Hocąk Text — The Animal Spirit Aids of the Medicine Rite
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
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Winnebago II, #7: 207 |
The following are Greek letters used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin's text. Their values correspond, with the exception of γ, to those given in Radin's notebook Winnebago II, #6, on the interstitial page between 107/108:
α | β | γ | ε | η | θ | ρ | τ |
égi | éja | hą́bera | gáją | žesge | janąga | ánąga | gíži |
ϕ | ω | T |
hąké | žegų | wąkšigo'ina |
In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of The Road of Life and Death (see Source below). Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].
p. 207 —
wogų́zotcíra* | djasgágere | jesgámįkíji | tcokiságera | wanoią́keréregí |
Wogų́zocíra | jasgágere | žesgámįkíži | cokiságera | wanoią́keréregí, |
The Creation Lodge | [how ...] | [that] laid | middle of tent | [when] they put their minds to it, |
hą́bera | rukírikíri | mįkce | aírena | [τ] |
hą́bera | rukírikíri | mįkše, | aíreną, | giži. |
the light | shimmering | it lay, | it is said | [.] |
wągerégi | wajągų́zera | wokúruxítc | huhíje | [ε´] |
Wągerégi | Wažągų́zera | wokúruxíc | huhíže | gáją. |
From above | the Creator | he looked down | [towards it] | [.] |
wogų́zera | xgicgúni | jesgákiji | wogųzera | karaíp'įje |
Wogų́zera | xgišgúni | žesgákiži, | wogųzera | karaíp'įže. |
His creation | it moved about | [when that way,] | his creation | he was pleased with it. |
[α] | wágiwéwįje | wajǫ́niją́ | kókicgaínegi | p'į́na |
Égi | wágiwéwįže. | Wažǫ́nižą́ | kókišgaínegi | p'į́ną, |
[And] | he thought for them. | A thing | if they associate with* | it would be good. |
p. 208 —
híre[τ]´ | waųjé | wánįgíją | ų́je | nąboréhi | ų́je |
híregíži. | Waųžé. | Wánįgížą | ų́že. | Nąboréhi | ų́že, |
he thought. | [He did it.] | A bird | [he made.] | With his own hands | he made, |
roídja | kúruz[ρ´] | tcaxcébera | sądjąxdjį́ją | hinų́girakírus |
roíja | kúruzánąga | caxšébera | sąjąxjį́žą | hinų́girakírus |
from his body | he took from his own and | eagle | an awe inspiring one* | with females |
ų́je | [τ´] | maį́djidjehíje | [ε´] | hą́bera |
ų́že | gíži. | Maį́jijehíže | gáją. | Hą́bera |
[he made] | [.] | He placed it on earth | [.] | The light |
rukírikíri | jesgaidjehíje | [α] | hinųberá | ų́je |
rukírikíri | žesgaijehíže. | égi | hinųberá | ų́že. |
shimmering | he made it that way. | And | the females | [he made.] |
roídja | kúruz[ρ´] | wanįgíją | ų́je | keredjǫ́seberá |
Roíja | kúruzánąga | wanįgížą | ų́že. | Kerejǫ́seberá |
From his body | he took from his own and | a bird | [he made.] | [Black hawk]* |
hinų́girakírus | ų́je | sądjąxdjį́ją | wagių́je | hatcį́dja |
hinų́girakírus | ų́že. | Sąjąxjį́žą | wagių́že. | Hacį́ja |
females [he got for him] | [he made.] | An awe inspiring one | [he made it.] | In front |
tcóni | hidjehí[τ] | [β] | hidjehíje | [ε´] |
cóni | hijehígiži | eja | hijehíže | gáją. |
the first | he placed down [so that] | [there] | [he was made to stand] | [.] |
Hą́berá | djasgé[τ] | hidjaíra | hidjehíje. | Nąkéra |
Hą́berá | jasgégiži | hijaíra | hijehíže. | Nąkéra |
