Hocąk Text — Medicine Rite Foundation Myth, Version 4
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
The following are Greek letters used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin's text. Their values correspond (with the exception of γ) to those given in Radin's notebook Winnebago II, #6, on the interstitial page between 107/108:
α β γ δ η θ égi éja hąbera ženųga žesge jánąga
ρ σ τ ϕ ω Ↄ M ánąga hikorókera gíži hąké žegų -kjanéną Mą’ų́na
T X - / > ɕ 9 wąkšigo’ina wąk -ra -ną -gają -xjį -žą
In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of Winnebago Culture (see Source below). Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].
First Row | "raw" text from Winnebago II, #7, 233-247 |
Second Row | analytic text from The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves |
Third Row | revised text |
Fourth Row | English translation based on those from the interlinear text in Winnebago II, #7, 233-247, The Road of Life and Death, and Winnebago Culture |
[M] | wąkcígenąnókera | [θ] | ų[τ´] | [T] |
mą’ų́ra | wąkcígenąròkera | djánąga | ’ųgíji | wąkcik.-ho’-íra |
Mą’ų́na | wąkšígenąnókera | jánąga | ’ųgíži, | wąkšigo’įna |
Earthmaker | naked people* | [as many as there are] | [when] he created, | life† |
p. 234 (= CW 21, s. 72-73)
hirahíxdjį | wagų́zsé | wágųs[τ´] | hiruną́hi | hóra |
hirahíxdjį | wagų́sje | wagųsgíji. | hiruną́hi | hóra |
hirahíxjį | wagų́sše, | wagųsgíži. | Hiruną́hi | hóra |
full-and-fixed* | he created them, | [when he created them.]† | Immediately, | the voices |
wanaxgų́je | hora | wanaxgų́[ε] | ną́wą | wánaxgų́je |
wanąxgų́je, | hora | wánąxgųgàdją | ną́wą | wanaxgų́je |
wanąxgų́že, | hora | wánąxgųgàją, | ną́wą | wanąxgų́že, |
he heard them, | their voices | [when he heard them,] | singing | he heard them, |
[ε] | hinųbohô´na | jigé | horá | wanaxgų́je |
gadją. | hinųbóhôra | jigé | hora | wanąxgų́je |
gają. | Hinųbóhôna | žigé | hora | wanąxgų́že |
[.] | For a second time | again | their voices | he heard them |
[ε´] | ną́wą | wánaxgų́je | hidaníhôna | hora |
gadją | ną́wą | wanąxgų́je. | hidaníhôra | hora |
gáją. | Ną́wą | wanąxgų́že. | Hitanihôna | hora |
[.] | Singing | he heard them. | For a third time | their voices |
wanaxgų́je | jigé | [τ´] | djasge[ε´] | hiréje |
wanąxgų́je | jigé | giji | djasgegádją | hirejé |
wanąxgų́že. | Žigé, | gíži, | "Jasgegáją?" | hirežé. |
he heard them. | Again, | [so,] | "What's the matter?" | he thought. |
wą́gerégi | wanaį́na | [M] | [β] | hap’ahí |
wągregi | waną’į́ra | mą’ų́ra | édja | hapáhi |
Wą́gerégi | waną’į́ra | Mą’ų́na | éja | hapáhi |
Above | mind | [Earthmaker] | there | directed |
cagerúxaxa | nąjį́ | wádjeje | nunigé | hąkidjógirúxudjeníje |
cageruxáxa | nąjį | wádjeje | nunige | hąké-hidjà-hogiruxudjnìje. |
šageruxáxa | nąžį | wáježe, | nunige | hąkijógirúxujeniže. |
with hands extended* | standing | [saying to him,]† | but | he didn't look toward. |
hidjobóhôna | hora | wanaxgų́[ε] | dé | hisge[ɕ] |
hidjobóhôra | hóra | wanąxgųgádją | de | hisgé’xdjį |
hijobóhôna | hóra | wanąxgųgáją, | te | hisgéxjį |
For a fourth time | their voices | [when] he heard them, | [these] | intensely |
ghák | wádjeje | [M] | [β] | hap’ahí |
ghak | wádjeje. | mą’ų́ra | édja | hapáhi |
ǧak | wáježe. | Mą’ų́na | éja | hapáhi |
[crying] | [speaking to him.] | Earthmaker | there | directed |
wanaį́na | hisge[ɕ´] | wádjeje | wanaį́na | wanadjodjaįs’ge[ɕ] |
waną’įra | hisgéxdjį | wádjeje | waną’į́ra | waną́djodją́isgexdjį |
waną’į́ra | hisgéxjį | wáježe, | waną’į́ra | waną́joją́isgexjį |
their minds | intensely | [addressing him,] | their minds | most piteously |
wádjeje | djasgé[ε] | híreje | hodją́ | [T] |
wádjeje. | "djasgegádją," | hirejé, | "hodją́ | wąkcig-ho’į́ra |
wáježe. | "Jasgegáją?" | hirežé, | "hoją́ | wąkšigo’į́ra |
[addressing him.] | "How can it be?" | he wondered, | "[since]* | life |
hipónacgéni | wagų́zcana† | yaréra | híre[τ´] | wokúruxútcce |
hiponacgeni | wagųscaną | yaréra?" | hiregiji | wokuruxútcje. |
hiponašgeni | wagųsšaną | yaréra?" | Hiregiži, | wokuruxúcše. |
he must have enough* | I created | I thought?" | [When he thought it,] | he looked down. |
wokúruxútc[ε] | de | hisgé[ɕ] | wánąkce | herecgúnina |
wokuruxutcgádją | de | hisgéxdjį | wánąkje; | herecgúnina, |
Wokuruxucgáją, | te | hisgéxjį | wánąkše; | Herešgúnina, |
When he looked down, | there | most truly | [they would say that]* | the devil, the one not† |
[θ] | waíxgiwaní[τ´] | [θ] | waxopíni | cicigerá |
djánąga | wáixgiwanigìji, | djánąga | waxopíni | cicígra |
jánąga | wáixgiwanigìži, | jánąga | waxopíni | šišígera |
[as many as there are] | attendants* | [as many as there are] | spirits | the evil ones |
waréwaní[τ´] | haną́tcį | mąnégi | wą́gerégi | [θ] |
waréwanigíji, | haną́tcį | mąrégi, | wągrégi, | djánąga |
waréwanigíži, | haną́cį | mąrégi, | wągerégi, | jánąga |
helpers,* | [all] | on earth, | from above | [as many as there are] |
hírapahígi | [θ] | cágera | pahígi | mąk’úhônégi |
hírapahígi | -* | cágra | pahígi | mąkúhąrégi |
hírapahígi, | jánąga | šágera | pahígi, | mąkúhąrégi |
that had sharp teeth,† | as many as there were | claws‡ | that had sharp ones, | [under the earth]* |
waírecgúnina | [θ] | nihégi | me[δ] | wą́gauínejé |
wairecgúnina | djánąga | -† | mejésge | wąga’ųiréje. |
herešgúnina,* | jánąga | nihégi, | mežésge | wąga’ųiréže. |
the evil spirits | as many as | as existed‡ — | thus | they did to us.‡‡ |
CW21, line 81) —
hodacgé | tcínąk | hįkónok | hina’į́[τ´] | wą́gimą́tcimįgirejé |
"hodacgé | tcínąk | hįkanąk | hiną’įgíji | wą́gimatcìmįgirèje. |
"Hotašgé | cínąk | hįkanąk | hiną’įgíži | wą́gimacìmįgirèže. |
"Some [also] | village | to establish* | we tried, but | they live upon us.† |
[α] | warútc | hokínihinaį́gi | tcíra | kurudjís |
égi | warútc | hokínihi-ną̀’įgi | tcíra | kurudjís |
Égi | warúc | hokínihiną̀’įgi | círa | kurujís |
[Then] | food | we tried to obtain* | [the lodge] | we didn't reach* |
wą́ginąjįneje | [τ] | [dejesgeáwaų† | hiwadjéje | hįgháginą́ji[ρ]]‡ |
wąginąjį́reje | gíji. | dejesge hawa’ų | hiwadjéje | hįghag-hinąji-ànąga |
wąginąžį́reže | gíži. | Težesgeáwaų | hiwajéže, | hįǧaginąžiànąga |
they made us* | [.] | For this reason this way | we are acting, | we are crying, and |
[M] | hįwewínaji[ρ´] | hįghagadjégi | hisgé | wadjéra |
mą’ų́ra | hįwéwįnąjiànąga | hįghag-hadjégi." | hisge | wadjéra |
Mą’ų́na | hįwéwįnąžiànąga | hįǧagajégi." | Hisge | wajéra |
Earthmaker | we stood with our thoughts towards and | we all cried." | The truth | he was saying, |
