Hocąk Text — The Lost Blanket, Version 2
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
The manuscript is in the hand of Paul Radin, the Hocąk line is written in bolder letters with a different writing implement than was used for the English lines. In general, the MS is not difficult to read. About 50% of the hand written interlinear text has no English translation, but almost all of the untranslated words could be found elsewhere. Radin also used symbolic abbreviations for common whole words or syllables some of which he interpreted here and in other manuscripts, although there are some whose values are unknown. The symbols used in the text appear on the table below:
α | β | γ | ε | ɜ | θ |
égi | éja | giži | ésge | šaną | žigé* |
ρ | σ | τ | υ | ϕ | ψ |
ánañga | žegų | aire* | re, regi† | gają‡ | hañké |
2 | ɕ | |· | | | ⨪ | + | - |
že, še | xjį | hire* | ną | nañk | haną́c* | ra |
Words supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are found in brackets '[ ]'. It was also necessary for the editor to supply all punctuation and to determine the beginning and ending of sentences.
p. 37 —
Wa-į́ją | į́[υ], | gixawaníne[2]. | Maihage[υ´] | djesgé[ɕ][⨪]kíji |
Wa-į́žą | į́regi, | gixawaníneže. | Maihagerégi | jesgéxjįnañkíži |
A mantle | they wore, | they lost. | On top of earth | as much as it is |
haną́tcį[ɕ] | ho-ųneje. | Waxopíni | wáradjiré[-] | djanuñgáki |
haną́cįxjį | ho-ųneže. | Waxopíni | wárajiréra | januñgáki |
[absolutely all] | [they went.] | [Spirits] | [the various ones] | [as many as there are] |
haną́tcį[ɕ] | wowaíre[2]. | [α] | [ψ] | hikaraérani[2]. |
haną́cįxjį | wowaíreže. | Égi | hañké | hikaraéraniže. |
[absolutely all] | they went. | [And] | [not] | they didn't find it. |
Ge | [ε] | mąk’úhǫna | hanáñtcį[ɕ] | hungé |
Ge | ésge | mąk’úhǫna | hanáñcįxjį | hungé |
[And] | [so] | [under?] | [absolutely everything] | [chiefs] |
hatcą[ɜ´] | [⨪´]kijí, | tcikérera | hanątc´ | wowaire[2].* |
hacąšána | náñkiži, | cikérera | haną́c | wowaireže. |
in different places wherever | they are, | the lodges | [all] | they went by. |
Mañk’úhǫ[-] | [+][ɕ] | ho-úine[2]. | Hiñké | wajį |
Mañk’úhǫra | haną́cįxjį | ho-úineže. | Hiñké | wažį |
[At ?] | [absolutely all of them] | [they were.] | [Not] | [anything] |
érani[2]. | [α] | [θ] | mañxíwąge[υ´] | waxopíni |
éraniže. | Égi | žige | mañxíwągerégi | waxopíni |
[they did not find.] | [And] | [again] | [up above in the clouds] | [spirits] |
warádjirera | djanuñgáki | [+][ɕ] | how[τ´][2]. | [ψ] |
warájirera | januñgáki | haną́cįxjį | howaíreže. | Hañké |
[the various ones] | [all of them] | [absolutely all] | [they went.] | [Not] |
wajį | érani[2]. | Hatcį́dja | Mą’úna | [⨪]kijí, |
wažį | éraniže. | Hacį́ja | Mą’úna | nañkiží, |
[anything] | [they did not go.] | [Where] | [Earthmaker] | [he sits], |
[β´] | hahíre[2]. | Mą’úna* | wanañkéwege. | [ε] |
éja | hahíreže. | Mą’úna | wanañkéwege. | Esge |
[there] | [they arrived] | [Earthmaker] | he became afraid. | [And so] |
djagú | wąhírega | wagi’ų́[2]. | Hiñké | djagú |
jagú | wąhírega | wagi’ų́že. | Hiñké | jagú |
what | they went for | he granted them. | [Not] | [what] |
p. 38 —
’uą[|·´]gi | wawogíruc’ágeni[2]. | "[ψ] | wają́ |
’uąhirégi | wawogíruš’ágeniže. | "Hañké | wažą́ |
[after going a long distance ?] | he did not delay in granting. | "[Not] | [anything] |
’yapéresninunigé | honiñgiduxúitcáwi[|]," | wawigé[2]. | [α] | hokikdjąp´ |
’yapéresninunigé | honiñgituxúicáwiną," | wawigéže. | Egi | hokikjąp´ |
I don't know [but] | I will look it up for you," | [he told them.] | [And] | looking glass |
xedéją | rúz[ρ] | mąnáñgere | djasgá[⨪]ki | [+][ɕ] |
xetéžą | rúzanañga | mąnáñgere | jasgánañki | haną́cįxjį |
a big one | [he took and] | [on the earth] | [the way they are] | [absolutely all] |
hadjá | wagigí[2]. | Hidjokurughudjwire," | wige[2´]. | Hatcį́dja[⨪]kí |
hajá | wagigíže. | Hijokuruǧujwire," | wigežé. | Hacį́janañkí |
