Hocąk Text — Thunder Cloud is Blessed
narrated by Sam Blowsnake
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Sam Blowsnake |
p. 306 —
Ëgi | haⁿdếhok‘árakcúnᴀⁿ. | “Tcëkdjína | ᵉuáñgᴇrêgi | uáñkdocêwê |
Egi | hąté hokárakšúną. | “Cekjína, | wą́geregi, | wą́ktošewe |
Then | he told of his fasting experience. | “At the very beginning, | up above, | doctors |
tcíjañk‘i | ë́dja | hîñgŭadjírenᴀⁿ | waxop‘î́ni | djā́nañga |
cížąk’į | éja | hįguajíreną. | Waxopį́ni | jánąga |
[served as] a village | there | they came into existence. | Spirits | the various |
mañxí | uañgᴇrêgi-ák‘i | hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ | wajîñgigû́ⁿzirê, | djáskê |
mąxí | wągeregi-áki | haną́cįxjį | wažįgigųzire, | jáske |
clouds | the ones up above | all | they taught something, | what |
hakdjéra | hîñgigû́ⁿzirenᴀⁿ. | Tcëkdjinᴀ | waigiᵉúinenᴀⁿ. | ‘Uañkcigế |
hakjéra | hįgigųzireną. | Cekjina | waigi’úineną. | ‘Wąkšigé |
I shall do | they instructed me. | In the beginning | they taught me. | ‘Human |
hiᵉû́ⁿdjakdjènᴀⁿ,’ | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Nañxatᵉégiaⁿ | máⁿiñk | xaⁿdji-áni |
hi’ųjakjèną,’ | hįgaíreną. | Nąxat’égią | mą́įk* | xąji-áni |
let us try,’ | they said. | A log, | rotten | [having moss] |
*Marino has mą’įk.
γíγik | tciok‘iságᴇdjakcê. | Ë́dja | uañkdócêwê | hik‘ítcga |
ǧíǧik | ciokiságejakše. | Éja | wąktóšewe | hikícga |
[to be covered] | it lay in the middle of the lodge. | There | doctors | to treat |
hîñgigírenᴀⁿ. | Tcëkdjínᴀ | honihátᵉôⁿp | gadjᴀⁿ | djā́nañga | tci-óju-ak‘a |
hįgigíreną. | Cekjína | honihát’ǫp | gają | jánąga | ci-óžu-aka |
[they made for me.] | Then once | he breathed, | and | all | those that were in the lodge |
hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ | nîñgihaírenᴀⁿ; | hinū̀bốhôⁿṇa | jigiop‘ếγûñgàdjᴀⁿ |
haną́cįxjį | nįgihaíreną; | hinùbóhǫna | žigiopéǧųgàją, |
all of them | they breathed with him; | the second time | [again when he breathed,] |
hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ | nîñgihaírenᴀⁿ; | hidaníhôⁿṇa |
haną́cįxjį | nįgihaíreną; | hitaníhǫna |
all of them | they breathed with him; | the third time |
jigiop‘ếγuna, | hidjobốhôⁿṇa | hop‘êγogádjᴀⁿ. |
žigiopéǧuna, | hijobóhǫna | hopeǧogáją. |
[again he was breathed upon,] | for the fourth time | he was breathed on. |
p. 307 —
Uañgᴇra | watcegíjᴀⁿ | hik‘áwaᵉûⁿ | k‘irik‘érehanᴀⁿ |
Wągera | wacegížą | hikáwa’ų | kirikérehaną, |
The man | a young one | he arose | he walked away, |
nañxatᵉégôñk‘a. | Djobốhaⁿ | honihatᵉốⁿpgadjᴀⁿ | uañkcîgíjᴀⁿ | k‘ik‘áwaᵉûⁿ |
nąxat’égǫka. | Jobóhą | honihat’ǫ́pgają, | wąkšįgížą | kikáwa’ų |
the dead log. | The fourth | after the breathing, | a man | he arose |
k‘irik‘erénᴀⁿ. | ‘Uáñkcîgê | wák‘aⁿ | tcañgádjᴀⁿ,’ | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. |
kirikeréną. | ‘Wą́kšįge, | wákącągáją,’ | hįgaíreną. | |
he walked away. | ‘Human, | he is very holy,’* | they said to me. |
*first, it should be noted that wákącąk is a single word, and that the translation makes better sense as, "it is very holy," since wą́kšįge, "human," is being used in direct address.
