Hocąk Text — Thunder Cloud is Blessed

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation


p. 306 —
Ëgi haⁿdếhok‘árakcúnᴀⁿ. “Tcëkdjína ᵉuáñgᴇrêgi uáñkdocêwê
Egi hąté hokárakšúną. “Cekjína, wą́geregi, wą́ktošewe
Then he told of his fasting experience. “At the very beginning, up above, doctors



tcíjañk‘i ë́dja hîñgŭadjírenᴀⁿ waxop‘î́ni djā́nañga
cížąk’į éja hįguajíreną. Waxopį́ni jánąga
[served as] a village there they came into existence. Spirits the various



mañxí uañgᴇrêgi-ák‘i hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ wajîñgigû́ⁿzirê, djáskê
mąxí wągeregi-áki haną́cįxjį wažįgigųzire, jáske
clouds the ones up above all they taught something, what



hakdjéra hîñgigû́ⁿzirenᴀⁿ. Tcëkdjinᴀ waigiᵉúinenᴀⁿ. ‘Uañkcigế
hakjéra hįgigųzireną. Cekjina waigi’úineną. ‘Wąkšigé
I shall do they instructed me. In the beginning they taught me. ‘Human



hiᵉû́ⁿdjakdjènᴀⁿ,’ hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Nañxatᵉégiaⁿ máⁿiñk xaⁿdji-áni
hi’ųjakjèną,’ hįgaíreną. Nąxat’égią mą́įk* xąji-áni
let us try,’ they said. A log, rotten [having moss]

*Marino has mą’įk.



γíγik tciok‘iságᴇdjakcê. Ë́dja uañkdócêwê hik‘ítcga
ǧíǧik ciokiságejakše. Éja wąktóšewe hikícga
[to be covered] it lay in the middle of the lodge. There doctors to treat



hîñgigírenᴀⁿ. Tcëkdjínᴀ honihátᵉôⁿp gadjᴀⁿ djā́nañga tci-óju-ak‘a
hįgigíreną. Cekjína honihát’ǫp gają jánąga ci-óžu-aka
[they made for me.] Then once he breathed, and all those that were in the lodge



hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ nîñgihaírenᴀⁿ; hinū̀bốhôⁿṇa jigiop‘ếγûñgàdjᴀⁿ
haną́cįxjį nįgihaíreną; hinùbóhǫna žigiopéǧųgàją,
all of them they breathed with him; the second time [again when he breathed,]



hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ nîñgihaírenᴀⁿ; hidaníhôⁿṇa
haną́cįxjį nįgihaíreną; hitaníhǫna
all of them they breathed with him; the third time



jigiop‘ếγuna, hidjobốhôⁿṇa hop‘êγogádjᴀⁿ.
žigiopéǧuna, hijobóhǫna hopeǧogáją.
[again he was breathed upon,] for the fourth time he was breathed on.



p. 307 —
Uañgᴇra watcegíjᴀⁿ hik‘áwaᵉûⁿ k‘irik‘érehanᴀⁿ
Wągera wacegížą hikáwa’ų kirikérehaną,
The man a young one he arose he walked away,



nañxatᵉégôñk‘a. Djobốhaⁿ honihatᵉốⁿpgadjᴀⁿ uañkcîgíjᴀⁿ k‘ik‘áwaᵉûⁿ
nąxat’égǫka. Jobóhą honihat’ǫ́pgają, wąkšįgížą kikáwa’ų
the dead log. The fourth after the breathing, a man he arose



k‘irik‘erénᴀⁿ. ‘Uáñkcîgê wák‘aⁿ tcañgádjᴀⁿ,’ hîñgaírenᴀⁿ.
kirikeréną. ‘Wą́kšįge, wákącągáją,’ hįgaíreną.
he walked away. ‘Human, he is very holy,’* they said to me.

*first, it should be noted that wákącąk is a single word, and that the translation makes better sense as, "it is very holy," since wą́kšįge, "human," is being used in direct address.



