhe[2´]," | aíre[2], | "hijúgiąni[ρ´]* | jówahuhé[2]. | Worúxega |
žowahuhežé," | aíreže, | "hižúgiąniánąga | žówahuhéže. | Worúxega |
there he's coming," | [they said], | "a gun with him [and] | there he's coming. | Worúxega |
*before this word, /hejugi/ has been crossed out.
t’ehíkdjegé, | wa’ų́huhé[2]." | Hidjádjigi | Worúxega | t’ąpdjir[ρ´], |
t’ehíkjegé, | wa’ų́huhéže." | Hijájigi | Worúxega | t’ąpjiránąga, |
[to kill he will,] | [is] what he's coming for." | When he came there | Worúxega | he got up [and,] |
"Hitcą́ | p’íñ[6] | hiñgudjádje," | [ρ´]. | Á[-] |
"Hicą́ | p’ị́xjį | hįgujáje," | ánąga. | Ára |
["Brother-in-law] | good aim | to shoot me," | [he said]. | His arm |
wawádjig[ρ´] | mañg[-´] | giwahá[2] | [γ]. | Gutc[2´]. |
wawájigánąga | mągrá | giwaháže | gáją. | Gucšé. |
he raised, [and] | [his chest] | he showed him | [.] | [He fired.] |
[>´] | [ϕ] | da-éhiní[2]. | Jigigų | gutc[>´],* | [ϕ]† | da-éhiní[2]. |
Gí | hąké | ta-éhiníže. | Žigigų | gucgí, | hąké | ta-éhiníže. |
[So] | not | cap did not go off. | [Then again] | [when he shot,] | [not] | [cap did not go off]. |
*just before this word /d/ has been crossed out.
†this symbol has been inserted above the line by a caret.
Hedaníhǫna | gutc[>´]. | [ϕ] | da-éhiní[2]. | Hidjobóhǫna | gutc[>] |
Hedaníhǫna | gucgí, | hąké | ta-éhiníže. | Hijobóhǫna | gucgi |
[The third time] | [when he shot,] | not | cap did not go off. | [The fourth time] | he shot |
jigianké | da-éhiní[2]. | [α] | wage[2´] | hijug[-´] | nącéguje. |
žigianké | ta-éhiníže. | Égi | wagežé | hižugrá | nąšéguže. |
[again not] | [the cap did not fire.] | [Then] | [he meant] | [the bullet] | he took it away.* |
*should this be, "he sent it away"?
Uañgerop’ahi | rudjóghere | hi[>´], | p’iñ[6]´ | da-éhi[2]. |
Wągerop’ahi | rujóǧere | higí, | p’įxjį́ | ta-éhiže. |
Pointed up | to pull the trigger | [when he did,] | [very well] | it went off. |
Hijug[-´] | hidjógit’úne[2].* | [α] | [U][|·]a† | we[2´], |
Hižugrá | hijógit’úneže. | Égi | Wąkwášošenąka | wežé, |
[The bullet] | he threw it towards him. | [And] | [that warrior] | [he said,] |
*before this word, /hij/ has been crossed out.
†above [|·] an /o/ has been written.
"Hitcakárohá[-] | [ϕ] | t’ehipiní[9] | wa’u[|·][ɜ]. | [β] |
"Hicakárohára | hąké | t’ehipinížą | wa’unąkšaną. | Éja |
["My friend] | [not] | [one that cannot be killed] | [he is]. | [There] |
wac’ų́. | [ϕ] | t’eránina[·נ´] | wac’ú[bar]," | higé[2]. |
waš’ų́. | Hąké | t’eráninanunigé | waš’úną," | higéže. |
you did. | [Not] | you could not kill him but | you did it," | [he said to him]. |
[α] | hitcą́wahi[-] | cuñkxéte | hakigú wacijé. |
Égi | hicą́wahira | šųkxéte | hakigú wašižé. |
[And] | [his brothers-in-law's] | [horses] | he told them to go after (them) for themselves. |
half horzontal sheet numbered as 64 [= p. 16]* —
Cuñkxéte† | hagiguahí[υ]. | Gip’íne[2]. | Ép’a | ak’íake |
Šųkxéte | hagiguahíre. | Gip’íneže. | Ép’a | ak’íake |
[Horses] | they went after. | [They liked it]. | [Since that time] | both sides |
*at the top center of the page is written: "VI — Invincibility of the Winnebago & the Peyote (64.3 - 79.6)". Below this is written in larger letters, "Jasper Blowsnake."
†before this word several letters have been crossed out.
horadjaíre[2]. | Hagaí[-] | tci[|·´]idjaį́dja* | hahí | ’únañk’ų. |
horajaíreže. | Hagaíra | ciną́kijaį́ja | hahí | ’únąk’ų. |
visit each other. | Once in awhile | some of the tribe | [there] | they would be.† |
*[|·] has an /o/ written above it.
†below the English line is written, "[Worúxega]".
[α] | [ω] | Hotcǫg[β] | hakíri | ’úines’á[2]. |
Égi | žigé | Hocǫgeja | hakíri | ’úines’áže. |
[And] | [again] | to Winnebago | they came back again | [they always did]. |
R. W., "Worúxega," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1911) Notebook 72, Story 52: 1-16. The text and partial interlinear translation are by Paul Radin. The "R. W." I take to be the initials of the informant.