hipérezsé | de | [ω][τ] | [ϕ] | wają |
hipéresje. | de | jegųgíji | hąké | wają |
hipéresše. | Te | žegųgíži | hąké | wažą |
he knew. | [This one] | [for that reason] | not | anything |
xgíni | hanį́kdjane[ε´] | híre[τ´] | wogų́zera | p’įk’ų́ |
xgini | hanį́kdjanegàdją | hiregíji. | wogų́zra | pįk’ų |
xgini | hanį́kjanegàją | hiregíži. | Wogų́zera | pįk’ų |
not moving | there would be | [he thought.] | His creation | to improve* |
nąį́je | wéwįjé | [ε] | hipérezsé | waųjé |
ną’į́je | wéwije | gadją | hiperésje | wa’ųjé |
ną’į́že. | Wéwiže. | Gają | hiperésše | wa’ųžé |
he tried. | He pondered the matter. | [Then] | [he knew that] | [he was going to create him.] |
hominógenôká | kųhaídja | wągíją | tconí[ɕ] | nąboréhi |
hominą́gnąka | kųhą́-edja | wąg-híją | tconíxdjį | nąbórehi |
hominą́genąka | kųhąíja | wągížą | coníxjį | nąbórehi |
seat he is sitting in | below | a man | the very first one | with his own hands |
unihéra | kúruz[ρ´] | hidjaíra | p’įk’ų́je | wanaį́na |
’unihéra | kúruz-ánąga | hidjáira | pįk’ų́je, | waną’į́ra |
’unihéra. | Kúruzánąga | hijaíra | pįk’ų́že, | waną’į́ra |
he created. | He took him and | more | [he made better,] | his mind |
p’įgių́je | wąkcík | p’į́ | híje | [α] |
pįgi’ų́je | wąkcik | p’į́ | hije. | égi |
pįgi’ų́že. | Wąkšik | p’į́ | hiže. | Égi |
he improved. | [Man] | [good] | he made him.* | Then |
mąnégi | hówahu | gigíkdjanégi | hok’ų́je | mąnógere |
mąrégi | howahu | gígikdjanègi | hokų́je | mąną́gre |
mąrégi | howahu | Gígikjanègi | hokų́že. | Mąną́gere |
to earth | he dispatched him. | He'll send him, | he preached to him. | This earth |
p’į’ų́ | húgigíje | girucdjô´ | huhígi | wą́gerégi |
pį’ų | hugigíje. | girucdją | huhígi | -* |
pį’ų | hugigíže. | Girušją | huhígi | wą́gerégi |
to better | [he was sent.] | He let him | [when he sent him] | from above |
húgi | róxgarésge | húje | waízara | ghįk´ |
-* | róxgaré-sge† | huje | wáizara | ghįk |
húgi | róxgarésge | huže, | waízara | ǧįk |
[when he came] | [how at the time his body was moving] | he came, | the limbs | whistling |
mínokce | hodją́ | djadjaį́xdjį | hadjigúni | hiregí |
miną́kje. | "hodją́, | djadją́ixdjį | hadjigúni," | hiregí. |
miną́kše. | "Hoją́, | jają́ixjį | hajigúni," | hiregí. |
[they reposed.] | "Well, | how far | I must have come," | he thought. |
mąnégi | horuxútc | huhí[ε] | kemą́kere | djikéreje |
mąrégi | horuxútc | huhigádją. | kemą́kere | djikéreje |
Mąrégi | horuxúc | huhigáją. | Kemą́kere | jikéreže, |
Towards the earth | he looked | as he came. | He turned over* | [he did suddenly.] |
[ε´] | wanaį́na | xáwani | djikéreje | hipérez kínip[ε´]* |
gádją. | Waną’į́ra | xáwani | djikéreje | hipéres kínipcaną* |
gáją. | Waną’į́ra | xáwani | jikéreže. | Hipéres kínipšaną. |
[.] | Consciousness | he lost | [suddenly.] | He came to (consciousness). |
mąnégi | haxáraxdjią́k’ų | hipérez kínipce | [τ´] | mąnógere |
mąrégi | haxáraxdjį-ąk’ų | hipéres kinipje | giji. | mąną́gre |
Mąrégi | haxáraxjįąk’ų | hipéres kinipše | giži. | Mąną́gere |
On the earth | he was right on his back* | he came to | [.] | The earth |
p. 236 (= CW 21, s. 93)
horadjá | djirejé | [ε´] | [ϕ] | wajô´niją́ |
horadjá | djiréje | gadją | hąké | wają́-hiją |
horajá | jiréže. | Gają | hąké | wažą́ižą |
to travel | [he started out.] | [Afterwards] | not | anything |
hisgéra | hiníje | djagu | ųhunihéra | higųhína |
hisgéra | hiníje. | djagú | ’uhunihéra | higųhína |
hisgéra | hiníže, | jagú | ’ųhunihéra. | Higųhína |
to accomplish | he did, | what | he was to do. | Now |
wanioitcge | cícigenįk´ | ([θ]ki)* | hocgádjirejé | [τ´] |
wanióitcge | cicígnįk | djanągáki | hocadjiréje† | giji. |
wanioícge | šišígenįk | janągáki | hošgajiréže | giži. |
animals | little bad ones | every variety | they commenced to plague him | [.] |
mínog[ρ´] | wáwewį́ | djireje | [ε] | dé |
minągánąga | wawewį́ | djireje | gadja; | de |
Minągánąga | wawewį́ | jireže | gaja. | Te |
He sat and | to think | he began | [.] | [This one] |
djagú | ųhúnihéra | hąkisgéra | hinína | hipérezse |
djagú | ’uhunihéra | hąké-hisgera | hiníra* | hipéresje. |
jagú | ’ųhunihéra | hąkisgéra | hinína | hipéresše |
what | he was to do | not to accomplish | he did not | he found. |
[τ´] | [M] | hipérezgi | waųjé | wągerégi |
-* | mą’ų́ra | hipéresgi | wa’ųjé | wą́gregi |
gíži. | Mą’ų́na | hipéresgi | wa’ųžé. | Wą́geregi |
[.] | Earthmaker | when he knew this, | [he did it.] | Up above |
mą́xiádjanógwire | [β] | hąbíją | konokíji | hiją́ |
mąxi-hadjaną́gwire | édja | hąb-híją | kanąghiji | hiją́ |
mąxiajaną́gwire, | éja | hąbížą | kanągíži, | hižą́ |
the sky that we see, | there | life (light)* | he placed, | one |
hiruk’ónonokíji | Ketcųgega | higaíregi | ([β]nokí)* | kurúzdjikéreje |
hirukánąkgiji. | ketcųgéga | higáiregi; | edjaną́kgi. | kurúz-djikéreje |
hirukánąnąkiži. | "Kecųgéga" | higaíregi, | ejaną́ki. | Kurúzjikéreže |
putting him in control. | "Turtle" | he was named, | that is who he was. | He took hold of him |
[τ´] | [α] | p’įkárak’ų́je | róra | [ϕ] |
giji. | égi | pįkarak’úje, | rora | hąké |
giži. | égi | pįkarak’ų́že, | rora | hąké |
[.] | [And] | he worked him over, | his body | not |
nįgé | hot’é | gikónageníje | [ω] | hi[ρ´] |
nįge | hot’e | gikánągnije. | jégų | hiánąga |
nįge | hot’e | gikánągeniže. | Žégų | hiánąga |
part | death | not to be placed.* | [Thus] | [he did and]† |
wapáhi | háni | gigijé | [α] | girucdjô´ |
wapáhi | hani | gigíje. | égi | girucdją |
wapáhi | hani | gigíže. | égi | girušją |
weapon* | to have | he let him. | [Then] | he let |
huhígi | mąnégi | djídje[ε´] | [β] | rohųbot’ékią́gere | |
huhígi | mąrégi | djidjegádją. | édja | rohą́ | bot’éki-ą̀gre |
huhígi | mąrégi | jijegáją. | éja | rohą́ | bot’éki-ą̀gere |
to go and | to earth | he came. | There | many | deaths by violence* |
unąk’ų | [β] | djidjegí | deé | hocgátc |
’ų́nąk’ų. | édja | djidjegí | dee | hocgátc |
’ų́nąk’ų. | éja | jijegí, | tee | hošgác |
they were doing.* | There | when he came, | [this one] | play |
waxdjáwiją | únąk | hiregí | [α] | hakótcôk |
waxdjáwi-hiją | ’ų́nąk | hiregi! | -† | "hagotcąk´ |
waxjáwižą | ’ų́nąk | hiregi! | "égi, | hakocąk´ |
such excellent fun* | doing | he thought! | "[Well,] | for just a little while |
há’wąhikdje | hire[τ] | édjorok’ų́je | [ε] | gip’į́gi |
ha’ųą́hikdje," | hiregíji | edja-horok’ų́je | gadją | gipį́gi. |
ha’ųą́hikje," | hiregíži, | ejorok’ų́že, | gają | gipį́gi. |
I'll go along with them," | he thought, so | he went with them [there,] | and | he liked it. |
higųhína | róhianina | hirasá | hamaní | ’uągígiji |