“Ë́gi | jigê | dedjốnadjedja | hîñgŭadjírenᴀⁿ | dedjốnatck‘ìsakdji-èdja |
“Égi | žige | Tejónajeja | hįgŭajíreną. | Tejónackìsakji-èja |
“[Then] | [again] | from the Ocean | they came after me. | There in the middle of the Ocean |
uañkdócêwê | tcíjañk‘i | ë́dja | náⁿdjûⁿdjoiṇènᴀⁿ | djā́nañga |
wąktóšewe | cížąki, | éja | ną́jųjoirèną, | Jánąga |
shaman | there is a village, | there | they blessed me. | As many as |
dedjóju-ak‘ìji | hanā́ⁿtcíñxdjîⁿ | naⁿdjûⁿdjaíⁿṇenᴀⁿ. | Ë́dja | hik‘ikᵉû́ñkdja |
Tejóžu-akìži, | haną́cį́xjį | nąjųjaį́reną. | Éja | hik’ik’ų́kja |
[that were placed in the Ocean,] | all of them | they blessed me. | There | to try my power |
hîñgigírenᴀⁿ | dedjốna | djasgếxdjeⁿnôñk‘a* | hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ | tcacdjốṇa |
hįgigíreną. | Tejóna | jasgéxjįnǫka | haną́cįxjį | cašjóna, |
they made me. | The Ocean | [throughout the whole] | [all of them] | the waves, |
*/eⁿ/ is not a phoneme in Hocąk. This is probably a misreading of a handwritten /i/ as an /e/.
rok‘ốnôxdjìnồñkᵉûⁿ | howéγûⁿ | hicírera. | Haᵉúnᴀⁿ | hop‘ếγûñgadjᴀⁿ, |
rokónoxjìnǫ̀k’ų | howéǧų | hišírera. | Ha’úną | hopéǧųgają, |
as many as there are, | to blow upon | they asked me. | I made | after I blew upon them, |
hadákdjîⁿ | k‘iridjêhánᴀⁿ. | Waskêxônúnîñk | hojuk‘eréreniskê | k‘iridjénᴀⁿ. |
hatákjį | kirijeháną. | Waskexonúnįk | hožukeréreniske | kirijéną. |
quiet | it became. | Small saucer | it filled in like | it became. |
Jígê | hidaníhôⁿṇa | hop‘ếγûñgadjᴀⁿ, | jigê | jëerénᴀⁿ. |
Jíge | hitaníhǫna | hopéǧųgają, | žige | žeeréną. |
[Again] | for the third time | I blew, and | again | it was that way. |
Hidjobốhôṇa | dedjốṇa | wak‘únuk‘unûk | hak‘iwuxốnᴀⁿ | hîñgik‘ốnôñgirā̀nañga, |
Hijobóhona | Tejóna | wakúnukunuk | hakiwuxóną | hįgikónǫgirā̀nąga |
The fourth time | the Ocean | choppy | piled upon | they made, and |
jigê | howeγúîⁿcirènᴀⁿ | hik‘ikᵉû́ñkdjarê | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Hop‘ếxûñgadjᴀⁿ |
žige | howeǧúįširèną. | Hik’ik’ų́kjare | hįgaíreną. | Hopéxųgają |
again | they told me to blow on it. | It would show my power, | they said. | I blew, and |
dédjôṇa | djaskếxdjiⁿnôñk‘a | honā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ | hadák | k‘iridjehā́nᴀⁿ. | “‘Uáñkcîgê, |
Téjona | jaskéxjįnǫka | honą́cįxjį | haták | kirijeháną. | “‘Wą́kšįge, |
the Ocean | as it was | mighty | quiet | it became. | “‘Human, |
dejḗskê | waragígiranicekdjènᴀⁿ,’ | hîñgairenᴀⁿ. | ‘K‘ê | wajanijᴀⁿ | curucᵉā́gᴇnîñkdjᴀnènᴀⁿ. |
tejḗske | waragígiranišekjèną,’ | hįgaireną. | ‘K’e | wažąnižą | šuruš’ágenįkjanèną. |
this way | you will have to do it,’ | they said. | ‘Not | anything | you cannot accomplish. |
Howajá | djagúra | hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ | rucdjáⁿ | warakdjᴀnénᴀⁿ,’ |
Howažá | jagúra | haną́cįxjį | rušją́ | warakjanéną,’ |
Illness | whatever | all | to cure | you can do it,’ |
hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Ë́gi | jigê | máⁿṇegêrèra | djanañgā́k‘i |
hįgaíreną. | Égi | žige | mą́negerèra | janągáki |
they said. | [And] | [again] | the ones on earth | [as many as there are] |
hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ | naⁿdjûⁿdjaíⁿṇenᴀⁿ. | ‘Uáñkcigerìjᴀⁿ | haⁿbaixā́wanañga | dani-ónîñgijùrêgi |
haną́cįxjį | nąjųjaį́reną. | ‘Wą́kšigerìžą | hąbaixáwanąga* | tani-ónįgižùregi, |
all | they blessed me. | ‘A human | he suffers [and] | if he pours tobacco, |
*this seems to be hąp-haixa(na)wa-anąga, "he moves away from the light, and."
