Hocąk Text — The Nightspirits Bless Ciwoit’éhiga

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation

p. 456 —
Hok’áwas Manína honihára cok’agá jasge
In the Night Those who Walk their breath grandfather what, how


gik’ererégi Ciwoit’éhiga Hok’áwas Manína wawíp’erez
they placed within the reach Kills within the Lodge In the Night Those who Walk to know how to sing


na’iñgíži. Hątáginąjànąga iwust’ék’iñgi hicók’ehiwahìwira mą’ák’i
when he tried. He fasted and he thirsted himself to death what our grandfathers spread out for him beyond the earth


wana’į́ñgik’erèregiži. Cok’agá Ciwoit’éhiga wéže, niñgi-owajížą
they placed within the grasp of his consciousness. Grandfather Ciwoit’éhiga he said, where he came from


herežé hik’igéže hąboguregináñgere Hąhé hiyuñgíwiną
he thought he came from those from the east Nights chieftainess


e ’unihéže. Egi žige sániñk
she she was. And again beloved


yoiréregi Wak’ánja huñgra hiniñkhígi e
[in the west] Thunderbirds chief son to us he


aną́c híže. Ésge mą’ák’i š’agwahi.
all he did. Thus beyond the earth his parents.


Nunigé wagínącgi p’įhí nąjojaíneže. Ésge
However, when he borrowed [fasted] carefully they blessed him. Thus


hagaréžą t’egiží mą’ák’i horak’jék’joneže, eže,
anytime should he die from beyond the earth he would be able to visit, he said,


airéną. Ésge honihá gų́se, Hąhé
they said. Thus their breath he was taught, Nights


nąwą́na, jagúxjį egíži, žésge tuxúruik’jawìže.
the song, [just how ?] they said, that way we will try to sing it.



Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [456-457].