higuhína | rohi-hanína | hirasá | hamani | ’uąkgigìji |
Higųhína | rohianína | hirasá | hamani | ’uąkigìži, |
As a result | our bodies | [with them] | he trampled on | as he went along, |
[ϕ] | p’įníhira | hipérezsé | [τ] | [M] |
hąké | pįníhira | hipéresje | gíji. | mą’ų́ra |
hąké | pįníhira | hipéresše | gíži. | Mą’ų́na |
not | he didn't do good | he realized | [.] | Earthmaker |
hipérezse | waųjé | Wacdjįgéga | kuruzdjikar[ρ´]* | régotcakenaį́dja |
hipéresje | wa’ųjé | wacdjįgéga | kuruzdikara-ánąga | regótcakeną-edja |
hipéresše. | Wa’ųžé, | Wašjįgéga. | Kuruzjikaránąga | regócakenąíja |
[he knew.] | He created him, | Hare. | [He came and took him, and] | between his legs |
CW21, s. 106) —
djinągi[ρ´] | hokárakít’eje | [τ´] | wagejé | deé |
djinąg-hi-ánąga | hokárakít’éje | giji | wagejé, | "dee |
jinągiánąga | hokárakít’éže | giži. | Wagežé, | "Tee |
he placed him | he talked to him | [.] | He said, | "[This] |
hiroágera | wac’ųcere[Ↄ] | [α] | cúruc’ákiji | wogų́zera |
hiroágra | wac’ų́ceredjanèną. | égi | curuc’akgíji | wogų́zra |
hiroágera | waš’ų́šerekjanèną. | égi | šuruš’akíži, | wogų́zera |
the last time | you will be going. | [And] | if you don't succeed, | the creation |
piąk’ų[Ↄ] | hig[ρ´] | [α] | wairecgúnina* | xedéra |
piąk’ųkdjanèną," | higé-anąga. | égi | wairecgúnina | xedera |
piąk’ųkjanèną," | higánąga | égi | Herešgúnina | xetera |
I'll fix over," | he said, and | then | [Herešgúnina] | the big ones |
hatcącônoną́ki | wáwimô´girakce | hakárajíje | [ϕ] | cúruxúrugenįgí |
hatcącaną́kgi | wawimąg-hirákje. | hakarajíje. | "hąké | curuxúrugnigi |
hacąšąnaną́ki | wawimągirákže. | Hakaražíže. | "Hąké | šuruxúrugnigi, |
where they are | he pointed to them. | He encouraged him. | "Not | if you do not succeed, |
[ϕ] | p’įní[Ↄ] | higéje | tcóni | nųpíwi |
hąké | pįnikdjanéną," | higéje. | "tcóni | nųpíwi |
hąké | pįnikjanéną," | higéže. | "Cóni | nųpíwi |
not | it will not be good," | he said to him. | "The first | two |
reágigíra | ruc’ágiréna | hidadjé | wa’wą́dje | higejé |
re-hagigíra | ru’cágireną,* | hidadjé | wa’uádje!" | higéje |
reagigíra | ruš’ágireną, | hitajé | wa’uáje!" | higéže, |
I sent | they failed, | strength | so exert it," | [he told him] |
[τ´] | wą́gerégi | mąnégi | tcáwa | húgigígi |
giji. | wą́gregi | mąrégi | tcawa | hugi-gígi. |
giži. | Wą́geregi | mąrégi | cawa | hugigígi. |
[.] | From above | to the earth | towards | he dispatched him. |
wą́gerégi | hu[τ´] | wáwewį́wi | huhéje | djasgé |
wą́gregi | hugíji | wawewíwi | huhéje. | "djasgé |
Wą́geregi | hugíži | wawewíwi | huhéže. | "Jasgé |
From above | [as he came,] | he thought repeatedly | of his coming. | "How |
hagí | p’įnóguni | hirejé | [ε´] | hipérezse |
hagi | pįną́guni?" | hirejé | gadją. | hiperesjé |
hagi | pįną́guni?" | hirežé | gają. | Hiperesšé, |
[if I do]* | it would be the best?" | he thought | [.] | He recognized her, |
hinųgiwatcábera* | tcókdjį | tcawahuíją | hikorókehiwíra | hadjí |
hinųgiwatcábera | tcókjį."† | tcawahú-hiją | hikórokehíwira | hadjí |
hinųgiwacábera | cókjį | cawahúižą. | Hikórokehíwira | hají, |
our sister | her menstrual period | one coming toward. | Our Grandmother | he came, |
udjerókewejé | [τ´] | hokiráciri | homínôkíji | gítcgeje |
udjera-hokéweje | gíji. | hokiráciri | hominąkgíji | gitcgéje |
ujerokéweže, | gíži. | Hokiráširi | hominąkíži | gicgéže, |
he went in her womb | [.] | He felt crowded | as he sat | he was worried |
[ε´] | hóra | wą́ganáxgų | minókiji | hahúhu |
gadją. | hóra | wąganą́xgų | minąkgíji; | hahúhu |
gają. | Hóra | wąganą́xgų | minąkíži; | hahúhu |
[.] | Voices* | he heard | as he sat; | he was anxious |
minókce | [τ´] | hígųhína | wicagoíha[ε´] | hihinópce |
minákje | giji. | hígųhína | wicago-íha gadją | hihiną́pje. |
miną́kše, | giži. | Hígųhína, | wišagoíhagają, | hihiną́pše. |
he sat | [.] | As a result, | after seven months, | he emerged. |
hihínop[ε´] | hiunína | káwacéwek | djihu[τ´] | ([ϕ]† |
hihinąp gádją | hi’unína | kawacéwek | djihugíji. | hąké |
Hihinąpgáją, | hi’unína | kawašéwek | jihugíži. | Hąké |
As he emerged, | his mother | forcibly | he shoved out.* | Not |
nánié* | tcų́naníje)† | [τ´] | hikorókera | hanídjinog[ρ]‡‡ |
nanié | tcųrahaníje | giji. | hikórokera | hánidjinąg-àną-ga |
"nanié" | cųrahaníže | giži. | Hikórokera | hánijinągànąga |
"mother" | [she did not bear]‡ | [.] | His grandmother | she took him [and] |
xedé káragíje | hainiąkírigi | kúruz[ρ´] | nįkárakere[ε´] |
xede karagíje | haini-hąkírigi | kúruz-ánąga | nįkárakere gádją |
xete karagíže. | Hainiąkírigi, | kúruzánąga | nįkárakeregáją |
she raised him. | When the morning came,* | she took him and | she fondled him and |
p. 238 = (CW p. 22, s. 122) —
wainôp k’į | hidjókit’úneje | [τ´] | haíniąkírira | hinųbóhôna |
wą́inąpkį | hidjá-hokit’ureje | giji. | haini-hąkírira | hinųbóhôra |
wą́inąpkį, | hijókit’ureže, | giži. | Hainiąkírira | hinųbóhôna |
[as she recieved him gladly,] | he turned towards her | [.] | The morning came | the second |
hąbakirigí | kúruz[ρ´] | nįkárakéreje | hikcádjidjedjé | nąjį́je |
hąb-hakírigi | kúruz-ánąga | nįkarakéreje | hikcadjidjédje | nąjį́je. |
hąbakírigi, | kúruzánąga | nįkarakéreže, | hikšajijéje | nąžį́že. |
[when the light came,] | she took him and | she fondled him, | he smiled all over, | he stood. |
haíniąkírira | hidaníhô´na | hąbakiri[ε´] | kúruz[ρ´] | nįkárakére[ε´] |
hainihakírira | hidaníhora | hąb-hakírigadja | kúruz-ánąga | nįkarakéregadją |
Hainiakírira | hitaníhôna | hąbakírigáją, | kúruzánąga | nįkarakéregają, |
The morning came | the third | [after the light came,] | she took him and | after she fondled him, |
hit’ékdjenísge | djidjedjéje | wanaícguní | kárakídjawa | djídjedjéje |
hit’ékdje nísge | djidjedjéje. | wanáicguni | karakídjawa | djidjedjéje |
hit’ékjenísge | jijejéže. | Wanaíšguni | karakíjawa | jijejéže |
he was about to talk* | he stood up. | Nice and quiet | they were happy | [they stood around] |
[τ´] | hidjobóhôna | hą́bakíri[ε´] | kúruz[ρ´] | nįkárakére[ε] |
giji. | hidjobóhôra | hąb-hakíri-gadją | kuruz-ánąga | nįkarakéregadją |
giži. | Hijobóhôna | hąbakírigają | kuruzánąga | nįkarakéregają |
[.] | The fourth time | [When daylight came,] | she took him and | fondled him, and |
t’ąp´ | kírikar[ρ´] | agédja | hagíminókce | tcekdjína |
t’ąp | kírikara-ànąga | agédja | hagiminą́kje. | tcekdjína |
t’ąp | kírikarànąga | agéja | hagiminą́kše. | cekjína |
he stepped up, | he walked over and | opposite side | he sat down. | The first time |
hit’é[τ´] | hidéginįkwahára | hiúninįgwahára | djasgé | hiną́kce |
