Hocąk Text — Big Eater
narrated by Frank Ewing
interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère
Oliver LaMère, Translator |
Interlinear Text (I) |
Phonetic Text (Ph) |
Corrected Text |
English Translation from I |
I. 60, Ph. 9 —
wąg |
here-ánąga |
egi |
hinųgíją |
hikonąk |
uáñgirere ánañga |
égi |
hinuñgijaⁿ |
kikónuñk |
Wą́gireránąga |
égi |
hinųgižą |
kikónąk |
Man |
there was and |
[and] |
a woman |
married |
hireną |
tcipóroke |
hodjíre |
wąkdjega |
nąkíkeraną† |
hirénaⁿ |
tcipáruke |
hotcíre |
uáñkdjega |
nañkíkera |
hiréną. |
Cipáruke |
hocíre. |
Wą́kjega |
nąkíkera. |
they were. |
Round tipi* |
they lived in. |
The man |
hunted.‡ |
'ųdja'ų |
nįkdją́genįk |
hiją |
haninénecguni† |
egi |
'uⁿ´dja'uⁿ, |
niñkdjóñgeniñk |
híjaⁿ |
haníne necgúni |
- |
'Ų́ja'ų, |
nįkją́genįk |
hížą |
haníne nešgúni. |
Égi |
While at it* |
baby |
one |
they had, they did |
[and] |
djega |
wągią |
hereną |
egi |
nįkdją́genįkdjéga |
- |
- |
- |
égi |
niñkdjóñgeniñkdjegá* |
jega |
wągią |
hereną. |
Égi |
nįkją́genįkjegá |
that one |
male |
it was. |
[And] |
that child |
warutcxedéną |
asge |
hiándjera |
gi-ásaną |
wiarotcądjéra* |
wárutc xedénaⁿ |
ásge |
hiándjera |
giásonaⁿ |
wi-árotcaⁿdjèra |
wáruc xeténą. |
Ésge |
hiánjera |
giásoną. |
Wi-árocąjèra |
he was a great eater. |
And |
his father |
ran away. |
To the south |
(h)owakereną* |
wąkdjega |
hinį́gera |
warutcxedége |
gi-ásaną |
hówakerènaⁿ |
uáñkdjega |
hiniñgera |
warutcxédega |
giásanaⁿ |
hówakerèną. |
Wą́kjega |
hinįgera |
Warucxétega |
giásaną. |
he went. |
That man |
from his son |
Big Eater |
he ran away. |
Ph. 10 —
haríxdje |
howakere |
wa'úną |
égi |
hitcáwina |
haríxdjiⁿ |
howakére |
wa'únaⁿ |
égi |
hitcawína |
Haríxjį |
howakére |
wa'úną. |
Égi |
hicawína |
Very far |
he went |
he did. |
[And] |
his wife |
hicge |
giásaną |
wi-orotcą́djera |
howakeréną |
wa'úną |
hicgé |
giásenaⁿ |
wi-orotcaⁿ´djera |
hówakerènaⁿ |
wa'únaⁿ |
hišgé |
giáseną. |
Wi-orocą́jera |
hówakerèną, |
wa'úną. |
also |
she ran away. |
Towards the south |
she went, |
she did. |
egi |
wąkdjega |
tci seredjiją |
hirahíną |
wągera |
égi |
uañkdjéga |
tci seredjiⁿ´jaⁿ |
hirahínaⁿ |
uáñgera |
Égi |
wąkjéga |
ci serejį́žą |
hirahíną. |
Wą́gera |
[And] |
that man |
a long lodge |
he came to. |
The men |
kerepone |
edjakce |
kikínųp |
wa'uną́kce |
hagédja |
kerepóne |
édjakce |
kikínub |
wa'unáñkce |
hagédja |
kerepóne |
éjakše. |
Kikínųp |
wa'uną́kše. |
Hagéja |
ten |
there were, |
brothers |
there were. |
Afterwards |
hinųkdjéga |
hicge |
djiną |
egi |
wąk |
hinúñkdjega |
hicge |
djínaⁿ |
égi |
uañk |
hinų́kjega |
hišge |
jíną. |
Égi |
wąk |
the woman |
also |
she came. |
[And] |
men |
kikínųp |
hanątcį |
hainiga |
nąkíkera |
haraną́kcaną |
kikínup |
hanaⁿ´tciⁿ |
haíniga |
nañkíkara |
hanáñkcanaⁿ |
kikínųp |
haną́cį |
haíniga |
nąkíkara. |
Haną́kšaną. |
brothers |
all |
every morning |
hunt |
they would go. |
I. 61 —
tca |
t'ehináñkce |
egi |
hoda |
hųtc |
tca |
t'ehináñkcanaⁿ |
égi |
hodá |
huñtc |
Ca |
t'ehiną́kšaną |
égi |
hotá |
hųc |
Deer |
killing they were, |
