The Fleetfooted Man
narrated by James StCyr
from a story related to him by a Frenchman
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Winnebago Notebook 19: 18 |
The manuscript, which is in the hand of Paul Radin, is extremely difficult to read. Every attempt has been made to check the text against other texts and word lists, but in cases where the reading is doubtful, question marks appear after illegible letters. About 40% of the hand written interlinear text has no English translation, yet all but a few of the untranslated words was either a repeat or its meaning could be found elsewhere. Radin also used Greek letter abbreviations for common whole words or syllables some of which he interpreted in other manuscripts, although there are some whose values are unknown. The Greek symbols used in the text appear on the table below:
α | β | ∂ | ε | ϕ | ρ | τ | ω |
égi | éja | -kjanéną | gają | hąké | anąga | -giži | žigé |
Words supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are found in brackets '[ ]'.
jigi | Hotcųk´ | tcínoknǫkcgúni | wągwácoce | xedéra | hotcįtcį́nįgią |
Žigi | Hocųk´ | cínoknǫkšgúni. | Wągwášoše | xetéra | hocįcį́nįgią |
There | Hocąk | [a village was]. | Brave warrior | head | [a little boy] |
gitcoínegi | p'įxdjį | xedéhi | nąúje | hahí | warúdjenįk |
gicoínegi. | P'įxjį | xetéhi | nąúže. | Hahí | warújenįk |
they gave birth to him. | Well | he raised | [he grew?]. | When | to eat |
gip'į́giji | tcaraxúracana* | rútcgigis'áje | sagerékdjege | wágiúnąkce | hahíxedénįkí |
gip'į́giži, | caraxúrašana | rúcgigis'áže. | Sagerékjege, | wágiúnąkše. | Hahíxeténįkí, |
when he could, | deer lungs only | they would make him eat. | He wants him to run fast, | that's why he does it. | When he got older, |
p. 19 —
hiǫ́djera | wagíųs'áje | hądáginątc | gigis'áje | hąp | djobóhą |
hiǫ́jera | wagíųs'áže, | hątáginąc | gigis'áže. | Hąp | jobóhą |
his father | he used to make him [do it], | to fast | [he always did]. | [Day] | [four] |
nǫgá | hąhé | djobóhą | ną́gigís'àje. | hotcįtcį́djane | waųs'áje |
nǫgá | hąhé | jobóhą | ną́gigís'àže. | Hocįcį́jane | waųs'áže. |
[and] | [night] | [four] | he used to make him fast. | [That boy] | [he would do it]. |
hądáginątc | gigírega | honadjobóhą | honágigús'aje | hąbidjąkírahą | dejįdjaį́xdjį |
Hątáginąc | gigírega. | Honajobóhą | honágigús'aže. | Hąbijąkírahą | težįjaį́xjį |
[To fast] | [they did it]. | [Four slumbers] | he used to run (that distance). | In a day | this far |
hoųs'áje | ésge | hokizára | híją | nigé | hąbnųbóhą | hąp |
hoųs'áže. | Ésge | hokizára | hížą | nigé | hąbnųbóhą, | hąp |
he used to (run around in). | [And so] | if an enemy | [one] | somewhere | two days, | [day] |
daníhą | hokíp'į | nįgíhuhaírega | wipérezs'áje | [α] | worakikíriga |
taníhą | hokíp'į | nįgíhuhaírega | wipérezs'áže, | égi | worakikíriga, |
[three] | [that far] | they're coming | he used to know, | [and] | when he came back and told, |
p. 20 —
híkuruhoír[ρ] | hirap'é | t'ewahíres'áje | hotcįtcįdeé |