hit’égiji, | "hidégnįkwahàra | hi’unínįkwahàra, | djásge | hiną́kje, |
hit’égiži, | "Hitégenįkwahàra, | hi’unínįkwahàra, | jásge | hiną́kše, |
he talked, | "My uncles, | my aunts, | how | they are getting along, |
k’uniká | éje | tcųcgánu | p’įúną́kcana | hąp |
kúnika?" | éje, | "tcųcgánu, | pį’ųną́kcaną." | hąp |
kúnika?" | éže. | "cųšgánu, | pį’ųną́kšaną." | Hąp |
grandmother?" | he said. | "Grandson, | they are getting along well." | Days |
djobóhą | tcirógera | hokaraíxgągí | hixgô´na | wápakónok |
djobóhą | tcirógera | hakaráixgą-gí | hixgô´ra | wapakánąk |
jobóhą | cirógera | hakaraíxgągí | hixgô´na | wapakánąk |
four | inside the lodge | he moved around | his movements | were clever* |
nąjį́je | hóra | wą́ganáxgų | nąjį́gi | wągiwą́xce |
nąjį́je. | hóra | wąganąxgų́ | nąjį́gi. | wągiwą́xje, |
nąžį́že. | Hóra | wąganąxgų́ | nąžį́gi. | Wągiwą́xše, |
[he stood.] | Voices | he heard us | [as he stood.] | He asked about us, |
k’unika | hidegenįkwahara | hiuninįgwahára | djagų | wánąkce |
"kúnika, | hidegnįkwahàra, | hi’unínįkwahàra, | djagú’ų | wánąkje?" |
"Kúnika, | hitegenįkwahàra, | hi’unínįkwahàra, | jagú’ų | wánąkše?" |
"Grandmother, | my uncles, | my aunts, | why | they are saying that?" |
hąha | tcųcgánu | hosgé | [η] | aíreconúna |
"Hąhą́, | tcųcgánu, | hosgé | jésge | áirecanùną," |
"hąhą́ | cųšgánu, | hosgé | žésge | aírešanùną," |
"Well | grandson, | for nothing | their way | they're in the habit of saying," |
éje | hidjobóhôna | wą́giwą́x[τ] | égi | hogirákce |
éje. | hidjobóhôra | wągiwą́xje giji. | égi | hogirákje, |
éže. | Hijobóhôna | wągiwą́xgiži. | Égi | hogirákše, |
she said. | For the fourth time | he asked about us. | Then | she told him, |
CW22, s. 133) —
tcųcganu | (hideg. etc.* | hiúni etc.)† | waną́djodjaįsgenô´ke |
"tcųcgánu, | hidégnįkwáraga, | hi’unínįkwàraga, | waną́djodjąisgeną̀kje |
"cųšgánu, | hitégenįkwáraga, | hi’unínįkwàraga, | waną́jojąisgeną̀ke, |
"Grandson, | your uncles, | your aunts, | they are in a pitiable condition, |
wánąkcana | herecgúnina | waíxgi-wanína | [θ] | waírecgúnina |
wánąkcaną. | herecgúnina | waixgiwanína | djánąga | wairecgúnina |
wánąkšaną. | Herešgúnina | waixgiwanína, | jánąga, | wairešgúnina |
it is why they are saying it. | Herešgúnina | his attendants, | as many as there are, | they say of them |
heregí | [δ] | wikcákcaną́ke | waną́kcana | (T-na) |
heregí. | jénųga | wikcákcaną̀ke | waną́kcaną. | wąkcig-ho’į́ra |
heregí, | žénųga | wikšákšaną̀ke, | waną́kšaną. | Wąkšig-ho’į́ra |
[as it happened,] | [all of them] | they're mistreating them, | [it is why they are saying it.] | Life |
wanadjodjaį́sge | únąke | waną́kcana | warúdjokíninaį́negácge |
wanądjodją́isge | ’ų́nąke | waną́kcaną. | warúdj-hokíniną́’įregàcge, |
wanąjoją́isge | ’ų́nąke | waną́kšaną. | Warújokíniną́’įregàšge, |
[they are pitiable] | [they were making] | [it is why they said it.] | When they try to hunt for food, |
tcíra | kurudjísną́ke | wánąkcana | tcínok | kanógirerácge |
tcíra | kurudjísnąke | waną́kcaną. | tcínąk | kaną́gireràcge |
círa | kurujísnąke | waną́kšaną. | cínąk | kaną́gireràšge |
home | they don't reach* | [it is why they are saying it.] | The villages | and the line of dwellings |
wairecgúni* | xedéra | wimą́tcį | mįgeną́ke | waną́kcana |
wairecguni† | xedera | wimą́tcį | mįgną́ke | waną́kcaną." |
Herešgúni | xetera | wimą́cį | mįgeną́ke | waną́kšaną." |
[Herešgúnina]‡ | the great ones | they prey on | [they lie] | [it is why they say it."] |
kunika | djagúų | s’irédją | [ϕ] | hiųnágicárageni* |
"kúnika, | djagú’ų | s’íredją | hąké | hį’ųrágicàrarageni?" |
"Kúnika, | jagú’ų | s’íreją | hąké | hį’ųrágišàrarageni?" |
"Grandmother, | why | a long time ago | not | you didn't tell me?" |
[α] | [τ] | haíniąkírigi | hą́bogurégi | hapahi |
égi | gíji | hainihąkíri-gi | hąb-hogúregi | hapáhi |
Égi | gíži | hainiąkírigi, | hąbogúregi | hapáhi |
[And] | [so] | when morning appeared, | east | toward |
mąninéje | [τ´] | [β] | herecgúniná | hiją́ |
mąnihiréje* | giji. | édja | wairecgúnina | hiją́ |
mąninéže | giži. | éja | Herešgúnina | hižą́ |
he started out walking | [.] | There | [Herešgúnina†] | one of them |
xedeáki | t’ehi gaxcé | hikorókehiwira | [α] | |
xedeáki | t’éhi | gaxje | hikorokehíwira | égi |
xeteáki | t’éhi | gaxše. | Hikorokehíwira | égi |
the great one | to kill | he planned. | Our Grandmother | [here] |
rókcí | honasáwa | hįbíje | [α] | kíridjéje |
rókci | honąsáwa | hįb-híjé. | égi | kíridjeje |
rókši | honąsáwa | hįbíže. | Égi | kíriježe. |
deep | he pushed him below* | he put him. | [Then] | [he came forth.] |
[α] | jigé | hą́bakírigí | sánįk | wiówucgúninégi* |
égi | jigé | hąb-hakírigi | sanįk | wiowucgúniregi |
Égi | žigé | hąbakírigi, | sanįk | wiowušgúniregi |
Then | again | when it became daylight, | [direction] | to the north† |
hapahí | maninéje | [τ´] | sánįk | [α] |
hapáhi | maniréje | giji. | sánįk | égi |
hapáhi | maninéže | giži. | Sánįk | égi |
toward | he started out walking | [.] | [Direction] | [here] |
herecgúnina* | hiją́ | xédeáki | t’éhigáxce | |
herecgúnina | hiją́ | xedeáki | t’éhi | gáxje |
Herešgúnina | hižą́ | xeteáki | t’éhi | gáxše. |
Herešgúnina | one of them | the great ones | to kill | he planned. |
hikorókehewira | [α] | rokcí | honosáwa | hįbíje |
hikórokehíwira | égi | rokcí | honąsáwa | hįb-híje. |
Hikórokehíwira | égi | rokší | honąsáwa | hįbíže. |
Our Grandmother | [here] | deep | he pushed him below | he put him. |
CW22, s. 144) —
[ϕ] | nąkéhurá | haghép | p’įní | honaséweje |
hąké | nąkéhura | haghep | pį́ni | honąséweje. |
Hąké | nąkéhura | haǧep | pį́ni | honąséweže. |
Not | their backs | to protrude | not well | he pushed him below. |
[α] | kíridjéje | kíridjé[τ] | hainiąkiríra |
égi | kíridjeje | kiridjegádją | háinihąkirira |
Égi | kíriježe. | Kirijégiži, | haíniąkirira |
[Then] | [he came forth.] | [When he came forth,] | it became day |
hidaníhôna | jigé | máninéje* | sánįk | yoiréregi |
hidaníhóra | jigé | maninéje. | sánįk | yoiréregi |
hitaníhô´na | žigé | maninéže | Sánįk | yoiréregi |
the third time | again | he started to walk. | [Direction] | [in the west]† |
hapahí | manínejé | [τ´] | [β] | herecgúni* |
hapáhi | maniréje | giji. | édja | herecgúni |
hapáhi | maninéže | giži. | Éja | Herešgúni |
toward | he started to walk | [.] | There | Herešgúnina |
xédera | hijąkijí | t’éhi | gáxce | nąkéhurá |
xédera | hijąkíji | t’éhi | gaxje | nąkéhura |
xétera | hižąkíži | t’éhi | gaxše. | Nąkéhura |
the great ones | [one that was] | to kill | he planned. | His back |