[and] |
some |
bear |
Ph. 11 —
t'ehináñkcaną |
égi |
wągenunį́genąka |
gigo |
hadjiréną |
t'ehináñkcanaⁿ |
égi |
- |
gigó |
hadjírenaⁿ |
t'ehiną́kšaną. |
Égi |
wągenunį́genąka |
gigó |
hajíreną. |
killing they were. |
[And] |
the old man |
he called |
they came to him. |
ki'ų |
gikaraheréną |
wągerutcgeją |
wa'ųdjíną |
asge |
k'i-uⁿ´ |
gikarahérenaⁿ |
uañgerutcgéjaⁿ |
wa'uⁿ´ djinaⁿ |
ásge |
K'i-ų́ |
gikara héreną |
Wągerucgéžą |
wa'ų́ jiną. |
Ésge |
To gamble |
they asked him. |
A Man-Eater (Giant) |
he was. |
And then |
hitcųcgewahira |
kereponaiją* |
hitcųcgewahira |
wakijuréną |
waki'ųnéną |
hitcuⁿcgewahira |
kereponaíjaⁿ |
hitcuⁿcgéwahira |
wakíjurènaⁿ |
wak'í-'unènaⁿ |
hicųšgewahira |
kereponaížą |
hicųšgéwahira |
wakížurèną |
wak'í-'unèną. |
his grandsons |
the ten |
his nephew |
took he with him. |
He went gambling. |
hidjąhina* |
wągerutcge |
hotci-édja |
wakiwąną† |
wągenúnįkdjega |
hidjahínaⁿ |
uañgerútcge |
hotci-édja |
wakiwána |
uañgenuniñkdjéga |
Hijahíną |
Wągerúcge |
hoci-éja |
wakiwána. |
Wągenunįkjéga |
The others |
Man-Eater |
to his house |
to race. |
The old man |
wągerútcgera |
nųp |
kiwanóną* |
mojedją́dja |
hikaraíwįxhirèną† |
uañgerútcgera |
nuⁿp |
kiwanáne |
mojedjaiⁿ´dja |
hikaraíwiñx hírenaⁿ |
wągerúcgera |
nųp |
kiwanáne. |
Možejaį́ja |
hikaraíwįx híreną. |
the Man-Eater |
two |
he raced with. |
To the end of the earth |
they turned around |
kiwą́na |
wa'uną́kcaną |
wągenúnįkdjèga |
wanądjíscaną |
wohíną |
kiwána |
wa'unáñkcanaⁿ |
uañgenuniñkdjéga |
wanaⁿdjíscanaⁿ |
wohínaⁿ |
Kiwána |
wa'uną́kšaną. |
Wągenunįkjéga |
wanąjísšaną. |
Wohíną. |
The race |
they were doing. |
The old man |
he ran away from them. |
He won. |
Ph. 12 —
asge |
wągerútcgera |
t'éwahi |
jegų |
hihakaraíreną |
ásge |
uañgerútcgera |
t'éwahi |
jéguⁿ |
hihákeraírenaⁿ |
Ésge |
Wągerúcgera |
t'éwahi. |
Žégų |
hihákeraíreną. |
And then |
the Man-Eater |
he killed them. |
[Thus,] |
they went home. |
tcira |
howakaraíreną |
egi |
hinųkdjéga |
jedjų́ga |
tcíra |
hówakaraírenaⁿ |
égi |
hinúñkdjega |
jedjúñga |
Círa |
hówakaraíreną. |
Égi |
hinų́kjega |
žejų́ga |
The house |
they went to. |
[And] |
the woman |
then |
hicge |
djiną |
hikónona |
kuruxe |
wa' |
hicgé |
djinaⁿ |
hikónona |
kuruxé |
wa'uⁿ´ |
hišgé |
jiną. |
Hikónona |
kuruxé |
wa'ų́. |
also |
she came. |
Her husband |
she followed |
she did. |
djíną |
egi |
wenogadją |
hicgé |
hinįkhirera |
djinaⁿ |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Jiną. |
Égi |
wenogają |
hišgé |
hinįkhirera |
She came. |
[And] |
in the spring |
also |
their son |
I. 62 —
hicge |
djíną |
c'akwahira |
wakuruxe |
wa'ųdjíną |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
hišge |
jíną. |
Š'akwahira |
wakuruxe |
wa'ųjíną. |
also |
he came. |
His folks |
he was after |
he came. |
hotcįtcįnįkdjéga |
warutcxededjega |
wa'ųdjíną |
jédjųga |
hisgedją* |
hotcintcíniñkdjegá |
- |
wa'uⁿdjínaⁿ |
jédjuñga |
hisgédja |
Hocincínįkjegá |
Warucxetejega |
wa'ųjíną. |
Žéjųga |
hisgéja |
The boy |
Big Eater |
he came. |
And then |
mighty |
wąkworúhǫka |
wa'inąp |
