Hocąk Text — Descent of the Drum, Version 1
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
The following are Greek letters used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin's text. Their values correspond to those given in Radin's notebook Winnebago II, #6, on the interstitial page between 107/108:
α | β | ε | η | ρ | τ |
égi | éja | gáją | žesge | ánąga | gíži |
ϕ | ω | M | T |
hąké | žegų | Mąúna | wąkšigo'ina |
In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of The Road of Life and Death (see Source below). Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].
Hitcųcgé | gikarádjiréra* | wągadjiruxúrugwirᆠ| [T] | herejé‡ |
"Hicųšgé" | gikarájiréra | wągajiruxúrugwirá | wąkšigoį | herežé. |
"Nephew" | the one that they call | he accomplished for us | life | [he did.] |
[η] | hinaxgų́wina* | wogų́zotciágere | hitcųcgé‡ | gikarádjiréra‡‡ |
Žesge | hinaxgų́wina | Wogų́zociágere | "Hicųšgé" | gikarájiréra |
[In this way] | we understand | the Creation Lodge† | "Nephew" | the one whom they call |
ruxúrukí | tcíra | hoixdjį́ | djį́pgíji | djagúra hanątc´ |
ruxúrukí | círa | hoixjį́ | jį́pgíži, | jagúra haną́c |
when he accomplished, | the lodge | completely full* | it was, | all of everything |
jegų | [τ] | [α] | wogų́zohúra | hatcį́dja |
žegų | giži. | Égi | wogų́zohúra | hacį́ja |
that's all | [.] | [And] | creation starts* | wherever |
heregí | [β] | wajǫgų́zera | wokúruxútcce | [ε´] |
heregí, | éja | Wažǫgų́zera | wokúruxúcše | gáją. |
[when he did], | there | the Creator* | he looked about it | [.] |
wogų́zera | xgícguniąkce | tciókiságera | wanąią́kereregi | hąbera |
Wogų́zera | xgíšguniąkše. | Ciókiságera | wanąią́kereregi, | hąbera |
[The creation]* | it lay calm and quiet.† | The center of the lodge | when they centered their thoughts,‡ | the light‡‡ |
rukírikírinakce | [α] | wagiwéwijé† | [η] | wajǫ́niją́ | hokicgaínegi |
rukírikírinakše. | Égi | wagiwéwižé, | "Žesge, | wažǫ́nižą́ | hokišgaínegi, |
it was shimmering and sparkling.* | [And] | he pondered and thought,‡ | "In this way, | something | they would associate with‡‡ |
p. 191 —
p'į́na | hiregí | rosánįk | hoicóroiédja† | rúz[ρ] |
p'į́na," | hiregí. | Rosánįk | hoišóroiéja | rúzanąga |
good," | he thought.* | One side of his body | from the right side | he took and |
nąboréhi | ų́je | wągíją | ųgíji | p'įhíje |
nąboréhi | ų́že. | Wągížą | ųgíži | p'įhíže. |
with his hands | he made. | A man | he made and | [he made him well.] |
horacge | p'įgígije | róra | rokéweje | rorá |
Horašge | p'įgígiže. | Róra | rokéweže. | Rorá |
The voice | he made it nice. | The body | he painted. | His body |
xígigi[ρ´] | tcabónihara | hą́bera | higių́je | jegų |
xígigiánąga | cabónihara | hą́bera | higių́že. | Žegų |
he made it yellow [and] | the top of his head | Light and Life | he put in for him. | Thus |
hi[ρ´] | girucdjǫ́ hǫhíje | wą́gerégi | hąbera | djąnáhi |
hiánąga | girušjǫ́ hǫhíže. | Wą́gerégi | hąbera | jąnáhi |
he did and | he turned him loose. | From above | the days | how many |
hok'ikónok | konokíji | jeną́hi-hiją́ | hirádjiga | hą́berá |
hok'ikónok | konokíži | ženą́hi-hižą́ | hirájiga, | hą́berá |