[ϕ] | haghép | p’įní | honasáwa | hįbíje |
hąké | haghép | pį́ni | honąsawa | hįb-híje. |
hąké | haǧép | pį́ni | honąsawa | hįbíže. |
not | he protruded | he did not well | he pushed him below | he put him. |
[α] | kiridjé[τ] | hidjobóhôna | haíniakírigi | yorotcą́djerégi |
égi | kiridjégiji | hidjobóhôra | haíni-hąkírigi | yorotcądjéregi |
Égi | kirijégiži | hijobóhôna | haíniąkírigi, | yorocąjéregi |
Then | when he started out | for the fourth time | when morning appeared, | [those in the west] |
hapahí | mą́ninéje | [ε´] | [β] | herecgúnina† |
hapáhi | maniréje | -* | édja | herecgúnina |
hapáhi | maninéže. | Gáją | éja | Herešgúnina |
[direction] | he started to walk. | [And] | there | Herešgúnina |
hiją́ | xederákiji | jée | t’éhigáxce | |
hiją́ | xederákiji | jee | t’ehi | gáxje. |
hižą́ | xeterákiži | žee | t’ehi | gáxše. |
one of them | the great ones | [this one] | to kill | he planned. |
hikorókehiwíra | [α] | rokcí | honasáwa | hįbíje |
hikorokehíwira | egi | rokcí | honąsáwa | hįb-híje. |
Hikórokehíwira | égi | rokší | honąsáwa | hįbíže. |
Our Grandmother | [here] | deep | he pushed him below | he put him. |
[ϕ] | nąkéhurá | haghép | p’įní | jesgéónasáwa |
hąké | nąkéhura | haghép | pįni | jésgehonąsáwa |
Hąké | nąkéhura | haǧép | pį́ni | žésgeonąsáwa |
Not | their backs | to protrude | not well | he pushed them down that way |
hįbíje | [α] | hikorokehiwíra | djasgéganôkíji | hanątcį[ɕ] |
hįb-híje. | égi | hikórokehìwira | djasgé-hanąkgìji | hanątcį́xdjį |
hįbíže. | Égi | Hikórokehíwira | jasgéanąkìži, | hanącį́xjį |
he put him. | [And] | Our Grandmother | [as he walked along,] | every part of her |
hogígįx | niwaicacágera | jedjaįxdjįp’á | hogiwéje | [τ´] |
hogígįx | níwaicacàgra | jedją́ixdjį pá | hogiwéje | giji. |
hogígįx | níwaišašàgera, | žeją́ixjįpá | hogiwéže | giži. |
surrounding | the edge of the waters where waves hit,* | that far | he proceeded | [.] |
hikorokehiwíra | djasgéxdjįnôkíji* | hanątcį[ɕ] | [ϕ] | nįgé |
hikórokehìwira | djasgéxdjįnąkgìji | hanątcį́xdjį | hąké | nįge |
Hikórokehíwira | jasgéxjįnąkìži, | hanącį́xjį, | hąké | nįge |
Our Grandmother | [as he walked along,] | [the whole of her,] | not | part |
nągą́jinije | herecgúnina* | ([θ]kíji)† | hanątcį[ɕ] | honosáwa |
ną́gąc-hinìje. | herecgúnina | djanągakíji | hanątcį́xdjį | honąsáwa |
ną́gąžinìže. | Herešgúnina | janągakíži, | hanącį́xjį | honąsáwa |
he did not miss. | Herešgúnina | [as many as there were,] | everyone of them | he pushed below |
hįbíje | [τ´] | [α] | waųjé | hąbogúra |
hįb-híje | giji. | égi | wa’ųjé | hąb-hogúra |
hįbíže | giži. | Égi | wa’ųžé. | Hąbogúra |
he put | [.] | [Then] | he did it. | The east |
CW, p. 22, s. 152) —
p’ahí | nąguíją | gáx hįbíje | djobohą | |
páhi | nągú-hiją | gax | hįb-híje. | djob-óhą |
páhi | nągúižą | gax | hįbíže. | Jobóhą |
towards | a road | to make* | he proceeded. | Four times |
howáhįbí[ε] | [ω] | hi[ρ´] | [α] | hakdjágidje[ε´] |
hówahįb-híàną-ga | jégų | hiánąga | égi | hakdjágidje gádją. |
hówahįbigają. | Žégų | hiánąga | égi | hakjágijegáją. |
he started traveling. | [Thus] | [he did and] | then | afterwards he came back. |
[α] | hikorókera | wagejé | kúnika | (hideg. etc* |
égi | hikórokera | wagéje, | "kúnika, | hidégnįgwahàra, |
Égi | hikórokera | wagéže, | "Kúnika, | hitégenįgwahùra, |
Then | his grandmother | he said to her, | "Grandmother, | my uncles, |
hiuní etc.)* | gádjųga | [T] | yákarakísgikdjene[ε´] | éje |
hi’unínįkwahàra, | gádjųga | wąkcig-ho’į | yakárakisgikdjanegàdją," | éje. |
hi’unínįkwahàra, | gájųga | wąkšigo’į | yakárakisgikjanegàją," | éže. |
my aunts, | [now then] | the life | it will be the same as mine,"† | he said. |
tcųcgak | hisgé | wacéna | hidje[ε´] | hikorokera† |
"tcųcgák, | hisgé | wacéną," | hidjegádją. | hikorokéra |
"cųšgák, | hisgé | wašéną," | hijegáją. | Hikorokéra |
"Grandson, | truth | you speak it," | she told him.* | His grandmother |
hokuruxútc[ε´] | nąkéhura | hirorúxono | djikáraną́kce | [τ´] |
hokuruxutc-gádją | nąkéhura | hirorúxoną | djikaraną́kje | giji. |
hokuruxucgáją, | nąkéhura | hirorúxoną | jikaraną́kše, | giži. |
as he looked at her, | her back | to cave in | it was beginning | [.] |
kunikága | nįgécgera | hisgé | waigánakcanána | hicgé |
"kunikága | nįgécgera | hisgé | waigánąkcanòną | hicgé |
"Kunikága | nįgéšgera | hisgé | waigánąkšanòną | hišgé |
"Grandmother | (?)* | truth | she was sure to tell me† | she also‡ |
wana’į | jesgánanogenąguni | waigánokcedjéra | hire[τ´] |
waną’į | jesge-ánąg-ną̀guni† | waigánąkcèdjera," | hiregíji. |
waną’į | žesgánanągeną̀guni, | waigánąkšèjera," | hiregíži. |
[her mind]* | [perhaps it could have been like them,]‡ | that is what she has just told me,"‡‡ | he thought. |
hitcųcge | gikarádjirera | wanąį́na | [ϕ] | gip’įnihije |
hitcųcge | gikarádjirera | waną’į́ra | hąké | gipįnihíje |
"Hicųšge" | Gikarájirera | waną’į́ra | hąké | gipįnihíže. |
"Nephew" | He Whom We Call | [the mind]* | not | it didn't feel good.† |
esge | djaguíją | honądjegí | kúruz[ρ´] | sųnútcą† |
ésge | djagú-hija | honądjégi | kuruz-ánąga | sųrútcą |
Ésge, | jagú-hižą | honąjégi | kuruzánąga | sųrúcą |
Therefore, | [what one] | sleeping cover* | he took and | with his back towards the lodge entrance |
mįk | hįpce | -* | wawéwiwįmįkce† | tcakó | |
mįk | hį́pje | (habóhi hįpje). | wawéwįwį | mįkje, | "tcako! |
mįk | hį́pše. | - | Wawéwįwį | mįkše, | "Cakó! |
he lay | [he proceeded.] | - | He kept thinking to himself‡ | he lay, | "Now then,‡‡ |
waxopini | warádjire | djanųgágere | hanątcį[ɕ] | hot’éra |
waxopíni | warádjre | djanųgágere | hanątcíxdjį | hot’éra |
waxopíni | warájire, | janųgágere, | hanącíxjį | hot’éra |
spirits | [various,]* | everyone of them, | all of them | death† |
wáwikisgaírekdjį | hiréje | [τ´] | [ε´] | [M] |
wawikisgáirekdjį," | hirejé | giji | gádją. | mą’ų́ra |
wawikisgaírekjį," | hirežé, | giži | gáją. | Mą’ų́na |
they will bring it about equally,"* | he thought | [.] | [.] | Earthmaker |
wowéwį | hadjidjéhije | [τ´] | djagú | ųhúnihéra |
wowéwį | hadjidjéhije | giji | djagú | ’ųhunihéra |
wowéwį | hajijéhiže | giži | jagú | ’ųhunihéra, |
his thoughts | he placed into him | [—] | what | he had come for, |
[η] | ruxurugnúnige | [α] | wowewina | djasge |
jésge | rucúrugnunige | égi | wowewįra | djásge |
žésge | ruxúrugnunige | égi | wowewįna | jásge |
[the way] | to accomplish, but | [then] | his thoughts | what |
CW p. 23, s. 161) —
hikdjéra | hipérezsé* | [τ´] | hikórokéhiwíra | wáwewíwį |
hikdjéra | hipéresje | giji. | hikórokehiwìra | wawewį́wį |
