Hocąk Text — Paint Medicine Origin Myth
narrated by Sam Blowsnake
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Sam Blowsnake |
p. 424 —
Hicók’ewahíwira | cinągijaį́žą | wažają́giži | wirok’úna | wawirók’ųgi. |
Our grandfathers | one of a different tribe | they knew | material | he had obtained it. |
P’íną | hip’ereziréže. | Hip’érez | na’į́negi | nąjok’íją |
[To be good] | [they were known.] | [To know] | they tried | to take pity on |
šíregi. | Hínųk | waróni | mąk’ą́ | aíreže. |
they asked him. | [Woman] | [bad] | medicine | [it is said.] |
Hit’énųk’èžą | ną́cgera | tek’ | híregi. | Hinųgížą |
[A member of an unknown tribe] | his heart | sad | [it did.] | A woman |
iwust’ék’įgiži | hųgé | mągicáwą | wat’ų́pše, | hųgé |
she thirsted herself to death | [chief] | for all eternity | he had placed, | [chief] |
xgišgúni, | Wažągų́zera | wažinuk’óno | gigigi, | hinųk’jega |
to keep it quiet, | the Creator | in charge of | he made him, | the woman |
nąjojaį́že. | Hųgé | t’ewagik’ík’u-ànąga | hinų́k’jega | éja |
he blessed her. | [Chief] | he had himself die and | the woman | there |
wirok’ú | rusgi, | p’íną | hip’eréziregi. | Mąk’aį́k’araìcgagi. |
material | when she took, | to be good | they knew it. | She tried her medicine. |
Cek’jíną, | wa’ų́že. | Mąxí | uągeregí | hiwizígižą |
For the first time, | she did it. | [Sky] | up above | a hawk |
mąxík’orasšop | giwįx´ | nąžíže. | Hinųgera | wa’ųžé. |
near the vault of the sky | whirling about | he stood. | The woman | she did it. |
p. 426 —
Mak’aį́žą | nąpwiróra | hik’í-o | hi-ánąga | hiwizík’jega |
A medicine | her forefinger | she dipped in | [she did and] | the hawk |
himaną́k’i | t’éxjį | šíberegi; | cirahéra | howájihuhìže. |
when she pointed at it | dead | it fell; | the top of the house | she made it fall. |
Hinųgeną́k’a | cowehi-éja | k’iriną́kše. | Mąk’ók’onąk | že’é |
The woman | right in front | it landed. | Medicine bag | [this] |
’ųk’jégi | hereže. | Egi | uąk | našérege |
to use it | she was. | Then | man | he might fast |
ihą́pšaną, | nihéra | hatégi. | Uąk’jega | wagežé, |
he was taken away, | [she had in the past] | she dreamt. | The man | she said to, |
"Hak’ik’úruk’ozàje. | Hąk’é | égi | owahú | na’iyą́je." |
"Put forth all your strength. | Not | here | to come | do not try." |
Wažą́ | wahírašge | wawogírakše: | hirak’árak’arawi-ą̀je. | "Hąhé te’e |
[Something] | his relatives also | she told to them: | they should watch over him. | "Tonight |
wasé | nąwąk’jonéną. | Uąk’jega | jigí, | t’ek’jonéną. |
paint | I am going to sing. | The man | if he comes, | he will die. |
Hąk’é | jinįk’jéną, | hirak’árak’arawi-ą̀je." | Égi | hąhéregi |
Not | he does not come, | take care of him." | [And] | that night |
wasé | nąwą́gi | uą́k’jega | nągajíže. | Rogiǧira, |
paint | she sang and | the man | he came running. | She forbade it, |
nunige | hok’awánąga | wašijá’ų | t’eže. | Égi |
but | he came anyhow and | dancing | he died. | [And] |
wasénǫk’a | Hit’énųk’e | Wasé | higaíreže. | Cina |
[the paint] | Hit’énųk’e | [Paint] | they called it. | [Coming] |
gijaížą | mežénųga. | Wasénąk’a | p’ina | hip’érezirège. |
[a help ?] | [this much.] | This paint | to be good | they knew it. |
Higik’íšereže. | Nąjok’íją | šíregi, | wagirúšją |
[They handled it.] | To bless them | [when they asked,] | [he let up on them] |
huhíže. | Ege | wasénąk’a | harucą́biregi, | hąk’é |
[he sent it in the direction of the speaker.] | [?] | the paint | when they obtained it, | not |
ci-orógeregi | wažįnok’ú-inanìže. | Waruǧáp | k’ú-ineže. | Wasénąk’a |
in the midst of their lodge | they did not use it. | [Warbundle] | they made it. | The paint |
wonáǧireja | hi’ú-inegi | p’įgi | hi’éreztinege. | Hík’arašìšik |
in war | when they used it, | [how good] | they knew well. | So valuable |
hiregé | waruǧápregi | hok’árak’ànąk | hiréną. | Honihára |
they thought | in a warbundle | they placed it | [they did.] | [Breath] |
cąt’į́ | wahák’jonihàwiną. | Wasi-áni | haniwi-ánąga | wahék’jonihàwiže. |
[audible] | [we will make them.] | [His paint] | [we have and] | we will sing something. |
Waruǧáp | nawą | wahék’jonihàwiną. | Wasįáni | haniwígi, |
Warbundle | songs | we will sing. | His paint | if we had it, |
haga | wažánižą | ’ú-inewišgùniną. |
[in the past] | something | we amounted to. |
Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan (First Version), in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [424-427].