Hocąk Text — The Gift of Shooting

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation


p. 100 —
’Éki wokų́zra cįkíreki Wašcįkéka hík’orókirà
And [the creation] the first time Rabbit his grandmother



hak’arak’ížu, waxop’ínį waracire wak’ížurera, wak’árak’ižu
with him, the spirits [the various] these with them, with him



p. 101 —
’ųį́reže, ’aįreną. ’Éki c’íroįxcį` wįrą́kirekù
[they did it,] [they said.] And filling the lodge [-]*
*could this be for the exclamation wirakirakuni?



waxop’ínį waracíre. ’Éki Wažakų́zra wa’ųžé,
spirits the various. Then the Creator he did this,



p. 102 —
’aį́reną. K’erác’o nįké rúzanaka mąxíska
[they say.] Blue sky a piece of he took and white clouds



hirok’í wap’orokše,* ’aį́reną. Že’é waxuxkeį́žą
with he rolled it by hand, they said. That a shell
*an initial /y/ was crossed out and /w/ written above it.



herekí. Hacara p’įžé, ’aį́reną. Mąxískara
that was. [The sight] it was good,* [they say.] White clouds
*Susman translates hacara p’įžé together as, "it looked good".



p. 103 —
k’erác’ora hiwakáxki, k’arap’įéskeže, ’aį́reną. Že’é
blue sky (as) it was marked with, it looked pretty, they said. That



mąréki hewáhukíki c’axšép’ wirúk’ąnąrá hą́pokurà
down to earth he sent and eagles the leader the east



hap’ahí kisąsą́kše, ’aį́reną. Žekų́ki c’iókisákeca
[he went towards] he shook,* [they said.] And in the center of the lodge
*a note at the bottom of the page reads, "(E. shot him)".



p. 104 —
hoxíwi cirekíže. Waxoxkénąk’a kišórocšé, ’aį́reną.
to cough he started. That shell he made come out from a hole, [it is said.]



’Éki rą́pok’ąnąka hanįanąka c’irókįkįxiránąka
And he picked it up and [he took it and] he went around the lodge and



p. 105 —
c’įók’isakeca ’į́ecot’ųréki, mąį́ca ruk’irik’íri nąkšé,
in the center of the lodge when he threw it into his mouth, on the ground he shook [he lay,]



’aį́reną. ’Éki wąkšík’ Wašcįkéka hiteknįkwahirižą
[it is said.] Then [man] Rabbit one of his little uncles



’é wošką́ hikų́znák’i ǧaǧák’ c’irókįkįxak’irįanąka
[he] [the rite] they were teaching crying he went around and



p. 106 —
kucšé, ’aį́reną. Žekų́ki mąįca hak’arašų́xcį
they shot him, [it is said.] Then on the ground [lying face down]*
*the translation has "prone".



s’ac’į́ ruk’irik’íriakše, ’aį́reną. ’Éki hą́pokuréki
very stiff he shook [it is said.] Then from the east



hižą́ t’aipciránaka ’aį́ca haruk’ózanąka
one got up quickly and by the arm he took him and



nąckómįną́keca haruk’ózanąka Mąk’ą́ni
on his heart side he held and the Medicine People



p. 107 —
nįháhįánąka k’ik’áwa’ų kikižé, ’aį́reną. ’Éske
they chanted and to get up he made him, it is said. So



k’ikúc’ ną́kre že’é ’é waki’ų́
shooting each other [the ones who] that they for that reason



they do it.



Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, January, 1939) Book 9:100-107.