to see | he let them. | "Look for it yourselves," | [he told them]. | Where it was |
hakaradjaíre[2]. | Wa-į́na | hik’ére[2], | [β]. | [α]* |
hakarajaíreže. | Wa-į́na | hik’éreže, | eja. | Egi |
they saw it. | [The blanket] | they found | [there.] | [And] |
[β] | hihínąp | [|·][2´]. | [α] | [β] |
eja | hihínąp | hirežé. | Egi | eja |
[there] | [to go out] | [they did.] | [And] | [there] |
Herecgúniga | édjokawaire[2].* | Mą’úna | waírecgúnina | hicakis’aniñk |
Herešgúniga | éjokawaireže. | Mą’úna | waírešgúnina | hišakis’aniñk |
[the Devil] | they entered. | [Earthmaker] | [they said] | besides him |
nañkí.* | [β] | hokawaíre[ϕ] | [β] | t’éwahi |
nañkí. | Eja | hokawaíregają | eja | t’éwahi |
that he was. | [There] | [after they arrived,] | [there] | to kill them |
nąį́[2]. | Mąs´* | hitcíją | heregí, | cogá[ɕ][2]. |
nąį́že. | Mąs´ | hicížą | heregí, | šogáxjįže. |
he tried. | [Iron] | home | [it was,] | very thick. |
[β] | hokéwe | wagigi[ρ´] | mązitcí[⨪] | dacútcį |
Eja | hokéwe | wagigiánañga | mązicínañk | tašúcį |
[There] | [to enter] | [he put them, and] | [the iron lodge] | red hot |
hi[2´]. | [σ] | naį́ji. | T’airegúni | [|·]gé. |
hižé. | Žegų | naį́ži. | T’airegúni | hiregé. |
he made. | [Then] | [he tried.] | [They might be dead] | [he thought.] |
Woruxútc | hi[ϕ´], | de | cgadjrá | ’ų[ɕ]nañkcé.* |
Woruxúc | higáją, | te | šgajrá | ’ųxjįnañkšé. |
[He looked in] | [having done,] | [these ones] | [playing] | [they were doing very much.] |
[θ] | hiraitcé[-] | dacútc | hí[2]. | Jedjuñgá |
Žige | hiraicéra | tašúc | híže. | Žejuñgá |
[Again] | more | [red hot] | [he made.] | [Now then] |
naį́jį[ɕ]. | T’airegúni | hiregé. | Waicdjá | hi[ϕ´], |
naį́žįxjį. | T’airegúni | hiregé. | Waišjá | higáją, |
[he tried very hard.] | [They might be dead] | [he thought.] | [To spy] | [having done,] |
hidjáraha’ų́, | de | mąs | hitcí | dacútc[⨪]a, |
hijáraha’ų́, | te | mąs | hicí | tašúcnañka, |
when he was going there, | [this] | metal | lodge | that was red hot, |
p. 39 —
[β] | hiją́ | sirá | hixarók | djihuhí[2]. |
eja | hižą́ | sirá | hixarók | jihuhíže. |
[there] | [one] | foot | stuck through | he sent it. |
Jedjuñga, | ’uñ[ɕ´] | negí | kiruxaíreniñge[ɕ´]. | [θ] |
Žejuñga, | ’uñxjį́ | negí | kiruxaíreniñgexjį́. | Žige |
[Now then,] | they did much more | [when] | they chased one another. | [Again] |
gigás | hihinąp´[⨪][|·]gácge | higų | hatcįdjá | hapahírega, |
gigás | hihinąp´nañkiregášge | higų | hacįjá | hapahírega, |
to burst | they would go out somewhere | but | wherever | they ran towards, |
[β] | gigás | hoikáwa | hagiakára[⨪][2]. | ’Ú[⨪]’ų, |
eja | gigás | hoikáwa | hagiakáranañkce. | ’Únañk’ų, |
[there] | to burst | [from the inside] | [they would come out ?]. | [Finally,] |
Herecgúnina | hotci[-´] | mą́zitci | dacúdje[⨪]a | Herecgúniga |
Herešgúnina | hocirá | mą́zici | tašújenañka | Herešgúniga |
[Herešgúnina] | [dwelling] | [iron lodge] | [this red-hot one] | [Herešgúniga] |
hotcirá | hanaxánaine[2] | [γ]. | Herecgúniga | hotci[-´] |
hocirá | hanaxánaineže | giži. | Herešgúniga | hocirá |
[dwelling] | they kicked over on | [.] | [Herešgúniga] | [dwelling] |
daé gigíre.* | Wagáx | xedéją | nąt’ųb[ρ´] |
taé gigíre. | Wagáx | xetéžą | nąt’ųbánañga |
they set afire. | Book | a big one | he carried out in his arms and |
hakíri hinąb[⨪][2´]. | Wagaire[2],* | "Deéji | t’é[|] | nąnac’įwina |
hakíri hinąbnañkšé. | Wagaireže, | "Teéži | t’éna | nąnaš’įwina |
he ran out with. | [They said to him,] | ["But] | to kill | you have tried |
curuc’á[ϕ],* | deéji | t’eni | ną́įwiñgi, | niñgi’ųwiną́ną, |
šuruš’ákają, | teéži | t’eni | ną́įwiñgi, | niñgi’ųwiną́ną, |
you've failed, | but | to kill you | if we tried, | we could do it, |
nunigé | [ψ] | niñg’ų́wininą.* |
nunigé | hañké | niñg’ų́wininą. |
[but] | [not] | we will not do it. |
Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 1-41 [37-39].