híkuruhoíránąga | hirap'é | t'ewahíres'áže. | Hocįcį teé |
they get ready, and | watch | and kill them. | [That boy] |
hijaį́tcakórohíje | maįkináje | wągwácoce | tcowédjerera | nųpíwiwigí |
hižaį́cakórohíže | maįkináže. | Wągwášoše | cowéjerera | nųpíwiwigí |
had a friend | of same age. | [Brave men] | the leading | two of them |
tcakóro | higaíres'àje | [α] | djaną́hą | wágigoírega |
cakóro | higaíres'àže, | égi | janą́hą | wágigoírega |
friend | [they used to say it to him,] | [and] | whenever | [when they feasted,] |
wap'a harádjires'áje | wąkságerega | jesganúnige | wąkwácocé |
wap'a harájires'áže, | Wąkságerega. | Žesganúnige, | wąkwášošé |
they called him to eat the head | Fleetfoot. | [But even then,] | [brave men] |
nųbánųka | e | rùdjwagigís'ajé | hoícip | wapá harádjires'ági. |
nųbánųka | e | rùjwagigís'ažé. | Hoíšip | wapá harájires'ági. |
the two | he | he used to make them eat it. | [Always] | [they called him to eat the head]. |
ésge | wągwácocéną́ka | hąké | gipį́ni | hiréje | hąbiją |
Ésge | wągwášošéną́ka | hąké | gipį́ni | hiréže. | Hąbižą |
[And so] | [those brave man] | [not] | [not to like] | [they did]. | [One day] |
hagoréją | wąkwacocénąka | híją | wéje | wąkságerega | tcakóro |
hagoréžą | wąkwašošénąka | hížą | wéže, | "Wąkságerega, | cakóro |
[then] | [those brave] men | one of them | said, | ["Fleet Man], | [my friend] |
p. 21 —
t'ehigí p'įnána | hąkíunígi | hiraréxdjįgi | [ϕ]wają́ | wą́gaikárap |
t'ehigí p'įnána. | Hąkíunígi, | hiraréxjįgi | hąkéwažą́ | wą́gaikárap |
let's kill him | If we don't do it, | after awhile | not anything | to count us |
hiraníkdjanéna | éje | hidjąnénąka | éje | hitcakòro | [ϕ] |
hiraníkjanéna," | éže. | Hijąnénąka | éže, | "Hicakòro, | hąké |
they'll do," | [he said]. | The other one | [he said], | "Friend, | [not] |
pina?ni | waragéra | wąkságerega | hįnàjį | hadją́wina | waparádjiregácge |
pina?ni | waragéra, | Wąkságerega | hįnàžį | hają́wina. | Waparájiregášge, |
[it is not good] | you said, | Fleetfoot | (depend on him)* | we are. | When they called upon him for the head, |
nenúdjadjèna | [α] | hokizára | híją, | nįgé | huhegácge |
nenújajèna, | égi | hokizára | hížą, | nįgé | huhegášge |
we are they who ate it, | [and] | [if enemies come] | [one], | [where] | coming |
hiperézkiri[ρ] | wat'éhip'įxdjį | hinądjéna | anùnige |
hiperézkiriánąga | wat'éhip'įxjį | hinąjéna," | anùnige |
[they knew, and] | nice killing | we are doing." | [he said, but] |
hawehíje | àdjaų | raxurùkce | [α] |
hawehíže. | Ájaų | raxurùkše. | Égi |
he kept at him. | As he was coaxing him | he finally got him to. | [Then] |
gųzirecgùni | djasgé | t'ehírekdjégi | wajóni | regikarahéregi |
gųzirešgùni | jasgé | t'ehírekjégi. | Wažóni | regikarahéregi. |
they planned | what way | [they would kill him]. | [Hunting] | they asked him to go. |
p. 22 —
wakíjurèje | [α] | wes'áje | wąkságerega, | djádji |
Wakížurèže, | égi | wes'áže, | Wąkságerega, | "Jáji |
He went with them, | [and] | [he would say,] | [Fleet Man], | "Father |