Light | [how] | further | it extended. | back* |
hą́berá* | rugigís | jesgádjeje | [τ´] | karaíp'įje | [α] |
hą́berá | rugigís | žesgáježe | gíži. | Karaíp'įže. | Égi |
light | round | [it was thus] | [.] | He was pleased with it. | And |
hidanína | ų́je | rohísanįgoícoroídja | kuruz[ρ´] |
hitanína | ų́že. | Rohísanįgoíšoroíja | kuruzánąga |
a third time | [he created.] | From the right side of his body | he took from his own and |
ną́borehi | ų́je | zígera | sądjąxdjį́ją | hinų́girakírus |
ną́borehi | ų́že. | Zígera | sąjąxjį́žą | hinų́girakírus |
with his own hands | [he made.] | Squirrel | awe inspiring | females [he got for him] |
ų́je | [α] | hódjewahínąka | [β] | hidjéhi[ε´] |
ų́že. | égi | hójewahínąka | eja | hijéhigáją, |
[he made.] | And | the spot they're placing them | [at] | [when he was caused to stand,] |
rugísdjinókce | zigenǫ́ka | ųxíninisgéją | hįná | juránisge |
rugísjinókše, | zigenǫ́ka. | ųxíninisgéžą | hįná | žuránisge |
he curled up, | [this squirrel.] | He looked like a red hot coal, | his hair | like a dollar* |
rugísdjinǫkce | [τ´] | [γ] | hiraídjaíra | djínǫkce |
rugísjinǫkše, | gíži. | Hą́berá | hiraíjaíra | jínǫkše. |
he curled up | [.] | [Light] | bigger | [he made]. |
[γ] | rukírikíri | kirinǫ́kce | [α] | hidjóberá |
Hą́berá | rukírikíri | kirinǫ́kše. | Égi | hijóberá |
[Light] | shimmering | it became.* | And | the fourth time |
ų́je | rosánįk | hoícoroídja | róra | nįge |
ų́že. | Rosánįk | hoíšoroíja | róra | nįge |
[he made.] | Side of his body | from the right | the flesh | a piece |
p. 209 —
kúruz[ρ´] | nąboréhi | djíre[ε´] | widjúksígera | sądjąxdjį́ją |
kúruzánąga | nąboréhi | jíregáją, | wijúksígera | sąjąxjį́žą |
he took from his own and | with his own hands | [having made,] | the weasel | awe inspiring |
hinų́girakírus | ų́je | hatcį́dja | wá'uną́kijí | [β] |
hinų́girakírus | ų́že. | Hacį́ja | wá'uną́kiží | eja |
females [he got for him] | [he made.] | [Where] | he they are | [there] |
hidjehí[ε] | [ϕ] | wikéreknijé | hixgǫ́na | wápakónok |
hijehígają | hąké | wikéreknižé. | Hixgǫ́na | wápakónok |
he placed them, but | not | he wasn't still. | His movement | clever* |
jesgánąjį́je | djasgéxdjį | hoixgǫxgǫ | djire[τ´] | djasgéxdjį |
žesgánąžį́že | jasgéxjį | hoixgǫxgǫ | jiregíži | jasgéxjį |
as he stood | the amount of space | he moved in | that he began | that much as |
hąp | djinǫgíje | [α] | hisatcǫ́na | nąboréhi |
hąp | jinǫgíže. | égi | hisacǫ́na | nąboréhi |
light | he made it. | [And] | the fifth | with his own hands |
ų́je | roídja | kúruz[ρ´] | [τ´] | [γ] |
ų́že. | Roíja | kúruzánąga | gíži | hąp |
he made. | From his body | he took and | then | light |
hirukonagigijé | rábera* | sądjąxdjįją | ųjé | hinų́girakírus |
hirukonagigižé. | Rábera | sąjąxjįžą | ųžé. | Hinų́girakírus |
he put in charge of. | The beaver | an awe inspiring one | he made. | mates [he got for him] |
ų[τ´] | hoidjé | wahínǫka | [β] | hidjehí[ε´] |
ųgíži | hoijé, | wahínǫka | eja | hijehígáją |
[having made,] | where he placed him, | the spot he placed them, | there | he placed them. |
[γ] | hiraitcéra. | [γ] | rukírikíri* | kiridjé. |
hą́berá | hiraicéra. | Hą́berá | rukírikíri | kirijé |
Light | bigger. | Light | shimmering, | it sparkled. |