the center* | he placed | [?]† | when he reached, | [the day]‡ |
ksúntc | djikére† | hujé | hą́bera | djobíhi |
ksúnc | jikére | hužé. | Hą́bera | jobíhi |
it was shaking* | as he came down‡ | [he came.] | Days | four |
hokikónok* | kónokí | iją | irádjigᇠ| hą́bera |
hokikónok | konokí | ižą | irájigá | hą́bera |
center† | [he placed] | [one] | [when he reached] | [the day] |
ksúntc | djikéres'áje | hikorokihíwira | [ϕ] | [α] |
ksúnc | jikéres'áže. | Hikorokihíwira | hąké | égi |
it was shaking | [he would come down].* | [Our Grandmother]† | not | [here] |
ewucánijé* | gisgą́djiréje | hatcį́dja | [M] | hųgé |
ewušánižé. | Gisgą́jiréže, | hacį́ja | Mąúna | hųgé |
he didn't stop. | He went through (with force), | where | Earthmaker | chief |
hiją́ | [ϕ] | xgini jesgáokíji | [β] | kiridjé gigijé‡ |
hižą́. | Hąké | xgini žesgáokíži. | Éja | kirijé gigižé |
a. | Not | it was very quiet.† | There | he landed him on (that one) |
[τ´] | wakcexínǫka | hipérezse | [M] | wowéwįkadjidjéhigi |
gíži. | Wakšexínǫka | hipérezse. | Mąúna | wowéwįkajijéhigi. |
[.] | The Waterspirit* | [he knew of it.] | Earthmaker | he had placed him there by the power of his thoughts.† |
wainąp´ | kįjerécgera† | wąkcígoįdjedjéra | hikire‡‡ | djinókce |
Wainąp´ | kįžeréšgera | wąkšígoįjejéra | hikire | jinókše. |
He was thankful* | [even that himself]‡ | life bestowing | he thought | he was. |
ną́boréhi | djíreje | [M]* | p'į | úna | p'įxdjį |
Ną́boréhi | jíreže. | Mąúna | p'į | úna | p'įxjį |
With his own hands | he commenced. | Earthmaker | good | he did, | better yet |
kíra | jesgajanúnige | jigé | hirajaíra | exjį́ |
kíra. | Žesgadjanúnige | žigé | hiradjaíra. | Exdjį́ |
he did. | [Thus he did, but ?] | again | still better. | [He himself] |
p. 192 —
jagurukóno | [M] | gigigi | [η] | [α]* |
djagurukóno | Mąúna | gigigi. | Žesge | égi |
whatever he put in charge | Earthmaker | he made him. | [Thus] | here |
wogų́zotciédja | [M] | hosgé | [η] | hijé |
Wogų́zociéja | Mąúna | hosgé | žesge | hižé, |
at the Creation Lodge* | Earthmaker | just† | [that way] | [he did], |
hųgé | [ϕ] | [β] | hinįkdjanégi | wogų́zotciáka |
hųgé | hąké | éja | hinįkjanégi | wogų́zociáka |
chief* | not | there | he wasn't going† | the Creation Lodge‡ |
[β] | wowéwina | hokárakére | gigijé | wagių́je |
éja | wowéwina | hokárakére | gigižé. | Wagių́že |
[there] | he had his mind on | he placed it for himself | he made. | He made him for that. |
wogų́zotciédja | djaguirokónoną́ki* | hicge | [η] | [β] |
Wogų́zociéja | jaguirokónoną́ki | hišge | žesge | éja |
At the Creation Lodge | what he had in charge of† | he also | that | there |
hiúinekdje | wagíųjé | p'įų́giji | hicdjará | tcógigíje |
hiúinekje | wagíųžé. | P'įų́giži | hišjará | cógigíže. |
they use it* | [it was made for that.] | He made him good,† | face | blue he made it.‡ |
[ω] | hi[ρ´] | wogų́zotcíra | tcáwa | hóukdjané[τ´] |
Žegų | hiánąga | Wogų́zocíra | cáwa | hóukjanégíži, |
[Thus] | [he did and] | Creation Lodge | towards | he's starting for and |
hoidje | djobóhą | ruhá | djídje[ε´] | [β] |
hoije | jobóhą | ruhá | jíjegáją. | Éja |
to step in | four | steps | he did it. | There |