“Ë́gi jigê dedjốnadjedja hîñgŭadjírenᴀⁿ dedjốnatck‘ìsakdji-èdja
“Égi žige Tejónajeja hįgŭajíreną. Tejónackìsakji-èja
“[Then] [again] from the Ocean they came after me. There in the middle of the Ocean



uañkdócêwê tcíjañk‘i ë́dja náⁿdjûⁿdjoiṇènᴀⁿ djā́nañga
wąktóšewe cížąki, éja ną́jųjoirèną, Jánąga
shaman there is a village, there they blessed me. As many as



dedjóju-ak‘ìji hanā́ⁿtcíñxdjîⁿ naⁿdjûⁿdjaíⁿṇenᴀⁿ. Ë́dja hik‘ikᵉû́ñkdja
Tejóžu-akìži, haną́cį́xjį nąjųjaį́reną. Éja hik’ik’ų́kja
[that were placed in the Ocean,] all of them they blessed me. There to try my power



hîñgigírenᴀⁿ dedjốna djasgếxdjeⁿnôñk‘a* hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ tcacdjốṇa
hįgigíreną. Tejóna jasgéxjįnǫka haną́cįxjį cašjóna,
they made me. The Ocean [throughout the whole] [all of them] the waves,

*/eⁿ/ is not a phoneme in Hocąk. This is probably a misreading of a handwritten /i/ as an /e/.



rok‘ốnôxdjìnồñkᵉûⁿ howéγûⁿ hicírera. Haᵉúnᴀⁿ hop‘ếγûñgadjᴀⁿ,
rokónoxjìnǫ̀k’ų howéǧų hišírera. Ha’úną hopéǧųgają,
as many as there are, to blow upon they asked me. I made after I blew upon them,



hadákdjîⁿ k‘iridjêhánᴀⁿ. Waskêxônúnîñk hojuk‘eréreniskê k‘iridjénᴀⁿ.
hatákjį kirijeháną. Waskexonúnįk hožukeréreniske kirijéną.
quiet it became. Small saucer it filled in like it became.



Jígê hidaníhôⁿṇa hop‘ếγûñgadjᴀⁿ, jigê jëerénᴀⁿ.
Jíge hitaníhǫna hopéǧųgają, žige žeeréną.
[Again] for the third time I blew, and again it was that way.



Hidjobốhôṇa dedjốṇa wak‘únuk‘unûk hak‘iwuxốnᴀⁿ hîñgik‘ốnôñgirā̀nañga,
Hijobóhona Tejóna wakúnukunuk hakiwuxóną hįgikónǫgirā̀nąga
The fourth time the Ocean choppy piled upon they made, and



jigê howeγúîⁿcirènᴀⁿ hik‘ikᵉû́ñkdjarê hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Hop‘ếxûñgadjᴀⁿ
žige howeǧúįširèną. Hik’ik’ų́kjare hįgaíreną. Hopéxųgają
again they told me to blow on it. It would show my power, they said. I blew, and



dédjôṇa djaskếxdjiⁿnôñk‘a honā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ hadák k‘iridjehā́nᴀⁿ. “‘Uáñkcîgê,
Téjona jaskéxjįnǫka honą́cįxjį haták kirijeháną. “‘Wą́kšįge,
the Ocean as it was mighty quiet it became. “‘Human,



dejḗskê waragígiranicekdjènᴀⁿ,’ hîñgairenᴀⁿ. ‘K‘ê wajanijᴀⁿ curucᵉā́gᴇnîñkdjᴀnènᴀⁿ.
tejḗske waragígiranišekjèną,’ hįgaireną. ‘K’e wažąnižą šuruš’ágenįkjanèną.
this way you will have to do it,’ they said. ‘Not anything you cannot accomplish.