hijé | nįgé | wawojúnǫkíji | haruxa | [γ] |
hižé. | Nįgé | wawožúnǫkíži, | haruxa | hą́berá |
[it caused.] | The place | the place that he's keeping him, | continuously | light |
hiraitcéra | háreje | [α] | waųjé | rohísanįk |
hiraicéra | háreže. | égi | waųžé. | Rohísanįk |
[bigger] | it continued. | [And] | [he did it.] | [Side of his body] |
hoicoroidja | róra | nįgé | kúruz[ρ´] | ną́borehídjire[ε´] |
hoišoroija | róra | nįgé | kúruzánąga | ną́borehíjiregáją |
[from the right] | the flesh | piece | he took and | with his own hands, |
docónogra | sądjąxdjį́ją | hinų́girakírus | ųjé | [τ´] |
tošónogra | sąjąxjį́žą | hinų́girakírus | ųžé | gíži. |
the otter | awe inspiring | mates [he got] | he made | [.] |
hatcį́dja | hidjewahinókiji | [β] | hidjejí[ε] | [γ] |
hacį́ja | hijewahinókiži | eja | hiježígáją | hą́berá |
Where | he's placing him | there | as he stood him, | light |
kárapiésge | jesgádjinǫkce | nįgé | wawojúnąki | [β] |
kárapiésge | žesgájinǫkše | nįgé | wawožúnąki | eja |
it was nice. | [He came forth in this way.] | [Place] | [the place he's keeping him] | [there] |
[τ] | jejénuga | nąborehí | u[ρ´] | [γ] |
giži. | Žežénuga | nąborehí | uánąga | hą́berá |
[.] | [That many] | with his own hands | he made and | light* |
p. 210* —
xedéhí | hirukóna | wágigíje | [ω] | hi[ρ´] |
xetéhí | hirukóna | wágigíže. | Žegų | hiánąga |
great amount† | in charge | he put them. | [Now] | [he did it and] |
[α] | wogúzera | tcáwa | húwagigigíje | wą́gerégi |
égi | Wogúzera | cáwa | húwagigigíže. | Wą́gerégi |
[then] | the Creator* | come towards | he made them come. | From above |
wanįgrá | hop'įxdjíją | hadjí | tcąt'į́je | [τ´] |
wanįgrá | hop'įxjížą | hají | cąt'į́že, | gíži. |
a bird | with a very nice voice | there* | it appeared | [.] |
wą́gerégi | mąxí | hadjanógwiré | tcodégi | hatcį́dja |
Wą́gerégi | mąxí | hajanógwiré | cotégi | hacį́ja |
[Up above] | the clouds | we see | below | [where] |
hokiságera | here[τ´] | [β´] | wánąhéreje | wanahére[τ´] |
hokiságera | heregíži. | éja | wánąhéreže. | Wanahéregíži |
the middle | it was. | [There] | they stopped.* | [When] they stopped† |
woxdjį́na | ewasgerérekáragíreje | [τ´] | waniótcge | hį́sgara |
woxjį́na | ewasgerérekáragíreže | gíži. | Waniócge | hį́sgara |
[bear's lair]* | they made plates out of them† | [.] | Animal‡ | white hair |
herasaíją | heradajájapdjį | tcąt'įhuje | tcáka | kiságedja |
herasaížą | heratažážapjį | cąt'įhuže. | Ciáka | kiságeja |
with horns | horns pealing off (shedding)* | it appeared.† | The lodge | in the middle |
hą́biyagax* | tcąt'į́hujé | [α] | ([θ]ka)‡ | hanątcįxdjį |
hą́biyagax | cąt'į́hužé. | égi | (janąka) | hanącįxjį |
the mark of light† | it appeared. | [And] | [as many as] | [all of them] |
hanídjinógiréje | hucéregrá | sgáxdjį | hojúdjejé | wasgéra |
haníjinógiréže, | hušéregrá | sgáxjį | hožúježé, | wasgéra. |
they grabbed him, | the bones | [very white] | it was filled | the dish. |
hąbirut'ét'ekdjį | jesgádjeje | hinųbóhǫna | naį́sawą́gerégi |
Hąbirut'ét'ekjį | žesgáježe. | Hinųbóhǫna | naį́sawą́gerégi |
Light shrunk very (passed quickly)* | he made it. | The second time | just above the tree tops |