djodjaį́xdjį | hagá | hįháhegí | tcége | wáų[∂]," |
jojaį́xjį | hagá | hįháhegí | cége. | Wáųkjanéna," |
whenever | there | darkness overcame me | I'm dead. | [They would do it]," |
es'áje | waghonína | uąhíre[ε] | deną́djedja | nųxirá |
es'áže. | Waǧonína. | Uąhíregają, | teną́jeja | nųxirá |
[he would say]. | [He hunted]. | As they went, | middle of lake | ice |
gihápiréje | wągwacocénǫka | [α] | nįnatcgaínege |
gihápiréže. | Wągwašošénǫka | égi | nįnacgaínege |
they cut a hole. | [Those warriors] | [then] | then they dreamt |
mįgir[ánąga]. | [α] | ųcíreje | [ϕ] | unínunige |
mįgiránąga | égi | ųšíreže. | hąké | unínunige. |
[they lay, and]. | [then] | they asked him. | [Not] | he didn't do it at first. |
Raxurúgiréje | mįg[ρ] | nįnátcgǫ | [ε] | nųxk'ųką |
Raxurúgiréže | mįgánąga | nįnácgǫ. | Gają | nųxk'ųką |
They finally got him to | [to lay down, and] | [he dreamt]. | [Then] | under ice |
howátcip hiré[ε] | hik'cánuga | xépgugàdją | mąsdánihuíją | hiją́ |
howácip hirégają. | Hik'šánuga | xépgugàją. | Mąstánihuížą | hižą́ |
they ducked [dunked] him. | He laughed | as he was coming out. | A tomahawk | one |
p. 23 —
hanídje[τ] | hiródjį[ε] | deé | docónokskaxdjį́ją | nųgíwąkce | hąpséretc |
haníjegiži, | hirójįgają, | teé | tošónokskaxjį́žą | nųgíwąkše. | Hąpsérec |
he who had one, | he hit him with it, | [that one] | he turned into a [very white] otter | he commenced to run (to swim). | [All day] |
nų́x'erogį́gįx | ruxaírèje | nįge | hopóxríją | tcagíwagácge | mąsdàniku |
nų́x'erogį́gįx | ruxaírèže. | Nįge | hopóxrížą | cagíwagášge, | mąstàniku |
all over the ice | they chased him. | [Where] | [hole] | he made for, | [tomahawk] |
hirodjį́ | hires'áje | wirírexdjį́[ε] | docónok | sgaxdjį |
hirojį́ | hires'áže. | Wirírexjį́gają, | tošónok | sgaxjį |
[strike with an object] | [he would think]. | Just about sundown, | [otter] | [very white] |
wągenúnige | gwakgwak[ρ] | nįtcédjera | tcagíwá[ρ]. |
wągenúnige | "Gwakgwakánąga," | nįcéjera | cagíwánąga. |
old male | ["Gwak gwak," and] | towards the bank | he made, and |
[β] | hakiridégi | djasgé | s'ágiji | jésge |
éja | hakiritégi. | Jasgé | s'ágiži, | žésge |
[there] | he came and died. | How | he used to be, | that way |
kínipce | t'éra | hiperézeregí | wągwácocéra | hakaraíreje |
kínipše. | T'éra | hiperézeregí. | Wągwášošéra | hakaraíreže. |
he laid. | When he was dead | they knew. | [The brave men] | [they would go home.] |
hagiregi | hąhéregi | wąkságeriądjera | hinįgra | hikáwąxcé |
Hagiregi, | hąhéregi, | wąkságeriąjera | hinįgra | hikáwąxšé. |
[When they came home,] | [they arrived, came,] | [the fleet man's father] | [son] | he asked for. |
p. 24 —
hąbrédją | hagó | hį́t'ųnáwina | nąguídją | híją | hogiwéguni |
"Hąbréją | hagó | hį́t'ųnáwina. | Nąguíją | hížą | hogiwéguni," |
"Sometime early in the day | [then] | he left us. | Another road | [one] | he must have gone," |
aìreje | hąhe | égi | wahuhíje | tcinógenǫką | wagit'égi |
aìreže. | Hąhe | égi | wahuhíže | cinógenǫką | wagit'égi. |
