Interlinear Hocąk-English Text — Kaǧiga
by Paul Radin
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Notebook 18: 1-9 |
The manuscript, which is in the hand of Paul Radin, is extremely difficult to read. Every attempt has been made to check the text against other texts and word lists, but in cases where the reading is doubtful, question marks appear after illegible letters. About 40% of the hand written interlinear text has no English translation, but almost all of the untranslated words could be found elsewhere. Radin also used Greek letter abbreviations for common whole words or syllables some of which he interpreted here and in other manuscripts. The Greek symbols used in the text appear on the table below:
α | β | γ | ε | ɜ | λ | ·נ | ρ | ϕ |
égi | éja | giži | ésge | šaną | žesge | nunįge | ánąga | hąké |
υ | ω | ɕ | ɬ | X | 2 | - | ⨪ | | |
regi | žigé | xjį | kjanih (?) | wąk | že | -ra | nąk | ną |
Words supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are found in brackets '[ ]'. It was also necessary for the editor to supply all punctuation and to determine the beginning and ending of sentences.
p. 1 —
tci[⨪]ijaⁿ | edjá[⨪][2] | hûñktcabirera | enîñkdjôñk wanina |
Cinągižą | ejánąkše. | Hųkcabirera | e nįkjąkwanina |
[A village] | [it was there.] | Their chief | his children |
hunihéra | nûⁿp‘íwínaⁿ† | hijaⁿ | nîñkdjôñgᴇra |
hunihéra | nųp’iwína. | Hižą | nįkjągera |
bands | there were two of them. | One | children |
p. 2* —
nûⁿbanínaⁿ | hijaⁿ | kerêpônaijaⁿ | haninaⁿ‡ | hijaⁿ |
nųbaníną,† | hižą | kereponaižą | haniną. | Hižą |
two had, | one | ten | had. | One |
nûⁿp‘i | haninaⁿ | [α] | k‘inûⁿbirera | hijañk‘iradjaṇê |
nųpi | haniną, | égi | k’inųbirera | hižąkirajane, |
two | he had, | and | the brother | the one that was single,* |
hoc’igirenaⁿ | hidjaⁿnenáñgᴇre | hanáⁿtc | hiperêziré[|] | hagâréjaⁿ |
hoš’igireną. | Hijąneną́gere | haną́c | hipereziréną. | Hagaréžą |
they disliked. | The others | [all] | [they knew it]. | [At one past time] |
wañk’iṇek‘iⁿdjera | xawanínaⁿ | [ε] | gix‘anaíṇe[|] | [β] | tci[⨪´]ᴇra |
wąk’inekįjera | xawaníną. | É́sge | gix’anaíneną. | Éja | ciną́gera |
the lone man | disappeared. | [So] | they moved. | There | village |
k‘ônốgire[|] | [α] | xap’énîñk | dok‘ewehirenaⁿ | [ε ] | kaγíga |
kaną́gireną. | Égi | xap’énįk | tok’ewehireną. | É́sge | Kaǧíga |
they placed. | And | [soon] | they were hungry. | [So] | [Crow, Raven] |
nîñkdjôñk | t’unairera | k‘aⁿ* | hirawadjôs’arê |
niñkjąk, | "T’unairera | k’ą | hirawajos’are |
[child,] | "That [which] was left | sinew | it had remaining on it |
p. 3* —
haicdjad’ekdjenaⁿ | hiṇekdjenaⁿ | hi-ŭánihekdjé[|] |
haišjat’ekjeną. | Hinekjeną, | hi-uánihekjéną." |
I will go and see. | Let us go, | we will be on the way together." |
β = edja | ɜ = canaⁿ | |
λ = jesge |
hidjahohíne[|] | wop‘îñk‘érera | rok‘ônấna* | huntcíbᴇra |
Hijahohíneną. | Wopįkérera | rokonána | hųcíbera |
These they arrived. | Meat racks | there were plenty | bear entrails |
rudjík‘ihî́ⁿp[ɜ] | hoho | wañgᴇnuṇa | hagá | wajaⁿ |
rujíkihį́pšaną. | "Hohó | wągenúna, | hagá | wažą |
were stretched here and there. | "Say, | old man, | what | thing |
p‘îⁿjaⁿ | wañgᴇnunanaⁿdjwia-únaⁿ | huntcî́bᴇ[⨪]a | [λ] |
p’įžą. | Wągenuna-nąjwia-úną | hųcíbenąka," | žesge. |
a good one. | Old man I admire (long for) them | these bear entrails," | [thus (he spoke)]. |
rutcấna | wañk’î́ṇek‘iga | hotci[β] | hahiré[|] | hiyû́ñgiwina |
Rucána, | Wąk’į́nekiga | hocibeja. | Hahiréną. | Hiyų́giwina, |
