Hocąk Text — Testing the Slave, Version 2
narrated by Sam Blowsnake
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Sam Blowsnake |
’Éki | wošką́ | te’é | Mą’ų́ra | žeské | hižé, |
[And] | religion | this | Earthmaker | this | he made, |
p. 83 —
’aį́reną. | Hižą́ | horók’ | ’ųkí, | wošką́ | te’é |
they say. | One | he joins | [if he does,] | [rite]* | this |
’éšąną | hip’eresíkcanéną, | ’aį́reną. | ’Éki | hą́k’orók’ųnį́nákre |
the only one | [he will know this,]* | they say. | [And] | one who does not join |
hąk’é | wošką́ | téki | hap’ahí | wažárižą́ |
not | [rite] | this | towards | anything |
p. 84 —
hip’eresnį́nąkšaną.* | Hip’erés | rokų́kcinákšąną. | Hą́k’aka | hižą́ |
he does not know. | To know | they want to very badly. | [Never] | [one] |
honį́ke | te’é | hip’eresnį́kc’e, | ’aį́reną. | ’Éske |
not free | this | he would not know, | they said. | So |
hižą́ | horok’ų́kcanéki, | wesįwįxcį́ránaka | p’įrá | wokínikc’į̀ |
anyone | if he is going to join, | they look at him and | very well | [they scrutinize] |
p. 85 —
hip’erésiránaka | kacáka | ’éki | ’ų́kikíranąkà | hakoreį́žą |
to know and | then | [then] | [they permit it and] | sometime ago |
wanįhížą | wošką́ | te’é | hip’eréshíreki. |
a slave | [rite] | this | they let him know. |
Nįkcą́k’ | ’ųį́reže, | ’aį́reną. | Woxéte | híreže, |
Child | they adopted, | [it is said.] | To love | [they did,] |
’éki | waną’įksapšè. | ’Éske | horók’ | ’ų́kikíreže. |
and | he was smart, good, right. | So | to join in | they let him. |
p. 86 —
Te’é | t’ehíriną́ki | ki’ųį́raną̀ną, | wa’ų́céną. | Hip’eréscéną, |
[That one] | they could kill and | they could do it to him, | [it was] | They know it was so, |
žeskéra. | ’Éki | huc’įc’į́ | wonak’ | woróhą |
[as he was that kind.] | [And] | a bunch of | bad | group |
wąųžé. | Kixaį́ca | nįké | hironáreania | híranąka |
[they were.] | Out there | someplace | they took way out | to go and |
p. 87 —
’éki | ruskícirèną. | ’Éki | wap’ahí | ’éki |
[then] | they tied him up. | [And] | something sharp | [here] |
hakanį́reže. | "Hirap’éresaną, | wanįhížą | wa’ų́racéną. | T’enį́ |
[they took.] | ["You know it,] | a slave | you are. | To kill you |
ranǫ́nųnikenįrá | ’ą́pracéną. | ’Éki | né | rakik’ų́kcaníną. |
[you know you should be] | you are alive. | And | you | you are going to do it to yourself. |
Ccánąka | nįkéške | nirá’ąpikcéki — | ’éki, | Mąk’ą́’ųǫ` |
You are dead and | or* | if you will want to live — | [well,] | the Medicine Lodge |
p. 88 —
nįkikíreną̀. | Že’é | ’éca | winį́kip’aǧikcanaháwiną. | Hųrákišarakiki |
they put you in. | That | about | we are going to ask you something. | If you tell us, |
hąk’é | t’enį́nįkcanaháni. | Hąk’ó | šaraknį́ki | t’enį́kc’anaháwiną." |
not | we are not going to kill you. | Not | if you do not tell, | we will kill you." |
’Éki | wežé, | "Hų́hiwac’apįra* | wa’ų́reki, | nįá’ąpacéną. |
And | he said, | "Our chief's will | it is, | I am alive. |
p. 89 —
’Éki | s’írecác’éną. | Žeské | yak’íske. | ’Éki |
And | I am dead long ago. | This | I be so. | And |
hiské | š’ák’iwiwáh’ira | woxétewíreną. | ’Éske | Mąk’ą́’ųǫ |
[truly] | my foster parents | they loved me. | So | Medicine Lodge |
horók’ų̀ | hįkikíreną. | Cakú | híkaį́rera | haną́c |
[to join] | [they let me.] | What | they said to me | all |
p. 90 —
wąxkúną. | Wąkšíko’į̀ | c’owéreki, | nąǧírak’ | wąkšíko’įra |
I understood. | Life | in the future, | soul | the life |
hahikí, | hį́k’aka | c’ánį́kcane, | ’aį́reną. | ’Éske |
after I get to, | never | I will not die, | they said. | So |
ró | wąkšíko’įą́nąka | c’askéki | c’ekcą́ne | wá’ųącéną. |
bodily | life and | anyway | I will die | [I will do it.] |
p. 91 —
T’érakcanawiki, | wowát’ekcį, | nįkšaná | nąǧírak’ | wąkšíkóįra |
If you are going to kill me, | very easy, | but | soul | life |
hawanį́hira | woc’éxìna. | Hąk’ó | tapníkcanéną. | T’ewíwirè."* |
to lose | it is hard. | Not | I am not going to feel. | Kill me." |
Žekų́kiži | wąkną́kre | hok’irúǧuc | nąžį́ną. | Hąk’é |
Then | these men | looking at each other | they stood. | Not |
p. 92 —
xápiranį́ | ruskíceki. | Kiruškaį́ranakà | nikówak’araį́reže. |
they did not answer* | to the one who was tied. | They untied him and | they went away. |
"Hąhá | hinį́k’haxcį́, | te’é | réske | hąk’óraknį́ną. |
"All right | little brother, | this one | even | he did not tell. |
Te’é | wirórakra | heréną. | Hą́k’aka | c’ąkéca |
This | illustration | it is. | Never | to outsiders |
c’ąt’į́nįkce | žeskéną. |
not to be shown | [this.] |
Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, January, 1939) Book 8:82-92.