wanahéje | [τ] | hóra | tcąt'įdjikéreje† | [ε] |
wanahéže | giži. | Hóra | cąt'įjikéreže. | Gają |
he gave a whoop.* | [.] | Voice | it became audible. | There |
hikorokehiwira | djasgeganúgere* | haną́tcį | sisį́tcį | djínąkce |
Hikorokehiwira | jasgeganúgere, | haną́cį | sisį́cį | jínąkše. |
Our Grandmother | as he went along, | all | he swept away† | [he did].‡ |
wągéxdjįnįgrá* | korókehiwíra | djánuga | hajuákijí | jenuga |
Wągéxjįnįgrá | Korókehiwíra | jánąga | hažuákiží | ženuga |
[Trees ?]† | Our Grandmother | everything | on top of | all of them |
hócecínina* | hanątcįxdjį | hocicigera | djasgánųkíji | sukdjį́‡ |
hóšešínina | hanącįxjį | hošišigera | jasgánųkíži | sukjį́ |
bad stuff that collects in the head and skin† | [absolutely all] | the bad | so he was | clean |
djidjérejé | [τ´] | hą́bera | hidjaíra | djidjejé |
jijérežé | gíži. | Hą́bera | hijaíra | jiježé. |
they were | [.] | Light | an increase | [it became.]* |
[α] | mánihúgi | hoidje | djobóhą | ruhá | djídje[ε´] | [β] |
Égi | mánihúgi, | hoije | jobóhą | ruhá | jíjegáją. | Éja |
[Then] | when he came walking, | to step in | four | steps | he did it. | There |
p. 193 —
wanahégi* | jigé | hinųbóhǫna | hóra | tcąt'įdjikérejé |
wanahégi, | žigé | hinųbóhǫna | hóra | cąt'įjikérežé |
as he gave a whoop, | again | the second time | his voice | it became audible |
[τ´]* | hikorókehiwira | djasgegánųgré | hanątcįxdjį | howaxíninísge |
gíži. | Hikorókehiwira | jasgegánųgré, | hanącįxjį | howaxíninísge |
[.] | Our Grandmother | as he walked along, | everything | [like condensed vapor]† |
djį́pce | yągéxdjinigrá | djanugakijí | jenúga | hanątc |
jį́pše. | Yągéxjinigrá | janągakiží, | ženúga | hanąc |
it seemed. | [Trees ?] | all of them, | all of them | all |
sgóc'ec'e* | djidjéreje | [τ´] | jegų | hi[ρ´] |
sgóš'eš'e | jijéreže | gíži. | Žegų | hiánąga |
white spots on | they were | [.] | [Thus] | [he did and] |
hidanihǫna | máni | hugíji | hoidje | djobóhą |
hitanihǫna | máni | hugíži, | hoije | jobóhą |
for a third time | walking | when he came, | to step in | four |
ruhádjídje[ε´] | [β] | wanahéje | hóra | tcąt'įdjikéreje* |
ruhájíjegáją, | éja | wanahéže. | Hóra | cąt'įjikéreže. |
after he took steps, | there | he gave a whoop. | His voice | it became audible. |
hikorokehíwirá | djasgeganúgere | haną́tcįxdjį | tcóra | djínąkce |
Hikorokehíwirá | jasgeganúgere, | haną́cįxjį | córa | jínąkše. |
Our Grandmother | as he walked along, | everything | green | it was. |
[α] | yągéxdjinįgra | djanugáki | jenúga | hanątcįxdjį́ |
Égi | yągéxjinįgra | janągáki, | ženúga, | hanącįxjį́ |
[Then] | the trees | as many as there were, | all of them, | [absolutely all] |
ábera | tcóra | djiną́girejé | kárapiésge | [α] |
ábera | córa | jiną́girežé. | Kárapiésge | égi |
leaves | green | they were. | They were nice | and |
mánidjikéreje | gíji | hoidje | djobóhą | ruhaídje[ε´] |
mánijikéreže | gíži. | Hoije | jobóhą | ruhaíjegáją, |
[he walked on] | [.] | To step in | four | after he stepped, |
[β] | wanahéje. | Wanahégiji | hidjobóhǫna* | wogų́zotcíra |
éja | wanahéže. | wanahégiži, | hijobóhǫna | Wogų́zocíra |