[they had said]. | [Night] | that | it snowed | [that village] | a death for all. |
ésge | hanątc´ | moųkip'ínna | honíhiranúnige | jégų | hąké |
Ésge | haną́c | moųkip'ína | honíhiranúnige. | Žégų | hąké |
[And so] | [all] | they could move about (fast) | they went to hunt for him. | [Again] | [not] |
wajó | howesįwi | hiraníje | wąkságerega | hitcakóroracana | nątcgéra |
wažó | howesįwi | hiraníže. | Wąkságerega | hicakórorašana | nącgéra |
[hunt] | they could get track of | [they did not have]. | [Fleet Man] | [his only friend] | [his heart] |
dekce | ésge | hądáginàdjera | mącdją | ų́je | hitcakorora. |
tekše. | Ésge | hątáginàjera | mąšją | ų́že. | hicakorora. |
[became sore] | [and so] | [fast] | [strength] | [he did.] | [the friend]. |
hikarahąde | nąį́je | hagoréją | wenáįkorokógi | widjadjaíreje | hoixǫ́nona |
Hikarahąte | nąį́že. | Hagoréžą | wenáįkorokógi | wijajaíreže. | "Hoixǫ́nona |
He tried to dream | [he tried]. | Some time | it was near spring | they sent a message around. | "Moving time |
p. 25 —
herekdjonéna | aíreje | hitcowédja howáreje | [α] |
herekjonéna," | aíreže. | Hicowéja howáreže, | égi |
it will be," | [they have said]. | He went ahead | [and] |
[β]hi | detcedjédja | nąxá | mįkíji. |
ejahi | tecejéja | nąxá | mįkíži. |
[there] | near the lake | a log | lay. |
éddjahímįg[ρ] | x'ágǫkce | hitcakarora | gixagǫ́kce |
éjahímįgánąga | x'ágǫkše, | "Hicakarora," | gixagǫ́kše, |
He lay too | [calling out ?] | [friend]. | [He called out ?], |
gixǫ́nuna | hàdjiaránąkce | hoxdjaną́xdjį[ε] | dée | hanątc |
"Gixǫ́nuna | hàjiaránąkše." | Hoxjaną́xjįgają, | tée | hanąc |
"The movers | they're coming past." | Near evening, | [that] | [all] |
hadjiàraíre[ε] | dée | wągwacoce | hitcakoròk'į́nąká | hit’et'é | hahuhaíreje |
hajiàraíregają, | tée | wągwašoše | hicakoròk'į́nąká | hit’et'é | hahuhaíreže. |
when they went by, | [that] | [warrior] | his friends | talking | they're coming. |
hikidją́regí | hadjire[ε] | dée | wanį́genį́ge | naįsáwarégï | djidji[ρ] |
Hikiją́regí, | hajiregają. | Tée | wanį́genį́ge | naįsáwarégï | jijiánąga. |
When they got opposite him, | they came. | [That one] | (a little bird) water fowl* | on top of the tree. | he came. |
At the bottom of the page, after a check mark with a superscripted 'x', it says, "tcúgik'ásanapkéją = shape of spoon."
p. 26 —
gwak gwak | e[ε] | hikcait'aireje | wągwacocenąka | hitcakóro | hiją |
"Gwak gwak," | egažtą. | Hikšait'aireže, | wągwašošenąka. | Hicakóro | hižą |
"Gwak gwak," | [he said]. | [They laughed,] | [those warriors]. | [Friend] | [one] |
ejé | wąkságeregá | maníne | denúdjeregi | nųxk'úką | honąnátcip[ε] |
ežé, | "Wąkságeregá | maníne | tenújeregi | nųxk'úką | honąnácipgają. |
[he said], | ["Fleet Man] | this winter | in the center of lake | under ice | you stomped him in. |
docónok | ska | hįk'ų[ε] | hąpséretc | curuxé | [ε] |
Tošónok | ska | hįk'ųgają, | hąpsérec | šuruxé, | gają." |
[Otter] | [white] | he used (he became), | [all day] | you chased him, | [."] |