Howajá djagúra hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ rucdjáⁿ warakdjᴀnénᴀⁿ,’
Howažá jagúra haną́cįxjį rušją́ warakjanéną,’
Illness whatever all to cure you can do it,’



hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Ë́gi jigê máⁿṇegêrèra djanañgā́k‘i
hįgaíreną. Égi žige mą́negerèra janągáki
they said. [And] [again] the ones on earth [as many as there are]



hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ naⁿdjûⁿdjaíⁿṇenᴀⁿ. ‘Uáñkcigerìjᴀⁿ haⁿbaixā́wanañga dani-ónîñgijùrêgi
haną́cįxjį nąjųjaį́reną. ‘Wą́kšigerìžą hąbaixáwanąga* tani-ónįgižùregi,
all they blessed me. ‘A human he suffers [and] if he pours tobacco,

*this seems to be hąp-haixa(na)wa-anąga, "he moves away from the light, and."



djagúrijᴀⁿ hicegíji nîñgíwanikèkdjᴀnàwinᴀⁿ,’ hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Manitcórôs
jagúrižą hišegíži nįgíwanikèkjanàwiną,’ hįgaíreną. Manicóros
whatever you demand we will do that for you,’ they said. Blue Clay Banks



ā́nañgrê ë́gi maⁿtcówacijàⁿnañgre ë́dja hîñgŭadjírenᴀⁿ
ánągre égi mącówašižạ̀nągre* éja hįgŭajíreną,
[what is called] [here] [what is called] a dancing grizzly bear there they came,

*this is mącó-wašižạ̀-ánągre: mącó, "grizzly bear"; waši-žạ̀, "a dancing one"; and ánągre, "what is called."



naⁿdjûⁿdjaírenᴀⁿ. Hagârë́jᴀⁿ wajáⁿnijᴀⁿ tcexi-áwigi
nąjųjaíreną. Hagaréžą wažą́nižą cexi-áwigi ,
they blessed me. If ever [anything] if I should meet with some great trouble,



hîñgidjiraírekdjᴀnènᴀⁿ, hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Daníṇa djā́nañga wiranáⁿîñgi wagip‘axû́ñgi
hįgijiraírekjanèną, hįgaíreną. Tanína jánąga wiraną́įgi wagipaxų́gi,
they will help me, they said. Tobacco as much as as I think if I pour,



p. 308 —
harak‘îⁿṇanihek‘djᴀnènᴀⁿ, hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Honihára ᵉûñkᵉúinenᴀⁿ hodjáⁿbᴇra
harakįranihekjanèną, hįgaíreną. Honihára ’ųk’úineną; hoją́bera
they will smoke it, they said. Songs* they gave me; to see

*literally, "breaths."



wak‘áⁿtcañgᴇnañk‘i hûñkᵉúiṇejê hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Ë́gi náⁿbᴇra
waką́cągenąki hųk’úireže, hįgaíreną. Égi ną́bera,
holy thing they gave, they said. [And] claws,*

*literally, "hands."



wak‘aⁿtcáñgᴇnañk‘i hûñkᵉúiṇejê hîñgaírenᴀⁿ. Ë́gi maⁿtcónañk‘a
wakącą́genąki , hųk’úireže hįgaíreną. Égi mącónąka
which are holy, they gave, they said. Then the grizzly bears



wacírenᴀⁿ waᵉúiṇenᴀⁿ wicgatc ᵉúinera wacirā́nañga.
wašíreną wa’úineną, wišgac’úinera waširánąga
they danced they did it, they performed dancing, and



Nîñxára k‘irup‘árac hohe-agúirānᴀñga ë́gi
nįxára kirupáraš hohe-agúirānąga égi
their abdomens to tear themselves [snorting, they came away, and] and



γōp k‘iáⁿdji-araìrega rucdjôñk‘ínicᴀnùnᴀⁿ. Ë́gi jigê waᵉúiṇécᴀnùnᴀⁿ
ǧōp kią́ji-araìrega rušjǫkínišanùną. Égi žige wa’úinéšanùną.
they made themselves holy they would heal themselves. Then again they did it.