djagúrijᴀⁿ | hicegíji | nîñgíwanikèkdjᴀnàwinᴀⁿ,’ | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Manitcórôs |
jagúrižą | hišegíži | nįgíwanikèkjanàwiną,’ | hįgaíreną. | Manicóros |
whatever | you demand | we will do that for you,’ | they said. | Blue Clay Banks |
ā́nañgrê | ë́gi | maⁿtcówacijàⁿnañgre | ë́dja | hîñgŭadjírenᴀⁿ |
ánągre | égi | mącówašižạ̀nągre* | éja | hįgŭajíreną, |
[what is called] | [here] | [what is called] a dancing grizzly bear | there | they came, |
*this is mącó-wašižạ̀-ánągre: mącó, "grizzly bear"; waši-žạ̀, "a dancing one"; and ánągre, "what is called."
naⁿdjûⁿdjaírenᴀⁿ. | Hagârë́jᴀⁿ | wajáⁿnijᴀⁿ | tcexi-áwigi |
nąjųjaíreną. | Hagaréžą | wažą́nižą | cexi-áwigi , |
they blessed me. | If ever | [anything] | if I should meet with some great trouble, |
hîñgidjiraírekdjᴀnènᴀⁿ, | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Daníṇa | djā́nañga | wiranáⁿîñgi | wagip‘axû́ñgi |
hįgijiraírekjanèną, | hįgaíreną. | Tanína | jánąga | wiraną́įgi | wagipaxų́gi, |
they will help me, | they said. | Tobacco | as much as | as I think | if I pour, |
p. 308 —
harak‘îⁿṇanihek‘djᴀnènᴀⁿ, | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Honihára | ᵉûñkᵉúinenᴀⁿ | hodjáⁿbᴇra |
harakįranihekjanèną, | hįgaíreną. | Honihára | ’ųk’úineną; | hoją́bera |
they will smoke it, | they said. | Songs* | they gave me; | to see |
*literally, "breaths."
wak‘áⁿtcañgᴇnañk‘i | hûñkᵉúiṇejê | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Ë́gi | náⁿbᴇra |
waką́cągenąki | hųk’úireže, | hįgaíreną. | Égi | ną́bera, |
holy thing | they gave, | they said. | [And] | claws,* |
*literally, "hands."
wak‘aⁿtcáñgᴇnañk‘i | hûñkᵉúiṇejê | hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. | Ë́gi | maⁿtcónañk‘a |
wakącą́genąki , | hųk’úireže | hįgaíreną. | Égi | mącónąka |
which are holy, | they gave, | they said. | Then | the grizzly bears |
wacírenᴀⁿ | waᵉúiṇenᴀⁿ | wicgatc | ᵉúinera | wacirā́nañga. |
wašíreną | wa’úineną, | wišgac’úinera | waširánąga | |
they danced | they did it, | they performed | dancing, and |
Nîñxára | k‘irup‘árac | hohe-agúirānᴀñga | ë́gi |
nįxára | kirupáraš | hohe-agúirānąga | égi |
their abdomens | to tear themselves | [snorting, they came away, and] | and |
γōp k‘iáⁿdji-araìrega | rucdjôñk‘ínicᴀnùnᴀⁿ. | Ë́gi | jigê | waᵉúiṇécᴀnùnᴀⁿ |
ǧōp kią́ji-araìrega | rušjǫkínišanùną. | Égi | žige | wa’úinéšanùną. |
they made themselves holy | they would heal themselves. | Then | again | they did it. |
maⁿtcócak | hik‘igúdjiranᴀñga | wa-íra | irak‘ik‘íniṇegàcgê* | maⁿcdjáⁿ |
Mącóšak | hikigújiranąga | wa-íra | hirak’ik’íniregàšge | mąšją́, |
Bear claws | they shot at each other, and | blood | they were choking | badly, |
*the initial /h/ has been dropped due to external sandhi.
