Hocąk Text — The Gift of Shooting
narrated by Sam Blowsnake
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Sam Blowsnake |
p. 100 —
’Éki | wokų́zra | cįkíreki | Wašcįkéka | hík’orókirà |
And | [the creation] | the first time | Rabbit | his grandmother |
hak’arak’ížu, | waxop’ínį | waracire | wak’ížurera, | wak’árak’ižu |
with him, | the spirits | [the various] | these with them, | with him |
p. 101 —
’ųį́reže, | ’aįreną. | ’Éki | c’íroįxcį` | wįrą́kirekù |
[they did it,] | [they said.] | And | filling the lodge | [-]* |
waxop’ínį | waracíre. | ’Éki | Wažakų́zra | wa’ųžé, |
spirits | the various. | Then | the Creator | he did this, |
p. 102 —
’aį́reną. | K’erác’o | nįké | rúzanaka | mąxíska |
[they say.] | Blue sky | a piece of | he took and | white clouds |
hirok’í | wap’orokše,* | ’aį́reną. | Že’é | waxuxkeį́žą |
with | he rolled it by hand, | they said. | That | a shell |
herekí. | Hacara | p’įžé, | ’aį́reną. | Mąxískara |
that was. | [The sight] | it was good,* | [they say.] | White clouds |
p. 103 —
k’erác’ora | hiwakáxki, | k’arap’įéskeže, | ’aį́reną. | Že’é |
blue sky | (as) it was marked with, | it looked pretty, | they said. | That |
mąréki | hewáhukíki | c’axšép’ | wirúk’ąnąrá | hą́pokurà |
down to earth | he sent and | eagles | the leader | the east |
hap’ahí | kisąsą́kše, | ’aį́reną. | Žekų́ki | c’iókisákeca |
[he went towards] | he shook,* | [they said.] | And | in the center of the lodge |
p. 104 —
hoxíwi | cirekíže. | Waxoxkénąk’a | kišórocšé, | ’aį́reną. |
to cough | he started. | That shell | he made come out from a hole, | [it is said.] |
’Éki | rą́pok’ąnąka | hanįanąka | c’irókįkįxiránąka |
And | he picked it up and | [he took it and] | he went around the lodge and |
p. 105 —
c’įók’isakeca | ’į́ecot’ųréki, | mąį́ca | ruk’irik’íri | nąkšé, |
in the center of the lodge | when he threw it into his mouth, | on the ground | he shook | [he lay,] |
’aį́reną. | ’Éki | wąkšík’ | Wašcįkéka | hiteknįkwahirižą |
[it is said.] | Then | [man] | Rabbit | one of his little uncles |
’é | wošką́ | hikų́znák’i | ǧaǧák’ | c’irókįkįxak’irįanąka |
[he] | [the rite] | they were teaching | crying | he went around and |
p. 106 —
kucšé, | ’aį́reną. | Žekų́ki | mąįca | hak’arašų́xcį |
they shot him, | [it is said.] | Then | on the ground | [lying face down]* |
s’ac’į́ | ruk’irik’íriakše, | ’aį́reną. | ’Éki | hą́pokuréki |
very stiff | he shook | [it is said.] | Then | from the east |
hižą́ | t’aipciránaka | ’aį́ca | haruk’ózanąka |
one | got up quickly and | by the arm | he took him and |
nąckómįną́keca | haruk’ózanąka | Mąk’ą́ni |
on his heart side | he held and | the Medicine People |
p. 107 —
nįháhįánąka | k’ik’áwa’ų | kikižé, | ’aį́reną. | ’Éske |
they chanted and | to get up | he made him, | it is said. | So |
k’ikúc’ | ną́kre | že’é | ’é | waki’ų́ |
shooting each other | [the ones who] | that | they | for that reason |
wa’únàkšąną. |
they do it. |
Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, January, 1939) Book 9:100-107.