there | he gave a whoop. | As he gave a whoop, | the fourth time | the Creation Lodge |
p. 194 —
tciókiságedja | hą́berá | hiwaxórok | hax'épdjįpcé | [β] |
ciókiságeja | hą́berá | hiwaxórok | hax'épjįpšé. | Éja |
in the center of the lodge | light | it burst through | [it suddenly emerged.] | There |
hóra | tcąt'į* | djikeregíji† | hikorokehíwira | djasgeganúgere | haną́tcįxdjį |
hóra | cąt'į | jikeregíži. | Hikorokehíwira | jasgeganúgere, | haną́cįxjį |
his voice | audible | it became. | Our Grandmother | as he walked along, | everything |
tcóra* | djínokce | hikorokehiwíra | hį́tcaberá | djásgairekdjéra |
córa | jínokše. | Hikorokehiwíra | hį́caberá | jásgairekjéra |
green | it became. | Our Grandmother | her hair† | as they should be‡ |
jesgadjįpce | yągéxdjinįgra | djanųgáki | haną́tcį | ábera |
žesgajįpše. | Yągéxjinįgra | janągáki | haną́cį | ábera |
[that way she became]. | Poles | all of them, | all | leaves |
djasgaírekdjégi | jesgaíreje | tciókisak* | honąjį́na |
jasgaírekjégi | žesgaíreže. | Ciókisak | honąžį́na |
[as they should be,] | [thus they were.] | The center of the lodge | standing place |
hodápínina | [ϕ] | habozóp'iní† | jesgá | djidjehíje |
hotápínina | hąké | habozóp'iní. | Žesgá | jijehíže. |
[twisting blaze]* | not | it couldn't be bent. | [That way] | he made it. |
wogų́zotcíra | hąberá | hidjaíra | rukírikíri | djįbíje |
Wogų́zocíra | hąberá | hijaíra | rukírikíri | jįbíže. |
The Creation Lodge | light | increasing | sparkling | it began. |
[α] | hą́berá | djasgádjegí | hidjaíra | djidjehíje |
Égi | hą́berá | jasgájegí | hijaíra | jijehíže. |
Then | light* | [as it was] | more | it was made to become. |
[ϕ] | nigé | huhíni | jesgádjidjehíje | wakírihokere |
Hąké | nigé | huhíni. | Žesgájijehíže. | Wakírihokere |
[Not] | [anywhere] | [it did not blow.] | [That's the way he made it.] | Big spider |
ųnácana | djagu* | iroíkárairesgé† | djidjehíje | [α] |
ųnášana | jagu | iroíkárairesgé | jijehíže. | Égi |
[he is doing alone] | [what] | [how it was tended was uncertain] | [he made it be.] | [Then] |
widjádjera | hisgexdjį | tcąt'į́djiregí | wogų́zera | djasgéxdjinóki |
Wijájera | hisgexjį | cąt'į́jiregí. | Wogų́zera | jasgéxjinóki |
the Announcer* | truly | it became audible. | The creation | throughout the whole |
hanątcįxdjį | nąxgų́djinógirejé | wągíją | hit’et'é | nąxgų |
hanącįxjį | nąxgų́jinógirežé. | Wągížą | hit’et'é | nąxgų |
[all of it] | they could hear it. | A man | the utterance | to hear |
p. 195 —
minogirejé | wągirégi | wogų́zohúra | hatcį́djeregí | jerécgera |
minogirežé. | Wągirégi | wogų́zohúra | hacį́jeregí, | žeréšgera |
as they sat. | Up above | where the creator is* | where he is, | even that |
jedjaį́xdjį | p'á | [β] | hipá | nąkáraxgų |
žejaį́xjį | p'á | éja | hipá | nąkáraxgų. |
that far | it has been | there | that far | he could be heard. |
minókije, | gípįjé |
Minókiže, | gípįžé. |
He sat, | he was happy. |
Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3885 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #6: 190-193 and Winnebago II, #7: 194-195. An English translation is found in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 275-277.