xōp | k‘i-áⁿdji-araìrega | rucdjáⁿ | k‘iṇesᵉájê. | Ë́gi |
xōp | k’i-ą́ji-araìrega | rušją́ | kires’áže. | Égi |
holy | they made themselves, and | cured | [they would become.] | Now |
jigê | hoda | waᵉúiṇejê | mañk‘ájedjá | ā́ra |
žige | hota | wa’úineže: | mąkážejá | ára |
again | [some] | they did the following: | in the dirt | paws |
hixấrogerêgihirā̀nᴀñga | ë́dja | ëgi | tcë́rap | ëdja |
hixárogeregihirā̀nąga | éja | egi | cérap | eja |
they made them disappear, and | [there] | [then] | [lotus root] | [there] |
haniaⁿhiagúresᵉàjê. | Ë́gi | jigê | k‘aⁿdjú-ijᴀⁿ | hidja |
haniąhiagúres’àže. | Égi | žige | kąjú-ižą | hija |
they would pull it out. | Then | again | a plum tree | there |
ë́dja | hánîⁿdjinôgirā̀nᴀñga | nihairā́nᴀñga | ruksûñksû́ntcirega | k‘áⁿdjᴇra |
éja | hánįjinogirā̀nąga | nihairánąga | ruksųksų́cirega, | ką́jera |
at | they grabbed, and | they breathed, and | as they shook it, | plums |
rohā́ñxdjîⁿ | cibrê | hiresᵉájë. | “Ë́gi | jigê |
rohą́xjį | šibre | hires’áže. | “Égi | žige |
many | to fall | [they would do.] | “[And] | [again] |
máⁿwodja | hok‘íratc | ᵉúiṇejê, | hañk‘ế | tcaⁿtᵉîⁿ |
mą́woja | hokírac | ’úineže, | hąké | cąt’į |
"shells"* | to give | they did, | not | to be visible |
*Radin says in a footnote here: "Although literally the word probably means “shells,” its meaning here is quite different. It refers to places where blessings, such as food, etc., are stored for the faster. However, this passage is not quite clear to me."
ᵉúiⁿṇanisᵉā̀jê. | ‘Uañkcîgế | dê | anā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ* | náⁿdjironidjàⁿwinᴀⁿ, |
’úįnanis’ā̀že. | ‘Wąkšįgé, | te | haną́cįxjį | ną́jironijạ̀winą, |
they would not be. | ‘Human, | this | all of it | we bless you, |
*the initial /h/ has been dropped from external sandhi.
cᵉû́ñgi | curuxúruikdjᴀnènᴀⁿ,’ | higaírejê. | Ë́gi | naⁿwā́nᴀñga |
š’ų́gi | šuruxúruikjanèną,’ | higaíreže. | Égi | nąwánąga |
if you do | you will obtain,’ | they said. | Then | he sang, and |
nihā́nᴀñga | máñgᴇrêgi | niṇaxû́ⁿcᴀnùnᴀⁿ. | ‘Hiskêgadjᴀⁿ | hak‘aⁿtcáñkdjîñgadjᴀⁿ, |
nihánąga | mą́geregi | ninaxųšanùną. | ‘Hiskegają; | hakącą́kjįgają, |
breathed, and | on my chest | he squirted water. | ‘It is very true; | it is very holy, |
yarénᴀⁿ,’ | énᴀⁿ. | ‘Niṇucdjốñkdjᴀnenᴀⁿ’ | hîñgénᴀⁿ.” | Ë́gi |
yaréną,’ | éną. | ‘Ninušjǫ́kjaneną,’ | hįgéną.” | Égi |
I believe,’ | he said. | ‘You will get well,’ | he said to me.” | And |
jigê | mañk‘áⁿp‘iⁿṇa | djā́nañga | hip‘érêzgi | hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ |
žige | mąką́pįna | jánąga | hipérezgi | haną́cįxjį |
[again] | the good medicine | all of it | he knew and | all |
wawikᵉuā́nañga | rucdjáⁿwîñkdjê; | ā́nañga | waᵉûⁿdjénᴀⁿ. | Howajára |
wawik’uánąga | rušją́wįkje; | ánąga | wa’ųjéną. | Howažára |
[it was in its natural form, and] | it will make me well, | [he said, and] | [it does so.] | Sickness |