hoxdjanáxdjį[ε] | gwak gwak | [ρ] | nįtcédjera | tcagíwera | dejesge |
Hoxjanáxjįgają, | 'Gwak gwak,' | ánąga, | nįcéjera | cagíwera | težesge," |
[Near evening], | 'Gwak gwak,' | [he said, and] | near the bank | he came towards | [that way]," |
éhare | air[ρ] | hik'cait'aíreje | hotcįtcįi?ągere | wanaxgų́gi | nųxáwąxdjį |
éhare, | airánąga, | hik'šait'aíreže. | Hocįcįi?ągere | wanaxgų́gi | nųxáwąxjį |
he said | [they say, and] | [he laughed]. | The boy | [he heard them] | he hid |
mįkce | [ω] | [β] | mígąk'ų | hąhés'i[ε] | hagoréją |
mįkše. | Žigé | éja | mígąk'ų. | Hąhés'igają | hagoréžą |
[he laid]. | [Again] | [there] | [he began to lay down]. | Late at night | [in time] |
p. 27 —
kikáwa u[ρ] | homątcíra | tcagíweje | hiunína |
kikáwa uánąga | homącíra | cagíweže. | Hiunína |
[he arose, and] | camping place | [he started back ?]. | His mother |
[β] | gi[ρ] | weje | náni, | rex'nį́gera |
éja | gi[ánąga] | weže, | "Náni, | rex'nį́gera |
[there] | he went, and | [he said], | ["Mother], | little kettle |
hidjákéregédjani | wohǫ́ni | wahaítcenáwina | [ρ] |
hijákéregéjani | wohǫ́ni | wahaícenáwina, | ánąga |
put it on | boil something | we're going to eat," | he said, and |
hiǫ́djera | eowárekdjonéje | hidjáhi[ρ] | dée | wągenúnįka |
hiǫ́jera, | "Eowárekjonéže, | hijáhiánąga | tée | wągenúnįka |
to his father, | "He's going, | [elsewhere, and] | [that] | [old man] |
kikácasébenòkce | wéje | hotcįtcįdjega | djadjí, | hį́kerekdjége | wąwądjína |
kikášasébenòkše." | Wéže | hocįcįjega, | "Jají, | hį́kerekjége | wąwąjína. |
he was mourning (he blackened his face)." | [He said] | [that boy], | ["Father,] | we're going home | that's why I came. |
gosgé | waraítcegé | wahèna | egíji. | wągenúnigenǫka | hakijú |
Gosgé | waraícegé," | wahèna. | Egíži, | wągenúnigenǫka | hakižú |
just for nothing | I want you to eat," | he said. | [After he said that.] | [that old man] | [with him] |
p. 28 —
kerejé | hagíregi | wawagízéreje | [α] | wéje | djádji |
kerežé. | Hagíregi, | wawagízéreže, | égi | wéže, | "Jáji, |
[he went home]. | [When they arrived,] | they dished up for them, | [and] | [he said], | ["Father,] |
hą́bere | méginągúregi | hamį́kmąk'ų | nąxá k'ųhaídja, | wanįgenįgią. |
hą́bere | méginągúregi | hamį́kmąk'ų | nąxá k'ųhaíja, | wanįgenįgią. |
today | over here in the road | as I was lying down | under the log, | [a little bird]. |
Wągwacoceną́gere | hidjakírire[ε] | hik'įdjaį́dja | wanįgenįkdjéga |
Wągwašošeną́gere | hijakírire[ε] | hik'įjaį́ja | wanįgenįkjéga |
[Those warriors] | when they got there | [through] | [that little bird] |
wéna, | gwak gwak | e[ε] | wągwacocenągeriją́ | wéna |
wéna, | 'Gwak gwak!' | egają, | wągwašošenągerižą́ | wéna, |
[he said], | 'Gwak gwak!' | [he said, and], | [a warrior] | [he said], |
hitcakóro, | maníne | wąkságerega | t'er[ρ] | nųxk'ųhą |
'Hicakóro, | maníne | Wąkságerega | t'eránąga | nųxk'ųhą |
['Friend], | [this winter] | Fleet Man | he was killed, and | [under the ice] |