hikjéra | hipéresše | giži. | Hikórokehiwìra | wawewį́wį |
he would do | came to his mind | [.] | His grandmother | thinking and thinking |
mínôkce | wawogį́xede | dje[ε´] | djagúriją́ | ųgá |
míną́kje. | wawogíxede | djegadją. | djagúra-hìją* | ’ųga |
míną́kše. | Wawogíxete | jegają. | Jagúrižą | ’ųga |
she sat. | She loved them | [she did.] | What [one] | he made† |
ruxúrukdje[ε´] | wajągų́zera | wająxédehí | hįguzsé |
ruxúrukdjegádją | wajągų́zra | wająxédehi | higų́sje. |
ruxúrukjegáją | Wažągų́zera | wažąxétehi | higų́sše. |
he was to accomplish* | the Creator | [great things he had made]† | [he measured out.]‡ |
ųdjaų́ | hisgexdjį́ | wogídeki | nįgédégi | hihewį́kdjeje## |
’Û´dja’ų́ | hisgéxdjį | wogídekgi, | "nįgédegi | nihewį́kdjeje, |
’Û´ja’ų́ | hisgéxjį | wogíteki, | "Nįgétegi | nihewį́kježe, |
Finally,* | [really]† | [when he got angry,]‡ | "Maybe here# | [they will continue,]### |
nįgé | rogąnaįktcípdjene | hire[τ´] | ųdjaų́ | djagú |
nįgé | rogąnaįktcipdjane!"† | hiregíji. | ’ų́dja’ų | djagú |
nįgé | rogąnaįkcipjane!" | hiregíži. | ’Û´ja’ų | jagú |
[maybe]* | I will be stamped down!"‡ | he thought. | [Finally,] | what |
wewį́djega | [η] | ruxúrukí | [ϕ] | p’įníkdjané[ε´] |
wewį́djega | jésge | ruxúrukgi | hąké | pįnikdjane-gàdją |
wewį́jega | žésge | ruxúruki, | hąké | pįnikjanegàją, |
he had planned | that | when he accomplished, | not | [he would not do well,] |
hire[τ´] | wa’ųjé | worokéwera | kúruz[ρ´] | ną́borehí |
hiregíji.* | wa’ųjé: | worokéwere | kúruz-ánąga | nąbórehi |
hiregíži. | Wa’ųžé: | worokéwera | kúruzánąga | nąbórehi |
he thought. | She did this: | her work bag | she took up and | to handle |
djiréje. | [α] | nąghireje | [τ´] | kurukék |
djiréje. | égi | nąghireje | giji | kurukék |
jiréže. | Égi | nąǧireže | giži. | Kurukék |
[she began]. | [And] | she was frightened | [.] | To appease him* |
nąį́je | waųjé | tcųcgákdjenįgrá | hisgé | wacanúnige |
ną’į́je | wa’ųjé, | "tcųcgákdjį-nįgrá | hisgé | wacanúnige. |
ną’į́že. | Wa’ųžé, | "Cųšgákjįnįgrá, | hisgé | wašanúnige. |
she tried. | [She did this:] | "My own dear little grandson, | right | what you spoke. |
wájągų́zera | jesgírena | xonohígųz[ρ´] | hokitcų́na | ekik’uinekdjenáre | ||
wajągų́zra | jesge-hiréną | xonohí | gųz-ánąga. | hokitcų́ra | e | kik’ų-hirekdjanàre |
Wažągų́zera | žesgiréną, | xonohí | gųzánąga | hokicų́na | e | kik’ųirekjanàre, |
The Creator | he made it in this fashion,* | making it small | he created and† | the descendants (from fathers to sons) | they | they would do as they please, |
CW23, s. 170) —
hahí | hakínįkínegi | [β] | jigé | wają |
hahí | hakínikįrègi. | édja | jigé | wają |
hahí | hakínikįrègi. | Éja | žigé | wažą |
in time* | they'll be overcrowded. | There | again | things |
wanodjodjaįsge | úna | xedé | hire[Ↄ] | jesgáwaų |
wánądjodją̀isge | ’ųra | xedé | hirekdjanéną | jesge-áwa’ų. |
wánąjoją̀isge | ’ųna | xeté | hirekjanéną, | žesgáwa’ų. |
pitiable | doing* | greater† | they would be, | for that reason.‡ |
[M] | ejesge* | hína. | hą́keokąne | tcųránigi | |
mą’ų́ra | e | jésge | hina. | hą́ké-hokąre | tcųránigi |
Mą’ų́na | e | žésge | hina. | Hą́kéokąre | cųránigi, |
Earthmaker | [he] | that way | [he did]. | Not death† | if they did not have, |
hahí | wanadjodjaįsge | hirékdjonégi | dé | [η] |
hahí | wanądjodją́isge | hirekdjanégi. | dé | jesge |
hahí | wanąjoją́isge | hirekjanégi. | Dé | žesge |
in time | most miserable | they would be. | [This] | [way] |
tcąt’įhána | tcųcgákdjenįgra | (hidégenįkwaraga | hiuni etc.)* | wocgôją |
tcąt’įhána | tcųcgákdjinįgra, | hidégnįkwàraga | hi’unínįkwàraga, | wocgą́-hiją |
cąt’įhána, | cųšgákjinįgra, | hitégnįkwàraga, | hi’unínįkwàraga, | wošgą́žą |
I will make it visible, | [my dear little grandson,] | [your uncles,] | [your aunts,] | a religion |
waragígųįsdanáre | dée | [ϕ] | ruc’ágiraní[Ↄ] | tcųcgákdjenįgrá |
waragígųįsdanàre. | dée | hąké | ruc’ágiranikdjanèną, | tcųcgákdjinįgra. |
waragígųįstanàre. | Tée | hąké | ruš’ágiranikjanèną, | cųšgákjinįgra. |
you're going to show them. | This | not | they will not fail, | [my dear little grandson]. |
rakikáwaųkdjege | wahéna | e | [α] | [τ´] |
rakikáwa’ųkdjege | wahéną." | e | égi | giji |
Rakikáwa’ųkjege | wahéną," | e, | égi | giži |
That you might arise* | it is why I am saying it," | she said,† | and | then |
nųxawą | horoghitc[ε´] | hinugrá | tcekxédehuíją | karapiésge |
nųxáwą | horoghitcgádja. | hinųgrá | tcekxedéhu-hiją | karapiésge |
nųxáwą | horoǧicgáją. | Hinųgrá | cekxetéhuižą | karapiésge |
secretly | he looked at her.* | Woman | [one just coming into adulthood] | good looking |
jesgánakce | [τ´] | [ϕ] | kikáwauinije | [τ] |
jésge-aną̀kje | giji. | hąké | kikáwa’ųhìje | giji. |
žésganą̀kše, | giži. | Hąké | kikáwa’ųhinìže, | giži. |
[thus it is said] | [.] | Not | he did not get up | [.] |
nųbóhôna | jigé | wéje | tcųcgákdjenįgrá | rakikáwaųkdjege |
hinųbóhôra* | jigé | wéje, | tcųcgákdjinįgra, | rakikáwa’ųkdjège |
Hinųbóhôna | žigé | wéže, | "Cųšgákjinįgra, | rakikáwa’ųkjège |
For the second time | [again] | she said, | "My dear little grandson, | [that I might cause you to get up] |
wahéra | [ϕ] | rákikáwaųni | e[τ´] | horughitc[ε] |
wahéra | hąké | rakikáwa’ųni. | egíji | horughitcgadją. |
wahéra, | hąké | rakikáwa’ųni," | egíži | horuǧicgają. |
I spoke, | not | you did not arise," | [she said, and] | he looked at her. |
hinųgokísak | hiragína | jesgánukce | hąbogúrap’ahi | [α] |
hinųg-hokísak | hiragíną | jésge-ánąkje | hąb-hogúra pahi. | égi |
Hinųgokísak | hiragíną, | žésgánąkše, | hąbogúrapahi. | Égi |
Middle aged woman | she had reached, | [thus it is said,] | facing east. | [And] |
tcacéhina | hijąkícana | saį́djeje | jesgánukce | [α] |
tcacéhina | hìjąkícaną | są-hidjéje | jesgánąkje. | égi |
cašéhina | hìžąkíšaną | są-hijéže, | žesgánąkše. | Égi |
the hairs on the back of her neck | one by one | they were white, | [so they said.] | [And] |
hąbogúrap’ahi | horughitc[ε] | jejesgánukce | [τ´] | nįge |
hąb-hogúra pahi | horughitcgadją | jejesge-ánąkje | gíji. | "nįge |
hąbogúrapahi | horuǧicgają, | žežesgánąkše, | gíži. | "Nįge |
[Facing east] | he looked at her, | [thus it is said,] | [.] | "[Maybe] |
dé | wajáįje | hiregí | [ϕ] | kikáwaúnije |
de | wają́-hije," | hiregí. | hąké | kikáwa’ųnìje |
te | wažą́iže," | hiregí. | Hąké | kikáwa’ųnìže. |
[this one] | something is happening," | he thought. | Not | he didn't get up. |
CW23, s. 182) —
[α] | jigé | wéje | tcųcgákdjįnįgra | rakikawaųkdje* |
égi | jigé | wéje, | "tcųcgákdjįnįgra | rakíkawà’ųkdje |
