Hocąk Text — Descent of the Drum, Version 2
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
The following are Greek letters and other symbols used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin's text. Their values mostly correspond to those given in Radin's notebook Winnebago II, #6, on the interstitial page between 107/108:
α | β | γ | ε | λ | τ | υ |
égi | éja | -gíži ? | -gáją ? | žesge | gų ? | -regi |
ψ | K | ·נ | C | X | ʆ | ɕ |
hąké | janą́hi | nunige | š'ageniwína | uañk | -že, -še | -xjį |
ƪ | - | / | ·/ | ·/, ·/ | ⨪ |
-ižą | -ra | -ną | -kjéną | -kjanèną | -nañk |
In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of The Road of Life and Death (see Source below). Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].
Neghodjį | Ruwína |
Neǧojį | Ruwína |
Drumming | [the Acquisition of] |
'Uañge[υ´] | [K] | widjádja | éwa'ú[/] | widjádja |
'Uañgerégi | janą́hi | Wijája | éwa'úną. | Wijája |
From above | [as many as] | [the Messengers] | he made it. | The Messenger |
nañjíñkdje[-] | 'uañge[υ´] | nąboréhi | gųsá[/] | [α] |
nąžíñkjera* | 'uañgerégi | nąboréhi | gųsáną. | Égi |
that might stand | up above | [with his own hands]† | he made it. | [Then] |
mąnégi | howáhugigi[·/] | wogų́zotcí[-] | tcąt'iáñgere | [α] |
mąnégi | howáhugigikjéną. | Wogų́zocíra | cąt'iáñgere | égi |
[to earth] | [he would make it come.] | The Creation Lodge | as it appears | [here] |
howáhugigi[·/] | 'uañge[υ´] | hura | hąb[-´] | tciwį́hu[/] |
howáhugigikjéną. | 'Uañgerégi | hura. | Hąberá | ciwį́huną. |
[he would make it come.] | From above | it came. | [The light] | roaring it came. |
XXI* —
hąb[-´] | djobóhi | hokikó[⨪]† | konañk[γ´] | hi[ƪ´] |
Hąberá | jobóhi | hokikónañka | konañkíži, | hižą́ |
[The light] | [four] | within one another | that he placed, | [one] |
hiradjíga | hąbe[-] | tciwį́djikére | maní[ʆ] | hikarókihíwi[-] |
hirajíga | hąbera | ciwį́jikére | maníže. | Hikarókihíwira |
it came to | [the light] | [arriving with a roar] | it walked. | Our Grandmother |
[X´]a'iądją́ne | [ψ] | [α] | hiwucáni[ʆ] | hiradjígi |
uáñga'iąją́ne | hąké | égi | hiwušániže. | Hirajígi, |
that we live on | [not] | [here] | did it stop. | When it came to, |
hąb[-´] | ksųtc | djikere[ʆ´] | tciwį́djikere[ʆ´] | gisgą́djire[ʆ´] |
hąberá | ksųc | jikerežé. | Ciwį́jikereže. | Gisgą́jirežé. |
[the day] | shaking | it became. | [It arrived with a roar.] | It pierced through and went on. |
hikarokihíwi[-] | mokiságe[υ] | huñgé | hi[ƪ´] | xgicgúni |
Hikarokihíwira | mokiságeregi | huñgé | hižą́ | xgišgúni |
Our Grandmother | in the middle of the earth* | [chief] | [a] | quiet† |
t'ąp[ʆ´] | [γ´] | jeé | [ϕ] | wogų́zotci[-] |
t'ąpšé | gíži. | Žeé | hąké | Wogų́zocira |
he placed it | [.] | [That one] | [not] | the Creation Lodge |
wowéwina | hókarakéreniñge | [ε] | wowéwina | jé[τ´]gi |
wowéwina | hókarakéreniñge | gają (?). | Wowéwina | žegų́gi (?) |
his thoughts | he did not add | [.] | [His thoughts] | if it was thus |
hidjókewehí[·/]ge | [ε] | wagi'ų́[ʆ] | widjádja[-] |
hijókewehíkjege | gają (?). | Wagi'ų́že. | Wijájara |
he would send it in | [.] | That's why he did it to him.* | [The Messenger] |
tciókiság[β] | kiridjégigi[ʆ´]* | [α] | wakdjexiáka | hanį́dji[⨪]† |
ciókiságeja | kirijégigižé. | Égi | Wakjexiáka | hanį́jinañka. |
[in the center of the lodge] | he made it land. | [Here] | [the Waterspirit] | he seized. |
hodją́ | p'į'úinege | p'į́dja[·נ´] | hidjaíra[ɕ] | p'į'ų́[ʆ] |
Hoją́ | p'į'úinege | p'į́janunige | hijaíraxjį | p'į'ų́že. |
Already | it had been made well, but | [as good as it was, however,]* | much more | he fixed it. |