maⁿtcócak hik‘igúdjiranᴀñga wa-íra irak‘ik‘íniṇegàcgê* maⁿcdjáⁿ
Mącóšak hikigújiranąga wa-íra hirak’ik’íniregàšge mąšją́,
Bear claws they shot at each other, and blood they were choking badly,

*the initial /h/ has been dropped due to external sandhi.



xōp k‘i-áⁿdji-araìrega rucdjáⁿ k‘iṇesᵉájê. Ë́gi
xōp k’i-ą́ji-araìrega rušją́ kires’áže. Égi
holy they made themselves, and cured [they would become.] Now



jigê hoda waᵉúiṇejê mañk‘ájedjá ā́ra
žige hota wa’úineže: mąkážejá ára
again [some] they did the following: in the dirt paws



hixấrogerêgihirā̀nᴀñga ë́dja ëgi tcë́rap ëdja
hixárogeregihirā̀nąga éja egi cérap eja
they made them disappear, and [there] [then] [lotus root] [there]



haniaⁿhiagúresᵉàjê. Ë́gi jigê k‘aⁿdjú-ijᴀⁿ hidja
haniąhiagúres’àže. Égi žige kąjú-ižą hija
they would pull it out. Then again a plum tree there



ë́dja hánîⁿdjinôgirā̀nᴀñga nihairā́nᴀñga ruksûñksû́ntcirega k‘áⁿdjᴇra
éja hánįjinogirā̀nąga nihairánąga ruksųksų́cirega, ką́jera
at they grabbed, and they breathed, and as they shook it, plums



rohā́ñxdjîⁿ cibrê hiresᵉájë. “Ë́gi jigê
rohą́xjį šibre hires’áže. “Égi žige
many to fall [they would do.] “[And] [again]


máⁿwodja hok‘íratc ᵉúiṇejê, hañk‘ế tcaⁿtᵉîⁿ
mą́woja hokírac ’úineže, hąké cąt’į
"shells"* to give they did, not to be visible

*Radin says in a footnote here: "Although literally the word probably means “shells,” its meaning here is quite different. It refers to places where blessings, such as food, etc., are stored for the faster. However, this passage is not quite clear to me."



ᵉúiⁿṇanisᵉā̀jê. ‘Uañkcîgế anā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ* náⁿdjironidjàⁿwinᴀⁿ,
’úįnanis’ā̀že. ‘Wąkšįgé, te haną́cįxjį ną́jironijạ̀winą,
they would not be. ‘Human, this all of it we bless you,

*the initial /h/ has been dropped from external sandhi.



cᵉû́ñgi curuxúruikdjᴀnènᴀⁿ,’ higaírejê. Ë́gi naⁿwā́nᴀñga
š’ų́gi šuruxúruikjanèną,’ higaíreže. Égi nąwánąga
if you do you will obtain,’ they said. Then he sang, and



nihā́nᴀñga máñgᴇrêgi niṇaxû́ⁿcᴀnùnᴀⁿ. ‘Hiskêgadjᴀⁿ  hak‘aⁿtcáñkdjîñgadjᴀⁿ,
nihánąga mą́geregi ninaxųšanùną. ‘Hiskegają;  hakącą́kjįgają,
breathed, and on my chest he squirted water. ‘It is very true; it is very holy,



yarénᴀⁿ,’ énᴀⁿ. ‘Niṇucdjốñkdjᴀnenᴀⁿ’ hîñgénᴀⁿ.” Ë́gi
yaréną,’ éną. ‘Ninušjǫ́kjaneną,’ hįgéną.” Égi
I believe,’ he said. ‘You will get well,’ he said to me.” And



jigê mañk‘áⁿp‘iⁿṇa djā́nañga hip‘érêzgi hanā́ⁿtcîñxdjîⁿ
žige mąką́pįna jánąga hipérezgi haną́cįxjį
[again] the good medicine all of it he knew and all