Égi | žigé | wéže, | "Cųšgákjįnįgra, | rakíkawà’ųkje, |
[Then] | [again] | she said, | "My dear little grandson, | that you might arise, |
wahera | hąké | c’uní | e[τ´] | jigíorughutcce |
wahéra | hąké | c’úni," | egíji. | jigé-horuxutcje |
wahéra, | hąké | š’úni," | egíži | žigéoruǧucše. |
it is why I say it, | not | you did not do it," | [she said, and] | [again he looked at her] |
[ε´] | [T] | hiraginąxdjį́ | nądjúra | hijąkícana |
gadją. | wąkcíg-ho’į | hiraginą́xdjį | nądjúra | hijąkícaną |
gają. | Wąkšígo’į | hiraginą́xjį, | nąjúra | hižąkíšaną |
[.] | [Lifetime] | she almost reached, | her neck | a few |
sep | hihįp´ | jesgánukce | [τ´] | wająge |
sep | hihįp´ | jesge-ánąkje | giji. | "wają́-hige |
sep | hihįp´, | žesgánąkše, | giži. | "Wažą́ge |
black | hairs left, | [so they say,] | [.] | "Something is going to happen |
waúnąkíji | nįgé | de | hidjaíra | tcąt’į |
wa’ųnąkgíji | nįgé | de | hidjáira | tcąt’į |
wa’ųnąkíži | nįgé | te | hijaíra | cąt’į |
[it is, and] | [maybe] | [this one] | more | she shows |
hiégecgé | hiregí | [ϕ] | kikáwaųnijé | [τ´] |
hiégecge," | hiregi. | hąké | kikáwa’ųnìje | giji. |
hiégešge," | hiregi. | Hąké | kikáwa’ųnìže, | giži. |
she might,"* | he thought. | Not | he did not get up | [.] |
hidjobóhôna | jigégeje | hitcųcgé | rakikáwaųkdjegé | waherá |
hidjobóhôra | jigé-higeje, | "hitcųcge, | rakikáwa’ų́kdjege | wahéra, |
Hijobóhôna | žigégeže, | "Hicųšge, | rakikáwa’ų́kjege | wahéra, |
For the fourth time | again she said, | "Grandson,* | to induce you to get up, | [it is why I said it,] |
[ϕ] | rakikáwaųni | e[τ´]* | horughitc[ε´] | hą́bogúrap’áhi |
hąké | rakikáwa’ųni," | egíji. | horughitcgádją | hą́b-hogúra páhi |
hąké | rakikáwa’ųni," | egíži. | Horuǧicgáją | hą́bogúrapáhi |
not | you did not get up," | so she was saying. | Then he looked | towards the east |
ronísge | ára | daníhu | harágenisgánukce* |
ronísge. | ára | danihú | harágnisganą̀kje |
ronísge. | Ára | tanihú | harágenisganą̀kše. |
it was like. | Her arms | pipe | like a stem. |
heghokónogenísge* | tcáberácera | aghocúrujedjacana | nądjúra | jujúk‡ |
heghhokánągnisge; | tcaberácera | aghocúrujedjàcaną. | nądjúra | jujúk |
heǧokánągenisge; | caberášera | aǧošúružejàšaną. | Nąjúra | žužúk |
as if she had a swan on top of her head† | bald headed | the hollow in back of her neck (between vertebrae). | Her hair | it was soft and thin |
jesgánukce | [τ´] | hitcųcge | gikarádjiréra | djaguíją* |
jesge-ánąkje | giji. | hitcųcgé | gikarádjirera | djagú-hiją |
žesge-ánąkše, | giži. | "Hicųšgé" | Gikarájirera | jagúižą |
[so they say,] | [.] | "Nephew" | He Whom They Call | whatever† |
honą́kiji | waxáwa† | djirehígiji | mąxí | cicígera |
honą́kgiji | waxáwa | djirehigìji. | mąxi | cicígra |
honą́kiži | waxáwa | jirehigìži. | Mąxi | šišígera |
he had for a cover* | he threw off | he pushed it aside. | Clouds | the evil ones |
djasgáki* | hanątcį́[ɕ] | howecgúninegi | howaxónuna | djírehíji [τ´] |
djasgáki | hanątcį́xdjį | howecgúniregi | howaxonúną | djirehíjigiji. |
jasgáki | hanącį́xjį | howešgúniregi | howaxonúną | jirehížigiži. |
[that are ?] | everyone of them | to the north | to push over | he did it. |
CW 23, s. 190) —
[γ] | karapiésge | djidjehíje | waruxgį́nįkdjį | kiridjéhije |
hą́bra | karapiésge | djidjehíje | waruxgį́nįkdjį | kiridjéhije. |
Hą́bera | karapiésge | jijehíže. | Waruxgį́nįkjį | kirijéhiže. |
The Light | [nice] | he made it. | Quiet, still, and nice | he made it appear. |
[α] | hikorókerá | djobóhą | kuruhį́djakiriji | [τ´] |
égi | hikorokéra | djobóhą | kúruhį́djakiriji | gíji. |
Égi | hikorokéra | jobóhą | kúruhį́jakiriži, | gíži. |
Then | his grandmother | four times | he greeted her | [.] |
hidjobóhôna | kuruhį́tcakiri[ε´] | hitcųcgé | gikarádjirerá | [T] |
hidjobóhôra | kuruhį́dj-hakirigàdją | hitcųcgé | gikáradjirèra | wąkcíg-ho’į |
Hijobóhôna | kuruhį́jakirigàją, | "Hicųšgé" | Gikárajirèra | wąkšígo’į |
Four times | after he had greeted her, | "Nephew" | He Whom We Call | life span |
híxdjį | heghókonogenísge | djéje | róra | tcakirisgéronísge |
híxdjį | hegh-hokánągnìsge | djéje; | róra | tcakírisgeronìsge |
híxjį | heǧokánągenìsge | jéže. | Róra | cakírisgeronìsge, |
[full in years] | as if he were wearing a swan | he was. | His body | it was like a flea's, |
ára | daníhuharágenisge* | djéje | hąbogúrap’ahí | hirokíkonogra |
ára | danihú haragnísge | djéje. | hąb-hogúra páhi | hirokikánągra |
ára | tanihúaragenísge | jéže. | Hąbogúrapáhi | hirokikánągera |
his arms | like a pipe-stem | they were. | Facing east | he carried a staff† |
hírabrokére | gisą́sądjéje | hąhą | kuniká | tcakó† |
hiráb-rokère | gisą́sądjeje. | "hąhą́, | kúnika, | tcako |
hirábrokère | gisą́sąježe. | "Hąhą́, | kúnika, | cakó |
placed under his chin* | shaking nervously. | "Greetings | grandmother, | thus |
jesgékdjena | (hidegenik etc.* | hiuni etc.)* | djasge | tcąt’į́haré† |
jesgekdjéną | hidégnįkwahara, | hi’unínįkwahara, | djásge | tcąt’į́hare. |
žesgekjéną | hitégenįkwahara, | hi’unínįkwahara, | jásge | cąt’į́hare. |
thus it will be. | My uncles, | my aunts, | [how] | I have made it visible. |
[ϕ] | ruc’ágiránį[Ↄ] | (hidegeni etc.* | hiúni etc.)* | [α] |
hąké | ruc’ágiranįkdjanéną, | hidégnįkwahara, | hi’uninįkwahàra. | égi |
Hąké | ruš’ágiranįkjanéną, | hitégenįkwahara, | hi’uninįkwahàra. | Égi |
Not | they will not fail,† | my uncles, | my aunts. | [And] |
nicgé | djasgé | tcąt’į́haré | jée | [ϕ] |
nicgé | djasgé | tcąt’į́hare | jee | hąké |
nišgé | jasgé | cąt’į́hare. | Žee | hąké |
I myself | [how] | I have made visible. | [This] | not |
ruc’ágiránįk[Ↄ] | [T] | jée | híuinánihé[Ↄ]." |
ruc’ágirànikdjanèną. | wąkcíg-ho’į | jee | hi’ų́iranihekdjanèną." |
ruš’ágirànikjanèną. | Wąkšígo’į | žee | hi’ų́iranihekjanèną." |
they will not fail. | Life | this | they'll use." |
At this point there is a pause in the story while a change is made in the narrator. The MS indicates this with the following material:
"— (West finishes here)
(South now begins to finish the foregoing story) — [salutation] —"
[α] | waųjé | waxopini | tcígių́kdjane[τ´] | waųjé |
égi | wa’ųjé | waxopíni | tci gi’ų́kdjanegíji. | wa’ųjé; |
Égi | wa’ųžé. | Waxopíni | cigi’ų́kjanegíži. | Wa’ųžé. |
[Then] | [he did it.] | Spirits | he's going to make a lodge. | [He is doing it.] |
tcicunąjįkererá | harúôk | hanį́kirijé | [α] | hikorókihiwíra |
tcicúnąjįkèrera | harúwôk | hanį́kirije. | égi | hikórokehiwira |
Cišúnąžįkèrera | harúwôk | hanį́kiriže. | Égi | hikórokehiwira |