He ate, | [Lone Man] | entrails. | They arrived. | [The princess,] |
wañk’îⁿṇek‘iga | hinû́ñktcabᴇra | hidja[⨪´][ɜ] | waho |
Wąk’į́nekiga | hinų́kcabera, | hijaną́kšaną. | "Waho, |
[Lone Man] | his sister, | she was there. | [Exclamation] |
hatcâñgére | hadjiwí[|] | tci[⨪]ᴇra | dok‘ếwehinaⁿ |
hacągére | hajiwíną. | Cinągera | tok’éwehiną. |
barely able* | that we arrived. | [The village] | it is hungry. |
p. 4 —
higŭosge | nicdja-howí[|] | hagáwajaⁿ | p‘iⁿpânaína |
higuosge | nišja-howiną. | Hagáwažą, | p’įpanaina |
Not without expectations | do we come to see you. | [Ah, such a] | a very good thing |
c’û́ⁿwigadjaⁿ | [λ´]naⁿ | tcok‘áwira | wañgᴇtcábᴇra |
š’ų́wigają." | žesgéną. | "Cok’áwira | wągecábera |
you are doing," | [thus (he said)]. | (Woman speaking) "My gr.fathers | my brother |
ni-û́ⁿp[ɜ] | wajaⁿ | p‘iⁿáⁿunáñk[ɜ] | wawogíha[|] |
ni-ų́pšaną. | Wažą | p’įą́uną́kšaną." | Wawogíhaną. |
has come to life. | Thing | a good we are doing." | She boiled for them. |
udjirocdjudjïrera | kaγí[⨪]rê | warasirí[|] | huntcîp |
Ujirošjujirera. | Kaǧínągere | warasiríną. | Hųcip |
It became warm in their stomachs. | The crow | vomited. | Bear entrails |
gik‘unuk‘únûñk‘ | rasirí[|] | tcok‘a | donik‘êwêhíwijê | hicegádjaⁿ |
gik’unuk’únųk | rasiríną. | "Cok’a | tonikewehíwiže, | hišegáją |
broken | he vomited. | "Gr.father | you were hungry, | you said, but |
dehúntcipcarasíricônañk‘ | dedjasgéragadjaⁿ | wac’ûⁿcá[⨪][2] |
tehų́cipšarasírišonąk, | tejasgéragają, | waš’ųšánąkše?" |
you are vomiting up bear entrails, | how did you do that, | you are doing this?" |
hoho | hagágasgê | ruáγi[·נ] | higŭódjaⁿ |
"Hohó | hagágasge, | ruáǧinunige | higuóją |
"Say, | [exclamation,] | I forbade it, but | already |
p. 5 —
higidjí[|] | jegûⁿgûⁿhirê | hiha[·נ´] | [α] | hadjiwírê |
higijíną. | Žegųgųhire, | hihanúnige, | égi | hajiwíre |
we have arrived. | So never mind, | I said to him | [and] | when I arrived here |
wamánuw[ρ] | wa-u[⨪´][ɜ] | hoho | tcok‘awira | higûⁿ |
wamánu-anąga | wa-uną́kšaną." | "Hohó | cok’awira | higų |
he stole it, and | he does this." | "Say, | [grandfather] | [still] |
p‘îⁿgádjaⁿ | hadjiwarudjwirê | warudjᴇwogánaⁿ | [α] |
p’įgáją, | hajiwarujwire." | Warujewogáną, | [égi] |
it is good, | come and eat." | She gave them food, | and |
wañk‘iⁿṇek‘iga | kirí[|] | hoho | tcok‘awira | radjíwigidjíra | ep‘í[|] |
Wąk’į́nekiga | kiríną. | "Hohó, | cok’awira | rajíwigijíra. | Ep’į́ną. |
[Lone Man] | he returned. | "Say, | grandfather | you have come. | [It is good]. |
tcok‘awira | radjiwi[|] | p‘iⁿ[|] | p‘iⁿ[|] | maⁿhominañgwira |
Cok’awira | rajiwiną. | P’įną, | p’įną. | Mąhominągwira |
[Grandfather] | you have come. | [Good,] | [good.] | This country we live in |
wani-oítcgera* | rokôná[|] | hitcûⁿcge | hakerê[ɬ]áwi[|] |
wani-oícgera | rokonáną, | hicųšge." | "Hakerekjaniháwiną,† |
animals | there were many, | grandson." | "We're going home, |
nîñkdjôⁿgᴇnîñk | tcuwinaⁿ | mêế |
nįkjągenįk | cuwiną." | "Meé |
children | we have." | "This |
wagániñk-k‘arawirê | wagíha | huntc | hoci |
wagánįkarawire." | Wagíha, | hųc | hoši |
take for them." | Dried meat, | bear | fat |
p. 6* —
wogánaⁿ | hagíre[|] | k‘unuⁿga | wanaxgú[|] |
wogáną. | Hagíreną. | K’unuga | wanaxgúną |
he gave them. | They arrived here. | Kunu | heard them |
[γagᴇraγé|] | [< make noise ] from shouting | |
hikcáragénaⁿ | from laughing | |
warudjᴇra ûñxdjíné| | < make noise from eating |
The top line was cut off in the course of filming the page. The likely missing words have been supplied within brackets.