wawikᵉuā́nañga rucdjáⁿwîñkdjê; ā́nañga waᵉûⁿdjénᴀⁿ. Howajára
wawik’uánąga rušją́wįkje; ánąga wa’ųjéną. Howažára
[it was in its natural form, and] it will make me well, [he said, and] [it does so.] Sickness



hinucdjấnᴀⁿe wak‘áⁿtcañk‘ê howajára hiṇucdjáñguni, yarénᴀⁿ.
hinušjáną. E waką́cąke howažára hirušją́guni, yaréną.
I recovered. He [since he was holy,] sickness I have been cured, I believe.



Ë́gi jigê hagârë́jᴀⁿ naṇákᵉûⁿ haⁿdéjê.
Égi žige hagaréžą nanák’ų hątéže.
Then again once while sleeping he dreamt.



Uañgíjᴀⁿ hak‘idjágiji uáñk skaijônéjê.
Wągížą hakijágiži wą́k skaižonéže.
A man he met and man a white one he looked like.



p. 309 —
“Horuxúdjᴇra k‘árahieskiñxdjî̀ⁿjê wáxuskaràrik‘i
"Horuxújera kárahieskįxjį́že wáxuskaràrik’i
"To behold he was very pleasant in a suit of white buckskin



hik‘ik‘ā́janᴀñga,” wagejế. “Hitcak‘ấro hañk‘aíjᴀⁿ
hikikážanąga," wagežé. "Hicakáro hąkaížą
he was dressed. he said. "My friend, it is not



jëskánîñkdjônègê ë́skê hiránidjìnᴀⁿ,” higêjế.
žeskánįkjonège éske hiránijìną," higežé.
it is not mere chance through I have come to you," he said to him.



“Wocgaíⁿjᴀⁿ p‘îⁿcᵉûⁿcura hicgế dejë́skê
"Wošgaį́žą p’įšųšura hišgé težéske
"A deed you have done (well) [also] for this reason



naⁿdjironídjaⁿṇê,” higejế. “Hitcûⁿcge gik‘arádjirera
nąjironíjąne," higežé. "Hicųšge gikarájirera
I am going to bless you," he said to him. "'Nephew' the one that they call



wadjegúni,” hirejế. “Djagúicekdjᴀnèra hicegíji,
wajegúni," hirežé. "Jagúicekjanèra, hicegíži,
it is he," he thought. "Whatever you will say, if you only say it,



djā́nañga hañk‘ế hanánixgùnigi anā́ⁿtcîⁿ*
jánąga hąké hanánixgùnigi že haną́cį
[as many as] not if they have not listened those all

*the initial /h/ was lost from external sandhi.



honaṇásewekdjᴀnènᴀⁿ, ëgi djā́nañga hanaⁿníxgûñgi
honanásewekjanèną, egi jánąga hanąníxgų̀gi
they will be confounded, and [as many as] if they listened



jêéji ni-áⁿbirekdjᴀnènᴀⁿ. Hitcûⁿcgế gik‘arádjirera
žeéži ni-ą́birekjanèną. Hicųšgé Gikarájirera
those (at least) they will live. Nephew He Whom we Call*

*He Whom we Call "Nephew" is Hare.



wáxop‘ini cicîgᴇra djā́nᴀñga wairecgúnina
wáxopini šišigerá jánąga wairešgúnina
spirits the bad ones as many as [they say]



hanaⁿsgábᴇra djasgế wawagígigi jë́skê
hanąsgábera jasgé wawagígigi, žéske
reincarnation [how] he denied it to them, that kind



waragígikdjᴀnènᴀⁿ djā́nᴀñga k‘ibánîñgigìgi,” higejế.
waragígikjanèną jánąga kibánįgigìgi," higežé.
you will bring them back as many as who doubted your teachings," he said to him.