hononátcip[ε] | doconogsga | hik'u[ρ] | hoxdjanóxdjį[ε] |
hononácipgają. | Tošonogsga | hik'uánąga, | hoxjanóxjįgają, |
[you stomped him in]. | [White otter] | [he used it, and] | [near evening,] |
p. 29 —
gwak gwak | [ρ] | nįtcédjera | tcagiwenihéra | hisgéra | wanigenąkdjané |
'Gwak gwak,' | ánąga | Nįcéjera | cagiwenihéra, | Hisgéra | wanigenąkjané,' |
'Gwak gwak,' | [he said, and] | [towards the bank] | he had gone there. | Like him | [that little bird],' |
[ρ] | hikcait'exdjį́na?r?a* | | Wągwacoceną́gera. | † | híją | ena‡ | ésge |
ánąga | hikšait'exjį́na?r?a. | Wągwašošeną́gera | hížą | ena, | ésge |
[he said, and] | they laughed loud[ly]. | [The warriors] | [one] | said, | [and so] |
jeénįk | nąnax'gųkdjege | warúdjinicína | éje | égi | wą́genúnika |
žeénįk | nąnax'gųkjege, | warújinišína," | éže, | égi | wą́genúnika |
that | since I want you to hear, | I asked you to eat," | [he said], | [and] | the old man |
x'apgúnínąk'ų | wéje, | hinįk háxdjį | ép'įna | éje | [α] |
x'apgúnínąk'ų. | Wéže, | "Hinįkáxjį, | ép'įna," | éže. | Égi |
he was quiet for awhile. | [He said], | ["My dear son,] | [it is good]," | [he said]. | [And] |
hįkérekdjéna | éje | hagíregi | kikurujaíreje | [α] | rokíkewéreje |
"Hįkérekjéna," | éže. | Hagíregi | kikuružaíreže, | égi | rokíkewéreže. |
"Let's go home," | he said. | [When they arrived] | they washed (mourning) off, | [and] | they painted their faces. |
dee | haíni[ε] | jégų | rokíkewexdjįnąka | wąkcígera | waíreje |
Tee | haínigają, | žégų | rokíkewexjįnąka. | Wąkšígera | waíreže, |
[Those] | in morning, | [again] | they went all painted up. | The people | [they said], |
p. 30 —
wągenúnįka | hik'įgíguni | aíreje | [α] | wawagécguní | wągenúnįke |
"Wągenúnįka | hik'įgíguni," | aíreže, | égi | wawagéšguní | "Wągenúnįke |
"The old man | he must have given up (mourning)," | they said, | [and] | he said to them, | "The old man |
hąpdeé | née | tcowéra | wáwa[ρ] | homątci | hirucdją́ |
hąpteé | née | cowéra. | Wáwánąga | homąci | hirušją́ |
today | you | ahead of. | I'll go, and | the camping place | to make ready |
hakdjanéna | éje | dée | hox'djaną́negi | pèdjera | kereponaíjąnoga nųbacána |
hakjanéna," | éže. | Tée | hox'janą́negi | pèjera | kereponaížąnoga nųbašána |
I'll do," | [he said]. | [That one] | [in the evening] | [fire] | 10 and 2 (12) |
hot'ų́je | [α] | wągwácocenąka | hominą́gere | p'įxdjį | wagikereje |
hot'ų́že, | égi | wągwášošenąka | hominą́gere. | P'įxjį | wagikereže. |
[he threw away,] | [and] | [that warrior] | [he was sitting in it]. | [Very good] | he made for them. |
[α] | hanątc´ | hagíregi | hiraréxdjįnégi | wagenúnįka | wéje |
égi | haną́c | hagíregi | hiraréxjįnégi | wagenúnįka | wéže, |
[And] | [all] | [when they arrived] | after awhile | that old man | [he said], |
p. 31 —
hąhó | hąhé | deé | djásge | hacúnuna | wakárakaraíkdjonéna |
"Hąhó, | hąhé | teé | jásge | hašúnuna | wakárakaraíkjonéna," |
["Well,] | [night] | [that] | how | I used to do | I'm going to tell something about," |