hiréną |
hotcįtcįnįkdjega |
djega |
uañkwóruhañka |
wa-ínaⁿp |
hirénaⁿ |
hotcintcíniñkdjega |
- |
wąkwóruhąka |
wa-ínąp |
hiréną. |
Hocincínįkjega |
jega |
that lot of men |
glad |
they were. |
The boy |
the one |
hawa'úna* |
wa'inąp |
hireną† |
egi |
wągenunįkdjéga |
hawa'úna |
wa-ínaⁿp |
hirénaⁿ |
égi |
uañgenúniñkdjega |
hawa'úna |
wa-ínąp |
hiréną. |
Égi |
wągenúnįkjega |
because |
glad |
they were. |
[And] |
the old man |
winagere |
hąpwíra |
ewa'uną́kcaną |
hitcawina |
hicge |
wináñgere |
haⁿbwíra |
éwa'unáñkcanaⁿ |
hitcawína |
hicgé |
winą́gere |
hąbwíra |
éwa'uną́kšaną. |
Hicawína |
hišgé |
the sun |
the sun* |
he was. |
His wife |
also |
hąhéwira |
éreną |
egi |
hinįkhírera |
warutcxedédjega |
haⁿhéwira |
érenaⁿ |
égi |
hiniñk hírera |
wárutcxedédjega |
hąhéwira, |
éreną. |
Égi |
hinįk hírera |
Wárucxetéjega |
the moon, |
she was. |
[And] |
their boy |
Big Eater |
xąwį |
tco |
rutcgádją |
cuñkxedéiną* |
- |
xaⁿwi |
tcó |
rutcgádjaⁿ |
cuñkxédeninaⁿ |
égi |
xąwį |
có |
rucgáją |
šųkxéteniną. |
Égi |
grass |
green |
did he eat, |
he became a horse. |
[And] |
- |
- |
cųkxede |
wirúkonani |
eregádją |
uañk |
kéreponaíjaⁿ |
cuñkxéde |
wirukonána |
eregádjaⁿ |
wąk |
kéreponaížą |
šųkxéte |
wirukonána |
eregáją, |
[men] |
[ten] |
horse |
chief |
was he, |
nąxi xonúnįgera |
hąbwíra |
edja |
hiwusúñtc´ |
wiragócge |
náñghixonúniñgra |
haⁿbwíra |
édja |
hiwusúñtc |
wiragócge |
ną́ǧixonúnįgra. |
Hąbwíra |
éja |
hiwusųc´ |
wiragóšge |
the youngest. |
The sun |
there |
close by |
a star |
jenųgera |
eréną |
hiniwahíra |
djopi |
'uągera* |
jenúñgera |
érenaⁿ |
hiniñgwahìra |
djopí |
uañgera |
ženúñgera |
éreną. |
Hinįgwahìra |
jopí |
wągera |
always |
it is. |
His sons |
four |
upwards |
Ph. 14 —
howakaraíreną |
egi |
sátcą |
hicge |
cųkdjųk |
hówakarèrenaⁿ |
égi |
satcaⁿ´ |
hicgé |
cuñkdjúñk |
hówakarèreną. |
Égi |
sacą́ |
hišgé |
šųkjąk´ |
they went. |
[And] |
five |
also |
wolves |
jeeskaréną |
mąną́gere |
horadjé |
wąkcik |
inekdjanéną |
jesgárenaⁿ |
maⁿnáñgere |
horadja |
uañkcík |
ínekdjanènaⁿ |
žesgáreną. |
Mąną́gere |
horaja |
Wąkšík |
ínekjanèną, |
they are. |
On this earth |
they journey about |
Indians |
they would live, |
jegųkiráną |
waiką |
dee |
hidjaíra |
horarok |
jéguⁿ kíranaⁿ |
waikaⁿ´ |
deé |
hidjaíra |
horarók |
žégų kíraną. |
Waiką́ |
teé |
hijaíra |
horarók |
that is as. |
Fable |
this |
more |
to tell |
roagų |
nunige |
hąke |
hanątc´ |
hadageníną |
roáguⁿ |
nunige |
hañké |
hanaⁿtc´ |
hodagenínaⁿ |
roágų, |
nunige |
hąké |
haną́c |
hotageníną. |
I would like, |
but |
not |
all |
I told. |
haitcétce |
wagéną |
haitcétce |
wagénaⁿ |
Haicéce |
wagéną. |
I skipped |
I told. |
For the Interlinear text (I), see Frank Ewing, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909, recopied 1945) Winnebago III, #11b, 60-62. For the phonetic text without translation (Ph), see Frank Ewing, Story of the Boy who Ate too Much, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3899 [1254] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Winnebago III, #19c, Story 2, 9-14.