([β]dji)* | wanahéreje | [τ´] | wanoítcge | hį́sgará |
(ejaji) | wanahéreže | gíži. | Wanoícge | hį́sgará |
[there] | [he stopped] | [.] | Animal | white hair |
herasaíją | wasgédja | tcąt'įhúje | rokísagédja | hąbiwagáx |
herasaížą | wasgéja | cąt'įhúže. | Rokísagéja | hąbiwagáx |
a horned one | in the dish | it appeared. | In middle of body | [mark of light] |
tcąt'įhúje | [τ´] | ([θ]ka)* | hanątcįxdjį | hanídjinógire[τ´] |
cąt'įhúže | gíži. | (Janąka) | hanącįxjį | haníjinógiregíži, |
it appeared. | [As many as] | [all of them] | who grabbed him, | they left a little piece of him† |
warácewek | hįbíreje | jeé | nįk |
warášewek | hįbíreže, | žeé | nįk |
[everyone took a hand in,] | [they permited,] | [that one] | young ones |
hixédehi* | hiuínekdjéra | erejé‡ | hodahíregá |
hixétehi | hiuínekjéra | erežé, | hotahíregá. |
to raise up† | they might use | it was it, | they left there. |
p. 211* —
[α] | wogų́zotcíra | hadjíre[τ´] | hokawádjinágiregí |
égi | Wogų́zocíra | hajíregíži, | hokawájinágiregí, |
[And] | [the Creation Lodge] | when they came to, | when they were about to enter, |
tcíra | djasgedjáka | haną́tcįxdjį | pedjerá | hoxíninadjikéreje |
círa | jasgejáka | haną́cįxjį | pejerá | hoxíninajikéreže |
the lodge | all within* | all of it | the fire | sparks flew in every direction† |
[τ´] | waxopini* | hokirádjera | wogųzotciroixdjiǫ́ka | haną́tcįxdjį |
gíži. | Waxopini | hokirájera | Wogųzociroixjiǫ́ka, | haną́cįxjį |
[.] | Spirits | all kinds | the Creation Lodge was full, | all of them |
nųwąk´ | wahíreje | pų́xaworázera | jée | pédjera |
nųwąk´ | wahíreže. | Pų́xaworázera | žée | péjera |
they scared them | [they caused them to be.]* | What he had in nose† | [that] | fire |
rawé | wadjaíreje | [α] | djasgeowaną́gere |
rawé | wajaíreže. | égi | jasgeowaną́gere |
to carry in mouth | they saw them with it. | [And] | as they were going* |
jégowakírir[ρ´] | hitcųcge | gikarádjirera | hominógenǫka |
žégowakíriránąga | hicųšge | gikarájirera | hominógenǫka |
that way they went and back around and | "nephew" | the one whom we call | he is getting |
nąke-hiédja | hakirí | higihís | minǫ́girejé | pų́xaworázera |
nąke-hiéja | hakirí | higihís | minǫ́girežé. | Pų́xaworázera |
in back of him | back there | [in a row ?]* | they sat. | What he had in nose† |
p'įhínįk | hobodúdus | minǫ́giréje | hąhą | wacdjįge |
p'įhínįk | hobotútus | minǫ́giréže. | "Hąhą | Wašjįge, |
lightly | swaying to and fro* | they sat. | "[Well] | Hare, |
nicgé | mejegų | hinádjirékdjenáwina | hiją́ | hokiúna |
nišgé | mežegų | hinájirékjenáwiną. | Hižą́ | hokiúna |
us also | thus | they will call on us for. | [One] | he imitates |
p'įwiwį́[τ´] | hiją́ | wiwiná | p'įwiwí[τ´] | [T] |
p'įwiwį́gíži, | hižą́ | wiwiná | p'įwiwígíži, | wąkšigo'ina |
if he does it well, | one | [doing it] | if he does it well, | life |
de[η] | hinádjiránihékdjanáwina |
težesge | hinájiránihékjanáwiną." |
as | in the past they would call them." |
Jasper Blowsnake, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3887 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Library, n.d.) Winnebago II, #7: 207-211. An English version is found in Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 287-289.