Hocąk Text — Tobacco Origin Myth, Version 3
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
Winnebago II, #1.152 = Winnebago II, #5: 164 = Winnebago III, #1: 128 —
Hąbera* | sgaxjį† | hiwap’úru‡ | jirehíže. |
[The day] | [very white] | [steam clouds] | [they came forth.] |
Winnebago III, #1: 129 —
Égi | "Wíjera" | jasgé* | higánągere,† | haną́cįxją |
[And] | "the Island" | [what] | [which is called,] | [all] |
šojožú | miną́kše.* | Waxop’íni | warájirera | jánąga |
murky | it was. | Spirits | [the various ones] | [as many as there were] |
Wažągų́zera | ’ųgí, | žénųga | haracáp* | rogų́† |
[the Maker of Things] | [having created,] | [all of them] | to taste of it | to long for |
minągireže. | Ponapįna* | círa | howáregi,† | hanącįxjį |
they sat. | The good odor | [the lodge] | if it goes in, | [everyone] |
janąga | hožuák’a* | rogų́ | minągiréže. | "P’ežéxjį |
[as many as there are] | that are within | to long for | they sat. | "Who |
eruk’ánągigik’jegi,"* | hiraminągireže. | Hacį́jahį | hirak’araírek’ježe?† |
he will put it in charge of," | they sat thinking. | Who else | they would take care of it? |
Hąboguminą́gera | éšaną | heregáją | éjaxjį | éja |
[The one sitting in the east] | [only] | he it is, | [perhaps] | [there] |
hirakáragigikjanegáją,"* | hiraminągireže. | Égi | "hicųšge" | gik’arajirera |
he will let him take care of it," | they sat thinking. | [And] | ["nephew"] | [he whom we call] |
wéže, | "Hitegenįkwahára | hi’uninįkwahara | teé | haní* |
[he said,] | "My uncles, | my aunts, | this | to have |
Winnebago II, #5: 165 —
wąkšíko’į́rekjanáre.* | Cira | hoixjįšáwągera,† | hąk’é | hižą́ |
as they will live. | [The lodge] | [the ones going in to fill it,] | [not] | [one] |
honįgé | waragíšurúzenįkjanáwiną.* | Wągregi† | Wažągų́zera | é |
[even] | you will not take it from me. | Above | the Creator | [he] |
žésge | gųsáną. | [Wągiregi]* | Wažągų́zera | exjįnéšge |
this | he ordained. | [Above] | [the Maker of Things] | even |
tanina | hožúižą | hirowahaíregi, | hąk’é | hoinįge |
the tobacco | [a full one] | if it was extended towards him, | [not] | [even] |
wagíruzenįkjanéže.* | Jagú | rogų́ | wa’ųnegi, | žésge |
[he would not take it.] | [Whatever] | [to long for] | [if they do it,] | [this] |
wagiwéwįk’janeže. | Égi | jánąga | waxopínina |
he'll think of it for them. | And | [as many as there are] | the spirits |
Winnebago II, #1.153 —
ci-óžuminąkšáwągere* | hižą́ | tanina | hožúižą |
[the ones going in to fill the lodge,] | one | the tobacco | [a full one] |
Winnebago III, #1: 130 —
nįgiwaxúįnawigiži, | jagú | rogų́ | wa’úinegi, | žésge |
after he pours it out for you, | [whatever] | [to long for] | [if he does it,] | that |
wiráragášeni,* | rajišánągiánąga† | rahįk’jáwi, | hąk’é | hoínįge |
you'll take hold, | as you seize it, and | you'll smoke it, | [not] | [otherwise?] |
waragíhinįk’jawi. | Wągeregi* | Wažągų́zera | e | žésge | híną."† |
you will not smoke it. | Above | [the Maker of Things] | [he] | [this kind] | [he made."] |
[X]é | hunubímani | ep’į[|] | gųs[>´] |
Wąkšigé, | hunubímani, | ep’įną, | gųsgáją, |
[Humans,] | [two-legged walkers,] | [it was good,] | [after he created,] |
hiraíre[2] | [(] | warájire-j[ρ´]ki* | |
hiraíreže, | waxopini | warájire | janągáki. |
they thought, | [spirits] | [the various ones] | [as many as there were.] |
"Wąkšigé, | hunubímani, | wąkšígo’į | žipjinįgížą | wogára. |
["Humans,] | two-legged walkers, | life | a short span | he had given them. |
Teé | hąbikaratá* | hi’uinanihékje,"† | wigežé.‡ |
This | life to ask with | we'll use it forever," | [he said to them.] |
Jasper Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago II, #1.152-153, Winnebago II, #5: 164, Winnebago III, #1: 129-130. A published loose English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 151.