hinucdjấnᴀⁿe | wak‘áⁿtcañk‘ê | howajára | hiṇucdjáñguni, | yarénᴀⁿ. | |
hinušjáną. | E | waką́cąke | howažára | hirušją́guni, | yaréną. |
I recovered. | He | [since he was holy,] | sickness | I have been cured, | I believe. |
Ë́gi | jigê | hagârë́jᴀⁿ | naṇákᵉûⁿ | haⁿdéjê. |
Égi | žige | hagaréžą | nanák’ų | hątéže. |
Then | again | once | while sleeping | he dreamt. |
Uañgíjᴀⁿ | hak‘idjágiji | uáñk | skaijônéjê. |
Wągížą | hakijágiži | wą́k | skaižonéže. |
A man | he met and | man | a white one he looked like. |
p. 309 —
“Horuxúdjᴇra | k‘árahieskiñxdjî̀ⁿjê | wáxuskaràrik‘i |
"Horuxújera | kárahieskįxjį́že | wáxuskaràrik’i |
"To behold | he was very pleasant | in a suit of white buckskin |
hik‘ik‘ā́janᴀñga,” | wagejế. | “Hitcak‘ấro | hañk‘aíjᴀⁿ |
hikikážanąga," | wagežé. | "Hicakáro | hąkaížą |
he was dressed. | he said. | "My friend, | it is not |
jëskánîñkdjônègê | ë́skê | hiránidjìnᴀⁿ,” | higêjế. |
žeskánįkjonège | éske | hiránijìną," | higežé. |
it is not mere chance | through | I have come to you," | he said to him. |
“Wocgaíⁿjᴀⁿ | p‘îⁿcᵉûⁿcura | hicgế | dejë́skê |
"Wošgaį́žą | p’įšųšura | hišgé | težéske |
"A deed | you have done (well) | [also] | for this reason |
naⁿdjironídjaⁿṇê,” | higejế. | “Hitcûⁿcge | gik‘arádjirera |
nąjironíjąne," | higežé. | "Hicųšge | gikarájirera |
I am going to bless you," | he said to him. | "'Nephew' | the one that they call |
wadjegúni,” | hirejế. | “Djagúicekdjᴀnèra | hicegíji, |
wajegúni," | hirežé. | "Jagúicekjanèra, | hicegíži, |
it is he," | he thought. | "Whatever you will say, | if you only say it, |
djā́nañga | hañk‘ế | hanánixgùnigi | jê | anā́ⁿtcîⁿ* |
jánąga | hąké | hanánixgùnigi | že | haną́cį |
[as many as] | not | if they have not listened | those | all |
*the initial /h/ was lost from external sandhi.
honaṇásewekdjᴀnènᴀⁿ, | ëgi | djā́nañga | hanaⁿníxgûñgi |
honanásewekjanèną, | egi | jánąga | hanąníxgų̀gi |
they will be confounded, | and | [as many as] | if they listened |
jêéji | ni-áⁿbirekdjᴀnènᴀⁿ. | Hitcûⁿcgế | gik‘arádjirera |
žeéži | ni-ą́birekjanèną. | Hicųšgé | Gikarájirera |
those (at least) | they will live. | Nephew | He Whom we Call* |
*He Whom we Call "Nephew" is Hare.
wáxop‘ini | cicîgᴇra | djā́nᴀñga | wairecgúnina |
wáxopini | šišigerá | jánąga | wairešgúnina |
spirits | the bad ones | as many as | [they say] |
hanaⁿsgábᴇra | djasgế | wawagígigi | jë́skê |
hanąsgábera | jasgé | wawagígigi, | žéske |
reincarnation | [how] | he denied it to them, | that kind |
waragígikdjᴀnènᴀⁿ | djā́nᴀñga | k‘ibánîñgigìgi,” | higejế. |
waragígikjanèną | jánąga | kibánįgigìgi," | higežé. |
you will bring them back | as many as | who doubted your teachings," | he said to him. |
Ë́gi | jigê | uáñkcîgak‘ìhᴀⁿ | ā́nañgrê | hijᴀ́ⁿ |
Égi | žige | wą́kšigakìhą | ánągre | hižą́ |
And | again | reincarnation* | they say | one |
* < wąkšig-haki-hą, literally, "carrying towards life".