γagᴇraγé[|] | hoho | tcok‘ara |
ǧageraǧé. | "Hohó | cok’ara, |
as they made noise from crying.* | "Say | gr.father, |
wajañ[ɕ]rudjírega | [λ] | airecônú[|] | |
wažąxjį | rujírega, | žesge," | airešonúną, |
something of any consequence, | when they eat, | [thus it is]," | what they [were] saying, |
hidjahuhé[-]* | nocirira† |
hijahuhé[ra]. | Noširira |
when he came towards them. | (Cork growing on tree bark)‡ |
hijáⁿcanaⁿ | wogárahire[|] | hitcûⁿcgê | nocirirudjir[ρ] |
hižą́šaną | wogárahireną. | "Hicųšge | noširirujiranąga |
one apiece | they gave them. | "Grandson | for eating noširi, and |
wá[⨪][ɜ] | haⁿ | [ω] | hadjíre[|] | hohó | tcok‘ára |
wánąkšaną." | "Hą." | Žigé | hajíreną. | "Hohó | cokára |
it is why they say it." | ["Yes]." | [Again] | they came. | ["Say,] | [grandfather] |
hadjíre[|] | tcokaíra | warudjwirê | hik‘araíre[|] | wagíha |
hajíreną. | Cokaíra | warujwire." | Hik’araíreną. | Wagíha |
they [came.] | [Grfather] | eat." | They went home. | [Dried meat] |
hundjwocí[-] | hirana | haniañkaraíre[|] | hagíre[|] | niñkjôñgᴇnîñgᴇra |
hųjwošira | hirana | haniąkaraíreną. | Hagíreną. | Nįkjągenįgera |
bear fat | [that they had] | they took home. | They arrived home. | Children |
p. 7* —
jigê | wawokaragaíre[|] | [ω] | k‘unugᆠ| djí[|] | [λ] | á[⨪][ɜ] |
žigé | wawokaragaíreną. | Žigé | Kunugá | jíną. | Žesge | ánąkšaną, |
[again] | they fed them. | [Again] | [Kunu] | he came. | [Thus] | they said, |
✓ ni-áⁿpcanaⁿ = he has come to life | |
✓ ni-aⁿpdjénaⁿ = he is alive |
tcok‘ara | wajañ[ɕ] | rudjirega | [λ] |
"Cok’ara | wažąxjį | rujirega," | žesge |
"Grandfather | [a little something] | [eat]," | [thus] |
airecônú[|] | é[|] | hok‘aw[ρ´] | [α] | warudjᴇ[⨪]ᴇra |
airešonúną, | éną. | Hok‘awánąga | égi | warujenągera |
[they would say,] | [he said.] | He went in, and | [then] | food that they were eating |
wawaraⁿcé[|] | [α] | kaγí[⨪]ᴇra | wogidek[ɜ] | nîñkdjốñgᴇ[...]* |
wawarąšéną, | égi | kaǧínągera | wogitekšaną. | "Nįkjąge[ra] |
he took away, | and | [the] crow | got angry. | ["Children] |
warudjwak‘aragi | naⁿiⁿṇa | [λ] | racônú[|] | wañk‘íⁿṇek‘iga | ni-ốⁿp[ɜ] |
warujwakaragi, | nąįna, | žesge | rašonúną. | Wąk’į́nekiga | ni-ǫ́pšaną. |
when to feed, | I try, | [thus] | you always do. | [Lone Man] | he has come to life. |
tcinañk | hohúwira | maⁿwáce[⨪][ɜ] | [ε]* | nijí | hak‘erekdjônihawi[|] |
Cinañk | hohúwira | mąwašenąkšaną. | Ésge | niží | hakerekjanihawiną." |
[Village] | where we came from | he has plenty. | [So] | therefore | we are going back." |
[ε] | k‘unuga | we[|] | nicgế | tcok‘awira | hadjik‘erekdjoniháwi[|]* |
É́sge | Kunuga | weną, | "Nišgé." | "Cok’awira, | hajikerekjanihawiną. |
[So] | Kunu | [he said,] | "I also." | ["Grandfather,] | we're going back. |
p. 8* —
widjádjara | gigoiguwírê | widjádjara | horagᴇrarê |
Wijájara | gigoiguwíre. | Wijájara | horagerare, |
Crier | go there calling. | [The crier] | go and tell, |
enaⁿ = to say [...] transitive verb to say is used, they use higế. |
Most of the top line has been cut off in the course of filming the page.
