Hocąk Text — Paint Medicine Origin Myth

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation


p. 424 —
Hicók’ewahíwira cinągijaį́žą wažają́giži wirok’úna wawirók’ųgi.
Our grandfathers one of a different tribe they knew material he had obtained it.



P’íną hip’ereziréže. Hip’érez na’į́negi nąjok’íją
[To be good] [they were known.] [To know] they tried to take pity on



šíregi. Hínųk waróni mąk’ą́ aíreže.
they asked him. [Woman] [bad] medicine [it is said.]



Hit’énųk’èžą ną́cgera tek’ híregi. Hinųgížą
[A member of an unknown tribe] his heart sad [it did.] A woman



iwust’ék’įgiži hųgé mągicáwą wat’ų́pše, hųgé
she thirsted herself to death [chief] for all eternity he had placed, [chief]



xgišgúni, Wažągų́zera wažinuk’óno gigigi, hinųk’jega
to keep it quiet, the Creator in charge of he made him, the woman



nąjojaį́že. Hųgé t’ewagik’ík’u-ànąga hinų́k’jega éja
he blessed her. [Chief] he had himself die and the woman there



wirok’ú rusgi, p’íną hip’eréziregi. Mąk’aį́k’araìcgagi.
material when she took, to be good they knew it. She tried her medicine.



Cek’jíną, wa’ų́že. Mąxí uągeregí hiwizígižą
For the first time, she did it. [Sky] up above a hawk



mąxík’orasšop giwįx´ nąžíže. Hinųgera wa’ųžé.
near the vault of the sky whirling about he stood. The woman she did it.



p. 426 —
Mak’aį́žą nąpwiróra hik’í-o hi-ánąga hiwizík’jega
A medicine her forefinger she dipped in [she did and] the hawk



himaną́k’i t’éxjį šíberegi; cirahéra howájihuhìže.
when she pointed at it dead it fell; the top of the house she made it fall.



Hinųgeną́k’a cowehi-éja k’iriną́kše. Mąk’ók’onąk že’é
The woman right in front it landed. Medicine bag [this]



’ųk’jégi hereže. Egi uąk našérege
to use it she was. Then man he might fast



ihą́pšaną, nihéra hatégi. Uąk’jega wagežé,
he was taken away, [she had in the past] she dreamt. The man she said to,



"Hak’ik’úruk’ozàje. Hąk’é égi owahú na’iyą́je."
"Put forth all your strength. Not here to come do not try."



Wažą́ wahírašge wawogírakše: hirak’árak’arawi-ą̀je. "Hąhé te’e
[Something] his relatives also she told to them: they should watch over him. "Tonight



wasé nąwąk’jonéną. Uąk’jega jigí, t’ek’jonéną.
paint I am going to sing. The man if he comes, he will die.



Hąk’é jinįk’jéną, hirak’árak’arawi-ą̀je." Égi hąhéregi
Not he does not come, take care of him." [And] that night



wasé nąwą́gi uą́k’jega nągajíže. Rogiǧira,
paint she sang and the man he came running. She forbade it,



nunige hok’awánąga wašijá’ų t’eže. Égi
but he came anyhow and dancing he died. [And]



wasénǫk’a Hit’énųk’e Wasé higaíreže. Cina
[the paint] Hit’énųk’e [Paint] they called it. [Coming]



gijaížą mežénųga. Wasénąk’a p’ina hip’érezirège.
[a help ?] [this much.] This paint to be good they knew it.



Higik’íšereže. Nąjok’íją šíregi, wagirúšją
[They handled it.] To bless them [when they asked,] [he let up on them]



huhíže. Ege wasénąk’a harucą́biregi, hąk’é
[he sent it in the direction of the speaker.] [?] the paint when they obtained it, not



ci-orógeregi wažįnok’ú-inanìže. Waruǧáp k’ú-ineže. Wasénąk’a
in the midst of their lodge they did not use it. [Warbundle] they made it. The paint



wonáǧireja hi’ú-inegi p’įgi hi’éreztinege. Hík’arašìšik
in war when they used it, [how good] they knew well. So valuable



hiregé waruǧápregi hok’árak’ànąk hiréną. Honihára
they thought in a warbundle they placed it [they did.] [Breath]



cąt’į́ wahák’jonihàwiną. Wasi-áni haniwi-ánąga wahék’jonihàwiže.
[audible] [we will make them.] [His paint] [we have and] we will sing something.



Waruǧáp nawą wahék’jonihàwiną. Wasįáni haniwígi,
Warbundle songs we will sing. His paint if we had it,



haga wažánižą ’ú-inewišgùniną.
[in the past] something we amounted to.



Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan (First Version), in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [424-427].