Upright tent poles | eight | he brought. | Then | Our Grandmother |
CW 24, s. 198) —
mą́gerá | hąbogúrap’ahi | mągeró-nąké | hįbíje | nôga |
mą́gra | hąb-hogúra páhi | mąg-rahónąke | hįb-híje | anąga |
mą́gera | hąbogúrapáhi | mągerónąké | hįbíže, | anąga |
the breast | towards the east | he grabbed her breast | he threw it, | [and] |
égi | tcicúnąjįkéreną́ka | hą́bogúrap’ahí | wat’únarehíje | [τ´] |
égi | tcicúnajįkérenąka | hą́b-hogúra páhi | wat’ų́rarehije | giji |
égi | cišúnažįkérenąka | hą́bogúrapáhi | wat’ų́narehiže, | giži |
[then] | the upright lodge poles | towards the east | he threw them | [.] |
hakírukdją | kiridjé | wahijé | nôga | égi |
hakírukdją | kiridjé | wahijé. | anąga | égi |
Hakírukją | kirijé | wahižé, | anąga | égi |
They bent together | they came | he made them, | [and] | [then] |
tcicúra | t’ųbra wigicge | ságerᆠ| hirasá | sanįgiowádjąne | hąborgúrap’ahi |
tcicúra | t’ų́bra-wigicge | ságra | hirasá | sanįg-yowádjąre‡‡ | hąb-horgúra pahi |
cišúra | t’ų́brawigišge | ságera | hirasá | sanįgyowájąne. | Hąbogúrapahi |
the lodge poles | that with which to tie them* | fast, firmly | together with‡ | in the south. | Towards the east |
hat’ųna | hohí[τ´] | mą́nįkawaxopinni | manąpéra | ewigícgera | |
hat’ųra | hohigíji | mánįkawaxopíni | manąpéra | e | wigícgera |
hat’ųna | hohigíži | mánįkawaxopíni | manąpéra | e | wigíšgera |
he threw them | [the time when he did it ?] | the little walking spirits* | soldiers† | these | objects to tie with‡ |
herédjinókce | [α] | sanįgédja | huicgé* | tconí | kikúrudíra |
hérekdjiną̀kje. | égi | sanįg-édja | húicge | tcóni | kikurudíra |
hérekjiną̀kše. | Égi | sanįgéja | húišge | cóni | kikurutíra |
they became. | [And] | to the other side | he proceeded and | first | crawling† |
manô´pera | ewigícgera | heré | kírinąk’ | wahijé | sánįk | |
manąpéra | e | wigícgera | here | kírinąk | wahijé. | sánįk |
manąpéra | e | wigíšgera | here | kírinąk | wahižé. | Sánįk |
the soldiers* | [these] | the tiers† | [to be] | he made them | to do it. | Direction |
[ϕ] | wiówanidjąne | sánįk | [β] |
hąké | wiówanìdjąre, | sánįk | édja |
hąké | wiówanìjąne, | sánįk | éja |
not | where the sun doesn't set, north | [side] | there |
wákąsébera | kcekéra | ewigícgera | heré | |
wáką́ sébra | kcekéra | e | wigícgera | heré |
wákąsébera, | kšekéra, | e | wigíšgera | heré |
the black snakes,* | the rattlesnakes, | [these] | objects to tie with | [to be] |
djinagíji | hihéwahéna | sánįk | yowádjąne | |
djinąkgìji. | hihe | wahéna. | sánįk | yowádjąre |
jinąkìži. | Hihé | wahéna. | Sánįk | yowájąne |
he made it. | [It reached there,] | [I mean.]* | [Side] | south |
[α] | wakô séredjerá | wákązíra | ewirúsgidjera‡ | herédjiną[τ´] | |
égi | waką séredjra, | wáką zíra, | e | wirúsgidjra | herédjinągíji. |
égi | wakąsérejera, | wákązíra, | e | wirúsgijera | heréjinągíži. |
[here] | [fox snake,]* | yellow snake,† | [these] | they were used as tiers | [they became.]‡‡ |
hihé | wahéna | tcíra | hiórotcô´na | waką tcóra | hąbogúra |
hihe | wahéna. | tcíra | hi-horôtcára | waką tcóra | hąb-hogúra |
Hihé | wahéna. | círa | hiórocô´na | wakącóra | hąbogúra |
[It reached there,] | [I mean.]* | The lodge | the center of the top | [the green snake]† | the east |
hapahí | t’ų́pce | tcírobeną́jįkeréra | tcóra | wakąná | hinųgirakirús |
hapáhi | t’ų́pje. | tcírobną̀jįkerera | tcóra | waką́ra | hinųg-hirakírus |
hapáhi | t’ų́pše. | círobeną̀žįkerera | córa | waką́na | hinųgirakírus |
towards | he placed. | The door poles | [the green ones] | the snakes | [with females] |
CW 24, 207 —
híjącana | hérewahíje | wą́kdjega | hoicórohokéreje | [α] |
híjącàną | herewahíje; | wą́kdjega | hoicóro hokéreje. | égi |
hížąšana | herewahíže. | Wą́kjega | hoišórohokéreže. | Égi |
each one | he made them. | The male | they put on the right. | [And] |
nąkéxuhô´berá | hanįkíridji[ρ´] | hąbogurap’áhe | hat’ų́na |
nąké xuhą́bra | hanįkíridji-ànąga | hąb-hogúra pahi | hat’ų́ra |
nąké xuhą́bera | hanįkírijiànąga | hąbogúrapahi | hat’ų́na |
the glistening back* | he brought and stood and | towards the east | he left it |
huhígiji | [γ] | hiroíkis k’inibíje | nôga |
huhígiji. | hą́bra | hiróikiskinib-híje. | anąga |
huhígiži. | Hą́bera | hiroíkiskinibíže, | anąga |
he sent it. | The light | he shut off,* | [and] |
[α] | sánįk | yoicgúnina | wánioitcge | hį́ceberá |
égi | sánįk | yoicgúnina | wanióitcge | hí cebra |
égi | sánįk | yoišgúnina | wanioícge | hį́šebera |
[then] | [side] | the north | animal* | black hair |
hírunáwįxdjįbíje | waxopinni | hominók | p’įgíųgí | sánįk |
hiruną́wįx djįbje; | waxopíni | homínąk | pigí’ų-gi; | sánįk |
hiruną́wįxjįbíže. | Waxopíni | homínąk | pįgí’ųgi. | Sánįk |
enclosed with.* | Spirits | seats | he made good for. | [Side] |
yowádjąne | sánįk | [β] | wanioítcge | hįsgará |
yowádjąre | sánįk | edja | wanióitcge | hį-sgá |
yowájąne | sánįk | éja | wanioícge | hįsgará |
south | [side] | there | animal | the white haired* |
[η] | hát’ųná | huhígi | tcisánįk | hiruną́wį́xdjįbíje |
jésge | hat’ų́ra | huhígi | tci sánįk | hiruną́wįx djįb-híje |
žésge | hat’ų́na | huhígi | cisánįk | hiruną́wįxjįbíže. |
[that kind] | [he left it] | he sent it | one side of the lodge | [he enclosed with.]* |
waxopini | hominók | gíųgí | [α] | hitcakóro |
waxopíni | homínąk, | gí’ųgi. | égi | hitcakóro |
Waxopíni | homínąk | gí’ųgi, | égi | hicakóro |
[Spirits] | seat | [having made for them,] | then | friends |
wahíra | wakáragigu[ρ´]* | e | wikídjopíwi | minógiréje |
wahíra | wakaragig’ų-ànąga | e | wikídjopìwi | miną́gireje; |
wahíra | wakaragig’ųànąga | e | wikíjopìwi | miną́gireže. |
his | he called and | [they] | together with the four of them | they sat. |
Wakdjąkága | Ketcą́gega | Wacdjįgéga | hikórokehíwira | jejénuga |
wakdjųkága, | ketcųgéga, | wacdjįgéga, | hikórokehìwira, | jejénųga |
Wakjąkága, | Kecų́gega, | Wašjįgéga, | Hikórokehìwira, | žežénąga |
Trickster, | Turtle, | Hare, | Our Grandmother* | [that many] |
hikídjopíwi | minógiréje |
hikídjopiwi | miną́gireje. |
hikíjopiwi | miną́gireže. |
the four of them together | they sat. |
The original text is in Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3887 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7, 233-247. This was published as a Hocąk text with numbered sentences followed by an English translation in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves International Journal of American Linguistics, Memoirs, 3 (1950): 21-24 (ss 72-212). A free translation into English can be found in Radin, The Road of Life and Death, 301-307.