éje | wągwoíkikáxera | hanątc´ | wik'u[ρ] | hádjeje | hinįkàra |
éže. | Wągwoíkikáxera | haną́c | wik'uánąga | Wáježe, | "Hinįkàra |
[he said]. | A warrior's dress | [all] | he had on, and | He was saying, | "My son |
hįgíxaíranina | s'í | nątcgéra hįdekcána | éje | [α] |
hįgíxaíranina | s'í | nącgéra hįtekšána," | éže. | Égi |
when he disappeared | [long] | [he was repentant]," | [he said]. | [And] |
wągwacocénąka | tcowehirédja | hahí | mąná | mątcgúra | hijókere |
wągwašošénąka | cowehiréja | hahí | mąná | mącgúra | hižókere, |
[that warrior] | in front of | [after awhile] | arrow | in bow | he had ready, |
[α] | dáni | hirarútcap | nąjį[ρ] | wéje | hąhó |
égi | táni | hirarúcap | nąžįánąga | wéže, | "Hąhó |
[and] | tobacco | he held with | he stood, and | [he said], | ["Well] |
tcegerégi | wonáxire | haų́ga | mejegų | haconúna | [ρ] |
cegerégi | wonáxire | haų́ga, | mežegų | hašonúna," | ánąga |
in early (days) | war (path) | I went, | [thus] | [I used to do,"] | he said, and |
p. 32 —
mątcgúra | ruzíkg[ρ] | wągwácocenąka | hiją |
mącgúra | ruzíkgánąga | wągwášošenąka | hižą |
[bow] | he pulled (the bow) | warriors | [one] |
nątcgédja | maįgutcé | [α] | nųbóhǫna | wonax'ire |
nącgéja | maįgucé, | égi | nųbóhǫna | wonax'ire |
[heart-there] | [shot with an arrow ?], | [and] | [two times] | [war] |
haúna | mejegų́ | hána | [ρ] | jigé | mą́na |
haúna. | Mežegų́ | hána," | ánąga. | Žigé | mą́na |
[I did]. | [Thus] | I did," | he said. | [Again] | [the arrow] |
hokére[ρ] | ruzíkdji[ρ] | wągwacoce | hidjanénąka | nątcgédja |
hokéreánąga | ruzíkjiánąga | wągwašoše | hijanénąka | nącgéja |
he placed it, and | [he pulled, and] | [warrior] | the other | [at the heart] |
gútce | [α] | wéje | hąhó | [ϕ] | nécana |
gúce, | égi | wéže, | "Hąhó | hąké | néšana |
[shot], | [and] | [he said], | "Well | not | only you |
mat'ehíra | wacúrup'į́winína | hinįkára | t'énagígiwíra | nątcgéra |
mat'ehíra | wašúrup'į́winína. | Hinįkára | t'énagígiwíra. | Nącgéra |
killing | you do not know how. | [My son] | you've killed. | [The heart] |
degìnawína | e'sge | hicgé | wanįgiu'wína | [ρ] | jedjų́ga |
tegìnawína | e'sge | hišgé | wanįgiu'wína," | ánąga | žejų́ga |
you made it ache | [and so] | I | did the same to you," | [he said, and] | [then] |
p. 33 —
nąmą́tcera | kúruz[ρ] | hinų́hike | nąsúra | waixúxuxce | Me | [ω] | hi[τ] |
nąmą́cera | kúruzánąga | hinų́hike | nąsúra | waixúxuxše. | Me | žigé | higiži, |
the club | [he picked up, and] | both of them | their heads | he smashed. | [This] | [again] | [after he did,] |
[ω] | hi[τ] | wąkcígenąka | hidoį́neje | wąkságeregá |
žigé | higiži, | wąkšígenąka | hitoį́neže. | Wąkságeregá |
[again] | he did, and | the people | they liked it (they felt proud). | Fleet Man |
hinąjį́xdjįna | núnige | wagiuíneje | aíreconúna |
hinąžį́xjįna, | núnige | wagiuíneže, | aírešonúna. |
they gained (by him), | [but] | [they did it,] | as it was told. |
James StCyr, "Fleetfoot," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook 19, Story II: 18-33.