haⁿdáginaⁿdjā̀nᴀñga | rok‘ốnôxdjîⁿ | haⁿdagináⁿdjᴇra, | higícᴀnᴀⁿ |
hątáginąjànąga | rokónoxjį | hątaginą́jera, | higíšaną |
he fasts and | very much | the fast | certainly (?) |
waxop‘î́ni | warádjirera | hijᴀ́ⁿ | naⁿdjodjᴀ́ⁿnañga. |
waxopíni | warájirera | hižą́ | nąjojąnąga. |
spirits | the various ones | one | they will bless him. |
“Hagârë́jᴀⁿ | cdjegíji, | ë́gi | rak‘írikdjᴀnènᴀⁿ,” |
"Hagaréžą | šjegíži | égi | rakírikjanèną," |
"At any time | if you die | then | you will come back again," |
higegí. | Uáñkdjega | hagârë́jᴀⁿ | tᵉegíji | nañγíragᴇra |
higegí. | Wą́kjega | hagaréžą | t’egíži, | nąǧiragera |
he said to him. | The man | [finally] | when he died, | the ghost |
warádjirê | naⁿdjodjáⁿnihera | ë́dja | ginấnᴀⁿ giji | jêế |
warájire | nąjoją́nihera | eja | ginánągiži | žeé |
the various ones | that blessed him | there | it could go back | those |
waxop‘î́ni | waradjirénôñk‘a | waganáⁿjê. | Jigế | p‘îⁿhi |
waxopíni | warajirénǫka | waganą́že. | Žigé | p’įhi |
spirits | those various ones | they told him. | Again | he did well |
uañkcî́k | cᵉîñkdjégi | hakdjá | uañkcî́gᴇrêgi |
wąkšík | š’įkjégi. | Hakjá | wąkšígeregi |
human | if he became. | Back | as a human being |
hak‘íri | uañkcî́kᵉîⁿnàⁿjê | aírecᴀnúnᴀⁿ. | Ë́gi | Jigê |
hakíri | wąkšík’įną̀že, | aírecanúną. | Égi | žige |
he could come | and live, | they used to say. | Then | again |
uañgᴇrútcgê | wigaírêgi | jë́skê | naⁿdjodjaíⁿṇejê |
Wągerúcge | wigaíregi | žéske | nąjojaį́neže, |
Giants* | those who are called | [that kind] | they blessed him, |
*Radin uniformly translates this by the literal "cannibals".
uañgᴇrútcgenôñk‘a | dedjôⁿ | agếdja. | Wajᴀ́ⁿ | wak‘aⁿtcáñkdjîⁿ |
Wągerúcgenǫka | tejǫ | agéja. | Wažą | wakącą́kjį |
these Giants | the sea | across. | Something | very holy |
wagánañkcê | uañgᴇrútcgenôñk‘a. | Uā́ñkcî́k | wagánañkcê |
wagánąkše, | Wągerúcgenǫka. | Wą́kšík | wagánąkše. |
they are said to be, | these Giants.* | Human beings | they are said to be. |
*this sentence was not translated.
uañkcî́k | hiyáᵉŭanàñgwirê | hicgê | jë́skêxdjîⁿṇèjê, |
Wąkšík | hiyá’uanạ̀gwire | hišge | žéskexjįnèže, |
Human beings | they are like | also | to be very much like this |
p. 310 —
hî́tᵉêtᵉéracgê | híwik‘iskaírejê | airecᴀnúnᴀⁿ. | Wak‘aⁿtcáñk |
hít’et’érašge | híwikiskaíreže, | airecanúną. | Wakącą́k |
they speak also | [they were equal,] | it is said. | Holy |
hirejế, | uáñgᴇrutcgê | ā́nañgrê | uañgᴇrútcwigê | wánañkcê. |
hirežé, | Wą́gerucge | ánągre, | wągerúcwige, | wánąkše. |
they are, | the Giants | it is said, | they who ate human beings, | it is told. |
Paul Radin, "Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian," Journal of American Folk-Lore, 26, #102 (1913): 293-318 [308-310]. Informant: Sam Blowsnake, Thunderbird Clan.