hicdjá[-] | hąberégi'ų́[ʆ] | [α] | wogų́zotcí[-] | tcáwa |
Hišjára | hąberégi'ų́že. | Égi | Wogų́zocíra | cáwa |
The face | he used the daylight on. | [Then] | [the Creation Lodge] | [towards] |
hugigí[ʆ] | djobohą | wanąhé[ʆ] | [α] | tciókiság[β] |
hugigíže. | Jobohą | wanąhéže. | Égi | ciókiságeja |
[he was sent.] | [Four times] | he shouted. | [And] | in the center of the lodge |
hąbemaxárok | haghépdjįp[ʆ] | [β] | horá | tcąt'įdjikere[ʆ´] |
hąbemaxárok | haǧépjįpše. | Éja | horá | cąt'įjikerežé. |
light piercing | it burnt forth. | [There] | [the voice] | it was audible. |
[α] | mañxiócecínina | djásgakirécge | haną́tciñ[ɕ] | sániñk |
Égi | mañxióšešínina | jásgakiréšge | haną́ciñxjį | sániñk |
[And] | bad clouds | [even as they were] | [everyone of them] | [direction] |
howucgúninegi* | hoisintc | rehí | [α] | wogų́z[-] |
howušgúninegi | hoisinc | rehí | égi | wogų́zera |
[to the bad place] | [to sweep] | [he sent off] | [and] | [the creation] |
p. XXII —
djasgé[ɕ][⨪]i* | haną́tcį[ɕ] | nañxgų́ | djinógire[ʆ] | uañge[υ´] |
jasgéxjįnoki* | haną́cįxjį | nañxgų́ | jinógireže. | Uañgerégi |
[howsoever big it is] | [absolutely all of it] | to hear it | [they suddenly did.] | [From above] |
[K] | récge | nañxgų́ | dji[⨪][ʆ´] | 'uañgi[ƪ] |
janą́hi | réšge | nañxgų́ | jinañkšé. | 'Uañgižą |
[as many as] | [started to go out also] | he heard it | [he did suddenly.] | A man |
widjádjadje | nañxgúine[ʆ] | wogų́zotciáka | djagú | rogų́ |
wijájaje | nañxgúineže. | Wogų́zociáka | jagú | rogų́ |
as one making announcements* | they heard it. | The Creation Lodge | what | they desired |
wa'ú[⨪]k[γ] | [λ] | hidjadjádje[ʆ] | haną́tcį[ɕ] |
wa'únañkiži. | Žesge | hijajáježe. | Haną́cįxjį |
they did it. | [In this way] | [he made announcements.] | [Everyone of them] |
hiperésdji[⨪´]re[ʆ] | [α] | karókehíwi[-] | djasgéga[⨪]re |
hiperésjinóñkreže. | Égi | Karókehíwire | jasgéganoñkre |
they came to know it. | [And] | [Our Grandmother] | [every time when it happened] |
haną́tcį[ɕ]* | tco[-´] | dji[⨪][ʆ´] | [α] |
haną́cįxjį | corá | jinoñkšé. | Égi |
[all of it] | green | [she became suddenly.] | [And] |
tciókiságonąjį́ne | hodazób[-] | rotcáñ[ɕ] | djidjejí[ʆ] |
Ciókiságonąžį́ne | hotazóbera | rocáñxjį | jiježíže. |
[He who Stands in the Middle of the Lodge]* | the blaze | [very straight] | [it became there] |
[ϕ] | habozógenądjení | [α] | [C] | tcitcábire[-] |
Hąké | habozógenąjení. | Égi | š'ageniwína | cicábirera |
Not | it was unbendable. | [And] | [the ancestors] | [their lodge] |
hąbe[-] | rukírikíri | kinibí[ʆ]* | [α] | 'uañge[υ´] |
hąbera | rukírikíri | kinibíje. | Égi | 'uañgerégi |
[the light] | [resplendent] | it became. | [And] | [from above] |
[K] | wogų́z[-] | hokúruxutc | huhi | wogų́z[-] |
janą́hi | wogų́zera | hokúruxuc, | huhi | Wogų́zera. |
[as much as] | [the creation] | he looked upon, | his own | [the Creator.] |
hicdjarókitcórak[ʆ] | wogų́z[-] | karaípį[ʆ] |
Hišjarókicórakše. | Wogų́zera | karaípįže. |
Their faces were lit up by the reflection from one another. | [The creation] | [it was nice.] |
widjádja[-] | tcąt'į́dji[υ] | hiwacísgedjá[-] | here[·/´]gi | [β´] |
Wijájara | cąt'į́jiregi. | Hiwašísgejára | herekjégi, | éja |
The Announcer | [he began to be audible.] | The main dance songs | when it is time, | [there] |
hikaraítcga | hagigí[·/, ·/] | néghodjį | hiñgirúwįdjé[-] |
hikaraícga | hagigíkjaneną, | néǧojį | hiñgirúwįjéra. |
to try himself | I will let him, | the drumming | he buys from me that did. |
Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3885 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #2: XX-XXII.