Ë́gi jigê uáñkcîgak‘ìhᴀⁿ ā́nañgrê hijᴀ́ⁿ
Égi žige wą́kšigakìhą ánągre hižą́
And again reincarnation* they say one

* < wąkšig-haki-hą, literally, "carrying towards life".



haⁿdáginaⁿdjā̀nᴀñga rok‘ốnôxdjîⁿ haⁿdagináⁿdjᴇra, higícᴀnᴀⁿ
hątáginąjànąga rokónoxjį hątaginą́jera, higíšaną
he fasts and very much the fast certainly (?)



waxop‘î́ni warádjirera hijᴀ́ⁿ naⁿdjodjᴀ́ⁿnañga.
waxopíni warájirera hižą́ nąjojąnąga.
spirits the various ones one they will bless him.



“Hagârë́jᴀⁿ cdjegíji, ë́gi rak‘írikdjᴀnènᴀⁿ,”
"Hagaréžą šjegíži égi rakírikjanèną,"
"At any time if you die then you will come back again,"



higegí. Uáñkdjega hagârë́jᴀⁿ tᵉegíji nañγíragᴇra
higegí. Wą́kjega hagaréžą t’egíži, nąǧiragera
he said to him. The man [finally] when he died, the ghost



warádjirê naⁿdjodjáⁿnihera ë́dja ginấnᴀⁿ giji jêế
warájire nąjoją́nihera eja ginánągiži žeé
the various ones that blessed him there it could go back those



waxop‘î́ni waradjirénôñk‘a waganáⁿjê. Jigế p‘îⁿhi
waxopíni warajirénǫka waganą́že. Žigé p’įhi
spirits those various ones they told him. Again he did well



uañkcî́k cᵉîñkdjégi hakdjá uañkcî́gᴇrêgi
wąkšík š’įkjégi. Hakjá wąkšígeregi
human if he became. Back as a human being



hak‘íri uañkcî́kᵉîⁿnàⁿjê aírecᴀnúnᴀⁿ. Ë́gi Jigê
hakíri wąkšík’įną̀že, aírecanúną. Égi žige
he could come and live, they used to say. Then again



uañgᴇrútcgê wigaírêgi jë́skê naⁿdjodjaíⁿṇejê
Wągerúcge wigaíregi žéske nąjojaį́neže,
Giants* those who are called [that kind] they blessed him,

*Radin uniformly translates this by the literal "cannibals".



uañgᴇrútcgenôñk‘a dedjôⁿ agếdja. Wajᴀ́ⁿ wak‘aⁿtcáñkdjîⁿ
Wągerúcgenǫka tejǫ agéja. Wažą wakącą́kjį
these Giants the sea across. Something very holy



wagánañkcê uañgᴇrútcgenôñk‘a. Uā́ñkcî́k wagánañkcê
wagánąkše, Wągerúcgenǫka. Wą́kšík wagánąkše.
they are said to be, these Giants.* Human beings they are said to be.

*this sentence was not translated.


uañkcî́k hiyáᵉŭanàñgwirê hicgê jë́skêxdjîⁿṇèjê,
Wąkšík hiyá’uanạ̀gwire hišge žéskexjįnèže,
Human beings they are like also to be very much like this



p. 310 —
hî́tᵉêtᵉéracgê híwik‘iskaírejê airecᴀnúnᴀⁿ. Wak‘aⁿtcáñk
hít’et’érašge híwikiskaíreže, airecanúną. Wakącą́k
they speak also [they were equal,] it is said. Holy



hirejế, uáñgᴇrutcgê ā́nañgrê uañgᴇrútcwigê wánañkcê.
hirežé, Wą́gerucge ánągre, wągerúcwige, wánąkše.
they are, the Giants it is said, they who ate human beings, it is told.



Paul Radin, "Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian," Journal of American Folk-Lore, 26, #102 (1913): 293-318 [308-310]. Informant: Sam Blowsnake, Thunderbird Clan.