wañk‘iⁿṇek‘iga | [X]’iⁿgêdjêni | maⁿwace[⨪][2] | aíre[|] |
'Wañk’į́nekiga | wąk’įgejenį, | mąwašenąkše, | aíreną.' |
['Lone Man] | he has come to life, | therefore, he has pleny, | [they say].' |
hohúiwira | wanioítcgera | ṇokônô[ɕ]na | aíre[|] | [ε] |
Hohúiwira | wanioícgera | rokonoxjįną, | aíreną. | Ésge |
[Where we came from] | animals | [there are many,] | [they say.] | [So] |
e | howiñk‘erekdjáwira | hik‘ârehowirê | xap‘égiwirê | hodjiak‘araírejê |
e | howįkerekjáwira. | Hik’arahowire | xap’égiwire." | Hajiak’araíreže, |
there | let us go back. | Get ready | hurry up." | They went back, |
aíre[|] | hagíre[γ] | wañk’îⁿṇek‘iga | wejê |
aíreną. | Hagíregiži, | Wąk’į́nekiga | wéže, |
[they say.] | [They arrived here, and] | [Lone Man] | [he said] |
p‘iⁿṇawí[|] | ṇak‘iriwira | wigếjê | djagú |
"P’įnawíną | nak’iriwira," | wigéže. | Jagú |
"You did good | that you came home," | he said. | What |
giúiṇera | [ϕ] | wajaⁿ | hiránijê | tcinañgᴇre |
giúinera | hąké | wažą | hirániže. | Cinągere |
they did to him | not | [something] | did he think of it. | Village |
p. 9* —
djasgếcônunaⁿ | [ω] | jesgéjê | gadjûñga | tci[⨪]ᴇra | p‘iⁿ |
jasgéšonuną. | Žigé | žesgéže. | Gajųgá, | cinągera | p’į |
as it used to be. | [Again] | [thus] it became. | Now, | [village] | [good] |
these villages = tcinañgᴇnañg[ᴇra] | |
this village = tcináñgᴇnôñgrê | |
short a |
wañkcî́k’iⁿjê | wañk’î́ⁿṇek‘iga | naⁿdjodjaíⁿṇéjê | [ε] | tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê |
wañkšík’įže. | Wąk’į́nekiga | nąjojaįneže. | Ésge | cinągenągere |
it lived. | [Lone Man] | they blessed him. | [So] | this village |
p‘iⁿ | [X]’íⁿjê | [ε] | wañk’iⁿṇek‘iga | hûñgᴇra | eherehírejê |
p’į | wąk’į́že. | Ésge | Wąk’į́nekiga | hųgera | e herehíreže. |
good | it lived. | [So] | [Lone Man] | chief | he was made. |
[ε] | huñk | p‘íⁿjaⁿ | hanínejê | aire[|] | tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê | hîñkaga |
Ésge | hųk | p’į́žą | haníneže, | aireną. | Cinągenągere | hįkaga |
[So] | chief | a good | they had, | [they say]. | This [village] | [never] |
hinûⁿbốhanaⁿ | hocícik | howaníjê | aire[|] | wañk‘iⁿṇek‘iga |
hinųbóhaną | hošíšik | howaníže, | aireną. | Wąk’į́nekiga |
the second time | bad | did it pass through, | [they say]. | [Lone Man] |
haⁿdegêdjîní | [ε] | tci[⨪]ᴇra | p‘iⁿ | [X]’iⁿjế | aíre[|] |
hątegejiní, | ésge | cinągera | p’į | wąk’įžé, | airéną. |
because he fasted, | [so] | [village] | [good] | [it lived,] | [they say.] |
jenûñgá[|] |
Ženųgáną. |
[The End] |
Paul Radin, "Kaγíga," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook 18: 1-9.